HIDDEN MANNA: A Universal Health, WHOLE Nutrition, and Spiritual Wellness Manual

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A Universal Health, WHOLE Nutrition and Spiritual Wellness Manual Presented by: Divine Institute of the N.O.W.

In conjunction with WHO REALLY CARES? Foundation, a philanthropic organization designed to promote the restoration and healing of the world’s less fortunate, the meek, and the humble for the greater goodwill of mankind as a WHOLE, livicated to all those who set the precedence of a giving, loving, and faithful heart focused on Global Transformation and having all things in common Copyright Š 2012 by Divine Institute of the NOW Publications All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher Cover design and Divine Institute of the N.O.W. logo by DSGraphix Back cover photo credits Dee Lee Photo and Video

And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for food Genesis 1:29

He watereth the hills from his chambers: the earth is satisfied with the fruit of thy works. He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man: that he may bring forth food out of the earth; And wine that maketh glad the heart of man, and oil to make shine his face, and bread which strengtheneth man’s heart. The trees of the Lord are full of sap; the cedars of Lebanon, which he hath planted‌He appointed the Moon for seasons: the Sun knoweth his going down‌Man goeth forth unto his work and to his labor until the evening. O, Most High, how manifold are thy works! In wisdom has thou made them all: the earth is full of thy riches Proverbs 104:13-24

He who is able to hear, let him listen to and heed what the Spirit says to the assemblies (churches). To him who overcomes (conquers), I will give to eat of the manna that is hidden, and I will give him a white stone with a new name engraved on the stone, which no one knows or understands except he who receives it Rev. 2:17

Selah, Ase, A-men

The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent dis-ease with nutrition Thomas Edison WHY VEGETARIANISM? WHY PLANT BASED, WHOLE “LIVING” FOODS? As the global population surges towards a predicted 9.1 billion people by 2050, western tastes for diets rich in meat and dairy products are unsustainable, says the report from United Nations Environment Programme’s (UNEP) international panel of sustainable resource management. The average American eats in a lifetime 15 cows, 24 hogs, 900 chicken, 12 sheep, and 1000 lbs. of other assorted animals according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (2009). 250 million people visit the emergency room each year. 80 million people suffer from allergies. 64% of the American population is overweight. And cancer is the #1 cause of death among children. Lifestyle diseases are diseases that appear to become ever more widespread as countries become more industrialized. Lifestyle diseases are different from other diseases because they are potentially preventable, and can be lowered with changes in diet, lifestyle, and environment. --excerpted from The Natural Health Perspective Do you or anyone you know fit any of these categories? Diet consists of meat, dairy products, fast foods, artificial sweeteners, preservatives, additives, and even smaller portions of seeds, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains; Suffer from high blood pressure, diabetes, lung and/or liver disease, fatigue, AIDS; Perform less than 12 hours of exercise per week; More than 20 pounds under/over normal weight for your height; Have a stressful job If you answered yes to even one of these above statements, it is likely your life is at risk for premature aging.

When a person experiences pain sometimes unexplainably even after doctors perform tests under a microscope or through a scan, diet is never considered a factor (the #1 misconception overlooked in western modern medicine) “Human disease increases when the vital and essential nutrients in the human body decrease” according to Dr. Scott Whittaker, ND and Jose Fleming, CN MH, in their book, Medisin. Disease at any stage is reversible. It was never designed for man to suffer from ailments and the “old age” syndrome, but through transgression of divine dietary law, man became a living cesspool leading to an eventual death, either in serious pain or having no use of the vital organs The Infinite Power uplifted us with from the beginning of time. So it is our responsibility to ourselves as well as the earth to consider what we put in our mouths. Remember, you R what you eat so whatever you eat and drink do to the glory and honor of the Most High.




With every message written the author must acknowledge in no part being the sole source for the information provided more used as a vessel through which the inspiration brought forth could manifest on a piece of paper This manual of love is livicated to the preservation of life and harmony with universal balance, order, justice, and truth (MAAT) We acknowledge all the many individuals who have even before this book’s inception assisted in the maintenance of a healthy environment as well as opting peace rather than violence or cruelty to God’s greatest gift to man, the tree of LIFE 4 Abba Ford and Emmah Clark Mom and Dad Ince And 2 all the luminaries of this existence both past and present, seen and unseen, raising the vibration of our eternal REALITY

He that takes medicine and neglects diet, wastes the time of his doctor Ancient Chinese Proverb

WATER Water makes up 65 to 75% of the body (80-85% at birth), and is considered second only to oxygen for importance to a person’s health. Every cell requires water to function and without it the body would not be able to perform at its highest peak. Water maintains system equilibrium, lubricates, flushes wastes and toxins, hydrates the skin, regulates body temperature, acts as a shock absorber for joints, bones, and muscles, adds needed minerals to aid in nutrition, and transports nutrients including minerals, vitamins, proteins, and sugars for assimilation and works as an aid throughout the digestive process. As the dawn of the new millennium has approached, the environment suffers due to pollution, toxins, chemicals, exhaust, and waste. These combined influences the air we breathe, the foods we eat, as well as the water we drink. Unfortunately, due to the “purification” process of our tap water, it is now highly chlorinated, fluoridated, and treated to the point that it could leave a person experiencing severe side effects and symptoms of diseases. On the average, regular city tap water contains as many as 500 different disease-causing bacteria, viruses, and parasites. First, always test your water for its pH level. Make sure it is pH balanced, meaning the count is equal to 7.4 (this is where our natural body pH maintains balance and the acid/alkaline levels become neutral). In turn, this will neutralize the acidity of your blood to fight toxins or free radicals formed due to the lack of oxygen in it. Where can I test my water? READ YOUR LABELS. (Google: criterion pH paper) When you buy purified spring water, look for the mineral content and the pH level, it should be listed in the nutritional facts. If it is not listed, contact the manufacturer and ask for more information on the product. A.C.T. – alkaline your water with fresh squeezed lemon juice and liquid chlorophyll. These two powerful ingredients aid in flushing an amazing number of toxins and mucous out of your entire system

