Glutathion master antioxidant

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Glutathione - Master Antioxidant

By Annie Infinite

Max Associate: Annie Robinson Max ID#: 0 This e-book/article is the intellectual property of Anne Robinson a.k.a. Annie Infinite and is not to be copied, reproduced, modified or published in any way without the express permission of the author. This article/ebook is for information purposes only and should not be taken as medical advise.

Glutathione - Master Antioxidant Brisbane Australia 2008 The main reason I am providing this introductory information about Glutathione is because it is a scientific reality and has also brought about positive results in my life and in the lives of so many others. I believe that the Quality of Life can be truly improved for those who enhance their intercellular Glutathione levels. Any information provided herein is not shared or intended as a cure or treatment for any medical condition. The statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or the Federal Trade Commission. Any anecdotal accounts and testimonials, including my own, must be seen as stories and personal interpretations of results and benefits rather than ‗hard‘ scientific fact. It is recommended that you consult a healthcare professional for any suspected medical condition. The contents of this mini-e-book are to be considered anecdotal interpretations and are to be used for information and entertainment purposes only. Most resources and references used in the production of this document have been listed, although some of the information has simply been integrated into the author‘s thinking process during the investigative research period. Apologies are provided in advance for information used that is not specifically credited. While every attempt has been made to provide truthful and accurate information, some mistakes, inaccuracies, misinterpretations, or misstatements may occur. Once this document is released it will be impossible to make corrections to those copies. We will correct any and all ‗mistakes‘ as discovered in a timely manner for future e-book copies. If you find mistakes, etc., please report them to: By receiving, reading, sharing, or using the information or products mentioned in this book in any way, you agree to hold harmless of any liability, now and in the future, the editor, author, publisher, including any and all related associates, employees, entities, or persons. In addition, this agreement applies to any and all individuals, persons, and entities referred to in the contents of this document.

1 This e-book/article is the intellectual property of Anne Robinson a.k.a. Annie Infinite and is not to be copied, reproduced, modified or published in any way without the express permission of the author. This article/ebook is for information purposes only and should not be taken as medical advise.


Glutathione – The Facts …………………………..4 Dr Kellers Interview……….7 What are some of the main functions of glutathione?.....12 Glutathione and Mood Disorders…...13 So what are these precursors?.....14

MaxGXL the breakthrough………………………..15 Clinical studies on MaxGXL……16 A brief history……17 What makes MaxGXL so unique?......18

Why did I start taking MaxGXL?....................19 Websites of interest……….……………….20 Research…….………………….21

2 This e-book/article is the intellectual property of Anne Robinson a.k.a. Annie Infinite and is not to be copied, reproduced, modified or published in any way without the express permission of the author. This article/ebook is for information purposes only and should not be taken as medical advise.

Hi there, my name is Annie and I have written this little book for you to tell you what I have learned about Glutathione and the amazing products from a company called Max International. I promise to tell you why I become such a convert later in the book and I will include some testimonials from others who have tried it as well. But first I thought you might like to learn a little more about me and what qualifies me to write this information booklet. First of all I was a natural practitioner for over 19 years, my mother is also a (semi-retired) natural practitioner for over 30 years, and both of us had doctors who recommend us to their clients and received our clients. So you can tell right away that we have good reputations. You can also believe that as natural practitioners we have had just about every type of ‗wonder‘ product thrown at us, which means that we have become very sceptical when it comes to the latest ‗miracle cure.‘ So for both my mother and I to start to recommend this product you know immediately that you must be onto something good.

“Glutathione (n): (gloot-a-thigh-on) A polypeptide, C10H17N3O6S, of glycine, cystine, and glutamic acid that occurs widely in plant and animal tissues and is important in biological oxidationreduction reactions. It is important in cellular respiration in both plants and animals, and serves as a cofactor for many enzymes. It is a major protective mechanism against oxidative stress. For example, it protects red blood cells from hydrogen peroxide, a toxic by product of certain metabolic reactions. Glutathione's primary function is to reduce cellular toxicity, and acts as an antioxidant to remove free radicals. The cysteine amino acid in glutathione contains a sulphur atom which can be reduced, and so acts as a reservoir for free radical electrons. Free radicals are often the products of cellular metabolism, especially in the mitochondria. L-γ-glutamylcysteine is usually converted into glutathionine for optimal antioxidation (Wikipedia, 2006). However, if GSH2 malfunctions, L-γglutamylcysteine can still function as an antioxidant. Glutathione has also been shown to play an critical role in determining the structures of iron/sulphur proteins outside the mitochondria. (

3 This e-book/article is the intellectual property of Anne Robinson a.k.a. Annie Infinite and is not to be copied, reproduced, modified or published in any way without the express permission of the author. This article/ebook is for information purposes only and should not be taken as medical advise.

If you are now confused, it‘s ok, I am about to explain and I promise to do it in easy to understand language.

Glutathione: The Facts Glutathione was discovered doing its thing to keep us healtht way back in 1888, it was finally given its name in 1921 and its mechanism in the body has been the subject of much research ever since. Glutathione is a tri-peptide. What does that mean? It means it is made up of three amino acids found in the body: glycine, glutamic acid and cysteine, which are synthesised in the body to form Glutathione. The liver and the lungs are the primary sites for this marvellous glutathione synthesis. Glycine and glutamic acid are easy found in the cells of the body, so it is the availability of cysteine that controls the manufacture of Glutathione. ‗Glutathione is a very interesting, very small molecule that's [produced by the body and] found in every cell," says Gustavo Bounous, MD, a retired professor of surgery at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. "It's the [body's] most important antioxidant because it's within the cell."

Glutathione is a substance, the levels of which in our cells are predictive of how long we will live. There are very few other factors which are as predictive of our life expectancy as is our level of cellular glutathione. We literally cannot survive without this antioxidant," - Earl Mindell, R.Ph., Ph.D.

