St. Boniface Martyr Parish Bulletin January 15, 2017

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Second Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ January 15, 2017

St. Boniface Martyr Roman Catholic Church “We are a pilgrim people on a journey toward the Kingdom of God.” Established 1898 ~ Sea Cliff, NY Serving the people of God in the communities of Sea Cliff, Glenwood Landing, Glen Head and Glen Cove

Reverend Kevin J. Dillon, Pastor


Mass Schedule

Daily Mass: 8am in Our Lady of Mercy Chapel. Sundays: Saturdays 5pm; Sundays: 9am, 10:30am, 12 noon in the Church. Special Intentions: 5pm first Saturday of month.

Confession: Saturdays 4pm-4:45pm Rosary: Mondays-Saturdays after 8am Mass

Please Pray For Our Deceased

Please pray for those entered into eternal life, Especially Celia Jankowski, Julia Miller.

For Our Sick

William Anderson, Bill Berkley, Frances Breen, Caesar Cavese, Philip French, Carol Griffin, Kay Johnson, Troy Johnson, Joseph Korade, Toni Lauria, Georgia Leim, Michelle Martone, Kenneth Moore, John Orozco, Tom Ryan, Jr., Maria Santoli, Anna Fiora Seda, Katrina Stern, Steven Taibbi, Steven Tipton, Priscilla Waltz. (Enrollment on the sick list must be requested by an immediate family member through Fr. Kevin.)

For Our Military

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, January 15 Isaiah 49:3, 5-6; 1 Corinthians 1:1-3; John 1:29-34 The altar bread, wine, candles and sanctuary lamp were donated in loving memory of Francesca Frattini by Adriana Leopardi and Carolyn Rassiger. 5pm Mass Intention: Peter Bailey 9am Mass Intention: Parishioners 10:30am Intention: John M. Brosnan 12pm Mass Intention: Edwin Comas Monday, January 16 Hebrews 5:1-10; Mark 2:18-22 Tuesday, January 17 Memorial of St. Anthony Hebrews 6:10-20; Mark 2:23-28 Wednesday, January 18 Hebrews 7:1-3, 15-17; Mark 3:1-6 Thursday, January 19 Hebrews 7:25—8:6; Mark 3:7-12 Friday, January 20 (Salvatore Lombardi) Memorials of St. Fabian and St. Sebastian Hebrews 8:6-13; Mark 3:13-19 Saturday, January 21 Memorial of St. Agnes 9:2-3, 11-14; Mark 3:20-21 5pm Mass Intention: John F. Mahony

Lieutenant Melissa Buffa & Lieutenant Travis Buffa Lance CPL Matthew B. Christman Second Lieutenant Mario Coronel, US Army Second Lieutenant Matthew Coronel, US Army. Flight Lieutenant Joseph Doyle Jake A. Hojnowski, Sailor E-3, US Navy Lance CPL Gregory Knox Private First Class Ignazio LaManna, US Army Private First Class Vincent S. LaManna, Jr., US Army Lieutenant Brian McMenamin Lieutenant Ian McMenamin Private First Class Joshua McMillan Lieutenant Michael R. Ragusa, USN Corporal Cole N. Muttee, USMC Lieutenant Commander Drew Whitting, US Navy SP-4 Class Luke Whitting, US Army Captain Christina Merrick-Wright Captain Bradley Wright, US Army.

Stewardship… a Way of Life

Thank you for your Financial Stewardship of $5297 last week. This week there will be a second collection for our Maintenance and Repair fund. (Collection data does not appear when it is not available in time for the printing of the bulletin).

Special Assistance Donation “Your surplus at the present time should supply their needs so that their surplus may in turn one day supply your need.” (II Cor 8:14).

If you have “surplus” please place it in an envelope marked Special Assistance and Fr. Kevin will see it helps “supply their needs." Please pray about what Jesus is calling you to do.

Ministries St. Boniface Youth Group

All 8th to 12th graders are invited to Youth Center on Sundays from 6-8pm. Follow us on instagram username: stbonyg. Join our facebook page ‘St. Boniface Martyr Youth Group’. Email Youth Minister, Chris, at

Catholic Daughters

First Mondays of the month at 11am in the parish center for women age 18 and older. Juniors ages 1118; Juniorettes ages 6 -10 (date/place on request). Contact: Eileen Stanton.

Prayer Group

Mondays at 7:30 pm in the chapel. Contact John and Rosemary Murello at 516-676-2767.

Holy Hour and Benediction Wednesdays at 2pm in the chapel.

