Sustainable Construction

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Prepared for: Ts Norishahaini Mohamed Ishak

Prepared by: Azzri Fazril Bin Rosman


Adam Zhariff Qameil Bin Zamry


Farhana Bt Mohammed Isa


Mazliyani Bt Mazlan


Norzaihan Bt Md Zin


I C P 8 6 3






Assignment Brief To procure the insights of current sustainable construction practices among the developers in Malaysia, and the perception of the public on the impacts on environmental quality, address the followings: ❑ Discuss on the current status within the Malaysian construction industry in addressing sustainable issues ❑ What are the constraints and priorities in promoting and practicing sustainability development? ❑Discuss two factors influence how public perceive environmental impacts of an industrial or a development project. (State a case study)




Current Status Sustainable Development

“Without environmental sustainability, economic stability and social cohesion cannot be achieved.�


Constraint & Priorities

-By Phil Harding


Factor Influence How public perceive the impact for





Issues in Malaysia

In promoting & Practicing Sustainable Development



Sydney's Central Park

1.1 current sustainable construction practice among the developer in Malaysia (Social Practice & Environment Practice) Developer in Malaysia hiring Competent Designer from consultant firm to play a key role in designing civil infrastructure that is environmentally sustainable. This is due to fact that some development of construction project without consideration of safety and environment aspect. This usually leads to poor management of sustainable pollution control. As developer, they refused to spend for appropriate tools and skills for sustainable design is a barrier to enhance sustainable design back then. In today’s era of technology, construction industry themselves undergo changing from entertain environmental issue as part of small business to a wider context of environmental approach. As result, developer taking extra courage to implement green building concept which can lower the cost of construction compare to old school conventional method. Positively can contribute to quality of life, efficiency of work and healthy working environment (Kibert C, 1994).

In Malaysia, CIDB already doing a program which related to ISO 14001:2015 certification focusing on industry big player in large project which now required Environmental Impact Assessment (CIDB, 2007) Besides that, environmental-related legislation, litigation and standard shall be frequently reviewed and revised in order to make the effectiveness and implementation of laws at least every six months. Developer already clearly state this compliance in contract awarded to work trade contractor. This is regards for enhancing the integrated and effective cooperation and coordination among DOE and other relevant sector to achieve desire result. These aspects shall be covered in all stages of development, program planning, assessment, enforcement and all aspects of policy making. As forecast result, this is to enable conserving the environment and natural resources to meet the needs of Malaysian’s population, taking care of When we refer to The Principle of Sustainable Construction land, biodiversity and water consumption (Mohammed (Kibert C, 1994), the developer emphasize on seven main Hamza, 2019) principles such as way to minimise resources used, In addition, the developer can hire a group of resources reuse, using renewable resources, protecting the expertise from different background of study consist natural environment, creating a healthy non-toxic of M&E department, structure engineer and environment, life cost cycle analysis and pursuing quality in architectural trade shall sit down together to tackle creating the built environment. Take Malaysia Construction the environmental issue from their scope of work. By industry as example, the National Policy on environment doing that they can formulate and implement the matters try to integrate environmental considerations during action plan to enhance environmental aspect at development activities to foster long-term economic growth project basis. These action plans will be formulated, and protecting the environment (BEM, 2009). implemented and executed with adequate resource Construction team which lead by developer are preventing support. As mention before, these action plans must and control of pollution and environmental degradation from be consistently reviewed to improve the sustainable progress activities so that it can be minimized. As the method because as far as we concern, improvements developer must spend more effort and time to do monitoring come by learning from the mistakes made. Hence, surveillance program, frequent environmental audit to check these group of specialists should be place in same on compliance, introduce enforcement penalty in contract task force to focus on reviewing the sustainable obligation and implementation of ad-hoc assessment at methods and improvement suggestion (Mohd Rosli, 2019). project site.

