Wellbeing3 June/July 2014

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June/July 2014


noun: wellbeing the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy.

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In This Issue: 5 Tips to Finding a Massage Therapist Make your Road Trip a Healthy Adventure What the Heck is Toe Reading? Benefits of Yoga 2014 CE Calendar

Welcome to our Digital Magazine!

This is our fourth issue and each time we find more to add. In the interest of saving a few trees, we are also 100% digital. One of our goals is to share with you tips for overall health and wellness. As a massage instructor, I know how beneficial massage can be but I also know that massage is just one part of a comprehensive wellness plan that can really result in a higher quality of life. I speak from experience! Taking care of myself is something that is a bit new to me. Like many people, I assumed that my body would just take care of itself and I did not need to contribute much. I loved junk food and sitting on the couch. Over time, the more I taught, the more I realized that I needed to practice what I was preaching. Our bodies need to move! Our bodies need to be nourished with delicious whole foods! Our minds need to take breaks! We need to breathe and laugh and get outside as often as possible. For me I could not do it all at once. I added a little bit at a time. That is the intent of our Wellbeing magazine. A tip, a tidbit or a trick here and there to lead everyone to a better sense of well being. The longer I practice good self-care, the easier it gets and now, it is pretty much a way of life. However, I haven’t forgotten the long road to get here and I still have to remind myself constantly that I am worth taking care of! One of my favorite sayings is “You can’t give what you don’t have.” I am not certain who said it, but it is so true. If you do not have well being, you cannot share it with others. The gift we give ourselves creates an abundance we can share with the world. Thank you for reading our magazine. If you have a friend who would like it, please send them the link so they can sign up to receive it as well. We hope you enjoy our little corner of wellness in the digital world! With gratitude,

230 N. Mission, Wenatchee www.CRIMassage.com

(509) 888-7272


Copyright 2014 - Columbia River Institute Wellbeing3 (to the third power) is published every other month.

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June/July 2014

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Tips to Finding a Massage Therapist

By Katrina Clark, LMP Summertime is upon us, and that usually means a family vacation thrown in there somewhere. If you’re like me, one of my favorite things to do is to schedule myself a massage while I’m on vacation and experience different techniques. Or maybe you’re the person that doesn’t want their weekly massage routine interrupted. Whatever it may be, let’s be honest, massages are just awesome so why not make the most out of your vacation! However, there a few steps to ensure you find the right massage therapist and location. I was in Hawaii last year and learned a hard lesson, and I want YOU to learn from my mistakes. First off, I didn’t do my homework. I was so excited about being in Hawaii for the first time that I didn’t think to do any real research while booking my massage. I thought, how bad can a massage be in Hawaii? I just picked the first place that caught my eye on Google search and chose it based on its more affordable pricing. It wasn’t until I arrived for my appointment and noticed the dirty waiting area and unprofessional staff, that I started to regret not doing my homework. I even paid extra to have my massage “beach side” to make it extra special. Apparently beach side just meant opening up the back door and scooting the massage table outside (which was a parking lot, not a beach by the way) where everyone including the FedEx guy could watch me. Um . . . no thanks. The second I left, I started looking up reviews for this place. Turns out I wasn’t the first person to leave there with my skin crawling. And to think this could have been avoided if I had just done my homework in the first place! Here are five key tips to make sure you have a great massage experience while out of town!


I know this seems like a no brainer, but it’s all about WHAT you Google. Make sure you get as specific in your search as possible and ALWAYS check reviews! Luckily for us, we live in a day and age where just about every piece of information we could possible want is available on the web. Websites like Yelp and Tripadvisor are great resources. Continued on Page 9

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June/July 2014

Columbia River Institute of Massage Therapy Uses Facebook to Inform our Followers about upcoming events, and continuing education classes, as well as openings in the Student Clinic.

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Lavender is considered the “Universal Essential Oil” and is the most commonly used essential oil as it is beneficial for just about everything!

