By Another
Design Student
Another Portfolio by Another Design Student Except This One is by Chandler Johnson
Copyright 2019 Chandler Johnson. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form as well as by any means electronic, mechanical photocopying, recording, or otherwise without permission of the copyright holder. Chandler Johnson 619 339 2881 ChandlerJohnson1@gmail.com Another-Portfolio.com
Here’s a Cute Picture of Me as a Kid so I Can Appear Relateable
More Projects For You to go Through
Boom Powdered Paint A Greener Graveyard Safari Park Water Bottles Sign Painting Book
Saint Zain Menswear
Wist Dementia App
One Tree Planted Campaign
Vulture Culture Art Exhibition
Chandler Johnson
Another Portfolio
When Yo Want the Room to Go Boom
What_ A new company named Boom Paint decided to create a brand that would be suitable for the home and business that would give high quality color payoff and finish while also being biodegradable and eco friendly. With loud, booming color, Boom aims to change the way we think about paint and the impact it has in our homes and our world.
Project_Boom Powdered Paint
ou e o m
Objective_ Create a powdered paint brand that is bold with color and design while maintaining the voice of an eco-friendly brand. 3
Project_Boom Powdered Paint Category_Packaging Instructor_Thomas McNulty Semester_Spring 2018 Chandler Johnson
Another Portfolio
Natural Bold Fresh
Project_Boom Powdered Paint
Inspired by a bundle of dynamite, this concept is exploding with personality.
Chandler Johnson
Another Portfolio
Original version I created to be applied to packaging
Project_Boom Powdered Paint
Utilize illustration and lettering to emphasize a more personal feeling. The pattern is inspired by nature to allude to the organic and eco friendly components. Chandler Johnson
Another Portfolio
I Never Thought I’d Miss Paragraph Styles
Project_Boom Powdered Paint 9
Chandler Johnson
Another Portfolio
Project_Boom Powdered Paint
The entire family includes gallon, quart and sample sizes for interior and exterior finishes.
Chandler Johnson
Another Portfolio
Chandler Johnson
Another Portfolio
From Bonnie to Clyde
St, Lightning is a shop and studio for women that sells hand made products by local artists as well as vintage and repurposed clothing items. Their entire aesthetic is inspired by the 1960’s and 70’s Arts and Crafts movement which is unique to their San Francisco location. They wanted to create a men’s store to reach a broader audience.
Project_Saint Zain Menswaer
Objective: Create a male identity for the St.Lightning boutique brand while still maintaining thier nostalgic and handcrafted feeling. 17
Project_Saint Zain Menswear Category_Branding Instructor_Thomas McNulty Semester_Spring 2018 Chandler Johnson
Another Portfolio
Project_Saint Zain Menswear
Approach_ Borrow from 1960’s and 70’s rock posters and male fashion to create a nostalgic feeling. Increase structure to the design and change color appropriately to appeal to a male audience. Chandler Johnson
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Original women’s brand for St. Lightning
Nostalgic Handmade Unique
Project_Saint Zain Menswear
New men’s brand, Saint Zain
Chandler Johnson
Another Portfolio
22 Another Portfolio
Project_Saint Zain Menswear 23
Chandler Johnson
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24 Another Portfolio
Project_Saint Zain Menswear Project_
Expanding the brand into the digital space increases consumer touchpoints exponentially.
Chandler Johnson
Another Portfolio
What Wi be Your Final Footprin
Will The Greener Graveyard movement is something I have created to educate people about the harmful effects modern day burials. By presenting a more eco friendly and cost effective option, a natural burial, they will be given the tools to make an educated decision about their burial services and educate others as well.
Project_A Greener Graveyard
Objective_ Create a campaign that educates people about the problems with modern day burials and teach them about natural burial options. 27
Project_The Greener Graveyard Movement Category_Branding Instructor_Megumi Kiyama Semester_Spring 2019 Chandler Johnson
Another Portfolio
Empathetic Hopeful Optimistic
Project_A Greener Graveyard 29
Chandler Johnson
Another Portfolio
Project_A Greener Graveyard
Approach_ How do you get people to think about how their body will be disposed of when they die? It’s a touchy subject for most people, which is why it was extremely important to shape my design with sensitivity to the subject matter. I needed to create a design that matched the serious and somber tone while also maintaining an optimistic outlook.
