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First Sunday of Advent lesus promised


to return in glory at the end of time

When will that future coming be?

A clock or pair of binoculars and a pillorv

lntroduction If Lent is the season of repentance, -\dvent is the season of promise. We hear over ancl or-er asain Gsd's promise of salvation for his people. The first Sundav of Adr-ent traditionallv focuses on oLrr need to be vigilant and avoid being taken bv surprise rt-hen Christ returns at the end of our earthh'1ir-es. Only God knows whenever that might be, and the emphasis today is on being ready!

Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing the Advent Acclamation: He'1l be coming back in glory when he comes, he'Il be coming back in glory when he comes. God is speaking to us now, let him show us how, filt our hearts with love as he comes.

Onh- God kror,r's the date and time when Jesus will return againl Like the man in the parable, his return could happen at any time of night and day, and Jesus rlanted us to keep ourselves ready at all times so that \\'e are not unexpectedly surprised' In Advent we think not onlv about the past and the future but also the present. How can we prepore o welcome for Christ now and keep ourselves readY to greet him? As followers of Christ we are called to be Christ for others by what we say and do every day. We are called to be true to that calling every minute of every da,v Jesus doesn't expect us to be perfect; he simply wants us to do as much as we can to be true to his love. Advent is a time to take a good look at our lives and ask ourselves whether or not we are living the kind of lives that ailow others to see Christ in us. If we are, then we will be prepared to welcome Christ at whatever time he chooses to return.


(To the tune of 'She'll be coming rourtd the mountain')

Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Mark (13:33-37) Jesus said, 'Stay awake and be alert, because You have no idea when the Son of Man will come. Think of the man who leaves his servants in charge while he travels abroad. He warns them to watch for his return, whenever that might be, so he doesn't find them sleeping when he returns unexpectedly. So to all of you I say, stay awake and keep yourselves readyl

Create 'timepieces' that show the date. Photocopy the templates and cut them out' Use a craft knife (only an adult should do this) to cut a 'window' to reveal today's date. Make a hole at the ends of the clock hands, in the centre of the date wheel and the dial, and then arrange them as illustrated and secure them with a butterfly Pin.

lntercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heaveniy Father: For the Church and all God's PeoPle; that we can find a way every daY to share Christ's messaâ‚Źle of love with one another.

This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ'

Reflection Today is the first Sunday of Advent. The word Advent comes from the Latin word 'Adventus' which means coming. For whose 'coming' ore we preporing?

During the four weeks of Advent we Prepare to celebrate the great feast of Christmas, and the first'coming' lnto the world of the Messiah or Saviour promised by God. But n'e don't just look backwards in time to the iirst Christmas more than 2000 years ago; we also look fonr-ards to Christ's second coming in glory.

ln rhc noroble lesus told, who ore the man and


Lord, in your mercy, hear our Prayer. For the homeiess and the hungrY; that we remember their needs in the hustle and bustle of our preparations for Christmas Lord, in your mercy, hear our Prayer. For the sick and the dying; that Christ's will bring them comfort and strength

Lord, in your mercy, hear our Prayer. For peace in our world; that nations can find a way to {orgive and forget the past and look to the future. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

servonts meant to be? Jesus comp.ares hin-rseli rr-ith the man or master who went a\\'a\', and compares his iollorlers rvith the servants n ho are left in charge rr'hlle he rs gone.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken Prayers with him.

When did Jesus leove his followers in charge?

Loving Father,

After Jesus had risen from tfie cleacl, ire


returned to his heavenlr' Father tr-hen he ascended into heaven. Before doing so, he commanded his disciples ttr go out to the whole world and preach the Good Neu-s that he had shared with them. 144


as Christmas drarvs closer,

ma\' \re prepare a warm welcome for you todav and everv dat'. Grant this through Christ your Son. Amen.

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Second Sunday of Advent Focus

How did the Holy Spirit appeor when he descended on

A leather belt and jar of honey arranged next to a bor,r,l of water with pebbles on the bottom.


Introduction A prophet is a messenger sent by God to pronounce God's n'i1l to the people and act as a go-between. Sometimes they foretold what was yet to iome as they tried to prepare Cod's people for the promised Messiah. In today's Gospel we hear from the prophet Isaiah, who lived in Old Testament times, and about the New Testament prophet called John the Baptist.

Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing the Advent Acclamation for Year B.

John prepared the people to welcome Jesus by washing them in the river as a sign of their sorrow for their sins. How can we prepqre ourselves to make Jesus welcome this Christmos?

Just as John urged the people to turn back to God, during Advent \\.e are reminded to try to make a special effort to find to grow closer to God. There are all sorts of different \^/avs to do thisl It might include doing sometl.ring or giving something up duiing Advent, jusi as n-e do during Lent. Or it might be celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation or spending more time


Cod in praver.



A reading from the Gospel of St Mark (1:1-8)

Give each chitd a small piece of plain paper and a water-soluble pen. Ask them to spend a few moments thinking about anything that might come between themselves and God's love. When they have had trme

(See page 378.)

Reflection The prophet lsaiah hod foretold

of a messenger


God would send to prepare the people for the comrng their Soviour. Who wos thot messenqer?


|ohn the Baptist. Whot was speciol obout John? John was chosen by God to prepare his people and get them ready to welcome his beloved Son. He was filled with the Holy Spirit even before he was bom, and marked out as someone very important in Cod,s plan (see Luke 1:5-25,66-80). ]ohn r,vas ready to do r,r-hatei'er God asked from him, however difficult or challenging that was. What did John do?