In a time of deceit, telling the truth IS a revolutionary act George Orwell

SUNSHINE Sunshine is a tonic, a stimulant, and above all, the “great healer”, and the Greatest Healer truly is the Most High. Man’s skin should be tanned by sun and air and man can only gain health, vitality and happiness in the bright, brilliant rays of the sun. The rays of the sun are powerful germicides...the sun provides one of the finest remedies for the nervous person, who is filled with anxiety, worry, frustration, stress, and pain. When these tense people lie in the sunshine, its powerful rays gives them what the nerves and body are crying out for, and that is relaxation. --Dr. Sunshine The sun, in its essence, the very presence illuminates radiance for nourishment, protection, and bringing forth life extension to our melanated beings. The vita-min “D” we intake each day formulates carbonization synthesis through photokinetic transfer of nitrogen into the molecules of the trees. In turn, our body transforms these nutrients into our cells, blood, and vital organs to function at our most optimal levels. Each ray represents an even deeper connection to the UnIverse, from the seen and unseen realms. We must remember all of life and its existence was created by a thought of the Most High and when it was all done, we could begin to laugh, play, and bask in the sun. The sun is a divine key to our existence and essence. We are light beings like plants, we need adequate amounts of sunlight to grow and flow into our optimal self. Sunshine is a powerful agent in fighting dis-ease, it relaxes us, brings forth mental alertness and improves one’s complexion. Because of its illuminessence, it is more like “liquid” sunshine pouring its vibration upon the entire planet. It refines us into total peace of mind. It also cleanses our heart, and refreshes our eyes ridding them of impurities after washing them with the rays of light. You can strengthen your eyes as well by looking directly into the Sun allowing the tears to act as a cleansing agent. It’s a powerful exercise to master and perform daily. Learn the art of sun bathing. Not just going to the beach, but just being in your sacred space, taking off all of your clothing, and lying down in the direct focal point where the sun and your entire body meets. You can catch the true healing power of it reaching each and every corner to stimulate and strengthen you both inside and out. Calcium and vitamin “D” deficiency is one of the most common nutritional deficiencies prevalent today. Vitamin D from the Sun improves overall strength and the effectiveness of your immune system. Breathe deep, digest the Sun’s rays, and let it do its divine work upon you and the universe, NOW!

Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a stalled ox and hatred therewith Proverbs 15:17

HERBS In Genesis of the Bible, Yahweh reveals the basic remedy for repairing the body through utilizing the various parts of the earth to “heal the nations”. Herbs, one of the earth’s most potent of medicines work in conjunction with our organs to assist in the repair and restoration of the body’s equilibrium. Dis-ease is the body’s warning that something is wrong and needs to be addressed. If a person is in tune to the body, he or she will be able to detect when the first onset of symptoms intercept and can begin in the purification process. Sometimes it’s not that easy for those whose diets are poor and lacking in nutrient-rich foods that will nourish and maintain optimal health. So for those who choose not to maintain proper dietary laws, herbs (alfalfa, red clover, and dandelion, for example) and whole foods, such as blue green algae, spirulina, and bee pollen are designed to work to keep that balance. It has always been a part of wholistic living that herbs play a major role in the elimination and prevention of the many chronic and degenerative conditions afflicting the human and animal kingdoms. Out of all the known plants, 260,000 are classified as “higher plants”, which means they contain chlorophyll and perform a process called photosynthesis. Within the science of photosynthesis, plants utilize the energy provided by sunlight to manufacture carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water. The energy produced by this process superimposes its power from the plants, in turn; displaying properties which offer the ability to provide medicinal benefits. Herbs are concentrated whole foods, NOT DRUGS. So they don’t have “side effects” like pharmaceuticals and over-the-counter chelated supplements do from their levels of nutrient impotency. It takes longer for a person’s system to assimilate the healing properties of these powerful plants for complete restoration. Also in conjunction with other natural therapies, they address both the symptom as well as the cause of the problem. So a person may experience a “healing crisis” during their initial herbal healing program, but your body is just eliminating layers of toxins and waste built up through years of negligence. The “Law of Cure” simply addresses this thought as your body will “seem” to get worse before it gets better. This should only occur during the first stages of your cleansing regimen. Majority of herbs have various uses, so it may be good to take an herb for one thing while it works on something else at the same time. From a metaphysical as well a chemical level, herbs nourish the body’s deepest and most basic elements, such as the brain, glands, and hormones. Herbal combinations are not addictive nor habit forming. Some are even mild enough to take at any age. It is best though to take them with caution. Always seek advice from a professional herbalist before experimenting. A.C.T.—The combination of lemon balm and oil of oregano is one of the most potent formulas to kill bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites within the entire body. These two herbs have been known as aids against respiratory problems, nervous conditions, candida yeast, and colon health. Make it a weekly focus to uses these herbs together whether in tea form or as an extract.

Therefore let not your visit to the temple invisible be for naught but ecstasy and sweet communion Kahlil Gibran

George Washington Carver: 3 Keys to Talking to the Flowers Love They cannot give up their secrets to those who despise them, or who do not love them Quality of Humility To talk with the flowers one must become as selfless and as incandescent as the flowers, completely relaxed and selfless Expectancy Born of Faith and Wonder for the natural world When I touch a flower, I am not merely touching that flower. I am touching Infinity. They ARE doorways to the infinite world --excerpted from www.herbalwiseguy.com Among the Iroquois, it has been said that if a person becomes ill and needs a plant for healing the plant will stand up and begin calling, helping the person who is ill to find it‌Researchers have commented that the plants, able to respond instantaneously to ecosystem changes and inputs with shifts in their chemistry, can begin immediately to produce new compounds and combinations of compounds at need‌it is said that when you find the plant you are looking for you should pray to it for help. Stephen Harrod Buhner, The Lost Language of Plants

One quarter of what you eat keeps you alive, the other three-quarters keeps your doctor alive Ancient Kemetian Proverb

ENZYMES Enzymes exist in all living things. They are biological and are involved with every single function of the body. Without enzymes we could not breathe, digest food or even move a muscle. There are three categories of enzymes: Metabolic enzymes run the body processes that repair damage and decay and heal disease; Our own digestive enzymes assimilate carbohydrates, proteins, and fats into the body; And enzymes found in raw foods that start digestion also help in aiding the body in digestion. In fact, digestive enzymes in humans are stronger than any other enzymes and are more concentrated than any other enzyme combination found in nature.

Here are some facts about food enzymes: All food, whether plant or animal, has its own enzymes that serve in the life process when eaten working only for the eater’s benefit. Only enzymes found in whole, unprocessed foods give the body the vital force it needs to work properly to replace cells and rebuild in healing. A.C.T.—Papayas contain soft, easily digestible flesh with a good amount of soluble dietary fiber that helps to have normal bowel movements; thereby reducing constipation.

The body reflects the mind. When the mind is in tune with its Christ nature, it becomes harmonious and this state of consciousness will maintain order in the bodily function. Patrick M., MD

ENZYMES AND DIGESTION Digestion is the enzymatic process of breaking down foods then converting it for absorption by the body. Digestive enzymes are found mainly in pancreatic juices, the saliva, and small intestine. Digestion begins in the mouth when the enzymes in the saliva act on starch conversion. In the stomach, gastric juices secrete the enzymes to start the breakdown of protein and fats in the small intestine. Pancreatic juices secrete enzymes to further the digestion of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. The remaining percentage of the meal then proceeds to the colon where water and electrolyte salts are extracted and enzymes stimulate colonies of good bacteria to feed on the waste. In this area, many diseases manifest and colon as well as bowel problems begin. Caution: Enzymes are very sensitive to heat, even low degrees of heat can destroy enzymes in food. Please Note: Fresh, raw, organic foods not only require less digestive work but aid the body in the digestive process

I have the power within me to realize the fulfillment of each one of these desires. Through the love, wisdom, and power of my Supermind, I have the ability to bring about any necessary change in my body or affairs The SuperBeings

