Telemedia Month WTMarbella Special

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Issue 33a • OCT 2012

Four in ten mobile searches lead to in-store purchase, study finds


The latest news from the industry, along with analysis of what that news means, including: • Mobile now the key web access tool for most, says BuzzCity 3 • Half of smartphone users use OTT and VoIP, finds study 4 • Telefonica Digital launches new service to leveragebig data 5

Analysis Editorial Fun and business in the sun Paul Skeldon looks at how telemedia’s time has come as the world goes mcommerce crazy – and World Telemedia Marbella hoves into view 7


The leading industry directory of services 30

SHOW PREVIEWS with the high street as we know it under threat of extinction, according to some forecasters, retailers need to fight back by incorporating mobile into the heart of their marketing strategies, says a new report by Tradedoubler, the performance marketing and technology firm, ahead of its appearance at WORLD TELEMEDIA MARBELLA 17-19 OCTOBER. The report, which is based on Tradedoubler’s research among 2,000 smartphone users in Europe, shows that 38% of people who research a product on their mobile phone will then go into a shop to buy it. 47% go on to complete their purchase on a PC, 25% on their mobile and 7% on a tablet. The report reveals that smartphone use while in-store could also mean lost business for retailers that lack an effective mobile customer engagement strategy. The ‘showrooming’ phenomenon is where shoppers first visit stores to look at products, but then turn to their mobile phones in order to find the best price, completing the purchase online with a competitor. This behaviour was revealed in the survey when 42% of those who said they had used their mobiles in a shop revealed they had used it to track down a better deal elsewhere. “Much has been written about mobile representing a potential nightmare scenario for high street retailers,” said Dan Cohen, Market Unit Leader, Tradedoubler, “but our study shows that the opposite can be true as long as retailers are prepared to harness the potential of mobile, and not be afraid of closing a sale through different channels. We’re finding that mobile search can be a tremendous catalyst to driving consumers onto the high street.”

WORLD TELEMEDIA 2012 We take a sneak peek at the event that brings it all together starting on page 9 SHOW OVERVIEW 9 CONFERENCE 10 NETWORKING 12 WHO’S DOING WHAT 14 INTERACTION 20 CHAT & DATING 24

M-ADULT SUMMIT 2012 We over an overview of World Telemedia’s sister show mAdult Summit SHOW OVERVIEW 26 CONFERENCE 27 50 SHADES OF MOBILE 28

continued page 2>>>

Latest news at Catch our blog at

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PLATINUM World Wide Access To Global Destinations, Over 70 Tier 1 Carrier Interconnects, Exclusive IPRS Number Ranges, Direct Wholesale Routes, Voting & Competitions, Conferencing Services, Roaming SIM Cards, Tech Support Lines, Horoscope & Tarot, Live & Virtual Chat, Stats Panel, IVR

Why settle for anything less? WWPT is proud to be a Platinum Sponsor of World Telemedia 2012

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Mobile the key web access tool for many consumers, finds BuzzCity study

the latest consumer survey by BuzzCity ahead of the company’s appearance at WORLD TELEMEDIA MARBELLA 17-19 OCTOBER, finds that 85% of consumers now prefer to use a mobile to access the internet. The survey reveals how integral the mobile internet has become in consumers’ daily lives across the age groups, with 31% of 20 to 24 year olds and one in ten 30 to 34 year olds prefer to access the internet via their phones. The research also dispels the myth that this is only occurring with high-earning early adopters – it appears to be across occupations and income brackets with mobile internet users just as likely to be a machine operator (7%) as an office support worker (8%). According to BuzzCity’s research, mobiles appear to be well established as the device of choice for internet use; 85% of those surveyed prefer to use a mobile

to browse the internet. Some changes in behaviour were also observed as some (11%) users use their mobiles for surfing at home instead of PCs - most likely for communicating with friends. Consumers see mobile as the “go-to” device that keeps them connected all the time, but they are likely to complement this with PC or tablets. This shift is supported by the research findings that users are surfing with multiple devices; 6% now also surf with PC and 0.48% also surf with tablets. More are expected to surf with multiple devices as 27% plan to buy a PC and 11% a tablet within the next 12 months. Dr KF Lai, CEO of BuzzCity says: “Smartphone usage has grown faster than many expected, countries like United Kingdom (89%), Saudi Arabia (94%) and UAE (92%) are now seeing smartphone penetration of more than 80%.”

“Our latest user survey has brought to the fore how integral mobiles are to consumers lives today – regardless of age or occupation. There is a strong preference for mobiles as the personal device that is connected 24/7, and that complements the PC or tablet experience. So for marketers to take advantage of this consumer behaviour we would recommend considering all of these multiple platforms when it comes to campaigns and products, however keep in mind mobile first.” A lot of behaviour from mobile consumers remains unchanged - the majority of users (53%) spend up to 6 hours a day on multiple logins across devices to the internet. In this time users will be accessing the internet via their mobiles to communicate with friends (61%) and for entertainment (35%). And demand for media (31%) and financial services (23%), remain high.

>from page 1 four in ten searches lead to in-store purchases The report recommends that retailers looking to take advantage of mobile should adopt a seamless approach across online and off-line channels, reinforced by special daily deals, voucher codes, mobile-optimised websites and tracked affiliate programmes. The study found that many shoppers would welcome such additional functionality, with 35% saying they want to use vouchers and 56% welcoming location-based offers, although currently only 16% of users receive them. “The world of retail is changing,” added Cohen. “Technology is transforming the way we search for and buy products. Apps and smartphones

are leading the way, driving consumer behaviour that demands an always on, multi-touch, multi-channel response from retailers. Retailers who fail to embrace this will quickly be left behind.” Tradedoubler has embraced the changes in technology that are driving new consumer behaviour and works with clients such as The Body Shop and Jessops to create integrated campaigns that can drive purchase on mobile, but also incentivize consumers to ‘check-in’ at their high street stores and redeem special discount vouchers to increase footfall and the potential for incremental sales. Tradedoubler was the first pan-European network to offer an integrated

e-commerce and m-commerce affiliate offering to help advertisers extend online programmes to users on mobile devices. It followed up at the beginning of this year with the launch of Application Download Tracking (ADT) for iOS and Android which enables companies to measure the ROI on App downloads. Tradedoubler has an award-winning publisher network and with its ability to accurately record whether a sale was generated by an affiliate’s PC site, mobile site or App, it has the technology to ensure that publishers are accurately rewarded and that advertisers are can analyse the success of individual elements of their cross-channel marketing campaigns.



Half of smartphones users use instant or OTTmessaging services, one in five use VoIP apps more than 45% of customers with a smartphone use some form of instant messaging (IM) or over-the-top (OTT) messaging app in addition to (and in some cases instead of ) traditional text messaging (SMS), according to a new report examining consumer smartphone voice and messaging trends from Analysys Mason (www. In addition, 20% of consumers use a VoIP app, and 20% of those consumers use it more than traditional voice services. The report, Consumer smartphone usage: voice and messaging trends, is the last of four in Analysys Mason’s Consumer smartphone usage series. The reports are based on data derived from Arbitron Mobile’s passive on-device monitoring app, which monitored more than 1000 smartphone users (‘panellists’) in France, Germany, Spain, the UK

and the USA. The report describes the day-to-day ‘realities’ of how people use their smartphones, particularly around data generation, disruptive services, app usage and mobile content integration. The report shows that WhatsApp Messenger is the first large-scale crossplatform messaging app; nearly 20% of the panellists used it during the twomonth observation period. However, OTT communication apps have succeeded in replacing operator services in only a small proportion of cases; only 1.7% of the panel used IM/OTT messaging without using SMS, but 97% of panellists used SMS. “The relative fragmentation of the messaging market (compared to, for example, Skype’s dominance of the VoIP market) will continue to hinder full substitution,” explained Stephen

Sale, co-author of the report and Lead Analyst for Analysys Mason’s Voice and Messaging research programme. “However, while the messaging market is fragmented, the collective effect is having an impact on SMS usage; the number of text messages sent per active user is already declining in some Western countries.” Skype continues to dominate the VoIP market; 79% of VoIP users on the panel used the service (16% of all panellists), making it the default VoIP provider. The main challengers to Skype are Viber, fring and Google Talk, as used by 5%, 0.8% and 0.6% of panellists respectively. Alarmingly for operators, some smartphone users are beginning to use VoIP apps as their primary voice service; approximately 20% of VoIP users (or 4% of the panellists) used mobile VoIP more than traditional voice services.

