Design Studio 5 portfolio

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E - P o r t f o l i o AR518 Architecture Design Studio 5

Prepared by: Yap Jien Yong Student ID: 1001956747 Prepare for: Ms Sharon Ong, Mr James Lim Chin Wai, Mr. Yusoff, Ms Nisa, Ms Esha



When the nature growth, the Building grow as well Living Architecture Biophilic Design Behavior of Nature

C o n t e n t 0 1

Design by researching Task 1A: Reading (Individual) Chosen Species Anatomy of species Evolution of Species Task 2: Site Exploration Horizon Endless Horizon Model

0 2 A

Contextual + Strategies Task 1: Existing Building(Group Work) Flight of The Colugo Zipliness Ticket Offices, Gift shop & Habitat Café Task 2: Site Model (Group Work) Unit Site model (The Habitat) Task 3: Site Reflection (Individual) Exploration Sketches Conceptual Drawing Conceptual Model

0 2 B 0 3

Contextual + Strategies Task 1: Urban Strategies Natural Physical Features Circulation, Transportation Proposed Programming Task 2: Building Strategy Floor plan Section Perspective Model

Biophilia Architecture Case Studies Design Exploration Design Development The Living Bamboo Center Exterior Perspective Site Plan Ground Floor Plan First Floor Plan Sections Elevations Perspective Model

0 1

Design by researching Task 1A: Reading (Individual) Chosen Species Anatomy of species Evolution of Species Task 2: Site Exploration Horizon Endless Horizon Model

C h o s e n

S p e c i e s

S i t e

E x p l o r a t i o n

H O R I Z O N A Horizon gives a distinct outline to a formless landscape stretching as far as the eye can see. To Conceive a Building in a manner producing a horizon. If we can produce a horizon as a outline, we can perhaps concretely plan a landscape as a space having form. -Junya Ishigami

E n d l e s s


This model express the concept of endless horizontal line on human eye-level, with the philosophy of le corbusier-- framing of horizon with architecture element. Nine differ ent circumference of horizon line were capture and arranged in a horizon circle . Prepared by James Group_Unit A_Jan2022.

S i t e

E x p l o r a t i o n

S i t e

E x p l o r a t i o n

S i t e

E x p l o r a t i o n

0 2 A

Contextual + Strategies Task 1: Existing Building(Group Work) Flight of The Colugo Zipliness Ticket Offices, Gift shop & Habitat Café Task 2: Site Model (Group Work) Unit Site model (The Habitat) Task 3: Site Reflection (Individual) Exploration Sketches Conceptual Drawing Conceptual Model

E x i s t i n g

B u i l d i n g

Flight of The Colugo Zipliness

Ground Floor Plan

Elevation 01

First Floor Plan

Elevation 02

Roof Plan

Section A-A

E x i s t i n g

B u i l d i n g

Ticket Offices, Gift shop & Habitat Café

Elevation 01

Ground Floor Plan

Elevation 02

Section A-A First Floor Plan

S i t e

M o d e l

Unit A Site Model (The Habitat)

S i t e

R e f l e c t i o n

Exploration SKetches

S i t e

R e f l e c t i o n

Conceptual Drawing

S i t e

R e f l e c t i o n

Conceptual Model

S i t e

R e f l e c t i o n

Conceptual Model

0 2 B

Contextual + Strategies Task 1: Urban Strategies Natural Physical Features Circulation, Transportation Proposed Programming Task 2: Building Strategy Floor plan Section Perspective Model

U r b a n

S t r a t e g i e s

Master Urban Planning

U r b a n Site Urban Planning

S t r a t e g i e s

B u i l d i n g Floor Plan

S t r a t e g i e s

B u i l d i n g Section

S t r a t e g i e s

B u i l d i n g Perspective

S t r a t e g i e s

B u i l d i n g Model

S t r a t e g i e s

0 3

Biophilia Architecture Case Studies Design Exploration Design Development The Living Bamboo Center Exterior Perspective Site Plan Ground Floor Plan First Floor Plan Sections Elevations Perspective Model

C a s e

S t u d i e s

Design Exploration Bamboo Structure and Framing Exploration

Bamboo Exploration

C a s e

S t u d i e s

Design Exploration

Facade Exploration

Programs Proposed The main program in this building design is tree shaping workshop which located at the middle of a dome of living bamboos. This idea is to highlight the program related to my design concept - 'Nature Grows with Architecture' which when the nature grows, the building grows as well and living architecuture.


Evergreen Shrubs

Boxwoods - Grow fairly quickly (5-6) a year Ideal for Practicing shaping technique.

C a s e

S t u d i e s

Perspective sketches

C a s e

S t u d i e s

Design Development

To spread, allow and increase the exposure of load To bend, bending by following the tree position

Covered most of the vegetation improve by decreasing the covered area

To Split, split into small portion to provide different functional spaces.

To level, different height of platform provide different kind of vista and feeling . (sunlight, wind, humidity)

To Extend, extended from main area which nearby the main path To Connect, connecting to each of the space.

T h e

L i v i n g

Exterior Perspective

B a m b o o

C e n t e r

T h e Site Plan

L i v i n g

B a m b o o

C e n t e r

T h e

L i v i n g

Ground Floor Plan

B a m b o o

C e n t e r

T h e

L i v i n g

First Floor Plan

B a m b o o

C e n t e r

T h e Section X-X

L i v i n g

B a m b o o

C e n t e r

T h e

L i v i n g

Northeast Elevation

B a m b o o

C e n t e r

T h e

L i v i n g

Southeast Elevation

B a m b o o

C e n t e r

T h e Perspective

L i v i n g

B a m b o o

C e n t e r

T h e Final Model

L i v i n g

B a m b o o

C e n t e r

T h e Final Model

L i v i n g

B a m b o o

C e n t e r

T h e

L i v i n g

Final Model Without Roof Cover

B a m b o o

C e n t e r

T h e

L i v i n g

Final Model Without Roof Cover

B a m b o o

C e n t e r

T h e

E n d

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