Chandler Johnson
Another Portfolio
Project_A Greener Graveyard
This book went in depth about the issues with modern day burials and the more natural, eco friendly options there are.
Chandler Johnson
Another Portfolio
Project_A Greener Graveyard
The website would target younger people whose death would come at a much later date. Instead of offering funeral scheduling, I offered natural burial information and options instead. Chandler Johnson
Another Portfolio
Project_A Greener Graveyard
I created a series of designs that would be used as a sponsored Instagram story. The design gives a quick overview of the movement with a link to the website.
Chandler Johnson
Another Portfolio
Remebe Better Togethe
er Wist helps families take care of their loved ones suffering from dementia related illnesses. It’s an app that helps families stay connected and distribute care throughout the entire family. The app allows families to track their loved ones’ medical history, emotional changes and manage their daily to-do list.
Project_Wist Dementia App
Objective_ Design an app that helps families stay connected, up to date, and care for their elderly family members with dementia. 43
Project_Wist Dementia App Category_Branding Instructor_Megumi Kiyama Semester_Spring 2019 Chandler Johnson
Another Portfolio
Professional Organized Helpful
A puzzle represents the missing pieces coming back together.
Project_Wist Dementia App
The check mark alludes to daily to-do lists families have to complete when caring for their family member.
Chandler Johnson
Another Portfolio
Project_Wist Dementia App
Wist keeps track of medical history, emotional changes, daily tasks and helpful tips for the family to keep their loved one happy.
Chandler Johnson
Another Portfolio
Wist keeps everything organized in one place for the family and medical professionals to reference whenever needed.
That’s My Real Grandma in That iPhone Over There, Isn’t She Cute?
Project_Wist Dementia App
The Alerts section was created to distribute tasks, keep track of family member’s whereabouts and cut down time texting with traditional text messaging apps.
Chandler Johnson
Another Portfolio
Creating a Gift that Give Back
g This glass water bottle package was designed for The San Diego Zoo Safari Park gift shop. The packaging aims to communicate the Safari Park’s values in animal and environmental conservation though sustainable consumerism. All profits from this bottle go directly back into the Safari Park and help endangered species.
Project_Safari Park Water Bottles
Objective_ To create a souvenir that would teach park goers about sustainability and directly benefits the conservation of endangered species at the Safari Park. 53
Project_Safari Park Water Bottles Category_Packaging Instructor_Thomas McNulty Semester_Spring 2018 Chandler Johnson
Another Portfolio
Conservation Inspiration Education
Project_Safari Park Water Bottles
This design was chosen because it reduced waste while also keeping the bottles safe.
Chandler Johnson
Another Portfolio
Approach_ Typography and illustration tell a story about the Safari Park.
Project_Safari Park Water Bottles
Starting with an illustrative style, the design developed to be more reliant on iconography.
Chandler Johnson
Another Portfolio
Can You Believe I Had My Work Laid Out Like This So Perfectly?
Project_Safari Park Water Bottles
Each package comes with two bottles and opens from the middle to reveal the bottles nestled inside. The package contains no ink (yes, even the white) making it 100% recyclable.
Chandler Johnson
Another Portfolio
Project_Safari Park Water Bottles
The bottle design is screenprinted and features a fun design for all ages.
Chandler Johnson
Another Portfolio
A Helpin Hand for Humani
What_ One Tree Planted is a non-profit organization that aims to regenerate deforested areas throughout the world and raise awareness of forest destruction. This Plant a Forest Kit is a way to raise money for the organization, educate people about forestry and build an environmentally conscious community around the world.
Project_One Tree Planted Campaign
ng r ity
Objective_ To create a product that gives people incentive to care about our forests through education and hands-on activities. 67
Project_One Tree Planted Category_Branding Instructor_Phil Hamlett Semester_Fall 2018 Chandler Johnson
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Educational Community Inspiring
Project_One Tree Planted Campaign
To get people involved and connected globally, I created a Plant Your Own Forest Kit that educated them about forestry by growing their own mini forest! Chandler Johnson
Another Portfolio
Project_One Tree Planted Campaign
This kit also allows them to go online to add their trees to the global map of planted trees that One Tree Planted provides.
