Healthy Lifestyle Expo Mag 2014

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Hi and welcome from Wayne and Annie! Our vision for the You Can Heal Yourself Foundation is a way to promote, educate and inform on truth and awareness on living more consciously and to be aware of the effect we are having on our planet and health. We want to promote a healthier, happier way of life in an integrative, collaborative atmosphere. Bridging the gap between all types of healing and harnessing the power of an alliance between medical, natural and energetic healing communities. We are dedicated to a more scientific approach using medical, biological and quantum science as a base for our approach. We truly believe that happiness, joy and living a conscious life are the keys to true health, both for ourselves and our planet. The You Can Heal Yourself Foundation will be bringing you events based around this vision and mission including the Healthy Lifestyle Expo and the Conscious Music Festival.


contents 4 Wayne Pina-Roozemond 6 Annie Infinite 7 Less Stress... Live Life 8 A Theory on the Cause of Allergies in Babies and Young Children 10 Pathways Wellness Centre Team 18 Food Farmacy Exhibitor Map 19 Workshops, Seminars and Presentations - Alternative Fitness Expo, Exhibitor Stage 20 Main Event Map 22 Workshops, Seminars and Presentations - Main Stage, Playhouse Theatre 23 Alternative Fitness Exhibitor Map 24 Healthy at 96? 25 Healing Through Balance 26 Dancing Bernice says Bamboo Charcoal Socks are “Comfort Food” for Her Feet! 26 Bamboo Charcoal Wrist Supports Make Life Easier for New Mum 27 Modern Executives Use Japanese Haramaki Wrap for a More Comfortable Pregnacy 29 Best News for Pet Owners Yet 31 5 Simple Ways to Say Thanks 32 Improving Your Family’s Health With Fermented Foods 33 Older Donors Saving Lives 34 Healing Touch of Nature 35 Innerwise 37 Stem Cell Nutrition is for Every Body. Everyday, Understand How it Works 38 When We Sing 39 Practical Tips for Bust Superwomen


Wayne Pina-Roozemond... The third of May this year was my ninth anniversary of letting my spirit guide me in everything I do and say. It has been an interesting journey for me, taking at least four years to retrain my brain thought patterns and to let go of old habits and programming. With the start of a new cycle in my life I am full of vigor to see what happens in the next nine years Over the last six years I have been on an interesting journey allowing my intuition and spirits guidance, take me to where I needed to go. Firstly they showed me a way of healing by recognizing the physical patterns based around the emotional stress or state a person was in. My Self Healing Awareness course was an eye opener for many people and I taught it for about 18 months before spirit informed me that it was time for the Expo. The first Expo was in Woodford in 2011 and was little more than a tent city market, but the premise of the Expo was already set. First and foremost, the Expo is a place to educate the public to all the available options on their healing journey. By understanding this and what is available, whether that is Western Medicine, Traditional Medicine or Spiritual Guidance, or a mixture of all of them, the choice needs to be yours.


Each person’s individual health journey is their own and needs to be made based on informed and unbiased information, not fear and rhetoric. In three short years, what is now “The Sunshine Coast Healthy Lifestyle Expo,” is now an international event, with international, interstate and local doctors speaking on our stage, attracting attention from all walks of life. Our aim stays the same, a balanced, non biased, informative Expo where people can get information and ask the questions they want to ask without fear or favour. Each persons path to health is their own, no one way is right for everyone and though myself and others may have their own person opinions in relation to their beliefs, they are exactly that, our beliefs and our path, not one we force upon people, no matter what they believe.




Annie Infinite... Annie Infinite is one half of the dynamic duo who organise, promote and manage the Healthy Lifestyle Expo each year, along with her business partner Wayne PR. Together they have build the HL Expo into an international event, spanning countries and presenting one of the most professional ‘to the public’ integrative health expo’s in the world. Featuring a specialised mix of science, wisdom and nature, the expo is set to become a premier international event that will bring visitors seeking knowledge about living a healthier life on a healthy planet from the Sunshine Coast to all over the world. Annie Infinite is a successful event promotion strategist who has helped make the ‘Healthy Lifestyle Expo’ and other client events national and international successes. She is also a digital and social media educator with over eight years of experience in using social sites (15 years if you count forums and blogs), whose clientele has included both international and Australian businesses with wide and varying interests from green businesses, jewellery, coaches, natural therapists, business consultants, resorts, real estate, directories and social sites. I love the way I do business, I get to engage and talk to some of the most wonderful people all over the world on a daily basis. I also get to spend time


with passionate business owners just like you and help them engage with their audience and create those connections that will result in success for all. I certainly have the best job in the world! I always had a love of learning, a love of science (I even taught secondary school science and history at one stage), a love of life and a love of teaching others. My life has included some moments that were not always pleasant, but as I have said they have all lead me here to this moment right here, right now. At one stage when I was at my most unhappy, I had (yes, had) a disease called Multiple Sclerosis and was in a wheelchair but I decided to get over that J. Now live and love my life as an entrepreneur, grandmother, moonlight dancer, beach paddler, tree whisperer and howler at the moon. Just as we can all move forward in life by making new decisions about who we are and what we believe. Now I love my life!


