One of Australia’s leading premium grain-fed beef processors and exporters.
Kilcoy Pastoral Company (KPC) has built a reputation for excellence and is renowned worldwide for our commitment to quality and customer service. Having grown to become one of the largest processors of premium grain-fed beef in Australia, KPC process over 310,000 head grain-fed
OUR BEEF • 100 Day Grain-Fed Beef • Consistent Quality • Flavour & Tenderness
cattle each year and export our premium grain-fed beef to over
• Chilled or Frozen
20 countries worldwide under a portfolio of brands including Golden
• Specific Cuts
Jubilee, Kilcoy Pure and Ebony Black Angus.
• Value Added Options
Although producing quality beef products is the core of our business, it is our commitment to integrity, consistency, flexibility, operational expertise and ship on time policies that differentiates us. Operating a state-of-the-art facility located in Kilcoy (Queensland – Australia), our quality beef products include whole muscle primal cuts, manufacturing beef and valued added products. With Halal accreditation, licensing into the principal markets of the world, and our firm commitment to quality assurance and stringent food safety control measure, Kilcoy Pastoral Company is a beef processor that you can confidently rely on.
WHY CHOOSE KPC? • Precise Specifications • Halal Accredited • Quality Assurance • Commitment to Animal Welfare • Environmentally Sustainable • Licensing into the principal markets of the World
4830 D’aguilar Highway, Kilcoy Queensland AUSTRALIA 4515 | P +61 7 5497 1277 | F +61 7 5497 1572 | E kpc@kpc.com.au | www.kpc.com.au