Report tuborg

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Project 3.1 – Tuborg and Northside

Jolita Endrijaityté Andrei Mironovits Kristian Rasmussen Ann Sofie Holm Jensen

Table of content Concept ................................................................................................................................ 3 Profile .......................................................................................................................... 5 Psychographic ............................................................................................................. 5 Target audience ........................................................................................................... 5

Social media strategy ........................................................................................................... 8 Design of our label ............................................................................................................... 9 Design of ticket, poster and program ................................................................................. 10 Ticket and program .................................................................................................... 10 Poster ........................................................................................................................ 11

Design of our website ......................................................................................................... 11 Home ......................................................................................................................... 11 Program ..................................................................................................................... 12 About ......................................................................................................................... 12

Video advertising ................................................................................................................ 12 User scenarios for our website ........................................................................................... 13 Interaction .......................................................................................................................... 13 Structure .................................................................................................................... 13 Parallax scrolling ....................................................................................................... 14 Smooth scrolling ........................................................................................................ 14 Google scripts ............................................................................................................ 14 Responsiveness ........................................................................................................ 15

Appendix no. 4 ................................................................................................................... 20 Appendix no. 5 ................................................................................................................... 21 Appendix no. 6 ................................................................................................................... 22 Appendix no. 7 ................................................................................................................... 24


Introduction Northside festival is a festival in Aarhus centrum and it one of Denmark’s largest Festivals, even though it is a quite young festival it has grown into a major music event with a lot of success in four years. Tuborg is one of the most known beer brands in Denmark and they corporate with different music events and they want to start a new corporation with Northside Festival. Tuborg is very attractive for Northside Festival because of the many music events Tuborg are involved with and at the same time it is important for a festival to have beverage sponsor. Tuborg is willing to work towards new standards of festivals and help Northside festival to achieve their goal of becoming the best and most sustainable festival in Denmark. This corporation is important for Tuborg because they will get new customers and have the opportunity to build some brand loyalty. Both companies are looking forward to start this corporation and now our job is to make a campaign that shows the corporation. We will make a campaign that shows the corporation so there will be advantages to both companies.

Concept To show the corporation between Northside and Tuborg we were mostly thinking about the design of the new beer can and bottle and how we could show the corporation through this design. We came up the idea of having the different artists who are performing at the festival on the can, bottle and plastic cup. By having the artists on the beer will show the corporation well, because it will still contain the main elements of a Tuborg beer but also the festival elements. The message that we want to send with the campaign is that you can enjoy two things at the same time – beer and music. We will also try to send that message through the design of the poster, program and tickets. The same goes for the website, all the content will relate to both Tuborg beer and Northside as well as the design.


SWOT To get to know both Tuborg and Northside better as companies we made small SWOT analyses with the main points of the companies. SWOT – Tuborg Some of the biggest strengths for Tuborg are that they are a really strong brand and they are also a really known brand worldwide. Some of the important weaknesses for Tuborg are their competitors and they can effect Tuborg’s sales in a bad way. One of the biggest opportunities Tuborg has is that they can expand their marked to Asian countries. One of the threats is that Tuborg is an expensive brand and that is a threat because some of their competitors are cheaper. SWOT – Northside festival One of the biggest strengths for Northside is that they have a broad target audience and can reach a lot people with the artists that are performing at the festival and every year the try to increase the number of visitors. One of the weaknesses for Northside is that the tickets are expensive and a lot of the visitors are students and it can be hard for them to pay that amount of money for a ticket. And some people might think it is a lot of money to spend on two days and you will also have to pay for beers etc. at the festival. Opportunities for Northside would be to expand, either have it in other cities in Denmark or make it bigger with new locations. One of the threats for Northside is the competition from other Festivals in Denmark and Northside is a young company and they have to be on their toes to keep up with the other festivals.


Segmentation The target audience of Northside Festival is very broad, the secondary is pretty much everybody who likes music and festivals in Denmark and they are all ages. Therefor we made a small segmentation to find the primary target audience for our campaign where we focus more on the corporation between Tuborg and Northside rather than just the festival.

Profile Geographic – The target audience come from all over Denmark and we want to reach people all over Denmark. Socio-economic – The socio-economic will be middleclass because it is expensive to participate in the festival not only the tickets also to pay for the beer during the two days the festival takes place. Demographic – The demographic will be people in the age between 18 to 30, female and male, couple and single.

Psychographic Lifestyle – People who like music, people who like the festival environment, people who likes beer, people who want to have fun and people who are open-minded people.