Less Stress....


wake in the morning to little feet at my bed, and it’s only 4am. My 5yr old tells me he has wet the bed, so give him reassuring words, and I get up to strip the bed and put him back to sleep. But I am awake, no chance of going back to sleep now – I start thinking of the two deadlines that need to be met, contracts that are being negotiated, how to improve business, then thoughts change to my children. One hasn’t bought homework home for a week, the other the teacher tells me “is terrible with instructions” – hmmmm, need to spend more time with them both. I can go on, with this until time to get up at 5.30am. Then the day really begins, and I feel a little on “edge”. A full day ahead with so much to fit in, how do we all do it? I’d love to go to the gym, but feel anxious about today’s workload, so I decide I’ll go tomorrow. Does all this sound familiar? It probably does, because I’ve talked with so many people who go through the same thing day in, day out. It will start to affect your health if the constant pressure of your lifestyle takes hold. Not all stress is bad; in fact it can be good. It can help you rise to the challenges, win that race and sharpens your concentration – but there comes a time when it can lead to serious health issues or interfere with relationships. These problems may include but are not restricted to: problems sleeping, asthma, eczema, headaches, digestive issues, loss of sex drive, constant worrying, inability to think rationally, loss of appetite, trouble with reproduction, weight gain or loss, moodiness, turning to alcohol or drugs to relax. Anxiety or depression. Our brain can’t help but respond to a stressor, it is normal. Inside our brain is a tiny region which holds our hypothalamus – it reacts to stress like an alarm system would, when the alarm goes off it produces a flood of hormones including cortisol and adrenaline into your body. Adrenaline increases your heart rate and blood pressure (your now ready to run away or fight the stressor in a single leap or bound!) and cortisol increases the sugar level in your blood, and


LIVE LIFE by Anita Conroy

it also reduces the non-essential functions like your reproductive system, immune system, and digestive system (who needs them anyway when you’re about to be attacked by a grizzly bear. If our body is in a constant state of stress, then you can see how these hormones will affect your health in the long run. This is where massage and aromatherapy essentials oils can achieve a healthier state of mind & body balance. Massage will lower your heart rate and blood pressure, relax your muscles and increase the production of endorphins, your body’s natural “feel good” chemical. Serotonin and dopamine are also released through massage, and the result is a feeling of calm relaxation that makes chronic or habitual as well as acute or short-term stress much easier to overcome. Essential oils when used in massage have the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier meaning they have the ability to address stress at the nucleus of the problem (your brain) and trigger a response from the brain which is that of emotion - the response of calm, peace, and relaxation. A perfect combination, of essential oils and massage/ spa therapies will go a long way in achieving a happier, healthier self. Make time for yourself, and be involved in your life again. You only get one! Of course sometimes stress management isn’t enough and you will need to see your GP, but make it the starting point. You are worth it, and your family will enjoy you more too.


A Theory on the Cause of Allergies in Babies and Young Children By Rosilyn Kinnersley


rom my 20 years’ experience as a professional complementary health care practitioner the issues regarding compulsory immunization has raised some questions for which I cannot find answers other than those which continually come up in my practice. Questions: is it possible that immunity to childhood diseases could be inherited from parents, and further down the genetic line, who have been vaccinated; if a criteria of diseases can be inherited through the gene pool then why not immunity through vaccination especially after several generations? For around five or six generations now, in the Western world, at least one parent has been vaccinated and for at least the past four generations, both parents have been vaccinated. However, one is compelled to ask is the immunity temporary or permanent? Do we actually know? Do disease organisms adapt so that immunity to the original organism does not guarantee immunity to the mutated organism? Medical and scientific researchers have been propounding for years that diseases such as some cancers, dementia, Alzheimer disease, heart disease, Cohn’s disease etc. are inherited and have found individual genes to suggest this. All and none of these can be inherited through either ‘great propensity for’, or created in this lifetime through the action of beliefs. Epigenetics is showing that we are actually changing our genetic material by influencing our environment i.e. through our thoughts and beliefs.

asthma and various other reactions supposedly to a variety of causes labelled as ‘allergies’. Parents have taken their child/children here, there and everywhere seeking help and relief, hoping for a cause and more importantly, a cure for their child’s condition. It has come to my attention, loud and clear, that most babies and children who end up with allergies, are born with a high immunity to those conditions for which they are vaccinated. This creates an overdose situation within the body and the immune system responds by slowly but surely turning on the body, in the long term creating and setting the scene for later autoimmune conditions. In the short term the immune system tries to rid the body of the overdose effects anyway it can and especially by setting up sensitivities to certain things. The lungs (asthma), skin – also known as the third kidney (eczema and psoriasis) and bowel (digestive and food sensitivity) are all organs of elimination. It seems perfectly obvious to me that the body is working very hard to get rid of something (it is overdosing on). Could it be, hmmm, I wonder, just maybe an educated guess – over dose to one or more of the vaccines?

Presuming some diseases are inherited then why not immunity?

The obvious solution to this would be to bring in the option of a blood test before automatic immunization (or take a grander, firmer stand with policy to instigate a blood test), that all babies be blood tested prior to when the first vaccination is due to gauge their immunity level to all the vaccinations on offer, before they are automatically given any vaccinations. A one stop blood test would be ideal. If immunity shows low or nil, then the vaccination option could be administered; if immunity shows good to excellent then no vaccination need be given.

