Sustainable Development In Malaysian Construction Industry

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Overview of Sustainable Development and the discussion on the level of awareness in knowledge and implementation in Malaysian Construction Industry




Prepared for: Ts Norishahaini binti Mohamed Ishak

Prepared by: Azzri Fazril Bin Rosman 2020916259 Adam Zhariff Qameil Bin Zamry 2020312085 Farhana Bt Mohammed Isa 2019658866 Mazliyani Bt Mazlan 2020391063 Norzaihan Bt Mad Zin 2020392719 Submission Date: November 2020











Awareness in Term of Implementation In Sustainable Construction Practice



Sustainable Construction practice in Malaysia




Awareness in Term of Knowledge In Sustainable Construction Practice


Conclusion and Recommendation


The focus of the industry is prioritizing towards the productivity, safety and quality




1.0 Introduction


INTRODUCTION Sustainable construction aims to produce structure that enhance the quality of life and protect the environment efficiently and profitably. (Abidin ,2010) Malaysia itself has included this challenge in the Vision 2020. Referring to the book ‘Malaysia’s Vision 2020’ published in 1993 has included the vision for the country to be ecologically sustainable. Subsequently issues on the sustainable development has emerged as one of the top issues in Eight Malaysia Plan (2001-2005). (Abidin,2010) From here shows that Malaysian government had slowly to

persuade the awareness on the sustainable development in the construction plan.







Construction Industry has set it movement since year 2000.

Example CIDB Malaysia has organised several

workshops, dialogues and discussions to systematically address and prioritise environmental needs in the

construction sector (CIDBMalaysia, 2007b).

Sustainable Development in Construction , even though not wholly, has been a practice in Malaysia. Out of the 3 major sectors, Environment, Economy and Social, the Environment sector has a lot more to do to attain sustainability due to human behaviour and habit. The green technology index in constructions helps the industry to have more Sustainable Development in Construction. -

(Ashaari Mohamad 2015)

In Public Work Department of Malaysia, as one of the implementation agent for public projects, has set their strategic plan towards sustainable development and has initiated steps towards sustainability since 2002 by formulating JKR Green Mission 1.0. It also started educating other public sector and local authority on the gist of sustainable development.

G. N. Kutty, 2017).

However, years by years passed by, the sustainable development awareness has drawn a setback in terms on implementation and its awareness.


INTRODUCTION (cont’d) Sustainable construction aims to produce structure that enhance the quality of life and protect the environment efficiently and profitably. (Abidin ,2010) Malaysia itself

Sustainable Development in Construction , even though not wholly, has been a practice in Malaysia. Out of the 3 major sectors, Environment, Economy and Social, the Environment sector has a lot more to do to attain sustainability due to human behaviour and habit. The green technology index in constructions helps the industry to have more Sustainable Development in Construction. -

(Ashaari Mohamad 2015)

has included this challenge in the Vision 2020. Referring to the book ‘Malaysia’s Vision 2020’ published in 1993 has included the vision for the country to be ecologically

sustainable. Subsequently issues on the sustainable development has emerged as one of the top issues in Eight Malaysia Plan (2001-2005). (Abidin,2010) From here shows that Malaysian government had slowly to persuade the awareness on the sustainable development in the construction plan.







Construction Industry has set it movement since year 2000.

Example CIDB Malaysia has organised several

workshops, dialogues and discussions to systematically address and prioritise environmental needs in the construction sector (CIDBMalaysia, 2007b).

In Public Work Department of Malaysia, as one of the implementation agent for public projects, has set their strategic plan towards sustainable development and has initiated steps towards sustainability since 2002 by formulating JKR Green Mission 1.0. It also started educating other public sector and local authority on the gist of sustainable development.

G. N. Kutty, 2017).

However, years by years passed by, the sustainable development awareness has drawn a setback in terms on implementation and its awareness.


A widespread agreement on sustainable construction does not mean a widespread implementation. Knowing but not practicing is another major problem in sustainable concept implementation.

