Telemedia Month October 2014

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Issue 55 • OCT 2014

Boku-MNO deal set to transform European m-payments



• BBC to power engagement with IMI’s DaVinci 5 • eBay and PayPal to separate – m-payments hots up... 6 • ... O2 to over carrier billing for payments on iTunes 7 • Empello rolls out Guardian to help scan for bad affiliates 8 • Enarpee and eTX join forces to help you stay in line 8


THE RAPIDLY IGNITING m-payments market has taken a dramatic twist with the surprise announcement that soon consumers will be able to pay for real world goods using their mobile phone bill. Carrier billing has been with us for digital goods for many years, but a deal announced today between payment service provide Boku and a number of leading MNOs across Europe is set to see it transform how mobile can be used to pay for goods. Prior to this initiative, carrier billing in Europe has operated under an exemption to the European Union’s Payment Services Directive (PSD), which was originally designed to facilitate the purchase of mobile wallpapers and ringtones and limited carrier billing purchases to digital content. In the new configuration, Boku plays the role of the e-Money issuer (EMI), which is one of the entity types that can provide payment services under the jurisdiction of the PSD. In the new model, Boku bears responsibility to ensuring compliance with the requirements of PSD. Limits imposed by PhonepayPlus no longer apply, so these limits are individually negotiated with carriers. That said, for now we are sticking with the industry standard limits in the UK of £30/transaction £200/month, though this may be changed over time.

continued page 3>>>

EDITORIAL Change. No change. World Telemedia Marbella is about to start and the industry is the same as it has always been... and completely different, says Paul Skeldon 9 OPINION Gearing up for Christmas Retailers are gearing up for Christmas. What are the opportunities and what should you be doing to share the joy? Martin Bolsover has some answers 10 ANALYSIS Tune in to TelemediaTV Back on air and raring to go, tune in to the latest news, opinions and analysis at TelemediaTV. Why not start with these six key themes form World Telemedia Marbella speakers 11 ANALYSIS Going mainstream Mobile payments is poised to become ubiquitous – and carrier billing is in the there with a chance. Paul Skeldon looks at the challenges of taking it to the mainstream 12 ANALYSIS Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Print media companies are having to go multi-channel, but they still need to make money. Paul Skeldon takes a look at what they want from telemedia services in these digital times 14 SHOW PREVIEW WORLD TELEMEDIA MARBELLA We give you a sneak peak behind the curtain as to what’s in store at the industry’s premier event taking place in Marbella 15-17 October 16


The leading industry directory of services 22

Latest news at Catch our blog at

NEWS >>>from page 1 Boku Boku is partnering with O2, EE, and Vodafone in the UK, with plans to extend the solution to other major MNOs. Partners selling magazines and bus tickets have already signed up to use the Boku e-Money solution and the programme will soon be extended to a range of real world goods and services. In the near term, the maximum price point limits and maximum monthly purchase limits do place some constraints on the types of goods that can be purchased, warns Boku, so don’t expect cars to be purchased using carrier billing anytime soon. With that said, there are a whole range of physical goods and services that are now in play, such as car parking, vending, ticketing for bus, trains and movies, and food pre-ordering. Boku expects the limits to change over time, making it possible for consumers to purchase even more types of physical goods and services. The service is already live, with publishers and merchants such as IPC Media are using the new product to sell magazine subscriptions using e-Money direct carrier billing (eDCB). Customers of Corethree, who develops m-ticketing solutions for bus operators in the UK, will also be using the new product. “Up to now buying stuff and charging it to your phone bill has been restricted, limited to digital goods and operating in a regulatory framework designed years ago to handle ringtone downloads,” says Jon Prideaux, CEO of Boku. “We are now entering a new era for carrier billing. Boku has re-

invented carrier billing as a mainstream payment method.” “As an authorised e-money issuer, regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, Boku enables consumers to make purchases quickly and simply,” continued Prideaux. “Merchants who allow their customers to charge things to their phone bill sell more. Mobile Network Operators can offer an improved experience to their subscribers, with Boku bearing responsibility for the entire compliance envelope.” Prideaux concludes: “We&will market to retailers directly. world telemedia conference expo Through a single connection to Boku’s platform, retailers can connect to MNO subscribers in the UK (in the near term) and 15-17 OCTOBER 2014 AndAluciA PlAzA Hotel toH10 MNO subscribers in other parts of Europe (over time). For transactions made using carrier billing, Boku gets paid via operators and, in turn, pays the retailers.”



interesting times sponsors

the telemedia industry has had its share of ups and downs, but as we gear up for World telemedia Marbella on 15-17 october, we find an industry that is ready for an almighty up. Some traditional services may have plateaued or even hit decline, but there has been of late a groundswell of interest in the services we offer as an industry within the mainstream world. And this is why we hit Marbella with high hopes. Mobile payments are poised to be massive, boosted this autumn by Apple’s announcements around iPhone 6, nFc and Apple Pay. More and more businesses are looking to let customers pay – especially for digital goods – in the fastest and most convenient way possible. And direct carrier billing is playing into that. the emergency of Voice short codes (VScs) and increasing confidence in HRPRS, better operator pay outs and generally much greater Mno support for telemedia is seeing it hit the big time. And this is one of the key themes of World telemedia Marbella. However, with great success comes great

responsibility and, while the business is on the up, regulation is in flux. There is a new code of Practice, there are issues with affiliate marketing, there is the spectre of the Payment Services directive all bearing down on our bubble. And this really is the theme of World Telemedia Marbella 2014: how to exploit the boom and create a regulatory environment that helps perpetuate that boom. two things that could well be considered oxymoronic, but two things that we have to make work in harmony. So that is what the show is going to do. it is going to pull together the entrepreneurial and the go-getters and it is going to gather the law makers and regulators. it is going to catalyse the debate, not just by bringing together the two sides, but by showing the two sides what the other needs to achieve and how they can aid each other. it’s a tough call, but one that we think we can pull off. All you have to do is be there to join the debate.