The presence of glutathione is required to maintain the normal function of the immune system. It is known to play a critical role in the multiplication 4 This e-book/article is the intellectual property of Anne Robinson a.k.a. Annie Infinite and is not to be copied, reproduced, modified or published in any way without the express permission of the author. This article/ebook is for information purposes only and should not be taken as medical advise.

of lymphocytes (the cells that mediate specific immunity) which occurs in the development of an effective immune response. Furthermore, the cells of the immune system produce many oxi-radicals as a result of their normal functioning, resulting in a need for higher concentrations of antioxidants than most cells. Glutathione plays a crucial role in fulfilling this requirement. Evidence for the important role that glutathione plays in health comes from studies in people who are severely ill. Low glutathione levels are found in immune compromised individuals, neuro-degenerative diseases such as multiple sclerosis, ALS, Alzheimer‘s, and Parkinson‘s disease, atherosclerosis, male infertility, pregnancy complications, cataracts, damage from pharmaceutical drugs, cancer and poor survival rates of AIDS.

Mammalian cells have evolved numerous means to prevent or treat damage that can result from normal oxidative by-products of cellular metabolism. The ―glutathione antioxidant system‖ is the primary among all of these internal protective systems. Glutathione is also involved in the detoxification of foreign compounds such as carcinogens (cancer causing compounds), etc., and supports the normal active functioning of the immune system. Glutathione reduces toxic 5 This e-book/article is the intellectual property of Anne Robinson a.k.a. Annie Infinite and is not to be copied, reproduced, modified or published in any way without the express permission of the author. This article/ebook is for information purposes only and should not be taken as medical advise.

substances before they can damage other molecules or important parts of the cell. Oxidation is like a flame, wonderful when harnessed, dangerous when out of control. When we are young, the oxidation necessary for energy production is highly efficient with only a small amount of oxygen not utilized. Even this minor oxygen loss (1-3%) unfortunately results in the production of free radicals. And this is where Glutathione comes in to neutralize those free radicals. A one-to-three percent oxygen loss causing free-radical production doesn’t sound too bad, does it? But say you are no longer 20 years of age and correspondingly, your cellular mitochondria are not as efficient as they once were. More and more free radicals are generated in the oxidative energy process and they are, in turn, damaging the mitochondria themselves. The powerful antioxidant, Glutathione, quenches a number of free radicals, including the highly dangerous hydroxyl radical by donating an electron. Glutathione itself does not become a free radical even though it has given up an electron. Glutathione has just halted a literal cascade of free radicals by quenching the hydroxyl free radical. But you need to know just what a favor Glutathione has done for you in preventing Peroxynitrite production. Martin L. Pall, PhD, professor of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Science at Washington State University stated: “Peroxynitrite reacts with and inactivates several of the enzymes in mitochondria so that mitochondrial and energy metabolism dysfunction is one of the most important consequences of elevated peroxynitrite.” Translation: When the mitochondria have suffered enough free radical damage as to become dysfunctional, energy production is impaired. Your cells do not get the amount of energy they need to function properly. Your cells may function at a level below the optimum although you probably won’t feel it. There is yet one more free-radical mitochondrial consequence as a result of low Glutathione levels that you “will” be aware of. Richard Van Konynenburg, PhD, wrote: “The resulting partial blockades in the Krebs cycles and the respiratory chains in the red, slow-twitch skeletal muscle cells decrease their rate of production of ATP. Since ATP is what powers muscle contractions, the lack of it produces physical fatigue. It becomes chronic because GSH [Glutathione] remains depleted.”

Glutathione is required to detoxify the body of nicotine and free radicals contained in cigarette smoke ~ including second hand smoke. It is effective against pollution and other toxins and pollutants such as exhaust fumes, pesticides, and other environmental toxins. The removal of heavy metals such as mercury, lead, cadmium also requires adequate glutathione levels. 6 This e-book/article is the intellectual property of Anne Robinson a.k.a. Annie Infinite and is not to be copied, reproduced, modified or published in any way without the express permission of the author. This article/ebook is for information purposes only and should not be taken as medical advise.

A deficiency of glutathione can cause hemolysis (destruction of red blood cells, leading to anaemia) and oxidative stress. Glutathione is essential in intermediary metabolism ... for the detoxification of acetaminophen (Paracetamol, Tylenol). - [PDR Medical Dictionary. Spraycar. 1999]

Dr Keller’s Interview I think the easiest way to tell you the rest of this story is to let the expert Dr Robert Keller the formulator of MaxGXL to tell you about Glutathoine‘s role in the body: Dr Keller: ―On a cellular level, under that a cell goes through metabolism, that is, it takes in glucose and in the presence of oxygen, it utilizes that glucose to get its engines working and you live on oxygen and oxygen‘s a wonderful thing. But oxygen burns and every time it burns, if you don‘t counter that burn with an antioxidant, you suffer the consequences. Consequences are cell damage, premature cell death, increased cell death and dysfunction of whatever organ that is involved. Q: How does that happen to our cells? Dr Keller: As you get older and you‘re exposed to a number of things, let‘s just go over them in general. You should get 8 hours of sleep a night. I went to college. I never got 8 hours of sleep. That‘s called your cumulative sleep deficit. Now, the body regenerates itself during sleep. If you miss the sleep, that regeneration doesn‘t happen and as a result of that, your hormones begin to fall off. It would be wonderful if we all ate what we should, but we don‘t. It be wonderful if nobody used alcohol, but we do. It‘d be wonderful if nobody smoked, but they do. It be wonderful if we all lived in an environment that wasn‘t polluted, but we can‘t, okay, and if you cumulatively add of that stuff over time, you‘re putting an unbelievable burden of the body and saying, well, go respond. Do the best you can. Well, the best you can becomes less and less and less and less. Everybody‘s experienced the senior moment, okay. Senior moments are very common and they occur in your 40s. Now, there‘s an interesting paradox. The fact of the matter is your brain improves the ability to create memory circuits until well in your 70s and maybe even into your 80s. Well, if that‘s 7 This e-book/article is the intellectual property of Anne Robinson a.k.a. Annie Infinite and is not to be copied, reproduced, modified or published in any way without the express permission of the author. This article/ebook is for information purposes only and should not be taken as medical advise.

