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Mary, Mother of


Focus A large candle next to


statue or icon of Mary.

lntroduction God chose a young girl from Nazareth to become the mother of Christ our Saviour. Man. was called upon to play a unique part in God's plan for the salvation of humankind. Through Cod's grace she had the courage and faith to say 'ves' to his invitation to become the Moiher of Jesus his Son.

Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation


A reading from the Gospel of St Luke (2:16-21) The shepherds hurried to Bethlehem and found the place where ihe baby lay in a manger, watched over by Mary

and Joseph. The shepherds told them what they had seen and heard that night, and Mary and joseph shared their wonder. Mary listened carefully and cherished all these things in her heart. Then the shepherds went back to their flocks on the hillside, singing God's praises because everything had been as the angel had said.

When the time came for the child to be circumcised on the eighth day, they named him |esus, just as the angel had told them. This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord jesus Christ.

Reflection What speciol favour did God ask of Mary? God sent the angel Gabriel to ask Mary to become the mother of his beloved Son. Mary accepted Cod's invitation without hesitation. Her steadfast faith and genile humility allowed her to accept what must have appeared, even to her, the unbelievable message of an angel that a


Why did God choose Mary to be the mother of Jesus? Even before Mary was created God knew her heart. From the moment she began to grow inside her mothe4 the grace of God filled her with his goodness and she was

created pure and free from sin. She was born perfect and gifted with all the human qualities she would need to fulfil her role as the mother of God. Why do we call Mary'our mother'?

wanted his mother to be our mother too. Mothers are always there for us, waiting, wanting, patient and loving. Mary was alwaYs there for |esus when he needed her; full of compassion and understanding, ready to listery quick to notice the needs of others and generous with her loving help. fust before Jesus died on the cross, he shared


his mother with the world, and the mother of God became the mother of the Church and all her people.


Why do we osk Mary to pray for us? As our mothel, we have complete trust in Mary's loving care and concern for us. We know that we can always turn to her and ask for her help. Her closeness to Christ in life and her closeness to him now in heaven give us enormous confidence in the power of her intercession as she prays on our behalf. Which speciol prayer is dedicated to Mary? There many different prayers dedicated to Mary, but the one that is probably most familiar is the'Hail Mary'. As

the Mother of God and our mother too, we can entrust all our cares and needs to her faithful prayer.

Activity Photocopy the prayer of petition and help the children


she was to become

1 January

to write about or draw something that they would like to ask Mary to pray for on their behalf' Link hands in a circle and together pray the'Hail Mary'.

Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: For our Mother the Church; may she be an example of forgiving love and deep faith for her children to follow.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For peace in our troubled world; may we learn to forgive and to be forgiven ourselves.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For mothers everywhere; may we give thanks for their caring hands, loving hearts and all the joy that they bring to our lives.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our Prayer. For the sick and those who care for them; may they find strength and comfort in iheir time of need' Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken Prayers with him' Silence

Loving Father, with faith in your mighty love for all your childrery hear our prayers and answer them according to your holy will. We make our prayers through Christ your Son. Amen.


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The Presentation of the Lord (Candlemas) 2 February Focus (Today r've celebrate the close of the Christmas festival of light, when candles are traditlonallv blessed and used to remincl us to welcome Christ the Light of the World.) A large central candle surrounded by smaller candles or nightlights (see Actf i tv).

lntroduction Welcoming a ner'vbon-r cl-rild lnto Cod's family is alr'r''ays a joyous oicasion that calls for great celebration' When

Mary arrd Joseph rvent io the Temple to present ]esus to the Lord, their arrival tr.as greeted with more joy and excitement than thev cor-rld possiblv have imagined!