1.1 current sustainable construction practice among the developer in Malaysia (Social Practice & Environment Practice) Our main concern as Malaysian population tremendously grows, more construction site of buildings will be developed. Thus, developer has inspired to practice new approach to prevent increasing of the hazardous gas emission. In recent years, the Malaysian Government has announced the creation of the Energy, Green Technology and Water Ministry to advance the sustainability agenda by solving all environmental issues. It was been highlighted during the lunch of Green Building Index (GBI) by Minister of Works to enforce on the implementation of sustainable practice in construction (BEM, 2009). Instead of being reactive towards environmental pollution due to infrastructure construction, developer shall use proactive approach as these issues also become regional and global environmental issues. By doing so, Malaysia government shall promote cooperation practices with other countries in this region to help in adopting proactive approach. Together we can address climate change, trans-boundary pollution, hazardous chemical material, schedule waste management, quality of marine life, resource conservation and protecting endangered species (CIB, 2002). As a developing country, Malaysia realised that the construction industry plays a significant role even during Covid-19 Pandemic. Hence, the Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia (CIDB) gather around research and developer to reassess, discuss, and investigate the current process of construction to develop good construction planning and management to protect the environment. CIDB and developer will initiate research in this field focusing on environment and sustainability. They presently involved in research in minimization of construction waste, environmental management plan, water consumption management and construction hazard identification through their work method (CIDB, 2006).

Other than that, the developer can practice on use alternatives for sustainable construction materials, implement just-in-time production for more sustainable construction projects, integrate alternative sustainable construction methods and ditch the paper of blueprints and drawing by replacing with construction management software. By doing so, we can reduce numerous of pollution quickly and effectively. The pre-cast concrete can be replaced with concreting activity on site to minimise concrete waste that been generate. Perhaps, those concrete waste cost of demolishing can been used to enhance environment compliance on site.


Bosco Vertical, Milan Italy

2.1 Sustainable development issues in Malaysia construction industry Naturally, construction industry is fragmented and complex where it’s on site basis & one-of-a-kind production and resource & schedule driven nature. The industry always faced serious and chronic issues as shown below :

2.1.3 Excessive Resource Consumption

Achieving completion of construction projects on time is a basic requirement. However, it seems seldom for projects to be completed on time. In Malaysia the construction industry is also facing the same critical problem of time overrun. Endut et al studied on time performance of 359 projects (301 new constructions while 58 refurbishment projects) in Malaysia. Of these 301 were public projects. Time Delay can be due to one or more reasons including problems of financing and payment for completed works, poor contract management, changes in site conditions, shortage of materials, design changes, weather condition, among others.

Built environment has significant impact on resources where it accounts for one-sixth of the world’s freshwater withdrawals, one-quarter of its wood harvest and two-fifths of its material and energy flows. The structures also have impact areas beyond their immediate location, affecting the watersheds, air quality, and transportation patterns of communities. Buildings built without due consideration to energy, environmental impact and natural resources conservation will result in detrimental wastage affecting our ecological integrity. Excessive resource and energy use and a growing demand for raw materials are largely responsible for the depletion of natural resources worldwide and the acceleration of global warming. About 40% of the world's resource and energy used is linked to the construction and maintenance of buildings

2.1.2 Cost overrun

2.1.4 Construction Waste

Cost is one of the major considerations throughout the lifecycle of a project. Unfortunately, most of the projects failed to achieve project completion with the estimated cost. Besides time overrun, cost overrun is also a serious problem in the construction industry. This is a major problem both in developed and developing countries. The trend is more severe in developing countries where these overruns sometimes exceeds 100% of the anticipated cost of the project.. There are various factors that contribute to cost overrun including lack of contractor’s experience poor site management and supervision, inaccurate time and cost estimates schedule delay , frequent design changes, fluctuation of prices of materials cash flow and financial difficulties faced by contractors. Figure 2..1: Incompetent contractors, delays, cost overruns, failed projectsswamp [Source: NSTP]

Waste is another serious problem in construction projects. Waste has direct impact on the productivity, material loss and completion time of project resulting in loss of a significant amount of revenue. Forsberg et al stated that the amount of waste contributed is around 30-35% of a project’s production cost. Construction wastes were generated because of one or more reasons including frequent design changes, poor quality of materials, workers' mistakes during construction, poor planning, poor site management, ordering errors, material not in compliance with specification, effect of weather and others.

