St. Boniface Martyr Parish Bulletin, July 17, 2016

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Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ July 17, 2016

St. Boniface Martyr Roman Catholic Church Established 1898 ~ Sea Cliff, NY Serving the people of God in the communities of Sea Cliff, Glenwood Landing, Glen Head and Glen Cove We are a pilgrim people on a journey toward the Kingdom of God.

Reverend Kevin J. Dillon, Pastor


Mass Schedule

Daily Mass: 8am in Our Lady of Mercy Chapel. Sundays: Saturdays 5pm; Sundays: 8am, 10:15am Special Intentions: 5pm first Saturday of the month Confession: Saturdays 4pm-4:45pm. Rosary: Mondays-Saturdays after 8am Mass

Please Pray For Our Deceased

Please pray for those who have entered into eternal life, especially Susan Rath.

For Our Sick

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: July 17 Gen 18:1-10a; Col 1:24-28; Luke 10:38-42 The bread, wine, candles and sanctuary lamp were donated in memory of Dorothy Capobianco DeLeo by Victoria and Dino Graziosi and Tony and Maureen Anzalone. 5pm Intention: Joseph Belle Isle 8am Intention: Parishioners 10:15am Intention: Sioban Rack

William Anderson, Bill Berkley, Frances Breen, Caesar Cavese, William Fay, Clifford Jennett, Kay Johnson, Georgia Leim, Michelle Martone, Kenneth Moore, John Orozco, Maria Santoli, Rosemarie Sciarra, Kathy Sheridan, Carmen Sorto, Steven Taibbi, Steven Tipton, Priscilla Waltz.

Monday, July 18 (Angelo D’Avino) Feast of St. Camillus de Lellis Mi 6:1-4, 6-8; Mt 12:38-42

For Our Military

Tuesday, July 19 Mi 7:14-15, 18-20; Mt 12:46-50 Wednesday, July 20 (Dorothy DeLeo) Feast of St. Apollinaris Jer 1:1, 4-10; Ps 71:1-4a, 5-6ab, 15, 17; Thursday, July 21 (Elaine Sciolino) Feast of St. Lawrence of Brindisi Jer 2:1-3, 7-8, 12-13; Mt 13:10-17 Friday, July 22 (Peter McGowan) Feast of St. Mary Magdalene Jer 3:14-17; Jn 20:1-2, 11-18 Saturday, July 23 (Jake Whitting) Feast of St. Bridget of Sweden; Blessed Virgin Mary Jer 7:1-11; Ps 84:3-6a, 8a, 11; Mt 13:24-30 5pm Intention: Manlio DiPreta

(Enrollment on the sick list must be requested by an immediate family member through Fr. Kevin.)

Lieutenant Melissa Buffa & Lieutenant Travis Buffa Lance CPL Matthew B. Christman Second Lieutenant Mario Coronel, US Army Second Lieutenant Matthew Coronel, US Army. Flight Lieutenant Joseph Doyle Jake A. Hojnowski, Sailor E-3, US Navy Lance CPL Gregory Knox Private First Class Ignazio LaManna, US Army Private First Class Vincent S. LaManna, Jr., US Army Lieutenant Brian McMenamin Lieutenant Ian McMenamin Private First Class Joshua McMillan Lieutenant Junior Grade Michael R. Ragusa, USN Corporal Cole N. Muttee, USMC Lieutenant Commander Drew Whitting, US Navy Private First Class Luke Whitting, US Army Captain Christina Merrick-Wright Captain Bradley Wright, US Army.

ST. BONIFACE MARTYR PARISH BLOOD DRIVE Sunday, July 17 from 8am—2pm in the Gym Your donation will help to save up to THREE lives. Our community hospitals need your help. Please share this lifesaving gift! Thank you for caring!

Eligibility Criteria: Bring ID with signature or photo. Minimum weight 110 lbs. Age 16 – 75 (16 year olds must have parental permission. Age 76+ need a doctor’s note). Eat well (low fat) & drink fluids. No tattoos for past 12 months.


Stewardship . . . a Way of Life

Thank you for your financial stewardship of $7869 and $1752 to our Maintenance and Repair Fund last week.

Special Assistance Donation “Your surplus at the present time should supply their needs so that their surplus may in turn one day supply your need.” (II Cor 8:14). If you have surplus, please place it in an envelope marked “Special Assistance Donation” and Fr. Kevin will see it helps “supply their needs."