So often in my Practice I see babies and young children with horrific skin conditions, debilitating

Allergies are merely a symptom of a deeper cause and allergies are a direct scream from the body,



via the immune system, for help. Many parents (including me some 35 years ago) seriously debate the question of vaccination and do so out of the immense love they feel for their child, not wanting to put their child at possible risk from the vaccination. However, eventually the fear factor sets in: fear that their child will not be permitted an education though the public system because they cannot attend a school without that piece of paper to say they have been vaccinated. Another scenario is presented as more people with babies and young children travel overseas. The issue of vaccination requirements for certain countries may force many parents to just get the shots done and over with and who knows how important those vaccinations may be if the child later wishes to travel overseas as an adult. Despite all my searching and research I have not come across anything that hints at a plausible root cause to these pesky allergies yet my Clinic work backs up this theory time and time again. I would be extremely grateful if there is someone out there who can even tentatively support or totally knock down my theory please.



Level 1, 7 Ocean Street, Maroochydore QLD 4558 07 5326 3336


Kris McKenzie Scenar Therapist Level 4 Masterclass. Nes Practitioner and Trainer. Relieve pain. Improve function. Regulate all of the bodies systems. Email - Mobile 0400 661 047

Brad Franklin

The Pathways Wellness Centre is a new hub of healing and wellness Dip Remedial Massage in Maroochydore with integrative Atlas Realignment Practitioner practitioners and high quality health �Get back into Complete Balance� providers, information, education, Phone: 5326 3336 Mobile 0406 677 698 workshops, classes and Products which is set to become an oasis all health and healing on the Healing-Therapies Sunshine Coast.

Nicole Lehmann

We have so many amazing consultants and practitioners, class Holistic Counsellor and and workshop facilitators and trainer Psychotherapist. all wanting to be a part of the Centre Specialising in relationships dreams and will be filling the pages on this and body symptoms. site with the names of those who Looking within not without. Available on Skype: nicole.lehman42 have become permanent residents Mobile 0487 173 187 of the centre, workshop and class facilitators and all the news we know you are waiting to know.

Donagh Marquard

Reiki Master, Psychic Medium Mobile 0400 775 402 DonaghsReadingsAndReiki Donagh works with honesty and with a positive attitude. 10

This centre is the only one of its kind in the heart of the Sunshine Coast and will act as a hub and central office of the YCHY Foundation and the Pathways Wellness Association the two governing bodies of our events and business. YOU CAN CAN HEAL HEAL YOURSELF YOURSELF EXPO EXPO 2014 2014 YOU

Sandra Meehan House of Ra “Ancient Healing in a Modern World” Phone: 5326 3336 Mobile 0402 047 679

Caryn Skeen (bsw) Zenith Healing shifting perceptions... Mobile 0400 916 060

Jade Banks APD AN

Dietitian Nutritionist Integrative Nutrition Care Mobile 0450 582 586

Suzanne White Tapping (EFT) Practitioner, The Masters Way Facilitator Mobile 0432 240 630


11 11




























By Dr David Hendrey, Chiropractor, life coach and author of Vision for Vitality


f you knew you were going to live to 96 years old, how healthy would you be?

George burns was once quoted as saying “If I knew I was going to live this long, I would have taken care of myself earlier”. Imagine for a moment you are sitting down to breakfast on your 96th birthday. What does the day have in store for you? • Are you healthy, happy and vibrant? • Are you bedridden or in a nursing home? • Are you surrounded by family and friends or are you alone? • Can you go for a walk along the beach or do you need to be pushed in a wheel chair? • Is your body weight in an ideal range or are you overweight? • Is your brain active or have you lost your capacity? The answers to these questions are largely determined by your lifestyle and habits over the coming decades. Step 1. Identity your why. To live a vibrant healthy life you will need to invest time money, energy and focus. Along the journey of life you will be tested and tempted to stray from your path. During these times, you will need to decide if the cost to keeping on track is worth it. You may love to go to music festivals to dance for hours. The music, the lights, the people having fun is fantastic. At these events there is an abundance of alcohol and drugs. If you want to wake up in the morning bright eyed and ready for the day, you are less likely to indulge. The reason is be healthy must be greater than the temptation. Spend a few minutes now writing down your “Why Statement.” Finish the following sentence: “I will achieve and maintain vibrant healthy living because……” Step 2. Who are you? Your genetics plays a part in your health profile. We can’t change our genetics but we must understand them first. A simple activity that will help you is to look thru your family history. What are the common 24

diseases and causes of death in your history? If your family tree is filled with people who suffer from heart attacks and strokes, then you need to pay special attention to your cardio-vascular health. If you’re predisposed to obesity and obesity-related disorders, pay very close attention to developing habits that keep you in an ideal weight range. Explore ways to keep fit and healthy while you are having fun. Choose walking or tennis as a hobby rather than computer games. Step 3. What do your love? To create habits and a lifestyle that will be sustainable, you have to pick things you love. Brainstorm lots of different things you can do to achieve your ideal health and vitality. Don’t force things, to live a healthy happy life, DO things that bring you health AND happiness. Step 4. Create the habits on step at a time. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Be kind on yourself and give yourself time to achieve the lifestyle that matches your heart and soul. Have fun with the process, discover more about yourself; Your dreams, wishes and idiosyncrasies. To create a habit you need to repeat the action for approximately 21 times. Make it easy to succeed by implementing a new healthy, fun, habit each month. Don’t try and do it all at once. Step 5. Assess, Refresh, recharge and refocus. Take time every few months to see how you are going. Reward your successes, analysis any challenges and refocus on your personal vision for vitality. Enjoy the process. YOU CAN HEAL YOURSELF EXPO 2014

