Propert.v- nf the Parish of St Nf ary lmmaeulate
f.-j? ?*aog#
with Children A Compfete Three-Year Program Following the Lec{ionary
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a all
Katie Thompson
;\t;thnr gf fi;e f"n4n,r:fers
il'n;;igf,r4.,1,'-r'r'; 1 ii.:,ir,r1';,' .B.*li,.{l
ztz 0rz 80(,
v0z z0z 002
86r 96r
t6r z6l 06I 88I
98r v8r z8r 08I
8tr 9lL frLI
ztT OLI 891
v9l z9l 09r 89I 997
v9r agT
09r 8Vr
91r ,VT
aql Jo d€puns qlaquaMl
rea^ ar{l Jo depuns qluaalaulN rea^ aql Jo depuns qluaalr{8lg r€a^ aqt Jo depuns qluaalua^as r€a^ ar{l Jo d€puns r&uaalxrs rea^ ar{} Jo d€puns r{}uaaulc rea^ aql Jo depuns r{luaaunoc rea^ aql Jo dppuns qtuaaillqJ
v0l z0l
8€I 9€,1
ler 0€I 8Zr
9Zr vzT
zzl \zL
8II 9II vLl
zu OII
rea1 oqt ;o {epung qtuaaulll r€a1 ar11 ;o .,{epung I{UIa/v[ rea aql ;o ,{epun5 qlua^alg rea1 aq] 1o Xepun5 qlual
86 96
t6 z6
r€a^ aLIl lo ,{epuns q}ual rea^ aq] lo,ieplms rFurN rpa1 ar{} Io ,iepuns q+q8lg rea^ arF lo tPPuns q+ua^as rea1 ar{t;o ieptm5 q1n5
rea^ aql qo -ieprm5 qlpg rea1 ar11 Jo ,ieplm5 rplnol
8t 9t
rea1 aql Jo ,,{epung qlulN r€a1 ar{};o depung q}qBIA r€a^ aLIl ;o ,(epun5 r&ua^as rPaA arfi;o .,{epung qlxrS rea^ arD;o ,(epun5 qgrg rer1 aql Jo ,{epung qunol
06 98
v8 z8 08
r€a1 arp;o depung Prrql lea1 aql;o .{ePun5 PuoJaS (l pue g 'y s'rea1) dePun5 drpltI (l pue g'V srea ) dePun5 lsoraluad lalseg Jo {epung qlua^as pro.l aql Jo uolsuarsv aql (J puB g'y sreal)
r€a1 arp;o depunS Puoras rals€g Jo depung q+ua^as rats€g Jo depuns qlxls rals€f, ]o depun5 qlyg ralseg Jo depung qlrno{ ralseg Jo depunS Prql
ratse:l Jo ,{Epuns qlxls ralse:l Jo {ePuns qUIJ ralse:l Jo depunS qunoC
rals€g Jo depung Puolas lua1 Jo dePun5 qgtg lua1 ]o depung qlmoC 1ua-1 Jo depung Prql lua'I Jo depung Puoras ]ua1 Jo depung ls.4d dprueg dlog aql lua^pvJo depung qunoC lua^pv Jo depung prlg1.
