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I WS C Re p o r t 2 01 5
4 02 foreword
How the IWSC remains relevant
04 iwsc year
A round-up of the IWSC’s key priorities
06 president’s message
Neil McGuigan on embracing competition
08 communicator
Two worthy wordsmiths win praise
10 winemaker
Recognition for a top South African talent
11 distiller
Innovation is key for this year’s winner
12 outstanding achievement
Highlighting one boundary-pushing duo
Printed by Buxton Press, Winner, Print Week Printing Company of the Year 2009 and 2011
Promoting sustainable forest management. For more information visit www.pefc.org
• Editor-in-chief Patrick Schmitt MW • Managing Editor Lucy Shaw • Deputy Editor Lauren Eads • Managing Editor HK Rupert Millar • News & Website Editor Neal Baker • Sub-Editor Darren Smith • Consultant Jack Keenan • US Consultant Clint Rodenberg • Chairman & Publisher Anthony Hawser • Deputy Chairman David Rose • Art Director Alan MacKenzie-Morris • Director of Sales Spirits Bert Grant • Director of Sales Drinks Andrew Oliver • Marketing Director David Hennelly • Advertising Manager Marcus Clark • Research & Events Sheila Crisp • Events Manager Chloé Beral • Web Designer Matthew Quitter • Subscriptions Sales Manager Lewis O’Sullivan • Production Manager Mile Budimir
14 retailer
Rewarding excellence among the retail giants
15 independent retailer
Championing a local approach to retail
16 online retailer
Praise for one retailer’s web of whisky
18 buyers
Shining a light on the trade’s best buyers
20 importers & distributors
This year’s top wine and spirit shippers
21 waitrose scholarship Meet the WSET’s top students
22 president elect
Q&A with the IWSC president for 2016
24 blogger
A no-fuss approach to wine wins out
25 lifetime achievement
One man’s extraordinary contribution
26 agents
Highlighting a truly global set-up
27 national producers
2015’s top-performing producers
39 product trophies
Discover this year’s category champions
52 medal directory
Your guide to this year’s medal winners
17 testimonials
Why should you enter the IWSC?
Published by: The Drinks Business, Unit 122, 30 Great Guildford Street, London SE1 0HS Tel: +44 (0)20 7803 2420 • Fax: +44 (0)20 7803 2421 • E-mail: info@thedrinksbusiness.com Printed by: Buxton Press • ISSN: 1477-7495 Annual subscription: UK: £168 • Europe: £216 • Rest of world: £258 • Subscription enquiries: Lewis O’Sullivan www.thedrinksbusiness.com
02 foreword LE - approved_Layout 1 19/11/2015 16:21 Page 2
foreword ‘The IWSC is in constant motion, forever seeking new opportunities and approaches to ensure we remain relevant to the industry we serve’ THIS YEAR’S banquet will be the 10th that I have attended and, thinking back over that time, the thing that occurs to me most is how much has changed over the years. The IWSC is in constant motion, forever seeking new opportunities and approaches to ensure we remain relevant to the ever-changing wine and spirits industry we serve – and 2015 has been no different, with a plethora of new initiatives. The IWSC is justifiably proud of our judging, both in terms of its independence and its rigour, yet this is something that very few people witness. With the aim of letting as many people as possible witness one of the key points of difference of the competition, this year we conducted a live judging session at the London Wine Fair, in conjunction with Wine Grapes, to identify the best-in-show Grüner Veltliner and Syrah (or perhaps I should say ‘Shiraz’ in honour of our president). This proved to be a great draw at the fair, highlighting the very best of these varietals at the exhibition. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Neil McGuigan for all his hard work as president of the IWSC in 2015. Neil has been very supportive of a number of our new initiatives with his
time and his energy. Starting the day after the banquet last year, Neil kicked off his tenure in style with a head-to-head food matching and tasting with Laura Catena, our 2014 president, for the press at Quo Vadis in Soho. This was a great evening, and wine and wit flowed throughout. I am looking forward to this year’s event, matching Neil and his wines with Matteo Lunelli, our 2016 president. Neil was kind enough to host our Wine Bureau Dinner at ProWein, where we said thank you for the support of the various generic bodies who do such a great job for their respective countries and regions, and again this is something we look forward to making an annual event. Turning to our awards themselves, this year we introduced three completely new categories for our spirits entrants, Best Packaging, Best Gin with Tonic and Best Vodka for a Bloody Mary. All proved exceptionally popular and a great new marketing angle for the winners. We are extremely thankful to Fever-Tree and Big Tom for their support of this initiative. Also this year, we were exceptionally honoured to welcome Nobuhiko Mukai from the National Research Institute of Brewing who led our judging for shochu. It almost seems to go without saying that this year the IWSC once again welcomed its highest number of entries,
with special mention going to South Africa, whose entries grew by over 20% and which also won a record number of gold medals. It therefore seems only fitting that we took the opportunity to announce the medal results at this year’s Cape Wine event in Cape Town. Every year one of our key roles is to generate coverage for our winners and, with our new PR agency, Touch PR, on board, we have secured coverage in The Daily Telegraph, The Daily Mail, The Sun, The Daily Express and the BBC, among many others both here and abroad. We continue to see this as a key part of our role in supporting our entrants. Last year I was pleased to be able to announce that the IWSC Operations Team won Best Operations Team 2014 at the Conference Awards. This year I am exceptionally proud to announce that the IWSC Annual Awards Banquet won Best Awards Event at the same event. My personal thanks and congratulations go to the marketing and operations team responsible for the event – they truly deserve it. The desire to be the best is something we share with all our winners – my congratulations to you all. Allen Gibbons Group Chief Executive Officer
Thank you to our media partners for their continued support:
IWSC Report 2015
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iwsc year
The IWSC annual spirits showcase at The Vintners’ Hall in London Bloody Mary Trophy was awarded to Vodrock Vodka from Germany.
The IWSC team celebrates winning the Best Awards Event trophy at the Conference Awards 2015
win it
‘For us, judging is at the heart of what we do. Our permanent, dedicated competition cellars are set up to treat each participating product with the due care and attention needed before tasting by our expert judging panels’ Ewan Lacey, IWSC general manager IN 2015 a number of new initiatives were implemented by the IWSC to help with its aim of promoting the world’s best wines and spirits:
COCKTAIL CATEGORIES The introduction of two new cocktail categories was an overwhelming success; a panel headed up by Harvey Nichols wine and spirits buyer Ivan Dixon carefully
IWSC Report 2015
judged gin and vodka participants to determine the world’s best Gin & Tonic and the world’s best Bloody Mary. These categories had the support of the industry’s “premium natural mixer”, Fever-Tree, and the “original spiced tomato juice”, Big Tom. The inaugural Gin & Tonic Trophy was awarded to Napue Gin from Kyrö Distillery in Finland and the inaugural
During ProWein, president Neil McGuigan and the IWSC hosted an intimate Wine Bureau dinner to celebrate the inspiring work generic bodies undertake to promote the world’s best wines from their region. The evening was a unique gathering of the world’s best generic organisations, including Wines of South Africa, New Zealand Winegrowers, Wines of Argentina and English Wine Producers.
LIVE JUDGING AT THE LONDON WINE FAIR In May, for the very first time, the IWSC held live in-show judging at the London Wine Fair. Exhibitors had a chance to submit their very best Syrah and Grüner Veltliner to be judged by a top judging panel, including three Masters of Wine.
CAPE WINE 2015 The release of the 2015 South African wine results took place at Cape Wine in Cape Town in September. The event, which happens every three years, is the flagship business showcase of the South African wine industry and IWSC judge Winnie Bowman hosted a winners’ masterclass on the first day of the show to promote award winners to trade visitors.
SPIRIT PACKAGING AWARDS This year also saw the introduction of the IWSC’s first Packaging Award for spirits. The winners were Douglas Laing’s Timorous Beastie (Brown Spirits Trophy) and Chalong Bay Rum (White Spirits Trophy).
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In-show judging at this year’s London Wine Fair
WHY ENTER THE IWSC? EXCEPTIONAL JUDGING PROCESS Judging takes place for seven months of the year using more than 300 judges. To ensure complete objectivity, the IWSC uses a unique double-blind judging method, meaning the judges never see a bottle. They are served samples in prenumbered glasses only. A secondary chemical and technical evaluation is undertaken by Campden BRI after the judges scores have been recorded.
UNRIVALLED PR OPPORTUNITY A global PR campaign promotes winners to the international media. In 2015 the competition featured in publications including The Daily Telegraph, Malay Mail Online, Bar Magazine, Helsinki Times and the BBC. All winners receive a tailored marketing toolkit to help them promote their win worldwide.
TRADE SHOW PROMOTION Competition representatives promote winners at trade shows all over the world, including WSWA, Vinitaly, Mercado Andino, ProWein, Millésime Bio and the Hong Kong International Wine & Spirit Fair.
INDUSTRY RESPECT In 2015, the IWSC Awards Banquet won the Best Awards Event accolade at the Conference Awards, as voted for by event industry experts. db
Tasting at the London Wine Fair 2015
How to enter the IWSC 1. Choose your products to enter into the competition 2. Visit iwsc.net 3. Register or log in to complete the entry form 4. Send your products to the competition cellars
Sponsor: Kavalan Kavalan distillery is Taiwan’s first and only whisky distillery. Part of the King Car Group, it is located in the rural Yuanshan township at the western end of Yilan County, where abundant supplies of spring water flow down from Snow Mountain. The distillery, which takes its name from the indigenous Kavalan people of Taiwan, released its first whisky in 2008. This was followed by a single-cask range in 2009 and a limited-edition Bourbon, oloroso, fino and even wine-matured casks that sit within its Solist collection. CONTACT: No326, Section 2, Yuan Shan Road, Yuan Shan, Yilan, Taiwan, 26444 Tel: +886 (0)39 229 000 Web: www.kavalanwhisky.com
Sponsor: Speyside Glenlivet Speyside Glenlivet is part of Highland Spring Group, the UK’s largest producer of naturally sourced bottled water. Sourced from the highest natural spring in the UK, its unusually low mineral content gives this water a clean, refreshing taste and makes it an ideal accompaniment for fine dining. Like any fine product, Speyside Glenlivet deserves to be served properly. It should be chilled to 12-15°C and, as additional flavours will compromise the purity of the water, served without ice or fruit. CONTACT: Highland Spring Group, Stirling Street, Blackford, Perthshire PH4 1QA www.speysideglenlivetwater.com
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president’s message
THE IWSC is arguably the premier international wine and spirits show in the world, and being the president of such an iconic event has been a great honour and very humbling. Excellence is what this show is all about and the commitment to impartially finding the best wines and spirits in each category is what drives the show committee. From the careful selection of 300-plus judges from among a community of experienced and highly knowledgeable wine and spirit professionals from around the world to the well executed and totally blind tasting of exhibits, the show is a great credit to all involved. I had the pleasure of judging the Cathay Pacific Hong Kong IWSC under Debra Meiburg MW in October and the same level of professionalism and scrutiny was evident. Judges were encouraged to
IWSC Report 2015
diligently evaluate and discuss each wine to ensure that the appropriate level of focus and concentration was observed. The judging was tough and gold medals were scarce, but hopefully we achieved the right outcomes. Something that was new for me was the food and wine
‘It is not good enough to just award prizes: we need to communicate with our consumers and to take them with us on the wine journey’
matching review. This was a very difficult exercise but it was incredibly rewarding and eye-opening to observe what styles of wine were appropriate matches to different cuisines. I applaud this initiative and would encourage more shows to include this facet of judging. During my time as president I have set out to do three things: first, I wanted to communicate to as many consumers as I could the confidence they can have when they purchase a wine or spirit that displays an IWSC medal. Winning an award at any show is not easy but in this show it is particulary difficult. We need to connect with our consumers to educate them about awards and the point that an awarded wine has an aspirational level of quality and sophistication. Second, I wanted to encourage as many wine and spirits producers from around the world as possible to enter more products into shows of the standard of the IWSC. As an industry we must strive for continual improvement in quality and innovation in style. This does not come from looking inwards; we must embrace our competitors and compare our products to ensure that we are giving our consumers great examples of our products and wines and spirits that they are looking for, or indeed aspire to have. Finally, I wanted to recognise what the IWSC does for the promotion of wine and spirits. The IWSC is the only competition that recognises the media, through the Communicator of the Year award. This is very important as, in my opinion, it is not good enough to just award prizes: we need to communicate with our consumers and to take them with us on the wine journey. It has been a great thrill to be intimately involved with the workings of the IWSC machine and it has been my great pleasure to be the president for 2015. I look forward to a long and warm association in the years to come.
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t a l k e rs This year the IWSC awarded two personalities from very different sides of the trade its coveted Communicator of the Year award
TYSON STELZER is an award-winning wine writer, television presenter and international speaker based in Australia.
TYSON STELZER You used to be the head of science at a high school in Australia. What made you turn to wine? It was while visiting wine regions and meeting wine people that I first fell in love with wine. It quickly became an ambition and aspiration to tell their stories and communicate to the world what it is about a place and a person that gives a wine its personality. I have enjoyed the challenge of a career on a global scale and the risk of jumping from a stable position into a freelance role. You have written more than 15 books on wine, including regular editions of the Champagne Guide, as well as co-founding an annual competition
IWSC Report 2015
to find ‘The Great Australian Red’. Which other wine regions do you hold dear and why? Australia is a privileged place from which to write about wine. The geographical diversity of this vast nation stretches as far as Russia is from Bordeaux! Australian Shiraz/Cabernet blends, Margaret River Cabernet Sauvignon, Barossa Shiraz, New Zealand Pinot Noir and Tasmanian sparkling wines are all styles with a very exciting future. The chance to present these wines in the context of Bordeaux, Burgundy, the Rhône and Champagne is an opportunity I look forward to developing further. How can the trade improve the way it talks to consumers about wine? Too often in wine communication, stories are contrived in a quick grab at headlines. I receive press releases with wine samples every day of the year with all manner of
creative and convoluted stories. The world is not looking for fabricated marketing campaigns. Consumers are more turned off than ever by advertising pitches. We live in an era in which people are looking for provenance and authenticity. They want to get under the surface and understand the real origins of their produce – where it’s from, how it’s made and, most of all, the hands that made it. What does this mean for us in wine communication? We need to tell the real stories of the people and the places. There are only two stories that really matter for a wine: the story of the people and the story of the place. These are the only true, unique points of difference for any wine. In the past you have spoken about your concern about alcohol abuse among young people. What have you done to help combat this and how can the drinks industry improve upon its efforts to promote responsible drinking? Every week in Australia, one teenager aged between 14 and 17 dies as a result of alcohol abuse. Last year I completed a three-and-a-half year process to establish a foundation to combat teen alcohol abuse. The mandate of Teen Rescue Foundation is, first, to provide financial support for Australian organisations which provide frontline initiative in situations in which teens consume alcohol, with an objective to actively discourage and reduce harmful alcohol use and its consequences among teens. Second, it sets out to financially support Australian organisations in providing education, support and services for teens and their families relating to the dangers of teen alcohol consumption. What projects do you have coming up? I am currently writing The Champagne Atlas, as an opportunity to update the glorious 1944 maps of Champagne’s villages and vineyards. It’s an exciting project to get under the surface of the complex terroir of Champagne. Last year the inaugural season of my television series People of the Vines was aired and this year we have filmed season two in the Barossa Valley, with season three scheduled for next year. I am also busy writing my Wine Traveller series – regional travel guides to Australia’s top wine regions that present the stories of the people and places.
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communicato r Sponsor: Veronafiere
AN AMERICAN restaurateur, author and Masterchef judge, Joseph Bastianich’s wine roots lie firmly in Italy
bodies and where their food comes from is a great thing. No growth comes from limiting oneself.
Are there any regions or wine styles that you think the drinks industry should be paying closer attention to? Friuli Venezia Giulia is arguably one of the best white wine producing region in the world. A strong belief in the potential of this area is part of what drew me and my family to start a winery there in the 1990s. As the popularity and availability of Italian wine grows, especially in the US, people are becoming familiar with the whites coming out of this region.
What first enticed you into the world of wine? We spent a lot of time during the summer in Italy visiting some of the best wineries in the country while growing up. In fact, I started working with the wines at my parent’s first restaurant, Buonavia in Queens, when I was just 14. So I had access to great wines from a young age and it proved to be an invaluable education that shaped a real love and appreciation for the art of winemaking and the wine business in general. You have co-founded 30 restaurants around the world and appeared in several seasons of the US version of MasterChef. Is your heart in TV or the kitchen? Why not both? I have made my living from the business of food and wine – it has always been my passion. Though the forms they take are certainly evolving, I am extremely grateful for the opportunities that continue to come my way. I think that anything that gets people thinking more about what they are putting into their
Italian wine is a notoriously difficult category to navigate. How are you making Italian wine more approachable for consumers? Education is key and it is something that we have always placed an emphasis on here in our restaurants in the United States. Americans have always had a love affair with Italian food, but for many reasons were slow to catch on to Italian wine. We work diligently to change that every day. Whether it is placing knowledgeable sommeliers on the floor to educate guests tableside, or offering wine classes at Eataly
Veronafiere is the major Italian direct organiser of international fairs and events, among which Vinitaly is one of the world’s largest international wine and spirit exhibitions, with more than 4,000 exhibitors and 155,000 visitors in 2015. The next event, which will celebrate the 50th edition of Vinitaly, will be held on 10-13 April 2016. Veronafiere created and has sponsored the Communicator of the Year award since its inception in 1996, when Jancis Robinson MW became the first to receive the accolade. The award has been designed to recognise individuals or organisations whose communication skills have made an exceptional contribution towards promoting and increasing public awareness and interest in wines and spirits over the previous 12 months, whether through publishing, journalism, new media, radio or television. CONTACT: Janina Mathiasz Email: mathiasz@veronafiere.it Viale del Lavoro 8, 37100 Verona, Italy Tel: +39 (0) 4582 98111 Website: www.vinitaly.com
New York and Eataly Chicago, education and access are all helping to demystify Italian wine. What projects do you have coming up? Slated to open in the Maritime Hotel later this autumn, our newest restaurant, La Sirena, will be our first stand-alone restaurant in New York City to open in the last 10 years. Additionally, Eataly Boston and Eataly World Trade Center are all opening within the next year. I’m also currently shooting the first season of Top Gear Italia, which is a project I’m especially excited about and is set to air on Italy’s SKY network in March. db
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Sponsor: Encirc Wines
consistency Kanonkop Estate’s Abrie Beeslaar demonstrates a
Encirc is a market leader in glass container design and manufacturing, contract packing of glass bottles, and bag-in-box and logistics solutions for the UK food and beverage industries. Employing 1,200 people at its purpose-built sites in Derrylin, Co Fermanagh, and Elton, Cheshire, the company can produce over 6.5 million glass containers a day, and fill more than 4m litres of beverages each week, bulk-shipped or blended on-site. Its logistics division runs an automated bonded warehouse and ensures efficient dispatch of products in curtain siders and containers, including consolidated loading. This is what the company calls its ‘360°’ offer – it means that customers benefit from an integrated approach that significantly shortens supply chains and delivers considerable costing and environmental savings. CONTACT: Encirc Wines (UK), Ash Road, Elton, Cheshire CH2 4LF Tel: +44 (0)1928 725 300 Email: info@encirc360.com
consistent talent for red winemaking, winning the IWSC Winemaker of the Year award for the second time
ALREADY FAMILIAR with the Winemaker of the Year category having received the accolade in 2008, Abrie Beeslaar receives the award again this year in recognition of his outstanding work at Kanonkop Estate in Stellenbosch, South Africa. Beeslaar began working at Kanonkop as assistant to Beyers Truter in 2002, taking the main role in 2003. Having studied oenology and viticulture at the University of Stellenbosch, he went on to work as assistant winemaker at Swartland Winery, where he was later appointed as red winemaker. He has also worked on three vintages in Rheinhessen, Germany. Beeslaar is married to Jeanne, his wife of 10 years, with whom he has two children, Ben and Emma. When he is not overseeing winemaking at the estate, his favourite activities are fishing and hunting. His
IWSC Report 2015
favourite grape is, naturally, Pinotage. As one of Kanonkop’s signature varietals along with Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinotage has been taken to new heights of refinement under Beeslaar’s direction. “It is a variety that was for a long time badly misunderstood,” he says. “People connected a certain style and certain characteristics with the variety. Today we are trying to focus on what’s important for producing quality red wines, which is balance, structure and elegance, rather than what is ‘typical’ Pinotage.” As Beeslaar explains, achieving the structure and balance for which Kanonkop reds are known is not straightforward in South Africa, where ripening periods are short and phenolic ripeness occasionally lacking. “We have a very intense extraction here – every two hours, 24 hours a day,” Beeslaar says. “This style has worked well for us.
We can get exactly the right structure and balance because we manage the extraction so carefully. We taste the wine every two hours so we can get from the grapes what we want and discard what we don’t.” This precision is exemplified in Kanonkop’s flagship Black Label Pinotage, the first vintage of which was 2006. “The Black Label is the one that’s added another dimension to our portfolio,” says Beeslaar. “We’ve put a lot of focus on the quality and potential of the [Pinotage] variety. It is something that has evolved from the ground upwards. It wasn’t decided in a board room; it was something where the grapes showed us the way. “Otherwise our focus has always been consistency. Our wines have always been very consistent in style. Of course, we also push for quality – you need to keep on improving.” db
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Sponsor: Amazon
CHOICE OF connoisseurs As the spirits world grows ever-more diverse, Distell
Shopping on Amazon.co.uk is easy and convenient, with low prices, great choice and comprehensive product information. Amazon.co.uk offers millions of items across categories including Grocery, Home & Garden, Books, Music and Movies. From buying guides to customer reviews and fast delivery, Amazon.co.uk provides a unique buying experience for millions of customers. Whether you are looking for a selection of wines for a dinner party or a limited-edition bottle of wine for a gift, you’ll find everything you need at Amazon.co.uk, from top brands as well as small, specialist producers. Explore Amazon.co.uk’s Beer, Wine & Spirits Store for the very best red, white, rosé and dessert wines, as well as beers from around the world, real ales, ciders and stout, whisky, brandy, vodka, Tequila, rum, gin and many more. CONTACT: Find the Amazon.co.uk beer, wine and spirits store here: www.amazon.co.uk/grocery
stands out for its innovative approach which has brought fresh appeal for drinks enthusiasts around the world THE ORIGINS of Distell can be traced back to 1925 with the founding of the Stellenbosch Farmer’s Winery. With wine as its initial focus, it wasn’t until 1945 that Anton Rupert formed the Distillers Corporation, expanding the company’s remit into spirits. First specialising in brandies, the corporation helped take the South African brandy category from relative obscurity to its current level of prominence. It was the Distillers Corporation that pioneered the Bergkelder concept, a marketing innovation that invited wine estates to make use of distillers’ bottling, sales and marketing expertise, and launched a new African icon, Amarula Cream, in keeping with Distell’s continued efforts to develop opportunities in Africa. Today it is one of the top-selling cream liqueurs in the world. In 2000 the Distillers Corporation and Stellenbosch Farmers Winery merged to become Distell Group Limited. Their
combined technical and marketing resources, coupled with the economies of scale that resulted from the move, provided the catalyst not only for growth but entry into new drinks categories. Today, the South African producer’s portfolio features brands including Three Ships Whisky, Deanston Scotch whisky, Van Ryn’s single pot still brandy and Viceroy brandy. Its Amarula Cream is a former winner of the IWSC Liqueur trophy, while its flagship brandy Van Ryn’s has won the IWSC Worldwide Brandy trophy on a number of occasions. More recently, the company has been stepping up the expansion of its spirits portfolio, and plans to double the size of its business between 2015 and 2020 to cater to what it calls growing “global connoisseurship”, which has made provenance an important consumer value. The first step toward this was the purchase of Cognac brand House of Bisquit from Pernod Ricard in 2009. Four
years later, in 2013, Distell bought Scotch whisky producer Burn Stewart Distillers for £160 million, bringing Bunnahabhain and Black Bottle brands into its portfolio. Innovation has always been at the heart of Distell’s strategy, and the company has successfully established a South African whisky niche with its Three Ships range of blended and single malt whiskies and single grain Bain’s Cape Mountain Whisky – South Africa’s first and only 100% single-grain whisky. Launched in 2009, the whisky was released into US markets this year. Bain’s Cape Mountain Whisky is crafted at the James Sedgwick Distillery in Wellington. It is double-matured, first stored in specially selected first-fill Bourbon casks for three years before being transferred to a second set of casks for an additional 18 to 30 months. The result is a distinctive nose of floral, banana, honey and toffee, and a slightly spicy flavour, softened by sweet undertones of oak. db
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Sponsor: Chivas Brothers
a c h i eve rs The IWSC awards for Outstanding Achievement seek to recognise the special contributions made by individuals working in the whisky and wine industries OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT IN SCOTCH WHISKY DENNIS MALCOLM Since the day he was born in the distillery grounds in 1946, Dennis Malcolm appeared destined for the role of master distiller at Glen Grant. Dennis began his career in 1961 at the age of 15 as an apprentice cooper at the single malt distillery where both his father and grandfather worked. Since then his long history with Glen Grant, in the Scottish town of Rothes, has continued to grow, as has his passion for its single malt expressions. Throughout his 54 years working within the Scotch whisky industry, Dennis has taken on the role of distillery manager for Glen Grant, Glenlivet and others, as well as brand ambassador for Strathisla Distillery, which claims to be the oldest operating distillery in the Highlands,
IWSC Report 2015
where he worked to introduce VIPs and guests to the world of Scotch whisky. Today, Dennis is both managing director and master distiller at Glen Grant, now owned by Gruppo Campari. With unrivalled knowledge of and passion for Scotch whisky, Dennis is also an incomparable tour guide for visitors to the distillery and its gardens, bringing its history to life with anecdotes delivered with a twinkle in his eye and a charismatic Scottish brogue. Following in the footsteps of the Grant family, famous for being pillars in the local community, Dennis is also a leading figure in Glen Grant’s historical site of Rothes, Scotland. An appointed Justice of Peace, convenor in his local church and member of the local school board, Dennis is involved at all levels of the town’s leadership. db
Chivas Brothers is the Scotch whisky and premium gin business of Pernod Ricard, the world’s co-leader in wines and spirits. Chivas Brothers has paved the way as a leading employer with a strong reputation of promoting excellence, quality and innovation. With 1,600 staff across 32 sites in the UK, the company produces, exports and markets some of the world’s best known and highest quality malt and blended whiskies and premium gins including Chivas Regal, the world’s first luxury whisky and the number one Scotch whisky in China; Ballantine’s, Europe’s number one Scotch whisky; The Glenlivet, the world’s number one single malt whisky; and Royal Salute, the world’s only exclusively prestige Scotch whisky range. The portfolio also includes two of the world’s leading English gins – Beefeater, the world’s most awarded premium gin, and Plymouth gin – plus a selection of highly acclaimed single malt whiskies. The company is extremely proud to be this year’s sponsor of the IWSC Outstanding Achievement in Scotch Whisky Award, which rewards those that make an incredible contribution to the whisky industry worldwide. CONTACT: chivasbrothers@rt-com.com
SHORTLIST Dr Nick Morgan Alan Winchester Dennis Malcolm
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outs tanding achievements Sponsor: Waitrose
THE JULIAN BRIND MEMORIAL TROPHY FOR OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT IN THE WINE INDUSTRY MICHAEL AND CHARLOTTE SAGER- WILDE Entrepreneurial husband and wife Charlotte and Michael Sager-Wilde have shaken up London’s wine scene with their signature brand of unpretentious but uber-cool sites. Beginning life as a pop-up, their first venture, wine bar Sager + Wilde in Hoxton, opened a fixed abode in August 2013, making a focal point of its 1920s station lights and a cast iron bar. Serving everything from big gun producers to obscure names via Selosse Champagne,
‘With a lot of our wines, we buy single bottles, some of which are the last bottle left in the marketplace’
Didier Dagueneau Pouilly Fumé, Domaine Leroy Burgundy and Albert Mann Riesling, wines have a set £20 mark-up, meaning the more you pay, the better value you get on your bottle. Having started with a humble food offering led by cheese toasties, the bar now serves a series of small plates such as
pork, pistachio and prune terrine. Last summer the dynamic duo put their faith in the Golden State with the opening of Mission in Bethnal Green. Named after the first grape planted in California, the 60-seater wine-focused restaurant headed up by Sebastian Myers of Chiltern Firehouse fame shines a light on Californian wine, serving some of the state’s more unusual drops like Jekel Vineyards Riesling, Birichino Vin Gris and Broc Cellars Carbonic Carignan. In addition, rare older vintages of highly prized wines like Ridge Monte Bello 1982, Littorai Pinot Noir 1999 and Williams Selyem Chardonnay 1999 are available by the glass via Coravin. “With a lot of our wines, we buy single bottles, some of which are the last bottle left in the marketplace,” says Charlotte. The pair teamed up with Rajat Parr and Sashi Moorman of Domaine de la Côte in the Santa Rita Hills to produce a Sager + Wilde own-label Pinot Noir, which is available at Mission by the glass and bottle. “Rajat has been a great mentor to us,” says Michael. Both believe Californian wine has entered a new era: “With a return to elegance, the array of terroirs and diversity of styles is compelling,” they say. The focus at Mission expands beyond California with a strong selection of orange wines and the likes of Sicilian Catarratto and Loire Chinon. The food offering has recently moved beyond Californian-inspired cuisine to incorporate influences from Asia, Scandinavia and the Middle East. New
The late Julian Brind MW was a leading light in the wine trade and an integral part of the Waitrose wine team for over 40 years. We have created this award in association with the IWSC, where he was a longstanding judge, to honour his contribution and service to the trade that he loved. He was a trusted and committed mentor to many aspiring young wine professionals, as well as being a dedicated family man, full of energy both for his work and his leisure activities. Julian was always interested in quality and true wine value; he was also unswervingly enthusiastic about innovation and discovery. For example, as a supermarket buyer in 1973, he was involved right at the start of the New Zealand Sauvignon craze. Each year we award this prize to the man or woman who demonstrates they have the courage of their convictions, dedication to the industry and real passion for wine. The intended recipient will have established an early track record in their field, be seen to be “going places”, and will already be taking part in the wider aspects of the wine trade, showing commitment and determination in everything they do. CONTACT: anne_e_jones@waitrose.co.uk
dishes include langoustine, cocoa beans and pine nuts; and slow-cooked lamb with yuzu. db SHORTLIST Michael and Charlotte Sager-Wilde Justin Howard-Sneyd MW Gavin Monery Stephen Cronk Nikhil Agarwall
14 Retailer LE _Layout 1 19/11/2015 10:28 Page 16
HITTING the marks
Innovation was the key to Marks & Spencer’s win this year, with its selection of wines from lesser-known regions and fine wine parcels impressing the judges SCOOPING THE IWSC Retailer of the Year title for the first time, Marks & Spencer has upped its game in 2015, earning praise from the judges for its innovation and strong selection of 650 wines and growing spirits portfolio. Marks & Spencer’s strategy is to lead the market by being the first retailer to bring high-quality wines from new and emerging regions to the high street. As a result, it has sourced wines from lesserknown French regions, including the Jura and Savoie, as well as regions further afield, including Swartland, Mexico, Uruguay and British Columbia. The homegrown range has also developed and now comprises around 20 English wines. Around 20% of the wine range – approximately 96 wines – are refreshed every year to prevent things getting stale for consumers, with the retailer aiming to inspire customers in-store through ‘event zones’ – displays that feature awardwinning wines to help consumers discover particular countries as part of a food and wine offer. It was this approach that particularly impressed the panel of judges, who commended the M&S team on the level of “real innovation in the department”. This innovation extends to its merchandising, IWSC judges noted. Marks & Spencer was the first company to introduce a wine and food offer in the form of its popular ‘Dine in for £10’ promotion, which offers a selection of wines with a pre-prepared meal. The
IWSC Report 2015
retailer’s revolving ‘parcel’ system of fine wines, which gives customers access to wines that are only available in small quantities, also proved popular with the judges. “We have long-term partners which allows us to buy en primeur in the Rhône and Burgundy,” explains the team, adding that the Hospices de Beaune, from whom they buy parcels each year, was a key part of its fine wine campaign. However it’s not all about wine. The retailer’s own-label spirits range includes a single malt English whisky, cucumber and mint gin and selection of pre-mixed cocktails including its Mince Pie Martini and Passionfruit Mojito. Most recently the retailer diversified its branded portfolio with the addition of Black Cow – a pure milk vodka produced in Dorset. Emma Dawson, M&S wine and spirits buyer, says the team could not resist adding the “fantastically inventive” product to its growing spirits range. “This vodka has a great story behind it but it also tastes fantastic; because it is made with milk it has a beautifully smooth texture and unique creamy character,” she says. db SHORTLIST Tesco Lidl Aldi M&S Waitrose Morrisons
Sponsor: McGuigan Wines Since 1869 the McGuigan family has made wine its life, and its spirit and commitment towards modern Australian winemaking still continues today. Neil McGuigan, the company’s chief winemaker and CEO, is the driving force behind the brand’s amazing accolades and is passionate about delivering innovative, highquality Australian wine to people all over the world. His philosophy is very simple: “The wine is the hero.” Today, McGuigan Wines aims to produce the best wines at the best possible prices, just as four McGuigan generations have done before it. CONTACT: Australian Vintage, 2nd Floor, Stephenson House, 2 Cherry Orchard Road, Croydon, Greater London CR0 6BA Tel: +44 (0) 20 7924 8850 Email: McGuiganWinesUK@australianvintag e.com.au
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Sponsor: ProWein ProWein is the leading international trade show for wines and spirits, and is a must-attend event for anyone working on the international wine and spirits market. Launched in 1994 with 321 exhibitors from eight countries and 1,517 visitors, the event has grown to attract more than 5,981 exhibitors from 50 counties and more than 52,000 trade visitors from 120 countries in 2015. Both classic wine producing nations and newcomers to the international market use ProWein to present themselves to decision-makers from across the world. ProWine China in Shanghai attracts more than 650 exhibitors and around 9,000 trade visitors, while ProWine Asia is expecting 250 exhibitors and 3,000 trade visitors in April 2016. ProWein is a vibrant platform from which to showcase trends and innovations, which transforms Düsseldorf into the hub of the international wine and spirits sector every year – next time from 13-15 March 2016. CONTACT: paul@itsluk.com Tel: 01442 230033 Fax: 01442 230012 Website: www.itsluk.com and www.prowein.com
Lucy Driver
c e l l a rs South Downs Cellars boasts an evolving range of more than 1,150 wines, using tasting to introduce its customers to new and exciting wines WITH A focus on bringing high-quality, interesting wines to its customers, South Downs Cellars reflects some of the best qualities of a small independent retailer. Founded in 2003 by Lucy Driver, the company has shops in Hurstpierpoint and Lindfield in West Sussex, offering around 1,150 wines and a newly boosted 250-strong craft beer range. The friendly team offers a constantly evolving range of wines, beers and spirits, introducing new wines, grapes and styles from around the world to customers via in-store tastings. These play a large part in the business, generating income, educating customers and reinforcing customer loyalty, Driver says, aided by the successful launch of the company’s loyalty scheme this year.
Driver’s customer-focused approach seems to be working. In the last 12 months turnover has increased by 12%, with retail sales – which account for twothirds of the business – up 11%, online sales up 1% and wholesale accounts increasing by 13%. The renaissance of English wine, happening right on its doorstep, has seen the company embrace locality whole-heartedly, working with Wiston Estate’s winemaker Dermot Sugrue to offer its South Downs ‘Bin’ range of sparkling wines. Also on-shelf are 48 English wines from 17 vineyards within a 50-mile radius of both shops, along with 70 ales, 12 ciders and two pilsners from 19 local microbreweries. A further 180 craft beers from
breweries across the UK completes the range. This year South Downs Cellars also introduced on-tap ales in-store for customers to purchase in growlers. But it’s not all about the UK: the team also imports wines directly from 16 handpicked small European producers, taking on new wines on a weekly basis. db
SHORTLIST South Downs Cellars The Whisky Exchange Direct Wine Shipments Christopher Piper Wines
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online retailer
Sponsor: Esoterica
T H AT ’ S the spirit With a range of 8,000 products, many carefully curated from private collections, The Whisky Exchange has scooped the IWSC Online Retailer Award ONLINE RETAILING has come a long way since 1999, when brothers Sukhinder and Rajbir Singh founded The Whisky Exchange after selling the family’s Hanwell off-licence. E-commerce has become one of the most hotly contested areas of drinks retail, yet The Whisky Exchange is as much about information as retailing, its parent company Speciality Drinks says. Its ethos is to take “the retail experience into its customers’ homes”, making information available to its customers and responding to queries as soon as possible. “It’s all about information – the better informed customer is a happier customer,” says business development manager Oliver Chilton. “The main thing this year was to communicate better with our customers.” The website was overhauled late in 2014, making it fully responsive across every different type of screen, from mobile to tablet to desktop. The content has also been boosted, with more extensive and informative category and
IWSC Report 2015
product descriptions, along with three weekly blogs designed to be of interest to newbies, connoisseurs and whisky geeks alike on a range of spirit-related topics. “We’re not a shop floor for one typical customer,”Chilton adds, pointing to the breadth of the range. Featuring 8,000 products it is one of the largest around and offers rare and antique bottles collected over a number of years, as well as more ‘standard’ spirits for the uninitiated. It has around 3,000 single malt whiskies, a further 1,000 Bourbons, blended Scotch and world whiskies alongside an extensive 4,000-strong selection of spirits and liqueurs, including 400 rums, 350 vodkas, more than 500 Cognacs and Armagnacs, 300 gins, 150 Tequilas and nearly 1,000 specialist liqueurs. Currently, the cheapest is a 5cl bottle of Martini Extra Dry at 95p, the most expensive a £150,000 bottle of 45-year old Royal Salute Tribute to Honour. Much of the range has been patiently
Launched in 2014, Esoterica has grown to become an integral part of the London Wine Fair. Esoterica showcases the portfolios of niche and micro-importers, with all exhibitors required to have fewer than five employees and to ship from small producers, with products destined for the on-trade, independent retail and specialist online channels. CONTACT: Brintex Events, 32 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SW1V 2SS Tel: +44 (0) 20 7973 6401 Email: wine@hgluk.com Website: www.londonwinefair.com
and painstakingly sourced from private individuals and auctions to build an impressive collection, where the quality is more important than quantity. db
SHORTLIST Whisky Exchange Master of Malt Hedonism Wines Lea & Sandeman
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t h e i ws c ?
Representatives from all corners of the drinks industry explain why the IWSC is the king of wine and spirit competitions
Fernando Ravera
Miika Lipiäinen
“Having Seleccion del Enólogo awarded the Malbec Trophy by the prestigious International Wine and Spirit Competition is a great honour for Bodega Navarro Correas. The rigorous judging process of the IWSC guarantees quality to consumers. This recognition inspires us to continue our passionate work in the search of excellence.”
“With our Napue Rye Gin winning the IWSC Gin & Tonic competition and our Koskue Cask-Aged Rye Gin winning Gold in the same series, we have seen a large jump in both domestic and international sales for our products. Although we knew we managed to develop great and tasty products, after one year of operation this was much more than we could have hoped for.”
HARLEN WHEATLEY, MASTER DISTILLER, BUFFALO TRACE “We believe the IWSC provides a unique level of international expertise and competition. Consumers understand the value of our spirits being judged by the IWSC to be some of the best in the world, and we consistently see growth in our brands because of the IWSC honours awarded to them.”
‘We have seen a large jump in both domestic and international sales for our products’
Simon Ford
SIMON FORD, CO-FOUNDER, 86 CO. “The IWSC has one of the most rigorous judging processes and some of the most professional tasters in the world on its judging panels, so it meant a lot to our company that our industry peers held our product in such high regard. Awards certainly help business but they also provide the people working on our spirits with greater confidence when showing it to potential customers.”
AFRICA ROMERO, INTERNATIONAL MARKETING AND SALES MANAGER, BODEGAS WILLIAMS & HUMBERT SAU “Entering our wines and spirits into the IWSC and winning awards is highly regarded in the eyes of consumers and wine writers. The IWSC offers exceptional value and maximum exposure to national and international media, supports our distributors and retailers, and helps to increase our wine’s retail value. It is a great marketing and sales tool.” db
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M&S buyer Dror Nativ
ex t ra m i l e Marks & Spencer’s efforts in championing emerging wine regions and Tesco’s renewed focus on its finest* spirits range impressed the IWSC judges this year WINE BUYING TEAM OF THE YEAR: MARKS & SPENCER Behind each retailers’ wine range lies its wine buying team – a group of savvy buyers responsible not only for sourcing wine from across the world, but for responding to the evolving market place. Winning the Retail Wine Buyer Award for the second year in a row, Marks & Spencer, has earned praise for championing wines from lesser-known regions, while at the same time building a strong range of classic and revolving fine wine “parcels”. This, as well as the team’s innovative approach, particularly impressed the judges. Marks & Spencer’s buying team consists of Yves Fourcade, who is responsible for
IWSC Report 2015
sourcing wines from Australia, New Zealand, Spain, Portugal and the Rhône and Languedoc regions of France; Emma Dawson is responsible for wines from Burgundy, the Eastern Mediterranean and South America; and completing the trio is Drov Nativ, who joined Marks & Spencer in 2013 and oversees North America, Sherry, Port, South Africa, Italy, the Loire and Alsace. Working alongside them are its three winemakers, Jeneve Williams, Belinda Kleinig and Sue Daniels, who work closely with wineries to oversee the production through the blending process to the glass, ensuring quality control. Last year the team clocked up an impressive 423 days travelling, visiting 257 producers between them to source
wines from emerging and unusual regions. This year the team launched Craft 3 – the first wine in which Marks & Spencer has been involved from the growing of the grape to the bottling of the finished wine. db
SHORTLIST Morrisons Lidl Tesco Aldi Sainsbury’s M&S • Encirc Wines sponsors the Retail Wine Buyer and Winemaker of the Year awards – see page 10 for the company’s profile.
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L-R: Danielle Jack, Ian Kirby, Holly Callender, David Coulshed, Sam Read, Andrew Hargreaves and Anna Wagner
SPIRITS BUYING TEAM OF THE YEAR: TESCO Tesco’s spirits buying team has been through something of a renaissance over the last year. Heading up a team of fresh faces to have joined its buying department is the newly promoted category buying manager David Coulshed. Among the new recruits is Andrew Hargreaves, who joined Tesco from Brakes in 2014 and is now buying manager for vodka, gin and rum. Ian Kirby oversees whisky, brandy and Cognac; Sam Read looks after cream liqueurs, mixables and ready-to-drinks; and Holly Callender completes the team as assistant buyer for liqueurs, speciality spirits and BWS gifting. Although there has been a reduction in the number of branded spirits on offer, there are still around 350 lines in the overall range, some of them new and exclusive to Tesco. These include Jack Daniel’s Fire, Jägermeister Spice, Fettercairn Fasque, Feeney’s and Alize. However Tesco’s focus this year has been firmly on its own-label brands, which makes up around 20% of its spirits sales. The team says its finest* range is
something they want customers to be proud to serve when entertaining guests, and has thrown its weight behind supporting the range accordingly. “We have focused on matching the best quality products in the market and delivering these at affordable prices
‘We’ve championed own-label like never before and really shouted about their quality in the drinks aisles’
wherever possible, as well as online on its main grocery site. “We’ve championed own-label like never before and really shouted about their quality in the drinks aisles,” the team adds. The team is also developing signature serves for each of its own-label spirits and getting behind a small number of products over Christmas, offering samples in-store. The team works closely with the product development team, using market and customer trends to develop products “that customers want”. Recently it introduced a Tesco finest* salted caramel Irish cream liqueur, an own-label sloe gin, a mellow aromatic gin and a premium French grain vodka to its range. db
SHORTLIST without compromising on style,” says Tesco’s buying team. This quality-driven ethos has helped the retailer scoop two Golds and one Gold Outstanding IWSC wins for its liqueurs, and the retailer is promoting the range heavily in-store with POS material, shelfedge barkers and flashes on bottles
Lidl Aldi Tesco Sainsbury’s Morrisons
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importer & distributor
AWESOME SOURCE With decades of experience between them, this year’s Wine Importer and Spirits Distributor of the Year are flying the flag for family-run wineries and craft spirits WINE IMPORTER OF THE YEAR: AWIN BARRATT SIEGEL Awin Barratt Siegel has been importing and sourcing wines from key wine-producing areas across the globe for the independent trade for almost 30 years. Set up by Michael Awin in 1986, the company bought Siegel Wine Agencies in 2005 and became Awin Barratt Siegel Wine Agencies (ABS), reflecting the names of its two partners, Michael Awin and Julius Barratt, as well as its historic Siegel name. ABS works with family-run wineries to establish long-term partnerships for distribution in the UK and, in many cases, Europe or further afield. It also owns several entry-level brands with the intention of protecting their distribution to specialist independent retailers and wholesalers. In 2013 the company launched its now biennial tasting, which this year saw the introduction of “Australia’s Best-kept Secrets” – a section designed to champion boutique producers. Only producers who matched strict criteria were invited to put wines forward for tasting in Australia, with Hazel Murphy AM, Elliot Awin and Michael Awin tasting wines from over 100 producers in four regions to determine which would be invited to travel to London to take part.
SHORTLIST El Wines Castelnau Wine Agencies Awin Barratt Siegel New Generation Wines Seckford Wines
IWSC Report 2015
Sponsor: Mercado Andino Wines of Argentina and Wines of Chile joined forced this year to launch Mercado Andino, an annual London tasting of wines showcasing producers from either side of the Andes. This year’s event saw close to 140 wineries present more than 1,000 wines to UK and European trade, press and educators. Further details for next year’s event will be announced very soon. CONTACT: Anita Jackson, anita@winesofchile.org.uk; Andrew Maidment, amaidment@winesofargentina.com Website: mercadoandino.co.uk
Elliot and Michael Awin SPIRITS DISTRIBUTOR OF THE YEAR: EMPORIA BRANDS Founded by James Rackham in 1983, Emporia has developed from its origins importing Calvados and Armagnac to become one of the leading sources of authentic spirits and apéritifs for the UK’s on-trade. As a spirits importer, exporter and innovator, Emporia prides itself on its efforts to seek out distillers that respect artisan traditions of quality in their use of ingredients and shun industrial shortcuts in the pursuit of truly great drinks. Building strong relationships along the way, which in some cases stretch over three generations, its brands maintain a reputation for craft production. Among these brands is rum from St Lucia Distillers, including Chairman’s Reserve and the 2012 IWSC Rum trophy winner Admiral Rodney, liqueurs from Gabriel Boudier, including its iconic Crème de Cassis – twice winner of the Liqueur trophy – and Casco Viejo and La Cava, 100% agave Tequilas produced by Camarena Brothers, one of the largest owners of agave plantations in Mexico. Today, Emporia’s portfolio is present in every market for fine spirits,
including independent merchants and retailers, thanks to its network of highly skilled distributors. db
SHORTLIST Emporia Brands Quintessential Brands Quality Spirits International Maverick Drinks
21 Waitrose Scholarship DS LE_Layout 1 19/11/2015 16:33 Page 23
waitros e scholarship
TO P O F the class Each year the IWSC and Waitrose combine to pick out the top performers from the WSET programme and
Sponsor: Waitrose
award one of them a unique insight into the trade
This scholarship rewards both educational excellence and commercial aspiration – two core elements of the Waitrose wine and spirits buying strategy. Our vision is to provide the quality, range and service of a wine merchant with the convenience, value and accessibility of a supermarket. We have 300 WSET-qualified wine specialists in store in order to fulfil this commitment, with around 200 product advisers per store, trained by the specialists, with a City & Guilds qualification. We believe that it is vital to keep improving the level of knowledge among partners who deal with customers day in, day out. Waitrose is delighted to sponsor the Waitrose Scholarship in conjunction with the IWSC. We believe in the power of education to improve quality and standards in the wine trade, and are pleased to be able to give the winner of the Waitrose Scholarship the chance to work alongside some of the finest wine buyers in the country and to learn the trade from the inside out. CONTACT: Waitrose Ltd, Doncastle House Southern Industrial Area Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 8YA Tel: +44 (0)1344 424680 (Wines: 0800 188 881) www.waitrose.com
CHRISTOPER WATTS Christopher developed an early interest in wine thanks to his father, who was a tea taster. His light-bulb moment occurred at the age of 15 while researching a christening gift. Soon after he signed up for a subscription to Decanter and thereafter he was hooked. After working for 20 years in the entertainment advertising industry – launching a film marketing agency in the process – Christoper decided it was time for a change. Turning his attention toward the wine trade, Christopher signed up to courses at the WSET, quickly completing levels 2 and 3, and now plans to take up the diploma. “There are many parallels between marketing to movie-goers and marketing to wine consumers,” says Watts. “No-one wants to waste an evening watching a bad movie or drinking bad wine. A recommendation or review from a trusted source is the biggest influencing factor, and social media and peer-to-peer recommendations have the power to be hugely influential. I believe there is a lot that can be done in this area to inform and educate consumers, and this where I would like to focus.”
LAURA MILLER A finance professional by day, Laura’s love of wine began with a holiday to Napa Valley a decade ago. Since then, many of her holidays have centred on visiting various wine regions, including the Douro in Portugal, Ribera del Duero in Spain, Bordeaux, Burgundy,
Champagne and the Loire to name a few. Laura began studying wine last spring, quickly completing the WSET level 1 and 2 awards, and will progress on to the diploma in spring 2016. “So far, wine has been a pleasure to explore and learn about alongside my career in finance. The diploma level course will be an exciting challenge and I look forward to where it may take me.”
SARAH BRADLEY Working in the legal profession, Sarah admits she is by no means unique among her colleagues in her love of good wine. However, having lived in Moscow and Dubai, where import duties and limited distribution channels make being a wine lover more challenging, her enthusiasm should be applauded. In 2014 Sarah took a career break, during which she achieved her WSET level 3 and moved to Saint-Emilion, gaining experience working a harvest and helped a young couple launch their wine onto the market. “A memorable moment was being asked to participate in the Concours de Bordeaux as one of the nearly 1,000 dégustateurs – cue sleepless nights brushing up on tasting terms in French!” she said. “During that year I made some wonderful friends and developed a real respect for the people who make these amazing wines.” Sarah’s next step in wine will see her take up the WSET diploma. db
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actively work to strengthen the position of the IWSC in the Italian market. The Lunelli Group, of which I am the CEO, is a leading producer of high-end Italian wines and spirits including Ferrari Trentodoc, Prosecco Bisol and Tenute Lunelli still wines, and Segnana grappa. Thanks to our strong presence in Italy I believe I can provide a wide reach in supporting the IWSC in my country.
Set to become the IWSC’s third president from Italy in 2016, Matteo Lunelli reveals how he hopes to add to the legacy of his illustrious forebears What does it mean to you to take on the role of IWSC president? I am extremely pleased and honoured to become president of the IWSC since this prestigious organisation is truly global in its outreach and is continuously seeking to promote the excellence of wine on the world stage. As an Italian wine producer, it is a privilege to follow in the footsteps of my esteemed fellow countrymen Marchese Piero Antinori and Marchese Leonardo de’ Frescobaldi, and I hope that, as the third Italian president, I will positively continue their legacy.
