user focus and perspective

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UFP Basics DG309 Assigned by Tilde Bekker Harm van Essen Dr. Jacques Terken

FINAL REPORT NUTRITAG Project by team ; Jort Band s100824 B2.1 Anouk Van Ranst s128835 B2.2 PREMASTER

In co-creation with partner team/group ; Egbal Aslami S Nina van Ardichem S Industrial design Tu/e Academiejaar 2012-2013 Q2 Jan 10 th 2013

1 Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………………………... 2 Design case | project description…………………………………………………………….... 3 Analysis…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3.1 Story board

Jort 14/1/13 03:30

Second storyboard

Comment [1]: Week 1

3.2 User characteristics 3.3 Experience goals

Jort 14/1/13 03:30

4 Data gathering………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Comment [2]: Week 1

4.1 Ethnographical interview

Jort 14/1/13 03:30

4.2 Interview

Comment [3]: Week 2 alleen vragen

4.3 Persona

hoeven er in.

By discussing and combining our

5 Requirements……………………………………………………………………………………………………

setups of or first ethnographic interview

6 Concept design……………………………………………………………………………………………….

we combined these and made a list of

6.1 Scenario conclusion

questions for the ethnographic interview. With this we conducted our


first pilot interview. The results of which

6.2 QOC Analysis

can be seen in the appendix.


Jort 14/1/13 03:30 Comment [4]: Week 2

QOC Analysis table

Jort 14/1/13 03:30

6.3 Task description

Comment [5]: Week 4

6.4 Concept development

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7 Evaluation………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Comment [6]: Week 4

7.1 Prototype Description prototype Paper prototype Task Description

Jort 14/1/13 03:30

7.2 Expert evaluation

Comment [7]: Week 4 + week 5

7.3 User Evaluation

Jort 14/1/13 03:30 Comment [8]: Week 5

Tasks for the user test Informed consent form User test result 7.4 Conclusion 8 Reflections…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 9 Appendices..….…………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Students Jort Band s100824, Anouk Van Ranst s128835



1 Introduction This report will explain the creation and choices made for the design of a concept/product that will help elderly “aged 65 Years and older” with making healthy choices in the supermarket. It contains the analyses of their behavior while shopping, scenarios, persona’s, QOC, user tests, expert evaluations, and heuristic evaluations, … In short; everything needed in order for the creation of this smart shopping assistant. This Research has been done Autumn/ winter 2012-2013, for the current generation of elderly at that time period.

2 Design case | Project description Design specified for elderly aged 65 years and older who deal with health problems that influence their nutrition choices. The outcome should comfort the user with choices they make during their shopping specified to their diet. Regarding its appearance it is a necessity that it is an attractive product to the user group, which they feel they can relate and relay to. The basic functionality should secure a system that helps the target group to make a (more) healthy choice regarding their diets on a daily basis while shopping at the supermarket.

Students Jort Band s100824, Anouk Van Ranst s128835



3 Analyses 3.1 storyboard In order to understand the task of shopping completely the following storyboard was created. Please mention that this is a total random scenario created by an individual. There are multiple situations and scenarios possible.

A second storyboard can be found in the appendices

1. Women , aged 71 prepares shopping list at home. 2. Women enters the store + picks shopping basket + takes list 3. Chooses where to start + checks promotions in folder 4. Ask for help where to find certain product on the shelf 5. Has to ask help again to see if it doesn’t contain any salt. 6. Product isn’t fit for her, so she has to pick her familiar brand. 7. Women goes to the register to pay 8. Exits the store 9. At home , puts her grocery’s in the fridge Students Jort Band s100824, Anouk Van Ranst s128835



3.2 User characteristics -­‐ Man/women aged 65+ General Elderly people intend to take time for certain activities; in general they are a little bit slower than other age categories. They have certain cognitive limitations. The current generation of elderly (anno 2013) hasn’t been actively introduced to deal with technology on a daily basis in life. Elderly who do are familiar with technology for strict personal use and have learned it due to their own interests. In general they seem to have little trust in new technology. This generation needs guiding when exploring new things, since they seem to fear to break stuff/ do something wrong. They are very routine driven and like to plan in advance.

Shopping Concerning the shopping behavior of the target group we could say that intend to take their time for shopping, make very clear choices related to brands both cultural and historical. Often they want more information due a health issue. This is something that they in general take very serious and want to pay attention to. Price is a very important aspect either in the expensive or in the inexpensive way. For some products they are willing to spend more in order to the quality and vise versa. Routine and habits are a very important factor while shopping. Personal assistance / attention is very appreciated. The Target group considers shopping a social activity, way to get in contact with other people. They often enjoy the task. They buy smaller quantities and have little 1 or 2 person households.

This information is the conducted result of a conjunction of confirmed assumptions and 8 interviews we held to get to know our target group. Out of these interviews we were able to describe 2 personas, which we will use to describe the requirements later in the design process. The interviews can be found in the appendices Students Jort Band s100824, Anouk Van Ranst s128835



3.3 Experience Goals

For the assignment we had to set-up a list of experience goals for our design. Below is the final list we made for this.


Effectiveness Can they use the product to aid them in finding healthy food?


Efficient to use The product should not interfere in a major way in their shopping time; this means that you have to get the information fast and easily about a product.


Safe to use Because we are giving users information of healthy and healthy food we have to check if they are allowed to eat certain food without taking a major health risk.


Easy to learn The product should be easy to learn in the way that it requires a onetime explanation or less, because our user is often scared of new technology, because they don’t understand and use it.


Easy to remember how to use (memorability) The user should be able to use the product from memory once it has learned to use it, because we think the user doesn’t really

wants to learn new things.

Students Jort Band s100824, Anouk Van Ranst s128835



4 Data Gathering

4.1Ethongraphic interview By discussing and combining our setups of or first ethnographic interview we combined these and made a list of questions for the ethnographic interview. With this we conducted our first pilot interview. The results of which can be seen in the appendix.

4.2 Interview

When composing the final interview we chose to make different categories In order to cover as much as possible relevant data about shopping habits, Health issues, preparation, actual shopping time, knowledge about technology, current level of satisfaction while shopping, Since the high variety of these question we were offered allot of information, As well as how the question where phrased. They where strict, thought open enough to start little conversations on the topic. This made that sometimes the gave more information than expected which enlightened features we didn’t even think about yet in that stage of the research. A second benefit we had related to the categories we had to interview, older people often intend to tell stories where they even compare to other time areas. Due the amount of information, the result of the interviews are included in the appendices.

Students Jort Band s100824, Anouk Van Ranst s128835



4.3 Persona

The persona was directly conducted out of the information we gained from interviewing .

