ar{} Jo
}q3r1 pue rnor^es rno lsrlr{J lo r{ulq
aLIl dJrugrs o] dec s€r.ulsrn{J uo }q sr aipuer alrq.M ali+ 'dIIn.4C 'rasolr smerp .,{epglrrq s,1srrq3 se druepadxa pue dof;o asuas Sur,vror8 aq] saslloqruds lurd pue ',atro[at, su€aur qrrq,,nr ',fepuns alapn€3, palpr dleur8lro se]vr
sn{J '}ua^pv 1o depung prrq} aq} uo }r alpuer aLI} }o rnolof, I€uoqrp€rl aq] sl TuId 'ralseg pue serulsrrqJ Jo slsea;1ear8 oMl aql alerqalar o1 aredard a,lt se /poD r{tr^\ uo4erlDuoJar pue ssauarr€ro; ro;3u€uo1 rno sasrloqtuls 'lua'I pue lua^pv r{+lm pa}errosse .,{11euoqrper1 'aldrnd
rnoloJ ar{J 'lua^pv
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Sunuoc snouolS puoJas srLI oJ pJ€"tr.roJ >lool a,{,\ 'lsed aq}
ur Surtuol lsn; s,lsrrq3 rllrM 'asrurord pue adoq !q31 pue ssarDlrep '8uqre.nt - lua^pv Jo saruar11 ur€ru ar{} 8ul -rapuod ]slrq t /pallrllry uaaq a^eq luaruelsal plo aql sanaqdord aql s.{ervr aql uo lJagar pue aldoad s,po3 Jo d;olsrq lsed aqt Il€rar aM 'po3 dq pasr -ruord .rnor-tes pue raruaapa5 aql q8norql aldoad srq Jo af,upralrlap s,po3 arunouup .{epung rpea sladsoS yo sasrtuo.rd pue
pue s8urpear aql lua^pv Jo uoseos aql lnoq3nofl{J 'suJnlal aq uaqM rulq aruoJlaM ol ssaurpeal Jno pue
Sururor puoJas s,lsrll3 lnoqe uorlJagar roJ arurl € osle sr lI 'ruar{a1q}ag ur ueur aruuJaq poD uar{.tr 'o8e sread 0002 uer{} aroru }srl{J yo Suluor }srIJ ar{} a}erqalar o1 arudard suuqsurlJ uaqm uos€as aql sI lI ',8unuoc, Suruearu pJoM urle'I ar11 tuog aru€u s+r sa>Iel lualpv
First Sunday of Advent Jesus told us that he would return one day. Did he give us an exact dote or time? When should we expect him? Only Cod knou-s eractir- rrherr Jesus rvil1 come again at
Focus A clock and an Advent calendar.
It coul.-l be night or day, any time. That's why it's important to keep ourselves ready to the end of time.
Introduction Everyone knows that Jesus was born
Bethlehem r.r,'hen he
more than 2000 years ago, but no one knows
will return. In today's Gospel,
Jesus reminds us how important it is to be prepared for his return at an unex-
pected time and date, if we are to avoid being taken by surprise!
Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing the Advent Acclamation:
He'Il be coming back in glory when he comes, he'Il be coming back in glory when he comes. As we listen to God's Word, let his voice be heard, fill our world with love as he comes. (To the tune of 'She'll be coming round the mountain t
Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Matihew (24:37-44)
welcome him at all time>. And how can we do thot? During Advent we are reminded that God loved the world so much that he sent jesus his only Son to be our Saviour. Jesus came to show us the l,r.ay to love God and one anothel, and to share that love with the world. If we try every day to love each other with kind words and thoughtful actions, then we will keep ourselves ready to welcome Christ at any time!
Activity Make a card with a surprise inside! Cover up the figure of Jesus and photocopy the ark scene on to one half of an ,A.4 sheet. Fold the sheet in half with the picture of the ark on the front cover. Photocopy and cut out the
figure of Jesus. Fold a narrow strip of card or paper to create a'spring', and glue or tape one end of this on to the back of Jesus and the other end on to the inside of the card. When you open the card, Jesus
Jesus said to his disciples, 'Just as the flood in Noah's time took people by surprise, so too will the Son of Man come when no one expects him. You must stay alert and be ready, because you do not know when your Master
will return. If the owner of a house knew when the burglar planned to visit, then he would stay awake and
As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father:
keep guard. So you must always keep vourselves ready to welcome the Son of Man at an unexpected time.' This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord ]esus Christ.
appears by surprisel
For people who are lonely or sad at this joyful time of year.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For those who are hungry and have no home to call their own.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Today is the first Sunday of Advent, a time of waiting
For all of God's family in our own parish and throughout the world.
and preparation, of excitement and anticipation, when we get ready for the great feast of Christmas. How many Sundoys are left before Christmas Day? (If vou do not have an Advent wreath in the room, you could refer to the one in the Church and remind the children how many candles have been lit, and explain the significance and symbolism of the wreath.) Whqt sort of things are people busy doing so that they will be reody for Christmas Day? Er en.one get* caught br.rr ing anJ r' y.1ppinc
-- J - ditq\. --!: -- -r drLu rlrqdr\ I
up in the hustle and bustle of
Frereni-, rending cards. planning
' - I hrrtins or hakins c.rkes and d|L, - u-\
mrnce Ples.
How does Christmas make us feel? For most people, Christmas is a time of jor tul cr.iebration. rr'hen rre er.hange f re-cnr- anl car.1- c- a -i!r..': love, and spend time together r. ith frien.j- arc iamilr-. But we should also remember that Christmas can be a difficult time for some people rvho feel loneh' or sad, people who are sick, and the homeless and poor.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For ourselves, that we will be ready to welcome Christ this Christmas and always.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. Knowing that our heavenll Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our o\\'n unspoken prayers with him. Silence
Loving Father, hear our pravers, till u' rr'ith r ou- jor lul lcr e and keep .ra ,"o.1.' io rr'elcome vou, irr the name trf Jesus the Lord. Amen.
INlnov Jo lvcNns lsull
Second Sunday of Advent Focus A tray of sand with pebbles or rocks arranged on it.
During Advent how can we straighten out our lives in readiness for Christ's coming? When we are trulv sorrv for anv hurt we have caused
God or one another, then Goa is alr\-avs ready to forgive us. If we try our best to live and lor.e as lesus showed
In today's Gospel a familiar Advent character appears
in the desert of Judaea. His name is John the Baptist and his words are intended to encourage us to turn back to Cod,,asking forgiveness for our mistakes as we /prepare a path for the Lord'.
Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing the Aclvent Acclarnation: He'Il be coming back in glon. lr.hen he comes, he'll be coming back in giorv rvhen he comes. As we listen to God's Word, 1et
his voice be heard,
fill our world with love as he comes. (To the tune of 'She'll be coming round the mountain,)
us, then we will find the right path thai will lead us straight towards God and the kingdom of heaven.
Activity Photocopy the'brick' template and write on them the qualities and values that lead us closer to God (love. forgiveness, kindness, generositv, joy, welcome, shar_ ing, caring, trust, etc). Cut out some rough, boulder 'hapes and write on them such thing. aslnger. jealousrl greed, selfishness, hate and pride. These are all things that can trip us up and make us stumble as we trv to follor,r. Christ's path. Ask the children to colour the bricks brightlv and to create a straight path by gh'ing or taping thern on to a long piece of paper or fabric, interspersing thern tr.ith boulders.
A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (3:I_I2) (bee page Jbl.)
As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heaventy Fathei:
That people-evervwhere u'ill follow a straight and loving path through life.
Who wos John the Boptist and where did he come from?
Lord, in vour mercv hear our prayer.
John was the son of Mary's cousin Elizabeth and her husband Zechariah, who lived in the hill country of Judaea (Luke 1:39-40, 65). It would seem that he lived a quiet and uneventful life until the time came for him to prepare the people of Israel to n elcome the Saviour promised by Cod (Luke 1:80).
That with our help, the homeless and hungry receive the shelter and food thev need.
Where did John appear ond what did he do there?
He lived in the Judaean desert, a hot, dry, harsh place where not much grows or lives. When ihe trme was right, John r,r'as filled with the Holy Spirit who gave him the courage and faith to begin pr"u&irlg to th-e people in order to prepare them for the Saviour who was coming. He baptised them in the River Jordan as a sign of their readiness to lead goocl lives as they waited for the Messiah, or Saviour, who had been promised. What did John ask the people to do? He rirsecl them to change from being selfish and sinful, to beine lpling and kincl. lle helped to prepare them to receile anrl accept the message of love and forgiveness that
rr'as coming to preach.
What do you think it means
to prepare a stroight path
for the Lord?' This doesn't me.rr-r that \\'e neer-i tLr gLr (rr1t antl lar-a path made from bricksl John rras tn'rrr! t.. }.relp us _see that God wants us to folion- a path c.f love t]-rat leads u. closer to him. When n.e choo-.e to clo anr thiue that hurts Cod or others, then rre take a rr rong turnirrq. an.r find ourselves heading along a difiereni path, rlhich leads us in the wrong direction and au.av from Cod.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. That we share the joy of God's love with evervone we meet.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. That rve may prepare a welcome for Christ
in our hearts and our homes. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken pravers with him. Silence
Loving Father, hear our pravers and guide us along straight paths which will lead us to vou. We ask this through Christ vour Son. Amen.
Third Sunday of Advent Focus
A newspaper and / or a selection of headline cuttin ss.
the man
e11or-rs t1-rirrgs
Jesus n'as doing, because every-
one \,\.as talkirrg al.out thern.
At the time when
How do you think he might have received such news? Can you remember what some of those amazing mirocles
Jesus began preaching to the people, there were no such things as telephones, e-mail, faxes, newspapers or television. People passed on news of events and happenings by'word of mouth' or writing messages. In today's Cospel we hear how John the Baptist learned about the amazing miracles Jesus had begun to
work throughout the land.
Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing the Advent Acclamation:
Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (I1:2-II) John the Baptist had been arrested and imprisoned by King Herod when news of Jesus and his wonderful
Jesus said to them, 'Te11 ]ohn what you have seen and heard; the blind can see, the lame can walk, the sick are cured, the deaf can hear and the dead are raised to life. The Good News of God's kingdom is being proclaimed to the poo4, and blessed are those rvho belier,e in me.'
As the men left, Jesus asked the crowds
gathered around him, 'Did you go to the desert expecting to see a prophet? Yes, but John is more than a prophet; he is the one of whom the Scriptures said, "I will send nry messenger before you to prepare the way." No one greater than John has ever been born, and yet the least in God's kingdom is greater than he.' This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
Reflection How mony Sundays are left before Christmas?
As rr'e rirarr closer and closer to celebrating the birthdav of Jesr::. horr does even'one feel? Our excitement attd -.*-t . i trpc, t.:tio,, ar,,rr *tronger anel stronger each dar, .rs r.,'e eagerlr iook iorrr-ard to Christmas.
As we light another condle on the Advent wreoth. what have you noticed about the light it gi,.,es out?
is gron'ing stronqer and ':.nqhter a. rte approach Christ's birthdai' celebrati.rn The car.,clle. remind us how Jesus, the Light trt the \\-trrltl, transformed the world with the r,r.armth and brightnes-s of his love.
see; he ctrred the sick and lame,
son cured of sickness; a deaf man made to hear; and someone coming back to life. Cut out a banner (from paper or cloth) and help the children to write or glue on the r.r.ords 'Blessed are those lvho believe in me'. before arranging their pictures on the banner.
'Are you the promised one or is he still to come?'
The light
and made the deaf hear. Er-err Tohn found it hard to believe what he had heard. Iesus had begun putting Cod's love into action br- helping everyone who believed in ihe Good Neu's he had come to share. The people began to thir-rk that Jesus might just be the Saviour God had promised to send. Jesus was already changing the lives of belie'"'ers with the love, life and
Cut out enough circle shapes to allow one for each child, and ask them to draw a picture of Jesus putting Cod's love into action. This could include a blind man who can see; a lame man who can walk; a per-
(To the tune of 'She'll be coming round the mountain )
works reached him. So John sent his friends to
Jesus made the
let his voice be heard, fill our world with love as he comes.
forgiveness he had come to share.
He'll be coming back in glory when he comes, he'll be coming back in glory when he comes. As we listen to God's Word,
krl-Lrr the Baptist had been imprisoned by King Herocl, this circin't stop news reaching him about
Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: For all of God's family who share the Good News of his 1ove.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For all who suffer because they are blind or deaf.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For people who have died, and those who miss them
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For an end to war and hatred in our world.
Lord, in your merc\t hear our prayer.
Knowing that our heavenlv Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts 1et us share our o\{n unspoken prayers with him. Silence
Loving Father, listen to our pra\rers and help our love to shine out and brighten our n'orld. \Ve ask this throtrgh Christ our Lord. Amen.
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Fourth Sunday of Advent Focus A carpentry tool, such as a chisel, care
,ca\\' or plane. (Take
The angel Gabriel appeared to Mary to tell her that she had been chosen by God to be the mother of his Sory Jesus.
with younger childrenl)
it eosy to believe whot they had each been told? Because they both had great faith and trusted in God completely, they were able to accept and believe n'hat they had been told, however incredible it must have Do you think that Mary and Joseph found
Introduction \\a\ eltsaserl tLr ntarr\- a voung woman called Marr', rvhen he cliscor-ered that she lr.'as expecting a babr-. Knorrins thr. Jtrrel.h thought it might be best if tl.rer- didr.r't get marriecl after all. In today's Joseph the carpenter
Gospel n'e hear horv .rn arlgcl'* mec:aqe changed Joseph's
mind and convinced him th.rt \I.rn''s lrnborn child r,r'as \en .rn,l nrotechon. .."''.".,f'...'-.-'-r.\rlecialhahr rrl-,, rre,,i-,1 h'-.jar.
Gospel Acclamation Light the Cospel candle and :rng the,\dvrnt,{cclamation: coming back in glorr. l.hen he comes, he'll be coming back in glory rvhen he conre-. As we listen to Cod's Word, He'11 be
let his voice be heard,
fill our world with love as he comes. (To the tune of 'She'll be coning round the mountnin')
Hove you ever been told something which you found hard to believe? Whot happened and how did you feel? What did Joseph do after the ongel's visit? He obeved God's will and he and Mary were married as planned.
Activity Photocopv the pictr,rre of the angel's visit to Jesus. A !J - '!:!! rL^ 4^-^' q( d lrrL Lr rE rrdy 'ror r,r'hich can be raised to reveal Gabriel. The children can complete the dot-todot puz,t le before colouring their picture. nuu
A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (1:18-24)
As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father:
This is how the birth of Jesus took place. Mary, his mother, was engaged to a carpenter called Joseph; before they were married Mary told Joseph that she was expecting a child. Joseph, who was a good and kind man, wanted to protect Mary from gossip and scandal, so he decided to break off the engagement quietly.
Then one night, as he slept, an angel appeared to him and said,'Joseph, descendant ofDavid, do notbe afraid to take Mary to be your wife. This child has been conceived by the Holy Spirit, and Mary will have a son and you must call him Jesus, for he has come to save his people from their sins.' When Joseph awoke, he did as the angel had said and took Mary to be his wife. When the time came, she gave birth to a son and they called him Jesus. A11 this happened just as the Lord had promised through the prophet Isaiah when he foretold:
virgin will conceive and have a son and they will call him Emmanuel' (which means "God is r,r.ith us").' 'See! A
This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to vou, Lord |esus Christ.
Reflection loseph was upset becouse he discovered that Mary was expecting o boby and they weren t yet married. Whot happened to convtnce hin thot he should still marry Mary?
An angel sent bv God .rp.p.g;r1gc1 tt Tosr.ph in a drean-r with a special message. It tr.l.l hir.n that the lrabr \Ian was expecting was no orclinarl child.
Angels are special messengers sent br C,o.1 rthe rr or.'i 'angel' actually means messenger). Can von remembelanother person who had also received a r-isit from an angel with an extraordinary messaEie from God?
That our trust in God will grow to be as strong as that of Mary and Joseph.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. That husbands and wives everywhere will love one another as Mary and Joseph did.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. That our rvorld will be filled with peace and love as Christmas draws closer.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. That we remember to share God's love with one another today and every day.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Knowing that our heavenlv Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts 1et us share our o\,vn unspoken pravers with him. Silence
Loving Father, hear {he nra\ e-. r 'l \ L\rrr c}rildren, L r- u\ LU -.^ J 1r(1P drrq Lrr rr 'aith and lor e. i;iL'\\ 'We ask this thror-rsh Christ lour Son. Amen.
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Christmas Day (years A, B and C Focus A simple manger made {rom a wooden crate or cardboard box and filled with hay or straw or an Advent wreat[ together with prepared Christingles.
Introduction Christmas is one of the great feasts of the Church,s year when it is more appropriate for the entire worshipping communitv to celebrate the liturgv of the Word togethei.
To encourage such
a shared
celebratiory appropriate
scriptural passages and ideas for an activity_based homily are provided, together rvlth suitable irtercessions whicir can be read and appreciated bv chilclren and adults alike.
A reading from the prophet Isaiah (9:1-7) The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light, On those who lived in a land of deep shadow
Reflection Two reflections are suggested depending on which activity you choose to include in the homily or offertory procession.
Reflection 1
(appropriate forActivity
When most people are expecting a new addition to their family, they go to a great deal of time and trouble to
of these things. Where did Mary and to lay him down to sleep? In a simple manger filled with fresh hay. Mary and Joseph had had to leave the comfort of their home in Nazareth and Joseph have
travel to the town of Bethlehem to register their names for the Roman census - in other wordi, to fill in a lot of forms. for the Emperor! It was while they were away from home that the time came for Mary to give birth, and they had to find some shelter in a big hurry! Of course, Bethlehem was crowded at the time, with all the other people who were there to register for the census. Mary and Joseph could find ,.lo ioo- at any of the hotels or inns in the town. And so it was that thev found themselves sheltering with some animals, and laying
He will reign in everlasting peace, from this time onwards and for ever. This is the Word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God.
Gospel Acclamation a
suitable alternative for the whole congregation).
Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Luke (2:I-14) Caesar Augustus, the Roman Empero4 ordered a cen, sus to be taken, and everyone returned to the town of their familv origin to be registered. So it was that Joseph and \Ian'left Nazareth in Galilee and returned to Bethle_ hen.r in Jtrclaea, King David's childhood home. This was because Toseph rlas a descendant of David,s royal line.
tr\rhile ther n-ere there, the time came for Mary to have her babr; ancl she rr rapped him in strips of cloth and laid him in a manger, l.ecause there rlas ,-ro ,oorrr at the inr-r. _.hephercis rvere
watching over their shc.ep-.. gr-r.i.1"nlr, .rn angel appe.rred anci the sky was fil1ed rr-ith Gori s gltrrr,. The shepher.is were terrified, but the angel said, ,Do not be afrai.l. for I have great news for you. Todav a babv has been L-orn in Bethlehem. He is Christ the Lord, and r-ou rvill fincl him
l)'ing in a manger.'
This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord |esus Christ
Jesus had none
a light has shone. You have increased their happiness, you have made their jov greater. For a child is born for us, a son given to us, and he will rule over us. He will be called'Wonder Counselior,, ,Mighty God,, 'Eternai Father', 'Prince of peace,.
On a hillside near the tr)\rn, .ome
have everything prepared and ready for the arrival of the new babv They might decorate a nursery, buv essentials such as nappies and baby clothes, und harre a cosl' Moses basket made up and waiting for the new_ born babv to sleep in.
Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation g (or
The sky rvas filled rvith the sound of angels singing, 'Clory to God in the highest, and peace to all people o"n
the Son of God down to sleep in a manger. (At this poin-t refer to the focus.) It wasn't a designer manger! ihere was nothing special about it, and Mary could only wrap her newborn son in strips of cloth to keep him warm. What a welcome to our world for God,s beloved Sonl
At Christmas time it can be all too easy to get caught up
in the excitement and commercialism thaf is associated with this time of year. We can lose sight of what the Christmas celebration is really alt about - that God,s
only Son made man was born in Bethlehem and laid in a simple manger. He is the greatest Christmas gift of all. That's why Christmas is a time for giving u.,J.".rr"*-
bering the needs of others. It is a time when we should reflect on all the God-given gifts we have, and how we can and should share them u'ith others and qive something back to God. As n'e rr'elcome the gift of God,s Son this Christmas, let us prepare a special place for him in our simple manger arrd humble hearts. Let,s swaddle him not in strip-s of cloth br-rt irr the loving thoughts and
the personal giits and talents we can brine to the mdnger a- oiicnnC- r.i lr,r'r and thanks for his comine.
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On the strips of paper you will find at your seats, wrlte a thought, a prayer or a gift you personallr, w-ould like to give to Christ today, here and nor,r,. Then at the offertory procession we can use these strips to dress the manger that waits to receive the Christ child as we welcome him by enfolding him in our lor-e. (Allow people enough time to think about and complete this.)
Dressing the monger
For this vou u'i1l rreecl sufficient strips of coloured crdpe paper or sirnilar, tosether rrith pens and pencils available on tl-re end oi each pe\\- or rorr- of seats. The paper should be multicolourecl and of different lengths, to ret-lect the drlersitl of talents and eifts l.r'ithirr the commrrnitr',,i raith. DLrrrng the oiieriorr. background mu-ic coirlJ be plar ed L.et-"or* .irrglnq an appropriate carol together (for erample, '-{n.av in a Manger'). People are invited to come forn.ard at the offertory to lay their piece of paper in the manger. (For very large numbers, the children could be invited to collect the strips of paper from each pew or row of seats, before bringing them forward to be arranged
Activity 2 Invite a member from each family to collect a prepared Christingle (children should be accompanied by an adult), and gather around the crib or Advent wreath as appropriate. Light the Christingles from the central candle on the Adr.ent wreath, and when all are lit, sing an appropriate hvmn or carol.
Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: For all who are alone or sad this Christmas.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For those who are afraid because of war or conflict.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For peace in our homes, our families and our world.
Lord, in vour mercy, hear our prayer. For forgiveness, understanding, and goodwill to ail people.
Lord, in vour mercy, hear our prayen
with some adult help.) Finally, a suitable baby doll should be placed in the manger and 'swaddled' with
Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him.
our loving thoughts and very personal gifts.
Loving Father,
ReflectiOn 2 (appropriate for Activity 2) As we light the final candle on our Advent wreath, it is a powerful symbolic reminder that the light of Christ still shines out in the darkness of our world today. Few of us like the dark - we feel safer and more comfortable in the light. Without light we cannot see clearly, and we risk harming ourselves by falling or losing our way. Christ came into the darkness of our world to lieht the way, so that we could clearly see and follor,r. his path of love. Some 2000 years ago the brightness and r,r'armth of his love reached out and changed people's lives for evert just as it continues to do today. Christ's light shines brightly in our homes, our schools, our families and friends and throughout our world. As children of the light and followers of Christ, the world should recognise us by the love and joy that radiates from r,r'lthin us. The light we received at baptism continues to br-rrn brightly if we allow it to do so. The svmbolism of the Christmas Christingle reminds us of Cod's immeasurable love for the world (at this point the celebrant can actually begin to assemble a Christingle usurs an oransle to represent the world). A love so great tl-rat he sent his onh' Son Jesus to be our light in the darkne.ss of :irr (ar1d a candle), and to die on the cross as our Sar iLrlri iplace recl tape around the orange). As rt'e gir-e anc'l receir e F.rr.sents this Chrisimas, the Christingle alsrr renrir,.-ls us r.i the marl qiits of God's creation rvhich are entrr,rste.l ttr trur ccliâ&#x201A;Ź, anr'1 rrl-rich rle hale a responsibiJitv to sharc. rr i:1.. li.,e -,., .r1.1 ia!1(l irrur co.ktail sticks threaded rvith pieces ot iried i:uir oi srnilar :o represent the gifts oi the four seasons,. So lei eacl-r :ar.,ill
take a Chnstingle home this Chrlsh-nas to remin.l all of us just hon' much rle have to celebrate and thank Cod for. 24
hear our prayers and help us to make a place of welcome in our hearts and our lives for Christ our Saviour. We ask this through your only Son.
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The Holy Family Focus A map, a compass and a sign with the word'DANGER!' written on it.
born. Even if Marv and Joseph somehow managed to get a message to them, it rvould have taken some time to reach them and calm their fears. Has your family ever been in danger? What hoppened?
Introduction In today's Cospel, Joseph receives another visit from an angel after the birth of Jesus, but this time the messenger from God brings news of great danger for the Holy
How can we help such families ond show them thot we care about whot hoppens to them? By praying for them and by supporting the aid agencies and charities that help them.
Family, and ioseph needs to act fastl
Gloria Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation
Can you think of ony families today who have to face danger or fear? (Encourage the children to think about refugees from famine, war and per\ecution.)
Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (2:13-15,19-23)
After the wise men had left, an angel sent by God appeared to Joseph in a dream with this warning: 'Get up, Josephl You and your family are in great danger! You must flee to Egypt this very night, and stay there
until I tell you that it is safe to return. King Herod means to find Jesus and kiIl him!'
up and set off for Egypt while it was still dark. Some time lateq, after Herod's death, the So Joseph got
angel returned to Joseph just as he had promised and told him that it was safe for the family to leave Egypt. So they returned once more to Galilee and made their home in a town called Nazareth. This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord |esus Christ
The Holy Family cared for qnd loved one onother. How do we show our fomilies that we love them? There are all sorts of practical ways to show how much rve care - bv helping around the house; being kind, thoughtful and happy to share; by smiling and laughing together; b1' remembering to say thank you; by being willing to forgive and accept forgiveness!
Activity Help each child to make a family tree. Younger children can simply draw the faces of their family members on the outline of a tree. Older children can be shown how to create a line diagram that includes parents, grandparents, siblings, etc.
Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: We pray for our
family the Church throughout the world.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Reflection When the ongel oppeared to Joseph, what did he do? Joseph did not argue or try to find reasons why it wasn't sensible to set off in the middle of the night with his wife and young baby. Because of his greai faith and complete trust in God, he acted immediately without hesitation. What wos the danger the Holy Fomily needed to flee from?
King Herod was searching for ]esus. He had learned that a newborn king had been born in Bethlehem and he u'as determined to kiil him. Where did the angel send them? Thei' set o# tor Fc'r'nt and lived there until it was safe for them to retum and live in their home town of Nazareth.
lf you and your fomily suddenly fled in the middle of the night. what might other members of your family think? Families love and care abtrut orre another, so thev rvould undoubter'l1r'be ertremeh \\'L1.ried arrd upset. Todav n'e could let ,i-r.n-r furtrrr that rr e rr'e:e saie bi phonin.e them Or -rnJirtq J mv--AJq h., :.r: <-rrat, . - p.'-i. How do you think Mary and Joseph's relotives night have felt? Thev probablv hadn't seen the Holl Famih' since ther set ofi to register for the census beiore Je.u* \\ a: e\ e;r 26
We pray for families today who are forced to flee
from war or danger. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for families weighed down by sickness or suffering.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer, We pray for all who have died.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Knowing that our heavenh' Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our o\{n unspoken prayers with him. Silence
Loving Father, u'afrh or pr rnd n.nf*r' rantrlrg> er err whgrg. Let their love for vou ancl one another .'. t,-,trfL:h. --^ri-,, ru !LLrr\ olllr t/l \\p maIe,,r]r r)r)\ -r-' t ' throrroh fhrirl r nrrr Son Amen.