Stephanie Blakley, LMP

It’s list of therapeutic properties is long, but the most popular uses include relaxation, anti-anxiety, antibacterial, deodorizer, insect repellent and is used to treat a number of skin issues including dry skin and sunburns. Try diffusing a few drops of Lavender to help create a more calm and relaxed environment or add a few drops to a warm bath for the same effect. See for yourself the benefits of Lavender, and try out our recipe for After Sun Spray (see page 12)

Origins Massage, PLLC

101 Cottage Avenue Suite C Cashmere WA 98815 509-393-1887

stephanie@originsmassagetherapy.com Facebook: Origins Massage -Graduate of Columbia River Institute -AMTA Member Stephanie is Co-founder of Origins Massage. Stephanie is also a Certified Aromatherapist and loves to incorporate aromatherapy with massage for maximized results. She has a deep desire for personal wellness and loves being able to help her clients see progress each visit. Services include relaxation, hot stone, pregnancy, aromatherapy and migraine relief. Origins Massage also bills Motor Vehicle.

It’s no secret that fragrance lifts and enhances one’s mood. The aroma of many plants, such as the elegant orange-blossom aroma of neroli or the closely related and less expensive petitgrain -- as well as jasmine, sandalwood, and ylang ylang -- relieve depression and anxiety. All these fragrances are available for purchase at CRI.

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June/July 2014

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5 Ways To Make Your Road Trip A Healthy Adventure Summer has finally shown up, and you may be getting the itch to jump in the car and go exploring. With blue skies, a great playlist, and the open road ahead, just the thought of a road trip can bring a smile to your face.

Yet with all the sitting and road sign after road sign for fast food ahead, how can you possibly stay healthy for days on end? Try these manageable tips to keep you and your traveling companions happy and healthy.

1. Get a good night’s sleep.

Part of being on vacation is the luxury of not having a set schedule. This is the perfect time to let your circadian rhythm readjust and give yourself permission to go to bed early or sleep in. By allowing yourself proper rest, you’ll avoid driving drowsy, which helps prevent car accidents and maintains your alertness on the road.

2. Map out healthy restaurants and farmers markets along your route.

If you know your route in advance or have access to a good WiFi connection, take some time to search out healthy restaurants or local farmers markets along the way. There are several websites out there that make it super easy to find locally grown and organic options. With the sustainable food movement continuing to spread, spend some time talking with local vendors, as they’ll have insider tips that you might not be able to find online.

3. Pack a cooler.

Buy extra goodies at the farmers market so you can stock up on healthy snacks like ripe peaches, hand roasted nuts, or local yogurt. Then, during your next stop at the gas station, stock up on ice for the cooler instead of typical salty and sugary road trip fare.

4. Stop and explore.

Sitting in the car can lead to lower backaches and stiff legs, so it’s important to get out of the car and move your body restoring blood flow. Half the fun of road tripping is stopping to explore a new area. Bring your sneakers and go for a hike, or find a beautiful park and practice some yoga moves.

5. Be a water baby.

Whether you book a hotel, motel, or a house rental along your road trip route, try and seek out one with a pool or nearby lake to take a dip. Summer is the perfect time to cool off in outdoor waters and has the added benefit of helping stiff, weak muscles recover. If you’re lucky enough to find a heated pool or Jacuzzi, the warm water helps to aid digestion and promote relaxation, which was the point of your road trip in the first place! Source: Mindbodygreen.com Wellbeing3 - body mind spirit l


June/July 2014

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Cauliflower Pizza Crust:

2 cups cauliflower 1/4 tsp smoked paprika 2 Tblsp nutritional yeast 1 garlic clove 2 Tblsp olive oil 1 Tblsp fresh oregano pinch of salt

Health benefits of Cauliflower

100g of fresh cauliflower head provides only 26 calories. Nevertheless, it comprises of several health-benefiting antioxidants and vitamins in addition to be very low in fat and contains no cholesterol. Its florets contain about 2 g of dietary fiber per 100 g; providing about 5% of recommended value. Cauliflower contains several anti-cancer phyto-chemicals like sulforaphane and plant sterols such as indole-3-carbinol, which appears to function as an anti-estrogen agent. Together these compounds have proven benefits against prostate, breast, cervical, colon, ovarian cancers by virtue of their cancer-cell growth inhibition, cytotoxic effects on cancer cells.