Background o 73-­‐year-­‐old o Female o Widow o 1 person household o Used to work in a sewing atelier o Has a small garden, her husband used to grow vegetables in it. o Adores her grand children. o Her husband died recently o To stay healthy is her main concern Characteristics o Happy o Trustful o Reliable o Religious o Loves traditions Customer Needs o correct ingredients o transparency o origin o Price/ quality o familiar historical o Reliable Louise is a typical dutch elderly. She still is in good condition due the exercise she gets by cycling to her friends and family. She lives near the city centre in the house she bought 50 Years ago together with her husband. Her husband unfortunately past away last year, due a hart attack. This makes that Louise now pays extra attention to her health. She feels she needs to be there for her children and grandchildren to grow up. Her husband used to grow vegetables in their garden, although she loved the idea of it , she doesn’t believe she can do it as good as he did. She and her children decided to turn the little conservatory into a flower garden. Students Jort Band s100824, Anouk Van Ranst s128835



5 Requirements a. functional requirement: Inform about product information with regard to allergies. So people can make the best possible decisions about their food. Should answer 80% of the diet related questions from the elderly who are using the product. b. Look and feel requirement: Look and feel should invite elderly to use it . (Low tech appearance) To lower the threshold to use to product. 60 % of elderly(who have never seen/heard of product before) should take the decision to pick the device up. c. Ease of use requirement: Making easier to understand product information To help elderly to make healthier decisions than when they don’t use the system. Double blind test: group1 of elderly who gets certain amount of products. Group2 gets same products but with the system. After using, group 2 should be 20% quicker in understanding the information than group 1. d. Ease of learning requirement: After first use the user should be familiar with the product. Avoid elderly people to not dare to use it again. (to not scare away) Give certain amount of elderly the system, 80% of this group should know how to use the product for the second time directly. e. Performance requirement: Product should run during the whole visit without interference, to avoid interrupting the shopping activity. 99,8% of the times elderly use the system, it has to work without interruptions during the visit to the supermarket.

Students Jort Band s100824, Anouk Van Ranst s128835



6 Concept design

6.1 Scenario conclusion

Our product has two sides. First the registering part that a user has to do to actually use the product. But as our focus was more on the actually device and interaction that they were going to use in the store while registered, we have written a scenario for the actual use. The scenario is written with as user an elderly (65+) woman that already registered for the product. Scenario can be found in the appendices.

6.2 QOC Analysis Our QOC analysis was based on the question: How could the information (healthy/unhealthy, allergy info) about the product be displayed best for the user? To use the QOC analysis we came up with several ideas for the display. For all the ideas the user would scan the product and the following information would be displayed. The ideas can be found in the appendix. After that we had to set up some criteria for assessing these ideas. The list of criteria with motivation can be found in the appendix. Finally we had to assess the ideas; we did this by making a table with criteria on one side and the ideas on the other. You can see the table in the appendix. The List of text and the color display were very close together in score and also the two with the highest scores. So we thought we could combine the two. If we would combine the two we had the basic and direct information from the color display and the somewhat more elaborate text to see what is unhealthy about the product, so you trust that the design has made the right decisions for you.

Students Jort Band s100824, Anouk Van Ranst s128835



6.3 Task Description

During the making of our paper prototype we had to make a task description for that paper prototype. In this we had to formulate on task that the user could perform with our prototype. The main goal or this task was to see if the user could make an appropriate choice with the information presented to them by our system. We also wanted to check if they know how to use the system and if they understand the information presented The following task was made. The following situation is sketched:” The user has to pretend that he or she has an allergy to nuts. The user wants to try pate. ” He or she then has to interact with the first price tag he or she encounters (in our case the AH- pate with nuts). After swiping the price tag, the price tag of the AH-Pate will turn red. Other alternatives will show up green. The user is then asked to pick a product.

6.4 Definitive concept development | System Since we believe in general approaches concerning health issues, We are convinced that our system should be available for everyone who is interested in using it regardless the supermarket you shop at ( highend supermarket to lower-class shops). We also believe that a country could benefit the use of this device, so we created a system regulated by the government for the first stage.  system where you can enter your personal data The second stage of the system has to be implemented by the store, upon their personal choice.

Students Jort Band s100824, Anouk Van Ranst s128835



The first stage is a strictly personal one; provided by a general health service of the government. There is the possibility to upload personal information on the MY -NUTRITAG ( the card is loaded with your households personal info,) This can be don either by login on the website yourself or filling in a paper form. This form will offer some possibilities. o Synchronize your electronic patient dossier to make automatic healthy choices o Personal choices to avoid certain products/ ingredients o Personal diet plans by own initiative  all info is personal adjustable MY-Nutritag is available in 2 forms ; anonymous and ID version. When using the anonymous card you cant log on to your electronical patient dossier due privacy reasons. When adjusting the info by web an authorization code is required to get access to the personal information. When using the paper form , you will have to sign to get authorization.

The second stage takes place in the supermarket. The supermarket installs the Nutritag on own expenses, this would mean that the system would be available in every layer of the market – low price up until exclusive. When introduced to the Nutritag the costumer receives his card and gets a basic explanation of how the system works. They also receive a link to a webadress, on this website they can practice at home if they want or get some more information on how to get the best out of the nutritag ( settings etc ) . After this the costumer is ready to enter the store to starts his/her grocery shopping. From now on the combination of use of the MY-nutritag and the nutritag for communal use will form the golden key towards healthy choses. Now some different scenario’s are possible The user swipes his/her personal card against a nutritag from a prduct out of the product range he/she wants. When healthy the nutritag wil lightup –green- , and so will 3 other products out of the same range but a different price range. Students Jort Band s100824, Anouk Van Ranst s128835



When the chosen product is unhealthy, but there are some healthy alternatives within the product range, again 3 options will show up by turning into a green colour. ( in 3 different price ranges ) The 3th situation , There is no healthy option for you in this product range, all products will turn red, a simple educative message wil show you why, when still not convinced you can click on exta to get more specific details. The 4 situation is even more unique, There is no healthy option, though th

its doesn’t do you to much harm when eating the product that showed a orange nutritag this one is the least bad for your health within this product range, it could be consumed with moderation. Visual explanation l

Students Jort Band s100824, Anouk Van Ranst s128835



Students Jort Band s100824, Anouk Van Ranst s128835



Students Jort Band s100824, Anouk Van Ranst s128835



7 Evaluations Heuristic evaluation | possible errors Possible fatal errors could exist on very busy times, when people try to use the system at the same time for the same product with the same preferences. Although we like to consider that the age group we design for has intentions to shop during less busy moments, so they don’t feel the need to shop at the same speed as other age categories. (who intend to spend less time for shopping ). As a second improvement we enlarged the swipable area .

7.1 Prototype Why build the prototype as it is? What do we find out with this prototype. During the assignment, we had to make a paper prototype to test our design. During the process of making the prototype we changed our concept several times. We did this, because we had a lot of discussion about the final prototype trough the making of the paper prototype and the expert evaluation. Eventually we had our final product and made a final prototype for it. With this paper prototype we wanted to test if the user understood the design and to check if they could make healthy decisions based on the design. The result of this process can be found in the appendix, where you can see the description of the prototype, the prototype itself and a task description.