2.1.1 Time overrun

Figure 2.2: Construction waste illegally dumped in mangrove swamp [Source: The Star Newspaper 61]

Figure 2.3: Air pollution can kills human [Source: Hamoodia Newspaper] photo:Joshua Paul

2.1.5 Threat to Environment Built environment is considered the most environmental unfriendly human activity because it consumes large amounts of natural resources and produces a great deal of pollutants. The environmental impact of the construction industry is extensive and readily identifiable. Most people are not serious about environmental protection in construction sites. They assume that a construction site is only a temporary setup lasting for two to three years. In fact, the industry is a major source of urban air pollutants. The emission of CO2 by buildings contributed to the global warming and extreme weather change all over the world. The harvest of timber leads to the lost of natural forests. Other impacts of constructing a new building include quarrying to provide aggregates, production of cement, the wasteful use of water and the widespread use of toxic chemicals in materials.

Figure 2..4: Deforestation is the second largest anthropogenic source of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere swamp [Source: NSTP]

2.2 Principles of Sustainable Construction Sustainability is a dynamic concept. It requires decision makers to be flexible and willing to modify their approaches. To achieve sustainable construction, it is very important to balance the basic principles of sustainability i.e. environment, economic and social aspect together.

Environment Aspect In environmental dimension approaches are as follow: •

• • • • • •

Economic Aspect the


Reduce the material intensity via substitution technologies Enhance material recyclability Reduce and control the use and dispersion of toxic materials Reduce the energy required for transforming goods and supplying services Support the instruments of international conventions and agreements Maximize the sustainable use of biological and renewable resources Consider the impact of planned projects on air, soil, water, flora, and fauna.

In economic dimension the sustainable approaches are as follow: • • • • •

Consider life-cycle costs Internalize external costs Consider alternative financing mechanisms Develop appropriate economic instruments to promote sustainable consumption Consider the economic impact on local structures

Social Aspect In social dimension the sustainable approaches are as follow: •

• • • •

Enhance a participatory approach by involving stakeholders Promote public participation Promote the development of appropriate institutional frameworks Consider the influence on the existing social framework Assess the impact on health and the quality of life

2.3 Current Status Sustainable Issues in Malaysia Construction Industry Malaysia currently committed in addressing the sustainable development issues for the betterment of the society, economy and environment for present and future undertakings. With comprehensive plans, guidelines and policies established within the specified area of sustainable development challenges, certain indicators have been identified and access to measure whether the specified objectives and targets have been achieved. In Malaysia construction industry, the status of sustainable issues need the greater focus on how to tackle the solution of the issues start from early planning stage of the project. In order to make sure that the objectives of sustainable development achieve all the sector must play their own roles. For example The government continues to address the issue in the most recent Tenth Malaysia Plan (2011– 2015) to ensure that the future is not compromised as the country continues to develop.

In social dimension the sustainable approaches are as follow: •

• • • •

Enhance a participatory approach by involving stakeholders Promote public participation Promote the development of appropriate institutional frameworks Consider the influence on the existing social framework Assess the impact on health and the quality of life

The Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia (CIBD), which is a body established to develop, improve and expand the Malaysian construction industry, also plays a role in urging all the stakeholders of the industry to develop good construction planning and management in order to protect the environment. CIDB has also identified the environment and other sustainability-related issues as one of the top issues of the construction industry. Although Malaysia is still in the infancy stage in moving towards sustainability, positive signs are shown by most of the stakeholders in the construction industry by taking more initiatives in moving towards to sustainable construction.