Prayer Vigil for the Sick Thursdays 7pm - 7:30pm in the chapel.

Scripture Study Thursdays 7:30 pm in the Parish Center. We are continuing the study of Luke’s Gospel. All welcome. Contact John and Rosemary Murello at 516-6762767.

Prayer Quilts

Friday at 10 am in the Parish Center. Contact Cathy Sackett at for more information.

Bingo Fridays 7 pm. Knights of Columbus Hall, 83 Sea Cliff Avenue. All proceeds go to charity, including our St. Boniface Outreach Ministry.

Miraculous Medal Novena Saturdays after 8 am Mass in the chapel with veneration of the relic of St. Catherine of Labore.

Lay Carmelites of Blessed Titus Brandsma Third Saturdays at 9 am in the Parish Center.

Men’s Ministry

We will meet in the chapel for Mass at 8am and meet in the conference room immediately following. You do not need to be a member to attend. Just show up. Coffee and refreshments served. Contact Rich at

St. Vincent de Paul Society


In the Gospel today, we read “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us… filled with enduring love. As you place your gift in the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Poor Box, know that you are a sign of God’s enduring love to those who are suffering and you give them reason to believe and to trust. When you give the furniture, household items and clothing you no longer use to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, you give hope to your neighbors who have nothing. To give thanks for all that God has given to you, have you considered answering the call to help serve the poor by joining the Society of St. Vincent de Paul? Call the parish center at 676-0676 for details.

Teaching Mass Please join us for the next teaching Mass at 5pm on Sunday, January 22.

St. Boniface Bereavement Group Those who have suffered understand suffering and therefore extend their hand (Patti Smith, poet and composer). You do not have to walk alone. A new bereavement support group is being formed at St. Boniface Martyr. The first meeting of the group is scheduled for Sunday, January 29th at 7:30pm at the Parish Center. If you have experienced the death of a loved one and would like to join this group or wish additional information, contact David Meagher at or Linda Rose at

Worldwide Marriage Encounter is hosting a weekend in February, right in time for Valentine’s Day, February 10th to 12th at the Seminary of the Immaculate Conception, 440 West Neck Rd., Huntington.

For more information about the weekend or to apply call 1-877-697-9963 or visit our website


From the Pastor’s Desk PASTORAL COUNCILS

Canon Law provides for the formation of Parish Pastoral Councils in Canon 536 #1. “In every parish of the diocese, a Pastoral Council shall be established…the pastor presides over the Pastoral Council and it is composed of members of the congregation…the Pastoral Council assists in promoting pastoral action in the parish.” The Pastoral Council is a consultative body, pastoral in nature, because it strives to discern the movement of the Holy Spirit among God’s holy people in a particular parish. In light of these guidelines set down by the Church, a new Pastoral Council has been formed here at St Boniface, Martyr Parish. Just before Thanksgiving twelve new members were commissioned by me to serve on the Pastoral Council of St. Boniface Church. I believe they represent a cross section of the parish with a variety of backgrounds, age and life experience; one thing they all share in common is that they are active and faith filled parishioners who not only support the parish but the pastor in the various spiritual, educational and social endeavors of our parish.

Specifically the Parish Pastoral Council’s purpose is to enhance the process of Pastoral Planning, developing and initiating new pastoral programs, evaluating the pastoral effectiveness of various programs and services. It is not legislative in nature. Ultimately the pastor is responsible for

the final approval of Council recommendations concerning pastoral planning, programs and services for the parish, as well as for their implementation. Meetings will be quarterly and our first meeting will take place on Tuesday, January 17 and the minutes of the meetings will be shared with the parish in the weekly bulletin. I thank the following parishioners who so graciously agreed to share their time and talent in this important leadership ministry! Bobby Dey Renni Dey Maura Lynch Debbie Mink Jeffrey Mink Gina Pisciotta Martha Pusey William Schiller William Swift Ben Szemerenyi Scott Whitting Belinda Zeitlin - Fr. Kevin

Fr. Kevin’s Letter appears online each week at Fr. Kevin’s Blog.

St. Boniface’s Baby Bottle Campaign to benefit The Life Center of Long island Remember to bring in those baby bottles! Recently, St. Boniface kicked-off their Baby Bottle Campaign to benefit The Life Center. The weekend to bring those filled baby bottles in is:

January 28 & 29 The Life Center is a pregnancy help center that counsels women and men who are experiencing an unexpected pregnancy. They provide maternity housing, medical care referrals, cribs, car seats, diapers and ALL other baby items that are needed. Remember, all it takes is your change in a baby bottle and a heartfelt prayer to make a big, positive difference for all those we serve.

