Telemedia Newsletter February 2015

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Issue 59 • FEB 2015

Consumers want m-wallets to offer host of payment services



• Digital marketing industry ‘too complex’ warning 3 • Maguire takes reigns at AIME –this time its permanent 3 • A third of UK adults think m-pay will replace cards by 2020 5 • Childree in Need breaks text donation record 5 • Zapper rolls out m-payments in Switzerland 6 • Lack of trust hampers app downloads warns MEF 6

Analysis EDITORIAL Gothic Horror Continues As PPP’s woes deepen, is it now time to start thinking about what a new PRS regulator should look like for a changing inudstry, wonders Paul Skeldon 7

OPINION Android: not a poor second Android has always been seen as the poor man’s iPhone, but not anymore. So now is the time to start developing for it, says Paul Skeldon 8

MORE THAN 15% of smartphone owners will use mobile wallets by 2018, but users want way more than just payments from such a technology, according to new Forrester research. According to the study 34% of EU7 consumers want any wallet to include loyalty points, while 36% want coupons and special offers built in. But the research goes much further. 31% want price comparisons on items they are planning to buy, while 27% want product information. 27% want to be able to make restaurant reservations from a wallet, while 23% want to be able to ask for a restaurant bill from their table. 26% want receipts to automatically store in their wallet. 30% want tickets and 28% want card details and gift cards to also be compatible with their wallet product. In short, consumers want more than payments, they want a retailing assistant. These results show that not only are consumers ready to embrace mobile wallets and m-payments, but that they are going to be a boon to marketers/ Already, 27% of marketers plan to use mobile wallets this year as part of their marketing tool kit, up from 14% in 2014. And consumer interest is there -- when asked what mobile wallet services are of interest, loyalty programs top the list, followed by access to coupons, discounts, and special offers, the ability to compare prices, and to find product information (see below figure). New entrants are answering these latest needs, with services that enable brands to add value beyond

OPINION Apple picking Jon Marks CTO, Kaador, however, wonders if its time to ignore Android as Apple is doing so very well and looks to only be growing 9

OPINION The trouble with location Andrew Darling takes a look at how location based marketing needs to up its game and get much more contextual if its to do the business 10


The leading industry directory of services 12

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NEWS #MARKETING Digital marketing industry now too complex for marketers warns Tradedoubler THE RAPID GROWTH of digital marketing technologies and solutions has resulted in a complicated, fragmented landscape that generates vast volumes of data, but limited insight, according to performance marketing experts, Tradedoubler. The main casualties of this approach are marketers trying to make informed, data-driven decisions about customers and campaigns. In a new insight paper Connected consumers, disconnected solutions performance marketing at the crossroads that reviews current and emerging digital marketing trends, Tradedoubler outlines some of the key challenges and calls for integration, clarity and a better use of data across the landscape. The large volumes of data available, often disconnected and sometimes even contradictory are overwhelming marketers trying to make the right decision about who their potential customers are and where and when to engage them; with too much time being spent managing the complex technology ecosystem. A third (37 per cent) say they are unable to use data collected from online sales to inform targeted digital strategies and drive higher ROI. The paper recommends that marketers invest in tools that can collate data from a range of sources. This will enable them to derive the kind of insight that they need to have a clear picture on campaign

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digital payment solutions. Marketers must evaluate which partners are best suited to support brand goals, and to complement existing integrated apps, says Forrester analyst Thomas Husson in the new report. Among digital platforms, Alipay, Apple, and PayPal are best positioned to play a key role in the mobile wallet wars, while Google still lacks merchants’ support and consumers’ trust.

performances and ultimately make better business decisions. Dan Cohen, regional director at Tradedoubler commented: “Brands are struggling with the sheer number of digital marketing platforms available and as a result are relying on instinct rather than testing their campaigns and trusting what the data can tell them. New innovative technology has created an immense opportunity for digital marketers but the trick lies in identifying and reacting to the right information at the right time. “Three-quarters of consumer brands say that engaging connected customers is a priority. However, reports show that only 29 per cent of marketing departments have strategies in place to target and sell to this audience.”