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Second Sunday after Christmas (Years A, B and C) Focus A Bible open at today's Gospel passage; a large dictionary; some word flash cards or large words cut from magazines.
lntroduction ]ohn's Gospel uses the Word as an image of God who existed before time began and was sent by him to reveal his saivation to the world. Christ is the livine Word who continues to reveal himself to the world in many different ways, including through the scriptures we listen to every Sunday. This concept is challenging enough for adult understanding, so today's reflection is simplified to try to avoid unnecessary confusion.
In today's Gospel
St John uses selreral different words to describe the Saviour sent by God to teach and shorv us how to be truly loving and forgiving.
Gloria Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sav together: Alleluia, a1leluia, may the Word of God make our thoughts loving,
our words kind, and our hearts warm.
Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St John (1:1-18) (See page 367.)
Reflection Words are very important to us! Look at the dictionary and the Bible and talk about just how man1. r,r'ords they each contain. How can people communicate with one onother without using words? Deaf people cannot hear the spoken word, so they must use sign language to spell out what they want to say. When words are useless we have to use sestures and >igns that are universally understood. Con you think
of any such gestures?
human beinq) he gre\\' up to become the man who u.ould make God knorvn to the world. Jesus came to sho'"v the ruorld rlhat God l'as really like by his charactel, actions and teachirrs:. He u'as the'living Word' who gave God a human voice thai rre could understand. He communicated and expressed his Father's love for the world.
We also call the Bible and the writings it contqins the 'Word of God'. Have you any ideo why? This doesn't mean that God himself wrote the actual words of the Bible. Manv different people wrote different parts of the Bible, and God speaks to or communicates with us through their n-ritten r.vords, thoughts and ideas that r.vere guided bv his Holv Spirit. in the New Testament, the u'riters \4atther,r,, Mark, Luke and fohn each give their different versions of the life of Jesus. Their ir-ords help us to knon' and love God better. The Bible was written a very long time ogo, so how con its words and teachings help us to follow Christ today? Its r.r'ords contain messages about love, forgiveness and goodness that hold just as much meaning in the world today as they did for people living at the time of Jesus. The world might have changed in the last 2000 years, but Cod has not.
Can you think
of any other
names or titles we give to
Jesus? (See octivity sheet.) Which is your fovourite and why?
Activity Photocopy an activity sheet for each child. Then play a game of charades to help the children apprecrate how difficult it can be to communicate easily without
using words.
lntercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: For the Church throughout the world as ii gathers today to listen to the Word of God.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For everyone who teaches and shares our faith.
Lord, in your mercv hear our prayer.
ls it easy to communicate without using words?
For people who are deaf and cannot hear easily.
How do very young children make themselves understood without words or languoge? Language and u-ords are something we learn in child|rood to allorr us to communicate easily. Without words
Lord, in your merc\i hear our prayer.
it is hard ior us to understand others and make ourselr'es understood, and u-e quicklv become frustrated.
\oLrng chil.lren Ll-e !e-tLlrc\. rt!,n\ and .ounds to try to communrcate rr hat thev need and hon' thev are feeling. ln today's Gospel we heord how The Word become flesh and he lived as a man omong us . What do you think this meons? Who is called 'The Word'? 'The \{brd' is one of the manv different n.rrnes given to ]esus in the Bible. When Cod's Son rr-as born as a human child in Bethlehem (God n'as made t-lesh as a
For peace and forgiveness in our homes and schools.
Lord, in vollr lnerc\; hear our prayer. Knowing that our hear cnlr Father i* listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our o\\'n unslroken pravers with him. Silence
Lor-ing Faiher, let vour \\'orci fill us rr ith vor-rr life arrJ qLride u. al,,rrq the l,'r irrg path
that leacls to vour kingdom. \\e ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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The Epiphany of the Lord (Years A, B and C) Focus
Whot danger were the wise men warned about in a
Three gift-wrapped boxes with slits cut in the
Introduction The word 'Epiphany' comes from the Greek meaning 'showing'. Today Christians celebrate the revelation of Christ our Saviour to the waiting world. Today's Gospel contains many eiements of high drama and a great story. It includes a mysterious guiding staq, a long and hazardous journey, the ominous threat of dange4, warning dreams and a verv special childl
Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing the Epiphanr-Song: TWinkle, twinkle little star, three kings journey from afar. In the darkness of the night, be our guide, our love, our light. Let us come to worship him, baby ]esus, Christ our King. (To the tune of 'Twinkle, twinkle little star')
Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (2:7-12) (See
page 367.)
What did the wise men decide to do? They left Bethlehem quietly and returned to their own countries by a different way so that they would avoid meeting Herod and his army.
Activity Give each child a piece of plain coloured paper. There should be a variety of colours and sizes to remind us that we have each been given different gifts in different amounts. Ask the children to write or draw something they could offer as a gift to Jesus (ideas could include a smiling face, a heart shape, a kind act or word, their own name). Fold the pieces of paper and place them in the boxes to be carried up ar the offertory procession. OR
Make mini cards to celebrate ihe feast of the Epiphany. Fold a piece of card in two and trace around the camel template. Cut out the camel, but do not cut through the top of the head or the hump where the fold lies. Decorate the camels with bold colours, glitter, material scraps or other imaginative finishes.
Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father:
How many wise men followed the mysterious star that led them to Bethlehem? Tiaditionally we believe that there were three visitors for ihe newborn king. The Gospel doesn't tell us an exact number, but we assume that they each brought a gift.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Con you remember what their gifts were?
For refugees forced far from home and family.
They brought gotd, frankincense and myrrh. Gold was a gift suitable for a king; frankincense was a sweetsmelling incense which was used for worship and as a sign of holiness; and myrrh was an ointment used to prepare people for burial (this gift reminds us of Christ's humanity as the Saviour who would eventually sufier and die for the sake of the world). Where did the wise men come from?
\\'e belier-e that they came from the East (an area of Babr'lon Persla or Iraq / Iran
as we refer to them today) anrl \\'ere -tarqazers or astronomers. They believed that ll-e r'.r..r-.r-re,,j thp hriphl "rerr'st.rr in thp heavens .''...rt,r,..,,. rlas a sign that a nerr kir-rg of great importance had arnr-ed in the rr'orld. anc-1 thel set off in search of the trurh and tc -er ri ther c, 'uld iinJ him.
Do you imogine they were surprised to find on important king in such humble surroundingsT How do you think Mory and Joseph felt to receive such important visitors who had travelled so for to see boby Jesus? 30
King Herod kneu' about the wise men's search for a newborn king. He r,r.anted to find Jesus for himsell but to kill him rather than to rvorship him.
For governments and nations taking the first steps on the journey towards peace.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For the sick and the dying as
their journey through life comes to an end.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For people who must make a long journey today.
Lord in your merc\i hear our prayer,
Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our o\\'n unspoken prayers with him. Silence
Lor.ing Father, r,r.atch over vour children as we journey through life. Keep us close to r our 1ove, nther- may Lnow you. 'o that thr.'r-r:h u: Crant thi- ih-,'rrch Christ '' r our Son. Amen.
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The Baptism of the Lord (Years A, B and C) Focus
Where and how wos lesus boptised?
A candle, some oil, a jug or similar container of water,
Do you imagine that the river wos warm or cold?
and a white garment or blanket.
(Provide any pictures you can of ihe River Jordan, or of Jesus or someone else being baptised, to use as valuable visual aids.)
Introduction john the Baptist had been preparing the people for the coming of the Messiah, or Saviour, God had promised to send. As a sign of their sorror/ for their sins, they came to the River Jordan to be publicl_r' baptised bv John. Todav's Gospel tells n'hat happened rvhen Jesu' himself arrived to be baptised br-John,
world from sin. John knerv that he did not need to be baptised since he u'as sinless and did not need forgiveness. Jesus wished to be baptised to show the people that he was one of them and to help him to prepare for the task of preaching the Good Ner.vs. What happened when lesus stood up in the water? The Holr. Spirit came dor.r.n 1lke a dove and settled on Jesus, and the r-oice of God proclaimed that Jesus was his Son. Fillecl rvith the Hol1, Spirit, Jesus was ready to begin his rr'ork of preaching his Gospel of love and forgiveness to the people. At baptism we receive the same
Holv Spirit to help us to
fo11ow Christ's
loving path
thror"rsh life.
Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation
Activity Act out today's Gospel story using some simple
Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (3:13-17) from Galilee to the banks of the River Jordan to be baptised by |ohn the Baptist. john was surprised
Jesus came
by this and said to him, 'Surely this is wrong and it should be you baptising me!' Jesus answered,'We
Why was John not very keen to boptise Jesus ? of God rvho had been sent to save the
Jesus was the Son
will do things this way for it is right
to follow mv Father's plan.'
Reluctantly John agreed, and Jesus was baptised in the river. As he stood up in the water, the clouds parted and the Holy Spirit came down like a dove and settled on Jesus. Then a voice from heaven said, 'This is my Son, with whom I am very pleased.' This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
Reflection Hos anyone ever been to o baptism? Can you remember whot happened? Encourage the children to share their own experiences of such celebrations. Use any photographs or illustrations vou might have to show them what happens during <nnreone'q_ hrntiqm -"T.'-''"
When are most people boptised? Usuallr' people are babies when they are baptised, and
puppets and props, and the provided script. Add your own original ideas for extra props and sound effects, according to the age range and numbers of your group. You
will need: a plastic drinks bottle containing rice
or lentils; a river (provided by strips of blue
four people to provide the voices for the parts of Narrator, John the Baptist, Jesus and Cod.
Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: That all of God's family may be filled with the Holy Spirit.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. That our world may be filled with jov and peace. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. That as Christians we mav care for the homeless and hungry. Lord, in your mercv, hear our prayer. That we welcome the nen''ly baptised
into our parish familv
behalt abt'Lrl lur irrs and belier ing in Cod.
Lord, in your merc\i hear our prayer.
(If the children are old enough to understantl. \'oL1 ma\ wish to spend some time explainilg the significance oi the various symbols used during the Sacrament of Baptism.)
characters and props on sticks or lengths of stiff card;
their parents and eodparents make promises on their What other nome is sometimes used for boptism? The celebration is .-rlso ca11ec-l a Chrlstenirrg. When someone is baptised or Christerrecl ther- become chjldren of God and part of the rvorldrii.le Christian farnilr-, During the celebration thev are sir en the Chri-tian' name by which they will be knon'n.
paper or cloth); copies of the script (see page
ing that orrr hear enlr f ather is listening,
in the silence of our hearts 1et us share
our o\\-n r-rnspoken prayers with hirr..
Lor-inq Father. thr,ru.lh baptisnr r.tru [i11 us rvith your life and love. \lar that 1or e grorl stronger and keep us close to you. \\r rnake (rur pravers through Christ your beloved Son
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lo hstldve lH.t.
The Baptism of the Lord: A mini drama Charocters Narrato4, John the Baptist, Jesus, Hearrenly voice.
Sound effects Breeze, rushing n-ater, ducking sound, gasps. Props Characters, sury clouds, ribbons of paper / cloth, water in a bottle, container of water and stones/pebbles, dove.
It was a bright, sunny day (sun appears), with a few clouds in the sky (clouds appear), and a gentle brceze blowing (sound fficts). John the Baptist was busy baptising people in the rushing water of the River Jordan (figure of lohn and crowd moae into the 'riuer' of waaing ribbons of crâ&#x201A;Źpe paper or clothlsound of rushing zuater in a plastic bottle). The river was cold and as John ducked each person beneath the water (drop a stone or similar into a container of water), they gasped! (more releaant sound effects). Then Jesus appeared on the river bank and asked John:
will you baptise me?
John was surprised by what Jesus had said, and replied:
Surely you should be the one to baptise me!
But Jesus waded into the water with John (moae lesus figure into the riaer; more riuer sound fficts). Then he said to John:
This is what my Father has planned.
baptised Jesus by ducking him beneath the water just as he had done for everyone else (drop another stone into the container of zt,ntet.). As Jesus stood up in the wate1, the clouds above him opened (clouds part) and the Holv Spirit appeared like a dove and came dorl'n on Jesus (dooe dangles nboz,e ,figure of lesus). Then a r-oice from heaven So John
Heavenly voice This is my Son, and I am very pleased with him.
/prrq} aLF roJ Jo s.,{Ppuns q}JIJ pue q}rnoJ snp sr arar{-l{oN sa8essed ladsoD aql u€r{l }uapr,ra arour
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parapueM ,{lluelsuor daql se uorleldural q}llv\ palllJ
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First Sunday of Lent Focus
An arrangement of sand and stones surrounding a simple candle. (Pictures of desert areas or dry arid wilderness scenes can help chiidren to visualise the scene.)
Create a collage of magazine pictures of various modern temlrtatigns arranged around the words'Just say NO!' or'Sar'\O to temptation'.
The devil is ofter-r represented as a snake. To remind younger children of todar''s Gospel story of tempration bv the devil, make a pipe cleaner snake. Make a loop at one end of a pipe cleaner, and bend it over the
On this first Sunday of Lent the Gospel describes how into the Judaean desert after he had been baptised by John, to prepare himself to begin his work (ministry) of sharing the Good News of God's love with the whole world. Jesus went
Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation
Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Mattherv (4:1-11) (See page 367.)
end of a pencil or pen. lVind the remaining pipe
cleaner around the pencil to create the snake's coiling body. Complete bv gluing a tongue and some eyes (made from paper or felt) orr to the snake's head.
lntercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us prav to our heavenly Father: That the Church and all of God's people
rvill alu.avs stand up for what is right
and not be tempted to take the easy way out.
How long did Jesus spend in the desert?
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Jesus spent
fortv davs in the desert.
That love and truth will overcome hatred and injustice
Why do you think Jesus went to the desert?
in our world.
The desert is a quiet place without distraction or noise where Jesus could spend time close to God, and thinking about how he could bring the people back to God,s loving ways. (The desert has traditionally been a place where holy people spent time so that they could feel
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
close to God's presence.) Who come to tempt lesus in the desert? The devil.
What were the three temptations lesus resisted? In the first temptation the devil wanted Jesus to use his power selfishlv for his own needs and to satisfy his own hunger. With the devil's second effort to tempt Jesus, he tried to make him test God by rescuing him from harm after jumping off the Temple. Finally the devil offered Jesus power and fame throughout the world if he accepted his evil ways.
How did lesus onswer the devil?
did not give in to temptation and answered the devil by repeating words from the Bible. He made it
clear to the devil that he would worship God alone, and
onh' rer-eal himself to the world as the Son of God
according to God's p1an. People would believe and folloir' hrm t l gettine to krow him as a loving teacher anrl healer lir-ing ar-nong tl-rem, rather than a superhero performin{ clramatic arrd impressir.e feats. N{ore than
anr-tllns e1se. JL.:us rr anted people to follorr'1rim because of the iaith drtl lor e ther hatl for him and his Father. Whot tentptations do vte foce tn our lives7 ls it olways eosy to say no'? Jesus knen'hort it ielt to be tentf ted. 'r,r_rt irc. .li.-ln t qir e
inl He rvill help us this Lent to
har e the c.rtiragt .rn.l determination to do our best and not to si\.â&#x201A;Ź- in to rr-hatever temptations come our wa\/.
That we remember to thank God for what we have and to share what we have been given with others.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. That we help and encourage one another to knor,r'God better and love him more.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayel
Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts 1et us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence
Loving Fathe4 Jesus came to show us the way to follow you. May his loving example give us the strength to overcome temptations we may meet along the way. We ask this through Christ your Son. Amen.
Second Sunday of Lent Focus
hls disciples could lear-e the crowds behind and were
A candle in front of
able to be alone.
The sun is so bright that to look at it directly
our eyes. Even if we see its reflection bouncing off a pool of water; it still has the poner to d,azzle us. In todiy,s Gospel we hear how God's power and glory shone from Jesus like rays of light as brilliant as the sun. What the disciples saw and heard changed their lives for ever.
Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sirrg Acclamation
Gospel A reading from the Gospel o{ St Matthew (17:7-9)
One day Jesus asked Peter, ]ames and John to come and pray with him. He led them to the top of a steep mountair-r, where it was peacefr,rl and quiet, and r.r.here they could be alone. pray to his heavenly Father and sucldenly he appeared to changel His face and clothes shone witir a brilliant light, as dazzling as the rays of the sun.
Jesus began to
Then the disciples saw Moses and Elijah on either side
of Jesus, talking to him. Peter jumped up with excitement and said, 'Lord, this is wonderfuM could make three shelters
- one for
to his Father, whot happened? His appearance rr'as transfigured or changed before their verl eves. A light as dazzling as the iun shone As ./esus prayed
each of youl,
At that moment a cloud streaming with light appeared above them, and a voice said, 'This is my Son, u,hom I love very much. Listen to what he says.,
The disciples were so terrified that they threw themselves to the ground and hid their faces. Then Jesus said genily, 'Get up, my friends, do not be afraid.'
from his face and hls clothes became as white as snow
Were the disciples frightened by the sight of this transformation in Jesus? Apparentlv not! Thev stood rr.atching in amazement and awe as Moses and Elijah appeared next to Jesus. They were so overjor.ed to share this wonderful sieht that Peter offered to build three shelters. What happened to make them fatt to the ground in feor?
The shadorv of a cloud fell over them and God,s voice declared that Jesus n'as indeed his beloved Son. possiblv onlv at this moment did Peter, James and John realise that ther.had been allowed a glimpse of Christ,s pon'er and g1ort. shining out from within.
As they left the mountain, Jesus worned them to tell no one what they had seen until his glory wos fully revealed to the world. When would that be? At Christ's resurrection, when he would rise from the dead to new and everlasting life.
After whot they hod just seen, how do you imagine the disciples must have felt os they came down the mountoin? Do you think they found it eosy to tell no one obout whot had happened thot day?
Activity Photocopy an activity sheet for each child to complete
Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father:
When they looked up, Jesus was standing alone. As they came down the mountain togetheq, Jesus told them firmly, 'You must not tell anyone about what you have seen today, until the Son of Man has risen from the dead.,
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord ]esus Christ.
For people who are sick and those who care for them. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Reflection What's the most omazing thing you,ve ever seen? Sometrmes magicians perform tricks that we can hardly behele, even rr-hen rt e've seen them with our own eyes. The c-hsciples hacl seen Jesus perform many amazlng miracles, L.ut :ornething happened in today's Gospel that rvas r-nore astonishing than anvthing thev,d ever seen before.
Where did lesus toke his disciples to proy?
(According to traclttirrnal rrpiniLrn, ther- cjintL.ed \ltrunt Tabor, althor,rgh some susgest tirat the n(rllntaln \\ as Creat Herrron. In biblical sethngs, mountain: \\ ere Lrtten the places rvhere God spoke to his people.) They climbed to the top of a mor-rntairr n.here Jesus and
For everyone who believes in Christ and follows his loving example of how to live.
For peace and frierrdship between countries and nations.
Lord, in your merc\i hear our prayer. For our own families here in the parish and at home.
Lord, in your merc\i hear our prayer.
Knowing that our hear.enlr'Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share orlr o\\'n unspoken pravers with him. Silettce
Lor-rrrq Father. li>ten ttr these prar ers irri .rur rrl\'n needs .-rnd the needs of the world. Let r or-rr love and glon' shine out among us. \\e ask ti-ris through Christ our Lord.
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Third Sunday of Lent if we forget to water it? shrivels up ar.rd eventuallv dies. If we forget to let Cod's grace and love into our lives to help us to grow and become more like him, then his li{e inside us will slowly shrivel and die. What happens to o houseplant
Focus A tumbler and
jug of water.
lntroduction If we need a drink of water rve simplv turn on the tap and drink as much as we like. We take the gift of water and the life it gives r.err- nruch for granted. In many
poorer parts of our n'or:ld rrater is a \rery precious resource. People must sometimes tr-ar-el long distances to collect r,r'atel and then canl it carefr-rllr'home. It is needed for drinkrng, cookrng, n ashing, ancl er-e.rv effort
is rnade to avoid rvasting a sinsle rilop. In todar"s Cospel ston. Jesus offers a Samaritan \\'oman the lfi ing r'vater of baptism, a11or'r'ir-rg all rvho are born again of lr'ater and the Holy Spirit to share eternal life.
Why did lesus offer this gift who disliked Jews?
'living water' to a stranger
to share his love and salvation with the whole world, not just the Jewish people. Whoever listens to Christ and believes the Good News he pro-
Jesus came
claims can receive and be fi11ed with God's life-giving
Spirit and grace. They receive his gift of eternal life whatever their religion, race or skin colour might be.
Activity Photocopv the water jar template on to some thin card. Make a small slit at the top and thread through sevelal lengths of silver parcel string, silver foil or blue tissue paper to represent water floraring from the
Gospel Acclamation Light the Cospel candle and say together: May the Word of God make our thoughts loving, our words kind, and our hearts r,r,arm.
jar. Secure these u.'ith tape together with a safety pin for attaching the badge after it has been decorated.
Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heaverrly F.rther:
Gospel A reading from the Gospel of (See
John (4:5-12)
That God's children and love.
page 368.)
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Reflection Since you climbed out
will all be filled $'ith his life
of bed this morning, how
times have you used water?
Help the children to think about brushing their teeth, having a wash or shower, flushing the toilet, u'ashing their hands and having a hot or cold drink! What would happen in a world without woter? Plants could not grow, people and animals r,r'ould die of
That people who suffer drought and famine may receive the help thev need from us.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. That people who thirst for justice and peace may be satisfied.
Lord, in yollr mercy, hear our prayer.
become an enormous lifeless desert.
That all who have died may share eternal life with God in heaven.
Jesus hqd no bucket to draw wqter up from the well, so
Lord, in your mercv hear our prayer.
what did he do?
Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers u'ith him.
thirst and starvation, and the whole planet would
Why was the Samariton women surprised when lesus spoke to her? She did not 1.rrolr' this stranger and traditionally the
S.rrlaritans and the Jer,ts hated each other. (The Jews lookecl don'n on tl-re Samaritans as being less pure because
manv of them had intermarried with other nations and peo;.Ic.. Tlre S.rmarit.l-rs subsequently chose to live and rr'orship sepa1.l1.1,' frorn their Jeu,ish neighbours. They ar-oicled corltact rr ith each trther at er
en opportunitv.)
Whot wos speciol about the woter that lesus offered to share with the vtomon? it rr'.rs 'lrr i1-l!: \\'aic.r . alr.'l l'.e :tâ&#x201A;Źrrâ&#x201A;Źtl t!r !uSSert titat drirrkins it r't,r,rl.l ..:r e i'.er frlr:'. e\ er ieeiing tirir.:'. agairr. Tesus rr asrr'l t.r1ki11{ aL.trut trirjr:..tf.. \\ a:a: :n:.: queuches or.tr p.111 sicai thrrst. He rr.rs tait ir-rg a'aLrut rru:
thirst for God ancl l-Lrs grrtrtlur'.. ir'irirh can ..rrir qr.rce siten l.r hir lijr.-o vino \llirit. salisfir-d hr '-' lhe " b'
Loving Father, filled with your living Spirit may we share vour love and joy u,ith the whole world. Grant this in the name of Christ our Lord. Amen.
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Fourth Sunday of Lent Focus A candle,
a blindfold (a scarf or piece of fabric), and a small saucer or dish with mud or earth.
lntroduction In today's Gospel we are introduced to a man who has been blind from birth. Jesus declares himself to be the Light of the World and gives the man the gift of sight. The cure is effected by washing in a poo1, and the man becomes a 'child of the light' who can see both physical1y and spiritually ($.ith his heart).
Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation
Why did Jesus call himself the Light of the World? He came into the n'orld not only to cure the blind but to
help even'one to 'see' clearlv that he was the Son of God, u'ho could shon us the'"vay to share his eternal life and happiness. The blind man could physically'see' Jesus standing next to him, but more importantly he was able to recognise Jesus as 'Lord', the Saviour promised by God. After Jesus had touched him he was able to see with his eyes and see with his heart (spirit) and profess his belief and faith in Jesus.
Activity Photocopy the sheet. Staple or glue picture A on top of B. Shou, the children how to place a pencil at the bottom of the top sheet and roll it up tightly. Move the pencil up and dor.t'n quickly to see what happens!
Gospel A reading from the Gospel of
John (9:1,-41)
(See page 368.)
As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father:
For the peoples and nations of the world;
A btind child once asked, 'What colour is the wind?' We often take our eyesight for granted - we make use of it
may they see a way to share the gifts of God's creation
every day without thinking.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
lf you suddenly
lost your sight now, whot difference would it make to your life? What would blindness stop you from doing?
with one another. For the Church and her leaders; may all Christians be guided through life by Christ's shining example of love.
Ask for a volunteer who doesn't mind being blind-
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
folded. Make sure that they are sitting safely and can come to no harm! Give them a selection of objects to identify using their other senses - for example, an orange (smell), a ticking watch or clock (sound), a soft teddy or toy (touch), a piece of chocolate (taste).
For people who are lonely or afraid; may our friendship bring light to their darkness.
Encourage the other children to give them clues if they are struggling. We rely heavily on our gift of sight to identify objects and understand the world around us.
How would you describe a colour to a blind person? We often compare the colour of one object with another, so we might say, for example, that a book is green like grass, or blue like the summer sky. But if someone has
been blind from birth, such colours are impossible to
imagine. Instead they might perhaps use their other senses much more than a sighted person and reiate colours to smells or scents.
Do you think it is easy to be someone who is blind in our world today? Blind people have manr. difficulties anci challenges to olercome. At the time of Jesus, it u.as Probably even r. ho rr'at hlind. more dii.i. ult ln'_''_a Dvr:on r' Whqt wos the blind man doing when Jesus noticed him? He n as begging i1grn1 prgoprlg. Thrs rr as the onh' rt'av he could earn enough to feed and care ior hin',selt. Whot did Jesus do when he saw him? He took pitr on the marr. and gave hinr the giit oi his sight. He touched his eyes and made him see. 42
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For ourselves and our families; may we see and recognise Christ in the people around us.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our Prayer' Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence
Loving Father, hetp us to be children of the light, shining with love and able to see clearly what is really important to you. We make our prayers through Christ your Son. Amen.
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Fifth Sunday of Lent Focus Some crumpled bandages or strips of cloth, and a sheet of paper with the word'Helpl written on it.
lmagine you were one of the onlookers standing outside the tomb of Lazarus. How would you have felt os you watched Lozorus walk from the tomb?
How do you imagine Mortho and Mory reacted when
thev saw their brother alive?
(Today's Gospel underlines Christ's humanity; his love for Lazarus and his sisters, and his genuine sadness at the death of his friend. This astonishing episode foreshadows Christ's own death, and reminds us of the effects of baptism when rve die (to sin) with Christ in the font r,r'ater, and rise to neu'1ife as children of God.) Today Jesus receives an urgent ntes\clge fionr sorne r.err. good friend' rvho de'peratelv neecl his irelp. Rather surprisinglv he does not hurn' to therr aid and arrir-e-s when it secms too late trr do anr guoJ. Blrt r.erel lorgtrt
that nothing is impossible for God to hear what happens!
so listen carefullv
Activity Photocopv and cut out the small figures from various colours of ordinarv paper. Shor,r' the children how to
fold them carefullr, helping whenever
Gospel Acclamation
Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation
As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father:
Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St John (11:1-45) (See page 369.)
Reflection Why did Mqrtha ond Mary send on urgent messoge to Jesus?