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Telefónica launches Telefónica Dynamic Insights to leverage big data for retail and commerce telefonica Digital has set up Telefónica Dynamic Insights, a global business unit dedicated to identifying and unlocking the potential opportunities for creating value from ‘big data’. Telefónica Dynamic Insights will provide companies and public sector organisations around the world with analytical insights that enable them to become more effective. It will develop a range of products and services using different data sets, including machine to machine data, and anonymised and aggregated mobile network data. The first product, ‘Smart Steps’, will use fully anonymised and aggregated mobile network data to enable companies and public sector organisations to measure, compare, and understand what factors influence the number of people visiting a location at any time. These insights will help retailers tailor local offerings for existing stores and determine the best locations and most A5 ad.pdf



appropriate formats for new stores. A number of retailers are already helping with product development by providing user feedback. Smart Steps will also be able to help town councils measure how many more people visit their high street after the introduction of free car parking, farmers markets, or late night shopping. To expand its capability and extend its market reach Telefónica has also entered into a global strategic partnership with GfK, one of the world’s leading market research companies. GfK will work closely with Telefónica Dynamic Insights on product development – initially in Germany, UK and Brazil - bringing marketing science expertise and a proven track record of providing business critical research and analytics services to a broad range of clients across multiple industry sectors. “Big data is one of the key building blocks of the digital economy. Approached in a smart and responsible way

it has the potential to transform every part of business and society – providing economic growth and improving people’s lives,” said Stephen Shurrock, Chief Commercial Officer at Telefónica Digital. “Smart Steps will help retailers better understand and meet their customers’ needs, reduce costs through improved efficiency, and make better informed decisions. It will help retailers to determine the best locations and formats for new stores and tailor product promotions in existing stores. We are delighted to be partnering with GfK, a global leader in market research, on product development.” In addition to retail footfall measurement Telefónica Dynamic Insights is also developing analytics products to help companies in a wide range of different industries. Initial product focus areas include fraud protection, and ‘Smart City’ technology, including traffic management.












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Fun – and business – in the sun World Telemedia Marbella is nearly here: Paul Skeldon takes a look at what is in store over the next few pages and here sets the tone for what is going to be an awesome show welcome to this special issue of Telemedia-month that comes just before we all decamp to Marbella for what promises to be one of the greatest World Telemedia shows for many years. The vibe is back, make no mistake. And its not hard to see why. There is still great opportunity in the traditional markets for telemedia services as we can see from many of our exhibitors and sponsors, some of whom are launching new services to tap into growing consumer demand for mobile and online premium billing. And this is all being driven by the fact that consumers are now shopping and buying and interacting through mobile devices as never before. This move to the mainstream can only be good news for the telemedia sector. Mobile – and particularly payments – is shaping up to be the key battle ground in the war of m-commerce. While much has been done to get commercial mobile sites up and running, actually giving people the ability to pay for things when they get there is key. And retailers and online sellers, apps developers, games makers, music companies and more are all now chomping at the bit to get stable, easy and robust mobile payments in place. And that is very much up for grabs right now. On-billing payments from operators are starting to ramp up, payment widgets that offer to bring together multiple PRS-type payments are being launched, banks are getting in on the act and many third party payment tools, payment gateways and payment providers are all looking at how to make it happen. To my mind it will be one company, that comes up with a simple, quick, easy and robust way of doing it that will grab the prize. From a consumer point of view, it has to be something they understand, feel safe with but perhaps above all find very simple to use, that will win the day. So what is it going to be? If I knew the answer to that, I wouldn’t be sitting here writing this, I’d be a very rich man. But there are many people working on it – even if a lot of on-bill solutions are really only aimed at micropayments for digital goods. But as the World Telemedia show showcases there is still much to be gained in this sphere and that is what the show is aiming to deliver: insight into what the opportunities are, and what tools the industry has at its fingertips to deliver on those opportunities. All this will be done through presentation led “learning” sessions, interactive “discuss” panel sessions and of course, the “inspire” sessions of case study presentations that really showcase what leading telemedia players can do. And if that isn’t enough, then the show also offers unparalleled networking where you guys can get together, have fun and do deals, learn new stuff and shape the future of m and e-commerce, digital media and marketing and beyond. So, if you haven’t booked a ticket, do it now its going to be awesome.

Editorial Editor Paul Skeldon | Sales & Marketing | Production Director Annika Micheli | Publisher Jarvis Todd To subscribe, please go to What we’ve been listening to Toy | What we’ve been amused by Greg Davies’ stand up show | Who we’ve been following #telemedia | What we’ve been reading about mobile payments | Oct 2012 will bring... World Telemedia and the inaugural mAdult Summit – side by side in Marbella 17-19 October




LEARN. DISCUSS. INSPIRE. World Telemedia Marbella kicks off on 17 October and over the next few pages we take a look at the latest line up of speakers and case study presentations, as well as getting some of the hot news that is set to be revealed at the show. But first, what is it all about? world telemedia showcases the solutions, strategies, applications and technologies that connect consumers to media, content and billing they want. This is the telemedia industry’s annual trading exchange for domestic and international providers that link network delivery, micro billing technologies and other interactive functionality to an ever expanding range of content and media distribution channels. Join more than 400 delegates for 3 days of thought provoking sessions that address the strategic issues that directly influence our industry’s ability to capitalise on current market trends and point the way towards opportunities in new markets and vertical sectors. • Trends, Stats, Facts & Figures • Traditional & Social Media •Interactive Advertsing • Mobile Marketing • Bar Codes & QR Codes • Device Location & 2nd Screening • Essentials – Chat, Dating, Psychic etc • Services – Games & Gambling • Live Applications – Events, Sports • Virtual Goods & Games • Social Media & Premium Content Social Media & Social Voting • Social Media & Social Commerce • mPayments • PRS & PSMS• WAP & In App Billing • mCommerce & mRetail • Networking Markets • Fraud Prevention • Legal & Regulation everyone attending World Telemedia Marbella should leave having learned something new, discussed their key issues with colleagues and been inspired (or inspired themselves) with some of the most innovative uses of technology in the premium communications space. To facilitate this, we are creating a conference programme that will offer – in three very different environments around the show – the chance to do just this. LEARN Uncover the issues, technology developments and trends that are shaping the tele- media industry, through panels, presentations and the ancient art of conferencing DISCUSS Join your industry peers to discuss, debate and shape the key issues facing the telemedia industry in a series of roundtable discussions INSPIRE Learn from what works and who is doing what innovatively with technology, servic- es and tools of the telemedia trade through a series of case studies, live demos and more on the show floor. Who’s going to be there? World Telemedia Marbella is going to be awash with talent from across the value chain in the telemedia sector, inlcuding: • Media, Marketing & Data Owners • Premium Content Publishers • App Development Companies • Aggregators & Resellers • Technology & Service Providers • Billing & Collection Companies • Network Operators & ISPs

Tickets are going like hot cakes so click here to SIGN UP now



World Telemedia 2012

World Telemedia 2012

CONFERENCE DAY ONE THURSDAY 18 OCTOBER VERTICAL MARKET OPPORTUNITIES 10:30 – 11:00 LEARN OPENING KEYNOTE The state of interaction The trends and developments in print and TV interaction Graham Halling, Digital Business Director, Spoke 11:00 – 11:30 LEARN Reaching highly engaged audiences A look at how helping consumers find the most relevant content can make media sites more sticky Alex Cheesman, Outbrain 11:30 - 12:10 COFFEE & NETWORKING 12:10 – 13:00 LEARN Interactive Marketing & advertising 12:10 - 12:30 Behavioural targeting in action Tom Horsey, Crazy4Media Group 12:30 - 12:50 Social marketing on mobile Alex Pikina, Buzzcity 12:50 - 13:00 DISCUSS Q&A 13:00 – 14:00 LUNCH & NETWORKING 14:00 – 14:30 LEARN AFTERNOON KEYNOTE Using ‘big data’ Consumers throw off a lot of data – what can we do with it and how valuable is it? Lee Booth, IMTV 14:35 - 15:30 LEARN Telemedia opportunities in Retail & Commerce 14:35 - 14:50 The M-commerce effect A look at how disruptive M-commerce is being, based on consumer research Neil Ranatunga, Head of Mobile UK & Ireland, Tradedoubler 14:50 - 15:05 Using text to sell cars How Cars2Go in the US is using the triple play of web, apps and text to sell cars Bob Bentz, ATS

15:05 - 15:20 The Role of Payforit4 in retail How Payforit can work in the retail and commerce sector, with reference to using it Chris Newell, ImpulsePay 15:20 - 15:30 DISCUSS Q&A 15:30 – 16:00 COFFEE & NETWORKING 16:00 – 17:00 LEARN Games, gambling and live event Games, gambling and making live events interactive is becoming a key market for telemedia services. Find out • What games companies, gambling operators and events companies are looking for • The opportunities in payments, ticketing and service delivery • Market opportunities for your existing tech 16:00 - 16.15 State of the nation address So where are we at with mobile gambling? Aideen Shortt, Mobile Consultant 16:15- 16:30 Mobile games: where are we now? The latest on the mobile games market and what opportunities it offers Tony Pearce, TeePee Games 16:30 - 16:50 Making live events interactive How to add interaction to live events Stephen George, Orca Digital 16:50 - 17:00 DISCUSS Q&A 17:00 - 19:00 NETWORKING DRIINKS 20:00 - LATE PARTY TIME (see next page and website for details)



