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Introduction to subject: IDEATION

Poling, Clark (1987): Analytical Drawing in Kandisky’s Teaching at the Bauhaus, Rizzoli, New York, pp. 107-132 Abstract reading: This reading which written by Mr Poling explains about Analytical Drawing. He encourages student to see, think logically and execute the work with care. Analytical Drawing combined both analytical and synthetic processes, calculation and intuition. Kandinsky states there are three major stages of the analytical approach which are the simplification, analysis and transformation of the graphic characteristics which present by the content itself.

The chosen pattern, the Lily Photoshop and orginal colour photo

Formulate design ideas and explore emerging form through a series of design workshops using drawings and physical models as the design medium

The centre

The direction of the pedals (from the centre)

In the simplification process, we need to subordinate the whole complex into one simple form; we need to understand the formal characterization of the individual parts of the content, whether both in isolation or in relation to the other parts.

We analysis the drawing, we make clear tensions which discovered the structure, which can be represented by means of linear forms. Emphasizing the principle tension by means of broader line, finally indicate the structural network by mean of starting or focal points.


THE SHAPE Analytical thinking process for the found pattern. First of all, I have a lily (flower) picture. After the Photoshop, the image has turned into a 150mm * 150 mm black and white image. I tried to identify one single unit of the image, which is the petal of the lily. The lily is a combination of pedals. Therefore, I identified each pedal as a small triangle. An analytical drawing of the lily pattern is a combination of small triangles. All the small triangles starts from the center of the flower, and the top pedals are pointing to the sun, and bottom pedals pointing to the ground (due to the weight), which with a combination, created a flower blossom figure, which becomes a pattern for the lily pedals.

Analysis the analytical drawing through different dimensions, it involves a combination of analytical and synthetic processes, calculation and intuition. Finally, transformation means the objects are regarded exclusively in terms in tensions between forces, and the construction limits itself to complexes of lines; Variety of structural possibilities

Representation and Pattern Transformation Transforming the orginal pedal shape into something else

Week 2 Design Pattern & Rule based systems: Representation & Pattern theory

Ball, Philip (2012): Pattern Formation in Nature, AD: Architectural Design, Wiley, 82 (2), March, pp. 22-27 Abstract reading: Dr. Ball is trying to describe the simple interaction bewteen many components of a system. By using some nature common patterns. He also trying to explain the relationship of a physical computation and self-organisation. It also related to natures’ structure and behaviour by using the examples of chemical and granular patterns.

Gracia, Mark (2009): Prologue for a History, Theory and Future of Patterns of architecture, AD: Patterns of Architecture, Wiley, June, pp. 6-17.

With the help with the RHINO system

Mirror Methold. First join the pedal shapes by using the mirror methold. Then join them in 3 three-dimensional

Cut the pedal shapes, rejoin them together

Similar idea use in RHINO, join the lily shapes into different layers, can be viewed in three-dimensional

A more complex joining, again, by using the mirror method, in order to create its pattern, then form a structure

The second paper model, remain the pedal shape from the lily picture, but trying to reshape and change the orginal structure

The orginal picture

The very first paper model I made, by the inspiration of the lily pattern

Week 3 Design Pattern & Rule based systems: Representation & Pattern theory Further change in shape and size and volume

The transformation, simply from a pciture of a lily flower; by using the analytical drawing method; abstract the unwanted information; reshaping; then transforming into something new

Two different creations by thinking differently

These two objects are connected, both ideas come from the lily figure, but somehow, its structure has been reshaped because of the different ideas

Still remain the pedal shape, but just covered it by clay

Using the modelling clay created a lantern for the wooden model, I still remain to use the pedal shape as the orginal design for the lantern

Again, another design; How to recreate another object; try to think different, Dare to be different?

Increase the object in volume & the size, explore the idea of increasing mass; how to enlarge the object; how to make it bigger; think big?

Simply increase the pedal size one by one, then overlap them together, the idea of this clay subject is all about extension, the possiblity of extending to infinity

The centre point still remain , which similar to the orginal lily flower pattern and structure The one single lantern for the model, still remain the pedal shape, but this time, just one single pedal design to represent

More designs and models created after the class. The purpose of this tutorial is all about transformation, to create a total brand new object from a orginal object; From a lily picture, analysis its pattern and shape, abstract it and remould it. Then recreate its own unqiue pattern; in order to create a total different object

Mr. Toyo Ito

Tadao Ando, Houses & Housing

Mr. Toyo Ito is awarded the 2013 Pritzker Prize. Innovative is a word often used to describe Toyo Ito’s works, such as using concrete to create flowing organic forms as he did in the commercial development of VivoCity in Singapore. Recently. I read a book about house and building design, which is a book written by another famous Japanese architect Mr Tadao Ando. Surpisingly, both archiecits share similar ideas like the importance of abstract when doing the design drawing, which share similar idea with Mr. Poling when he mentions about analytical drawing. Similar to Dr. Ball, where their design concepts both share and based on the importance of understanding of our nature and its origin pattern.

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