Healing through Balance A Tibetan medicine approach to healing illness & disease

by Clayton Kuzma


ibetan Medicine or Sowa Rigpa is a system of healing that has developed over thousands of years in India and the Himalayan regions of Tibet. When translated, ‘Sowa’ means to heal an imbalance and ‘Rigpa’ means knowledge of a particular discipline. As one of the oldest systems of medicine in the world, Tibetan Medicine is grounded in the ancient Bonpo tradition of Tibet and more recently has incorporated medical knowledge from Indian, Chinese and Persian medicine. Over thousands of years, Tibetan Medicine has been the primary system of medicine practiced in the Himalayan region. Today, Tibetan Medicine is widely practiced throughout Tibet, India, Nepal, China, Mongolia and parts of Russia, and is currently emerging as a popular form of treatment in many European, American and Asia-pacific countries. Tibetan Medicine is a unique form of healing in that it is truly holistic and integrative. There is a deep recognition of the interconnectedness of all things and that health is influenced by a complex interaction of factors including an individual’s constitution, psycho-emotional health, spiritual health, environment and daily behaviour. The therapies applied by a Tibetan Medicine practitioner are seen as a means to restore harmony within the individual on all these levels. When there is harmony within an individual and harmony between the individual, their environment and lifestyle, there is health, happiness and prosperity. To help people regain health, Tibetan Medicine practitioners employ a skillful range of diagnostic, techniques including pulse analysis, urine analysis, and tongue diagnosis. The use of these techniques help the practitioner recognise the root cause of the disharmony in addition to the illness and disease. Alongside helping to relieve symptoms, the primary YOU CAN HEAL YOURSELF EXPO 2014

focus of Tibetan Medicine is to treat the root cause of the imbalance so an individual can truly heal. To highlight this focus, the Tibetan medical texts give the following example. Without treating the roots or the cause of the disease, it is the same as having a poisonous tree and only cutting off the leaves and branches without pulling it out from its roots. If you just cut the leaves and branches the tree will still continue to grow. Tibetan Medicine is beneficial for chronic diseases such as digestive problems, arthritis, asthma, skin problems, problems related to the kidneys and liver, sinus problems, insomnia, anxiety, heart disease, and problems related to the central nervous system. As a holistic system of medicine, practitioners consider changes to diet and lifestyle alongside herbal medicines and external therapies like massage, cupping, moxabustion and acupuncture in order to promote healing within the body and mind. Having a long history in traditional therapies, in addition to a degree in psychology, Clayton has been able to successfully integrate the principles of Tibetan Medicine training into his emerging practice on the Sunshine Coast. Whilst following the tradition of Tibetan Medicine, Clayton continues to integrate the latest in mind-body sciences to provide his clients with the best of traditional medicine and the latest advances in diet and nutritional medicine, positive psychology and mindfulness-based therapies and yoga-based therapies, providing a multi-faceted approach for his clients to return to health, happiness and prosperity. To learn more about how Tibetan Medicine is emerging in Australia and see how it may benefit you, drop by our stall the Healthy Life expo and say hello. Clayton will be there all weekend providing free health consultations. 25

Dancing Bernice says Bamboo Charcoal socks are “comfort food” for her feet! Vibrant 64 year old Bernice McCabe is preparing for a beach walk near her home on Bass Strait. Today is just a 3 km stroll, but Tuesdays she’ll cover 10 kms. Tonight is a small dinner party and then it’s dancing nearly every night of the week. Bernice was widowed 15 years ago. After the grandkids moved interstate, she moved, and joined local dance classes. She met a delightful gentleman. Now they dance four or five times a week - Ballroom/ New Vogue, and their favourite - the Waltz Marie. “I’ve only learnt a dozen dances, but I refuse to sit down”, laughs Bernice. “My feet used to just about kill me, I’d bathe, soak and rub them, and still they ached.” My nephew told me about Bamboo Charcoal socks. “They are like comfort food for my feet, now I put them on after dancing and they are bliss!” There are easy to wear bamboo charcoal supports for any part of the body that aches. So what is Bamboo Charcoal? Selected Asian bamboo stalks are exposed to intense heat (760 – 980 degrees Celsius). This process creates a unique bamboo charcoal which carries high electrical conductivity properties. Bamboo Charcoal powder is infused into fabrics, which reacts with your body to draw blood into that area to provide warmth, healing and all day relief from aching joints, speedy recovery from sore muscles, and increased energy. Says Bernice. “There are some dancers that are in their 80s and 90s; and with bamboo charcoal supports, I hope to still be dancing 30 years from now!” 26

Bamboo charcoal wrist supports make life easier for new mum Mei-ling Billing sees herself first as Mum to gorgeous one year old Felix, and then as a General Manager. But holding, carrying and feeding bub, pushing the pram, keeping a beautiful new house clean and all the computer work that goes with a busy advertising agency caused really painful and weak wrists, a precursor to RSI issues. At mothers group, Mei-ling found she wasn’t the only one, many new mums experience the same pain. To make matters worse many new mothers still work part-time or remotely from home, so the desk and computer set up, usually has them sitting and working incorrectly, sometimes balancing baby at the same time. Mei-ling discovered relief with bamboo charcoal wrist bands, and then shared it with her mother’s group. Bamboo charcoal powder results from firing bamboo at close to a thousand degrees for a couple of weeks, and infusing it into wrist supports, and a multitude of other supports for every part of the body. Its long been used in China to increase circulation and relieve pain.“ I couldn’t manage without the wrist bands for about five weeks” says Mei-ling,“ then as the pain disappeared, and my wrist strength was restored, I would just bring them out and use them whenever I felt discomfort. My wrists are getting better and better.” To ease your throbbing wrists, or anything that hurts, come visit Lawrence and the team from Aushealing at F7 Stand at the You Can Heal Yourself Expo, on May 24 and 25, or email for a brochure and a pricelist. You can order easily at, or call 0412 071 713 any time. Retail outlets Flannery’s Paradise Point, Miami and Robina. YOU CAN HEAL YOURSELF EXPO 2014