E AT A GLANCE DAY TWO FRIDAY 19 OCTOBER TELEMEDIA SERVICES 10:30 – 11:00 LEARN Tackling fraud and developing international telemedia How can telemedia as an industry tackle fraud and develop new international markets safely and effectively? Josef Bruckschlogl, Kwak Telecom 11:00 - 11:45 DISCUSS New technology scams and frauds With new technology and services come the inevitable frauds and scams. Join in the discussion to assess: • What the new frauds are • How to overcome them • The role of regulation • Where technology fraud goes next Josef Bruckschlogl, Kwak Telecom Kamran Tajbaksh, Worldwide Premiums Shawn Brown, Converto Group 11:45 – 12:30 COFFEE & NETWORKING 12:30 – 13:15 DISCUSS Billing & Payments At the heart of telemedia lies billing and payment and now all vertical markets are looking for ways to use mobile and premium rate to collect money. Find out • What consumers want • What networks have to offer • How to use third party products • The significance of m-wallets • international payments Chris Newell, ImpulsePay Shawn Brown, Converto Group Ben Doonan, Square1 Ibs Ali, head of account management, OpenMarket 13:00 – 14:00 LUNCH & NETWORKING 14:00 – 14:30 Industry upadate Taking the temperature of the telemedia business David Ashman, AIME 14:30 - 15:30 LEARN Telemedia Essentials The latest developments in • Chat • Dating • Psychic & Horoscope • Adult • Lifestyle Coaching • New services • Technology and devices – and their impact Shawn Brown, Converto Group Mark Birkett, MD, Square1 Communications Shane Carter, Sundial Telecom David Ashman, AIME


SEE THE LATEST TECH IN ACTION World Telemedia will not only educate and inform, it will also inspire you with our showfloor case study theatre. Here is what we have in store for you so far... DAY ONE (18 October) 11:30 - 11:50 Making print & TV interactive Key Strategies for engagement through print and TV Graham Halling, Digital Business Director, Spoke 11:50 – 12:10 Click and Snap The new face of mobile dating that uses your contacts and turns flirting into a bit of a game Sam Seller, SOA Networks 12:20 - 12:40 Payforit4 in action See how payforit4 is starting to gain ground in the real world, as ImpulsePay demos how it works with Switchfire Chris Newell, ImpulsePay 12:40 - 13:00 PCI compliance How C3 tech has revolutionised Sundial’s business Shane Carter, Sundial Telecoms & John Wood, C3 DAY TWO (19 October) 11:45 - 12:05 VoIPay - PRS over the web See how to make VoIP premium rate and global Stephen George, Orca Digital 12:05 - 12:25 Mobile payment widget See a new billing Widget for online and mobile web content, complete admin and statistical reporting - Prs, SMS, and credit card in action Ben Doonan, Square 1 12:25 - 12:45 Air-time top ups and mobile money transfers: the new face of m-commerce How the clearing platform is creating new ways to move money and airtime Ramona Benson, Trannglo 12:45 - 13:05 Live Mobile Subject TBC Speaker TBC



World Telemedia 2012

World Telemedia 2012

NETWORKING WORLD TELEMEDIA events have a long standing reputation for providing a first class opportunity to rub shoulders, pick brains and get to know the people that can really deliver. So what is on offer in MARBELLA? START “SHHMOOZING”
 See who you know and discover who you need to know at World Telemedia by downloading SHHMOOZE on to your phone. Sign in with LinkedIn to create yourprofessional profile in just a few seconds, then start using this locationbased technology to tell fellow delegates what type of business you’re looking for in Marbella!
 All registered attendees are automatically invited tojoin this closed networking group. Networkign between providers, speakers and delegates has already started so register today! TELEMEDIA-NEWS.COM (OPEN) GROUPS
Network with industry professionals all year round on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.

served from its acclaimed international restaurant ……
but only if you’re wearing your World Telemedia event pass. 

 One of the great benefits of taking World Telemedia to southern Spain is that we’re guaranteed some fantastic late summer weather. What better way to wind down after 3 days of grueling business networking than by enjoying a very friendly round of golf on one of regions best courses.
Click Here for more information


Starting as we mean to go on with networking events of the highest quality, all delegates are invited to meet for a welcome drinks reception in H10 Andalucía Plaza. Drinks and canapés will be served in the main expo hall and on the poolside terrace.


Wednesday 17 October

21:30 The Opening Party at the spectacular GUEY Bar & Terrace 
Join our Platinum Sponsor - International Premiums on Wednesday 17 October from 21.30. Registered delegates and guest are invited start networking at one of Marbella’s hidden gems! Enjoy the sights and sounds of Marbella at this spectacular split-level (indoor / outdoor) venue; boasting beautiful tropical gardens, chill-out terrace and fully open / free bar between 21:30 and 23:30. A range of delicious canapés will also be


The Atlas Interactive Bar & Lounge will be serving free tea and coffee throughout the day and it’ll be open till late at night – so make sure you drop by on your way to bed and do that last bit of business. Look out for the Atlas drinks vouchers for more complementary drinks – they’ll be attached to an Atlas Interactive representative. BLIND SPEEDNETWORKING – “MOVERS” MEET “SHAKERS” 
It is not what you know, it’s “who” you know and this very popular event delivers 6 new contacts in 30 just minutes. Forget the simple buyer / seller relationship - this format ensures that you expand your business network and gets you closer to the solutions you’re looking for.
Sponsors and exhibitors enjoy guaranteed host “shaker” status - restricted numbers of “movers” need to apply in advance when registering


Thanks to the generosity of our sponsors World Telemedia 2012 offers more delegate services, exhibits and hospitality than ever before. Make sure you make full use of the specially designed meeting and lounge facilities and keep an eye out for a feast of complementary food and beverages.

There’s no need to stop doing business at lunchtime as we’ll be serving all event pass holder a feast of fresh local delicacies in the main restaurant,garden and terrace area. Our fabulous buffet menu will also include ½ bottle of wine for each person – WT feeds minds and bodies on Thursday and Friday.


G TIME! 18:30 to 20:00

As day one draws to a close everyone is invited to start mingling in the main expo hall – where ImpulsePay and Switchfire will be hosting a very Happy Hour of FREE drinking and nibbling!
17:30 to 19:00

tant dinners to take place. Please arrange your client dinners during this period so ensure that no one needs to miss out on any official WT events – many thanks for your cooperation.
Hosts please invite your guest out between 19:00 to 21:00


Expectations will be very high that the networking events in Marbella will be second to none. So we head down to the world famous New Town Puerto Banus for some glamorous networking amongst the fast cards and superyachts that have made this area so famous. A very open bar and some great entertainment will be provided at

 We understand that WT provides an excellent opportunity to entertain both valued clients and new customer. As part of our commitment to ensuring that all parties are open and available to all participants, we’ve set aside a time for those all-impor-


learn more at


PREVIEW PREVIEW World Telemedia 2012

World Telemedia 2012

WHO’S DOING WHA Proud to be platinum sponsors of the show

world wide premium telecom (WWPT) is the proud platinum sponsor of WORLD TELEMEDIA MARBELLA (17-19 October) and will be on hand to showcase what it does and taking part in industry panel discussions to help the telemedia shape how it develops and expands over the coming years. World Wide Premium Telecom is an International Premium Rate Number provider, exploring new conditions for growth and opportunity by advertising its own and exclusive international Premium Rate Numbers over favorable destinations globally connected with aggressive share revenues and World Wide Access. WWPT has an extensive know how and a recognized track record of 10 years in the Telecommunication market, serving many renowned clients from countries all over the world and being interconnected with over 70 Tier 1 Carriers. Our technical/Premium Telemedia experience enables us to provide technical support lines, Voting Lines, Horoscopes, Tarot reading And Fortune Telling, Competitions, Live or virtual chat services, including: • World Wide Access To Global Destinations • Over 70 Tier 1 Carrier Interconnects • Exclusive IPRS Number Ranges • Direct Wholesale Routes • Voting & Competitions • Conferencing Services • Roaming SIM Cards • Tech Support Lines • Horoscope & Tarot • Live & Virtual Chat • Stats Panel • IVR MEET WWPT @ WORLD TELEMEDIA MARBELLA

EG Telecom sponsors World Telemedia Marbella

eg telecom is sponsoring World Telemedia for the first time this year. EG is a technology provider for payment systems by voice and mobile, with direct connections to all the mobile operators in Spain. EG is an integrator with a complete offer in terms of connectivity and payment,... providing the technology required for every business model. 
When asked what prompted EG to become a sponsor, Managing Director, Robert Nijeber said: “ We are a long term player in this business and we know Telemedia´s event is the most important one in the market… so the question might be… how can you not get involved?”
EG are expecting meet new customers that are interested in their billing solutions (inc Direct Operator Billing) and to gaining access to the Spanish and LATAM markets. They’re also hoping to unveil “The One Click” on line purchasing of Movistar – an exclusive pilot scheme that promises to surprise and delight! MEET EG TELECOM @ WORLD TELEMEDIA MARBELLA