(M.H.Momade and M.R Hainin, 2018)



2.0 Sustainable Construction practice in Malaysia


2.0 Sustainable Construction practice in Malaysia

st play a key role in designing civil infrastructure that is

Besides that, environmental-related legislation, litigation

ct that some development of construction project without

and standard shall be frequently reviewed and revised in

ct. This usually leads to poor management of sustainable

order to make the effectiveness and implementation of laws

spend for appropriate tools and skills for sustainable design

at least every six months. This is regards for enhancing the

day’s era of globalization, construction industry themselves

integrated and effective cooperation and coordination

tal issue as part of small business to a wider context of

among DOE and other relevant sector to achieve desire

enting green building concept which can lower the cost of

result. These aspects shall be covered in all stages of

onal method. Positively can contribute to quality of life,

development, program planning, assessment, enforcement

ent (Kibert C, 1994).

and all aspects of policy making. As forecast result, this is to

enable conserving the environment and natural resources to

onstruction (Kibert C, 1994), they emphasize on seven main

meet the needs of Malaysian’s population, taking care of

sed, resources reuse, using renewable resources, protecting

land, biodiversity and water consumption (Mohammed

on-toxic environment, life cost cycle analysis and pursuing

Hamza, 2019)

e Malaysia Construction industry as example, the National

environmental considerations during development activities

A group of expertise from different background of study

d protecting the environment (BEM, 2009).








architectural trade shall sit down together to tackle the consultant and contractor shall prevent and control of

environmental issue from their scope of work. By doing that

progress activities so that it can be minimized. As they have

they can formulate and implement the action plan to

surveillance program, frequent environmental audit to check

enhance environmental aspect at project basis. These

ty in contract obligation and implementation of ad-hoc

action plans will be formulated, implemented and executed

already doing a program which related to ISO 14001:2015

with adequate resource support. As mention before, these

n large project which now required Environmental Impact

action plans must be consistently reviewed in order to improve the sustainable method because as far as we concern, improvements come by learning from the mistakes made. Hence, these group of specialist should be place in same task force to focus on reviewing the sustainable methods and improvement suggestion (Mohd Rosli, 2019). 11

2.0 Sustainable Construction practice in Malaysia endously grows, more construction site of buildings will be

Other than that, Malaysian construction industry can

s inspired to practice new approach in order to prevent

practice on use alternatives for sustainable construction

cent years, the Malaysian Government has announced the

materials, implement just-in-time production for more

ater Ministry to advance the sustainability agenda by solving

sustainable construction projects, integrate alternative

during the lunch of Green Building Index (GBI) by Minister of

sustainable construction methods and ditch the paper of

inable practice in construction (BEM, 2009).

blueprints and drawing by replacing with construction management software. By doing so, we can reduce

nmental pollution due to infrastructure construction, the

numerous of pollution quickly and effectively. The pre-

these issues also become regional and global environmental

cast concrete can be replaced with concreting activity on

promote cooperation practices with other countries in this

site in order to minimise concrete waste that been

Together we can address climate change, trans-boundary

generate. Perhaps, those concrete waste cost of

dule waste management, quality of marine life, resource

demolishing can been used to enhance environment

(CIB, 2002).

compliance on site.

he construction industry plays a significant role even during

As conclusion of current practices in Malaysia, to move

ndustry Development Board Malaysia (CIDB) gather around

from traditional method of building to a sustainable

scuss, and investigate the current process of construction to

building required practical approach and investment. If

gement to protect the environment. These group of people

these initiatives were taken from the beginning, then the

environment and sustainability. They presently involved in

design of the project and project team approach will

te, environmental management plan, water consumption

reflect on the finishing product of the project. Extra

ion through their work method (CIDB, 2006).

effort of practicing, strategies and actions shall be actively involved to speed up the process of creating sustainable-oriented construction industry which are practically important for future generation.


3.0 Awareness In Term Of Knowledge


If the construction practitioners do not understand the concept and the benefits, they would not implement this on their projects. Besides, as the public lacking in awareness on this, they would not purchase green homes.

(Alias, Sin & Aziz, 2010)



3.0 Awareness In Term Of Knowledge

3.1 Construction practitioners are beginning to appreciate sustainability and acknowledge the advantages of building sustainable. The leading developers such as Sime Darby property, Mahsing, Gamuda, SP Setia has grasp the concept of sustainable development in construction in year 2007. By referring to a few research and survey that was conducted among construction developers in Malaysia by universities, to measure the level of understanding on sustainability concept in construction, the current level of awareness and understanding of developers and its organization based on literature reviews (20092018) as tabled out below are within low to moderate level. 15

AWARENESS IN TERM OF KNOWLEDGE 3.1 Construction practitioners are beginning to appreciate sustainability and acknowledge the advantages of building sustainable. (cont’d) Author (Year) / Source

Level of awareness in terms of knowledge

N. Z. Abidin (2009)

moderate or good

Figure / table

Figure shows level of understanding on sustainability concept.