Target audience From this small segmentation we found out that our target audience is people from all around Denmark. It is both male and female and the main target audience for our campaign will be in the age between 18-30, we start at 18 because that is the limit age for buying beer at the festival and 30 because then you still like to go to festivals and have fun and be social. It is people who like to go to festivals and have fun, be social and drink beer, they like music and going to concerts.


Campaign plan

In order to understand Tuborg and Northside’s position in the marketplace we are using Optimal Marketing Campaign: nine step planning model. We will use this to develop our campaign, which shows the corporation between Tuborg and Northside. Step 1: Rationale, needs and priorities: The main focus of our campaign is to raise awareness of the event and expand the target audience. Our priority is to provide high quality performances and the taste of good beer. Another priority is to promote our product in social media and print media. Step 2: Aims and objectives: First of all, we want to increase the number of participants at Northside festival by 2%. We will mainly do that by developing a website and use social media but we will also make posters to attract a wider audience. Step 3: Theoretical model for the basis of the campaign Optimal nine step marketing campaign model.


Step 4: Method and design of method: In order to promote our project we will use some tools. Social media: We are creating a website for Northside festival which connects with the main sponsor of the festival – Tuborg. This website is responsive because the main target audience is usually using their smartphones and a responsive website could help by spreading information fast and easy. We are also using social media such as Facebook and Twitter; we are describing that in the subheading “Social media strategy”. Posters and program of event: We are creating posters and flyers in order to spread information about the event easily. Posters will be hanged in places where it will be easily noticed and in the places where people are usually gathering such as clubs, bars and cafes. Program of artists who are in the festival are also good tools for increasing awareness and promoting the Northside festival. Video: We are creating a commercial, which will help to create the right image of the event and increase awareness. With this video we are trying to present a new product, which could help to attract people to participate in the festival and try this new product in the same time while listening to live performances. Step 5: Resources and budget: The campaign will cost approximately 1.000.000dkk. Some of the costs will be; the commercial cost around 230.000dkk and print media (tickets, program, posters, flyers) 200.000dkk. Step 6: Evaluation: We will make user testing of the website which will help us to understand what we could fix to make it better. Also, we will ask people to check the design of the label, which we are creating for the Tuborg beer that will be at the festival and give us feedback. Step 7: Action plan: First of all, we will make a plan with goals and things what we need to do. Then we will make a website which will represent Northside festival and the new Tuborg beer label related to the festival. Few days after launching website we will start to use social media strategy which will help us to inform people about upcoming website and new Tuborg beer label.


After the website will be launched we will form the group of people who will spread flyers and programs of the festival. Also, we are going to make tickets to the Northside festival, which will have the same design as the new Tuborg label. Step 8: Implementation: On our website we will add a commercial of the new Tuborg beer and Northside festival. Step 9: Feedback: We will start to measure results on social media networks such as how many people liked new posts, shared those posts or wrote a comment under posts etc. But it is just a small feedback, so we are expecting to get a proper feedback after Northside festival. We will see how many people participated in the festival and did the new beer fulfil our goals and companies expectations.

Social media strategy We will use 7 steps for a successful social media strategy1 to determine our social media strategy. 1. Goals and objectives Our goal with using social media in our campaign is to create more awareness about the corporation between Tuborg and Northside. Our marketing objective for using social media is to increase the number of visitors at Northside festival by 20 % by the year 2018. Our branding objectives for using social media we made into a message “Why enjoy one thing at a time when you can enjoy two things – Beer and music. Our promotional objectives for using social media are 5000 likes on facebook and 5000 Twitter followers. Also create a webpage that are informative but at the same time interesting and fun to visit. 2. Research We did some research on the current social media that Northside already use. From that we got that we need to put more emphasize on the corporation between Tuborg and Northside.



3. Contacts and content We will use Facebook and Twitter to be interactive and informative to the visitors. We made a small social media plan. 1. Our main target audience is people in Denmark in the age between 18-30 who likes music and drinking beer and being social. 2. Most important issue on facebook and twitter: To make it interesting for the visitors, information about the festival and music, to emphasize on the corporation between Tuborg and Northside. 3. Who will fulfil the content: there will be hired an employee to update both sides. 4: Join the conversation to develop relationship. The sender of the social media campaign will be Northside and Tuborg and the message will be that you can enjoy two things at one time and that should be music and beer. 5: Strengthen relationship Social media will help us strengthen the relationship with the visitors because we can interact with the visitors and we will also be able to keep our victors updated. 6: Measure results We will try to increase the number of visitors on both Facebook and Twitter and that is easy to measure the results. We will use different tracking programs to see what the visitors are doing on pages and what are popular so we can adjust. 7: Analyse, adapt and improve. We would look at how many visitors the pages have and what are the most popular features on the pages and then make more of that so we will keep the pages interesting.