Their brother Lazarus was seriously il1 and they wanted Jesus to use his healing powers. How might they have sent such an urgent messoge? Such things as telephones, e-mail and fax machines did not exist at the time of Jesus. Today we can send a message to someone living on the other side of the world and know that they will receive ii very quickly. Martha and Mary probably had to send their message for help with someone travelling on horseback or by foot. When Jesus finally arrived in Bethany, how long hod Lazorus already been buried?
Lazarus had been dead for four days. According to tradition, his body had been wrapped and bound with c1oth, together with sweet smelling herbs and spices. What did Jesus do when he saw how upset Martha ond Mary were? He shared their sense gf l,r<s rn,l oricf :,.,1 --opt with
Have a lr'ide basin or bori'l of r,vater ready (you will need more than one for large groups). Carefully place the fieures on the surface of the water, with the foldetl .irle uprr ardt, and r.r'ait to see what happens! (Thel sl.ror-rld rnagicallr. unfold and appear to'come alir-e'. This can take a short time - so carry on lr.ith the pr.rr crs ot intercer>ion.)
That the faith of the Church continues to grow and flourish.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. That the sick and the suffering may find comfort and healing through God's love.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer. That those who have died may rise to new and everlasting life. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayeL That our love for one another may make our world a happier place to live.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts 1et us share our own unspoken prayers with him. SiIerLce
Loving Father, listen to the prayers of your children. Bring comfort to those who are sad and hope to those who believe in your love. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Had Martha ond Mary gtven up oll hope that lesus could somehow help their brother? They believed that Jesus n a: the Christ, the Son oi God. They had asked for his l-relp in the iirst L-.lact because
they knew that Jesus could cure their brother's r11rre:s. sr-rch complete iaitl.r anr.l tm.t in him, they probablv cor-rldn't inagirre that Jesus rlor,ilcl raise their beloved brother from the dead.
Although they had
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Palm (Passion) Sunday (Years A, B and C) Liturgy of the Palms
Whot was the mood
They were overjoved and filled with excitement and expectation. Thev u.ere waiting and hoping that something dramatic r,r..as about to happen.
Branches or palms (real or made from paper) laid over brightly coloured piece of cloth or garment.
the crowd that day?
Did everyone give Jesus such a warm welcome? Jesus had made many enemies among the Jewish leaders.
Introduction Jerusalem was bustling r,r'ith crowds of people who were there to celebrate the Jewish feast of Passover, r,l'hich celebrates the escape of the Israelite people from Egyptian slaverv (Exodus 12:10-30). This special meal reminded people of hou' God had saved them and set them free. As Jesus entered Jerusalem, the cror,r,ds waved branches from the palm trees gror.ving along the roadside and thre-"r. them doi.vn on the ground as a welcoming carpet. As they greeted him in song, many believed that he was the king the Jewish people had been waiting for to conquer their Roman enemy and once again to set them free from oppression. palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week as we recall Christ's triumphant procession into Jerusalem.
Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation
His words and actions had upset them on manv different occasions, and they were already plotting and planning how to get rid of him.
Activity Photocopy and cut out the templates. Decorate these
brightly and glue or tape them onto drinking straws or small wooden sticks (the type used for kebabs, with the sharp ends removed) to create colourful flags to welcome Jesus. (Or you could create bunting by using string instead of sticks.)
Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our loving Father: That the Church and all her people will welcome Christ into their daily lives.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
That refugees from hunger and war
A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (27:I-I1)
will be warmly welcomed by other countries and nations.
page 369.)
Reflection When a king or someone very important
visits somewhere, what is often rolled out to welcome them? We roll out the red carpet for very special visitors.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. That all who have died will be welcomed into the kingdom of heaven. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
What did the crowds outside Jerusalem 'carpet' the rood
That our homes, schools, and parishes will be places where others are always made to feel welcome.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
In their excitement and joy they waved palm branches like flags and threw down their cloaks and coats. They
Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him.
welcomed Jesus as though he was a king. What did many people expect this king to do? They thought that the saviour promised by God would
defeat the Roman army by leading a war or uprising against it. Why was Jesus not the kind of king mony of the Jews expected? Jesus rode into Jerusalem as a king of peace, on the back of a |rumble donker'. He rvas a king who preached peace and friendship to his enemies, ancl befieved that evil could be conquerecl br- lole and forgiveness. He came as one of the people, rrith no arm\, no grandeur and no intention of fighting the Romans. The people welcomed Jesus by singing psalms of praise from the Bible. Whot was the word they kept repeating. which we still use todoy? 'Hosanna' means'please sa\.e' or'sa\.e us, rve prar.', and
the people used it as a shout of rvelcome.
Loving Father, warm our hearts with your love so that you always find a welcome in our lives. We ask this in the name of ]esus our Lord. Amen.
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Palm (Passion) Sunday (Years A, B and C Liturgy of the Passion The liturgy of the passion recalls in a poi,verful and moving way the final hours of Christ,s liie, and allows
us to imagine and share in the er.ents and feelings experl_ enced bv Jesus and his follor,r,ers before his death and
resurrection. A shorter r.ersion of the passion Gospel is
provided, together w.ith a senes of Gospel extracts
which can be used u,ith the suegested activity ideas to retell the events of Holr' n,eek in an imaginative way.
Focus A cmcifir or cross n-ith a candle or light behind it.
Introduction The jo1' and excitement that had greetecl Jesus as he processed into Jerusalem on palm Sundar. rvas short_ lived. Within days. [riend,hip rn a. betrar ed, jo1. tLrrned to sorrory and the hopes and expectations of the people appeared to die with Jesus. The events of Uoly Week can certainly be sad and painful to remember, but we know that soon sorrow will turn to joy as we celebrate the glorious resurrection o{ Christ at Easter.
Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation
Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (27:1I_54)
Early in the morning Jesus was bound and taken to Pontius Pilate, the Roman governo{, who had ro grant permission before a sentence could be carried out. Pilate asked Jesus, 'So is it true, are you the King of the ]ews?' 'These are vour words,, Jesus answered.
When the priests and elders began their accusa_ _chief tions afresh, Pilate was surprised thaf Jesus said noth_ ing to defend himself.
It was a custom of the time for the Roman governor to release any prisoner of the people,s choice during the Passover festivities. So pilate asked the crowd iflhey
wanted him to release Jesus or a well-known criminal called Barabbas. He already knew that the enemies of Jesus r,r.ere driven by jealousy. Just then a servant came to Pilate carrving a message from his wife, telling him of a dleam she had had warning about Jesus. ,Have nothing to do r,r'ith himl' she wrote. Bv this trme, the chief priests and elders had convinced the people to c-lemand the release of Barabbas and the erecution of Iesus. \\'hen pilate heard them shouting, he askecl in sr-rrpnse, 'But rr'hat has this done wrong?, _[esus
The people shouterl elen louc-le.r, ,Crr,rcifl himl, Pilate.n-as irightenetl bv ti-re prepplg's ush motrci. ,\-erv n el1,' he saicl, 'let the bloorl Lrf thi-. rnan l.e on vor_rr hea.l and not mine,'ancl he n'a,hc.1 hir ]rarr.1- .rr a .ign ot his innocence. Barabbas was released, n'hile Jesus u.as n-hippecl and then sent to be crucified. 4a
The soldiers who led Jesus away taunted and abused him. Thev r.r'rapped a scarlet cloak around him, and
pressed a crown made of thorns on to his head as thev shouted, 'Look at the King of the Jews now!, When thev had finished jeering and making fun of him, they dressei him in his own clothes and tookhim awav to be crucified.
As they made their way to Golgotha (ihe place of the skull), the soldiers forced a man called Simon, who came from Cyrene, to help Jesus to carry his cross. When they reached the place of execution, ihey otfered Jesus a drink which he refused, and then thev crucified him and divided his clothes among themselves bv throwing dice for them. Above his head they placed a sign which read, 'Jesus, King of the ]ews,, and beside him they crucified two criminals, one on either side. Thev too joined in with the taunts of the crowd who had gathered to shout, 'If you could save others, why can't vou save yourself'; and theyjeered, ,you call voui_ self tl-re Sor.r of God, so why doesn,t he rescue you now1,
At midday
a blanket of darkness fell over the land for three hours until finally Jesus cried aloud, ,My God, my Cod, why have you abandoned me?,
Hearing this, some onlookers believed that he was call_ ing out to Elijah, and they watched to see if he would appear. Others went to fetch him a drink to quench his thirst, but Jesus cal1ed out once more, ancl then he died.
At that moment the veil that guarded the most holy place in the Temple was torn down the middle; the
ground began to tremble violently, and rocks split apart; manv holy people rose from the dead who would later appear in Jerusalem after the resurrection of Jesus. See_ ing all this happen, the soldiers guarding Jesus were terrified and said, 'Truthfully, he was the Son of Godl, This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord fesus Christ.
Reflection Jesus said very little at his trial before pontius pilate, Why do you think he didn't try to defend himself oqainst his accusers? Jesus remained calm and in control. He had accepted his Father's will and wil1ing11' put his love for God and us before his own feelings. Why did Pilate wosh his hands before the crowd? He wanted to take no responsibility for the death of Jesus. Pilate had hoped to set Jesr-rs free because he believed that he had done nothing \\'rong. Washing his hands was his wav of trving to clear himseii of any guilt.
How do you imagine Jesus felt when the soldiers made fun of him?
No one enjovs beirrg cruellv teased, but fesus endured a1l the suffering and pain thev inflicted without an
angrv actior-t or bittc-r rvord,
The soldiers narled a notice on to the cross obove Christ,s head. Whot did it say? 'lcsr-rs, Kins of tlre Jerr-s.' Jesus had been sentenced to death for claiming to be the Son of God and a krng. He n'as indeed a king but one who r,r.as unlike any king the
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s 'v suv:,r.) ivcNns (Nolssvd) Nrvd
dpoq u,lto
'peap aql ruorJ uorlJarrnsar slq rage pue
srLI spm 1o
alods snsa{ }eql aldrual aq} }ng
'parur€l)xa .{aqi ,;sdep aarLl} ul lI pllnqar .\toH plnor no.{ iPlmq o} sreaA 9t )ool aloural srLIL ,'s,{ep
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s,ralllec dr.u Surletu dols pue de'tre s8urql asaql
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aql ,o salqpl aLIl paurnualo pue dr8ue d'raa sem aH 's.raBueqr-dauotu aLIl ]es urar{} ts8uorue pue 'suoaSrd pue daaqs 'a1}}el 8ur1as aldoad Jo IIry urapsrua{ ur aldrual aq} puno1 aH ralossecl qsr.ua{ ar11 a}Prqalol o1 rualesnra{ o} }uoM snsal @7-g 1:7 uqofl
elduel eql ul radurel -
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'dep reqr pres per{ snsa{ 1eqaa. pue}srapun plnom
zlseyd q6+t aql lo awDu aql
daqt .r.toq Suruueld pue
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reuueq ,uolssed aql, 'L{lPaP Sulq)Po.rdde srq 1o tiSrr € s€,l,t ssarDiJep Surseanul aql 'ssorJ aql uo 3ur,ip se.'r plroM aLIt Jo ]q311 aql sv'ere1d raTep P sr pFo.\\ aulq8g1 lnoq+r1,4 zalpu€r e lno .\'Lolq no''( 1 suaddeq IPV','-
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(Matthew 26:14-16) The disciple called Judas went to the chief priests to make a deal with them. 'How much will you pay me to hand ]esus over to you?'he asked.
Having agreed on a price, they sent Judas away with thirty pieces of silver, and waited for news of the betrayal he had promised.
Which disciple betrayed Jesus? rea11v knows what made Judas betray Jesus. Whatever his leasons tvere, Judas went to the chief priests and made a deal.
How much wos he paid for his help? Thirty pieces of silver (shekels) n'as the price paid for handing Jesus over. (At the time, this u-as the r.alue placed on a slave). Why wos Judos able to betray -/esus so easilyT Judas was one of the twelve disciples who u'ere particular1y close to Jesus their master. Because Judas would
have known their plans for celebrating the Passover together, it was easy for him to plot and plan to hand Jesus over.
How do you think Judas felt when he leorned that Jesus hod been sentenced to death? (Matthew 27:3-5) He was filled n'ith deep regret and sadness. He returned the money he had been given by the chief priests and went away and killed himself. Judas hod known what would happen to lesus, do you
think he might have octed differently?
We all make mistakes at times and do thines that rve later regret. We cannot undo what has alreadv been done, but we can express our sorrow and ask to be forgrven.
Activity Use smail rectangles of cloth (sewn, stapled or glued along both sides) to create 'money bags' filled with
dried lentils or rice to represent the price paid for
from slar r.rr- irr Egr-pt and set them free (Exodus 12:1-30). How did Jesus give the Passover meal new meaning? [esr-rs told his friends that the bread and wine he shared u'ith them n'as his ou'n bodt, and blood which would save peoprle br- setting them free from sin and filling them n-ith his liie and lor.e. rvas the final or last meal that Tesus shared with his disciples before he died.
Activity Use the template to create a mosaic picture using small squares of coloured paper. Make individual copies or one large mosaic for the group to complete.
- Agony in the garden
(Matthew 26:36-50) When they reached the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus took Peteq, James and John with him to pray. He was filled with great sadness and fea4 and said to his disciples, 'Stay awake because I need you with me tonight.' Then he went away a little further and began to pray, 'Father, I am afraid of what lies ahead but I will always do whatever you ask.'
When he returned to the three disciples he found them asleep. 'Wake up!' he said. 'Could you not stay awake with me for such a short time?' Then Jesus said to Pete4 'Stay awake and pray that you will not be put to the test.' Tr,vice more Jesus went away and prayed as before but returned to find them all asleep again. When he returned for the third time he said to them, 'Are you
still asleep? The time has arrived for the Son of Man to be handed over to sinners. Get up, my betrayer is close by Get up, the time has come.' Then Judas, one of the twelve disciples, appeared u.ith a crowd of people carrying weapons, who had been sent by the chief priests and elders. judas stepped forward and, as pre-arranged, he kissed Jesus to signal to
the crowd which man they should arrest. Then they came up and seized hold of Jesus.
Reflection Passover
(Matthew 26: 1 7- 1 9, 26-29) As tl-rev u-ere eating, Jesus took some bread and said a frraver oi blessing. He broke the bread into pieces and shared it rr itir ther.n savine, 'Take this anrl eat it, this is
of Passover?
No one
Why did the Jews celebrate the Feqst
As a reminder that God had saved the people of Israel
Why do we call this meal the 'Last Supper'?
Therr he ipp[ 2 qll;r trf rrtne and sard a p]ayer of thanks. He passecl tire cup trr each of then'r ancl said,'Take. this and tlrink it, ior tl.,is r: itv i.Lrtrd. Tr-r>t as r-nv Fathcr prOmrSecl, it rr'iil L.e ptrll:eti trllt ttr :i\'c. \'LrLt lrrrnl \ rrul.in.. l *hall rr, t ,i rink \\ nrr as,dilt r-rn.r' I ..l .. -. .r r:;t r r -. irr nrr father - kinl.lonr.
Then ther rang a ]rr rln together L.eiorr -r'ttirrg ori tor the Mount of Olives.
After sharing the Passover meol together, where did Jesus qnd his disciples go to proy?
The Garden of Gethsemane \vas (and still is) an olive grove or orchard on the hillside outside the walls of Jerusalem at a place ca11ed the Mount o{ Olives. Why was -/esus so afraid?
What temptation did he face? He ctuld har e .rvoided suffering and dying by running arr'av L.eitrre Jucla: came to betray him. He chose instead +., acicf.t rleat| evetr t|or-rgh he '"r,as afraid to die. By what sign did Judas betroy his Moster? n'ith a kiss, n hich is a sign of peace and iriendship. Tesus rr-as beirar.ed
ffi I I
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suvll) lvcNns (ruotssva) wrv:
Help the children to make paper lanterns to remind
How did the Roman soldiers moke Jesus suffer? First thet'r.vhipped him and then they dressed him up to look like a king rvith a soldier,s cloak and a ,crown, made from -harp thorrrr.
them of Christ's suffering and arrest in the darkness of Gethsemane.
- Sentenced before the Sanhedrin
Whot happened next? Jesus r.r-as made to carn. his cross (probably the cross_ beam t to the place ()r e\ecution called Colgoiha.
(Matthew 26:57-66) High priest and the elders. Peter followed at a distan.", o,"rd waited in the palace courtyard to see what would happen next. The accusers of Jesus were desperate to find enough evidence to have him put to death. They produced sev_ eral witnesses to lie on their behalf, Uut stitt they had no proof against Jesus. One man stepped forn,ard aud told Jesus was taken before Caiaphas the
spoken oi derfrorirrg the lemple ]1su. ftail
rebuilding it in .just three davs. offered no n ords of deicncc.
Caiaphas grew increasinglv frustratecl
Wos Jesus angry with
suffering r,r,ith quiet strength and courage.
What happened when they finatty reached Gotgotha? The soldiers crucified him bv nailing him to the cross.
Make small cro\.\-ns fiom lengths of ir,y stripped of leaves, or thorrrless branches and twigs that are ptiuUl" enough to bend and tn'ist. These can be arranged on
stood srlentlr. ancl ar.rcl
said to
angrily, 'Swear by the living God to tell us truthfullrrt hether you are indeed the Son of Lodl,
Jesus replied,'You yourself have said so, and from this time on you will see the Son of Man sitting at his right
hand and coming on the clouds of heaven.," At these words, the whole assembly erupted in anger and Caiaphas shouted out loud, ,We ourselves hi e heard this blasphemyl We have no need of anv other witnesses! What is your judgement?,
Without hesitation, they answered, ,He is guilty and must be put to death,' and they began to taunt and abuse Jesus.
elders (the Sanhedrin).
Was lesus angry with his qccusers? He stood silently and did not argue r,r,ith them.
death? This was the punishment for claiming to be the Son of Cod. ]esus had told them the truth, 1ut thev did not believe him.
Activity Help the children to make execution orders conciemn_ ing Jesus to death.
- Suffering of Jesus
(Matthew 27:26-31) Barabbas rlas released, rr hile Jesus rvas u,hipped ancl thert -enI trr bc crrr.'iiietl Tl-re
soldiers rlho 1ed Jesu: arr'av taunted ancl abused anci
pressed a cror\'1l made of thorns on to hi: ]reatl as thershouted, 'Look at the Kurg of the Jerr.s norr l, \\ hen thei had finished jeering and making tun of ]rim, thev clressed him in his own clothes and took him a\\.av to be cmcitied. tr-
(Motthew 27:37-44) Above his head they placed a sign which read ,Jesus, King of the ]ews', and beside him they crucified two criminals, one on either side. They too ioined in with the taunts of the crowd who had gathered to shout, ,If you could save others, why can,t you save yourself,; and they jeered, 'You call yourself the Son oi God, ,o why doesn't he rescue you nowl,
What did the soldiers nail to the cross above Christ's head? An inscription or notice which said, ,Jesus, King of the Jews,. Why did they do this? The charge detailed on the notice or sign was to inform the people of the 'crime' for which Jes.,i *u, being pun_ lSned
What made the lewish leoders finally sentence lesus to
him. Thei' rr.rapped a :carlet cl.rak aruun.l him.
sqlrares ot red cloth representing the cloak wrapped around Jesus.
After his arrest, where was Jesus taken? He was taken to the High priest,s palace to be ques_ tioned by Caiaphas (the High priest) and the council of
the soldiers and the jeering crowd?
He spoke no bitter or angr\/ tr.ords. He endured all his
Did the crowd of onlookers feel sorry for Jesus? They shouted abuse and mocked him.
Activity Make a placard to nail to Christ,s cross that reads, 'King of the Jews'. For the placard cut a rectangle from corrugated cardboard or card and colour appropri_ ately. Cut a smaller identical shape from whiie paper or baking parchment. (For larger quantities, photo_ copy a sheet with several templates on it.) Write the
words of the inscription on one side. Wrap the piece of paper around a pen or pencil (rvritten side inwards) so that it cr-rrls slightlv_ Tape or glue the centre of the plece ot paper on to the card, leat'ing the ends free.
(Luke 24:1 -7)
\t sunrise on the Sundar. morning some of the women took the burial spices and ointments they had prepared and rvent to the tomb rvhere Jesr-rs had been laid.
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To their surprise they found that the stone had been rolled away from the entrance to the tomb, and the bodv
As they hurried away to tell the disciples their
of Jesus was gone.
Thev n-ere greeted by Jesus himself who was very much
As they stood wondering what had happened, two
angels appeared next to them and asked, ,Why do you look for the living among the dead? Remember how he told you that he would rise again on the third day. He is not here because he is risen!'
Reflection Why were the women
going to the tomb where Jesus wqs
whom did they meet? alivei How do you imagine the women must have felt? What word do we use to describe Christ rising from the dead? Everv Sundav rr-e gather to celebrate Christ's resurrection to netv ancl er-erlasting life that he shares with us
Why had the women not done fhis os soon as Jesus hqd been buried?
As a reminder that rr-hat appears to be dead can produce new life, help the children to plant some spring or summer florvering bulbs in small pots. Decorate the pots with sequins and stick-on shapes, and cover the top of the compost u-ith brightly coloured gravel or stones (found in most good garden centres).
lr,'as the Jewish custom to anoint the bodies of the dead r,r'ith sweet-smelling ointment such as nard (a perfume extracted from an aromatic plant) and aromatic herbs.
Jesus died late on the Friday afternoon and had to be
burjed quickly because the Jewish Sabbath began at nightfall and did not end until the Saturday evening (days were counted from sunset to sunset). No r,r,ork of any kind was allowed on the Sabbat[ so sunrise on the Sunday morning was the very earliest thev could tend to his bodv. When they orrived, whot hqd been moved from the tomb
entrqnce? The large, heavy circular stone that was typical of those used to seal or close tomb entrances.
Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together 1et us prav to our heavenly Father: That we may be forgiven for the times when we let jesus down and betray his friendshrp. Lord, in your mercy/ hear our prayer, That anyone who suffers cruelty, imprisonment or pain may be strengthened by Christ's courage.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Blindfold the children and give them a selection of herbs, spices and fragrances to smell and identify (these could include cinnamon sticks, ginge4, mint,
That lives which are overshadowed by death and sadness may be filled with comfort and hope by Christ,s resurrection.
juniper berries, lavender oil).
Lord, in vour mercy, hear our prayer. That u'e will grow closer to Christ during this week as \^./e remember and share his journey to the cross.
New life
(Matthew 28:5-1O) Then the angel spoke to the women, saying, ,Do not be afraidl I know that you are looking toi yesus who was crucified and buried here, but you will not find him because he is risery just as he told you. Come and see for vourselves that he is gone! Now you must go to his disciples and tell them that he is risen, and you will see him again in Galilee. Go, and remember everything I have told vou.' Shaking l,r.ith fear and excitement, the two women hur-
ried from the tomb and ran to tell the disciples their marr-ellous neu's. On the way ]esus suddenly appeared and greeted them n'ith the u'ords, 'Peace be with youl, The rr-omen fell at his feet and u'orshipped the Lord. 'You have r.rothrng io iear,' Jesr,rs said. 'Tel1 mv discioles to make their rr'ar r,'Lalilee rr h"r" ,h",-r. ill ,;;J;;, themselves.
Reflection Who first told the women that Jesus hod risen? An angel was the first to share this rvonderfr-rl r-rerr.s n-ith
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence
Loving Fathel, we ask you to hear our prayers and answer them according to your holy will. We make our prayers through Christ your Son. Amen.
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Easter Day (Years A, B and C Focus
A crucifix or cross with a hardboiled egg at its base, sur_ rounded by fresh flowers.
Introduction As Christians we believe that Jesus rose from the dead to new life at Easter. We also believe the promise he made to his followers, that whoever believes in Christ and lives in friendship with God will be forgiven for their rnistakes in life, and even though their bodies will die, their spirits will enjoy new life rvith God. Easter is the greatest feast of the Church,s veaq and it rs appro_ priate for the lr'hole communitv to u-orship ancl cel_ ebrate together. A sr-ritablv aclapted reacling and Cospel are_provided, together r,r.ith some reflection ideas to heip children gain a greater understandir.rg of the rnearring and importance of Christ's resurrection from the dead.
First reading
had died and risen once and for all. He was filled
with neu life n-hich n'as unencling; he would never die again. The emptr- tomb rr as a sign to his followers that he had risen from ihe dead.
How do you think the disciples felt when they found the empty tomb? They were taken br- surprise - despite everything Jesus had told them about rising again after three dayi, they had not dared to belier-e that something so extraordinarv and r,r'onderful could happen. Soon their arnazement and n onder turned to great joy and celebration. Christians todar. sl-rare that sense of joy and celebration
and u'onder. Tirat neu. life is Christis eift to his fol-
lon-ers and evervone n-ho believes in him. He us up after death to lir-e for ever in his love.
Do we celebrate Christ's resurrection only ot Eqster? Christ rose to new life and is always with us, which is reason for daily celebration in itself, but as Christians we recall and celebrate his joyous resurrection every Sunday when we gather to relive the surprise and joy of that first Easter morning.
A reading from the Acts of the Apostles (10:34,37_43) (See page 369.)
Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation B (or
suitable alternative for the whole congregation).
the inside. Tuck some shredded tissue paper inside and complete with a small fresh flower-oi mini egg placed on top. Display as a mobile or hang from the branch of a tree.
Gospel A reading from the Gospel of (See page 369.)
will need empty eggshells (washed and dried) that have alreadv been painted inside and outside with brightlv coloured poster paint. Decorate, and tape lengths of coloured paper; ribbon or thread to You
John (20:1_9)
One of the great Easter traditions is to give and receive Easter eggs. Often these are made from chocolate and frequently have surprises hidden inside them; they can also be real eggs which have been hard-boiled or biown (emptied of their yolk and white) before being painted or decorated in bright colours. (Ask the children about the size and variety of eggs they have been given for Easter.)
As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: For the Church and all her people, as together we celebrate the joy of this Easter morning.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For peace in our world and our lives, forgive one another's mistakes.
as we
So why do people give each other eggs at Easter? An egg can look and feel as dead and lifeless as a stone.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
For people who have Iost hope and faith, as we share the Good News rvith the world.
prise. \err- life breaks free from the egg just as Jesus
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For all who have died, as thev enjoy er.erlasting life r,r,ith the risen Lord. Lord, in vour merc\i hear our prayer.
It is hard and cold; it makes no sound and shows no obvious signs of life. In many ways it is just like the tomb where the lifeless body of Jesus was laid by his follon,ers on Good Friday. Both have cold, hard ,shells, that seem to cover a dark, life)ess space inside them. And vet sor.rrething amazing happens which takes us by surbroke free from death and rose to life from his tomb.
What is left behind when a new chick hotches? An empty eggshell is all that remains. In sprinqtime r.r.e often find all kjnds oi cgg.hell. )caItcr.eJ on tlre qroLrnJ.
They are
a sign that
somel-here a hatched; they are a sr mbol oi rrrir lrir.
babl blrd
What was left behind after Jesus rose from the deod?
An empty tomb with its entrance stone roilecl
Knorving that our heavenh. Father is listening,
in the silerrce of our hearis let us share our o\\'r1 unspoken prayers with him. ,Sl/elct'
Loving Father, let the jov oi Easter and the life l'e share help r-rs to believe in I'ou and follor,r. vou faithfully. lVe ask this through Christ our riseniord. Amen.
