St. Boniface Martyr Parish Bulletin, March 5, 2017

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St. Boniface Martyr Roman Catholic Church “We are a pilgrim people on a journey toward the Kingdom of God.� Established 1898 ~ Sea Cliff, NY Serving the people of God in the communities of Sea Cliff, Glenwood Landing, Glen Head and Glen Cove

Reverend Kevin J. Dillon, Pastor

Mass Schedule Daily Mass: 8am in Our Lady of Mercy Chapel. Sundays: Saturdays 5pm; Sundays: 9am, 10:30am, 12 noon in the Church. Special Intentions: 5pm first Saturday of month.

Confession: Saturdays 4pm-4:45pm Rosary: Mondays-Saturdays after 8am Mass Second Sunday of Lent: March 12, 2017 Genesis 12:1-4a;2 Timothy 1:8b-10;Matthew 17:1-9 5pm Mass Intention: Sr. Anne Marie Dean, CSJ 9am Mass Intention: Sioban Rack 10:30am Intention: Julia Miller 12pm Mass Intention: Parishioners Monday, March 13 (Sioban Rack) Dn 9:4b-10; Lk 6:36-38 7:30pm Lenten Meditation & Scripture Study* Tuesday, March 14 Is 1:10, 16-20; Mt 23:1-12 Wednesday, March 15 (Louise De Stefano) Jer 18:18-20; Mt 20:17-28 Thursday, March 16 Jer 17:5-10; Lk 16:19-31 Friday, March 17 (Pete McGowan) Feast of St. Patrick Fridays during Lent are obligatory days of abstinence from the age of 14 onwards. — Gn 37:3-4, 12-13a; 17b-28a; Mt 21:33-43, 45-46 7:30pm Stations of the Cross (Church) Saturday, March 18 (Frank J. Heenan) Feast of St. Cyril of Jerusalem Mi 7:14-15, 18-20; Lk 15:1-3, 11-32 5pm Mass Intention: Robert F. DiGiovanni *On Monday evenings, March 13, 20, 27, and April 3 at 7:30pm in Church, Fr. Perera will offer a Lenten Meditation and Scripture Study for each of the Sundays of Lent. Come prepare for the Sunday Eucharist by attending these weekly meditations and Breaking Open of the Word.

Berta Roemmelt of Glenwood Landing is the winner of the March 1, 2017 Lucky Boni Buck$ Raffle. Next drawing will be on St. Patrick's Day, March 17th, the first of the 2017-2018 Raffle!

Please Pray For Our Deceased

William Connolly, Tom Magaldi, Michael Maloney Sr., John J. Ryan, Frank Schwalbach, Stanley Stachacz, Priscilla Waltz.

For Our Sick

William Anderson, Bill Berkley, Frances Breen, Richard Brown, Caesar Cavese, Maryanne Dillon, Philip French, Charles Gonder, Carol Griffin, Kay Johnson, Troy Johnson, Joseph Korade, Toni Lauria, Georgia Leim, Michelle Martone, Kenneth Moore, Maria O'Hallorn, John Orozco, Tom Ryan, Jr., Maria Santoli, Anna Fiora Seda, Katrina Stern, Steven Taibbi, Steven Tipton. (Enrollment on the sick list must be requested by an immediate family member through Fr. Kevin.)

For Our Military

Lieutenant Melissa Buffa & Lieutenant Travis Buffa Lance CPL Matthew B. Christman Second Lieutenant Mario Coronel, US Army Second Lieutenant Matthew Coronel, US Army. Flight Lieutenant Joseph Doyle Jake A. Hojnowski, Sailor E-3, US Navy Lance CPL Gregory Knox Private First Class Ignazio LaManna, US Army Private First Class Vincent S. LaManna, Jr., US Army Lieutenant Brian McMenamin Lieutenant Ian McMenamin Private First Class Joshua McMillan Lieutenant Michael R. Ragusa, USN Corporal Cole N. Muttee, USMC Lieutenant Commander Drew Whitting, US Navy SP-4 Class Luke Whitting, US Army Captain Christina Merrick-Wright Captain Bradley Wright, US Army ❖

Stewardship… a Way of Life

Thank you for your Financial Stewardship of $7930 and donation of $1674 to The Church in Need last week. This week will be a second collection for our Maintenance and Repair Fund.