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NEWS #MEDIA BBC to power mobile and social engagement with IMImobile’s DaVinci platform UK PUBLIC SECTOR broadcaster the BBC has signed a deal with IMI Mobile for the provisioning of Mobile and Social Messaging services to help the BBC streamline the audience engagement process across mobile and social channels. The partnership commenced in July 2014, after an official supplier selection process. The BBC will be using IMImobile’s DaVinci Social platform across radio, TV and live events, enabling production teams to seamlessly manage inbound and outbound audience interactions across SMS, MMS, email, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. DaVinci Social is a single tool specifically developed to enable broadcasters to manage and respond to audience interaction across multiple channels, monitor citizen journalism and integrate contextual audience feedback into live programming. In addition, the platform will be used to manage interactive services such as social and mobile voting.

Jay Patel, Chief Executive at IMImobile explains: “We are delighted to be selected by the BBC to deploy our DaVinci Social platform across the organisation. IMImobile has a deep heritage of delivering highly scalable solutions and services into the broadcasting sector. DaVinci Social fulfils the BBC’s requirements for being a universal tool for the monitoring and management of audience interaction across multiple channels”. The growth in mobile and social communication has changed the way audiences want to consume and participate in the broadcasting experience. To help broadcasters manage the complexity of mobile and social engagement, IMImobile developed DaVinci Social, an enterprise grade, highly scalable platform that can be deployed across hundreds of production teams to centralise the management of audience engagement across multiple digital and mobile channels.

Claire McLaughlin, Head of Interactive Technical Advice & Contracts Unit at BBC adds: “Throughout the bid, IMImobile was able to successfully demonstrate that the DaVinci Social platform meets our high demands and criteria for centralising all audience interactions across our radio, TV and live event programming. The platform enables the BBC to respond to the change in audience behaviour and integrate mobile and social audience interactions into the broadcasting experience.”

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NEWS #PAYMENTS eBay and PayPal to separate into two companies... EBAY AND PAYPAL are set to be split into two separately trading companies from next year, eBay Inc has announced. eBay says the change in the businesses, which has long been sought by activist investor Carl Icahn, will allow each of the two businesses to make the most of their own growth opportunities. Both trade in the UK, where their markets are growing fast. For both UK businesses, mobile is a fast-growing sector. Analysts believe the move has been cemented by the threat to PayPal from start up payments services such as Stripe and Square, not to mention the unsettling news that Apple has entered the payments space. Its 800million iTunes account holders dwarfs PayPal’s customer base of some 190million. The move is also likely to see PayPal – which should become much more agile having its own board and being free to pursue its own agenda – concentrate even more on the mobile payments space.”We

would expect to see an independent PayPal put even more emphasis on mobile payments where it has made good progress but it needs to up the ante and be more nimble, particularly as Apple has big ambitions to be a dominant force in m-payments,” says Eden Zoller, Principal Analyst, Consumer, at Ovum. eBay and PayPal have been more restrained in their comments. “eBay and PayPal are two great businesses with leading global positions in commerce and payments,” said eBay Inc president and chief executive John Donahoe, who will lead the company through the separation together with eBay Inc’s chief financial officer Bob Swan. “For more than a decade, eBay and PayPal have mutually benefited from being part of one company, creating substantial shareholder value. “However, a thorough strategic review with our board shows that keeping eBay and PayPal together beyond 2015 clearly


becomes less advantageous to each business strategically and competitively. The industry landscape is changing and each business faces different competitive opportunities and challenges.” The eBay board concluded that the benefit of existing relationships would decline over time but could be written into arm’s length operating agreements. Donhoe said that a split would give each of the two increased flexibility to look for new market and partnership opportunities. The new eBay company will be led by Devin Wenig, currently president of eBay Marketplaces, while PayPal will be led by Dan Schulman, now appointed president of PayPal and chief executive designate of the separated company. Donahoe added: “Together, eBay and PayPal have delivered substantial value creation for our shareholders. We believe eBay and PayPal will continue to do so as separate, independent companies.”


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NEWS #PAYMENTS ... while O2 customers can pay for iTunes using carrier billing 02 CUSTOMERS in the UK will now be able to purchase iTunes Codes and charge them directly to their monthly mobile phone bill, or take it out of their Pay & Go phone credit. The codes can then be used to redeem music, apps, games, books, TV series, movies and more directly from the iTunes Store, App Store, iBooks and Mac App Store. To celebrate the launch, for two weeks, O2 will also be offering customers who purchase iTunes Codes through direct carrier billing, a voucher worth £25 for £20. This alternative method of payment, known as Charge to Mobile, is growing rapidly, with over 100 merchants already using it in the UK through O2’s online and mobile channels. Charge to Mobile is a fast and seamless way for customers to pay for digital content and is fast establishing itself as a popular method of payment. To date over 10 million transactions have been made by O2 customers alone.??

Danny Barclay, Head of Commerce Sales at O2 said: “We look forward to making our customers’ lives easier by offering them a fast, easy and safe alternative method of payment to purchase iTunes credit.” This new capability is delivered in partnership with leading managed service provider’s epay and Touchtechmedia and with mobile payments company Boku. The move follows last month’s annoucnement by O2 that its customers in Germany will soon be able to use carrier billing to buy goods through Amazon thanks to a deal with Bango.