Chandler Johnson
Another Portfolio
I worked with an industrial designer to create this 3D model of the package. The package would be constructed from recycled plastic and paper. It was important to make the plastic translucent so that the user could see the progress of their plants’ growth.
Project_One Tree Planted Campaign 75
Chandler Johnson
Another Portfolio
There are two chambers for two trees to create a symbiotic relationship for them to communicate and grow into a forest. Below is the excerpt from the inside label that the user reads to plant their trees.
Double-sided label with instructions.
Project_One Tree Plantetd Campaign
Dual chamber for two trees.
Bottom chamber is shipped with seeds and soil.
Chandler Johnson
Another Portfolio
Chandler Johnson
The Invisible Art of Sig Painting
What_ This book is a case study of the history, process and future of hand drawn typography. Through interviews and research from Bay Area artists, I was able to delve into the sign painting craft to really study what it means to be a sign painter.
Project_Sign Painting Book
e gn g
Objective_ To teach readers about the lost art of sign painting and the craftsmanship it takes to create a successful design. 81
Project_Sign Painting Book Category_Book Design Instructor_David Hake Semester_Spring 2017 Chandler Johnson
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Craftsmanship Discovery Surprise
Jeff Canham, a San Francisco sign painter and artist featured in this book.
Project_Sign Painting Book 83
Chandler Johnson
Another Portfolio
Project_Sign Painting Book
Approach_ [Left] Studio space of a local sign painter
By interviewing sign painters in the Bay Area, I was able to document their process and get opinions about sign painting in the modern design world and where it fits in. Chandler Johnson
Another Portfolio
The book featured photos from Jeff Canham’s art show at Mollusk Surf Shop. The process of sign painting is broken down to show how a sign painter crafts his work from start to finish.
Project_Sign Painting Book 87
Chandler Johnson
Another Portfolio
Project_Sign Painting Book 89
Chandler Johnson
Another Portfolio
If it Bleeds it Leads
This is an experimental art book that explores the topic of American digital media exploiting tragedy for profit. The book would be sold at a local art show that is displaying works of art that are of similar topics. I have created the branding for this art show as well as the experimental art book.
Project_Vulture Culture Art Exhibition
Objective_ Create deliverables for the Vulture Culture art show and an experimental art book that follows the same concept. 91
Project_Vulture Culture Art Book Category_Book Design Instructor_Ariel Grey Semester_Spring 2019 Chandler Johnson
Another Portfolio
Controversial Shocking Urgent
Project_Vulture Culture Art Exhibition
Another Portfolio
Chandler Johnson
Project_Vulture Culture Art Exhibition
Another Portfolio
Chandler Johnson
Approach_ The design language is derivative of modern day news media that we see every day with a sinister twist to call attention to the problem that it is being addressed in this exhibition. Project_Vulture Culture Art Exhibition 97
Chandler Johnson
Another Portfolio
Project_Vulture Culture Art Exhibition
Another Portfolio
Chandler Johnson
Project_Vulture Culture Art Exhibition
This book addresses various current topics and behaviors in American media that have been at the center of a vulturous news culture.
Chandler Johnson
Another Portfolio
Event night tickets, a poster and a streetlight banner were created as promotional materials for this event.
Project_Vulture Culture Art Exhibition
Another Portfolio
Chandler Johnson
Project_Vulture Culture Art Exhibition
Another Portfolio
Chandler Johnson
I’m Just Getting Started
Chandler Johnson
Another Portfolio
Contact_ Chandler Johnson Chandler.Johnson1@gmail.com Another-Portfolio.com
Printing & Binding_ Blurb.com
School_ Academy of Art University
School of Graphic Design
Mohawk Proline Uncoated #100
79 New Montgomery San Franciscoo CA, 94105
Type_ Prospectus Pro
Phil Hamlett Summer 2019
Senior Portfolio
Chandler Johnson
Project_ 110
Another Portfolio Chandler Johnson another-portfolio.com
Chandler Johnson
Another Portfolio