Students Jort Band s100824, Anouk Van Ranst s128835



7.2 Expert Evaluation During the assignment we had to make an Interaction Problem Report IPR by doing an expert evaluation on our own design. This is the Result of the interaction Report. Help and documentation As of yet there is not a document of how the interaction with the system works or an obvious indication how to use it. Error prevention A user accidentally activates the wrong price tag. This could be caused of price tags being in close vicinity to each other. The user either waits a long time before activating a price tag or will scan the intended price tag immediately after. Cancel operation Once the price tag is activated the user has no option to deactivate the price tag. User tries to deactivate the price tag. When it doesn’t respond user feels out of control. Feedback User has to be sure the product has to be scanned. Sometimes lighting is hard to see, so users don’t know if they have activated the product. This may cause the user to spend too much time at the product to see if it is working. Saturation in products (too much information) Sometimes too much products can be good for you or too much products are recommended to you, because they are all healthy for you. People can’t see in the limited time which product they want to pick, so they have to use the system multiple times hindering other people to use it.

Students Jort Band s100824, Anouk Van Ranst s128835



7.3 User Evaluation During our assignment we had to do a user test based upon a paper prototype. This user test had to be described according to the decide framework. This is a result thereof. The overall goal the evaluation addresses is: Find out if the user is able and willing to use the system. From this goal several questions followed: -­‐

Does the user understand the prototype


How much explanation does the user need


Does the user find the system helpful


Does the user have any problems with the system

To answer these questions and achieve or goal we made several tasks for the user which can be found in the appendix. To do this test we had to come prepared. We had to print out the paper prototype and bring an explanatory text for the user, so that he or she could understand the basic working of the system, this text can be found in the appendix. It was also important to include an informed consent form, to ensure that the person, who participates in a user test, knows what he can expect and what his obligations are. You can find the informed consent form in the appendix. What we found in the test result was affirming to our design. The result of the user test can be found in the appendix. The user thought our system would be handy to use in a store and it would also let the user be guided in choice by the system. The user had no problem with using the prototype and selecting healthy food. Once a basic explanation was given to the user, the user could use the system without finding any troubles with it.

Students Jort Band s100824, Anouk Van Ranst s128835



At last we would like to comfort our user with an extra service , Since we had the feeling they could still feel a bit uncertain if the nutritag was operating at that exact time for them , An extra security has been built in so there is no possibility of fatal health faults ( such as allergies,…) There for we have chosen to implement an extra frame which shows the first name of the user, so there is an extra human checkpoint before the user gets the product and buys it.

7.4 Conclusion During the assignment we had to use mainly two evaluation methods later in the design cycle; the user evaluation and the expert evaluation method. The expert evaluation method is really good in the respect that it looks at the product from a design perspective and dares to be critical about the design. User evaluation on the other hand is far less critical, it is more to check if the user understands a product and is able to use it as is intended. With this kind of method you only check if your assumptions were correct. The user will only provide limited feedback about the design itself. The user will always give feedback from his perspective of using the product. I think both ways of evaluation are valuable tools in the design cycle, but I think it is wise to start with the expert evaluation, because it has a critical view on your design and after that move to the user evaluation to check if your design functions in real life with the intended user.

Students Jort Band s100824, Anouk Van Ranst s128835



8 Reflections

Reflection Jort Band

During the assignment I wanted to learn more about the competency User Focus and Perspective, because I felt I was lacking development in this competency area and I often had trouble integrating it in my projects. For this assignment we had weekly assignment that would end up in a report. The lectures served as a preparation of the assignments given that day. Within this assignment we didn’t only learn about various techniques used in used focused design, but we also learned how to approach a user focused design cycle. The techniques we learned were even more useful in context with the user focused design cycle. During the assignment I learned when various techniques should be used at what stage in the design cycle, to aid you in making cost and time efficient choices in this design cycle. I think using the techniques I learned throughout the design cycle will not only help me in a user centered design but also in design overall. During the assignment I also learned what the importance was of continuously self-assessing yourself and I learned about the tools to do it with. The involvement of users in the design process helps in various ways to come to a better design. When constantly assessing your design with a user mistakes are easily pointed out and can thus be corrected efficiently. Involving the user not only helps with assessing your design, but also the way you communicate your design. When you involve a user, you always have to explain your concept or idea to someone unfamiliar with it. This helps you in finding the key aspects of your idea or concept and helps you in communicating it towards the user in an understandable way. During this assignment I don’t think I have only gained more knowledge about the competency User Focus and perspective, but also in the competency Design and Research Processes. I also think that in a more general way I learned how to communicate my ideas and gained invaluable techniques for a designer. Techniques I will use in my upcoming projects. Students Jort Band s100824, Anouk Van Ranst s128835



Reflections by Anouk Van Ranst Regarding to my current status of pre-master I felt the necessity to participate to the class by some strong motivations. Equally important I would like to refer to them. Running trough the design cycle substantiated by facts and figures gained on a objective, scientifically correct way would be one of them. I believe this is the ‘spine’ of design on an academic level. How information was conducted and translated week by week taught me to not run to quickly trough the design. Week by week I was stunned by the new/extra and useful information we gained throughout that’s week assignment, and the variety to do this by all different approaches. It taught me to be patient and to stay objective as a researcher instead of rushing through the research process on assumptions. To continue until the exact wanted/needed information was obtained in order to complete the design. To really go into the field and interview the target group. It opened up my vision towards the importance of a close relationship with the user or being able to empathically relate to them by the use of persona’s. When the design process started It helped me allot to see things from their perspective. Staying self-critical and sharp was one of the tools to asses myself during the design process In order to complete it correctly. Nerveless working in a team and workgroup was a big advantage to this and to my personal development. The design benefitted the different visions and expert evaluations. When zooming out in order to see the bigger picture and reflecting on this assignment, I can state that I have succeeded to achieve my learning goals. I have grown as an academic researcher, I learned the basics of user focus perspective design and how to implement this new knowledge. To stay self critical and use the benefits of a constant assessment in combination with the advantage of working in a team. I also believe that I can use the gained knowledge for a global design approach. Using the design cycle to work more efficient in order to time and cost efficiency might offer a different/better perspective to future projects. Students Jort Band s100824, Anouk Van Ranst s128835




Students Jort Band s100824, Anouk Van Ranst s128835



Story Board Jort

Students Jort Band s100824, Anouk Van Ranst s128835



Persona Hypotheses Jort Elderly people

They often don’t use a lot of technology and are thus beginners on using new electronic devices. They want to use to product to achieve a healhy lifestyle and change their diet. They use it for personal use to see if they can try something new or if something is healthy or unhealthy for them. They need the product to be as simple as possible, because they don’t want to use complex electronical systems to search for the info. They usually go shopping several times a week for the groceries they need, probably in the near vicinity. Caretakers They are usually somewhat younger people, that use new technology more often, usually they are reasonably proficient with this new technology. Usually the caretaker is very much aware of what the elder can or cannot have. They often also have enough product knowledge to make the healthy decisions without the use of a device. They can do the shopping but usually aren’t there for that purpose but more to help people get up and take a shower etc. Family The family are usually more proficient in using new technology then the elderly people but their level of expertise varies from beginner to advanced users. They probably have a basic understanding of healthy food but aren’t experts in this. They usually want to the elderly of the family to eat healthy and help them stay healthy. They usually help the elderly of the family in grocery shopping and in various things around the house.