Religious Education Registration Registration for this Fall’s Religious Education is continuing over the summer. Applications are available in the church vestibule and Parish Center. Please complete forms and return them to the Parish Center before August 15 to take advantage of the early bird special! Catechists (teachers) are Register S o o n ! needed in all grades; team teaching is encouraged! Please look at the volunteer form in the registration packet. If you have any questions call Karen Croce at 671-0418. Have a happy summer!

St. Vincent de Paul Society In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus affirms that to be a disciple we must also sit at his feet and listen to him. St. Vincent de Paul taught that it is only in prayer that we can give selfless loving service to those who are poor. As you place your donation in the poor box please say a prayer for the poor and forgotten in our parish. Furniture donations are also welcome. Please call 822-3132 for details. Have you considered answering the call to help the poor by joining the Society of St. Vincent de Paul? Call the parish center for information at 676-0676.

Pray Daily Each Christian needs half an hour of prayer each day, except when we are busy; then we need an hour. -St. Francis de Sales

Thank you so much for all of your prayers and support as our Youth Group travelled to Hartford, CT for their annual mission trip Catholic Heart Work Camp. They restored homes and explored their faith more deeply through this amazing experience.

Catholic Daughters First Mondays of the month at 11am in the parish center for women age 18 and older. Juniors ages 1118; Juniorettes ages 6 -10 (date/place on request). Contact: Eileen Stanton

Prayer Group Mondays at 7:30pm in the chapel. Call John and Rosemary Murello at 676-2767 for more information.

Holy Hour and Benediction Wednesdays at 2pm in the chapel.

Prayer Vigil for the Sick

Thursdays 7pm -7:30pm in the chapel.

Scripture Study on Summer Hiatus

We will resume in the Fall on Thursdays from 7:30pm - 9pm in the parish center. Call Rosemary and John Murello at 676-2767 for details.

Bingo Fridays 7pm. Knights of Columbus Hall, 83 Sea Cliff Avenue. All proceeds go to charity, including our St. Boniface Outreach Ministry.

Miraculous Medal Novena Saturdays after 8am Mass in the chapel with veneration of the relic of St. Catherine of Labore.

Lay Carmelites of Blessed Titus Brandsma Third Saturdays at 9am in the parish center.

Men’s Ministry Meeting

Fourth Saturdays of the month beginning with 8am Mass in the chapel. We are called, as Catholic men, to become the best version of ourselves by the way we live. Our faith response to current events in our world is at the heart of our discussions. For details contact Rich Lucidi at



Life is a onetime offer; use it well! This quote recently appeared on a Facebook post. The post went on to say that July 1 has special significance for the person who posted this comment. The authors of this post are Linda and Patrick Connolly, parishioners of St. Boniface, Martyr. They recently moved here from Ann Arbor, MI and found our parish to be a vibrant, embracing, warm and faith filled community! Their son, Ryan left his parents, Linda and Patrick on this day to meet Jesus Christ face to face. Ryan was only five years old when he died. Ryan battled Neuroblastoma cancer for close to three years, so it is safe to say; Ryan never knew anything but cancer. Even though his life was very short, Ryan’s life was a fruitful and productive one because he taught his parents and all of us an important lesson. Despite numerous chemotherapy and radiation treatments and array of other medical procedures, he was able to smile, have joyous moments and be a happy child in the midst of pain and suffering. For any parent to lose a child is a heart wrenching and traumatic experience, but Linda and Patrick took a cue from their son and remained optimistic and faith filled. They travelled frequently from Michigan to New York City so their son could receive the best treatment possible at a renowned hospital, Sloan Kettering. Since Ryan’s death, Patrick and Linda have shed many tears and relived painful and difficult moments. After all, who wouldn’t?

However, rather than letting grief consume them they used their faith, trust and belief in Jesus Christ to move forward knowing with utter conviction they will see him again someday free from cancer! His mom and dad posted a beautiful picture on Facebook with Ryan and his dad. The little guy is in a hospital bed with what appears to be machines at his bedside and yet, he is jumping up for joy with as much or even more enthusiasm as any other four or five year old. As adults we sometimes think children don’t get it, but I dare say, sometimes they get it more than adults! Think of Jesus’ own words, “Unless you become like little children you cannot enter the Kingdom of God.” You will remember, if you read last week’s article, I wrote on regrets, and sometimes not having second chances. Immediately after I sent my article to the bulletin editor, this post appeared on my Facebook news feed. I commented to Linda how true her post was, especially the quote about LIFE BEING A ONE TIME OFFER and how ironic it was that what I said in last week’s article and her post being very similar and yet WE NEVER PREVIOUSLY DISCUSSED ANY OF THIS. Obviously, there is only one logical and faith filled reason. THE WORK OF THE HOLY SPIRIT WAS AT PLAY! IT IS NOT JUST AN EERRIE OR FREAKISH COINCIDENCE! In case anyone is wondering Linda and Patrick gave me permission to tell their story. I think a quote from another spiritual leader, although not of our faith sums it up succinctly. He said, “There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done. One is called yesterday and the other is called tomorrow, so today is the right day to love, believe and do and MOSTLY BELIEVE!” (Dali Lama)