GREEN GRASS AND SUPERFOODS Green grass contains all the known minerals and trace mineral elements found within the soil, a natural balance of vital minerals (vita-mins) and hundreds of enzymes for digestion and absorption into the blood for cell metabolism. Plants and flowers in turn absorb the minerals and enzymes into their structures to assists those needing the healing properties offered by this most powerful chemistry between man and earth. Wheatgrass, derived from hard winter wheat berries, has curative powers for many degenerative “incurable” diseases when taken as a fresh liquid. One ounce of fresh wheatgrass juice is equal in nutrition as 5lbs. of your most choice vegetables. It contains 92 of the 102 minerals found in soil and is packed with amino acids, essential fatty acids, as well as B-complex. Wheatgrass is excellent for anyone all year round. Please note: Wheatgrass works in the body up to a certain tolerance level. Once it has properly been administered in the body to flush out unwanted toxins and free radicals, its job is done. So be mindful to monitor when you have felt the effects of wheatgrass’ potent cleansing ability and drink in moderation. Alfalfa is one of the earth’s richest mineral packed whole foods, pulling up the earth’s sources from root depth as great as 130 ft. It is the basis for liquid chlorophyll with a balance of chemical and mineral matrix almost identical to human blood. It has been used for conditions such as arthritis, intestinal and skin disorders, liver problems, breath and body odor, as well as cancer. Bee pollen is one of the oldest healing foods on the planet and is a great source of vita-mins, minerals, proteins, amino acids, hormones, enzymes, and fats. This superfood contains phyto-nutrients (plant based nutrients now starting to be recognized as important for our overall wellbeing). Scientists report bee pollen contains every known nutrient we need to live. It is a powerful detoxifier, aids in problems associated with hormonal imbalances, mental clarity and concentration, improves metabolism, food cravings, prevents prostate problems, boosts fertility and increases sperm count.

Chlorella, considered just one of the 25,000 types of algae that exist on the planet. It is also one of the few edible species found in this kingdom. Chlorella is a true natural source of phosphates and nitrates, from its freshwater point of origin. Its Greek name translates into “green and small” since its measures only a few microns long. When taken as a nutritional supplement, this algae contains many antioxidant properties. It has also been found to help shrink cancerous tumors and can be used as an anti-inflammatory agent. The Coconut is considered one of the greatest gifts on the planet Earth. It is the highest grown food source with the most “water” content identified. Known as the “God of Foods”, coconuts are a prehistoric plant which can survive many months floating at sea. The coconut is a natural water filter that takes almost 9 months to filter each liter of water. The water travels through many fibers being purified where it is stored away STERILE in the nut itself. The clear liquid inside young coconuts (the fruit of the palm) is pure clear and is one of the highest sources of electrolytes known to man. Coconut water is identical to human blood plasma which makes it the universal donor. Plasma makes up 55% of human blood. By drinking coconuts we give ourselves an instant blood transfusion. Coconuts in their young stage of growth are the most health enhancing. Coconuts are a great blood purifier. The young coconut is one of the most important fruits within the tropics because of its potassium and mineral rich water. Besides being highly nutritious, young coconuts have also been exceedingly revered as having medicinal qualities for heart, liver and kidney disorders. In fact, the coconut has recently been reported to reduce the viral load of HIV. Coconut water has long been a popular drink in the tropics, especially in Southeast Asia, Pacific Islands, Africa, and the Caribbean, where it is grown from the source. There have also been cases where coconut water has been used as an intravenous hydration fluid in some developing countries where medical saline was unavailable. The Neem plant (Azadirachta indica, Juss), a tropical tree related to the mahogany, is indigenous of India where is has been used for centuries for curing over 30 diseases. Known as the “Village Pharmacy” and the “Tree For Solving Global Problems”, the neem tree is widely spread in West Africa since the early 1960′s, especially in Senegal where it is known as the “Independence Tree”. Containing more than one hundred active biochemical components, Azadirachtin is one of the main catalytic ingredients found in this powerful tree. The oil and extracts have healing properties as follows: used a contraceptive, cavity and gingivitis prevention, fever reducer, malaria prevention as natural insecticide, crop pest control (locusts), cosmetics, tonic pills and drinks, soil amendment and livestock feed, among others. According to the 1991 National Research Council recent survey, Senegalese neem oil sample tripled the Azadirachtin content worldwide. Recent science validates the traditional uses of neem, including skin care, treatment of bacterial and viral infections and immune system enhancement. Numerous studies also show neem to be versatile and effective against skin and dental disease, fungi, bacteria and parasites, allergies, inflammation, ulcers, tuberculosis, and cardiovascular disease. For more info, visit www.africabound.org.

Be the change you are seeking Mahatma Gandhi

CLEANSING During an internal cleansing, any food prepared should be organically grown, even the seeds should be eaten (sprouted raw for the best results). Liquids from these unprocessed foods are also good. Juicing has been considered the easiest way to absorb live nutrients into the body. They have a great advantage of rapid assimilation meaning they can break down and flush out toxins immediately. Nature’s medicines are locked in the cells of growing plants and released in their juices… fresh fruit juices are the cleansers of the human system. Vegetable juices are the regenerators and builders of the body…When we consider that vegetables and fruits have been naturally cooked by solar energy; that they contain all the elements the sun and the earth have buried deep in their fiber cells; and that they are nature’s live-cell foods --excerpt from Drink Your Troubles Away by John Lust Green drinks are chlorophyll-rich, high in minerals, particularly potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, phosphorus, and manganese. They are also full of enzymes to aid in digestion and assimilation. Green drinks have anti-infective properties, alkalize the body, and are excellent for mucus cleansing. For a quick wash and cleanse, fruit juices high water and sugar content speed metabolism to release waste quickly and help reduce sweet cravings. They also have an alkalizing effect, helping the body to break down waste in the stomach and colon where most diseases originate. These are just a few facts to consider the next time you begin your meal. We love you, will you love your Self for our sake. Peace be with u! Always remember: Eat to live, never live to eat!

BODY BALANCE TEA Combination of herbs for restoration of all internal organs, improves overall strength, blood cleanser, parasite removal, energy enhancing, as well as immune and lymphatic systems repair Proprietary herbal tea blend consists of: chapparal, lemon balm, wormwood, hyssop, red clover, spearmint, lobelia, ginger root, yellow root, dandelion root, chamomile, slippery elm, neem bark, black walnut Pour 1 gallon of spring water into a pot and bring to a boil. Add herbal tea blend and let it steep for 10 minutes. Makes up to 16 8oz. glasses. May be used as a daily detox, or in addition to a three day fast for a seasonal or annual cleansing. Other Tips on Cleansing Make sure to use a filter on your showerhead to prevent chlorine and other damaging agents affecting the skin. We absorb more chlorine through bathing and showering than drinking from the tap. 2. Purchasing eco–friendly cleaning products also reduce the amount of toxic overload your body can receive by the residue left on your dishes after washing or cleaning your bathroom. 3. Triclosan is a popular antibacterial agent found in many household cleansers, hand soaps, cosmetics, even toothpastes. It is a known carcinogen and must be avoided at all cost.