lalseg Jo fePun5 P'rrq1 ratseA Jo ,,{epung puoras
lua^pv depung Puoras 'o Jo depung lsrlC lua^pv
g lea
0t 89 99
'o rFr4u-d}uaMl rea^ ar{+ 1o,,{ePung rea1 ar{} Jo depung qtq81a-d1ua,u1 rea^ aql 1o r{epun5 qlua,tas-d}uarrzrl rea^ ar{t Jo depung qlxrs-d1ua.tt1 reo1 arll;o depung qgq-dluaml r€a1 ar{+ 1o depung qilnoJ-d}ua.MJ
aql;o d8rnlrl
lua,l (f, pue g 'y sreal) pro1 aql;o tusqdeg aq1 (l pue g 'y sreal) pro'I aql Jo duegdrdg ag1 (f, pue g 'y sreal) s€rulsrl{J rarye depung puoras
8I 9L VT
dllureg d1o11 aql deq sewlsrrq3 g'Y sreal) pue (f,
Jo depung
depung prrql ]ua^pv +ua^pv to'odepung puo)as
Jo depung ts.rlJ
v ree^
rea1 arll Jo depung plql-d1uam1 r€a1 ar{l ;o depung puocas-d1ua.tr1 rea^ aql;o depung lsrr;-dluarvr1 rea^ ar{l ;o deptmS qlar}uaMI rea^ aql;o .,{epun5 rDuaa}aulN
lua.1 Jo depung puoras luaT Jo depuns lsrlC
Bur) aql lsljrq:)
pue B'V srea1) ,{eq ralseg
luaT Jo depung
rea1 aql;o depung p:rql-&rHl rea1 aql Jo depung puolas-d1rrg1 rea1 oqt;o depung lsrr;-&rlUJ. depung qlalulqJ r€a1 arl]
:(3 pue g 'V srea1) depung (uotsse4) rup4 srulecl aql Jo dBrnlrl :(J pu€ g 'y sreaa) ,{epun5 (uorssed) urled lua'l ]o depung qlyg lua.I Jo deptmg qtmoC
9€ 0vL
rea1 aql 1o .,{epun5 q}uaalrnol
depuns {}l{art1 rea^ aql Jo depuns r8ua^al1 rEaA arl+ Jo
rea1 aqt;o depung qluaalq8rg rea^ aql ;o ,{epun5 qluaa}ua^as rea1 aq] 1o {epung qtuaalxls r€a1 arp yo depung qluaaryIC
uarpln{r qll-M proM aql;o d3rn1r1 aql Surlerqalar ro, IaPou Pa1sa88ns Y
uoq)npo4ul pJo.\{aJol
Trrentr'-first Sunday of the year Tu'enty-second Sunday of the year Tr,venty-third Sunday of the year Twenty-fourth Sunday of the year
zro 218 220
TWenty-fifth Sunday of the year TWenty-sixth Sunday of the year TWenty-seventh Sunday of the year TWenty-eighth Sunday of the year Twenty-ninth Sunday of the year Thirtieth Sunday of the year Thirty-first Sunday of the year
222 )1,1 .z-z-o
228 230 ZJZ z.)+
Thirty-second Sunday of the year Thirty-third Sunday of the year Christ the King
zJo 238 240
Year C Advent First Sunday ofAdvent Second Sunday of Advent Third Sunday of Advent Fourth Sunday of Advent The Holy Family
Thirty-first Sunday of the year
First Sunday of Lent Second Sunday of Lent Third Sunday of Lent Fourth Sunday of Lent Fifth Sunday of Lent
Second Sunday of Easter
Sr"rnday of Easter
298 300
302 304 306 308 310
372 314 316 318
320 JZZ JL+ 326
328 330 JJZ
334 336
Thirty-second Sunday of the year
Thirty-third Sunday of the year Christ the King
268 270 272
Sixth Sunday of Easter Seventh Sunday of Easter Second Sunday of the year Third Sunday of the year
294 296
Twenty-fourth Sunday of the year Twenty-fifth Sunday of the year Trventy-sixth Sunday of the year
290 292
Sixteenth Sunday of the year Seventeenth Sunday of the year Eighteenth Sunday of the year Nineteenth Sunday of the year Twentieth Sunday of the year Twenty-first Sunday of the year Twenty-second Sunday of the year Twenty-third Sunday of the year