Figure 2..5: shows the key stakeholders of sustainable construction (i.e., governments, financiers, developers, consultants, suppliers, designers, owners, supervisors, contractors, subcontractors and end users) and the critical factors affecting the success of sustainable construction (i.e., awareness, knowledge, demand, commitment, implementation and communication)


Nanyang Technical University, Singapore

3.1 Constraint in promoting and practicing sustainability development 3.1.1 Government Intervention and Enforcement Government play an important role in promoting the sustainable development. Without the Government Intervention, it will be the constraints in ensuring the sustainable development in the country are practiced in this industry. As government, they are responsible towards the strong enforcement of legislation, devising new policy, and giving the incentives to developers, towards implementing the sustainability development in the projects (Abidin, 2009). One of the reasons the level of implementation in Malaysia considered at low level is the Lack of Enforcement. It is been highlighted that there is need of enforcement of law and legislation (Abidin, 2009; Goh et al., 2013; Nordin et al., 2017). They mentioned that, although there are many acts regarding maintaining and protecting the environment, for example Environment Protection Act but the implementation is not as what is should be. Due to the lack of enforcement regarding the law, monitoring and enforcement, people or organization itself did not take this issue as an important aspect. Besides that, it is hard for the parties to construct a sustainable development due to the Government Policies keep Changing and making them confuse about the real condition and they have to choose not taking risk in implementing this law and legislation (Goh et al., 2013). Aside to that, they mentioned that for this type of development, the process of obtaining approval from the local council are complicated and taking a long period that will affect the planning plan by the developer.

Figure 3.1 : Sustainable Development Goals (Sustainable Development Goals, 2020)

3.1.2 Cost Factors

It had been highlighted that Cost Factor are one of the biggest factors that will be the constraints in promoting the sustainable development. Sustainable practice tends to increase the project cost because require the higher capital in the beginning. Increasing cost during construction process will increase the project cost and it will be transferred to the end user and increase the price of project to be sold (Abidin, 2009). This is supported by Goh et al., (2013) that mentioned Sustainable Development are economic non-viable as the cost to build are more expensive comparing to the conventional development around 40%. For example, it will increase the higher capital upfront by using Solar technology. This also including the sustainable material that are difficult to obtain in this country and the prices are higher than normal price like the low volatile organic compounds (VOC). As developer is a profit oriented their aim are to maximise the profit and did not willing to waste their money in this concept as sustainable development. Although for a long period it will save the operation cost but the developers are not getting any benefit on its (Goh et al., 2013). Cost factor is the greatest barrier that lead to low level of implementing this sustainable development. This increasing in cost not only regarding the material but also in design fees and professional fees. Higher certification tends to increase the cost incurred up to 30% for mechanical and electrical equipment that installed to achieve energy and water efficiency. Although there will be saving in the future but it will not worth for them (Nordin at al., 2017). This is also been highlight by Tafazzoli (2018) that many developers unwilling to paid for the additional expense that will lead to increasing in overall cost and lead them to go for nonsustainable choices that are less expensive where their financial concern is twice as important than environmental concern. This is supported by another researcher. They said Sustainable construction are seems to be higher in cost than conventional where in competitive bidding contractor will unable to survive with the rates to be sustainable. Without the client request they will not willing to deliver sustainability project (Athapaththu & Karunasena, 2017).

3.1 Constraint in promoting and practicing sustainability development 3.1.3

Lack of Education, Training and Awareness

It is been highlighted that Lack of proper Education will be possibility of the people to not aware of this sustainability development. This is because the previous generation during their education did not focus regarding the sustainable development and sustainable construction and after numbers of years in the industry, it is hard to break the norm (Abidin, 2009; Goh et al., 2013). The younger generation that exposed in the proper education regarding the awareness unable to convince the current management to implement this Sustainable development (Abidin, 2009). Having theoretical knowledge only also been the constraints as it is important to have experience in the real industry to implement this sustainable practice in this industry. However, it was been highlight that, most of organizations did not have intention to train and educate their employees. This sustainable development concept can be improved if the construction professional is qualified and can proposed a sustainable development planning with a cost that can provide good returns (Athapaththu & Karunasena, 2017). Training is important towards implementing sustainable development. Without a proper Training towards implementing this development concept, it tends to be one of the limitations of the implementation. This is because, sustainability is always related to something innovative and without this proper training, it will be lack of understanding on the concept and the implementation regarding the technical specification and operation of the technologies (Goh et al., 2013).