IWSC Report 2015
How will you use your industry experience to support and strengthen the IWSC? Being a wine lover, I will bring my personal passion to the role. Wine is the poetry of its own land and I truly believe that a great wine is always the expression of a unique territory. For this reason I would like to emphasise the role of the IWSC in educating the consumer to fully understand the beauty and diversity of the wine world. As an entrepreneur, I will try to help the IWSC seek new growth opportunities. In particular, during my presidency I will
Which Italian styles or regions do you feel are showing the most interesting developments? The main characteristic of Italian wine is the enormous diversity in terms of grape varieties, territories and styles. We could talk about many successful stories from the north, Trentino Alto Adige to the far south or the island of Pantelleria. Italian sparkling wine is also a fast-growing and very dynamic sector. In the last decade Prosecco has seen extraordinary global success and bottlefermented sparkling wines, like our Trentodoc, are increasingly seen by consumers worldwide as a quality alternative to French Champagnes. There is also a strong interest in native grape varieties. A good example can be found in Umbria, the “green heart” of Italy. Well known for its great olive oil, it has also gained a reputation for its unique and exceptional wines, such as its Montefalco Sagrantino. This wine is made with the indigenous red grape Sagrantino, which has one of the highest tannin levels of any variety in the world. What’s next for the Lunelli Group and Ferrari Winery? One of the core philosophies of the Lunelli Group and Ferrari Winery is the advancement of sustainable practices throughout all our vineyards. We believe that by practicing sustainable farming techniques we not only improve the quality of our wines but protect and preserve our majestic environment, and improve significantly the health and safety of our farmers. All the vineyards owned by my family, including those of Ferrari Winery and Tenute Lunelli, are cultivated according to organic principles. We are constantly striving to increase our presence throughout the global
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president elect IWSC past presidents
Biography: Matteo Lunelli
2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993
Matteo Lunelli is the president and CEO of the Ferrari Winery, Italy’s leading producer of luxury sparkling wines founded in Trento in 1902. Matteo is part of the third generation of the Lunelli family. His grandfather, Bruno, acquired the company in 1952 from the founder, Giulio Ferrari. Matteo graduated with honours in economics from Bocconi University, Milan, and before joining the family business gained international experience in financial consulting working for five years at Goldman Sachs International in Zurich, London and New York. Ferrari produces only sustainably farmed Trentodoc wines. These are bottle-fermented sparkling wines made from Chardonnay and Pinot Noir grapes grown at high altitudes in the mountains of the northern Italian region of Trentino. Matteo is also the CEO of the Lunelli Group, an Italian beverage group which complements Ferrari with brands that share the same quest for excellence and an indissoluble link with terroir. Its portfolio includes its Segnana grappa, Tenute Lunelli still wines from Trentino, Tuscany and Umbria, and Bisol, a leading producer of Prosecco Superiore di Valdobbiadene. Committed to promoting the Italian lifestyle, Matteo is also vice-president of the Altagamma Foundation, which unites high-end Italian companies from various sectors to promote top-quality Italian industry and the culture of excellence that supports it. He firmly believes in the strong synergies that can be created between brands that represent the best of Italy. Matteo often travels to promote his wines and is interested in getting to know other cultures and traditions. He loves gourmet food and he has established relationships with top chefs of world-renowned restaurants.
1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977
Neil McGuigan Laura Catena G Garvin Brown IV Mauricio González Gordon Prince Robert of Luxembourg Prinz Michael zu Salm-Salm Sir Ian Good Rafael Guilisasti Gina Gallo Anthony von Mandl Wolf Blass Paul Symington Claes Dahlbäck Dominique Hériard Dubreuil Warren Winiarski Baroness Philippine de Rothschild Miguel Torres Sir Anthony Greener Jean Hugel Dr Anton Rupert Marchese Leonardo de’ Frescobaldi Michael Jackaman May de Lencquesaing
Australian Vintage Australia Catena Zapata Argentina Brown-Forman USA Gonzalez Byass Spain Domaine Clarence Dillon France Prinz Salm Dalberg’sches Weingut Germany The Edrington Group Scotland Viñedos Emiliana Chile E&J Gallo Family Estates USA Mission Hill Family Estate Winery Canada Wolf Blass Wines Australia Symington Family Port Shippers Portugal Vin & Sprit Sweden Rémy-Cointreau France Stags Leap Wine Cellars USA Baron Philippe de Rothschild France Torres Spain Diageo UK Famille Hugel France Rembrandt Group South Africa Marchesi de’ Frescobaldi Italy Allied Domecq UK Château Pichon Longueville France Comtesse de Lalande Chris Hancock MW (Hon) Rosemount Estates Australia Peter MF Sichel H Sichel Söhne USA Robert Drouhin Maison Joseph Drouhin France José Ignacio Domecq Domecq Spain Marchese Piero Antinori Marchese Antinori Italy Kenneth Graham FIAE Whyte & Mackay Scotland Dr Max Lake Oenologist & lecturer Australia Marquis de Goulaine Château de Goulaine France Mme Odette Pol Roger Champagne Pol Roger France Robert Mondavi MW (Hon) Mondavi Winery USA Dr Hans Ambrosi Oenologist and lecturer Germany Harry Waugh MBE MW (Hon) Wine consultant UK Peter Noble CBE Wine consultant UK Cyril Ray Wine writer UK Sir Reginal Bennett VRD Member of Parliament UK Lord Montagu of Beaulieu Beaulieu Estates UK
market and promoting ourselves as ambassadors of the Italian art of living. We will continue to be present at the most important events in the fashion, design, sport and institutional worlds – the latter exemplified by our involvement in Expo Milano 2015, where we played a leading role as the official sparkling wine of the Italian pavilion.
Based on the great achievements of our wine bar and restaurant concept in Italy, Ferrari Spazio Bollicine, our goal is to establish this format worldwide, offering clients an exclusive Italian food and wine experience throughout airports and key locations in strategic markets. Our most recent Ferrari Spazio Bollicine opened inside the Expo site and has been a tremendous success. db
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blogger Sponsor: González Byass
the blogs Matt Walls won the judges over with his no-fuss blog designed to help readers navigate the world of wine MATT WALLS is an award-winning wine writer, blogger and consultant who began his career in the drinks trade working at an off-licence in Brighton. Since then, Walls has worked for Bollinger Champagne, Mentzendorff and independent wine retailer The Sampler. Today, Walls regularly writes for timatkin.com covering the Rhône, and contributes articles to titles including Decanter, Imbibe and Harpers Wine & Spirit. He also works alongside Lidl to produce the supermarket’s quarterly Wine Cellar magazine. Through his Matt Walls Wine Blog, Walls imparts practical tips, tricks and information on how to get the most out of wine, its aim being to help the uninitiated navigate the often “big and confusing” world of wine – a subject Walls finds “endlessly fascinating”. Among tasting notes, and food and wine pairings, Walls’ blog features
IWSC Report 2015
interviews with top drinks personalities, comment pieces on topics including ‘Marlborough: The Fear of France’, and even the odd recipe. Already a prolific blogger and wine writer, Walls can now add author to his growing CV having published his first book, Drink Me: How to Choose, Taste and Enjoy Wine, in 2012. The book won the Newcomer of the Year award at the 2013 Fortnum & Mason Awards. Walls also advises restaurants on their wine lists, hosts tastings, runs training courses for staff and is a judge for three international wine competitions: the International Wine & Spirit Competition, the International Wine Challenge and the Decanter World Wine Awards. Walls is also the editor of The London Wine Guide, an iPhone app that allows users to pinpoint the closest bar, wine shop or winefocused restaurant. db
González Byass is proud to sponsor the IWSC’s award to recognise the skill and influence of the world’s bloggers. The Blogger of the Year Award is designed to applaud a journalist or commentator working in the social media arena who not only has considerable reach, influence and inspiring content but who is also pushing the boundaries in terms of writing style and comment. González Byass is a family company and a family of wineries. Founded in 1835, it is dedicated to the production of quality still wines, Sherries and brandies. Since its foundation, the company has developed world famous brands such as Tío Pepe, Soberano and Lepanto. More recently González Byass has expanded its interests within the still wine sector, producing top quality wines in some of Spain’s top regions: Bodegas Beronia in Ollauri, La Rioja; Viñas del Vero in Barbastro, Somontano; Bodegas y Cavas Vilarnau in Sant Sadurní d’Anoia, Penedès; Finca Constancia in Otero, Toledo; and Finca Moncloa in Arcos de la Frontera, Cádiz. CONTACT: Manuel Maria González 12, Jerez de la Frontera, Cadiz, Spain, Tel: 0034 956 357 000 www.gonzalezbyass.es
SHORTLIST Paul Keers and Charles Jennings www.sedimentblog.blogspot.co.uk Matt Walls www.mattwalls.co.uk
SPECIAL COMMENDATION Jim Budd www.jimsloire.blogspot.co.uk
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lifetime achievement
wo r t The IWSC is pleased to recognise the outstanding achievements of a tireless Scotch whisky ambassador
WITH A career in the Scotch whisky industry spanning more than four decades, Brian Morrison is an exceptionally worthy recipient of this year’s Lifetime Achievement Award. The third generation of his family to be involved in the Scotch whisky trade, Morrison worked alongside his father Stanley P Morrison to re-establish the Bowmore distillery in Islay, joining the family business in 1964. He spent the next 40 years involved in all aspects of the business, becoming its managing director in 1971 following the death of his father. He later served as vice-chairman of the company following its acquisition by Suntory in 1994. Morrison Bowmore Distillers, as the company became known, was an early investor in the growing single malt category and one of the key driving forces in the growth of the Islay category. Since retiring in 2004, after 40 years, Morrison’s contribution to the charity sector and continued support of the Scotch whisky industry has been notable. He is a trustee at the family’s Morrison Foundation, which supports university education and sports bursaries for Scottish, and in particular Islay, students. A former council member and treasurer of the Scotch Whisky Association, Brian is also a member of the management committee and a Master of the Keepers of the Quaich, as well as the chairman of the Scotch Whisky Liqueur Centre, based near Perth, Australia. He is also a member of the Incorporation of Coopers of Glasgow and vice-chairman of the Yellow Elder Group, a company specialising in water filtration. During his term as master of the Worshipful Company of Distillers in 2012/13, he helped to conduct a charity auction that raised £250,000 for charity. Morrison remains a court member of the organisation and continues to serve on its charity committee. Aside from his contribution to the whisky trade, Morrison owns a farm in Ayrshire and lives in Troon, where he plays golf at Prestwick to a single-figure handicap. His hobbies include European walking holidays, skiing and driving “reasonably old cars”. db
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Regional experts from the IWSC’s global network of agents report on their work over the past year to raise the competition’s international profile COLIN HARKNESS, SPAIN There was an encouraging 16% increase in Spanish entries from 2013 to 2014, and this was bettered in 2015 with an increase of 20%. Clearly Spain is a growth area in terms of its increasing entries in the IWSC. There is no doubt in my mind that consumers are encouraged to buy wines when they see that they have won competitions. When presenting wine tastings, I always promote the IWSC by explaining that winning a medal in this competition is a sure sign of quality.
MICHÈLE SHAH, ITALY The steady growth of Italian entries over the past year confirms that the IWSC has been effective in its marketing strategy to create awareness of the competition among Italian wineries. In 2015 focus has been given to smaller wineries and emerging regions to increase awareness of the promotional opportunities that participation in the IWSC can offer, especially to those looking to export. The sponsorship of Trentino’s winegrowers’ association, Vini del Trentino, has increased the visibility and awareness of some of Italy’s top sparkling méthode Champenoise wines, Trento DOC.
IWSC Report 2015
JO BURZYNSKA, NEW ZEALAND Work to raise the profile of the IWSC with New Zealand wineries and consumers was supported by a number of initiatives over the past year. In July I hosted an IWSC presentation and tasting of some of the competition’s top Pinot Noirs from around the world to an audience of Wairarapa wineries. This year there are once again in-store promotions of New Zealand’s awardwinning wines across the country, with a consumer event set to take place in November at the Glengarry chain’s flagship store in Auckland, where many of the country’s top wineries will be present to pour their wines.
DAVE HUGHES, SOUTH AFRICA We had a good year in South Africa, achieving a 50% increase in Gold medals. As ever we held our local tasting of award-winning wines, which was well attended by winemakers and distillers. We also held a ‘morning tea’, when the wine trophy results were announced. This was well attended by the media, resulting in good coverage of the competition in print and in social media channels. It is encouraging to see the IWSC being referred to as the “senior” competition.
FABIEN LAINÉ, FRANCE It was a good year for France at the IWSC, with the number of entries increasing once more. I expect it to increase further next year as there are so many newcomers to the French wine market. Our results tend to consistently include regions such as Champagne and the Languedoc. The IWSC plans to enhance communications to Bordeaux, the Loire and Alsace in 2016. French producers need to realise that the IWSC is much more than a wine competition with medals: it is an asset for them to market their wines and gain exposure in the UK, which is known to be a tough market.
MATIAS CHIESA, SOUTH AMERICA 2015 has seen a 10% increase in entries compared with 2014. Since 2012 we have doubled the number of Argentine entries – impressive given its current economical instability and inflation. The number of South American wineries entering has also increased, a trend likely to continue further in years of stability when producers will have more of a budget to enter with a bigger range of products. The UK is still a very important market – not just to develop brands but as window to the world of wine. db
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national producers
p e r f o r m e rs Introducing the wineries and distilleries whose outstanding performance in their respective countries has earned them the coveted title of National Producer of the Year
ARGENTINE WINE PRODUCER OF THE YEAR TROPHY, SUPPORTED BY WINES OF ARGENTINA: BODEGA NAVARRO CORREAS The Navarro Correas family descends from the Correas, whose winemaking heritage dates back to 1798 when Don Juan de Dios Correas planted the family’s first vines in Mendoza. However it wasn’t until 1974 that Don Edmundo Navarro Correas, direct descendent of Juan de Dios Correas, began making wines under his own name. Today, Bodega Navarro Correas selects grapes from more than 60 vineyards throughout the province of Mendoza to produce its wines. In 2009 the company opened its US$14m Finca Agrelo winery, from which its premium wines are produced. Based in the district of Agrelo in Luján de Cuyo, it has a production capacity of 1.5 million hectoliters and is surrounded by 36 hectares of vineyards, mostly planted with Malbec and Cabernet Sauvignon.
Argentine Wine Producer shortlist
Blends Wine Estates Bodega Navarro Correas Bodega Valentin Bianchi Bodegas Escorihuela Gascon 1884 Bodegas Trapiche SA
AUSTRALIAN WINE PRODUCER OF THE YEAR TROPHY, SPONSORED BY HELLMAN BEVERAGE LOGISTICS: MORRIS CELLARS Established in 1859 Morris Cellars has developed a reputation for producing some of Australia’s best fortified wines, from vintage Tawny to Muscat and Topaque liqueurs, to full-bodied reds and sparkling wines. Its Mia Mia winery, located 15km east of Rutherglen on the Browns Plains, has been run by a Morris for the past 156 years. David Morris became its fifth generation winemaker in 1993 when his father retired. This year the producer scooped a Gold and Silver medal for its Morris Cellar One Classic Liqueur Topaque NV and Morris Cellar One Liqueur Muscat NV respectively. While its wines are the stars of the show, the Morris Cellar Door is an attraction in itself. Located in the winery, the atrium-style cellar door was designed by legendary Australian architect Robyn Boyd in 1972 and offers views of century-old storage casks.
Australian Wine Producer shortlist
Morris Cellars Wolf Blass Wines Stanton & Killeen McGuigan Wines Thorn-Clarke Wines House of Arras
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ANDREW PELLER ESTATES With wineries across Niagara and British Columbia, Andrew Peller’s estate has grown immensely since he first travelled to Canada in 1927 with a dream to become a winemaker. A Hungarian immigrant, Peller established Andrés Wines Ltd in 1961, motivated by a belief that as Canada’s community matured culturally, wine would eventually become a major part of its lifestyle, as it had in Europe. By 1964 Peller had winery operations in Calgary, Alberta and in Truro, Nova Scotia, entering the Ontario market in 1970 with the purchase of Beau Chatel Wines in Winona. In 1994 Andrés acquired Hillebrand Estates Winery, Canada’s largest producer of VQA and premium wines. Then, in 2001, and after more than six years of planning, Peller Estates Winery was officially opened in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario. In 2006, the company’s 46th year, Andrés Wines Ltd became Andrew Peller Limited, a fitting tribute to its founder. Today, Andrew Peller Limited is a third generation Canadian wine company that exports to more than 25 countries worldwide. The company has been managed by Andrew Peller’s grandson, John E Peller, CEO of Andrew Peller Limited, since 1995 when his father, Dr Joseph Peller, relinquished the position. The company manages eight wineries in Ontario and British Columbia, not to mention two 4-star winery restaurants, with brands including Peller Estates, Trius Winery at Hillebrand, Thirty Bench Winemakers, Red Rooster Winery, Wayne Gretzky Estates and Sandhill.
CHAMPAGNE LE BRUN DE NEUVILLE A small co-operative in Champagne, Le Brun Neuville was founded in 1963 by 20 producers and today counts 150 among its ranks. Its name comes from the Le Brun family, which has a long history of winemaking in the region. In the 19th century it established the Maison Le Brun de Neuville, which became the co-operative. Just 15 members of staff oversee its operation, headed up Heads of Cave Antony Caen and Gilles Balthazar. Based in the small wine-growing region of Sézanne in the southern Champagne region of Marne, Le Brun Neuville’s members cultivate 150 hectares between them, almost 90% of which is Chardonnay. The vineyards include crus at Villenauxela Grande, Fontaine-Denis, Barbonne-Fayel, Chantemerl and LaCelle-sous-Chantemerle. Winemakers are encouraged to practice sustainable farming methods, with the producer’s new labels now 50% recyclable. Customers purchasing Neuville’s Prestige Cuvées are also given the choice of having their bottles housed in individual boxes or not, in a bid to cut down on unnecessary packaging. Dominated by Chardonnay, the house produces a range of blanc de blancs Champagnes. Its Le Brun Neuville cuvée is representative of its house style, with aromas of white flowers and a creamy palate. Other key ranges include Authentique and its Lady de N range, featuring the producer’s most complex Champagnes, not confined to blanc de blancs expressions. The winery itself boasts a reception room that can host 200 guests with panoramic views of the vineyards.
Canadian Wine Producer shortlist
Champagne Producer shortlist
Andrew Peller Estates Burrowing Owl Estate Winery Inniskillin Wines Jackson-Triggs Vintners Mission Hill Family Estates Strewn Estate Winery
Champagne Charles Heidsieck Champagne Paul Goerg Champagne Lasseaux & Fils Champagne Henri Abele Castelnau Wine Agencies Champagne Le Brun de Neuville
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CHILEAN WINE PRODUCER OF THE YEAR TROPHY: VIÑA UNDURRAGA Undurraga has carved a niche not only for its sparkling wines but for championing terroir-driven wines from up and down Chile’s pencil-shaped strip. Chief winemaker Rafael Urrejola has blazed a trail with his TH (Terroir Hunter) range, launched in 2007, that aims to shine a light on Chile’s diverse terroirs. With TH, Urrejola selects the individual lots in each vineyard that he believes have the most interesting and expressive soils. Based in the Maipo Valley, the estate, which has 20 million-litre capacity, dates back to 1885, with sparkling wine production beginning as far back as 1910. The estate spans 1,800 hectares of vineyard land across Chile in the Maipo Valley, Alto Maipo, Colchagua, Cachapoal, Leyda Valley and Maule Valley. Each of the sites was cherry-picked due to its suitability for certain grape varieties to thrive. Among the single varietal wines in the Terroir Hunter range are a Cabernet Sauvignon from Maipo; a Carignon from Maule; a Carmenère from Peumo; a Chardonnay from Limari; a Pinot Noir from Leyda and a Riesling from Lo Abarca. Undurraga’s top of the range fizz, the traditional method Titillum, is made in collaboration with French winemaker Philippe Coulon. The three-strong Titillum range includes a brut, blanc de blancs and blanc de noirs.
ENGLISH WINE PRODUCER OF THE YEAR TROPHY, SPONSORED BY THE VINTNERS’ COMPANY: GUSBOURNE ESTATE Founded in 2004, Gusbourne Estate in Kent has, in just over a decade, emerged as one of the brightest stars of the burgeoning English wine industry. Focusing on the three main traditional Champagne grapes – Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier – the Gusbourne estate spans 40 hectares in Kent and a further 22ha in West Sussex. Bottling its first vintage in 2006, Gusbourne’s inaugural commercial release came in 2010. Today the estate makes a trio of sparklers: its flagship blanc de blancs aged on its lees for 36 months, a brut reserve blending the three Champagne grapes, and a pale pink rosé made from Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier. In addition to fizz it also produces two still wines, Guinevere Chardonnay and an 11.5% ABV Pinot Noir – one of the most promising still reds in England. In 2013 Gusbourne was bought by investment company Shellproof for £7 million, which has given the estate the cash to invest in a new winery. Earlier this year it hired Master Sommelier Laura Rhys to look after the brand’s domestic and global development, with her restaurant connections coming in handy. It now counts Heston Blumenthal’s The Fat Duck in Bray, Gordon Ramsay’s Royal Hospital Road in Chelsea and Simon Rogan’s foraging focused L’Enclume in Cumbria among its on-trade clients. “Patriotism alone won’t get you on the best wine lists; the quality of product and the relationships you build are critical, especially as there is an increasing array of English sparkling wines to choose from,” says CEO Ben Walgate.
Chilean Wine Producer shortlist
English Wine Producer shortlist
Viña Undurraga Viñedos Puertas Ltda Viña Terranoble Viña Requingua Viña Valdivieso Viña Bouchon
Nutbourne Vineyards Gusbourne Estate
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LA CAVE DES VIGNERONS DE PFAFFENHEIM Pfaffenheim is a small village 15km south west of Colmar, the administrative capital of Alsace. The winery was created in 1957 when a small group of local winemakers decided to pool their resources to work more efficiently. It bottled its first harvest in 1959. Nine years later it merged with another small co-op in the neighbouring village of Gueberschwihr, which took its membership to 100 growers. Since then it has grown to 170 members, making on average 2.5 million bottles a year from 250 hectares of vineyards that surround the village. It is unique in using only hand-picked grapes, the result of its members pushing tirelessly to improve quality for the past 60 years. While celebrated for its whites, the winery also makes a very well- respected Pinot Noir in La Griffe du Diable – described as “a game-changing Alsace red”. It produces a full range of classic Alsace varietal wine, including its classic Riesling Cuvée Jupiter, as well as its Gentil Pfaff and Black Tie blends. Then there are five grand crus – Goldert, Hatschbourg, Steinert, Zinnkoepflé and Steingold, as well as five Crémants d’Alsace. La Cave des Vignerons de Pfaffenheim isn’t afraid to experiment and has created a number of daring and successful wines to great acclaim, with more exciting releases on the way. For two years, La Cave has been developing a new range under the Steingold brand based on blendings from several grand cru terroirs. The range includes a Gewürztraminer, Riesling and Pinot Gris (launched this year), with a fourth, a Muscat, due to be launched next year.
BELSAZAR GMBH Belsazar is a dynamic young vermouth company that is shaking up this fast-growing drinks category. A winning combination of high-quality base ingredients and the sheer creative verve of its owners have seen the company establish itself as a leading producer in an impressively short time. Based in Berlin, Belsazar produces a range of four quality vermouths which are available in high-end retailers Harvey Nichols and Selfridges in the UK, as well as The Whisky Exchange. The red, white, dry and rosé vermouths are blended using six wines sourced from award-winning wineries on the Kaiserstuhl and Markgräflerland in southern Baden. Each style is infused with homegrown peels, botanicals, petals and Schladerer fruit brandies. With its focus on regionality, sustainability and originality, the company has wasted no time in establishing a reputation for quality. “The first hurdle was the research,” explains Maximilian Wagner, Belsazar co-founder – alongside Philipp Schladerer and Sebastian Brack – on creating the brand. “Step-by-step, the team tasted through the initial concoctions and whittled it down to four varieties, which now form the basis of Belsazar Vermouth. Sampling with professionals and experts followed; some ideas put into practice, others discarded. Time and again, the ingredients were fine-tuned until the aromas finally told us we were reflecting what we had initially envisaged for dry, red, rosé and white vermouth – something our taste buds finally got to savour.” With many years of combined experience and enthusiasm for novelty, the trio have developed a distinctive vermouth range which is demonstrably succeeding in its aim of competing with the best in the world.
French Wine Producer shortlist
Boisset La Famille des Grands Vins La Chablisienne Château de Riquewihr Domaines Dopff & Irion La Cave des Vignerons de Pfaffenheim Cave de Tain l'Hermitage
IWSC Report 2015
German Wine Producer shortlist Belsazar GmbH Weingut Horst Sauer
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AZIENDA VINICOLA FARINA SRL Specialising in Amarone, Azienda Vinicola Farina spans 45 hectares of vineyards in Valpolicella Classica – 10 belonging to the company and 35 to trusted growers. Keen on transparency in both the vineyard and winery, the company is run by Claudio, Elena and Alessandro Farina, who have a forensic eye for detail, which they employ when growing their star grape, Corvina. Farina boasts two historic vineyards in Valpolicella: the hilly Montefante, which has clay soils from which Amarone Montefante is made, and Montecorna on Mount Masua, characterised by calcareous soil ideal for the production of Valpolicella Ripasso Montecorna. The Farinas believe wine is made in the vineyard, but they have also invested heavily in the latest winemaking technology to help get the best from their grapes, which are stored in temperature and humidity-controlled buildings to dry them out before production and ageing in Slavonian oak. Among the wines in the Farina portfolio are a trio of Amarones, six Valpolicellas, a Bardolino, Soave and spumante Prosecco. The company even makes a ‘Grappa di Amarone’ from Corvina grape marc. Farina had a good run of it at this year’s competition, scooping the Indigenous Grape Varieties trophy for its Amarone della Valpolicella DOCG Classico Riserva Montefante 2010. Its Amarone Classico DOCG 2012 meanwhile, was awarded a Gold medal, and the Valpolicella Ripasso Classico Superiore DOC Montecorna 2013 a Silver.
RAPAURA SPRINGS The journey of Rapaura Springs begins with the Wairau River. After a six-month voyage, water from the river is released to a spring that weaves through the New Zealand estate’s vineyards. As depicted on the label, the spring provides both crystal clear water for the vines and guides the philosophy of the brand. Grapes are grown and sourced from across Marlborough’s sub-regions. The estate lets the land, climate and water do the hard work, making the resulting wines in a state-of-the-art facility in Marlborough. Rapaura Springs takes a minimum intervention approach to winemaking as the team believes quality begins at its sites, which are carefully managed under Sustainable Wine Growing New Zealand standards. Among the wines in the Rapaura portfolio are a Reserve Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc and Reserve Central Otago Pinot Noir, and a trio from Marlborough in the core range: a Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Noir and Pinot Gris. The 2015 Marlborough Sauvignon picked up the Sauvignon Blanc trophy at this year’s competition. “It doesn’t get much better than receiving a trophy from the IWSC”, says Rapaura Springs owner Brendan Neylon. “This award gives our consumers around the world total confidence in the brand and is a great way to supercharge the launch of our 2015 vintage.”
Italian Producer shortlist
Azienda Vinicola Farina SRL Ferrari F.lli Lunelli Femar Vini Srl Col D’Orcia SPA Paolo e Noemia d'Amico SPA
New Zealand Wine Producer shortlist
te Pa Family Estates Spy Valley Wines Giesen Estate Wines Marisco Vineyards Yealands Estate Wines Rapaura Springs
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MADEIRA WINE COMPANY The Madeira Wine Company (MWC) is a family company owned and managed by the Blandy family, which, since 1811, has dedicated its time and passion to the production of Madeira wine. Of its many brands, Blandy’s Madeira and Cossart Gordon are perhaps the most well- known. Blandy’s is internationally recognised for its unique quality and taste, overseen by MWC’s winemaker Francisco Albuquerque, and exports to more than 40 countries. Cossart Gordon wines are fruity, crisp and elegant, and available in mostly traditional Madeira wine markets. Chris Blandy, the seventh generation family member to live and work on the island, and CEO of the company, believes that his family’s continuing commitment to reserving stocks of old wine for future generations has allowed them to remain the island’s most important producer of quality Madeiras. The company has already been named Portuguese Producer of the Year at the IWSC on two occasions, 2009 and 2010. So what does the future hold for the Madeira Wine Company? Chris Blandy puts it simply: “The quality of the wines that we are producing today have helped reignite the interest in these historic wines. “I never lose sight of what is the main goal of the Madeira Wine Company, which is to leave the company in a better position for the next generation.”
HARVEYS Often credited with creating a new category of Sherry single-handed, Harveys Bristol Cream started life in 1796, when William Perry opened a wine shop in Bristol. Importing most of his wines from Spain, Perry used his medieval cellars to store his wines, all the while strengthening his links with the Iberian peninsula. In 1846 Perry’s three eldest sons, John, Edward and Charles, joined the business and set about perfecting a new blend of Sherry named Bristol Milk, a rich dark Sherry. It was an aristocratic lady visiting the cellar at the time who proclaimed, “If that is milk, then this is cream”, prompting the creation of a brand name that would continue to grow in strength for the next century. Bristol Cream was registered as a trademark in 1882. The company, now trading under the name John Harvey and Sons, was granted a royal warrant as supplier of fine wine to Queen Victoria in 1895, which continued until 2008 when the company’s warrant was renamed to “Sherries supplier”. It wasn’t until 1970 that Harvey’s was able to purchase a vineyard, winery and bottling facility in Jerez de la Frontera in southern Spain, where its production continues to this day. While the brand was founded on its flagship product, Harveys Bristol Cream, the brand produces a full range of Sherry styles including an amontillado, fino, pale cream, and a range of VORS (Very Old Rare Sherries), which includes an amontillado, palo cortado, oloroso and Pedro Ximénez. The brand recently made a push on Sherry cocktails, hosting its Harveys Sherry Remix cocktail competition at its bodega in Jerez with the aim of discovering a recipe that would allow consumers to enjoy Sherry in a new and exciting way.
Portuguese Wine Producer shortlist
Madeira Wine Company Sogevinus Fine Wines JH Andresen Sucrs Lda Adega Cooperativa do Cartaxo CRL Symington Family Estates
IWSC Report 2015
Sherry Producer shortlist Bodegas Williams & Humberts Emilio Lustau SA Harveys
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SOUTH AFRICAN WINE PRODUCER OF THE YEAR TROPHY, SUPPORTED BY DAVE HUGHES: KANONKOP WINE ESTATE Kanonkop Estate has been described by those in the know as being the South African equivalent of a premier cru or First Growth. International awards accumulated over more than a decade have gone a long way to help substantiate these claims. Kanonkop is a fourth-generation family estate, which was originally purchased by JW Sauer, a cabinet minister in the parliament of the Union of South Africa. His son, Paul Oliver Sauer, also a cabinet minister, took over the reins from his father and was joined by Springbok rugby great, Jan ‘Boland’ Coetzee. Mary Sauer, daughter of Paul Sauer, inherited the estate. She married Jannie Krige, a rugby administrator at the University of Stellenbosch, who took early retirement and together with Coetzee made their first estate bottled wines in 1973. Beyers Truter joined the estate in 1980, with the departure of Coetzee, and together with Johann and Paul continued the traditions developed on this highly prized estate. The cellar is currently led by Abrie Beeslaar, who joined the team in 2002, and took over the reins from Beyers Truter in 2003. The estate is situated on 125 hectares, of which 100 are planted with a mixture of Pinotage, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Cabernet Franc. Besides the solid foundation on which the estate’s winemaking principles are based, it is also blessed with ideal soils, cool sea breezes and long summer days, creating the perfect climate for growing grapes.
SPANISH WINE PRODUCER OF THE YEAR TROPHY: CVNE CVNE, or to give it its full name, Compañía Vinicola del Norte de España (The Northern Spanish Wine Company) was established in 1879 in Rioja. The company was set up by two brothers, Eusebio and Raimundo Real de Asúa, keen to capitalise on the flourishing new trade in wine. CVNE is based in Haro in the heart of the Rioja Alta wine region, where historically some of the oldest wineries established themselves in order to benefit from the ease of transport via rail to the port of Bilbao. By 1900, the winery had an extraordinary ageing capacity of 80,000 bottles, which was most unusual at the time, as most wineries sold their wines as soon as possible. CVNE is still controlled by the direct descendants of the founding family. Now in its fifth generation, the company has been listed on the Madrid stock exchange since 1997. It farms half of its own grapes, with the other half purchased from long-term growers. Its portfolio is made up of five distinct ranges representing different regions and traditions of Rioja: Buenas Dias, Monopole, Cune, Viña Real and Contino. The original name for its Cune wine, the first produced by CVNE, was intended to have been CVNE. However an early misspelling meant it would forever be known as Cune. The producer operates three wineries in the region – Cune, Viña Real and Contino – giving winemakers control over quality from vineyard to bottle.
South African Wine Producer shortlist
Spanish Wine Producer shortlist
Jordan Wines Kanonkop Wine Estate Uva Mira Mountain Vineyards Stellenrust Wines Glen Carlou Vineyards KWV The Mentors Nederburg Wines
Valduero Societa Cooperativa CVNE Bodegas Valdemar SA Bodegas Baron de Ley Bodegas Ramón Bilbao Araex Rioja Alavesa SL
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ACCOLADE WINES USA Drawing on the proud heritage of Hardys, one of the first wineries established in Australia over 160 years ago, Accolade Wines has matured into a global wine company whose brands now sell in more than 100 countries. Based in Napa, California, Accolade Wines North America began with the purchase of the Geyser Peak Winery, XYZin and Atlas Peak brands in June 2012. Today, led by managing director Tim Matz, Accolade Wines North America is responsible for the sales, marketing and distribution of some of the world’s best-known wine brands, including Hardys, Banrock Station, Tintara and Whiskers Blake Port, throughout the US. Growing its North American presence has been a key focus of Accolade Wines, which earlier this year appointed MJ Loza, its former head of New Zealand operations, as its new general manager for North America. Mr Loza’s appointment was made to support Accolade Wines’ strategic goal to maximise New Zealand brand growth opportunities in the North American market. Accolade Wines’ wider portfolio includes Grant Burge Wines (Australia), acquired earlier this year, Flagstone and Kumala (South Africa), Mud House (New Zealand) and Anakena (Chile), another recent acquisition, among others.
CHIVAS BROTHERS Chivas Brothers is the Scotch whisky and premium gin business of Pernod Ricard, the world’s second-biggest wine and spirits group. Its portfolio features some of the world’s most revered Scotch whisky brands, including luxury blended whisky Chivas Regal, Ballantine’s, The Glenlivet and Royal Salute. The Chivas Brothers portfolio also includes two of the world’s leading English gins – Beefeater and Plymouth – and a selection of smaller scale single malt whiskies, including Aberlour, Longmorn, Scapa, Strathisla and Tormore. The Chivas range is completed by an extensive collection of blended Scotch whiskies – 100 Pipers, Clan Campbell, Something Special and Passport Scotch. Earlier this year the group confirmed plans to “significantly” increase production capacity of The Glenlivet brand, which recently celebrated hitting annual case sales of 1 million. In June the group officially opened its new £25 million Dalmunach Distillery in Speyside as part of a plan to increase its malt whisky capacity by 17%. More recently, Chivas Brothers launched Ballantine’s Hard Fired – a “subtly smoky” blended Scotch expression created using a “bespoke” cask charring process. The history of Chivas Brothers can be traced back to a grocery store established in Aberdeen in 1801 by James Chivas, and his business partner Charles Stewart. Having built a reputation for supplying fine malt whiskies, the pair were awarded a number of royal warrants by Queen Victoria to supply whisky to the royal household. The brand entered a new era of innovation and growth in 2001 when it was bought by Pernod Ricard.
US Wine Producer shortlist
Delicato Family Vineyards Paul Hobbs Wines Ste Michelle Wine Estates Treasury Wine Estates USA Accolade Wines USA Francis Ford Coppola Winery
IWSC Report 2015
International Spirits Producer shortlist
Beam Suntory La Martiniquaise Chivas Brothers William Grant & Sons Distillers Ltd
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WHYTE & MACKAY DISTILLERS Whyte & Mackay was founded on the docks of Glasgow in 1844 by James Whyte and Charles Mackay, who had a mission to create a “truly Scottish blended whisky”. This partnership laid the foundations for extraordinary growth over the next century, with the company now known for producing and distributing some of the most highly respected whisky and spirit brands. The company’s multi award-winning portfolio includes its flagship Whyte & Mackay Blended Whisky, The Dalmore Highland Single Malt, Jura Single Malt Scotch Whisky, Fettercairn, Glayva Liqueur and Mackinlay’s. The company also distributes Flor de Caña rum and RumChata in the UK. At the heart of Whyte & Mackay’s business is “a passion to create unique products that have craftsmanship, provenance, innovation and quality at their core”. Demonstrating the experience at the heart of the company, in September 2015 Whyte & Mackay’s master distiller Richard Paterson celebrated 45 years in the whisky industry, having begun his illustrious career at Whyte & Mackay at the age of just 26. Paterson has been responsible for creating some of the world’s most iconic whiskies such as The Dalmore Trinitas, Mackinlay’s Shackleton blend and the flagship Whyte & Mackay Blended Scotch. Whyte & Mackay operates in the heart of Glasgow, where it has been for more than 170 years. The company employs more than 470 people across the country and owns five distilleries together with a state-of-the-art bottling plant.
LOUIS ROYER SAS Louis Royer is the story of a French family and the evolution of considerable expertise over the course of 150 years of brandymaking in the heart of Cognac. Famous for its bee emblem (Monsieur Royer was a bee enthusiast), Louis Royer has long been held in high esteem by professionals in the trade, thanks to the exceptional quality of its products. Its consistent style and quality have left their mark on the brand over the course of its illustrious history. A cellar master by trade, Louis Royer was only 25 when he founded his own Cognac company in 1853 with the stock of fine eaux-de-vie he had made. Royer travelled the world with his products and became one of the first suppliers to Scandinavia, in particular Sweden. His hard work and vision enabled him to very rapidly build up a company of international standing. “Balance, harmony, elegance, originality, authenticity, expressiveness and generosity” all define the character of Louis Royer Cognacs. They all possess a strong and singular personality, long recognised by the most reputable professionals. Even the youngest Louis Royer Cognacs offer exceptional richness. In July 2015 the company was bought by France-based Terroirs Distillers from Beam Suntory for a reported €100 million.
UK Spirits Producer shortlist
The Glenmorangie Company John Dewar & Sons Ltd Diageo The Benriach Distillery Company International Beverage Whyte & Mackay Distillers Ltd
European Spirits Producer shortlist
Bas Armagnac Dartigalongue Louis Royer SAS Teeling Whiskey Company Antiche Distillerie Riunite SRL Château du Tariquet SCV Irish Distillers Arcus AS
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DISTELL The modern-day Distell was formed from a merger in 2000 between the Stellenbosch Farmers’ Winery and the Distillers Corporation, which dates back to 1945. Conceived by Dr Anton Rupert, the company has been a longtime champion of brandy. The corporation has also become well known for its ‘Bergkelder’ concept, which invites wineries to make use not only of the South African distiller’s bottling facilities, but also its sales and marketing expertise. Distell is also responsible for the creation of African liqueur Amarula and a range of cider, RTDs and wine brands including Nederburg, Durbanville Hills, Fleur du Cap and Pongracz. In 2013 it acquired Scotch whisky producer Burn Stewart Distilleries in a £160 million deal, bringing Bunnahabhain, Tobermory, Deanston and Black Bottle brands into its portfolio in a £160 million deal. This followed its purchase of Cognac brand House of Bisquit from Pernod Ricard in 2009. The same year, Distell launched its single grain Bain’s Cape Mountain Whisky – South Africa’s first and only 100% single-grain whisky. While remaining firmly rooted in Africa, Distell is rapidly developing an international scope. In October the company announced a “step change” in its strategy that will see it push for further growth in international markets and upgrade its investment programme.
SAZERAC Sazerac is one of New Orleans’ oldest family-owned distillers, and is responsible for some of America’s best-known brands. In 1869, Thomas H. Handy purchased the Sazerac Coffeehouse in the city and began to acquire and market brands of liquor. He bought out the rights to Peychaud’s Bitters in 1873 and in the 1890s his company began to bottle and market the Sazerac cocktail. In addition, the company operated the Sazerac Bar on Royal Street. Later, Handy’s former secretary, CJ O’Reilly, chartered the Sazerac Company. Ever since (except for a stint as a delicatessen and grocery vendor during Prohibition), the Sazerac Company has distilled an ever-increasing line of spirits. Today, the company owns a number of America’s most famous distilleries including Buffalo Trace Distillery, A Smith Bowman Distillery, Barton 1792 Distillery, Glenmore Distillery, Fleischmann, Medley and Mr Boston. Its brands include Buffalo Trace, Fireball Cinnamon Whisky, Pappy Van Winkle, Peychaud’s Bitters, EH Taylor, Elmer T Lee among others. During the last year, the company has completed several expansions at its Buffalo Trace Distillery, including the construction of a new state-of-the-art distribution centre, the expansion of its visitor centre, the restoration of a historic home on the property called the Old Taylor House, and the purchase of 300 acres of farm land adjacent to the distillery for growing its own grains and producing a single-estate bourbon. Most recently, Sazerac purchased Michael Collins Irish Whiskey from Eagle Sellers’ Rep, LLC.
African Spirits Producer shortlist
Americas & Caribbean Spirits Producer shortlist
KWV SA Distell Edward Snell and Company
IWSC Report 2015
Jim Beam Brands Co Sazerac Company Inc (inc Blantons) Triple Eight Distillery Westland Distillery Demerara Distillery Grenada Distillers Limited
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ASIA PACIFIC SPIRITS PRODUCER OF THE YEAR TROPHY: KAVALAN DISTILLERY Kavalan, the only family-owned whisky distillery based in north-east Taiwan, is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year, having been founded in 2005. Kavalan, the old name of the Yi-Lan district where the distillery is located, is considered the most ideal environment for the production of whisky on the subtropical island. By harnessing the natural heat of the climate in combination with quality casks selected from around the world, Kavalan has been successful in producing various expressions of its award-winning Taiwanese single malt whisky. The most famous is probably its single cask strength Solist Vinho Barrique, which won a Gold medal in this year’s IWSC competition, and was named the World’s Best Single Malt Whisky in the 2015 World Whiskies Awards. The distillery itself has also been recognised by the IWSC in the past, winning the Asia Pacific Spirit Producer of the Year award three times in a row in 2011, 2012 and 2013. Kavalan is currently implementing a two-year expansion plan to increase its production, following completion of its second five-floor maturation warehouse, installation of an additional mash tun and copper pot stills to cope with and prepare for growing global demand for its whisky. Visitors are welcomed to its facility, which claims to be the only whisky distillery in the world that attracts over one million visitors every year.
Asia Pacific Spirits Producer shortlist
Kavalan Distillery Rubis International Nishi Sake Brewing Great Southern Distilling Company AOW
BOUTIQUE DISTILLER OF THE YEAR TROPHY: HERNÖ GIN Sweden’s first dedicated gin distillery, and the world’s most northerly, Hernö Gin has witnessed extraordinary growth in the past three years. Established in 2011, the distillery last year quadrupled its production capacity to cope with demand, investing SEK2.5 million (£216,000) in expanding its distillery and building a new visitors’ centre. Based in the village of Dala just outside the city of Härnösand in the province of Angermanland, Hernö produces craft expressions aimed at “gin enthusiasts”. All of its expressions are produced using eight botanicals sourced from around the world, including Swedish Lingonberries, cassia from Indonesia, vanilla from Madagascar and juniper berries from Hungry. The distillery currently produces four expressions; a London Dry Gin, Old Tom gin, 57% ABV navy strength gin and a juniper cask-aged gin. Hernö is one of a growing number of distillers producing cask-aged gins as a way of experimenting with the spirit. The niche category has expanded rapidly in recent years from just one or two to around 50 in the last six years. While ex-Bourbon casks are the vessel of choice for most, Hernö uses casks made from the juniper tree, which master distiller Jon Hillgren believes carries more flavour than oak. The small casks hold less than 40 litres, with the gin left to mature for 30 days before being bottled at 47% ABV. Launched in 2013, Hernö’s juniper cask-aged gin was the first of its kind in the world.
Boutique Distiller shortlist
Spirit of the Lakes Praban Na Linne Ltd – The Gaelic Whiskies Manoir d’Apreval La Gabare SA Hernö Gin
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national producers Sponsor: Vinimpo
Sponsor: Dave Hughes
Sponsor: The Vintners’ Company
Vinimpo is a “small enough to care, large enough to cope” wine agency and importer working with a handful of family-owned producers solely from Europe. This focus allows us to bring a depth of knowledge and expertise often only found in companies of a much larger size. Through the dedication and commitment to quality and specific countries, Vinimpo has successfully expanded into other markets outside the UK. CONTACT: Joseph Minerva, Vinimpo (UK), 45 Waverley Road, Weybridge, Surrey KT13 8UT Tel: +44 (0)1932 827150 Mob: +44 7710 316966 Email: jm@vinimpo.co.uk Website: www.vinimpo.com
I am a distiller by trade, a winemaker by passion and spend my time judging wines and spirits around the world. I also write about drink, travel and food, and I am involved in alcohol-related education. Being married to a grape grower, I tend to get involved in the upgrading of South African vineyards and the ongoing quest to improve the quality of South African wine. CONTACT: Dave Hughes, Box 7191, Stellenbosch, 7130 South Africa Tel: +27 218652173 Email: hughesd@iafrica.com
The Vintners’ Company is one of the 12 great livery companies of the City of London and one of the oldest, with its first charter being written in 1363. Its origins are rooted in the import, regulation and sale of wine, and while the company’s principal focus is now charitable, it continues to maintain strong links with the UK Wine Trade to this day. Vintners’ Hall known as the wine trade’s “spiritual home”. CONTACT: Vintners' Hall, 68 Upper Thames St, London EC4V 3BG
Sponsor: Wines of Argentina Wines of Argentina is the organisation established to promote the Argentine wine brand and image worldwide. Its aim is to position Argentina as one of the premier wine exporting countries and contribute to the global success of the Argentine wine industry by enhancing its positive image both within the wine trade and among consumers. CONTACT: Wines of Argentina, Paseo Sarmiento 212 2°B 5500, Mendoza, Argentina Tel: +54 261 4235346
IWSC report 2015
Dave Hughes
Sponsor: Hellmann Beverage Logistics Hellmann Beverage Logistics is the industry solution of Hellmann Worldwide Logistics. Founded in 1871 in Osnabrück, Germany, today it remains in the fourth generation of family ownership operating within its own network from 445 locations in 157 countries. Hellmann Beverage Logistics offers total end-to-end logistics solutions to all sectors of the beverage industry, from the shipment of a single case to a 24,000 litre flexitank. Hellmann Beverage Logistics prides itself in being able to provide logistics across all modes in air, ocean, rail, land and warehousing including temperature-controlled. CONTACT: David Scace, global director david.scace@hellmann.net
Sponsor: Vini del Trentino The Vini del Trentino consortium is a non-profit association of producers, created to safeguard Trentino wines. The consortium safeguards and fosters the region’s numerous DOC and IGT classified wines. Its membership exceeds 120, representing around 7,500 producers. Trentino is the most important mountain viticulture area in Italy – and indeed Europe, thanks to its 10,000 hectares of vineyard, which produce more than 120,000 tonnes of grapes that later become 800,000 hectolitres of fine wine. Today, DOC wines represent 90% of these vineyards. CONTACT: info@vinideltrentino.com
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product trophies
o f t h e i r ow n From Champagne to Cognac and Shiraz to Scotch, this select group of wines and spirits have been judged to be the very best example of their category
THE VINTAGE CHAMPAGNE TROPHY CHAMPAGNE CHARLES HEIDSIECK BLANC DES MILLÉNAIRES MILLÉSIMÉ 1995 CHAMPAGNE CHARLES HEIDSIECK FRANCE Pale gold with silvery streaming bubbles. The nose is arresting with stunning freshness and notes of acacia flowers, lemon blossom, sweet pastry aromas, hints of honey, crushed nuts and a gentle whiff of truffle.
THE PROSECCO TROPHY LA RIVA DEI FRATI VALDOBBIADENE PROSECCO SUPERIORE DOCG CARTIZZE 2014 LA RIVA DEI FRATI SAS ITALY Fragrant flowers like acacia and magnolia overlaid with pear skin seduce your nose, while the long-lasting creamy mousse clings in your mouth while the zesty acidity lightens and refreshes the palate. All combine to give a great example of Prosecco. Delightful.
THE CHAMPAGNE NV TROPHY, SPONSORED BY THE LONDON WINE FAIR LE BRUN DE NEUVILLE LADY DE N CUVÉE CHARDONNAY NV CHAMPAGNE LE BRUN DE NEUVILLE FRANCE Fragrant blossom notes mingle with brioche and lemon posset aromas. The palate is wonderfully expressive yet controlled, concentration with finesse and elegance which remains taut all through the length of the extended finish.
THE BOTTLE FERMENTED SPARKLING WINE TROPHY, SUPPORTED BY DENBIES WINE ESTATE ARRAS EJ CARR LATE DISGORGED 2002 HOUSE OF ARRAS AUSTRALIA Pale golden in colour with silvery hues and fast moving bubbles. The nose exhibits pure aromas of lemon biscuit, shaved apple and raspberry coulis combined with intense toasty, autolytic characters. A burst of lively mousse precedes its flavour profile, which shows amazing youthfulness, with some secondary characters beginning to emerge.
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THE SAUVIGNON BLANC TROPHY RAPAURA SPRINGS MARLBOROUGH SAUVIGNON BLANC 2015 RAPAURA SPRINGS NEW ZEALAND Pomelo, passion fruit, tomato leaf flavours which change mid-palate to reveal a smoky, flinty element. A complex wine that delivers a tight yet broad spectrum of wonderful flavours and textures.
THE CHARDONNAY TROPHY, SPONSORED BY MISSION HILL WINERY JORDAN NINE YARDS CHARDONNAY 2013 JORDAN WINE ESTATES SOUTH AFRICA Nose is packed with notes of butterscotch, cloves, lime and lemon with a gorgeous floral backing, all in a great oak cradle. Full and rich in every way with a long fruity finish where ripe peach and toasty oak have the last say. Beautiful now but cries out to be allowed to develop over six to eight years or more.
IWSC Report 2015
THE CHENIN BLANC TROPHY SUPPORTED BY WINE EXTRA THE FMC 2013 KEN FORRESTER WINES SOUTH AFRICA Bright gold in colour with notes of ripe apricot, honey, fynbos, yeast and fine oak on the nose, alongside floral notes of white flowers and honeysuckle. All repeats in the mouth with deep, rich flavours on a great oak platform. Beautifully balanced with a long, extended finish. Good now but will develop with magnificence over four to six years or more.
THE RIESLING TROPHY, SUPPORTED BY JANCISROBINSON.COM PAUL CLUVER FERRICRETE RIESLING 2014 PAUL CLUVER WINE ESTATE SOUTH AFRICA Super-fresh nose with lime and honeysuckle backed up by floral notes. Fresh and crisp in the mouth with a range of citrus flavours in gentle array balanced by a sweetness that is smoothing rather than sweet. A welldefined, classic Riesling. Beautiful now yet loads of potential to develop over many years.
THE SEMILLON TROPHY MCGUIGAN BIN 9000 SEMILLON 2006 AUSTRALIAN VINTAGE AUSTRALIA Pale lemon-gold in colour with aromas of lemon sherbet and curd which give it a fresh zesty lift. Excellent concentration in the mouth, the age just softening up the finish and giving a toasty richness that beautifully complements the lemon fruit character.
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product trophies THE PINOT NOIR TROPHY CROWN RANGE CELLAR SIGNATURE SELECTION GRANT TAYLOR PINOT NOIR 2013 CROWN RANGE CELLAR LIMITED NEW ZEALAND Amazingly complex and layered nose with notes of tar and roses, pepper, cedar, summer pudding, a whiff of hung game and hot metal, with an elusive chocolate and truffle note. The mouthfeel is beguiling – rich, ripe and velvety but with tension and grip. The tannins are firm and sinewy and showcase the dark beauty of the fruit and spice. A real treasure chest of a wine.
THE SHIRAZ/SYRAH TROPHY RON THORN SHIRAZ 2012 THORN-CLARKE WINES AUSTRALIA An extremely big, bold and full-bodied wine packed with ripe unctuous fruit and highquality vanilla-spiced oak. All of this is beautifully balanced and structured by the compact, ripe, forthright tannins and sufficient minty-fresh acidity. The mouthfeel is lush and sensuous. The finish is endless – a very complete and delicious wine.