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NEWS #COMPLIANCE Empello’s Guardian technology scans web for bad Affiliates EMPELLO, WHICH provides compliance support and ad monitoring, has today announced a major leap forward in its Ad Monitoring capabilities. Empello scans the web for non-compliant or misleading Affiliate Marketing, recording screenshots and URL details so action can be taken where necessary. So clients can harness the benefits of Affiliate Marketing, whilst minimising the risks. The new technology, dubbed “Guardian”, is now active and provides Empello with vastly increased scanning and ad discovery capabilities. Guardian is essentially an automated robot which looks for websites containing specific types of adverts, e.g. premium SMS, mobile-billed services, and other products which are monetised via mobile payments. For each site located, the robot automatically follows advertising links and captures a series of screenshots as well as every single URL from the end-to-end consumer journey. Guardian does this by emulating a human using a real mobile, tablet or desktop device in a specific country on either a Wi-Fi or 3G/4G net-

work. The target website and advertising network is unable to know the difference, since Guardian appears for all intents and purposes to be a real user. In the battle against misleading Affiliate Marketing, Empello can now scan thousands of digital marketing placements every day, employing its Guardian technology. Furthermore, new or changed sites can be quickly reviewed, and the resulting analysis processed by human analysts where non-compliance or other issues are detected. Having invested heavily in this technology, Empello is pleased to continue providing its clients the best possible compliance support and advertising monitoring. With Empello and Guardian at your side, it is now much safer to use Affiliate Marketing to promote Mobile services and Mobile-billed products. Jeremy Flynn, head of Empeollo, states: “The AIME best practice guide on digital marketing highlights the need to monitor affiliate activity in the wild. Guardian lets us offer a much more comprehensive affiliate monitoring service.”

#COMPLIANCE eTX and Enarpee join forces to create regulatory services company ETX AND ENARPEE Services have joined forces to supply a full suite of regulatory services to not only the telecoms sector and PRS Industry, but also to other payment sectors. Commenting on their new entity, Monitoring and Compliance Partners (MCP), Declan Pettit, eTX MD said: “Enarpee Services have years of experience in these markets and have built up not only a fine reputation, but also a network of International connections that we can tap into. Additionally, their collaborative approach to consultative services acts as a perfect complement to our technically focused solutions.” Neil Penny, MD of Enarpee Services added: “We have known eTX for years and are aware that they have a stable of well

recognised, scalable applications to cater for the regulatory needs of the industry and is used by European Regulators, Technical Aggregators and Marketing Companies. GoVerifyIt – its updated ‘bolton’ version where merchants are live in 24hrs – and its VeriAudits offer in particular, have a wide appeal and traction with the PRS market already.” MCP has recently added a new product called VeriScanner, that scans sites leading to merchant sites and identifies changes to assess for regulatory compliance. MCP’s first major contract was signed in July with First Data Corporation, a provider of electronic payment solutions. MCP will be attending World Telemedia Marbella 15-17 October.



Change. No Change. WORLD TELEMEDIA MARBELLA (15-17 October) is nearly upon us and the show takes place at a time of great change – and at a time of no change. That is the conundrum facing an industry that is splitting into two distinct camps. There are those that are carrying on as ever with the nuts and bolts of running a premium rate business servicing the adult, chat, dating, gambling and other over 18 sectors, much as they have done for many years. And there ain’t nowt wrong with that: it’s what built this business. But then there is the other camp. The camp that has started to reach outwards towards the mainstream and is offering tech solutions to empower engagement, and more importantly monetise it. It is also starting to drive the move of direct operator billing into the world of retail. I have waxed lyrical many times in this newsletter about how carrier billing is the ideal way to bill for things via mobile. Obviously, it is great for digital goods, paywalls and stuff – hey even Apple is starting to look at how to use it, not to mention Google, Amazon and all sorts of people. But it is also going to explode into retail in the coming months. And this is down to the work done by Boku to make that happen. I won’t bore you with the details (that is all on page 1 of this issue and all over the web), but what is interesting is how Boku have set themselves apart from the other PSMS people for many years and have cultivated a hugely professional outlook – which has impressed those out there in the mainstream world. And this is something that we are seeing more and more of across the industry. OK, so its still sports jackets and jeans (“the Clarkson” as its known) but the overall air of the industry is one of hard work and slickness. Finally, people get that there is a whole world out there of media companies, broadcasters, digital giants, apps stores and more that are ripe for the picking. The great thing about this is that both these facets of the telemedia industry can now benefit from this split. The old skool get to play in their favourite pool, but with less competition, while the ‘new skool’ get to chase these mainstream opportunities, just as they are coming up. There is a whole generation of youngsters out there who don’t think of PSMS or premium rate: they just want convenience and will put charges on their bill if it gets them the clip, tune, fags or whatever that they want right now. This is the brave new world of telemedia and something that we are keen to exploit at World Telemedia Marbella. Many people may think that this sort of show has had its day, but I think that its day is just dawning. There is more than enough room to bring these two parts of the industry together – there is much they can still teach each other. But it also offers a great opportunity to bring in the kind of companies that could start to use these services. So let’s make this Marbella event the start of something great. Let’s make this industry mainstream.

For more about World Telemedia Marbella 15-17 October see page 18 and go to to book your tickets

Editorial Editor Paul Skeldon | Sales & Marketing | Production Director Annika Micheli | Publisher Jarvis Todd To subscribe, please go to What we’ve been listening to Aphex Twin| What we’ve been amused by They are remaking Dad’s Army | Who we’ve been following @SloMoGuys | What we’ve been reading about 1177BCE – when civilisation collapsed. Last time.| OCTOBER 2014 will bring... World Telemedia Marbella


The role mobile will play


Christmas is coming, mobile should be getting fat... Martin Bolsover, Director, Enterprise Solutions Sales, mGage, explains where this year’s Yuletide opportunities lie for mobile