Special Assistance Donation “Your surplus at the present time should supply their needs so that their surplus may in turn one day supply your need.” (II Cor 8:14).

If you have any “surplus”, please place it in an envelope marked Special Assistance and Fr. Kevin will see it helps “supply their needs."

Ministries St. Boniface Youth Group

Prayer Quilts

Friday at 10am in the Parish Center. Contact Cathy Sackett at for more information.


All 8th-12th graders are invited to Youth Center on Sundays from 6-8pm. Follow us on instagram username: stbonyg,. Join our facebook page ‘St. Boniface Martyr Youth Group. Email Youth Minister, Chris, at The Youth Group will be participating in their 7th annual Midnight Run on April 1st in New York City. Midnight Run is an organization established to connect youth groups to the homeless of New York. Our Youth Group will be collecting new and gently used clothing, toiletries and food from the parishes and delivering the supplies in person to those in need. This type of profound experience is not only an opportunity for the youth, but for the parish as a whole to come together and be hands of Christ to those most in need. If you wish to donate new or gently used clothing there will be a clothesline and baskets in the back of the church for any items until March 26th. Your donations and prayers are greatly appreciated as we journey together through this awesome experience!

Fridays 7pm. Knights of Columbus Hall, 83 Sea Cliff Avenue. All proceeds go to charity, including our St. Boniface Outreach Ministry.

Bereavement Support Group

In the Gospel Jesus is transfigured and a voice from heaven said, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased: Listen to him.” Do we listen to Jesus when he asks us to take care of our brothers and sisters who are suffering? Your gift in the St. Vincent de Paul Poor Box will help the poor to celebrate the grace of God’s love this Easter. To give thanks for all that God has given to you, have you considered answering the call to help serve the poor by joining the Society of St. Vincent de Paul? Call the parish center at 676-0676 for details.

Meets the last Sunday of every month at 7:30pm in the Parish Center. Anyone coping with the loss of a loved one is welcome to attend the support group. For more information, contact David Meagher at or Linda Rose at

Catholic Daughters First Mondays of the month at 11am in the parish center for women age 18 and older. Juniors ages 11 -18; Juniorettes ages 6 -10 (date/place on request). Contact: Eileen Stanton

Prayer Group

Mondays at 7:30pm in the chapel. Contact John and Rosemary Murello at 676-2767.

Holy Hour and Benediction Wednesdays at 2pm in the chapel.

Prayer Vigil for the Sick

Thursdays 7pm -7:30pm in the chapel.

Scripture Study

Thursdays 7:30pm in the parish center. We are continuing the study of Luke’s Gospel. All welcome. Contact John and Rosemary Murello at 676-2767.

Lay Carmelites of Blessed Titus Brandsma Third Saturdays at 9am in the parish center.

Miraculous Medal Novena

Saturdays after 8am Mass in the chapel with veneration of the relic of St. Catherine of Labore.

Men’s Ministry We are called to become the best version of ourselves. Our faith response to current events is at the heart of our discussions. We gather monthly in the chapel for Mass at 8am on Saturday and meet in the conference room immediately following. You do not need to be a member to attend. Just show up. Coffee and refreshments served. Contact Rich at for more information. Stay tuned for our April meeting date. .