Modern executives use Japanese Haramaki Wrap for a more comfortable pregnancy. Mei-ling Billing is a delightful marketing graduate from Bond University on the Gold Coast who has recently become a new Mum. Mei-ling was enticed to London to see the world and fill a marketing and communications role for a syndicate of Lloyds of London. Like all the great love stories, she met Matthew, the man of her dreams overseas, and brought him home to Sydney in 2005. Whilst working in advertising in Sydney, they became pregnant, and at about 5 months, Mei-ling began to feel uncomfortable, as her stomach began to stretch, the skin became itchy, and the usual aches and pains arrived. On Dad’s advice, Mei-ling tried a Haramaki stomach wrap. It might be new to Australians, but it’s been used in Japan for many hundreds of years, dating back to Japan’s 12th century Samurai warriors. Made from closely-ridged layers of 97% cotton and 3% polyurethane, the haramaki is ideal for women of any age. Pulled on and off easily, it’s worn next to the skin, and can help ease menstrual cramps, aid digestion and give support during and after pregnancy. Historically the haramaki protected a soldier’s stomach and kidneys. For Mei-ling , it helped boost circulation, for her and bub, and provided an excellent comfort for her pregnancy aches and pains. “I was pregnant in the winter” says Mei-ling, “so it made sense to keep my core warm. If you are having aches and starting to feel heavy, with the baby moving around, then the haramaki wrap gives you a sense of comfort and support.” Today we find Mei-ling balancing life with her glorious brown eyed cherub Felix, husband Matt, and working hard as General Manager for busy advertising agency Metropolis Inc. Men, women and children can all benefit from the haramaki wrap. Come visit Lawrence and the team from Aushealing at F7 Stand at the You Can Heal Yourself Expo, on May 24 and 25, or email lawrence@ for a brochure and a pricelist. You can order easily at, or call 0412 071 713 any time. Retail outlets Flannery’s Paradise Point, Miami and Robina. YOU CAN HEAL YOURSELF EXPO 2014




Best News Yet for

Pet Owners

“baby boomers” with the main focus of slowing down the aging process. I bet they’d like to slow the aging of their pets too?!!

We get emotionally attached to our pets, since they may be the only living thing that shows us such unconditional love. They are an important part If you own big animals like horses, camels, pigs or families and when sick or suffering in any way, we can small like cats and dogs, learning about Stem Cell be as distressed as if it were a child. Nutrition and how it supports your pets natural repair and renewal system could be the best news Stem Enhance capsules and Stem Equine Granules are 100% all natural and animals love the taste, making it you ever heard. so easy to keep your pet in the very best of health, not Like humans, animals are designed to eliminate only physically but emotionally and mentally as well. old cells, replacing them with new, literally creating new parts of the body on a daily basis. It’s the never It’s the good health story of the future, your lucky to ending cycle of life and it is your pets own adult stem be hearing about it now. The way to support your cells that are responsible for this daily regeneration. animals to enjoy long, happy lives, fulfilling their good health potential. Stem Cells are released from the bone marrow in response to a call for help from anywhere in the For more info contact Veronica body. They find their way to the problem, move into 07 5494 2838 0438 776 836 Distributor ID 5576167 that tissue and they become cells of that type, like email: liver cells, skin cells etc.(ONLY STEM CELLS CAN DO THIS) and so the repair and renewal is achieved. Prevention is definitely better than a cure! The more circulating Stem Cells the faster the healing work gets done. Each complex function of the body relies on the many systems working perfectly to naturally achieve good health, but things are not always perfect, with environmental, food, accidents, external and internal influences, interfering with this grand design, resulting in declining health. This process can be gradual so we hardly notice it happening or it can be sudden and dramatic enough to get our full attention and require immediate action to maybe save a life. Stem Cell Nutrition can be of great importance to sick or injured pets, speeding repair and recovery. Too often pet owners don’t think about giving their animals the best nutrition so they can experience optimal health and resiliance, waiting till they are sick, can be too late. Stem Cell Nutrition is the cutting edge of scientific discoveries, with every medical journal, every area of Health and Wellness highlighting the role of Stem Cells in every application of repairing and maintaining the body. Anti-aging is the hottest topic on the planet since the largest number of people are YOU CAN HEAL YOURSELF EXPO 2014




5 Simple Ways to Say Thanks By Toni Powell

1. Write These days getting any sort of handwritten correspondence is quite rare and it is this reason that my favourite way to say thanks is to write a short note, a card or even a letter. I also love that people can re read the card or letter later on and they can further savour what you wrote. Alternatively, write in the sand, photograph it on your phone then email it. I got the pic above in my inbox from my daughter Hailey.

Apparently our greatest need, beyond our need for sex or even love, is the need to be seen, to be acknowledged, understood, noticed… our need to matter in the world. We crave for someone to notice our input, our achievements, our contribution – all of us do.

2. Praise Publicly

I wonder if it is because we are so small a part of the huge universe? In the big scheme of things we are not even a dot yet we want to be seen.

Make a list of the nice things they have done for you over the past years. Write it out on nice paper and post it.

