St. Boniface Martyr Parish Bulletin July 3, 2016

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St. Boniface Martyr Roman Catholic Church Established 1898 ~ Sea Cliff, NY Serving the people of God in the communities of Sea Cliff, Glenwood Landing, Glen Head and Glen Cove We are a pilgrim people on a journey toward the Kingdom of God.

Reverend Kevin J. Dillon, Pastor


Mass Schedule

Daily Mass: 8am in Our Lady of Mercy Chapel. Sundays: Saturdays 5pm; Sundays: 8am, 10:15am* Special Intentions: 5pm first Saturday of the month Confession: Saturdays 4pm-4:45pm. Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: July 3 Is 66:10-14c; Gal 6:14-18; Luke 10:1-12, 17-20 The bread and wine were donated in loving memory of Jake Whitting by Diva and Ed Corbelletta. The altar candles and sanctuary lamp were donated in loving memory of Jake Whitting by Josie Harte. 5pm Intention: William Deegan, Jake Whitting, Mario & Gaetana Fraioli 8am Intention: Parishioners 10:15am Intention: Joe & Nellie Furlong Monday, July 4 (Larry Graziose) Hosea 2:16, 17b-18, 21-22; Matthew 9:18-26 (No Prayer Group) Tuesday, July 5 (James Abbananto) Feast of St. Elizabeth of Portugal Hosea 8:4-7, 11-13; Matthew 9:32-38 Wednesday, July 6 (Dorothy Schultz) Feast of St. Maria Goretti, virgin, martyr Hosea 10:1-3, 7-8, 12; Matthew 10:1-7 Thursday, July 7 (Eileen Brennan) Hosea 11:1-4, 8c-9; Matthew 10:7-15 Friday, July 8 (Susan Neilson) Hosea 14:2-10; Matthew 10:16-23 Saturday, July 9 (Frank & Genevieve Herbek) Feast of St. Augustine Zhao Rong, priest, martyr, and companions, martyrs; BVM Isaiah 6:1-8; Matthew 10:24-33 5pm Intention: Parishioners

Third Banns of Marriage Kelly Marvullo

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Lake Ronkonkoma

and Nicolo Caputi

St. Kevin, Flushing

Please Pray For Our Deceased

Please pray for those who have entered into eternal life, especially Anthony Lucidi.

For Our Sick

William Anderson, Bill Berkley, Frances Breen, Caesar Cavese, William Fay, Clifford Jennett, Kay Johnson, Georgia Leim, Katherine T. Loftus, Michelle Martone, Kenneth Moore, John Orozco, Maria Santoli, Rosemarie Sciarra, Kathy Sheridan, Carmen Sorto, Steven Taibbi, Steven Tipton, Priscilla Waltz. (Enrollment on the sick list must be requested by an immediate family member through Fr. Kevin.)

For Our Military Lieutenant Melissa Buffa & Lieutenant Travis Buffa Lance CPL Matthew B. Christman Second Lieutenant Mario Coronel, US Army Second Lieutenant Matthew Coronel, US Army. Flight Lieutenant Joseph Doyle Jake A. Hojnowski, Sailor E-3, US Navy Lance CPL Gregory Knox Captain Brett Korade, USN Private First Class Ignazio LaManna, US Army Private First Class Vincent S. LaManna, Jr., US Army Lieutenant Brian McMenamin Lieutenant Ian McMenamin Private First Class Joshua McMillan Lieutenant Junior Grade Michael R. Ragusa, USN Corporal Cole N. Muttee, USMC Lieutenant Commander Drew Whitting, US Navy Private First Class Luke Whitting, US Army Captain Christina Merrick-Wright Captain Bradley Wright, US Army.

Religious Education Registration Registration for this Fall’s Religious Education is continuing over the summer. Applications are available in the church vestibule and at the Parish Center. Please complete forms and return them to the Parish Center before August 15 to take advantage of the early bird special! Catechists (teachers) are needed in all grades; team teaching is encouraged! Please make sure to look at the volunteer form in the registration packet. If you have any questions please call Karen Croce at the Religious Education Office at 671-0418. Have a happy summer!