For more cleansing tips from the inside out, check out www.toxipedia.com www.terraflo.com www.britishberkefeld.com www.ewg.org/skindeep www.myutapia.com www.healingwaterofthegoddess.com

For what is prayer but the expansion of yourself into the living ethers? Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet

PRAYER Prayer is as the sun, it is vital to our wellbeing and a must for everyone. Prayer is the sum total of being in the presence of Mother/Father (YHVH), the feminine and masculine essence is our true joy over this whole realm of life. Never think you cannot commune with the Mother/Father. Always know the Creator has many names. WE must come from the heart spirit, the real You. As you seek the Most High, ALLAH, JAH, and/or Buddha diligently, you will be rewarded openly. We are not to beg but to give thanks for everything and to know all things are working together for the good. The greatest thing we can do is be in the presence of the Most High, as it says, ‘The path of life is in His/Her presence and in thy presence is fullness of joy and pleasures for evermore’. One of our greatest keys in prayer is to be in sweet communion within divine worship. Not begging, but truly in divine worship, loving the Creator and letting YHVH know I am in your presence waiting upon you like a waiter or waitress, serving and honoring the Most High. This what we do in sweet communion propels the very essence within and takes us into divine meditation. As it says in Psalms 4, ‘To commune with your own heart, upon your bed, and be still, wisdom comes’, and we must be open to receive this wisdom from above and within us. Remember wisdom is a She, the feminine side, so as we open ourselves to receive, her paths are pleasantness and all her paths are full of peace. We are guided by the Holy Spirit to be spiritually-minded and that is life and peace. This is what the power of prayer can do, yet we must spend quality time in the Most High’s presence, and as we dwell in YHVH’s presence, we shall be rewarded openly. For we will walk in this essence of prayer with power, authority, and dominion. Ase’, SELAH, A-men, HalleluYah!!!

The right foods provide the right thoughts and feelings to create total harmony in the body Kemet Prince


MINERALS FOUND IN THE BODY In a healthy environment, our bodies consist of hydrogen, phosphorus, chlorine, calcium, oxygen, carbon, magnesium, sodium, nitrogen, fluorine, potassium, silicon, iron, iodine, and manganese. All of the elements listed below when taken in abundance will thoroughly cleanse the bloodstream. Therefore, the greater the quantity taken of these foods, the sooner the body will begin to balance itself and receive healing. POTASSIUM Poor circulation and constipation denote a lack of potassium in the body. Potassium rich foods should be taken especially for feminine hormonal imbalances, and for all aches and pains. They include the following: all leafy vegetables, including watercress, parsley, mustard greens, beet tops, spinach, dandelion greens, tomatoes, and watermelon SODIUM A natural solvent. Relieves pains associated with rheumatism, hardening of arteries, kidney stones, gall stones, stiff joints, acidosis, and diabetes. Some foods rich in sodium are spinach, okra, cucumbers, carrots, celery, beet roots, apples, huckleberries and strawberries IRON This powerful element removes waste products and assists greatly in cleaning the blood stream. An organic colloidal form of this mineral is the best way to take in supplement form instead of the nutrient-depleting chelated versions, as they cause irritation to the kidneys. Foods high in iron are red and white cabbage, spinach, beets, lettuce (preferably red and green leaf, bibb and butter), raw carrots, cherries, strawberries, and onions SULPHUR Contains compounds needed especially in eliminating blood dis-eases and skin conditions, such as eruptions, pimples, etc. Sulphur compounds stimulate liver function and promote flow of bile. Found in cabbage, asparagus, brussels sprouts, raw celery, cauliflower, onions and radishes CHLORINE A great poison eradicator and intestine cleanser. Foods full of chlorine include raw white cabbage, spinach, raw asparagus, cucumber (skin), raw carrots, watercress, lettuce (all kinds except iceberg), onions, and turnip greens

MAGNESIUM Nature’s original laxative. Best used in cases of stiff and crackling joints. Take in conjunction with vitamin c rich foods for best assimilation. Great sources of magnesium are apples, barley, string beans, cabbage, celery, coconuts, raw greens (all, especially kale and mustard), oats, oranges, plums, prunes, radishes, and watercress MANGANESE A strong blood purifier and effective neutralizer of body acids. High levels of manganese is found in peppermint leaves, dandelion greens, parsley, senna leaves, watercress, mustard greens, and kale OXYGEN Used as a dissolver; found everywhere including the air, all fruits and vegetables, cosmic matter, rocks, and ocean. When the blood passes the lungs, it is purified by oxygen. Abundance of oxygen assists in elimination process greatly. It also burns poisons, toxins, and free radicals from the entire system. --excerpt (paraphrased) from Back to Eden by Jethro Kloss

SPIRULINA: THE AMAZING FOOD OF THE ANCIENTS By: Golden Eagle Peace and Divine Love to the Universal Family, I believe that Spirulina is a powerful Superfood. One of the greatest foods here on earth. Sea Moss is another one of the ocean superfoods that we should be drinking daily. These are divine elixirs that we need to know more about from which Mother Nature has prepared for us. From the ocean to the sun, as like oven baked to perfection, what science Mother Nature knows to nurture her children. She knows now we must receive her Wisdom and she’s speaking with LOVE. Such powerful nutrients are found deep in the ocean and above through the earth to bless us, not curse us. Spirulina is a superfood to strengthen and uplift us, and it is considered the most nutritious concentrated whole food known to the world. Its history is powerful. It occupies a special place in the biological and ecological world of the plant kingdom. It can help regulate blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels. It is a type of food that can alleviate pain from inflammation, deliver antioxidant activity to ward off life threatening dis-eases like cancer, myopia, alzheimer’s, heart dis-ease and stroke. Spirulina also helps protect the liver and kidneys. (Also, check out barley grass) This powerful sea green removes radiation from the body (Japan needs this right NOW for all of its citizens), improves the immune system, alleviates allergies, and has been proven to kill many different viruses. This divine food even helps improve your eyesight, brain functions, increases friendly flora in the intestine, and improves digestion. We have been using spirulina and sea moss in our products for nearly 15 years. It is about sixty percent highly digestible. Spirulina is also the whole food source for gamma linolenic acid (GLA). There are only two sources on earth that carries this essential fatty acid. This is groundbreaking to me that these powerful elements provide 300% more calcium than the other animal sources that are poison and not easily assimilated in our human systems. Wake up light beings. Spirulina has 2300% more iron than spinach and 3900% more beta carotene than carrots. Remember this universe. It is rich in B vitamins, minerals, trace elements, chlorophyll and enzymes. Algae are one of the first plants to appear in the universe about a billion years ago. Algae transformed the carbon dioxide based atmosphere to an oxygen-rich atmosphere in which other life forms could evolve.