Gratitude has the most crazy number of benefits, many entirely unexpected and it has become my life work to spread the joy of this practice. One of the things I most like about gratitude is the way that expressed gratitude can gift into the lives of those around us the understanding that they matter. This is healing to the body, to the soul and to the mind of both the giver and recipient of thanks. Here are a few simple ways to say thanks, do them often and your life will be enriched and the lives of those around you also.


Spread a little good gossip and get public with what someone has done for you. If it is an employee of a company that has served you well you might think about contacting their boss. 3. List it

4. The little gift Surprise them with a little gift. Alternatively it is easy, quick and cheap to surprise people with little notes. Tuck one in their pocket, bag or car to be found later. For family you might be able to hide on in their lunch box or under their pillow. 5. A good look Look straight into their eyes and tell them what they mean to you or, if that is a little too full on for you, say something like “The world is better because you are in it.”


Improving your Family’s Health with Fermented Foods Cultures around the world have been eating fermented food for centuries. The Germans have their fermented cabbage called sauerkraut and the Koreans have their version called kimichi. Scientific research is now starting to understand and document the enormous health benefits that eating these and other fermented foods have on our body. Fermented foods are foods that have gone through a fermentation process during which organisms, (usually a lactobacillus bacteria) feed on the sugar and starch in the food and release lactic acid which helps to preserve the food and pre-digests it for easier absorption. When we eat these foods we enjoy many different health promoting effects. The healthy bacteria in the food interacts with our own immune system which lines the wall of our intestines and helps offer a balancing effect to strengthen the immune system against infection and helps to reduce the inflammatory response that causes many different health issues such as eczema, dairy intolerance, irritable bowel syndrome and allergies just to name a few. During the fermentation process the bacteria produce digestive enzymes this predigests the food and allows us to absorb the nutrients of the food more easily. This is important not only for improving our nutritional levels of vitamins and minerals but also to ensure that undigested food is not sitting around in our digestive tracts feeding unhealthy organisms such as candida and pathogenic bacteria. The exact mechanism of how these healthy bacteria exert their many beneficial effects on our body is unknown but is likely due to correcting the intestinal pH levels, producing lactase, keeping the numbers of bad organisms down and interacting with the immunomodulatory cells within the gut that balance the immune response. Many of us are unaware that we often only absorb a little of our food. This means that not only are we missing out on essential vitamins and minerals but the bad organisms living in our digestive tract are having a feeding frenzy and 32

they dump lots of unwanted waste products into our intestinal blood stream adding to the inflammatory and acidic load on our bodies. Consuming fermented foods will not only assist in providing healthy bacteria but will also help the body absorb the many important vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in our food. The fermentation process is most effective when the food you are fermenting is as nutrient dense as possible which in turn will maximize the health benefits. There now exist many fermented superfood products that contain a range of impressive foods such as spirulina, dunaliella salina, and chia seeds. These provide not only the benefits of the bacteria and live enzymes but the health providing properties of the foods themselves with guaranteed absorption. For those who aren’t too sure they are ready to try fermented foods do to taste or a presumption that they take too much work to prepare, products like Wise Nutrients Clean Energy and Soul Warrior fermented, raw organic brown rice protein powders, all utilizing the benefits of fermented foods, can be excellent and simple complementary sources of nutrient rich energy to add to your diet. It also stands to reason that fermented foods would be the perfect platform for a detox program. FFDetox is our recommended system as it is simple, uses 100% certified organic products and can be modified easily to suit any ones detoxification needs (go to www. for more info). If we had to recommend the one greatest health promoting change to your diet it would be to include on a daily basis fermented foods provided from the life giving wisdom of nature.


Older Donors Still Saving Lives Many people wrongly assume they are too old to be considered for potential organ and tissue donation. Research commissioned by the Organ and Tissue Authority last year found there was strong moral support for donation, with 81 per cent of Australians aged 65 and over willing to become organ and tissue donors. However, 37 per cent wrongly believed they were too old. “It is important not to assume you are too old or unhealthy to become an organ and tissue donor,” Donation Specialist Nurse for DonateLife Danielle Upson said. “Last year, several people in their 80s donated tissues such as heart valves, skin, eyes, corneas and bone. These donations saved and transformed many lives by restoring sight; healing severe burns, and allowing people to walk again. “Transplant professionals will decide which organs and tissues can be used at the time of death after looking at your medical history, the condition of your organs and their suitability.” The research also found that half of those aged 65 and over had not discussed their donation wishes with family members in the past 12 months. Almost one third had never had the discussion. “The conversation you have today could one day transform the lives of 10 or more people,” Ms Upson said. “If you have made a decision about becoming an organ and tissue donor, make sure your loved ones know your decision to help them prepare, should the situation arise.” “Family members need to know because, should the situation arise, they will be asked to confirm your decision about organ and tissue donation. “It is also vital to ask and know the donation decisions of your family members, should you one day be asked to confirm their wishes.” One of the greatest motivators to family discussion is understanding the rarity of organ donation. Less than 1 percent of all deaths in hospitals are in the specific circumstances where organ donation is possible. Many more Australians have the potential to become eye and tissue donors. One donor can change the lives of up to 10 people and significantly improve the lives of many more. In 2012, Australia achieved its highest donation and transplantation figures since national records began, with 354 organ donors giving 1052 people a second chance at life. For information about organ and tissue donation and ways to Have The Chat That Saves Lives go to www.donatelife.govau or contact DonateLife Sunshine Coast on (07) 5470 16401 YOU CAN HEAL YOURSELF EXPO 2014