THE BLENDED RED WINE TROPHY TERRANOBLE LAHUEN ROJO 2012 VIÑA TERRANOBLE CHILE Complex aromas of rosehips, redcurrant, cassis, tobacco, sandalwood, orange peel and smoke. Outstanding ripeness in the mouth with clean, fresh and concentrated lashings of fruit and complexity as per the nose. The tannic structure is wonderful, combining oak and tannins, perfectly giving superb structure and balance. A wonderful wine to grace any cellar.
THE MALBEC TROPHY BODEGA NAVARRO CORREAS SELECCIÓN DEL ENÓLOGO MALBEC SINGLE VINEYARD 2012 BODEGA NAVARRO CORREAS ARGENTINA Marvellous, complex nose infused with cloves, mint and smoke. Excellent use of new oak to enhance bouquet and palate. Massive concentration, palate-coating yet supple with a lavish, rich flavour coming in waves and which is very longlasting. Mellow, rich and savoury on the palate, laced with quinine and slightly peppery.
THE ABRAHAM PEROLD TROPHY FOR PINOTAGE, SPONSORED BY THE PINOTAGE ASSOCIATION KANONKOP PINOTAGE 2012 KANONKOP WINE ESTATE SOUTH AFRICA Opaque in colour with a tight, grainy purple rim. Nose abounds with ripe red fruit, including plum. Ripe banana and some attractive earthy notes. Beautifully defined with great structure and balance. Careful oaking, supple tannins and a long, fruity finish. Very attractive now but will benefit from some patient ageing.
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THE WARREN WINIARSKI TROPHY FOR CABERNET SAUVIGNON, SPONSORED BY ARCADIA VINEYARDS ROBERT MONDAVI TO KALON VINEYARD CABERNET SAUVIGNON RESERVE 2011 CONSELLATION WINES INTERNATIONAL USA Aromas of ripe plum, blackberry and cassis, carressed by malty vanillin oak, waft from the glass. Fleshy and rich in the mouth, smooth chocolate tannins and lots of power. This is a statement wine for the vintage.
THE INTERNATIONAL INDIGENOUS GRAPE VARIETIES TROPHY AMARONE DELLA VALPOLICELLA DOCG CLASSICO RISERVA MONTEFANTE 2010 AZIENDA VINICOLA FARINA SRL ITALY Tawny appearance with expressive aromas of game, dried herbs and cloves. Fine, silky tannins with pronounced flavours of sweet spice, coffee and black cherry compote. Savoury, layered palate that is just opening up. Stunning example.
IWSC Report 2015
THE RIOJA TROPHY, SPONSORED BY WINES FROM RIOJA IMPERIAL RIOJA GRAN RESERVA 2008 CVNE SPAIN Dense core of black cherry and bramble with well-integrated notes of spicy oak. A dry, powerful wine with superb fruit concentration of flavour supported by linen-textured tannins, fresh acidity, delightful persistence across the midpalate and vanilla oak held in balance. Long, elegant finish. This wine has the ability to age well while holding flavour.
THE SHERRY TROPHY HARVEYS PALO CORTADO 30 YO VORS HARVEYS SPAIN Deep amber colour with intense orange zest and nuts on the nose, with a sandalwood overlay. Medium-dry with notes of summer fruits and citrus zest, toasty oak, spice and leather. Crisp acidity and a long, haunting finish. Beautiful balance and fantastic complexity. Exceptional example with the ability to age well while holding flavour.
THE CARMENÈRE TROPHY SIBARIS CARMENÈRE 2013 VIÑA UNDURRAGA SA CHILE Deep red in colour with a tiny orange rim. Crushed red berries with cassis, dried flowers and herbs on the nose. In the mouth, spice notes interact with very forward-fruit flavours. There is a layer of earthy minerality and smoky, incense-like nuances. The wine displays lifted, high-toned fruit and complex depths within a broad, succulent palate.
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product trophies THE GRÜNER VELTLINER TROPHY WEINGUT TÜRK GRÜNER VELTLINER KREMSER FRECHAU 2013 WEINGUT TÜRK AUSTRIA Light yellow-green in colour with golden flecks. An arresting nose. Chalky, herby, spiced fruits give way to apple and unripe peach, a dash of dill and white pepper. This wine is bold in the mouth, fabulously complex with a cornucopia of flavours that should clash but do not. A streak of tannin lends weight and the acidity is superb, giving a vibrant freshness in the mouth. The finish warms and lasts fantastically.
THE MERLOT TROPHY H3 MERLOT 2012 COLUMBIA CREST WINERY USA Deep red in colour with youthful purple glints. Juicy dark plums with sweet spices and a splash of kirsch. Gorgeously smooth in the mouth with supple tannins that are perfectly ripe and persistent, lending a lovely platform for the fruit characters to be displayed. Long, fine finish.
THE FORTIFIED WINE (WORLDWIDE) TROPHY HARDYS RARE MUSCAT 20 YO HARDYS (ACCOLADE) AUSTRALIA Incredible nose with notes of gingerbread, molasses, Christmas spices and treacle. Unctuous and syrupy in the mouth, where a smoky element appears and some lovely rancio characters join with dried fruits and membrillo, with some benign bitterness. To sip and savour and enjoy.
THE MADEIRA WINE TROPHY LEACOCK’S BUAL 1966 LEACOCKS PORTUGAL Chocolate-brown in colour. Packed with aromas of raisins, butterscotch and vanilla. Mouth-filling concentrated flavours of maple syrup, figs, caramel and sugared walnuts. Sweet but with a streak of acid verve. Beautifully balanced with an endless finish and lovely complexity.
THE DESSERT WINE TROPHY STREWN VIDAL ICEWINE 2011 STREWN ESTATE WINERY CANADA Gold in colour with aromas of melons and a touch of lemon drops. Nose of mango, dried peaches and ginger. The palate shows a backbone of acidity combined with orange peel, a touch of pineapple and finishes with burnt sugar.
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THE PORT WINE TROPHY ANDRESEN PORTO COLHEITA 1991 JH ANDRESEN SUCRS LDA PORTUGAL Pale mahogany in colour with perfumed aromas of walnuts, clove and nutmeg. Each sniff brings another scent. Elegant palate that seamlessly integrates its sweetness with a fresh acidity, high alcohol and silky sensuous body. Long and lingering on the palate, with a finish that gradually fades away. A contemplation wine.
THE SHOCHU TROPHY SHASHARAKURAKU NISHI SAKE BREWING CO JAPAN Crisp and fresh, this sake has been beautifully distilled to perfection. Elegant and refined with radiant facets of unashamed delight and luxury.
THE VODKA TROPHY OGILVY SCOTTISH POTATO VODKA OGILVY SPIRITS SCOTLAND Big, powerful aromatic nose with intense creamy flavours that fill the mouth with a softness that slides over the tongue and warms the palate with absolutely no burn. Smooth, soft intense flavours of butterscotch and a sweetness that encourages this spirit to be drunk neat, but would work equally well in a cocktail. An extremely well-deserved award.
THE TEQUILA TROPHY, SUPPORTED BY THE SPIRITS OF MEXICO FESTIVAL EL TESORO PLATINUM TEQUILA EL TESORO TEQUILA MEXICO Extremely fresh, forward and focussed on the nose with precise typicity and a crunchy freshness. Zesty citrus and vegetal flavours come forth on a racy palate that is full of energy and flavour. Herbal and minerally on the finish which is persistent and with length.
THE FRUIT SPIRITS (DISTILLED) TROPHY, SUPPORTED BY ARTHUR NĂ„GELE GE MASSENEZ EAU DE VIE DE FRAMBOISE SAUVAGE VRP GRANDES DISTILLERIES PEUREUX FRANCE Distinct, fresh, fruity, ripe raspberries on the nose. Delicate delivery in the mouth with clean, clear flavours. Light across the palate with good texture and balance. Light but lively finish where the berries are in full evidence.
IWSC Report 2015
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product trophies THE LONDON DRY GIN TROPHY, SPONSORED BY THE GIN GUILD CARLTON CLUB LONDON DISTILLED GIN LONDON & SCOTTISH INTERNATIONAL LTD UK Aromas of alpine forest, lively green pine and leafy herbs. Big, bold and robust flavours with brilliant juicy juniper followed by smooth woody spice and clean citrus notes, leading to a strong, lingering finish.
THE CONTEMPORARY GIN TROPHY, SPONSORED BY THE GIN GUILD HERNÖ JUNIPER CASK GIN HERNÖ GIN AB SWEDEN Fantastic flavours on the palate with deep woody notes and bright juniper.
THE LIQUEUR TROPHY SUPERCASSIS VEDRENNE PAGÈS VEDRENNE FRANCE Rich, ripe ruby with a glowing edge. Nose tightly packed with fresh, ripe cassis. Intense and concentrated. Thick and viscous, and totally focussed on cassis in every way. Dense concentration to the very end. Wonderful product.
THE COGNAC TROPHY CLUB CIGARE XO GRANDE CHAMPAGNE SARL HAWKINS DISTRIBUTION FRANCE Nose filled with mature notes of dried fruit, prunes and dark chocolate. Firm and full entry into the mouth with good distribution of flavour across the palate and some rich spice joining the fruity elements. Cinnamon and cloves bring extra richness. Long finish.
THE WORLDWIDE BRANDY TROPHY, SPONSORED BY DISTELL VAN RYN’S DISTILLER’S RESERVE 12 YO DISTELL SOUTH AFRICA Delicate nose with fragrant aromas becoming richer and more powerful in the glass. Ripe stone fruits with hints of prune, sweet vanilla and oak. Great balance of maturity with more youthful characteristics. Rich, round mouth packed with fruit and spice. Powerful yet gentle with a long, fruit-driven finish.
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THE TROPHY FOR BLENDED SCOTCH WHISKY, SPONSORED BY WILLIAM GRANT & SONS BALLANTINE’S 30 YO CHIVAS BROTHERS SCOTLAND Honey and spice dominate the nose, followed by brown sugar and vanilla with a strong floral backing. Rich and deep in the mouth with elegance and stature, and a satin-smooth texture. Beautifully balanced with fine old oak support. Cloves come fully into focus as it moves in a creamy flow towards a long finish.
THE TROPHY FOR SINGLE MALT SCOTCH WHISKY (OVER 15 YO) GLENFIDDICH SPEYSIDE SINGLE MALT SCOTCH WHISKY 21YO WILLIAM GRANT & SONS SCOTLAND Rich nose with dark berry fruits and malt with some very prominent notes of brown sugar and toffee. Smooth entry and silky flow with keen texture, wellrounded mouth with layers of barley, malt, vanilla and cinnamon. Good oak support and some shortbread and fudge help to give a sweetness and richness, yet ends with a mature character and very dry.
IWSC Report 2015
THE TROPHY FOR SINGLE MALT SCOTCH WHISKY (15 YO & UNDER) BOWMORE TEMPEST SINGLE MALT SCOTCH WHISKY ISLAY 10 YO BEAM SUNTORY SCOTLAND Beautifully clean aromas of linseed oil and flax, overlaid with a cocktail of summer fruits from blackcurrants to peaches. Wrap yourself in its long, soothing finish.
THE TROPHY FOR CASK STRENGTH SCOTCH WHISKY, SPONSORED BY WHYTE & MACKAY ARDBEG UIGEADAIL ISLAY SINGLE MALT SCOTCH WHISKY THE GLENMORANGIE COMPANY SCOTLAND Rich and full with an avalanche of flavours of freshly-baked warm bread, moist walnut cask, ripe bananas and gentle whispers of bonfire smoke. A gentle giant.
THE TROPHY FOR SINGLE MALT SCOTCH WHISKY (NO AGE STATEMENT), SUPPORTED BY THE WHISKY LOUNGE SAINSBURY’S TASTE THE DIFFERENCE HIGHLAND SINGLE MALT SCOTCH WHISKY WHYTE & MACKAY / SAINSBURY’S SCOTLAND Impressive nose with delicate floral, ripe peach, pear, some apple and light tropical notes. Rich and elegant in the mouth with flavours of fruit cake and light golden syrup. Marzipan makes an appearance along with raisins and citrus. Long, mellow finish.
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product trophies THE RUM TROPHY EL DORADO RUM 12 YO DEMERARA DISTILLERS GUYANA Deep and golden in colour and complex nose with notes of prune, raisin, honey, clove and nutmeg. Full but elegant entry into the mouth where layers of flavour follow the nose with the addition of treacle and old marmalade. Super-smooth and soft in the mouth with great density and a silky flow. Some ripe, tropical flavours appear as does a light oak note. Long and pleasing finish.
THE WORLDWIDE WHISKEY TROPHY, SUPPORTED BY WHISKIES OF THE WORLD THREE SHIPS SINGLE MALT WHISKEY 10 YO DISTELL SOUTH AFRICA Utterly sophisticated with malt aromas that carry through to the equally sophisticated palate, which boasts floral and fruit characters with enticing smoky overtones.
THE POMACE BRANDY TROPHY GRAPPA LE GIARE GEWÜRZTRAMINER DISTILLERIA MARZADRO SPA ITALY Light, delicate, floral perfume on the nose. Ripe, sweet fruit in the mouth with some mature notes. Although aromas and flavours are delicate they are in perfect balance. Soft, well rounded finish.
THE BOURBON TROPHY BLANTON’S GOLD EDITION BOURBON WHISKEY BLANTON DISTILLING COMPANY USA Aromatic nose with strong notes of citrus and supporting oak, vanilla and honey. Firm impact in the mouth where an outpouring of flavour occurs flooding the palate with peach, apricot and pear along with chocolate, brown sugar and fudge. Rich and mellow with a smooth flow and texture. Long, full-flavoured finish. A great whiskey.
PACKAGING TROPHY (WHITE SPIRITS) CHALONG BAY FINE CANE SPIRIT RHUM AGRICOLE PREMIUM THAI BRANDS CO THAILAND Housed in a chunky clear bottle with a white label, judges were impressed by Chalong Bay’s strikingly simple and clean packaging. Produced on the island of Phuket in Thailand, the bottle is closed with a wooden stopper, tied at the neck with a piece of thinly twined rope and features handwritten text, emphasising its craft appeal.
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product trophies PACKAGING TROPHY (BROWN SPIRITS) TIMOROUS BEASTIE BLENDED MALT SCOTCH WHISKY DOUGLAS LAING & CO SCOTLAND A blend of Highland whiskies from distilleries such as Dalmore, Glen Garioch and Glengoyne, Timorous Beastie impressed judges with its striking black-and-white design featuring a cartoon mouse, an ironic nod to the Robert Burns poem To a Mouse, which begins “Wee, sleekit, cowran, tim’rous beastie”. Its point? This whisky, unlike the mouse, is anything but timid.
THE GIN AND TONIC TROPHY, SUPPORTED BY FEVER-TREE NAPUE GIN KYRÖ DISTILLERY COMPANY FINLAND Finland’s Napue Gin takes the inaugural Gin and Tonic trophy. It is a 46.3% ABV gin made with botanicals including meadowsweet, sea-buckthorn, cranberries and birch leaves.
THE BLOODY MARY TROPHY SUPPORTED BY BIG TOM VODROCK VODKA VODROCK UG GERMANY Germany’s Vodrock, a bison-grass vodka bottled at 40% ABV and made using organic ingredients, takes the inaugural Bloody Mary trophy. The Bloody Mary trophy recognises the vodka which best pairs with Big Tom tomato juice to make the ultimate Bloody Mary.
IWSC Report 2015
Sponsor: Distell As South Africa’s leading producer of brandies, many of them highly acclaimed for their excellence in the international arena, Distell is proud to sponsor the annual IWSC Worldwide Brandy trophy. This annual award provides many of the world’s pre-eminent brandy makers with the opportunity to benchmark themselves against each other in the constant pursuit of everhigher quality standards. South African producers are regular recipients of this award, lending credence to the contention of international brandy authorities that the country’s best examples are becoming the standard bearer for quality aged brandies produced outside the AOC regions of France. In addition to its brandy portfolio, Distell is also a major producer of award-winning wines, Cognac, Scotch whisky, South African whisky, other spirits, cider and RTDs. Employing over 5,000 people, the company operates from offices in London, New York, Sao Paolo and Singapore to support its network of agents in 78 countries. The company is a founding member of WIETA, the South African Wine Industry Ethical Trade Association. CONTACT: Distell, PO Box 184, Stellenbosch 7599, South Africa Tel: +27 21809 7000 Website: distell.co.za
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Sponsor: London Wine Fair
Supporter: Big Tom
Now firmly re-established at Olympia London, the London Wine Fair will take place for the 36th time from 3-5 May 2016. Widely recognised as one of the world’s leading professional wine events, the fair supports the trade at many levels. As a platform for debate, education and networking it’s second to none. But it’s as an opportunity for business that the fair really excels. Bringing together importers, producers, distributors and brand owners with buyers from the on- and off-trades, as well as from overseas import markets, the London Wine Fair sits at the very heart of the UK wine trade. CONTACT: Brintex Events, 32 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SW1V 2SS Tel: +44 (0) 20 7973 6401 Email: wine@hgluk.com
Part of premium fine pressed juice ranges of manufacturer James White Drinks, Big Tom Spiced Tomato Juice represented the company’s first step away from traditional English apple juices and into the adventurous world of vegetable juices. Big Tom guarantees a perfect Bloody Mary every time and is made from more than 20 ingredients from around the world. In 2002 Big Tom was awarded a prestigious Royal Warrant – a mark of recognition to people or companies that have supplied goods or services to certain members of the Royal Family for at least five years. CONTACT: James White Drinks Ltd, White's Fruit Farm, Helmingham Road, Ashbocking, Suffolk, IP6 9JS 3AY Tel: 01473 890111 Email: info@bigtom.co.uk
product trophies Supporter: Fever-Tree Fever-Tree is the world’s leading supplier of premium natural mixers for alcoholic spirits by retail sales value, with a distribution network covering over 50 countries. Based in the UK, the brand was launched in 2005 by Charles Rolls and Tim Warrillow to provide high-quality natural mixers to accompany the growing demand for premium spirits. The group now sells a range of 12 differentiated flavours to the on- and off-trade. Its range includes four variants of tonic water, a ginger ale and ginger beer and two variants of lemonade. CONTACT: The Plaza, 535 Kings Road, London, SW10 0SZ Tel: 0207 349 4922 Email: info@fever-tree.com
Supporter: Denbies Wine Estate Sponsor: William Grant & Sons William Grant & Sons is the world’s third-largest producer of Scotch whisky and distils some of the world’s leading brands including Glenfiddich, Grant’s blended Scotch whisky and The Balvenie, as well as other premium spirits including Hendrick’s gin, Sailor Jerry spiced rum, Drambuie and Tullamore Dew. The IWSC has firmly established itself as “the one to win”, which is why we are so delighted that Glenfiddich has won more medals than any other single malt this century. CONTACT: William Grant & Sons, Independence House, 84 Lower Mortlake Road, Richmond, TW9 2HS Tel: +44 (0) 20 8332 1188 Website: williamgrant.com
Denbies Wine Estate is the largest single estate vineyard in England. The 265-acre vineyard is situated on the North Downs, with their famous chalky soil, in a protected valley of south-facing slopes. Denbies’ wines have consistently won awards, both national and international, and are available from Denbies’ own shop, online and through trade sales. In recent years the IWSC has recognised the emergence of UK wine production as an innovative industry. Denbies will be celebrating its 30th anniversary in 2016. CONTACT: Denbies Wine Estate, London Road, Dorking, Surrey, RH5 6AA Tel: +44 (0) 1306 876 616 Website: denbies.co.uk
Supporter: The Whisky Lounge The aim of The Whisky Lounge is “to turn everyone on to whisky”. The Whisky Lounge is about breaking down barriers, myths and legends while promoting the understanding that whisky is a historical and iconic product of almost alchemic origins. Through its events and activities, its aim is to entertain, educate and delight those involved. CONTACT: The Whisky Lounge, Unit 3, 61A, Osbaldwick Lane, York, YO10 3AY Tel: 01904 410 841 Email: info@thewhiskylounge.com
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product trophies Supporter: The Spirits of Mexico Launched in 2002, The Spirits of Mexico (SoM) is the premier spirits competition in North America for agave-based and other spirits produced in Mexico. Organised by the IWSC Group, a globally recognised events company focused exclusively on the alcoholic beverage sector, the Spirits of Mexico celebrates Mexico’s rich distilling history. The Spirits of Mexico takes place in conjunction with the Spirits of the Americas competition, which celebrates the diversity of distilled spirits in North, South and Central America and the Caribbean. CONTACT: Dominique Love, IWSC GROUP CEO North America Email: dlove@iwscgroup.com Website: thespiritsofmexico.com
Sponsor: Wines from Rioja
Sponsor: The Gin Guild The Gin Guild was established by the Worshipful Company of Distillers to work with gin distillers from the UK and around the world to provide leadership and focus to the promotion of this exciting spirit category. The guild brings gin distillers and industry leaders involved in the production, promotion, distribution and consumption of gin together with other interested parties in order to promote and encourage commitment to excellence in gin distillation and industry custodianship of the spirit category. The guild aims to provide a vibrant community, defined by a shared professional interest and shared ideals and experiences, in a congenial and companionable atmosphere. CONTACT: Nicholas Cook Email: nicholas.cook@theginguild.com
Sponsor: Pinotage Association Pinotage is a uniquely South African grape variety. The Pinotage Association has accepted responsibility for maintaining SA’s leading role in the production of quality Pinotage wines: • To increase knowledge on all aspects regarding the viticulture and vinification of Pinotage grapes • To serve as a forum for exchanging ideas on production and marketing • To identify problem areas in the growing of Pinotage grapes and the production of Pinotage wines CONTACT: The Pinotage Association, Suite 151, Private Bag X3041, Paarl 7620, South Africa Tel: +27 21 8631599 Email: admin@pinotage.co.za Website: pinotage.co.za Twitter: @PinotageSA Facebook: PinotageWine
IWSC Report 2015
Wines from Rioja is the proud sponsor of the IWSC Trophy for Rioja. Rioja is a land of a thousand wines where nearly 600 innovative producers make wines in both traditional and modern styles. A recent study showed that the region ranks first in the world at translating brand awareness into sales, showing that consumers recognise the quality and value-for-money that Rioja wines can offer. Ricardo Aguiriano, from the Consejo Regulador de Rioja DOCa, comments: “The IWSC is one of the world’s most prestigious wine competitions in which Rioja wineries have historically performed very well. The Rioja Trophy celebrates the quality and innovation at the forefront of developments unfolding in this exciting wine region.” Wines from Rioja is the UK marketing arm of the Consejo Regulador de Rioja DOCa, the body responsible for the application and monitoring of legislation relating to the quality and standards of wines produced in the region, promotion of the image of Rioja wines and defence of interests of the sector. CONTACT: Tel: +44 (0) 20 7759 7400 Email: rioja@thisisphipps.com Website: uk.riojawine.com
Sponsor: Whyte & Mackay Founded on the docks in Glasgow in 1844 by James Whyte and Charles Mackay, the brand has gone from strength to strength over the years. The company employs more than 500 staff on sites around Scotland. The has its headquarters in Glasgow, an all-purpose, state-of-the-art bottling plant at Grangemouth. Its two main distilleries are in Jura, situated off the west coast of Scotland, and Dalmore in Ross-shire. CONTACT: Whyte & Mackay, Dalmore House, 310 St Vincent Street, Glasgow, G2 5RG Tel: +44 (0) 1412 485771 Email: info@whyteandmackay.com Website: www.whyteandmackay.com
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product trophies Supporter: Jancis Robinson
Supporter: Arthur Nägele
Jancis Robinson MW, described by Decanter magazine as “the most respected wine critic and journalist in the world”, writes daily for JancisRobinson.com, weekly for The Financial Times and bi-monthly for a column that is syndicated around the world. She is editor of The Oxford Companion to Wine and co-author of The World Atlas of Wine and Wine Grapes, a complete guide to 1,368 vine varieties. In 1984 she was the first person outside the wine trade to pass the rigorous Master of Wine exams and in 2003 was awarded an OBE by Her Majesty the Queen, on whose wine cellar she advises. CONTACT: Email: jancis@ jancisrobinson.com
From Absinthe to Vodka and everything in between, Arthur Nägele is an renowned expert on the spirits and liqueurs of the world. As a freelance spirits sommelier, his expertise and services extend from the production to sales and finally the savour of alcoholic beverages, as well as their combination with food. Arthur Nägele is a approved programme provider of the Wine & Spirits Education Trust. His seminars are well structured, lively, highly professional and receive enthusiastic feedback from attendees. Europe’s prime producers, competitions and seminar providers rely on his services. CONTACT: Arthur Nägele Email: arthur.naegele@spirituosen
Supporter: Whiskies of the World Whiskies of the World hosts whisky tasting events in the US at which visitors have the opportunity to sample a wide range of whiskies, from the biggest brand names to independent bottlers and craft whiskies. Visitors can sample whiskies from all around the globe and partake in fun and informative masterclasses, as well as whisky and food pairing. Whiskies of the World events are held in San Francisco, San Jose, Atlanta, Austin and Houston. Whiskies of the World is part of the IWSC Group. CONTACT: Douglas Smith Email: doug@whiskiesofthe world.com Website: whiskiesoftheworld.com
Sponsor: Mission Hill
Sponsor: Arcadia Vineyards
Supporter: Wine Extra
In 1994, Mission Hill Family Estate won the IWSC Chardonnay Trophy. It was a complete surprise, even to the judges who re-tasted the flight, on learning that they had selected a wine from this unheard of region in British Columbia. This trophy was a pivotal moment not only for Okanagan Valley, but proprietor Anthony von Mandl OBC, who for 13 years believed the valley could produce exceptional, distinctive wines. In 2006 von Mandl became the first Canadian president of the IWSC and in 2011 the Competition recognised Mission Hill Family Estate as Canadian Wine Producer of the Year. CONTACT: Mission Hill Family Estate, 1730 Mission Hill Road, West Kelowna, Okanagan Valley, British Columbia, Canada V4T 2E4 Tel: +1 250768 7611 Website: missionhillwinery.com
Arcadia Vineyards features a unique soil composition deriving from crushed seashell, stemming from its incarnation as an inland lake several millennia ago. It is the third estate bought by the Winiarski family during their ownership of Stag’s Leap Wine Cellars. Winiarski wines are fashioned to express richness which is balanced by elegant restraint. The IWSC encourages and rewards continuing advancement of our crafts of wine growing and winemaking through stringent judging and laboratory testing of our products. CONTACT: Arcadia Vineyards, PO Box 3327, Yountville CA 94558, USA Tel: +1 707 224 8822 Email: arcadia@wminapa.com
Wine Extra is South Africa’s leading consumer wine publication and is published in digital format. Sister of the hugely successful consumer exhibition, The Wine Show, the magazine focuses on promoting good wine to wine lovers from all walks of life. Wine Extra Magazine is the official South African media partner of the IWSC and is proud to promote South African wines both locally and to the rest of the world via its website, www.wine-extra.co.za. CONTACT: Wine Extra Magazine, Unit 31, Westlake Lifestyle Center, Cape Town, 7966, South Africa Tel: +27 (0) 84 477 4645. Email: maryna@wine-extra.co.za
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d i re c to r y
Award winners Read on for a complete list of this year’s Gold (Outstanding), Gold, Silver (Outstanding) and Silver medal winners. For tasting notes and the complete medal tally, visit www.iwsc.net
Saltram Wine Estate
Hardys Australian Wines
Saltram Journal Shiraz 2010 Saltram No.1 Shiraz 2010
Serafino Terremoto Syrah 2010
Stanton and Killeen Wines Classic Muscat NV Stanton and Killeen Wines Grand Muscat NV
Serafino Wines
Stanton & Killeen Wines l
Tailored Wine Solutions l
Deano & Mitch Shiraz 2012
Thorn-Clarke Wines l
Ron Thorn Shiraz 2012
Wolf Blass Wines Pty Ltd l Wolf
Blass Black Label Cabernet Shiraz 2005 Blass Platinum Shiraz 2006 l Wolf Blass White Label Eden Valley Riesling 2009 l Wolf
ARGENTINA Gold Outstanding Blends Wine Estates l Vistalba
Corte A 2012
Bodega Navarro Correas l
Finca Las Moras l
Finca Las Moras Paz Cabernet Cabernet 2013
Legend of Polo 2013
Finca Lulunta SA
Gauchezco Vineyard & Winery l
Gauchezco Plata Malbec 2012
Grupo Peñaflor l Alma Andina
Malbec Reserve 2014 l Waxed Bat Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon Malbec 2013
La Agricola SA l
Zuccardi Serie A Torrontes 2014
DON 1884 2010
Bodegas Trapiche SA l Terroir
Series Malbec Coletto 2011
Carmelita Ltd
Carmelita Malbec 2012
Finca Flichman
Finca Flichman Reserva 2014
La Casa Del Rey l Alta Vista Terroir
Selection Malbec 2012
Mascota Vineyards.
La Mascota Cabernet Franc 2013
Monteviejo SA
Octava Bassa 2012
VIÑAVIDA SA l Viñavida
Business Class 2013
Blends wine Estates Malbec 2014
Bodega Catena Zapata l Tilia
La Posta Pizzella 2014
Los Haroldos
Los Haroldos Family Reserve Bonarda 2013 l Los Haroldos Roble Bonarda 2014 l Los Haroldos Roble Malbec 2014
Luca Wines l
Luca Malbec 2013
Mascota Vineyards.
Gran Mascota Malbec 2012 l La Mascota Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 l La Mascota Sparkling Extra Brut 2013 l Unanime 2011 l
Molinos Rio de la Plata SA Cadus Malbec 2013 l Nieto Senetiner Malbec 2014 l Nieto Senetiner Sémillon 2014 l
Monteviejo SA
Kauzo Malbec-Malbec 2014 l Petite Fleur Blend 2013 l Petite Fleur Malbec 2013 l
Origin Wine l
La Mano Verde Malbec 2014
Pernod Ricard - Argentina
Cafayate Gran Linaje Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 l Graffigna Centenario Malbec Reserve 2013 l Graffigna Grand Reserve Malbec 2012 l
ROCA SA l Alfredo
Silver l Tomero
Premium Estate Malbec 2013 l Finca Monteflores Estate Selection Malbec 2014
Silver Outstanding
Malbec 2014
Bodega Del Fin Del Mundo
FIN Single Vineyard Cabernet Franc 2009 Malma Universo Malbec 2010 l Reserva Del Fin del Mundo Pinot Noir 2011 l Special Blend 2009 l l
Bodega Estancia Mendoza
Estancia Mendoza Cabernet Sauvignon Roble 2013
Bodega Navarro Correas
Bodega Navarro Correas Alegoría Cabernet Sauvignon 2010 l Bodega Navarro Correas Colección Privada Malbec Cabernet Merlot 2013 l Bodega Navarro Correas Structura 2011 l
Bodega Norton SA
Roca Fincas Malbec 2014
Rutini Wines l
Rutini Malbec 2013 Malbec 2014
l Trumpeter
Terrazas de los Andes
Cheval des Andes 2011 l Terrazas de los Andes Single Vineyard Los Aromos Cabernet Sauvignon 2011 l
The Beefsteak Club l
Beefsteak Club Malbec 2014
Trivento Bodegas y Viñedos SA l Trivento
Brut Nature NV l Trivento Golden Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon 2012 l Trivento Golden Reserve Syrah 2012 l Trivento Reserve Chardonnay 2014 l Trivento Reserve Malbec 2014
Villafañe y Guzman Srl l
Don Manuel Villafañe IV Century 2010
Viña Morande SA l
Zorzal Eggo Tinto de Tiza 2013 Zorzal Terroir Único Malbec 2014
Norton Privada Blend 2012
Ruca Malen Malbec 2013
l Viniterra
Bianchi Extra Brut Premium 2010
1884 Escorihuela Gascón Malbec 2014
Bodega Ruca Malen
Viniterra SA
Select Malbec Carmenère 2013
Bodega Valentin Bianchi SACIF Bodegas Escorihuela Gascon 1884 Bodegas Krontiras
Doña Silvina Malbec Reserva 2009
Bodegas La Rosa l
CXV Cientoquince Red Blend 2011 D.O.T Premium Malbec 2013
Bodegas Trapiche SA l Terroir
Series Malbec Orellana 2011
Bodegas Y Vinedos Pascual Toso SA
Pascual Toso Alta Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 Pascual Toso Alta Malbec 2013 Pascual Toso Alta Syrah 2013 l Pascual Toso Selected Vines Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 l l l
Bodegas y Vinedos Santos J. Carelli SA l
Carelli Malbec 2010
M&S Viñalta Gran Seleccion Malbec 2012
Cap Vistalba SA El Esteco l
Brookland Valley Estate Chardonnay 2014
Calabria Family Wines l
Cool Climate Series Hilltops Shiraz 2013
l l
Casella 1919 Cabernet Sauvignon 2010 Casella Limited Release Shiraz 2010
Climbing Shiraz 2013
Skeleton Key Shiraz 2013
Houghton Jack Mann Cabernet Sauvignon 2012
Casella Wines
Cumulus Wines Ltd
Galvanized Wine Group Pty Ltd Houghton Wine Company Moppity Vineyards Scruffy's Shiraz 2013
Carmelita Cabernet Franc 2012
Braydun Hill Single Vineyard Premium Shiraz 2013
Brookland Valley Estate
La Posta Vineyards
Iscay Malbec/Cabernet Franc 2009
Finca Flichman Dedicado 2013 l Finca Flichman Paisaje de Tupungato 2013 l
Braydun Hill Vineyards
Particular Malbec 2011
Carmelita Ltd
Finca Flichman
Moppity Vineyards Eclipse Shiraz 2013
Finca el Origen Gran Reserva Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 Finca el Origen Gran Reserva Malbec 2013 Finca el Origen Reserva Malbec 2014
Bodegas Trapiche SA
l Alta Vista
La Casa Del Rey
Bodegas Escorihuela Gascon 1884 l
Bodega Navarro Correas Selección del Enólogo Malbec Single Vineyard 2012
Bodega Valentin Bianchi SACIF l
Finca el Origen
Don David Cabernet Sauvignon 2014
Finca Agostino HNOS SA l Agostino
Finca Syrah-Malbec 2014
Nugan Estate Pty Ltd
Pernod Ricard Winemakers l
Jacob's Creek Reeves Point Chardonnay 2004 Black Cluster Hunter Valley Shiraz 2009
l Wyndham
Schild Estate Wines l
Schild Estate 2012 Ben Schild Reserve Shiraz
Serafino Terremoto Syrah 2012
Stanton and Killeen Wines Grand Topaque NV
Serafino Wines
Stanton & Killeen Wines Thompson Estate l Thompson
Estate Cabernet Sauvignon 2012
Trentham Estate l
Family Reserve Heathcote Shiraz Trentham Estate 2010
Wolf Blass Wines Pty Ltd l Wolf
Blass Platinum Shiraz 2010
Wynns Coonawarra Estate Pty Ltd l Wynns
Coonawarra Estate Michael Shiraz 2010
Silver Outstanding Angove Family Winemakers l Warboys Vineyard
Shiraz Grenache 2013
Annie's Lane at Quelltaler l Annie's
Lane Copper Trail Shiraz 2012 l Annie's Lane Copper Trail Shiraz 2013
Australian Vintage Ltd
McGuigan Bin 9000 Semillon 2007 McGuigan Bin 9000 Semillon 2009 l McGuigan Handmade Shiraz 2013 l McGuigan Personal Reserve Shiraz 2010 l McGuigan Personal Reserve Shiraz 2013 l McGuigan Shortlist Riesling 2005 l McGuigan Shortlist Riesling 2008 l McGuigan Shortlist Riesling 2014 l McGuigan The Shortlist Riesling 2009 l McGuigan The Shortlist Riesling 2010 l l
Heirloom Vineyards Eden Valley Shiraz 2013
Heydon Estate W.G.Grace Cabernet Sauvignon 2009
Houghton Gladstones Cabernet Sauvignon 2013
House of Arras Blanc de Blancs 2005
l l
Leasingham Bin 7 Riesling 2014 Leasingham Classic Clare Riesling 2009
Epitome Late Harvest Riesling 2013
Magpie Estate 'Rag & Bone' Riesling 2014
Houghton Wine Company House of Arras Leasingham
Longview Vineyard Magpie Estate
McWilliam's Wines Group Ltd
Brand's Laira One Seven One Cabernet Sauvignon 2012 Evans & Tate Redbrook Cabernet Sauvignon 2012 Mount Pleasant Elizabeth Semillon 2009 l Mount Pleasant Lovedale Semillon 2007 l l l
Morambro Creek Pty Ltd l
Morambro Creek Shiraz 2013 Mt. Monster Shiraz 2014
Mount Stapylton Pamela Chardonnay 2013
Mr Riggs Watervale Riesling 2014
l l
Nugan Estate McLaren Parish Shiraz 2013 Nugan Estate Yarra Valley Chardonnay 2014
"Claire" Reserve Shiraz 2010
Peccavi Cabernet Sauvignon 2012
l l
Penfolds Bin 150 Marananga Shiraz 2013 Penfolds Bin 28 Kalimna Shiraz 2012 Penfolds Bin 707 Cabernet Sauvignon 2013
Mentor Cabernet 2012
Mount Stapylton Vineyard Mr Riggs Wine Company Nugan Estate Pty Ltd
O'Leary Walker Wines Peccavi Wines
Penfolds Wines Pty Ltd l
Peter Lehmann Wines Ltd Pinnacle Drinks l Avon
Brae Eden Valley Shiraz 2013 Dorrien Estate Bin 1 Shiraz 2013 Dorrien Estate Victoria Bin 1A Shiraz 2013 l Krondorf Symmetry Barossa Shiraz 2013 l Riddoch Coonawarra Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 l Shark Block McLaren Vale Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 l Shark Block McLaren Vale Shiraz 2013 l l
Rosemount Estates Pty Ltd l
Rosemount Balmoral Syrah 2012
l l
Saltram Mamre Brook Cabernet Sauvignon 2010 Saltram Mamre Brook Shiraz 2012 Saltram Single Vineyard Shiraz 2010
Schild Estate 2012 Barossa Valley Moorooroo Shiraz
Shaw Vineyard Estate Shiraz 2013
Sir Paz Shiraz 2008
Stanton and Killeen Wines Rutherglen Muscat NV
Katnook Odyssey 2010 Katnook Prodigy 2010
Saltram Wine Estate l
Schild Estate Wines
Shaw Vineyard Estate Sir Paz Estate
Stanton & Killeen Wines
Wingara Wine Group (Australia) l
Wirra Wirra Vineyards l Woodhenge
Wolf Blass Wines Pty Ltd
Bethany Barossa GR Reserve Shiraz 2012
l Woodstock
Beverford Gold Botrytis Semillon 2010
l Wynns
Buller l
Heirloom Vineyards
Berton Vineyard Reserve Coonawarra Cabernet Sauvignon 2012
Bethany Wines Pty Ltd l
l Thomas
Blass Grey Label Shiraz 2012 l Wolf Blass Platinum Shiraz 2005 l Wolf Blass White Label Eden Valley Riesling 2001
Berton Vineyards Pty Ltd l
Eileen Hardy Shiraz 2010 Hardys Tintara Grenache Shiraz Mataro 2013 Hardy Cabernet Sauvignon 2012 l Thomas Hardy Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 l
Burch Family Wines l Tesco
Finest* Cobblestone Shiraz 2012
Casella Wines
Casella 1919 Cabernet Sauvignon 2008 l Casella 1919 Shiraz 2007 l Casella 1919 Shiraz 2008 l Casella 1919 Shiraz 2010 l Casella Limited Release Cabernet Sauvignon 2010 l Casella Limited Release Shiraz 2012 l
Château Tanunda l The
Château 100 Year Old Vines Semillon 2012 Everest Shiraz 2012
l Wolf
Woodstock Wine Estate
'The Stocks' Shiraz 2013
Wynns Coonawarra Estate Pty Ltd
Black Label Cabernet Sauvignon 2012
Accolade Wines l
House of Arras Rosé 2005
Angove Family Winemakers l Angove Warboys Vineyard
Grenache 2013 Family Crest Grenache Shiraz Mourvedre 2014 Family Crest Shiraz 2014 l Warboys Vineyard Shiraz 2013 l l
Australian Vintage Ltd
Forester Estate Home Block Shiraz 2011
House of Arras EJ Carr Late Disgorged 2002
Galvanized Wine Group Pty Ltd
McGuigan Bin 9000 Semillon 2010 McGuigan Bin 9000 Semillon 2011 McGuigan Bin 9000 Semillon 2012 l McGuigan Bin 9000 Semillon 2015 l McGuigan Handmade Shiraz 2012 l McGuigan Personal Reserve Blackberry Vineyard Chardonnay 2013 l McGuigan Personal Reserve Shiraz 2011 l McGuigan The Shortlist Chardonnay 2013 l McGuigan The Shortlist Riesling 2012 l McGuigan The Shortlist Semillon 2013 l McGuigan Vineyard Select Semillon 2005 l McGuigan Vineyard Select Semillon 2006 l Nepenthe Altitude Pinot Noir 2014 l Nepenthe Gate Block Shiraz 2012 l Nepenthe Ithaca Chardonnay 2013 l Nepenthe Ithaca Chardonnay 2014 l Nepenthe Winemaker Select Gewürztraminer 2013
Gatt Wines
Barossa Valley Estate Cabernet Sauvignon 2013
Bay of Fires Pinot Noir 2013 Bay of Fires Riesling 2014
Gold Outstanding Australian Vintage Ltd
McGuigan Bin 9000 Semillon 2003 l McGuigan Bin 9000 Semillon 2004 l McGuigan Bin 9000 Semillon 2006 l McGuigan Shortlist Riesling 2004 l
Brookland Valley Estate l
Brookland Valley Estate Chardonnay 2013
Château Tanunda l The
Everest Shiraz 2008
Forester Estate House of Arras
McWilliam's Wines Group Ltd l Wildling
Reserve Red Shiraz Cabernet 2009
Moppity Vineyards l
Moppity Vineyards Reserve Shiraz 2013
l The
Conte Estate Wines l
Over the Hill Circa 1880 Shiraz 2012
Deen Vat 5 Botrytis Semillon 2009 Noble One 2013
De Bortoli Wines l
Elderton Wines Pty Ltd l
Elderton Single Vineyard Command Shiraz 2008 Elderton Single Vineyard Command Shiraz 2010
Cabernet Sauvignon, Ferngrove Estate 2013
Ferngrove Vineyards Estate Fox Creek Wines
Fox Creek JSM Shiraz-Cabernet Sauvignon-Cabernet Franc 2013 Fox Creek Reserve Shiraz 2013 l Fox Creek Short Row Shiraz 2013 l
l The l
Footprint Shiraz 2013
Gatt Accent Grenache 2012
Gralyn Estate l