WITH CHRISTMAS FEELING like a lifetime away for many consumers, the opposite is true for marketers for whom the Christmas season began a long time ago. It is therefore not surprising that the speculation around which marketing communication channel(s) will be the most fruitful source of revenue for retailers is well underway. It seems that consumers are browsing retailers’ websites on mobile devices more than ever before. According to figures from IMRG, traffic to retail websites on mobile has exceeded the traffic generated from a PC for the first time, with 52% of traffic coming from mobile devices. This suggests that consumers are embracing the ability to ‘shop on-the-go’. Convenience reigns at any time of year Indeed if the popularity of collecting goods at underground stations is anything to go by (according to an article in the London Evening Standard), it seems that shopping on-the-go provides the answer to time poor shoppers. Consumers have a need for convenience on a daily basis, let alone at Christmas time. With so many gifts to be bought, the ability to pick goods up at a convenient time and place saves customers from the stress of having to set time aside to go Christmas shopping. Yet when speculating as to the shopping behaviours that will characterise the festive period, the question must be asked though whether you can really look to day to day shopping habits, over the first 11 months of the year, to determine such behaviours at Christmas? Whilst they may give an indication, Christmas is very much an anomaly in the calendar and shopping habits may stray dramatically from the norm over this period. To explore this a little further, it is worth looking briefly at two of the main types of shoppers who will emerge over this season.

Christmas loving shopper vs queue-loathing shopper Firstly, there will be those for whom Christmas is their favourite time of year. These shoppers will go out of their way to shop in-store for the atmosphere and experience, irrespective of their usual shopping habits and the convenience and time available. The second type of shopper will be those who carry out as much of their shopping as possible online (be it on mobile or desktop) and do everything in their power to stay out of the store. This may be because time is their main consideration or it may be because they can’t stand the crowds and queues in-store over this period. For both types of shopper, their usual shopping habits will not matter. Marketers must have a Christmas focussed mobile commerce, and mobile CRM strategy, in place to ensure that customers shopping on mobile will not receive a lesser customer experience compared to those shopping in-store. This will encourage repeat behaviour and prompt word of mouth recommendations. For those shoppers shopping in-store, marketers should communicate with them via mobile, by sending (personalised) location based offers and following up with them after they have made a purchase – be it to check they are happy with their purchase, or to offer a discount or promotion based on past shopping behaviours. Furthermore, to take advantage of the speculated high traffic to retailer’s websites, brands need to ensure that they can create value for their customers by proving a seamless online shopping experience. To do this, they must focus predominantly on two key areas: time taken to load the website during high traffic and offering secure and efficient payment options. Mobile payments For marketers, Christmas is the perfect time to encourage mobile payments, and even more so this year with the timely release of the iPhone 6. With some consumers having just received the new iPhone and others due to receive it as a Christmas present, shoppers will no doubt be trying out Apple Pay to purchase gifts or sale items. Direct billing is another form of mobile payment that marketers should not underestimate. A hassle-free way of purchasing small ticket items such as magazine subscriptions – a popular Christmas gift which will likely be paid for monthly, this is an ideal method of paying for things. The fact that the charge is simply added to customer’s phone bills means they don’t have to worry about entering payment details and is a transaction that can be completed on the move.


Check out the latest news


Our video channel is getting an overhaul and is going to be a central pillar of telemedia news in the run up to World Telemedia Marbella – as well as at the show and post show. Here are some of the vids up there right now... stay tuned

TRENDS IN INTERACTIVE MEDIA Mark Challinor outlines how the print media business is changing and the role telemedia can play in helping this happen. Catch Mark presenting in full at World Telemedia Marbella on 16-17th October 2014

MAKING SOCIAL MEDIA PAY FOR BROADCASTERS Steve Godman, commercial director, media, at IMI Mobile outlines how audiences now user twitter to engage with TV and outlines how IMI is set to make social media a payment channel... you heard it here first. Catch IMI at World Telemedia Marbella

EVERYTHING TO PLAY FOR IN PAYMENTS Chris Newell from Impulsepay outlines how the time for mainstream use of telemedia billing has come and offers some ideas of how to shift it from a £500m a year industry to one that can play in the £50bn a year retail space.

IS AFFILIATE MARKETING FIXED? Ahead of the debate at World Telemedia Marbella on 16 October, Rory Maguire outlines how the industry has come together to try and get the affiliate marketing market in the UK working again

TRENDS IN THE TELEMEDIA INDUSTRY Oxygen 8’s Kevin Dawson outlines the key trends his company is seeing in the telemedia market ahead of World Telemedia Marbella 2014 on 16-17 October. Catch Oxygen exhibiting and speaking at the event

NEW TELEMEDIA OPPORTUNITIES IN TV Rob Weisz from Fonix discusses how the TV industry has fragmented and, far from being a death knell for interactive telemedia services, it raises all manner of new mainstream possibilities – not least in payments





The mobile payments revolution is not being televised, but it is playing out across the media and increasingly retailers. And a strange thing is happening: direct operator billing is starting to attract attention out there in the mainstream. Paul Skeldon takes a look at what’s going on TEN YEARS AGO, give or take, premium rate billing was in a bad way. It had seen some growth after years of decline thanks to its use as a way of getting the kids to interact with the then new breed of TV shows like Pop Idol. Then it all came crashing down. One of the mainstays of the industry was even branded a “premium rat” by the Daily Mirror. Dark times. The industry faced collapse. But these days, direct carrier billing has been reinvented. Gone are the associations with dodgy services and scams; gone is the whiff of rip off and corruption; and gone is the attitude that its not for nice people to use. These days, everyone is looking at how to use direct carrier billing as a means of allowing rapid purchase of things on mobile, as a means of making micropayments in apps stores and apps and even for quasi-physical goods and even, one day, physical goods. The change has come through the growing mainstream interest in mobile. 52% of traffic to retailer websites now comes from mobile devices. Mobile commerce – through games and apps – is big business. Suddenly everyone is talking about how to make mobile something that can make payments. The enlightened realised long ago that it has been able to do that all along. And here we are, Google Play is using direct carrier billing to allow for the purchase of apps. Bango has emerged as the de facto global leader in DOB, powering many of the world’s largest app stores, including Amazon, BlackBerry World, Facebook, Firefox Marketplace, Google Play, Windows Phone store and with more than 130 live operator connections. Even Payforit is starting to make some progress and suddenly, media companies are also looking at how to make best use of mobile payments. Telemedia, it seems, has arrived. “We are seeing it: not in massive volumes – yet – but there is a rapidly growing interest in carrier billing,” says Kevin Dawson, head of payments, at Oxygen8. “The legacy of PRS isn’t really

