Journal of Materials Science & Nanotechnology Volume 1 | Issue 1 Editorial
Open Access
Materials Science and Nanotechnology Shin-ichi Yusa* Department of Materials Science and Chemistry, University of Hyogo, Japan
*Corresponding author: Shin-ichi Yusa, Associate Professor, Department of Materials Science and Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, University of Hyogo, 2167, Shosha, Himeji, Hyogo 671-2280, Japan; E-mail: Citation: Shin-ichi Yusa (2013) Materials Science and Nanotechnology. J Mater Sci Nanotechnol 1: e102 Received Date: June 25, 2013 Accepted Date: July 29, 2013 Published Date: August 01, 2013 I feel much honored to have been appointed as the new editorial board member of Journal of Materials Science and Nanotechnology. This is the 1st year of Journal of Materials Science and Nanotechnology. I am pleased to see that the new innovative advances have seen materials science and nanotechnology gaining further recognition within the international materials science and nanotechnology community. It is now an indispensable journal to researchers in materials science and nanotechnology. Over time, research in materials science and nanotechnology has increased remarkably in both volume and complexity, especially in the past two decades, and many journals have been faced with a rapidly rising number of papers from many contributors. All editorial board members are in strong support of the desire for Journal of Materials Science and Nanotechnology to further increase its importance as a leading journal in materials science and nanotechnology, and related fields such as biology, optoelectronics, and technology.
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Finally, I would like to thank all the authors, readers, referees and subscribers for their continued support of the journal. Allow me to take this opportunity to invite submission of your next high-quality paper for publication in Journal of Materials Science and Nanotechnology, as we move together to advance the field of the materials science and nanotechnology. Towards brighter futures for the Journal of Materials Science and Nanotechnology.
Volume 1 | Issue 1