St. Vincent de Paul Society

Women of Faith Book Group You are invited to the second meeting of a new book group for women in our parish. Book: My Life with the Saints, by James Martin, SJ. Date: Tuesday, April 4 Location: The Parish Center Time: Mornings at 10am OR Evenings at 7:30pm Sessions will run approximately 1 hour. If you plan to attend or have any questions, please contact Pat Fox at (516) 676-1443 or

Pastor’s Note

Lent & Easter 2017 CONFESSIONS

Saturdays : 4:00 PM March 18, 25 & April 1 , 8

THE PASSION & THE MESSIAH eGiving with Faith Direct This month we are introducing a new and exciting way for you to support our parish offertory and second collections: Faith Direct. Faith Direct enables parishioners to make your Church contributions through either direct debit from your checking/savings account or through your credit/debit card. No more writing checks or searching for envelopes on the way out the door. Now you can apply the convenience of direct debit to your parish offerings in much the same way as you may now use it to make your mortgage, car or tuition payments. Faith Direct also offers you personalized offertory cards to replace your envelopes for the collection basket.

A Lenten Program of Scripture and Sacred Choral Masterpieces Presented by the North Shore Chamber Choir April 2, 4:00 PM Admission: $20

PASSION (PALM) SUNDAY April 8 – April 9 Masses: Saturday: 5:00 PM Sunday: 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM & 12:00 PM

PENANCE DAY – MONDAY April 10 (Diocesan Day of Reconciliation) 3:00 – 9:00 PM (Individual Confessions)


9:00 AM Morning Prayer 7:30 PM Solemn Mass of the Lord’s Supper Adoration at Repository until 10:45 PM Concluding with Night Prayer at 10:45 PM

GOOD FRIDAY – April 14

Please join me in enrolling by responding to the mailing you will receive or visit to enroll securely online. Our parish code is NY820.

9:00 AM Morning Prayer 12:00 PM Children’s Station of the Cross 3:00 PM Solemn Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion 4:30 – 6:00 PM Confessions 7:30 PM Solemn Stations of the Cross

God Bless You! Rev. Kevin Dillon


Easter Altar Flowers

may be brought to church during Holy Week. Thank you!

9:00 AM Morning Prayer 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Confessions 12:00 PM Blessing of the Food 7:30 PM The Easter Vigil

EASTER SUNDAY – April 16 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM & 12:00 PM


Run for Catholic Education! Please join us on March 25th for the

Run For Tomorrow's Hope 5K and Fun Run hosted by St Joseph School, Garden City at 8:30am. Mass at 7:30am with a special blessing for runners. Fun for seasoned runners and first timers. Walkers and strollers welcome. For more info or to register go to:

From the Pastor SMALL MATTERS We are taught that big is better, and more really matters. While it is definitely good to think big, and have all sorts of grandiose plans for projects, renovations or career dreams, sometime if we bite off more than we can chew, we may discover we cannot fulfill or finish the endeavor we originally set out to complete. This can lead to frustration and maybe a bit of depression. It might be good to ponder the words of St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta who said, “Not all of us can do great things, but we can ALL do small things with GREAT LOVE.” Lent is the perfect time to pray and meditate on these words of this great spiritual woman and nun. We are already at the Second Sunday of Lent, also known as Transfiguration Sunday. The Church refers to this particular Sunday with that term because every year on the Second Sunday of Lent, we hear the Gospel account of the Transfiguration of Jesus where Peter, James and John get a preview of what Jesus’ resurrected body will look like. That is also our hope and expectation for our lowly bodies when Christ raises us from the dead at the end of the world. During Lent, we strive to make changes in behaviors and habits that will enhance and strengthen our relationship with God. We strive to be better disciples of Jesus Christ, and try so hard to become just a little bit more like Our Lord, and it’s NOT ALWAYS EASY! We give up things, try to pray and reflect more and perhaps perform acts of charity. We may start out with the best of intentions on Ash Wednesday to accomplish a lot and just maybe, by the Second or Third Sunday of Lent fail. This failure can lead us to abandon all the good intentions we had on Ash Wednesday; or maybe, some people have not done anything as of yet. My advice is either to get started or do not give up. In fact, why not START SMALL!