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Tomato Sauce:

1 cup sun-dried tomatoes (soaked overnight) 1 med-large tomato 1 tsp red pepper flakes 1 Tblsp lemon juice 3 scallions


Shitakes and arugula, marinated for a few mins in balsamic vinegar


1. Chop cauliflower into small pieces and add to food processor, blending until it’s pretty smooth. 2. Add cauliflower and all of your remaining crust ingredients to the food processor and pulse until well-combined. 4. Spread the dough into 1 large circle on a tefex sheet (making sure to not spread it too thin – about ½ inch is good) 5. Place in your dehydrator overnight, or place in your oven at 200 degrees for 1 hour. 6. Cut shiitake mushrooms into strips and toss with arugula and balsamic vinegar and set aside. 7. Combine ingredients for your tomato sauce in a blender or food processor. 8. Remove crust from oven or dehydrator, spread tomato sauce on top, and add toppings. Enjoy! Sourced from sidesaddlekitchen.com This is the perfect summertime recipe to utilize the fresh produce we have available to us! These ingredients are available year round, but fresh and in season is always best! Cauliflower is packed with all kinds of health benefits. It provides cardiovascular support, is a great source of fiber and has anti-inflammatory properties. The other ingredients pack a healthy punch as well, making this a yummy, healthy alternative to pizza!

June/July 2014

Wellbeing3 - body mind spirit l


Place Your Ad Here!

We offer advertising to local companies who provide holistic health and wellness. Prices as low as $20 per issue

See back page for rates and information


S PA A Little Luxury on the Lake... 1.509.682.2561 ext 207 campbellsresort.com

June CE Classes by Kelli Wise, BS, LMP

Ethics and the Internet

June 28 - 9am-1pm 4 CE Hours - **$99 This class will give you the strategies and skills to use the internet and social networking sites like Facebook while still providing a safe and healthy environment for you and your clients. If you are a massage therapist, physical therapist, or other bodywork professional, you and your employees need this class. In 4 fun filled hours, we’ll cover Boundaries, Professional roles, Social Networking outlets, Strategies for using Social Networks and Potential pitfalls and how to avoid them

Blogging for Your Business

Your First Business Website

If you aren’t blogging for your business you are ignoring one of the most powerful marketing tools available to you.

You’ve decided that you need a website but have no idea where to start. We’ll skip the techno-babble and cover what you need to know using language you can understand. Topics include Why it’s critical that your business have a website, The website dictionary, Tools (many of them free) that will help you set up and create a website, Where to spend and where to save, Setting goals and measuring results.

June 28, 2014 - 2pm-6pm 4 CE Hours - **$99 Open to the public

Topics include: Creating a strategy, What are the benefits, pitfalls, pros and cons, What you need to have in place, The blogging dictionary, How to plan your blog content and Website/Blog/Digital media, Setting goals and measuring results, and How to draw visitors to your blog. This course is open to any small business owner, not just massage therapists!

June 29, 2014 - 10am-2pm 4 CE Hours - **$99 Open to the public

This course is open to any small business owner, not just massage therapists!

Discounts: Sign up for 2 classes this weekend and save 15% - only $168, ($31 savings) Sign up for 3 classes this weekend and save 25% - only $223, ($74 savings) Wellbeing3 - body mind spirit l


June/July 2014

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AromaCraft Workshops Open to the public $45 - 1 CE hour

All supplies included. Participants will create one aromatherapy craft using up to three essential oils which will be available for discounted purchase at the conclusion of the workshop. Additional aromatherapy recipes will also be available.

Gardener’s Hand Scrub July 15 Bath Salts September 23 Hand Soap November 18

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What the Heck is Toe Reading? Nancy A. Newman, Master Toe Reader