Design of our label The can, bottle and the cap of the bottle: The main purpose of our label is to show people the new image of Tuborg as a sponsor fore Northside festival. On the label we are going to put pictures of artists who will participate in the festival and at the same time represent the festival’s program. So, we are promoting the festival with a beer and adding new value. We will use main colour of Tuborg: green. Instead of usual white background colour we will use purple which is used on the current Northside website because we wanted to create a strong connection between Tuborg and music festival. We are not going to change the main logo of the beer drastically because it is just a new product for one event in a year,


so the logo should still represent Tuborg not only the new product but also the strong brand in the same time. The beer bottle will have the same label as the can because we do not want to make people confused about the new product. The cap of the bottle will be same style, like the front of the bottle and using the same colours. For all these three things we will use the same font because we want to stick with traditional Tuborg image and represent it in the same way. You will find the bottle and can in appendix no. 1. The plastic beer cup Usually, when you want to buy beer during music festival you are often buying not a can of beer but you are getting it in a plastic cup. So, we decided to make a label for the plastic cup. Basically, the design of the cup will be the same as the can and bottle with artists on the other side of the cup. When the cup is full of beer you are getting the illusion of the artist being in the beer and this makes a connection because as our message say: “Why enjoy one thing at a time when you can enjoy two – music and beer”. You will find the beer cup in appendix no. 3.

Design of ticket, poster and program Ticket and program The design of the festival tickets is pretty simple, easy to understand and eye-catching. We used the purple colour as a frame which is used on Northside current website. In order to remind people who participated last year, there will be the same festival again. Also, our ticket design is really similar to last year design because we are presenting the same company and by making similar design we also show people that this festival have a strong value – tradition. The only thing, which we had to add to the tickets, was Tuborg’s logo with fresh design. This year these two strong brands want to show the connection and that is why we tried to emphasize Tuborg’s logo on the ticket. Also, some people are collecting tickets because they do not want to forget good memories and our ticket is ready to be in your collection! You will find the ticket in appendix no. 3. Our created program has the same design as the ticket because we wanted to have one theme for the tickets and program. These two things are related because when you want to buy a ticket, you will get a program when you enter festival. You will find the program in appendix no. 4.


Poster A Festival is an event, which happens once a year, and every designer wants to create a special poster for such an event, in order to help people to remember this event just by seeing a poster. So, we made some sketches of posters, which could represent Northside festival and help people to imagine what good moments they can miss if they are not going to participate. So, we put a picture of the people who are having fun during band performance. This also fits to our slogan: “We speak two languages: music and beer”. Music is like a language, which is wide known all over the world and we are showing a place where you are welcome to be yourself by using this language. Also, on the poster we show a list of artists who will share their music during the festival and it is also easier to attract people by mentioning their favourite bands and artists on the poster. We used fireworks on the poster in order to show the importance of being a part of Northside festival and also to remind people that this exciting event is just once in a year. You will find the poster in appendix no. 5.

Design of our website In order to create a design of the website we had to make some sketches which are the basis of current design. After discussing ideas about website design we took one idea and tried to fulfil it. Basically our website’s design is not that complicated because it is just one long site with certain content in every part. There are three parts on the website: home, program and about. In every part there are different blurry pictures as backgrounds. All those pictures represent one theme: connection between Tuborg and NorthSide. Also, on the top of every part there is a navigation bar which will help you to navigate through the website. Those three buttons are green but when you hover your mouse over one of these buttons, the colour of it will change to purple. We used one of Google fonts for the majority of texts Michroma. Also, on the top there is a slogan: “We speak two languages – music and beer”. The colour of slogan is white in order to make a contrast, be visible and catch the eye. By creating such website we wanted to make a cosy place where people could come and get information about the festival and also to buy the ticket for it.

Home In the home part there is a background picture of people standing near the stage. On this part we decided to put main information about festival and the video, which is a TV ad for this festival. This information should help people to imagine what this festival is about. Also, we used purple colour for the headline because we wanted to keep the same colour scheme as in official festival’s website and white – in order to have a contrast on the website.


Program This is place where people have an opportunity to find out when and where exactly artists will perform. For the background we used a picture of a girl who gives beer to the guy. So, the main content of this part is our created program and short information to the left. About In about section we put short information about how people can contact administration and get more information. For the background we use a picture, which was taken from the stage: people who are enjoying the concert. The most important part in about section is the link to billietlugen (place where you can buy a ticket to the festival). We did not want to put old logo because people need to see that Tuborg looks a bit different and also because of the beer with a new image which will be sold during the festival. We implemented Google maps because people who live in other cities are also coming to this festival and it is easier then you know how to get to the place where the festival will take place. For implementing maps in our website we used a script in the head of html. Also, we implemented social network links: Facebook and Twitter. These icons are so called footer because it is need to be always visible. See appendix no. 6 for our mock-up and wireframe.

