The European Union Foretold provides insightful perspectives on the E.U. both as a political project in integration & transformation of an ancient order. One notices that centralised powers, which firmly resolving on unification, have conceived & instituted united kingdoms, united states and united nations. These imperial forces persevere in efforts for a more robust and resilient E.U. However, unknown to most, colonisation, economic and military supremacy and the global dominance of the E.U. have all been foretold in prophecy, millennia before the reign of the first European monarch. Spiritual forces that engineered the rise of the European thrones, also calculated the suppression of dissidence & incited merciless carnage. Although now paraded as an industrialised paragon of progress & self-made sophistication, this book elucidates on the enigmatic & clandestine alliances & dogma that consolidated a homogenised Eurocentricity despite religiopolitical tensions.