Students Jort Band s100824, Anouk Van Ranst s128835



Mapping Assignment Jort

The mapping of changing the ringtone of my phone is I think quite good. Once you go into settings under the device tab you can click on sound options. Under this menu you can find the option to change your ringtone. I think this is good mapping, because you expect to find the option to change your ringtone under settings. After that there are a lot of options categorized in several different areas, one area is the options for your device where under you can see the option sound, which makes sense in the context of the rest of the menu. Finally it is really logical to find the change ringtone option under the sound menu of your device, because a ringtone is a sound that your device makes when it is called. So all in all I think the mapping is good and understandable. My mobile phone has a variety of ways to interact with it. Firstly the hardware pushbuttons, these are straightforward in what they do, you can push them and something happens. So the hardware button has really great affordance. One other way to interact with my phone is via touchscreen. You know you have to touch the device to be able to use it, because it feels the whole front side of the phone and the main interface is shown on the phone. Although it is very straightforward that you touch a touch screen, sometimes the affordance is not all that great, because of the multiple interactions you can do on a touchscreen. Usually it is pretty straight forward how to use the touch screen, for example typing a message. After clicking on where you want to type something a on screen keyboard appears so you can type the message by pressing the on screen buttons/keys. Sometimes it is not obvious if you have to; swipe, drag, tap or press something. This is why the general idea of the touch screen has good affordance, but that the affordance also heavily depends on the software written for it and the interaction with that software (interface). We were also asked to give some constraint of our mobile. -­‐

Physical constraint You have to touch the screen to use the phone

Students Jort Band s100824, Anouk Van Ranst s128835




Logical constraint You have to unlock the phone to use it.


Cultural constraint Are the icons used and obviously the language used in the phone?

During the assignment we also had to give an additional example of mapping, affordance and constraints from our daily environment. For this I choose a simple water cooker. Because the water cooker is a very straightforward device on which you only have to press one button and it starts to cook the water you have put into and turns itself off after it is done cooking. The mapping of the button to turn my water cooker on is obvious it is at the bottom and is coloured red, so you know that it has the functioned to turn the water cooker on and that the button is not used for example for opening the lid of the water cooker. The button of the water cooker to open the lid is in the centre of the lid, making the intended use of the button very obvious. So I would say the water cooker has a good mapping. Another thing is that the affordance of a water cooker is really good. The water cooker has 2 buttons and a stand that you can put it on to power it. The buttons look like buttons and can only go one way, although I have to admit that the black on black button located at the lid of the water cooker could be in a different colour, so that it is more obvious that it is a button, although that once you figured out it is a button it is no problem anymore. The water cooker has a lot of constraints. One logical physical constraint is that it has to be plugged in a power socket to work. A logical constraint of the water cooker is that it has to be put on the base before turning it on. Without doing this in the proper order the water cooker will not turn on. A cultural constraint is that the measuring of the amount of water in the water cooker is displayed in the metric system (parts of a litre).

Students Jort Band s100824, Anouk Van Ranst s128835



Storyboard | Anouk

Used in Report

Persona Hypotheses | Anouk

GOAL | system that’s helps to select healthy food in supermarket, Includes/excludes certain ingredients or amounts of ingredients for specific and personal diets. Tagert group : Age-group 65 + anno 2013 Users could be the following people People with diet restrictions/wishes People With allergies People health conditions or drugs The product could be operated by ; Elderly people They often don’t use a lot of technology and are thus beginners on using new electronic devices. They want to use to product to achieve a healhy lifestyle and change their diet. They use it for personal use to see if they can try something new or if something is healthy or unhealthy for them. They need the product to be as simple as possible, because they don’t want to use complex electronical systems to search for the info. They usually go shopping several times a week for the groceries they need, probably in the near vicinity. Relatives Relatives help out allot in households of their elderly, certainly for tasks which are fiscally more demanding. Grocery shopping is one of them. Advantages of designing for this group would be there knowledge with technology and the correct use of it. Care takers They could use the system if it would also provide the option for multiple profiles. So they can adapt to the personal need of there individual clients. Students Jort Band s100824, Anouk Van Ranst s128835



Mapping Assignment Anouk

The operation system of apple ‘ how to change a ringtone’ is as many other settings for iPhone quiet straightforward. It ask for some logical steps; First you analyse wat a ringtone is  it’s a setting , so push directly on the home screen on the button “settings” which has a matching iconography. Than you determin what a ringtone is  it is a sound. There is directly a action which offers you to change a sound of whatever sort. The word ringtone shows up .  you can now change the sound of your iphone. The Mapping of a modern apple mobile smartphone is Fairly user friendly. Logical steps follow each other When you change a setting. When ever you would have made a mistake returning To the previous level is even simple with the arrow in the upper left corner, which offer you this option right away. The fact that the mobile has a touch screen mean you can directly click on the word of the menu you need. This means that there can only be little mistakes by Misinterpreted or used buttons. Infact the Iphone uses just 4 buttons A Home button, to return to basic state. A lock button, to lock the menu, And one which offers you the direct option to put you phone on silence. The last one might be the most complicated one. This one u use of changing variable volumes while operating your phone. Physical constraint direct contact with screen to operate with the phone Logical constraint Unlock before use Cultural constraint International approach , changeable by menu Students Jort Band s100824, Anouk Van Ranst s128835



Daily example ; Alarm clock The use of the basic digital alarm clock is fairly simple as wel. There are onle 4 buttuns. 3 of them have a slide function SET – OFF – ON 12H - SET- 24H 2 of them a push function + Hours +minutes SNOOZE If you would like to set your alarmclock slide the first button on SET and enter bij +H and +M the time you want to wake up  slide the button to ON  your alarm clock wakes you up at the time you wanted it to.  you slide the same button on OFF

Physical constraint Snooze button Logical constraint Set before use , plan in advance . Need batteries to operate Cultural constraint 12-24 / AM –PM intercontinental choice.


As our user walks in, she gets a basket. Today she wanted to get something new to cook but she doesn’t know if she can have it. As she Students Jort Band s100824, Anouk Van Ranst s128835



does her normal groceries she comes across the new product she was thinking of buying. To check if it is healthy she gets her card out and presses it against the price tag. She sees that the price tag turns green with her name on it. She also sees 3 other price tags light up with a green glow that also have her name displayed on it. She sees that one of the green glowing price tags has a much cheaper price displayed on it. She takes the product with the cheapest price and goes on with her shopping. After she has al her groceries she goes to the register, pays and leaves the store as normal.