an issue. People are coming to this looking for a way to bill and get a return. The main challenge has been in pay out rates. These are getting much better, but some businesses still baulk at losing 10% to the operators.’ This has long been the sticking point with PRS and carrier billing: it simply wasn’t competitive with. In the past operator took anywhere between 30 and 605 of the call charge. To some lines of business, this was acceptable, but for the mainstream it was laughable. But this is changing. “The MNOs have done a lot of work on making it more competitive,” says Dawson. “Out-payments are around 90% and MNOs are open now to discussing deals on even better rates, if the potential volume is there.” For many, 10% charges to use this form of m-payments still seems to be too high, but attitudes are changing. “The immediacy of the billing mechanic means that potentially an app store or an app is making a sale when they wouldn’t make a sale because the payments are easy. Even getting 90% of the fee compared to zero can be increasingly attractive. And if it takes off, then the charges start to look like just a reasonable business cost,” ponders Dawson. One sector that is already seeing potential with this is the media. “M-payments – through direct carrier billing – are becoming more and more important as media companies create pay-walls for their content,” says Rob Weisz, CEO of Fonix. “Direct billing is a simple way for media companies to charge users for access to content and services. Consumers can be reluctant to enter personal credit card details for smaller transactions. It is also a low-friction process that helps users that are short on time and attention to pay to interact with content and services. Where we’ve launched these types of services alongside credit card in the past, we’ve seen anything up to 90% of transactions coming through the mobile payment channel.”


Mark Challinor, Vice President, International News Media Association and CEO, Media Futures (Consulting) – and formerly head of mobile at the Telegraph Group – agrees. “If someone goes into a shop and buys a bar of chocolate it feels kind of wrong to put it on your plastic card. The same could be said of picking up a daily newspaper. There are more people with mobile phones than credit cards so mobile billing could be a way to increase sales. The potential is there. But for non-app sales, or for reaching consumers without a credit card, it could be a good way of tapping into users who don’t yet pay for things with a mobile.” But while there is growing enthusiasm for this billing mechanic among the enlightened, it could all yet be scuppered. Working against this is the payment services directive that could really scupper any moves by MNOs – or anyone else in the value chain – from realising the carrier billing dream, warns AIME chairman, Rory Maguire. “One year on, and the PSD is still hanging over us,” he says. “The latest iteration contains wording that could exempt

MNOs, but it also requires a whole accumulating total per month which is limiting so this is holding it back too.” There is also the problem that, while Google may have dived into telemedia billing, many other blue chips need reassurances. Many also need to be made aware that it is an option. This galls to the MNOs to champion this kind of m-payment technology. “The internal enthusiasts [at MNOs] are not being pushed up as champions of BOB,” says Maguire. “The industry isn’t being built. MNOs have to work together: there needs to be communality for the good of mankind and for the consumer. “ But MNOs hate having to work together, because legally it looks like a cartel. But it is in everyone’s interests to make this happen and make it fast. All MNO value added services are slowly being eroded by EU regulations on roaming and bundling. SMS is no longer a cash cow. And all MNO margins are being heavily eroded by smartphone technology that consumers don’t want to pay for. This all comes out of the margin. Capitalising on payments is going to suddenly become very important to them. Telemedia’s time is now.


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Extra! Extra!


Media companies have long realised that they have an interactive relationship with their audience. Now the technology is there to make this not only a truth, but also a business opportunity. But how is telemedia helping this? Paul Skeldon reports

RECENT NEWS that AThe backbone of telemedia services has for many years been interaction. It is a no brainer: telemedia brings together communications channels, billing and services. This is why media companies have long been using it to great effect. But over the years, the technology available – both to the consumers and the media companies – has changed and the demands on media companies to monetise these interactive channels has grown. Let’s face it, its tough these days trying to make money out of media: I know, I am trying to. In the print media this has become imperative. Print revenues from sales and advertising are declining. Revenues from digital are on the up. But digital hasn’t yet replaced the revenue lost from sales and advertising. What is the industry to do? “The trick though is how to monetise this new world,” says Mark Challinor, Vice President, International News Media Association and CEO, Media Futures (Consulting) – and formerly head of mobile at Telegraph Group. “As print revenges decline, digital monies are not replacing them fully yet. Mobile, for example, is seen by many as an ‘add on’ and not the premium channel it deserves to be. You, see, news media companies reach more people today than ever, through a print and digital offering/ portfolio.” But creativity abounds within the fertile ground where telemedia and print media share common land. And it is here that the potential lies. As Challinor explains: “News media – and other publishers for that matter – are focused on developing mobile products more than anything else. But a whole range of technology companies, such as app stores, operators and payment companies such as Barclaycard and Visa, are going to have a big impact on how publishers make money. “For instance,” says Challinor, “would giving readers to option