Gralyn Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon 2009
l l l
Barossa Valley Estate Bay of Fires l
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Berton Vineyards Pty Ltd
Gatt Wines
Paxton Wines Pty Ltd
Berton Vineyards Reserve Barossa Shiraz 2012
Bethany Wines Pty Ltd
Bethany Barossa Shiraz 2012 l Bethany Gen6 Cabernet Merlot 2012 l
Bird in Hand Winery
Bird in Hand Merlot 2013 l Bird in Hand Sauvignon Blanc 2015 l MAC Shiraz 2012 l Nest Egg Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 l Nest Egg Merlot 2013 l Nest Egg Shiraz 2012 l
Blackjack Wines Pty Ltd l
Blackjack Shiraz 2013
Barton Steer Limestone Coast Shiraz 2014 Hill Barossa Cabernet Merlot 2014
Blaxlands Vineyards l Tanunda
Bleasdale Vineyards Pty Ltd l l
Bleasdale Bremerview Shiraz 2013 Frank Potts 2013
Broadland Wineries Ltd l WaraWara Australian
Chardonnay 2014
Brookland Valley Estate l l
Brookland Valley Estate Cabernet Merlot 2013 Brookland Valley Reserve Chardonnay 2013
Brown Brothers Milawa Vineyard Pty Ltd l l
Devil's Corner Riesling 2014 Pirie Estate NV
Gatt Accent Sangiovese 2013 Gatt Accent Viognier 2014 l Gatt Cabernet Sauvignon 2012 l Gatt High Eden Cabernet Sauvignon 2012 l Gatt High Eden Riesling 2014 l Gatt High Eden Shiraz 2012 l Gatt Old Vine Shiraz 2012 l Gatt Shiraz 2012
Greg Norman Estates l
Greg Norman Reserve Shiraz 2012 Greg Norman Shiraz Cabernet 2014
Hahndorf Hill Compatriots 2013
Hahndorf Hill Winery
Hardys Australian Wines
Eileen Hardy Chardonnay 2013 Eileen Hardy Shiraz 2012 l Hardys HRB Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 l Hardys HRB Chardonnay 2012 l HRB Chardonnay 2013 l HRB Riesling 2014 l l
Heirloom Vineyards
Heirloom Vineyards Adelaide Hills Sauvignon Blanc 2015 Heirloom Vineyards Barossa Shiraz 2014 Heirloom Vineyards Eden Valley Riesling 2015 l Heirloom Vineyards McLaren Vale Shiraz 2014
l Thomson
Barossa Shiraz 2013 Estate Toolunka Cabernet 2014
Calabria Family Wines
3 Bridges Barossa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 3 Bridges Barossa Valley Shiraz 2013 l 3 Bridges Botrytis Semillon 2011 l 3 Bridges Durif 2012 l 3 Bridges Durif 2013 l 3 Bridges Golden Mist Botrytis 2008 l Calabria Brothers Barossa Valley Shiraz 2013 l The Iconic Grande Reserve Barossa Valley Shiraz 2012 l l
Campbells Wines l l
Campbell's Rutherglen Topaque NV Campbells Rutherglen Muscat NV
Capel Vale Wines l
Capel Vale Black Label Margaret River Chardonnay 40th Year Anniversary 2013
Casella Wines
[yellow tail] Cabernet Sauvignon 2014 l [yellow tail] Chardonnay 2014 l [yellow tail] Merlot 2014 l Beyond Horizon Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 l Casella 1919 Cabernet Sauvignon 2007 l Casella Limited Release Cabernet Sauvignon 2012 l The Black Stump Durif Shiraz 2014 l
Chapel Hill Winery l
Chapel Hill The Chosen Gorge Block Cabernet Sauvignon 2013
Château Reynella l
Reynella Cabernet Sauvignon 2013
Château Tanunda l Terroirs
of the Barossa Ebenezer Shiraz 2013 of the Barossa Lyndoch Shiraz 2013 Château 100 Year Old Vines Semillon 2013 l The Château 15YO YOV Field Blend 2013 l The Château Bethanian Shiraz 2013 l The Château Single Vineyard Shiraz 2012 l The Everest Shiraz 2009 l The Everest Shiraz 2013 l Terroirs l The
Heydon Estate The Willow Chardonnay 2012
Crofters Cabernet Sauvignon 2012 Houghton CW Ferguson Cabernet Malbec 2013 Houghton Jack Mann Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 l Houghton Thomas Yule Shiraz 2012 l Thomas Yule Shiraz 2013 l l
House of Arras l
House of Arras Grand Vintage Dry 2005
Josef Chromy Wines l
M&S Josef Chromy NV
Kellermeister Wild Witch Shiraz 2012
Kellermeister Wines Pty Ltd Kilikanoon Wines P/L
Killerman's Run Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 l Killerman's Run Grenache Shiraz Mataro 2013 l Killerman's Run Riesling 2014 l Tregea Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon 2012 l
Killerby Vineyards Pty Ltd l
Killerby Chardonnay 2012 Killerby Premium Sauvignon Blanc 2014
Kingston Echelon Petit Verdot 2010
Rare Penny Kulara Estate Shiraz 2013
Kingston Estate Wines Pty Ltd Kulara Estate Leasingham
Leasingham Bin 56 Cabernet Merlot 2012 Leasingham Classic Clare Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 Leasingham Classic Clare Riesling 2012 l Leasingham Classic Clare Riesling 2014 l Leasingham Classic Clare Provis Vineyard Shiraz 2010 l l l
Leconfield Wines Pty Ltd
Leconfield Coonawarra Cabernet Merlot 2013 l Leconfield Coonawarra Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 l Leconfield McLaren Vale Shiraz 2013 l Richard Hamilton 'Colton's' GSM 2013 l Richard Hamilton Hut Block Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 l Richard Hamilton Shiraz 2013 l Richard Hamilton Watervale Riesling 2015 l
Levantine Hill Estate (LHE Sales Pty Ltd) l l
Katherine's Paddock Chardonnay 2014 Levantine Hill Cabernet Sauvignon 2013
Lindemans Wines Pty Ltd
Coldstream Hills Reserve Chardonnay 2014
Lindemans Coonawarra Limestone Shiraz Cabernet 2012 l Lindemans Coonawarra St George Cabernet Sauvignon 2012
Rolling Shiraz 2013
l The
Coldstream Hills
Cumulus Wines Ltd
d'Arenberg Wines Pty Ltd l The
Dead Arm 2012 Ironstone Pressings 2012 l The Laughing Magpie 2012
Longview Vineyard l l
Dandelion Vineyards
Lionheart of the Barossa Shiraz 2013 Lions Tooth of McLaren Vale Shiraz Riesling 2013 l Red Queen of the Eden Valley 2013 l Wonderland of the Eden Valley Riesling 2015 l
De Bortoli Wines
De Bortoli Family Reserve Petit Sirah 2013 De Bortoli Family Reserve Shiraz 2013 l De Bortoli Family Selection Semillon Chardonnay 2014 l M&S Hermits Hill Botrytis Semillon 2009 l Tesco Finest* Dessert Wine 2009 l Yarra Valley Villages Pinot Noir 2013 l l
Eddystone Point l
Eddystone Point Riesling 2013
Ernest Hill Wines Pty Ltd l Andrew Watson Tempranillo
2014 l William Henry Ernest Hill Shiraz 2013
Ferngrove Vineyards Estate
Piece Shiraz 2010
Magpie Estate
l The
Magpie Estate 'The Black Craft' Shiraz 2014 Magpie Estate 'Wishbone' Shiraz Grenache 2014
McPherson Wines
Chapter Three Shiraz l MWC Shiraz Mourvedre
McWilliam's Wines Group Ltd
Brand's Laira One Seven One Cabernet Sauvignon 2010 Evans & Tate Flagship Cabernet Sauvignon 2012 M&S Margaret River Semillon Sauvignon 2014 l McWilliam's 1877 Shiraz 2014 l McWilliam's 842 Tumbarumba Chardonnay 2013 l McWilliam's Single Vineyard Shiraz 2014 l Mount Pleasant Lovedale Semillon 2009 l l l
Mildara Wines
Mildara White Label Cabernet Sauvignon 2012 l Mildara White Label Cabernet Shiraz 2012 l
Moppity Vineyards l
Coppabella Sirius Chardonnay 2014
Morambro Creek Pty Ltd l l
Morambro Creek Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 Morambro Creek Chardonnay 2014
Ferngrove Estate, Dragon Shiraz 2012 l The Stirlings, Ferngrove Estate 2010
Mount Stapylton Vineyard
Forester Estate Cabernet Durif 2012 l Forester Estate Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 l Forester Estate Chardonnay 2014 l Forester Estate Shiraz 2012 l Forester Estate Yelverton Reserve Cabernet 2012
Forester Estate l
Fox Creek Wines
Fox Creek Jim's Script Cabernet Sauvignon-Merlot-Cabernet Franc-Petit Verdot 2013 l Fox Creek Red Baron Shiraz 2014 l
Fraser Gallop Estate l
Fraser Gallop Parterre Cabernet Sauvignon 2012 Parterre Chardonnay 2014
"Cracking Black" Shiraz 2013
Galvanized Wine Group Pty Ltd
l l
Penley Estate l Tolmer
Mount Stapylton Victoria Pinot Noir 2013
Mr Riggs Wine Company
Mr Riggs McLaren Vale Shiraz 2013 l Mr Riggs Outpost Coonawarra Cabernet 2013 l Piebald Shiraz 2013 l The Truant Shiraz 2014
Nine Acre Block Wines l
Matilda's Ghost Barossa Valley Shiraz 2011 Constable Matilda's Ghost Coonawarra Cabernet Sauvignon 2013
l The
Nugan Estate Pty Ltd
Cookoothama Botrytis Semillon 2010 l Nugan Estate Alcira Vineyard Coonawarra Cabernet Sauvignon 2012 l
O'Leary Walker Wines l
Polish Hill River Riesling 2008
Cabernet Sauvignon 2012
Pernod Ricard Winemakers
George Wyndham Founder's Reserve Shiraz 2012 Jacob's Creek Centenary Hill Barossa Valley Shiraz 2010 Jacob's Creek Classic Riesling 2002 l Jacob's Creek Johann Shiraz Cabernet 2010 l Jacob's Creek Steingarten Riesling 2013 l Jacobs Creek Classic Shiraz Cabernet 2013 l St Hugo Barossa Shiraz 2012 l St Hugo Coonawarra Cabernet Sauvignon 2005 l St Hugo Coonawarra Cabernet Sauvignon 2012 l St Hugo Grenache Shiraz Mataro 2013 l St Hugo Vetus Purum Coonawarra Cabernet Sauvignon 2010 l Wyndham Estate Bin 555 Shiraz 2013 l
l Antiquarian
Penfolds Bin 150 Shiraz 2012 Penfolds Bin 28 Kalimna Shiraz 2013 Penfolds Bin 311 Chardonnay 2014 l Penfolds Bin 389 Cabernet Shiraz 2012 l Penfolds Bin 51 Eden Valley Riesling 2015 l Penfolds Bin 707 Cabernet Sauvignon 2012 l Penfolds Cellar Reserve Traminer 2014 l Penfolds Koonunga Hill Seventy-Six Shiraz Cabernet 2013 l Penfolds Reserve Bin 14 A Chardonnay 2014 l Penfolds RWT Barossa Valley Shiraz 2012 l Penfolds RWT Barossa Valley Shiraz 2013 l Penfolds Yattarna Chardonnay 2012 l
Peccavi Chardonnay 2012 Peccavi Shiraz 2012
Penfolds Wines Pty Ltd
Houghton Wine Company
Byrne Vineyards
l Tesco
Finest* Boranup Sauvignon Blanc Sémillon 2012 Finest* Tingleup Riesling 2012
Burch Family Wines l Tesco
Peccavi Wines
Paxton Jones Block Shiraz 2011 Paxton MV Shiraz 2014
Peter Lehmann Wines Ltd
Ebenezer Road Shiraz 2013 Eight Songs Shiraz 2011 l Futures Shiraz 2012 l Lot #2 Stonewell Road Shiraz 2013 l Margaret Semillon 2010 l Peter Lehmann Botrytis Semillon 2011 l Stonewell Shiraz 2010 l VSV Hearnden Shiraz 2013 l l
Pinnacle Drinks
Cat Amongst the Pigeons Cabernet Sauvignon 2014 l Chris Ringland Shiraz 2013 l Gallows Wine Company The Bommy Margaret River Chardonnay 2014 l Mockingbird Hill Reserve Clare Valley Shiraz 2013 l Mums Block Barossa Shiraz 2013 l Redemption Landmark Release Tumbarumba Chardonnay 2014 l Tolley Elite McLaren Vale Shiraz 2013 l
Prestige World Wine l
Songlines Estates Songlines Shiraz 2012 Colonial Estate Exile Shiraz 2012
l The
River Retreat l
Shiraz, River Retreat 2013
Rosemount Estates Pty Ltd
Rosemount District Traditional Red 2012 Rosemount Estate 1888 McLaren Vale Shiraz Cabernet 2012 l Rosemount Little Berry MV GSM 2014 l Rosemount Little Berry Shiraz 2013 l Rosemount Little Berry Shiraz 2014 l Rosemount Single Vineyard Series Dry Red 2012 l Rosemount Single Vineyard Series Dry Red 2013 l l
Saltram Wine Estate l
Saltram Cabernet Sauvignon 2012
Schild Estate Wines
Schild Estate 2013 Barossa Valley Shiraz l Schild Estate 2013 Prämie Barossa Valley Shiraz l
Wingara Wine Group (Australia) l Azahara l Azahara
Shiraz 2014 Sparkling Chardonnay Pinot Noir NV
Wirra Wirra Vineyards l l
Catapult Shiraz 2014 Church Block 2013
Wolf Blass Wines Pty Ltd l Wolf l Wolf l Wolf
Blass Black Label Cabernet Shiraz 2010 Blass Brown Label Shiraz 2012 Blass Gold Label Barossa Shiraz 2012
Woodstock Wine Estate l Woodstock l Woodstock l Woodstock
'OCTOgenarian' Grenache Tempranillo 2012 'Pilot's View Shiraz' 2012 Shiraz 2013
Woody Nook Wines l
"Gallagher's Choice" Cabernet Sauvignon 2013
Wynns Coonawarra Estate Pty Ltd l Wynns
Coonawarra Estate Black Label Shiraz 2012 Coonawarra Estate Shiraz 2013 Coonawarra Estate V&A Lane Cabernet Shiraz 2012 l Wynns Coonawarra Estate V&A Lane Shiraz 2012 l Wynns Messenger Cabernet Sauvignon 2010 l Wynns l Wynns
Yalumba l
M&S Burra Brook Cabernet Sauvignon 2014
Baron Von Nemesis Shiraz 2013 Chocolate Factory Shiraz 2013 Beauregard Malbec 2013
Zonte's Footstep Pty Ltd l
l Violet
AUSTRIA Gold Outstanding Weingut Rabl l
Rabl Grüner Veltliner Käferberg 2013
Weingut Türk l Weingut Türk
Grüner Veltliner Kremser Frechau 2013
Weingut Rabl l
Rabl Weingut Rabl Grüner Veltliner Dechant 2013
Silver Outstanding Weingut Rabl l
Rabl Grüner Veltliner Schenkenbichl 2013
Weingut Türk l Weingut Türk
Grüner Veltliner Kremser Sandgruße 2013
Bernd Heiling l
Muskat Ottonel Halbtrocken 2013
Schlumberger Brut Nature 2009 Schlumberger Dom Classic T.F.X.T Brut 2007 Schlumberger Dom Rosé T.F.X.T Brut 2011
Schlumberger Wein- und Sektkellerei GMBH l l
Sektkellerei Gebrüder Szigeti GmbH l
Sektkellerei Gebrüder Szigeti Riesling Steinterrasse Spitz 2012
Weingut Georgiberg l
Georgiberg Zweigelt 2011
Weingut Türk l Weingut Türk
Grüner Veltliner Kremser Weinberge 2013
Weinkellerei Lenz Moser Ag l
Lenz Moser Fete Rosé 2014
Weinmanufaktur Follner l Weinmanufaktur
Follner Liebe pur 2011
Shaw Vineyard Estate l
Shaw Vineyard Estate Cabernet Sauvignon 2013
Shingleback Wine Pty Ltd
Red Knot McLaren Vale Shiraz 2014 Shingleback D Block Reserve Shiraz 2013 Shingleback D Block Reserve Shiraz 2014 l Shingleback Davey Estate Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 l Shingleback Davey Estate Reserve Shiraz 2013 l Shingleback Haycutters McLaren Vale Shiraz 2013 l Shingleback Unedited McLaren Vale Shiraz 2013 l The Gate McLaren Vale Shiraz 2012 l l l
Simon Lang Wines
CANADA Gold Outstanding Strewn Estate Winery l
Strewn Vidal Icewine 2011
Thirty Bench Wines l Andrew
Peller Thirty Bench Small Lot Riesling Triangle Vineyard 2013
Vignoble du Marathonien l Vignoble
Stanton & Killeen Wines
Simon Lang Limestone Coast Sauvignon Blanc 001 2009
Stanton and Killeen Wines Classic Topaque NV
Tesco Stores Plc l Tesco l Tesco
Finest* Denman Semillon 2013 Finest* Mundulla Shiraz 2013
Thompson Estate l Thompson
Estate Cabernet Merlot 2012 l Thompson Estate Chardonnay 2014
Thorn-Clarke Wines l
Shotfire Shiraz 2013 Barossa Shiraz 2014
l Terra
Tim Adams Wines l Tim Adams
Clare Valley Riesling 2014
Turkey Flat Vineyards l Turkey
Flat Butchers Block Red 2012 l Turkey Flat Butchers Block White 2013
Wakefield / Taylors Wines
Jaraman Chardonnay 2014 St Andrews Chardonnay 2014 l St Andrews Riesling 2015 l St Andrews Shiraz 2013 l The Exquisite Collection Clare Valley Riesling 2014 l The Exquisite Collection Limestone Coast Cabernet Sauvignon 2014 l The Exquisite Collection Limestone Coast Chardonnay 2014 l Wakefield / Taylors Cabernet Sauvignon 2014 l Wakefield / Taylors Shiraz 2014 l Wakefield/Taylors Riesling 2015 l l
du Marathonien Vendage Tardive (Late Harvest)
Burrowing Owl Estate Winery l
Burrowing Owl Athene 2012
Inniskillin Dark Horse Vineyard Riesling Icewine 2012 Inniskillin Riesling Icewine 2012
Inniskillin Okanagan Vineyards Winery l
Inniskillin Wines Inc l l l
Inniskillin Oak Aged Vidal Icewine 2013 Inniskillin Riesling Icewine 2012 Inniskillin Vidal Icewine 2013
Jackson-Triggs Okanagan Estate l
Jackson-Triggs Okanagan Reserve Series Riesling Icewine 2013
Jackson-Triggs Vintners Niagara Estate l
Jackson-Triggs Niagara Reserve Vidal Icewine 2013
Lulu Island Winery Riesling Chardonnay Icewine 2013
Mission Hill Reserve Vidal Icewine 2013
Peller Estates Riesling Icewine 2012
Lulu Island Winery
Mission Hill Family Estate Peller Estates Trius Winery l Trius
Grand Red 2012
Vignoble du Marathonien l Vignoble
du Marathonien Vin de Glace (Ice Wine) 2011
52-68 Medal directory LE_champagne template 19/11/2015 16:41 Page 54
d i re c to r y Silver Outstanding
Burrowing Owl Estate Winery l
Burrowing Owl Meritage 2011
Inniskillin Riesling Icewine 2013
Constellation Wines International Inniskillin Wines Inc
Inniskillin Cabernet Franc Icewine 2012 l Inniskillin Riesling Icewine 2013 l Inniskillin Sparkling Vidal Icewine 2012 l Inniskillin Vidal Icewine 2012 l
Jackson-Triggs Vintners Niagara Estate
Jackson-Triggs Niagara Delaine Fumé Blanc 2013 Jackson-Triggs Niagara Reserve Cabernet Franc Icewine 2012 l Jackson-Triggs Niagara Reserve Chardonnay Musque Sparkling 2014 l l
Mission Hill Family Estate
Viña la Rosa SA
Viña Cousiño Macul
Mission Hill Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon 2012 Mission Hill Reserve Chardonnay 2012 l Mission Hill Reserve Chardonnay 2013 l Mission Hill Reserve Merlot Icewine 2013 l Mission Hill Reserve Riesling 2013 l Mission Hill Reserve Riesling Icewine 2013 l Mission Hill Reserve Shiraz 2012 l
Monster Vineyards l
Monster Vineyards Cabs 2013
Pelee Island Winery
Joseph's Vidal Icewine 2006
Mission Hill Reserve Pinot Gris 2013
Pillitteri Estates Reserve Icewine Vidal 2013
Peller Estates Oak Aged Icewine 2013
Poplar Grove Cabernet Franc 2012 Poplar Grove Reserve Chardonnay 2013
Pillitteri Estates Winery l
Pillitteri Estates Exclamation Reserve Merlot 2012
Sandhill Wines
Pillitteri Estates Winery Poplar Grove Winery l
Red Rooster Winery
Sandhill Riesling Icewine 2013
Red Rooster Reserve Syrah 2012 l Red Rooster Riesling Icewine 2013
Strewn Riesling Icewine 2012
Reif Estate Vidal Icewine 2013
Sandhill Merlot 2012
Strewn Estate Winery Trius Winery l Andrew
Peller Trius Showcase Vidal Icewine 2013
50th Parallel Estate Pinot Gris 2014 50th Parallel Estate Pinot Noir 2013 l 50th Parallel Estate Rosé 2014 l l
Burrowing Owl Estate Winery
Burrowing Owl Cabernet Franc 2012 l Burrowing Owl Cabernet Sauvignon 2012 l Burrowing Owl Merlot 2012 l Burrowing Owl Syrah 2012 l
Cedar Creek Estate Winery l
CedarCreek Platinum Chardonnay Block 5 2013
Church & State Wines
Church & State Coyote Bowl Malbec 2012 l Church & State Coyote Bowl Merlot - Similkameen 2010 l Church & State Coyote Bowl Merlot 2011 l Church & State Coyote Bowl Syrah 2012 l Church & State Syrah 2012 l
Clos du Soleil Winery Inc l l l
Clos du Soleil Capella 2013 Clos du Soleil Saturn 2013 Clos du Soleil Signature 2012
Colio Estate Wines
Bricklayer's Cache Small Lot Syrah 2012 l Prism Icewine 2013 l
Dirty Laundry Vineyard
Dirty Laundry Say Yes Pinot Gris 2013 l Dirty Laundry Threadbare Vines Gewürztraminer 2013 l
Fielding Estate Winery l
Fielding Estate Riesling Icewine 2012
Gold Hill Family Reserve Meritage 2012
Gold Hill Winery Ltd
Inniskillin Okanagan Vineyards Winery
Inniskillin Dark Horse Vineyard Cabernet Franc 2011 Inniskillin Discovery Series Tempranillo Icewine 2012 Inniskillin Estates Series Vidal Icewine 2013 l Inniskillin Series Pinot Grigio Reserve 2014 l l l
Inniskillin Wines Inc
Inniskillin Discovery Series Botrytis Affected Viognier 2013 l Inniskillin Discovery Series Legacy Pinot Gris 2013 l Inniskillin Discovery Series Legacy Shiraz Merlot 2012 l Inniskillin Gold Vidal Icewine 2012 l Inniskillin Montague Vineyard Pinot Noir 2012 l Inniskillin Reserve Merlot 2012 l Inniskillin Reserve Pinot Noir 2012 l Inniskillin Reserve Riesling 2013 l Inniskillin Reserve Shiraz Cabernet 2012 l Inniskillin Sparkling Cabernet Franc Icewine 2012 l
Isabella Winery l
Reif Estate Winery Inc Sandhill Wines
See Ya Later Ranch l
See Ya Later Ranch Ping Meritage 2012 See Ya Later Ranch Rover 2012
SpierHead Pinot Noir Cuvée 2013
50th Parallel Estate Winery
Little Beaver Riesling Icewine 2013
Jackson-Triggs Okanagan Estate
Jackson-Triggs Okanagan Grand Reserve Entourage 2010 Jackson-Triggs Okanagan Grand Reserve Merlot 2011 l Jackson-Triggs Okanagan SunRock Meritage 2011 l l
Jackson-Triggs Vintners Niagara Estate
Jackson-Triggs Grand Reserva Meritage 2012 l Jackson-Triggs Grand Reserve Riesling Icewine 2013 l Jackson-Triggs Niagara Delaine Cabernet Merlot 2011 l Jackson-Triggs Niagara Estate Delaine Vineyard Syrah 2012 l Jackson-Triggs Niagara Estate Gran Reserve Shiraz 2012 l Jackson-Triggs Niagara Grand Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon 2012 l Jackson-Triggs Niagara Grand Reserve Gewürztraminer 2013 l Jackson-Triggs Niagara Grand Reserve Merlot 2012 l Jackson-Triggs Niagara Grand Reserve Sauvignon Blanc 2013 l Le Clos Jordanne Vineyard Chardonnay 2011 l
Le Clos Jordanne
Spierhead Winery
Stoneboat Vineyards l
Stoneboat Pinotage 2012 Stoneboat Verglas 2013
Strewn Terroir Merlot 2012
Black Sage Vineyard Cabernet Franc 2012 Steller's Jay Pinnacle 2006
Strewn Estate Winery
Sumac Ridge Estate Winery Ltd l
Thirty Bench Wines l Andrew
Peller Thirty Bench Small Lot Riesling Steel Post Vineyard 2013 l Thirty Bench Benchmark Red 2012 l Thirty Bench Small Lot Cabernet Sauvignon 2012 l Thirty Bench Small Lot Merlot 2012
Trius Winery l Andrew
Peller Trius Showcase Chardonnay wild Ferment Oliveira Vineyard 2012 l Trius Showcase East Block Cabernet Sauvignon 2012 l Trius Showcase Red Shale Cabernet Franc 2012 l Trius Showcase RHS Merlot 2012
Wayne Gretzkey Estates l Wayne
Gretzky Estates No.99 Estate Series Cabernet Merlot
CHILE Gold Outstanding Viña Chocalán l
Chocalan Reserva Syrah 2014
Viña Requingua l
Potro de Piedra Cabernet Sauvignon Cabernet Franc Family Reserve 2013
Viña Terranoble l TerraNoble
Lahuen Rojo 2012
Viña Undurraga SA l
Sibaris Carmenère 2013
l Anakena Alwa
Carmenère 2010
Viña Bouchon SA l
J.Bouchon Block Series Malbec 2013
Viña Valdivieso l
Caballo Loco Grand Cru Limari 2013
Parnaso 2010
Viñedos Puertas Ltda
Silver Outstanding Alto de Casablanca SA l
Primus Cabernet Sauvignon 2013
Family Collection Assemblage 2010
Cono Sur Vineyards & Winery l
Cono Sur 20 Barrels Merlot 2012
EQ Syrah 2012
Cabernet Sauvignon Santa Isle Selected Vineyards 2012 Denada Red Blend 2012
Matetic Vineyards Terraustral l
VIA Wines l
Chilcas Las Almas 2011
Lulu Island Winery Viognier Icewine 2013
l Agustinos
Gran Terroir Malbec 2013
Viña Bouchon SA
Las Mercedes Ensamblaje 2013 l Las Mercedes Singular Petit Verdot 2013
Viña Concha y Toro SA
l Terrunyo
Boya Chardonnay 2014 Boya Sauvignon Blanc 2015
Akana Wines SA
Erasmo Cabernet Merlot 2010
Alto de Casablanca SA
Don Reca Cuvée 2013 La Palma Carmenère 2014
Emiliana Viognier 2014
l Terrunyo
Carmenère Block 27 2013 Carmenère Block 27 Lot 1 2013
Viña Indómita
Indomita Duette Pinot Noir 2014 l Indomita Zardoz 2013 l
Vina La Reserva de Caliboro SA l
Erasmo Late Harvest Torontel 2010
Viña De Martino Viña Errazuriz
Viña Garcés Silva Ltd
Vina La Reserva de Caliboro SA
Old Vines 2013
Viña la Rosa SA
Ritual Sauvignon Blanc 2014 l Veramonte Pinot Noir Reserva 2014
l Anakena
Enco Chardonnay 2014
Family Collection 13 Years 2001
Bodegas y Vinedos De Aguirre SA l Alma l
de Chile Gran Reserva Cabernet Sauvignon Carmenérè
2011 Libertas Gran Reserva Cabernet Sauvignon Syrah 2011
Botalcura Winery l
Cabernet Franc La Porfía Gran Reserva 2012 Cabernet Sauvignon La Porfía Gran Reserva 2012
Caliterra Edicion Limitada 'M' 2012
Caliterra SA (Vina)
Carolina Wine Brands l Viña
Casablanca Cefiro Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 l Viña Casablanca Nimbus Single Vineyard Gewürztraminer 2013 l Viña Santa Carolina Estrellas Carmenère 2014 l Viña Santa Carolina VSC 2011
Château Los Boldos l l
Château Los Boldos Grand Cru 2013 Château Los Boldos Vieilles Vignes Merlot 2013
Concha y Toro UK Ltd l Tesco
Finest* El Recurso Block No 18 Chilean Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 Finest* Las Lomas Chilean Shiraz 2013
l Tesco
Cono Sur Vineyards & Winery
Cono Sur 20 Barrels Pinot Noir 2013 l Cono Sur 20 Barrels Syrah 2012 l Cono Sur Ocio Pinot Noir 2013 l Cono Sur Reserva Especial Pinot Noir 2014 l Cono Sur Single Vineyard Block 21 Pinot Noir 2013 l Cono Sur Single Vineyard Riesling Block 23 2014 l
Domaines Barons de Rothschild (Lafite) Distribution
Viña Luis Felipe Edwards l Autoritas
Cabernet Sauvignon 2014 LFE Cien Carignan 2012 LFE Family Selection Gran Reserva Merlot 2014 l LFE Reserva Syrah 2014 l LFE900 Single Vineyard Blend 2012 l
Viña Maipo Ltda. l Viña
Maipo Alto Tajamar 2010 Maipo Gran Devoción Cabernet Sauvignon/Syrah 2013 Maipo Limited Edition 2012 l Vitral Carmenère 2013 l Vitral Chardonnay 2014 l Vitral Reserva Cabernet Sauvignon 2014 l Viña l Viña
Viña MontGras l l l
MontGras Antu Syrah 2013 MontGras De Gras Reserva Pinot Noir 2014 MontGras MG Reserva Carignan Syrah 2014
Viña Morande SA
House of Morandé 2010 Mancura Leyenda de Los Andes Gran Reserva Syrah Cabernet Franc Merlot 2012 l Morandé Mediterráneo del Maule 2012 l Morandé Reserva Gewürztraminer 2015 l Vistamar Gran Reserva Cabernet Sauvignon/ Syrah 2012 l Vistamar Late Harvest 2015 l Vistamar Sepia Reserva Pinot Noir 2014 l l
Viña Perez Cruz l Viña l Viña
Perez Cruz Cabernet Sauvignon Reserva 2013 Perez Cruz Single Vineyard La Higuera Block 2013
Viña Porta l
Porta Reserva Carmenère 2014
Puerto Viejo Cabernet Sauvignon Reserva 2014-2011 Santa Alba Cabernet Sauvignon Reserva 2014 de Piedra Carmenère Cabernet Sauvignon Gran Reserva 2013
Viña Requingua l
l Toro
Los Vascos Carmenère Grande Reserve 2013
Viña Santa Alicia
Paya de Millaman Malbec 2012
Hacienda El Condor SA
Santa Alicia Millantu 2013 Santa Alicia Reserva Merlot 2014
International Procurement & Logistics
Viña Santa Rita
Extra Special Chilean Sauvignon Blanc 2014 La Moneda Merlot 2014 La Moneda Reserva Chardonnay 2013 l La Moneda Reserva Malbec 2014 Estevez Reserva Pinot Noir 2014
TerraMater SA
Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 l Terramater Limited Reserve Carmenère 2013
120 Cabernet Franc 2014 120 Cabernet Sauvignon 2014 120 Chardonnay 2015 l Casa Real Cabernet Sauvignon 2011 l Floresta Cabernet Franc 2012 l l
Viña Siegel SA l
l Altum
Siegel Special Reserve Carmenère 2013 Siegel Unique Selection 2012
Viña Tabali SA
Encantado Shiraz 2013 Los Molles Syrah 2012
Denada Cabernet Sauvignon 2012
Chilcas Single Vineyard Cabernet Franc 2012 Chilensis Reserva Pinot Noir 2013 Oveja Negra Single Vineyard Carignan 2013
l TerraNoble
VIA Wines l l
Viña Apaltagua l
Envero Gran Reserva Carmenére 2013 Single Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon 2012
l Tutunjian
Viña Arboleda
G.Marquis Cabernet Franc Icewine VQA The Silver Line 2012 G.Marquis Ice Rosé VQA The Silver Line NV l G.Marquis Pinot Noir VQA The Silver Line 2013 l Kittling Ridge Chardonnay Barrel Fermented Limited Edition VQA 2012 l Magnotta Enotrium VQA 2011 l Magnotta Meritage Limited Edition VQA 2013
Errazuriz 'Aconcagua Costa' Pinot Noir 2013
Viñedos Emiliana SA
Viña Agustinos
Magnotta Winery Corporation
Cascara Limari Valley Chardonnay 2013
Gran Reserva Cabernet Sauvignon 2012
Quinta de Maipo
Le Clos Jordanne Claystone Terrace Chardonnay 2012 Le Clos Jordanne Village Reserve Pinot Noir 2012
Lulu Island Winery
l TerraNoble
Viña Terranoble
Don Matias Cuvée Lorena 2013 Finis Terrae 2011 Lota 2009
l Akana
Peller Estates
Peller Estates
Mission Hill Family Estate
Palo Alto Reserva I 2013 l Palo Alto Winemaker's Selection 2013 l Viña Maipo Gran Devoción Carmenère/Syrah 2012 l
Pelee Island Winery Lighthouse Cabernet Franc 2013 l Pelee Island Winery Pinot Noir Reserve Retro 2013 l
Peller Estates Andrew Peller Signature Series Cabernet Franc 2012 l Peller Estates Cabernet Franc Icewine 2013 l Peller Estates Private Reserve Vidal Icewine 2013 l Peller Estates Vidal Icewine 2013
Joseph's Estate Wines
La Capitana Merlot 2013
Viña Maipo Ltda.
Viña Terranoble
Grand Reserva Carmenère 2012 Reserva Terroir Cabernet Sauvignon 2012 Reserva Terroir Syrah 2012 l TerraNoble Tricau NV l TerraNoble l TerraNoble
Viña Undurraga SA
Sibaris Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 Sibaris Chardonnay 2014 Pinot Noir 2013 l Viña Undurraga Founders Collection Carmenère 2012 l l
l Arboleda
l T.H.
Viña Bouchon SA
Viña Valdivieso
Carmenère 2013 l Arboleda Chardonnay 2014 l
J.Bouchon Mingre 2012
Viña Casa Silva SA
Casa Mayor Old Vines Carmenère 2015 l Casa Silva Gran Terroir de Los Andes Cabernet Sauvignon 2014 l Casa Silva Gran Terroir de Los Andes Carmenère 2014 l Casa Silva Reserva Cuvée Colchagua Cabernet Sauvignon 2014 l Doña Dominga Gran Reserva de Los Andes 2014 l Doña Domingo Reserva de Familia Carmenère 2014 l Pintao Reserve Carmenère 2012 l Santa Tierra Gran Cru Carmenère 2013 l Santa Tierra Gran Cru Sauvignon Blanc 2015 l
Viña Casa Tamaya l Tamaya
Gran Reserva Syrah 2012 l Tamaya Limited Release Carmenère 2013 l Tamaya Limited Release Syrah 2012
Viña Casas del Bosque
Casas del Bosque Late Harvest Riesling 2013 Gran Bosque Private Reserve 2012 l Gran Estate Selection Private Reserve 2012 l Syrah Gran Reserva 2014 l Syrah Pequeñas Producciones 2013 l Syrah Pequeñas Producciones 2014 l l
Caballo Loco Grand Cru Sagrada Familia 2010 Brut Sparkling Wine NV
l Valdivieso
Viña Valle Secreto l Viña Valle
Secreto Private Blend 2012
Viña Ventisquero l
Spar Chilean Carmenère Reserva Hand Selected 2013
Coyam 2012 Signos de Origen Carmenère 2013 Signos de Origen Chardonnay Viognier Marsanne Roussanne 2014
Viñedos Emiliana SA l l
Viñedos Puertas Ltda Caballo Azul 2012 Matapenquero 5 2010 Murmollo 2011 l Obsesion 2012 l Toro de Casta 2012 l l l
Vitivinicola Cremaschi Barriga SA l l l
Cremaschi Furlotti Limited Edition De Familia 2013 Cremaschi Furlotti Reserva Carmenère 2014 Cremaschi Furlotti Vénere 2012
Viu Manent y Cia Ltda l Vibo Viñedo
Centenario 2012
Viña Concha y Toro SA
Casillero del Diablo Malbec 2014 l Casillero del Diablo Merlot 2014 l Frontera Late Harvest 2013 l Marques de Casa Concha Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 l Marques de Casa Concha Carmenère 2013 l Marques de Casa Concha Merlot 2013 l Sunrise Carmenère 2014 l Sunrise Chardonnay 2015 l Terrunyo Cabernet Sauvignon 2012 l Terrunyo Riesling Block 6 2013 l
CHINA Silver
Citic Guoan Wine Co. Ltd l
NIYA Cabernet Sauvignon Dry Red Wine 2012 Vintage
Helan Mountain Special Reserve Chardonnay 2013
Pernod Ricard China
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Shangri-La Wine Company Limited
Gusbourne Estate
Cave de Lugny
Badet Clement & Cie
2013 Dong Shui Village Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 Shangri-La Shiraz l Altiwine A3 2013
Gusbourne Brut Reserve 2010 Gusbourne Guinevere 2013 l Gusbourne Pinot Noir 2013
Hoffmann & Rathbone l
Hoffmann & Rathbone Rosé Reserve 2011
Bohemia Sekt, s.r.o.
Bohemia Sekt Louis Girardot Brut 2010 Bohemia Sekt Prestige Brut 2011 l Bohemia Sekt Prestige Chardonnay Brut 2013 l
Hush Heath Estate Balfour 1503 Rosé NV
Langham Wine Estates l
Langham Wine Estate Classic Cuvée 2011
Nyetimber Limited
Habanske Skelepy, spol. s.r.o.
Ridgeview Wine Estate
Habanske Skelepy Ryzlink Synsky 2013
Kobly A.S.
l l l
Nyetimber Classic Cuvée Magnum 2007 Ridgeview Marksman Rose 2013 Ridgeview Rosé de Noirs NV
Stanlake Park Wine Estate
Sonberk AS Popice
Upperton Vineyards
Kolby Pinot Gris Selection of Grapes 2013 l Kolby Rhine Riesling Late Harest 2011 l
Sonberk Riesling Noble Rot 2013
Vinarstvi Cech, s.r.o. l Vinarstvi
Cech Hibernal 2014 l Vinarstvi Cech Pinot Gris 2014
Vinarstvi Kovacs s.r.o. l Vinarstvi l Vinarstvi
Kovacs Chardonnay 2013 Kovacs Pinot Gris 2013
Vinarství Mikrosvín Mikulov AS l Vino
Mikulovska Rulandske Bile 2013
l l
Stanlake Park Ascot NV
l Woodchurch Wine Woodchurch
Classic Cuvée 2012
Vinarstvi Nepras
Gold Outstanding
Vinarstvi U Kaplicky
l Vinarstvi l Vinarstvi
Nepras Pinot Gris Nad Sklepy 2013 U Kaplicky Fresh Wine Zweigelt Rosé 2014
Vinselekt Michlovsky A.S. l Aurelius Vino
S Priulastkem Vyber Z Cibeb Premier 2007
Znovin Znojmo, a.s. l
Znovin Znojmo Tramin Cerveny 2009
ENGLAND Gold Outstanding Gusbourne Estate
Gusbourne Blanc de Blancs 2007 LD l Gusbourne Blanc de Blancs 2010 l
Black Dog Hill Vineyard l
Black Dog Hill Classic Cuvée 2011
Gusbourne Estate l
Gusbourne Rosé 2011
Nutbourne Sussex Reserve 2013
Nutbourne Vineyards
Silver Outstanding
Bluebell Vineyard Estates Ltd l
Hindleap Brut Blanc de Blancs 2010
Breaky Bottom Chardonnay Pinot 2009
Breaky Bottom Vineyard Court Garden Limited l
Court Garden 2011 Vintage Rosé
Denbies Wine Estate l
Denbies Whitedowns NV
English Wines Plc
Chapel Down Blanc de Noirs 2009 l Chapel Down Rosé Brut NV l
Furleigh Estate l
Furleigh Estate Classic Cuvée 2011
Greyfriars Vineyard Blanc de Blancs 2011
Greyfriars Vineyard
Ridgeview Wine Estate
Ridgeview Blanc de Blancs 2011 l Ridgeview Blanc de Noirs NV l
Upperton Vineyards l
Upperton Aurora Brut 2010
Albourne Winery Ltd l
Chapel Down (English Wines Group) l
M&S Chapel Down Sparkling English Rosé Brut NV
Court Garden Limited
Court Garden 2010 Vintage Ditchling Reserve l Court Garden 2011 Vintage Classic Cuvée l Court Garden Vintage Blanc de Blancs 2010 l Court Garden Vintage Blanc de Noirs 2010 l
Danebury Vineyards l
Danebury Cossack Vintage Brut 2009
Denbies Wine Estate
Denbies Juniper Hill 2014 Denbies Noble Harvest 2014 l Sainsburys Taste the Difference English Sparkling Wine 2010 l Waitrose English Dry White 2013 l l
English Wines Plc
Chapel Down Bacchus 2013 Chapel Down Blanc de Blancs 2009 l Chapel Down Three Graces 2009 l Kit's Coty Estate Chardonnay 2013 l l
Exton Park Wines l
Exton Park Brut NV
Pouilly Fumé La Renardière 2014
Champagne G.H. Mumm l
Champagne Mumm Le Rosé NV
Champagne Victoire Prestige Brut NV
l l
Champagne Henri Abelé Millésime 2004 Henri Abelé Sourire de Reims Rosé 2003
Champagne Lallier Millésime Grand Cru 2008
Champagne Lasseaux & Fils 2007
l l
Champagne Napoleon Millésime 2000 Champagne Paul Goerg Cuvée Lady 2004
Champagne Pierre Darcys Brut NV
Champagne GH Martel et Cie Champagne Henri Abele
Champagne Lasseaux & Fils Champagne Paul Goerg
Champagne Paul Laurent
Champagne Piot-Sevillano l
Piot-Sevillano Edition 2008
Champagne Taittinger l Taittinger
Champagnes Charles Heidsieck
Champagne Charles Heidsieck Rosé Millésimé 1999
Château de Riquewihr Domaines Dopff & Irion l Alsace
Domaines du Château de Riquewihr Les Murailles Riesling 2012 l Dopff & Irion Crémant d'Alsace Brut L'Exception Pinot Gris 2010
Henri Abelé Sourire de Reims Brut 2007 Le Brun de Neuville Lady de N Chardonnay NV
Champagne Charles Heidsieck Blanc des Millénaires Millésimé 1995
Château Peyrabon l
Château la Fleur Peyrabon 2012
Charles Orban Blanc de Noirs NV
Château Roquefort Blanc 2014
Dopff & Irion Alsace Grand Cru Vorbourg Pinot Gris 2009
Domaine Brusset Gigondas Les Hauts de Montmirail 2012
Champagnes Charles Heidsieck Charles Orban
Château de Riquewihr Domaines Dopff & Irion Domaines HM
Château Roquefort Domaine Brusset Domaine Collet
Famille Castel AOC Jurançon 2014
Champagne de Castelnau Brut NV
Grand Prieur Brut Millésime 2002
Champagne Charles Mignon Premium Brut Reserve NV
Champagne Froment Griffon Brut Privilége 2008
Castelnau Wine Agencies
Champagne CH&A Prieur
Champagne Charles Mignon
Champagne Froment Griffon
Champagne GH Martel et Cie l
Champagne Charles de Cazanove Grand Apparat Brut NV
Champagne J. de Telmont l
Champagne J. de Telmont Blanc de Blancs 2007
Champagne Lasseaux & Fils l
Champagne Lasseaux & Fils Brut Classique NV
Le Brun de Neuville Authentique Blanc de Blancs NV
Champagne Le Brun de Neuville
Château de Riquewihr Domaines Dopff & Irion Château La Gorce l
Château la Gorce 2010
Cooperative Vinicole de Germigny Janvry et Rosnay
La Cave des Vignerons de Pfaffenheim l Alsace
Sélection de Grains Nobles Gewürztraminer 2009
Lanson International Diffusion l
Lanson Black Label Brut NV
Champagne Leon Launois Brut Cuvée Reserve NV
Leon Launois
Les Domaines Jeeper
Champagne Francois Dubois 1764 Cuvée Brut Grand Cru NV l Champagne Francois Dubois 1764 Cuvée Brut Prestige 2008 l Champagne Jeeper Cuvée Brut Grande Reserve NV l
Les Vins Skalli l
Caves Saint Pierre Châteauneuf-du-Pape 2013
Nicholas Feuillate l
Champagne P Desroches NV
O Moore & Co Ltd l
Louis Bernard Extra Special Vintage 2007
Oudinot l
Oudinot Cuvée Rosé NV
Piper & Charles Heidsieck
Champagne Piper-Heidsieck Essentiel Cuvée Brut NV l Champagne Piper-Heidsieck Vintage Brut 2006 l
SA Champagne Haton Jean-Noël l
Champagne Jean Noel Haton Brut Rosé NV
SCEA Domaine de la Motte
Domaine de la Motte Chablis 1er Cru Beauroy 2013 l Domaine de la Motte Chablis 1er Cru Vauligneau 2013 l
Union Champagne l Tesco
Finest* Vintage Champagne 2007
Champagne Ch. de l'Auche Brut Selection NV
Domaine Laroche Chablis Grand Cru Les Blanchots 2012
Pfaff Alsace Grand Cru Steinert Riesling 2011
La Chablisienne Chablis La Sereine 2013
Abbotts & Delaunay
Philippe Michel Crémant du Jura AOC NV
l Abbotts
La Cave des Vignerons de Pfaffenheim La Chablisienne
Les Grands Chais de France Maison du Vigneron Maison Sichel
Vranken Pommery UK Limited l l
Pommery Cuvée Louise 2002 Pommery Grand Cru 2005
Silver l Abbotts
& Delaunay Alto Stratus 2012 & Delaunay Cumulo Nimbus 2012
Ackerman SA
Marks & Spencer plc
Crémant de Loire Royal Ackerman NV Sancerre Remy Pannier 2014
Yvon Mau SA
Roche Lacour Crémant de Limoux Brut 2013
M&S L'Or du Ciron Sauternes 2011
l Abel
Charlot Brut NV
l Tesco
Finest* Sauternes 2010
Silver Outstanding Badet Clement & Cie l
Les Jamelles Chardonnay 2014
Boutinot Wines Ltd l Arc
du Rhône Châteauneuf-du-Pape 2013
Champagne de Castelnau Blanc de Blancs Millésimé 2003 Champagne de Castelnau Millésimé 2003 Champagne de Castelnau Rosé NV l Château Haut Selve Reserve 2012 l l l
Cave de Lugny l
Cave de Lugny Sparkling Burgundy Blanc de Blancs NV
Crozes Hermitage Hauts de Pavières 2012
Poujol Lacoste 2014
Les Dauphins Côtes du Rhône Reserve 2014 Les Dauphins Côtes du Rhône Réserve Blanc 2014 Les Dauphins Côtes du Rhône Villages Saint Maurice 2014
Cave de Tain l'Hermitage Cave St Maurice
Cellier des Dauphins l
Château l'Hospitalet Grand Vin 2014
Domaine Laroche SA
Castelnau Wine Agencies
Gerard Bertrand
Champagne Louis Enderlin Brut NV
Domaine Duclaux Châteauneuf-du-Pape 2010
Castel Frères
Champagne Leconte Agnus Cuvée Selection NV
Free Run Wines
Famille Castel Grande Réserve Chardonnay 2014 Famille Castel Merlot Réserve IGP 2014 Famille Castel Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon 2014 l Famille Castel Vin de France Chardonnay 2014 l
Champagne Jean Noel Haton Noble Vintage 2007
Aimery Sieur D'Arques Alliance Champagne
Champagne Jacquart Blanc de Blancs 2006 Champagne Jacquart Cuvée Alpha 2006 Champagne Jacquart Rosé NV l Champagne Montaudon Brut Resérve Première NV l Champagne Montaudon Classe M NV l l l
Arcadie l
Byzance 2012
Baron Nathaniel Pauillac 2012 Réserve Mouton Cadet Graves Blanc 2013 Réserve Mouton Cadet Sauternes 2012
Castel Frères
Heidsieck & Co. Monopole Cuvée Impératrice NV
EARL Bonnet Leconte
Lanson Noble Cuvée Blanc de Blancs 2000
Vranken Pommery UK Limited
Château Roumieu 2012
Vignobles Familles Quiot
Domaine Doudet Savigny-lès-Beaune 1er Cru En Redrescul 2012
La Chablisienne Chablis 1er Cru Montée de Tonnerre 2013
SA Champagne Haton Jean-Noël
Boutinot La Côte Sauvage Cairanne Côtes du Rhône Villages 2012 Clos Saint Pierre Mâcon Charnay Le Quartier des Girouettes 2013 l Domaine de la Canarde Vinsobres 2012 l Domaine des Bassets Morgon Vieilles Vignes 2014 l Domaine la Haute Marone Le Cru des Dentelles de Montmirail Gigondas 2012 l Domaine Roman Grenache Gris Rosé Pays d'Oc 2014 l La Lotte Chablis 2014 l Les Galets Roulés Châteauneuf-du-Pape 2012 l Rasteau Les Banquettes Escarpées 2012 l Réserve Personelle Mâcon-Villages 2013 l Three French Hens Grenache Cinsault 2014 l
Champagne René Collet Empreinte de Terroir NV
Lanson International Diffusion
Boutinot Wines Ltd
Pfaff Crémant d'Alsace Brut Rosé NV
La Chablisienne
Bouchié Chatellier
Pouilly-Fuissé AOC Nicolas Potel 2013
La Cave des Vignerons de Pfaffenheim
Blasons de Bougogne
Dopff & Irion Alsace Grand Cru Vorbourg Pinot Gris 2010
Camel Valley Brut 2013 l Camel Valley Pinot Noir White Label 2011
Morrison's Signature Chablis 2014
Champagne Ernest Remy Oxymore Extra Brut Grand Cru Millesimé 2008
Champagne Le Brun de Neuville
Perrier-Jouët Grand Brut NV
Champagne de Castellane Brut Millésimé 2007
Champagne Ernest Remy
Camel Valley Vineyard
Hindleap Brut Rosé 2011 Bolney Estate Rosé 2014
Champagne Herbert Beaufort NV
Champagne de Castellane
Hermitage Grand Classique 2012
Champagne Henri Abele
Bolney Wine Estate Ltd
Reserve de Bonpas Châteauneuf-du-Pape Rouge 2010
Champagne Perrier-Jouët
Bluebell Vineyard Estates Ltd
Beaufort Champagne Herbert
Cave de Tain l'Hermitage
Baron Philipe de Rothschild Pauillac AOP 2010
Baron Philipe de Rothschild
Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte Palmes D'Or Brut Vintage 2006
Boisset la Famille des Grands Vins Bonpas
Saint Joseph Coeur de Rochevine 2011