QOC Ideas List of text

See a list of a product when scanned where you can see all the requirements and if the product has those requirements. Color display Display a product with colors as good bad or medium/unhealthy, displayed as red green and orange lights. Buzzer The artifact buzzes when bad and gives a “pling” when good. Parking sensor Artifact beeps and the beeps go faster when something is bad for you (if lethal, continuous tone). Ik ben van mening dat wij deze er het beste uit kunnen laten. Plus Minus The more plusses the artifact gives the more the product is healthier for you, the more minuses it gives the unhealthier it is for you.

Students Jort Band s100824, Anouk Van Ranst s128835



QOC  Criteria   Feasibility

We thought that feasibility was an important aspect to take into consideration, because later our design had to be implemented and for this reason it had to be feasible. Also the harder it is to implement a design the more the design will likely cost. Amount of information displayed The amount of information displayed was an important criterion, because the more information that is displayed about why a certain product is unhealthy or healthy for you the more you will trust the product to be correct. It also helps in creating a sense of control, because you can re asses what the product tells you. Accounting for old age (visibility and hearing) Because we are dealing with a user group of elderly people, they often have some impairments due to their age. This is why we have to take this into consideration in our design. Simplicity of information This is an important criterion, because we think that the users should understand the information that is presented to them, otherwise the information would be useless to the user. Personalizeability For us it was in some way important that the user could personalize the product in some respect. This would create a sort of emotional attachment to the product and would help making the information be personal and relevant to the user. Trustability For us it was also important that the user trusted the outcome of the device and the device itself. Because only then they will keep using the product and use it to make healthy decisions based on the output of the device.

Students Jort Band s100824, Anouk Van Ranst s128835



QOC Analysis Table Criteria/ide List of text as Feasibility 5 (x1) (5)

Color display


Parking Sensor

Plus Minus


5 (5)

5 (5)

4 (4)

5 (5)

4 (4)

5 (10)

2 (4)

1 (2)

3 (6)

3 (6)

4 (8)

A lot of informatio n is displayed

Only basic Only really information is basic displayed information is displayed

Basic information displayed in levels

Basic informatio n displayed in levels

A lot of information is displayed

3 (12)

4 (16)

2 (8)

2 (8)

3 (12)

2 (8)

Sometimes hard to read

Obvious but not for the color blind

Not suited for (nearly) deaf persons

Not suited for (nearly) deaf persons

Sometimes Not suited hard to for people read with vision impairment

Simplicity of 3 information (15) (x5) Fairly

5 (25) Really simple

5 (25) Really simple

5 (25) Really simple

3 (15)

Personalizab 2 ility (6) (x3) Only certain items can be displayed Trustability 5 (x5) (25)

2 (6)

2 (6)

3 (15) Could be confusing on what level it is bad for you 2 (6)

3 (9)

Not very personal only reacts to preprogramm ed personal information

Not very personal only reacts to preprogramm ed personal information

Not very personal only reacts to preprogramm ed personal information

3 (15)

2 (10)

2 (10)

2 (6) Only certain items can be displaye d 3 (15)

Very trustable can see what a product is tested against

Gives a basic indication of what is good for you, simple but limited.

Gives very limited information to check if it is correct

Gives very limited information to check if it is correct

Gives a basic indication of what is good for you

Very trustable can see what a product is tested against







(easy to display)

Amount of information Displayed (informabilit y) (x2) Accounting for old age (visibility hearing) (x4)

simple but a lot to process

Total points

easy to make a display or led change color

easy to implement a buzzer in a device

harder to implement because it has to know the proximity of a person

Easy to display

Making a graph requires several formulas and computatio ns a machine has to do.

Can often confuse, but creates oversight

Students Jort Band s100824, Anouk Van Ranst s128835



You can get a “personal “graph

5 (25)

Description Prototype

During the testing the prototype has one neutral price tag. When the price tag is touched by the card, the card will show information about 2 other products, Indicating if the products are healthy unhealthy or the least unhealthy alternative.

Paper Prototype

Students Jort Band s100824, Anouk Van Ranst s128835



Students Jort Band s100824, Anouk Van Ranst s128835



Tasks for the User Test For the user test we had to think of ceveral tasks the users had to perform, with the use of our prototype. For this we designed three specific cases each one slightly different from the other. Task 1 Task one consisted of imagining that you were someone with a nut allergy. You come across AH-Rundvlees pate. The task is: find a suitable pate for you. Task 2 For this task imagine you are on a low sodium diet. You come across AH neutral flavored chips. Find the best chips for you. Task 3 For this task imagine that you just want to live healthy. You come across AH macaroni. The task is: compare the product and buy one.

Introduction for the User

The name of our system is the Nutritag. This system allows you to check if a product I healthy for you by swiping a personal card on the price tag of that product. When you do that you get immediate visual feedback trough the coloration of the price tag, even letting other price tags of the same product group light up so you can compare the products. Also if applicable

Top left product is scanned. It appears to be unhealthy but 3 healthy alternatives are presented to you.

the conflict with your diet and the content of the product is shown. The price tag has 3 different colours green, orange and red. Red means that it is unhealthy for you. Orange means it is the best of the choices available for you. You could think of wanting to get the healthiest bag of

One product is scanned. All products in this group are a danger to your health.

natural flavoured potato chips, while on a low sodium diet. And finally green means that the product is healthy for you. The system knows this information, because your allergy and dietary information is stored on the card. Students Jort Band s100824, Anouk Van Ranst s128835

The top left product is scanned. All products are unhealthy , but the top right product is the least page 34 unhealthy product.

Informed Consent Form

I state that I am over 18 years of age and wish to participate in a program of research being conducted by Jort Band, Anouk van Ranst and their colleagues at the Industrial Design faculty of the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. The purpose of the research is to assess the paper prototype made for the Nutritag, a price tag developed to show product information specified on the users dietary needs. The procedures involve the monitored use of a prototype of the Nutritag. I will be asked to perform specific tasks using Nutritag. I will also be asked open-ended questions about Nutritag and my experience using it. All information collected in the study is confidential and my name will not be identified at any time. I understand that I am free to ask questions or to withdraw from participation at any time without penalty. Approximately 5 people will participate in this study “ the nutritag”. Results from all sessions will be included in a ufp report to be presented to our teachers for final examination. The results will be delivered anonymously, Non of your private information is being distributed I, ______________________________________________, have read and fully understand the extent of the study and any risks involved. All of my questions, if any, have been answered to my satisfaction. My signature below acknowledges my understanding of the information provided in this form and indicates my willingness to participate in this user testing session. I have been given a blank copy of this consent form for my records