M.H.Momade and M.R Hainin (2018)

Majority developers understand that sustainability is about protecting the environment. However, many are still unaware the sustainability is also about balancing social and economy aspects of construction.

M.H.Momade and M.R Hainin (2018)

moderate or good

R. M. Nordin, A. H. A. Halim, J. Yunus, (2017)


3.1.1 Measuring the level of awareness in sustainable construction knowledge among developer Refering to the previous table, the level of awareness sustainable knowledge among developer are measured based on the followings (M.H.Momade & M.R Hainin, 2018): • • • • •

Level of understanding knowledge on sustainable concept. Based on experience / what they perceived Issues that are related to environmental aspect of sustainability Issues that related to social aspect of sustainability Issues the related to economic aspect of sustainability received highest

3.1.2 Source of sustainable knowledge for developers The source of sustainable construction knowledge among developer are categorized as below ( N. Z. Abidin, 2009) : Example (journals, proceedings, newspapers, websites) (schools, universities) (CIDB, JKR, Semigov, NGOs )

Type of Source written materials

education and higher learning; symposiums, seminars and conferences On-site, practical, experience with hands-on sustainable projects. Developer, In-house learning consultants, contractor, supplier

AWARENESS IN TERM OF KNOWLEDGE 3.2 Top Property Developers in Malaysia 2020 level of awareness in terms of knowledge in sustainable construction (Source: Real Estate & The edge Property)

Recent study found that bigger and more established developers are actually well aware of the importance of sustainability practices. The awareness of sustainable knowledge can be seen or simply measured through companies’ implementation in strategic planning, as well as, looking into the allocation of resources (Yoong H. Chan, Brenda C. T. Lee, Jin C. Lee 2014). The Level of knowledge awareness, implementation in their strategic planning, sustainable development mission and vision of sustainable development summarize as below: Developer

Level of awareness

Sustainable Development Mission, Vision / Strategic Planning

Sime Darby Property


Fostering resilient, caring communities that leave no one behind, living within ecosystem and environmental limits.

Mah Sing


Sp Setia


OSK Property


Tropicana Corporation


Sustainability is the enabler of our business strategy. It is integrated into our core business and is in line with our credo, ‘Reinvent Spaces. Enhance Life’. To us, sustainability means safeguarding our future viability and, as part of corporate strategy, is integrated into everyday procedures. At S P Setia, we create communities by shaping the built environment according to the latest trends in design and technology, as well as focusing on sustainability We are driven by the pursuit of innovation, outstanding quality and design conducive to community living at its best. Our corporate green colour echoes the forests of nature, depicting a constant growth in our corporate endeavours, while at the same time highlighting our responsibilities toward the environment.



Build Right. For Life. We build right, for life. We are constantly exploring new and better ways to maintain and enhance the liveability of our cities as they grow. Our urban developments and infrastructure projects continue to harness innovative construction technologies to positively impact the surrounding communities and reduce environmental impact. This is achieved through understanding the underlying sustainability impact, including climate change at the onset.



– Towards a Greener Future, Empowering our People, Conducting Business with Honour; and Caring for our Community

IOI Properties


sustainability is pivoted at the centre of our business vision and core values. As a corporation that views sustainability as a transgenerational mission, we strive to uphold the principles of crafting sustainable developments and corporate responsibility for sustainable living of its employees, customers and communities, enhancing society well-being and advocating environmental ethics

Eco world


We strive towards building sustainable communities by offering products of unmatched quality that integrate the environment with a modern lifestyle. We operate our businesses with careful environmental consideration and Social enrichment whilst creating long-term value for our stakeholders.

AWARENESS IN TERM OF KNOWLEDGE 3.2 Top Property Developers in Malaysia 2020 level of awareness in terms of knowledge in sustainable construction (cont’d) Developer

Level of awareness

Sustainable Development Mission, Vision / Strategic Planning



More than just building homes... We design for a sustainable future through out holistic townships that fulfil the social, physical and spiritual needs of the communities who live in them, not just for today but also tomorrow. We nurture these communities to create greater value and have a lasting positive impact on society.



Looking ahead, we intend to continue growing shareholder value meaningfully and responsibly – by actively contributing to our local communities, harnessing environmentally sustainable technology, and pursuing growth areas that leverage the strengths of Sunway Group.