Opening night drinks thanks to SwitchFire & ImpulsePay Impulsepay and client Switchfire are sponsoring happy hour on the show floor on 18 October at WORLD TELEMEDIA MARBELLA 2012. SwitchFire, which architects, designs and develops mobile products across multiple platforms for businesses, is a lead off customer of ImpulsePay’s Payforit4 billing product. Find out more as you sip cool drinks at the opening night party on 17 October. MEET IMPULSEPAY @ WORLD TELEMEDIA MARBELLA


AT AT THE SHOW Spoke bridges “Print-to-Digital” with watermarking SPOKE, the consumer engagement specialists, is launching its latest interactive product offering, digital watermarking, which integrates print and digital content to deepen engagement between brands and their consumers. Spoke’s digital watermarking solution, which incorporates patented Digimarc® Discover technology, enables readers to pursue compelling and entertaining interactive experiences via their smartphones from any kind of printed material, allowing them to access a range of mobile-optimized content without removing them entirely from the print product. Instead, it bridges the gap between print and digital, bringing the print to life and enabling users to get more in-depth content on their mobile. Digital watermarks can be used on all kinds of print such as product packaging, magazines, newspapers, print ads and marketing materials, and are visible only to smartphones. Consumers simply point their phone at the watermarked print, to be instantly connected to a menu of optional action-led experiences such as ‘share’ via social media, ‘learn more’ via a web URL, ‘watch video’, ‘view map location’, ‘email us’, ‘call us’ or ‘add to calendar’. Unlike many competing image recognition technologies, brands and advertisers can simply drop the digital watermark reader into their own app, saving consumers from having to download an additional app to view mobile content. Alternatively, if they don’t have an app, they can choose to offer Spoke’s free Fetch app or their own branded version of it. Rob Ellis, Managing Director of Spoke, commented: “Digital watermarking provides a highly effective bridge from the print to digital environment, allowing readers and consumers to explore and enjoy a wide range of multimedia content, without severing the traditional reading experience or compromising direct revenue generating opportunities. We are delighted to add digital watermarking to our growing suite of mobile and digital solutions since we re-launched as Spoke last month.” MEET SPOKE @ WORLD TELEMEDIA MARBELLA

VoiPay launches self-serve VoiPay and micropayments ORCA DIGITAL is unveiling its self-serve platform for VoiPay at World Telemedia Marbella – enabling service providers to sign-up at and add global premium web telephony to their existing services in five minutes. VoiPay uniquely enables promoters to embed a couple of lines of HTML in their site - to add global access via credit card and premium rate numbers, routing to DDIs on their existing telephony platform. VoiPay also serves as a micropayment platform for promoters to sell their content with a simple integration. Stephen George, Commercial Director of Orca Digital, says: “More of our clients were using the web to promote their services and existing forms of monetisation were disjointed and offered limited billing in limited countries. We built VoiPay to address this, taking the pain away from the promoter and offering the consumer clear billing in their own currency with local access numbers - it even works without a phone, just like Skype.” VoiPay has seen rapid growth since launch earlier in 2012 - and this is set to accelerate as promoters can now switch on new billing routes instantly. VoiPay also offers industry leading reporting for both the promoter and the consumer - with call traffic appearing in real-time, enabling promoters to track their revenue and consumers to keep their spend. George adds: “We’re really excited about the launch of self-serve and micropayments – our future product enhancements - our customers have already seen a substantial revenue uplift to their premium rate services. We handle all the complexities of both credit card and premium rate billing internationally - including any regulatory requirements such as call intros and termination. The promoter, without changing their service, can instantly turn on incremental revenue.” MEET ORCA @ WORLD TELEMEDIA MARBELLA


PREVIEW World Telemedia 2012

C3 and Sundial Telecom focus on PCI

sundial telecom is using c3‘s technology and PCI experience to provide a PCI Compliant managed service solution, initially targeted towards the live psychic and adult markets but applicable to many main stream sectors . The two Cambridge-based companies are combining their knowledge and expertise to develop the service, which will provide businesses with a complete PCI Compliant managed service solution. Sundial Telecom is developing the service in C3’s Fusion software; an intuitive IVR toolkit that provides huge flexibility in creating and deploying new IVR services as well as the ability to quickly implement any changes to an existing service. The service will enhance the caller’s ‘user experience’, managing the entire process, from call distribution to secure payment, via web, telephony or SMS. A carousel of client and overflow agents will be available for peak call times, and their bios and availability can be automatically updated on the client’s website via the service API. Callers will have the option of paying for the service via a number of PCI Compliant avenues, including pre-paid web vouchers, special occasion purchases. MEET SUNDIAL @ WORLD TELEMEDIA MARBELLA MEET C3 @ WORLD TELEMEDIA MARBELLA

Online content billing with SoftLock from Square 1 square 1 communications’ SoftLock is you’re billing solution for online content provided by one of the most reputable and reliable solutions providers in the UK. The Square1 SoftLock billing service provides you with embeddable ‘widgets’ that allows you full control of layout and styling within your host page, each chosen payment option is a separate ‘widget’ allowing you to mix and match to your specific billing requirements. SoftLock offers several billing options including premium SMS, PRS and Credit Card, SoftLock also offers you full international billing for each payment option. SoftLock allows different tariff charges to be configured on each payment option to give you further flexibility in billing. The User buys ‘credit’ for use on your ‘service’ which can be for a period of time or a per-usage charge / deduction from credit. It also provides a backend API call for each service that allows third-party interaction (create account, revoke account, etc) driven by payment outcome. Online Administration tools you can administer each client’s credit and access and also view full management reports and data SopftLock is also fully integrated with Sq1’s CDN. MEET SQUARE 1 @ WORLD TELEMEDIA MARBELLA

TelServ is on the numbers

TelServ is offering only (voice) numbers worldwide with several diverse IVR possibilities. The product line consists of: Premium Rate Numbers, VoIP Numbers, Shared Cost Numbers, Video, Call Numbers, (International) Free Phone Numbers (UIFN/IFS), International Services Numbers, Geographical Numbers (DID’s), Personal Numbers, etc. TelServ has it’s own Telco Switch, IVR and infrastructure with billing system. This advanced billing system enables TelServ to check all traffic with every operator in their network, to guarantee the customer optimum payout. TelServ has a transparent network that allows supplying their customers with live CDR’s with all kinds of information right after a call has been made. The current vision and focus of TelServ is to offer the highest level of service and fastest realization possible of customer orders. Next to this is TelServ’s commitment to delivering customers order proposals within a 24-hour time frame. This turns out to be possible in 97% of the cases. To continue this level of service, TelServ had to expand personnel, office space and Switch capacity several times within the last 2 years. Looking at the increase of minutes worldwide every month, TelServ will have to expand their team again within the near future. MEET TELSERV @ WORLD TELEMEDIA MARBELLA


PREVIEW PREVIEW World Telemedia 2012

World Telemedia 2012

C3 helps Manx Telecom deliver enhanced services

manx telecom, the Isle of Man’s leading comms provider, has gone live with a new and improved network messaging solution for the island’s subscribers., using C3’s cutting-edge Apcentia Network Messaging SIP-based platform, to offer an enhanced service to its voicemail users. The new platform has been fully integrated into Manx Telecom’s IMS Alcatel Lucent carrier infrastructure, whilst all DTMF Menu Interfaces have been set to match the previous system, preventing any disruption to customer usage. “We were very impressed with C3’s multi-application platform, which offers our customers a number of new and enhanced services,” said Mervyn Harvey, Mobile Product Manager Manx Telecom. “We were very pleased with the high level of support they provided during the change-over and the minimal impact on customers at that time. The team are incredibly easy to work with and very responsive in delivering any custom changes that we requested.” Manx Telecom now has two mirrored C3 systems meaning it can provide a geographically resilient platform to its customers. The platform’s scalable footprint means that new applications can easily be added to the system, and the Manx technical team has been trained to use Fusion IVR - C3’s call services software to develop their own custom features. MEET WWPT @ WORLD TELEMEDIA MARBELLA

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Mobile Life expands Latin American billing connectivity mobile life has expanded its Latin American billing connectivity to include Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Central America and the Caribbean. They will also be sponsoring “Party In The Port” at World Telemedia 2012, Marbella on the 18th October. With these new connections now complete Mobile Life offers the most dynamic markets in Latin America to its partners by offering the fastest and most reliable connections with rapid payment clearance. Mobile Life offers local market knowledge and practices with global expertise and facilitates market entry to its regional mobile operator network bringing the very best and latest services to the ever expanding Latin American regional subscriber base. Mobile Life will be adding new markets very soon as it continues to build the most complete access to regional Latin American billing available. Mobile Life will assist your business with expansion into Latin America from market due diligence through to successful integration and deployment of your services. Mobile Life has successfully connected partners from Europe, N. America, Middle East and Asia into our Latin America connections. Let us show you how we can help you expand and grow! And Meet Them In Marbella at World Telemedia 17-19 October 2012. Visit MEET MOBILE LIFE @ WORLD TELEMEDIA MARBELLA