Cohen added: “Technology has created this data paralysis, but new advances in technology can also remedy it. “For example, at Tradedoubler, we have recently introduced ADAPT, a new business intelligence tool designed to provide digital marketers with their most important marketing and sales information, where and when it’s needed most, so they can make smarter business decisions.” ADAPT delivers detailed live information on programme performance through customised dashboards that visualise complex data and enable users to understand the performance of their programmes and optimise results that drive a more efficient return on investment.

Maguire takes reigns at AIME

Rory Maguire has been appointed as Managing Director of AIME on a full time basis with immediate effect. Rory has been working on a temporary basis for the past 12 months and has done an outstanding job across a number of fronts. The executive team will be also strengthened by the appointment of Sandra O’Berrie as Market Development Manager. She joins the AIME team at the start of March. There is a full Members’ General Meeting in March (date is to be finalised) at which, a full update will be available. “In the meantime, I am pleased to report that we have welcomed – or are in the process of welcoming – a number of new members: UKTV, Comic Relief, Tekka, Instagiv, MCP and DMG Media,” says AIME Chairman Edward Boddington. “The team is also very busy across a number of policy areas whilst the working groups are also progressing on a number of fronts. We shall be announcing new Board appointments shortly,” Boddington adds


• 26% of online payments already now come from mobile • 1/3 of UK adults expect mobile payments will replace credit cards Join mobile operators and payment service providers as they outline what direct operator billing has to offer merchants in a digital commerce environment. Find out how BillMobile, Payforit, PSMS, drop charge, PRS and other “charge to mobile” solutions can work for your customers - wherever and whenever they want it 9 June 2015 mGAMING America Square, London



NEWS #PAYMENTS One in three UK adults believe that m-payments will outpace cards by 2020 A NEW STUDY by Experian, the global information services company, reveals that a third of the UK population (33%) believes credit and debit card payments will no longer be the preferred method of payment in 2020, as paying with a smartphone will take over. The Banking Moving Forward study provides a valuable insight into what expectations individuals have of lenders and how they view the financial landscape. It examines how people bank now and how they expect to bank in the future, and is a useful guide when developing services that meet the needs of their customers. The findings show that while cash and card payments still dominate, people believe that alternative methods of payment such as smartphones will become more widely used over the next five years. In this timeframe, 67 per cent of respondents feel cash will decrease in popularity, while two in five (41 per cent) think there will be a decline in the use of

credit and debit cards as they currently are. However the main reason smartphone payments are not currently the preferred method of payment is a fear of fraud. Almost half of people surveyed (46 per cent) fear their identity may be stolen online while 60 per cent of smartphone users said they had no malware protection on their devices, leaving them vulnerable to hacking by cyber fraudsters. Organisations that make it easier, while secure, for their customers to transact with them will have the most rewarding relationships. When asked about how other forms of payment could fare, four in five (80 per cent) said that secure online payment platforms, such as, for example, PayPal, that let people shop using their debit card, credit card or bank account without sharing their financial details will become more popular by 2020. Looking towards 2020, 14 per cent of the population believes that biometrics, such

as retina or fingerprint scans, could also become commonplace and two in five (44 per cent) say they would be prepared to make payments via biometric scanning. A fifth (19 per cent) would consider paying for goods and services using voice authentication. Derek Garriock, Head of Business Solutions, Experian UK and Ireland, explains: “People will certainly be faced with more choice in years to come with the payment methods and providers they choose. Their decision will ultimately be based on the ability to pay for something, securely, anywhere and at any time at their own ease and convenience. “Security is a key concern for many individuals, who may be willing to adopt new ways of paying but have not yet done so, even amongst the younger generation. This is understandable considering that one in six adults has fallen victim to a cyber-attack via their mobile device.”