IJM Land Bhd


What defines us is our customer passion, innovative spirit, drive for excellence and sustainable practices.

Vision was conceptualised based on its founding owners’ philosophy in creating buildings for communities that will thrive and grow with its environment harmoniously. The Four Core Values: integrity, Innovation, Quality, Sustainability UOA Development Low-moderate To develop and invest in the highest quality properties, products and services consistent with community, environmental and government requirements; keeping in pace with our changing environment to constantly add value to what we do. Source: Our own conclusion, judgement and opinion based on developer’s performance, official statement via website. IGB Bhd


AWARENESS IN TERM OF KNOWLEDGE The relatively slow change in the construction industry in Malaysia toward sustainability is also due to a lack of understanding and knowledge of related issues. Information has become a valuable resource for the company's success in today's competitive setting. Traditional resources have become secondary resources, such as land, labour and financial capital. (Chen et al., 2006).

The evidence of sustainable projects being built in Malaysia indicated that the concept of sustainable construction has begun to settle within the industry. However, sustainable projects in Malaysia are mostly at the pioneer stage, indicating that the industry is still at its infancy in this field. The modest number of sustainable projects being built in Malaysia is a sign of the slow intake of the sustainability concept among construction practitioners.

Lack of knowledge and expertise is another hindrance to implement sustainable development (Williams and Dair, 2007). Most of the parties in construction have no expertise in sustainable development concept. In addition, another reason is the shortage of professionals and tradesman with the appropriate qualifications, skills and experience in this area.

The Malaysian government is actively promoting policies to ensure quality and sustainable development to all nations. Thus, this scenario shows that sustainability is becoming prominent in Malaysian construction industry. This concept was recently introduced in Malaysia; however, there is a lack of interest among industry stakeholders because of low of awareness in terms of knowledge especially by the developer.


No Lessons learned There is no lessons learned especially from previous sustainable project are not organised well and it is difficult to capture and transfer useful knowledge to other projects. For example, the proper planning, monitoring and controlling the project from the initial stages is very important each party need to sharing their knowledge and solving the problem on site according to previous experience, lesson learn or other current method that fit the situation and problem.


Lack of opportunity to improving knowledge The developer must give the opportunity to improving the knowledge and acceptance of sustainable practice. It would make a huge impact to the practice of sustainable construction especially at the larger scale project. For example, this could be achieved by way of more conferences, training, seminars and workshops, targeting small and medium-sized developers.



By hiring the expertise, they will explore the technology and their expert knowledge to seek information and in improving project efficiency and effectiveness. For Example, the developer needs the expertise to ensure sustainable practices are blended into the decision making from planning project. In order advice, the expertise would be as a guidance to the employee and to make sure the sustainable objectives are achieved.



Lack of commitment from organization Most of the developer are familiar using the traditional method of development. They have not prepared to use inadequate, unfamiliar and unreliable sustainable concept. Lack of commitment from the organization to implement the sustainable construction will contribute to the lack of awareness among the team. For example, organization may have good knowledge on sustainable concept, but because they did not put it in practice or commitment incorporating it in projects. Knowing but not practicing is another major problem in sustainable concept implementation.

Rejection ideas from young generation Usually for fresh graduate and no experience employee, have been exposed to sustainable construction in their higher education studies but, due to their lack of experience in the real world, they have a problem disseminating their theoretical understanding of sustainability knowledge into practice. For example, the developer tends to reject the suggest idea by them before thinking of it.



Moderate of understanding about sustainable development by the developers Mostly all the developer has the basic theory or understanding regarding the sustainable development but many of them still not aware about how to practise the sustainable development in construction. For example, by improve understanding in sustainable development concept it will applied efficiently in the reality projects.

Environmental issues were not pertinent and were not given a priority to the developer Most of the developers in Malaysia are profit-driven and they respond to client demands. The shift to focus on sustainability would be driven if there is client demand. Usually in Malaysia, the property development that use the sustainable concept offer the expensive price. The low- and medium-income group do not afford to buy the sustainable project. As a result, the developer choose will build the common development project rather to understand sustainable development.



No expertise By hiring the expertise, they will explore the technology and their expert knowledge to seek information and in improving project efficiency and effectiveness. For Example, the developer needs the expertise to ensure sustainable practices are blended into the decision making from planning project. In order advice, the expertise would be as a guidance to the employee and to make sure the sustainable objectives are achieved.