Signature of participant


Students Jort Band s100824, Anouk Van Ranst s128835



User Test Results User test 1 +2 Task 1

Chooses the healthier unox pathe Task 2 They chose the euroshopper chips if she had to/really wanted to have chips. Wasn’t eager to pick one. Task 3 Users found that the colors screamed to live healthy Users would take healthier alternative. The users’ opinion about the system The users found it a good and easy system. Users found it easy that you could compare products, to pick a healthy alternative. The users think a technical people would get this system. What are the users’ thoughts about linking this system to her electronic patient dossier? They thinks it’s a good idea, because you can’t make a mistake that way, although the user would prefer because of privacy reasons to fill in a form manually. Belgian user ; Would love to use the system, but it’s a national system, not relevant in Belgium

Students Jort Band s100824, Anouk Van Ranst s128835



FINAL INTERVIEW Health issues 1. Waarmee moet u rekening houden tijdens het aankopen van uw voedsel wat uw dieet/gezondheid betreft . 1b. wat zijn de gevolgen als u er geen rekening mee kan/ mee wil houden ? 2. Waar zoekt u naar de juiste informatieve over IngrediĂŤnten/bestandsdeel als u een bepaald product nodig heeft ? 2b. Wat doet u als u deze informatie daar niet kan vinden? 2c. Heeft u eerder gebruik gemaakt van de informatie telefoonlijnen vermeld op de verpakkingen ? Preparation 3. Met betrekking tot uw gezondheid /dieet ; welke voorbereidingen treft u voorafgaand aan het winkelen ? Shopping 4. Heeft u een vaste winkel routine 1b. Hoe ziet deze eruit ? 5. besteed u betrekkelijk meer tijd in bepaalde delen van de winkel ? 6.

beperkt uw dieet uw winkelkeuze ?

7. Voldoet uw huidige winkel aan de behoefte van uw dieet ? 7.b met betrekking tot assortiment 7.c met betrekking tot informatie voorziening over producten 7.d met betrekking tot winkelindeling Experience 8. Welke supermarktervaringen heeft u als vervelend /prettig bevonden mbt tot uw gezondheidsproblematiek? 9. Zijn er hulpmiddelen welke u gebruikt bij het boodschappen doen om u te helpen met het maken van bewuste keuzes? 10. Hoe is uw ervaring met gadgets/apps in de supermarkt ? Students Jort Band s100824, Anouk Van Ranst s128835



Interview Annie Health issues

1 Met haar glutendieet vanwege glutenovergevoeligheid. Verder mag ze alles gewoon eten en let ze alleen een beetje op vet producten. 1b.

Haar darmen werken dan niet goed meer(diraree, buikpijn, verstopping), wat natuurlijk dan direct gevolgen heeft voor haar hele gezondheid, omdat je darmen dan geen belangrijke voedingsstoffen meer kan opnemen. 11. Waar zoekt u naar de juiste informatieve over IngrediĂŤnten/bestandsdeel als u een bepaald product nodig heeft ?

Op de verpakkingen staat vaak een icoontje voor glutenvrij product of er staat bij allergieinformatie of er gluten in kunnen voorkomen. 2b. Wat doet u als u deze informatie daar niet kan vinden?

Als het er niet staat en ze weet niet zeker of het glutenvrij is vraagt ze de verkopers. 2c. Heeft u eerder gebruik gemaakt van de informatie telefoonlijnen vermeld op de verpakkingen ?

Nee want alle producten die ze gebruikt hebben nog nooit problemen veroorzaakt. Ze zegt dat ze altijd wel kon beoordelen of een product mocht in het dieet. Preparation_________________________________________________________________________ ______ 12. Met betrekking tot uw gezondheid /dieet ; welke voorbereidingen treft u voorafgaand aan het winkelen ?

Ze checkt altijd gestructureerd of ze al haar nodige producten nog heeft in huis (want je kunt ook niet zomaar even bij de buren lenen, want daar zit waarschijnlijk wel overal gluten in) en maakt dan een boodschappenlijstje Shopping 13. Heeft u een vaste winkel routine 1b. Hoe ziet deze eruit ?

Niet bepaald, maar ze loopt natuurlijk wel altijd even langs de glutenvrije afdeling. 1c. besteed u betrekkelijk meer tijd in bepaalde delen van de winkel ?

De glutenvrije afdeling. (vaak in een rek met allerlei antiallergie, en natuurproducten) 14. beperkt uw dieet uw winkelkeuze ?

Students Jort Band s100824, Anouk Van Ranst s128835



Nee. De meeste goede supermarkten hier in de buurt hebben allemaal wel wat glutenvrije producten. Het is niet heel denderend, maar als ik echt meer keuze wil, kan ik ook vaak terecht bij de natuurwinkel. Voldoet uw huidige winkel aan de behoefte van uw dieet ? 7.b met betrekking tot assortiment

Ja dus (zie vorige vraag). Hoewel het assortiment niet zo uitgebreid is, kan ik altijd alles vidnen wat ik nodig heb. Als ik eens een ander merk of soort wil, dan ga ik naar de natuur/ecowinkel omdat ze daar wat uitgebreider zijn. 7.c met betrekking tot informatie voorziening over producten

Gluten-allergie is veelvoorkomende allergie, dus in iedere supermarkt wordt goed aangegeven wat ze mag hebben op de verpakkingen. Zelfs als er sporen van gluten zouden kunnen voorkomen wordt dat vaak goed vermeld. 7.d met betrekking tot winkelindeling

Ik kom niet iedere keer in dezelfde winkel, maar veel producten staan gewoon tussen de schappen, omdat ik ook ‘gewoon’ producten mag hebben natuurlijk. Maar echt de speciale dingen zoals glutenvrij ‘brood’ staat vaak in aparte schappen bij de allergie/bio afdeling. Experience 15. Welke supermarktervaringen heeft u als vervelend /prettig bevonden mbt tot uw gezondheidsproblematiek?

Prettig: Toch wel dat ik er zelf makkelijk uit kan komen door die icoontjes. Vervelend: niet echt gehad. 16. Zijn er hulpmiddelen welke u gebruikt bij het boodschappen doen om u te helpen met het maken van bewuste keuzes?

De icoontjes op de verpakkingen, maar verder geen extra hulpmiddelen. 17. Hoe is uw ervaring met gadgets/apps in de supermarkt ?

Nooit gebruikt.

Students Jort Band s100824, Anouk Van Ranst s128835



UFP interview 2 1

Geen suikerhoudende producten en vet arm


Kan flauwvallen, is al vaker naar het ziekenhuis gemoeten

hiervoor. 2

Ze let niet zo op wat er in bepaalde producten zit. Ze weet wel dat bepaalde groenten bijvoorbeeld gezonder zijn.




Treft niet echt voorbereidingen kijkt van te voren vaak even wat ze nodig heeft.


Ze gaat ongeveer 4 keer per week naar de winkel. Ligt er aan of ze wat nodig heeft.


Ze besteed overal evenveel tijd, vraagt niets aan personleek als ze iets niet kan vinden.