Whenever I tell someone I am a toe reader, the very first question I get is: “What the heck is toe reading?” Toe Reading is the principle that the energy of beliefs and past experiences travel from the subconscious along the energy meridians, imprinting as three-dimensional holographic images on the toes and feet as the twists and shapes of the toes, toenails and feet, and the wrinkles, blisters, corns, callouses, fungus, freckles, scars, bunions, etc. which can occur. To a trained toe reader, every characteristic on your toes and feet means something. Very seldom is a blister just a blister. While it is true that the blister may have been caused by that new pair of shoes, or a longer than usual walk or run, how many people wear new shoes with no problem? How many times have you worn new shoes with no problem? It is more likely that the subconscious took advantage of a weakness in the energy in that area to get a message to you. We just have to learn the metaphorical language of the subconscious to understand the message. The Right Foot represents how you step out into the world – how you relate to the world, work and relationships. The Right Foot also represents your male energy, Yang, the past and your “outer world.” Your Left Foot represents how you relate to yourself and Spirit, however you define Spirit (God, Spirit, Universe, The Divine, Source, etc.). Even an atheist has a definition of Spirit as: “There isn’t any!” Your Left Foot also represents your female energy, the present, Yin and your “inner world.” It can also represent the “Divine Feminine” energy. Each toe represents something different as well. The meanings for each toe are the same on both feet, although the interpretation is influenced through the meaning of each foot. For example, what is presented to the world (right foot) might be totally different than your personal beliefs (left foot) even looking at the same toe on each foot. The Big Toe is your Destiny Toe, your “Self” toe. The element is Ether. The Second Toe is your Communication Toe, with the element of Air. The Middle Toe is your Action Toe and has Fire for the element. The Fourth Toe is your Relationship Toe. The element is Water. The Little Toe is your Trust toe, and the element is Earth. Even a basic knowledge of toe reading allows someone to gain insight into self, family, friends and clients. Toe reading is a perfect adjunct for holistic practitioners such as life coaches, massage therapists, reflexologists, acupuncturists, etc. I teach just such a class through Columbia River Institute, and it is even eligible for 6 continuing education credits!

June/July 2014

Wellbeing3 - body mind spirit l


5 Tips to Finding a Massage Therapist (Continued) Massage Schools

If you are on a budget like me, check and see if there is a massage school in the area. Going through a student clinic is a great way to receive a good, affordable massage.


Facebook is a great way to network with people you already know. Just simply throwing out a question like, “Where is a good place to get a massage in Hawaii?” could get you all kinds of great responses from friends who have been there and know first hand the best places to get a massage.

Groupon and Living Social

If you aren’t already familiar with these two websites I suggest you check them out. They are my favorite tools to use when looking for good deals and reviews. You simply put in the state and zip code of where you want a list of deals and narrow your search for what you’re looking for. They have deals on things like spa services, restaurants, shows, photography packages, travel packages, local art classes and so much more. They also have a ton of customer reviews for each deal.

Ask a Local

If you have a chance to talk to a local, take full advantage and ask away! Most times, just spending a few minutes talking to a local about the best places to go in the area is worth more then what you might have paid your travel agent! They are usually more than happy to promote local business and will be able to give you the best feedback on where to go, since chances are they go there on a regular basis!

Aromatherapy Certification

Three Level Series: January 16 & 17 January 30 & 31 c i l b u p the February 13 & 14, 2015 Open to

Price includes everything needed for all 3 classes.

$975 - Payment Plans Available Additional Essential oils will be available at a discounted price for students.

Discounts for Alumni of Massage Therapy or Reflexology programs. Multiple Enrollment Discounts Availablesee page 11

The course is a combination of the science of essential oils and the art of using them in your home or business.

Contact Columbia River Institute to enroll - (509) 888-7272 Limited to 10 Students

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June/July 2014

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Continuing Education Classes and Workshops Columbia River Institute Offers Continuing Education Classes and Workshops all through the year. For a complete list, see the schedule on page 16 Financing Available

Advertise Your CE Classes

If you are a Continuing Education provider or have a health-related workshop open to the public and you are interested in advertising in W3, listings are available for $50.00 per class, per issue. Our readership is located mainly in North Central Washington but includes people from all over the state. You are welcome to advertise your class even if it is not located in the Greater Wenatchee Area. If you are interested in teaching your CE class at Columbia River Institute, we offer a classroom that can hold up to 8 students on massage tables (4 tables, two students per table) or up to 12 students in a lecture-style class. Call Annie (509) 888-7272 for details. We are still accepting classes for 2014.