Comtes de Champagne Blanc de Blancs 2006 l Taittinger Comtes de Champagne Rosé Brut 2006 l Taittinger Prelude Grands Cru NV
Sainsbury's Taste The Difference Pouilly-Fuissé 2014
Bacchus 2014 Pinot Noir 2014
l White l
Boisset La Famille des Grands Vins
La Villette Grenache Syrah Mourvèdre 2014 Les Jamelles Cépage Rare Carignan 2014 Les Jamelles Cépage Rare Mourvedre 2014
Champagne Lallier
Upperton Nebula Brut 2011
Woodchurch Wine
Centre Vinicole - Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte
Hambledon Cuvée NV Hambledon Première Cuvée NV
Hush Heath Estate
Cave Saint Desirat
Hambledon Wineries Ltd l
Cave de Lugny Mâcon-Lugny Le Coteaux des Anges 2014 Mâcon-Lugny Les Charmes Single Vineyard 2013
Cellier des Princes
Cellier des Princes Châteauneuf du Pape Les Hauts des Coteaux 2012
Centre Vinicole - Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte Cuvée Speciale Millésimé 2007 Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte Grand Cru Chardonnay Millésimé 2006
Champagne Bauchet
Champagne Bauchet Cuvée Saint Nicaise Blanc de Blancs Premier Cru Millésimé 2009 Champagne Bauchet Cuvée Séduction NV l Champagne Bauchet Cuvée Signature Premier Cru NV l Champagne Bauchet Millésimé 2009 Premier Cru l l
Champagne Canard-Duchêne l l
Champagne Canard-Duchêne Authentic Reserve NV Champagne Canard-Duchêne Léonie Brut NV
Champagne Charles Mignon l l
Charles Mignon Brut Rosé Premier Cru Premium Réserve NV Charles Mignon Cuvée Comte de Marne Brut Cru NV
Champagne Cuperly l
Champagne Cuperly Prestige Blanc de Noirs Grand Cru Brut NV
Champagne de Barfontarc l
Champagne de Barfontarc Brut Tradition NV
Champagne de Castellane Rosé Brut NV
Champagne Dehu Blanc de Blancs NV Champagne Dehu Brut Tradition NV
Champagne de Castellane
Champagne Dehu Père et Fils - SARL Dehu l
Champagne Duval-Leroy
Champagne Duval-Leroy Blanc de Blancs Grand Cru Vintage 2006 Champagne Duval-Leroy Brut NV l Sainsbury's Taste the Difference Vintage Champagne Premier Cru 2007 l l
Champagne Ernest Remy l
Champagne Ernest Remy Rosé de Saignée Grand Cru NV
l l
Champagne Forget Brimont Extra Brut Premier Cru NV Champagne Forget Brimont Grand Rosé Premier Cru NV
Champagne Froment Griffon Brut Grande Reserve NV
Champagne Mumm 2006
Champagne Gabriel Pagin Fils Carte d'Or Premier Cru NV Champagne Gabriel Pagin Grande Réserve NV
Champagne Forget-Brimont
Champagne Froment Griffon Champagne G.H. Mumm
Champagne Gabriel Pagin Fils l
Champagne GH Martel et Cie
Champagne Charles de Cazanove Cuvée Vieille France Blanc de Noirs Brut NV Champagne Charles de Cazanove Tradition Père et Fils Brut NV l Champagne Charles de Cazanove Tradition Père et Fils Rosé Brut NV l Champagne GH Martel Cuvée 1er Cru Fût Brut 2008 l Champagne GH Martel Prestige Brut NV l Champagne GH Martel Rosé Brut NV l l
Champagne Gremillet l
Champagne Gremillet Blanc de Blancs NV
Champagne H. Blin Blanc de Noirs NV Champagne H. Blin's Quintessence Meunier Blanc de Noirs 2009 Millésime
Champagne H Blin & Co l
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d i re c to r y Champagne Hélène Delhéry
O Moore & Co Ltd
Schuchmann Wines Georgia
Champagne Hélène Delhéry Eclats de Perles NV
Champagne Henri Abele l
Champagne Henri Abelé Brut Traditionnel Rosé NV
Champagne J. de Telmont O.R 1735 2004
Champagne J. de Telmont Champagne Jean Comyn
Champagne Salmon A.S. NV Champagne Salmon Brut Rosé NV
Fournier Pere et Fils
De Vallois Champagne NV Louis Bernard Asda Extra Special Premier Cru Champagne NV l Morrisons Signature Rosé Champagne NV l Sainsbury's Blanc de Noirs Champagne NV l Tesco Finest* Rosé Champagne NV
Free Run Wines
Earl Domaine Seguinot Bordet l
Domaine Séguinot-Bordet Chablis 1er Cru Fourchaume 2013
Ogier Caves des Papes
Champagne Jean Comyn Harmonie Brut NV l Champagne Jean Comyn Symphone Millésimé Brut 2009
l Tesco
Champagne Le Brun de Neuville
Le Brun de Neuville Authentique Assemblage NV Le Brun de Neuville Cuvée Chardonnay Brut NV l Le Brun de Neuville Cuvée Tendre Rosé NV
l l
Champagne Mandois l
Champagne Mandois Blanc de Blancs Brut 1er Cru 2010
Champagne Marc Perla-Néra Grand Cru 2008
Champagne Napoléon Tradition Brut NV Champagne Paul Goerg Millésime Premier Cru Brut 2005
Champagne Marc
Champagne Paul Goerg l
Champagne Paul Laurent
Champagne Charles Devalmont Brut NV Champagne Paul Laurent Blanc de Noirs Brut NV l Champagne Paul Laurent Cuvée du Fondateur Brut NV l Champagne Paul Laurent Cuvée du Fondateur NV l Champagne Paul Laurent Rosé Brut NV l Champagne Pierre Darcys Brut Rosé NV l l
Champagne Perrier-Jouët l
Perrier-Jouët Blason Rosé NV
Champagne Philizot et Fils l Veuve l Veuve
Monsigny Blanc de Blancs by Philizot et Fils 2010 Monsigny Rosé by Philizot et Fils NV
Champagne Piot-Sevillano Piot-Sevillano Interdite NV l Piot-Sevillano Prestige NV l
Champagne Roger-Constant Lemaire
Champagne Cuvée Trianon NV l Champagne Roger Constant Lemaire Sélect Réserve NV l
Champagne Royer et Cie l
Champagne Royer Pere et Fils Cuvée de Réserve NV
Champagne Taittinger l Taittinger
Brut 2008 l Taittinger Folies de la Marquetterie NV
Champagne Yann Alexandre l l
Champagne Yann Alexandre Blanc de Blancs Brut 2008 Champagne Yann Alexandre Roche Mere Brut Nature NV
Champagnes Charles Heidsieck l l
Champagne Charles Heidsieck Brut Millésimé 2005 Champagne Charles Heidsieck Brut Réserve NV
Château de l'Orangerie l
Le Tracteur Bleu 2014
Château de Riquewihr Domaines Dopff & Irion l Alsace
Comte d'Isenbourg Gewürztraminer 2013 l Alsace Grand Cru Vorbourg Pinot Gris 2012 l Crémant d'Alsace Brut Blanc de Blancs NV l Dopff & Irion Crémant d'Alsace Brut Egerie Chardonnay NV l Dopff & Irion Crémant d'Alsace Brut Rosé NV l Dopff & Irion Cuvée René Dopff Alsace Muscat 2014 l Dopff & Irion Cuvée René Dopff Alsace Pinot Blanc 2014
Château et Domaines Castel Frères Château Tour Bellevue 2012 l Château Tour Prignac 2012 l
Château La Varière SCA Jacques Beaujeau l
Château La Varière LAV34 La Chevalerie 2014 Château La Varière LQC31 2013
Château Peyrabon 2012
Château Vincens des Graves de Paul 2012
Château Coussin Rosé 2014 La Croix du Prieur Rosé 2014
Château Peyrabon Château Vincens
Chateaux Elie Sumeire l
Christelle Salomon l l
Champagne Christelle Salomon Cuvée Prestige 2010 Champagne Christelle Salomon Tradition NV
Co-Operative Regionale Des Vins De Champagne l Abel
Charlot Vintage 2005
Cockburn & Campbell Limited l
Cockburn & Campbell Cuvée Brut NV
Compagnie Francaise Des Grands Vins l Veuve Amiot
Chardonnay Crémant de Loire NV
Cooperative Vinicole de Germigny Janvry et Rosnay
Champagne Ch. de l'Auche Cuvée du Chapitre NV l Champagne Prestige des Sacres La Cuvée Boisée NV l
Cordier Mestrezat Grands Crus l
Château de Candale 2012
Finest* Sancerre Rosé 2014
Champagne Charles Lecouvey Brut NV Champagne Charles Lecouvey Rosé Brut NV l Champagne Louis Enderlin Rosé Brut NV l Champagne Veuve Devanlay Brut NV
Gerard Bertrand
Château de Villemajou Grand Vin 2013 Château Laville Bertrou 2013 l Cigalus 2013 l Gerard Bertrand Tautavel Réserve 2013 l Gerard Bertrand Terroir Languedoc 2013
Palais Des Anciens Costières de Nîmes Rouge 2014
Château Verniotte 2011
Jaillance Crémant de Bordeaux Cuvée de l'Abbaye Blanc NV
HJH Wines Ltd Jaillance
Jean Jean SA l Asda
Picpoul 2014
Jean-Noel Boidron l
Château Corbin Michotte 2012
JM Cazes Selection
Château Villa Bel Air 2014 l Domaine L'Ostal Cazes Estibals 2012 l Domaine L'Ostal Cazes Grand Vin 2012 l
Joseph Castan SAS
Château Portal 2014 l Château Saint-Jean d'Aumières Merlot 2014 l
L'Union des Vignerons l
Michel Maury Sélection Réserve Merlot 2014
La Cave des Vignerons de Pfaffenheim l Alsace
Pfaff Tradition Gewürztraminer 2014 Gewürztraminer 2011 l Cuvée Chevalier Alsace Pinot Blanc 2014 l Cuvée Jupiter Alsace Riesling 2014 l Cuvée Rabelais Alsace Pinot Gris 2014 l Grand Cru Zinnkoepfle Riesling 2012 l Pfaff Alsace Cuvée Bacchus Gewürztraminer 2014 l Pfaff Alsace Grand Cru Goldert Gewürztraminer 2013 l Pfaff Alsace Grand Cru Goldert Riesling 2010 l Pfaff Alsace Grand Cru Zinnkoepfle Gewürztraminer 2013 l Pfaff Crémant d'Alsace Brut Blanc de Blancs NV l Pfaff Crémant d'Alsace Brut Excellence Prestige NV l Pfaff Crémant d'Alsace Brut L'Exception Chardonnay NV l Pfaff Crémant d'Alsace Brut Pinot Gris 2011 l Pfaff Tradition Alsace Pinot Blanc 2014 l Pfaff Tradition Alsace Pinot Gris 2014 l Pfaff Tradition Alsace Riesling 2014 l Pfaff Tradition Sylvaner Alsace 2014 l Steingold Gewürztraminer 2012 l Steingold Riesling 2012 l Alsace Vendanges Tardives
La Chablisienne
La Chablisienne Chablis 1er Cru Grande Cuvée 2013 La Chablisienne Chablis 1er Cru Mont de Milieu 2013 La Chablisienne Chablis Les Vénérables 2012 l La Chablisienne Petit Chablis Pas si petit 2013 l l l
Lanson International Diffusion
Besserat de Bellefon Cuvée des Moines Extra Brut NV l Lanson Cuvée Père et Fils NV l Lanson Rosé Label Brut Rosé NV l Lanson White Label NV l Tsarine Premier Cru NV l
Le Grand Courtage l
Le Grand Courtage Grand Cuveé Brut Rosé NV
Les Domaines Jeeper
Champagne Francois Dubois 1764 Cuvée Brut Nocturne Privilège NV l Champagne Francois Dubois 1764 Cuvée Brut Rosé NV l Champagne Francois Dubois 1764 Cuvée Brut Rosé Spéciale NV l Champagne Francois Dubois 1764 Premier Cru NV l Champagne Jeeper Cuvée Brut Grand Cru NV l Champagne Jeeper Cuvée Brut Grand Rosé NV l Champagne Jeeper Cuvée Brut Premier Cru NV l
Les Domaines Paul Mas l l
Cote Mas Rosé Aurore 2014 Côté Mas Vermentino 2014
Les Grand Chais de France Lacheteau l Vignobles l Vignobles
Roussellet Malbec NV Roussellet Pinot Noir 2014
Les Roches Blanches SA
Champagne Louis Delaunay Brut NV Henri Delattre Brut NV
Les Vins Skalli
Domaine Collet Empreinte de Terroir Chardonnay NV
Domaine de Nalys Châteauneuf du Pape Cuvée Classique 2012
Domaine de Nalys Domaine de Nizas l
Domaine de Nizas Rouge 2011
Domaine Gris des Bauries l
Domaine Gris des Bauries Duo des Achaux 2012
Domaine la HItaire l
Domaine la Hitaire Jardin d'Hiver 2013
Domaine Laroche Chablis Premier Cru Les Vaudevey 2012 Domaine Laroche Chablis Saint Martin 2013
Domaine Laroche SA l
Domaine De Grangeneuve La Truffière 2013 De La Marquise Domaine De La Grange Verte 2014
l Tentation
Domaines HM l
Nuits-Saint-Georges AOC Nicolas Potel 2013
Dourthe Château Pey la Tour Reserve du Château 2011
French Cellars Bourgogne Chardonnay 2014 French Cellars Bourgogne Pinot Noir 2013 French Cellars Cabernet Sauvignon 2014 l French Cellars Merlot 2014 l l
Domaine Collet
Overland Trade
Domaine B Girardin
Domaine B Girardin Appoggiature Brut NV l Domaine B Girardin Point d'Orgue 2009
Champagne Oudinot Brut NV l Oudinot Vintage 2007
GMDF Louis Bernard
Fortant de France Terroir Littoral Grenache Rosé 2014 l Fortant de France Terroir Littoral Merlot 2014 l Fortant de France Terroir Littoral Muscat 2014 l Le Grande Nuit Syrah 2014 l
Lidl UK l
Lidl Chablis 2013
Louise Tete Brouilly 2013
Sainsbury's Taste the Difference Crozes-Hermitage 2012
Louise Tete
M Chapoutier SA Maison Ginestet
Ginestet Bordeaux Blanc 2014 l Ginestet Classique Sauternes 2013 l
Maison Jean Claude Fromont l
Chablis Selected by Tesco 2014
Mirabeau Pure Rosé 2014
Mirabeau SARL
Moët Hennessy UK Limited
Möet & Chandon Grand Vintage 2006 Möet & Chandon Grand Vintage Rosé 2006 l Möet & Chandon Impérial Rosé NV l l
Mollet-Maudry Père & Fils l
Pouilly-Fumé Antique 2014
Lirac les Closiers 2013
Perrin et Fils l Vinsobres
Reserve du Mistral 2012
Pierre Chainier l
Morrisons Vouvray 2014
Piper & Charles Heidsieck
Champagne Piper-Heidsieck Rare Millésimé 2002 l Champagne Piper-Heidsieck Sublime NV l Waitrose Brut Special Réserve Vintage 2006 l
Producteurs de Saint Emilion l
Producteurs de Saint Emilion St. Emilion Grand Cru AOC 2013
SA Champagne Haton Jean-Noël
Champagne Jean Noel Haton Blanc de Blanc 2009 l Champagne Jean Noel Haton Blanc de Blanc Extra NV l Champagne Jean Noel Haton Brut Classic NV l Champagne Jean Noel Haton Extra NV l Champagne Jean Noel Haton Rosé Extra NV l
SARL Château Fortia
Schuchmann Saperavi Red Dry 2014
Schmitt Söhne GmbH l Thomas
Schmitt Private Collection Spätlese 2011
Weingut Horst Sauer
2013 Escherndorfer Lump Riesling Trockenbeerenauslese l 2013 Escherndorfer Lump Silvaner Trockenbeerenauslese l
Weingut Reiss l
2012 Weingut Reiss Würzburger Pfaffenberg Eiswein
Silver Outstanding
Divino Nordheim Thüngersheim eG l
2012 Franconia Nordheimer Vögelein Silvaner Beerenauslese
Weingut Horst Sauer l
2012 Escherndorf am Lumpen Riesling GG trocken
l l
2003 Wehlener Sonnenuhr Riesling Auslese 2006 Wehlener Sonnenuhr Riesling Auslese
2013er Retzstadter Langenberg Silvaner Beerenauslese
Weingut Martin Kerpen
Winzergemeinschaft Franken eG
Bischöfliche Weingüter Trier l
Graacher Himmelreich Riesling Spätlese Trocken 2012 Riesling Spätlese 2013
l Trittenheimer Apotheke
Château Fortia Cuvée du Baron 2013
Das Ulrich Langguth Weingut
Primo de Conti Rouge 2012
Divino Nordheim Thüngersheim eG
Château Crabitey 2012
l l
Champagne Baron de Villeboerg NV Champagne Montaubret NV
Petit Guiraud 2013
Laudun Chusclan Les Dolia 2014
Weingut Dr Loosen
Les Caleches de Lanessan 2012
Weingut Fritz Allendorf
Champagne Michel Marcoult Cuvée Brut Tradition NV
Weingut Hermann Dönnhoff
SARL La Julienne
SARL LES VIGNOBLES DE BUTLER SCA Chassenay D'Arce sca chateau guiraud
SCA Laudun Chusclan Vignerons SCEA Delbos Bouteiller SCEV Marcoult Michel Sieur D'Arques l Tesco
Finest* 1531 Blanquette De Limoux 2012
Sovex Grandschateaux l
Château Margerots 2012
Champagne Langlet Pinot Meunier NV (Recolté 2009)
Succession Langlet Terraventoux l Terraventoux
L'Eternel 2012 l Terraventoux Terres de Truffes 2012
Union Blasons de Bourgogne
Blason de Bourgogne Chablis La Réserve 2013 l Blason de Bourgogne Saint Véran 2013 l Chablis La Terrasse 2014 l
Union des Viticulteurs de Chablis l
Morrison's Signature Chablis 1er Cru 2013
Vignerons des Grandes Vignes
Sainsbury's Taste the Difference Bourgogne Aligoté 2014 l Sainsbury's Taste the Difference Macon-Villages 2014 l
Vignoble Comin l
Château Tour Chapoux Rouge 2014
Château Blanville Clos des Legendes 2009 l Château Haut Blanville Grande Cuvée 2010 l Château Haut Blanville Plenitude 2009 l Domaine Du Clos Des Charmes Danae 2011 l Domaine Du Clos Des Charmes Danae 2014 l
Villebois - La Chardoisie l Villebois
Sancerre 2014
Vin Attitude l AOP
Cotes du Rhone "La Grance des Filles" Clara NV l AOP Ventoux Madazanum 2012
Vranken Pommery UK Limited
Charles Lafitte Grande Cuvée Brut NV l Heidsieck & Co. Monopole Blue Top NV l Heidsieck & Co. Monopole Gold Top 2007 l Heidsieck & Co. Monopole Premier Cru NV l Pommery Apanage Rosé NV l Pommery Brut Royal NV l
Yvon Mau SA l l
Château Mathiot 2014 Premius Rouge 2013 Mau Merlot 2014
2002 Riesling Spätlese Piesporter Goldtröpfchen
2009 Divino Fascination Pinot Noir trocken - Im Barrique gereift 2011 Divino Chardonnay Trocken l 2011 Franconia Escherndorfer Lump Riesling Spätlese Trocken l 2012 Charakter F Sponti Nordheimer Vögelein Silvaner Spätlese Trocken l 2012 Divino Weisser Burgunder Trocken l l
Dr. Loosen Ürziger Würzgarten Riesling Auslese 2013
l Winkel
Jesuitengarten Riesling VDP. Grosses Gewächs 2013
Kreuznacher Krötenpfuhl Riesling Kabinett 2013 l Niederhäuser Hermannshöhle Riesling Auslese 2013 l Niederhäuser Hermannshöhle Riesling Trocken Grosses Gewächs 2013 l Oberhäuser Brücke Riesling Spätlese 2013 l
Weingut Horst Sauer l l
2013 Escherndorf am Lumpen Riesling GG trocken 2013 Escherndorfer Fürstenberg Weiser Burgunder S. trocken
Weingut Josef Leitz l
Rüdesheimer Berg Roseneck Spätlese 2013
2012er Michelbacher Steinberg Weißburgunder Spätlese Barrique
Weingut Klaus Gündling Weingut Neumer l
2013 Weissburgunder Black Label Dienheimer Tafelstein
Zähringer Weissburgunder SZ 2013
2013 Weinhaus zu Weimar Auxerrois
Schmetterling Pinot Noir Rosé 2014
Weingut Wilhelm Zahringer
Weinhaus zu Weimar Prinz zur Lippe GmbH & Co.KG Weinkellerei Klostor
Winzer Sommerach - Der Winzerkeller
2012 Spätburgunder trocken Supremus 2013 Sommeracher Katzenkopf Silvaner Trockenbeerenauslese l 2013 Sommeracher Katzenkopf Weißburgunder Spätlese Trocken - Supremus l 2013 Sommeracher Katzenkopf Weissburgunder Trockenbeerenauslese l l
Winzergemeinschaft Franken eG
2011er Wipfelder Zehntgraf Grauer Burgunder Spätlese Trocken Barrique 2013er Retzbacher Benediktusberg Grauer Burgunder Spätlese Trocken l 2013er Rödelseer Küchenmeister Silvaner Spatlese trocken Premium 1er Traube l 2013er Untereisenheimer Sonnenberg Silvaner Spätlese Trocken Premium 2013 l 2013er Wipfeldzer Zehntgraf Traminer Spätlese l l
l Yvon
Château Mukhrani Saperavi 2012
JSC 'Tbilvino' l Tbilvino
Domaine Sigalas SA
JSC Château Mukhrani l
Kindzmarauli 2013
JSC Bagrationi 1882
l l l
Sigalas Mavrotragano 2013 Sigalas Santorini 2014 Sigalas Vinsanto 2005
Estate I & M Argyros O. E. l Atlantis
l Artemis
Karamolegos Terra Nera White 2014
Hermes SA Artemis Karamolegos Winery K.Tsililis SA
l Theopetra
JSC Château Mukhrani
l Akakies
Bagrationi Finest 2013 l Bagrationi Reserve Brut 2013
Estate Malagouzia-Assyrtiko 2014
Kir Yianni SA
Château Muhrani Reserve Du Prince Goruli Mtsvane 2012
Kir Yianni 2014 l Ramnista Kir Yianni 2011
Kisi Qvevri Glekhuri 2013
JSC Teliani Valley
Santo Wines
Santo Wines Vinsanto 2007
52-68 Medal directory LE_champagne template 19/11/2015 16:41 Page 57
Castello di Meleto
Tokaj Kereskedöház Zrt. l Tokaji
Essencia 2007
Silver Outstanding Armand Wine Exports Kft l
Royal Tokaji Borászati 6 Puttonyos Tokaji Aszú 2011
Silver l
Bock Libra 2011 Bock Villany Cuvée 2011
Geszler Kft. l
MáMór Móri Chardonnay Nobilis 2013
Puklus Pincészet l
Puklus Pincészet Tokaji Muskotály Aszúeszencia 2003
Tokajicum Borház Kft. l Tokajicum Tokaji
Törley KFT
Reneszánsz Cuvée 2013
l Törley
Chardonnay Brut 2011 l Törley Francois President Rosé Brut 2010
Silver Outstanding Golan Heights Winery l Yarden
Chianti Classico Coli 2013
l Villa Annaberta
Endrizzi l
Heights Wine 2012
Endrizzi Gran Masetto 2010 Edizione Cinque Autoc 15
Fattoria la Vialla di Gianni Antonio e Bandino Lo Franco Società Agricola Semplice Santo del Chianti DOC 2011
Femar Vini Srl
Epicuro Z Zinfandel Primitivo IGT Puglia 2013 l TATOR Primitivo IGP Salento 2012 l
Ferrari F.lli Lunelli
Ferrari Perlé Nero Trento DOC 2008 Ferrari Perlé Trento DOC 2008 l Giulio Ferrari Riserva del Fondatore 1999 l Giulio Ferrari Riserva del Fondatore Trento DOC 2004 l l
Gerardo Cesari SpA
Bosan Amarone della Valpolicella Classico DOC Riserva 2006 l Salvalai Amarone Della Valpolicella Classico DOCG 2011 l Salvalai Vejo Amarone Della Valpolicella Classico DOC 2008 l
Jeio Belstar l
Bisol Pas Dosé Talento Metodo Classico 2004 Bisol Valdobbiadene Superiore di Cartizze DOCG 2014
La Montina
Caruso & Minini
Gavi Spumante Brut Villa Broglia Sparkling NV Moscato D'Asti DOCG Broglia 2014
Azienda Agricola Casale Eredi di Riccardo Falchini l Ab Vinea l
Doni 2013 Paretaio Falchini 2010
Azienda Agricola Costantini Antonio l
Montepulciano D'Abruzzo DOC Costantini 2011
Azienda Agricola I Scriani Di Cottini Stefano & C. S.S. Scriani "Rosso de L'Aura" Valpolicella DOC Classico Superiore 2013 l Scriani Amarone della Valpolicella DOCG Classico 2010 l
Azienda Agricola Mion Davide l
Oe Cuvée Prestige Brut Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore DOCG NV
Azienda Agricola Rosset s.s. l
Rosset Terroir Syrah 2013
San Cassiano Valpolicella Ripasso Superiore 2012
Azienda Agricola San Cassiano Azienda Vinicola Farina SRL l Valpolicella
Ripasso Classico DOC Superiore Montecorna
Azienda Vinicola Talamonti SRL
Bajo Montepulciano D'Abruzzo DOC 2014 Kudos IGP Colline Pescaresi 2013 l Le Pinciaie Montepulciano D'Abruzzo DOC 2013 l Nora Chardonnay IGP Colline Pescaresi 2014 l Trabocchetto IGP Colline Pescaresi 2014 l Tre Saggi Montepulciano D'Abruzzo DOC 2013 l l
Masseria Altemura
Franciacorta La Montina Riserva Baiana Pas Dosé 2007 Masseria Altemura Sasseo Salemo IGT 2013
Azienda Vitivinicola Corte Adami s.a.s. di Adami Andrea e Viviani Luigina
Mionetto Cartizze DOCG 2014
Mionetto S.P.A.
Orion Wines Srl l The Wanted
- Amarone della Valpolicella 2012
Farnese Vini SRL l
Azienda Agricola Broglia Gian Piero l
Cottini Spa
Casi Chianti Classico Riserva DOCG 2012
Coli SPA
l Vin
Royal Tokaji Dry Furmint Vineyards Selection 2013
Bock Borászat l
l Vigna
Piccini SRL
Zin Zinfandel IGT Puglia 2013
Corte Adami Valpolicella Ripasso DOC Superiore 2012
Bacio della Luna
Morrisons Signature Prosecco Spumante DOC NV l Rivani Prosecco DOC NV l
Baglio del Cristo di Campobello
Adir Winery
Fattoria di Valiano Chianti Classico 2009
Lu Patri Nero dAvola DOC Sicilia 2012 l Lusirà Syrah DOC Sicilia 2012
Carmel Winery
Renato Ratti Nebbiolo Langhe 2012
San Michele Appiano Sauvignon Blanc DOC Alto Adige Sanct Valentin 2013
l Adir A l
Carmel Mediterranean 2010
Golan Heights Winery l Yarden
Blanc de Blancs 2008 Cabernet Sauvignon 2011 l Yarden Chardonnay Odem 2013 l Yarden Syrah 2011 l Yarden
Teperberg 1870 Winery l Teperberg
1870 Terra Malbec 2013
Renatto Ratti
San Michele Appiano
Sartirano Figli Cantini E Vigneti SRL l
Barolo DOCG Serra dei Turchi 2011
San Felice Chianti Classico DOCG 2012
Santa Francesca Sagrantino Montefalco DOCG 2008
SOCIETA' AGRICOLA SAN FELICE S.p.A Tenimenti Santa Francesca Tenuta Il Bosco
Gian Piero Marrone Barbaresco DOCG 2011
Azienda Vinicola Farina SRL l Amarone
della Valpolicella DOCG Classico Riserva Montefante 2010 l Farina Amarone della Valpolicella DOCG Classico 2012
Il Bosco Oltrenero NV
Tenuta Sant'Antonio l Amarone
della Valpolicella Campo dei Gigli 2010
Terre da Vino l Terre
l Tenuta
Baglio Di Pianetto
Baglo di Pianetto Cembali 2010 l Baglo di Pianetto Ginolfo 2012
Barollo l l
Corte Carista Chianti Classico 2013
Bissoni Albana di Romagna Passito 2010
Bissoni Raffaella Alessandra Borgo Isolabella ss
Bricco del Falco Piemonte DOC Pinot Nero 2010 l Serena Barbera d'Asti DOCG Superiore 2011 l
Boutinot Wines Ltd l Araldica
Extra Special Asti NV
Impari Nero d'Avola Terre Siciliane IGT 2012
Zenato Amarone Classico della Valpolicella DOCG 2010
Cantina Riva del Garda
l Antico
Ceppo Petit Verdot IGT Lazio 2013
Ferrari Perlé Rosé Trento DOC 2008
La Riva Dei Frati Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore DOCG Cartizze 2014
La Riva Dei Frati SAS
Nuova Fattoria Lornano SOC. AGR. SRL l
Lornano Chianti Classico Gran Selezione 2011
Paolo e Noemia d'Amico S.p.A. l
Falesia 2012
Piccini SRL l Valiano
6.38 Gran Slezione Chianti Classico 2010
Societa Agricola Rosoretto Srl l
Rosoretto Barolo 2010
Silver Outstanding Al-Cantàra Soc. Agr. S.r.l. l
O'Scuru O'Scuru 2012
Awin Barratt Siegel Wine Agencies l Trasgaia
Azienda Vinicola Talamonti SRL l Avalos
IGP Colline Pescaresi 2014
Cantina Di Soave Scrl l
Rocca Alata Amarone della Valpolicella DOCG 2012
Cantina Valpolicella Negrar Soc. Coop. Agricola
Vigneti Villabella Vigneti Zabu srl Zenato
Lagone 2012 Sor Ugo 2012
Luci Luci 2013
Centosassi 2011
Al-Cantàra Soc. Agr. S.r.l. Amastuola Societa Agricola s.s. Antica Masseria Jorche l Antica
l Araldica
Signature Barbera d'Asti 2012 Difference Gavi 2014 l Araldica Winemakers Selection Asti NV l Barolo Valle Vento 2010 l Il Cortile Sereno Prosecco NV l Perlezza Prosecco NV l Araldica Taste The
Awin Barratt Siegel Wine Agencies l
Cantine San Marzano l Anniversario l
62 Primitivo di Manduria DOP Riserva 2011 Collezione Cinquanta Vino Rosso d'Italia NV
1868 Cartizze DOCG 2014
Carpenè Malvolti Spa Caruso & Minini l Terre
di Giumara Nero d'Avola 2013
Casa Vinicola Botter Carlo & C.spa l Torre
Pracina Nero d'Avola IGT Terre Siciliane 2014
Casa Vinicola Gioacchino Garofoli Spa l
Serra Fiorese 2010
Masseria Jorche Primitivo di Manduria DOP 2011
Araldica Vini Piemontesi AVP Soc. Coop
Cantina Negrar Amarone della Valpolicella Classico Cantina di Negrar 15 DOCG 2012 Cantina Negrar Amarone della Valpolicella Classico La Tirela DOCG 2012 l Cantina Negrar Recioto della Valpolicella Classico DOCG 2013
Barolo DOCG Pichemej 2010
Aia Vecchia Srl
Chianti Classico Riserva Fanatico 2010
Az Agr Conte Collalto di Isabella Collalto
Collalto Conegliano Valdobbiadene DOCG Prosecco Superiore Spumante Brut 2014 l Vinciguerra I Colli di Conegliano Rosso DOCG 2008
Az Agr Rodaro Paolo SS
Pignolo Romain Rodaro 2007 l Schioppettino Romain Rodaro 2010 l
Az Agricola Speri Viticoltori s.s. l Amarone
della Valpolicella DOC Villalta 2011
Az. Agricola Ca'Maiol S.S. di Fabio e Patrizia Contato Soc. Agricola Garda Classico DOC Rosso Fabio Contato 2009 l Lugana DOP 14 Molin 2014 l
Azienda Agricola Andreola di Stefano Pola l Andreola
Mas de Fer Rive di Soligo Prosecco di Conegliano ValdobbiadeneExtra Dry 2014
Castello Della Paneretta
Azienda Agricola Battaglia Graziella - Vini Gurrieri
Castelo della Paneretta Chianti Classico Riserva DOCG 2012
Gurrieri Nero d'Avola Vittoria DOC 2013
Castello del Masarej Poggio Masarej Barbera d'Asti DOCG 2012
Castello di Meleto l l
Castello di Meleto Chianti Classico Gran Selezione DOCG 2010 Meleto Chianti Classico DOCG 2012
Castello di Querceto Soc Agr SPA l
Chianti ClassicoDOCG Castello di Querceto 2013 IGT Colli della Toscana Centrale Cignale 2010
Romio Romagna Sangiovese Superiore DOC 2013
Caviro SCA Cavit SC
l Altemasi Trento l
DOC Rosé NV Bottega Vinai Sauvignon Blanc Trentino DOC 2014 Rocca Murer Sauvignon Blanc Trentino DOC 2014
Sainsbury's Winemaker's Selection Chianti 2013
Cesarini Sforza Brut Riserva NV
Cesarini Sforza Spumante SPA Citra Vini l Tesco
Finest* Pecorino 2014
Codice Citra
Bisanzio Cerasuolo d'Abruzzo DOP 2014 Caroso Montepulciano d'Abruzzo DOC 2010 Niro Pecorino IGP Terre di Chieti 2014 l Palio Montepulciano d'Abruzzo DOC 2012 l Sorso Pinot Grigio IGP Terre di Chieti 2014 l l l
Col D'Orcia SPA
Col D'Orcia Nearco Sant'Antimo 2012 Col D'Orcia Olmaia Sant'Antimo Cabernet Sauvignon 2012 Col D'Orcia Pascena Moscadello di Montalcino 2011 l Col D'Orcia Rosso di Montalcino Biologico 2013 l l l
Coli SPA
M&S La Guardiense Greco Sannio 2014
Fracastoro Amarone della Valpolicella DOC Classico 2006
Col D'Orcia Brunello di Montalcino 2001
Castello d'Albola le Ellere Chianti Classico DOCG 2012
Castello del Poggio srl
Casali Maniago Friuli Colli Orientali Chardonnay 2014 Friuli Colli Orientali Cabernet Sauvignon 2012
Ferrari F.lli Lunelli
Col D'Orcia SPA
Castello d'Albola ss
Primitivo di Manduria 2012
Sancti Blasii Carmignano DOCG 2009
Vigneti del Salento SRL l Vigne Vecchie
Roda Fior d'Arancio Spumante DOCG 2014
Bellone Bianco Lazio IGT 2013 Casale del Giglio Cesanese Rosso Lazio IGT 2012 Casale del Giglio Petit Manseng Bianco Lazio IGT 2014 l Casale del Giglio Trempanijo Rosso Lazio IGT 2013 l
Cantina Di Soave Scrl
l Vigna
Casale del Giglio Az Agr Srl
Cantina di Castelnuovo del Garda Custoza DOC "Ca' Vegar" 2014
Femar Vini Srl
Santo Trentino DOC 2000
l Arele Vino
Co-Operative Prosecco Special Cuveé NV Zonin Amarone della Valpolicella DOCG 2011 Zonin Prosecco 1821
Parietone Puglia IGP 2008
Cadis Amarone della Valpolicella DOCG 2012 Cadis Valpolicella Ripasso DOC 2013 l Duca del Frassino Soave Classico DOC 2014 l Rocca Sveva Amarone della Valpolicella DOC 2009 l Rocca Sveva Valpolicella Ripasso DOC 2011
Cavit SC
Stilo Garganega Pinot Grigio delle Venezie 2014
Casa Vinicola Zonin SPA
Cantina di Castelnuovo del Garda S.C.A
Cuvée Fondatore Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore DOCG 2013
Natale Verga Barolo DOCG 2011
Casa Vinicola Sartori S.p.A
Chianti Classico Pratale 2013 Chianti Classico Riserva Montignana 2009 Rosso Toscano IGT Pratale 2012
Valdo Spumanti SRL l
Botter Rosso IGT Salento Verso 2014
Casa Vinicola Natale Verga SPA
Cantina dei Fragni
di Paolo Taurasi Fatica Contadina DOCG 2009
Terredora di Paolo SSA l Terredora
Caruso e Minini Perricone 2013 Corte Ferro Nero d'Avola 2013
Casa Vinicola Botter Carlo & C.spa
Cuvée Solicum Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore DOCG Extra Dry NV
Cantina Colli del Soligo Scarl l
da Vino Barolo DOCG Essenze Riserva 2001
Barollo Chardonnay DOC Piave 2013
Benoit & Valerie Calvet SAS
Cantina Oliena Doc. Coop. Agricola
"Irilai" Cannonau di Sardegna Nepente di Oliena Classico 2011
La Préa Gewürztraminer Trentino DOC 2013 l Maso Élesi Pinot Nero Trentino DOC 2013 l
Cantina Rotaliana Di Mezzolombardo Scarl l Teroldego l Teroldego
Rotaliano Clesurae DOC 2010 Rotaliano Clesurae DOC 2011
Cantina Sociale di Vinchio-Vaglio Serra SCRL l Vigne Vecchie
50° Barbera D'Asti DOCG 2013
Cantina Sociale Sampietrana Soc. Coop l Terre
Cave Negroamaro e Primitivo Salento IGP 2013 delle Monache Salice Salentino Riserva DOC 2011
l Vigna
Cantina Valpolicella Negrar Soc. Coop. Agricola l
Cantina Negrar Valpolicella Ripasso Superiore Classico Poggio Al Lago DOC 2012 Ripasso Classico Superiore DOC La Casetta 2012
l Valpolicella
Cantine Cifarelli - Az. Agr. San Vito l
Primitivo di San Vito Matera DOC 2011
Cantine del Notaio di Geradro Giuratrabocchetti Cantina del Notaio La Firma DOC 2011 Cantine del Notaio Il Sigillo DOC 2010 l Cantine del Notaio L'Autentica IGT 2012 l l
Cantine Giorgio Lungarotti Srl l
Lungarotti Montefalco Sagrantino DOCG 2009
Cantine Paolo Leo SRL
Millefiori Rosso IGT del Veneto 2012 l Paolo Leo Varietali Primitivo IGT Salento 2014 l Passitivo Primitivo IGT Puglia 2013 l
Cantine Riunite & Civ S.c.a.
Plaza Centro Prosecco DOC Treviso Spumante Plaza NV l Prosecco DOC Treviso Spumante Brut Maschio Cadoro NV l Prosecco Superiore di Valdobbiadene DOCG Rive di Colbertaldo - Maschio dei Cavalieri 2014 l Sainsbury's Taste the Difference Pinot Rosé Spumante Extra Dry NV l
Cantine San Marzano
Falò Malvasia Nera Salento IGP 2013 l Falò Negroamaro Salento IGP 2013 l Falò Primitivo di Manduria DOP 2013 l Vindoro Negroamaro Salento IGP 2011 l
Cantine Settesoli l Tesco
Finest* Fiano 2013
Colline San Biagio SSA
Conte d'Attimis-Maniago
Coop Agricola La Guardiense Cottini Spa
l Villa Annaberta
- Amarone della Valpolicella Doc "Private Collection" 2009
Dea Az Agr Di Caldart A. & C.SAS l Valdobbiadene
Prosecco Superiore DOCG Spumante Dry Millesimato Solitario Rivalta
Endrizzi l
Endrizzi Masetto Bianco IGT 2013
Enotria Winecellars Ltd l Wine Atlas
Frappato 2014
Fantinel One&Only Prosecco DOC Brut Millesimato 2014 l Fantinel Tenuta Sant'Helena Frontiere Collio Bianco DOC Collio 2013 l
Fattoria la Vialla di Gianni Antonio e Bandino Lo Franco Società Agricola Semplice Barriccato Non filtrato Rosso di Toscana IGT 2012 Casa Conforto Chianti Riserva DOCG 2012 Casal Duro Rosso di Toscana IGT 2011 l Cuvée n° 1 Metodo Classico Extra Brut 2011 l Fattoria La Vialla Vermentino IGT Terre Siciliane 2014 l L'Abbandonato Montecucco Sangiovese DOCG 2012 l Torbolino Bianco di Toscana IGT 2014 l l l
Fattoria Montecchio SAS l
Fattoria Montecchio Chianti Classico DOCG Riserva 2009
Poggio Le Volpi Baccarossa IGT Lazio 2012
Ferrari Brut Trento DOC NV Ferrari Rosé Trento DOC 2008 Ziggurat Montefalco Rosso D.O.C. 2010
Femar Vini Srl
Ferrari F.lli Lunelli l l
Feudi di San Marzano l
M&S Negroamaro 2013 Notte Rossa Primitivo di Manduria DOC 2013
Feudo Principi di Butera Deliella Sicilia DOC 2012
Feudo Principi di Butera Gerardo Cesari SpA
Cento Filari Lugana DOC 2014 Cesari Amarone Della Valpolicella Classico DOCG 2011 Mara Valpolicella Superiore Ripasso DOC 2013 l Ripasso Bosan Valpolicella Superiore DOC 2012 l l l
Giordano Vini Spa l
Sicily Sicilia igt Rosso 2011 Rosso IGT 2011 Rosso IGT 2011
l Tuscany Toscana
l Vespero Toscana
Guy Anderson Wines l Asda
Extra Special Nero d'Avola Syrah 2013
Il Borro
Il Borro IGT Toscana Rosso 2011 l Il Borro Pian di Nova 2012 l
52-68 Medal directory LE_champagne template 19/11/2015 16:41 Page 58
d i re c to r y International Procurement & Logistics Burdizzo Chianti Riserva 2011 Cortebella Pinot Grigio Delle Venezie 2014 l Villa Vincini Il Gran Rosso 2014 l l
Jeio Belstar
Bisol Crede Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore DOCG 2014 l Bisol Molera Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore DOCG 2014 l Bisol Private Cartizze Zero Dosage - refermentation in the bottle 2012 l Tesco Finest* Bisol Prosecco Spumante DOC Brut NV l
La Canosa SRL l
Musé 2013
La Marca Vini E Spumanti SCA
La Marca Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore Dry DOCG Cuvée NV l Lidl Araldaci Treviso Prossecco Frizzante Extra Dry 2014 l San Nicola Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore Extra Dry DOCG NV l
La Montina
Franciacorta La Montina Rosé Extra Brut 2009 l Franciacorta La Montina Satén NV l
La Scolca l
Gavi dei Gavi d'Antan 2004
Le Contesse
Le Contesse Conegliano Valdobbiadene DOCG Prosecco Superiore NV l Le Contesse Pinot Rosé Spumante Brut NV l
Leone De Castris l
Maiana Salice Salentino Rosso DOC 2013
MA. S.P.A.
Monticella Prosecco Superiore DOCG NV l Vallate Prosecco DOC Spumante Extra Dry NV l
Magistravini srl l l
Oro di Emére Primitivo di Manduria DOP 2013 Saufado Greco di Tufo DOCG 2013
Mare Magnum Srl l
Campo Alto Valpolicella Ripasso 2012 La Prua Rosso Veneto Appassimento 2012
Masseria Altemura Aglianico 2012
Masseria Altemura
Massucco Az. Agricola Flli. l
Massucco Roero Arneis DOCG 2014
Mezzacorona l
Stemmari Nero d'Avola 2013
Sainsbury's Taste the Difference Barbaresco 2012
MGM Mondo del Vino Mionetto S.P.A.
Mionetto Novecentodiciassette Foglia Oro 2011 l Mionetto Tre Spumante Gran Cuvée Extra Dry 2014 l
Moncaro l Verde
Ca' Ruptae, Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi Classico DOC Superiore 2014
Monte Schiavo l
Le Giuncare Castelli di Jesi Verdicchio Riserva DOCG Classico 2011
Morgante SRL Società Agricola Bianco di Morgante 2014 l Don Antonio Morgante 2012 l
Nuova Fattoria Lornano SOC. AGR. SRL l
Lornano Chianti Classico DOCG 2011
Orion Wines Srl
E' Barbera IGT Provincia di Pavia 2013 Murrina Greco di Tufo DOCG 2013 Pehhcora Pecorino IGT Terre di Chieti 2014 l Tannu Rosso IGT Terre Siciliane 2013 l Tenute Fiorebelli Cabaletta Rosso IGT Venezie 2013 l Terre di Faiano Fiano IGT Salento 2014 l Terre di Faiano Primitivo IGT Salento 2014 l l l
Paolo e Noemia d'Amico S.p.A. l Atlante
2011 l Calanchi di Vaiano 2013 l Terre di Ala 2014 l Villa Tirrena 2011
Piccini SRL
Donpá Aglianico del Vulture DOC 2011 Fattoria Poggio Teo Chianti Classico DOCG 2010 l Memoro Rosso Italia NV l Sasso al Poggio Toscana IGT 2010 l Tenuta Moraia Pietracupa Bolgheri DOC 2012 l Tesco Finest* Bolgheri 2011 l Valiano Vino in Musica Toscana IGT 2010 l Villa al Cortile Brunello di Montalcino 2010 l Villa al Cortile Brunello di Montalcino Riserva DOCG 2009 l l
Pico Maccario S.S.AGR. l
Pico Maccario Epico 2012
Moscato Spumante Perle di Piera NV
Follonica Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi DOC Classico 2014
Piera Martellozzo SPA Piersanti
Podere Brizio Srl Soc. Agr. l
Brunello di Montalcino Podere Brizio 2010
Provinco Italia Spa
Bianco delle Venezie IGT San Zenone 2014 Provinco Italia Nero d'Avola IGT Terre Siciliane 2014 l Provinco Italia Vino Rosso D'Italia Grande Alberone NV l Provinco Italia Vino Rosso d'Italia Ripa di Sotto NV l Provinco Italia Vino Rosso d'Italia Ronco di Sassi NV l l
Rizieri Barbera d'Alba DOC Superiore 2012 l Rizieri Nebbiolo d'Alba DOC 2012 l
Rocca di Montemassi
Rocca di Montemassi Le Focaie Maremma Toscano DOC 2013 l Rocca di Montemassi Sassabruna Monteregio di Massa Marittima DOC 2012 l
Sainsbury's Supermarkets Ltd
Sainsbury's Taste the Difference Aglianico del Vulture 2011 l Sainsbury's Winemakers Selection Terre Siciliane Bianco NV l
San Michele Appiano
San Michele Appiano Lagrein Riserva DOC Alto Adige 2012 San Michele Appiano Nero DOC Alto Adige 2013 l San Michele Appiano Riesling DOC Alto Adige Montiggl 2014 l l
San Simone l
Prosecco DOC Spumante 'Il Concerto' Brut NV
San Vincenti di Roberto Pucci E Franceso Muzzi S.SA l
San Vincenti di Roberto Pucci e Francesco Muzzi Chianti Classico DOCG 2012
Santa Tresa
Purato Nero d'Avola IGP Terre Siciliane Bio 2014 Purato Rosato IGP Terre Siciliane Bio 2014 l Santa Tresa Capoccia Grillo Zibibbo IGP Terre Siciliane Bio 2014 l Santa Tresa Cerasuolo di Vittoria Classico DOCG Bio 2013
Sapporo Wine Limited
Mishas Vineyard Wines Ltd
Misha's Vineyard The Starlet Sauvignon Blanc 2014
Oyster Bay Marlborough Botrytised Riesling 2009
Grande Polaire Hokkaido Kerner Late Harvest 2014 Grande Polaire Nagano Furusato Vineyard Noble Rot 2009 l Grande Polaire Yamanashi Katsunuma Kai Noir Special Cuvée 2013 l
Oyster Bay Wines
Pernod Ricard New Zealand
Brancott Estate Sauvignon Blanc 2015 Brancott Estate Sauvignon Gris 2014 Brancott Estate Terroir Series Pinot Noir 2014 l Stoneleigh Latitude Sauvignon Blanc 2015 l Stoneleigh Rapaura Series Sauvignon Blanc 2015
Società Agricola Giusti Dal Col srl l
Passito Bianco 2011
Società Agricola Il Ponte l Azienda Agricola
Il Ponte T-Lex Capalbio 2013
Societa Agricola Monteci S.S. l Valpolicella
Classico Superiore Ripasso DOC "Tenazio"
LEBANON Silver Outstanding Domaine Wardy l
Domaine Wardy Syrah 2012
Château Ksara SAL
Tenuta Argentiera
Château Ksara Le Prieuré 2013 Château Ksara Reserve du Couvent 2013
Tenuta Ca' Bolani
Domaine Wardy Rosé du Printemps 2014
Il Grigio Chianti Classico Gran Selezione 2011
l Argentiera l Tenuta
DOC Bolgheri Superiore 2011
Roero Arneis DOCG "Canorei" 2012 l Roero Arneis DOCG "Cayega" 2014 l Tenuta Carretta Barbaresco DOCG "Garassino" 2012 l
Tenuta di Sesta di Ciacci Giovanni
di Sesta Brunello di Montalcino 2010
Tenuta Fernanda Cappello l
Fernanda Cappello Traminer Aromatico Friuli Grave DOC 2013
Tenuta Il Poggione - Franceschi SA
Rosso di Montalcino Leopoldo Franceschi 2013 l Tenuta Il Poggione Brunello di Montalcino 2010 l Tenuta Il Poggione Rosso di Montalcino 2013 l
Tenuta la Parrina l Tenuta
La Parrina Rosso Riserva DOC 2010
Tenuta Montecatone l
Domaine Wardy
Ca' Bolani Prosecco DOC NV
Tenuta Carretta
l Tenuta
Museum 2011
Tenuta Sant'Antonio l Amarone
della Valpolicella Selezione Antonio Castagnedi
Vinicola San Lorenzo SA de CV l
Casa Madero Malbec 2013
Rapaura Springs l
Summerhouse Marlborough Pinot Noir 2014
Sacred Hill Deerstalkers Syrah 2013
Old Coach Road Nelson Riesling 2014
Spy Valley Pinot Gris 2014
Staete Landt 'Josephine' Marlborough Chardonnay 2013
River Farm Sauvignon Blanc 2015
te Pa Oke Sauvignon Blanc 2012
Sacred Hill Winery Seifried Estate
Spy Valley Wines
Staete Landt Wine Company Ltd
Starborough Farming Company Ltd te Pa Family Vineyards Tohu Wines l Tohu
Single Vineyard Sauvignon Blanc 2015
l Villa
Maria Private Bin Sauvignon Blanc 2015
Villa Maria Estate Ltd Waimea Estates l Waimea l Waimea l Waimea
Classic Riesling 2014 Grüner Veltliner 2014 Sauvignon Blanc 2015
Wooing Tree
Pinot Noir Wooing Tree 2011
Gold Outstanding
l Yealands
Crown Range Cellar Limited l
Crown Range Cellar Signature Selection Grant Taylor Pinot Noir 2013
Invivo Wines NZ (Ltd)
Yealands Estate Wines
Crossroads Winemakers Collection Cabernet Franc 2013 Syrah 2013 Estate Single Block R3 Pinot Noir 2014 l Yealands Estate Single Vineyard Sauvignon Blanc 2015 l Yealands Estate Winemakers Reserve Awatere Valley Pinot Noir 2014 l Yealands Estate Winemakers Reserve Gibbston Pinot Noir 2014 l
l Talisman
Invivo Central Otago Michelle's Pinot Noir 2014
Craft Series The Journey Pinot Noir 2013
Tenute Perini
Glenora Syrah 2014
l Waipara
Rapaura Springs Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 2015
Tenuta Vicchiomaggio Export srl. Ripa delle Mandorle 2013 l Ripa delle More 2012
Sestosenso Vinsanto Occhio di Pernice DOC Montergeio di Massa Marrittima 2009 l Trombaia IGT Toscana Sangiovese-Merlot 2010 l
Terre da Vino l
Barolo DOCG Paesi Tuoi 2010 da Vino Barbera d'Asti Superiore La Luna e i Falò 2012
l Terre
Terre dei Pallavicini S.R.L.
Rubillo Cesanese Lazio IGT 2014 l Stillato Lazio Malvasia Puntinata IGT 2013 l
Terre del Barolo Soc. Coop. Agr.