Spirulina is truly an ancient, spiritual food. Along with Barley grass and Sea moss, there’s many more WHOLE revitalizing herbs and foods that can be used as a divine medicine for our overall wellbeing. Always remember: our foods are to be our medicine. In North Central Africa, the Kanembu people eat plenty of spirulina-- young, pregnant, and ageless. The Aztecs and Mayans also knew about the healing properties of Spirulina. A paste from the algae would form at the base of the shore by the breeze, where it forms into a thick mat. The women would then move about in the water collecting the algae to bring to the shore. They would let it set in the tropical sun where it would form a dry biscuit like substance called Dibe, one of the main dishes of this culture. I pray this science on Spirulina as one of our heavy hitters of the Superfood realm will bless and enlighten you and your family as a WHOLE. Keep the faith, Always!

HOW THE BODY REFLECTS THE MIND Subconscious Patterns of __________ May Manifest As… ANGER-HOSTILITY

Appendicitis, Arthritis, Boils, Constipation, Heart problems, High Blood pressure, Indigestion, Inflammation


Colds, Flu, Headache


Arthritis, Liver problems Ulcers, High Blood pressure


Accidents, Asthma, Flu, Headache, Heart Issues, Indigestion


Cancer, Colds, Gallstones

GUILT- SELF-CONDEMNATION Back trouble, Cancer, Hay Fever If a sense of dis-ease produces suffering and a sense of EASE antidotes suffering, dis-ease is mental, not material. Hence, the fact that the human mind alone suffers, is sick, and that the divine Mind alone heals. —excerpt from Science and Health with Keys to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy

HOW THE BODY REFLECTS THE MIND Subconscious Patterns of _________ May Manifest As… LACK- LIMITATION

Anemia, Asthma, Kidney Trouble


Hardening of Arteries, Kidney Trouble


Heart Problems TENSION- STRESS

Colds, Constipation, Headache, High Blood Pressure

--excerpt from The SuperBeings by John Randolph Price

Forgive me Most High for allowing any fear, guilt, self-rejection, self-hatred, unforgiveness, bitterness, pride, or rebellion to open the door to any sickness or infirmity. I renounce these conditions in your precious and holy name...I rebuke and cast out all spirits causing diabetes, high blood pressure, low blood pressure, cancer, heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, leukemia, blood disease, breathing problems, arthritis, lupus, Alzheimer’s, or insomnia in your precious and mighty name right NOW! —for more prayers and affirmations of healing, reference Prayers That Bring Healing by John Eckhardt

TOP 9 LIFESTYLE DIS-EASES Alzheimer’s Dis-Ease: a form of brain dis-ease Arteriosclerosis: a generic term for several dis-eases in which the arterial wall becomes thicker and loses elasticity. Arteriosclerosis is the most common and serious vascular dis-ease Cancer: dis-eases characterized by uncontrolled, abnormal growth of cells Chronic Liver Dis-Ease/Cirrhosis: any of a group of liver dis-orders Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Dis-Ease (COPD): a dis-ease characterized by slow progressing, irreversible airway obstruction Diabetes: a dis-ease affecting sugars metabolized in the body Heart Dis-Ease: any of several abnormalities that affect the heart muscle or the blood vessels of the heart Nephritis/CRF: any dis-ease of the kidney marked by swelling and abnormal function Stroke: a condition due to the lack of oxygen to the brain that may lead to reversible or irreversible paralysis --excerpt from www.naturalhealthperspective.com




LIST OF ALKALINE/ACIDIC FOODS Our body’s natural pH (percent of Hydrogen) is 7.4. Highly alkaline foods promote overall wellness and divine health for everyone. They also develop our systems to be less prone to harboring viruses and harmful bacteria which could lead to severe illnesses and chronic conditions. Leafy greens and dark green vegetables are chlorophyll rich and are prime examples of alkaline foods. Alcohol and coffee, highly acidic foods should be consumed in moderation. The following is a list of acid/alkaline foods, their pH level, and the importance of why we should take this in consideration before we sit down to participate in one of the most sacred times of our day. Always Remember: The higher the pH, the more alkaline it is, the lower the pH, the more acidic it is. Foods written in bold are recommended highly to eat on a daily basis. pH=9.0 Lemons and Watermelon (highly alkaline) Great for yearly fasts and mucus cleansing, improves immune system to fight toxins, eat more to prevent coughs, sore throats, heartburn, and gastro-intestinal upsets pH=8.5 Agar Agar, Canteloupe, Cayenne, Dried Dates, Figs, Kelp (Bladderwrack), Karengo, Kudzu root, Limes, Mango, Melons, Papaya, Parsley, Watercress, Seaweeds, including Wakame, Nori, dulse, etc., Asparagus, Endive, Kiwifruit, Spirulina, Sea Moss, Blue-green Algae, Barley Grass, Chlorella, Grapes (seeded only), Grade B Maple Syrup, Passion fruit, Pears (ripe), Pineapple, Raisins, Umeboshi plum, fresh raw fruit and vegetable juices. Stimulating, non-irritating body healers, great for endocrine system, purifies kidneys, natural sugars produce alkalinity, added sugars causes juice to become acid forming pH=7.5-8.0 (moderately alkaline) Apples, apricots, alfalfa sprouts, arrowroot flour, avocados, bananas (ripe), all berries, beets, bell pepper, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, carob, cacao, celery, currants, dates and figs (fresh), garlic, ginger (fresh), gooseberry, grapefruit, guava, herbs (leafy green, including oregano, basil, etc.), kale, kohlrabi, lettuce (leafy green), nectarines, oranges, peaches (sweet), peas, persimmon, pumpkin (sweet), squash, sweet corn (fresh), sea salt (vegetable), spinach, vinegar (apple cider) Enzyme rich, superior digestibility, high calcium content, elevates acid food 5.0 in alkaline direction

pH=7.0 (slightly alkaline to neutral) Almonds, artichokes (Jerusalem), Barley-Malt (sweetener-Bronner), Brown Rice Syrup, brussel sprouts, cherries, coconut (fresh, young), cucumbers, eggplant, honey (raw, organic), leeks, miso, mushrooms, okra, olives (ripe), onions, sea salt, spices, taro, tomatoes (sweet), vinegar (sweet brown rice), water chestnut, amaranth, Essene bread (sprouted), millet, olive oil, quinoa, rhubarb, sesame seeds (whole, black), soybeans, tempeh, yeast (nutritional flakes) Contains sea minerals, sprouted grains are more alkaline. Grains chewed well become more alkaline pH=6.5-6.0 (moderately acid forming) Cigarette tobacco, cream of wheat, eggs (whole), all types of fish, fruit juices with added sugar, maple syrup (processed), pickles (commercial), breads (refined of corn, oats, rice, rye), cereals (processed, corn flakes, etc.), cheeses, ketchup, mayonnaise, oats, pasta (whole grain), peanuts, popcorn (salt and butter), soy sauce (processed), tapioca, wheat bread (sprouted and organic) Unrefined wheat is more alkaline, mucus forming and hard to digest, heating causes fats to harden and become indigestible pH=5.0 (extremely acid forming AVOID AT ALL COSTS) Artificial sweeteners (potential cancer causing agent), Beef, carbonated soft drinks, cigarettes (commercial), prescription drugs, flour (white and wheat), goat, lamb, pastries, pork, sugar (white), brown sugar, chicken, deer, chocolate, jams, jellies, liquor, rabbit, semolina, black tea, turkey, wheat bread, white rice, white vinegar Leaches minerals, poison, bleached, over-indulgence can cause blindness FOR A COMPLETE LIST AND EXPLANATION Visit www.greatestherbsonearth.com/articles/acid_alkaline.htm




