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Ann Sofie, Eliise, Jolita, Andrei



Daelmans Stroopwafels Introduction Daelmans Stroopwafels is a caramel waffle, which is very popular in the Netherlands; they even call it “Original Dutch”. The Stroopwafels are already on the Danish market just under private labels such as: Tiger and Urte Kram. Our assignment is to get Daelmans Stroopwafels into the Danish marked.

Project kick-­‐off In the beginning of the project we needed to do different research. First off all we needed to read the briefing that the Dutch men send us and find out what the came up with from the correspondence we had with them. After reading and understanding their briefing we talked with some different people in the canteen and at the school just to hear what their opinion were on the waffles and we also talked to the people who works at Tiger to see who bought the waffles.

Target audience After doing different researches we had to make a creative brief (See appendix 1) and in that we had to come up with the target audience. The Dutch men didn’t really specify the target audience, they had two different segmentations in the briefing, therefore we had to come up with a new one and send to them so we could specify it together. Unfortunately the Dutch men have not answered us and therefore we are going with our own because we are running out of time. Primary target audience: • Adults in Denmark in the age between 30-­‐45 years old. • They who prefer quality snacks. • They appreciate a story behind a brand. • They want a culinary experience • They have access and use the Internet daily. Secondary target audience: • All people n Denmark who likes snacks.

Message In the creative brief we also came op with message we want to send with our campaign:


Ann Sofie, Eliise, Jolita, Andrei



We want people to experience a piece of unique taste of caramel waffles with rich history. We chose this message because we want to emphasize in the story and tradition behind the brand so the consumer think of Dutch traditions when the see Daelmans Stroopwafels. •

Values and goals with this campaign Values: • The values that we want have in this campaign: o The tradition o The Quality of the product o Storytelling. Goals: • To introduce the brand to the Danish marked • The main goal with our campaign is to make awareness in the Danish marked. • To make Daelmans caramel waffles to become Danish standard

Concept After reading the Dutch men’s briefing and finding a target audience we started to discuss the concept and came up with: • Making a campaign site for Daelmans Stroopwafels for the Danish marked • Banners for different cooking/baking blogs in Denmark • TV-­‐spot which will be played on Danish channels like TV3 during different cooking shows • We are going to make a new Facebook for Daelmans Stroopwafels because they one that they have now is in Dutch and it is for all of Daelmans products. • Finally we want tastings of the Stroopwafels in the different supermarkets where they will be sold, to introduce the waffles to the Danish marked. (See appendix 2)

Design After discussing the concept and we all agreed on the different products, we started to talk about the design because we want the same design for all the elements. We looked at Daelmans website and the packaging of the original Stroopwafels and decided to focus on the packaging that they already have for the Stroopwafels. To see how the colours would look and fit in with the story we made a small mood board (see appendix 3). We were first thinking of doing the design similar to royal Copenhagen because Danish people associate the design of the packaging with the Danish brand Royal Copenhagen.


Ann Sofie, Eliise, Jolita, Andrei



After we got feedback from our teachers and Randy we decided to go with the delft blue theme, because our message it based on tradition and history. Also it is delft blue tiles that are on the packaging of the waffle. The delft blue tiles were in many Dutch kitchens back in the days and are Dutch tradition. As mentioned above Danish people will associate their design of the packaging it with Royal Copenhagen, which is known all over Denmark and is a popular and exclusive brand.

Campaign site In the brief we got from the Dutch men they wanted to improve Daelmans current website but because it is only the Stroopwafels this campaign is about we decided to make a site only for the Danish marked and only with the Stroopwafels. The first thing we started to develop was the website, we made 20 user scenarios to find out what was important to have on the website. We came up with this content for our website: • Home • About • Recipes • Campaign • Contact Because of illness in the group Ann Sofie and Eliise had to start coding so we kept up with the plan so we decided to use a third party library and used bootstrap. We made the main structure first and made all the content fit. Then we tried to fit the design into it and it took some time because we wanted to have our message in the design and make it look good. In the about subpage we made the storytelling about the company and Stroopwafels in general so our visitors can read about it. We also put some history about the delft blue tiles to show some of the Dutch tradition.

Banners We decided that our main channel will be the Internet and therefore we wanted to make banners/commercials that will go on different cooking blogs and recipe sites and they will have the some design as they website. (See appendix 4)

Facebook Social media is one of the best tools for advertising and one of the most popular social media website. So, we decided to use that for our campaign. We will use Facebook as a promotional tool. We created a new Facebook account called “Daelmans Stroopwafels Denmark”. On group’s Facebook portfolio we put some pictures and post an invitation to taste the caramel waffles which you can find in local stores such as Føtex, Bilka and SuperBrugsen. By creating Facebook we are hoping to encourage people to share their opinion and experience related to the waffles. Also, Facebook is a good place to create community where


Ann Sofie, Eliise, Jolita, Andrei



people could discuss important questions about Daelmans waffles and receive new information like discounts, events and competitions. All information about Daelmans Stroopwafels is in English because we want to create an image of the product itself, as it is accessible for everybody. Using a Facebook group also gives us the opportunity to measure results for instance; how many people like the way of eating Stroopwafels or how many people will attend tastings in certain cities. This also will help us to receive feedback from customers.