Twenty-seventh Sunday of the year Twenty-eighth Sunday of the year TWenty-ninth Sunday of the year Thirtieth Sunday of the year
Fourth Sunday of Easter Fifth Sunday of Easter
Eighth Sundav of the year Ninth Sundav of the year Tenth Sunday of the \ear Eleventh Sunday of the year Twelfth Sunday of the year Thirteenth Sunday of the year Fourteenth Sunday of the year Fifteenth Sunday of the year
)74 276 278
Fourth Sunday of the year Fifth Sunday of the Year Sirth Sunday of the Year
Seventh Sunday of the year
282 284
Special Feasts (Years A, B and C) Mary, Mother of God - 1 January The Presentation of the Lord (Candlemas) - 2 February
346 348
Solemnity of Saints Peter and paul 29 - June Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord _ 6 August Solemnity of the Assumption - 15 August Solemnity of All Saints - 1 November
Acclamations and Glorias Gospel Readings
352 JJ4 356 359
9D qqq_listins ri it' CD tttcltttled it'itlt this uolume is for use with the Acclamations anrl Glorias ott pnges3bl -jr,. . Tracks 7-20 are ti iiii r'"'';is io 'r-<slsl rtt lenrning; trncks 27-4c are backing tracks to help roith relrcnrsnls or itt ,i,; ..--!ir,tl lterforrtrtutce. She'll be coming rounc-l the
mountain TWinkle, twinkle, little star
(30), 11 (31), 12
r__rt. 1-i
The big ship sailed
London Bridge is falling dorun The farmer's in his den Dingle dangle scarecro.vv
I rll -1 ill
Little Bo-Peep
r (lrt,
i:,'l;-:""L'"'r'r..ur Therrheeis trr tl.iebu:
I'm a little teap..t Olri \lcD.rnald ha.l a farnr Oh r'e can plar the t,ig bass drum
black sheep lVhat shall n-e do u.ith a drunken sailor? Baa, baa
8 (28) e (2e)
14 (34) (3s), 119 (3e) 16 (36) r7 (37) 1B (38)
20 (40)
€pol salrl Jno ur a)uasard Bur,l,r1 srq aruarradxa a-n lry a,roqe ,pue r{ll€J rno ro; luauqsrrnou /aJII roJ arueprn8 purJ a^ €uoleads poD reaq a.l,r po3
to proM^aql q8norql .suoq€nlrs pue salrl u^ o rrar{}
ol uaq] 8urle1ar pup ,sauoJs ladsog aql guupr1s Xq qrru umo rraql dolaaap pup raloJsrp ol urall] a8e;norua a,14 'uorlednrlred pue Surpuelsrapun Jo Ia^al u^ o rraql ol parolre] sr 1eq1 de.lr. e ur drqsro,u ol alqp arn .r"rp1q, 'suo4prqalal 1err8rryrl yo uoqeldepe alrlrsuas q8norql 'qsrred rno.,{ ur aldoad Bunod aq} ro; p;Buiueau
pue Iear sr 1eq1 .{erur € ur proM s,poD arer{s o1 no.,( d1ar1 o] Iool pue aprn8 e se dpuapr;uo) ]r asll .suoqenlrs pue spaau u^ro rnod lrns o1 paldepe ,{ya,rqrsuas aq uer ler{} Iprraleru pup seapr ,suo4sa88ns pydlaq aprrrord o1 lnq
lurrdanlq e aq o] papualur tou sr ]I .l,4srunu Bur8ualpqr sIF ol palerrpap are or{.,la 11e o1 l.roddns pue tuaru
-a8Brnorua sral1o {ooq srq} ,arererd poo8 aq o1 spuaru -uro)aJ-ll 1eq,,lr Surdola^ap pue Sururrse pue luaurnJop
ul paurTlno saldourrd aq+ Bur.uo11o; dg 'aldoad Sunod qlr,n proM ar{+ p flriqil arfi Jo uoqerqalar pup uoqe"redard aql roJ sau4aprn8 Jo las e paqsrlqnd.,(aql asuodsar uI .saleM pue puel8ug Jo aJuaraluo3 ,sdoqsrg 966I ayt ]e passarppp aram lupuoclrur sq+