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Second Sunday of Easter Focus A candle next to an apparently ,blank, sheet of paper (use lemon juice to write the message,BELIEVE IN ME,).
When do we use the words, ,peace be with vou," Before rve share the Eucharist together *"i"p..r, love for one another and prar. for peace and unitv.
'Seeing is believing' is a well-known saying. people often do not believe something until thev have seen rt for th.emselves. It might be something so surprising or incredible that they are unable to accept its existence without proof. The followers of ]esus had been told that he had risen from the dead - some of the women even claimed to have spoken to him - yet they were still filled with doubt and uncertainty. In today,s Gospel we hear how their faith and belief was restored.
Shon' the children n-hat appears to be a blank sheet of paper on the focal displav Ask them to read the message n'ritten there. Do they believe that there is a message there if thev can't see it with their own eves? Make the message r-isible bv r,",arming the paper with a hair drier. Shon- the children what you
did and let them rr rite or drarr tlreir orvn invisibie words or oictures to reveal to their families at home. (Instead of lemon juice and a hair drier, you could use ,invisible u-riting pens' that are available from toyshops.)
Gloria Intercessions Gospel Acclamation
As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us prav to our heavenly Fathei:
Light the Gospel candle and sav: Alleluia,
That the Church and its people may share the Gospel of peace through acceptance, understanding and forgiveness. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
may the Word of God make our thoughts lovrng, our words kind,
That we continue to support the efforts of peacemakers as they work to heal division and reconcile differences.
and our hearts warm.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. That families and homes dividecl by anger and violence may discover the healing peace of Christ.
Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St John (20:I9_3I) (See page 370.)
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Reflection Do you always believe what other peopte tell you? If I told you that I could run faster than a ca4 would you believe me? How could I convince you? If I told you that I could eat twenty bars of cl-rocolate, one after another, would you believe what I said? What would I
have to do to convince you?
What convinced the disciples that Jesus wos really alive? When ]esus appeared in person the disciples were able to see and hear for themselves that he reaily was alive. Which disciple wasn't there when lesus appeared?
in a typically human way - he
Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence
When someone tells us something incredible, we need to be convinced and want to see some proof!
Thomas reacted
That people who are filled lvith doubt and uncertainty may find faith in our risen Lord. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Loving Fatheq, you sent your beloved Son Jesus to transform our world with his peace and love. As his followers, help us to share that living love and peace
with one another. We make our prayers through Christ our Lord.
filled n'ith doubt and couldn'i believe whai thev were
l'ithout some proof. It was only seeing Jesus for himself that finallr. convinced Thomas. .t1)..i"q
Whot was the first thing Jesus soid to greet his disciples? He offered them the grft of his peace to calm their fears and troubles. He offers that same grit oi peace to his fol_ lowers today. We do not har-e the phr:.ical r.r bodilr, presence of Jesus to conr-ince u- that he r: :lir t. bltt rr e do have the Holir Spirit. He strengthens our iaiih anci helps us to recognise and see lesusilive and rvorkins rn the people all around us.
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Third Sunda yof Easter Focus A bread roll broken into two pieces, on a plate or kin. A copy of the picture below.
Vy'hat was it that finatty made them recognise Jesus? Thev knerl hin at once rvhen Jesus t-ook the bread, blessed arrtl broke rt, and then shared it with them. At the Lost Supper, Jesus told his disciptes, ,Do
of me,
this in
When do we hear these words being
spoken ogoin? A priest uses these u,ords each time we celebrate sharing_ the Errchari*t together. Jesus continues to share him_
sell with us todar. through the bread and wine that
become his Bodv and Blooci.
How. do you imagine the disciples fett that day? As the disciples set out to make the joumey to-E_mous, the.r.rvere filled rr ith gloom and ,oj,r"r,
tf-r"y walked along \rrth hear-r. hearts and few words "l of comfort. yet bi' the end of tireir journev they had s"",-, u.,d h"urd
Introduction Have you ever searched high and lor,r. for something, onJy to discover that it has been there in front of vou all the timel Somehow we crn min)oo ,^ re au
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particular momentj In todav,s Gospel
hear no*. tr"o disciples of Jesus didn,t recognise him until he sharecl a very special moment with them.
probabh' didn't even u,ait to finish therr meal .1hev before hurrf ing back to Jerusalem to share therr won_ derful news with the other disciples!
Activity Copy an activity sheet for each child to complete and
Gospel Acclamation
Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation
As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together we pray to our heavenly Fither:
Gospel A reaciing from the Gospel of St Luke (24:13-35) (See page 370.)
For the Church and all her people; mav we share our faith in the risen Lord r,r'ith those around us.
Reflection legin by showing the chitdren the btack ond white image used as a focus. Allow everyone a few momen.re
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For those who feel doubt and uncertainty; may we see and share the love of Jesus through other people.
to take a good look at the picture without moking ony comments obout what they see. What con they see? Some people see a vase, and others see two faces! Two
people looking at the same thing can see something completely different. Sometrmes we can look at some_ thing and find ourselves unable to make out what it is
supposed to be at alll
How long did the tvvo disciples spend with Jesus on the rood to Emmaus? Probablr' ser-eral hours, since Emmaus was approxl_ matelv ser-en miles from Jerr-rsalem. They spent enough tlme to rvant to inlite him to share u *"u1 with them"as
the clav drerr. to a close.
Why do you think the disciples
not know Jesus? Jesus hacl beer-r cmcihecl anel burred, ancl thev n,ere frllecl u'ith sadness ar-rd feelins. p1 l1r__ \lthtrr-rSh ther,
heard rumours that some ot the rr omen .,L.lo i..iio,r'"ii Jesus claimed that he hacl rrsen from the rleacl antl rr,.r: alive, it tras too much for them to accept. Their doul.t and uncertainty made them ,blind, to the truth and thev were unable to'see'Jesus as he walked beside thern. 60
Jesus for themselr.es, their sadness had turned to joy, despair had become hope, and their faith had returned.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For communities divided by war and hatred; may they never lose hope in the healing power of Cod's peace. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For our own parish family; may we be united b1, love and faith as we share the Eucharist together. Lord, in your merc\i hear our prayer. Knowing that our hear.enlv Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share Lrur o\\-n r-rnspoken prayers with him. -Sllcllr
Lor ing Father, rrPrrn LrLlr er es to t'our ]ot,e irr the rr orltl and people around us,
ancl make or-rr hearts burn rr-ith faith and hope in you. \\'e ask this thror-rp;h Christ our Lord. Amen.
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Fourth Sunday of Easter Focus Cards with the names of the children in vour group scat_ tered around a central candle, together rvith picfures of sheep or shepherds.
you know any songs or nursery rhymes lo Can you
about sheep?
sing them? (This last question then leads on to the activity for the day.)
Introduction At the time of Jesus, manv people rr-ere farmers and the sight of a shepherd and hi,s sheep rr.ould have been a familiar one. Shepherds traclitionalh, n-ajked at the
oj the flock to guide the -heep rather than driving flont tnem trom behind. The sheep rvould recognise and knorv the shepherd's voice and follorr. him l,ith com_ plete trust and confldence. At night shepherds u.ould gather their flocks into small stociad". o, fold, and lie
across the entrance to prevent anv sheep from rr-ander_
ing away or coming to harm fiom *iild animals. In
today's Gospel, ]esus describes himself as a shenher,i who leads his sheep (those who tof to* hirr.,) to;t.i
tures and the sa{etv of his sheepfold.
Draw a large sheep on
a piece of card. Write the song ,the sheep's body, replacing some of the words with numbers. Have these missing words written on separate pieces of card that are numbered on the back. Help the children to find and glue on the num_ bered words in the right order to complete the song, which they can then sing together to the tune ol ,Bai, baa, black sheeo'.
The Good Shepherd knows us by our names, each one different, none the same.
Fol1on'the Maste4, keep us c1ose, we pray, and let the Good Shepherd show us God's loving w,ay.
Intercessions Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation
As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heaventy fathei:
For the Church and its many Christian foids; that united as one flock we may follow the Cood Shepherd's voice.
Gospel A reading from the Gospel of (See page 370.)
Reflection of the ways we recognise and respond to
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For people who are afraid or feei lost; that the Good Shepherd will help them one
another is by using names. (Allow each ierson in the group to tell their name.) Without o.,. r",u-", we n,ould find it very difficult to communicate or interact with each otherl To illustrate this, ask the children to sit in a circle. Hand a child a soft ball, beanbag or something similar. The idea is to rhrow the object to iifferent people in the circle but without using their names. Instead they will need to find another way of gaining attention _ for example, referring to the colour of someone,s hair or an article of ciothing. This game illustrates the difficulty of communicating with and recognising others without uslng a name. What do we do when someone we know calls our name?
If it is a r.oice or ansr^'er their
someone we know, we
will usuallv
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For the leaders of nations and countries; that they tvill treat those in their care with love and respect.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For those who have died; that they may enjoy everlasting life and eternal peace with the Good Shepherd in heaven.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. Knowing that our heavenly father is listening, in the silence o{ our hearts, let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence
Does anyone have a pet cat or dog? What have you named it? What do they do when you call them by name? Just like us, our pets learn to recognise people they can trust to lor-e and care for thern, If a stranp;ei calls ihem, thev n.on't follorl them because thev do n'ot knon. then-r. Why did Jesus compare himself to o gate?
A gate is an entrance \\'av to a parttcular place, Jesus is 'the r,r.av in', through tt.hom n,e can find the entrance to Cod's kingdom if we choose to follon, him n-hen he calls our names. 62
to follow the right way.
Loving Fathel watch over your flock as vou guide and protect us, and help us to follow vour path, wherever it might lead. We make our pra\.ers through Christ your Son. Amen.
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Fifth Sunday of Easter Focus
How would you feel if someone you loved very much told you thot they would soon be leaving you? (If you ask this question be sensitive to the individual circumstances of the children in the group.)
A map, compass and road atlas or ror-rte iinder.
Introduction llave you ever
set out on a journer. ancl got lost? What happened and hor,r' dicl r,or-r feeli tt'e Jse maps and directions to plan a joLrrner rr-hen rr-e trar-el to a desti_
have not r-isited beiore. In todar.,s Gospel, disciplt-, ir.hen he tell: them that tirev alreadv knou'the \\'av to a place thel har-e rrer", b"e. to. Horv could this be? Lrsten caretullr- to fincl or_rtl r,rre
Jesus confuses his
What did Jesus do when he sow how worried his disciptes were? He tried to reassure them that everything woulci be all right. They had no reason to be afiaid b"ecause thev could completely trust him to take care of them.
How do we know the way to the kingdom of heoven? fesus is 'the Way'l If we follow him by keeping his lov_ ing commandments and trying to love as he loved, then r,r'e will find ourselves following the right path through life which will lead us to heaven.
Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation
Activity 4.
Cut.out lwinding path shape from coloured paper or cloth. Dir.ide this into irregular shapes like a jig_
saw and number each one on the back to avoid con_ fusion later. Help the children to think of examples of the qualities or actions that would lead a o..ru. along the path towards heaven, and then n riti these onthe individualpuzzle pieces. The challenge for the children is. to make the pieces fit together to "complete the path (use the numbers on the back if you ser stuck). This activity could be adapted for injividial use by photocopying a 'path' with shapes marked on and then giving each child a ,jigsaw, to complete.
A reading from the Gospel of St John (1a:1_12)
to his disciples, ,Do not be afraid or worried; tuust in me as you trust in God. In my Father,s house there are many rooms, and I am going there to prepare a place for you. Then I shal come bu& to tuk" you with me, and we will be together again. you already know the way to the place I am going,, Jesus said
Thomas felt unsure and asked Jesus, ,Lord, how can we know the way if we do not know where you are going?, ]esus answered,'I am the way, the truth and the 1ife. No one comes to the Father except through me, anci through me you know him and have seen him already.,
Philip was troubled and he said to.[esus, ,Master, r,vhen you show us the Fathe4, we will be content., ,Because 'Even now you do not understand,, Jesus replied. Father. Philip, do you doubt that I am in the Fatheq, just as he is in me? It is the Father living in me who does his work
you have seen me, you have already seln the
and speaks to you. Believe what I tell you even if it is only because vou have seen what I have done. Anyone who believes in me will do what I have done and more., This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord ]esus Christ.
Reflection Jesus told the disciples that he would soon be leaving them. Where was he going? Jesus was preparine to return to his Father in heaven.
How did this news make the disciptes feet? They were afraid and uncertainj Thev rememberecl horv lost and alone they had felt r, hen .lcrLr- ha.l t een ;rtre r_ fied and buried, and hor,r, relier.ecl ancl or-erjor.ecl ther. had been to see their master alire and rrell agarn. Tt, br told now that he would soon leave them alain made them afraid and unhappy.
Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Fathei: For the Church and all her people; that the Holy Spirit n'ill guide and lead us towards the kingdom of heaven.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For nations and families divided by fear and trouble; that they may find peace and forgiveness. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For people searching to find God in their lives; that they may see him in our words and actions. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For ourselves and the family gathered here today; that we may trust in God's love and always try to follow wherever he leads us.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Knowing that our heaver.rlv father is listening, in the silence of our hearts, us share our o\\-11 r-rnspoken prayers with him.
Lovir-rg Father, follorl tire erample of Christ, mav eacir step along the rr a_r' lcad u,. closer to lor-r and vour heavenly kingdom. \\-e make oLlr pravers through Christ your Son. as rr e
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Sixth Sunday of Easter Focus A Bible ogen aj today's Gospel reading and a jam jar
night light burning inside.
Introduction The disciples kner,v that Jesus rr-ould soon be returnlns to his.heaventy Father arrd thev rvere afraid. Jesus prorrrl
ised them that thev u-or-rld not be alone and reassured them that he u.or,ild ask his hear.enly Father to send someone vert' special rr-ho rvould be r,l,ith them for ever.
Why did the flqme go out? Without oxygen the candle cannot continue to burn and the flame dies. Our hearts glow with warmth and shine with the light of God's goodness and love. The Holy Spirit keeps that flame of love alight and alive with his
life-giving breath.
Activity Let each child choose a coloured balloon (already inflated). Help them to write their name on a name ta-g before decorating it and attaching it to a length of
ribbon or string tied to each balloon.
Gospel Acclamation
Give a jam jar to each child, together with a piece of blutack or plasticene and a night light. Help ih"- to make their own lanterns which can be decorated with self-adhesive shapes to remind them that the Holy Spirit keeps Gocl's love alight and burning rn our hearts.
Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation
Gospel A reading from the Gospel of
]ohn (14:75_27) Jesus said to his disciples, 'If you love me, you will obey the commandments I have given you. I will not leave you on your own; I will ask my Father to send you a helper who will stay with vou always. The Spirit of God will be with you and in you, though others will not be able to see him or know that he is there. you will not be alone, and I will come back to you. Soon the world will not see me again, but you will know that I am truly alive, and, because of this, you too will truly live! Any_ one who loves me follows my commandments, and my Father will love them, just as I love them, and they wiit St
come [o krow me.'
This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
Reflection Take a balloon and, as you slowly inflate it, ask the chil_
dren to describe what happens as it fills with breath. Watch carefully as it begins to change in shape and move
and almost seems to come to life!
Now ask the children to close their eyes and think about their own breathing. Get them to place their hands lightlv on their ribcage or chests. As they slowly breathe in and out, encourage them to feel their chesi rise and fa11 as their lungs fill and empty with breath. (They can no\{ open their eyes.) Whot happens if you let go with breath? (Demonstrote!)
of a bolloon that is filted
What happens when a person stops breathing? or-rr bodies are starved of oxygen and we die. We become as lifeless as an emptv balloon. The word 'spiritus' means breath or rvincl, and it is God,s Holy Spirit who breathes his life into our lir.es.
Without breath,
Look qt the candle flame burning in the jor. Whot do you think might happen when the lid is placed on top of the
(Place the 1id on top and allow the flame to be extinguished). 66
Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: We pray for our brothers and sisters throughout the world; may the Holy Spirit help us to share what we have with those who have nothing.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for peace in our world; may the Holy Spirit give us the strength and courage we need to forgive and to be forgiven. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for anyone who feels alone or afrard; may the Holy Spirit help us to fill their lives with friendship and love.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for everyone who follows in the footsteps of Christ; may the Holy Spirit show us the way to love one another. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer. Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts, let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence
Loving Father, let your Spirit fill us with your life and make our hearts burn with the flame of faith and love.
Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
The Ascension of the Lord (Years A, B and C) Focus A globe or map of the world and some items which might be useful orr a journey - for example, a pair of
walking boots, a thermos flask or juice bottle, a packet of biscuits, a camping stove, a rolled-up sleeping bag.
Introduction Jesus had a mission to reveal God's love to the world and to save us from sin. He appointed his apostles from
among his followers and sent them out in his name to preach the Gospel, giving them the authoritv and po\,\'er to share the Good News with humankinc.l. The mission of Jesus and his original follotr.ers is continued today through the Church and Christians er.err-l-here, under the guidance and direction of the Holr. Spirit.
in shops, on the bus, or at home.
Alternatively, make a sandwich board to be carried into the church by one child. You will need two
Gospel Acclamation 2
pieces of card and some strips of material to staple on as straps. Individual words or letters can be coloured
out'l am sending you out to all peoples' on one side, and'I am with you until the end of time' on the other. or decorated and then arranged to spell
A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (28:16-20) (See page 371.)
Where hod Jesus arranged to meet his disciples?
They met him on a mountain somewhere in Galilee the Gospel does not te1l us exactly where.
Whot very importont mission or task did lesus give to his disciples?
He commanded them to share his love and teachins with the whole world and to baptise people in the name of the Fathe4 Son and Holy Spirit. Draw the children's ottention to the items orranqed as o focus for today. What might the disciples have needed to take on ney to preoch the Good News?
rr-e meet at school,
Make a large banner from an old sheet or a length of material or paper. Cut out letters from plain paper for the children to colour or decorate brightly n'hich spell out the words'I am sending you out to all peoples'.
Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation
How do Christians today continue Christ's mission of shoring the Gospel with the world? Some people choose to share the Gospel by standing in busy shopping centres and using a loudhailer to make people listen; some people choose to walk around carrying a sandr'r'ich board rvith the r,r'ords of Jesus written on it. These methods certainly catch people's attention but they don't suit even-one! Most of us share his love with the rt orld aronnd us in a much more ordinary way. We have the opportunitv to share God's love r,vith one another thror,rgh our even'dar,'r,r'ords and actions with the people
(Some of the children might have experience of camp-
ing expeditions with their families or with organisa-
As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: That the Church and all people will reveal God's love to the r'vorld by living the Gospel that Christ preached.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. That all Christians will be united by understanding ar-rd love.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. That we may have the courage to proclaim what we believe to others.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. That the Holy Spirit will guide us to become more like Christ.
tions such as the Cubs or Brownies.)
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
How do you imagine the disciples felt when they heard whqt lesus wqnted them to do? How could o hqndful of followers succeed in doing what he had asked? The l-orld is a verv big place with many different races and natiorralities of people living in it! The disciples probablr- felt ercrted and at the same time, very unsure abor-rt the mission rvhich had been given to them.
Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening,
What did Jesus say to reossure ond encourage them? He prorni<ed that thror-reh the ptrrrer- oi the Holr' Spirit he r.vould aln'ar-s be rvith them to gr:icle and help them.
How does Jesus share our lives? We receive the gift of the Holr' Spirit in a I'en' special way through the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist we share tosether.
in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers $,ith him. Silence
Loving Fathel you sent Christ your Son to be our Saviour. Ma1' we contirtue hi> mission and share the message of your love with the world. We ask this through Christ our Lord.
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Seventh Sunda y
Focus A crucifix with prayercards (see Actiaity) arranged around it.
Introduction Having completed everything his heavenly Father had asked him to do, the time came for Jesus to return to the glory. of heaven. He promised to send the Holy Spirit to help his followers to continue his work, and asked his Father to watch over and care for the friends he had grown to know and love so well.
Jesus promised to be with his followers alwoys. How cqn we keep in touch with him os he watches over us? It would be great if r.ve could simply pick up a phone and hear his r.oice, or send him a text -"rrui", but we can'tJ Hor\-ever, that doesn't stop us from speaking to
Jesus at anv time of day or night, where.reiwe might
iiappen to find ourselves. When we pray we don,t hive to use certain u'ords; it doesn't havelo happen in a par_ ticular place or at a specific time - we au., b" alone or with other people, and prayer can be spoken, sung or silenti When \\.e prav we spend time with God, and spending time u'ith a person allows us to get to know them better and love them more.
Gospel Acclamation
What proyers do you know or perhops say regulorty? (tt might be at school, at home or ot church.)
Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation
Do you have o fovourite proyer you like to say? What sort of things or people do you pray for?
Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St John (77:7_11) Looking up to heaven, Jesus began to pray. ,Father, the time has come to give glory to me, so tirat I may glorify you. Ihrough you I can give eternal life to all yoi nu.r" placed in my care. By knowing that you are the only, true
God, and I am the Christ sent by you, eternal life is theirs., Then Jesus said, 'Fathe1, I have glorified you on earth by finishing the work you gave me to do; now gtorify mL in your heavenly, presence. I have told my disciples all
about you, and they know that you sent me here, and that through your power I have been able to do manv wonderful things. They have listened to me teaching and they truly believe in you. Holy Father, I pray thal vou will keep them safe when I have gone, ,oihui th"r, may be one as you and I are one., This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord |esus Christ.
Reflection The disciples had witnessed many glimpses of ]esus, heavenly glory and power during tiie yeurs they had spent together. Can you think of any examples of such occasions we have heard about."."r-rtly?
. . . .
The Transfiguration on the mountain (Second Sundav of Lent) Making the blind man see (Fourth Sunday of Lent) Raising Lazarus from the dead (Fifth Sunday of Lent) The Resurreciion of lesus (Easter Sunday)
Whot does Jesus promise to anyone who believes in and follows him? The gift of eternal life n'ith Gocl after u.e die. When people die, where do we believe thot they go? We believe that they share ner,v and er.erlastins life rrith Cod in the peace and joy of his hear enlr. kingJom.
Activity Help the children to make a prayer card. They could use words, a picture or a symbolic design to repre_
sent what they have chosen to pray for.
Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving famity, together let us pray to our heaventy fathei: For God's marvellous creation; that we may see and respect his glory in the world around us.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For the sick and the dyrng; that Christ's promise of eternal life
bring them comfort. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For all who believe in Christ and his messagei that one day they will share in his glory. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. r,r,i11
For ourselves and our families; that through prayer we may grow to know Christ better and love him more.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Knowing that our heavenly Father is iistening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence
Loving Fathel, hear the prayers, of your children gathered here today. Increase our faith
and help our love for vou and one another to grou. and gror.r'. \Ve ask this through Christ our Lord.
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Pentecost Sunday (Years A, B and C) Focus An array of burning candles surrounded by seven giftwrapped packages.
Introduction Several days after Jesus had returned to heaven, the Jewish people celebrated the festival of pentecost. Jesus, closest friends were hiding awav together when they experienced a remarkable event that would change their lives and the lives of every Christian for ever. Today we celebrate the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on Christ,s apostles, an event that marked the birthdav of tl-re Chr_uch.
Gloria Reading A reading from the Acts of the Apostles (2:I-1I)
Why do we need the Holy Spirit in our lives? We are ca11ed to follo-".r' |esus and be his disciples in ihe Church todar.. He \\-ants us to continue to carry out the work or mission he gar-e to the first disciples so many years ago. \\'e need the same courage and strength today as thev needed so long ago. The Holy Spirit is just as important to Christians today as on that very special Pentecost.
The Holy Spirit dramatically offected the lives of the opostles. How does he affect our lives today? Jesus sent the Holv Spirit to be with his followers aln'avs as a friend and helper. The Spirit works in us to help us to become more like Jesus. He shares his own verv special gifts with us (wisdom, knowiedge, understanding, reverence or respect, courage, wonder and right judgement), and helps us to recognise and use the unique Cod-given gifts we have each been given.
(See page 371.)
Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation
Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St John (20:19-23) (See page 371.)
Church. This can be done individually, or as one
appeared to be small flames which danced over their heads but did not burn them.
How do you imagine they felt to see and heor sucn extroordinary signs? The sound of a powerful wind and sight of flames are normally enough to send people into a panicl This wind and fire appeared rvithout warning inside the room in which they were huddled together. They already felt afraid because they were hiding from the Jews.
of them, whot differ-
ence did it make? Instead of hiding away in feaq, they couldn't wait to rush outside into the street and begin telling people the ner,r's about Jesus. The Holy Spirit had filled them with Cod's strength and courage so that they would be able to complete the mission given to them by Jesus before he ascended into heaven. He had'set them alight' with enthusiasm to share their faith with others, and through his pon-er thev u.ere amazed to discover that even foreigners rvho spoke clifferent languages could understand rvhat thev had to sar'. This wondertd event morked the beginning or ,birth' of the Christion Church more than 2OOO years ogo. When do Christians today receive the gift of the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit touches our lir-es and fills us rsith his gifts in a very special way r,r.hen r\-e are baptised irrto the Church and when we arc confirmed. He also iills us with his life in different ways at different times of or-rr lives through the seven Sacraments of the Church. 72
Make a birthday card to celebrate the birthday of the large card in the shape of a church fi11ed with paper
How did the apostles know that the Hoty Spirit had come? They heard the sound of a rushing wind and saw what
When the Holy Spirit touched each
Make a kite to remind you of the wind that blew at the first Pentecost. Colour it red and yellow to remind you of the flames that touched the apostles.
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Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: We pray for all of God's people;
that through Baptism the Holy Spirit will help us to act and think like children of God. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for the sick and all who suffer;
that the Holy Spirit will bring them healing and peace. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for all who have died;
that they will rise to the new and everlasting life promised through their baptism in Christ. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for the family gathered here today;
that God will pour out his Spirit to strengthen us. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Sllence
Loving Father, ma\' \'our Spirit living inside us fill r-rs rvith lor-e, forgiveness and understanding, irelping us to become more like Christ your Son. Grant this through Jesus our Lord. Amen.
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Trinity Sunday (Years A, B and C) Focus Cut three equal lengths of different coloured paper and loop them together so that the three paper rings cannot be separated. Place next to a candle.
one does not exist without the other. They are three and they are one - just like the Trinity. (Now open your eyes.)
Wherever [esus is, there lr.e shall find God the Father. Wherever the Father is, there we shall see God the Son. Where Father and Son are, the Spirit is there with them.
Therr lot-. +l . ..-r are throo :nrJ _. ..te]' are one.
The faith of all Christians is rooted in the mystery of the Trinity. Much o{ this mystery is beyond our comprehension, our imagination and our understanding. We must rely on the gift of faith to open our hearts and minds to help us to accept and believe in a God who is Father, a Cod who is Son, a God who is Spirit; but a God made one by love.
Gloria Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation
Activity There are mant- different Christian symbols for the Trinitt. to remind us of the three persons of God as Father, Son and Holv Spirit. Photocopr. the illustrated designs. Cut these out and stick them on some card with safety pins sellotaped to the back. These can then be decorated! Alternatively, bend pipe cleaners into shape and stick these on to pieces of card to make bookmarks or badges to keep. OR
Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (25:76-20) (See page 371.)
Reflection We describe God as three persons in one. Can you nqme those three persons? God the Father - who created the world and everything in it. Jesus taught us to call him our'Father' when we pray. He loves us so much that he sent his Son Jesus to be our Saviour.