May every drop of a coin remind you to pray with your whole hearts or the lives of our preborn children! All Saints Regional Catholic School 12 Pearsall Avenue, Glen Cove, NY Accredited by the Middle School Association of Colleges and Schools. Supported by the Parishes of St. Boniface, St. Hyacinth, St. Mary, St. Patrick, St. Rocco

Open House January 29 10am - 1pm Registration is open for 2016 –2017. Contact Carol Filippone at 676-0762 ext. 202 Registration for the 2016 - 2017 school year is open. Contact Carol Filippone in our Registration Office at 516-676-0762 ext. 202 FREE Before-care and After-care!



Take Five for Faith Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, January 15 Jesus made a point of eating with sinners, and that upset the religious leaders of his day. They thought it was wrong to “coddle” those with moral failings. But Jesus believed that sin wasn’t something to run from but rather something to heal. He assumed that the people who came to him didn’t want to stay in their sins; they longed to be free of them. He showed them the way, not through shunning or punishment, but by eating a meal with them. Meals are powerful. Make the most of your family meals by joining in a prayer of gratitude before you eat. Thank God for forgiveness and the opportunity to start over. Monday, January 16 John the Baptist was a relative of Jesus—maybe a cousin once or twice removed—but we get the sense they had not encountered each other before they met on the banks of the Jordan River. Yet John recognizes Jesus even from a distance and calls out his true identity at first glance. John doesn’t say, “That’s my cousin!” but rather, “That’s the one whose blood will mark the homes of the saved!” This is the literal meaning of Lamb of God, recalling the time when the Jewish people used the blood of the Passover lamb to preserve them from the angel of death in Egypt. Those who love know each other with one look. Tuesday, January 17 Memorial of St. Anthony All holiness requires time in the desert. For some it’s a figurative trek to a desolate place fraught with doubt. Others brave a literal journey to an isolated land, where they face their demons. Anthony the Great (b. 251) spent much of his life in the desert mastering and mentoring others in simple holiness. He told his monks that for those holy ones who remain undistracted from their vision, “an immediate joy, gladness, and courage arise in the soul.” Such focus and courage can be seen in another great whom we honored yesterday: an Alabama preacher who had a dream “that one day even the state of Mississippi, a desert state, sweltering with the heat of injustice and oppression,” would “be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.” Wednesday, January 18 Are the world’s people becoming more divided, the closer our technology brings us? Plenty of evidence seems to confirm this idea. But it doesn’t have to be

this way. The annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity begins today with the theme: “Reconciliation: the Love of Christ Compels Us.” If divisions between Christians can be healed, peace and understanding between people of many faiths is one step closer to being possible. On a planet this tiny and interconnected, we can’t afford to maintain walls and prejudices. Pray for the blessing of unity.

Thursday, January 19 If you want to get everyone’s attention in a meeting, start whispering. Everybody wants to know “secret” information. Perhaps that was the purpose behind Jesus’ frequent admonitions in Saint Mark’s gospel to keep his identity a secret. After healing a blind man, Jesus tells him not to tell anyone—as if people wouldn’t notice! And in today’s gospel Jesus warns a gang of unclean spirits not to make him known. Yet the effect of the secrecy seems to leave people wondering, “Who is this Jesus?” Maybe that’s the point all along—to get people’s minds off the miracles and wonders and to focus, finally, on the true identity of the Son of God himself. Friday, January 20 Memorials of St. Fabian and St. Sebastian Casting out demons was all in a day’s work for Jesus, right up there with preaching the gospel, and no wonder. Evil wears such a horrible face in our world, the only surprise is that we don’t look for holy women and men to discharge the demons in our own day. Pope Fabian (d. 250) tried to do that in his short reign of tolerance, but the renewal of Christian persecutions led to his death. Sebastian (d. ca. 288), a Roman guard discovered to be a Christian, was also executed. “Deliver us from evil” remains a crucial prayer in every age. Saturday, January 21 Memorial of St. Agnes In the past 40 years child homicides have tripled in the United States, making it the child murder capital of industrialized nations. Today, Christians celebrate the feast of Saint Agnes, who was martyred at age 12 because she refused to be married to a Roman soldier’s son. What kind of God allows innocents to be slaughtered? we ask in horror. But the real question is, how can we be better witnesses to God’s love and drive out the demons that lead human beings to evil acts?