Stewardship . . . a Way of Life

Thank you for your financial stewardship of $6645 and $1392 for Peter’s Pence last week.

Special Assistance Donation

“Your surplus at the present time should supply their needs so that their surplus may in turn one day supply your need.”

(II Cor 8:14).

If you have surplus, please place it in an envelope marked “Special Assistance Donation” and Fr. Kevin will see it helps “supply their needs."

St. Vincent de Paul Society

In the Gospel today we see how Jesus sent his Apostles out two by two. In this spirit, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul members “go out two by two” to visit those who needy in their homes. It is there, in the family setting, that Vincentians listen, offer humble advice and render assistance. Know that the members of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul bring your gift directly to the poor and suffering in our parish. As you place your donation in the poor

box please say a prayer for those who have no one to pray for them. Furniture donations are also welcome. Please call 822-3132 for details. Have you considered answering the call to help the poor by joining the Society of St. Vincent de Paul? Call the parish center for information.

The youth group meets on Sundays from 6pm8pm in parish center. All 8th-12th graders are invited! Follow the Youth Group on Instagram, username: 'stbonyg' or on Facebook by searching 'St. Boniface Martyr Youth Group' or contact Chris at

Catholic Daughters

First Mondays of the month at 11am in the parish center for women age 18 and older. Juniors ages 1118; Juniorettes ages 6 -10 (date/place on request). Contact: Eileen Stanton

Prayer Group ~ Next Meeting: July 11 No gathering July 4. We meet Mondays at 7:30pm in the chapel. Call John and Rosemary Murello at 676-2767 for more information.

Holy Hour and Benediction Wednesdays at 2pm in the chapel.

Prayer Vigil for the Sick

Thursdays 7pm -7:30pm in the chapel.

Scripture Study on Summer Hiatus Outreach Volunteers Needed

For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me. -Matthew, 25: 35-36 St. Boniface Martyr Outreach Program is in need of volunteers for a number of positions. Staff is needed to service the Thrift Shop and Pantry. Individuals may choose a Wednesday or Saturday. The hours are from 10am to 1pm. Assignments are on a rotated basis with individuals serving approximately once a month. Other available positions include organizing donated clothing items for sale, helping to receive and stock the food shelves, and assist with the required reports. Individuals for these positions may choose the days and hours they wish to work. Payment is the knowledge that you have helped others in need. Often bonuses are received every time a client says “God bless you.” Interested individuals may contact Jody Fleischmann 516-3223347, Jody@flypusa or David Meagher, 516-4580596,

We will resume in the Fall on Thursdays from 7:30pm - 9pm in the parish center. Call Rosemary and John Murello at 676-2767 for details.

Bingo Fridays 7pm. Knights of Columbus Hall, 83 Sea Cliff Avenue. All proceeds go to charity, including our St. Boniface Outreach Ministry.

Miraculous Medal Novena Saturdays after 8am Mass in the chapel with veneration of the relic of St. Catherine of Labore.

Lay Carmelites of Blessed Titus Brandsma Third Saturdays at 9am in the parish center.

Men’s Ministry Meeting

Fourth Saturdays of the month beginning with 8am Mass in the chapel. We are called, as Catholic men, to become the best version of ourselves by the way we live. Our faith response to current events in our world is at the heart of our discussions. For details contact Rich Lucidi at