it is had been said that the level of awareness and knowledge of employees regarding the organization is around low-moderate due to most of the site worker are not competent in sustainable practice (Nordin et al., 2017). Besides that, Lack of Awareness from the Public (Public Awareness) are also the issue that had been challenges in implementing this concept. Research that had been made in Malaysia show that this awareness among public are low where most of the citizen are not ready to accept this concept as their lifestyle. It is important to change the mentality from the citizen first to slowly adapt this new concept (Nordin et al., 2017).

3.1.4 Lack of expertise and Technology

Figure 3.3 : Technological advancements have helped companies associated with construction to better the quality of their projects

Figure 3.2 : Training (Sustainability, 2020)

One of the barriers and challenge in implementing this sustainable development are Lack of Expertise and Technology. For constructing and developing sustainable development, there is a need of sub-specification of architect and engineer that have knowledge and experience in this concept, where most of the professional did not have proper expertise in the sustainable development. It is important for them to have this expertise because they are responsible to give the effective suggestion and advice of sustainable development (Goh et al., 2013). It also been highlight by the same researcher that there is a shortage of labour that are qualified to undertake the job. (Goh et al., 2013; Nordin et al.,2017). Comparing to conventional method, sustainable development requires extra expertise to implement sustainability standard for example the installation of green roof and net-zero building. Sometime it is difficult to provide this expertise due to lack of practice in this industry that also tends to increasing in cost (Tafazzoli, 2018).

3.1 Constraint in promoting and practicing sustainability development 3.1.5 Lack of Demand from stakeholder Lack of market and demands from the stakeholder had been identified as major obstacle in implementing this sustainable development concept. Developer usually will conduct a feasibility study to understand the current demand of the potential buyers. For developer side, it is had been mentioned that only developers from the large companies and well establish companies that have large capital in hand and strong financial background have interest to implement this sustainable development comparing to the small-scale companies and medium-scale companies. This is due to the financial constraints towards implementing this concept that require high capital (Goh et al., 2013). Low demand from the Potential Buyers are due to the most of the Malaysian are on low-middle income people and sustainable house are beyond their affordability and also people resistance to change their lifestyle (Nordin et al., 2017).

3.1.6 Construction Speed decrease to fulfil sustainability requirement On the developer side, they mentioned that the implementation of sustainability development tends to increase the overall construction timeline. This is contra with them where mentioned that speed is their main priority in developing a development. They highlighted process like procurement, installation, inspection and green certification require a proper documentation and increasing the project timeline. This is actually contrast with their desire to complete each construction as soon as possible (Tafazzoli (2018).

Figure 3.4 : One of the major tasks of construction project management, in addition to determining costs, is an early determination of the construction duration.

3.2 Priorities in promoting and practicing sustainability development 3.2.1 Energy efficiency Energy is a limited resource. It has already had become an important aspect for each country to provide this sustainable development especially in reducing the CO2 emission and effect on climate change. Increasing this aspect of energy efficiency for countries lead to reducing the environment pollution and increased competition (Turkoglu & Kardogan, 2018). In aspect of energy efficiency, sustainable building is designed to have unique construction and design features that enable them increase in aspect of efficient that include in conserving the energy and water. Besides having a solar energy system, sustainable building usually is designed to maximize the natural lighting and for the water waste aspect, sustainable building usually offer water-efficient plumbing fixtures and rainwater collection systems (, 2020). 4 aspect that had been discussed by OECD (2007) to improve the energy efficiencies are including a development using 70% window, modern gas furnaces and more efficient air conditioner that possible to save energy with the help of localized heating, heat pumps and solar energy. For the lighting aspect, this will be a possible to save a cost at a rate between 30% to 60%. The second one there is a need of residences itself to have improvement in the aspect of fridges, water heater and water dish where all of this aspect tends to offer energy savings with technological improvements. The third one is for the industry, this energy demand and CO2 emission can improve the efficiencies of engines, pumps boilers and heating systems, energy recovery in the production process, recycling the materials that had been used and us ethe materials more efficiently. The fourth factors that had bene highlighted are on the transportation sector that by the improving in the aspect of turbine turbo charger, fuel injection, improved electronic methods and advanced diesels engines.