Using modelling clay, cut out circular or triangular shapes to use as a base (to save time this could be done beforehand). Ro1l out a long ribbon of modelling material and join the ends to make a circle. (The circle without beginning or end is a symbol of one God whose love is everlasting.) Lay this on a base shape and loop it into one of the illustrated designs, with three shapes all the same size (representing God as Father; Son and Holy Spirit). Press the design down on to the base to make it stick. (The modelling clay can be painted at home after allowing it to harden.)
God the Son - Jesus was God made man, who was born as a human baby in Bethlehem. He came to teach and show us how to live as God's children. He died on the cross and rose from the dead so that all who fo11ow him could share his eternal life.
For God's people throughout the world; that we may be living examples of his love.
God the Holy Spirit
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
The Holy Spirit is our invisible friend, the unseen person of God who lives with us and in us, helping us to live and love as God's children.
Sometimes we can find it confusing to think of three persons in one God! Here is a comparison that might help. Close your eyes and imagine the sun in the skv on a hot summer's day.
Compare God to that sun in the sky. The sury which is a ball of light and heat and which is too powerful for us to look at directly, is like God the Father. From the sun comes light, which shines in our world and grves light to us; n-e could compare this light with God the Son. Jesus even called himself the Light of the World.
From the sun also comes heat to 1\.arm the earth and make things gron.. \\:e could compare this heat rvith the Holy Spirit, the Lord and giver of 1ife. Jr,rst as an egg or planted seed needs warmth to gro\\- and 1ii'e, so the Holy Spirit wdrms our hearts helping rhe iairh planted there by God to grow strong. we can imagine the sun in the sky, the light that shines from it and the heat of its rays; three separate things, yet So
As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father:
For the homeless, the hungry and all in need; that we may generously share whatever we have.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For the sick and those who care for them; that they may know God's strength and comfort.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For all who have died; that they may find eternal peace and happiness.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearrs let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence
Loving Father, hear the praver) of r our children, and strengthen our faith and love for you and one another, r.r'ith the help of the Holy Spirit. We ask thls through Christ your Son. Amen.
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Second Sunday of the Year Focus Abowl of water with small paper doves arranged around
As Christians todoy (followers on the work Jesus began?
John the Baptist had been preaching to the people and baptising them in preparation for the coming of the Saviour promised by God. John recognised Jesus as God's Chosen One when he saw the Holy Spirit comrng down from heaven and settling on him.
Christ), how do we cqrry
With the help of the Holy Spirit to guide and direct Lls,
lve continue to share Christ's love and forgiveness
through our evervdav words and actions, and by reminding ourselves of the words of Jesus when he said,'Whatever vou do to others, you do to me.'
Activity Invite each child to pick up
small dove and care{ully
hold it in the palm of their hand. If practical, darken the room a 1ittle and play some gentle background music. Allor,v a few moments of quiet reflection
before vou begin:
Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation
Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St John (7:29-34) When John saw Jesus in the distance walking towards him, he said to the crowds, 'Look, there is Jesus, the Lamb of God. He is the special one sent by God and whom I have told you about. I came to baptise you with water so that you might come to know him. I saw the Holy Spirit, hovering like a dove, coming down from heaven and settling on him, and by this sign God revealed him to me. He is the one you must follow now, for he will baptise you with the Hoty Spirit. This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord fesus Christ.
Reflection John the Baptist's mission
of preparing the people was coming to an end and he told the people to follow
Look at the little dove you are holding in the palm of r.our hand . . . it has settled there . . . it is happy to be here with you sharing this moment gathered together . . . This little dove reminds us of the Spirit that settled on Jesus . . . It marked him out as someone very special . . . This little dove reminds us that the Spirit settled on you . . . when you were baptised . . . It marked you out as someone special too . . . you are a child of God . . . The Spirit will aJways be your friend . . . The Spirit will always share his gi{ts of love with you . . . As you hold this little dove in the palm of your hand . . . remember that you hold the Spirit inside your heart . . . to be with you always . . . wherever you go . . .
Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: That Christians everywhere will be witnesses to Christ's love in our world today.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
someone else. Who was that person? John understood that the time had come for him to stand aside so that Jesus could begin his God-given work.
That people who are imprisoned or made to suffer because of their faith
Do you think that John felt pleased to tell people to follow
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Jesus instead
of him?
John had done ali God had asked him to do, trying as hard as he could to get ihe people ready to listen to Christ's message and answer his call. He must have felt pleased to know that he had done everything possible to help the Saviour of the world. God sent a sign so thqt John would be certain to recognise the promised Saviour. What was that sign?
The Hoh' Spirit appeared like a dove and came down from heaven to settle on Jesus. How did the Holy Spirit help lesus to carry out his Fother's work?
The Holv Spirit has manv giits to share (remincl the children of u-hat happenecl at Pentecost). Thror-rgh his out-pouring, Jesus n-as strengthened in his commitment to respond to Cod's call to shou' the rrorld the deptlr oi his love and proclaim that love and forgiveness to all peoples.
receive strength and courage from the Holy Spirit. That the poor and the hungry will know Christ's love through our generosity and help.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. That we recognise and accept the gifts given to us by the Spirit, and use them to serve God and one another.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence
Lor.ing Father, the Holv Spirit make our hearts burn rrith love and courage, and help us to share Christ's message with all peoples. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen. 1et
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Third Sunday of the Year Focus Some pebbles, a piece of netting and a model or toy boat.
Introduction ]esus was such an extraordinary person that people who
had never met him before were ready to leave whatever they were doing to follow him. In today's Gospel we hear how ]esus called his first discipies to be his followers.
Gloria Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation
Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (4:12-23) (See page 371.)
Do you imogine they found it eosy to leave their lives behind and answer his call to become fishers of people? No one finds it easv to leave the security of a steady job and a comfortable home, and set off into the unknown. Such actions take a great deal of courage and faith. After all, Jesus rvas not offering an easy life! They travelled constantlr', had little if any money and probably slept rough for much of the time. But whatever hardships and difficulties they faced, they wanted more than anything else in the world to be with Jesus and help
him to gather more disciples.
Reflection ln today's Gospel how many people were invited by lesus to follow him?
four men to become his first followers. Simon Peter and his brother Andrew and James and
Jesus called
John, who were also brothers.
What were they doing ot the time? Simon Peter and Andrew were actually out in their boat fishing when ]esus called them to come ashore. They would have had to haul in their nets and make their way back to the seashore. James and John were helping their father Zebedee to mend their fishing nets. Do you think the first four disciples knew each other?
seems likely that they did. They probably all lived in the fishing village of Capernaum or nearby, and certainly spent time out fishing at sea. The Gospel does not
Make a fishing game to remind the children of the first disciples called by Jesus. Make a lake from blue card. Trace around a plate to make the base, and then tape a long thin strip of card to the base to form the sides. Copy the fish templates on to thin card, and cut these out for the children to decorate. Sellotape paper clips on to the fish. Use wooden kebab skewers (sharp ends cut off) or garden sticks to make fishing rocls. Attach paper ciips that have been shaped into'hooks' on to short lengths of string, and then tie or tape these on to the rods.
Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father:
tell us about their age, but they might have played together as children and probably worshipped at ihe
We pray for the Church; may Christ's followers today continue to share his message of love with the whole world.
same synagogue on the Sabbath.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Do you think they knew who Jesus was?
We pray for the hungry and the homeless; may we care for them as Christ expects us to do.
to live in Capernaum where he had begun preaching to the people. It was probably a small Jesus had come
community where most people knew one anotheq, so the arrival of this preacher would not have gone unnoticed. Perhaps they had heard or seen Jesus preaching, and follor,r'ed when he called because they were curious to find out more about this stranger. Jesus said that he would make them 'fishers
of people'.
What do you think he meant? Jesus
didn't call Simon
Peter, Andrew, James and John
because of their fishing skitls! He didn't want them to
actualh- go out and gather people as follort'ers with their netsl He realised that ]re rr.ould need disciples rt ho r,r,ould follou' and believe in him, so that his message of love for the r.vorld could be shared and passed on to all peoples. Ihere fir.t di<ciple* r. ere cho.en becaure t,i their particular gifts and qualities, n.hich n.ould help them to carry on and accomplish the divine mrssron that Jesus had already begun, 78
Once they got to know Jesus better, did the four disciples continue to be fishermen? No, they left their boats, their homes and their families in Capernaum, and followed Jesus as he began to travel and preach throughout the land.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for peace in our world; may the leaders of nations reach out in friendship to one another.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for all who have died; may they follow Christ into the joy and glory of the kingdom of heaven
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our o\,vn r-rnspoken prayers with him. Silence
Loving Father, help us to follou' Christ's cail to love
as he loves, and to forgive a> he forgives, so that the n'orid wll1 know that we are God's children. We make our prayers through Jesus our Lord. Amen.
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Fourth Sunday of the Year Focus A selection of tempting treats such
we begin wishing for something else as our contentas sweets
variety pack of fun-size chocolate bars.
Introduction Have you ever heard the saving, 'the grass is always greener on the other side'? It means that often we are discontent or unhappy with what we already have, and imagine that having more of something, or possessing what others have, will bring us greater happiness. In today's Gospel, Jesus preaches a sermon called 'The Beatitudes'in which he tries to make us understand that the key to true happiness comes from placing our trust
with what we already have, and
always looking for just that little bit more to increase or complete our happiness
In today's Gospel, Jesus tries to give us some ideas about how to achieve true happiness. It comes from realising that being close to God and his love will bring us greater happiness than an1'thing else. To find that lasting happiness r,r'e need to detach ourselves from unimportant '"vorldlv belongings, hopes and dreams, and realise that by loving him more than anything else through our everyday rvords and actions, we will find
in Cod instead of worldly possessions and belongings.
more happiness than we can begin to imagine!
(Collect in the treats and tell them that they can choose one for themselves at the end of the celebration of Mass.)
Gospel Acclamation
Light the Gospel candle and say together:
Photocopy an activity sheet to complete and colour.
Alleluia, alleluia, may the Word of God make our thoughts loving,
our words kind, and our hearts warm.
Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (5:1-12)
Give the children a selection of pictures from magazines and ask them to find a'happy' picture that they
particularly like. Invite the children to share the reason for their choice with the group. The pictures can be used to make a collage poster with the words 'Happiness is . . .'written in the centre.
(See page 372.)
As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father:
If appropriate give each child
a treat which you choose. (Younger children will find it impossible not to open the sweets and eat them, so to avoid this ask them r.vhich sweet they might choose without handing them around!)
ls everyone completely happy with what they hove been given? Would onyone rather have a treat which someone else has? Who would like to swop their treat for something different? If they had been offered a choice, which sweet would they have chosen for themselves? (Discuss their {avourites for a few moments.) If one sweet makes them happy, would having more sweets make them happier still? If they were given n// the sweets, how long would their happiness
and contentment last? Probably until they'd finished the sn'eets! Would sharing their sweets with everyone else make them feel happy?
Whqt kinds
things make you feel hoppy?
(Invite the children to share any particularly happy ernprierrce- Ilr*r' e:', rc,-all.)
God loves us so much that n'rore than anvthing
he wants us to be tmlr- happr'. Jesr:s u-anted us to r,tnderstand that true happinerq come: tront Gorl alone. \,!e tltink tte knorr rr haI make. u- happr. r' ithor-rt .ca''ring or understanding that the treats n-e gile ourseh'es and
the things \{'e own cannot provide the long-iastrrrg happiness we reallv want. Certainly such things can make us feel very happy for a while, but it is not long beiore BO
ment fades away. We quickly become dissatisfied and
That the leaders and nations of developed countries of the world will share what they have with the poor. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
will strengthen all who work to bring peace and forgiveness, instead of war and That our love and prayers hatred.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. That people whose hearts feel broken with sadness will find comfort and healing in the love of those around them. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. That all who suffer for the sake of honesty and justice
will find the courage and strength they need to protect the meek and gentle. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our or{n unspoken prayers with him. Silence
Loving Father, Christ vour Son shared the secret ol l.:.r1-o 11;1r1rl11prr rr iln us.
\lar-our n-ords and actions shorr-Lrs hou' to iind and keep that happiness, u'hich can onlv come from vou. We make orlr pravers through Jesus our Lord. Amen.
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Fifth Sunday of the Year Focus An attractive dish or plate with
a mound of salt, and a
burning candle.
Introduction We might find it easy to appreciate the many values of light, but the value of salt, as Jesus referred to it, needs some explanation in the modern context. Salt was actually considered to be very precious in Christ's time. It was used to pay the wages of Roman soldiers (the word 'salary' means salt as wages), and any soldier who was considered efficient and capable was described as being
'worth his salt'. It was invaluable for preserving food, and even now we still appreciate its flavour-enhancing properties. It also has powerful antiseptic qualities, which make it ideal to use for purifying and cleansing.
and love. He wants us to be shining examples of what it means to be his disciples, drawing people towards the light and warmth of Cod's love.
As children of God we can and should transform and change the world around us and make a difference to the lives of others. This doesn't have io be done in a dramatic or attention-seeking way, but simply through the way we speak to and treat one another every ordinary day of our lives. Whot kind of world would it be if our food had no taste ond the sun never shone? What a difference these two things make to our daily lives! Jesus wants us to make a difference in the world as well, each in our own particular way, using the unique and individual gifts and qualities he has given us to share.
Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation
followers, he expects us to be lights shining out and brightening the lr'orld around us with our goodness
Activity 9.
Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (5:13-16) fesus said, 'You are like salt for the world, but if salt becomes tasteless how can it be made salty again? It is useless without its saltiness, so people throw it away. You are like a light shining for the whole world to see, just as a city built high on a hill cannot be hidden from view. No one lights a lamp and then covers it up with a bowl; they put it high up on a stand so that it gives light to everyone in the house. When you are good you will bring light into the world around you, and others n'ill see you and thank God for sharing his goodness.' This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
Reflection Have you ever eaten o meal that hasn't been seqsoned with enough solt? How did it taste? Salt helps to bring out and enliven the flavour of our food, allowing us to really appreciate and enjoy a meal. Without salt as seasoning, food can often seem bland and uninteresting, and it fails to excite our sense of taste. Jesus said. 'You are like salt for the world.' How can we
be like salt?
As Christ's follorvers, \ /e can enliven and enrich the lir.es of people around us r.vith our love, enthusrasm and jor. \\e can help thenr to ta:te and appreciate Cod's Iove for the u-orld, as shared l'ith us through Jesus his Son. Our love and forgir-eness for one another can bring healing ancl puritv to lir.es rr-or:nded and tainted b\. hatred. As Christ's disciples todar-, rle cor-rtinue to share his love and teaching, and, like *alt. fre.erre and keep fresh the Good News he revealed to the rvorld.
Colour ordinary salt by stirring one heaped tablespoon of red or yellow powder paint into half a jar of water. Mix the paint with some dry salt on a few sheets of newspaper, and allow it to dry. Photocopy a candle template for each child on to coloured paper. Spread glue on to one area o{ the candle flame
at a time, and sprinkle with the relevant colour of salt. Finally use ordinary white salt to complete the candle itself.
lntercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: For the Church and her leaders; may they be guided and directed by Christ's shining example.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For the nations of the world; may they be shining examples of justice, peace and love.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For those who live in the darkness of hunger and poverty; may our help and suppori brighten their lives with hope.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer, For ourselves and our families; may we truly be salt and light for the world around us.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence
Loving Father,
What else did Jesus compare us with?
light, mav we shine in the darkness and chase au'av the shador.vs of feat loneliness and hatred in our n'or1d todar'. \!'e ask this through Christ our Lord.
]esus called himself the Light of the World. As his
as children of the
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Sixth Sunday of the Year Focus A scroll of paper with the words ,God,s Commanclments, written on it.
Introduction At the time of Jesus, people \\'ere ven. strict about ober,_ ing and carrying out the Jeu-ish lau,s and Goci-eir.en
commandments. Sometimes their preoccupation u-ith fultilling 'uch Iarr - actuailr prei.enfed them irom loving God and one another as tler should. Jesus came to complete and deepen their understanding of the commandments thev already had, and to show them, bv example, hor,r, to love and how to live. Jesus challenged people to follow a different set of values that would change their relationship with God for ever.
mandments rvere trving to help us do - to love God and one another. All the commandments are based on these t\ro greaiest ideals, but the scribes and the pharisees often let the lan's get in the way of love. For example, thel rvould let their observance of the Sabbath as a day of rest stop them from helping someone in need, and r,r.ere shocked to see Jesus healing people and performing miracles on the Sabbath day. They did not recognise that the actions of Jesus were more pleasing to God than their obedience of the law. He came to show us a new and more loving way to interpret God's commandments. Whqt else does -/esus want us to do? FIe wants us to be people of peace and forgiveness. Our efforts and offerings to God are empty and meaningless
unless they are made with sincere love. Such love demands that we love one another as much as God loves us. He reminds us to make our peace with one another if we are to be at peace with our heavenly
Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation
n-ere tr.ritten. Thev \,vere so preoccupied and determined to do this that they lost sight of what the com,
Can you think of any rules or lows thot might help Christians today to grow closer to God and each other?
A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (5:17-24) (See
page 372.)
Reflection In the Old Testament, God gave Moses the Ten Commandments to help the Israelites to know how he wanted them to live and love. These commandments or rules were given to God's people to guide and direct them, and to help them to choose to live their everyday lives in a way that pleased God and kept them close to his love.
Do you hove any rules at home or at school? Are they easy to follow and obey? Do you agree with oil of them? Why do we need to have rules, commandments and laws? Some are designed to protect us from harm and danger
(such as wearing seatbelts
in the car and keeping
speed limits); some encourage us to treat other people and their belongings with respect (do not steal); others are intended to bring order to our lives instead of chaos (the Highway Code). Without them our lives would be unstructured and chaotic, with everyone doing what_ ever suited them without necessarily thinking about the consequences their actions might have on other people. !\tithout rules and regulations our society would soon fall to pieces. In the same way, without God,s rules, our lovine relationship r,r'ith him would soon disintegrate. What did lesus hove to say about the Commandments God has given to us? He reminded us hort important it is to trv to follow and obev them er-en though that mar- not alrr avs be easv Thev help to lead us alons the path to the kingelorn of heaven.
Why did Jesus not want people to follow the example set by the scribes and Pharisees?
They were very proud of their holiness and efforts to obey Cod's laws and commandments exactly as they B4
Activity Give each child an activity sheet to complete.
Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: For the Church and all her people; may God's loving commandments guide us towards his heavenly kingdom.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For peace in our homes and our world; may forgiveness and friendship overcome anger and hatred.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For-an end to hunger and poverty; may our willingness to share help to ease the suffering of others.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For all who have died; may they rest in eternal peace with God.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. SiIe nce
Loving Father, help us to love vou more and grorr- in our love for one another. Let each dal bnng us closer to you and your heavenly kingdom. \\re make these prar.ers through Christ your Son. Amen.
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Seventh Sunday of the Year Focus A shallow container filled with water and a laver of sand surrounded by a collection of small pebbjes or coloured stones or beads.
Introduction (Since the earliest Old Testament times, Jewish Law had
approved of imposing punishments which were equal severity to the crimes or damage caused by a wrong, doer (Exodus 27:25). Such vengeance was accepted ir-r
ripples that travel outu'ards in waves. Our lives are rather like that pool, rvith the pebble being a moment of forgiveness rvhich sends out ripples o{ love that touch the lives of people all around O"" small act of forgiveness can indirectlv affect "r. the lives of many. The waves of love and friendship that result from a special moment of forgiveness encourage others to do the same.
until Jesus turned these traditions upside down with his radical new Gospel of love and forgiveness.)
Jesus calls us to be his disciples and to
With quiet music plaving in the background, invite the children io think about forgiveness. They might
they must be ready to forgive their enemies.
in their own lives or in the news. They might tnow
trv to live and love according to the valuei he demonsirated in his own life. In today's Gospel, he tells his followers that
someone who is an example of what true forgiveness
Help them to think about current situations and countries in our r.orld where forgiveness and friend-
Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation
ship between 'enemies' are desperately needed 5.
peace is to return to people's lives.
Ask the children to come forward one bv one and
Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (5:3g-48) (>ee page J/2.
Reflection Do you find it eosy to forgive the mistqkes others make?
If the mistake is sma1l or unimportant and
causes little
hurt, then it is not too difficult to find forgiveness rn our hearts. If the wrongdoing is more serious and causes a lot of pain or sadness, then we can find it much harder to be forgiving. It is easier for us to be forgiving with people we like. Jesus challenges us not just to forgive the people we love but the people we dislikel Do you think that Jesus understands our struggle to be
It is very human to want to strike out in anger when someone deliberately tries to hurt us. Jesus lived and
breathed as an ordinary human being, so he understands the feelings and emotions we experience. He realises th.rt forgivenes: is a healing process that takes time and effort and does not always come easily. How do you feel when you are forgiven for you have made?
is the 'glue' that mends friendships and relationships. It never fails to make us feel better insidel Forgir-eness
What happens each other?
knor,v someone who particularly needs forgiveness
reallv means.
if people
or nations are unforgiving towqrds
(Think of current or historical eramples, localh. or in the world, of hatred arrd confli. t lrerr, yen unemie>.l Without forgiveness and reconciltation, peace can frnc-l no place in our lives. \A'hen indir-iduals or natron: are unforgiving, bitterness and anger take root and grorr-, and express themselves in acts of l\,.ar or cruelty. B6
Have you ever thrown o rock or pebble into a pool of still water and watched whot happens next? That one small pebble sets in motion a whole series of
gently drop a pebble into the dish of water. As they watch the ripples their action makes, may this gesture remind them that the forgiveness and love thev show will touch the lives of otirers, spreading out to make our world a better place for all to live.
Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father:
friendship and understanding in the Church; may we be examples to the world of what Christian love realiy means. We pray for
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for reconciliation in our homes and families; may we share with one another the peace that it brings.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for peoples and nations who are enemies;
may our efforts help them to heal their conflicts.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for the sick and the housebound;
may we ease their suf{ering with our caring love. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence
Loving Father, help us to forgive the unforgiving, to love our enemies and to cleepen our friendship with you and one another. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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Eighth Sunday of the Year Focus A pile of money with some wild bird food or fresh flowers.
lntroduction Many different things can make us feel afraid. In today's Gospel Jesus reminds us that we are God's most precious
creation, and he r,r,ill always take great care of us. He shares every trouble we have, and we need never feel alone; he is constantly watching over us.
Gloria Gospel Acclamation LighL the Cospe) candle and say together:
Alleluia, alleluia, may the Word of God make our thoughts loving,
our words kind, and our hearts warm.
Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (6:24-34) (See page 372.)
Reflection Think about the wild birds. Whot kinds of problems ond difficulties do they have to cope with? They must find enough food and water everv day. In
the summer food is plentiful, but during the winter water freezes over and food may be scarce. In the spring
Activity Photocopl' the picture puzzl,e. OR
Make'cake' for the rvild birds. (You will need yoghurt pots, string, scissors, some melted lard, a mixing bowl, spoons and a selection of suitable scraps.)
Carefullv make a hole in the bottom of each yoghurt pot, and thread a length of string through. Make a large knot ln the end of the string inside the pot, making sure that it cannot be pulled through the hole. Place vour scraps (breadcrumbs, unsalted peanuts, chopped apple, dried fruit, bacon rind, stale cake or biscuits) in a mixing bowl, allowing the children to see the ingredients being used. Carefully pour on the melted lard (this should only be done by an adult and for convenience and safety can be prepared earlier and kept warm in a thermos flask). Stir the mixture thoroughly to coat all the cake ingredients, before spooning it into the yoghurt pots and pressing down firmly. Leave the pots to cool and the lard to harden, before taking them home and turning them upside down to hang up outside for the birds.
they need to find a mate, build a nest and rear their chicks. They work very hard to find enough food to feed their growing family. They also have to avoid danger from prowling cats and speeding cars!
As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father:
How can we help to care for wild birds? Often people put out food for the birds. It might be scraps and leftovers or special bird food. Such help is especially useful during the winter months.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
How does God core for his feothered creqtions? He provides for their needs through the many gifts of creation - insects and berries for food; trees where they can find shelter and build their nests; rainfall to provide rvater in puddles and streams; and, of course, he has us r^ L-1,..."- {^, rh-What can we learn from the wild birds and flowers? \\'e carr learn to trust in Cod's enormous love for us and to ,'leoeld on hinr tLr take care of us. If r,r'e feel worried about ___ _ something. '^- -_ _- - rr-e should feel reassured to know that (,o,i is rr:1,-hi-o,r\pr r- lf l-c lorenrorides for lhe r and ""- r'""-' needs of the little l.rrds and the f-lorr-ers he has created, hou'much more rtill hg love arrcl provir-le for us.
Does that mean thot we should do nothing for ourselves and leave everything up to God? Jesrrs didn'l tell rr. lhi. a> an e\.u\e f.rr' t'cin,: lazr I Hc "J'
wanted u* to rrnderstand that rrorrvirrg Llnnece\\aril\ about less important details in our lives is a n-aste of BB
our time and effort. Our concerns should be with loving God and one another, and learning to trust wholeheartedlr. in or-rr heavenlv Father's love. We should try to take one dav at a time, doing our very best to live our lives to the full in a u'a1. which will please the loving Creator rvatching o\.er us.
We pray that God
will watch over and guide the Church
and all her people. We pray for peace in our world and an end to war and hatred.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray that human beings respect and help care for God's wonderful creation.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for greater trust in Cod and an end to unnecessary worry.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts Iet us share our o\\.n unspoken prayers with him. Sil ettca
Loving Father, n-atch or-er r-our children gathered here before vou in prayer. Take care of all our needs, ,rrr,l lrcln r)\ to iru\t in r our love.
Grant ihls through Christ vour Son. Amen.
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Ninth Sunday of the Year Focus A flat piece of stone, rock or brick with some sand and a jug of water.
Introduction taught in a way that ordinary people could understand. Often he did this by telling stories, or parables, which have an important point to make or message ro convey. Such stories can help to shape the way we think and can change the way in which we live our lives. In today's Gospel, we hear a parable about a wise and foolish man and where they choose to build their houses. Jesus
Activity Use the template to cut out house shapes from card. Use a strip of corrugated or thick card to form the roof and sides of the house. Sellotape the pieces of card together and stick onto a suitable base. These can be made sma11 enough to allow one per child, or alternativelr- make two larger houses to decorate,
and complete by standing on the pile of sand or
Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation
other hand, \re are like the foolish man, we will choose to ignore rthat lr'e hear and instead build our lives on weak foundations (such as greed, selfishness and pride), then n-hatever we have will be washed away and r.ve rvill be left lr'ith nothing. Such shallow and r,r.'eak foundations are of no lastins value and eventually thel- rr ill let u* dortn.
rock or brick (see FoctLs\. 8.
A reading from the Gospel of St Matther^t (7:21-27)
As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father:
()ee page J,/1.)
For our family, the Church; may it choose to build itself on the rock which is God's Word and Truth.
Reflection lf you were asked to build a house, what
would you do first? How would you get started? Building a house must start with its foundations on which everything else is placed. You can't put a roof on without walls, and walls will only stand firm if they stand on a solid base. (You could demonstrate this verv simolv with some building blocks or empty bores or carionr.)' '
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For the hungry and the homeless; may we always try to treat them with kindness and respect.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For people who are faced with difficult choices in life; may Christ's word help them to do what is right.