- Reprinted with permission from ©2016 by TrueQuest Communications

St. Boniface Martyr Women of Faith Book Group You are invited to the first meeting of a new book group for women in our parish. Book: The Name of God is Mercy, by Pope Francis Date: Tuesday, February 7, 2017 Location: The Parish Center Time:  Morning Session 10am or  Evening Session 7:30pm Sessions will run approximately 1 hour. If you plan on attending or if you have any questions, please contact: Pat Fox 516-676-1443 or

LI Coalition for Life


Face the Truth Event January 22, 2017

Help restore the right to life for pre-born humans. Please join the Long Island Coalition for Life for the Roe v. Wade Anniversary Memorial Face the Truth event on Sunday, January 22, 2017, from 1:30pm to 3pm. This peaceful public witness will be held on the sidewalk in front of Nassau University Medical Center (2201 Hempstead Tpke., East Meadow), a hospital that commits abortions. Thousands more are hurting because of those abortions. Be a positive sign for LIFE! Signs will be provided.

Sponsored by: LICL 631-243-1435

St. Boniface Social Media:

 Website: www.saintboniface.or g  Facebook: tyr  Twitter: twitter .com/StBonifaceMar  YouTube: St. Boniface YouTube Channel  Expanded Online Interactive Parish Bulletin

All Saints Regional Catholic School Founded in 1990 Supported by the Parishes of: St. Boniface ~ St. Hyacinth ~ St. Mary ~ St. Patrick ~ St. Rocco Accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools Phone: 516 676-0762

  

Dear ParishionersOn December 15th the Senior Readers were invited to share breakfast and conversation as a small token of thanks . It was a pleasure for me to be able to take time to personally say " Thank you!" for the knowledge, experience, love and support they provide to our school community. The Seniors had the opportunity to share conversation with parishioners of St. Patrick, St. Mary , St. Hyacinth, St. Rocco. Special thanks to Mrs. Kennedy for the delicious crumb cake! As we begin the year 2017 I am happy to report that All Saints Senior Reading Program will continue thanks to the wonderful volunteers! Yours Sincerely in Christ,

FREE Before-care and After-care! Registration for the 2016 - 2017 school year is open Contact Carol Filippone in our Registration Office at 516 676-0762 ext. 202 New This Year! FREE Before-care and Aftercare!

Faith Foundation Future

All Saints Regional Catholic School Presents



SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2017 Doors open 7pm

St. Rocco’s Church - Madonna Room 18 Third Street, Glen Cove, NY

Advance Tickets $5o ($55 at the door) All Inclusive Price - Includes Dinner, Wine and Beer Dinner Provided by the famous “St. Rocco’s Nonnas” Please make checks payable to ASR - can be sent to school office c/o “Comedy Night”

Email questions to: Must be 18 years or older

Hooley - Sash Presentation Ceremony -an old-fashioned Irish home party! Get details... Saturday, February 18th, 7-10pm, St. Rocco’s Parish Hall - Donation: $15

29th Glen Cove St Patrick’s Day Parade Get details... Sunday, March 19th, 1 - 2 pm, Downtown Glen Cove

After - Parade Party Get Details... Sunday, March 19th, 2-6pm, St Patrick’s Parish Hall Donation: $15 in advance; $20 at door Grand Marshals: Chris Albin and Julie Albin Aides to the Grand Marshal: Sophie McCabe and Fred Hill

For information: Ann Kelly: 516-314-6210 or Robert Lynch: 516-782-7494


A Wellness Weekend for Women January 20 - 21, 2017 Our Lady of Grace Retreat Center 29 Shelter Rock Road Manhasset, New York We will begin on Friday at 7:30 pm and conclude with Mass on Saturday at 4pm. $195: Meals and overnight accommodations $125: Meals only (commuter rate)

Physical vitality supports spiritual vitality. This retreat invites you to experience the sense of strength & wellbeing that surfaces when our physical and spiritual longings are balanced.

Presenters: Pat McDonough

FRIDAY evening will include an introduction to preparing vegan, plant based meals through a demonstration in the kitchen and a sampling of several, easy vegan dishes that you can make at home. The evening will continue with a prayerful meditation, concluding with candlelight yoga and the use of essential oils that will ensure a good night’s sleep.

Caitlin Margaret Carol Mackey Mary Lou DeVenoge

SATURDAY will begin at 8am with breakfast and an introduction to juicing, followed by your choice of a 9am stretching/yoga session or cardio workout. Private reike will be available by appointment throughout the morning at an additional charge. From 10:30am to 3:30pm, there will be presentations and discussions on Ignatian spirituality. Mass will be celebrated by Fr. Damian Halligan, SJ at 4pm.