CE Financing Available

You can take all your required CE classes and pay for them a little each month. Financing must be done with a debit or credit card and early bird discounts will not apply if you are financing. A flat fee of 10% is added to the total of all your classes. Example: If you are taking 3 classes for a total of $180.00 you will pay $18.00 (10%) in financing for a total of $198.00 All financing plans must be 6 months or less. Call for details! (509) 888-7272

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June/July 2014

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Triggerpoint and Tenderpoint Techniques Class Added to CE Calendar August 19th, 9am-6pm Cost: $160, includes manual Instructor: Tom Benson

Benefits of the class are: ● Identify areas of need based on the clients symptoms and how to reduce associated discomfort. ● Identify common habits that can promote/or reduce Trigger and tender points ● Identify common triggers for various symptoms. ● Help teach techniques for the client to perform for themselves that will allow them more comfort untill they can get back to their practitioner. ● Techniques learned will be easily incorporated into clinical settings. Tom Benson has been a WA Licensed Practitioner since 1988, having graduated from Brenneke School of Massage. Tom has worked with Physical Therapy and Chiropractic clinics. He is the former owner/ operator of Associated Muscle Therapies Group, a massage clinic with up to six Massage Therapists. Tom has instructed with many of the Northwest Massage schools for the past 20+ yrs .

Join Us at our

OPEN HOUSE June 17th 5-7pm

Thinking about a new career?

If you are interested in a Massage Therapy Program, Aromatherapy Certification or Reflexology Program, stop by and learn more. We will have information on all three programs and Owner/ Instructor Annie LaCroix will be available to answer your questions. Financing is available! If you have been thinking about a new career, this is the time to take the leap! We can help. Snacks and drinks will be available and there will be a drawing for a free massage!

Class Costs and Multilple Enrollment Discounts

Massage Therapy Program: ...........................................$12,250.00 (plus books and table) Aromatherapy: ............................................................................$975.00 Reflexology: ..............................................................................$2,850.00 (plus books and chair) Payment plans available, contact Annie for information. (509) 888-7272

Total all three combined: ...............................................$16,075.00 Take all three for ...............................................................$15,500.00 ($575.00 discount) Total for Aromatherapy and Massage: ...................$13,225.00 Take both for .......................................................................$13,000.00 ($225.00 discount) Total for Reflexology and Massage: .........................$15,100.00 Take both for .......................................................................$14,750.00 ($350.00 discount) Total for Aromatherapy and Reflexology: ................$3825.00 Take both for ........................................................................... $3700.00 ($125.00 discount)

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June/July 2014

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After Sun Spray 4 oz Aloe Vera gel (or pulp from fresh aloe plant)

15 drops Lavender Essential Oil 1 oz Vitamin E Oil 5 drops Eucalyptus Essential Oil 5 tbsp witch hazel 5 tbsp water Combine aloe, vitamin E, and essential oils in a jar or small bowl and mix well. Add in the witch hazel and water and pour into a 4 oz. bottle. Shake well and store in refrigerator to intensify the cooling effect. After a day in the sun, take it out and spritz your sun-kissed bits to soothe and moisturize. Will keep for 1-2 months in the fridge.

The Benefits of Yoga From The American Osteopathic Association

​ wo women practicing yogaDeveloped T in India thousands of years ago, yoga has become an increasingly popular form of exercise in the United States. Whether yoga’s recent rise in popularity stems from an increase in stress levels or the following of a Hollywood trend, yoga delivers many benefits to those who incorporate it into their everyday lives. “Yoga is a healing system of theory and practice. The purpose of yoga is to create strength, awareness and harmony in both the mind and body,” explains Natalie Nevins, DO, a board-certified osteopathic family physician and certified Kundalini Yoga instructor in Hollywood, Calif. “As an osteopathic physician, I focus a lot of my efforts on preventive medicine and practices, and in the body’s ability to heal itself. Yoga is a great tool for staying healthy because it is based on similar principles.” While there are more than one hundred different types, or schools, of yoga, most sessions are typically comprised of breathing exercises, meditation, and assuming postures (sometimes called asana or poses) that stretch and flex various muscle groups. Benefits of Yoga “The relaxation techniques incorporated in yoga can lessen chronic pain, such as lower back pain, arthritis, headaches and carpal tunnel syndrome,” explains Dr. Nevins. “Yoga can also lower blood pressure and reduce insomnia.” According to Dr. Nevins, other physical benefits include: Increased flexibility Increased muscle strength and tone Improved respiration, energy and vitality Weight reduction The maintenance of a balanced metabolism Cardio and circulatory health Improved athletic performance Protection from injury Aside from the array of physical benefits, one of the best benefits of yoga is how it helps a person manage stress, which has been known to have devastating effects on the body and mind. “Stress can reveal itself in many ways, including back or neck pain, sleeping problems, headaches, drug abuse, and an inability to concentrate,” says Dr. Nevins. “Yoga can be very effective in developing coping skills and reaching a more positive outlook on life.”