Video advertising Video is one of the most important and effective ways of advertising. We discussed ideas of possible commercials for cooperation of the Tuborg and Northside festival and came up with one idea. This video mainly shows the festival image from eyes of the participants. Music, movement, emotions and the community are just a few details, which we want to emphasize in this video. This commercial spread our message:” Why you should only enjoy one thing at the moment when you can enjoy two: music and beer”. In order for us to make the right impression of the video we put our refreshed logo which shows that during the festival you have an opportunity to try new Tuborg’s beer while enjoying the artists’ performance. See appendix no. 7 for our storyboard.


User scenarios for our website In order to have a clear image of our target group needs, we made user scenarios. These user scenarios will guide us during the website creating process. If we want to create successful website we have to try to fulfil audience needs. As an indie music fan I would like to find a list of bands, which will perform in the festival. As a photographer I would like to find link to Facebook because of pictures of event. As a planner I would like to find a link where I could buy tickets before the festival. As a teenagers mum I would like to know what kind of event it is. As a Twitter lover I would like to find link to Twitter. These user scenarios show what should be done on our website. First of all, we will create a program of the festival, what artists are performing and when they will perform. Also, we will put Facebook and Twitter buttons because our target audience uses these social media networks a lot and this also can help to create awareness. Older part of the target audience usually likes to plan everything and the button, which directs straight to the site where you can buy tickets would really help here. Also, every parent wants to know where their kid is participating and what should they expect from every event. So, we will make a brief description about Northside festival. The last but not the least important thing is beer. As you already know, our project is based on connection between Northside festival and Tuborg. In order to show this cooperation we will put a list with prices for beer lovers.

Interaction Structure The subpages on the microsite were created based on anchors technique. We went only for totally 3 pages (which is 1 homepage and 2 subpages). Unlike a normal website, we have all the pages included in the index file thanks to anchors. It allows you to scroll the homepage down to other subpages: Program and About. First of all, we created an unordered list, which would represent the navigation bar. To all the list elements we have set a ‘href’ attribute. But instead of sending a user to other subpages, we are sending him down the page to another div with an id. For example:


<a href='#section2'>Program</a> This will send a user to section2 div, by scrolling the page down. This is done by just adding a # tag in front of the element we went to send a user to. This way, we have anchors and sending points (links) on our long page. A user can navigate by either scrolling or clicking those sending points, which simplifies navigation on our microsite. Parallax scrolling To make the scrolling more appealing we decided to implement a plugin for jQuery called parallax scrolling. To make it work, we have, first of all, linked a jQuery library and then the plugin in the head of the html file. Like this: <script src="js/jquery-2.0.3.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="js/parallax.js"></script> The script would read a property called data-speed that we have set to all the divs for the subpages: <section name="home" id="home" data-speed="20" data-type="background"> The script would then read a data speed property and make its calculations to scroll the background at a different speed. What it allowed us to do is to scroll the desired div at a different speed from the page scrolling. That means the background image would scroll much slower, than the page itself, creating a cool effect called parallax scrolling. Try it yourself! Smooth scrolling The above technique doesn’t quite scroll to the selected div, it just jumps to it, which does not make a desired ‘wow-effect’. For that we used another plugin called smooth scrolling. We just had to include it in the head, just like the previous one. It does the rest of the job itself. It finds all the anchors with a tag # and automatically makes scrolling to it smooth. Google scripts We have used other scripts in the code. These are several scripts for the fancy fonts that Google provides us with. Unfortunately, Internet Explorer does not support Google fonts and instead sets a font, which is closest to the Google font used. Another script is for the


Google maps. It is very simple to use, all we needed to do here is just style the measures of the map box.

Responsiveness The website is made responsive. The way we made it responsive was a bit different from just having the breakpoints for different devices. We did not think that would be a great idea to have breakpoints for different devices, because the website had a lot of box elements, especially a video would make it hard to handle. Instead, we just made a breakpoints at the points where website seemed to mess up. We managed all the css rules at those points using @media. For example: @media only screen and (max-width: 1200px){ That way we manipulated all the content to make it look adequate on all the screen sizes. The point at which the website is not being responsive anymore is below approximately 150pixes. But below this point it is very hard to find an appropriate device.


Appendix no. 1



Appendix no. 2


Appendix no. 3


Appendix no. 4


Appendix no. 5


Appendix no. 6



Appendix no. 7



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