For more information or gift certificates Contact Pat McDonough at

Commuter rate of $125 includes refreshments upon arrival Friday evening, breakfast and lunch on Saturday. Overnight rate is $195.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please return your registration by no later than January 15, 2016





Please complete and submit to: Pat McDonough c/o Jesuits East Our Lady of Grace Retreat Center 29 Shelter Rock Road | Manhasset, NY 11030

Please make checks payable to:

Jesuits East Office of Ignatian Spirituality

Meet Our Presenters Mary Lou de Venoge is a Registered Nurse and AFAA certified Fitness Instructor. She has been teaching exercise classes for 15 years in Manhasset, where she is also an active parishioner at Saint Mary's Parish.

Carol Mackey is a certified spiritual director who has been steeped in Ignatian spirituality for twenty-two years through her pastoral ministry at St. Anthony’s Parish, a Jesuit Apostolate in Oceanside, LI. and her retreat work at St. Ignatius Retreat House in Manhasset. She is a retired teacher, mother of two grown children and grandmother of two little ones

Caitlin Margaret – After completing a B.A. at the University of Virginia and M.S.W at Columbia Universtiy, Caitlin Margaret moved to India for 5 years, where she became interested in the benefits of a vegan diet while gaining her certification in yoga, meditation, Ayurveda, and Reiki. Upon returning to the US, Caitlin launched her integrative coaching practice, which combines a plant-based, vegan diet with the healing arts.

Pat McDonough is the Director of NY Mobile Ministry for the Office of Ignatian Spirituality. She holds an M.A. in Theology, M.S. in Education and P.D. in psychology, and is both a teacher and an author. Pat has written on issues of faith, spirituality and human development in her column, Family Faith, which ran in The Long Island Catholic for thirteen years. In addition to her column, Pat has been a contributing author to The New York Times, Newsday, The National Catholic Reporter and a variety of other periodicals.

St. Boniface Martyr Parish Directory Pastor: Rev. Kevin J. Dillon; In Residence: Fr. Azubuike Igwegbe Deacon: Tom Fox; Music & Liturgy: Jeffrey Schneider; Fr. James Donohoe Parish Center 145 Glen Avenue, Sea Cliff, NY 11579; 516-676-0676 Fax: 516-674-6742; Email:; Website Office Hours: 9am - :30pm;1:30-4:30pm: Monday - Wednesday. and Fri. Thursdays 12:30pm - 6:30pm, Friday 9am12:30pm Administration: Joan Schiller (Mondays-Thursdays); Pat Gregson Friday morning; Margaret Evans Friday afternoon. Business & Finance: Eileen Krieb; Religious Education: Karen Croce, by appointment. 516-671-0418; Youth Ministry: Chris Mandato; Parish Outreach: Jody Fleischmann and David Meagher Parish Center; Wednesdays & Saturdays. 10 am-1pm Parish Registration: We welcome all new members of our parish family. We ask all parishioners to welcome and invite new neighbors and their families to become a part of St. Boniface Martyr Parish. Parish registration (census) forms available by the main doors of the church and parish center. Please return forms to the parish center. Bulletin Editor: Julie Byrne. Deadline: Noon Monday. Please email submissions to after approval from Fr. Kevin. Submissions may be edited for content, clarity and/or size. For best results, email prior to deadline date. Webmaster/Social Media: Robert P. Lynch. 516-782-7494; Website:; Facebook:; Twitter: https:// All Saints Regional Catholic School (ASR) Headmaster: The Very Reverend Dom Elias Carr, Can. Reg.; 12 Pearsall Ave., Glen Cove, NY 11542; 516-676-0762;

Marriage: Couples wishing to be married should call the parish center before any other arrangements are made. A minimum of six months is needed for marriage preparations. Baptism: Parents wishing to present a child for Baptism should be registered members of St. Boniface Martyr Parish. Parents are required to have a Baptism Preparation Interview and attend a Baptism class. Baptisms are celebrated on the last Sunday of the month. Godparents must be fully initiated members of the Catholic Church (having received the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist), and provide a sponsor certificate. Please call 516-676-0676. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA): An ongoing process of formation for those interested in becoming Catholic. Call the parish center at 516-676-0676 for more information. Diocese of Rockville Centre: 50 North Park Ave. Rockville Centre, NY 11571-9023; 516-678-5800;





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