to pay for media content through their mobile phone operator give a big boost to ‘circulation’ sales? If someone goes into a shop and buys a bar of chocolate it feels wrong to put it on your card. The same could be said of picking up a daily newspaper.” This is an area of great potential for telemedia companies. There are more people with mobile phones than credit cards, so mobile billing could be a way to increase sales. The potential is there. App stores are already doing a decent job of taking much of the pain and hassle out of paying for content on mobiles it could be argued. “But for “non-app” sales, or for reaching consumers without a credit card, it could be a good way of tapping into users who don’t yet pay for things with a mobile,” says Challinor. “What’s needed is an education exercise to iron out the trust and fear factors from there telemedia industry to publishers. Assure them there is no risk and of the benefits.” The issue is the same in Television. “ There are now more interactive touch-points available than ever before and users’ attitude to telephony, mobile, digital and social interactivity has significantly advanced,” says Rob Weisz, CEO of Fonix, which has recently signed a deal with Channel 5 to help it interact with its audiences. “Traditional TV companies are evolving and competing for audiences with new, non-traditional players – challenging the boundaries of ‘free versus paid for’ and ensuring that interactive services remain relevant and appealing to audiences.” What this means, says Weisz, is that data is now the key to delivering interactive services and should be the key part of any telemedia play looking to help monetize the media. “Data and information is so pivotal to the commercial, technical and operational provision of services. Five years ago, most interactive mobile companies weren’t looking to use data in the same way as they do now. The requirements are now to identify trends


quickly and act upon those trends in a timely and appropriate manner.” Challinor agrees. “And then there is data: the new oil! The future winners – say Enders Analysis among others – are those who have a time grip on their audiences and where they are going. That’s why many news media companies are capturing, manipulating and exploiting their data. When adding first party data via competitions, subscriptions and so on to market and advertising data that’s available freely, a powerful picture can emerge that’s attractive to advertisers.” To true, says Weisz. “Data driven marketing is hot on the agenda for most of the media companies closely followed by collaborative partnerships with service and content owners. TV and Media companies are looking for engaging services that generate revenue, adds value to their audiences’ experience and to be contextually relevant. We are seeing between 20% to 30% engagement uplift from targeted data driven marketing.” Aside from data, the print industry is also looking to ditch its glacial approach to embracing technology and is looking closely

at some of the most cutting edge technology out there to gain an edge. Interactive media such as augmented reality (AR) are playing their part too in this resurgence. The Daily Telegraph recently ran a special edition just for agencies and advertisers, where when scanning the print ads, they all came alive to reveal the same ad in digital format. Helping the education of what new techs can bring. This AR edition brought in more than £1/2m of new money on the back of that one exercise alone. All it takes is to educate the industry as to what is available. Education brings more creativity, which brings more bespoke advertising solutions, which brings higher revenue opportunities. “Simple isn’t it?” Challinor teases. “Well, not quite, but news media is getting there.” In short, believes Challinor, “The future is not print. The future is not digital. The future is print plus digital plus “something extra”. That something extra is things like e-commerce, adjacent business tie-ins, data exploitations and so on. Over to you telemedia…”

world telemedia conference & expo

15-17 OCTOBER 2014

H10 AndAluciA PlAzA Hotel


interesting times sponsors

the telemedia industry has had its share of ups and downs, but as we gear up for World telemedia Marbella on 15-17 october, we find an industry that is ready for an almighty up. Some traditional services may have plateaued or even hit decline, but there has been of late a groundswell of interest in the services we offer as an industry within the mainstream world. And this is why we hit Marbella with high hopes. Mobile payments are poised to be massive, boosted this autumn by Apple’s announcements around iPhone 6, nFc and Apple Pay. More and more businesses are looking to let customers pay – especially for digital goods – in the fastest and most convenient way possible. And direct carrier billing is playing into that. the emergency of Voice short codes (VScs) and increasing confidence in HRPRS, better operator pay outs and generally much greater Mno support for telemedia is seeing it hit the big time. And this is one of the key themes of World telemedia Marbella. However, with great success comes great

responsibility and, while the business is on the up, regulation is in flux. There is a new code of Practice, there are issues with affiliate marketing, there is the spectre of the Payment Services directive all bearing down on our bubble. And this really is the theme of World Telemedia Marbella 2014: how to exploit the boom and create a regulatory environment that helps perpetuate that boom. two things that could well be considered oxymoronic, but two things that we have to make work in harmony. So that is what the show is going to do. it is going to pull together the entrepreneurial and the go-getters and it is going to gather the law makers and regulators. it is going to catalyse the debate, not just by bringing together the two sides, but by showing the two sides what the other needs to achieve and how they can aid each other. it’s a tough call, but one that we think we can pull off. All you have to do is be there to join the debate.


world telemedia conference & expo


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europe 51% usa & row 6% ot




uK 41%


r 13


Why we like World telemedia “the balance gained between daytime engagements and evening networking, compliments the audience needs and provides a solid environment to bolster meaningful business opportunities year on year. The relaxed, informal environment with clients and prospects fosters greater discussions. the concentration in one location of technology, billing and service providers is invaluable. this forum truly can accelerate plans and initiatives. the international focus that WtM can deliver, bringing differing perceptions and opportunities yet ultimately driving new partnerships and future relations.” Kevin Dawson, Head of Payments, Oxygen8 “Black dog communication’s main focus is to gain new business from the show and add a few names to our list of clientele. World telemedia is a worldwide meet of the billing community, old faces and new! it is a great opportunity for networking and we can’t wait to attend.” Barbara Matthews Coyle, Director, Black Dog Communications


