Evaluation Process
Individualized Program Design
Parent Training &Volunteer Involvement
E VALUATION P ROCESS S TEP ONE The child will complete a variety of assessments to determine functional, academic and daily living skills. These are initial assessments that will provide a basis for appropriateness to the program and serve as a starting point for Educational Program Design. This will include a review of Functional Vision, Hearing and Behavior, Fine Motor, Gross Motor/ Mobility, Speech and Language, and Tactile systems and skills. Data will also be collected on any specific behavioral and physiological concerns. Academic testing will be completed to determine baseline scores for academic and preacademic skills, communication skills, math and sequential processing scores. Depending on the child’s current level of expressive communication, portions of the evaluation process may occur over a period of 90 days during the initial enrollment period. A home visit is a required component of this initial evaluation period and will be coordinated with the Parent(s) schedule for observation in the child’s natural environment. This will include observation of the child and a Parent Interview. Acceptance into the Program will be made based upon the joint recommendations of the Evaluation Team.
I NDIVIDUALIZED P ROGRAM S TEP TWO After a thorough review of the findings from the initial evaluation period, a custom program is designed, offering the most effective optimization of the student’s strengths and developing a strategic approach to address any area(s) of need. An Individualized Program Plan will be developed to incorporate all educational needs, all required therapeutic or supplemental supports and any program modifications necessary. Team members will meet with the Parent(s) to discuss their recommendations and develop a mutually agreed upon Program.
P ARENT T RAINING & V OLUNTEER I NVOLVEMENT S TEP T HREE Parents are in integral part of each child’s success and support team. As a crucial team member, Parent(s) are expected to understand their child’s diagnoses, medical and educational needs. Parent(s) will be asked to sign a Parental Agreement with the Educational team that includes their commitment to participating in applicable trainings (in-person or online), participating in weekly communications with the Classroom Teacher, and following through with recommended strategies at home (including use of Communication modalities, equipment and/or other therapeutic protocols). Parents are required at all Individualized Program Planning meetings (held twice per year, minimum). Parents are also expected to be involved in the school (including fundraising efforts, volunteer hours or other forms of support) on an ongoing basis. Details can be found in the Parental Agreement.
An initial application fee of $100 is required for all prospective students. This fee (checks made out to The Ellis School of Atlanta) should be included with current copies of all medical, therapeutic and educational reports from existing doctors, therapists, and current educational programs. Please see the Required Paperwork Checklist for a full listing of all necessary documentation. All charges for Initial Evaluation(s) by Ellis School of Atlanta staff members will be billed separately and not included in tuition fees. Evaluation charges will vary depending on the child’s medical, therapeutic and educational needs. This fee estimate will be provided in advance of the Evaluation period on an individual basis. Tuition & Program fees will be reviewed with each family on an individual basis. Therapeutic costs are individualized and billed on an hourly basis and not included with tuition. Financial Aid options may be available for those who qualify.
E LLIS S CHOOL OF A TLANTA , INC PO BOX 6015 ATLANTA, GA 31107 678-973-0483 ellisschoolatlanta.org info@ellisschoolatlanta.org