15.2 13.5 13.5 12.0 9.6 8.1 6.8 6.3 5.7 5.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

CHOLESTEROL CONTENT IN FOODS (cholesterol content in milligrams per 100 gram/portion)




550 375 300 250 200 120 95 70 70


70 65 40


0 0 0 0 0 0 0




RECIPES ON CLEANSING AND REBUILDING FOR EASIEST DIGESTION Learning to eat as Mother Nature intended her children to eat does not mean giving up something. It means just the opposite. It means gaining something of great value; a value far greater than the old rationalization “I’ve grown up accustomed to its taste.” It means gaining health, youthful energy and appearance, increased mental capacity, and a joy in living you never dreamed was possible. --Excerpt from Dick Gregory’s Natural Diet for Folks Who Eat: Cooking with Mother Nature Alk-align Within (Lemon-Aid Detox) Please note: This cleanse is designed for a fast from mucus-forming foods and is used to detoxify the body of bacteria and parasites still nesting in the colon. Make sure to set aside time to relax at home (3-4 days is highly recommended) before starting this cleanse. In seven days, you will have received miraculous results 1 gallon of purified spring water (pH 7.8) 10-16 lemons 3-5 limes 2 grapefruit A handful of strawberries A handful of cherries (pitted) 1 tsp. cayenne pepper 1/2 cup of organic fresh, raw aloe vera (juiced) Grade B maple syrup (sweeten to taste) Cut the lemons, limes, and grapefruit in half and juice them in a gallon container. (if you don’t have a juicer, you can use a citrus hand twister) Blend the strawberries, cherries, and aloe vera juice and add to citrus juice mixture. Add spring water and stir. Stir in cayenne pepper and maple syrup. This drink makes up to 16- 8oz. glasses of juice. Start the detox in the nuday (morning) and continue throughout the day. If you get cravings for food, relax and lie down. Your mind will eventually receive the information to redirect your attention from hunger to releasing unwanted toxins out of your system through your colon, skin, and urine. Repeat the same steps for the next two to three days.

Almond Milk 1 gallon of spring water 1 tbsp. Seamoss/Bladderwrack (soaked) ½ of young coconut water 1 lb. of enzyme-activated organic almonds* ½ tsp. of Himalayan sea salt 1 tsp. vegetable glycerin-based vanilla extract Raw Coconut nectar, Grade B Maple or yacon syrup (sweeten to taste) *Enzyme activation—Soak raw, organic almonds overnight in 32oz. of spring water to activate the enzymes and rehydrate for better assimilation. Can be used for any nut or seed in the same manner. In a separate container, soak the seamoss/bladderwrack blend in the same manner as the almonds. Blend almonds. Use a strainer (to remove excess pulp) and a glass jar to pour the liquid into. Blend the seamoss/bladderwrack and add to almond blend. With the remaining ½ gallon of spring water, add coconut water, Himalayan sea salt, and vanilla extract. Pour almond/seamoss combination into gallon jug. Add coconut nectar accordingly and shake vigorously. Yields up to 16- 8oz. glasses. Stays fresh up to 5 days. Add to your favorite granola, bowl of fruit, or favorite smoothie blend. Spicey Sorrel 1 gallon of spring water 1 cup of hibiscus flowers handful of lemon balm handful of red clover ½ cup of fresh organic ginger (juiced) Grade B maple syrup (sweeten to taste) Pour 1 gallon of spring water into a pot and bring to a boil. Add hibiscus flowers, lemon balm, and red clover, and let it steep for 10 minutes. Add fresh ginger juice and maple syrup and stir. Makes up to 16- 8oz. glasses.


BODY BUILDER 1/2 tsp. ANNU Alternatives Celestial Sea Greens and Minerals Supreme Blend Or USHA Institute Sea Moss/Bladderwrack Mix 1-2 cups Almond Milk Cinnamon (sprinkle as desired) 1/2 tsp. of chlorella/spirulina (if not using Celestial Sea Greens) 1 whole banana (organic) 1 whole avocado (de-seeded, organic) 3 enzyme-activated figs or dates* Put banana and avocado into blender. Add Celestial Sea Greens or sea moss/bladderwrack/cinnamon/chlorella/ spirulina combination. Add almond milk and figs. Blend together until smoothie is produced. Drink as desired. Makes up to 4- 8oz. glasses from this blend. SKIN JUICE 1 half of cucumber (organic) A handful of strawberries (organic) 1 apple (organic) A few chunks of watermelon (organic, seeded) 1 bunch of red globe grapes (seeded, organic) or a few drops of grape seed extract 1 stalk of celery (organic) 1 tsp. of chlorella/spirulina (if not using Celestial Sea Greens) 1 shot of ginger juice 1 half of grapefruit (juiced) 1 tsp. of chia seeds This juice can also be turned into a smoothie as well. Juice cucumber, strawberries, apple, watermelon, grapes, celery, ginger, and grapefruit. Place juice combination into blender. Add Celestial Sea Greens and chia seeds. Blend until mixture is smooth. Drink throughout the day. Makes up to 1/2 gallon of juice.

HAIR SMOOTHIE 1 lemon and lime (fresh squeezed, organic) 4 or five stalks of kale greens (organic) 1 apple (organic) 1-2 cups of young coconut water (organic) 1-2 leaves of parsley (organic) 1 tsp. of maca maca 1 tsp. of blue green algae (if not using Celestial Sea Greens) 1 whole avocado (de-seeded, organic) 1 stalk of celery (organic) 1/2 half of papaya (de-seeded, organic) Fresh squeeze lemon and lime. Cut apple into four pieces. Place kale greens, lemon/lime mixture, parsley, maca maca, apple pieces, coconut water, blue green algae, avocado, celery, and papaya into blender. Blend mixture until smooth. Drink as desired. Makes up to 4- 8oz. glasses to serve. ANNU HEAVEN, ANNU EARTH A handful of strawberries (organic) A handful of cherries (organic, pitted) 2 thick slices of pineapple (organic) 1 slice of guava 1 cup of coconut water/milk 1 cup of almond milk 1/2 tsp. of Celestial Sea Greens 1 tsp. of almond butter (no salt or sugar added) Grade B maple syrup (sweeten to taste) Combine all of ingredients into blender and blend until smooth. Serves up to 4 – 8oz. glasses.