Although Mary had said'yes' to God's plan of salvation, and wiilingly agreed to become the Mother of God, that did not mean that she understood what Cod's plan was' Every new episode of recognition by the world was another moment of revelation for Marl' and Joseph' We believe


Jesus is here and

present with us in our

lives today. How do we shore this wondertul news with the world oround us? The Holy Spirit present within us can guide and direct us

(iust as he did with Simeon and Anna) to proclaim Christ's presence in the world today. Bv'living the Word'

people will know that Christ is present here and now, not 6".u.r." of what we say but because of what we do'

Gospel Acclamation


Light the Gospel canclle and sav together:

Photocopy the candle templates on to thin card ard cut out to maie bookmarks. Give a candle to each child to colour and decorate with glitter. Invite each child to light a small nightlight from the 1ar5;e central candle (rinder careful supervision). This reminds us that each one of us received the light of Christ at baptism, and that 'flame' of love shines out in our lives to make

Alleluia, alleluia, may the Word of God make our thoughts lovirrg,

our words kind, and our hearts warm.

Gospel A readi.ng from the Gospel of St Luke (2:22-40) (See page 391.)

Reflection Where did Mary and loseph go to present Jesus to God? jewish larv and trad:ition demanded that everv firstborn son should be presented to God. ('And the Lord said to Moses, "You shall sanctify to me every firstborn son"', Exodus 13:1-2.) Mary and Joseph travelled to the Temple in Jerusalem to fulfil this important obligation'

Christ present in our world todaY.

lntercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: For all peoples and nations of the world; ma1, th! pr"t"t-t." of Christ in our lives today give us the courage to act against injustice, hunger and poverty'

Who noticed boby Jesus omong the crowds in the Temple

Lord, in your mercv hear our Prayer. For the Church and her leaders; may the presence of Christ guide and direct them to lead us wisely'

that day?

Lord, in yolrr mercy, hear our prayer.

A wise man called Simeon and the prophetess Anna spent much of their time at the Temple praying' They were fi11ed u.ith the Holy Spirit and dedicated to God' Both were patiently waiting to see the Saviour God had prornised to send to his people. When Mary and Joseph ippeared r.vith ]esus, the Holy Spirit allowed Simeon or-rd At-tnu to recognise that he was the Son of God' What did Simeon and Anno do? After waiting for so long, they could not contain their exciternent, ind they joyfully proclaimed to the whole world that Chlist their Lord was finallv among them'

How did other people reoct to Simeon and Anno's d el i g ht on d e xcite m ent? The Gospel doesn't give any details about what other

people said or did. Most probablv thev ignored the iommotion, because, after all, hor'v could such a tinv, helpless baby possibly be the Saviour of the world who would set God's PeoPle free? How did Mary ond Joseph react to such a welcome? They were both filled with wonder and amazement'


For people r,r,'ho lir.'e in the darkness of fear and hatred; may the presence of Christ enlighten their lives through our support and lo"'e'

Lord, in vour mercy, hear our prayer. For those n''ho have died and those who miss them; may the presence of Christ and his promise of eternal life comfort them and bring them Peace. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer'

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts 1et us share our own unspoken Prayers with him' Silence

Loving Father, mav we present the face of Christ to the world in rvhich we live, and generouslv share his love and forgiveness with evervone we meet. We make these prayers through Christ your Son'


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Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul Focus A Bible, with a candle on either side, together with figures of Saints Peter and Paul ('ee Aclii'rllr).

martyr), and tried to bring to their deaths.


St Peter is considered to be the unshakeable rock of the Churdl then St Paul must be seen as a tornado of enthusi-


asm and energy who tirelesslv u'orked as a missionary setting up thriving communities of Christians far and wide. Both men played a vital role in the growth and development of the earil Christian Churcl'r.



What did Poul leave for Christians todoy?

them when we gather together to ceiebrate the Eucharist.

Gospel A reading from the Gospel oi St Matthew (16:13-19) (See page 392.)


Reflection (Use two bags of props to promote discussion about each saint. For St Peter these could include a rock, a toy fishing boat, and a pipe cleaner crook. For St Paul these could include a map, compass, pair of sunglasses and some


Thrown from his horse on the road to a town called Damascus, Paul had a vision of Jesus that turned his life upside down. Tirelessly he preached his new faith, covering almost 8000 miles in three great journeys to share the Good News. He realised that Jesus was not dead, but living on through his Spirit in the Church. He founded many different Christian communities and wrote letters to them, some of which have been handed down to us. These letters can be read in the Bible after the Acts o{ the Apostles. We often read passages from

Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and srng Acclamation

many Christians as possible

Paut hated Christians so much, what mqde him become

a follower



- 29 June

writing paper and envelopes.)