There are six energy efficiency strategy that had been discussed that include as per below highlight by (Ganda & Ngwakwe, 2014) :

1. Energy reward systems Refer to the payoff done on household that show worthy energy behaviour and consumption towards motivating resident to develop attitude and conduct propel energy efficiency 2. Improving environmental quality Practice that allow all whether components to actively assume their roles at homes that include temperature, humidity and wind. Development should be built with natural resources material since they are environmentally friendly 3.Green Homes Promoting low carbon environment in urban households. For example, planting small trees, plants to absorb carbon quantities and earth soil on the roof and wall towards achieve energy efficiency. 4. Public Awareness Government through public provider introduces structure to improve people knowledge on energy saving matters.

5. Energy Saving house appliances Practicing in switching off equipment that is not in use and improving the time management in using household gadgets

6. Renewable energy utility Involves in the introducing of electricity in homes that supported by non-exhaustible source energy for example the use of solar.

3.2 Priorities in promoting and practicing sustainability development 3.2.2 Health efficiency

3.2.4 Cost efficiency

It had been said that people that live or work in a sustainable building enjoy better air quality aside to the numbers of health and wellness benefits. Some of them highlight so sustainability building element that offer free of cancer-causing substances and harmful toxins (, 2020). Results reveal that buildings with green features and environmentally friendly materials provide better indoor environment quality for their residents compared conventional buildings (Ghodrati et al., 2012). This is in line with WHO report that mentioned an environment sustainable health system would improve, maintain or restore health while minimizing negative effect on the environment and opportunities to restore and improving its (WHO, 2020). There are some chemicals that are exist in the indoor air that include volatile organic compound, microbial volatile organic, semi volatile organic compound, inorganic gases and particular matter of burning fuels (Institute of Medicine, 2007). It had been mentioned that for a sustainable development, it offers a building that is reduce probability of mold growth, moisture accumulation considers cleaning requirement and reflect the understanding of the effect of impact of such as low-emitting materials, ventilation, humidity control, and surface temperatures on indoor air quality (Institute of Medicine, 2007). A sustainable building has a proper air circulation to increase a clean air in the house. According to Bernheim (2002) there are four principles for good indoor air quality design that are (i) Source control: keep the source of pollutants out of buildings or reduce the sources when they cannot be prevented (ii) Ventilation control: provide adequate ventilation to dissipate the pollutants and get them out of the building (iii) Building commissioning: define performance specifications in advance and test the building at various stages of construction and operation in order to ensure that it performs as designed and (iv) and Maintenance: ensure that the building is kept clean and maintained during its operational life.

Three sources of chemical pollution that sources from the material of the building itself are Benzeme, Carbon Monoxide and Formaldehyde. Benzeme sources from the interior design and construction that include building material and furniture attached garragem heating and cooking systems. Carbon Monoxide sources from lack of appropriate cooking and heating ventilation system or poor maintenance and installation. Last but not least for Formaldehyde sources from processes such as smoking, heating, cooking in the building (Ghodrati et al., 2012). The uses of green material that usually highlighted as natural material to replace the harmful material like asbestos that tend to give carcinogen effect, radon that give radioactive gas, and turpentine that is solvent from tree resins that harmful for health. This green construction material can be defined as materials that are sustainable during lifecycle and can be quantified and not harmful for people health, such as negative impacts on indoor air quality also they must not be source of indoor air pollution or make uncomfortable indoor environment for the users (Ghodrati et al., 2012). The process of using this sustainable material are very complicated. There is issue like high cost due to scarcity of the material that lead to a high construction cost and this shortage of material will affect the timeline of the project if the project is delay (Russ et al., 2018). Although due to the limitation that exist, the use of alternative material and selection of the most suitable material are important to reducing in using unsustainable material. Song and Zhang (2018) discussed the selection of sustainable building material consist of little pollution, no implication on the human health, low energy consumption, low maintenance cost, recyclable potential, environment friendly, reduce environment hazard and use less energy during the manufacturing process.