BORN FREE Last Friday, residents of the UK voted to leave the European Union. Some are calling it a revolution and comparing it to what we did in 1776 when we broke away from England’s rule and formed our own government, a Democracy. We wanted a government for the people and by the people FREE FROM MONARCHICAL RULERS. We celebrate that this Independence weekend as we remember and recall the events that led up to this historical event which changed our world forever. Along with the Declaration of Independence, The Bill of Rights was formed. These documents high light and promote various liberties that we enjoy as citizens of this much beloved nation. We are a nation bound not by race, or religion, but by the shared values of freedom, liberty and equality. Webster’s Dictionary defines freedom as an absence of coercion, constraint in choice or action. As Americans we enjoy a number of freedoms such as Freedom of the Press and Freedom of Religion, to name a few; however, with these freedoms or rights comes responsibilities as well. Some responsibilities include respecting the rights, beliefs and opinions of others and serving on a jury when called upon. Countless numbers of people have rigorously and vehemently defended the rights and freedoms we enjoy as American citizens. Without a doubt FREEDOM is one of our most cherished beliefs and practices here in the United States. Many people from nations with tyrannical leaders and oppressive government regimes long to come to the United States so that they too can be free. We should be ever mindful and vigilant that we do not take these freedoms for granted. Apathy and indifference towards the freedoms we enjoy (ex. Bill of Rights) should never be taken for granted. Our founding Fathers worked hard to ensure and safeguard that these cherished ideals would be preserved for succeeding generations. Speaking about RELIGIOUS FREEDOM from the White House in September 2016, Pope Francis said “freedom remains one of America’s most precious possessions and as my brother Bishops in the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops have reminded us all are called to be vigilant, precisely as good citizens to preserve, defend and promote that freedom from

everything that would threaten or compromise it.” Several contemporary issues have placed some of our freedoms in jeopardy. One example of this is the HHS MANDATE requiring Catholics and other Religious organizations to facilitate health insurance coverage of sterilization, contraception and drugs and devices that can possibly cause abortions. John Milton, the English poet said, “give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely according to conscience above all liberties.” As Catholics and Americans striving to be good and faithful servants we are called to prosper the gift of free will and to do that we must learn the meaning of conscience rights and recognize the forces denying that right. Catholics must learn the Constitution’s unique protection of conscience rights and not passively yield them to placate a secular culture. Only then can we answer every attack on Religious Liberty in our community, state and country. The deliberate and willful erosion of respect for Christians, religious practices and deeply held beliefs has brought unimagined and liberty crushing cultural and political changes some of which directly and willfully contradict and challenge the Church’s teaching on issues of human dignity and life. Some in our government will NOT allow Catholics and other people of good will and faith to remain faithful to their consciences. Instead in true tyrannical and narrow minded thinking legislators have proposed crippling and crushing fines that would bankrupt many of our schools and health organizations that the Church runs. It is not easy to defend or defeat such laws, but as Catholics we are called to not only practice and promote our faith in Church but to publicly proclaim it in the public sphere as well! On this Independence Day weekend we remember the hard fought battles and sacrifices made by people before us so we might enjoy the many liberties and freedoms we have in this country and will do all in our power to make sure that our freedoms and liberties will be safeguarded and protected for future generations. ENJOY A SAFE AND HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY WEEKEND!

All Saints Regional Catholic School


Founded in 1990 Supported by the Parishes of: St. Boniface ~ St. Hyacinth ~ St. Mary ~ St. Patrick ~ St. Rocco Accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools Phone: 516 676-0762

Congratulations Class of 2016 All Saints Catholic School was blessed with a beautiful day for graduation. The Commencement Exercises took place on Friday, June 17th. We were grateful to have two alumni participate in the ceremony, Melissa Lalonde sang the National Anthem accompanied by Paul Elizalde on the trumpet. Paul also played the trumpet for the Processional and Recessional. Father Ambros Boyd led the ceremony with the Invocation. Followed by an inspirational address to the graduates from Father Elias Carr, Headmaster. Father Daniel Nash presented the Chaplain’s Award to two deserving recipients, Maxwell Kramer and Richard Thill. John Blazich, one of our graduates, gave a heart felt address on behalf of the graduating class. Mrs. Joanne Fitzgerald, Academic Dean, presented the candidates while Father Daniel Nash and Father Elias Carr awarded the diplomas. After the diplomas were awarded, Mrs. Fitzgerald led the students in the transposition of the tassel. Richard Thill, one of our graduates, led his classmates in the presentation to parents. Prior to graduation, each student wrote a personal letter to their parents, these letters were presented to the parents at graduation along with a rose. The commencement concluded with a Blessing from Father Gabriel.