“It’s not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it.” ~ Hans Selye

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Unlike more traditional forms of exercise, yoga’s incorporation of meditation and breathing help a person improve his/her mental well-being. “Regular yoga practice creates mental clarity and calmness; increases body awareness; relieves chronic stress patterns; relaxes the mind; centers attention; and sharpens concentration,” says Dr. Nevins. Body and self-awareness, in particular, are very beneficial, adds Dr. Nevins, “because it can help with early detection of physical problems or ailments and allow for early preventive action.” Because there are so many different kinds of yoga practices, it is possible for anyone to start. “Whether you’re a couch potato or a professional athlete, size and fitness levels do not matter because there are modifications for every yoga pose and beginner classes in every style,” says Dr. Nevins. “The idea is to explore your limits, not strive for some pretzel-like perfection.” Yoga can be practiced to enhance overall health, to improve balance, to heal and prevent injuries, to strengthen muscles and to open the body for meditation. “It is a great way to get in tune with your body and your inner self,” says Dr. Nevins. Yoga’s increasing popularity is proof that many people value an exercise system that engages the mind, body and spirit in equal measure. If you’ve never done yoga before, give it a try and see what it can do for you. June/July 2014

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Some applause for great dads

Gone are the days of dad working all day to come home to a pipe, slippers, and the evening paper while the kids sit waiting for dinner. This generation of fathers and step fathers are “all in” when it comes to child-raising. There’s more to a dad these days than little league coach. Men who play an active role in their children’s lives deserve a little recognition. Whether they are baby-wearing or carpooling, more dads are helping care for families “in the home,” some even full time. According to the US Census Bureau there were 93,000 stay-at-home-dads in the United States in 2000. Fast forward to 2012 and they reported 189,000 stayat-home dads and it’s not only moms at “Mommy and Me” anymore! Dads who work in the home chase kids, hold babies, sing lullabies, clean messes, play taxi driver, and juggle after school schedules. They get stressed out, touched out, and overwhelmed. These guys need “me time,” too. What does he do for down time? Video games, hunting, fishing, workout, massage? Stay-at-home-dads aren’t the only awesome ones, though. Many working fathers don’t take a break when they arrive home but dive right in to home life. Cooking, cleaning, and playing with the kids is more than “pitching in,” it’s a part of life with a family. More and more dads share in the sometimes exciting, sometimes mundane activities called life. Weekend dads are important, too. Sometimes circumstances arise in which a family lives apart. Trying to pack a week’s worth of time into a weekend can’t be easy. Going from a full house to an empty nest every other week can have an emotional effect, especially if they live miles away. What can you do for the special man in your life who shares your home, your children, and your life? You could find tickets to his favorite team’s game! Maybe there is a concert coming up he’d like to go to. Send him on a fishing/boating/ hunting trip. Slip a massage gift certificate into the stack of homemade cards from the kids. Heck, make him a card yourself! Cutting and painting construction paper sounds fun and he’ll know you’re “thank you” is coming from the heart! Allissa Haines, Writing a Blue Streak Wellbeing3 - body mind spirit l



Class Begins in September Graduates in June, 2015 750 Hour Program

Massage & Wellness Workshops Open to the Public

Columbia River Institute of Massage Therapy Columbia River Institute -- Massage and Spa Center 230 N. Mission, Wenatchee | (509) 888-7272 Appointment Required - Book Online www.CRIMassage.com

June/July 2014

Page 13

Reflexology Education Programs Certification Class begin September 2nd, 2014 Graduates March 8th, 2015 250 Hour Program Curriculum includes Reflexology History, Zones, Reflex points, Anatomy & Physiology, Pathology, Business and Ethics

Available s n la P t n e m Pay 2 (509) 888-727

Contact Annie t Discounts Available

en Multiple Enrollm age 11 See p

Classes will be held on Tuesday evenings from 5-9 There is one weekend required during the program and 50 hours in our student clinic.