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world telemedia conference & expo

world telemedia conference & expo

daY one 16 oCtoBer 2014 Everything to playThe for:state 13th Code debate Bart Ruiter, Creative Clicks • What is theHow impact of the Services INTRODUCITON: of telemedia Is it de safe to go back to Payments: to rise to Payment the With the UKoverview telemediaofindustry and regulaMark Collins, PhonePay Plus1 Directive? Affiliate marketing Part DOB challenge An expert the telemedia tor beginning to 2014 thrashthat out what will scene be in CHAIR: Jeremy Flynn, Empello • Wherepayments do we go are next? With a best practice guide in place and Mobile flavour of the industry in late sets the PhonePay Plus’ 13th of Practiceahead, , we PANELand that is presenting a massive an early Warning System set up, is it safe month, for the two days of Code conferencing look at: at: Practical for affiliate safe affliliate marketing Chris Newell,for ImpulsePay to return steps to using marketing? We opportunity carrier billing services. in looking need for a new code We round and off our look at the affiliate marketRory Maguire, assemble expert panel to lay out the the first of ourMD, twoAIME parts looking at the •• The Size of market newbeen codegrowing hopes toand achieve ing issue with anyour overview of the before practical Kevin Dawson, Oxygen8 we hear from and take questions a carrier billing landscape •• What Howthe it has how it is issues • What industry steps that youwhere can take today to make sure leading Ben Doonan. Square1 lunch the issues will be operators andCommunications providers about set to grow wants to see in the new code private PPPthe seesnew its role changing lie in that it worksdebated. for you. Sharan Rattan, Three UK are and how to thoroughly what these opportunities •• How Where opportunities • Timescales and nextand steps SPEAKERS Tom Broadfoot, deliver them. IMI Mobile media, payments beyond The needissues for a new Neil Penny, Monitoring Compliance Partners International PRS and •PRESENTATION: Overview of regulatory andcode wholesale Mark Collins, PhonePay Plus Declan Petit,markets Monitoring Compliance Partners Payments: Payments:The Newnew payment tools generation challenges With so much attention, rightly, focussed of telemedia payment tools PRESENTATION: What industry needs Mobile payments are the hot topic du jour in •world What the next 12 months holds telemedia conference & expo on the uK regulatory regime, we round Mobile payments are and the renewed hot topicinterest from new code Payments across Europe all commercial circles e G r a , n d off our look at regulatory issues with du jour in all commercial circles and a ire carrier billing is seeing Rory AIME We kick off an afternoon devoted to ,telein direct new services m 13thMudie, CodeMD, debate ct r e more international look at the industry renewed interest in direct carrier media payments, which are nownseeing emerge –oand the growth in use of billing some old With the uK telemedia industry and and the international challenges it faces. isfavourites. seeing new services emerge – of and Are you ready for thetoCo-Reg something of a renaissance across Europe. Here we explore some thethe latregulator beginning thrashissue? out what including: How to ride to the DOB growth in use of some old favourites. We take a look at the next We look at what the status of carrier billing is est developments and assess how they are will be in PhonePay Plus’issue 13thfacing codethe of and and The what new generation of Here wetoexplore some of the latest industry –we Co-reg services. know across Europe regulationsuK are41% on going impact the industry. Practice, assemble ourDon’t experts towhat challenge telemedia payment tools developments and assess how they are they are the or how theyand might affect you? Then the horizon that can affect everyone. PRESENTATION Going physical outline issues most importantly INTRODUCITON: The state of telemedia Is it safe to go back to Payments: How to rise to the billing into going to impact the industry. yougive need to attend this session PRESENTATION & DISCUSSION The PayHow Boku is transforming carrier to You, the industry, yourwhere say. you Affiliate marketing Part 1 DOB challenge An expert overview of the telemedia europe 51% will find out: ment Services Directive the real world With a best practice place and Mobile payments are flavour of the industry late 2014 that sets the scene • What areinthey Rory Maguire AIME guide in usa James Patmore, Boku & row an early Warning System set up, is it safe month, and that is presenting a massive for thedo two days 6% • How they runof conferencing ahead, James Patmore, Boku PRESENTATION Keeping it digital to return to using affiliate marketing? We opportunity for carrier billing services. looking at:you make them safe • How can How can Payforit be made more effectiveinfor assemble and expert panel to lay out the the firstcompanies of our twoand parts looking at the •PANEL Size of market Payments; Rising to the DOB challenge media digital content issues and take your questions before a carrier billing landscape we hear from •Rory How it has AIME been growing and how it is Maguire, Mobile payments are flavour of the month, Adam Maxted, IMI Mobile private lunch where the issues will be leading operators and providers about set to grow and Global outlook services Trends Opportunities in Media Opportunities inKeeping Sport, leisure James Macfarlane, PM wider Connect and thatand is presenting a massive opportuPRESENTATION it fresh thoroughly debated. what these opportunities are and how and entertainment •Mark Where the new opportunities lie in there is an increasingly diverse playing day two of World telemedia focuses on Birkett, Square1 Communications nity for carrier billing services. In the first of How good old telemedia billing is still rel-to deliver them. After a summer of sport, many in and media, paymentscovering and beyond field in telemedia, SMS, DOB, where latest and at next our twothe parts looking theopportunities carrier billing evant and what new twists are being added International PRS and the Fonix industry are looking at how •Is it Overview of regulatory issues and Voice and Voice short codes, credit card, for telemedia services and payments lies around safe to go back to Affiliate marketing? landscape we hear from leading operators Rob Weisz, wholesale markets Payments: The generation to capitalise on new the opportunities in the challenges apps and clients are and look atabout: what the media industry With aand bestm-payments practice guide in place and andwe providers PRESENTATION Payforit5 and quasiWith so much attention, rightly, focussed of telemedia payment tools sports, leisure and entertainment worlds. •anWhat the 12for months holds looking evernext more fully managed, is• The looking do withBilling telemedia. Early Warning System set up, is it safe DirecttoOperator (DOB) opporphysical goods on the uK regulatory regime, we round Mobile payments are the hot topic wrapped services. We kick off day two to return to using affiliate marketing? Weengagements tunity and evening How payforit is being used to buy carpark“the balance gained between daytime off our look at regulatory issues with a du jour in all commercial circles and Opportunities 13than Code debate with exploration of how industry assemble and expert panel tothe lay out the needs •and Theprovides growing arole for DOB in games, gaming and time in Gambling networking, compliments the audience solid more international look at the industry renewed interest in directmGaming carrier billing Following theImpulsepay successful With the telemedia industry anda can help deliver this. issues anduK take questions before bling and appyear stores Chris Newell, environment toyour bolster meaningful business opportunities on challenges it faces. is and the international seeing new services emerge – and Summit in london in May, a the regulator beginning toissues thrashwill out private lunch where the bewhat thor• What needs to be in place to make this PRESENTATION Paymentswe all get territories year. The relaxed, informal environment with clients and prospects including: How to ride to the DOB growth in use of some old favourites. follow up look at what key gambling will be debated. in PhonePay Plus’ 13th code of oughly mainstream A look at how m-payments are blossoming and The Here we explore somewith of the latest and fosters greater discussions. the concentrationchallenge in one location of new generation of are doing Practice, PANEL we assemble our experts to • Will we see it work in other digital markets companies in Africa and elsewhere andtelemedia what we can telemedia payment tools developments and assess how they are technology, billing and service providers is invaluable. this forum what opportunities it can unlock. outline issues and most importantly Eric Feltinthe ,Safari Mobile • Will it ever be usable in the physical goods learn from these markets going to impact the industry. truly can accelerate plans your and initiatives. the international focus to give You, the industry, say. Brian Gliseman, Zamano world? Gary Corbett, Oxygen8 Opportunities in games and apps stores that WtM can deliver, bringing differing perceptions and opportunithe world of apps stores and games are ties yet ultimately driving new partnerships and future relations.” opening up to carrier billing and other Kevin Dawson, Head of Payments, Oxygen8 telemedia services – this could very well be the portal to mainstream mass market “Black gain new business Social interaction and PRESENTATION SMS:industry. the key to retargeting Trendsdog andcommunication’s Opportunities in main Mediafocus is to PRESENTATION penetration of the We wrap up from theoutlook and add a few names ofmedia clientele. World Global and wider services Trends and Opportunities in Media Opportunities in 2014 Sport,Enterprise leisure the Martin Bolsover, Director, Solution Day two ofshow World Telemedia focuses onto our list World telemedia with a look at and entertainment telemedia isincreasingly a worldwide meet ofplaying the billing community, old there is anlatest diverse day two of World telemedia focuses on Beverly Brooks, IMIfaces Mobile Sales, mGage where the and next opportunities for how this is working right now and what After a summer The of sport, many in and field in telemedia, covering SMS,lies DOB, where and new! it is a great opportunity forand networking andthe welatest can’t and waitnext opportunities PRESENTATION future ofthe IVR telemedia services and payments opportunities it gives you in year around the industry are looking at how Voice and Voice short codes, credit card, for telemedia services and payments lies to Tools of engagement Mark Birkett, Square1 Communications weattend. kick off” with a look at what the media ahead. capitalise on App the opportunities in the– apps andisBarbara m-payments clients are and wecompanies look at what the media industry Media are looking at using more to PRESENTATION store optimisation industry looking Matthews to do and withCoyle, telemedia. Director, Black Dog Communications sports, leisure and entertainment worlds. looking ever more for fully managed, is looking to do with telemedia. telemedia services than ever: so how can the good and bad tools PRESENTATION Trends in print media wrapped services. We kick we help? This session takes a look at what is Rory Mudie, Redbox Mobile We give you an in depth lookoff at day whattwo the Opportunities in Gambling with an exploration of how the industry out there in terms of existing technologies PRESENTATION The latest developments print media, now working cross channel, Following the successful mGaming can help deliver this. wants from telemedia services. that can be put to great use. in m-advertising Summit in london in May, Mark Challinor, Consultant & VP, INMA Tom Horsey, Crazy4Media we get a follow up look at what key gambling companies are doing with telemedia and what opportunities it can unlock.