Mobile billing enablement & messaging specializing in Latin America, offering developers, aggregators & companies a complete range of go-to market tools Direct mobile billing connections in Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Central America, Dominican Republic

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The attraction of interaction PRS has moved on since the days of it being seen as ‘third party services’’ by mobile operators – it now sits at the heart of media interaction. But getting the right tools for the content is an increasingly complex task. Ahead of his keynote at World Telemedia Marbella, Graham Halling, digital business director at Spoke, offers some guidance

UK based Everything Back when mobile operators referred to anything other than voice or text as “Multimedia” and the dark arts that generated premium rate revenues as “Third Party Services”, regular boardroom debates were commonplace as to where future consumer demand revenue growth would come from. At a time when every UK MNO had committed themselves to a “recruit first, monetise second” commoditisation model, it confounded many that content was seen as a carrot to attract subscribers to device subscriptions rather than a core proposition to develop for customers on their own behalf. Today 20% of internet traffic comes from mobile, half of the UK population access the internet ONLY through a mobile and current upgrade figures show that smartphone ownership is well on the way to being the comfortable norm. Content is not only King, it’s the only long-term commercial game in town and getting consumers to pay for it (and how) are the burning issues of the day. 50% of subscribers will be paying for goods and services

by mobile by 2014 and those that are selling to them will have the opportunity to move into previously media-dominated daily relationships with their ‘audience’ and it is this shift in behaviour and content consumption that will define the media interaction landscape of tomorrow. None of this is news to those in the Telemedia industry but for most clients, the rapid evolution and convergence of access technologies and changing consumer behaviour has led them to commit huge capital and operational expenditure in backing several horses which even today, sees many still perched precariously on the horns of a dilemma as to the most effective, profitable and future-proof model/s for retaining and interacting with their existing audiences. When I came on-board at Telecom Express at the beginning of 2011, as a business it represented a snapshot of the market landscape as a whole: Robust and proven telephony technologies commercialising huge volumes of voice, SMS and postal interactions across a staggeringly varied range of content and services. Most

of these interactions were (and continue to be) instigated through the traditional media channels of print, TV and radio but increasingly also from new consumer touchpoints including mobile/web applications, social networks, live events and retail/ecommerce engagement. Whilst the disciplines and principles remain the same, what was and is changing is the imperative behind many of these interactions. Where once the main purpose was to generate revenue from the interaction itself, this can now be a secondary or perhaps entirely superfluous objective as consumer engagement or interaction become increasingly important elements of wider integrated business strategies. Understanding and evangelising this wider strategic role for both premium rate and free audience engagement lay at the very heart of the re-launching of Telecom Express as Spoke Interactive in August of 2012. 20 plus years of experience and expertise across all of the traditional media channels and our commitment to working with clients strategically is helping us to help them in developing new business


models, harness new technologies and realise genuine return on investment in the here and now. PRINT Universal free access to written news and feature content through the web changed the publishing industry forever. After much wailing and gnashing, publishers’ long-term business models have increasingly become focused on the online space. Many have decided that maintaining profitable interactive relationships with their audience means migrating as many of them as possible to digital products. Instead of print to digital interaction (which is basically what a printed shortcode is), the result can be a divergence of print and digital business units and objectives, each working towards different, contradictory objectives. The upshot is that print products are often woefully under-utilised as interactive channels and neither medium manages to exploit the overlaps or compliment the other commercially. The success (or otherwise) of pay-walls, VOD, bundling, paid-for premium-content

and evolving digital advertising models are of course vital in confronting the one overall consideration that has to sit at the heart of media owners’ strategic corebusiness revenue planning: “What can become digital, will become digital.” This shouldn’t be read as ‘print is dead / digital is king’ leading to a predominant ‘either or’ mentality within media owners and their print and digital business units. In the interactive services sector, we recognise that even our most traditional print audiences will increasingly be consuming content and therefore interacting with our clients through all of the channels and platforms and at Spoke we encourage our publishing clients to embrace this multi-usage not defend against it behind commercial demarcations. Technology supporting print, not necessarily replacing it. When Spoke are looking for ways to maximise interactive revenue returns from traditional print businesses (where £ per reader values are still significantly higher in advertising terms), we encourage our

clients to exploit the strengths and characteristics of each medium in definite terms. More than ever before, interactive content can be used to bridge the gaps between traditional print and digital assets. From releasing multi-media content off-thepage to minimising ‘friction’ in response mechanics, use of new technology to enhance existing content is the key driver in protecting core revenues and realising new streams. What we see on a frighteningly regular basis, from our media owners (and their advertisers) is abandonment of direct reader interaction in favour of digital serving; a publisher has developed mobile apps, mobile optimised websites or tabletfocused digital editions (often all three) but barely considered: a) how to utilise these new platforms to ‘migrate’ traditional interactions (such as competitions, voting, polling and so on) and b) how to position these digital assets so as not to entirely separate them from the print products (and by definition all those current reader interactions). The simple truth is that all of the staple




services that have worked off-the-page or over a telephone line can re-invent themselves: Multi-media content released‘behind’print Competition entry Competition mechanics User Generated Content Participation competitions and events Subscriber services Loyalty/Rewards programmes Search & discover services Reference services Games and social marketing enablers Data-gathering Voucher and Coupon delivery The market for interactive titles continues to grow but in most cases actual ‘real’ direct-reader interactivity is largely neglected beyond the web model of clickthrough advertising banners and sponsored content. Content-release technologies such as QR codes are used to simply transport from print to digital assets and newer experiential technologies such as augmented reality have been mis-appropriated to perform a similar job in releasing content from printed matter. The general picture is of interactivity actually being less a two-way ‘involvement’ and more a hook with which to snare offline readers into online assets. The most effective solutions concentrate on creating a bridge between the print and digital environments, allowing exploration and enjoyment of these growing channels without severing the traditional reading experience or compromising direct revenue-generating opportunities from audiences. Publishers need to deploy technology and innovative solutions intelligently in order to truly interact with their readers through the existing print relationship and those that do can take huge strides towards finally striking a balance between defence of their print businesses and development of their digital futures. TV The TV content delivery landscape has

altered dramatically in the last couple of years but maybe the most important new trend to establish itself and stimulate the greatest volume of discussion in broadcast has been the evolution of social TV, not least of all the debate as to exactly what ‘Social TV’ actually is. At Spoke we define Social TV as the increasingly broad environment within which content, interaction and discussion come together to enhance the traditional viewing experience and deepen the viewer’s connection with content, broadcasters and advertisers. Why is TV becoming an increasingly ‘mobilized’ discussion? Because 87% of people are using their mobile devices whilst watching TV and mobile web users spend more of their media time on mobile than TV, the first time that TV has been relegated out of top spot since appearing on the chart. Thus far, harnessing these behavioural changes hasn’t gone much further than assimilating Facebook ‘likes’ and Twitter ‘trendings’ (even here there remains a host of opinions about what the genuine measures of success are). As this infographic from Trendrr illustrates however, wandering into the proliferating Social TV ecosystem with such limited objectives will leave most practitioners at the mercy of any number of snake-oil salesmen eager to evangelise the latest buzz engagement platform. Players such as Netflix, LoveFilm, Apple and Sony (amongst many others) see a future where content is consumed on-demand or by piecemeal subscription, delivered via IP, and where social media (Netflix partnered with Facebook at launch) will have a role in enabling discovery and building communities around non-linear content. Savvy broadcasters, perhaps understandably see a more ‘corralled’ future for Social TV. They believe social TV’s power is in the ability of social apps like Zeebox (in which SKY has a 10% stake) and their own two-screen plays to enhance and reinforce a live TV service. By allowing viewers to


instantly access, share and contribute to a stream of related content they are seeking to develop the existing social trend for a parallel, complementary experience on a connected device, alongside the TV. Both of these agendas have merit and strategically make perfect commercial sense to those businesses. The spanner in the works is currently in audience adoption. There is widespread market confusion around on-demand service offerings on the one-hand and a lack of ‘stickiness’ amongst second-screen applications on the other. Advertisers, whose own presence on TV will remain critical (both to themselves and to those delivering content) but who will need to adapt accordingly if they too want to ride the wave, are understandably cagey as to how best to exploit the opportunity. One of the biggest problems in the B2B social TV marketplace is that those with the technological know-how rarely have any deep experience of creating and managing profitable audience interaction through traditional channels. This generally is the reason that new (and commercially unproven) measurements of effectiveness from ‘likes’ to ‘tweets’ to ‘shares’ are their chosen mantra. For these high priests of social media, execution (usually tactical and relatively short-term) is everything. Older and more experienced hands can help players from all ends of the valuechain to harness the appeal of social media within the broader TV environment. Content Marketing Given the fragmentation and audience behaviour challenges facing all parts of the media industry, perhaps the greatest opportunities for those in Telemedia lie with those brands that are beginning to use their own branded content to engage with and deepen relationships with their customers. The use of direct branded media communications by non-media brands has been around for many years of course, ranging from customer magazines to networks of websites and branded TV stations. Today though, the gap between