If you have ever thought about changing careers or just adding something that is fun and beneficial for friends and family,

Consider Reflexology

Space is limited and our program is only offered once per year so register early. $200.00 discount for registrations received before July 15th. Reflexologists are now required to be registered with the Department of Health.

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June/July 2014

Wellbeing3 - body mind spirit l



Desktop Massage Face Rest: This Face Rest sits on a desk and the client can lean forward into it and receive a massage right at their desk. A unique idea for corporate massage where a full massage chair is not feasible. $50.00. Call CRI for more information. Dolphin Massage Chair: Older Dolphin Style Massage Chair in great shape. These chairs retail for $585.00. Almond body color with turquoise upholstery. $200.00 OBO. Older Massage Table without Face Cradle (would be good for sports massage events) $50.00. Older Massage Table $25.00

Columbia River Institute Student Clinic Relaxation Massage

One hour $30.00 - Two hours $60.00. The therapist will adjust the massage to focus on your requests.

Hot Stone Massage

One hour $40.00 - Two hours $80.00. Hot stone massage deeply heats the joints to provide the ultimate relaxation. A great wintertime treat.

Body Scrub Schedule your Massage online or call (509) 888-7272 230 N Mission Street Wenatchee, WA 98801 columbiariverinstitute.com

Wellbeing3 - body mind spirit l


One hour $50.00 - Two hours $100.00. The therapist will use an organic sugar scrub made with your preference of essential oils. The sugar scrub will gently smooth skin and give you a nice, healthy glow. Your visit will conclude with a full body massage that re-hydrates the body after the scrub, leaving you invigorated and relaxed.

Aromatherapy Massage

One hour $35.00 - Two hours $70.00. Choose from one of our seasonal aromatherapy blends added to our massage oil.

June/July 2014

Massage Chairs available to rent for events. Contact Annie for details.


If you have Massage related supplies for sale or a need to buy -- please email the details including a phone number and/ or email for contact, and we will post those needs and wants free of charge here! Send the information to: columbiariverinstitute@ gmail.com

Page 15

2014 Workshops and Continuing Education Calendar Aromatherapy: Level 1

9am - 5pm

Healthy Sleep Habitzzzzz January 23, 2014


Open to the public

Cost: $30 2 CE hours ($40)

January 18 &19, 2014

Aromatherapy: Level 3 March 22nd & 23rd, 2014

Open to the public Cost: $400 16 CE Hours Additional fee for Certification – Series Discount available Instructor: Annie LaCroix, LMP

Instructors: Chandra Villano, ND

AromaCraft Workshop: Air Fresheners January 30, 2014


Open to the public 1.5 CE hours Instructor: Annie LaCroix, LMP


Paperless Office February 12, 2014


3 CE hours Instructor: Annie LaCroix, LMP


9am - 5pm

Open to the public $400 16 CE Hours Additional fee for Certification – Series Discount available Instructor: Annie LaCroix, LMP

Toe Reading Basics May 10, 2014


Open to the public 6 CE Hours Instructor: Nancy Newman

Early Bird $99 $120 after April 1st

AromaCraft Workshop: Gift Baskets May 13, 2014


Open to the public 1 CE hour Instructor: Annie LaCroix, LMP


Save Your Hands May 17, 2014


6 CE hours

Early Bird $115 $130 after Feb 28

Instructor: Tim Morford, LMP

Aromatherapy: Level 2

Open to the public Cost: $400 16 CE Hours Additional fee for Certification – Series Discount available Instructor: Annie LaCroix, LMP

Digestive Health and Abdominal Massage

Intraoral Certification:

Paperless Office June 11, 2014


3 CE hours Instructor: Annie LaCroix, LMP


Ethics and the Internet


February 22nd & 23rd, 2014

9am - 5pm

Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMD) March 8 & 9, 2014 9:30am - 6pm 17 CE Hours Instructor: Mary Atkinson, LMT, NMT