true, if you‘re improving memory, why are you having senior moments in your 40s. The answer is those cells are not firing and one of the major, if not the major reason for that, is a lack of appropriate ATP and that boils down to a lack of appropriate glutathione and one of the things that really irks me is you see a 50-year-old and I see them frequently, who‘ve been to a doctor and their major complaint is I used to run all the time and I don‘t have the energy to run anymore and take to wherever you want, tennis, racquetball, volleyball, swimming. I don‘t have the energy anymore. Why don‘t you have the energy? It‘s not because you‘re 50. It‘s because these cumulative deficits over time have basically worn down that engine. An untoward percentage or number of cells is being prematurely asked to leave through programmed cell death and the organism just ain‘t what it used to be. Those cells which are feeling the affects of all the years of neglect and I don‘t know how else to put it, are, in fact, not functioning with the ATP quotient that they had before. Now, one question that could be posed is why do I care? I‘m in my 20s or in my 30s. Okay? I‘m well, I‘m healthy. I have energy. There‘s really nothing going wrong. Wrong! The fact of the matter is that slow downward spiral as a result of cumulative sleep deficit, as a result of wrong foods, as a result of alcohol, smoking, whatever else we do that‘s immoral or fattening, all of those things contribute to a low level of inflammation. Now, you‘re in your 50s and you‘re going to the doctor saying I can‘t run the way I used to and the doctor says it‘s because of age. Well, I‘m here to tell you it‘s not because of age. It‘s because of a lack of antioxidants and too much inflammation caused by all of the things that occur cumulatively in life to rob you of your vitality. Q: You‘ve mentioned ATP, glutathione, antioxidants. How do those things figure into this cellular process that is robbing us of our vitality? Dr. Keller: The body works on the basis of electrochemical circuits and the key circuit for every cell in every part of the body is a substance adenosine triphosphate or ATP. The more ATP a cell makes, the better it will work because in the process of creating ATP, the cell goes through a number of chemical reactions that cause this oxidation or this burning because we are oxygen-based organisms and in order to get the maximum amount of ATP out of that cell, each one of those numerous chemical reactions have to be 8 This e-book/article is the intellectual property of Anne Robinson a.k.a. Annie Infinite and is not to be copied, reproduced, modified or published in any way without the express permission of the author. This article/ebook is for information purposes only and should not be taken as medical advise.

quenched. The fire has to be put out so the next reaction can be as strong as the first one. You create chemical reactions or you conclude chemical reactions with the producing of electrons that are not neutralized and therefore every subsequent reaction in the chain is going to be less efficient than the one before, so the fact of the matter is that by protection those oxidative reactions in what‘s called the respiratory chain, you improve the ATP of the cells.

"No other antioxidant is as important to overall health as glutathione. It is the regulator and regenerator of immune cells and the most valuable detoxifying agent in the human body. Low levels are associated with hepatic dysfunction, immune dysfunction, cardiac disease, premature aging, and death." - The Immune System Cure, Lorna R. Vanderhaeghe & Patrick J.D. Bouic, Ph.D.

Q: So the more efficient we can make a cell‘s chemical reactions, the more long-lived it will be? Dr. Keller: Right. The more functional it will be and the longer it will be allowed to live. The body has a major programming system called apotheosis where if a cell does not perform up to the level that the body in general believes it should that at a given point it will be sent a signal to die. It‘s programmed suicide and the older and more decrepit the cell gets, the more quickly it‘s going to die and the way to protect it from getting old and decrepit is to give it the things that will give it the ATP so that it can function efficiently whatever that may be. Q: That sounds really complicated. Dr. Keller: Well, let me tell you a story. We all start off as pristine iron pipes and just like iron pipes, we‘re exposed to the elements. In our case, the element is really oxygen which we need to survive. Notice that the astronauts never go outside of the spaceship without oxygen on board. On the other hand, unfortunately oxygen is kind of a two-edged sword. By that I mean, it is necessary for survival but it causes damaged. Take an iron pipe that just came from the smelter, perfectly normal, looks beautiful, just like we do when we‘re born, but over time if there‘s no maintenance to that pipe, it starts rusting and then pitting and then decaying. 9 This e-book/article is the intellectual property of Anne Robinson a.k.a. Annie Infinite and is not to be copied, reproduced, modified or published in any way without the express permission of the author. This article/ebook is for information purposes only and should not be taken as medical advise.