Congratulations to all of our students!

  

Faith Foundation Future

ASR is offering FREE Before & After Care! 

Free tutoring from certified teachers and aides Springboard for after school sport programs Great opportunity to socialize with classmates Snacks included

Registration for the 2016-2017 is Ongoing Contact Carol Filippone in our Registration Office 516 676-0762 ext. 202

Letter from a Graduate As I move on from All Saints to Chaminade, there are going to be a lot of things I will miss about ASR. However, the thing I will miss the most is the feeling of family present throughout the school. All students know each other, like brothers and sisters. However, this feeling isn’t only present throughout the students, but all with all the teachers and staff. ASR has done a great job of making me feel like family to the school, and that is what I am going to miss the most about it. ~ Richard Thill, 2016



You Are Invited to Meet Christ in Prayer! Meeting Christ in Prayer is an eight week guided prayer experience designed for small groups. It is modeled on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, which is a tried-and-true method of spiritual renewal. By means of prayer, reflection and faith sharing, Meeting Christ in Prayer

introduces participants to various ways of praying, helps them form regular habits of prayer and provides them with an opportunity to meet Christ anew, and to experience support in the Christian life in a new way. It can also inspire a profound sense of mission that urges participants to a new level of discipleship.

Who can participate in Meeting Christ in Prayer?          

Meeting Christ in Prayer is designed to serve many groups of people, such as the following: People with little or no experience in praying with others People who are hungry for a deeper spiritual life People who are seeking to learn more about their faith People seeking renewal and focus of their faith Parish staff members Parish pastoral councils Prayer Groups Catechists and Catholic School Teachers Parish liturgical ministers Members of Catholic organizations In other words, adults who want to renew their Christian faith or enrich their prayer life can participate. Join us!

St. Boniface Martyr Parish Directory Pastor: Rev. Kevin J. Dillon;

In Residence: Fr. Azubuike Igwegbe Deacon: Tom Fox; Music & Liturgy: Jeffrey Schneider;

Fr. James Donohoe Parish Center 145 Glen Avenue, Sea Cliff, NY 11579; (516) 676 -0676 Fax: (516) 674-6742;; Office Hours: 9am -12:30pm; 1:30pm - 4:30pm: Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri; Thursdays 12:30pm - 6:30pm (no morning hours).

Administration: Joan Schiller (MondaysThursdays); Margaret Evans (Fridays)

Business & Finance: Eileen Krieb;

Religious Education: Karen Croce;(516) 671 -0418;

Youth Ministry: Chris Mandato; Email:

Parish Outreach: Jody Fleischmann and David Meagher Parish Center; Wednesdays & Saturdays. 10 am1pm

Webmaster: Robert Lynch. Website:

Bulletin Editor: Julie Byrne. July 10 deadline

noon July 1. Email after approval from Fr. Kevin.

All Saints Regional Catholic School (ASR) Headmaster: The Very Reverend Dom Elias Carr, Can. Reg.; 12 Pearsall Ave., Glen Cove, NY 11542; (516) 676-0762;

Parish Registration: We welcome all new members of our parish family. We ask all parishioners to welcome and invite new neighbors and their families to become a part of St. Boniface Martyr Parish. Parish registration (census) forms available by the main doors of the church and parish center. Please return forms to the parish center.

Marriage: Couples wishing to be married should call the parish center before any other arrangements are made. A minimum of six months is needed for marriage preparations.

Baptism: Parents wishing to present a child for Baptism should be registered members of St. Boniface Martyr Parish. Parents are required to have a Baptism Preparation Interview and attend a Baptism class. Baptisms are celebrated on the last Sunday of the month. Godparents must be fully initiated members of the Catholic Church (having received the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist), and provide a sponsor certificate. Please call (516) 676-0676 to pre-arrange.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA): An ongoing process of formation for those interested in becoming Catholic. Call the parish center at 676-0676 for more information.