sallulplrarun qrng;1ry8urueaw pue alerrdordde sr 1eq1 e,lt e ur drqsro^r uarplrllr Buno,,{ }eql arnsua o1 d.4 a,,r.r op MoH 'suorlerqalar r{f,ns ur papnlJur oq lou plnol-ls ro ppoqs
lnoqe dlurelrarun uago sr aJar1
.sa,rrl Bunod rralll ol luelalar pue
sr 1eq1 de.tr,e,ul r{lleJ rraql a}erqalar pue poD drqsro.u
o1 ,{lrunlroddo alqrssod dra,ta ruaql ra;ro o} uarpplr rno o] ]I a.Mo a-4t ,qlleJ Jo .,(lrunurtuor 3ur.l4 rno ;o lred sy d;runuruor Surddrqsrorr4. llnpe aqt ur aceld ppq8rr rlaql a)el ol aruq anp ur ruaq] a8e;norua ,padoq sr 1r /lll^4 ualpin{J se sacuarradxa a,trlrsod JraqJ .sueqsrJqJ se 3ur,r4 JoJ aJue^alar slr puu ,drqsro,tt pue arnldrng
uaa.l laq >lurl aq] ,arn1drn5 JoJ aJuaranal ;o aruelrodrur aqt puplsrapun o1 aldoad Sunod Burdlaq ur alqpnl€^
dlsnoruroua arp proM s,po9 Jo suorlerqalal qJnS d8rnlrt aLIl q uopedprlred pue Burpuelsrapun iadiap e aruar.radxa oJ a)u€LIJ aql uarplrllJ raJJo ueJ a,t,r ,saq
-rlrlJp pue sloqruds ,su8rs ta.,{erd brsnur,s1xa1 arnldt.irq pa1depe,,(lalerrdordde q8norql .py8urueaur p.rn nr"rrrrl €urlsaralur ,a,lr1rer11e sr ler{} drqsro.r.r olur ialua ,{11er -qs€rsnr{lua IIIM pllLIJ 1sa8uno.{ dra,r aql ua^g .rurq q}r.^.t dlqsuoqela.r leuos.rad p;Burueaul e Burjolaaap pue po3
Supalunorua ;o alqedec uerfi arour a.re aldoad Bunok 'dlrunlroddo alqelrns e ua,rr8 uaq,14 .Bur,ri8$lueq] pu€ asrerd 'raderd q8norql s11B dueur s,poD ol sa^lasrno uaoo a.M 'uorlJaJJnsal pue rp€ap s,pJo.I Jno ;o .,{ralsdru aql lsrreqJng pue proM ur at€rqalar ol rar{lago} raqte8
a,lt se ',{epung.&a..rg .a;nldrrcg dlog yo sa8ed aq+ ul{ll^{ all ]eq+ saLIJrr arl+ sa^lasuraql rot ra^orsrp ol pue rar{}ec
dlua,reaq rrar{} }aaur o1 dlrunlroddo ue uraq+ sra;o aldoad 8uno,( Lllll\{ proM aLIl Jo d8rnlr.I aq+ B.rrj"rqa1a3
(LZ ,tanqtaA DQ) 'waLll qltm s4pl pua uaryUtlr su.! laaw o1 li18uno1 sawot uaabaT ul st oLlm DqluJ aLI4 /epoq pa,Das alll uI
ssardxa ol uarpllr,{r aql dlaq suo4sanb }ue^alatl'uoq)auar lny8uruearu aloword o1 de,tt alerrdo;ldde ue uI ruaql asn
pue ldepe uaql pu€ 'uraql asrleuos'rad pue suorlsanb
ar{l pead 'sarnldrrlS aLI} pu€ plqr aq} 1o aJIt .'(ep{ra.\a 'd.reurpro aLI] uaamlaq uorlJeJalul aq] lradsar ol ]u€l -.iodrur ]I sa>I€lu sil.{J 'saAII Jrar{i o} saTeru lI 'due ;r 'arua
lpqm JapISuoJ o+ pue soAIT u^to JIar! o1 a8essaru IeJllqlq aq] alelar ol LuaLIl dlaq o1 sr suoqsanb ar{l Jo rule aqJ '\uaql ol suEaur ]l lEqM pu€ lodsoD ar{l ol uor}rear rraql Surreqs 'asuodsa.r aaq E a{Pru ot uaJPlnlf, sldurord pue sa8ernorua lI 'Jauels uo4esJaluof, e s€ sJJe pue 1adso3 aLIl uo sasnJo; qreordde ra^ sue/uoqsanb aq; -JaJJrp
- poollpp{J Jo srapuo-^ lear8 aql }o auo Jo asn aTeur ol pr€rtp aq ralaN 'Pruerp ro .,fto1s '8uos rlSnorql pal)aJJa uoq€JrunururoJ Jo spr-r.nl [€ alerofuorut ue) iI ]nq 'uarplrlrJ aq] pue rapeal ar{l ueaMlaq anSolerp e Jo ruro1 aq} sa>lei
isPro.A uerll Japnol )€acls uouo suorlJe
leqt raqruauray'raded;o atard asool e ro 1ooq raqlou€ urorJ paurrelJord sr ladsoD aql sp apls auo ol pareld uaql 'uotterqalar Jo ar€ld ar{} olul parrreJ AIIryareJ