What do we know obout St Peter? ordinarv Galilean fisherman when Jesus

St Peter was an

Help the children to make finger puppets of Saints Peter and Paul, before singing the following words to the tune of 'Two little dicky birds'. Two disciples heard God's call, one named Peter, one named Paul' Follow him, Petet, follow him, Paul, share Christ's Gospel with us all. Tr,r.o disciples heard God's call, one named Peter, one named Paul.

first met him and promised to make him a 'fisher of people'. His enthusiasm sometimes made him act rashly, but he was the undoubted leader of the disciples. God revealed to Peter that jesus was his Son, the promised Messiah or Christ. Can you recoll

a time when Peter's enthusiosm got


lntercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: We pray for our Christian faith to be strengthened;

may we have the courage to proclaim God's saving love

better of him?

to the world.

When Jesus appeared to his disciples on the shore, Peter was so overioyed and excited to see him that he threw himself into the water and srvam ashore, rather than waiting for the boat to moor.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our Prayer. We pray for those who suffer injustice, hunger and poverty; may they find hope through our loving care.

When did Peter


Jesus down badlY?

Peter once promised that he was ready to die for his master, but after |esus had been arrested, Peter denied knowing him not once but three times. Whot did Jesus ask Peter to do? Because of his steadfast faith, iesus gave Peter the responsibility of leading and caring for his 'flock' of followers. He entrusted Peter with the authority to become the first leader of the Church. His mission was to keep the faith and to strengthen othels rvho became followers of Christ' What do we know obout St Paul? Paul was the son of a Pharisee who was borr-r about the same time as |esus. He was a faithful Jert'who hated the Christians (followers of Chrlst) and was determined to destroy the group of followers who seemed to him to threaten Jewish laws and tradition.

How did Paul persecute the eorly Christians? He urged on the crowd that stoned St Stephen (the first 350

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. pray for people with difficult challenges to overcome; may they be strengthened by the presence of the Holy SPirit. We

Lord, in your mercy, hear our Prayer. We pray for the sick and dying; may they find comfort and peace in Christ's promise of eternal 1ife. Lord, in your mercy, hear our Prayer. Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts 1et us share our own unspoken Prayers with him. Silence

Loving Father, increase our faith, so that we may share

your life and Christ's Gospel of love

with everyone we meei. We ask this through Christ our Lord.





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Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord 6 August Focus A large candle and an array of strips or streamers made from aluminium foil or metallic n.rapping pape4 arranged around a Bible open at today's Gospel reading.

As they left the mountoin, Jesus warned them to tell no one what they had seen until his glory wos fully revealed to the world. When would that be? At Christ's resurrection, when he would rise from the dead to new and everlasting life.


Can Jesus trqnsform our lives too?

The disciples had seen Jesus perform many amazing miracles, but something happened in today's Gospel

Jesus is present and

that was more astonishing than anything they had ever seen before!

Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation


living within our hearts, ready to transform our lives with his love. We too are given opportunities in our everyday lives to glimpse his power and glory as it is revealed in the people and world around us. Such special moments of grace and closeness to God give us the strength to follow Christ wherever he leads us. What greater happiness could we hope for than to share God's eternal life and the light of his glory.

Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (77:1-9)


(See page 392.)

Photocopy an activity sheet for each child to complete and colour.

Reflection Why did Jesus lead his disciples to o mountointop?

had begun to preach to the people, and rvherever he went, crowds would gather to listen. The only rva,v to ensure that he would be alone with his disciples -"\'as to lead them away from the crowds to a place where no one was likely to follow them. Mountaintops were symbolic


places where heaven was considered to meet earth, and

whoever climbed them would find themselves closer to God.