What do you think would make a good building material
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
to use for the foundotions of a house? (Encourage the children to share their thouehts and ideas by making some silly suggestions, such ai ice, cot-
We pray for all who have died; may choosing to follow
ton wool, paper, or wood.) Why are these moteriols not suitoble to use os foundqtions? For a building to remain firm and steady, through every
kind of weather and storm, it needs to have strong, solid foundations that will not rot or be easily washed away.
ln today's parable, where did the wise mon build
house? The rock foundations for his house were strong enough to resist the terrible weather and flooding river. They could rrot be easily washed away. Where did the foolish mon build his house? He did not listen to the advice of experienced builders and paid no atterrtion to r,r-hat he wis told. The weak for-rndations of his house could not r.vithstand the stormv conditions anci n'ere easih- tlashed ar,t'av bv the floods.
What was lesus trying to tell us in this story or parable?
lVithout good founclations anlthing can easilr be rt'ashed al-ar-. If rve lisien to Tesus olld b.rild our lrr-es on his teaching and example, then rre rr-ill har-e strons foundations that l-i1l l'ithstand elen'kind oi difficultv and storm in our lires and still >tand tirm. \\e rrill be like the wise man building his house on rock. If, on the
Christ in life allow them to follow him in death. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer,
Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts 1et us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence
Loving Fathe4 help us to build our lives on foundations of love and forgiveness, and let our prayers bring us closer to your heavenly kingdom. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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Tenth Sunday of the Year Focus A Bible open at today's Gospel next to a place setting for a meal, a menu (see Actiztity), and a quantitv of money.
lntroduction At the time of Jesus, the Romarrs imposed taxes on the Jewish people to pav for therr armv and the administration of their empire. Each per'..n ir-as tared according to hor,v rich or hol- poor ther- ilere, but evervone had to pav something. h-r addition, ta\es \\'ere paid as to1ls for travelling on main roads, on crops and han.ests, and on thinss __ .'"-" bousht ' .-*-" and sold at market. Tar collectors tvere unpopuJar. lodav rr e h.ar rr lrat happvrre.l rr l-err Je'u* met a tax coliector called }latthen'.
Gloria Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation
lives and to choose to live by his set of values and standards. He searched out those who were rejected and cast out by the rest of society, and offered them the chance to turn their lives around and start afresh. Through the friendship and loving example of Jesus, Matthew was given the opportunity to leave dishonestl' and selfishness behind, and become an honest and loving person instead. Whot con we learn from today's Gospel? Jesus reminds us that God wants to give everyone the chance to know and love him. The love and friendship
he offered to Matthew the tax collector chaneed
Matthew's life for ever and brought him closer to God. Everyone is given the chance by God to change his or her ways and make a fresh start. As his followers, we are expected to do the same, and give our love and friendship the chance to change the lives of those who are rejected and scorned by the rest of society.
Activity Give each child a sheet of ,A4 folded in half. Spend
Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (9:9-13) (See page 373.)
few moments discussing the children's favounte meals and write some of their suggestions on a large sheet of paper. Then ask them to plan a special menu for Jesus and write their ideas on the menu sheet, or
Why do you think the Romons did not collect taxes for
alternatively draw pictures to illustrate their ideal dinner party. Show them an example of a menu you
have prepared earlier!
Collecting taxes was very unpopular with the people and the Romans lr,'ere pleased to let someone else do
this very difficult job. For their trouble tax collectors were allowed to charge people extra money that thev could keep for themselves (as commission). Tax collectors were known os 'dishonest sinners'! Whv do you think they were disliked so much? Often the tax collectors were greedy and selfish individuals who took more money from the people than the Romans actually demanded. They kept this extra
money for themselves, to live very comfortable lifestyles at the expense of others. Because they worked on behalf of the Romans, and befriended their enemv for their own advantage, they were hated by other ]ew.s and were treated as traitors and outcasts. What did Matthew do when Jesus invited him to follow? He got up at once and went with him. Eventually he inr-ited Jesus to his home to share a meal. Do you think thqt Motthew was surprised to be chosen as one of Christ's followers?
Almost certainh'l Tar collectors were so unpopular that ther had verr ierr- friends apart from other tax collectors. \Iost peopk shunned them and had as little contact rt-ith them as Lrrrssilile. his iriendship and lor e.
offered \{attherv
tax collectors were thought to be such sinners. why did Jesus invite one of them to become his disciple? Jesus wanted people to knor.v and love God and one another better. He challenged people to look at their
Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: For friendship in the Church and among all Christian people.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For greater friendship to be shown towards the pooq, the homeless and those who are rejecteci by society.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for friendship and understanding between different nations and religions.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for peace and friendship
in our own homes and parish. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearrs let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence
Lor.ing Father, mav Chnst's lor-ing example guide our daily lives, ar-rd rerr-rind us to offer the hand of friendship to all. \\'e ask this through Christ vour Son. Amen.
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Eleventh Sunday of the Year What did Jesus give to the twelve he had chosen? The power and courage to work miracles and preach in his name. They were responsible for sharing his teaching and love n'ith the whole world.
Focus A globe or map of the world.
Introduction Jesus had a very big challenge on his handsl His mission was to share the Good News of God's love with the
whole world. Eariy in his ministry he realised that he would need a loyal team of followers to help him to do this, and to carry on his work after he had returned to his heavenly Father. Today we hear how Jesus chose twelve of his disciples.
lf you had to choose someone to do such on importont job, what sort of person would you choose? (Encourage the children to think about the kind of qualities and strengths people might need for such an important and demanding challenge.)
Activity Help the children to recall the names of the twelve
disciples chosen by Jesus. Write these on a large sheet
oi paper. Using the list of names to refer to, sing
Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and
Alleluia, alleluia, may the Word of God make our thoughts loving, our words kind, and our hearts warm.
One man went to share, went to share the Gospel, Peter and his friend -Andrew! Went to share the Gospel. Tivo men went to share, went to share the Gospel, Pete4, Andrew and their friend - James! Went to share the Gospel.
(See page 373.)
Three men went to share, went to share the Gospel, Peter, Andrew, james and their friend - johnl Went to share the Gospel, etc,
Twelve men went to share, went to share the Gospel, twelve men and their friends went to share the Gospel!
Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (9:36-10:8)
Can you remember how many disciples were chosen by Jesus to help him with his work and cqrry on his mission?
There were twelve. Do you know onything about them?
of them were fishermen by trade, including
Simon Peter and his brother Andrew, and another couple of brothers called James and John. These four were the first disciples to be called by Jesus.
Last week we heord obout onother disciple who wos called to follow Jesus. Con you remember his name and whot he did for o living? Matthew was a tax collector before he became one of the chosen disciples.
of the twelve is best
remembered because he eventually betrayed Jesus. Whqt was he called? Judas Iscariot took care of the disciples' money during the time he spent with them. One
of the disciples found it difficult to believe thot lesus
hod risen from the dead. Do you remember his nome? Thomas \\'as not rvith the other disciples when Jesus first anneared ln the.n .ritp- ri.ing frcm the dead. He cou]d *rr''"' not believe rr'hat thev tolcl him, until he sar.r. the proof
lor hrmselt. He is otten knorln as'Doubting Thomas'. The names of the other disciples are: James (possibh' known as James the Younger - see \lark 3:1i-lE); Philip,
who introduced Bartholomew to Jesus, and
became another of the twelve; Simon and Thaddaeus. We knorv very little about these disciples. 94
follou'ing words to the tune of 'One man went to mow'. To make it easier to follow, it is probably helpful to write out the first few verses.
lntercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: That the Church and all her people will continue the mission begun by Christ and the twelve Apostles.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. That the gift of Christ's peace will transform our world by turning haired to love, and war to friendship.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. That all who teach and share the Christian faith may be helped and guided by the Holy Spirit. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer. That the sick and the dying may be strengthened by Christ's love, and find comfort and peace in their suffering.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence
Loving Father, vou seni Christ to be our Saviour. As his fo11ol-ers, mav we continue to share his messase of salvation with the world. \\'e asl ihi: through Christ our Lord, rvho reigns n ith 1'6tl for ever and ever. Amen.
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Twelfth Sunday of the Year Focus A Bible open at today's Gospel, ',vith a large sheet of apparently blank paper (with the r.vords 'Everything will be revealed' written r,l'ith a rvhite cravon or candle).
Introduction It takes
a 1ot of self-confidence and
certaintv to stand up
punishment and imprisonment because they choose to believe in and follow Christ. face persecutiory
Who helps us to stand up ond speak and act for Christ in the world today? God watches over and cares for all his children. He sends the gift of the Holy Spirit to help his followers today, just as he helped the first disciples so long ago.
in front of a crorvd of people and speak in public. In todav's Gospel, Jesus reassures his disciples that when the time comes thev rvill iind the courage and confidence thev need to share the Good \en-s rvith the world. Whater er difiicultie\ or Jdnger- ther miglrl face, God will be there to rvatch over anci care for them.
Gloria Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation
Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (10:26-33) (See page 373.)
Reflection Have you ever had to stand up in public to speak or
How did you feel beforehand? The disciples were simple, ordinary people who had pub1ic1y,
Did they rush out immediotely qfter Jesus had been crucified to begin preaching to the people? At first they hid themselves away in fear and did not dare to proclaim the Good News. Only when they had received the gift of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost did they feel brave enough to stand up in broad daylight and proclaim the Gospel, not in whispers but loud enough for the whoie world to hear! With the help of the Holy Spirit and knowing that God was with them, they were ready to become fearless witnesses for Christ. What were some of the dangers the disciples of Jesus had to face? The Tervish authorities regarded them as trouble-makers and u'ere determined to stop the disciples from contirruing ttr prlsa.h abor-rt Jesus and share his teachings. \{anv of the di:ciples n-ere imprisoned and punished for proclainring rrhat thev believed. Other dangers came from oeople n ho refused to listen to and believe n'hat the disciples toitl them. Ther. rtere often threat.l-r.rcal ', iolentv .,t',.1 ;h,1=ed arr'a\. enpd rr ith '"'r"-'
Do Christians today foce donger and threots because of their faith? In some countries of the world, even todav Christians 96
Spend a few moments playing a game of Chinese
whispers. Arrange the children in a circle before whispering a message into the ear of the person sitting next to you. The message is whispered from one person to the next until it finally returns to you. Now ).ou can reveal the original message and see whether it is sti11 the same or has been changed in the telling. Jesus didn't want the Gospel to be shared in whispers, but loud and clear for all to hear and understand its message.
Give each child a sheet of plain white paper, and ask them to write a word, or draw a simpie picture or object, using a white crayon or candle (they will need to press quite hard). Ask each child to swap his or her sheet with somebody else. Use paintbrushes or sponges and some dark, runny paint to reveal their
hidden pictures and also what's written on the 'blank' sheet on the focal displav!
(Encourage the children to share any experiences they might have of music festivals or exams, performances of school p1ays, or dancing in a show.)
little if any experience of preaching or speaking and they were frightened by the prospect.
lntercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: We pray for the courage and strength
to proclaim God's saving love to the world. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray that our efforts and prayers can help to bring an end to injustice, hunger and
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray that people in difficulty
may receive the courage and strength they need ihrough the help of the Holy Spirit.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray that all who have died may rest in the eternal peace of heaven.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Knowing that our heavenlv Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts Iet us share our o\'\'n unspoken prayers with him. Sileuce
Loving Father, r' rfrh nr er orrirJc rr. ( . rrr,_l L" 'u 5uru! L'r, oir. rnd e rr* the courape and
to bear n-ihress to vour love.
Grant this through Christ your Son. Amen.
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Thirteenth Sunday of the Year Focus A picture or impression of a footprint (made with paint or in damp sand) and a glass of water.
lntroduction The original followers of Christ were called disciples, but today we call his followers 'Christians'. In today's Gospel, Jesus warns that the Christian way of life is not an easy one to follow, but whoever chooses Christ's wav will be rewarded with eternal life and happiness.
Gloria Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation
A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (10:37-42) (See page 373.)
we have to make a car iourney, what do we use to help us to find the woy? In a car we would probably use a road map to plan the route to follow. As we drive along, we often look for signposts which help to poini us in the right direction. What might you use to find the way if the iourney was made on foot? People on walking holidays and expeditions must find their way cross-country and use different methods to follow the right route. They would need a detailed map of the surrounding area, together with a compass to point them in the right direction. Their'signposts' might be the mountains, valleys, rivers and other features which mark the way. Have you ever been lost on o iourney somewhere? What
happened qnd how did you feel? What route or woy do Christians wont to follow on their A Christian is someone who chooses to follow the way of life rvhich Christ led. Following the example of Jesus, we trv to make ihe choices in our lives that will allow us to 'follorv in his footprints' towards the kingdom of heaven. Whot can we use os 'slgnposts' along the way to point us in the right direction?
Conmarrdments help us to make the right
choices in our lives. To these Tesus added the command-
rnents to love God .rnd one another. He also told us manv parables or stories to irelp to teach us about the rigl.rt choices tl-iat Christians shor,rld r.nake. Eramples ol these include:
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The good Samaritan - Lr-rke 1t]:19-3i The unforgir-ing sen-ani - \Iattherv 1E:23-3r The rich man and Lazarus - Lr-tke 16:19-31
fesus showed us by his teaching and actions that rve 9B
u'e might try, we often make mistakes by ignoring or missing the 'signposts' that Jesus gave to point us in the right direction along the way. Sometimes we are faced with difficult decisions or dilemmas in our lives when ii can be hard to choose Christ's way, and we make mistakes. Jesus understands our struggles and, with the help of the Holy Spirit, encourages us to persevere and not to give up at times of difficulty.
Activity Give each child an activity sheet to complete.
lntercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together lei us pray to our heavenly Father: That Christians everywhere may grow in understanding and resPect for one another.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our Prayer. That we may see the face of Christ
in the poo4, the hungry and the homeless, and make them welcome.
journey through life?
of Christ, how can we welcome him into our lives? By loving one another as Christ loved us. We must try to be forgiving, caring, gentle, patient, thoughtful and friendly towards each another. As children of God, we are all created in his image and filled with his life and love. Jesus lives inside the heart of each one of us, helping us to become more like him. Whenever we treat someone else kindly, then we are treating Christ kindly; if we are mean to someone, then we are being mean towards Jesus too. Even something as simple as offering a glass of water to someone is a Christian act of kindness.
As followers
ls it eosy to be a follower of Christ? Jesus showed us the perfect way to love. However hard
have a responsibilitv to treat the world and everyone in it t-ith 1or.e and respect.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our Prayer. That our world may be filled with peace and love instead of conflict and fear. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. That we may make time to welcome Jesus and one another in our hectic and busy lives.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our o\.rn unspoken prayers with him. Silence
Lovir-rg Father, see vou in the people around us, and ahlals tn'to n-elcome You rr'ith a n-arm smile and a loving heart. \\.e ask this through Christ our Lord'
help us io look and
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Fourteenth Sunday of the Year Focus TWo buckets
filled with wate1, or two carrier bags loaded
with groceries.
Hove you ever had o problem or worry that you shqred with someone and then felt better? (Encourage the children to think about how much bet-
ter thev feel 'n'hen they tell their parents, teachers or best friends about their problems or concerns.)
Introduction A yoke is a wooden shoulder piece used to spread the weight of a heavy load and make it easier to carry. At the time of Jesus, a yoke was a familiar sight as it was used for carrying such things as buckets of water. In todav's Gospel, Jesus invites us to share all our troubles and worries with him so that he can lighten the load.
What did lesus offer to do for us? Jesus loves and cares for us. He does not want to overburden us with more than we can bear. By sharing the
problems and worries we carry through life, he lightens our burdens and gives us the strength to carry on.
Activity Gloria Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation
Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (11:25-30) (See page 373.)
Reflection Hove you ever tried to carry several heavy things ot one time? (See if one of the children can pick up and carry the two bags of shopping in one hand.) Would it be easier to corry such a lood by sharing the weight between two honds instead of just one? If we must carry a heavy load on our own it is often easier to share the weight equally between both hands. This balances the weight and makes it easier to walk with. A yoke is worn across the shoulders and distributes weight in just this way. They were commonly used by people in the time of Jesus to carry heavy or awkward loads.
If you had to corry something thot was heavy or owkward, what might you do? (Ask two other children to stand on either side and share the weight of the carrier bags.)
Most people would realise that without help from someone else they wouldn't be able to get very far with their burden. Sharing that load with another willing helper makes the task much easier because the load then ieels lighter and more manageable. Have you ever heard the expression A trouble shared is o trouble halved'? What do you think this means? Troubles and n'orries are the loads or t'eights \\,e carry
around in our hearts and minds. Thev aren't phvsical loads that \\-e can pick up ancl feel, br-rt ther. can seem r.err. healv to carrv all the samel If rr'e tel1 someone about our tr-orries anc'1 share our concerns, then thev don't seem so bad n'hen u-e knou. that someone else cares about them too. Somehorv thev seem lighter and more manageable.
Cive each child a piece of blank paper in the shape of a heart. Ask them to use water-soluble pens to write about or draw a picture of something that they would like to share with Jesus. It might be something they feel worried or anxious about. Remind them that no one else will krow what thev choose to write or draw - that is between Jesus and themselves. Holding a thought in their heart is making a prayer to Jesus asking for his help. When they have finished, ask them to fold their pieces of paper in two and place them in the bucket of water. (Show them how the water will make the ink run so that their words or drawings will be unreadable.)
Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: For all who teach and share the Christian faith by their word and example.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For the leaders of countries and nations to respect the rights and freedom of one another.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For peace and justice in our world today.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For the hungry and the homeless who need our love and help.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearrs let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence
Loving Fathe4 trusting in your love, we bring all our needs to you. Watch over your children, free us from useless rvorry :nd or;rrf rr\ \-irrrr nar.o
\\Ie make our pravers through Christ your Son.
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Fifteenth Sunday of the Year Focus A tray or dish with an arrangement of stones, soil, weeds and a packet of seeds.
in the parable who
scattered his
seed evervlvhere, Jesus came to share the Good News of
and understand his teaching.
Today a wise farmer prepares his fields carefully before planting his crops to make sure that the seeds he plants have the very best chance to grow strong and produce a good harwest. At the time of Jesus, seed was sown by hand, and the sowing was done before the field was ploughed. In today's Cospel, ]esus tells a parable about a sower rvhose seed fa1ls on four verv different types o{ ground.
Gloria Gospel Acclamation
How can we be like the rich soil that allows God's Word to take root and grow strong? Every Sunday we listen to the Word of God. This gives Cod an opportunity to speak to us and remind us what it means to be a follower of Christ. We learn how to grow closer to God's almighty love by following the perfect example given to us by Jesus his Son. By listening to and understanding the Good News, the love of God can take root inside us, helping our faith to grow strong.
Activity 9.
Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (13:1-23) (See page 374.)
Have a selection of seeds and bulbs available. Make sure that the children have access to a picture of the plant or flower each seed should eventually produce. Give each child a yoghurt pot or similar to fill with soil and plant their chosen seed in. Discuss what their seed will need in order for it to grow and flourish. Their little seed can remind them of today's parable. OR
What does any seed need to help it to grow successfully? It needs to be protected from birds and other pests
Give each child a 'seed bag' template to colour with felt-tip pens or pencils. Fold along the dotted lines, and glue or sellotape the tabs. Fill the bags with paper'seeds' bearing words such as love, faittr, joy,
needs water and light to sustain it; and it needs to avoid being overcome by weeds which would rob it of essential 1ight, space and nutrients.
fruit, peace, patience, kindness and generosity.
which might eat or harm it; it needs to have soil in which it can sink its roots and draw nourishment; it
you remember where the fermer's seed fell and what hoppened to it? Some fell on stony ground where it was gobbled up by the birds before it had a chance to sprout. Some fe1l on thin rocky soil where it quickly sprouted and died because the soil was too poor and shallow to allow it to take root. Some fell amongst the weeds where they could not compete for ligh; water and food. The only seed that thrived and grew strong, fell on rich, fertile soii. Can
Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: That as followers of Christ we may bear the of Cod's Word and love in our daily lives.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. That God's Word may take root in the hearts of people who hate and transform our world with forgiveness.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. That the sick and the housebound may find comfort and strength through Jesus the Living Word.
How did lesus explain what this story meont? The seed represented the Word of God; the farmer represented ]esus who had come to share the Good News; and the different types of ground represented the types ol li.[ener> hearing the message of Jesus.
That people whose lives are choked by greed and selfishness may turn back to God's loving ways.
\ Ianv people rvor-rld not even listen to what
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Jesus had to that \\brc-l fell on stonr. ground. Some listened and belrer-et1 rn Tesus for a short time, but their faith was
shallou' rr'itir no rerots, and ,soon h'ithered like the seed that fell on FroLrr sorl. Others listenecl, understood and triecl hard to iolltrrr Jesus arrcl hrs teaching. Their faith \\'a- e\ enhlnllr .h.rke.l l.t rr,,r'Jlr .r,naern- tirat l.ecame more importar-rt than tho.e trea:Lirerl L.r Go.1. Ther rr ere like the 'eed thar r'ell anrong.t the rr'ccl-. Sonre lrrarJ the Word, understood its importance and nreaning in their 1ives, and a1lon'ed it to help them to grorr' into strong and faithful followers of Christ. 102
Just like the farmer
God's lor.e u'ith all people and not just the Jews. He wanted to give everyone the opportunity to listen to
Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation
Why did the former scatter his seed so far and wide?
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Knowing that our heavenlv Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our o1\.n unspoken prayers with him. Silertce
Lor-ing Father, 'lrclp orrr lor e ior r ou arrd one another to grow an.l g'r e u- the courage to do your will, .r ' lhal .."*.'.,...)""'.''' r. nrrr kin.dom md\ \ome.
Grant this through Christ your Son. Amen.
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Sixteenth Sunday of the Year Focus Ears of wheat arrd easily recognisable weeds such as dandelions or thistles OR a loaf of bread, flour and
a\,vav unseen and rather mvsteriously to make bread rise and increase in size.
some yeast.
Bread is made using flour, water; sugar (sometimes) and ','east. Yeast is the amazing ingredient which, when
lntroduction In today's Gospel, Jesus tells three different
which teach us about the kingdom of heaven. Christians believe that this kingdom began with the coming of Christ its king, and exists within the hearts of all sorts of people who accept Jesus (Cod) as their king, and try to live as he taught us.
Has anyone made breod? What ingredients do you need?
added to flour under the right conditions (a little warmth and some water), is activated into life and releases the gas that makes the dough rise and increase
in size. (Without
yeast, the bread remains
'unleavened' rather like pitta bread.) What does this poroble tell us obout the kingdom? |ust like yeast, the kingdom of God grows and develops unseen inside a person's heart by the power of God.
Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation
Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (13:24-43) (See page 374.)
Reflection What wos the first parable we heard today obout the kingdom of heaven? Jesus told a story about a farmer sowing his field with wheat, only to discover later that an enemy had scattered weeds among the crop.
What did the fqrmer do?
He did not want to risk losing a single precious ear of wheat by accidentally pulling it up as he removed the weeds growing alongside. So he allowed the weeds and the wheat to grow beside each other until harvest time. Only then did he separate the good crop from the bad. Whot does this poroble tell us about God's kingdom? The kingdom includes all kinds of people - good together with bad. Anyone can belong to this kingdom, by choosing to live as Jesus taught us, putting our love for God and one another before everything else. Day by dav, just like the wheat in the field, we each play a part in helping the kingdom to grow. If we bear the fruits of God's love in a rich harvest, then we will reap the relr'ard for our goodness at the end of time. Whqt was the second poroble Jesus told? He cornpared the kingdom of heaven to a little mustard seed to help r-rs to r-rnderstand that although something
mav start small and seemingly insignificant, it become .onrethirrg large
tremendous importance. of faithful followers,
Jesus began rr-ith onh- a handful
hut fronr ruch tinr t ecinn'nc* '
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corrrer oI the
u'orld the number oi Christians is nL)h' enormous and Iinoiher ;re rnread tlr-ouqlrout the rr,'rl.ll \\ithin 't''""'' '"' 'r"'rf "" tlti' dom are people oi everv race, colour and nationalitr-, who are united bv the lor-e and iaith thel share.
What did the third parable compare the kingdom with? jesus described hor,t, a sma11 amount of 1,e3s1 *'o.Ot 104
Use an assortment of vegetables and fruit to make some fun figures to reflect the diversity of God's kinedom. Slice the bottom of one end of the fruit or vegetable so that they will stand up. Use lengths of pipe cleaner to make legs and arms that can be pushed into holes made with a pencil or pen (younger children will need some help with this). Make hands and feet from playdough or plasticene and press these on to the ends of the pipe cleaners. Make faces by adding noses, mouths and eyes. Hair can be made from pieces of wool, sirips of paper or ptaydough pushed through a sieve or garlic press.
As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: For the Church throughout the world; may God's kingdom grow in our daily lives.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For the poor and the hungry;
may those n'ith plenty share with those who have little. Lord, in your mercy/ hear our prayer. For understanding, forgiveness and peace in our world;
may leaders and countries work together to build
kingdom of love. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For those who have died; may they rest in eternal peace in God's heavenly kingdom.
Lord, in your mercy/ hear our prayer.
Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence
Lor.ing Fathel iill us n'ith vour love ,so that vour kingdom u'ill grow in us and through us.
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Seventeenth Sunday of the Year Focus A selection of jewellery to represent treasure and/or
night (fishing was often done at night), it contains all a
cut-out fish (see Actiaity).
Introduction In this week's Gospel, Jesus continues to use parables to explain more about the kingdom of heaven. He uses the symbolism of treasure and pearls to emphasise how precious it is, and the image of a net and its catch to remind us of the great variety of people within it.
Gloria Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation
kinds of fish of every shape, size and variety. Some are good to eat and worth keeping, whilst others are of no use and are thrown back. Like ihe fisherman sorting his catch, God rvill decide at the end of time whether people are r,r'orthv or not to belong in his kingdom. Jesus wonts us to understqnd how precious and important the kingdom of heaven really is. How cqn we share in its
treasure? Once we understand that being close to God is worth more and will make us happier than any earthly possessions, then we can discover the treasures of his kingdom in our own lives by following Christ's example of living love and forgiveness.
Money and possessions do not make us rich in the sight of God. Every good deed or word of kindness is more precious io God than worldly riches can ever be. Our goodness lasts for ever and will bring us everlasting happiness in the kingdom of heaven.
Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (1344-52) (See page 374.)
Reflection Hove you ever seen any precious treasure?
Some of the children might have visited exhibitions or museums where such treasures are on display to the public. Such examples might include paintings in art galleries, Egyptian artefacts from the tombs of Pharaohs, or the Crown jewels in the Tower of London. Encourage them to share their experiences. How qre such voluable items treated? They are carefully guarded and protected from harm or damage. People appreciate their great value and treat them with the respect they deserve.
ls there anything which you or you family volue as
(It might be an heirloom, an antique, a gift from someone special or something similar.)
lesus compored the kingdom of heaven with buried treasure and a precious pearl. What happened when these treasures were uncovered and discovered? The people who discovered them recognised that they were more valuable than anything else in their iives. They were prepared to give up all that they had to possess them for themselves. Can you think of ony examples of people who gove up everything for the sake of the kingdom of heoven? (Remind the children of the call of the first disciples see tl-re Third Sundav of the Year.) Jesus asked many of his earh- iollorters to leave their families and possessions behind so that thev could cledicate their lives to follorr'ing hinr and rharing the Coocl Nervs with the world. Thev recognised rr'hat rr'as reallr' important in their iives and did not hesitate n'hen lesr,rs called them. Whot other parable did lesus use to exploin the kingdon
of heoven? jesus compared himself with a fisherman casting out his net to sea. When he pulls the net in at the end of the 106
Make fishes, following the instructions on the activity sheet. Use thread or wool to hang your fish in a mobile display. Save a fish for next week's focus!
lntercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: Let us pray for the hungry and the homeless;
may our help ease their suffering. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. Let us pray for forgiveness and friendship; may we enrich each other's lives with our love.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. Let us pray for nations and countries that are rich; may they share what they have with the poor.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. Let us pray for one another; may we understand what is important to God and not waste our lives on worthless possessions.