{ooq ,1enads, e uaryo oo} IIV 'lradsar pue aJuaralar rFr-M palpupq pue rnouoll;o areld e ua.tr8 aq ppoqs lI sr
'sarrols pnads;o looq
paaprn rou 4ooq I'reurp;ro due 1ou
sr 1y depol sn o1 leads ol sanurluoJ leql prorar 3ur,t11 e se palEarl aq PpoLIs proM s,poD urr€lrorcl ol pasn looq aLII 'urarD punore asoql Jo sapnl4le aql Sulrllou pue sllnpe Surqole,vt dq poa yo proM ar{} roJ aJuaralar e ure8 daql 'r{Jea} ra^a uPr sprom,{ue ueq} ruar{} punore
sralllo Jo aldruexa ar{l pue auop are s8urql dem aql
8urqr1e,u ruorJ arour rPJ ureal uarpln{J 'par)es arl} Jo /ppoqs loqruds e se InJrlneaq pue {qport aq'aroJararl proM aql rurepord ol posn {ooq aLII 'aldoad srq o1 8ur -1eads pue luasard sl poD /proM aqt o] ualsrl arlt uaqM
proM eqf
uauo uorlJauar aq] '+xal 1adso3 aq] aroldxa dt"q 9t
'sa,\II .\ep.\la-\a
Jno ur r{lleJ Jo suorssardxa pu€ safuarradra uerlsrrq3 Surreqs anle^ pu€ alenardde aldoad 3uno1 dnor8:noi ur uaJplrl{l aLI} Jo spaau ar{l llns rallaq o} AlIArlJe ro uors -snJsrp aLI] rollpl ro slq8rsut leuos.rad u.t'ro 'rnod apnlf,ur o+ alelrsaq ]ou op '1edso2 reln;r1red P uo uolJJauar leuosrad raUV 'Mou pue arar{ Surop sr poD }€q,t,l Jo su8rs 1nq lsed aql Jo sarrols dldturs lou are sa'rn1drn5 eq1 'slredrur 1r a8essaut arll areqs pue ra,toosrp n_o,{ raqlaSol se 'sa^rl s,uarplrqf, ar{l o} palelar pu€ paulelclxa aq ol spaau a8essed relnrrlred e 1o lurod aq1 'drlsrunu s,rapeal aql;o padse Suqunep pue Sur8ualpqr lsoru aql sdeqrad sr uorlpurelro.rd aql s.tto11oJ ]eql uoF)agar aqJ,
uorpslleu 'sproM;sn[ ueq] arour LIJnu allo'\ur uer leql .{pelnrrlred uarpllr{r rot pue tauaisgl arF pue sarnJdlr)S aql uaaMlaq uollr€ralul aqi q8norql II€ sn ol sleads PoD 'IIP ra1ly '8uos pue 'er'ue;p 'sproa,r sE IIa^l sP uoqf,e Surpnpur spoqlalu pue suorleluasard alerrdo.rdde ;o .{1auen e apnlJur o} plerJe aq l,uoc 'slenpl^rPul sE Luaql o1 Surdes sI po3 lPr{1v\ r€oi{ o} - poD }o proM aqt ,roJ 3urua1s11, aruarradxa ol ureal pFoLIs uarpllqf 'saddl ^'(ueu ;o sarrols dolua dllenadse uarplltlr pue 'Surpuelsrapun pue ueaq s,auo -dra.La o1 der,.t e sr drolg 'aruapadxa leuosrad;o Surreqs lsauoq pue ara)uls o1 ,{1a.tr1rsod puodsar pue lradsar uaJpl-rqJ 'aJrI umo .rnod ur SuruBau pu€ a8essatu puosrad s1r uo Surlragar aruq puads pue 11art Surpear 1adso3 arll areda.rd s.,{e.,r.t1y d8rn11 aql uI paluleloord arnldrn5 1o a8essaru aql r€ar{ daql qriq,rt ur de,ra. aql aruangur III^ uarplFp ol sarrols lerrlqlq uo ssecl a.^,t qrr-qM uI Ae^^ ar{I 'luarJr}lns
aq IIII\\ asodrnd SILI] roJ pa^rasar uoqsnJ ro ladrer
arard e Jo JIpq) lenads e se aldrurs se Surqlaruos pue 'aleroqela aq ol paau lou saoP sql 'asodrnd slq] roJ aprs€ 1as areld lenads e ruorJ 'Surpuelsrapun realf, qllm pu€ 'po3 Jo proM IIa^\ palulepord aq s^€,t,rl€ pFoqs sHI s,uaJpllt{J pue uoquane arp ol ualsrl ol LuaLIl saredard Jo lseaJ pue uB Sur8urs (uoseas uollpurelf,)e or{} sasnlo; rnolo) pue uorJ€roJaP plnoqs ol alelar aLIl lerr8rnlrl asoqm) alpuer 1adso3 e Suqq8q;o arrlsa8 aldurs aq1