TV-­‐spot To reach as many people as possible we wanted to make a TV-­‐spot, which will be shown on Danish channels such as TV3 during cooking shows in the evening. First we came up with the idea for our TV-­‐spot so we could work out from that. Idea: A girl sits down to chair with a cup of coffee and a plate full of Stroopwafels. She starts eating the waffles and with first bite she takes she start to daydream. She starts dreaming about different things from the Netherlands: windmills, happy people in their traditional national clothing, tulips and Amsterdam canals. Suddenly her dream ends, because her bowl of Stroopwafels is empty. Her daydreaming was nice and went so fast that she had no time to realize that she is running out of Stroopwafels. In the end their come a commercial with Daelmans logo. The meaning with this story is that when you Daelmans Stroopwafels you think of the traditional things of the Netherlands. Process: When we had the idea the first thing we started to do was making a storyboard (see appendix 5). With the storyboards we tried to visualize every step of the video. Because of illness in the group we had to move the shooting one day and instead of shooting first we found some different footage we needed about the Netherlands. We edited the footage we had. Then we filmed the different scenes of our commercial. In the end we edited all together and uploaded it to YouTube.


Ann Sofie, Eliise, Jolita, Andrei



Appendix 1 Creative brief template Client / client contact information:

Brief prepared by ( name, contact information, date )

Project name and brief description:

What is the objective of the design project? What do we want to accomplish?

Deliverables required (Design, printed materials, banners, brochures, display advertisements, etc. Define the project and how it helps achieve strategic goals.

Target audience (Who are the primary audience, secondary audience and stakeholders?)

What do you want the audience to think, feel and do after seeing your communication? (‘What is your call to action?’)

HEAD OFFICE Daelmans Banket B.V. 48 Kerkstraat 5253 AP Nieuwkuijk The Netherlands Telephone: 0031 73 51 88 444 General e-­‐mail address: info@daelmansbanket.nl Andrei Mironovits Email: arkride@rocketmail.com Eliise Viss Email: eliiseviss@gmail.com Ann Sofie Holm Jensen Email: fie.jensen@hotmail.com Jolita Endrijaityte Email: barberyte@gmail.com Market Basket Project 3.2 Daelmans caramel waffles. Brief description: Producing all needed material for the project. We want to use design to tell the story and show company’s values. We want to make awareness about Daelmans in the Danish market through TV spot and campaign site. We will use a campaign site, TV spot on different channels and during cooking shows and banners on the cooking blogs, recipes websites. TV spot will help us to reach our target audience through digital media. Using campaign site we will reach Primary target audience – middle income people from 30 to 45 years old, who prefer qualitatively sweet snack with a story under the brand’s name, wants to have culinary experience and use Internet. Secondary target audience – all Danish people who are interested in food. We want target audience to feel interested in the story and experience new unique taste and brand. We want them to associate coffee with Daelmans waffles.


Ann Sofie, Eliise, Jolita, Andrei



Tone and image (What style do you require – informal, warm, humorous, etc?)

We want to keep traditional image of the company and add a warm and cozy tone for it in the same time.

Messages (The single most important message you want the target market to take from the activity –the one sentence that summarises your unique selling point.)

We want people to experience a piece of unique taste of caramel waffles with rich history.

Who are your competitors?

The main Daelmans competitors are Urtekram, Tiger, Kjeldsens and Karen volf.

Selection of images (Where possible provide or suggest appropriate images. They should reflect/complement objectives, target audience, tone.)

Quality pictures of products. Pictures should show target audience enjoying waffles with a cup of hot drink. Also, these pictures should show the right way of consuming waffles.

How is the company positioned in the market, in the minds of consumers? Is there a tagline or slogan?

Daelmans is positioned as a traditional company with the slogan: “Always tasteful”.

How does the company / product / service compare to the competition? List major strong & weak points.

Strong points: tradition, uniqueness, quality, authenticity, design of the package. Weak points: unknown in the Danish market, price.

Does this product solve a real consumer problem?

This product does not solve the real consumer problem.

- If so, what is that problem, and how does the product or service solve the problem?

What is the client looking for? - Is there anything they expect to see at the presentation?

A new way of branding and bringing such product to the Danish market.


Ann Sofie, Eliise, Jolita, Andrei



Appendix 2


Ann Sofie, Eliise, Jolita, Andrei



Appendix 3


Ann Sofie, Eliise, Jolita, Andrei



Appendix 4


Ann Sofie, Eliise, Jolita, Andrei




Ann Sofie, Eliise, Jolita, Andrei



Appendix 5


Ann Sofie, Eliise, Jolita, Andrei




Ann Sofie, Eliise, Jolita, Andrei




Ann Sofie, Eliise, Jolita, Andrei




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