There are lots of things one can do during Lent. For example, if you are not a daily mass goer, attend mass one other day during the week, besides Sunday and if you can do more than that, wonderful. Consider attending Stations of the Cross on Friday evenings at 7:30 PM at least once during Lent. Make an effort to pray one decade of the Rosary every day during Lent. Attempt to join one of the several prayer groups we have here at St. Boniface, or become a member of the Women’s Book Club here at the parish. Why not think about attending the Catholic Themes in Film group that Deacon Tom Fox hosts on Sunday afternoon in the Parish Center. Make a conscious effort to avail yourself of the Sacrament of Reconciliation at least once during Lent. Read a portion of Sacred Scripture for 5 minutes every day during Lent (St. Mark’s Gospel is a good beginning). If Mark’s Gospel doesn’t appeal to you try praying the Psalms before bed time. Psalm 91 is a great bed time prayer, or Psalm 51 is also a good choice to use before going to sleep. Spend 15 or 20 minutes before the Blessed Sacrament on Saturday afternoons from 4 PM-5PM. Attend Father Perera’s Breaking Open the Word Sessions in Church on the Monday evenings of Lent at 7:30 PM. These are just some suggestions to aid you in making your Lent more fruitful, and hopefully enhancing your spiritual life. Making these small changes may lead to permanently changing your spiritual life, thus transforming us into better images of Christ, and that’s ultimately one of the goals and objectives of this Transfiguration Sunday! - Fr. Kevin

! There will be a Thank You Cocktail Party for all St. Boniface Volunteers on Sunday, March 19, from 4 pm - 8 pm at the American Legion Hall in Glen Head. Anyone who volunteers for ministries or other parish functions and events is invited.

Fr. M. Deshaprema Chinthaka Perera St. Boniface Martyr has a new Associate Pastor! Fr. Perera was born in Colombo, Sri Lanka and ordained on January 14, 2006. He arrived in the U.S. for the first time on February 14, 2017.

St. Boniface Social Media:  Website:

 Facebook:  Twitter:  YouTube: St. Boniface YouTube Channel  Expanded Online Parish Bulletin

Very excited to see snow for the first time, he asked when it will come again! A very humble man, Fr. Perera would like to be more sensitive to other cultures and have more pastoral experiences by dispensing his services and bringing people closer to God. You may email him at

Welcome to St. Boniface, Fr. Perera! God bless you!

Meet Our New Bishop! St. Boniface will host the Oyster Bay Deanery Mass celebrated by Most Rev. John Barres, our new Diocesan Bishop at 7:30pm on Wednesday, March 15. Come meet our Bishop and pray with him and the other parishioners of the Oyster Bay Deanery.

Visit to have the daily readings emailed to you every morning. You may read and/or listen to the readings

Feast by the Shore Meeting

Join us at the Organizational Meeting for the 2017 Feast by The Shore (May 18-21) on Tuesday, March 21 at 7:30pm in the school. All Are Welcome!

Stations of the Cross

Pray the Stations of the Cross Friday nights during Lent at 7:30pm in St. Boniface Martyr Church.

Early Bulletin Deadlines

Holy Thursday Pilgrimage The St. Boniface Martyr Religious Education Office invites you to join us on Holy Thursday at 1pm for a Pilgrimage walk to two neighboring churches: St. Rocco’s and St. Patrick’s. It is a time for prayer and reflection. During the walk we will pray for those that have helped us in our lives, for those who may need help and pray for those that have no one to pray for them. We will gather at St. Boniface Martyr Church and proceed from there, stopping at each of the churches mentioned and then returning to St. Boniface. Please join us for this time of prayer and reflection. It is a time to journey to the Father through the Son, Jesus Christ.

March 19 deadline: 5pm, Sunday, March 12 March 26 deadline: Noon Monday, March 20 April 2 deadline: Noon Monday, March 27 April 9 deadline: Noon Tuesday, March 28 April 16 deadline: Noon Monday, April 3


Join us Sunday afternoons at 2pm in the Parish Center for movies with Catholic themes followed by a brief discussion led by Deacon Tom Fox. No RSVP needed. Come see some classics and some newer movies of faith that stir the heart.