Diocese of Rockville Centre: 50 North Park Ave. Rockville Centre, NY 11571-9023; (516) 678-5800 or

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: July 3 Independence resonates deeply for Americans; dependence, even interdependence, not so much. Yet nations, political parties, and people need to trust and rely on one another to survive. The song “Lean on me” reminds us: “Swallow your pride . . . For no one can fill those of your needs / That you won’t let show.” Pride is stubborn, but remember: You depend totally on God for everything from your next breath to eternal salvation, and mutually with others for joy and hope. Pray for our nation, and pray for those you lean on. Oh, and look around for those who may need to lean on you. Monday, July 4 The laying on of hands is a blessing tradition that goes all the way back to Israel (Jacob) blessing his grandsons and Moses naming Joshua his successor, a tradition that continued on up to Jesus bringing a young girl back to life. Later, Peter and John laid on hands to call down the Holy Spirit on the Samaritans. And today, it is part of the sacraments and liturgy of the Catholic Church. It may appear to be a mere gesture, but it’s meant to confer and invoke and transform—if you’re open to being changed by the power of your faith, that is. Tuesday, July 5 Feast of St. Elizabeth of Portugal Fourteenth-century Portugal was not for the faint of heart. In this wild and turbulent setting, Elizabeth quietly went about helping the poor and even managed to reform her wild and turbulent husband, King Denis of Portugal, to whom she had been pledged at the tender age of 10. Whatever situation you find yourself in, even one not of your own choosing, look for opportunities to help others grow and in doing so, to serve the gospel. No matter what, you are always free to act in faith. Cherish and practice that freedom. Wednesday, July 6 Feast of St. Maria Goretti, virgin, martyr Canonized in 1950, Maria Goretti was held up in the past as a model of purity, clinging to virginity rather than to life. Today we see her as a victim of sexual assault, horrifyingly common in our world. But sing her praises not only for her bravery, but also for a mercy as stunning as her courage: As she

lay dying, she forgave the man who assaulted her. When he was released from prison, he went to Maria’s mother to beg forgiveness, and it was granted. Her attacker ended up devoting his life to a religious order. Mercy had passed from daughter to mother to abuser. What mercy and forgiveness will you pass on as your legacy? Thursday, July 7 For too long, it was easy to envision the church as a sacramental filling station, where grace was the fuel that got us up and running for another week of routine responsibility. This utilitarian approach to parish life has been replaced by an image from Pope Francis of the church as a field hospital, pitching its tent on the battlefield of a wounded world. Pope Saint John XXIII also preferred to imagine the “medicine of mercy” as the particular service Christ’s church provides to a society in need of healing. We come to serve, not to judge! Friday, July 8 Sonnets of love describe with passionate detail the merits of the beloved that draw such devotion: eyes, hair, lips, hips. Who would declare a burning love in vague or abstract terms? Would such a theoretical declaration ever be convincing? In the same way, Pope Francis reminds us that our love must never be less than concrete if it is to be believable. Our love must be shaped first by our intentions, then revealed in our attitudes, and finally demonstrated in our behaviors. Intentions, attitudes, behaviors— the three-fold way to ensure our love is the real and tangible thing. Saturday, July 9 Feast of St. Augustine Zhao Rong, priest, martyr, and companions, martyrs; BVM The name of Father Augustine tops the list of 120 martyrs who died in China between 1648 and 1930. The phrase “and companions” is often used for groups of martyrs, but are they given short-shrift in light of their courage? One doubts that these women, men, and—yes—children would feel ignored, but why not spend a few moments today acknowledging with gratitude your sisters and brothers in faith whose names no one but God may know, your ancestors in the communion of saints? ©2015 by TrueQuest Communications. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission from



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