3.2.3 Cost efficiency Although it had been mentioned that sustainable building construction that are more expensive than the traditional building construction (Russ et al., 2018; Shi & Liu, 2019) but there are some studies highlighting that the sustainable development tends to have a better overall cashflow. Operating and maintenance costs can account for nearly 80% of the lifetime costs of a building. This reducing of overall costs by incorporating a solar energy system and other sustainability measures can drastically improve the overall cost efficiency of a building, especially for businesses that fall within the industrial and manufacturing sectors (, 2020). This is supported by another researcher that mentioned this sustainability development concept reduced the operating cost by reducing the usage of water and electricity.


Park Royal, Singapore

4.1 Overview of Penang South Reclamation Project (PSR)- (Case Study) The Penang State Government proposes to undertake land reclamation activities of three man-made islands at the south coast of Penang Island. The three man-made islands are intended to be developed as a part of the expansion of Bayan Lepas Free Industrial Zone (FIZ) and Penang International Airport as well as for mixed development comprising of residential and commercial areas ( Dr. Nik & Associates SB, 2017) See Figure 4.1 below for the proposed development. PSR is the reclamation for 3 artificial islands which sum-up a total area of 4,500 acres which is the 7 times of the size of George Town. It is located at south of Penang island around Gertak Sanggul, Teluk Kumbar and Tanjung Teluk Tempoyak (J. Claude, 2020)

Figure 4.1 The Penang South Island Reclamation proposed development Photo Source: Designboom, 2020

4.2 Factors influence how public perceive environmental impact for PSR development The main factors that influencing how public perceive the environmental impact assessing the Penang South Reclamation Project are as below :-

4.2.1 Impact on their socioeconomic

Figure 4.2 Fishing vessels at Sungai Batu at the southern coast of Penang island. (Photo: Tho Xin Yi, 2019 )

The overall development will affect the fishermen at the proposed project as the major population lives within and surrounding that area. Apart from fishing activities as the main source of income, other sources such as operating boat and restaurant at the nearby proposed development also shall affect their socio-economic.

4.2.2 Safety and issues concern

Figure 4.3 & 4.4 A fishing boat off the coast of Gertak Sanggul. (Photo: Tho Xin Yi, 2019)

What they loss? In regards to environmental concern, what they will loss with the proposed reclamation project will cause deterioration of fish landings, loss of turtle hatching and landing area, permanent loss of a stretch to fish grounds and coral reef disturbance. The overall development will benefit specific group only, of course not the locals, and attract only foreigners, and fishermen their loss of livelihood, lose their village and source of income jeopardize.


the residents and fishermen mostly concern on the increase of water, air and noise pollution as well marine pollution at the proposed development. Other concerns include potential increasing accident of small fishing boat. The long-term concern is the traffic congestion at the proposed area, where Penang Island itself already Figure 4.5 & 4.6 shows the coastal pollution and high suffer from traffic congestion, and impact carbon emission due to the implementation of has not been solved till date. PSR development. The traffic congestion does not only affect the land but also the marine traffic congestion as the landing area where shallower and further down.

Figure 4.7, 4.8 & 4.9 Current view of Penang South Island (Dezeen, 2019 )

4.2.3 Cultural and aesthetic concern It is also best to add the next factor which is the public perception on culture and aesthetics concern due to environmental impact towards the development. To the beach user, the project definitely will affect the beauty of seascape of the area, the coastal line, the beauty of landscape of that area. Most of local people had been coming to that area to enjoy the natural environment, and the proposed development will cover up the aesthetic value of it and local community activities, as one of the main traditions of Penang, which are small fishing community of Penang. The peacefulness and tranquillity of that area will also be affected. Other concerns are the development will also affect the historical places, place of worship and other important buildings.