media channels and the advertising brands that commercially underpin them has never been less clearly defined. For a while, some of us talked about the advent of “Metailers” to describe this but these days the term that has gained traction to describe this area is “Content Marketing”. Content marketing means producing and leveraging one’s own branded content for marketing purposes rather than buying advertising time and space on someone else’s media. This content can take on many different forms, including some very familiar to us but also the growing ‘social’ channels: live web events, VIP areas, brand ambassadors, blog posts, photos, videos, how-to guides, Internet radio, and so on. There are many drivers behind the growing interest in this area; diminishing returns

from traditional advertising, control of the consumer experience, information demand and the general explosion in social media but perhaps the biggest influence is the impact on search optimisation. Understanding where these influences sit in your own priority list is a key first-stop as you can achieve returns in branding, membership, lead-generation or straightforward commerce gains when content marketing is positioned correctly. At Spoke we advise brands on the expedience of content marketing and the most appropriate routes to their objectives. In many cases, given the significant investment in resources, expertise, reporting and ownership required, we seek to find more achievable solutions by providing some or all of these elements or sometimes by

matching them with appropriate media and content owners. Increasingly, this is a model that media owners themselves will look to exploit. This is still a developing area and we continue to learn from our experiences and those of others but the one paramount rule for any brand active in this area will always remain true –your content must have real value for your consumers, all of the time. Inform your customers; educate them; tell a good story. Once they’ve finished reading/watching/listening to your content, if they don’t feel it’s positively added to their brand experience you’ll damage your brand and their relationship with it.

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Chat, dating and social media... ... a match made in heaven, or mortal enemies? Matthew Leach looks at how social media has changed the chat and dating landscape and what it means for the adult telemedia business figures from PhonepayPlus seem to bear out the affiliation between chat and daters and social networkers. The regulators’ annual review of the market, Current and Future markets for PRS, 2011, show that last year 23% of premium rate service users discovered the service on social networks, compared to just over 4% in 2010. One company that has dipped its toe into the chat and dating market is SOA Networks with Tick and Snap. It is billed as the ‘anonymous pairing app’ and combines a strong element of social media to the dating phenomenon. The app allows a user to browse their phone book and Facebook contacts, ticking everyone to whom they are attracted. If both users tick each other there is a ‘Snap’ and the interested parties are notified. If there is no match, the user remains anonymous, avoiding any awkward moments. When ticking a contact the user also has the option to leave a clue – adding an element of fun and intrigue. Sam Seller, director of SOA Networks, explains: “Tick and Snap is very different from other dating offerings, where you talk to people you don’t know. Everyone, everywhere has a contact in their Facebook friends’ list that they fancy. The app acts as an icebreaker and because it is anonymous avoids the element of rejection.” Seller takes the long-term approach to monetising the app. “Our strategy is to grow things before we start charging money. At the moment, it is free to download, but you can make money through I-ads, which you are paid per click. “The only thing we are charging for at the moment is if the user leaves a clue, the

receiver has to buy the clue for 69p through the in-app purchase on the apple store.” Zoosk is one of the big players in online dating. It bills itself as the ‘romantic social network’ and claims to have 50 million registered users. The company has also embraced social media, cleverly positioning itself so that it can be accessed either by the main site or through apps on networks such as Facebook, Bebo and MySpace. is another dating site that has borrowed elements from social networks to make its proposition more appealing. Its USP is the FraME, which lets users express their interests and hobbies visually, on the same principle as a Pininterest board. Social dating is about bringing together elements from different platforms to provide that engagement, sense of community and stickiness to make the site fun to access and interact with. Will Douglas, Business Development Manager of xonadu, whose flagship product is a premium SMS peer-to-peer dating service with real users, does not see social media as a threat. “In spite of the myriad ways to date and connect that did not exist a few years ago, xonadu’s SMS chat and dating thrives. In fact, social media has opened up new ways for re-sellers to promote our white label SMS services. Media like Facebook adverts and promoted tweets can drive consumers to a text-based product even if it means coming via a Facebook app, web app or mobile app. “Ultimately, consumers still attach a premium to receiving a text message on their phone from somebody they don’t know. On our dating service, the peer-to-peer SMS con-


versations that unfold are immediate, addictive and often more intimate than anything dating site messaging services provide. It’s a hit for most of our users which goes some way to explain why our ARPU figures are in rude health and why were in talks with dating clients about integrating our peer-to-peer SMS into their websites. “In terms of adult operator based virtual chat, it seems there will always be a male consumer demand for this kind of service. No other dating service can provide instant adult content straight to the SMS inbox of a mobile.” Douglas does admit, however, that there could be some regulatory issues that arise from the increase in social media. He said: “Social media does bring with it regulatory issues that from a white label perspective we are very aware of – rogue re-seller tweets, or unscrupulous ads failing to explain pricing and terms and conditions are something we’re anxious to avoid. But proper due diligence in the first place should eradicate this kind of behaviour.” Douglas insists what has worked for xanodu in terms of embracing new technology is “device agnostic web apps rather than enduring development costs and approval lead time of mobile apps”. He adds: “We’ve increased the number of women on our dating service with a free web-to-SMS web app – ‘Chirps’ – which allows female users to send free messages to the phones of our male users.” One new innovation that could make a difference to the health of the dating industry as a whole by enhancing trust and safety, is SafeKnight. The creator of the app, Chris Hawthorn, has poured £45,000 of his own money into the product. Moved by the abduction and murder of Sian O’Callaghan after a night out in Swindon last year, Hawthorn wanted to find a preventative measure for people who find themselves in a vulnerable position, perhaps after meeting someone on a dating website or through using social media.

He said: “Online dating, meeting people through social media there are so many vulnerable situations that people put themselves in, so I was trying to come up with a way of eradicating those risks as well as allowing people to keep their independence. I did some research and there were apps out there, but they were more for panic situations. There was nothing as a preventative tool. “With online dating and social media, you can’t really trust someone’s profile. When you go and meet someone you don’t really know how that evening will turn out. It’s not too much to ask to take a photo and, if they refuse, then it might not be a good idea to get in a car with them. “The app is simple. You sign up, add photos to a database. Then when you are out and about you can take a picture of the bar you are going or the taxi driver or his number plate just by clicking. Once you click, the GPS co-ordinates are time and date stamped. It all takes about 10 seconds in areas with 3G and the information is sent to a remote database.” Hawthorn has even managed to recruit the help of Tottenham and England midfielder Scott Parker to help promote the product. Hawthorn said: “I knew Scott Parker from one of my other business and I knew he was a family man and was hugely excited about getting involved. We launched about eight weeks ago, it is a bit of a shame really because Scott had it all set up with his agent to get us on these daytime TV shows, but then there was some problems with the app and we had to put the launch back and he was busy with the Euros.” Most importantly Hawthorn’s app has the approval and support of Sian’s mother, Elaine. Hawthorn said: “As time went on, I met with Sian’s mother a few times after she saw news about the app in the local newspaper, and we honestly believe that she could have been alive today if this had been about. There is talk we might go on a daytime TV show together. She hasn’t done any interviews, but she doesn’t want to go on and just be crying. She wants something positive to come out of it.”




M-Adult Summit 2012

M-Adult Summit 2012


Mobile Revenues & Strategies for Adult Content & Applications

Loving the mobile mAdult Summit kicks off on 18 October, co-located with World Telemedia. Here we take a look at what to expect from the show and the conference. recent reports suggestthat by 2015 mobile adult subscriptions will reach $1 billion and that growth in all forms of mobile adult content will triple. We’ve also seen a spike in the uptake of video streaming, which will account for 69% of all mobile data traffic by 2014 [Morgan Stanley] Combined with social media, direct marketing capabilities and a vast array of billing tools, companies with a strong mobile proposition will gain the biggest share of this hugely lucrative potential market. THE CHALLENGE The increasing penetration of mobile devices has created a new breed of consumers – that’s actually driving higher yields despite competition from free content sources. They no longer recognize the boundaries between online and mobile and demand premium “on the move” adult services. It’s therefore vital to start viewing mobile as the essential platform and start developing strategies and compelling mobile propositions that capitalize on the ubiquity, impulsiveness and uniquely personal nature of mobile - whilst complementing and augmenting existing online and real world experiences. FIND OUT MORE AT WWW.MADULTSUMMIT.COM