Unfortunately, so do we. The process may take a lot longer than it would in an iron pipe but the process is exactly the same and the reason for it is exactly the same—oxygen. Now, if the rust is in your arteries, we call it atherosclerosis. If the rust is in your brain, we will eventually call it Alzheimer‘s disease. If the rust is in your liver, we‘ll ultimately call it serious. If the rust is in your kidney, we‘ll ultimately call it end stage renal disease and lo and behold, if it‘s in your pancreas, you‘ll wind up with diabetes, but the central process is rust. Rust on a pipe is equal to inflammation in the body. Q: Rust then is equal to oxidation. Now, define an oxidant for us. Dr Keller: Your body burns oxygen as fuel. It‘s a wonderful thing. It allows sugar to be metabolised into ATP, again, depending on how much glutathione is present, but as a result of that, if you think about oxygen just outside of the body and you put a match to it, it ignites. It is a burning substance and in point of fact, the same thing happens in the body. The obligate result of using oxygen as the fuel to essentially create all of these chemical reactions is that you create burning substances every time a reaction occurs and that can damage the membrane of a cell. It can damage the function of a cell. If in point of fact, you oxidize something which you have to do because oxygen is the fuel on which all humans perform, the fact of the matter is you create these oxidants which could eat at the cell and the only way to take care of that is to produce or generate or instil an antioxidant that will stop the rust, will basically stop all these other chemical reactions that are cumulatively deleterious to the function of that cell. Q: And that‘s the job of the antioxidant. Tell us about antioxidants. Dr. Keller: There are many things that function as antioxidants and they all have specific or peculiar jobs or particular jobs. The fact of the matter is not all antioxidants are created equal and in the hierarchy of antioxidants in the human body, glutathione is the top of the mountain. Many of the things that we think of as antioxidant—Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and a number of other things—actually work by either protecting glutathione from having to be used in other oxidative reactions that are occurring elsewhere in the body not inside of the cell or, in fact, allowing glutathione to be more prevalent inside of the cell where it‘s primary function of protecting those oxidative reactions or quenching those oxidative reactions during what is called the respiratory chain, the ultimate result of which is the production of ATP and therefore the functionality of that cell. A particular one that has gotten a lot of publicity lately is resveritol and resveritol comes from the skin of red grapes and is supposed to be a very powerful antioxidant and, in fact, it is. It‘s a powerful antioxidant because 10 This e-book/article is the intellectual property of Anne Robinson a.k.a. Annie Infinite and is not to be copied, reproduced, modified or published in any way without the express permission of the author. This article/ebook is for information purposes only and should not be taken as medical advise.

it improves the ability of the cells to produce glutathione. Its function is not its own. Its function is feeding in to the paramount antioxidant in the human body and that is simply glutathione. The more glutathione, the better off the cell is. The more ATP is produced, the better functioning that cell does. Less likely to be looked at by the body and told you‘re no good anymore. Goodbye. Q: Now what are some of the negative affects of having all these oxidants running around in my body? Dr. Keller: Let me give you a clinical example because I think it may bring home the point very clearly. A situation in which there is a great deal of oxidants going on is one specifically called congestive heart failure where because of the inability of the heart to pump appropriately the amount of blood, the amount of oxygen, the amount of nutrients that get to the cells is reduced, sometimes by a significant amount. As a result of that, the body can‘t produce the ATP because it‘s not getting what it needs in order to produce the ATP. Now, if you‘ve ever seen a person or know a person with congestive heart failure, they have a hard time going from the bed to the table. The reason is they don‘t have the nutrients or the glutathione required to produce the ATP necessary for that cell, whether it be muscle, brain, heart, whatever, to function and therefore they‘re out of energy before they even start. We all suffer from that to a minor or greater degree, depending on what our health status is, but the fact of the matter is you need to have that obligatory, in any cellular reaction in order to get the maximum efficiency out of that cell or to put it in the vernacular, more bang for the buck every time you start the engine.

"Without glutathione, other important antioxidants such as vitamins C and E cannot do their job adequately to protect your body against disease." - Breakthrough in Cell Defense, Allan Somersall, Ph.D., M.D., and Gustavo Bounous, M.D. FRCS(C). I mean, again, I‘ll go back to the analogy of the rusting pipe I mean, again, I‘ll go back to the analogy of the rusting pipe, okay? The fact of the matter is if you protected it from the get-to, it would never rust. If you allow some rust to occur because you don‘t have appropriate levels of glutathione which is the anti-rust or the rust protectant for your cells, then in fact you‘re going to get a little bit. If you interdict at any time and get your glutathione levels to where they should be, then you‘re going to stop that process. You have the power to stop it wherever you want it, but it‘s up to you.‖ 11 This e-book/article is the intellectual property of Anne Robinson a.k.a. Annie Infinite and is not to be copied, reproduced, modified or published in any way without the express permission of the author. This article/ebook is for information purposes only and should not be taken as medical advise.

There are several things about this information that I‘ve learned in my research, from Dr Keller and that will be supported in the literature you may find on the subject:        

Glutathione is our body's best all purpose detoxifier, protector and energiser.. for total wellbeing. Humans tend to begin losing about 10% per decade from the age of 20. Our GSH production cannot keep up with the demands needed by our cells in the modern age of pollutants in our diet, air, water and environments. People with various diseases and conditions have all been proven to have lower levels of GSH than healthier people. GSH is the master antioxidant that neutralises those nasty little critters the free radicals and helps other antioxidants like Vit C and E work better. Raising GSH levels tends to raise the quality of life and reduce symptoms for most people. ATP in our cells is increased which means we have more energy. Most people taking MaxGXL a product formulated by Dr R Keller for use in his clinic with AIDS and Cancer patients anecdotally report increases in their energy levels, better sleep, and increased mental acuity. Those with pain, soreness or ailments often report certain improvement.

What are some of the main functions of Glutathione? So the presence of glutathione is required to maintain the normal function of the immune system. It is known to play a critical role in the multiplication of lymphocytes (the cells that mediate specific immunity) which occurs in the development of an effective immune response. Furthermore, the cells of the immune system produce many oxiradicals as a result of their normal functioning, resulting in a need for higher concentrations of antioxidants than most cells. Glutathione plays a crucial role in fulfilling this requirement. Evidence for the important role that glutathione plays in health comes from studies in people who are severely ill. "If you look in a hospital situation at people who have cancer, AIDS, or other very serious disease, almost invariably they are depleted in glutathione," says Appleton. "The reasons for this are not completely understood, but we do know that glutathione is extremely important for maintaining intracellular health." 12 This e-book/article is the intellectual property of Anne Robinson a.k.a. Annie Infinite and is not to be copied, reproduced, modified or published in any way without the express permission of the author. This article/ebook is for information purposes only and should not be taken as medical advise.

Glutathione: 

Maintains proper oxidation-reduction (redox) potential inside cells. Redox affects the oxidation state of sulfur in enzymes, and thus affects the rates of biochemical reactions in cells.