#PAYMENTS BBC Children in Need breaks text donation record with Harvest and Fonix BBC CHILDREN in Need’s text campaign delivered a record ‘on the night total’ for BBC Children in Need, with over £5m generated over text. The charity worked with Harvest and Fonix for the provision of the text donations and mobile gift aid solution for their 2014 campaign. Fonix’s mobile billing and campaign management platforms provided audiences with the opportunity to donate and interact via mobile. The 2014 campaign delivered “We are delighted with the record breaking results,” says Susan Johnston, Director of Operations and Finance, BBC Children in Need. “We had a very collaborative relationship with Harvest and Fonix who embraced our desire to innovate and optimize both donation levels and gift aid conversion. Working collaboratively with suppliers in this fragmented mobile ecosystem is essential.” Data-driven CRM and mobile

marketing mechanics allowed BBC Children in Need to provide consumers with a tailored experience, resulting in over a third of users declaring their eligibility for Gift Aid. Rob Weisz, CEO of Fonix Mobile comments: “The 2014 Children in Need campaign was a huge success which we were delighted to be a part of. We understand the importance of engaging donation mechanics with high conversion of gift aid declarations, something we continue to optimize. We worked on solutions that focused on specific objectives and were

thrilled with the results achieved”. Edward Boddington, CEO of Harvest adds: “ Since we started working with BBC Children in Need in 2011, the charity has always strived to innovate. Using mobile text short codes for charity telethons is a high growth area as it allows charities to keep 100% of whatever the donor texts, in this case £5 and £10 price points.”

NEWS #APPS Lack of trust hampering app downloads, MEF study finds HALF OF ALL consumers (49%) say a lack of trust limits the amount of apps they download, compared to 37% in 2013 and 72% of mobile consumers are not happy sharing personal data such as location or contact details when using an app. So finds the latest Global Trust Report from MEF, which goes on to conclude that a third (34%) of consumers feel that lack of trust prevents them from buying more goods and services using their mobile device. The study explores the key areas of trust, privacy, transparency and security to identify their impact on mobile consumers globally from purchasing a new device to downloading apps or paying for goods and services. Trust remains the largest single obstacle to growth in the mobile content and commerce industry. 40 per cent of respondents indicated that a lack of trust is the number one factor that prevents them from downloading items more often. This is particularly the case with apps – where almost half of respondents (49 per cent) said that trust prevented them from downloading apps or using them once they are installed. Over a third (34 per cent) said it stopped them buying any mobile apps and services. The US experienced the largest increase in a lack of trust of the markets studied, at 35 per cent (up nine per cent year-on-year). Alongside this growing mistrust, the study also revealed an increase in resistance to sharing personal information such as location, address book details or health records, with apps. 72 per cent of mobile users said that they are not happy sharing such information and almost two in five (39 per cent) claimed never to do so.

Zapper expands into Switzerland, offering diners a fast way to pay

ZAPPER, a mobile payments and digital marketing company, is expanding into Switzerland by partnering with the popular restaurant Café du Centre in Geneva. The move reiterates Zapper’s goal to expand the availability of quick, easy and innovative mobile payments across Europe. The Swiss rollout is happening, in part, thanks to a new relationship with iKentoo, the pioneering ePOS provider with whom Zapper is the integrated solution. These systems, which now power the mobile payment processes of Café du Centre, allow diners to pay at their own convenience using the free Zapper app. Through the Zapper for Restaurants service, a QR code will automatically be printed on the bill. Diners can then scan the QR code using the Zapper app to pay the bill without the wait for a card terminal. The diner can easily add a tip or split the bill, all through one app. At the same time, Zapper learns the diner’s preferences, allowing restaurants to build a strong community and provide targeted offers and promotions. European MD for Zapper, Bradley Duke says: “Today’s announcement marks Zapper’s first steps into Switzerland – a country with a proud culinary tradition. We are delighted to be partnering with quality technology providers in the region to bring the

benefits of Zapper to the people of Switzerland and the terrific range of restaurants that welcome them.” As one of the oldest brasseries in Geneva, Café du Centre is disproving the belief that traditional establishments are resistant to embrace new technology such as mobile payments. In fact, this new technology will help free up time for their waiters as they won’t be chasing the card machine or waiting for a large group to individually pay. With Zapper, the restaurant will also be able to build up a community of diners and welcome them back to the restaurant with tailored promotions. Blaise Gumy, Operations Director for Café du Centre, said “We are delighted to simplify further the payment processes for our customers with Zapper’s effective and consumerfriendly app”. Following Café du Centre, Zapper will also be available at Geneva restaurants Vinnie’s, Les 3 Verres, and Le Chat Rouge, and many more restaurants in the region. Zapper was launched in October 2013 and already has thousands of independent restaurants and chains using the system internationally. The Zapper app is available for Android, iOS and Windows Phone platforms.