SIMPLISTIC EXERCISE TECHNIQUES FOR STRENGTH TRAINING AND BODY TEMPLE REPAIR Physical fitness is one of our greatest tools in life, and really to our entire wellbeing. Exercise to me is to oxygenate our system which is another way to get rid of toxins in the body. It is a divine purpose to keep your circulation flowing properly through your blood. Exercising keeps the nerves vital and strong. Deep breathing techniques are also beneficial for our diaphragm, lungs, and brain. My father used to drill this in my head. Since he was a boxer and trainer, he was always on the cutting edge of all types of training, split training, and running techniques—he called it Roadwork. He also had a very strong following back in the day. So remember this Kings and Queens, Children, Elders, Universal Family and love ones—let’s exercise in the open air as well. This is very important and truly another divine key to push out toxins and to keep the entire body strong and mental clear. OXYGENATE, OXYGENATE, OXYGENATE! Try this in open air– day or night. Stretch your legs apart, open them at a triangle, inhale and breathe deeply, take in as much air as possible. Bend all the way back as far as you can, open your arms to the sky and surrender. On the way down, arms between the legs go as far as you can, exhale out, breathe out all of the air, every bit, push it out. Repeat this technique 3 times or more. Watch and observe how much oxygen you can in take with an exercise such as this. Include this into your fitness program, you will be surprised at the energy level you will acquire. It will take practice at first, however, the benefits are powerful. I learned this exercise from Mr. Dick Gregory’s teachings over 25 years ago and still use it in my regimen to this day. Use it and see. Stretching exercises are also divine keys as well. We must warm up before any other form of exercise is performed. Stretching keeps fluidness and flexibility of the spine. To be fully flexible is very important. It’s the first thing to do with ease. Powerful forms of stretching are yoga, ballet, tai chi chuan. I’ve practiced each of these modalities for over 20 years as well. The benefits are astronomical, such as improving flexibility, strengthening coordination, building a powerful self image and contributing to divine enjoyment. These exercise forms are great for our overall wellbeing. Aerobic exercises such as jogging/running on sand, walking on grass or a rubber track, bicycling, rock climbing, jumping rope, and swimming especially, are very effective in improving cardiovascular health, overall muscle toning and sweating out unwanted toxins. These exercises contribute significantly to weight reduction and fat burning.

Did you know there are various forms of yoga that can help you lose weight, tone muscles– internally and externally, as well as burn fat? We introduce to you Celina, Empress of 10,000 Years (www.blackmombaworkouts.com). She is by far to my Queen and I one of the greatest instructors on yoga and overall physical fitness, especially for mothers who have just had a baby and want to get their body in shape again. We ask you to support her work and purchase her newest video, Melanin Active Yoga. You truly will be uplifted and inspired abundantly and above measure. To the two doctors of training, we give honour. For their unwavering love of the building up of the WHOLE wombman and man. One is in bodybuilding and one is representing the art of boxing. Darryl James ardently called “The Wizard” is a master trainer and lifetime coach. The real deal, period. He has groomed “legends “ in the field of fitness. Go and visit him as he trains from Diamond Gym in NJ. An d now the cream of the crop, my bro. Deshone Williams. With 32 pro fights under his belt, a total winning career, and 16 knockouts inside his gloves of history. He is the trainer of trainers in the world of boxing, hands down. Around him you have to keep your hands up. His professional training classes are located in the ATL at The School of Hard Knox. We salute you both, you are the greatest! To Giant of the Bartendaz (www.bartendaznyc.com), we give thanks for your example of showing us what we can do with the chin up bar. I fell in love with the basic truths of physical fitness all over again. My dad had me on the chin up bar at nine years old training with the heavy bag, speed bag, sand, etc. Giant, we salute you and the Bartendaz for all of your efforts and making such a powerful commitment to the universe. We also want to recognize Khnum “Stic.man” of Dead Prez and his queen, Afya Ibomu, for their tireless labor in promoting the benefits of exercise and the vegan/vegetarian lifestyle through www.rbgfitclub.com and www.nattral.com. Check out Afya’s delectable recipes in her phenomenal work, Vegan Soulfood Guide to the Galaxy. Truly a Must READ!!! Youth, middle age, elders, start some where. Know its about physical, mental and moral discipline. To get off of the streets, drugs (especially pharmaceuticals and steroids), and the foolishness of this world, we do it with the grace of the most High. To Celina, Empress of 10,000 Years and to her King, Aseer, The Duke of Tiers once again, we love you and the fam! Know this— physical fitness including yoga, tai chi chuan, weight training, aerobics, as well as the chin up bar, all contribute to reducing risks of premature heart disease, lowers hypertension, stress, anxiety, even fear, and can often prevent or reverse diabetes and other degenerative lifestyle diseases. Don’t just read this manual, do it, be it, LIVE IT! Be about it NOW! We all must arise now— all for ONEperfectLOVE! Peace! E. Faythe and Yahannes Malik Ford III

THE IMPORTANCE OF A FAST Lord and master of my life, grant not to me the spirit of sloth, despair, lust for power and meaningless talk. Grant rather the Spirit of Sanity, Humility, Patience, and Love to Thy servant. Yes oh, Lord and King, grant that I may see my own faults. And not judge my brother, for thou art blessed unto the ages of ages. Selah —HUDADE Prayer of Mar Ephraim —excerpt from www.lojsociety.org “Inedia”, Latin for fasting is the point at which one chooses to abstain from food or a bad habit. The act or practice of fasting is the key or sign a transformation in one’s being is formulating. One of the most important factors when one considers abstaining for any amount of time is the purpose for their consecration. Prayer and wisdom must go into the decision-making process for the perfect time and space to be shown to perform and fulfill the goal needed to be accomplished. The ancient Ethiopian ritual of Abye Tsome “The Great Fast”, also called HUDADE or the “Day of Duty”, which is actually forty days of duty (consecration) and fifty in total including the Fast of Heraclius...is the long prelude to the glory of FASIKA, falsely called the orthodox festival of Easter. This powerful time dates back centuries performed by our ancestors within the Orthodox Coptic Church and even to this day. Just as Yahshua (jesus) completed the same consecration in the Scriptures, we must recognize the true value of what a fast represents and signifies. Fasting is not only a physical journey, it is a spiritual one as well. Our bodies contain enzymes that feed our cells throughout this process and our spirit feeds our divine Mind from within. If we were to fathom the glorious nature of Man, Woman, and Child that have been designed from the beginning of time to return back into our heavenly states would be magnificent. Fasting is just one of the steps to create the avenues for this to occur. Prayer, meditation, WHOLE Nutrition, Right Thinking, and Fasting all play a role in the ultimate determination of one’s reconnection to the Ineffable One. We are the divine children of the Most High and is our duty to exemplify this in every way possible. Make sure before your prepare for a fast, go into your sacred space, get quiet and ask the Most High for direction. Allow yourself to be lead and the keys to the path of Eternal Life will be shown always. Much love to you and your family. Peace! Shalom! Ase’!