As Jesus prayed


his Fqther, what omozing thing

hoppened? His appearance was transfigured (changed) before their very eyes. A light as dazzling as the sun shone from his face, and his clothes became as white as snow. Some-

times magicians perform tricks that we can hardly believe, even when we't'e seen them with our own eyes. The disciples had seen Jesus perform many amazing miracles, but this was more astonishing than anything they'd ever seen before. Why did Jesus oppeor to shine with light?

Jesus revealed himself to the disciples as they would know him in heaven. For a few brief moments he shared the amazing sight of his glory with his closest friends. His transfiguration was supposed to strengthen them for what they would have to go through at the time of his suffering and death. Jesus wanted them to glimpse and share the heavenly life to which they were called. It was a moment of special grace and revelation. Whot happened next to make them fall to the ground in fear? The shadow of a cloud feli over them and God's voice declared that Jesus was indeed his beloved Son. Possibly

only at this moment did Peter, ]ames and John realise that they had been allowed a glimpse of Christ's Power and glory shining out from within. 352

lntercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father:

For the Church and all her people; may the tight of Christ's love shine out from us and transform the darkness of our troubled world.

Lord, in your mercy/ hear our prayer. For the hungry, the homeless and the unloved; may the light of Christ's compassion shine out ihrough the efforts of those dedicated to relieving their suffering.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For countries and nations devastated by war and hatred; may the light of Christ's forgiveness help them to see a way to find lasting peace.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For the sick and all who suffer in mind or body; may the light of Christ's mercy enlighten the darkness of their pain.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Loving Father, help us to be children of the light who are transformed by your love, and ready to share the joy of your presence with the world in which we live. Grant this through Christ your Son. Amen.



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'l Solemnity of the Assumption 5 Argust many years and had given up all hope of ever becoming

Focus A Bible open at today's Gospel, with


large crown next

to it (see Actirity).

of new life and was herself expecting a child'

lntroduction Today we celebrate the Assumption of Mary into heaven,

when God raised the bodv and soul of the Mother of God to share in the g1or1' of her beloved Son.

Mary's reply to Elizabeth's greeting ls used as a proyer. Do you know what this prayer is colled? The Magnificat or Song of Marl' draws on several themes of jewish prayer which we find in the Old Testament. In it Mary proclaims God's goodness to the humble and

poor, and gives thanks for the mercy he has shown

Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation

a mother. The angel Gabriel told Mary the n'onderful news that Elizabeth had also been blessed with the gift

towards the people of Israel.


Gospel A reading from the Co:pcl of St Luke (1:39-50)

After the angel Gabriel irad appeared to Mary she


off at once to visit her cousin Elizabeth. When Elizabeth saw Mary coming she ran to r,r'elcome het and the baby inside her leapt for jov at the sound of Mary's greeting. Elizabeth was filled r,r,ith the Holy Spirit and said to Mary, 'Of all women vou are the most blessed, and blessed is your unborn child, because you believed in the power of God and he has chosen you to be the mother of my Lord. And Mary said:

My soul praises God, and my spirit is fi11ed with joy in God my saviour. The Lord has looked kindly on his lowly servant. Now and for evermore all people will call me blessed. Almighty God has done great things for me; holy is his name. A11 who worship him know God's unending love. With his strong arm God overthrows the proud; he humbles kings and raises the meek high. God satisfies the starving with good things but to the rich he gives nothing. God protects his people Israel, and remembers his promise of mercy to Abraham and his descendants for all time. Mary stayed with her cousin Elizabeth for three months before returning home. This is the Gospel o{ the Lord. Praise to you, Lord |esus Christ.

Why wos Mary taken up into heoven, body and soul, when her earthly life hod finished? God's plans for us can often take unexpected twists and turns. Mary could not always make sense of everything that was happening to her, but she had such unshakable faith in God's love that she was willing to surrender herself to his wil1. Mary was taken into heaven by Cod to share in the glory of her Son's resurrection, and to be crowned as Queen of heaven in honour and recognition of the unique part she played in God's divine plan of salvation and the life of the Church.