'u^\o rtot{} a;n1drn5 aql o>ler[ o1 uaql dlag o1 suoqeur8erur rlar{l asn ol pue ,{1a,rr1ua11e ua}sll ol uarplrLlJ aql sa8ernorua 8uqlas-auars dtolrnporlur qrng 'realf,un aq aslmrar{}o 1q3ru leq} sarrlcerd ro saserqd 'sprom due Surureldxa .,(q'Surpuelsrapun sa,tordtur pue dep aqr ;o ladsoa arf Jo lxaluo_) I€rIIqlq aql alenardde ol a{lle uarplILIJ pue srap€al sctlaq uol}rnPorlur Jarrq v
uolllnporlul '8uruue1d Inrarer
aruos pue uorleur8eurr alilll e qllr* alal{J€ o},llnllJJrp ler8 sr sll{l ]o auoN ,lupuodun pu€ panle^ arP ^aql
a)eru lr aredard ol ua)P] alqno4 ar{} pue uroor aql saocl i.{ddeq pu€ paxelar IaaJ uer daql araq.tt aleld alqpuo;uroJ e 1r s1 lSunuoJlaM pue rure.^ ]r sI abuqr^ur pue a^rlrprpe lI sI '.ta.all 1o lurod s,pl11r e ruorJ srBadde uroor aq] .A oq Jo ale-^^e aq o1 d.4 sde-tt1y 'ruoor ro areds leLll Jo uorleredard pue araqdsorule aq1 {q pa}lalJar aq pinoqs srql 'drqsro^u o1 Sunuor are daql 1eq} Surmoul /ruall] roJ aprse ]as eceds e ralua plnoqs uarpllrp ar{I 's-4 or uI Surprs ro slsap Sursn {q lualuuolrr.ua ,uJooJsselr, e Burlean pro,re slsor IIe lV auarplrllr roJ ]uaraJJlp .'(uu aq 1r plnoqs dq14
IaaJ ruaLll
'drqsro.tt 1ry8uru€aur Jo luatudofua pue dlrpnb ar{l s})aJJe ]uauruorrlua pue 3ur11as Jno r-lJnru rttoq alenardde a,lt sllnpe sv'salpuer paluaJs s€ Llrns ,serlxa, Jo asn aql pue (uoq€lrlua^ ro) Surleaq alunbape 'roog arp uo ladreo ro suorqsnJ 'f,ISnLu punorS>peq aler.rdo.rdde '3upq31 lrylq8noql dq paurrolsu€rl aq uer_ruoor dreurpro uy 'dILISro.^^ JoJ AIaAIIJaJJa
pasn aq uer sareld lsoru tala,tloq 'arer pue uorle -raplsuor VllM 'dlqsro.u 1ryrade'rd ro1 alerrdo'rdde pue
Suleadde ruaq+ a>1eur o1 a3ualleqr alq€prurroJ e luasard uer pue papr urory reJ ualJo arp swoor alqelle^v iJIaslI uI drlsrurru e sr drqsroa,r s,uarpllt{J roJ urooJ e Sur8uerry 'Surpuelsrapun as€aJJuI pue 'suoseas Jo saurarp ]Jagar'uolssnrsrp alourord'araqdsotule al€alJ o1 sloquds Jo srualr Ieuoqrppe qll.^^ 'tuoJJ peal are sarnldrDS aql leql Iooq ar{} roJ rnouoLl;o areld luaunuord e apnllul ppoqs srql 'luelrodtur sr d8rryq aql ro; snJoJ lensl^ V
uollcn pollu
luet'UUOJlnue pue
their feelings and participate more fully, whitst at the
tjme addressing their short attention span and the lT.i time usually available for meaningful'disc.rssior-r. :d Children are opery uncomplicated ancl direct. Help and encourage them to discover an interpretation for them_ selves, and always respect whatevei views they might express. Their fresh interpretation can often produce valuable new insights and understanding among adults. a_im to keep the discussior-, si-ile and uncom_ lt*uyr. plicated. It is far better to make one good point clearly and well than to lose three or four in Jog of uncertarntv and con[usionl ,s.ame
Activity Liturgy is action ancl sr.mbol; it speaks to the rvhole person and inr.olves all the senses: sight, touch, sound, taste and smell. Some oi the actir.itres iuggested pror_icle