Marisco Vineyards Ltd Mudbrick Vineyard Rapaura Springs Waimea Estates l Waimea
Sauvignon Gris 2015
Weaver Estate Wines Limited l Weaver
Estate Wines Pinot Gris 2013
Accolade Wines l Waipara l Akarua
Pinot Noir 2013 Pinot Noir 2011 Pinot Noir 2012 l Akarua Vintage Brut 2010 l Akarua l Akarua
Alpha Domus Ltd l The
Giesen Wine Estate
Navigator 2013
ARA Wines l Ara
Pathway Sauvignon Blanc 2014 l Ara Resolute Pinot Noir 2012 l Ara Select Blocks Pinot Noir 2013 l Ara Select Blocks Sauvignon 2013 l Ara Single Estate Pinot Gris 2014 l Ara Single Vineyard Sauvignon Blanc 2014
1888 Barrel Fermented Sauvignon Blanc 2012 Fuder Dillions Point Sauvignon Blanc 2012
M&S Mount Bluff Brut NV
Craft Series Pride and Glory Sauvignon Blanc 2011
Archangel Wines Ltd
Mills Reef Elspeth Merlot 2013
Babich Wines
Torrevento srl
Misha's Vineyard The High Note Pinot Noir 2010
Umberto Cesari
Stoneleigh Latitude Pinot Noir 2013
Saint Clair Omaka Reserve Chardonnay 2014
Barolo Ravera Riserva DOCG 2009 Barolo Terre del Barolo DOCG 2011 l Barolo Vinum Vita Est DOCG 2011 l l
Terredora di Paolo SSA l Terredora
di Paolo Fiano di Avellino ex Cinere Resurgo DOCG 2014
The Wine People SRL
Miopasso Fiano Terre Siciliane IGP 2014 l Miopasso Nero d'Avola Terre Siciliane IGP 2014 l
l Torre
del Falco Nero di Troia Puglia IGT 2013
Umberto Cesari Liano Sangiovese Cabernet Sauvignon 2012 l Umberto Cesari Tauleto 2010 l Umberto Cesari Yemula 2012 l
Valdo Spumanti SRL l
Cuvée Viviana Valdobbiadene Superiore di Cartizze Numero 10 Metodo Classico V.S.Q. Brut Vendemmia 2010
l Valdo
Velenosi Ercole
Ludi 2011 l Velenosi Roggio del Filare 2011 l
l August
Hills Central Otago Pinot Noir 2013 Hills Waipara Valley Chardonnay 2014
Akarua Winery
Marisco Vineyards Ltd Mills Reef Winery
Mishas Vineyard Wines Ltd
Pernod Ricard New Zealand Saint Clair Family Estate Spy Valley Wines l
Spy Valley Gewürztraminer 2014
Koha Sauvignon Blanc 2014
te Pa Family Vineyards Villa Maria Estate Ltd l Villa
Maria Reserve Clifford Bay Sauvignon Blanc 2014
Yealands Estate Wines l The
Crossings Pinot Noir 2014 Estate Land Made Pinot Noir 2014
Vigneti del Vulture
l Yealands
Silver Outstanding
Piano del Cerro Aglianico del Vulture DOC 2011
Villa Corniole l Villa
Corniole Müller Thurgau Petrmontis Trentino DOC 2014
Vini del Sud SAS. di Casa Vinicola Calatrasi S.p.a. Costanza di Meneo Cor Leon Grillo 2014 Costanza di Mineo Cor Leon Nero d'Avola 2014 di Ginestra 651 Nero d'Avola Syrah 2013 l Terre di Ginestra Nero d'Avola 2014 l l
l Terre
l Amarone
Classico della Valpolicella DOC Riserva Sergio Zenato 2008
Accolade Wines
Edelwein Co Ltd l
Hayachine Seele Merlot Tarujukusei 2012
Hombo Shuzo Co Ltd
Château Mars Cuvée Prestige Hosaka Hinoshiro Chardonnay 2009 l Château Mars Makioka Koshu 2014 l
Katsunuma Jyozo Co Ltd l Aruga
Branca Brilhante 2010
Kowa Inc l
KOWA INC Futaributai Junmai Ginjo 2014
Manns Wine Co. Ltd l l
Lunaris Koshu Barrel Fermentation 2013 Solaris Shinshu Chardonnay 2011
Pinot Noir 2013
Babich Black Label Pinot Noir 2014 l Babich Family Estates Headwaters Organic Sauvignon Blanc 2015 l Babich Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 2015 l
Broadland Wineries Ltd l l
Freemans Bay Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 2015 Honu Sauvignon Blanc 2014 Exquisite Collection Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 2014
l The
Ceres Wines l
Ceres Composition Riesling 2014
Rimapere Sauvignon Blanc 2014
Kim Crawford Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 2015
Crown Range Cellar Signature Selection Grant Taylor Pinot Noir 2012
Compagnie Vinicole Baron Edmond de Rothschild Constellation New Zealand
Crown Range Cellar Limited Delegat's Wine Estate
Delegat Awatere Valley Pinot Noir 2014 Delegat Awatere Valley Sauvignon Blanc 2015 Delegat Crownthorpe Terraces Chardonnay 2013 l Delegat Crownthorpe Terraces Chardonnay 2014 l
Mud House Single Vineyard Woolshed Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 2014 l Waipara Hills Waipara Valley Pinot Gris 2014
l AD The Aviator
Domain Road Vineyard Pinot Noir 2012
Elephant Hill Pinot Noir 2013 Elephant Hill Syrah 2013
Alpha Domus Ltd
Domain Road Vineyard
Babich Wines
Elephant Hill Estate Winery
Babich Black Label Sauvignon Blanc 2014
Ceres Wines l
Ceres Composition Pinot Noir 2011
Foley Family Wines Limited
l Archangel
l Vavasour
Sauvignon Blanc 2014
Forrest Wines l l
John Forrest Collection Waitaki Pinot Noir 2011 Stonewall Sauvignon Blanc 2015
Giesen Wine Estate l l
Giesen Brothers Pinot Noir 2013 Giesen Single Vineyard Clayvin Syrah 2012
Gonzalez Byass UK Ltd l Vintage Widow
Jules Taylor Wines l
Jules Taylor Wines Marlborough Chardonnay 2014
Marisco Vineyards Ltd l The
King's A Sticky End 2014
Matua Valley Wines Limited
Matua Lands & Legends Chardonnay 2014 l Matua Single Vineyard Albarino 2015 l Matua Single Vineyard Awatere Sauvignon Blanc 2014 l
Mills Reef Winery l
Mills Reef Elspeth Syrah 2013
Endeavour Vineyards Pty Ltd l
Nanny Goat Vineyard 'Super Nanny' Central Otago Pinot Noir 2014 Nanny Goat Vineyard Central Otago Pinot Noir 2014
Ballasalla Pinot Noir 2013
Folding Hill Wine Company
Foley Family Wines Limited
Dashwood Sauvignon Blanc 2014 Martinborough Vineyard Te Tera Pinot Noir 2013 Russian Jack Sauvignon Blanc 2014 l Te Kairanga Estate Riesling 2014 l l l
Forrest Wines l
Forrest Sauvignon Blanc 2015 John Forrest Collection Waitaki Pinot Noir 2012
Framingham Classic Riesling Marlborough 2014
Framingham Wine Company Ltd Gibbston Valley Wines Ltd
Gibbston Valley China Terrace Pinot Noir 2014 Gibbston Valley Glenlee Pinot Noir 2014 Gibbston Valley Le Maitre Pinot Noir 2014 l Gibbston Valley Pinot Noir 2014 l Gibbston Valley School House Pinot Noir 2014 l l l
52-68 Medal directory LE_champagne template 19/11/2015 16:41 Page 59
Giesen Wine Estate
Fuder Matthews Lane Sauvignon Blanc 2013 Giesen Organic Sauvignon Blanc 2014 l Giesen Single Vineyard Clayvin Pinot Noir 2013 l Giesen Single Vineyard Ridge Block 2013 l Giesen Small Batch Sauvignon Blanc 2014 l Giesen Vineyard Selection Sauvignon Blanc 2014 l l
Gonzalez Byass UK Ltd l
Jackson Estate Stich 2014
Indevin Partners New Zealand l Wairau
Cove New Zealand Sauvignon 2014
International Procurement & Logistics l
Kiwi Cove Sauvignon Blanc 2014 Sauvignon Blanc 2014
Seifried Estate l Aotea
Nelson Pinot Noir 2014 Nelson Sauvignon Blanc 2015 l Seifried Nelson Pinot Noir 2014 l Seifried Nelson Riesling 2014 l Seifried Nelson Sauvignon Blanc 2015 l Aotea
Sileni Estates Ltd
Sileni Cellar Selection Merlot 2014 Sileni Cellar Selection Sauvignon Blanc 2015 l Sileni Estate Selection 'The Plateau' Pinot Noir 2014 l Sileni Estate Selection 'The Straits' Sauvignon Blanc 2015
Johner Pinot Noir Gladstone 2013 l Johner Pinot Noir Gladstone Reserve 2013 l
Judge Rock Pinot Wines l l
Judge Rock Pinot Noir 2013 Judge Rock St Laurent 2013
Jules Taylor Wines l l
Jules Taylor Wines Marlborough Pinot Noir 2014 Jules Taylor Wines Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 2015
Lansdowne Estate
Lansdowne Estate Pinot Gris 2013 l Lansdowne Estate Pinot Noir 2012 l
Lidl UK l
Lidl Cimarosa New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc Marlborough 2014
Lion l l
Lindauer Classic Brut NV Lindauer Special Reserve Brut NV
Lismore Wines NZ Ltd l
Marlborough Springs Sauvignon Blanc 2014
Marisco Vineyards Ltd l The
King's Legacy Chardonnay 2013 l The King's Thorn Pinot Gris 2014 l The King's Wrath Pinot Noir 2014 l The Ned Noble Sauvignon Blanc 2014 l The Ned Pinot Grigio 2015 l The Ned Pinot Rosé 2015
Marlborough Wine Limited t/a Toi Toi Wines
SOHO McQueen Pinot Noir 2014 SOHO Stella Sauvignon Blanc 2015
Soljans Estate Winery Fusion Muscat NV
Spy Valley Wines
Spy Valley Chardonnay 2014 l Spy Valley Pinot Noir Rose 2015 l Spy Valley Sauvignon Blanc 2015 l
te Pa Family Vineyards
Mills Reef Winery l
Mills Reef Elspeth Cabernet Sauvignon 2013
Misha's Vineyard Dress Circle Pinot Gris 2014
Mishas Vineyard Wines Ltd Mount Riley Wines Ltd l
Mount Riley Sauvignon Blanc 2015
Mt Olympus Wines Limited
Extra Special Selection Pinot Noir 2013 l Marlborough Sun Sauvignon Blanc 2014 l Wishbone Sauvignon Blanc 2014 l
Mt. Difficulty Wines Ltd
Mt Difficulty Bannockburn Pinot Gris 2013 l Mt Difficulty Roaring Meg Central Otago Pinot Gris 2013 l
Ostler Vineyard Ltd l
Ostler Caroline's Pinot Noir 2013
Oyster Bay Wines
Oyster Bay Marlborough Pinot Noir 2014 l Oyster Bay Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 2015 l
Pask Winery Ltd
Pask Declaration Cabernet Merlot Malbec 2013 l Pask Declaration Chardonnay 2013 l
Pernod Ricard New Zealand
Brancott Estate Flight Rosé 2014 Brancott Estate Letter Series B Late Harvest Sauvignon Blanc 2014 l Brancott Estate Letter Series O Chardonnay 2014 l Brancott Estate Letter Series R Sauvignon Gris 2015 l Brancott Estate Letter Series T Pinot Noir 2014 l Brancott Estate Terroir Series Fumé Blanc 2014 l Brancott Estate Terroir Series Sauvignon Blanc 2014 l Church Road Chardonnay 2014 l Church Road Merlot Cabernet Sauvignon Malbec 2013 l M&S Kaituna Blue Sauvignon Blanc 2014 l M&S Kaituna Hills Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 2014 l M&S Kaituna HIlls Reserve Sauvignon Blanc 2014 l Stoneleigh Pinot Noir 2013 l Stoneleigh Rapaura Series Pinot Noir 2014 l l
Rapaura Springs l
Tohu Wines l Aronui
Single Vineyard Pinot Gris 2015 Single Vineyard Pinot Noir 2014 l Kono Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 2015 l Tohu Awatere Valley Pinot Gris 2015 l Tohu Awatere Valley Pinot Noir 2014 l Aronui
True & Daring Ltd l True
& Daring Riesling 2013 l True & Daring Riesling 2014
Tupari Wines Ltd l Tupari
Pinot Gris 2014
Valli Vineyards Ltd l Valli l Valli
Bannockburn Vineyard Pinot Noir 2014 Gibbston Vineyard Pinot Noir 2014
Villa Maria Estate Ltd l Tesco
Finest* North Row Sauvignon Blanc 2014 Maria Cellar Selection Pinot Noir 2013 l Villa Maria Reserve Merlot 2013 l Villa
l Waipara West
Wooing Tree l
Pinot Noir 2014
Pinot Noir Wooing Tree 2012
Yealands Estate Wines
Crossroads Milestone Series Merlot 2013 l Crossroads Winemakers Collection Merlot 2013 l Peter Yealands Pinot Gris 2015 l Peter Yealands Reserve Pinot Gris 2015 l Peter Yealands Reserve Pinot Noir 2014 l Peter Yealands Reserve Sauvignon Blanc 2015 l Peter Yealands Sauvignon Blanc 2015 l Peter Yealands Sauvignon Blanc Pinot Gris 2015 l Taste the Difference Coolwater Bay Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 2014 l The Crossings Sauvignon Blanc 2015 l Yealands Estate Land Made Sauvignon Blanc 2015 l Yealands Estate Single Block S1 Sauvignon Blanc 2014 l Yealands Estate Single Vineyard Pinot Noir 2014 l Yealands Estate Winemakers Reserve Sauvignon Blanc 2014 l Yealands Single Block Series S1 Sauvignon Blanc 2014 l
Adega Cooperativa do Cartaxo CRL l
Desalmado 2012
Herdade do Peso Reserva Red 2012
Sogrape Vinhos SA
Silver Outstanding
Quarter Acre Syrah 2013
Herdade do Esporao
Rockburn Central Otago Pinot Gris 2014 Rockburn Central Otago Pinot Noir 2013 l Rockburn Central Otago Tigermoth Riesling 2014 l l
Sacred Hill Winery
Sacred Hill Helmsman 2013 Sacred Hill Orange Label Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 2015 l Sacred Hill Riflemans Chardonnay 2014 l Sacred Hill Wine Thief Chardonnay 2014 l Wild South Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 2015 l l
Saint Clair Family Estate l
Waipara West
Summerhouse Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 2015
Rockburn Wines Ltd
Spinyback Pinot Gris 2014 Spinyback Riesling 2014 l Waimea Pinot Gris 2015 l Waimea Pinot Noir 2013 l Waimea Pinot Noir 2014 l Waimea Sauvignon Blanc 2014 l Waimea Sauvignon Gris 2014 l Waimea Spinyback Grüner Veltliner 2013 l Waimea Spinyback Pinot Gris 2013 l Waimea Spinyback Pinot Noir 2013 l Waimea Spinyback Riesling 2013 l Waimea Spinyback Sauvignon Blanc 2014 l
Saint Clair Founders 78 Series Sauvignon Blanc 2014 Saint Clair Pioneer Block 2 Swamp Block Sauvignon Blanc 2014
l Alta
Corte 2012
Quinta dos Castelares Colheita Tinto 2012
Casa Ermelinda Freitas Touriga Nacional 2012 l Dona Ermelinda Reserva 2012 l
Quinta das Cerejeiras 2012
Cooperativa Agrícola de St. Isidro de Pégoes C.R.L l
de Pegões Touriga Nacional Red 2012 Fontanário de Pegões White 2014
Cortes de Cima
Cortes de Cima Aragonez 2011 Cortes de Cima Petit Verdot 2010 l Cortes de Cima Touriga Nacional 2012 l l
l l
Casa de Santar Reserva 2011 Quinta de Lourosa Vinho Verde 2014
DFJ Vinhos
Bigode 2013 l Cara Viva 2013 l Paxis Red 2014 l
Domingos G.R.Alves de Sousa l
Château Tamagne Muscat Sparkling Semi Dry 2014
Russian Wine House Abrau-Durso l Abrau
Durso Syrah Usadba Divnomorkoe 2012
SERBIA Silver Outstanding Winery Aleksandrovic l Trijumf
Barrique 2012
Quinta da Gaivosa Tinto 2009
Inquieto Reserva 2011
Dveri-Pax d.o.o l
Douro Prime Lda
Enoport United Wines
Cabeça Toiro DOP Tejo Reserva Tinto 2012 Celta DOC Dão Reserva Tinto 2012 22 DOC Douro Reserva Tinto 2013 l Vilalva DOC Douro Reserva Tinto 2013 l l
l Tonel
Fundacao Eugenio Almeida
M&S Dveri Pax Furmint Pinot Traminer Riesling 2013
SOUTH AFRICA Gold Outstanding Cederberg Private Cellars l
Ghost Corner Bowline 2014
Cederberg Driehoek Shiraz 2012
Herdade do Esporao
Cartuxa 2012
Goanvi Dpa
Mula Velha Premium 2014 l Quinta do Gradil Colheita Tardia 2013
Driehoek Wines
Glen Carlou Vineyards (Pty) Ltd
Esporão Reserva 2012 Esporão Syrah 2011 l Herdade do Esporão Touriga Nacional 2011
Glen Carlou Gravel Quarry 2010 Glen Carlou The Welder 2013
Jordan Nine Yards Chardonnay 2013
l Tapada
Kanonkop Black Label Pinotage 2010 Kanonkop Black Label Pinotage 2012 Kanonkop Pinotage 2012
l l
Herdade dos Coelheiros l Tapada
de Coelheiros Garrafeira 2009 de Coelheiros Grande Reserva 2010
Ladeira da Santa
Jordan Wine Estate
Kanonkop Wine Estate l l
Ladeira da Santa Reserva 2012
Ken Forrester Wines
Herdade dos Grous Reserve 2011
Nederburg Wines (Pty) Ltd
Casa da Passarella O Abanico Reserva 2011 Casa da Passarella O Enólogo Vinhas Velhas 2011
Paul Cluver Wine Estate
l l
Chryseia 2012
Pacheca Touriga Nacional Grande Reserva 2011
Monte do Trevo Enoturisom O Abrigo Da Passarela LDA l
Prats & Symington
Quinta da Pacheca, Soc. Agrícola e Turística, Lda Quinta da Romeira
l The
FMC 2013
Private Bin Edelkeur 2010
Paul Cluver Ferricrete Riesling 2014
Spier 21 Gables Pinotage 2013
l l
Stellenrust 50 Barrel Fermented Chenin Blanc 2014 Stellenrust Old Bush Vine Chenin Blanc 2013
Spier Wines
StellenRust Wines
Morgado De Santa Catherina 2012 Prova Régia Reserva 2013
Uva Mira Mountain Vineyards l
Sing-a-Wing Sauvignon Blanc 2014
Quinta Vale d'Aldeia Alvarinho 2014
Zevenwacht 360 Sauvignon Blanc 2014
Rozès Quinta do Pégo Reserva DOP Douro 2011
Quinta Vale D Aldeia,Sa Rozès SA
Sociedade Agricola Casal do Conde, SA.
Casa do Conde Reserva 2012 l Terras do Vale Colheita Seleccionada Merlot 2012 l
Sociedade Agricola da Fonte Coberta, Lda l
Herdade da Fonte Coberta Alicante Bouschet 2013
Sociedade Agricola Quinta Seara d'Ordens LDA l
Quinta Seara D'Ordens Tinto Reserva Vinhas Velhas 2011
Sociedade Agricola Vale de Fornos SA l
Quinta Vale de Fornos Syrah Reserva 2012
Sociedade de Vinhos Falua SA l Tagus
Creek Shiraz & Trincadeira 2013
Sogrape Vinhos SA
Casa Ferreirinha Callabriga Red 2012 l Casa Ferreirinha Papa Figos Red 2013 l Casa Ferreirinha Vinha Grande Red 2012 l Mateus Rosé Sparkling Bruto NV l Morgadio da Torre Alvarinho White 2013 l
Symington Family Estates l Altano
Quinta do Ataide Organic 2012 Pombal do Vesuvio DOC Douro 2010
Quinta Do Grifo Grande Reserva 2009
Vallegre Vinos Do Porto SA
DOC Douro Reserva Red 2012
Vinhos Norte l
Cruzeiro NV dos Monges Loureiro 2014
l Tapada
Zevenwacht Wine Estate
Backsberg Estate Cellars l
Backsberg Hillside Viognier 2014
Benguela Cove Shiraz 2014
Boland Cellar Reserve No1 Chenin Blanc 2014
Benguela Cove Boland Cellar
Boutinot Wines Ltd l Aquifer
Semillon Swartland 2014
Cederberg Private Cellars l
Cederberg Shiraz 2013
De Grendel Rubaiyat 2013
Boschendal 1685 Sauvignon Blanc 2015
Graham Beck Rhona Blanc de Blancs 2009
Jordan Cabernet Sauvignon 2012 Jordan Chardonnay 2014
De Grendel Wines DGB ( Pty) Ltd
Graham Beck Wines Jordan Wine Estate l
Kanonkop Wine Estate l
Kanonkop Cabernet Sauvignon 2004 Kanonkop Paul Sauer 2007
Kleine Zalze Vintage Brut Methode Cap Classique 2009
Kleine Zalze Wines KWV SA
Cathedral Cellar Chenin Blanc 2014 KWV The Mentors Cabernet Sauvignon 2012 KWV The Mentors Orchestra 2012 l KWV The Mentors Orchestra 2013 l KWV The Mentors Petit Verdot 2012 l
Senses Touriga Nacional 2013
Dao Sul - Sociedade Vitivinicola SA
Companhia Agrícola do Sanguinhal Lda.
l Vallegre
Adega Cooperativa de Borba Crl
Davino Purpura Valahica 2010
H.O. Colheita 2012
Quinta de Lemos Touriga Nacional 2009 Quinta de Lemos Touriga Nacional 2010
Casa Agrícola Manuel Joaquim Caldeira, Lda.
Planura Reserva 2010
Budureasca Feteasca Neagra Premium 2013
Unicom Production SRL
Grand Vin Cabernet Sauvignon 2011
l Viile
SC Viile Budureasca SRL
Quinta de Lemos
Unicer Vinhos SA
l Alira
Quinta do Carmo Reserva 2011
Casa Agricola Horta Osório SA
Casa Ferreirinha Antónia Adelaide Ferreira Red 2011 l Casa Ferreirinha Quinta da Leda 2012
S.C. WineRo Crama S.R.L.
Bacalhoa Vinhos de Portugal
Esporão Private Selection 2011
Sogrape Vinhos SA
Baga 2009 Foral Reserva 2013 Quinta dos Quatro Ventos 2012
Rozès SA
l Adega
Murfatlar Romania SA
l Aliança
Slapjack Block Pinot Noir 2013 l Terra Sancta Estate Pinot Noir 2013
Terra Sancta
DFJ Vinhos
RM Wines
l Aliança
Casa Ermelinda Freitas-Vinhos Lda
Matua Lands & Legends Pinot Noir 2013 Matua Lands & Legends Sauvignon Blanc 2015 l Matua Single Vineyard Bannockburn Pinot Noir 2013 l Matua Single Vineyard Central Otago Pinot Noir 2013 l Matua Single Vineyard Malbec 2013 l Squealing Pig Pinot Gris Central Otago 2015
Bridão Alicante Bouschet 2012 Bridão Clássico Tinto 2012 Bridão Colheita Tardia 2013 l Bridão Private Collection 2013 l Bridão Syrah 2012 l
Koha Pinot Noir 2013 l te Pa Pinot Gris 2014 l te Pa Pinot Gris 2015 l te Pa Pinot Noir 2014 l te Pa Sauvignon Blanc 2015 l
Matua Valley Wines Limited l
de Palmela Branco 2014
Adega Cooperativa do Cartaxo CRL
Waimea Estates
l Adega
Soho Wine Co
l Toi Toi
Marlborough Reserve Sauvignon Blanc 2014 l Toi Toi Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 2015
Murfatlar Cabernet Sauvignon & Merlot Leat 6500 2011 Murfatlar Fetesca Neagra Arezan 2012 Murfatlar Sable Noble Rosu 2011
Adega Cooperativa de Palmela
Johner Estate
Bradshaw Pinot Noir 2013
Espumante Marquês de Marialva Baga Rosé Bruto 2013 Marquês de Marialva Grande Reserve 2008
Graham Norton's Own Sauvignon Blanc 2015 Invivo Awatere Valley Sauvignon Blanc 2015 l Invivo Central Otago Pinot Noir 2013 l
International Procurement & Logistics
l Tukituki
Invivo Wines NZ (Ltd)
Adega Cooperativa de Cantanhede CRL
Halewood Romania l
Paris Street Pinot Noir Rose 2014
l l
Leopards Leap Wines l
Leopards Leap Culinaria Chenin Blanc 2014
Lomond Snowbush 2012
52-68 Medal directory LE_champagne template 19/11/2015 16:41 Page 60
d i re c to r y Malagas Wine Company
Groot Constantia Estate
Sijnn 2010
Nederburg Wines (Pty) Ltd
Heritage Heroes The Young Airhawk 2013 l Private Bin Eminence 2011 l
Neethlingshof Estate
Hartenberg Estate
Jordan The Prospector Syrah 2013
Pinotage Barrel Select Reserve 2013 Shiraz Barrel Select Reserve 2013
Steytler Pinotage Stellenbosch Kaapzicht Estate 2012
Zonnebloem Shiraz Mourvedre Viognier 2013
Saxenburg Private Collection Shiraz 2013
Simonsig Chenin Avec Chene 2014 Simonsig Chenin Blanc 2015
Solms-Delta Koloni 2013
Stellenrust Chenin Blanc 2015
Strandveld Vineyards Adamastor 2013
Solms-Delta Wine Estate StellenRust Wines
Strandveld Wines (Pty) Ltd The Grape Grinder l The
Grinder Shiraz 2013
Tokara Winery l Tokara
Directors Reserve Red 2011
Uitkyk Estate l
Uitkyk Chenin Blanc 2013
Uva Mira Mountain Vineyards l
D.W. Syrah 2013
Metzer Family Syrah 2012
Verdant Vineyards t/a Metzer Wines
Silver Outstanding
Aaldering Vineyards & Wines Pty (Ltd) l Aaldering
Pinotage 2012
Accolade Wines l
Flagstone Dragon Tree Cabernet Sauvignon Shiraz Pinotage 2013
Anura Vineyards l Anura
Lb Cape Cuvée 2014 l Anura Sauvignon Blanc Unfiltered Reserve 2012
Baarsma South Africa (Pty) Ltd l
Lyngrove Platinum Latitude 2013
Babylon's Peak Private Cellar l
Babylon's Peak Chenin Blanc 2015
Backsberg Estate Cellars
Backsberg Family Reserve Red 2013 l Backsberg Family Reserve White 2014 l
Barton Vineyards l
Barton Merlot 2013
Beau Constantia Wines l
Beau Constantia Aidan 2012
Beyerskloof Diesel Pinotage 2011 Beyerskloof Diesel Pinotage 2012 l Beyerskloof Diesel Pinotage 2013 l l
Bon Courage Wine Estate
Bon Courage Cap Classique Jacques Bruére Brut Reserve 2009 l Bon Courage Inkará Shiraz 2013 l
Bouchard Finlayson l
Galpin Peak "Tête de Cuvée" Pinot Noir BouchardFinlayson 2012
Villiera Wine
Idiom Cabernet Sauvignon/ Merlot/Petit Verdot 2010
R M Nicholson Stellenbosch Rustenberg 2013
GVB 2011 2011
l Vergelegen V
Simonsig Wine Estate.
l Vergelegen
Hartenberg The Mackenzie 2012
Neethlingshof Malbec 2013
Saxenburg Wine Estate
Vergelegen Wines PTY LTD
Rustenberg Wines
Groot Constantia Merlot 2013 Groot Constantia Pinotage 2013
Jordan Wine Estate Kaapzicht Estate
Kanonkop Wine Estate
Kanonkop Cabernet Sauvignon 2007 l Kanonkop Pinotage 2007 l Kanonkop Pinotage 2011
Kleine Zalze Wines
Kleine Zalze Brut Rosé NV l Kleine Zalze Cellar Selection Chenin Blanc Bush Vines 2015 l Kleine Zalze Family Reserve Chenin Blanc 2014 l Kleine Zalze Family Reserve Sauvignon Blanc 2013 l Kleine Zalze Vintage Brut Methode Cap Classique 2010 l
KWV Classic Collection Cape Tawny NV KWV The Mentors Grenache Blanc 2014 Laborie Jean Taillefert 2013 l Laborie MCC Blanc de Blancs 2010 l Roodeberg Dr Charles Niehaus 2013 l l l
L'Avenir Wine Estate l l l
L'Avenir Single Block Chenin Blanc 2014 Provenance Pinotage 2013 Single Block Pinotage 2013
La Vierge Wines (Pty) Ltd l
La Vierge Noir 2013 Original Sin Sauvignon Blanc 2015
Le Bonheur Tricorne 2012
Le Bonheur Estate
Lutzville Vineyards l
Lutzville Diamond Collection Sauvignon Blanc 2014
Sijnn Touriga Nacional 2012
l l
Meerlust Pinot Noir 2013 Meerlust Red 2012
Morgenhof Merlot 2011
Laurens Campher Blended White 2014
Malagas Wine Company Meerlust Estate
Morgenhof Estate
Muratie Wine Estate Napier Winery l l
Napier Red Medallion 2011 Napier Single Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon 2012
Nederburg Wines (Pty) Ltd
Heritage Heroes The Anchorman 2013 l Heritage Heroes The Anchorman 2014 l Heritage Heroes The Beautiful Lady 2013 l II Centuries Cabernet Sauvignon 2010 l Private Bin D270 Chardonnay 2012 l Private Bin Edelkeur 2011 l Private Bin Eminence 2010 l Private Bin R163 Cabernet Sauvignon 2011 l Winemaster's Reserve Noble Late Harvest 2013 l
Neethlingshof Estate l l
Neethlingshof Short Story Collection The Caracal 2012 Neethlingshof Short Story Collection The Owl Post 2013
Origin Wine
l Villiera
Monro Brut 2009
Wildekrans Wine Estate l
Zonnebloem Wines
Zorgvliet Wines (Pty) Ltd
Silver Myn Argentum 2013 l Zorgvliet Cabernet Sauvignon 2010 l Zorgvliet Simone 2013 l
Silver l
Iona Pinot Noir 2013 Iona Sauvignon Blanc 2014
AA Badenhorst l l
Kalander Red Blend, Swartland, Adi Badenhorst Kalander White Blend, Swartland Adi Badenhorst 2014
Aaldering Vineyards & Wines Pty (Ltd) l Aaldering l Aaldering l Aaldering
Cabernet Sauvignon-Merlot 2012 Estate Chardonnay 2014 Shiraz 2012
Accolade Wines
Fish Hoek Cinsault Rosé 2015 l Flagstone Dark Horse Shiraz 2011 l Flagstone Free Run Sauvignon Blanc 2013 l Flagstone Longitude Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon Malbec 2014 l Flagstone Music Room Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 l Flagstone Truth Tree Pinotage 2014 l Flagstone Writer's Block Pinotage 2013 l Kumala Reserve Chenin Blanc 2014 l Kumala Reserve Malbec 2014 l Tesco Finest* Malbec 2014 l
African Pride Wines (Pty) Ltd l l
Cape Heights Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 Cape Heights Chenin Blanc 2014 Cape Heights Shiraz 2014 l Grand Cape Viognier 2014 l Kindred Chenin Blanc Werner Engelbrecht 2014 l Percheron Chenin Blanc Viognier 2015 l Percheron Shiraz Mourvèdre 2014 l Prime Cuts White 2014 l Wandering Beeste Syrah Swartland 2014 l l l
Brenn-o-kem t/a Waverley Hills l Waverley
Lady Anna Barnard Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 Lady Anne Barnard Syrah 2013
Alto Estate l Alto
Cabernet Sauvignon 2011 Rouge 2012 l Alto Shiraz 2012 l Alto
Alvi's Drift Wines International l Albertus Viljoen
l Albertus Viljoen White
2014 l Alvi's Drift Chenin Blanc Viognier Chardonnay 2012 l Alvi's Drift Chenin Blanc Viognier Chardonnay 2013 l Alvi's Drift Reserve Chardonnay 2014 l Alvi's Drift Reserve CVC 2014 l Alvi's Drift Signature Viognier 2015
Asara Wine Estate & Hotel (Pty) Ltd l Asara
Bell Tower 2011 l Asara Vineyard Collection Cabernet Sauvignon 2011 l Asara Vineyard Collection Cape Fusion 2012
Bryan MacRobert Wines - Steen 2014
l l
Buitenverwachting Chardonnay 2014 Sauvignon Blanc Constantia 2015 Sauvignon Blanc Husseys Vlei 2015
Bushmanspad Estate Cabernet Sauvignon 2012
Baarsma South Africa (Pty) Ltd
Bushmanspad Estate Cape Legends
Durbanville Hills Sauvignon Blanc 2015 Fleur Du Cap Pinotage 2013 Fleur Du Cap Unfiltered Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 l Fleur Du Cap Unfiltered Merlot 2013 l Le Bonheur Cabernet Sauvignon 2012 l Lomond Cape Agulhas Merlot 2013 l Zonnebloem Laureat 2012 l l l
Cape Point Vineyards
Cape Peninsula Sauvignon Blanc 2014 Cape Point Vineyards Isliedh 2014 M&S Cape Peninsula Sauvignon Blanc 2015 l Stonehaven Shiraz 2014 l l l
Cederberg Private Cellars l l l l
Duckitt Cabernet Sauvignon Cabernet Franc Merlot 2013 Duckitt Sauvignon Blanc 2015 Inkspot 2011 l The Very Sexy Shiraz 2012 l l l
Constantia Glen Winery (Pty) Ltd l l l l l
l The
De Grendel Wines l l l l
Perdeberg Winery
Babylon's Peak SMG 2010
Durbanville Hills Rhinofields Pinotage 2012 l Fleur du Cap Semillon 2014
l The
Cape Point Vineyards
Cape Point Vineyards Sauvignon Blanc 2014 l Cape Point Vineyards Sauvignon Blanc Reserve 2014 l
Cederberg Private Cellars l
Cederberg Cabernet Sauvignon 2013
Christoph Dornier Wines Pty Ltd l
Rhebokskloof Private Cellar
Rhebokskloof Black Marble Hill Syrah 2012 l Rhebokskloof Pearlstone Cabernet Sauvignon/Shiraz 2013 l
Rietvallei Wine Estate
Rietvallei JMB Cabernet Franc 2011
Beau Constantia Lucca 2012
Beeslaar Pinotage 2013
Beeslaar Wines (Pty) Ltd
De Grendel Rubaiyat 2012
De Morgenzon Maestro White 2014 De Morgenzon Reserve Syrah 2012 l DeMorgenzon DMZ Syrah 2012 l DeMorgenzon Reserve Chardonnay 2014 l DeMorgenzon Special Cuvée Chenin Blanc 2013
Deetlefs Estate
Deetlefs Winery Sauvignon Blanc Sémillon 2015
DGB ( Pty) Ltd
Bernard Series Whole Bunch Roussanne 2015 Boschendal Elgin Appellation Series Pinot Noir 2013 l Boschendal Grande Reserve 2013 l Brampton Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 l Franschhoek Cellar La Cotte Mill Chenin Blanc 2015 l Franschhoek Vineyards Shiraz 2013 l l
REBUS Cabernet Franc 2010 REBUS Cape Cuvée 2011
Rustenberg Wines
Buzzard Kloof Syrah Stellenbosch Rustenberg 2012 l Petit Verdot Rosé Stellenbosch Rustenberg 2015 l Stellenbosch Chardonnay Rustenberg 2014 l Straw Wine Rustenberg 2012 l
Saronsberg Cellar l
Saronsberg Seismic 2012
Simonsig Wine Estate.
Simonsig Kaapse Vonkel 2011 l Simonsig Pinotage Redhill 2012 l Simonsig Tiara 2011 l
Simonsvlei Internatinal l Toffee
Chunk Syrah 2013
Slent Farms (Pty) Ltd l Ayama
Pinotage 2013
Spier Wines
Durbanville Hills Rhinofields Noble Late Harvest 2013
l l
Eagles' Nest Merlot 2011 Eagles' Nest Shiraz 2012
Spier 21 Gables Cabernet Sauvignon 2011 l Spier 21 Gables Chenin Blanc 2014 l Spier Creative Block 2 2014 l Spier Creative Block 3 2012 l Spier Creative Block 5 2012 l Spier Groote Kaap Viognier 2014
Eikendal Charisma 2013
Stellenbosch Hills 1707 Red Reserve 2012
Stellenrust Old Bush Vine Chenin Blanc 2014
Durbanville Hills
Eagles' Nest Wines Pty Ltd Eikendal Vineyards Ernie Els Wines
Big Easy White Ernie Els 2015
Escapade Winery (Pty) Ltd Escapades Pinotage 2013
Graham Beck Wines
Graham Beck Blanc de Blancs 2010 Graham Beck Brut Rosé 2010 l Graham Beck Brut Zero 2009 l Graham Beck Pheasants' Run Sauvignon Blanc 2014 l l
Gravel Junction Wine and Spirit Co l
Barton Chenin Blanc 2014
Beau Constantia Wines
Constantia Glen FIVE 2011
Backsberg John Martin Reserve 2014
Barton Vineyards
Bellevue Wine Estate
Romond Vineyards
De Morgenzon
Dornier Donatus White 2014
De Grendel Wines l
l Akkerdal TDT
Constantia Glen Winery (Pty) Ltd l
PJ Hanekom t/a Akkerdal Wine Estate
Mt Vernon Malbec 2012
Stellenbosch Hills
StellenRust Wines
Trizanne Signature Wines l Trizanne
Signature Shiraz Grenache 2013
Tulbagh Winery l
Klein Tulbagh Merlot 2013
Uitkyk Estate
M&S Houdamond Pinotage 2011
Benguela Cove
Benguela Cove Chardonnay 2014 l Benguela Cove Sauvignon Blanc 2014 l
Bergsig Estate l l
Bergsig Chardonnay 2013 Bergsig Riesling 2013
Beyerskloof l l l
Beyerskloof Field Blend 2008 Beyerskloof Field Blend 2010 Beyerskloof Pinotage Reserve 2013
Bloemendal Estate l l l
Bloemendal Kanonberg 2014 Bloemendal Single Vineyard Chardonnay 2013 Bloemendal Suider Terras 2014
Boekenhoutskloof l l l
Porcupine Ridge Merlot 2014 Porcupine Ridge Syrah 2014 Porcupine Ridge Syrah Viognier 2013
Boland Cellar l l
Boland Cellar Reserve No1 Chardonnay 2014 Boland Cellar Reserve No1 Merlot 2012
Bon Courage Wine Estate
Bon Courage Cap Classique Jacques Bruére Blanc de Blancs 2009 l Bon Courage Chardonnay Prestige Cuvèe 2014 l Bon Courage Inkará Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 l
Boschkloof Wines l
Boschkloof Syrah 2013
Bosman Family Vineyards
Uitkyk Carlonet 2011
l Taste
O.T.V. 2013 Uva Mira Chardonnay 2013
Uva Mira Mountain Vineyards l
the difference Cabernet Merlot 2013
Bouchard Finlayson l
Crocodile's Lair Chardonnay Bouchard-Finlayson 2014 Missionvale Chardonnay Bouchard-Finlayson 2013
DeMorgenzon Reserve Chenin Blanc 2014 Maestro Red 2013
De Wetshof Estate
Cape Legends
Backsberg Estate Cellars
De Grendel Op Die Berg Chardonnay 2014 De Grendel Sauvignon Blanc 2015
De Morgenzon
D'Aria Merlot 2013 Songbird Sauvignon Blanc 2014 Soprano Shiraz 2013
l The
Hell's Heights Sauvignon Blanc Banghoek 2014 l The Tea Leaf Chenin Blanc Piekenierskloof 2014
Babylon's Peak Private Cellar
Creation The Art of Chardonnay 2013 Creation The Art of Pinot Noir 2014
D'Aria Winery
Dry Land Collection Pinotage 2012 l The Dry Land Collection Sauvignon Blanc 2014
Constantia Glen THREE 2012 Constantia Glen TWO 2014
Creation Wines
Lyngrove Platinum Pinotage 2013 Lyngrove Reserve Chardonnay 2015
Sainsbury's Taste the Difference Leap Point Fairtrade Pinotage 2014 Sainsbury's Winemaker's Selection Pinotage Rosé 2015
Cloof Wine Estate
Black Cuvée Shiraz 2014 Still Bay Chenin Blanc 2015 l Waitrose Chenin Blanc 2015 l
Cederberg Sauvignon Blanc 2014 Ghost Corner Sauvignon Blanc 2014
Citrusdal Cellars (Pty) Ltd
Boutinot Wines Ltd
Hills Shiraz Mourvedre Viognier 2011
Bryan MacRobert Wines CC
1st David Road (Pty) Ltd ta Iona l
Boutinot Wines Ltd
De Wetshof Bateleur Chardonnay 2009 De Wetshof MCC Cuvée Brut 2008
Deetlefs Estate
Deetlefs Estate Chenin Blanc 2014 Deetlefs Estate De Hageveld Red 2012 Deetlefs Estate Reserve Chenin Blanc 2014 l Deetlefs Estate Sauvignon Blanc 2015 l Deetlefs Familie Red 2011 l Deetlefs Familie Red 2013 l Deetlefs Winery Pinotage Rosé 2015 l Stonecross Chenin Blanc Chardonnay 2015 l l
Delheim Wines l l
Delheim Family Chenin Blanc 2014 Delheim Pinotage 2013
DGB ( Pty) Ltd
Bernard Series Bush Vine Pinotage 2014 Bernard Series Hand Picked Viognier 2015 Boschendal 1685 Chardonnay 2014 l Boschendal 1685 S & M 2013 l Boschendal 1685 Shiraz 2013 l Boschendal 1685 Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 l Boschendal Brut Rosé NV l Boschendal Chardonnay Pinot Noir Brut NV l Boschendal Classic Jean Garde Unoaked Chardonnay 2015 l Boschendal Classic Lanoy Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot 2014 l Boschendal Elgin Appelation Series Chardonnay 2013 l Boschendal Elgin Appelation Series Sauvignon Blanc 2014 l Boschendal Grande Cuvée Brut 2009 l Boschendal Reserve Collection Syrah 2013 l Brampton Sauvignon Blanc 2015 l Brampton Unoaked Chardonnay 2015 l Douglas Green Cabernet Sauvignon 2014 l Douglas Green Chardonnay 2015 l Franschhoek Cellar Baker Station Shiraz 2014 l Franschhoek Cellar Our Town Hall Chardonnay 2015 l Franschhoek Cellar Sauvignon Blanc 2015 l Franschhoek Cellar Stone Bridge Pinotage 2014 l Franschhoek Cellar The Churchyard Cabernet Sauvignon 2014 l l l
Diemersfontein Wines l
Diemersfontein Carpe Diem Pinotage 2013
Driehoek Pinot Noir 2013
Driehoek Wines
Durbanville Hills
Durbanville Hills Luipaardsberg Merlot 2011 Durbanville Hills Merlot Rosé 2014 Durbanville Hills Rhinofields Chardonnay 2013 l Durbanville Hills Rhinofields Merlot 2011 l l l
Eagles' Nest Wines Pty Ltd l l
Eagles' Nest Shiraz 2013 Eagles' Nest Viognier 2014
52-68 Medal directory LE_champagne template 19/11/2015 16:41 Page 61
Eikendal Vineyards
Rustenberg Wines
Zorgvliet Wines (Pty) Ltd
Eikendal Cabernet Sauvignon 2012 Eikendal Classique 2013 l Eikendal Merlot 2013
Ernie Els Wines
Big Easy Red Ernie Els 2013 Cabernet Sauvignon Stellenbosch Ernie Els 2013 l Proprietors Blend Stellenbosch Ernie Els 2013 l Proprietors Cabernet Sauvignon Stellenbosch Ernie Els 2012 l Proprietors Syrah Stellenbosch Ernie Els 2013 l Signature Stellenbosch Ernie Els 2012 l l
Escapade Winery (Pty) Ltd l
Escapades Cabernet Sauvignon Shiraz Malbec 2013
Fleur du Cap
Fleur Du Cap Pinotage 2013 l Fleur Du Cap Unfiltered Chardonnay 2014 l
Glen Carlou Vineyards (Pty) Ltd
Lomond Pincushion Sauvignon Blanc 2013 Lomond Pinot Noir 2013 l Lomond Sauvignon Blanc 2015 l Lomond SMV 2013 l Lomond SSV 2013 l Lomond SSV 2014 l Lomond Sugarbush Sauvignon Blanc 2014 l Lomond Syrah 2012
Malagas Wine Company l
Sijnn White 2013
Graham Beck Rhona Rosé NV
Marks & Spencer plc Meerlust Estate
Meerlust Chardonnay 2013 l Meerlust Merlot 2013 l Meerlust Rubicon 2010 l
Glen Carlou Chardonnay 2014 Glen Carlou Grand Classique 2012 l Glen Carlou The Curator's Collection Cabernet Franc 2013
Morgenhof Estate
Graham Beck Bowed Head Chenin Blanc 2014 Graham Beck Coffeestone Cabernet Sauvignon 2012 l Graham Beck Sparkling Brut Rosé NV
Muratie Wine Estate
Mt Vernon Cabernet Sauvignon 2012 l Mt Vernon Chardonnay 2012
Nederburg Wines (Pty) Ltd
l l
Morgenhof Chenin Blanc 2014
Graham Beck Wines
Mount Rozier Merlot 2014
Martin Melck Cabernet Sauvignon 2012
l l
Gravel Junction Wine and Spirit Co l
Groot Constantia Estate
Groot Constantia Chardonnay 2014 Groot Constantia Gouverneurs Reserve (Red) 2012 l Groot Constantia Grand Constance 2012 l Groot Constantia Shiraz 2013 l l
Groote Post Vineyards (Pty) Ltd l
Groote Post Kapokberg Pinot Noir 2013
Hartenberg Estate
Hartenberg Gravel Hill 2009 Hartenberg Gravel Hill 2010 l Hartenberg Shiraz 2012 l Hartenberg The Stork Shiraz 2010 l Hartenberg The Stork Shiraz 2011 l l
Helderberg Winery l
Helderberg Sauvignon Blanc 2014
Hilton Vineyards
Hilton Ironstone 2012 l Hilton The Dalmatian 2012 l
Idiom l
Idiom Shiraz Mourvedre Viognier 2010
International Procurement & Logistics l Asda
Extra Special Fairtrade Sauvignon Blanc 2015
Jordan Wine Estate l
Jordan Cobblers Hill 2011 Jordan Inspector Peringuey Chenin Blanc 2014 Jordan Merlot 2012
Mount Rozier Estate (Pty) Ltd
Napier Winery l
Napier Saint Catherine Single Vineyard Chardonnay 2013
5600 Chenin Blanc 2015 5600 Pinot Grigio 2015 l 5600 Pinot Noir 2014 l 5600 Shiraz 2014 l Heritage Heroes The Brewmaster 2013 l Heritage Heroes The Motorcycle Marvel 2013 l Heritage Heroes The Young Airhawk 2014 l II Centuries Cabernet Sauvignon 2011 l II Centuries Sauvignon Blanc 2014 l Ingenuity Red 2012 l Ingenuity White 2014 l Manor House Cabernet Sauvignon 2012 l Manor House Sauvignon Blanc 2014 l Manor House Shiraz 2013 l Private Bin D234 Sauvignon Blanc 2013 l Private Bin D234 Sauvignon Blanc 2014 l Private Bin R121 Shiraz 2011 l Private Bin R172 Pinotage 2010 l The Manor Cabernet Sauvignon 2014 l The Manor Sauvignon Blanc 2015 l l
Neethlingshof Estate l l
Neethlingshof Gewürztraminer 2015 Neethlingshof Single Vineyard Sauvignon Blanc 2015
Nico Van Der Merwe Wines (Pty) Ltd l
Mas Nicolas 2013
Niel Joubert Wines
Journey's End
Niel Joubert Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 Niel Joubert Pinotage 2013 l Niel Joubert Shiraz 2013
l Tesco
l l
l Tesco
Finest Stellenbosch Red 2014 Finest* Stellenbosch Red 2014
Kaapzicht Estate
l l
Oak Valley Wines l
Steytler Pentagon Stellenbosch Kaapzicht Estate 2012 l Steytler Vision Stellenbosch Kaapzicht Estate 2012
Kanonkop Wine Estate
Kanonkop Cabernet Sauvignon 2009 l Kanonkop Cabernet Sauvignon 2011 l Kanonkop Paul Sauer 2008 l Kanonkop Paul Sauer 2010 l Kanonkop Paul Sauer 2011 l Kanonkop Pinotage 2009
Ken Forrester Wines l The
Gypsy 2011 l Workhorse Chenin Blanc 2014
Kleine Zalze Wines
Kleine Zalze Brut NV Kleine Zalze Cellar Selection Sauvignon Blanc 2015 l Kleine Zalze Family Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon 2009 l Kleine Zalze Family Reserve Shiraz 2009 l Kleine Zalze Vineyard Selection Cabernet Sauvignon 2012 l Kleine Zalze Vineyard Selection Chenin Blanc 2014 l Kleine Zalze Vineyard Selection Shiraz 2012 l l
l Tamboerskloof
Syrah 2011 l Tamboerskloof Syrah 2012
Kovacs Investments 118(PTY) Ltd l
Doran Vineyards Chenin Blanc 2013
Cathedral Cellar Triptych 2013 KWV The Mentors Canvas 2013 l KWV The Mentors Chardonnay 2013 l KWV The Mentors Chenin Blanc 2013 l KWV The Mentors Pinotage 2013 l KWV The Mentors Sauvignon Blanc Darling 2013 l KWV The Mentors Sauvignon Blanc Elim 2014 l KWV The Mentors Sauvignon Blanc/Semillon 2013 l KWV The Mentors Semillon 2014 l Laborie Jean Taillefert MCC Brut Prestige Cuvée Pinot Noir 2010 l l
La Bri l l
La Bri Syrah 2012 La Bri Viognier 2013
La Motte Wine Estate (Pty) Ltd
La Motte Chardonnay 2013 l La Motte Millennium 2013 l La Motte Pierneef Syrah Viognier 2013 l
Le Bonheur Estate l
Le Bonheur Prima 2010
Leopards Leap Wines
Leopards Leap Culinaria Shiraz Grenache 2012 l Leopards Leap Pinot Noir Chardonnay 2015 l
Linton Park Wines
Linton Park Merlot 2013 l Linton Park Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon 2010 l
Oak Valley Chardonnay 2014 Oak Valley Fountain of Youth Sauvignon Blanc 2014 Oak Valley Pinot Noir 2013
Oldenburg Vineyards
Oldenburg Vineyards Cabernet Sauvignon 2012 Oldenburg Vineyards Chenin Blanc 2014 l Oldenburg Vineyards Merlot 2012 l Oldenburg Vineyards Rhodium 2012
Origin Wine
Life Merlot 2014 l Life Sauvignon Blanc 2015 l Lion's Gate Sauvignon Semillon 2015 l Morrisons Everyday Chalkboard Cabernet Sauvignon 2014 l Morrisons Everyday Chalkboard Chenin Blanc 2014 l Morrisons Everyday Chalkboard Merlot 2014 l Morrisons Everyday Chalkboard Sauvignon Blanc 2014 l Morrisons Everyday Chalkboard Shiraz 2014 l Morrisons Signature Shiraz 2014 l Mountain Vineyards Merlot 2014 l Mountain Vineyards Sauvignon Blanc 2014 l Pure NSA Cabernet 2014 l Stormhoek Sauvignon Blanc 2015 l
Paul Cluver Wine Estate l
Paul Cluver Pinot Noir 2014
Perdeberg Winery l The
Dry Land Collection Barrel Fermented Chenin Blanc 2014 l The Dry Land Collection Cabernet Sauvignon 2012 l The Dry Land Collection Chenin Blanc 2014 l The Dry Land Collection Joseph's Legacy 2013 l The Dry Land Collection Shiraz 2012
Place in the Sun l
Place In The Sun Shiraz 2014
Plaisir De Merle Petit Plaisir 2013
Plaisir De Merle
Plaisir de Merle Estate
Plaisir De Merle Cabernet Sauvignon 2012 l Plaisir De Merle Grand Brut 2013 l Plaisir De Merle Grand Plaisir 2008 l
Pongracz l
Desiderius Pongracz 2008
Rhebokskloof Private Cellar
Pearlstone Pinotage 2014 Rhebokskloof Chardonnay 2013 Rhebokskloof Design Shiraz 2012 l Rhebokskloof MGS 2012 l Rhebokskloof Shiraz 2012 l l l
Riebeek Cellars l
Short Street CGV 2014
Rooiberg Winery
Rooiberg Winery Chardonnay Reserva 2014 l Rooiberg Winery Shiraz Reserve 2013 l
Rosendal Wines Pty Ltd
Rosendal Reserve Hilltop Merlot 2012 l Rosendal Serenity Chardonnay 2013 l
Five Soldiers Chardonnay Rustenberg 2012 John X Merriman Stellenbosch Rustenberg 2012 l Peter Barlow Cabernet Sauvignon Rustenberg 2009 l Stellenbosch Cabernet Sauvignon Rustenberg 2013
Saronsberg Cellar
Provenance Rooi 2012 Provenance Shiraz 2013 Saronsberg Full Circle 2012 l Saronsberg Full Circle 2013 l Saronsberg Shiraz 2012 l Saronsberg Shiraz 2013 l Saronsberg Viognier 2013 l l l
Simonsig Wine Estate.
Simonsig Chardonnay 2013 l Simonsig Cuvée Royale Blanc de Blancs 2011 l Simonsig Mr Borio's Shiraz 2012 l Simonsig Sunbird Sauvignon Blanc 2015 l Simonsig Syrah Merindol 2012 l
Simonsvlei Internatinal
Hercules Paragon Shiraz 2013 Hercules Paragon SMCV 2012 l HP Cabernet Sauvignon 2012 l Simonsvlei Chenin Blanc 2015 l Simonsvlei Sauvignon Blanc 2015 l Simonsvlei Shiraz 2014 l l
Slent Farms (Pty) Ltd l Ayama
Leopard Spot White 2013
Solms-Delta Wine Estate l
Solms-Delta Amalie 2013
Savanha Naledi Chardonnay 2013 Spier North Bank Malbec 2014
Spier Wines l
Star Hill
Star Hill Sauvignon Blanc 2014 l Star Hill Shiraz 2011 l
Stellenbosch Hills
Stellenbosch Hills 1707 White Reserve 2013 l Stellenbosch Hills Shiraz 2014 l
Stellenbosch Vineyards
Credo Shiraz 2012 Credo Shiraz Merlot Viognier 2012 Stellenbosch Vineyards Bushvine Pinotage 2013 l Stellenbosch Vineyards Heyden's White 2014 l l l
StellenRust Wines
Stellenrust 49 Barrel Fermented Chenin Blanc 2013 l Stellenrust Barrel Fermented Chardonnay 2013 l Stellenrust Peppergrinder's Shiraz 2012 l Stellenrust Timeless 2012 l
Stellenzicht Vineyards
Stellenzicht Golden Triangle Shiraz 2012 l Stellenzicht Rhapsody 2009 l
Strandveld Wines (Pty) Ltd l
Strandveld Vineyards The Navigator 2012
The Grape Grinder l The
Grinder Chenin Blanc 2014 Grinder Pinotage 2013 l The Milkwood Shiraz Viognier 2013 l The Wild Olive Old Vines Chenin Blanc 2014 l The
The Winery of Good Hope
Land of Hope Chardonnay 2014 l Land of Hope Reserve Chenin Blanc 2013 l
Tokara Winery
Silver Myn Cabernet Franc Rose 2015 Silver Myn Sauvignon Blanc 2015 Zorgvliet Petit Verdot 2012 l Zorgvliet Single Vineyard Sauvignon Blanc 2015 l
SPAIN Gold Outstanding Bodegas Luis Canas l
Luis Cañas Reserva Selección de la Familia 2009
Ramón Bilbao Gran Reserva Rioja DOCa 2008
Bodegas Ramón Bilbao
Bodegas Baron de Ley l
Camino del Monte White Rioja 2009
Conde Valdemar Reserva 2008
Imperial Rioja Gran Reserva 2008 Real Gran Reserva 2007
Bodegas Valdemar SA C.V.N.E l Vina
Dominio Basconcillos l Viña
Magna Crianza 2011
Silver Outstanding Anecoop S Coop l
Hacienda Uvanis Red Garnacha 2014
Inurrieta Sur 2012
3 Viñas Blanco Reserva 2010 Barón de Ley Reserva 2010
Bodega Inurrieta
Bodegas Baron de Ley l
Bodegas Dominio de Cair l Tierras
de Cair 2009
Bodegas Fariña SL l
Bodegas Fariña Gran Colegiata Barrica Roble 2012
Bodegas Frontaura, SLU l Aponte
Reserva 2008
Bodegas Pago de Cirsus S.L
Pago de Cirsus Cuvée Especial 2011 l Pago de Cirsus Selección Familia 2011 l
Bodegas Paniza l Winemakers'
Selection by Sainsbury's Spanish Gran Reserva
Bodegas Sobreño l
Finca Sobreño Reserva Selección Especial 2010
Bodegas y Viñedos Codorníu Raventos l Anna l l
de Codorníu Blanc de Blancs NV Gran Codorníu Gran Reserva Xarel-lo 2009 Jaume Codorníu Gran Reserva 2009
Felix Solis Avantis SA l Altos
de Tamaron Crianza 2012
l Vinas
Del Vero Secastilla 2010
Gonzalez Byass SA Gramona SA l
Gramona Imperial Brut Gran Reserva 2008
Finca El Puig 2010
Palacio de Villachica ST 2011
Rioja Vega 130 Aniversario 2006
Uitkyk Estate
l Villa
l Tokara l Tokara
Directors Reserve White 2013 Reserve Collection Elgin Sauvignon Blanc 2014
Trizanne Signature Wines l Trizanne
Signature Sauvignon Blanc 2014
Tulbagh Winery
iLike Chenin Blanc 2015 l Paddagang CCM 2013 l l
Uitkyk Chardonnay 2014 Uitkyk Shiraz 2011
Daschbosch Exanimo 2014 l Daschbosch Plicatilis 2013 l Daschbosch Procavia 2012 l Spar South African Shiraz 2014 l
Uva Mira Mountain Vineyards
Gran Clos Priorat Slu
Palacio de Villachica SA Rioja Vega
Spanish Fine Wines SL
Conchi Brut Reserva NV
1898 Ramon Roqueta l
Ramón Roqueta Tempranillo 2014
Abanico l Tierra
Fuerte Graciano 2013
Adegas Gran Vinum, S.l.