Gaat vooral naar c1000 en jumbo


Voldoet aan haar behoeften wat ze nodig heeft.


Heeft niet zoveel problemen of ergernissen in de winkel




Gebruikt ze niet

(80 jaar oud met diabetes)

Students Jort Band s100824, Anouk Van Ranst s128835



UFP interview Mien Diabeet Type 1 1a

Gelimiteerd snoep inkopen gezond voedsel


Kan een hypo krijgen bij deze trekt eerst het gezicht wit weg, na

dextro alles weer in orde 2a

Diabetes vereniging blad. 1 keer in de 3 weken naar diabeet-

assistent 2b

Staat overal achterop (heeft ze nooit last van gehad)




Maakt messtal boodschappen lijstje kijkt naar halfvolle producten

of magere producten 4

1 maal per week gaat ze naar de AH (grote boodschappen) verder gaat ze naar de lokale bakker en 2 a 3 keer per week naar de Jumbo voor verse groenten.


Nee, ze werkt het boodschappenlijstje af en dan koopt ze soms nog wat extra’s




Winkel voldoet aan alle opzichten


Personeel niet zo heel plezant bij de C1000 bij de Jumbo is het personeel erg vriendelijk. Vind het grote aanbod van producten bij de AH erg fijn.


Personeel en, koopt ook af en toe bio producten


Gebruikt ze niet

Vrouw: 76 jaar

Students Jort Band s100824, Anouk Van Ranst s128835



UFP Interview Health issues 1

Niet te veel E nr’s en te veel zout en te veel vet


dan brengt het schade aan de gezondheid toe




Dan koopt ze het niet


nee, ze wist niet eens dat er een telefoonnummer bij stond

Shopping 1

Gaat naar AH, LIDL and Aldi


1 keer per week doet ze de grote boodschappen af en toe tussendoor nog wat kleine dingen bij verschillende winkels


Maakt boodschappenlijstje en kijkt naar goede producten. Goede producten zijn producten met een vinkje.


AH en ja




Personeel is goed met vragen over ingredienten en producten


Voornamelijk koopt ze bij de AH om dat deze meer en betere producten hebben.

Experience 1a

Handscanners van de AH gebruikt ze als die er zijn dat vind ze makkelijk.


Ze gebruikt het vinkje om te kijken of producten gezond zijn en kijkt of er te veel zout in zit en op het ettiket en weegt prijs kwaliteit af.


Vind het vervelend als er geen overzicht in wikkels en goede wegwijzing staat. Ook vind ze onvriendelijk/onbehulpzaam personeel erg vervelend.


Ze vind het fijn als ze om advies vraagt en deze ook krijgt. Vraagt vaak advies over vlees of vleeswaren.

Preparation Students Jort Band s100824, Anouk Van Ranst s128835



1 Ze kijkt goed wat ze nodig heeft van te voren en maakt een lijstje. Hier kijkt ze ook naar dat het er niet te veel vet/suiker in zit. Enviroment 1

Als ze artikelen zoekt dan wil ze nog wel eens langer blijven in een bepaald deel, maar bij de gewone boodschappen is ze overal ongeveer even lang.

Pilot Interview – Maria Van Oostenrijk Health issues 18. a. Waarmee moet u rekening houden tijdens het aankopen van uw voedsel wat uw dieet/gezondheid betreft .

Maria doet zelf geen boodschappen, deze worden gedaan door haar echtgenoot Jos. Jos let niet speciaal op bij het doen van boodschappen op details, wel houd hij rekening met grotere aanduidingen zoal ; Dieet, Light, Mager, zoutloos. Verder gaat hij af op vertrouwde merken en het lijstje van Maria. b. Wat zijn de gevolgen als u er geen rekening mee kan/ mee wil houden?

Maria dient voor haar gezondheid, meer bepaald Hart redenen zoutloos te eten, Dit om te vermijden dat haar bloeddruk stijgt. Wanneee ze dit niet doet voelt ze zich snel onwel, heeft ze last van duizelingen en misselijkheid. Ook is hoofdpijn een van de mogelijke gevolgen. 19. a. Waar zoekt u naar de juiste informatieve over ingrediĂŤnten/bestandsdeel als u een bepaald product nodig heeft?

Students Jort Band s100824, Anouk Van Ranst s128835



Als basis wordt de verbale en geschreven adviezen van de behandelende dokter toegepast. Verder gaat het duo vooral af op goed gevoel met SMAAK als hun leidraad. b. Wat doet u als u deze informatie daar niet kan vinden?

In principe zoeken ze niet specifiek naar informatie, Ook heeft de winkel waar zij boodschappen doen geen uitgebreid aanbod ( buurtwinkel ). Wanneer ze bij de delicatessen zaak boodschappen halen vragen ze bevestiging aan de winkeldame. c. Heeft u eerder gebruik gemaakt van de informatie telefoonlijnen vermeld op de verpakkingen ?

Nooit + niet bewust van hun bestaan

Students Jort Band s100824, Anouk Van Ranst s128835



Shopping 1. a. Heeft u een vaste winkel routine?

Maria doet zelf geen boodschappen, deze worden gedaan door Haar echtgenoot Jos aan de hand van haar lijstje. Jos gaat steeds naar dezelfde winkel voor basis producten ( kleinere buurtwinkel, sinds 25 jaar ). Voor de overige meer bourgondische producten gaat hij naar delicatesse zaken. b. Hoe ziet deze eruit?

Jos loopt het lijstje van Maria af , door de routine en continu誰teit van het assortiment is hij met de basis vrij snel klaar. Bij de delicatesse zaak neemt hij langer de tijd en wijkt hij ook af van zijn lijst. Dit brengt variatie. c. Heeft u nog special aandachtgebieden tijdens voor en na het winkelen?

Neen 2. a. Voldoet uw huidige winkel aan de behoeft van uw dieet?

In principe hebben ze hun geijkte producten. De Variabelen worden beoordeeld op hun smaak. Indien deze niet voldoen zullend deze worden doorgegeven aan Jos Hij heeft verder geen gezondheid restricties. b. Product/gamma?

Zie a. c. Knowhow?

De indruk blijkt dat de winkel juffrouw meer weet van de herkomst van de producten dan hun effectieve nutritionele waarden. Students Jort Band s100824, Anouk Van Ranst s128835



d. Beperkt uw dieet uw winkelkeuze?

Neen. Experience 1. a. Hoe is uw ervaring met gadgets/apps in de supermarkt?

Geen b. Zijn er hulpmiddelen welke u gebruikt bij het boodschappen doen om u te helpen met het maken van bewuste keuzes?

Het advies van de dokter 2. Welke supermarktervaringen heeft u als vervelend bevonden m.b.t. tot uw gezondheidsproblematiek ?

Geen, wel tijdens het bereiden vaak gezocht naar alternatieve kruiden voor voedsel om het gebrek van zout te compenseren . 3. Welke supermarktervaringen heeft u als prettig bevonden m.b.t. tot uw gezondheidsproblematiek ?