Scavenges peroxides and oxidizing free radicals directly and also serves as the basis for the antioxidant network.

Performs Phase II detoxication of heavy metals (such as mercury), organophosphate pesticides, chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents, estradiol, prostaglandins, leukotrienes, acetaminophen, and other foreign and endogenous toxins.

Stores and transports cysteine throughout the body.

Transports amino acids into cells, especially cystine into kidney cells.

Regulates the cell cycle, DNA and protein synthesis and proteolysis, and gene _expression.

Regulates signal transduction.

Participates in bile production.

Protects thyroid cells from self-generated hydrogen peroxide.

By means of several of the above functions, GSH plays very important roles in (1) maintaining mitochondrial function and integrity, (2) regulating cell proliferation, and (3) supporting the immune system.

Glutathione and Mood Disorders "Free radicals and oxyradicals have been recognized by psychoneurobiologist as playing an important role in the development and progression of many of these disorders. The brain is particularly susceptible to free radical attack because it generates more oxidative-by-products per gram of tissue than any other organ. The brain's main antioxidant is glutathione- it's importance cannot be overstated." "Oxidative stress and glutathione are important factors in such various disorders as brain injury, neurodegenerative disease, schizophrenia, Down syndrome and other pathologies." "Many neurological and psychiatric disease processes are characterized by high levels of oxidative stress and free radical formation, as well as abnormalities in glutathione metabolism and antioxidant defenses." Source Dr. Gutman M.D. Glutathione GSH 13 This e-book/article is the intellectual property of Anne Robinson a.k.a. Annie Infinite and is not to be copied, reproduced, modified or published in any way without the express permission of the author. This article/ebook is for information purposes only and should not be taken as medical advise.

Dr. Perlmutter, a Board-Certified Neurologist and Fellow of the American College of Nutrition states about Glutathione: "Eighty to ninety percent improve dramatically. It's felt that the mechanism that allows it to work is in increasing the sensitivity to certain receptors to dopamine. Glutathione doesn't raise dopamine levels, but it allows the dopamine in the brain to be more effective. That's not a new idea in medicine. Diabetic drugs work not by increasing insulin, but by increasing the receptors to insulin. Glutathione not only increases sensitivity to dopamine, but also to serotonin, which may explain why many of our depressed PD patients have a remarkable improvement." Dr Perlmutter received the prestigious Linus Pauling Award at the 9th International Symposium on Functional Medicine. (Perlmutter, D., 2004) Increasing glutathione in the body has been proven to be essential in the treatment of disease. Antidepressants and other medications deplete the body and brain of glutathione. The only setback is, Glutathione is probably not well absorbed into the body when taken by mouth. One way to get around that is to take it by vein. A more practical solution is to take the precursors -- that is, the molecules the body needs to make glutathione -- rather than glutathione itself.

Glutathione has potent anti-viral properties--if you raise the glutathione level you can stop the replication of most any, at least, intracellular pathogen‌. chronic fatigue syndrome patients are glutathione deficient‌ The reason I mention all of this to begin with is because I'm trying to set the stage for how important it is to address this glutathione defect. It could be THE major issue in this illness‌ Finally, how did the people feel? Their glutathione functionality improved, though their glutathione levels were marginally improved, and they had significant wipe-out of micro-organisms. How did they feel? Five out of six (seven?) felt significantly better. Three of those five thought this was the best thing they had ever tried. (Dr Paul Cheney, M.D. on the clinical management of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and HIV, 1999)

So what are these Pre-cursers? Cysteine is one of the most important pre-cursors to glutathione. If you remember glutathione is a synthesis of 3 peptides glycine, glutamic acid and 14 This e-book/article is the intellectual property of Anne Robinson a.k.a. Annie Infinite and is not to be copied, reproduced, modified or published in any way without the express permission of the author. This article/ebook is for information purposes only and should not be taken as medical advise.

cysteine. The only problem with cysteine is when the body is unwell or toxic it cannot metabolise cysteine in healthy ways and we can end up with too much of a potentially harmful naturally occurring by-product called ‗homo-cysteine.‘ This means we need to use a safe form of cysteine called N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC), which has also been shown as much more effective at boosting glutathione levels than supplements of cysteine or glutathione itself. NAC helps to break down mucus and may protect the delicate lung tissue and is used in serious lung disease, chronic bronchitis and for patients with Cystic Fibrosis. NAC helps the body synthesize glutathione, an important antioxidant. In animals, the antioxidant activity of NAC protects the liver from the adverse effects of exposure to several toxic chemicals. NAC also protects the body from acetaminophen toxicity and is used at very high levels in hospitals for patients with acetaminophen poisoning. It has also been shown to be effective at treating liver failure from causes other than acetaminophen poisoning (e.g., hepatitis, and other drug toxicity)5 and at preventing kidney damage caused by injections of iopromide, a contrast medium used in people scheduled to undergo computerized tomography (CT) imaging. Supplementation with NAC has been shown to reduce the proliferation of certain cells lining the colon and may reduce the risk of colon cancer in people with recurrent polyps in the colon. Dr Keller has taken N-Acetyl-Cysteine and several other important nutrients and created a formula that not only increases glutathione in the body, it also increases reabsorption and recycling of glutathione over time. Eventually enhancing glutathione stores in the body in three ways.

MaxGXL– The Original Breakthrough The Ingredients N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC) has proven to be the most efficient dietary precursor of glutathione. NAC is well absorbed by the intestine and proven in numerous studies and clinical trials to readily converted by the mammalian cell to glutathione. It is also an approved treatment for paracetamol poisoning in hospitals, because of its super efficient liver cleansing abilities. NAC is commonly used in the treatment of lung diseases like cystic fibrosis, bronchitis and asthma.