Sunday, March 12: The Way

Meet Our New Bishop! St. Boniface will host the Oyster Bay Deanery Mass celebrated by Most Rev. John Barres, our new Diocesan Bishop at 7:30pm on Wednesday, March 15. Come meet our Bishop and pray with him and the other parishioners of the Oyster Bay Deanery.

2017 - 2018 St. Boniface Martyr


Monthly Raffle

Glen Cove St Patrick’s Day Parade and After Party



to participate in the third annual LUCKY BONI BUCK$ Raffle. Remember that only one $25 ticket (or 5 for $100) gives you 14 chances to win $500, beginning on St. Patrick’s Day, so get your entry/entries in soon! You can drop your ticket(s) in the collection basket, drop them off at the Parish office or mail them in. If you need tickets, they are available at the back of the Church and at the Parish Office. Tickets will still be on sale after March 17, 2017, but why miss one of the 14 chances to win $500?!

SUNDAY, MARCH 19TH Grand Marshals; Chris and Julie Albin Grand Marshal Aides: Sophie McCabe and Fred Hill The Glen Cove Hibernians are hosting a postParade Party right at the end of the Glen Cove St. Patrick’s Day Parade route, at St. Patrick’s Parish Hall. Non-stop Irish music by the massed pipe bands performing in the Parade. 2pm – 6pm St. Patrick’s Parish Hall $15 Donation Corned Beef Dinner – Cash Bar For information: Robert Lynch: 516-782-7494

Religious Ed Question of the Week Have you ever had a “mountain top” experience where you felt exceptionally close to God? How was your life changed by that experience? Perhaps this reading calls us, not to cling to the familiar, but to leave the comforts of the parish and reach out to the world around us. In your neighborhood or community, who is waiting to hear the Good News? How can you as a family reach out to others over this Lenten season and share the Good News with others?

All Saints Regional Catholic School

12 Pearsall Avenue, Glen Cove Free Before-Care and After-Care!

OPEN HOUSE: Monday, March 13 6pm—8pm. Come see what makes us unique!

Handbell Choir

Our parish Handbell Choir is looking for new members. If you are interested, please speak to our Music Director, Jeff Schneider, after mass or you may email him at

Religious Education News: The Random Acts of Kindness project has begun! Bring your acts of kindness or witness of kind acts to Religious Education and post them on the “Heart of Kindness.”

St. Boniface Youth Group All 8th-12th graders are invited to Youth Center on Sundays from 6-8pm.

Follow us on Instagram username: stbonyg. Join our facebook page ‘St. Boniface Martyr Youth Group’.

Email Youth Minister, Chris, at

Here are a list of some of the youth group’s big events for the rest of this year: April 1 - Midnight Run!

The Youth Group will be participating in their 7th annual Midnight Run on April 1st in New York City. Midnight Run is an organization established to connect youth groups to the homeless of New York. Our Youth Group will be collecting new and gently used clothing, toiletries and food from the parishes and delivering the supplies in person to those in need. This type of profound experience is not only an opportunity for the youth, but for the parish as a whole to come together and be hands of Christ to those most in need. If you wish to donate new or gently used clothing there will be a clothesline and baskets in the back of the church for any items until March 26th. Your donations and prayers are greatly appreciated as we journey together through this awesome experience!

April 13 - Good Friday Lock-in and Stations of the Cross April 21 - Weekend Retreat at Camp deWolfe with other youth groups from the diocese July 2 - Catholic Heart Work Camp

Attention All Families St. Boniface Religious Education will be holding a series of Parent Invitationals throughout the year. They will take place during class time while your child is in class. Please look at the schedule and the topics and feel free to attend as many as you wish. These gatherings are a time to come and learn a little more about your faith and help to create an avenue for you to have meaningful discussions with your child about their faith.