Mira Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 l The Mira Chardonnay 2014 l The Mira Merlot 2013 l The Single Tree Chardonnay 2013 l Uva Mira Cabernet Franc 2013
Sainsbury's Taste the Difference Albariño 2013
Dehesa de Luna 2013
l The
l The
Agropecuaria Vallefrio Nueva, SL Albet I Noya S,L l Albet
I Noya Reserva Marti 2008
Verdant Vineyards t/a Metzer Wines
Alma Atlantica
Vergelegen Wines PTY LTD
Altos de Rioja Bodegueros y Viticultores
Kitchen Sink Red Blend 2013
l Vergelegen
Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve 2009 Chardonnay Reserve 2013 l Vergelegen DNA 2011 l Vergelegen GVB 2009 l Vergelegen GVB 2010 l Vergelegen
Villiera Wine l
Crows Fountain Sauvignon Blanc 2015 Brut Natural 2011 Barrel Fermented Chenin Blanc 2015
l Villiera
l Villiera Traditional
Vrede en Lust l Vrede l Vrede l Vrede
en Lust Barrique 2012 en Lust Casey's Ridge Early Mist Riesling 2015 en Lust Syrah 2012
Welgemeend Estate l Welgemeend l Welgemeend
Chenin Blanc 2014 Reserve 2011
Wildekrans Wine Estate
Cape Blend Barrel Select Reserve 2013 l Chenin Blanc Barrel Select Reserve 2014 l
Zevenwacht Wine Estate
Zevenwacht Reserve 2012 Zevenwacht Syrah 2012 l Zevenwacht The Tin Mine White 2014 l l
Zonnebloem Wines
Zonnebloem Limited Edition Sauvignon Blanc 2014 l Zonnebloem Limited Edition Shiraz 2012 l
Morrisons Signature Albariño 2013
l Altos l Altos
de la Guardia Crianza 2012 R Pigeage 2010 Joven
Anecoop S Coop
Castillo de Anna Gran Reserva 2008 Castillo de Catadau Gran Reserva 2008 Hacienda De Lluna Cabernet Sauvignon 2014 l Hacienda De Lluna Merlot 2014 l Hacienda Uvanis Old Vines Garnacha 2014 l Hacienda Uvanis Red Tempranillo 2014 l Juan de Juanes Vendimia Plata Petit Verdot 2013 l Marques de Valencia Gran Reserva 2008 l Palacio de Valencia Gran Reserva 2008 l Palacio de Valencia Reserva 2009 l Palacio Del Conde Gran Reserva 2008 l Viña Nava Red 2014 l Viña Nava Rosé 2014 l l l
Araex Rioja Alavesa SL l l
Gran Sello Tempranillo Garnacha 2013 Gran Sello Tempranillo Syrah 2013 Conchi Brut Selección NV
l Villa
Artiga-Fustel SL l
Castillo de la Peña Syrah-Monastrell 2014
Benoit & Valerie Calvet SAS l Toro
Loco Cava NV
Corazón Loco Blanco 2014 l Corazón Loco Rosado 2014 l
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d i re c to r y Bodega Inurrieta l Altos l
de Inurrieta 2009 Inurrieta Mediodia 2014
Bodegas Abadal l Abadal
Crianza 2011
Bodegas Amaren SA l Amaren Tempranillo
Reserva 2008 l Amaren White Barrel Fermented 2011 l Angeles de Amaren Tempranillo Graciano 2008
Bodegas Baigorri SAU
Baigorri Belus 2009 Baigorri Garnacha 2010 l Baigorri Selección Especial Crianza 2011 l l
Bodegas Baron de Ley
Baron de Ley Finca Monasterio Joven 2012 l Barón de Ley Gran Reserva 2008 l Baron de Ley Varietal Graciano 2011 l Camino del Monte Gran Reserva 2008 l
Bodegas Berberana SA l
Berberana Dragon Reserva White 2012
Bodegas Blau 2013
Bodegas Blau
Bodegas Bleda SL
Castillo de Jumilla Monastrell 2014 Castillo de Jumilla Monastrell-Tempranillo 2014 l Divus 2012 l Pino Doncel Doce Meses 2013 l l
Bodegas Borsao l
Borsao Barrica Seleccion 2012
Julian Madrid Reserva 2009
Bodegas Casa Primicia SA Bodegas Castaño l l
Castaño Tinto 2014 GSM Castano 2014
Bodegas Castro Martin l
Bodegas Castro Martin Albariño 2013
Bodegas Corral SA
Bodegas Corral Altos de Corral Single Estate Reserva 2005 l Don Jacobo Reserva 2007 l
Bodegas Criadores de Rioja l
Sainsbury's Taste the Difference Cepa Alegro Rioja Reserva 2009
Bodegas Del Rosario l
Lorca Selección 2013
Bodegas Dominio de Cair
Bodegas Pago del Oro
International Procurement & Logistics
Urla Sarapcilik
Pago de Oro Oak Aged 2013 Pago del Oro Crianza 2012
Bodegas Protos l
Protos Verdejo 2014
Bodegas Ramón Bilbao
Mar de Frades 2014 l Mar de Frades Brut Nature NV l Ramón Bilbao Edición Limitada Rioja DOCa 2012 l
Bodegas Rectoral de Amandi Sau l
Rectoral De Amandi 2014
Bodegas Rioja Santiago l
Rioja Santiago Reserva 2009
Bodegas Riojanas l Viña Albina
Blanco Semidulce Reserva 2001
Bodegas Senorio de Nava SA l
Señorio de Nava Crianza 2011
Bodegas Taron l Taron
4M 2012 l Taron Crianza 2011 l Taron Reserva 2005
Bodegas Valdemar SA l
Fincas Valdemacuco Roble 2013
Cueva del Monge Blanco 2013
Orquestal 2010
Bodegas y Viñedos Casa del Valle SA Bodegas y Viñedos Codorníu Raventos
Ánima de Raimat Blanco 2014 l Ánima de Raimat Tinto 2012 l Bodegas Bilbaínas Garnacha 2010 l Castell de Raimat Albariño 2014 l Castell de Raimat Chardonnay 2014 l Castell de Raimat Tempranillo 2012 l Castell de Raimat Xarel-lo Chardonnay 2013 l Codorníu Reina María Cristina Blanc de Noirs 2012 l Gran Codorníu Gran Reserva Pinot Noir 2009 l Legaris Crianza 2011 l Raimat 100 2013 l Raimat Abadía 2012 l Raimat Brut NV l Sainsbury's Cava Rosado Brut NV l Sainsbury's Taste the Difference Vintage Brut 2013 l Sainsbury's Winemaker's Selection Cava Brut NV l Scala Dei Cartoixa 2008 l Scala Dei Prior 2012 l Taste the Difference Vintage Rosé Brut 2013 l Viña Pomal Centenario Reserva 2010 l
Bodegas Fariña Gran Colegiata Crianza Roble Frances 2010 Faustino I Gran Reserva 2001
Fernandez de Pierola Reserva 2005
Bodegas y Viñedos Fontana SL
Gran Feudo Edición Crianza 2010 l Gran Feudo Viñas Viejas Reserva 2010
Bodegas Y Viñedos Labastida
Bodegas Heredad de Baroja S.L l l
Cautivo Blanco 2013 Gran Baroja Alta Expresión Edición Limitada 2002
Bodegas Ibaiondo SL
Bodegas Ibaiondo Arco Larrazuria D.O.C. 2010 l Bodegas Ibaiondo Prodecimis D.O.C. 2008 l
Bodegas Izadi l l
Bodegas Izadi Reserva 2011 Izadi El Regalo 2012
Bodegas La Emperatriz, SL l l
Finca La Emperatriz Crianza 2011 Salagón Reserva 2006
Bodegas Lagunilla SA
Lagunilla Gran Reserva 2007 Lagunilla Optimus Joven 2010 l Lagunilla The Family Collection Gran Reserva 2007 l l
Bodegas Lar de Paula
l l
Macia Batle Crianza 2012
Bosque de Matasnos l
Bosque de Matasnos Edicion Limitada 2010
BVC Bodegas SL l Toro
Loco Bobal Merlot 2013
Contino Reserva 2009 l Imperial Reserva 2009 l
Cellers Unio l
Cellers Unio Priorat Senorio De Convey 2012 Les Tallades Montsant 2014
Marques de Alarcon Tempranillo Syrah 2014
Cooperativa Ntra. Sñra. De La Paz
Crianzas y Vinedos Santo Cristo
Manuel Manzaneque Nuestra Selección D.O. Finca Elez 2006
El Coto de Rioja SA
Castillo la Paz Tempranillo Syrah 2014
l Adnos l
Marquesa de la Cruz Garnacha Rosé 2014
Corte Mayor Crianza 2011 Coto Real 2010 l Coto Vintage Crianza 2011 l l
Felix Solis Avantis SA l Viña Albali
Gran Reserva de Familia 2008 l Viña Albali Rosado 2014
Fauno Viura Sauvignon Blanc 2014
Finca Casa Lo Alto
El Chaparra de Vega Sindda 2013
Finca Millara Bodegas y Viñedos SRL
Bodegas Nekeas
Bodegas of Famililia Burgo Viejo SL Finca Los Principes Reserva Rioja 2010 Finca Los Principes Rioja Crianza 2012 l Licenciado Reserva Rioja 2010 l l
Bodegas Olarra SA l Añares
2011 2013 l Cerro Añon 2011 l Cerro Añon 2013 l Erudito 2011 l Erudito Reserva Especial 2010 l Laztana Reserva 2010 l Olarra Crianza 2013 l Sagasta 2013 l Sagasta Reserva 2010 l Sagasta Reserva 2011 l Añares
Bodegas Ondarre SA
Era Costana Rioja DOC 2013 Mayor de Ondarre Reserva 2011 Ondarre Reserva Rioja DOC 2010 l Ondarre Reserva Rioja DOC 2011 l Rivallana Rioja DOC 2013 l Ursa Maior Reserva Rioja DOC 2011 l Ursa Maior Rioja Reserva DOC 2010 l l l
Bodegas Pago de Cirsus S.L l l
Pago de Cirsus - Opus 11 2009 Senda de los Olivos Vendimia Seleccionada 2012
Nexus + 2009
Calzadilla Allegro 2008 Gran Calzadilla 2007
Pago Calzadilla l
Pazo de Señorans S.L l
Camino del Pelegrino 2014 Pazo Señorans Selección de Añada 2007
Pere Ventura I Familia SL
La Capella 2012 l Maria del Mar Gran Reserva 2011 l Tresor Rosé NV
Perelada Comercial SA
Cava Perelada Gran Claustro 2011 Cruor 2010 l Perelada 5 Fincas 2011 l Perelada Aires de Garbet 2012 l Perelada Finca la Garriga 2011 l l
Pernod Ricard Winemakers, SA
Casa Lo Alto Bobal 2012
l Albariño
Pazo da Ria 2014
Giro Ribot SA l
Giró Ribot Spur Brut Reserva NV
Gonzalez Byass SA
Beronia Gran Reserva 2008 Beronia Tempranillo Special Production 2012 Finca Constancia Parcela 23 2013 l La Miranda de Secastilla Blanca 2013 l Vilarnau Gran Reserva 2010 l Vilarnau Subirat Parent NV l l l
Gonzalez Byass UK Ltd l
Matarromera Melior Verdejo 2014
Gramona III Lustros Brut Nature Gran Reserve 2007
Gramona SA
Grandes Vinos y Viñedos SA
3C 2014 3C Premium Selection 2013 l El Circo Director 2012 l Marques de Ballestar Crianza 2011 l Marques de Carano Reserva 2011 l l
Grupo Solar De Samaniego l
Solar de Samaniego Crianza 2011
Haciendas Marqués de la Concordia l
Marqués de la Concordia Hacienda de Susar Joven 2010
Cosme Palacio Crianza Vendimia Selccionada Crianza 2012
Hijos de Antonio Barcelo
Urla Chardonnay 2014 Urla Nero d'Avola & Urla Karasi 2013 Urla Petit Verdot 2014 l Urla Tempus 2013 l Urla Vourla 2012 l
USA Gold Outstanding Columbia Crest Winery l
H3 Merlot 2012
Robert Mondavi To Kalon Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve 2011
Constellation Wines International
Robert Mondavi Vineyards and Winery
Robert Mondavi Winery Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve 2011
Delicato Family Vineyards l
Black Stallion Estate Transcendent Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 2010
Francis Ford Coppola Winery l Votre
Santé Chardonnay 2013
Paul Hobbs Wines l
CrossBarn Pinot Noir Sonoma Coast 2013
Stags' Leap Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 2012
Treasury Wine Estates
l Azpilicueta
Silver Outstanding
Carnivor Cabernet Sauvignon 2013
Paul Hobbs Cabernet Sauvignon Napa Valley 2012
Stags' Leap The Leap Cabernet Sauvignon 2010
Joel Gott Zinfandel 2012
Crianza 2011 Reserva 2009 Gran Campo Viejo Cava Brut Reserva NV l Ysios Edición Limitada Reserva 2009 l Azpilicueta
Rectoral do Umia Sau l l
Rectoral Do Umia 2014 Rectoral Do Umia Abellio 2014
Rioja Vega
Rioja Vega Edición Limitada 2012 l Rioja Vega Gran Reserva 2009 l Rioja Vega Reserva 2010 l
Senorio de Sarria UK Ltd l
San Antolin Reserva 2004
Señorio de Sobral 2014
Senorio de Sobral SL
The Haciendas Company l
Hacienda Zorita Abascal Vineyard Limited Production 2011 Hacienda Zorita Magister 2011 Hacienda Zorita Vega de la Reina Verdejo 2014
United Wineries International
Crianza 2012
Las Hermanas Joven Monastrell Syrah 2013
Bodegas Murviedro
Nexus Bodegas, SL
Bodegues Macia Batle SLU
l Valtravieso
Sainsbury's Taste the Difference Vinedos de Barrihuelo Crianza 2012 l Vina Muriel Reserva 2008
Cava Origen Brut Rosado 2013
Bodegas y Viñedos Valtravieso SL
Coviñas. Coop. V
l Vallformosa
Luis Cañas Reserva 2010
Bodegas Muriel
Bioca Godello 2014
Masia Vallformosa SA
Castillo Labastida Reserva 2010
Maria Teresa Nuñez Vega
Lar de Paula Crianza 2011
Bodegas Manuel Manzaneque
Lidl Arestel Cava Brut NV
Bodegas Luzon
"Vinya Palau" Merlot 2011
Lidl UK
Mesta Old Vine Tempranillo 2014
Cooperative Nuestra Senora de la Paz
Bodegas Luis Canas
Cava Jaume Serra Reserva Vintage 2011
Jean Leon
Herminia Excelsus 2012
Bodegas Gran Feudo, SL
Marques de Carrion Crianza 2011
Jaume Serra SA
Bodegas Vinicola Real
l Viña
Bodegas Fernandez De Pierola SL
Cair 2010
Bodegas Faustino
J. Garcia Carrion
Bodegas Viña Herminia SL
Bodegas Fariña SL
Espartero Rioja Gran Reserva 2005 Espartero Rioja Reserva 2009 l Gran Colina Rioja Gran Reserva 2007
Cava 1+1=3 Brut Nature Especial Gran Reserva 2008
Berberana D'Avalos Etiqueta Negra Reserva 2009 l Viña Alarde Gran Reserva 2007 l Viña Alarde Reserva 2009 l
E&J Gallo Winery
Paul Hobbs Wines
Treasury Wine Estates
Trinchero Family Estates
Accolade Wines l Waitrose l
Buena Vista Zinfandel 2012
l l
Boneshaker Zinfandel 2013 Hahn GSM 2013 Hahn Pinot Noir 2013
Charles Smith 'The Honourable Riesling' 2013
Columbia Crest Grand Estates Chardonnay 2013 H3 Les Chevaux Red Wine 2012
Castelnau Wine Agencies l
Charles Smith Wines
Columbia Crest Winery
l Valduero
l Valduero
2012 Reserva 2010
Vid Vica S L l
Cava Amorany Brut Gran Cuvée NV Cava Arestel Brut NV Cava Aretey Brut Reserva NV
El Jardin de Lucia 2013
l l
Vila Viniteca
Viña Arnaiz SA
Pata Negra Ribera Crianza 2011 Crianza 2011 l Viña Arnaiz Reserva 2010 l
l Viña Arnaiz
Viñedos Bodegas Covides l
Xènius Brut NV
Delicato Family Vineyards
Black Stallion Estate Bucephalus Napa Valley Red Blend 2010 Black Stallion Estate Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 2012 l Black Stallion Estate Napa Valley Chardonnay 2013 l Black Stallion Estate Napa Valley Syrah 2012 l Brazin Lodi Old Vine Zinfandel 2012 l Gnarly Head California Petite Sirah 2013 l
E&J Gallo Winery
Dark Horse Chardonnay 2013 Gallo Family Vineyards Autumn Red NV Gallo Family Vineyards Chardonnay 2013 l Gallo Family Vineyards Merlot 2013 l l l
Francis Ford Coppola Winery
Diamond Collection Gold Label Chardonnay 2013 Diamond Collection Ivory Label Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 Diamond Collection Red Label Zinfandel 2013 l Diamond Collection Scarlet Red Blend 2012 l Director's Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 l Director's Cut Chardonnay 2013 l Director's Cut Pinot Noir 2013 l Director's Merlot 2013 l Director's Pinot Noir 2013 l Pitagora Red Blend 2012 l Rosso & Bianco Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 l Rosso & Bianco Chardonnay 2013 l Sofia Chardonnay 2013
Viñedos de Aldeanueva
Vinos Sierra Norte S.L
l Aldeanueva Tunante
Reserva 2011
Pasion de Bobal Tinto 2013
Hacienda López de Haro Reserva 2009
Vinyes D'Olivardots l Vinyes
D'Olivardots Blanc de Gresa 2012
Wine Projects, SLU. l
Saxa Loquuntur Tres DOCa Rioja Joven 2011
Datca Vineyard and Winery l
Datca Cnidus Cabernet Sauvignon Rezerve 2012
Gidatay Food Anagriculture Industry Trade In Prodom Petit Verdot 2013 Prodom Rosé Syrah Merlot Kalecik Karasi 2014 l Prodom Syrah Kalecik Karasi 2013 l Prodom Syrah Petit Verdot Cabernet Franc 2012 l Prodom Syrah Petit Verdot Cabernet Franc 2013 l l
Karmen Sarapck San ve Tic (Diren Winery) l
Collection Chardonnay 2012
Mey Icki Sanayi & Ticaret AS
Californian Cabernet Sauvignon 2013
Buena Vista Winery
Greyser Peak l
Geyser Peak Cabernet Sauvignon 2012
M&S Rockus Bockus 2012
Cocoon Zinfandel 2013
l l
CrossBarn Cabernet Sauvignon Napa Valley 2012 Paul Hobbs Chardonnay Russian River Valley 2013 Paul Hobbs Pinot Noir Russian River Valley 2013
Robert Mondavi Cabernet Sauvignon 2011
Schug Carneros Pinot Noir 2013 Schug Carneros Sonoma Coast Chardonnay 2013
Gundlach Bundschu Mare Magnum Srl Paul Hobbs Wines l
Robert Mondavi Vineyards and Winery Schug Carneros Estate l
Kayra Okuzgozu 2012 l Kayra Versus Cabernet Franc 2012 l Kayra Versus Syrah Viognier 2012
Ste Michelle Wine Estates
l l
Canoe Ridge Estate Chardonnay 2013 Cold Creek Vineyard Riesling 2013 Eroica Riesling 2013
Pamukkale Sarapcilik
l Anfora
Treasury Wine Estates
Cabernet Franc 2012 M&S Anfora Trio 2013 Nodus Shiraz 2012
Sevilen Vineyard & Winery l l
M&S Sevilen R Rosé 2014 Sevilen Majestik Syrah & Kalecik Karasi 2013
Beringer Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 2011 Beringer Napa Valley Chardonnay 2013 Beringer Private Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon 2010 l Beringer Private Reserve Chardonnay 2013 l Etude Carneros Estate Pinot Noir 2012 l l
52-68 Medal directory LE_champagne template 19/11/2015 16:41 Page 63
Trinchero Family Estates
Quinta & Vineyard Bottlers-Vinhos SA
Luis Caballero SA
Joel Gott Pinot Noir 2013 Napa Cellars Zinfandel 2012 l Seaglass Santa Barbara Sauvignon Blanc 2014 l Trinchero Napa Valley Chicken Ranch Merlot 2011 l Trinchero Napa Valley Meritage 2011
Weingut Dr Loosen l
Dr L Ice Wine 2013
FORTIFIED WINES MADEIRA Gold Outstanding Blandy's Madeiras Lda
Blandy's Colheita 1996 Malmsey l Blandy's Frasqueira 1973 Verdelho l
Leacock's l
Leacock's Bual 1966
l l
Blandy's 10 Year Old Verdelho Blandy's Colheita 1998 Sercial Blandy's Colheita 1998 Verdelho
Cossar Gordon l
Quinta Dona Matilde Porto Vintage 2011
Rozès SA l Terras
Do Grifo Vintage 2012
Sociedade dos Vinhos Borges SA Borges Reserva Tawny l Borges Reserva White l
Sogrape Vinhos SA
Offley Porto Boa Vista Vintage 2011 l Offley Porto Late Bottled Vintage l Sandeman Porto Founders Ruby Reserve NV l Sandeman Porto Tawny 10 YO l Sandeman Porto Tawny 20 YO l Sandeman Porto Tawny 40 Years Old l
Symington Family Estates
Cockburn's Special Reserve l Graham's 20 Year Old Tawny l Graham's 30 Year Old Tawny l Graham's Six Grapes l Morrison's Signature Late Bottle Vintage 2009 l
Taylor's l Taylor's l Taylor's l Taylor's
Cossart Gordon Single Harvest Bual 2005
l Vista Alegre
SHERRY Gold Outstanding
Bodegas Williams & Humbert SAU l
Blandy's 10 Year Old Bual Blandy's 10 Year Old Malmsey l Blandy's 10 Year Old Sercial
Harveys Fine Old Amontillado 30 YO V.O.R.S. l Harveys Palo Cortado 30 YO V.O.R.S.
Henriques & Henriques
M&S 5 Year Old Finest Medium Rich Madeira
PORT Gold Outstanding Sogrape Vinhos SA
Offley Porto Tawny 30 Years Old l Sandeman Porto Tawny 30 YO l
Symington Family Estates
Graham's Quinta dos Malvedos 2004
l Andresen
Porto Colheita 1991
Sogevinus Fine Wines l l
Kopke Porto 10 Years Old Tawny Kopke Porto 20 Years Old Tawny
Silver Outstanding C. da Silva (Vinhos)SA l l
Dalva 20 Anos Dalva Colheita 1967
Croft l
Croft Quinta da Roeda 2002
Quinta da Gaivosa Porto Vintage 2012
Domingos G.R.Alves de Sousa Rozès SA l l
Rozès LBV 2010 Rozès Tawny Port 20YO
Sogevinus Fine Wines
Burmester Porto 10 Years Old Tawny Burmester Porto 20 Years Old Tawny l Cálem Porto 10 Years Old Tawny l Cálem Porto 20 Years Old Tawny l l
Sogrape Vinhos SA l
Offley Porto Tawny 10 YO
Symington Family Estates l l
Graham's 40 Year Old Tawny Graham's Colheita 1972
C. da Silva (Vinhos)SA
Dalva Colheita 1975 Dalva Colheita 1995 l Dalva Colheita Golden White 1971 l Dalva LBV 2010 l Presidential 10 Anos l Presidential LBV 2010 l l
Croft l
Croft Triple Crown
Domingos G.R.Alves de Sousa l Alves
de Sousa Porto Vintage 2011
Fonseca l
Fonseca Guimaraens 1998
Gran Cruz Porto Sociedade Comercial de Vinhos Lda Porto Cruz 10 Anos l Porto Cruz 30 Anos l Porto Cruz LBV 2001 l
Bodegas Rey Fernando de Castilla
Fernando de Castilla Palo Cortado Antique
Bodegas Williams & Humbert SAU l Alegria l
Manzanilla Dos Cortados Solera Especial 20 Anos
Morrison's Signature Palo Cortado
Emilio Lustau SA
Silver Outstanding Bodegas Osborne SA
Bodegas Osborne Amontillado 51 1ª Bodegas Osborne Sibarita l Bodegas Osborne Venerable l l
Grandes Distilleries Peureux
Belsazar GmbH l
Botaina l Lustau Oloroso Don Nuño l Lustau Palo Cortado Peninsula l Lustau VORS Amontillado l Lustau VORS Oloroso l Morrison's Signature Manzanilla l Morrison's Signature Pedro Ximénez l Sainsbury's Taste the Difference Fino Sherry
Gonzalez Byass SA Matusalem VORS
Cinzano 1757
Silver Outstanding l
Bodegas Osborne SA
Bodegas Osborne Pedro Ximenez 1827
Bodegas Williams & Humbert SAU l Williams
& Humbert Collection Oloroso 12 Anos
Belsazar Vermouth Red
l VeRy
Grapefruit by Famille Castel
Ponticadrinks GmbH Pontica Red Vermouth
Quady Winery
Quady Vya Whisper Dry NV
WORLDWIDE FORTIFIED Gold Outstanding Hardys l
Hardys Rare Muscat 20 YO
Pernod Ricard Winemakers l l
Morris Black Label Rutherglen Liqueur Muscat NV Morris Old Premium Rare Liqueur Muscat NV
Bacalhoa Vinhos de Portugal l
Bacalhôa Moscatel Roxo Superior
De Bortoli Wines Black Noble
Hardys Australian Wines Hardys 160th Anniversary Fortified Shiraz 2008
Pernod Ricard Winemakers
Morris Cellar One Classic Liqueur Topaque NV l Morris Old Premium Rare Liqueur Topaque NV l
Talijancich Wines Pty Ltd l Talijancich
Rare Tawny Aged 30 YO
Silver Outstanding Bacalhoa Vinhos de Portugal
Bacalhôa Moscatel de Setúbal Superior
De Bortoli Wines l
Old Boys 21YO Tawny
Hardys l
Hardys Rare Show Tawny 24 YO
l Apostoles VORS l
Del Duque Amontillado VORS
Harveys Fino l Harveys Pedro Ximenez 30 YO V.O.R.S. l Harveys Rich Old Oloroso 30 Year Old V.O.R.S. l
Gilde Non Plus Ultra Aquavit Harald Jensen
l Aalborg Taffel Akvavit
Silver Outstanding l l l
Løiten Linie Aquavit Lysholm Linie Aquavit Lysholm Linie Double Cask Aquavit
Pabst & Richarz Vertriebs GmbH
Hardys Australian Wines
Gonzalez Byass SA
l A Absinth
Emilio Lustau SA
Fino La Ina l Lustau Almacenista Amontillado de Sanlucar l Lustau Almacenista Fino del Puerto G.O l Lustau Almacenista Oloroso Pata de Gallina l Lustau Dry Amontillado Los Arcos l Lustau East India Solera l Lustau Fino Jarana l Lustau Manzanilla de Sanlucar En Rama Saca Primavera 2015 l Lustau Manzanilla Papirusa l Lustau Moscatel Emilín l Lustau Pedro Ximenez Murillo l Lustau Pedro Ximenez San Emilio l Lustau Puerto Fino l Lustau Rare Cream Solera Superior l Lustau VORS Palo Cortado l M&S Dry Old Amontillado l M&S Dry Old Olorso l M&S Rare Cream Sherry l M&S Rare Pedro Ximinez Sherry l Marks & Spencer Dry Old Palo Cortado l Morrison's Fino Sherry l Morrison's Signature Oloroso l Pedro Ximenez Viña 25 l Sainsbury's Taste the Difference Amontillado l Sainsbury's Taste the Difference Oloroso
Den Ny Spritfabrik A/S
Arcus AS
Castel Frères
Silver Outstanding
Gold Outstanding
Belsazar GmbH
Un Peureux
Loimu 2014 Vintage Glögi/ Mulled Wine
Silver l
l Absinthe
Lignell & Piispanen l
Belsazar Vermouth White
Belsazar GmbH
Silver l
Belsazar Vermouth Rosé
& Humbert Collection Amontillado 12 Anos
Emilio Lustau SA
l Williams
Marks & Spencer Manzanilla
Bodegas Williams & Humbert SAU l Amontillado
J. H. Andresen Sucrs. Lda.
Manzanilla Macarena
Viniberia SA
Pedro Ximenez Sherry 12YO
Port Vintage 2005
Blandy's Madeiras Lda
10 Year Old Tawny First Estate Reserve Quinta de Terra Feita 2001
Blandy's Colheita 2002 Bual
Silver Outstanding l
Quinta D. Matilde - Vinhos Lda
Vallegre Vinos Do Porto SA
Blandy's Madeiras Lda l
M&S 10 Year Old Tawny Port M&S 20 YO Tawny Port l M&S Late Bottled Vintage Port 2009 l Marks & Spencer Royal Port Palace 2001 Colheita Port l Marks & Spencer Vintage Port 2011
Hardys Whiskers Blake Tawny NV
Martinez l
Martinez Marsala Riserva Dolce 5 YO
Penfolds Wines Pty Ltd l
Penfolds Grandfather Rare Tawny NV
Saltram Wine Estate l
Armagnac Janneau l Armagnac
Janneau VSOP
Bas Armagnac Dartigalongue
Bas Armagnac Dartigalongue 1989 l Bas Armagnac Dartigalongue Extra (30 ans) l
Château du Tariquet SCV l
Château du Tariquet Bas-Armagnac Légendaire
SA Armagnac Castarede l Armagnac
Castarede 1975
Armagnac Janneau l Armagnac
Janneau 18YO
Bas Armagnac Dartigalongue l
Bas Armagnac Dartigalongue 1992
Château du Tariquet Bas-Armagnac Folle Blanche 15 YO Château du Tariquet Bas-Armagnac Folle Blanche 8 YO
Château du Tariquet SCV l
Silver Outstanding Armagnac Janneau l Armagnac
Janneau XO
Château de Lacquy l
Bas-Armagnac du Château de Lacquy 2000
Château du Tariquet Bas-Armagnac Folle Blanche 12 YO Château du Tariquet Bas-Armagnac XO
Château du Tariquet SCV l
Legacy of the Barossa Pedro Ximenes NV De Bortoli Show Liqueur Muscat NV Gerolemo Commandaria 2007
La Martiniquaise
Laubade et Domaines Associes l
Armagnac Janneau l Armagnac l Armagnac
Janneau 12YO Janneau 5 YO
Château du Tariquet SCV l l
Château du Tariquet Bas-Armanagnac VSOP Château du Tariquet Blanche
Distillerie Gimet
Finca Moncloa Tintilla de Rota 2012
l Armagnac
Château Tamagne Reserve Madeira Kuban Seasoned 2001
Bas Armagnac Domaine de Charron 1990
Saint Vivant VSOP Armagnac
Sainsbury's Taste the Difference Armagnac 12YO
Pernod Ricard Winemakers
Morris Cellar One Liqueur Muscat NV
Quady Winery l
Gold Outstanding
Casa Ermelinda Freitas Moscatel de Setúbal Superior 2005
Kuban-Vino l
Château de Laubade Intemporel Hors D'Age Laubade 1976 Vintage
Gonzalez Byass SA l
l Aalborg
Bailey's Founder Selection Vintage Fortified Red 2013
G.Athenodorou & Sons Ltd l
Dild Akvavit Export Akvavit Krone Akvavit l Aalborg Nordguld Akvavit l Aalborg
Saint Vivant XO Armagnac
De Bortoli Wines l
l Aalborg
Dandelion Vineyards l
Arcus AS
Casa Ermelinda Freitas-Vinhos Lda l
Bas Armagnac Domaine de Charron 1989 Bas Armagnac Domaine De Charron 1995
Baileys of Glenrowan l
Kapitän Aquavit 40%
Saltram Mr Pickwick 15 YO Rare Tawny NV
Silver l
l Alter
Quady Starboard Batch 88
Gimet Millesime 1975
EARL DE CHARRON La Martiniquaise SPA
l Tesco Armagnac VSOP
52-68 Medal directory LE_champagne template 19/11/2015 16:41 Page 64
d i re c to r y BITTERS
Claude Thorin Sarl
Silver Outstanding
Arcus AS l
Gammel Dansk Bitter Dram
Darna Ltd l
Semper Idem Underberg GmbH l l
Brasilberg Underberg
Gammel Dansk Shot
l Averna
J. Dupont Cognac l
J.Dupont Cognac Art Déco XO Grande Champagne
XO Nº 08 Borderies Frederic Mestreau
Louis Royer VS Cognac
La Gabare SA
Louis Royer SAS
Chevalier Cognac VS
Braastad VS
Arcus AS
Riga Black Balsam Currant l Riga Black Balsam Element l
Uwe Müller GmbH & Co KG
Bisquit Prestige Cognac Bisquit VS Cognac l Bisquit XO Rose Gold
Domritter Boonekamp
Camus Cognac
Camus Extra Elegance Camus VSOP Elegance l Camus XO Elegance l l
Château de Cognac
CALVADOS Christian Drouin Calvados Pays d'Auge 1995
Manoir d'Apreval l Apreval
Calvados XO Pays d'Auge
Silver Outstanding
Calvados Christian Drouin SAS
Calvados Comte Louis de Lauriston Calvados Domfrontais 1975
Calvados Lecompte
Calvados Pays d'Auge Lecompte 12 YO l Calvados Pays d'Auge Lecompte 5YO l
Calvados Roger Groult SA
Calvados Roger Groult Pays d'Auge Reserve 3 Ans Roger Groult Calvados Pays d'Auge 12 Ans d'Age
Château du Breuil SAS
Cognac Frapin Domaine Château Fontpinot XO Grande Champagne Cognac Frapin Multimillésime 1986-1988-1991 l Cognac Frapin VSOP Grande Champagne l
Cognac Gautier SA l
Cognac Gautier VS Cognac Gautier XO Pinar del Rio
Delamain Pale & Dry XO Grande Chamagne
Delamain & Cie
Distillerie des Moisans
Cognac Deau Hors D'Age Louis Memory l Cognac Deau XO l
Distillerie Merlet & Fils l
Merlet Cognac Sélection Saint Sauvant XO
Distillerie Tessendier et Fils l
Cognac Grand Breuil XO
E Rémy Martin & Cie
Calvados Coquerel XO
La Martiniquaise
Busnel Calvados Pays d'Auge l Busnel VSOP Calvados Pays d'Auge l
Spirit France
Calvados Pays d'Auge VSOP
H Mounier SA
Prince Hubert de Polignac VSOP Reserve Fine Champagne Cognac l Prince Hubert de Polignac XO Royal Cognac
Hardy Cognac SA l l
Hardy VSOP Fine Champagne Cognac Hardy XO Fine Champagne
J. Dupont Cognac l
J. Dupont Cognac Art Nouveau VSOP Grande Champagne
Sainsbury's Taste the Difference Calvados Pays d'Auge XO
Calvados Boulard l Auguste
Calvados Christian Drouin SAS
Christian Drouin Selection Calvados Christian Drouin XO Pierre Pivet Calvados Pays d'Auge l Comte Louis de Lauriston VSOP Calvados Domfrontais l
Le Roch VSOP Petite Champagne l Nº 22 Grande Champagne Jean Grosperrin l
Louis Royer SAS l l
Calvados Roger Groult SA
Roger Groult Calvados Pays d'Auge 8 Ans d'Age Roger Groult Calvados Pays d'Auge Hors d'Auge
Château du Breuil SAS
Château du Breuil Calvados Pays D'Auge VSOP l Château du Breuil Pays D'Auge Fine Calvados l
Domaine du Coquerel SAS Calvados Coquerel Fine l Calvados Coquerel VSOP l
KWV Cognac Heritage XO
La Gabare SA
Louis Royer VSOP Cognac Louis Royer XO Cognac
SARL Hawkins Distribution
Cognac R. Delisle XO Carafe with Gift Box l Cognac VS R. Delisle with Gift Box l Cognac VSOP R. Delisle with Gift Box
THS Bache-Gabrielsen SA l
Bache-Gabrielsen Cognac XO
Vallein Tercinier l Vallein Tercinier
Cognac X.O. Vieille Réserve
ABK6 - Cognac SNC du Maine Drilhon
l Vikingfjord Vodka
Cocktails Mojito
l ABK6 l
Cognac VS Pure Single Reviseur Cognac XO Petite Champagne
Bimmerle KG l Vieux
Garçon Fine Cognac V.S.
Bisquit Dubouché et Cie l
Bisquit VSOP Cognac
Camus Cognac
Camus Ile de Ré Fine Island Cognac Camus Ile de Ré Fine Island Cognac Cliff Side Cellar l Camus Ile de Ré Fine Island Cognac Double Matured l
COGNAC Gold Outstanding Cognac Frapin
Louis Royer Extra Cognac Louis Royer Force 53 Cognac
SARL Hawkins Distribution
Club Cigare XO Grande Champagne Cognac R. Delisle XO Carafe Grande Champagne
Gold l
Braastad Superior XO
Bisquit XO Cognac
Bisquit Dubouché et Cie Camus Cognac
Camus Borderies VSOP Camus Borderies XO
Edelstahl Haselnuss
Steinhauser GmbH l Alte
Bodensee Zwetschge
Taiwan Tobacco & Liquor Corporation Nantou Distillery l Yushan
Guava Brandy
TOPP d.o.o.
Juniper Brandy Berryshka Oak Aged
Bimmerle KG l Altes
Schwarzwälder Kirschwasser 10 Jahre Gelagert Erdbeergeist Goldhauch Alter Mirabellenbrand 6 Jahre Gelagert l Goldhauch Williams-Christ-Birnenbrand l Mitterhof Obstbrand aus Apfel und Birnen l Mitterhof Williams l Renchtäler Obstwasser Obstbrand l Schlehengeist l Zünftler Altes Schwartwâlder Kirshwasser 10 Jahre Gelagert l Zünftler Waldhimbeergeist l l
Brennerei L. Psenner l
Psenner Old Williams Selection
Destillerie Franz Bauer
Bauer's Prankherhof Marillenbrand l Bauer's Prankherhof Williamsbirnenbrand l
Elztalbrennerei Georg Weis GmbH l
Lidl Altes Pflümi
Grandes Distilleries Peureux
Eau de Vie de Vieille Prune Gamme Signature Framboise Eau de Vie Gamme La Cigogne Vieille Extra Sous Coffret l Kirsch Eau de Vie Gamme la Cigogne Vieille Extra Sous Coffret l Vieille Prune Eau de Vie Gamme Pascal Sous Coffret Translucide l l
Pfanner & Gutmann l Alte
Marille l Zigarrenbrand Pfanner
Roner SpA Distillerie l
Roner Williams Privat
Steinhauser GmbH l
Bodensee Himbeergeist
Telser Distillery Ltd l
Liechtenstein Williams Prune Naturelle
l Telser Vielle
Tesla Sljivo l Tesla
Slivjo Premium Sljivovica
Äppelbrandy - First Batch
Distilleria Alfons Walcher SAS Eckerts Wacholder Brennerei GmbH Eifelion GmbH/ Windspiel Premium Dry Gin l Windspiel
Premium Dry Gin
Elephant Gin l
Elephant Gin
Essential Drinks Company l Asda l
Portland Premium Gin Sainsburys London Dry Gin
finch® Whiskydestillerie l Albfink® AGED
Foley Family Wines Limited l
Lighthouse Gin
Saffron Gin
Gabriel Boudier Gin Foundry Limited l Anthology
of Gin 'Old Tom' Gin
Good Harbour Trading Limited l
Portobello Road Gin No.171
Hayman's London Dry Gin
Liverpool Gin
l l
Pickering's Gin Pickering's Gin Navy Strength
Martin Miller's Reformed Gin
Siegfried Rheinland Dry Gin
Dripping Springs Artisan Gin
Hayman Ltd
Liverpool Distillery Pickering's Gin
Reformed Spirits Company Rheinland Distillers UG San Luis Spirits Inc
Southwestern Distillery Limited l Tarquin's
Dry Gin
Spirit of the Lakes l
Bedrock Gin Export Strength
Liechtenstein Dry Gin
Brilliant Gin
Brecon Botanicals Gin
Telser Distillery Ltd
The Really Brilliant Company Limited The Welsh Whisky Company Union Distillers Ltd l Two
Birds Old Tom Gin
Vørding's Gin l Vørding's
Gin Cedar Wood Infused Dry Gin
l Wenneker
Oude Genever
Wenneker Distilleries
Westmorland Spirits Limited l
Gilpin's Westmorland Extra Dry Gin
Adnams Copper House Distillery
GIN Gold Outstanding
Edward Snell and Company (Pty) Ltd
Copper House First Rate Gin
Anno Distillers Ltd. l Anno
Kent Dry Gin
Avalon Group l The
Exiles Irish Gin
Bergslagens Destilleri Örebro AB
Stretton's London Dry Gin
Bergslagens Organic Gin
Hernö Juniper Cask Gin Hernö Old Tom Gin
Langley Distillery
Swiss Dry Gin 82
London & Scottish International Ltd
Broken Heart Gin Navy Strength
Langley's No.8 Gin
Plymouth Gin
Hernö Gin AB l l
l The
Botanical s Premium London Dry Gin
Bodegas de Utiel
Brauerei Falken AG Broken Heart Spirits
Chivas Brothers
Baron Otard VSOP
Claude Thorin Sarl l
Cognac Thorin Folle Blanche 1996 Grande Champagne
Maverick Drinks
Cotswolds Distillery l
Cotswolds Dry Gin
Beefeater Burrough's Reserve l Beefeater London Dry Gin 40% l Beefeater London Dry Gin 47%
Dà Mhìle Distillery Seaweed Gin
l l
Distiller's Heart of FG 20-3 the oriGIN Flemish Gin 20-3
Siderit Gin
Indian Summer Saffron Infused Gin
Edinburgh Christmas Gin
Chivas Brothers l
Cognac François Voyer Terres de Grande Champagne
Cognac Deau Extra Black
Merlet Cognac Brothers Blend VSOP
Daffy's Gin
Campagnère Prestige l Cognac Campagnère Extra l Cognac Park Borderies Single Vineyard
Cannonball Gin
Distillerie Tessendier et Fils l
Hardy Cognac SA
Daffy's Gin Limited Edinburgh Gin Hayman Ltd l
Hayman's Family Reserve Gin
La Martiniquaise Gibson's Gin
Hardy VSOP Cognac
1968 Fins Bois Jean Grosperrin 1989 Petite Champagne Jean Grosperrin
l l
Bache-Gabrielsen Cognac 3 KORS / VS
The 86 Company
La Gabare SA
Arcus AS
Castelgy London Dry Gin
Mirabelle Eau de Vie Gamme la Cigogne Vieille Extra Sous Coffret
Märkische Spezialitätenbrennerei
Chivas Brothers
Professor Cornelius Ampleforth's Bathtub Gin
Distillerie Merlet & Fils
Organic Gin "La Vita E'Bella"
Capulet & Montague Ltd
Louis Royer SAS
Sigalas Fragkosiko
Grandes Distilleries Peureux
Brennerei Brunn
Château de Cognac
Distillerie des Moisans
Beefeater 24 Plymouth Navy Strength Gin
Domaine Sigalas SA
Braunstein Destillery
Charter Brands
Cognac Gautier VSOP l Cognac Gautier XO Gold & Blue
Bramley and Gage Ltd
Carlton Club London Distilled Gin
Cognac Gautier SA
Ferdinand's Saar Dry Gin (Infused with Saar Riesling Wine)
Brennerei Ebner
Blackwater Distillery
Cognac François Voyer
Edler Alter Marillenbrand l Zibärtle Wildpflaumenwasser 5 Jahre Gelagert l
Adnams Copper House Distillery
Cognac Frapin Millésime 1988
Crooked Creek Gin
Bimmerle KG
Domaine du Coquerel SAS
Danica Gin
Silver Outstanding
Cognac François Voyer XO Gold
Château du Breuil Calvados Pays D'Auge 15 Ans Château du Breuil Calvados Pays D'Auge Millesime 1998
6 o'Clock Gin
G. E. Massenez Eau de Vie de Framboise Sauvage VRP
l Tesco
Blackwater No.5 Gin
Cognac François Voyer
Rémy Martin Centaure Extra Old Fine Champagne Cognac l Remy Martin VSOP Mature Cask Finish Fine Champagne l Remy Martin XO Excellence Fine Champagne
Copper House Sloe Gin
Calvados Christian Drouin SAS
Distillerie G.E. Massenez
Baron Otard Extra 1795 Baron Otard XO Gold
Cognac Frapin
Gold Outstanding
Silver Outstanding
Latvijas Balsams
Bisquit Dubouché et Cie
Polignac VSOP Cognac l Prince Hubert de Polignac VS Cognac
Aldi UK Ltd
Arcus AS
Cognac Thorin XO Grande Champagne
H Mounier SA
Silver Outstanding
Silver l
THS Bache-Gabrielsen SA UniCognac l Tesco l Tesco
Cognac VS Cognac VSOP
Rives Pitman
Rives Special Premium
Susanne Straubinger-Meiller Oro Ibiza Gin
Da Mhile Distillery De Moor Distillery
Destileria Siderit SL
Duncan Taylor Scotch Whisky Ltd Edinburgh Gin
Eimverk Distillery l Vor
Barrel Aged Reserve Gin
Essential Drinks Company
Oro Ibiza Gin
Fords Gin
Co-Op London Dry Gin l Spar London Dry Gin l Tesco Finest* Aromatic Gin l Waitrose London Dry Gin
Gale Force Gin
Triple Eight Distillery
Feingeisterei - Brennerei Gut Basthorst 5 Continents Hamburg Dry Gin
52-68 Medal directory LE_champagne template 19/11/2015 16:41 Page 65
Four Pillars Distillery
Angove Family Winemakers
St Agnes XO Brandy
Borgo Vecchio Grappa Gewurtztraminer Barrique Ciliegio
Sandro Bottega Grappa Riserva Chianti Classico
Grappa Barrique Riserva
St-Rémy XO
Grappa Riserva Carmignano
Langley Distillery
Dappa 2014
Licores Sinc SA
Four Pillars Barrel Aged Gin Four Pillars Navy Strength Gin
Hernö Gin AB l
Hernö Navy Strength Gin
Half Hitch Gin
Holdsworth Spirits & Company International Beverage l
Caorunn Gin KWV Gin
Kyrö Distillery Company l l
Koskue Napue Gin
l The
Bottega SPA
Brennerei L. Psenner CLS Rémy Cointreau
Borgo Vecchio SAS di Cavalin Valerio & C.
Colline San Biagio SSA
Devon Distillery Limited
Sting Premium London Dry Gin Small Batch
Gin Ever "London Dry Gin"
Crafter's Gin
Juniper Green Organic London Dry Gin
Gin Luum
Liviko AS
London & Scottish International Ltd Luum GmbH
Märkische Spezialitätenbrennerei
Distell Ltd
Flight of the Fish Eagle Klipdrift Export Klipdrift Premium l Oude Meester Demant l Van Ryn's Collector's Reserve 20YO l Van Ryn's Vintage Brandy 10YO l l
Distilleria G. Bertagnolli Srl l
Grappa di Teroldego Trentino
Grappa Le Giare Chardonnay
Distilleria Marzadro Spa
Edelstahl Gin
Masons Yorkshire Gin
Fresha Strawberry Gin
Grappa Segnana Chardonnay Grappa Segnana Pinot Nero Segnana Solera di Solera
Old Sport Dry Gin
Brandy Cortel XO
Kalevala Gin
Ferrari F.lli Lunelli
Masons Yorkshire Gin
Mr Spain
N.G.Callicounis SA Distilleries Northern Lights Spirits Oy l
Provenance Marketing Ltd T/A London Distillers l
Edgerton Original Pink Gin
Rademon Drinks l
Reformed Spirits Company l
Martin Miller's Westbourne Strength Gin
Rives Original Dry Gin
Rives Pitman
Rock Town Brandon's Barrel Reserve Gin l Rock Town Brandon's Gin l
Rogue Ales & Spirits Rogue Pink Gin Silent Pool Gin
Bedrock Gin
Level Gin
Brighton Gin
Chilgrove Dry Gin
LCPS Lda l
LPS Parra Verde
Grappa Monte Oeste
William Grant & Sons Distillers Ltd l
Raynal Three Barrels Brandy
The Chilgrove Gin Company Ltd Union Distillers Ltd
Bardinet French Brandy VSOP Bardinet French Brandy XO l Bardinet French Brandy XO Grand Cru Wine Cask Finish l Beehive VSOP Premium Reserve
Edwards Distillery Ltd Harrington Dry Gin Edwards Distillery Ltd Victoria's Rhubarb Gin l Warner Edwards Elderflower Infused Gin
Wenneker Distilleries l Wenneker
Elderflower Dry Gin
Wild Alps Ltd l
l Wolfgang Thomann Aeijst
Gold Outstanding Distell Ltd
Oude Meester Souverein 18YO Richelieu 10YO l Van Ryn's Distiller's Reserve 12YO l Van Ryn's Fine Cask Reserve 15YO l l
Distilleria Marzadro Spa l
Grappa Le Giare Gewürztraminer
KWV Brandy 10YO KWV Brandy 15YO l KWV Brandy 20YO l l
Distell Ltd
Klipdrift Gold l Oude Meester Reserve 12YO l Richelieu International l
KWV Brandy 12YO
Miguel Torres SA l
Jaime I
Roner Grappa Blauburgunder Riserva
Roner SpA Distillerie
Silver Outstanding
Andrea da Ponte SPA (Distilleria) Unica Da Ponte - Millesimata 10 Years l Uve Bianche Fior d'Arancio l Vecchia Grappa di Prosecco l
HKT Kräuterlikör
l Vedrenne
Rhea Distilleries l
Licor Armada Fine Spice Liqueur Doriki Green Walnut Reserve
S. Kechris & Co
Antiche Distillerie Riunite SRL
Sambuca Classic l Antica Sambuca With Raspberry Flavour Liqueur
Distell Ltd l Amarula
Cream l Amarula Gold
Distillerie Merlet & Fils
Bodegas Williams & Humbert SAU
Liqueur du Bicentenaire
Distillerie Meunier
Marie Brizard - Groupe Belvedere Mediterra SA
Mozart Distillerie GmbH Onyx Marketing Pty Ltd Pfanner & Gutmann Private Kornbrennerei H. Heydt GmbH & Co. KG R. Tremols and Sons l Tremols l Tremols l
Jackson Morgan Southern Cream Salted Caramel Cream
Cara&Co Caramel&Cognac Cream
Vallein Tercinier
Whyte & Mackay Distillers Ltd
ABK6 - Cognac SNC du Maine Drilhon
Grenada Distillers Limited
Copper House Limoncello
O'Donnell's Irish Cream Liqueur
finest* Triple Sec
Honey Cognac Liqueur
Adnams Copper House Distillery
Clarke's Court Camerhogne Spice Liqueur
Aldi Stores Aust
Cristinalda Honey Liqueur
Aldi UK Ltd
Moka Original Coffee Liqueur
St-Rémy VSOP
Gurus dos Licores, Lda
l Austin's
Summer Punch Ballycastle Irish County Cream Specially Selected Crème de Cassis
Cooperative Winery of Epirus SA Zoenos SA
Latvijas Balsams
Devon Distillery Limited
Niche Drinks Co Ltd
Rossbacher VetriebsgmbH
l Antica
l Aged l
Epirotiko Tsipouro
Dappa 2013
Distilleria G. Bertagnolli Srl Distilleria Marzadro Spa l
Grappa Le Diciotto Lune Grappa Le Giare Amarone
Distilleria Sibona S.p.A l
Sibona Grappa XO
E&J Brandy
Mamajuana Piña Colada
Spirits of Tennessee
l ABK6
l Tesco
Borgo Vecchio Grappa Gran Riserva 1998
CLS Rémy Cointreau
Lander y Vera SA
Gabriel Boudier
Edellikör Heidelbeere
Pagès Vedrenne
Merlet C2 Cognac & Cafe Merlet Crème de Framboise
Grappa Decem 10 l K24 Koralis - Styrian Pale Gin
Onyx Coffee Vodka
Professor Cornelius Ampleforth's Sloe Gin
Carlos I Brandy de Jerez Gran Reserva l Carlos I Imperial
Morris Dry Gin
Wolfgang Thomann
Mozart Dark Chocolate
Bodegas Osborne SA
Borgo Vecchio SAS di Cavalin Valerio & C.
l Warner
Enosis Mastiha Liqueur
finest* Crème de Pêches
Maverick Drinks
l Antica
Original 3 Jahre Gereift (Aged 3 Years) Privatbrand 8 Jahre Gereift
Dutch Dry Orange Gin
l Warner
l Tesco
l Asbach
l V2C
Strange Donkey Gin
Ginger (Essence) Marie Brizard Parfait Amour
Pflaumen Vanille Likór
Gabriel Boudier
Majestat Brandy de Jerez Solera Gran Reserva l Vega Cadur Brandy de Jerez Solera
Warner Edwards Distillery Ltd
St Agnes VSOP
Crema de Ron Cañaveral
Bimmerle KG
Asbach GmbH
Birds Sipping Gin
VOF Strange Donkey Gin
Gold Outstanding
l Two
V2C Spirits
KWV Wild Africa Cream Liqueur
Angove Family Winemakers
The Brighton Spirits Company
Teichenne SA
Uve Bianche Gran Riserva
Bardinet SAS
Spirit of the Lakes
l Asbach
Silent Pool Distillers l
KWV Alambic Brandy l KWV Imoya Brandy
Andrea da Ponte SPA (Distilleria)
Rock Town Distillery
Nishiyama Shuzojo Co. Ltd
Shortcross Gin
RC2 bvba l Atomic
Gemaco SA
l Tesco l
Finest* Salted Caramel Irish Cream Liqueur
Rossbacher - das Kräuter Original
Silver Outstanding Aldi UK Ltd l l
Bellucci Amaretto Liqueur Goccia d'Oro Limoncello
Bottega SPA
Antiche Distillerie Riunite SRL
Sambuca with Liquorice Flavour Liqueur
Avalon Group l The Wild
Geese Irish Honey Liqueur
Berry Bros & Rudd Ltd l The
King's Ginger
Bimmerle KG l
Lebkuchen Kirsch Likór Spekulatius Likór
Breckenridge Bitters
Breil Pur Sloe Gin
Crooked Creek Cask 9 Rum Coconut Liqueur
Breckenridge Distillery
Latte Macchiato Cuor di Caffè
De Kuyper Cherry Brandy
Breil Pur SA
l Wellington VO
Noisetto Hazelnut Rum Liqueur
Brennerei Brunn
Lustau Brandy Solera Grand Reserva l Lustau Brandy Solera Reserva
Grappa Nettare dell' Etna
Casoni Fabbricazione Liquori Spa
Gonzalez Byass SA
Lepanto Oloroso Viejo Solera Gran Reserva 15YO l Lepanto Pedro Ximenez Solera Gran Reserva 15YO l Lepanto Solera Gran Reserva
E&J Gallo Winery Edward Snell and Company (Pty) Ltd l
LadiSmith Klein Karoo 8 Year Old Pot Still Brandy Brandy
Emilio Lustau SA
De Kuyper Royal Distillers Distilleria Alfons Walcher SAS Distilleria Fratelli Russo snc Distillerie Merlet & Fils Merlet Crème de Cassis Merlet Crème de Poire l Merlet Lune d'Abricot
Distillerie Meunier
l Armilar Amaretto l
Bitterol Liquore Aperitivo Massari Sambuca
St-Rémy French Apple
CLS Rémy Cointreau
K.Tsililis SA
Liqueur China China
Darna Ltd
Les Grands Chais de France
Mr Black Cold Drip Coffee Liqueur
Diana Vertrieb GmbH & Co. KG
Lidl Ireland GmbH
Jagdstolz Kräuterlikör
l Amaretto
l Tsilili Tsipouro Without Anise l Arthur l
Metz Eau de Vie Marc d'Alsace Gewürztraminer
Majestat XO Brandy de Jerez
Miguel Torres SA l Torres
20 Hors d'Age
Nannoni Grappe SRL
Brandy Nanonni Oro dei Carati l Grappa Monovitigno Moscato Riserva l
Roner SpA Distillerie l
Roner Grappa Gewürztraminer Riserva
Sociedad Agroindustrial Del Valle LTDA (Saiv) Bolivia l
Singani 63
Vieni Estates Wine and Spirits l Vieni
Estates Brandy Infused with Pure Maple Syrup l Vieni Estates Dolce Piccante Graspa
Vok Beverages l
Black Bottle Brandy
Distillery Botanica Pty Ltd
Eckerts Wacholder Brennerei GmbH Elztalbrennerei Georg Weis GmbH l Williams-Birnen-Likör
l Amaro l
Lidl Gold Advocaat 14% Lidl Gold Advocaat 20%
Distilleria Alfons Walcher SAS Biologico
Distilleria Fratelli Russo snc
Gabriel Boudier Crème de Cassis de Dijon
Cremoncella di Sicilia alla Liquirizia l Rosolio al Pistacchio
Doppelt Kummel Extra
Nocino Riserva (Walnut Liqueur)
l l
Génépi Piment d'Espelette Glacial Génépi Menthe
Irish Mist Whiskey
Dolce Ciento Meloncello Ltd l
Dolce Cilento Crema di Pistacchio
Licor Beirão
Eckerts Wacholder Brennerei GmbH
Emporia Brands Ltd Frangelico
Il Mallo di Freno Giovanna & c. s.a.s Irish Mist
J. Carranca Redondo Joseph Cartron
Cartron Triple Sec l Crème de Mures des Roncières l Joseph Cartron Liqueur de Sureau l
Distillerie Combier Distillerie Meunier
l Amaro l
Romanetti Sernade Edelkisch Likör
Jagdstolz Jagertee
Friedr. Schwarze GmbH & Co
52-68 Medal directory LE_champagne template 19/11/2015 16:41 Page 66
d i re c to r y Gabriel Boudier l Tesco l Tesco
finest* Crème de Cassis finest* Liqueur de Lychee
Grandes Distilleries Peureux l
Griottini Apéritif a Base de Cerise et de Plantes d'Absinthe
Gurktaler - der milde Alpenkräuter
Hirsch Rudel Krauter Likor
Gurktaler Alpenkräuter GmbH Hirsch Rudel GmbH
Il Mallo di Freno Giovanna & c. s.a.s il Caffé (Coffee Liqueur) l Nocino (Walnut Liqueur) l
International Beverage l
Old Pulteney Stroma Malt Whisky Liqueur
Joseph Cartron l l
Crème de Cassis Joseph Cartron Crème de Framboise de Bourgogne Joseph Cartron
Kerrygold Irish Cream Liqueur
Chivas Brothers
Domaines Thieubert E.A.R.L. Distillerie Neisson
Luxco, Inc.
