Library new initiatives:
New Milford High School 1 min 59 secs X4 1. Making things McAuley Library – lunchtime screening 2. Doing Things (chess, boardgames, book of work. Very little clubs, showing student work etc) advertising We want to challenge, engage, extend and enrich these students even more We want a space to make things We have started already Term 4 trial- students came 30 to 40 students at all event, except crochet- 8
Rationale: for making things Creativity and innovation are future for jobs – anything that can be will be outsourced to cheaper countries “Knowledge creators are the only people whose jobs cannot be outsourced. “ Professor Erica McWilliam
Australian curriculum : General capabilities etc Lifelong learning, critical thinking, problem solving, game theory etc. Create a more positive view of STEAM areas – girls often socialized against STEM We already make things e.g. Yr 5 robotics, but there is often not time to explore and create without assessment Pastoral Integrated technology in subjects is often about tech as a tool e.g. typing, not about using tech to create Tech for teachers to play and build confidence in new tools for use in class
making things
gender equality
“Women in STEM jobs earn 33 percent more than those in non-STEM occupations and experience a smaller wage gap relative to men‌
Trial nagY&list=PLxnBlY3ablCkVO3_fwYIbWzs0Hb 9lpfgG • See mess: need place for storing gear and to work and to save projects • First 3 to 4 weeks of term- scaffolds, then students create themeselves • Tech Tuesday and Thursday- staffing dependent • Multiple venues is a barrier • Easy to check equipment levels for ordering
Provide starter skills then students take it from there
Term 1 Self paced learning process Soft circuits: show examples Squishy circuits
Making what? coding Term 2:coding and apps Coding is the new literacy Makey Makey ch?v=rfQqh7iCcOU http://linkinglearning.wordpre 2mins 12 Arduino ch?v=VscJiLO11h4
Making what: coding From Sep 2014, every student in UK to learn coding
Because Barrack said so 1 min Coding
Making apps
Term 3 •
Minecraft 1 min
Term 4 ??? Student choice •
Myst exile
Augmented reality and QR codes p60 67 Show book
Meditations Neurosky Mindwave
Robotics – Lego Wedo
Space: Why McAuley Room? • Bigger screen good for instruction and noise for youtube clips. Screen in McAuley Library visibility not as good asa normal screens due to back lighting. • Need place to store equipment and student work in progress – St Aidan’s uses shoe boxes • Target primary • Room to lock 3D printer in adjacent discussion room – printer accessible to whole school, but still secure and managed. • Library has students there already- not LSE or labs • Visibility facilitates marketing and promotion – knock out wall • Adjacent PCs • Does not prevent use by other classes • Bookable by classes – makey makey – Scott • Staff it at lunchtime • Having dedicated space enhances socialisation and serendipity and gives it value. Like minds attracted • 6 ipads for augmented reality, 3 D printer • Science asking for makey makey - centralise • Request for whiteboards for student use for Middle School