Milk Thistle (silymarin) serves to improve and restore liver function. It quenches free radicals, reduces potential toxicity and stimulates protein 15 This e-book/article is the intellectual property of Anne Robinson a.k.a. Annie Infinite and is not to be copied, reproduced, modified or published in any way without the express permission of the author. This article/ebook is for information purposes only and should not be taken as medical advise.

synthesis necessary to create new liver cells. Also known as a powerful antioxidant silymarin is a natural liver detoxifier and liver protectant which supports the liver by preventing the depletion of glutathione.

Alpha Lipoic Acid is made naturally in the bodies cells as a by-product of energy release, ALA increases the levels if intra-cellular glutathione and is a natural antioxidant. It enables the key enzyme required for glutathione synthesis to work under optimum conditions and induces a substantial increase in intracellular reduced glutathione. ALA also has the ability to regenerate levels of Vitamin C and E and helps to make them more potent. It is also know for its ability to enhance glucose uptake and may help prevent cellular damage from the complications of diabetes and has a protective affect on the brain. (Busse E. Zimmer, G Schopohl, et al, 1992)

Vitamin C helps Vitamin C maximises NAC transport across biological cell membranes utilisation of N-Actyl-Cysteine within the cells of the body. It also helps to conserve existing levels of glutathione stores within the body.

Quercetin is used for its ability to eliminate toxins found in the liver. It has anti-hepatic, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. (Shakhova, et al., Zh Obsheh, Khim., 1962)

L-Glutamine is an essential dietary constituent for the support of gastrointestinal health and function and is utilised as fuel in the small intestines. It is especially used in times of stress and has been shown to preserve liver glutathione levels after lethal hepatic injury and nourish tissues in the GI tract, liver and immune system. (Souba W. W., et al)

Cordyceps known in China as Dong Chong Xia Cao, it has long been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to promote cardiovascular health, sexual and immune system function. It is a fungus that first grows on an kills caterpillars and then grows up out of the ground as a kind of mushroom. It is this mushroom that is prized for its properties. It is a potent immunopotentiator, may protect against cancer, inhibit tumour growth, improve liver function, improve lupus and other types of inflammation, and kidney function. (J Cell Biochem, 1998) Cordyceps functions as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. It has also been shown to increase liver energy and glutathione synthesis. In MaxGXL, however, its primary function is to reduce inflammation and free radicals by decreasing the thermostat for inflammation called nuclear factor kappa beta.

N-Acetyl-Glucosamine (NAG) is a key precursor in the biosynthesis of mucosal glycoproteins, that of glycocalyx. The glycocalyx is the highly viscous layer that comes in contact with intestinal contents. The glycoprotein layer acts to protect the underlying tissues from exposure to 16 This e-book/article is the intellectual property of Anne Robinson a.k.a. Annie Infinite and is not to be copied, reproduced, modified or published in any way without the express permission of the author. This article/ebook is for information purposes only and should not be taken as medical advise.

enzymes, acid and bacterial assault while providing a selectively absorptive surface. By ensuring adequate levels of this precursor you are also ensuring optimum protection of your gut lining from any toxins and correct absorption of nutrients. (Wilmore D. W., et al 1988)

Introducing the Next Breakthrough Cellgevity Cellgevity uses the breakthough Riboceine as the Glutatione precursor instead of N=Acetyl Cystiene plus some other amazing complementary ingredients for the next generation of Max Health.

The Ingredients: RiboCeine - The Glutathione Breakthrough

RiboCeine is a breakthrough nutrient compound of epic proportion that has been shown to to effectively deliver the key precursor nutrient into the cell that enables it to produce optimal amounts of glutathione. Unlike any other nutritional compound in the world, RiboCeine has been the subject of twenty published, peer-reviewed scientific studies that were funded by the National Institues of Health and other scientific institutions. RiboCeine was developed by the world-renowned research scientist and medicinal chemist, Herbert T. Nagasawa, Ph.D. Dr. Nagasawa was a Professor of Medicinal Chemistry and Toxicology at the University of Minnesota for forty years and at the same time he was named Senior Career Research Scientist for the Veterans Administration in Minneapolis. For thirty-two of those years he was Senior Editor of the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. Dr. Nagasawa now serves as the Executive Scientist for Max International. RiboCeine has significantly outperformed all other means of glutathione enhancement against which it has been tested.

Alpha Lipoic Acid is a powerful endogenous antioxidant known to combat various forms of oxidative stress and to recycle other antioxidants. Together 17 This e-book/article is the intellectual property of Anne Robinson a.k.a. Annie Infinite and is not to be copied, reproduced, modified or published in any way without the express permission of the author. This article/ebook is for information purposes only and should not be taken as medical advise.

with glutathione, they protect the fat and water portions of the cells from different types of free radicals.

Broccoli Seed Extract (sulforaphane glucosinolate) acts as a catalyst to boost antioxidant activity for as much as three days. Protects against DNA damaging electrophiles and helps cells neutralize toxins and carcinogens so they are eliminated from cells. It also helps to raise and replenish glutathione levels and induces the antioxidant enzymes used in the Phase II detoxification pathway.

Turmeric Root Extract (Curcumin) is a potent antioxidant that fights free radicals and is known to reduce inflammation. Curcumin also induces Phase II enzymes that support the glutathione detoxification pathway.

Resveratrol is an antioxidant found in high concentrations in grape skin, also found in wines, with higher concentrations in red wine verse white wine. Resveratrol is thought to account in a large part for the so called ‗French Paradox‘. The French Paradox – the findings that the rate of coronary heart disease in France was observed to be lower than in other countries with a similar risk factor – has been attributed to the consumption of red wine. Resveratrol is an antioxidant known to have cardio-protective properties.

Grape Seed proanthocyanidines have antioxidant activity, as well as antiinflammatory properties.

Quercetin is a supporting flavonoid antioxidant that scavenges free radicals that can damage cells. One of the highest food sources of quercetin can be found in the tiny caper. Other food sources include: raw dock, dill, red onion and watercress.