Come and have a cup of coffee with us. Take this time to listen, learn and engage! Parent Invitational 4: Tuesday, March 28th 4 - 5 PM Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord; getting ready for Easter Parent Invitational 5: Wednesday, March 29th 4 - 5 PM The Holy Spirit

Parent Invitational 6: Wednesday, April 5th 7 - 8 PM The Sacraments

No reservations required just come and join us as you can! Offered by the Religious Education Office of St. Boniface Martyr

eGiving with Faith Direct This month we are introducing a new and exciting way for you to support our parish offertory and second collections: Faith Direct. Faith Direct enables parishioners to make your Church contributions through either direct debit from your checking/ savings account or through your credit/debit card. No more writing checks or searching for envelopes on the way out the door. Now you can apply the convenience of direct debit to your parish offerings in much the same way as you may now use it to make your mortgage, car or tuition payments. Faith Direct also offers you personalized offertory cards to replace your envelopes for the collection basket. Please join me in enrolling by responding to the mailing you will receive or visit to enroll securely online. Our parish code is NY820. God Bless You! Rev. Kevin Dillon

The Passion and the Messiah. A Lenten Program of Scripture and Sacred Choral Masterpieces. April 2, 4:00 pm. St. Boniface Martyr Church, Sea Cliff, NY Admission: $20 Presented by the North Shore Chamber Choir

On Monday evenings, March 6, 13, 20, 27, April 3 at 7:30pm in Church, Fr. Perera will offer a Lenten Meditation and Scripture Study for each of the Sundays of Lent. Come prepare for the Sunday Eucharist by attending these weekly meditations and Breaking Open of the Word.

Donations of Easter Altar Flowers may be brought to church during Holy Week. Thank you!

Bulletin Submission Policy We welcome submissions to the weekly Bulletin. All copy and material is due by noon on Mondays preferably in electronic format. Photos or supporting graphics should be hi-resolution and sent via E-mail as attachments. The Bulletin Editor may edit submissions for content, clarity and/ or size. Please E-mail your submission to after approval from Fr. Kevin.

St. Boniface Bereavement Group Those who have suffered understand suffering and therefore extend their hand. (Patti Smith, poet and composer.)

The next meeting of the new book group for women in our Parish.

Book: M y L ife with the Saints by Fr. James Martin SJ Date: Tuesday, April 4, 2017 Location: The Par ish Center Time: 

Morning Session 10 am, or


Evening Session 7:30 pm Sessions will run approximately one hour.

If you plan on attending or if you have any questions, please contact:

Pat Fox 516-676-1443

You do not have to walk alone. A new bereavement support group has been formed at St. Boniface Martyr. It meets the last Sunday of every month at 7:30pm in the Parish Center. Anyone coping with the loss of a loved one is welcome to attend the support group. For more information, contact David Meagher at or Linda Rose at If you have experienced the death of a loved one and would like to join this group or wish additional information, contact:

David Meagher Linda Rose

Glen Cove St Patrick’s Day Parade and After Party SUNDAY, MARCH 19TH 2pm – 6pm St. Patrick’s Parish Hall