Moderate of understanding about sustainable development by the developers Mostly all the developer has the basic theory or understanding regarding the sustainable development but many of them still not aware about how to practise the sustainable development in construction. For example, by improve understanding in sustainable development concept it will applied efficiently in the reality projects.

Lack of commitment from organization Most of the developer are familiar using the traditional method of development. They have not prepared to use inadequate, unfamiliar and unreliable sustainable concept. Lack of commitment from the organization to implement the sustainable construction will contribute to the lack of awareness among the team. For example, incorporate the sustainability agenda in an organization, it should be included as one of the core business objectives to ensure who involve take it seriously.

A widespread agreement on sustainable construction does not mean a widespread implementation. Knowing but not practicing is another major problem in sustainable concept implementation. -

(M.H.Momade and M.R Hainin, 2018)



4.0 Awareness In Term Of Implementation




Financial Constrains The financial constraint had been highlighted as one of the barriers in the implementing of the green development. This include the higher capital upfront that include professional fees, green assessment fees, design and material cost (Nordin et al., 2017). The application of sustainable development concept tends to increase the project cost because the upfront cost that they have to provide. The higher cost incurred for importing of the green materials and technology is a hindrance to the shift towards sustainability. This is the reasons where most of developers view sustainability as and burden cost that they have to cover (Abidin, 2010). The increasing of the project cost will tend to higher to selling price that able to lead to the affect towards the buyer’s financial constraint and this will decrease the contractor’s interest to do so (Chan et al., 2014). It can be seen that big developer have better implementation of sustainability in their development compared to small developer through proper planning, design and with allocation of budget such as selection material, energy efficient design, and meeting the need of disable (Abidin, 2010).


Lack of Enforcement and monitoring of Law and Legislation Government play an important role in encourage sustainable construction. Government have power to increase the enforcement of legislation, devising new policies, also give incentives to developer that want to pursue sustainability in the project (Abidin, 2010). The low implementation is said due to the lack of enforcement and monitoring of law and legislation. Although there are several Act that focus on environment such as Environment Protection Act, but due the lack of monitoring and enforcement, developer did not put this as an important thing to be consider during development (Abidin, 2009). Without proper enforcement by the government, the developer did not fell urgency to adapt sustainable development in their project. (Abidin, 2010)


Market Needs There will be increase in demand for green building and sustainable development with the increasing of awareness in social responsibility among the company and market (Aliagha et al., 2013). Developers action are usually will influences by the market situation and demand. This is because developer as a profit driven, will study on their market demand. It is possible to implement the sustainable development if the market request for the sustainable development. At the moment, the awareness of the sustainable development among buyers are low and this aspect did not on their priority list. This make the developer did not feel urgency in adapt this practice (Abidin, 2010). This lack of demand for the sustainable development are due to the people resistance to change their lifestyle (Aliagha et al., 2013). There is a need to increase the public awareness because the increasing of the awareness from the society will increase the demand for the sustainable development tends for the developer to increase the sustainable development (Razali & Adnan, 2015).


Lack awareness among developer The awareness and knowledge of green home development among respondent’s organization shows that 85% have low understanding regarding this development concept. Only several people that is involve in the sustainable project have moderate understanding regarding this mechanism. It also been highlight that among the challenges in implementing this mechanism, lack of awareness between developer are the second issue that had been rank (Nordin et al., 2017). With the lack of awareness, most of them not willing to push the boundary, especially when shifting from the conventional way to sustainable development. After a long of period had been use the same method, it is a challenge for the developer to learn new things and adapt new technology that offer benefits (Abidin, 2010). It had been hard to younger generation that are still new in this industry to convince the management, disseminating theoretical knowledge to adapt the new technology that tend their suggested idea are rejected (Abidin, 2009)


Green Building Index (GBI) Green Building Index (GBI) is a national ranking system and set of guidelines for green development which had been established in 2008 by Pertubuhan Arkitek Malaysia (PAM). The marking process are based on the 6 criteria’s provided. GBI Rating










Figure 1.2 : GBI ranking system (source :, 2020)

4.2 CASE STUDY (cont’d) In conjunction towards Sustainable development country, the numbers of green building Malaysia has growing impressively. Even though the projects involving big developer or ‘Taikun’ company in Malaysia, but it shows that the relevant parties are starting to take this issues as a compulsory requirement not only to achieve the sustainable design but as one of the factors for their company to promote their uniqueness.








development to be built in Batu Kawan. This project total estimated GDV are RM 7billion. This project adapt the concept ‘Home-In-The Park’ where each precinct has a 20-foot landscaped garden at their perimeters. By looking at this, this project can be a booster to others developer in Penang to joint the venture. 2

This Building has won the LEED & GBI, GreenRe Platinum level. Located at the city of Kuala Lumpur, it is very challenging on how to run the project while in the same time to take

consideration on the safety of the perimeter public users .