Vitamin C is an exogenous antioxidant that is considered a network antioxidant and known to support the immune system. It is essential for tissue repair, wound healing and immune support.

Selenomethionine (Selenium) is the essential catalytic component of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and is absolutely required for its function. Selenium is needed as selenomethionine for the antioxidant enzyme, glutathione peroxidase. The glutathione peroxidase enzyme is responsible for the detoxification of lipid peroxides, and glutathione is absolutely required to regenerate this enzyme.

Cordyceps has been used as a Chinese medicine for centuries and has been valued for its activity in restoring energy, increasing stamina, promoting longevity and improving quality of life.

18 This e-book/article is the intellectual property of Anne Robinson a.k.a. Annie Infinite and is not to be copied, reproduced, modified or published in any way without the express permission of the author. This article/ebook is for information purposes only and should not be taken as medical advise.

Black Pepper (BioPerine) assists in the absorption of selenomethionine, vitamin C and curcumin (turmeric root)

Aloe Extract has the most bio-active content of acemannan, the active ingredient in aloe. Aloe is known to support the immune system and has antioxidant functions.

Milk Thistle (silymarin) is a powerful antioxidant used to support a healthy liver by removing harmful toxins and heavy metals that are stored in the liver.

Clinical Studies on Max  Double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover Clinical Study of GSH Enhancement Formula (MaxGXL)  MaxGXLTM has been shown in clinical tests to raise intracellular glutathione levels by 292% in 60 days of normal use. Medical conditions are usually accompanied by lower GSH levels and GXL may raise intercellular GSH levels over 400% in 2-3 months.  Cellular inflammation markers (NTF-alpha) were reduced by 37%.  Biological age markers that decrease with age were significantly improved (DHEA, 46%; and IGF-1, 40.8%). Link to paper: d206/.pdf/ The creator of the compound, Dr Nagasawa, is a leading medicinal chemist in the field of glutathione chemistry and delivery - Senior Editor of the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry for 32 years - Created the new 3-minute cyanide poisoning antidote for the US Department of Defense - Senior Research Scientist for the Veterans Administration - where he first created the compound to raise glutathione in alcoholic Vietnam war veterans. Many compounds were tested to attach to the Cystine to protect it. Ribose ended up being the most effective one. Only about a year or two ago has it been commercially available, up until then there has been 20 published papers on it on

19 This e-book/article is the intellectual property of Anne Robinson a.k.a. Annie Infinite and is not to be copied, reproduced, modified or published in any way without the express permission of the author. This article/ebook is for information purposes only and should not be taken as medical advise.

Here's what the 159th President of the American Medical Association, Dr. John Nelson, had to say about MaxGXL and its formulator, Dr Robert H. Keller: "This product, in my opinion, represents the single most important breakthrough in health that I will witness in my lifetime. I believe it will revolutionize, change, and transform the practice of medicine world-wide and make Dr. Robert Keller more famous than Jonas Salk who created the polio vaccine.‖~ Dr. John C. Nelson

A Brief History of Max International In 1994, Dr. Robert H. Keller founded The BIODORON Institute of Advanced Medicine, a state-of-the-art medical clinic specializing in cutting-edge treatment for immune system disorders and anti-aging. After reviewing subject lab results for years, Dr. Keller noticed a trend. He kept seeing significantly low levels of uric acid in subjects with immune disorders. He decided to explore this finding, and his initial research concluded that uric acid is the last antioxidant at the body's disposal when all the normal antioxidants have been exhausted. As Dr. Keller has always been a strong advocate of nutrition, he went back in the literature, seeking the answer to one question: If uric acid is the body's last defence, then what is the first? His investigation led him to a substance called glutathione. Dr. Keller discovered that the most prevalent, powerful and multifunctional antioxidant in the human body – employed by every organ – is glutathione. It was clear that the GSH levels needed to be replenished in these subjects. But how? Glutathione is produced naturally from three amino acids: glycine, glutamine, and cysteine. These essential precursors of GSH must be able to make it from the mouth to the gut, then through the cells walls and subsequently the mitochondrial membrane. Therein lies the challenge. Unfortunately, raising our body's glutathione levels is extremely difficult for two reasons. Eating enough glutathione-rich foods only works in an idealized world where stress, deadlines and fast food are not factors. Orally supplementing glutathione is a good idea, but just not practical. The fragile tripeptide structure of glutathione makes surviving the digestive tract a near impossibility. After years of research and development, Dr. Keller created MaxGXL, a product containing the necessary components of glutathione that when absorbed into the body; stimulate the body‘s own production of glutathione in every cell of the body. 20 This e-book/article is the intellectual property of Anne Robinson a.k.a. Annie Infinite and is not to be copied, reproduced, modified or published in any way without the express permission of the author. This article/ebook is for information purposes only and should not be taken as medical advise.

What Makes the Max Formulas Unique?  Max was created by a leading researcher, clinician, and medical scientist to help improve the quality of life of his patients (not by a company).  Max‘s formula has a coveted Compositional Patent which is usually reserved for larger preferential drug companies.  Max is science based and clinically tested with proven verifiable results.  Max accelerates glutathione production up to 400% - enhancing the body‘s own master antioxidant.  Max‘s proprietary blend provides nutrient precursors in proper proportions to maximise effectiveness, absorption and transport through the cell walls and mitochondria to unite and product glutathione.  Max empowers your body to do what is was naturally intended to do  Max outperforms vitamins, minerals, and other exogenous foods, drinks and supplements  Max efficiently raises glutathione levels in every live cell, therefore impacting on all symptoms at the causal intracellular level  Max revitalises the liver to function at optimum levels to produce, store, replenish and recycle glutathione.  Max is an all natural supplement with demonstrated results in real people like you and me.