Citic Guoan West Region Strong Spirit
Bauer JagerTee
Destillerie Franz Bauer Gold NanoTech., INC l AuVITA l
Gosling Haselnuss
Metaxa Honey Shot
House of Metaxa / S.E.A Metaxa Kyrö Distillery Company l Verso
Loukatos Bros Co
Limoncello di Capri
l Vana Tallinn
Marie Brizard - Groupe Belvedere Manzanita Marie Brizard Elderflower Liqueur l Marie Brizard Violet (Essence) l l
Maverick Drinks
Professor Cornelius Ampleforth's Christmas Mulled Cup l Professor Cornelius Ampleforth's Summer Fruit Cup l
Mozart Distillerie GmbH
Slaur Sardet
Unbong Brewery
PISCO Silver Outstanding Destileria La Caravedo SRL l
Pisco Porton Mosto Verde Acholado
Monte Grande E.I.R.L. l
Pisco 4 Fundos
Destileria La Caravedo SRL
Pisco La Caravedo Puro Quebranta Pisco Pago de Los Frailes Puro Quebranta
Pisco Monteluz Mosto Verde Pentavarietal
Onyx Marketing Pty Ltd
Singani Tierra Alta Camargo Premium 2014
Mozart Chocolate Cream Mozart Chocolate Cream Rose Gold
Niche Drinks Co Ltd
Sainsbury's Taste the Difference Irish Cream Liqueur l Tesco Finest* Irish Cream Liqueur l
Onyx Coffee Liqueur
Queen Margot Cream Liqueur
Pabst & Richarz Vertriebs GmbH Pagès Vedrenne
Crème de Pamplemousse Grapefruit Liqueur l Pagès Vedrenne Aloe Liqueur l Vedrenne Birlou l Vedrenne Crème de Pêche Peach Liqueur l Vedrenne Curaçao Triple Sec l
Palais De Fécamp l
Bénédectine Liqueur
Sambuca Lazzaroni 1851
Paolo Lazzaroni e Figli SPA Quint'es
Crixus l Ferroni Honey Rum l Le Merveilleux Falernum l
R. Tremols and Sons l Tremols
Saint Roch s.r.l.
Monteluz SAC
Sociedad Industrial Camargo SRL
RUM Gold Outstanding Demerara Distillers l
El Dorado Rum 12YO
Domaine Pinnacle l
Chic Choc Spiced Rum
St Lucia Distillers Group of Co l
1931 by St Lucia Distillers - 3rd Edition
Silver Outstanding Abbey Holdings Inc
"A" Artemisia Vegetalis Génépy
St. Nicholas Abbey 10YO
iichiko Bar Fruits Yuzu
La Mauny Rhum Blanc Agricole 50% Rivières Rhum Blanc Agricole 50%
Sanwa Shurui Co., Ltd.
South Pacific Distilleries Ltd
BBS Group l Trois
Fiji Rum Co 2YO Coconut Rum Liqueur l Fiji Rum Co 8YO Rum Liqueur
La Martiniquaise l
Saint James Premium Caribbean Rum Reserve
Jackson Morgan Southern Cream Peaches & Cream l Jackson Morgan Southern Cream Whipped Orange Cream
Teichenne SA
Professor Cornelius Ampleforth's Rumbullion! XO 15 Years Old
Mt. Uncle Distillery Pty Ltd
Spirits of Tennessee
Licor Flor de Saúco Teichenné
Terra Ltd l
Deluxe Irish Cream Liqueur
TOPP d.o.o. l
Cherry Liqueur Berryshka
Uwe Müller GmbH & Co KG l
Jagdstolz Kräuterlikör
William Grant & Sons Distillers Ltd Drambuie l Drambuie Speyside Whisky Liqueur 15YO l
OTHER SPIRITS Silver Outstanding Bimmerle KG l
Goldhauch Haselnuss Edeldestillat Spirituose
Destillerie Franz Bauer l
Bauer's Kuss der Haselnuss
Private Kornbrennerei H. Heydt GmbH & Co. KG
Maverick Drinks
FNQ Rum Co. Iridium
South Pacific Distilleries Ltd l l l
Angostura Limited l Angostura
5 YO Rum l Angostura 7 YO Rum
Bardinet SAS l
Rhum Negrita Bardinet
BBS Group
La Mauny Rhum Agricole XO 40% l Trois Rivières Cuvée de l'Océan Rhum Agricole l Trois Rivières Cuvée du Moulin 40% l Trois Rivières Cuvée Spéciale Rhum Agricole l Trois Rivières Millésime 1999 42% l Trois Rivières Rhum Ambré Agricole 40% l Trois Rivières Rhum Blanc Agricole 40% l Trois Rivières Rhum Blanc Agricole 55% l Trois Rivières Rhum Vieux Agricole Cask Strength 55,5% l
Breckenridge Distillery
Pitú Maturidado 3 Años
Bundaberg Distilling Company
Breckenridge Spiced Rum
Anno Distillers Ltd.
Bundaberg Rum : Master Distillers' Collection - Blenders Edition 2015 l Bundaberg Rum : Master Distillers' Collection - Small Batch l Bundaberg Rum : Mutiny - Spiced Rum
Arcus AS
Elderflower & Vodka
l Vikingfjord
Icebreaker Apple & Rhubarb
Blackwater Distillery l
Blackwater Poteen
Boksoondoga Sonmakgeolli
Zachos Ouzo
Brennerei-Weinbereitung Thrakis AG
l l l l
Ron El Toro Tremols Ron Tremols Blanco Reserva Unica Flor de Caña Añejo Clasico 5 Flor de Caña Centenario 25 Flor de Caña Gran Reserva 7
l Tiburon
Demerara Distillers El Dorado Rum 15YO l El Dorado Rum 21YO l El Dorado Rum 3YO l El Dorado Rum 5YO l El Dorado Rum 8YO
Distillerie Longueteau l l
Bounty Dark 1YO Overproof Rum l Bounty Spiced Rum l Fiji Rum Co Lautoka 12YO Small Batch Dark Rum l Fiji Rum Co Rare 8YO White Rum l Fiji Rum Co Ratu 5YO Dark Rum l
St Lucia Distillers Group of Co l Admiral
Rodney Chairman's Reserve Finest St Lucia Rum Chairman's Reserve Spiced l Chairman's Reserve: The Forgotten Casks l l
St. Barts Spirit Company l
Rhum Blanc Agricole Longueteau 50 Rhum Blanc Agricole Longueteau 55
Batiste Rhum Agricole Ecoiste
Triple Eight Distillery l
Hurricane Rum
Vok Beverages l
Beenleigh Honey Liqueur
Wild Alps Ltd l
Maund Rum 12 Years
El Mayor Añejo El Mayor Blanco
Mezcal Amores Espadín 37%
Corrida Tequila Silver 38%
Campo Azul Selecto Blanco
Casco Viejo Blanco 100% Agave Tequila
Leyenda del Milagro Select Barrel Reserve Añejo Leyenda del Milagro Tequila Reposado Leyenda del Milagro Tequila Select Reserve Silver
Mezcal Amores
Pabst & Richarz Vertriebs GmbH Productos Finos de Agave, SA de C.V. Tequila Supremo
William Grant & Sons Distillers Ltd l l
VODKA Gold Outstanding Latvijas Balsams l
Riga Black Vodka
Ogilvy Scottish Potato Vodka
Ogilvy Spirits
Rubis International Ltd lV
SHOCHU/SOJU Gold Outstanding Nishi Sake Brewing Co. Ltd l
Silver Outstanding Satsumakinzangura CO LTD l
Satsumashouchu Kinzangura
Im Zernoff SRL l
Zernoff Vodka Mendeleev
Sin Brida Vodka
Mainstay Island Fusion
Ashford Handels GmbH Distell Ltd
Eckerts Wacholder Brennerei GmbH l Vodka
Rachmaninoff Tripel 3 Destilled
Essential Drinks Company l Asda Triple l
Distilled Vodka Morrisons Signature Vodka Spar Imperial Vodka
Sazerac Company Inc l Wheatley Vodka
Semper Idem Underberg GmbH l
Standing Stones Vodka
Spirit of the Lakes
Silver Outstanding Im Zernoff SRL l
Zernoff Vodka Original
Copper House Barley Vodka
Adnams Copper House Distillery Alkozym GmbH
DenEn Shuzo Co Ltd l
Gallery Toffee Fudge Premium Vodka Spirit Drink
DEN-EN 125 Anniversary
Kirishima Shuzo Co. Ltd
BBC Wines & Spirits l Vodka
Russian Courage
Breckenridge Distillery l
Breckenridge Vodka
Broken Heart Vodka
Spagnolo Vodka
New Amsterdam Vodka
Snow Leopard Vodka
Black Death Vodka
Belrose Vodka de Raisins Karavan Vodka Grains
Kuro Kirishima l Shiro Kirishima l
Komasa Jyozo Co Ltd l
Komosa Jyozo Mellowed Kozuru Excellence
Mercian Corporation l Yatsushiro
Shiranuigura Hakusui Mugi
Nishi Sake Brewing Co. Ltd Houzan Ayamurasaki Imokokji Houzan Josen Ayamurasaki l Kokoda l Murasaki Satsuma Houzan l Satsuma Houzan
Sanwa Shurui Co., Ltd.
Belize Travellers Distillery The Warehouse Rum
Rubis Chocolate Wine
l Anno
Marauda Steelpan Rum
R. Tremols and Sons
The Whisky Warehouse No.8
Semper Idem Underberg GmbH
Saint James Rhum Agricole Royal Ambré
Marauda Rum
Bounty Dark 2YO Overproof Rum Fiji Rum Co Ratu 5YO Dark Spiced Rum
Rubis International Ltd
La Martiniquaise
South Pacific Distilleries Ltd
Havana Club Union
Shark Bait Co dba Tiburon Rum
Liviko AS
Jirisan Hub Makgeolli
Jelzin Liqueur Powergold Energy Le Favori Liqueur Triple Sec
Havana Club International
Gustav Arctic Bramble Liqueur
Clarke's Court Pure White Rum l Clarke's Court Superior Light Rum l
Pastis Duc de Coeur
Limoncello di Capri Srl
Liberté White Rum
Grenada Distillers Limited
Rum Trading International - Flor de Caña
Old Virginia Smooth Honey
Eckerts Wacholder Brennerei GmbH
Derevenski Samogon Wheat
Kerrygold Irish Cream Liqueur
Lignell & Piispanen
L'Esprit de Neisson Rhum Agricole Le Rhum Par Neisson Rhum Agricole
Ouzo Loukatos
l l
Les Grands Chais de France
Elite Golden Spirit
La Martiniquaise
Ballantine's Brasil
Citic Guoan Wine Co. Ltd
iichiko BLU
Unkai Shuzo Co Ltd
Long-Term Stored Imo Shochu Daichi No Kouki Long-term Stored Mugi Shochu Taiga No Itteki l Long-Term Stored Soba Shochu Mayan No Tsubuyaki l
Broken Heart Spirits Destileria Santa Cruz De Tenerife SL E&J Gallo Winery
Elusive Brands
Latvijas Balsams
Les Grands Chais de France l
Liviko AS
l Viru Valge Vodka
Märkische Spezialitätenbrennerei
TEQUILA/MEZCAL Gold Outstanding El Tesoro Tequila l
El Tesoro Platinum Tequila
Silver Outstanding
Edelstahl Vodka
l l
Firestarter Vodka 5x Firestarter Vodka 7x
Penthouse Female Cherry Vodka
PUR ultra premium vodka
Rock Town Vodka
Molvino Fine Wine & Spirits Co Ltd P. Melchers Distilleries BV Pur Vodka
Rock Town Distillery
BBC Wines & Spirits
Rubis International Ltd
Destilados de Alambique SA de CV
Simply Pure Ltd
l Tequila l
Blue Duck Rare Vodka
Destilados de Alambique SA de CV Mezcal Las Garrafas de Oaxaca El Tesoro Añejo Tequila
El Mayor Reposado
l Vodrock
Luxco, Inc. l
Gallery Marshmallow Premium Vodka Spirit Drink
El Tesoro Tequila l
Productos Finos de Agave, SA de C.V. Campo Azul Selecto Añejo l Campo Azul Selecto Reposado l Casamigos Blanco Tequila l Casamigos Reposado Tequila l
El Tesoro Tequila l
El Tesoro Reposado Tequila
Espolòn Añejo
Espolòn Añejo
Vinprom Peshtera SA l Alaska Vodka
Flirt Vodka
Vodrock UG
- Vodka Est. 2013
55 Above Ltd l
55 Above Toffee Infused Vodka
Aldi UK Ltd
l Tamova Vodka
Arcus AS
l Amundsen Vodka
l Vikingfjord Vodka
Bodegas de Utiel l
N Vodka VLC
52-68 Medal directory LE_champagne template 19/11/2015 16:41 Page 67
Brown Forman The Netherlands Finlandia Blackcurrant l Finlandia Nordic Berries l Finlandia Vodka l
Destileria Siderit SL l
Siderit Vodka Lacteé
Dew Special Reserve Deluxe Blended Irish Whiskey 12YO
Sazerac Company Inc
Braunstein Destillery
Terressentia Corporation
l Tullamore
Cooley Distillery
Destillerie Franz Bauer
Distell Ltd
l Wodka
Count Pushkin l Mainstay 54 l Mainstay Premium l
Kilbeggan Irish Whiskey
Irish Distillers
Jameson Original Irish Whiskey l Paddy Irish Whiskey l Powers Gold Label Irish Whiskey l Redbreast Mano a Lámh Irish Whiskey
Dom Wina
Quality Spirits International
Eckerts Wacholder Brennerei GmbH
Teeling Whiskey Company
l Vodka
Sierakow Manor Elderberry
l Altstädter
Doppelkorn l Altstädter Klarer l Altstädter Korn l Vodka Putinoff Paltinum 5 Quintuple Distilled l Weizenstolz Doppel Weizenkorn l Weizenstolz Weizen Korn
Edward Snell and Company (Pty) Ltd Premium Russian Bear Vodka
Single Grain Irish Whiskey
The Belfast Distillery Company
Belfast Distillery Company Irish Whiskey
William Grant & Sons Distillers Ltd l Tullamore
Dew Blended Irish Whiskey
It's Woodka Honey
Cucumber Spirit
Gold Outstanding
Emil Scheibel Schwarzwald Brennerei GmbH English Spirit Company Essential Drinks Company l Aldi Tamova Vodka l
Sainsbury's Vodka
Oxxenstoff Kartoffelvodka
Freimut Organic Wodka
Chekov Triple Distilled Vodka
Poliakov Premium Vodka
Freimut Spirituosen GmbH Halewood International Ltd La Martiniquaise Latvijas Balsams l Amber l
Gold Vodka Killer Queen Vodka
Les Grands Chais de France l
Jelzin Vodka (betterave)
HÕBE Vodka
Liviko AS
NASC International l
Blue Harbour Vodka
Octaga Green Power & Sugar Co. Ltd
Beam Suntory l
Knob Creek Single Barrel Reserve 9YO
Blanton Distilling Company
Blanton's Gold Edition Bourbon Whiskey l Blanton's Original Single Barrel Bourbon Whiskey l
Jim Beam Brands Co.
Knob Creek Rye Whiskey
Jim Beam Brands Co. l
Jim Beam Bonded
Sazerac Straight Rye Whiskey
Sazerac Company Inc Westland Distillery l Westland
Peated American Single Malt Whiskey
Red Eye Louie's Vodquila
Clarke's Bourbon Whiskey
King Peter
Silver Outstanding Aldi Stores Aust Aldi UK Ltd
Balcones Distlling
Rubis International Ltd
Balcones '1' Texas Single Malt Balcones True Blue Cask Strength
SKYY Infusions
Knob Creek Bourbon 9YO
Blanton's Straight from the Barrel Bourbon Whiskey
Breckenridge Bourbon Whiskey 2YO
Beam Suntory
SKYY Infusions Texas Grapefruit
Blanton Distilling Company
Old St Pete Artisanal Vodka
Breckenridge Distillery
l The
Lakes Distillery The Lakes Vodka
Tovaritch & Spirits International SA l Tovaritch!
William Grant & Sons Distillers Ltd l
Reyka Vodka
Wynn Imports l
Empire Spirits 1972 Private Club Vodka
House Spirits Distillery l Westward
Single Malt Whiskey
Jim Beam Brands Co.
Jim Beam Devil's Cut l Jim Beam Signature Craft Brown Rice Bourbon l Jim Beam Single Barrel Bourbon l
La Martiniquaise l
Old Virginia Bourbon Whiskey 6YO
Pabst & Richarz Vertriebs GmbH
WHISKEY – IRISH Gold Outstanding Cooley Distillery
l Western
Gold Bourbon Whiskey 40%
Quality Spirits International l
Hogs 3 Bourbon Whiskey
Russell's Reserve 6 YO Rye Whiskey
Russell's Reserve
Sazerac Company Inc
Teeling Whiskey Company
1792 Small Batch Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey l Benchmark Old No. 8 Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey l Buffalo Trace Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey l Col. E. H. Taylor, Jr. Small Batch Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey l Eagle Rare 17 Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey l Thomas H. Handy Sazerac Straight Kentucky Rye Whiskey l W. L. Weller 12 Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey l Zackariah Harris Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey
l Teeling Vintage
Kilbeggan Irish Whiskey 21YO
Irish Distillers
Jameson Irish Whiskey 18 YO l Midleton Barry Crockett Legacy Irish Whiskey l
Gold l
Redbreast Single Pot Still Irish Whiskey 21YO
l Teeling
Small Batch Irish Whiskey Reserve Single Malt 21 YO
Silver Outstanding Cooley Distillery
Connemara Peated Single Malt Connemara Peated Single Malt Irish Whiskey 22YO Kilbeggan Single Grain Irish Whiskey 8YO l Tyrconnell Single Malt Irish Whiskey l l l
Irish Distillers
Green Spot Single Pot Still Irish Whiskey l Midleton Very Rare Irish Whiskey l Powers John's Lane Release Single Pot Still Irish Whiskey 12YO l Powers Signature Release Irish Whiskey l Redbreast Cask Strength Irish Whiskey 12YO l Redbreast Single Pot Still Irish Whiskey 12 YO l Redbreast Single Pot Still Irish Whiskey 15YO l Yellow Spot Single Pot Still Irish Whiskey 12YO l
Teeling Whiskey Company l Teeling
Single Malt Irish Whiskey
Terra Ltd l
Dundalgan Irish Whiskey
William Grant & Sons Distillers Ltd l Tullamore
Dew Phoenix Blended Irish Whiskey
Distell Ltd l Three
Ships Single Malt Whiskey 10YO
King Car Food Industrial Company Ltd l
Kavalan Single Malt Whisky
St Petersburg Distillery
Old St Pete Sweet Corn Whiskey
Triple Eight Distillery l The l The
Notch Single Malt Whisky 10YO Notch Single Malt Whisky 12YO
Vok Beverages l
Bearded Lady Bourbon
Beam Suntory l
Knob Creek Smoked Maple
Coppersea Distillery l
Coppersea New York Raw Rye
Defiance Whiskey High Rye Bourbon
Defiant Spirits
Dry Fly Distilling l
Dry Fly Washington Bourbon 101
Jim Beam Pre-Prohibition Style Rye Whiskey
Jim Beam Brands Co. Makers Mark
Distell Ltd l
Bain's Cape Mountain Whisky Ships Premium Select 5yo
l Three
Distillerie - Brauerei Locher AG
Edward Snell and Company (Pty) Ltd Great Southern Distilling Company
Kavalan Distillery Reserve Kavalan Sherry Oak Single Malt Whisky Kavalan Solist Brandy Single Cask Strength l Kavalan Solist Vinho Barrique Single Cask Strength l l l
Spirit of Hven Backafallsbyn l Tycho's
Taiwan Tobacco & Liquor Corporation Nantou Distillery l TTL
Single Malt Whisky Cask Strength Sherry Cask
Silver Outstanding Braunstein Destillery
Lagerkorn Bordeaux Finish 10YO
finch® Schwäbischer Highland Whisky Barrel Proof finch® Schwäbischer Highland Whisky Destillers Edition
finch® Whiskydestillerie l
Gold NanoTech., INC l AuVITA
Elite Golden Whisky
Golden Blue
GoldenBlue The Diamond Whisky
Hausbrauerei Altstadthof l Ayrer's
PX Sherry Cask Finished
Het Anker l
Gouden Carolus Single Malt Whiskey
Kavalan Solist Sherry Single Cask Strength
King Car Food Industrial Company Ltd La Martiniquaise l Western
Gold Canadian Blended Whisky
Mackmyra Svensk Whisky AB Sommartid l Svensk Rök l
Märkische Spezialitätenbrennerei l
DeCavo Handcrafted Single Malt Edelstahl Moonshiner White Single Malt
Mt. Uncle Distillery Pty Ltd l The
Big Black Cock Single Barrel Single Malt Whiskey
Pernod Ricard India Private Limited l
Blenders Pride Reserve Collection
Single Malt Whisky Classic Single Malt Whisky Redwood
Pfanner & Gutmann l
Puni Destillerie GMBH l The
Italian Malt Whisky First Edition 2015 Bourbon cask
Quint'es l
Roof Rye Whisky
Sauerländer Edelbrennerei l Thousand
Mountains McRaven Single Malt Whisky
The Lark Distillery l l
Lark Distillery Distillers Selection Sherry Cask 6 YO Single Malt Whisky Lark Distillery Rum Finish Single Malt Whisky
The Welsh Whisky Company l l
Penderyn Myth Penderyn Single Malt Welsh Whisky Madeira Finish
United Spirits Limited l Antiquity l
Blue Ultra Premium Whisky Signature Rare Aged Whisky
Venturi Brands
l Three
Whiskydestillerie J. Haider GmbH
Distell Ltd l Three
Ships Bourbon Cask Ships Select
Distillerie - Brauerei Locher AG l
Saentis Malt - Whisky Edition Alpstein X 7YO
GoldenBlue The Sappirus Whisky
Limeburners Single Malt Whisky
Golden Blue
Great Southern Distilling Company King Car Food Industrial Company Ltd
Kavalan Concertmaster Single Malt Whisky Kavalan ex-Bourbon Oak Single Malt Whisky Kavalan Podium Single Malt Whisky l Kavalan Solist ex-Bourbon Single Cask Strength l Kavalan Solist Fino Sherry Single Cask Strength l King Car Conductor Single Malt Whisky l l l
Mackmyra Svensk Whisky AB Moment Vintage l Svensk Ek l
New World Whisky Distillery
Starward Australian Malt Whisky - Apera Cask l Starward Australian Malt Whisky - Wine Cask Edition 1 l
ORMA Swiss Whisky Ltd. l
ORMA Swiss Whisky Cask 11-6
Pernod Ricard India Private Limited l
Blenders Pride
Single Malt Whisky Single Barrel Single Malt Whisky x-peated
Pfanner & Gutmann l
Puni Destillerie GMBH l The
Italian Malt Whisky First Edition 2015 Marsala & Islay cask
Rugenbräu AG
Swiss Highland Single Malt Whisky "Classic" l Swiss Highland Single Malt Whisky Ice Label l
Sazerac Company Inc l
Legacy Canadian Whisky
Spirit of Hven Backafallsbyn l
Seven Stars No. 3 Phecda
Taiwan Tobacco & Liquor Corporation Nantou Distillery l l
Omar Single Malt Whisky Bourbon Type Omar Single Malt Whisky Sherry Type
The Lakes Distillery Company l The
Lakes Distillery - The ONE
The Lark Distillery l
Lark Distillery Cask Strength Port Cask Single Malt Whisky
Penderyn Single Malt Welsh Whisky Sherrywood
Royal Challenge Finest Premium Whisky
Original Rye Whisky J.H.
The Welsh Whisky Company United Spirits Limited
Whiskydestillerie J. Haider GmbH
Maker's Mark Cask Strength
Rock Town Arkansas Bourbon Whiskey
Rogue Dead Guy Whiskey
l Alberta
Rogue Ales & Spirits
Feinbrennerei Sasse Lagerkorn GmbH
Braunstein Edition 6 l Danica Non Peated Whisky l Danica Peated Whisky l
Rock Town Distillery
Library Collection 14:1 Library Collection 14:2 Library Collection 15:1
Bluegrass Kentucky Bourbon
The Lakes Distillery Company
Gold Outstanding
Limeburners Single Malt Whisky Heavy Peat
St Petersburg Distillery
King Car Food Industrial Company Ltd
Beam Suntory
Pinnacle Original Vodka
Gallery Mango Crush Premium Vodka Spirit Drink
Hudson Baby Bourbon l Hudson Four Grain Bourbon l Hudson Manhattan Rye Whiskey l
Firstwatch Selected Extra Fine Imported Whisky
William Grant & Sons Distillers Ltd
Kalak Vodka
Rives Pitman
Single Malt Whiskey l Westland Sherry Wood American Single Malt Whiskey
Eagle Rare Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 10YO l Kentucky Tavern Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey
Sazerac Company Inc
Red Eye Louie's
l Westland American
Saentis Malt - Whisky Edition Germany No 2 5YO
Jim Beam Signature Craft Soft Red Wheat
Invincible Vodka
Pinnacle Drinks
Bourbon Whiskey
Westland Distillery
Origin Spirits Ireland Ltd.
l Winchester
Callaghar's Blended Irish Whiskey
l Teeling l
George T. Stagg Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey Larue Weller Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey
l William
Alberta Distillers Ltd Rye Dark Batch
l Vicomte
Single Malt Whisky 8YO
Vinprom Peshtera SA l
Black Ram Whisky
Pure Rye Malt J.H. Special Rye Malt Nougat J.H.
WHISKY – SCOTCH Gold Outstanding
Beam Suntory (ex Morrison Bowmore/Laphroig) l l
Bowmore Single Malt Scotch Whisky Islay 25YO Bowmore Tempest Single Malt Scotch Whisky Islay 10 YO
Chivas Brothers l l l
Ballantine's 30 Chivas Regal 18 Chivas Regal 25
Diageo Brands BV l
Johnnie Walker & Sons Odyssey Deluxe Blended Malt Scotch Whisky
Distell Ltd l
Scottish Leader Blended Scotch Whisky 12YO
Nomad Speyside Blended Scotch Whisky
l l
anCnoc Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky 18 YO Old Pulteney Single Malt Highland Scotch Whisky 21 YO
Poit Dhubh Blended Malt Scotch Whisky 21YO
Clan Gold Blended Scotch Whisky 18YO Monarch of the Glen Blended Scotch Whisky 15YO Monarch of the Glen Blended Scotch Whisky 8YO
Gonzalez Byass SA
International Beverage
Praban Na Linne Ltd - The Gaelic Whiskies Quality Spirits International l l
The Glenmorangie Company l Ardbeg l
Uigeadail Islay Single Malt Scotch Whisky Glenmorangie Signet Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky
Whyte & Mackay Distillers Ltd
Jura Scotch Whisky 30YO Sainsbury's Taste the Difference Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky l Whyte and Mackay Blended Scotch Whisky 13YO l l
William Grant & Sons Distillers Ltd
Glenfiddich Age of Discovery Bourbon Cask Single Malt Scotch Whisky 19YO Glenfiddich Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky 21YO l The Balvenie 'Thirty' Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky l The Balvenie Caribbean Cask Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky 14YO l l
5 Almudes San Gines S.C CLM l The
Balvenie Doublewood Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky 12YO
Beam Suntory (ex Morrison Bowmore/Laphroig) l l
Bowmore Darkest Single Malt Scotch Whisky Islay 15YO Bowmore Single Malt Scotch Whisky Islay 18YO
52-68 Medal directory LE_champagne template 19/11/2015 16:41 Page 68
d i re c to r y Chivas Brothers
15 YO Double Cask Matured l Ballantine's 17 l Ballantine's 21 l Chivas Regal 12 l Passport Scotch Blended Scotch Whisky l The Glenlivet XXV
Diageo Brands BV
Caol lla Moch Single Malt Scotch Whisky l Johnnie Walker & Sons King George V Deluxe Blended Scotch Whisky l Mortlach Single Malt Scotch Whisky 18YO l Old Parr Superior Scotch Whisky l Talisker Single Malt Scotch Whisky 10YO l Talisker Single Malt Scotch Whisky 18YO l Talisker Single Malt Scotch Whisky Skye l The Singleton of Dufftown Sunray Single Malt Scotch Whisky l
Distell Ltd l l
Deanston Single Malt Scotch Whisky 12YO Ledaig Single Malt Scotch Whisky 42YO
International Beverage l l l
Johnnie Walker Platinum Label Deluxe Blended Scotch Whisky 18YO Lagavulin Single Malt Scotch Whisky 16YO l Mortlach Rare Old Single Malt Scotch Whisky l Mortlach Single Malt Scotch Whisky 25YO l Oban Single Malt Scotch Whisky 14YO l Talisker Dark Storm Single Malt Scotch Whisky l Talisker Single Malt Scotch Whisky Port Ruighe l Talisker Storm Single Malt Scotch Whisky l The Singleton of Dufftown Single Malt Scotch Whisky 18YO l The Singleton of Dufftown Spey Cascade Single Malt Scotch Whisky l The Singleton of Dufftown Tailfire Single Malt Scotch Whisky l Windsor Scotch Whisky 21YO l
l Aberlour
Distell Ltd
Black Bottle Blended Scotch Whisky Bunnahabhain Eirigh Na Greine Single Malt Scotch Whisky Bunnahabhain Single Malt Scotch Whisky 12YO l Bunnahabhain Single Malt Scotch Whisky 18YO l Bunnahabhain Single Malt Scotch Whisky 25YO l l l
Duncan Taylor Scotch Whisky Ltd
Black Bull Blended Scotch Whisky 12YO l Smokin' Blended Scotch Whisky l
anCnoc Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky 22 YO Balblair 1983 Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky Balblair 1999 Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky
Glen Moray Distillery Ltd l
John Dewar & Sons Ltd
l Aberfeldy
Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky 21YO Dewar's Signature Deluxe Blend Scotch Whisky l Dewar's The Vintage Deluxe Blend Scotch Whisky 18YO l William Lawson's Deluxe Blended Scotch Whisky 13YO
Kilchoman Distillery Co Ltd l
Kilchoman 'Machir Bay' Islay Single Malt Scotch Whisky
Laphroaig Distillery
Laphroaig 10YO l Laphroaig Cask Strength 10 YO l Laphroaig Single Malt Scotch Whisky 10YO l Laphroaig Triplewood Single Malt Scotch Whisky l
Maverick Drinks l The
Lost Distilleries Blend - Batch 6
Syndicate 58/6 Limited l
Syndicate 58/6 Blended Scotch Whisky 12YO
The BenRiach Distillery Company Ltd l
Glenglassaugh Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky 30YO GlenDronach Original Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky 12YO
l The
The Glenmorangie Company l Ardbeg
Perpetuum Islay Single Malt Scotch Whisky Glenmorangie Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky 18YO l Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky 12YO l
Glen Moray 10 YO Chardonnay Cask Matured Glen Moray Classic Single Malt Scotch Whisky
Gordon & Macphail
Benromach 100 Proof Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky 10YO l Benromach Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky 10YO l Distillery Label Ardmore Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky 1996
Ian Macleod Distillers Ltd
Glengoyne Old Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky 25 YO Batch Strength Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky l Tamdhu Old Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky 10YO l
l Tamdhu
International Beverage
Balblair 2004 Sherry Cask Travel Retail Exclusive Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky l Catto's Blended Scotch Whisky 25 YO l Old Pulteney Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky 17 YO l Speyburn Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky 10 YO l
John Dewar & Sons Ltd l Aultmore
Single Malt Scotch Whisky 25YO Craigellachie Single Malt Scotch Whisky 17YO Craigellachie Single Malt Scotch Whisky 23YO l Dewar's The Ancestor Deluxe Blend Scotch Whisky 12YO l Dewar's The Monarch Deluxe Blend Scotch Whisky 15YO l Dewar's White Label Blended Scotch Whisky l William Lawson's Finest Blended Scotcth Whisky l l
Kilchoman Distillery Co Ltd l
Kilchoman 'Loch Gorm' Islay Single Malt Scotch Whisky
l The
Label 5 Gold Heritage Blended Scotch Whisky
William Grant & Sons Distillers Ltd
Whyte & Mackay Distillers Ltd
Invergordon 50th Anniversary Single Highland Grain Dalmore King Alexander III Highland Single Malt l Whyte and Mackay Blended Scotch Whisky 30YO l
Glenfiddich Cask Collection Select Cask Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky l Glenfiddich Rich Oak Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky l Glenfiddich Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky 12YO l Glenfiddich Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky 18YO l Glenfiddich Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky 40YO l Glenfiddich Ultimate Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky l Grant's Blended Scotch Whisky 18YO l Grant's Blended Scotch Whisky 25YO l The Balvenie 'Forty' Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky l The Balvenie Triple Cask Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky 25YO l
Silver Outstanding Aldi UK Ltd l
Highland Black Blended Scotch Whisky 8YO
Beam Suntory (ex Morrison Bowmore/Laphroig) l Auchentoshan Three Wood
Lowland Single Malt Scotch
La Martiniquaise
Laphroaig Distillery
Laphroaig An Cuan Mor Single Malt Scotch Whisky Laphroaig Quarter Cask Islay Single Malt Scotch Whisky Laphroaig Single Malt Scotch Whisky 25YO l Laphroaig Single Malt Scotch Whisky PX Cask Finish l Laphroaig Single Malt Scotch Whisky QA Cask l l
MacDuff International Limited l
Grand Macnish Black Edition
Poit Dhubh Blended Malt Scotch Whisky 8YO
Praban Na Linne Ltd - The Gaelic Whiskies Quality Spirits International
Banoch Brae Blended Scotch Whisky l Grangestone Blend Scotch Whisky 25YO l Grangestone Blend Scotch Whisky 30YO l Grangestone Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky 21YO l Highland Reserve Blended Scotch Whisky l Monarch of the Glen Blended Scotch Whisky 12YO l
Steinhauser Lake Side Glenfarclas 1993 Single Malt Whisky 20YO
l The
The Edrington Group
Chivas Brothers
l The
Black & White Blended Scotch Whisky l Buchanan's DeLuxe Blended Scotch Whisky 12YO l Buchanan's Old Special Reserve Scotch Whisky 18YO l Caol lla Moch Single Malt Scotch Whisky 12YO l Cardhu Amber Rock Single Malt Scotch Whisky l Cardhu Gold Reserve Single Malt Scotch Whisky l Cardhu Single Malt Scotch Whisky 15YO l Dalwhinnie Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky 15YO l Grand Old Parr Blended Scotch Whisky 12 YO l Johnnie Walker Black Label Blended Scotch Whisky 12YO l Johnnie Walker Blue Label 2015 Limited Edition Design l Johnnie Walker Explorers' Club Collection The Spice Road l
l l
l Ardmore Triplewood
Peated Single Malt Scotch Whisky l ArdmoreTradition Peated Single Malt Scotch Whisky
Bardinet SAS
Sir Edward's
Beam Suntory (ex Morrison Bowmore/Laphroig) l Auchentoshan American
l Auchentoshan
Oak Lowland Single Malt Scotch
Heartwood Single Malt Scotch Whisky
Lowland Single Malt Scotch Whisky Lowland 12 YO Bowmore Black Rock Single Malt Scotch Whisky l Bowmore Single Malt Scotch Whisky Islay Small Batch l Bowmore The Devil's Casks Single Malt Scotch Whisky Islay 10 YO l Glen Garioch Founders Reserve Single Malt Scotch Whisky Highland l Glen Garioch Single Malt Scotch Whisky Highland 12YO l Auchentoshan l
Berry Bros & Rudd Ltd l The
Glenrothes Vintage 2001 Single Malt Scotch Whisky
Brilliant Star International PTE Ltd l
Clan Gold Finest Blended Scotch Whisky
Morrisons M Label Blended Whisky Morrisons Savers Blended Whisky Sainsbury's Blended Whisky
Burn Stewart Distillers Ltd l l
Chivas Brothers
l The
Black Grouse Blended Scotch Whisky
The Edrington Group (West Kinfauns) l
Highland Park Harald Single Malt Scotch Whisky
The Glenmorangie Company l Ardbeg
Corryvreckan Islay Single Malt Scotch Whisky Islay Single Malt Scotch Whisky 10YO l Ardbeg Kildalton Islay Single Malt Scotch Whisky l Glenmorangie Duthac Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky l Glenmorangie Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky 25YO l Glenmorangie Lasanta Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky 12YO l Glenmorangie Nectar D'Or Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky 12YO l Ardbeg
The Whisky Warehouse No.8 l
Strathmill 1988 The Warehouse Collection Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky
Wemyss Vintage Malt Limited l
Peat Chimney Blended Malt Scotch Whisky
Whyte & Mackay Distillers Ltd
Co-Op Blended Scotch Whisky 5YO Dalmore Cigar Reserve Highland Scotch Whisky Dalmore Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky 15YO l Dalmore Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky 18YO l Jura Single Malt Scotch Whisky 21YO l Jura Superstition l Jura Turas Mara Single Malt Scotch Whisky l Morrisons Distiller's Choice Blended Malt Scotch Whisky 5YO l Tesco Finest* Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky 12YO l Tesco Speyside Single Malt Whisky Scotch Whisky 12YO l l l
Cockburn & Campbell Limited Royal & Ancient Scotch Whisky
Diageo Brands BV
Buchanan's Old Master Blended Scotch Whisky Cardhu Single Malt Scotch Whisky 12YO l Cardhu Single Malt Scotch Whisky 18YO l Cragganmore Single Malt Scotch Whisky Speyside 12YO l Glenkinchie Single Malt Scotch Whisky 12YO l Haig Club Single Grain Scotch Whisky l J&B Rare Scotch Whisky l Johnnie Walker Blue Label Deluxe Blended Scotch Whisky l Johnnie Walker Double Black Deluxe Blended Scotch Whisky l Johnnie Walker Explorer's Club Collection The Gold Route l Johnnie Walker Explorers' Club Collection The Royal Route l Johnnie Walker Gold Label Reserve Deluxe Blended Scotch Whisky l Johnnie Walker Red Label Blended Scotch Whisky l Oban Little Bay Single Malt Scotch Whisky l Old Parr Deluxe Blended Scotch Whisky 12 YO l The Singleton of Dufftown Single Malt Scotch Whisky 12YO l The Singleton of Dufftown Single Malt Scotch Whisky 15YO l The Singleton of Glendullan Single Malt Scotch Whisky 12YO l Vat 69 Blended Scotch Whisky l White Horse Blended Scotch Whisky l Windsor Blended Scotch Whisky 12YO l l
Distell Ltd
Bunnahabhain Ceobanach Single Malt Scotch Whisky Bunnahabhain Toiteach Single Malt Scotch Whisky Deanston Virgin Oak Single Malt Scotch Whisky l Ledaig Single Malt Scotch Whisky 10YO l Scottish Leader Original Blended Scotch Whisky l Scottish Leader Signature Blended Scotch Whisky l Scottish Leader Supreme Blended Scotch Whisky l Tobermory Single Malt Scotch Whisky 10YO l Tobermory Single Malt Scotch Whisky 15YO l l l
Douglas Laing & Co Ltd
Big Peat Blended Malt Scotch Whisky Rock Oyster Blended Malt Scotch Whisky Scallywag Blended Malt Scotch Whisky l Timorous Beastie Blended Malt Scotch Whisky l l l
Duncan Taylor Scotch Whisky Ltd l
Glen Orrin Blended Malt Scotch Whisky Highland Earl Blended Scotch Whisky
Ardmore Distillery
Glen Moray 16 YO Glen Moray Classic Port Cask Finish Glen Moray Peated Classic Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky l Glen Moray Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky 12 YO l l
Glory Leading International Inc. l
Glory Leading Blended Scotch Whisky
Jacobite Blended Scotch Whisky
Ian Macleod Distillers Ltd International Beverage
anCnoc Cutter Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky anCnoc Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky 12 YO anCnoc Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky 24 YO l Balblair 1990 Single Malt Highland Scotch Whisky l Balblair 2003 Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky l Catto's Rare Old Scottish Blended Scotch Whisky l Old Pulteney Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky 12 YO l Old Pulteney Navigator Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky l l l
J & G Grant l l
Glenfarclas 10 YO Single Malt Scotch Whisky Glenfarclas 12 YO Single Malt Scotch Whisky
John Dewar & Sons Ltd l Aberfeldy l
Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky 12YO Craigellachie Single Malt Scotch Whisky 13YO
Jui Zhi Fu International Ltd. l
C.E.O. Blended Scotch Whisky
Kilchoman Distillery Co Ltd l
Kilchoman '100% Islay'
Label 5 Classic Black Blended Scotch Whisky
Laphroaig Select Islay Single Malt Scotch Whisky
Grand Macnish 6 Cask Edition
Glenroger's Blended Malt Scotch Whisky 8 YO
Macnamara Rum Finish Blended Scotch Whisky
La Martiniquaise
Laphroaig Distillery
MacDuff International Limited
Marie Brizard - Groupe Belvedere
Praban Na Linne Ltd - The Gaelic Whiskies
Aldi UK Ltd
Feathery Blended Malt Scotch Whisky
Berry Bros & Rudd Ltd
Diageo Brands BV
Steinhauser GmbH
l The
BenRiach Sherry Wood Matured Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky 12YO l The BenRiach Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky 10YO l The BenRiach Speyside Single Malt Soctch Whisky 35 YO l The GlenDronach Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky 8YO
12YO Double Cask Matured l Aberlour 12YO Non Chill-Filtered l Aberlour 16YO Double Cask Matured l Aberlour 18YO l Aberlour A'Bunadh l Ballantine's 12 l Ballantine's Limited l Strathisla 12YO l The Glenlivet 12YO l The Glenlivet 15YO l The Glenlivet 18 YO l The Glenlivet Founder's Reserve l The Glenlivet Nadurra Oloroso l Tormore 14YO l Tormore 16YO
Glenfiddich Age of Discovery Madeira Cask Finish Single Malt Scotch Whisky 19YO l Glenfiddich Age of Discovery Red Wine Cask Finish Single Malt Scotch Whisky 19YO l Glenfiddich Cask Collection Reserve Cask Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky l Glenfiddich Cask Collection Vintage Cask Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky l Glenfiddich Distillery Edition Cask Strength Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky l Glenfiddich Excellence Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky 26YO l Glenfiddich Malt Masters Edition Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky l Glenfiddich Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky 15YO l Glenfiddich Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky 25YO l Glenfiddich Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky 30YO l Grant's Blended Scotch Whisky 8YO l Kininvie Single Malt Scotch Whisky 17YO l Kininvie Single Malt Scotch Whisky 23YO l Monkey Shoulder Blended Malt Scotch Whisky l Rare Cask Reserve Annasach Deluxe Blend Scotch Whisky 25YO l Rare Cask Reserve Ghosted Deluxe Blend Scotch Whisky 26YO l The Balvenie Portwood Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky 21YO l The Balvenie Single Barrel First Still Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky 12YO l The Balvenie Single Barrel Sherry Cask Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky 15YO l The Balvenie Traditional Oak Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky 25YO l The Balvenie Triple Cask Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky 16YO
Spencerfield Spirits Company Ltd
The BenRiach Distillery Company Ltd
Glenrothes Vintage Reserve Single Malt Scotch Whisky
Glen Moray Distillery Ltd
Ballantine's Finest Scotch Whisky l Chivas Regal Extra l Clan Campbell Blended Scotch Whisky l Something Special Speyside Blended Scotch Whisky l The Glenlivet Nadurra First Fill
Whisky l Bowmore Gold Reef Single Malt Scotch Whisky Islay l Bowmore Single Malt Scotch Whisky Islay 12 YO l Bowmore Springtide Single Malt Scotch Whisky Islay 10 YO l Bowmore Whitesands Single Malt Scotch Whisky Islay 17YO
l Aberlour
William Grant & Sons Distillers Ltd
Scottish Glory Blended Scotch Whisky
Quality Spirits International
Baird's Blended Scotch Whisky Castle Rock Blended Scotch Whisky Golden Loch Blended Scotch Whisky l Grangestone Single Malt Scotch Whisky 18YO l Haddington House Blended Scotch Whisky l Highland Bird Blended Scotch Whisky l James King Blended Scotch Whisky l King Charles Blended Scotch Whisky l McKendrick's Blended Scotch Whisky l Monarch of the Glen Blended Scotch Whisky l Old Scotland Blended Scotch Whisky l Scotch Rill Blended Scotch Whisky l Scottish Collie Blended Scotch Whisky l Spey River Single Malt Scotch Whisky l The Charles House Blended Scotch Whisky l The Great Macaulay Blended Scotch Whisky l l l
R&B Distillers Limited l The Tweeddale
Lowland Single Grain Scotch Whisky 16YO
The BenRiach Distillery Company Ltd
Glenglassaugh Evolution Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky l Glenglassaugh Revival Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky l Glenglassaugh Torfa Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky l The GlenDronach Cask Strength Batch 4 Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky l
The Edrington Group l The l The
Famous Grouse Blended Scotch Whisky Naked Grouse Blended Scotch Whisky
The Edrington Group (West Kinfauns) l
Highland Park 12YO
The Glenmorangie Company
Glenmorangie Dornoch Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky Glenmorangie Original Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky 10YO l Glenmorangie Tùsail Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky l l
The Tomatin Distillery Co Ltd
Cú Bocan Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky Blended Scotch Whisky Blended Scotch Whisky 12YO l The Antiquary Blended Scotch Whisky 21YO l The Tomatin Legacy Highland SIngle Malt Scotch Whisky l Tomatin Cask Strength Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky l Tomatin Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky 12YO l
l The Antiquary
l The Antiquary
Wemyss Vintage Malt Limited l
Spice King Blended Malt Scotch Whisky Hive Blended Malt Scotch Whisky
l The
Whyte & Mackay Distillers Ltd
Co-Op Blended Scotch Whisky Dalmore Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky 25YO Jura Distillery Tashval Exclusive Scotch Whisky l Jura Prophecy Single Malt Scotch Whisky l Jura Single Malt Scotch Whisky 10YO l Jura Single Malt Scotch Whisky 16YO l Lochlan Blended Scotch Whisky l Mackinlay Blended Malt Scotch Whisky l Tesco Special Reserve Blended Scotch Whisky l The Dalmore Distillery Exclusive Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky 2015 l Waitrose Blended Scotch Whisky l Whyte and Mackay Blended Scotch Whisky 40YO l l l
William Grant & Sons Distillers Ltd
Glenfiddich The Original Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky Grant's Ale Cask Reserve Blended Scotch Whisky Grant's Family Reserve Blended Scotch Whisky l Grant's Select Reserve Blended Scotch Whisky l Grant's Sherry Cask Reserve Blended Scotch Whisky l Grant's Voyager Blended Scotch Whisky l The Balvenie Doublewood Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky 17YO l The Balvenie Triple Cask Speyside Single Malt Scotch Whisky 12YO l The Girvan Patent Still No.4 Apps Scotch Whisky l The Girvan Patent Still Proof Strength Scotch Whisky l The Girvan Patent Still Scotch Whisky 25YO l The Girvan Patent Still Scotch Whisky 28YO l The Girvan Patent Still Scotch Whisky 30YO l l l
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