MELANIN HEALING THROUGH GEM-OLOGY As stated before our bodies comprise of 108 minerals and essential enzymes we need to function daily at our most optimal level. As we age and mature, the levels of minerals we need to sustain ourselves grows stronger due to the environmental pollutants we experience, lack of whole nutrition, and physical decay. Within the human body, three bio-crystalline molecules are arranged in the form of various bio-crystalline structures. One of the most important bio-crystalline molecules present in the human body is melanin. Mela-nin is a color pigment that is found in the skin and various internal organs. It is the molecule that gives people of color darkness of skin. The root word for melanin come from the Greek term “mel” which means “black”. “Anin” comes from the related word “amine” which refers to nitrogen-based hydrocarbons (amino acids). Therefore, melanin literally means “Black amino” and is a color pigment composed of a hydrocarbon chain that has various amino (nitrogen-based) compounds attached to it. —Excerpt from Rocks of Ages: Ancient Technologies for the New Millennium Scribed by Ras Ben Melanin’s powerful chemical composition makes it an excellent photo-protectant. By dissolving more than 99.9% of the absorbed UV radiation, it transforms the energy into harmless amounts of heat. This process decreases the amount of free-radical production throughout the body. With this magnificent capability, melanin prevents indirect DNA damage which has been found to be responsible for the formation of malignant melanoma. In other words, the less amount of melanin retained in ones being, the more susceptible to illness, disease, and more importantly a weaker esoteric connection to the universe. The more melanin one possesses insures a stronger sense of immunity from disease and mental instability as well as the peculiar sense of affirmity within ones being to tap in to the very essence of the expansiveness the universe has to offer and our deeper connection to the ALL. We truly do have the power in our very own fingertips. Yet power is only skin deep if you don’t know who you are or WHOSE you are. So always remember to place the Most High first in your praise for all you receive each and every day we get a chance to breathe, think, move and choose our path to serve.

Minerals are chemical elements that are assimilated into the human body and are vital for a healthy life. The key minerals essential to life (ref. minerals found in the body) include: calcium, carbon, chlorine, chromium, copper, fluorine, hydrogen, iron, lithium, magnesium, manganese, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, silicon, sodium, sulfur, and zinc. Out of these elements, three comprise of the most important keys in maintaining ultimate melanin structure: carbon, copper, and sulfur. Carbon is the organizing molecule that gives melanin its structure. Carbon provides melanin the ability to absorb energy and bind with other molecules while retaining its stability and coherence. Carbon-based gemstones are anticarcinogenic, anti-aging, and anti-mutagenic. Gemstones related to copper include: Aragonite, Calcite, Carbonite, Carbon Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Diamond, Magnesite, Malachite, Melanite, Rhodochrosite, and Smithsonite. Copper sparks the melanin molecule through the amino acid tyrosine. Tyronsinase is the catalyst for melanin production. Copper-based stones electrify melanin. Some these stones include: Azurite, Chalcopyrite, Chrysacolla, Copper, Covellite, Cuprite, Dioptase, Malachite, Tetrahedrite, and Turquoise. Sulfur is incorporated into the melanin molecule through the amino compound cysteine. It allows melanin to create or release heat as is needed for the body. Cysteine also cleanses and purifies melanin by “burning off� toxic elements that have been absorbed within melanin. Sulfur gemstones are: Cobaltite, Gypsum, Lazurite (Lapis Lazuli), Marcasite, Pyrite, and Sulfur. Information on minerals and gemstones are excerpted from Rocks of Ages by Ras Ben So how does one protect, enhance, restore and maintain an abundance of melanin production as well as where else in the universe can one find melanin to be produced for the restoration and healing of the world as a WHOLE? Living for eternal life, first. Eat fruits with seeds and vegetables, especially greens and sea moss. Foods nutrient and mineral rich are vital. Drink plenty of water. And quite simply, love being in the SUN.

RESOURCES FOR FURTHER STUDY AND RESEARCH Medisin by Dr. Scott Whitaker, ND and Jose Fleming, CN Back to Eden by Jethro Klaus Heal Thyself by Queen Afua Dick Gregory’s Natural Diet for Folks Who Eat: Cooking with Mother Nature by Dick Gregory Survival into the 21st Century: Planetary Healers Manual by Viktoras Kulvinskas Winning the Game of Life by NaAsha Ra Yvette How to be your own Herbal Pharmacist by Linda Rector-Page Superbeings by Randolph Price Immortality by Ben Ammi The Science of Mind: A Philosophy, A Faith, A Way of Life by Ernest Holmes Prescription for Nutritional Healing by Phyllis A. Balch CNC Afrikan Holistic Health by Llaila O. Afrika Drink your Troubles Away by John Lust Vitamins and Minerals from A to Z: An Ethno-Conscious Series by Jewel Pookrum Consumers Dictionary for Food Additives and Preservatives by Ruth Winters WEBSITES WE LOVE www.annualternatives.com www.africabound.org www.sacredwaters.net www.acpm.net www.blackmombaworkouts.com www.drsebiproducts.com www.thefigtree.com www.fastfilters.com www.atlwc22.com www.doctorjewel.com

RESOURCE FILMS WE HIGHLY RECOMMEND What in the World are they Spraying? Forks Over Knives Food, Inc. Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead We Become Silent The Future of Food Food Matters They Live Francis Cress Welsing Documentary: Can You Protect Your Melanin? DO U KNOW YOUR LOCAL AND INTERNATIONAL FARMERS? Check out your local state listings from the Department of Agriculture www.localharvest.org/csa www.csacenter.org www.farmfreshtoyou.com www.nafdma.com www.seedalliance.org www.seedsave.org www.theultimategreenlist.com www.georgiaorganics.org www.yesmoringafarms.com www.fairworldproject.com www.farmerD.com www.hannahsolar.com www.trulylivingwell.com www.vidainternational.com www.underwoodgardens.com

E. Faythe Ford, an al-Khemist, sacred beauty consultant, certified Master herbalist, devout vegetarian and life motivator, has traveled the world sharing with salon owners, hairstylists, make-up artists, estheticians, and the like about the power of providing natural, organic, herbal-based, biostatic hair and skin products for the betterment of their clients, friends, and families. “Wellness Heightens Opportunity for Lasting Elevation” is our motto at ANNU Alternatives LLC, the luxury collection of herbal and gemstone-based hair oils and skin balms formulated 15 years ago and counting. Her most recent projects include promoting the medicinal benefits of Neem and establishing an all-inclusive 3-day “Extend Ur Life”™ Divine Health and Spiritual Wellness Seminar with her king and divine tonal health advocate, Yahannes Malik Ford III, sponsored by WHO REALLY CARES? Foundation and Divine Institute of the N.O.W.

Yahannes Malik Ford III, a true prayer warrior for the people, reminding us to remember the ancient science of civilizations constructed thousands of years before methods of control and demoralization of the people came into being. His prophetic vision seeks to lend an insight into the mystical sounds and imagery of the heavenly realms. He has been ordained to decode the science behind the words and to hail a new message of truth revealed through the source from which various religions stem from. Our ancientness is honored through his life of prayer, his music, and his testimony. His ministry, Intercessors 2000, has spawned a whole new way of weaving the essence of prayer, music, and healing wrapped into one fold. He is currently lecturing around the world promoting “Extend Ur Life”™ Divine Health and Spiritual Wellness Seminar with his queen, E. Faythe Ford, sponsored by WHO REALLY CARES? Foundation and Divine Institute of the N.O.W.

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