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: July 17 Saint Francis de Sales wrote that “friendship is the most dangerous of all love.” Why? “Because other loves can exist without communication, exchange, closeness.” Not friendship, though. To love a friend is to open yourself to them—warts and all—to communicate and to be a better person because of it. As the Book of Sirach says, “Faithful friends are a sturdy shelter; whoever finds one finds a treasure.” A good friend is priceless, deepening your faith, calling you to see Christ in the world, and allowing you to be your best self. Martha, Mary, and their brother Lazarus had this kind of friendship with Jesus. Choose to live dangerously: Make friendships that matter. Monday, July 18 Feast of St. Camillus de Lellis, priest Imagine the sorrow Saint Camillus de Lellis’ mother felt when she dreamt her son would wear a red cross, which was the sign of a death sentence in 16th -century Italy. Her dream came true, but not in the way she feared. After a colorful life, Camillus felt called to serve the sick, founding the Order of Clerks Regular, Ministers of the Infirm, better known as the Camillians. With cassocks marked with a large red cross, they helped wounded soldiers on the battlefield, saving countless lives and transforming the red cross into a sign of charity and service for sick people everywhere. Tuesday, July 19 Each day the prayer of the church contained in the breviary begins with the same words: “O God, come to my assistance. O Lord, make haste to help me.” This invocation from Psalm 70 is a surprising way to address God. It’s as if the church prays every morning: “Hey God, I’m in need here! So come help and be quick about it!” As scripture witnesses, God has come running to our aid as long as there have been people. And what’s more, God delights in being asked, like a doting parent of a favorite child. Go on, just ask. Wednesday, July 20 Feast of St. Apollinaris, bishop, martyr Apollinaris lived in the first century, was the first bishop of Ravenna, Italy, and was a martyr as well. That’s all we really know for sure. So how to

celebrate so obscure a person, and why? Some say that as long as someone remembers your name, you are not really gone. Perhaps that is why we put names on gravestones. Pray for your dearly departed and visit their graves—and take children along if you can. Pass on the stories of your ancestors, especially stories of their faith. If you don’t know any stories, is there still someone alive you may ask? Thursday, July 21 On this day in 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first person to step on the moon. After stepping on the surface of the moon, he spoke the famous words: “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” Everything we achieve begins with one small step, a step of faith. Today is a good day to begin. Friday, July 22 Feast of St. Mary Magdalene Mary Magdalene, who the church now officially calls “Apostle to the Apostles,” has often been confused with other women of the New Testament, including a woman of ill repute. But fortunately, Jesus knew who she was and called her by name. That act changed the course of her life and salvation history. Mary was one of Jesus’ most devoted followers and the first witness to the Resurrection. God calls each of us by name. Let’s hope our response will be, as was Mary Magdalene’s, to spread the Good News of God’s love. Saturday, July 23 Feast of St. Bridget, religious When you read that 14th-century Bridget of Sweden married at the age of 14, it is easy to disregard her life because it is so different from your own. How could her life speak to yours? But the driving force in Bridget’s life was not marriage at 14 but her wish to give all she had to the poor. From her family home to the monastery she founded to the streets of Rome where she eventually lived, she was consumed by the desire to share the little she had with those in need. Her life reminds us that whether we are giving or receiving, Christ is present in our poverty. Look for an opportunity to be generous today. ©2015 by TrueQuest Communications. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission from


You Are Invited to Meet Christ in Prayer! Meeting Christ in Prayer

is an eight week guided prayer experience designed for small groups. It is modeled on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, which is a tried‐and‐true method of spiritual renewal. By means of prayer, re lection and faith sharing, Meeting Christ in Prayer

introduces participants to various ways of praying, helps them form regular habits of prayer and provides them with an opportunity to meet Christ anew, and to experience support in the Christian life in a new way. It can also inspire a profound sense of mission that urges participants to a new level of discipleship.