4.3 What’s the solution for the PSR project for public? The short-term ends solution provided by the developer was merely providing ex-gratia for the loss of fishing grounds and some scholarship funds to their children. Alternative route to reduce future traffic congestion were discussed.

Figure 4.10 The area affected by PSR project (Source: Environmental Impact Assessment, Department of Environment )


ACROS Fukuoka Foundation Building, Fukuoka, Japan

5.1 Conclusion In Malaysia, Sustainable Design Goals (SDGs) are not legally binding. But referring to 11th Malaysia Plan (2016-2020) , Malaysia and SGs has shared few common policies and program established. (Janison S. , 2016) Besides, Malaysia also has put the initiative by the enforcement of the Green Building Index into the current on going project development. This has become the framework in order to ensure the sustainable development can be adopt frequently and possibility to rule it as apart of the compulsory requirement in future implementation. Based on the study made, there were few recommendation that might need to take consideration in order to achieve the SDGs towards 2030 as reported by the Economic Planning Unit (EPU). Apart from all the initiative by the Government of Malaysia in monitoring and planning of the SDGs, public awareness are the main factors to move all this and become the major movement for the implementation in a way of establishing more strong institutional framework. Meanwhile financing factors has become among the major constraint on implementation of SDGs, not only in Malaysia but more of the country that planning to adopt the sustainable development, there are possibility to explore on the special funds or activates by the organization that can contribute to the goals and target. This is where the importance of wider awareness among the ‘stakeholder’ can derived the plan even durable.

RESPONSIBILITY are the most importance in order to move this efforts as a team. It is time to give back to the mother nature, after we’ve been eagerly exploring the nature for the development without considering on the long term effects to our future generations. Sustainable development are the only way to balancing between Social, Economic and Environment. Let’s reach out for our future generation!


Turbine Energy, Netherland

6.1 References Abidin, N. Z. (2009). Sustainable construction in Malaysia–Developers’ awareness. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 53, 807-814.

Sustainability. (2020). Retrieved 14

Athapaththu, K. I., & Karunasena, G. (2018). Framework for sustainable construction practices in Sri Lanka. Built Environment Project and Asset Management. Goh, K. C., Seow, T., & Goh, H. H. (2013). Challenges of implementing sustainability in Malaysian housing industry.

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I. R. Endut, A. Akintoye, and J. Kelly, "Cost and time overruns of projects in Malaysia," retrieved on November 9, 2020, from, pp. 243-252, 2009. J. Claude, (2020) Sustainable urban district ‘Penang South Islands’ to be developed in Malaysia retrieved from accessed on 14th November 2020

Dr. Nik & Associates Sdn. Bhd (2017) , Environmental Impact Assessment 2nd Schedule Study for the proposed Reclamation & dredging works for the penang south reclamation (PSR) retrieved from Design Boom, (2020) BIG, hijjas + ramboll win competition to design masterplan for penang south islands, malaysia Dezeen, (2019) Penang government seeks architects and master planners to design manmade islands Nordin, R. M., Abd Halim, A. H., & Yunus, J. (2017, December). Challenges in the Implementation of Green Home Development in Malaysia: Perspective of Developers. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 291, No. 1, p. 012020). IOP Publishing. N. Azhar, R. U. Farooqui, and S. M. Ahmed, "Cost Overrun Factors In Construction Industry of Pakistan," in First International Conference on Construction In Developing Countries (ICCIDC–I) “Advancing and Integrating Construction Education, Research & Practice”: NED University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi, Pakistan, 2008.




Tafazzoli, M. (2018). Accelerating the green movement: Major barriers to sustainable construction. In 54th ASC Annual International Conference Proceedings, Associated Schools of Construction.

“Sustainable development is the pathway to the future we want for all. It offers a framework to generate economic growth, achieve social justice, exercise environmental stewardship and strengthen governance� -Ban Ki-moon

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