All Saints Regional Catholic School Founded in 1990 Supported by the Parishes of: St. Boniface ~ St. Hyacinth ~ St. Mary ~ St. Patrick ~ St. Rocco Accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools Phone: 516 676-0762 March 2017 Dear Parishioners, I am happy to share what is New and Exciting this month! Lenten Season The season of Lent is a time for Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving. Throughout Lent, the students will have opportunities to increase their understanding and participation in these spiritual practices. Some examples include: Almsgiving. Teachers and students will come together to fundraise for the St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital by participating in the Mathathon. Students will complete a series of grade-appropriate math assignments to help raise money for this foundation. We are also adopting an elementary school in Paraguay. The students will collect various items needed for an elementary school and have the opportunity to continue to learn about the similarities and differences they share. Self-Reflection: Every student is going to complete a Lenten Journal. We are a school with a kind H.E.A.R.T. (Help, Encourage, Accept, Respect, Trust others), and by journaling the students have an opportunity for daily self reflection on how they share a kind H.E.A.R.T with everyone. Prayer: The students participate daily in Common Prayer will have numerous opportunities for praying the Stations of the Cross, Benediction, and Confession. Thank you Father Elias, Father Daniel, Father Gabriel, and Father Ambros! Lego League Jr. On Saturday March 4th, the Third-Grade Students participated in their first Lego League Exhibition. They along with students from other school districts, clubs and organizations, participated in this event. The event took place in Mineola High School, and the students were given the opportunity to showcase their STEM projects. We had four groups of students representing our school. The students had the opportunity to go before judges from the league and speak about their projects. The Faculty and Administration are very proud of their accomplishments! Many thanks to the teachers and parents for their support and participation in making this possible. The students will have another opportunity to share their designs during the Spring Festival of the Arts. God bless you! Mrs. Fitzgerald

• • •

Faith Foundation Future

2017 - 2018 St. Boniface Martyr

LUCKY BONI BUCK$ Monthly Raffle

14 Chances to Win $500! Tickets $25 Each or 5/$100

Drawing the First Day of Each Month with 2 Bonus Drawings: St. Patrick’s Day on March 17th Feast of St. Boniface on June 5th The first drawing will be St. Patrick’s Day.

All proceeds support St. Boniface Martyr Parish. Winners will be posted on our website and in our weekly bulletin. Tickets are available in the back of the Church and at the Parish Office. You can drop your ticket(s) in the collection basket, drop them off at the Parish office or mail them in. Only one $25 ticket (or 5 for $100) gives you 14 chances to win $500, so get your entry/entries in soon. Tickets will still be on sale after March 17, , but why miss one of the 14 chances to win $500!

Holy Thursday Pilgrimage St. Boniface Martyr Religious Education Office invites you to join us on Holy Thursday at 1 PM for a Pilgrimage walk to two neighboring churches, St. Rocco and St. Patrick. The Pilgrimage will be a time for prayer and reflection. During the walk, we will pray for those that have helped us in our lives, for those who may need help and pray for those that have no one to pray for them. We will gather at St. Boniface Martyr Church and proceed from there, stopping at each of the churches mentioned and then returning to St. Boniface. Please join us for this time of prayer and reflection. It is a time to journey to the Father through the Son, Jesus Christ.

It is about a 30 to 45-minute Where: Meet in front of walk to St. Rocco. We should St. Boniface at 1 PM be there between 1:30 and What: Wear good walk- 1:45 PM. We will visit the Church for about 10 to 15 ing shoes! (Bring a therminutes and then walk 10 to mos or water bottle.) 15 more minutes to St. Patrick. How: We will walk from We should arrive there beSt. Boniface Martyr to St. tween 2:15 and 2:30 PM. We Rocco and from St. Rocco will visit the church for 10 to 15 minutes as well. We will to St. Patrick and then then walk 40 to 45 minutes back to St. Boniface Mar- back to St. Boniface Martyr tyr. arriving around 4: 15 PM and Our Pilgrimage should we will enter church for a final take about 3 to 3.5 hours. prayer.

Do you want to SAVE time, money and make your home safer, Become healthier and help support St. Boniface Church? Father Kevin and St. Boniface Church are pleased to welcome Judith Grant, nurse practitioner and health advocate who will Present information about a way to help with all these categories... And create a perpetual fund-raiser for the church.