Gothic horror continues A MURDER OF CROWS FLAPPING BLACKLY DOWN... And so they circle, like crows to pick at the bones of PPP. OK, so I went a bit Edgar Allan Poe there, but it seems that, as expected, companies who were blasted by PhonePay Plus Emergency Procedures over the years are now lining up to take legal action against the regulator following the Judiciary Review that went against PPP. And its going to cost millions. Many more millions than PPP has in the bank. But should this money – money that the industry itself has paid into its coffers so that it can be regulated properly – be spent thusly? Many in the industry think not. They paid their levies – often quite sizeable ones – to be regulated properly. The Judicial Review showcases how PPP failed to do this. Now that money is set to go back to those that supposedly broke the rules? Tricky one. If PPP doesn’t pay, then who does? Are they even insured against this sort of thing? One hopes so. Or the tax payer foots the bill. But can this money be ring-fenced? Probably not. What is more likely is that PPP will face sizeable and multiple legal actions, which will in effect bankrupt it. Then what? Will Ofcom step in to handle regulatory duties? Probably. Is this the end of PPP? Probably. Nothing like going out in a blaze of ignominy. So what does the future look like for the industry with such a mess at PPP? There is now everything to play for with the creation of a new regulator or new face of the regulator at Ofcom. The main thing is that there now needs to be a line drawn under this. There is now the opportunity to rethink the whole of PRS regulation and to create something better out of this bad situation. The industry is changing and the businesses that will be using telemedia services are becoming ever more mainstream. Regulation needs to reflect this. And the shoddy Emergency Procedures – where three totally unqualified people made panicked decisions about businesses without the facts, with misguidance and, as the case revealed, lies being told is not the way blue chip companies expect an industry to be regulated. Of course, the Russell Brands among us know that blue chips don’t want to be regulated at all, but if they are going to be then they want to be regulated by professionals – not a vicar, his dog and a consumer journalist (retired). So perhaps this collapse of PPP has come about at the right time. A time when we should be looking to up the profile of the telemedia industry and getting the kind of regulation that the industry now deserves.

Understanding charge to mobile And part of the changing face of telemedia is its move into mainstream mobile payments. That is why we are going to be running a Charge to Mobile event in London on 9 June 2015. Details are still being thrashed out, but put the date in your diary and keep checking the link below for details in the coming weeks. All ideas and input welcomed. Stay tuned for details in the coming weeks at

Editorial Editor Paul Skeldon | Sales & Marketing | Production Director Annika Micheli | Publisher Jarvis Todd To subscribe, please go to What we’ve been listening to Blur... good old blur| What we’ve been amused by Google Street View photos of strange happenings| Who we’ve been following @etail_Paul| What we’ve been reading about Stonehenge| FEBRUARY 2015 will bring... some exciting news about telemedia events and telemedia magazine