In association with

THE INVITATION to maintain the quality and relevance of all attendees, we can offer up to 40 free tickets to “qualified” decision makers from the adult sector. So if you genuinely want to exploit the mobile channel and do business with new mobile partners – please register your interest for this high level debate, conference & networking day here link to INVITATIONS & ENQUIRIES THE PARTNERSHIPS The commercial link between mobile technology and adult content, service and applications is well established. By co-located with World Telemedia the original home of premium adult telephony services - delegates will not only learn how to get their share of this hugely lucrative potential market, but also enjoy direct access to the expertise, technology and providers necessary to help them do just that! Expect to meet: KEY DECSIONS MAKERS & LEADING PROVIDERS CEOs & Owners • Commercial • Heads of Mobile • Heads of Product Development • Marketing • New Channels • Heads of Strategy • Product Managers • Business Development • Investors • Data • Brands • Affiliate • Webmasters & Site Owners • Rights Owners • Traffic Analysts • Adult Brands & Content • Mobile Network Operators • Payment & Billing Services • Regulators & Law Firms • Telecom Service Providers • Aggregators & Resellers • Media Groups • Data Owners • Fraud Prevention • Video On Demand • Mobile Apps Developers • Platforms • Chat & Dating • SMS & MMS



Mobile Revenues & Strategies for Adult Content & Applications

THE CONFERENCE AGENDA THURSDAY 18 OCTOBER 09:30 -10:00 OPENING KEYNOTE To be confirmed Speaker to be comfirmed 10:30 – 11:00 Busting The Mobile Myths Setting the scene for the day ahead, our panel of experts take apart some of the key myths around mobile to see what is true and what isn’t. Some Myths we are looking to bust: • Mobile cannibalises online and DVD revenues • Mobile doesn’t have a great business model • Operators take too much of the money • Mobile isn’t the ideal platform for consuming adult • The tablet will save the industry • Its now all about selling to couples • Chat, dating and flirt services are the only things that work on mobile SPEAKERS Scott Pattenden, connections manager, Sex Goes Mobile Julia Dimambro, Cherry Media Graham Kingshott, Spankmo Joey Gabra, Wister Olaf Lindequist, Net-m Ben Doonan, Square1 11:00 – 11:45 The Case for Mobile Juniper Research believes that mobile adult subscriptions will be worth $1.2billion by 2015 – so how are you going to get a share of this significant market segment? Our experts will outline the business case for mobile in adult, looking at: • Mobile revenue forecasts • Consumer behaviour • Mobile device penetration • The operator perspective • Using mobile to cross sell online and other channels • How mobile can drive up traffic • New partnerships, providers and value chains SPEAKERS Julia Dimambro, Cherry Media Graham Kingshott, Spankmo 12:00 – 12:45 Real Mobile Strategies We’ve seen what the reality of mobile in adult is and what the business cases are for implementing it – but how should you approach it strategically and tactically? Our experts will look at: • A breakdown of the value chain for adult on mobile • How different business models service this value chain • Options for going mobile – m-sites, apps, affiliates or mix and match? • Licencing versus direct to consumer • Local versus global • Macro versus micro • Breakdown financials SPEAKERS Joey Gabra, Wister Other speaker to be announced 12:45 – 14:30 LUNCH & NETWORKING

14:30 – 15:15 Mobile Payments Let’s face it billing is boring – but getting paid is fun. So we will be demonstrating and discussing how to make best use of the burgeoning range of billing and payment tools around mobile and what they offer to the adult business and some of the other issues around payments, including: • Credit card versus mobile billing • Overview of the different mobile payment tools available • Direct operator billing verses third party tools • Economic flow of mobile payment and getting a share of profit • Commercial relationships through payments • How to manage a global mobile offering • How to service markets that don’t have credit card • Reaching the unbanked • VAT and the UK market (PayForIt) SPEAKERS Olaf Lindequist, Net-m Scott Pattenden, connections manager, Sex Goes Mobile Ben Doonan, Square1 15:30 – 16:15 Mobile Content What content can work on mobile and how can you build it into your wider online adult strategy? Our industry experts will look at: • How to upsell or cross sell, not cannibalise • Freemium and micro payment models • Making video a key product • Shifting content from online to mobile • Exploiting chat, video chat, MMS, SMS and fixed line • Dating and ‘soft services’ • Catering for niche tastes • Developing for a range of devices • What’s in it for studios/DVD markets SPEAKERS Joey Gabra, Wister Other speaker to be announced 16:30 – 17:30 Break out and sort it out How the adult industry can work with operators and aggregators to make mobile adult work better and drive growth To get the mobile adult space moving operators, service providers and aggregators need to work with the adult industry to meet its needs. And here is your chance to make it happen. We break the audience down into three groups and for 20 minutes each group gets to debate with operators, aggregators and service providers – and amongst itself – then move on. After an hour we reconvene to discuss the upshot over a few drinks. GROUP LEADERS Scott Pattenden, connections manager, Sex Goes Mobile Julia Dimambro, Cherry Media Graham Kingshott, Spankmo




M-Adult Summit 2012

M-Adult Summit 2012


Mobile Revenues & Strategies for Adult Content & Applications

50 shades of mobile adult Julia Dimambro, founder and CEO of Cherry Media argues that understanding the 50 Shades of Grey phenomenon is the key to understanding how mobile adult services are going to make money as women take control due to one of those typically late summer ‘cenas’ you tend to have when living in Spain, I tuned in late to the opening ceremony of the London Olympics 2012, just as Rowan Atkinson was applying his genius brand of comedy to some classical music. This, as most of you know, was part of a monumental celebration of all things British and more specifically, anything that had firmly put Britain on the global map. Four decades of our amazing musical history was featured as was Tim Berners-Lee, the original inventor of the World Wide Web, whilst Harry Potter’s author, JK Rowling, delivered a reading about Britain’s amazing body of children’s literature. Nowhere in this cavalcade of ‘feel-good Britain’, was any credit given to the English authored and fastest selling paperback of all time, 50 Shades of Grey. A British marvel that has taken the world’s female population by storm (as well as the male population, but not necessarily for the same reason!) to become a global phenomenon in less than 6 months! I wonder why that was? ;) Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last 6 months, it will have been impossible to escape the media frenzy and bandwagon sensation surrounding this amazing novel. Not because of its literary credibility, but because of the sheer impact it has had in bringing what is effectively ‘porn’ into the mainstream spotlight in such a spectacular way! Yup – after 11 years of working in the adult entertainment industry (always behind the camera, never in front of it, just in case you’re wondering), adult entertainment, and more specifically fetish, domination and sex toys are now not only cool, they are one of the most talked about and discussed topics of the day! Hurrah! It is reported that the author of 50 Shades of Grey, middle class, British mum of two, E L James, is now making 1 million dollars a week from her erotic trilogy and on the same day that ‘Team UK’ broke its gold medal record for the last 100 years, 50 Shades of Grey (50SoG) became the fastest selling paperback of all time, swiping this accolade from the likes of Harry Potter and the Da Vinci Code. So great is the consumer ‘spell’ of this book that a hotel in England has replaced in-room bibles with this erotic bestseller in the bedside drawer! The same question comes to mind - WHY?! Why this book and not hundreds of others that have been written along the same thread? Most people you will speak to will tell you it’s not only written badly, but also poorly edited and the book’s central char-



Mobile Revenues & Strategies for Adult Content & Applications

acter, Anastasia “Ana” Steele, a 22-year-old college senior who is still a virgin (!), bites down on her bottom lip with such regularity, that it’s a miracle it’s still on her face! So we felt it was time to put this adultthemed, mainstream sensation under the Cherry microscope and look at the amazing social and commercial journey this phenomenon has made! What Women Want: One of the very first discussions I had about this book was with a mobile exec, responsible for running one of the most successful on-deck adult channels in the UK and he highlighted a point that has

stuck with me as this tale of social contradictions unfolded - women secretly long to be dominated and bossed around by men, especially in the bedroom! I can hear those TV advertised ‘Air Bras’ getting ripped off and the lighters being ignited as we speak! As a female owner of a business that sits between two male-dominated industries – Mobile and Adult - it made me wonder how and why this book is highlighting larger social topics for the world’s female population. For quite a few years now, we’ve been shouting about ‘having it all’. Generation X women (this is where I sit, without wanting

to give you an exact age) were the first generation not expected to stay and home and raise a family like our baby boomer mothers before us. Most of the world’s top female executives are married, have children and continue to ‘manage’ the household. When I say ‘manage’ I mean in terms of organising what needs to be done, who needs to do it and ensuring it’s completed to keep things moving along as they should. I have seen too many examples via friends and family where ‘having it all’ simply means ‘doing it all’. We are still ultimately responsible for all the same areas within our relationships we were 50 years

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M-Adult Summit 2012


M-Adult Summit 2012

Mobile Revenues & Strategies for Adult Content & Applications

ago (a clean house, clean family, planning meals, shopping, kids, homework, doctor’s visits, social engagements, arranging holidays, etc.) and we invariably are the ones organizing them, even if hubby does chip in via a request and normally, a good bit of nagging until it’s done. However, we are now doing all this in addition to invariably holding down a full time and in many cases, a high-pressure job! Every minute of a woman’s day is about having things under control, ‘on the list’, delegated or done. Our entire lives are about project management – whether personal or professional, big or small. It’s a part of our genetic make-up. So I find it quite easy to appreciate any women’s subconscious desire to have a man take (total) control once in a while, and the bedroom is a safe environment where they can finally let down their ‘in control’ façade and just lie back and be told what

to do without having to think about it or organise it. It’s like a little holiday from all the remembering, actioning or delegating! Talking with various ‘mobile mates’, I get the feeling that although it’s probably not the main factor for its success, 50SoG delivers something for this subconscious desire within the context of total fantasy. Is it a simple form of escapism from the slightly off-target results achieved in our quest for ‘equal rights’? Did the book maybe tune into a current feeling of overkill in the equality battle for females around the world? Magic Marriage Moments: The book’s social and sexual impact is so potent that it’s reported to have put the spark back into thousands of lacklustre marriages, not only in terms of stimulating more interest in sex from the gals, but also adding a little dash of kinkiness to marital bedrooms all over the world.