“The Healing Touch of Nature” A Return to an Organically Inspired Natural Lifestyle Tapping into Universal Joy & Health Have you noticed recently the increased focus on Organics, finally we are beginning to see the cumulative effects of toxic residues showing up in our foods, daily personal care and cleaning products. These are contributing to the breakdown of our immune system and our natural ability for the body to maintain balance and heal itself. Compounding this is our disconnection from the earth, having quality time to retreat from daily routines and stresses to restore balance and harmony. Confusion is rife over what’s organic and what’s not, so many companies are getting on the bandwagon making claims of being natural or organic however when you read the label they are obviously not. It’s easy to assume that if it’s in a health shop it must be good for me and safe. Do I really need to read all labels? Yes! Even if a product says it is natural or organic that is no guarantee that it is safe and free from harmful chemical residues, synthetic toxic ingredients or carcinogens. Clearing up the confusion Daily we are bombarded with pollutions of all kinds, from air to water quality, food additives, synthetic chemicals, noise, electromagnetic and visual pollution, these are all impacting us physically, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. How can we minimise and offset these damaging influences on ourselves and the environment? Is it possible to live healthy lives without getting caught up in the confusion and conflict as we navigate our way through the maze of marketing hype and latest trends? Yes! The words ‘Natural’ and ‘Organic’ are being used in marketing to green-wash us, giving a false sense that a product is safe and healthy, until we read the ingredient list finding many synthetic chemicals and preservatives. Also through the processing stages the natural raw ingredients become compromised and contaminated. 34

Certified Organic The only true way to differentiate between what is organic and non-organic is to look for a certified organic logo on the label, this is your guarantee that what you are purchasing is a truly natural organic product. Meaning that the raw ingredients have been grown, processed and manufactured without the use of any herbicides, pesticides, synthetic chemicals and preservatives. Thus having no harmful impact on the environment and being of benefit to our health and wellbeing. The two main Certified bodies that maintain the highest standards are ACO - Australian Certified Organic and USDA Organic. Be aware, there are now less stringent certifying bodies for natural and organic standards, not food grade with logo’s on products. Intelligent choices Our parents and more so our grandparents grew up on organic food, there were little if any toxic synthetic chemicals around then, that are now found to contribute to stress and toxicity leading to many of our modern day health issues. How do we make the right choices so we have a quality of life that is easy to maintain and at the same time provides us with all the energy that we need to meet the day to day stresses and strains of modern living? Through our own self - education and awareness we can begin to discern a way through the minefield that awaits us each time we spend our valuable hard earned dollars. Let your heart be your guide. Australian company leads the world In our own search to find a way of living that is as close to nature as possible we have discovered some fundamentals that are essential to restoring an organic and natural lifestyle providing a quality of life that is both functional and creative. by Alora Waldon - come and see us at Stall L4 for an Expo Special. YOU CAN HEAL YOURSELF EXPO 2014

Innerwise by Debbie Nehoff

Although not new, working with energy is an interesting way for healing your own personal issues as well as in a clinic situation. I have become more interested and passionate about Energy and how to apply this for treating myself and others since Innerwise came to NZ from Germany three years ago. What an amazing therapy. Innerwise caught my attention because it is very much about working on yourself, first and foremost. This is important for everyone but especially therapists that work with others. We have the ability and, with the knowledge, we are now able to learn to do self-work. Wouldn’t it be great to look after yourself day to day as the issues arise? Old issues are also able to be dealt with without putting yourself back into the trauma of the past situation. Sometimes (our) issues belong to someone else. Working on the energy field around this can change these situations by allowing you to see what is going on while also giving the other person/people the correct energy for them to change the way they see things as well. Isn’t it our responsibility to care for ourselves? This is the very nature of Innerwise and the way I now live my life. Imagine having the ability to feel organs and bones, what feels good and what needs your attention. Amazingly easy to do. Energy is within and around us all, getting easier to feel the more we acknowledge and use it. It is even more exciting to then be able to change the disease in the body by balancing the emotional events that are causing the imbalance in our lives. By applying energy techniques we are able to change so many patterns that keep us stuck in old issues that no longer serve us. Can you imagine being able to work on the energy field of a family and YOU CAN HEAL YOURSELF EXPO 2014

changing the way you view and get along with each other? Helping you to see how a business is working and what is not supporting it, working with animals, distant sessions, families/friends, healing self and as a therapist are just some of the many ways we can work. It is great not to go out and spend money on lots of products and remember to take them, (something I was never good at) to know that your body is making the choice of the right dosage you need right now for you, are just a couple of benefits of working with Energy. We are evolving, which means the old ways of working are no longer supporting us. Innerwise is one of the amazing new ways being offered to us now. It is about helping you to believe in yourself and creating a deep knowing that you are worth it by releasing old patterns that keep us stuck in issues that no longer serve us. There are many choices today. It is up to you to feel what is ‘the right way’ for you. If interested please come to the Heal Yourself Expo and have a taste for yourself. Learn to live with Integrity and without Compromise. You are Important.