Lord, in your mercy/ hear our prayer.
Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence
Loving Father, in your loving kindness hear our prayer, and help us to live as vour sons and daughters as we build vour precious kingdom of love. \\'e make our pra\ er. through Christ your Son. Amen.
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Eighteenth Sunday of the Year Focus
To the disciples' astonishment, what did Jesus suggest they should do? Jesus suggested that they should feed the people themselr'es. The disciples had only five loaves of bread and hlo fish. What possible use is so little food for so many!
Huge crowds of people follou'ed Jesus rvherever he went and gathered to hear him teaching. Often there \{ere so manv that ther- had to do this in remote places r,r.here there u'as enough room for everyone to be able to sit dor,r.n and see Jesus. In today's Gospel we hear how Jesus amazed his follou'ers by feeding a crowd of thousands with only five loaves and two fish.
Jesus cared deeply obout his followers. ond did not want them to go hungry. Whot did he do with the small amount of food that they had? First he gave thanks to his heavenly Father and then blessed and broke the bread before sharine it with the people. There was plenty for everyone with baskets full of scraps left over.
lmagine you were one of the disciptes. How would you feel when you saw Jesus perform this miracle?
A loaf of bread or some bread rolls and a paper tish (see last week's Actiaity).
How does Jesus feed his faithful followers today? When we celebrate the Eucharist together we believe that Jesus feeds us with his own Body and Blood in the form of bread and wine.
Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and say together: Alleluia, alle1uia,
may the Word of God make our thoughts loving,
To make woven baskets, photocopy the template on to thin card and cut out. Score lightly along the lines
our words kind,
that mark the base of the basket, and fold the sides up. Unfold and cut thin wedge-shaped slits on the four sides. (One side is supposed to have an extra wedge!) Tape wool, string or raffia in one corner and begin weaving around the strips, pulling tightly. Change colours or materials as you go, tucking the end under the completed weaving, and taping the
And our hearts warm.
Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (I4:I3-2I) (5ee Page J/5.)
new one down as you begin again. Once the basket is complete, add fish and loaves made from paper, or modelled from plasticene or playdough.
Reflection Have you ever shared a meal with a large crowd
It might have been at a wedding reception, becue or in the school dining hal1.
of people? party, bar-
Who prepared and served the food to everyone?
Do you think that it's hard work to prepare a meal for so many people?
Encourage the children to think about the care and preparation that goes into an ordinary meal at home. It doesn't just magically appearl Someone needs to plan what to eat, to buy the ingredients, peel and cut the vegetables and so on. When there are a lot of people to feed, even more careful planning and hard work are necessarv to make sure that everyone has enough to eat.
ln today's Gospel, how many people had gathered to Iisten to Jesus?
As manv as ser-eral thousand - to get some idea of the numbers, imagine feeding a football crowd! All these people had gathered in a remote part of the countryside some distance from the nearesr rot\.n. What problem did Jesus ond his disciples foce? It was gron,ing late in the dav and the people had little to eat. Jesus felt responsible for his follou-ers and n,as
concerned that ther,. n.ould go hr-ingn'. His disciples wanted to send the crorvds to find food in the nearbv towns before darkness fell.
Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: For the Church throughout the world and all her people.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For people who hunger and thirst for an end to war and fear.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For people who feel sad, lonely or forgotten.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For our wonderful world and all of God's precious creation.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Knowing that our heavenlv Father is listening, in the silence of our hearrs let us share our o\.\,n unspoken prayers with him. S
Lor rng Father, iilled rr.ith r-our life and united in love, let the pravers n-e make today bring us ever closer to vou and your kingdom.
Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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Nineteenth Sunday of the Year tain. As soon as he began to doubt, he found himself
Focus A paper boat arranged on
biue cloth to rePresent the sea'
lntroduction Our lives are rather like fishing boats floating on the our lives are calm and uncomplicated we sail along happily with little to trouble or test us. Everyone experiences stormy times in their lives, when we are toised about and can lose our way. At such times our faith in God can be sorely tested as we struggle to make sense of what is happening in our lives. In today's Gospel we hear hor'r' Peter's faith in Jesus is put to the test on the Sea of Calilee.
sea. When
Gloria Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospei candle and sing Acclamation
Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (14:22-33)
beginning to sink beneath the waves, and he cried out to Jesus to save him from drowning. Just like Petet we all have times in our lives when our faith warvers or 'r,r.obbles' and u.e are filled with uncertainty and doubt' At such times it can be hard to believe and follow what our faith teaches. What did Jesus do when he heord Peter's cries for help? He reached out at once to take his hand and lead him back to the safety of the boat. In moments of doubt or stormy, difficult times in our lives, we too can call out to jesus for help, knowing that he will reach out in the same way to save us from fear and disaster.
Hoving wotched all this high drama on the seo, whot did the other disciPles think? They realised that jesus really had walked across the u,ater, and that Peter's faith in his Master had allowed him to step from the boat and cross the water towards him. As Jesus and Peter climbed into the safety of the boat and the sea became calm, the disciples finally
recognised that Jesus was truly the Son of God living as a man amongst them.
(See page 375.)
Reflection Why do you think Jesus left the safety of the shore to be with his disciPles? The Sea of Galilee can experience fierce storms that blow up very quickly. Perhaps |esus became concerned for the safety of his friends who had set off earlier to cross the sea in a boai.
How did he moke his way towards the disciples' boot? Whot did the disciples think when they saw the figure of Jesus coming towards them?
The sight before them seemed totally unbelievable after all, no man can walk on water (they still did not recognise Jesus as the Son of God), so they thought that they were seeing a ghost or that the early morning light wai playing tricks with their eyes! Whatever thoughts raced through their minds, they were certainly terrified
by what they saw! How were the disciples reqssured? Jesus called out to them and told them they had nothing to fear. Which disciple decided to step out of the boat and go to Jesus? Peter often acted on the spur of the moment and acted n-ith less cautiot.r than the other disciples. Perhaps in his excitement at recognising his N{aster r'r'alking across the n'ater, he tr-anted to go and greet him. Peter must have had enormous faith ancl irust in Jesus to step out of the boat and on to the rr'ater.
Did Peter manoge to walk across the seo? What mode his faith waiver so thot he begon to sink? When Peter felt the strength of the storm raging around him and the force of the wind, he felt afraid and uncer110
Activity Photocopy the templates on to thin card. Cut out and colour to make bright bookmarks to remind the children of today's Gospel storY.
lntercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving famlly, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: We pray for our brothers and sisters in faith
throughout the world. Lord, in your mercy, hear our Prayer. We pray for the leaders of governments and nations. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for peace and reconciliation in our lives.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our Prayer. We pray for the sick, and all who suffer in mind or bodr''. Lord, in your mercy, hear our Prayer. Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, In the silence of our hearts Let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence
Loving Father, who knows and loves us so well, Iisten to the prayers of your children, and help us to grow in love and faiih' We make these pravers through Chrisi our Lord. Amen.
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Twentieth Sunday of the Year Focus A large bowl (or several small ones) filled with r,r''ater, with coloured pebbles or glass beads at the bottom to add colour and interest, surrounded by small paper
lr,ent unansr,l.ered at first, she did not give up and go 311'31.; instead she carried on asking for help with even more determination. Nothing could get in the way of hel faith in Jesus and love for her daughter.
Whot can we learn from this storY? That jesus listens to anyone and everyone who asks for his help and trusts in his 1ove. We mustn't give up and become discouraged if at first our prayers do not seem
lntroduction Faith is a gift from God that opens our hearts and minds
to help us accept and believe the truth revealed by Jesus. It is a feeling deep inside us that allows us to believe what cannot be explained by reason and common sense and r,r.'hich often lies beyond our understanding. In todav's Gospel r.ve hear how a woman's faith in Christ's abilitv to help her sick daughter makes her determined ttr keen r)n d\kins ior lris help
to be answered in the way we would expect or like. Even though our faith might be put to the test and we struggle to persevere, we should never stoP believing and trusting in God's infinite love for us' Having faith in God can have amazing and unexpected results!
Gi-,'e each child a small white paper flower to colour rvith pencils. Ask them to fold the petals one by one into the centre. Invite each child to place their flower
Gospel Acclamation
carefullv on the water in the display dish, making sure that its folded petals are uPpermost. As they
Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation
Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (15:21-28) (See page 375.)
Reflection Why did the Canaanite woman search Jesus out? Although jesus was staying in a place where few people
knew him, the woman must have heard about his reputation as a healer. Her love and concern for her sick daughter made her search for this person called Jesus, who came from Nazareth in Galilee, in the hope that he
would be able to he1p.
watch, the petals will slowly unfold. Encourage them to share what they can see happening. Their sense of amazement and wonder should help them to imagine how the faithful woman in today's Gospel might have felt.
Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: That the Church whole wor1d.
share her faith in God with the
Lord, in your mercy, hear our Prayer. That God's gift of peace will grow in our hearts and lives
Why do you think Jesus did not onswer her cries straightawoy? Perhaps jesus had come to this region so that he could escape from the huge crowds thai normally followed him everywhere, find some peace, and have a welldeserved rest. The woman drew unwanted attention to his presence there.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our Prayer' That Jesus will bring healing and comfort to the sick and suffering.
When Jesus did finally answer her, whot did he soy?
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
At first,
Jesus told the woman that he had been sent to
help Cod's chosen people, the jews, and since she was not Jervish she was not entitled to his help.
Did this make the womqn give up and go away? Absoluteh- notl Even though she was not Jewish, she recogniserl ancl addressed Jesus as 'Lord' because the gift of faith helped her to believe in him. She trusted in his kindness ancl compassion, ancl her faith made her kneel at his feet and continr,re to pleacl for his he1p. Why do you think the womon ftnolly mode Jesus smile and agree to help her? Jesus had not made things easv ior the \\'onlan ar-rcl hacl certainly put her faith to the testl He rvas delighted to see how strongly she belier.ed in him, compared to many of his own Jewish people. When her cries for help 112
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. That the faithfully departed and joy.
will rest for ever in peace
Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence
Loving Father, faith helps us to prav and prayer helps us to believe. Strengthen our faith in vou and make our trust grotv. Grant this through Jesus our Lord. Amen.
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Twenty-first Sunday of the Year Focus A candle arranged next to or sitting on a piece of rock or stone.
Introduction As we listen to the New Testament accounts about the Iife and teaching of Jesus, it somehow seems incredible to think that the followers of Jesus could be so uncertarn about his true identity. After all, the Gospels are filled
with eyewitness accounts of the many miracles he performed, together with other marvellous experiences he shared with his closest friends (his Transfiguration, for example). Time and time again thev were allowed glimpses of his divine po\r'er and glortr Yet in today's Gospel, when Jesus asks his closest friends, 'Who do you say that I am?' only one of them is able to give the right answer.
Why did Jesus compare Peter to a rock? Remind the children of the parable of the wise and foolish men u'ho built their houses on rock and sand (see the Ninth Sundav of the Yeal A).
Any building needs strong, firm foundations if it is to withstand the passing of time and being battered by wind, rain and storms. Jesus didn't want to build a physical church from bricks and mortar, but a 'living Church' from 'living stones' or people who share the
If such a Church is to last and grow, then it needs to be built on a foundation of faith which is as strong and firm as rock. God had revealed to Jesus, that Peter was that very rock. same faith and love for him.
Activity Make a mosaic of cut-out people or faces to outline of the shape of a church.
Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation
Use coloured 'stones' or building blocks instead, with words such as 1ove, understanding, peace, forgiveness, mercy and friendship written on them.
A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (16:13-20) (See page 375.)
As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father:
For Christians throughout the world; may they work together to build up the Church on earth.
Hove you ever been asked a really difficult question?
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
How would you react if you felt unsure of the answer? (Encourage the children to think about times at school when their teacher might ask a question that they are
For people who suffer for the sake of their faith; may they find the courage and strength to stand firm.
expected to know the answer to!)
For those blinded by doubt and uncertainty; may our love help them to see and believe in God's
When people put us 'on the spot' it can make us feel uncomfortable and ill at ease. Sometimes we are afraid to reply in case our answer is wrong and then we might look foolish or feel stupid in front of others. We tend to hang our heads, avoid the gaze of the person asking the awkward question, and say nothing. When Jesus asked his disciples, 'Who do you say that I
am?' how did they onswer? They said nothing. Who knows what they were each
thinking at that moment but they could only stand au'kn.ardl]. in silence.
Petel boldh proclaimed that jesus was the Son of God, the Christ or \Iessrah n'ho had been promised by God. Why did his answer make Jesus smile?
bv Peter had been
revealed to him bv l-ris heavenlr' Father. This rer.elation and understanding allorved Peter to declare his faith in Jesus and to proclaim confidentlr- before all that Jesr-rs was the beloved Son of God rvho n-as lir-ins as a man among them. Jesus then kner,r. to choose Peler to lead
his Church on earth.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For the hungry, the poor and those in any kind of need; may our help ease their suffering.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence
Which disciple declared what he thought, even though it sounded almost unbelievable?
Jesus knen- that the ans\\-er given
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Loving Father, increase our faith and love, so that we might share your life and build up your kingdom here on earth. We ask this through Christ your Son.
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Twenty-second Sunday of the Year Focus A piece of needlework or tapestry, or a collection of different coloured threads or lengths of wool.
Do we always find God's way clear to understand and
easy to follow in our own lives?
As human beings we cannot begin to understand the way in which God thinks or makes plans. For this reason we can sometimes feel confused or anxious when things in our lives don't seem to be going quite as we
can be difficult to accept that things should happen in a particular way that we might not understand at the time; our natural human instinct is to avold painful situations if at a1l possible. ln todav's Cospel, Jesus tells his friends that he n ill be put to death in Jerusalem, but Peter has other ideas!
had planned.
than to have to face up to them. Nevertheless, Jesus would har.e praved to his Father for the strength and courage he needed to do his r,r'ill and follow his way.
Definitelv not! Often t\re are uncertain about what exactly Cod rvants us to do and how we can please him. Think of God's way like this: Have you ever admired an intricate and detailed piece of needlework or tapestry, and marvelled at the thousands of threads and stitches that together create the picture or scene? If we stand too close to such a piece of work, it can be hard to make out what it is; we need to stand back to appreciate and understand the image before us.
Our lives can be compared to such a tapestry, with God the master weaver who is the only one who knows r.r.hat the final picture will look 1ike. As he busily
Gospel Acclamation
r,veaves and helps us to direct the threads of our lives, it is as though \4/e are standing at the back of the tapestry,
Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation
Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (16:21-27) (See page 376.)
where we are unable to make out the final picture. We must trust him to direct our efforts, even at times when things seem to be going badly in our lives. Although we may not understand how the twists and turns in our lives are all part of God's elaborate plan or way, we must trust, as Jesus did, that the threads of our lives will help to complete his wonderful tapestry.
your eyes for a moment and think about some of the people in your life whom you really love - it might be your mum and dad, brothers or sisters, or your grandparents. Close
How would you feel you love deeply?
if someone wanted to harm a
Activity Fold
Whot danger was Jesus facing? making his way to Jerusalem to celebrate the Jewish festival of Passover. He knew that his enemies were plotting to have him arrested and put to death.
How did lesus respond to Peter's concern? Jesus r'r.as verv firm with Peter. He pointed out that Peter u'anted to do things his way rather than consider-
ins and accepting rrhat was God's will. |esus knew that he rvor,rld be put to death and rise again, and he was preparerl to ober. and follon. his heavenly Father's plan for sah-ation for his people. Do you think that lesus always found it eosy to occept God's way? No one looks fontard to.uftcrns and pain: it i- -urrethlrg we try to avoid if at all possiblel ]esr-rs klerr- rrl-rat ordeal lay ahead of him and he n-as afraid (remind the chilclren of his amiety and fear in the Garden of Gethsemane). Peier's suggestion of avoiding his fate must har.e seemed tempting; after alf it is easier to run away from difficult situations 116
of plain white paper in half. Then open rt one
ha1f, and then carefully fold it over again. Gently smooth the paper with your hand and carefully open it out again. What does your picture look like? Does it remind you of anything in particular?
Jesus was
How did Peter reoct when he heord obout this threat to his Mqster's safety? Peter was deeply upset and concerned. He loved Jesus very much and could not bear the thought of him coming to harm. He was ready to take whatever action u'as necessary to prevent these dreadful events from unfolding a: Jesu> had foretold.
a piece
out. Drip some different colours of paints on
Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: For the Church and all her people throughout our world.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For all who work to build God's kingdom on earth.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For nations and communities divided by conflict and fear.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For those who have lost their faith and way in life.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Knowing that our heavenlv Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our o\ .n unspoken pravers with him. S
il ertce
Lor.ing Father, as n c. follorv r-our loving u'av l.^ --- .. !^:!L!:,1 !^ .,^.. NYgP U: rdr !L | | Lrl LU I UU
and help our trust to grow strong.
Grant this through Jesus our Lord. Amen.
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Twenty-third Sunday of the Year ABible open at today's Gospel, with a large central candle surrounded by small nightlights, and a collage of images and headlines from magazines and newspapers of people who need our prayers.
lntroduction Before Jesus returned to his heavenly Fatheq, he promised
his disciples that he would not leave them alone, telling them,'I am with you always' (Matthew 28:20).In today's Gospel, Jesus reminds us that when only a few people sather tosether in his name, then he ls there with them through the presence of the Holl' Spirit, listening to their prayers.
Gloria Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation
Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (18:15-20) (See page 376.)
Reflection Why do people pray? Prayer is when we lift our hearts and minds to meet God. Often we want to ask for his help for ourselves or for someone else. On other occasions we use prayer to praise God and express our wonder and delight for all the marvellous gifts he gives to us. And when we feel that God has answered us, our prayers become a way of thanking him for the love he shows us. Why is it good to pray together with other people as well
os by ourselves? Prayer unites us and brings us closer to God and one another. When we pray with others we are encouraged to think not just about our own needs but the needs of others as well. In today's Gospel, Jesus reminds us of ihe power and value of several people gathering together to share in prayer. On such occasions, jesus is present lr'ith us in a very real and special way. What should we try to remember when we pray? Jesr-rs
taught us that whenever and wherever we Pray
rvrth a pure and humble heart God will always hear us. Even if our pravers seem to go unanswered rve must perse\ cre, be p.1tipt.t, and never give up (see Luke 18:1-8). Jesr-rs .rlso to1c1 r-rs that n-e should present our prayers to our heaverrlv F.rtl-rer in his name, because he will join lris orln pra\ ers ttr those that n.e make (John 1113-14). How con we pray? There are manv diiierettt rr ar S to prv31'. Praver can be expressed in r,r,ords (like the leper rtho asked for helpr in Mark 1:40-41), or rvithout rr'ords as silent antl private thoughts (like the woman rvith the haemorrhage in Mark 5:28), and in a n'hole varietv of other rvavs n'hich include music, song and gesture. However, most people I1B
it easier to pray when they can be undisturbed' Er.en Jesus used to go off on his own to spend some time praving quietlv to his heavenly Father. find
Why is prayer important in our lives? Prayer helps us to keep in touch with God. Through prayer we hold a conversation with God, and by making time to sit quietly and spend time with him, prayer aliows him to speak to us in our hearts. Just as we get to know one another through everyday conversation and spending time together, so it is with God. Prayer helps our faith and trust in God to grow because we get to know him a little better and love him a little more each time we make the effort to spend time with him. What prayers do you know? Do you have any favourites? When do you say them? It might be at school, at home or when the parish family gathers to 'r.t'orship together on Sunday. We don't have
to spend a long time saying our prayers, but it is good to try and spend at least a little time every day speaking to our heavenly Father rvho loves us so much.
Activity Use the collage images and headlines on the focal display to encourage the children to share their thoughts about the pictures and the situations they see. With suitably quiet background music, invite each child to think of someone they would especially like to pray {ot before using a taper to light an individual nightlight from the central candle.
Intercessions (Remind the children that Jesus is there with them and invite them to join hands in a circle.) As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: We pray for the Church and our brothers and sisters throughout the world.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for peace and friendship and an end to all war.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer' We pray for the sick and all who suffer in mind or bodv
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayen We pray for the dead and those who miss them.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence
Loving Fathet n'ho knorvs ar-rd loves us so well, listen to the pravers of vour children and help us to gro\\' each day in the image oi vour beloved Son. \\'e make these prayers through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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Twenty-fourth Sunday of the Year Focus A candle next to a Bible open at today's Gospel, together with a pile of money.
king later learned that the servant he had forgiven much rvas unwilling to forgive another servant for
so so
little, he n'as both disappointed and angry. What does this story teach us about forgiveness?
Introduction When someone we love makes a mistake or does something wrong, the love that we have for them allows us to find forgiveness in our hearts. God's love for us is greater than we can begin to imagine. Such deep love means that our heavenly Father is always ready to forgive our mistakes and failings, however many times we let him dor'vn. Jesus reminds us today that, as his followers, \^-e are expected to forgive others as readily and unconditionallv as Cod forgives us.
As followers of Christ, we are expected to forgive the mistakes of one another as readily as God forgives our own mistakes. We cannot expeci to be forgiven ourselves unless we wil1ingly forgive others. God is full of compassion and mercy and wants us to be the same. Like the king in the story, God expects us to treat each other as kindlv as he treats us.
Activity Give each child an activity sheet to complete.
Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation
As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: We bring before Cod's forgiving love
the Church and all her people.
A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (18:21-35)
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayeL
(See page 376.)
We bring before Cod's forgiving love all who are divided by hatred and war.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
When Peter spoke to Jesus about forgiveness, how many times did he suggest o person might be forgiven? Peter probably thought that he was being particularly generous and understanding when he suggested forgiving someone as many as seven times. Jewish law at the time was not forgiving, and encouraged people to demand 'an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth'. Indeed, since the earliest Old Testament times, Iewish
law had approved of imposing punishments which were equal in severity to the crimes or damage caused by
wrong-doer (Exodus 21:25).
How do you think Peter felt when he heard lesus' reply? Jesus turned tuadition upside down with his radical new Gospel of love and forgiveness. Peter was probably shocked to hear that Jesus expected him to forgive others' mistakes and wrongdoings not just a few times but time and time again. Jesus wanted his followers to understand exactly what he expected from them, and therefore told a parable with a very plain message. Can you remember what happened in the story lesus told?
(Ask the children to
it in their own words.)
Why wos the king so angry with the servant he had earlier forgiven? True forgrr-eness camot be counted or measured out. It i* lhe lor ino re\n,il't\F rr h jcl rr are ernpcted tO make " when someone is sincereh' ancl genr-rineir- sorn for a mistake or offence ther- have committecl. The king's ser-
vant was guiltv of a great deal oi dishonestr; but the king had responded to his cries for mero' bv giling him an opportunity to make a fresh start. He rvas readv and willing to give his servant another chance rviihout attaching any conditions to his forgiveness. So when the
We bring before God's forgiving love
people in prison and their families.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We bring before God's forgiving love people who are trying to make a fresh start.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence
you are full of mercy and compassion. Help us to become people of forgiveness, so that we may grow closer to you. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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Twenty-fifth Sunday of the Year Focus A bunch of grapes and some coins. (The Gospels for this Sundal' and the next tr'r'o Sundays tell a series of parables u'hich refer to r-inevards Appropriate picturet, ptopt or resources can be used to help the .nita."t-t to visualise and understar.rd n'hat a vinevard is')
lntroduction Jesus, r'inetards \\ere a familiar part of rou's of r ines produced the grapes n'here landscape the used to produce u'ine. \\'ine rr'as often drunk in preference to ir-ater as it rvas safer' \\'ater usr'ralh- had to be collected and carried from l'ells, and there u'as all'avs some risk that such still r'vater could carrv disease ln today's Gospel, Jesus uses the imagerv of a I'inevard and its workforce to tell a parable about the kingdonr of
At the time of
Gloria Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation 7'
Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (207-16) (See page 376.)
Reflection Why did the owner of the vineyord need to hire so mony workers? There were many different jobs to do in a vineyard if the
vines were going to produce a rich harvest of grapes: the vines needed to be regularly watered and weeded; carefully pruned at the right time to encourage strong new shoots and growth; and regularly checked and treated for attack from pests or diseases' At harvest time the precious fruit had to be gathered before being used to make wine or dried in the sun. How much did the vineyard owner offer to pay his workers?
The workers in the vineyards were offered one Denarius, rvhich at the time was equivalent to one day's wages for a hired man. Why
of the workers grumble at the end of the
doy? Ther-u'ere annoved to \ee evervone receiving the same rervard er en rrhen ther'l-rad u'orked a shorter day' They thought that those rvho hacl u'orked in the vineyard longest deservecl a sreater relr-ard at the end of the dav for their efforts. The viner-ard o\\.ner aPPreciated and valued the contribut:ion made bv each rr-otker, regardless of their particular job, or htxr' long thev had sp'gni
it. He understood that each rt'orker hacl an important part to play, and it rr-as onlr' l-rth the combined efforts of a1l the workers that a rich and fruitful doing
harvest could be Produced. 122
What do you think Jesus was trying to explain with this story? He compared his kingdom to the vineyard in which his followeis are the workers. Like the vineyard owne4, he invites everyone, not always at the same time, to share in the work of producing a rich harvest in his kingdom' The efforts of many different workers, doing many different 'iobs', helps the kingdom, like the vineyard, to grow healthy and strong and bear much fruit' Our indivlduat 'work' in the kingdom is valued and recognised by God, and everyone is offered the same reward of eiernal life when our work is completed at the end of time, regardless of how long we might have spent
working there.
Activity In the Gospel for today and over the next two Sundays, to help us underJesus uses parables about vineyards stand more about the kingdom of heaven'
Make a frieze (on separate sheets of card or paper or one long piece) depicting the various characters and events for each Sunday. Begin by drawing or printing a vine on the background as a central feature that ties the stories and pictures iogether' The illustrations and text should be arranged around the vine' For stalks use the edges of bent pieces of cardboard of different iengths that have been dipped in green paint. Add big leaves by using large potatoes cut in half and dipped in green paint. Bunches of purple grapes can be created with small bottle tops dipped in paint and then pressed on io the paper.
lntercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together 1et us pray to our heavenly Father: We pray for peace and friendship among all people'
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for understanding, respect and fairness
throughout our world. Lord, in your mercy, hear our Prayer. We pray for people who suffer any kind of hardship or pain. Lord, in your mercy, hear our Prayer. We pray for the workers in the kingdom of God' Lord, in your mercy, hear our ptayet.
Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him' Silertce
Loving Father, as l-e ntake our \\'av through life, let us help one another to follow the path ihai leac'1s to vour heavenly kingdom. Grant this in the name of Christ our Lord' Amen.