Even more remarkable, the global stampede back into the bedroom for coupling rather than sleeping purposes is even set to impact the global birth rate! Professor Ellis Cashmore, expert in Culture at Staffordshire University, predicts a spike in the number of new-borns in the next year as a result of the book! He said in an interview with Mail Online: “With the millions of copies it has sold - it makes complete sense to assume that in nine months’ time we are going see a baby boom”. And if you think the professor is off his rocker, then just check out the parenting websites, where expectant mums have been boasting in hoards that they have fallen pregnant with ‘Fifty Shades Babies’. Social e-BDSM (For any of you not sitting in-front of Google, BDSM stands for “Bondage and



Mobile Revenues & Strategies for Adult Content & Applications

Discipline, Sadism and Masochism” – Yup, that’s what we’re discussing here, not a bit of mid-shelf boob. Nope - full-on XXX extreme sex acts!) One of the overriding contributors to the book’s success has undoubtedly been social media. ETO magazine reported that 50SoG has been responsible for more online OMGs (Oh My God) than Object Management Group, Oxford Metrics Groups and Omnicom Media Group combined! Combine this with the fact that e-books devices provided the opportunity for women to indulge in erotic literature without others around them noticing the title and you have a winner. 50SoG can also add a considerable surge in e-book sales to its list of accolades. E L James’s agent, Valerie Hoskins said. “In the 21st century, women have the ability to read this kind of material without anybody knowing what they’re reading,

because they can read it on their iPads and Kindles.” As a result, physical and digital versions are neck and neck in the U.S. in terms of sales, with 50 Shades publisher, Vintage, having shifted 9.8 million paperbacks and 9.6 million e-books in the US up to July this year, according to the according to the Wall Street Journal. There’s no denying that word-of-mouth and social networks have played a huge part in the book’s astounding success. Patricia Bostelman, Vice President for Marketing at Barnes & Noble noted that “Conversation about the book online has fed many of the sales and it very clearly demonstrates what the blog network can do,” she said. “The word-of-mouth so thoroughly outpaced the availability of the book.” The New York Times commented that women were saying that the book had

gained a huge following amongst work pals and it was really the first erotic novel






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M-Adult Summit 2012


M-Adult Summit 2012

Mobile Revenues & Strategies for Adult Content & Applications

they have ever discussed publically, whilst Lyss Stern, founder of said “It’s taboo for women to admit that they watch pornography, but for some reason it’s okay to admit that they’re reading this book.” Prim and Proper Porn: This social acceptance of the book’s hardcore fetish themes amongst the female population means that it has permeated all walks of life. Previously prim and proper, middle-aged Facebook acquaintances are now bragging about their progress through the book’s content in a remarkably candid and almost proud way. A friend of mine who works as a primary school teacher in the UK was telling me that her 60 year old work colleague was exclaiming how much she was enjoying 50SoG! Mummy porn has been coined to describe the 50SoG phenomenon, not because it has anything to do with mummies ‘doing’ porn (as one of my gay friends asked last week), but because it’s this generation of women that appear to be the biggest buyers of the book. As E L James herself says “my books are romantic fantasy stories, which offer women a ‘holiday’ from their husbands’. Cheers to that! 50 Shades of Bandwagon: But maybe it’s the business impact that has been one of biggest surprises of all with this novel. The world of adult entertainment, whether you approve or not, is now firmly lodged in mainstream media and literature and although those of us who work in the industry were only too aware of the huge demand for erotic and adult

material, never before has it received such open media attention on a global scale. More surprisingly still is the overwhelmingly positive media attention it’s receiving. As I said before, not necessarily for the literary talent of the books themselves, but more in terms of 50SoG creating one hell of an enviable success juggernaut, and so amazingly fast. It really is the stuff that entrepreneurial dreams are made of! The book’s own success is having a commercial benefit for anything and everything featured within the storyline, most prominently the ‘sexual accessories’ used by the book’s leading male character, billionaire and sexual dominant, Christian Grey. New York’s Babeland sex shop has reported a 30% sales increase in the last few months, and visits to the bondage section of their website have increased by an astounding 81 per cent. Focus has been predominantly on sex toys and other BDSM items explicitly described in the book including: • Handcuffs • Riding Crops • “Spank Me” Body Powder, and even; • Gray Ties -- inspired by Christian Grey’s signature accessory. But it’s not just the obvious ‘sexual accessories’ that are benefitting from the book’s avid following. Hardware stores are also enjoying commercial benefits. One story that’s gaining considerable online coverage is the increase in sales of rope!! After seeing a sharp increase in requests for cotton rope in his Pennsylvania hardware store, Bob Wipplinger’s wife pointed out that it was probably due to the Christian Grey character in the book using the

exact same kind. More curiously still, Brandon Wade, founder of sugar babe dating site, Seeking Arrangement told Business Insider that of the 1.6 million Seeking Arrangement profiles: • The term “Fifty Shades” is mentioned on them 28,382 times; • Christian Grey is mentioned 23,102 times; and • Anastasia Steel is mentioned 18,281 times. He claims that 186,000 female members are actively seeking a “Christian Grey” type arrangement. What can we learn from 50SoG? Interestingly, the phenomenal success of 50SoG has probably less to do with the book itself and its controversial contents, then with a combination of modern day factors that have all contributed to it being in the right place, at the right time, with the right offer and most importantly with the right platforms to spread the word at lightning speed. Why 50 Shades of Grey and not the array of other similar erotic novels that didn’t even make the ‘mid-shelves’ because once they were considered ‘too risky’? Because social networking, tablets, kindles and Facebook didn’t have the same social predominance previously as it has in 2012! Would the trilogy have been as successful as quickly if it had been published in the mid-nighties? I think not! In a new world where we all want to be 50 shades of something, a global phenomenon of this scale holds two important points for those of us working in the mobile and/or adult industries.



Mobile Revenues & Strategies for Adult Content & Applications

1. Get Over Yourselves – Your customers love a bit a Sauce! If I had a euro for every time I have spent convincing companies that there are means and ways to benefit from consumer demand for erotic and adult entertainment without negatively reflecting on their brand or service, I’d be as rich as E L James right now. This novel has firmly shouted to the world that it’s not WHAT you offer, it’s HOW you offer it that beautifully bridges that gap between what is and what isn’t socially acceptable on a HUUUUGE scale! This article should be a screaming advert to every mobile entertainment company out there investing in marketing and/or traffic for videos, images and apps that there is a huge additional revenue stream to be had from mobile erotica if offered and promoted IN CONTEXT with both consumer desires and the neighbouring environment.

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As we always say at Cherry – it doesn’t have to be explicit to be erotic! Understanding this statement could offer many companies almost immediate additional revenues right now! 2. Female Porn Power As you can imagine, over the years I have been asked so many times about adult entertainment for women and what form it should take. One of the things I would always discuss was the erotic literature. Men are more visual when it comes to sex, women like to use their imagination and find out what’s behind the visual exterior. I normally use the example of a bar. If a man sees a woman in a bar, he normally only has to look at her to know whether or not he wants to have sex with her. If a woman sees a man in a bar, she might think he’s cute, but she’ll have to talk to him for a while to find out if he’s an idiot or not before deciding whether she wants to



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take it further. Us gals may not have quite got it right on all levels yet when it comes to REAL equality, but we’re still very much coming out of the kitchen with a disposable income of our own and new freedom in sexual expression and THAT my entrepreneurial friends is something worth looking into! The bottom line of all my rantings? Adult entertainment is taking on new forms, creating new audiences and most importantly new economic opportunities that just weren’t there 5 years ago! Meanwhile Tube sites and illegal licensing are eroding online sales. Mobile devices are bringing new means of immersive fantasies to new audiences and it doesn’t have to be overtly ‘porn’ to generate millions of dollars! Plus – if you get it right, there are almost endless possibilities for ‘knock-on’ merchandising.

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