Why Did I Get Into Max? As I said right at the beginning of this little book, I am a natural practitioner and so I can rightly say I have seen it all. Wonder supplements have come and gone and some of them have been good, yet I knew they were not the 21 This e-book/article is the intellectual property of Anne Robinson a.k.a. Annie Infinite and is not to be copied, reproduced, modified or published in any way without the express permission of the author. This article/ebook is for information purposes only and should not be taken as medical advise.

whole answer and a lot of the time people could only manage their health, not get a real return to health. What was the answer? A few years ago I had heard about a breakthrough using amino acids and often put people onto whey and amino acid compounds and had great results. Then two years ago I developed insulin resistance, and became a bit of an expert. Lucky for me I was going to University at the time and made friends with an absolutely amazing woman who was finishing her degree in research medicine. Her main area of interest was – ta-da! Metabolic Syndromes and yes there are more than one. So I had a unique front row seat into the research that is just now becoming main stream. The main focus of this research was insulin resistance, leptin resistance and the use of diet, exercise and certain supplements to not only prevent these syndromes, but actually allow people to return to health. For some who had progressed into Type 2 diabetes, they were even able to stop using their insulin. The deeper my friend and her colleagues went into the research the more I learned, I have even written two books on metabolic syndromes and the correct balancing dietary and lifestyle approach to use to return to better health. However, it is your daily choices that determine your health, and as we all know it can be difficult to keep up a lifestyle choice every minute. So I was still looking for more information. Then, about 6 months ago my girlfriend told me about some new research into an amino acid and its effects on the health of the liver, and it‘s eventual effects on cellular health. That amino acid was N-Acetyl-Cysteine and its running mate glutathione. So… Months later my friend Samyo gave me a ring to ask me if I would write a blog for him about a new product he was trying, that was giving him so much energy. He was practically exploding with excitement about how it was making him feel, I told him we should get together to talk about it. Really I was all prepared to tell him that most of these new things only work for a while… until I realised the product was made out of the very constituents my university researcher friend had been talking about. So I got some for myself and… the rest is history, all I can say is that I am losing weight (something I didn‘t really expect), I am feeling great and full of life again and will be a Max convert for a long time to come. I want to feel this good all the time! I leave you with some final words from Dr Keller: ―When your cells were 20, there was much less rust. There was much less inflammation and inflammation, by the way, at a cellular level is a great way to not be able to lose weight…It turns down the central figure for inflammation which is called nuclear factor kappa beta. Cordyceps has been 22 This e-book/article is the intellectual property of Anne Robinson a.k.a. Annie Infinite and is not to be copied, reproduced, modified or published in any way without the express permission of the author. This article/ebook is for information purposes only and should not be taken as medical advise.

shown in experimental situations to actually reduce the level of NKFB. If you can reduce that, you reduce all of the sequelae of that and the sequelae include the production of inflammatory cytokines, the activity of cells, the production of free radicals which are not taken care of and ultimately rust wherever it happens to occur in the body… MaxGXL is an important part of the ability to help people because, again, the pressures of society, the polluted air we live in, all of the factors that are now contributing to the illnesses that we see that are going wild, okay, whether it be diabetes, whether it be heart disease, whether it be strokes, whether it be Alzheimer‘s, they‘re growing at an incredible rate and the reason for it is that we‘re not protecting our cells. This isn‘t a matter of medicine. This is a matter of good nutrition and that good nutrition involves improving the functionality of the cell and mitigating or reducing the amount of damage that we‘re exposed to on a daily basis… and MaxGXL functions to do both. I believe everybody should have it. I believe everybody should use it. I believe if they did, a lot of these diseases of inflammation wouldn‘t disappear but they certainly would be reduced. I can only say this from the bottom of my heart and from everything that I‘ve learned in medicine and science over the last 30 years—we are all subject to aging and one of the key elements that we have the ability to control, we meaning each and every one of us, is the ability to stop this inevitable rusting that goes on in our body and the way to do that, folks, in my estimation is one and only MaxGXL.‖

Websites of Interest: Max International I hope you do your research and find out how great this product is and when you decide to begin ordering for yourself and your family please use my

Associate ID#:

as your sponsor number.

Thank you and imagine the infinite possibilities…

23 This e-book/article is the intellectual property of Anne Robinson a.k.a. Annie Infinite and is not to be copied, reproduced, modified or published in any way without the express permission of the author. This article/ebook is for information purposes only and should not be taken as medical advise.

Research: Busse E. Zimmer G Schopohl B, et al. Influence of alpha-lipoic acid on intracellular glutathione in vitro and in vivo; Arsneimittel-Forschung 1992; 42:829-831; and Han D Handelman G Marcoccie, et al. Lipoic Acid Increases de novo Synthesis of Cellular Glutathione by Improving Cysteine Utilization, Biofactors 1997;6:321-338 J Cell Biochem, 1998 Jun 15: 69(4):483-9; Want S.M., Lee L.J., Chang C.M., Department of Anatomy, Colege of Medicine, National Taiwan University, TaiPei, Republic of China Perlmutter, D., 2004 The Better Brain Book, Riverhead Hardcover; 1st edition (August 19, 2004) Shakhova et al., Zh Obsheh. Khim., 32, 390 (1962) Souba, W.W., et al. The Role of Glutamine in Maintaining a Healthy Gut and Supporting the Metabolic Response to Injury and Infection. J Of Surgical Res., 1990:48(4):83-91 Wilmore, D. W., et al, The gut: a Central Organ After Surgical Stress; Surgery 1988:104,(5):917-23

24 This e-book/article is the intellectual property of Anne Robinson a.k.a. Annie Infinite and is not to be copied, reproduced, modified or published in any way without the express permission of the author. This article/ebook is for information purposes only and should not be taken as medical advise.

25 This e-book/article is the intellectual property of Anne Robinson a.k.a. Annie Infinite and is not to be copied, reproduced, modified or published in any way without the express permission of the author. This article/ebook is for information purposes only and should not be taken as medical advise.

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