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Twenty-sixth Sunday of the Year Focus A bunch of grapes arranged between two cards bearing the words'Yes' and'No'.
Introduction understand today's Gospel better it is helpful to put it into context.) (To
Just before Jesus told today's parable, the high priests had been arguing r,r'ith him and demanding to know by whai authority he dared to speak and act as he did (earlier in Matthew's Gospel he had thror.t n the money changers and traders out of the Temple). Jesus was frustrated to see that the high priests could not open their hearts and minds to accept and belier,e as others did.
God and his 1ove. They had listened to Christ's call to follor,v hlm and his teaching, and had made no effort to put it into action in their lives. Jesus compared them to the second son who had chosen to ignore and reject r,,r'hat he had been asked to do. Why were ordinary sinners more likely kingdom before the high priests?
to enter
The ordinary people listened to the message preached
by John the Baptist and jesus, and although, at firsi, many had refused to do what they were asked, they later had a change of heart. They chose to accept Christ's invitation to belong to his loving kingdom, and were ready to change their attitudes and lives to become his followers. Hove you ever refused to do something and then later had a change of heort ?
Sometimes we answer on the spur of the moment, with-
out thinking things through and
considering our options properll'. When we have time to reflect we realise that we made a mistake with our initial decision,
Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and say together:
and are happy to admit our error and change our minds about what we ought to do. Today's parable reminds us that Jesus understands that sometimes we make the wrong decisions and choices in our lives. He is always ready to accept and welcome any change of heart that helps to bring us closer to him and his kingdom of love.
Alleluia, alleluia, may the Word of God make our tlroughl.s loving, our words kind, and our hearts warm.
Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (2I:28-32) (See page 376.)
What happened when the first son wqs asked to work in
the vineyard? vineyard
obviously didn't appeal to the older son and he quite openly and directly said'No' to his father's request. His father didn't argue or try to change his mind, and left
him alone. Why do you think he changed his mind later?
When he had had time to think, he had a change of heart and he went off to do his father's will. Perhaps he realised how much his father loved him and wanted to
include him in helping to run his vineyard and making it prosper and grow Such an invitation allowed him to share in his father's business and work ciosely beside him. Perhaps he saw a look of disappointment on his father's face and was later filled with regret, or maybe he felt selfish and mean. What did the second son say and do when he was also asked by his father to work in the vineyard? At first he agreed to his father's request but then didn't do what he had said. He l'as less honest than his older brother, saying one thing and then doing anotirer' Why did Jesus direct this parable at the high priests? The high priests had heard Jesus, and John the Baptist before him, preaching about the kingdom of God and calling the people to change their ways and turn back to 124
Continue the vineyard frieze (see the TWenty-sixth Sunday of the Year).
At first the idea of working in his father's
lntercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: For our family the Church and all who live Christ's Cospel of love.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For the hungry, the homeless and ali who need our friendship and support.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For people who are faced with difficult choices.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our Prayer. For peace and reconciliation in our troubled world Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Knowing thai our heaveniy Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts iet us share our own unspoken prayers n'ith him. Silence
Loving Father, r,rs to make rvise decisions in our lives, to do vour hoh'rvill and neler to n'ander far from your love. \\:e ask this through Christ your Son.
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Twenty-seventh Sunday of the Year Focus A bunch of grapes placed at the foot of a crucifix.
Whot is the vineyard supposed to be? The r.iner.ard symbolises God's chosen people.
yard ?
God had promised to send a Saviour for his people, but
The servants represent the prophets sent by God to the people of Israel. The prophets were chosen by God to communicate his will with the world and to exolain how the people of Israel could please him. They icted as mouthpieces for God sharing his message with everyone who was willing to listen and believe what they heard. The many famous prophets include people such as Isaiah, Jeremiah, Hosea and Ezekiel. Even when the people rejected the prophets and chased them away,
Who are the servants that the farmer sends to the vine-
many of them refused to listen and believe in the Gospel of love and forgiveness that Jesus preached. Today Jesus tells an allegorical parable (in which every detail carries significance) to help the people to understand that he has come to share his kingdom and salvation with whoever is ready to believe in and follow him.
Cod did not give up and kept sending more until finally he sent his own precious
Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation
Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (21:33-43) Jesus told another parable to the people: 'There was once a farmer who planted a vineyard. He had to go away on business, and so he put some farm workers in charge of the vineyard. When it was time to harvest the grapes, the farmer sent some servants to collect his share. But the {arm workers beat his servants and chased them away. The farmer did not give up, and sent more servants to collect what belonged to him. Agairy they were beaten and chased off. Finally the farmer sent his owrr son. "I am sure that they wilt treat him bette{,,, he said. Instead the farm workers seized the son and killed him.,
Then Jesus asked, 'What arrives at the vineyard?'
Who are the farm workers who beat the servants ond kill the farmer's son? They are supposed to be the faithless Jewish leaders who refused to believe that Jesus was the Saviour sent by Cod, and had him put to death on the cross. Whot do you think Jesus was trying to help the people to understand with this story? ]esus wanted to make the people understand that the kingdom of God would be shared with anyone, whether
they were Jewish or not, who was ready to listen to and believe in him.
Activity Complete the vineyard frieze.
the farmer do when he
The people who had been listening answered, 'He will punish the farm u'orkers and put other people in charge o{ his vineyard.'
As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father:
Then Jesus said to them, 'Do you remember the words of Scripture? "The stone which the builders discarded has become the most important stone of all. This is God's doing and we marvel at his work." Listen to me! God's kingdom will be taken from you and given to other people who will bear fruitl'
in the hearts and lives of all his people.
This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
That the kingdom of God
will continue to grow
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. That forgiveness and peace can overcome hatred and war.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. That the sick and the suffering are strengthened by God's healing love.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer,
That we make God welcome in our everyday lives.
Ask the children to either dramatise or retell today,s
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
storr-using their on.n n'ords.
Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening,
There are lots of different characters in today's Gospel storvl Let's take a look at them in turn.
in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him.
The first person Jesus mentions is the former who plants the vineyard. Who do you think he is meant to be? The farmer symbolises God the Father. So
the former is supposed to be God, who is the farmer's
son? Jesus, God's
only beloved Son.
Loving Father, make us gror.v in love for you and one another, and give r-rs the courage to do your will, so that I'our kingdom may grow'
Crant this through Christ vour Son. Amen.
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Twenty-eighth Sunday of the Year Focus A crucifix, together with a box gift-wrapped in wedding paper and/or a wedding invitation.
Introduction God invites everyone to belong to his kingdom; some choose to ignore this invitation and others are happy to accept the opportunity to share in everlasting joy and happiness. In today's Gospel we hear Jesus telling a parable about the kingdom of heavery in which he compares God to a king rvho invited many guests to share and enjo,v his son's l'edding feast. Listen carefully to hear r,r'hat happensl
r'vell as bad.
What did the king do when he found a guest who had not bothered to dress properly? He had him thrown out of the celebration because he had made no effort and did not deserve to have a place there. When we accept God's invitation to belong to his kingdom, we are expected to make the effort to be worthy or deserving of our place there. This means trying to love God and one another as Jesus taught us and making the effort to follow Christ's teaching and ways as well as we possibly can. By living and loving as Jesus taught us to do, we will deserve a place at the final celebration with God at the end of time.
Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation
Gir.'e each
child an activity sheet to complete
A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (22LIa)
As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together 1et us pray to our heavenly Father:
(See page 377.)
Reflection Hove you or your porents ever received an invitation to a special celebration? (Encourage the children to share their experiences -
perhaps it was a wedding, a birthday party or some other special celebration.)
Whot do people do when they receive such an invitation? It is polite to reply and tell the person who has made the
For the Church and all of God's people throughout the
world. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For people who are searching for God's kingdom of love and forgiveness.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For those who have died and are at peace with God.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayel
invitation whether or not you can attend. Most people are delighted and excited to receive such an invitation and look forward to sharing in such celebrations.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
ln the parable, how did the invited guests react to their
Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening,
invitations from the king? Even when they received personal invitations from the messengers sent by the king, the invited guests were rude and disinterested, and made no effort to attend the
wedding feast. Whom do you think the king and his servants were mednt
to symbolise?
The king represented God who sent his servants, the prophets and the apostles, to invite people to share in the happiness of his kingdom.
Who were the disinteresfed guesfs who refused to enswer the king's invitation? These rr-ere the people rlho heard God's invitation (through Jesus) to belong ttl his krngdom, and chose to ignore or disregard it. The first people to hear God's
r,r'ere the Jen's
Whot did the king do when the invited guests refused to
pt th e i r i nvitati on s? He sent his servants out to invite anvone and elervone to come along. In the same way, Jesus and his apostles acce
offered evervone the chance to take their place in the kingdom of heaven, Gentiles as well as Jews, good as
For anyone who suffers imprisonment or pain for belonging to the kingdom of heaven.
in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence
Loving Father, hear the prayers of your children. Help us to follow you faithfully and choose your way of love, so that we may belong to your kingdom. We ask you to grant this through Christ our Lord.
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Twenty-ninth Sunday of the Year Focus A gift-wrapped box or container with a lid or a slit in the top (see Actiuity), and a colleciion of coins next to it.
Introduction Although the Jewish people hated living under Roman rule, there were many benefits that arose from Roman occupation. The taxes collected from the Jews were used to improve roads and build towns, and for many ordinary people business flourished and their standard of living improved. In today's Gospel we hear how some of the Pharisees tried to trick Jesus into speaking out against pal.ing taxes to Caesar, the Roman Emperor.
Gloria Gospel Acclamation Light the Cospel candle and sing Acclamation
lives and showers us with gifts. If we use those gifts and talents n'isely and u'ell, and offer our lives to please him, then we can sive back to God a little of so much we nave Deen glven.
Activity by
reading the following passage adapted from the first letter of St Paul to the Corinthrans
'There are many different gifts, but each gift is given by the same Spirit; there are many different ways to serve, but all service is to the same God. Whatever manner of work we do, it is the same God who works in each of us. The Spirit acts in and through each person for the benefit of all. He gives a variety of different gifts to di{ferent individuals; to some he gives wisdom, to some knowledge, and to others he
gives the gift of faith. Whatever gift is generously givery it is to be used lovingly for the good of one another.'
A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (22:15-21)
Now invite the children to spend a few quiet
(See page 377.)
moments thinking about the gifts and talents that they have been given by God. Hand out slips of paper together with pencils or pens, and ask the children to write down or draw a picture o{ something they are good at. They can then come forward and place their'gifts' in the box on the focal display. This box can be carried up by one of the children at the offertory procession.
Reflection Do people today pay taxes? People pay taxes today just as they did at the time of Jesus. Anyone who earns enough money is by law
to pay taxes to the ruling government. Wealthy people have to pay more in taxes than the less well-off. expected
What does the government use the money for? The money paid by peopie in tax is used by the government for all kinds of things including educatiory healthcare, building and maintaining roads.
At the time of Jesus, what was the Roman coin called
Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: For Christians everywhere who are called to do God's will.
and whose picture appeored on it? The Denarius was the coin used at the time, and it pictured the face of Caesar the Roman Emperor.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Give the children o selection of British corns fo examine (toke care with younger children!). Whose picture oppears on these?
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
How did Jesus qnswer the tricky question he was asked? He told the Pharisees that they should pay what they ou'ed to the Roman Emoeror for all the benefits which
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
thev received from his government and living under his authoritr'. To do otheru,ise would be dishonest. The Pharisee. had hoped to make Jesus speak out against Caesar and get him into tror-rble r,r'ith the Roman authorities rr"ho ruled or-er them. Jesus made it clear that such pa\-ments to Caesar did not affect God's autl-rorih- in their 1ir-es and rrhat thel orved to him. What do you think Jesus meant when he sqi6l natt ra God what belongs to God'? Cod isn't interested in moneri because to him monev isn't what makes a person rich. What does make a person 'rich' is their honesty, goodness, understanding and love 130
for God and one another. He pours his love into our
For governments and agencies working to bring peace to our troubled world. For people who campaign for justice and equal rights for all. For those who have turned away from God's love and lost their way.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts 1et us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence
Lor-ing Father,
help us to share rvhat rt'e have received through r our lor e and generosity, n-ithout counting the cost of following you. Grant this through Christ your Son. Amen.
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Thirtieth Sunday of the Year Focus Different sizes of heart shapes arranged around
the cross.
Introduction God is love. All of the commandments
given to us by God are intended to help us to truly love our Creator and all of his creation. Today we hear Jesus reminding us just how important love should be in our lives.
Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation
Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (22:31_40)
Again the Pharisees asked Jesus a question that was meant to trick him. 'Which of the commandments is the greatest?' they asked. Jesus answered, 'You must
love the Lord your God with all your heart, and all your soul and with all your mind; this is the first and most important commandment. The second greatest commandment is: you must love your
Use the template to make small boxes from plain coloured papeq, thick wrapping paper or thin iard. Decorate these with pens, pencils or by sticking things on. Make a hole at the top of each tiiangle foi a ribbon, piece of string or pipe cleaner to cloie the top. Remind the children that love cannot be seen or held. These little boxes have been lovinslv made and can be filled with their loving though"ts to give to someone special.
Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father:
neighbour as yourself. All the other rules are based on these two commandments.'
That the lives of the poor and needy may be transformed by our love.
This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ,
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. That the love of the Church and all her people may shine out in the darkness of our world.
Reflection lf
someone asked you to describe what love
what would
you say? Love is difficult to describe! It cannot be seen or held; it has no physical form or colour; it cannot be described by size or appearance! Love is a very special way of feeling inside. Who loves you, ond whom do you love?
(Encourage the children to share their thoughts and feelings about family members, relatives anJ friends. Remind them that however much these people 1ove them, God loves them even more.)
How does being loved make us feel? To feel that we are loved by someone fills us with great happiness and security; it is a feeling that everyone searches for and hopes to find in their lives. How do people show thot they love one another?
It is somethirlg \\'e can shol' or express by our words and our actions. -\ simple handshake, a kiss, holdinq har-rds or gir-ing someone a smile or a hug can a[ bI signs of our lor-e. \\-e can tell;smsfs.lr-that rve lor.e them, but \\-e can also shoir or.rr 1or e rr.ithor-rt using words br. treating them kindlr. Jesus came to shorr- ui
the perfect n-a\. to lot-e one another. He lovecl bv carrns for Ihe 'ick, Lhe blind and the paralrsed; he healed theri with his love. He made time for people and r,r.as readr. to listen and share. He showed us how to be forgiving, 3Z
Can you think of something special you could do to show your family and friends thot you love them? (Encourage the children to share their ideas and srrsseqtions.)
Gospel Acclamation
not to judge others and to give people another chance when they make a mistake. No one can love more than bv giving up their own life for the sake of anothel, and Jesus shorved the depth of his love for us by dying on
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. That all who suffer or are in pain may find comfort in Christ's healing love.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. That we may show our love for God and one another
in everything we do and everything we
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer,
Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence
Loving Father, let our love be selfless, generous and forgiving. By our living love, may the world know that we are your children. We ask this through Christ your Son. Amen.
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Thirty-first Sunday of the year Focus A Bible open at today's Gospel, together with a candle and a piece of cord with a tassel attached.
Introduction It is easy to te11 one
another what we should and shouldn't do, and how we should behave as followers of Christ, but often we find it difficutt to actuallv out
our words into practice, or'to practise what we p."u.t-,,. God doesn't want us to talk about being loving and kind, because such words are empty and meaningless unless we actually do as we say and live our love.
Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation
makes themselves important will be broughi low, and any who is humble will be raised high.,
Can you think of ony exomples of peopte who put their goodness into oction? Help the children to recognise the goodness of well-
around them.
Activity With the help of some basic props, ask the children to act out the parable they have just listened to.
A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (23:1_12) page 377.)
Reflection Have you ever 'shown off' about something? We all like to draw attention to ourselves sometimes, and enjoy being admired and praised.
How did the Pharisees show off their'goodness, to the people? The Pharisees were very good at showing off and drawing attention to their strict obedience oithe Law. As a sign of their holiness and closeness to God thev wore a receptacle on a band around their head (called i phvlactery) which contained the most important wordi of the Law. They also wore tassels on theii garments to remind them of God's la.rvs and commandments. Their tassels were larger and more obvious than those of other people to emphasise their strict obedience of the 1aw Why did lesus tell the people not to follow their example? The Pharisees were only too ready to talk about loving and pleasing God, but they were not very good at put:
ting their words into action. Their lovins words gestures were simply used to draw aitention
to their wanted people to live and
love in a p;enuine heartfelt way without drawing attention to their goodners. God sees and knows what rs in a person's heart; he r,vants our love to be humble and true rather than pror-rd and insrncere. Con you remember o porable Jesus once told about a
proud Phorisee and a humble tax collector that was
aimed ot people who were certain of their own gooo_ ness, and looked down on everyone else? Remind the children oi this ston. from Luke,s Gospel (Luke 18:9-14):
Two men went to the Temple to prar.. One n.as a Pharisee, an upright and religious man rvho aln.ar.s obeyed the law. The other was a tax collector n,ho cheated people to make himself rich.
'It was the second mary and not the first, who pleased God with his prayer. For anyone who
Jesus said,
orvn self-importance. Jesus
The tax collector stood at the back of the temple. He bowed his head in shame as he prayed quietly, ,b Coa, I have done so many things wrong. please forgive me.,
known personalities and the ordinary people living
Gospel Acclamation
The Pharisee stood up and prayed, ,Thank you, God, for making me such a good person, unlike the tax collector over therel I keep all your rules and am mosr generou: with mv money.'
Using lengths of brightly coloured wool or yarn, help the children to make smali tassels to attach to some ribbon and beads to use as bookmarks to remind them of today's Gospel lnessage.
Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together 1et us pray to our heavenly Father: nations and people who hunger for justice, equality and an end to poverty. For_
Lord, in your mercy, hear our ptayer. For people who feel hopeless because they are unemployed or homeless.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For those who are imprisoned by loneliness, hatred and fear.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For the sick and suffering, and those who care for them.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence
Loving Fatheq, teach us your loving ways and help us to serve you and one another according to your commandments of love. We make our prayers through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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Thirty-second Sunday of Jhe Year be night or dav. Thev were expected to-act ashis welco-iig party and show him into the hall where the wedding celebration would take p1ace. In case he eventuallv airived when darkness had fallen, they brought extra oil for their lamps so that they would still be able to light the wa,rz for him.
Focus A Bible open at today's Gospel next to an oil-burner or lamp (if possible) or a scented candle.
lntroduction At the time when
lived there was no electricity'
What did the foolish bridesmaids forget to do?
When darkness fell, people relied on clay lamps filled with oil to provide them with light. If you were unprepared to top up the lamp with oiI, then once the oil ran out you *er" ieft in the darkness and unable to see' Today Jesus te11s a story about the importance of being prepared!
They didn't plan for the unexpected, and weren't prepur"d fo. the bridegroom to arrive so late' They had no extra oil for theii lamps, and had to dash off in the darkness to try and buY some. What wos Jesus trying to make his followers understand
with this parable? {ollowers Jesus used this story to illustrate how his (Christians) should keep themselves prepared to greet him whenever he returns at the end of time' Only our heavenly Father knows when that might be, so Jesus
Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation 9'
Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (25:1-13) jesus told a parable about the kingdom of heaven: 'Ten
bridesmaids were getting ready for a wedding, and
together they went to greet the bridegroom, although they wJre not sure when he would come, or how long they would have to wait. Five of them were sensible girls who brought flasks of oil to refill their lamps; the other girls did not. The bridegroom was late, and after waiting all afternoon and all evening, the bridesmaids finally fell asleep'
'It was already midnight when somebody cried, "The bridegroom is coming! Quickly go and greet him!" The wise bridesmaids refilled their lamps and went to meet him, but the lamps of the foolish girls had gone out, and they had to go off to buy more oil. When they returned, the bridegroom and the five bridesmaids had already gone into the wedding hall. When they knocked on the Ioor and asked to be let in, the bridegroom sent them away saying, "Leave here, because I do not know you!"' Then Jesus said, 'So keep watch and stay alert, for no one knows the daY or time.' This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord ]esus Christ'
Reflection What names do we give to a man and womon getting married? The u'oman is called the bride, and the man is called bridegroorn.
Whot seems unusuol about the wedding we heard about in today s Parable? No one seemed to knon' rvhen exactltt to expect the bridegroom to arrir-el \{ost rveddir-rg invitations give a time, date and place for the u-edding celebration to iake place, but in today's stort' er"err.one sirnph' had to u-ait for the bridegroom's unpredictable arrival' How did the wise bridesmqids keep themselves reody for the bridegroom's unexpected orrival? They realised that he could come at any time - it might 136
wanted us to be prepared and not be caught unaware like the foolish bJidesmaids. By staying watchful and lamps rcady' , we will be ready to.welcome keeping'our "whatever hour of the day or night he might Cnrlst trying to live each day in the loving means come. This way that Jesus showed us.
Activity Give each child an activity sheet to complete and colour'
lntercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: We bring to God's love
the Christian family gathered here and throughout the world.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our Prayer. We bring to God's love the homeless, the poor and the unloved' Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We bring to God's love those who need to be healed in mind or body' Lord, in your mercy, hear our Prayer. We bring to God's love
all who have died and now rest in everlasting peace' Lord, in your mercy, hear our Prayer.
Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts Iet us share our own unspoken prayers with him' Silence
Loving Father, listen to the prayers of your children and ansn,er them according to your will' Keep us close to vour 1ove, and ever readv to greet Christ when he returns in glor,v \\'e ask this in the name of Christ our Lord' Amen.
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Thirty-third Sunday of the Year Focus Several gift-wrapped packages about the same size but
each containing different quantities
sweets, glass
beads or similar small gifts hidden within the various layers of wrapping paper. (See Actiztity.)
Introduction One way of expressing our love for someone is to give them gifts to use and enjoy. God has given us many different gifts and talents as a sign of his great love for his children. Today Jesus explains that we are expected to put such gifts to good use in our lives and noito waste them.
Gospel Acclamation 8.
Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (25:14-30) (See page 377.)
Invite the children to unwrap the packages displayed as part of today's focus in a game of pass the parcel. Discuss how these packages, just like people, contain different gifts inside and should not be judged by appearance alone. Sometimes appearances can be deceptive, and it takes careful unwrapping to discover what might be hidden inside and waiting to be unwrapped.
Are you ever given money as a gift for Christmas or your birthday? What da you do with such sums of money?
As brothers and sisters in one loving {amily, together 1et us pray to our heavenly Father:
Your parents probably encourage you to save your money until you are ready to spend it on something
We pray for the gift of understanding and tolerance
you simply put your money in a piggy bank in your room, how much will be there when you next count it? Exactly the same amount! The money has not been used or kept in a way that will allow it to increase in amount or change in any way.
What would happen to your money if you put it in a sovings account in the bank? When you keep money in a savings account in the bank for long enough, the bank will pay you some extra money for having it there. When you decide to draw your money out, you would find that you have more there than you started with.
in the Christian Church. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer, We pray for the gift of wisdom for the leaders
of governments and nations.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for the gift of courage to use our God-given
talents and gifts well.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for the gift of peace in our lives and our
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him.
How else might someone invest a sum of money?
They could buv stocks and shares in different busi, nesses, u.hich might earn them a great deal of money if the companies lvere r.ery successful. They might buy a piece of propertv or jewellery that becomes more and more valuable rvith time, and then sell it for more money than ther.paid for it.
may we use the gifts you have given wisely, so that they may bring us closer to you and your kingdom of love.
ln today's Gospel story, how much did the master entrust to the care of each of his three servonts? They were each given large sums of moner- called ta1-
one received five, the other tn'o, and the third
servant was given one talent to invest.
Did they all invest and use their talents wisely? Wos their moster pleased with their efforts? | 5at
account of how wisely we have used the many gifts we have been entrusted with. Did we use them well, sharing them with others and allowing them to grow, or did we hide them away selfishly? God gives gifts to each of us in different amounts, with some people being blessed with more than others. Jesus wants all of us io use whatever amount we have received wiselv and will expect more from those who have been given more.
Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation
Whqt does this story teach us? We are like the servants who are expected by Jesus, our master, to make full use of any gifts he has given to us so that his kingdom may grow on earth. When he returns at the end of time we will be expected to give an
Loving Father,
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
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Christ the King Focus A mirror with
burnins candle in front of it.
lntroduction jesus commanded us to love one another as he loves r-rs. In today's Gospel he reminds us that this love should be unconditional and freelv shared u ith er.en'one. Eacl-r loving gesture we make or kind rr-ord rr-e utter rvill bring us closer to hi. perfect kingdom. t'ecau:e rr'hatever we do for others, n'e do ior him.
Although we might not have o photographic image of lesus, where can we 'see' the reflection of his foce todoy? The Hindu greeting, placing the hands together and borving, is a t,av of saying. 'I bow to the spark of God that is in vou'. What a wonderful way to be reminded that God lir.es rvithin each person and reveals his face in the people all around us. It can be easy to see and respond to Christ's loving presence in someone who is good and kind, but it is harder sometimes to 'see' him in those who are more challenging to love. If we use our hearts to'look' at the people around us, and search to 'see' God's love living inside them, then we will be able to love as jesus loves us, and expects us to love one another.
Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation 9 (or an Advent Acclamation).
Activity Ask the group to close their eyes and listen to the reading on the opposite page.
Each child should be given a copy of the reading to colour and keep.
A reading from the Gospel of St Matthew (25:3I-46) (See page 378.)
Reflection Give the mirror (from the focus) to one of the children. Ask them to describe whot they see when they look in it. A mirror reflects the image of our faces. When we look at o person's foce, what can it tell us? As newborn babies we quickly learn to recognise and identify the faces of the people who love and care for us; we know a person by their face. We use faces to read emotions and to tell whether someone is feeling sad or huppy. A person's face can tell us a great deal about their age, where they come from (facial features and skin colour) and what kind of life they might lead.
Show the children some magazine pictures of people's faces and ask them to describe what they can see. Do we know how they are feeling? How do their different facial expressions tell us this? Do we know what Jesus looked like? Have we anv octual photogrophs of his foce? It doesn't matter that there are no accurate descriptions of n'hat Jesus looked like. The Gospel allows us to know the person of Jesus through his words and actions, and lear-es
it to our imagination to picture his loving
Older children could be given a selection of pictures of faces cut out from magazines. Ask them to choose a face or image to represent someone who is hungry, thirsty, naked, homeless, sick or suffering, and lonely or imprisoned. These can be arranged on a poster or banner around the words'Who is jesus?'
lntercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: We pray for the Church
and her people throughout the world.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for the homeless
and people who feel alone and unloved.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for the sick and those who care for and visit them.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for people in
and their families who suffer with them.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
(Remind the children that different races and cultures often imagine the face of Christ resembling a likeness familiar to their on'n particular culture.)
Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening,
Ask the children to close their eyes and imagine that they are looking at Jesus. What do they see? ls his hair dark or fair? Are his eyes brown or blue? Does he have a
beord, or is he clean shaven? ls he smiling and hoppy? Let them hold their image for a fen- momenis and then ask them to open their eyes again.
Invite some of the children to share their individual images of Christ's face with the group. 140
in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken Prayers with him. Loving Father, open our eyes to see your loving face irr places rve have not looked before. Help us to be reflections of your love in the r.r'orld around us. We ask this through Christ your Son. Amen.
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