Please Join Us For a powerful and informative presentation on a new way to shop & save money and support the Church. Tuesday, April 4 7:30pm St. Boniface Church

Use Your IRA for Your Gift Now and/or for Your Estate Gift! If you would like to make a gift now using your Ira and if: 1. You are at least 70 1/2 years old on the date you make your gift 2. Your IRA is a traditional or Roth 3. You don’t exceed your personal maximum of $100,000 per year in qualified charitable distributions You will not have to report your distribution as income. It will be free of federal and New York State income tax, and it will count toward your required minimum distribution (RMD). The best way for you to start is with your IRA custodian. Tell them you want to make a "qualified charitable distribution". In most cases you will only have to fill out a simple form. VERY IMPORTANT!! Your gift must go directly from your IRA to the Parish. If you receive the money first then you’ll be taxed on it like any other distribution.

If you would like to make an Estate gift: 1. You can make your Parish a beneficiary of your IRA and your loved ones will not have to pay income tax on their proceeds. Example: Mrs. O’Brien, age 80, must take a required minimum distribution of $25,000 this year from her IRA. She wants to use the funds to make her contribution to her Parish Capital Campaign. She instructs her IRA Custodian to transfer these funds directly to the Parish. Mr. O’Brien escapes both federal and state tax. Mrs. O’Brien also decides to make her Parish the beneficiary of her IRA in her estate plan and leave other assets to her loved ones. She chooses this gift strategy because her loved ones would have to pay income tax on her IRA proceeds. This information is not intended and should not be construed as legal, tax or investment advice. For such advice, please consult an attorney, tax advisor or investment professional.

St. Boniface Martyr Parish Directory Pastor: Rev. Kevin J. Dillon; Associate Pastor: Fr. Chinthaka Perera; In Residence: Fr. Azubuike Igwegbe Deacon: Tom Fox; Music & Liturgy: Jeffrey Schneider; Fr. James Donohoe Parish Center 145 Glen Avenue, Sea Cliff, NY 11579; 516-676-0676 Fax: 516-674-6742; Email:; Website Office Hours: 9am-2:30pm;1:30-4:30pm: Monday thru Wednesday. Thursdays 12:30pm - 6:30pm, Friday 9am-12:30pm

Administration: Joan Schiller (Mondays-Thursdays); Pat Gregson Friday morning; Margaret Evans Friday afternoon. Business & Finance: Eileen Krieb; Religious Education: Karen Croce, by appointment. 516-671-0418; Youth Ministry: Chris Mandato; Parish Outreach: Jody Fleischmann and David Meagher Parish Center; Wednesdays & Saturdays. 10 am-1pm Parish Registration: We welcome all new members of our parish family. We ask all parishioners to welcome and invite new neighbors and their families to become a part of St. Boniface Martyr Parish. Parish registration (census) forms available by the main doors of the church and parish center. Please return forms to the parish center. Bulletin Editor: Julie Byrne. Deadline: Noon Monday. Please email submissions to after approval from Fr. Kevin. Submissions may be edited for content, clarity and/or size. For best results, email prior to deadline date. Webmaster/Social Media: Robert P. Lynch. 516-782-7494; Website:; Facebook:; Twitter: https://

All Saints Regional Catholic School (ASR) Headmaster: The Very Reverend Dom Elias Carr, Can. Reg.; 12 Pearsall Ave., Glen Cove, NY 11542; 516-676-0762; Marriage: Couples wishing to be married should call the parish center before any other arrangements are made. A minimum of six months is needed for marriage preparations. Baptism: Parents wishing to present a child for Baptism should be registered members of St. Boniface Martyr Parish. Parents are required to have a Baptism Preparation Interview and attend a Baptism class. Baptisms are celebrated on the last Sunday of the month. Godparents must be fully initiated members of the Catholic Church (having received the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist), and provide a sponsor certificate. Please call 516-676-0676. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA): An ongoing process of formation for those interested in becoming Catholic. Call the parish center at 516-676-0676 for more information. Diocese of Rockville Centre: 50 North Park Ave. Rockville Centre, NY 11571-9023; 516-678-5800;





MEDICINE AND SURGERY OF THE FOOT 3 Walnut Road Glen Cove, NY 11542


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