NOT A POOR SECOND Android has long been thought of as the poor cousin of iOS – not least because Android users tend to spend a lot less. But that is all changing as Paul Skeldon finds out THE VEXING QUESTION of how Android and iOS user behaviour differs – and what it means to retailers – has been thrown into the spotlight by research from Poq Studio which finds that Android users are much more App-happy than there iOS counterparts – and that those with high end Droid devices spend as much as Apple heads. On average, Android users spent a whole minute longer than iOS users each time they browsed through one of Poq’s client’s apps (Android: 4:47min, iOS: 3:48min). They also viewed 5.2 more pages than iOS users each time they used an app (Android: 14 pages, iOS: 8.8 pages). Poq also discovered the same pattern when it looked at traffic to it clients’ mobile sites. The data also revealed that users of most Android devices, highor low-end, spent longer discovering products on our clients’ apps than iOS users did. Users of the Samsung Galaxy S Mini spent on average 1:05 minutes longer per time they visited their apps than iOS users did. An exception was the Nokia Lumia, whose average users spent a quarter of a minute less browsing their apps than iOS users did. This was also the case for average amount of pages viewed per use of an app. Customers browsing on high-end and low-end Android devices visited more pages on average than iOS users did. Google Nexus users viewed the most pages per visit, followed by Samsung Galaxy S and Samsung Galaxy S Mini users. But it is in the value of these customers where the research really turns conventional wisdom on its head. At first glance, the findings support the notion that users shopping on iPhones and iPads have higher budgets to spend from their mobile devices than Android users. In December 2014, the average iOS user’s order value (£60.43) was around 1.4 times higher than the average Android user’s order value (£43.13) on the Poq Studio platform. iOS users also carried out the vast majority (91.3%) of all app transactions. They contributed to 93.6% of the revenue generated through apps on the platform. It should be noted that Android apps had only been live for two months on our platform at this point. The average iOS conversion rate was 2.3% - about 1.4 times higher than the average Android conversion rate (1.6%). However, a closer look at the data revealed that users who own a high-end Android device actually rival iOS users in terms of conversion. On average, Google Nexus owners showed conversion rates that were 1.4 times higher than iPhone user conversion rates. Lower priced Android devices showed considerably lower conversion rates than iOS devices: the average iPhone user conversion rate was five times higher than the average Sony Xperia user

conversion rates. This echoes what Poq Studio client House of Fraser has seen and why the retailer has been prompted to introduce an Android app. Andy Harding, Executive Director of Multi Channel at House of Fraser, explains: “With the recent growth in mobile shopping, we see our mobile apps as an essential part of our multi channel strategy. Over 50% of our online sales come from handheld devices, and with a growing number of customers shopping via Android devices, it’s important we have suitable platforms for all mobile users. “We are extremely pleased with the design and functionality of the app, especially the ability it has given us to innovate on top of a stable e-commerce platform giving us the flexibility to make changes to the app without requiring any additional bespoke development. We look forward to continuing the relationship with Poq Studio to create many more world-class apps.” Oyvind Henriksen, CEO and co-founder of Poq Studio, adds: “The Poq Studio platform offers enterprise retailers a faster route to market for native apps across iPhone, iPad and Android. The cloud platform empowers retailers with full creative control over their app portfolio – without the technical headaches traditionally associated with app development. By joining the Poq Studio platform retailers connect to a rich eco-system of app technologies, from push notifications to beacon providers. The platform ensures the apps are always up-to-date with new code being rolled out every week and major releases every quarter.”


Apple Picking

IGNORING ANDROID? With apple reporting the biggest quarterly profit in history, Jon Marks, CTO and cofounder of developer Kaldor ask ‘should brands focus on Apple, and forget about Android users?’

APPLE MUST BE reveling in its success with 74.4million iPhones sold in the three months to 27 December 2014, generating an annual revenue of $74.6billion and achieving a record quarterly net profit of $18billion. With Apple reporting figures like this it’s tempting for developers to think that creating apps for Android devices aren’t worth the time spent, especially with iPhone users spending on average four times more than their Android counterparts. So why should you spend the time and resource on creating your app for a whole bunch of Android devices? The Android market is huge. Putting aside the number of people using Android phones without internet or app capability, Android still has double the install base of iOS and therefore a huge number of customers you would be missing out on if you invested solely in iOS. Having said that, Apple has a massive proportion of cus-