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daY one 16 oCtoBer 2014





daY two 17 oCtoBer 2014


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daY two 17 oCtoBer 2014


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world telemedia conference & expo

m18 summit 16 oCtoBer 2014 M-adult 101 – Busting Mobile Myths Challenging the urban myths – TRUTH v HYPE – previous experiences are distorting views on the opportunity. The Case For Mobile in adult Why consider mobile as a key game play? As Juniper report that mobile adult subscriptions will be worth 1.2 billion by 2015 – how to get a share of this significant market segment Real Mobile Strategies We’ve seen what the reality of mobile is and considered the business case for implementing it – but how should you approach it strategically and tactically?

Mobile Payments “Billing is boring but getting paid is fun!” We analyse how to make the best use of the burgeoning range of billing and payment tools and discuss what they can specifically bring to the market for over 18 services.

Partner Discussion Forum How can the adult services industry work with operators and aggregators to get a better deal that helps stimulate growth.

Mobile Content establishing the links between successful mobile services and online. Chat, Dating & Social Media telemedia platforms and billing products have been a core component in delivering interactive chat and dating services. So as dating becomes mainstream and chat is an intrinsic part of the social media – what will the next generation of commercial services look like?

premium netWorKinG World telemedia has a long standing reputation for providing a first class opportunity to rub shoulders, pick brains and share some drinks with the people that can really deliver. Marbella is no exception. • Start “Shhmoozing” with our mobile meeting system • LinkedIn VIP and groups • Facebook page • WT18 Golf Day • Welcome Drinks • Opening Party - Sponsored by International Premiums • Expo Hospitality Suites, Bars & Lounges • Blind Speed Networking - “Movers” meet “Shakers” • Directors’ Lunches - in the restaurant / terrace • Working Lunches – in the main expo lounge • Happy Hour Expo Drinks Reception • Client Dinner Schedule • Parties In “The Port” - Sponsored by Mobile life


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