an opportunlty to meet Jesus and respond to him personal\ young peop1",, u,r.ur"r-,"r, through praver. ot their ind.ividual spirituatity can-be developed ar_rc1 deepened through meditativ; prayer and relaxation,
guided visualisation, music and prayerful silence. activity ideas should be used as they stand or -The adapted to suit your own particular g.o.rp and their needs. Use them to promote understaniing and ciiscus_ sion, an-d to help you to think of other ideas"and sugges_ tions of your own. Vary the media you work with as much as you can within the constiaints of the time available and the numbers you have to work with.
It is important both for the chjldren and the adult
congregation alike that their activity efforts are displayed where they can be seen and appreciated by alt, i, ti,"y are called by Christ to share the Gospel message witi.r the world in which they live.
Intercession All liturgy
is prayer and it is right that such celebrations should conclude with a time oflntercession when young
people learn to make room in their hearts and lives for the needs of others. Children share in the prayer at their own level. They learn to adopt pattern anj structure nafurally, and have an opportunitv to experience different expressions of praying with parents, leader" and helpers who should be encouraged to share their own prayer_ lives during such celebrations. Children may need patient guidance to learn how to gather their thoughts to meditate briefly or to pray to Cod in their hearts. Short intervals of silence foster reflectiveness and allow the children to feel comfortable r^.-ith the silence we need to hear God speaking to his people through the power of the Holy Splrit. fhe petitions are invitations to pray (made to the Father through the Son, in the power of the Spirit), and conclude with a
general expression of trust in God,s goodness. Use the
prayers as written or adapt them as necessary to make them vour on'n. Encourage and help the children to any relevant petitions in the iniercessory prayers ]lclud: that might arise from their orvn reflection and discussion. Abor.e all, remember to ,pray, the prayers rather than simply 5aying lhe words.
Music Music expresses and highlights liturgical action. It can be used to praise God in the Gloria" to welcome the Gospel, to highlight a particular season or teast, or simply as an expression of prayer. Movements and actions can readily be created to help the children to take the meaning o{ songs to heart. Making your own instruments to provide accompaniment encourages
active and enjoyable participation by children and
adults alikel A selection of recorded music can be used very effectively to create an appropriate atmosphere for prayer,, and many popular modern songs have powerful lyrics that can be used to help promote.-relevurlt dir.rr_ sion and encourage understanding.
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