AromaCraft Workshop: Poopourri March 18, 2014


Open to the public 1 CE hour Instructor: Annie LaCroix, LMP


Page 16

May 31, 2014

9am - 4pm

7 CE Hours $150 Instructors: Chandra Villano, ND & Annie LaCroix, LMP

June 28, 2014

4 CE Hours (Ethics) $99* *Discount: Sign up for 2 classes this weekend and save 15%. Sign up for 3 classes this weekend and save 25%. Instructor: Kelli Wise, BS LMP

June/July 2014

230 N. Mission, Wenatchee | (509) 888-7272 www.CRIMassage.com

Wellbeing3 - body mind spirit l


Blogging for Your Business

AromaCraft Workshop: Bath Salts

Your First Business Website

Immune Boosting Strategies

June 28, 2014


4 CE Hours (Business Training) $99* Open to the public *Discount: Sign up for 2 classes this weekend and save 15%. Sign up for 3 classes this weekend and save 25%. Instructor: Kelli Wise, BS LMP

June 29, 2014


4 CE Hours (Business Training) $99* Open to the public *Discount: Sign up for 2 classes this weekend and save 15%. Sign up for 3 classes this weekend and save 25%. Instructor: Kelli Wise, BS LMP

AromaCraft Workshop: Gardener’s Hand Scrub July 15, 2014


Open to the public 1 CE hour Instructor: Annie LaCroix, LMP



Early Bird $175 $190 after June 1st Instructors: Annie LaCroix, LMP and Dr. Chandra Villano, ND.

9 CE hours Instructor: Tim Benson, LMP


November 3, 2014


Open to the public 2.5 CE Hours Instructor: Chandra Villano, ND

$45 w/o certification $55 with certification

Business Bootcamp November 15, 2014


10 CE hours

Early Bird $160 $185 after Oct. 1st

November 18, 2014


Open to the public 1 CE hours Instructor: Annie LaCroix, LMP


Mastering Stress and Relaxation Techniques

Triggerpoint and Tenderpoint Techniques



AromaCraft Workshop: Hand Soap

10 CE hours

August 19, 2014


Open to the public 1 CE hours Instructor: Annie LaCroix, LMP

Instructor: Annie LaCroix, LMP

Manual Lymphatic Drainage August 2, 2014

September 23, 2014

Dates and times subject to change. Announcements will be made on our Facebook Page

December 1, 2014


Open to the public 2.5 CE Hours Instructors: Chandra Villano, ND

$20 w/o certification $40 with certification

Stocking Stuff Crafts using Essential Oils December 6, 2014


Open to the public 4 CE Hours Instructor: Annie LaCroix, LMP


Business Bootcamp Followup December 15, 2014


3 CE Credits

Free to November Class Participants

Instructor: Annie LaCroix, LMP

Wellbeing3 - body mind spirit l


June/July 2014

230 N. Mission, Wenatchee (509) 888-7272 www.CRIMassage.com

Page 17

Meditation Moment Advertise in Wellbeing3

Wellbeing3 (body mind spirit) eMagazine reaches over 1500 subscribers, and our list is growing!

Introductory rates are by issue or contract year (6 issues each year). Upon publication of each issue, advertisers will receive an online link to post on their website and share with social media channels.

We offer our advertising to local companies who provide holistic health and wellness. We reserved the right to only accept advertising which fits our philosophy. Prices are for advertiser-supplied 4-color digital ready art. Ad design available for additional charge. Annual Contract Discount applies if paid in full for 6 issues.


December/January 2014 February/March 2014 June/July 2014 June/July 2014 August/September 2014 October/November 2014 Wellbeing3 - body mind spirit l



November 15 January 15 March 15 May 15 July 15 September 15

Publication Date: December 3rd February 3rd April 3rd June 3rd August 3rd October 3rd

Ad sizes: Per Issue/Annual 1/6 page

$20 / $100 for 6 issues

1/3 page

$35 / $175 for 6 issues

1/2 page

$50 / $250 for 6 issues

Full page

$85 / $425 for 6 issues June/July 2014

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