Activity Cut a large crown from metallic card. Cut an assortment of shapes from card or Paper to represent jewels' The children should decorate these before using them to adorn a crown fit for the Queen of heaven.

lntercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: We pray that as Christians we wiil always try to serve God and one another rvith humilit,v.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our Prayer' We pray that the Church and her people will be inspired by the Mother of God to keep their hearts and minds on the things of heaven. Lord, in your mercy, hear our Prayer. We pray that those who have died may share with Mary the glory and peace of heaven.

He had been sent bv God to ask her to become the

Lord, in your mercy, hear our Prayer. We pray that Mary our mother, the Queen of peace, will pray for an end to war and hatred in our world.

mother of his Son.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer'

What answer did Mary give to the ongel? Through God's grace, Mary found the strength to say 'yes' to God's amazing plan and the faith to be able to trust completely in God for her future and that of her child. God's plans for her meant that all her own hopes and dreams would have to change. Mary was ready to do God's will and to give birth to the Sar.'iour he had

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening,

Reflection Why did the angel Gabriel appeqr to Mory?

in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken Prayers with him. Silence

Loving Father, hear the pravers of the children gathered here before you,

What other news did the angel bring?

and make us grow in love for vou and our brothers and sisters everylvhere' We make our prayers through Christ our Lord.

Mary's cousin Elizabeth had longed for a child for


promised for the world.


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Solemnitv of All Saints




A Bible open at today's Gospel, surrounded bv candles.

We are all called by God to be saints and to 1et his love shine out through our lives to fill the world with the light of his lovel To remind the children of this,

Introduction Today we celebrate the lives of tl-re saints, those men and women whose goodness and devotion to God have inspired the world. Throughout history the saints have

help them to make lanterns using brightly coloured rectangles of paper.

allowed God's love to shine out through them, and


their lives are eramples for us to aspire to and follow.

As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray [o our heavenly Father:

Gospel Acclamation


For the Body of Christ, the Church, and al1 her holy people; may the Holy Spirit and the saints in heaven guide and help God's children towards the kingdom of heaven.

A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (5:I-12)

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

(See page 392.)

For nations and communities divided by conflict and fear;


may they have the strength to love their enemies and to forgive rather than condemn.

Light the Cospel candle and sing Acclamation


How can we be truly hoppy? Everyone wants to be happr'. Jesus came to show us the way to find the happiness ue seek. True happiness is not found in riches or fame or Dower. but in Cod alone. The Beatitudes are at the heart of happiness because they teach us that the key to happiness is placing all our trust in God. The one who is poor in spirit is the one who has realised that material things mean nothing and that God means everything. What is a saint? The saints are men and womery young and o1d, from every walk of life, who put their commitment to goodness and to God before everything else. Many were ordinary people who lived extraordinary lives dedicated to serving and loving God. A saint is anyone who lets God's love shine through them into the world. Do you know the nomes of any saints, and ony stories associated with them? Scotland, Ireland, Wales and England all have patron saints and a special day of celebration in their honour. For example, St David of Wales and St Patrick of Ireland both

played an important part in helping Christianity to grow in these countries. The story goes that people in Ireland for-ind it hard to understand how one God could be Father,

Son and Holy Spirit. Patrick picked a shamrock leaf to show them how three persons could exist in one God. Con onyone become o saint? God calls all of us to holiness and io aspire to sainthood! The Beatitudes we heard in today's Gospel help to shape our lives and make them pleasing to God. If we can grow closer to God and learn to seek his love above all e1se, we will find the true and lasting happiness that every human heart seeks and the saints already enjoy. Can the saints in heaven help us? We believe that through their prayers of intercession to

God on our behalf, the saints in heaven can strengthen and help us to follow the path that leads us to Cod's love and the lasting happiness he offers to all. 356



Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For those who are persecuted and made to suffer for the sake of their faith; may the lives of the saints fill them with renewed inspiration and determination.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For people rvho dedicate their lives to loving and ser-ving

God; may they experience the true happiness and joy that God alone can give.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Loving Father, as we follow the way of Christ, keep us ever faithful to you, and close to your love and peace.

We ask this through Christ your Son.


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