De warme bakker die aangeboden heeft zoutloos brood voor ons te bakken. Preparation 1. Met betrekking tot uw gezondheid /dieet; welke voorbereidingen treft u voorafgaand aan het winkelen?

Geen Environment 2. Besteedt u betrekkelijk meer tijd in bepaalde delen van de winkel ?

Ja. Bij de delicatesse zaak. Students Jort Band s100824, Anouk Van Ranst s128835



Interview I – Jef Verbruggen A. Health issues 1. a. Waarmee moet u rekening houden tijdens het aankopen van uw voedsel wat uw dieet/gezondheid betreft .

Het bekijken van gezonde vetten ivm cholesterol b. Wat zijn de gevolgen als u er geen rekening mee kan/ mee wil houden ?

Verhoging van het cholesterol gehalte. 20. a. Waar zoekt u naar de juiste informatieve over Ingrediënten/bestandsdeel als u een bepaald product nodig heeft ?

Jef gaat vooral af op de verpakkingen en kiest indien mogelijk gericht op basis van die ‘ advertentie’. In andere gevallen kijkt hij in de nutritionele tabel. Enkel als hij echter zijn leesbril niet vergeten is. b. Wat doet u als u deze informatie daar niet kan vinden? Kopen zonder informatie. c. Heeft u eerder gebruik gemaakt van de informatie telefoonlijnen vermeld op de verpakkingen ?

Neen, te veel gedoe. B. Preparation 21. Met betrekking tot uw gezondheid /dieet ; welke voorbereidingen treft u voorafgaand aan het winkelen?

Een lijstje maken van de producten die dienen gekocht. Niet noodzakelijk gerelateerd aan zijn dieet.

Students Jort Band s100824, Anouk Van Ranst s128835



C. Shopping 22. a. Heeft u een vaste winkel routine? ja b. Hoe ziet deze eruit ?

In principe laat Jef zich leiden door de indeling van de winkel. Hij loopt de voorbedachte looproute van de winkel. 23. Besteed u betrekkelijk meer tijd in bepaalde delen van de winkel?

Neen 24. Beperkt uw dieet uw winkelkeuze ?

Neen 25. Voldoet uw huidige winkel aan de behoefte van uw dieet?

Ja. a. Met betrekking tot assortiment?

Zeker. Jef vind het erg prettig dat de producenten zoveel rekening houden met gezondheid. Echter vind hij het vervelend dat de goekopere merken dit vaak niet aanbieden , denk aan oa Euroshopper. b. Met betrekking tot informatie voorziening over producten?

Ja . Maar nogmaals moest er bijvoorbeeld een duidelijker indicatie zijn van producten zoals euroshopper , dat zou hij erg prettig vinden. c. Met betrekking tot winkelindeling? d.

Het ik kies bewust logo op de aanduiding van gezonde keuze wordt erg prettig ervaren.

D. Experience 26. Welke supermarktervaringen heeft u als vervelend /prettig bevonden m.b.t. tot uw gezondheidsproblematiek? Students Jort Band s100824, Anouk Van Ranst s128835



Vervelend: nogmaals de weinige info over producten zoals euroshopper etc. Prettig: Het ik kies bewust logo op de aanduiding van gezonde keuze wordt erg prettig ervaren.

27. Zijn er hulpmiddelen welke u gebruikt bij het boodschappen doen om u te helpen met het maken van bewuste keuzes?

Neen 28. Hoe is uw ervaring met gadgets/apps in de supermarkt ?

Geen mbt ‘dieet’. Ook vermijd ze de –scanners- tijdens de boodschappen. Het extra ongemak van een dergelijk apparaat weegt voor haar niet op tegen de –voordelen-.

Students Jort Band s100824, Anouk Van Ranst s128835



Interview I – Jeanne Van de M oortel E. Health issues 1. a. Waarmee moet u rekening houden tijdens het aankopen van uw voedsel wat uw dieet/gezondheid betreft .

In principe dient ze geen rekening te houden met speciale voeding, Echter vermijd ze het om steenvruchten te eten. Daar deze in het verleden de aanleiding waren tot migraine. b. Wat zijn de gevolgen als u er geen rekening mee kan/ mee wil houden ?

Bij het eten van steenvruchten heeft dit in het verleden meermaals tot migraine geleid. 29. a. Waar zoekt u naar de juiste informatieve over IngrediĂŤnten/bestandsdeel als u een bepaald product nodig heeft ?

In principe zijn de gebruikte vruchten afgebeeld op de te vermijden producten; Zoals vruchten / musli sticks etc. b. Wat doet u als u deze informatie daar niet kan vinden? Verpakking raadplegen c. Heeft u eerder gebruik gemaakt van de informatie telefoonlijnen vermeld op de verpakkingen ?

Neen, niet van toepassing F. Preparation_________________________________________________________ ____________________ 30. Met betrekking tot uw gezondheid /dieet ; welke voorbereidingen treft u voorafgaand aan het winkelen?

Geen Students Jort Band s100824, Anouk Van Ranst s128835



G. Shopping 31. a. Heeft u een vaste winkel routine?

b. Hoe ziet deze eruit ?

Maakt graag kennis met nieuwe producten en winkels 32. Besteed u betrekkelijk meer tijd in bepaalde delen van de winkel?

Neen 33. Beperkt uw dieet uw winkelkeuze ?

Neen 34. Voldoet uw huidige winkel aan de behoefte van uw dieet?

Ja. a. Met betrekking tot assortiment?

Er is genoeg keuze naast de te vermijden steenvruchten b. Met betrekking tot informatie voorziening over producten?

Ja c. Met betrekking tot winkelindeling?

Daar er verder geen beperkingen zijn en ze steeds nieuwe winkels uit probeert is er geen probleem.

H. Experience 35. Welke supermarktervaringen heeft u als vervelend /prettig bevonden m.b.t. tot uw gezondheidsproblematiek?

Vervelend: Vaak bij exotische winkels is het even zoeken naar product info; denk hierbij aan baklava etc. Ook is het dan hopen op een vlotte communicatie met de winkelbediende.

Students Jort Band s100824, Anouk Van Ranst s128835



Prettig: Mensen zijn altijd behulpzaam. En geïnteresseerd in haar verhaal . Wanneer ze dit verteld gaan de mensen er ook extra voorzichtig mee om in de info welke ze haar geven.

36. Zijn er hulpmiddelen welke u gebruikt bij het boodschappen doen om u te helpen met het maken van bewuste keuzes?

Neen 37. Hoe is uw ervaring met gadgets/apps in de supermarkt ?

Geen mbt ‘dieet’. Ook vermijd ze de –scanners- tijdens de boodschappen. Het extra ongemak van een dergelijk apparaat weegt voor haar niet op tegen de –voordelen-.

Students Jort Band s100824, Anouk Van Ranst s128835




Students Jort Band s100824, Anouk Van Ranst s128835



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