tomers that any developer or publisher wants. According to Benedict Evans, iOS claimed 80% of the economy’s revenue on Black Friday in the US. And IBM report that on Christmas Day iOS users spent more time online, bought more, and paid more for each item than Android users. This applies to app purchases too – App Annie reports, that in 2014 Google Play amassed close to 60% more worldwide app downloads than the iOS App Store yet iOS still generated over 70% more app revenue. With a market like this and consumers galore, it’s no wonder developers and content owners set their sights primarily on creating an iOS app. However, iOS users account for just 11.7% of the mobile market. With this in mind, brands would be foolish to exclude the weightier Android consumer – particularly if you have a publication which is free to download and adfunded rather than subscription based. Forbes reports that Android’s app engagement is higher than iOS, but Apple drives higher in-app spending. Therefore, for subscription-based publications added features and functionality such as preview modes are a great way to offer Android users a ‘try before you buy’ experience. The Economist’s The World In 2015 allowed users access to a selection of the content for free, opening up the content to a new audience, and giving them a taste of the product. Understandably though, developers and content owners can be put off by the complexity of Android’s operating system. But ignoring such a large proportion of the mobile market isn’t the answer. With the significant developments that have been made over the past few years in mobile publishing software, it is no longer a case of taming the beast. Products like Pugpig do all the hard work for you, supporting beautiful and innovative mobile content, regardless of the operating system, screen size and device. Ultimately, it would be foolish to choose one platform over the other. Fundamentally it’s not one vs the other, iOS and Android are both here to stay, for a very long time.


The trouble with

LOCATION Location is meant to be the Holy Grail of mobile advertising, but its not that straightforward: advertisers need audience scale as well as accurate location data for their campaigns to be successful, argues Andrew Darling

A LOT OF THE “new kids on the block” in the mobile advertising world have recently been talking about the issue of location data “inaccuracy” – the term used to describe inaccurate, fraudulent and incomplete location data which is often supplied by publishers to increase the value of an impression. And quite rightly too! However verifying the quality of data should be standard practice in any business dealing with huge volumes of data and not some massive revelation. These “new kids” are also missing a crucial point. Removing data also removes audience scale, which is required to make the proposition work for advertisers. So the question is: How do you remove bad data while maintaining a scalable audience? If location advertising is done badly it wastes advertisers’ money because their ads are not sent to the right location. The industry is trying to address this issue and while location-target-

ing verification does filter out bad location data, it can remove as much as 85%. Using data mining, data analysis and data extraction techniques come as standard across the location advertising industry and established data companies like BlisMedia has been doing this for years. Each provider has different technologies to tackle this issue, but the whole industry is in agreement that there is a lot of bad data about. Even good location data needs filtering to ensure it is “brand safe” for an advertiser. Location data provided by certain dating apps, for example, might have accurate Lat Long GPS coordinates but it may not be an appropriate ad placement for an advertiser and could lead to negative brand association. If a location provider has built the right proprietary tools to understand where the lat long data is coming from, it can remove the wrong impressions for brands.

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Again, this kind of filtering should be standard across the industry. Less than 5% of the data coming from publishers can be verified as ‘good data’ and matched to customer’s campaigns, according to data provider BlisMedia. But with all this filtering removing location data, how do you build audience scale for an advertiser? Lat long does provide good proximity but it doesn’t provide real scale. If a locationspecific ad is to generate successful engagement, a brand needs a bigger audience. “This is where BlisMedia can bring something else to the table,” says Paul Thompson, MD, EMEA. “We have the ability to build audience scale in location-targeting by understanding the relationship between an IP addresses a specific buildings where there are all kinds of devices connected – mobiles, tablets and laptops. Our platform constantly matches IP addresses to locations globally at a rate of 3m per

day. We refresh this data every 24 hours to ensure its accuracy and context. This is on top of the 330,000 global points of interest built into the Blis database,” adds Thompson. Another way BlisMedia builds audience scale is through its data partnerships with the leading public WiFi ISPs O2 and Sky, covering more than 40,000 hotspots in UK high street retailers. “By overlaying this 2nd party location data to campaigns Blis can again add significant audience scale for an advertiser that would not have been there by only relying on lat long data. More screens, more accurate location data, bigger audience.” There is bad location data everywhere and it’s available to everyone. Filtering it out solves this problem but without adding other content, demographic and 3rd party data, advertisers will always be faced with reducing scale.

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