Who can participate in Meeting Christ in Prayer?         


Meeting Christ in Prayer is designed to serve many groups of people, such as the following: People with little or no experience in praying with others People who are hungry for a deeper spiritual life People who are seeking to learn more about their faith People seeking renewal and focus of their faith Parish staff members Parish pastoral councils Prayer Groups Catechists and Catholic School Teachers Parish liturgical ministers Members of Catholic organizations In other words, adults who want to renew their Christian faith or enrich their prayer life can participate. Join us!

All Saints Regional Catholic School (ASR)

Did You Know? Prayer is at the heart of our relationship with God. In our prayer life we encounter the divine through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Prayer, in addition to the Sacrament of the Eucharist, is also one of the most powerful ways we meet Jesus and allow Christ’s love to transform us. St. Ignatius of Loyola showed people how meditative prayer, focused on the life of Christ, leads to greater freedom. Through prayer we listen to the Holy Spirit and get in touch with our true desires, not our false senses, enabling us to more intentionally and effectively live the Christian life. We take this prayerful spirit out into the world, into all aspects of our lives. Join us for Meeting Christ in Prayer this Fall at St. Boniface Martyr. See page 6 for details and stay tuned for more information . . .


Supported by the Parishes of: St. Boniface, St. Hyacinth, St. Mary, St. Patrick, St. Rocco

Accredited by Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools

Free Before and After Care All Saints is offering free before and after care for the 2016-2017 school year.  Free tutoring by certified teachers & aides  Springboard for after school sport programs  Great opportunity to socialize with classmates  Snacks included

Registration for the 2016-2017 is Ongoing Contact Carol Filippone in our Registration Office at 516-676-0762 ext. 202

Financial Assistance is Available . . . through the Tomorrow’s Hope Foundation Applications for financial assistance with tuition can be found under the Quick Links section on the ASR website

St. Boniface Martyr Parish Directory Pastor: Rev. Kevin J. Dillon; In Residence: Fr. Azubuike Igwegbe Deacon: Tom Fox; Music & Liturgy: Jeffrey Schneider; Fr. James Donohoe Parish Center 145 Glen Avenue, Sea Cliff, NY 11579; (516) 676-0676 Fax: (516) 674-6742;; Office Hours: 9am -12:30pm; 1:30pm - 4:30pm: Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri; Thursdays 12:30pm - 6:30pm (no morning hours). Administration: Joan Schiller (Mondays-Thursdays); Margaret Evans (Fridays) Business & Finance: Eileen Krieb; Religious Education: Karen Croce;(516) 671-0418; Youth Ministry: Chris Mandato; Email: Parish Outreach: Jody Fleischmann and David Meagher Parish Center; Wednesdays & Saturdays. 10 am-1pm

All Saints Regional Catholic School (ASR) Headmaster: The Very Reverend Dom Elias Carr, Can. Reg.; 12 Pearsall Ave., Glen Cove, NY 11542; (516) 676-0762; Parish Registration: We welcome all new members of our parish family. We ask all parishioners to welcome and invite new neighbors and their families to become a part of St. Boniface Martyr Parish. Parish registration (census) forms available by the main doors of the church and parish center. Please return forms to the parish center. Marriage: Couples wishing to be married should call the parish center before any other arrangements are made. A minimum of six months is needed for marriage preparations. Baptism: Parents wishing to present a child for Baptism should be registered members of St. Boniface Martyr Parish. Parents are required to have a Baptism Preparation Interview and attend a Baptism class. Baptisms are celebrated on the last Sunday of the month. Godparents must be fully initiated members of the Catholic Church (having received the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist), and provide a sponsor certificate. Please call (516) 676-0676 to pre-arrange.

Webmaster: Robert Lynch. Website:

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA): An ongoing process of formation for those interested in becoming Catholic. Call the parish center at 676-0676 for more information.

Bulletin Editor: Julie Byrne. Deadline noon Monday. Email after approval from Fr. Kevin.

Diocese of Rockville Centre: 50 North Park Ave. Rockville Centre, NY 11571-9023; (516) 678-5800 or

Parishioners welcoming Father Jude Samindra Saparamadu back to St. Boniface

Youth Group Members leaving for a weeks’ service at Catholic Heart Workcamp

For more photos and Parish news, “Like” us on Facebook at

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Gold Coast Gazette

Week of July 14,Coast 2016 Gold


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