Stem Cell Nutrition Is For Every Body Everyday, Understand How It Works Some years ago a breakthrough discovery was made by numerous scientific teams throughout the world. Adult Stem Cells are The Master Cells, playing a key role in the natural repair and maintenance of the body, having the ability to become virtually any cell type of the body. When ASC placed on brain, liver or muscle tissue, they rapidly become brain, liver and muscle cells. Studies using Green Fluorescent Protein, allow visual tracking of stem cells, showing that when an organ is challenged it causes the release of compounds that trigger stem cell release from the bone marrow. Then the organ releases compounds to attract the stem cells, once they reach the organ in need, they migrate into the organ, proliferate and become cells of that organ, promoting tissue renewal. This process takes place every day of our lives and constitutes the natural renewal system of the body, but as we age, the number of stem cells circulating becomes less and less so that the degeneration of the body becomes more rapid than the regeneration. Thanks to one of the most exciting discoveries of our time By Neurological Scientist Christian Drapeau we now have Stem Cell Nutrition. StemEnhance2 is a concentrated, all natural organic product, scientifically proven to support the release of stem cells from the bone marrow and increase the number of circulating stem cells by up to 40%. SE2 is an improved blend of wild grown and harvested ingredients known to have an extraordinary effect on our stem cell physiology. A powerful anti-oxidant and strong natural anti-inflammatory YOU CAN HEAL YOURSELF EXPO 2014

compound, a polysaccharide supporting immune function, and phenylethylamine (PEA), known as the “molecule of love� which increases mental clarity and provides a sense of well being. Packed with vitamins and minerals, it is a Whole Food Supplement like no other. Light years ahead, Stem Cell Nutrition is set to lead us into the age of self realisation, where people take responsibility for their own health and wellbeing, by investing in prevention rather than desperately searching for a cure. Increasing the number of circulating stem cells is one of the wisest decisions you can make to regain and maintain optimal health and increased energy. For People and Pets, and Peak Performance. Just 5 minutes to collect your FREE DVD from STALL J5 at the Expo ORDER BEFORE THE EXPO FOR THE SPECIAL PREEXPO BONUS PACK Each month there is a FREE INFORMATION SHARING EVENT on Sunshine Coast Please come along and Join The Good Health Revolution by calling Veronica for more information 07 54942838 mobile 0438 776 836 email: or go to my ID 5576167


When We Sing... C The world’s most accessible instrument is the human voice. If you have a voice – you can sing. You can sing in the shower, in the car, doing the housework, while you are cooking, to your children, you can even get lessons... (not all at once, perhaps!). But there is something even more special that happens when a group of people come together and sing. I call it JOY! More and more scientific research is emerging about the benefits of group singing. The physical benefits of reconnecting with our body and our breath are just the start. Some research suggests that singing in a group may well produce feel good endorphins, release oxytocins (which can alleviate stress and anxiety), and may actually lower levels of cortisol (which also lowers stress). One recent study even suggests that our heart rates sync when we sing together. * Not only do we experience the benefits for ourselves, but I declare that singing in a group raises the vibration of not only the group and space the group sing in, but also the world.

So here is my invitation to you. Stop watching those ‘talent’ shows on the tv, let go of your fear – or whatever story you have that is holding you back from expressing your Self and get out there and just sing. Find a group that works for you and get actively singing. JOY awaits you! Join me on the Main Stage at this year’s expo on Sunday morning at 9.15am–9.45am for a group singing session Singing Your Song – creating inner harmony, that will lighten your heart and nourish your soul. All welcome! Emma Creed is a gifted music educator, workshop facilitator and choral conductor. A perpetual student of master of sound, Chris James, Emma brings something special to the sessions she facilitates and you will be sure to leave feeling calm, connected and JOY-full!. * references available on request. Emma Creed – Community Music Educator

Here is my ‘it’s not rocket science’ take on it... When we sing, we are able to relax, breathe, listen and reconnect with our whole body. We can let go of our heads and open our hearts. We can find our natural voice and sing our song, accessing new levels of Self expression. When we sing, we create gentleness and harmony from the inside out and experience conscious connection with our Self and others. When we sing, we lighten up and find joy. When we are joyous, our light shines brighter and we are more connected to ourselves and each other. When we are more connected we can live in harmony and experience JOY at a deep level. What if group singing could not only nourish our soul, but create world harmony? That would be something to sing about! 38


Practical Tips For Busy Super Women Are You Ready To Stop Striving And Start Thriving? by Colleen Scott of Warrior Goddess Breathe. It doesn’t matter how you do it, just do it. When we are triggered we tend to hold our breath and this creates more reaction in our body. Release this state of contraction in your body by breathing deeply and let the creative energy flow once again. Nutrition. Eating a variety of healthy whole foods and drinking plenty of water is essential for optimal body functioning. Rest and Relaxation. We need quality sleep for a healthy body and an alert mind. Take mini relaxation breaks to recharge your body and mind throughout the day. Exercise. Movement releases stuck energy in your body which will calm your nervous system down. Take A Walk In Nature. Connecting with nature creates a state of peace and wellbeing in the midst of change. Have A Spiritual Practice. Dance, Sing, Meditate, Chant, Draw, Journal, Pray, Paint, Write or Read Inspiring books and quotes. Do anything creative that nurtures your connection with your soul.


Play. Look at the world through the eyes of a child with awe, wonder, curiosity, an open heart and have fun. Remember, laughter really is the best medicine! Know Your Desires. Create a vision board with all of your dreams for each aspect of your life. Be Mindful Of Your Thoughts. Put post it notes everywhere to remind yourself to keep your thoughts in alignment with your true desires. Balance Your Emotions. Using essential oils and flower essences can support your emotional wellbeing. Join A Community. We are social by nature and it is important to surround yourself with others who are supportive and encouraging of you and your dreams. Have A Coach. A coach or mentor supports you through life changes. It is one of the best investments you will ever make in yourself to help you stay focused and take the action necessary to create the life you truly desire!



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