4.2 CASE STUDY (cont’d)





development park






surrounding homes and living spaces feel greener and more immersed in nature. Not only that this project also focus on the great landscape design that can cooperate with the recreation activities.


Not to mention the current on-going project in that won Platinum Level from GBI! Estimation GDV are Rm 40 billion. The Tun Razak Exchange has invested heavily in sustainable and eco-friendly initiatives sitewide, such as proper waste water management, pedestrian-friendly infrastructure, energy and cooling utilisation.

Innovation initiatives in spreading across business value chain, from sustainable product design to improving customer experiences and services, as well as marketing communication are key element of success Sime Darby Property, 2016



5.0 Conclusion and Recommendation


Conclusion and Recommendation It was argued that although many construction practitioners agreed with sustainability principles, many have still not grasped their meaning and even fewer have translated sustainability into action. Many efforts are being directed to build sustainably in construction world. The direction of the industry is now shifting from developing with environmental concern as a small part of the process into having the development process being integrated within the wider context of environmental agenda.

A lot more efforts are necessary to enhance the level of environmental awareness and civic consciousness among the people to build sustainably in the future. It is recommended to improve the understanding and awareness on this concept and initiate action to enable this concept be applied efficiently in future construction projects. For the awareness in knowledge aspect the developer companies may look on experiences, skills, knowledge to ensure the project can be implemented efficiently especially in sustainable development concept. Knowledge has become one of the key resources for organization’s performance. With effective of utilization the knowledge, it might have a great impact on the success and achieved the organizations goal. The concept of sustainability must be applied into construction industry to influence the manner in which a project shall be conducted to strike a balance between conserving the environment and maintaining prosperity in development.

In term of awareness in aspect of implementation it can be said that, there are numbers of factors that been discussed. This include financial constraint, Lack of Enforcement and monitoring of Law and Legislation, market needs and lack of awareness among developers. There are also other factors like, pointing fingers among players in the industry in implement this mechanism, urgency factor due to the nature of construction industry that is fast. As explained that awareness for developer are low and moderate it can be said that it is far from the what been expect by the government in ensure developers implement this concept. However, the trends for the implementation this sustainability development seen improve from years to years. There is a need from the various stakeholder to ensure the awareness among the developers increase.

Conclusion and Recommendation It was argued that although many construction practitioners agreed with sustainability principles, many have still not grasped their meaning and even fewer have translated sustainability into action. Many efforts are being directed to build sustainably in construction world. The direction of the industry is now shifting from developing with environmental concern as a small part of the process into having the development process being integrated within the wider context of environmental agenda.

A lot more efforts are necessary to enhance the level of environmental awareness and civic consciousness among the people to build sustainably in the future. It is recommended to improve the understanding and awareness on this concept and initiate action to enable this concept be applied efficiently in future construction projects.

In term of awareness in aspect of implementation it can be said that, there are numbers of factors that been discussed. This include financial constraint, Lack of Enforcement and monitoring of Law and Legislation, market needs and lack of awareness among developers. There are also other factors like, pointing fingers among players in the industry in implement this mechanism, urgency factor due to the nature of construction industry that is fast. As explained that awareness for developer are low and moderate it can be said that it is far from the what been expect by the government in ensure developers implement this concept. However, the trends for the implementation this sustainability development seen improve from years to years. There is a need from the various stakeholder to ensure the awareness among the developers increase.

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REFERENCES Top 10 Property Developers In Malaysia 2020 retrieved from on 7th November 2020

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7th accessed on 7th November 2020 November 2020



7th accessed on 7th November 2020 accessed on 7th November 2020 accessed on 7th November 2020 accessed on 7th November 2020 accessed on 7th November 2020 accessed on 7th November 2020 accessed on 7th November 2020 accessed on 7th November 2020 accessed on 7th November 2020



ICP863 MANAGEMENT OF PROPERTY AND ENVIRONMENT Azzri Fazril |Adam Zhariff Qameil |Farhana |Mazliyani |Norzaihan @2020/2021


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