Natural Burial Site

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Locat i onandCont ext TheFel i xDenni sEst at er ecei vedpl anni ng per mi ssi on( wi t hcondi t i ons)f oranat ur al bur i alsi t ei nSper nal ,nearAl cest er ,i n2011. I ti sa12acr esi t e,whi chi sexagr i cul t ur al semi i mpr ovedgr assl andandi ncl udesan agr i cul t ur albui l di ng. Anat ur albur i alsi t eof f er sasyst em wher e cof f i nsandshr oudsar emadeof bi odegr adabl emat er i al sandt hebody r ecycl esnat ur al l y .Thi shasconnect i ons wi t habr oaderr angeofbel i efsyst emssuch assust ai nabi l i t y .


Theexi st i ngvehi cul araccessofcr ushedst oneof fSper nal Lane,l eadst oanar eaofconcr et ehar dst andi ngandamet al cl adagr i cul t ur albar n. Thehi ghwayver geatt heaccessi swi de,gi vi nggoodvi si bi l i t y i nbot hdi r ect i ons. Thesur r oundi ngl andcompr i sesoff i el dsofgr assl and,af i el d pl ant edwi t hyoungwoodl andandAl neWood. Thel anddr opsf r om Sper nalLane,wi t ht heagr i cul t ur albar n si t uat edi nanat ur alhol l ow.Thel andr i sesshar pl ybehi ndt he bui l di ng,t ot heeast .Theot herf i el dsassoci at edwi t ht hesi t et o t henor t handsout hoft hebui l di ngar eundul at i ngbut r easonabl yl evel . Thesi t eboundar yr unni ngpar al l elt oSper nalLanei smadeup ofmat ur et r eesandhedger ows.

I nspi r at i on

Ther ear easmal lnumberofr esi dent i alpr oper t i esnear by , ot her wi set hesi t ei ssur r oundedbyopencount r ysi de.

Ri dge and f ur r ow off ar ml and

Ent r ance Recept i on Carpar k Recept i onbui l di ng Bur i algr ound St r eam buf f er Gar den

Or gani sat i on

Ci r cul at i on


Li nkst opat hs

The j our ney Gr i ef Memor y Cont empl at i on Rel eas e Ac c ept anc ewi t hemot i onal at t ac hment



Obj ect i vesoft hewoodl and I nt egr at i onoft hewoodl andnat ur al l yi nt oi t ssur r oundi ngs St r uct ur aldi ver si t y Abal ancebet weenpl ant i ngt oest abl i shyoungwoodl andandt heneedt o i nt egr at enewt r eesr equest edbycust omer si nt ot heexi st i ngst r uct ur e Nat i vespeci es Ash Fr axi nusexcel si or

Consi der at i onoft hepl ant i ngofsensi t i vear eas( nextt oAl neWood)

Oak Quer cusr obur Pt er i di um aqui l i num

Pl ansandpr ovi si onofar obustbutvar i edpat t er nofpl ant i ng,whi chgi veseach speci esagoodchanceofcont r i but i ngt ot henat ur alwoodl andst r uct ur ewi t hout r el yi ngheavi l yuponf ut ur est andmanagement Acombi nat i onofpl ant edcl umpsandopenar eas Devel opmentofcanopy ,shr ub,f i el dandgr oundl ayer si nappr opr i at el ocat i ons

Mer cur i al i s per enni s

Fi el dMapl e Acercampest r e Rubus f r ut i cosus

TheNat i onalVeget at i onCl assi f i cat i onf ort hepr oposedwoodl andt ypef al l si nt o t womai ncat egor i es:W8Fr axi nusexcel si or-Acercampest r e-Mer cur i al i s per enni swoodl andandW10Quer cusr obur-Pt er i di um aqui l i num -Rubus f r ut i cosuswoodl and.Thesear et hesel ect eddomi nantspeci esf ort hepr oposed woodl and. I ti spr oposedt opl antani ni t i alt r ee/ shr ubst r uct ur ef ort hebur i alsi t ebear i ngi n mi ndt hati ti sant i ci pat edt hatamaxi mum of133bur i al smayt akepl acei nany oneyearandt hatt r eesmaybepl ant edatt hosebur i al st hatcont r i but et ot he st r uct ur eoft hewoodl and. I ti spr oposedt oi ni t i al l ypl antasmal lper cent ageoft r eesandshr ubst ogi ve t hef i el dsomest r uct ur eyetl eavet hemaj or i t yasopenspacesot hatt he woodl andcandevel opast r eesar epl ant edasmemor i al i sat i on. Oaksandbi r chhavebeenpl ant edi ngr oupsof3wi t h3t o4m spaci ng.Ther ei s r andom spaci ngbet weenot hert r eesandshr ubs.


Al ow per cent ageofgr avesar et obepl ant edwi t hst andar dt r eespeci es suchasoakandasht hatbecomet heper manenthi ghcanopyl ayer . Coppi ci ng Themaj or i t yofgr avescanbepl ant edwi t hcoppi cespeci essuchas hazel ,chest nut ,ashorwhi t ebeam. Theset r eeswi l lt henbe‘ pr uned’atorneart hegr oundl evel ,atan i nt er valofbet ween7and15year s,dependi ngont hespeci esandgr owt h r at e.Thi swi l lencour agevi gor ousgr owt ht hatsuppor t swi l dl i f eandt he coppi cedwoodcanpr ovi deani ncome.Theset r eeswi l lbeper manent mar ker soft hegr avesandwi l lhaveapot ent i alt ol i vef ormanyyear s. Coppi ci ngt hebur i alsi t ei nsect i onsgi vesacycl i calopeni ngupofcer t ai n ar east hatencour ageswoodl andf l ower sandt heni nsect s,but t er f l i es, bi r dsandmammel s.

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