He began proclaiming God's word to the people and appealing for their faith and commitment. It was nor just the words he said and the things he did that spoke of Cod, but his whole way of life was an example to them of how to love and please God. What did John want the people to do7 John urged and encouraged the people to change their hearts and turn back to God's love in readiness for the Saviour that had been promised. As an outward sign of their inner change of heart, John baptised people in the Rrver Jordan to svmbolise the washing-away of past mistakes u-hich needed to be forgiven by God.

Did John know the name and identity

of the promised


He did not kncrrr rr'ho the Sar-iour rr-as because God had not vet rer-ealed hrs idenhtv to John. When did God reveol Christ s identittJ to lohn? When Jesus came to tl-re Rir-er Jordan and askecl

lohl to baptise him with water, John sarl the Hoh. Spirit descending upon him and at that moment recognirecl him as the promised One sent by God (john 1:32-j4). 146

As a c'lor-e. Bv this sign, God revealed his beloved Son to John the Baptist.

to think of something, ask them to write the word /sorry' on their pieces of paper. Invite them to come forward one at a time and place their paper in the wate4, which will wash away what they have written. Remind them that whatever we have done, God forgives our mistakes and washes away our sins with his love whenever we are sorry, so that wlth his help we can make a new beginning.

Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: For peace throughout our world and goodwill to all people.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For friendship where there is loneliness, and shelter for those who have no home to call their own.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For the sick and all who visit and care for them.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For the poor and the hungry who have so little and need so much.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Loving Father, as \\'e prepare to lvelcome

you into our hearts and lives this Christmas, help us to remember that you are already among us

in the people we

see and meet every day. We make our prayers through Christ our Lord. Ameh.





Third Sunday of Advent Focus A lit candle surrounded by pebbles or sittins

on pebbles

in a bowl of water.

a prophet among them, many of the people believed thit he rvas the promised Messiah, and John wanted them to understand that he was not God's chosen One'

John wosn't 'the light' or the Messiah, why was he boptising people in the river ot Bethany? a way for the Joltr's part in God's plan was to 'Prepare and welcome receive to ready people the Lord' and get ministty carry' public his begin to about was who lesus, ir-rn or-t the work that John had already begun' |ohn rvfnted to change the hearts and minds of the people so that thev rvould be more open to accepting the message and love u,hich Christ had come into the world to share' Ii their hearts rvere cold and hardened by sin, the Word of God l'ould be less likely to take root there and grow' (sorBeing baptised was a sign of people's repentance mistakes) and desire to make a fresh start rorn'io.


lntroduction Advent is a time of tt'aiting and anticipation


rte pre-

Saviour' -\t the pare to ceiebrate the birth oi Christ erpecting to \\-ere cllsL) jesus, people the Jervish lime of bv God' promisecl hacl L'een n'ho \4essiah the lvelcome john the Baptist rr-as chosen bv Gotl to prepare the hearts and minds of his people. ancl allorr- them to recogtrise and nelcome tha'Light' nho n'or-rld transform the or-rr

darkness of the rvorld

Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing the Advent Acclamation: He'll be coming back in glory when he comes, he'll be coming back in glory when he comes' God is speaking to us now, let him show us how, fill our hearts with love as he comes' (To the tune of 'She'tl be coming round the mountain'



in their relationshiP with God.

Activity Make an Advent banner (from paper or cloth) and help the children to write or glue on the words or letters that spell out'Prepare a way for the Light-of the world'. Add a'candle' and burning flame, with rays of light shining out from it. These could be made from paper, material or glue and glitter'

Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St |ohn (7:6-8,19-28) (See page 378.)



As brothers and sisters in one loving familv together let us pray to our heaveniy Father:

Can you remember the name we give to someone who is sent fo speak to the people on God's behalf? We call them a ProPhet.

Apart from John, do you know the names of any other prophets? There are many O1d Testament prophets but some of the better known ones include: Isaiah (who was mentioned last week and quoted by John in today's Gospel), Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel and Hosea' John totd the people that he was not'the light', but simply o messenger for 'the tight'. What did he meon?

The people were growing excited because many of themweie beginning to think that John was the Messiah or Saviour that God had promised to send to his people. John wanted them to understand that he was t..rot


chosen One, although their Saviour was close

at hand.

So who is 'the light' John mentioned? 'the light' rr-i-ro came into the world to watm rt Jesus is rr-ith his lole arrcl sooclness, and chase away the darkness oi sin and hatred Who else did the people think that John might be? The Jewish people expectecl tl-rat their Sariour or \Iessiah would return in the person of Elijah or another prophet because of rvhat had been foretold bv people such as Moses who had spoken for God and said, 'I shall raise up a prophet from among vour own brothers' (Deuteronomy 18.18). Therefore, when John appeared as 144

We pray for the Church and all who proclaim the Cood News in our homes, our schools and our everyday lives'

Lord, in your mercy/ hear our prayer' We pray for Christians who are imprisoned or made to suffer for the sake of their faith' Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for people who have heard the Good News but are filled with doubt and uncertainty'

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for peacemakers in our world andall who preach forgiveness and reconciliation' Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer'

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him' Silence

Loving Father, by water and the Spirit you free us from sin and give us new life. Mav vour SPirit living in us help us to become more like Christ your beloved Son' Grant this through Jesus our Lord. Amen.




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Fourth Sunday of Advent Focus A candle next to


piece of babv clothing or a tor,.

Introduction when a story is familiar to us it loses some of its impact. When r,r.e read a book or rr-atch a film for the So often

second time, somehon'it cloesn't cluite impress r:s in the same \{av as rvhen the ston rr-a: fresh and full of surprises. This mav L.e true of iodar-'s Gospei, which is so familiar that all too easlh- \^-e can lose sight of the awesome and amazing story of God becoming human. Such an amazing event took place in an ordinary town with a simple young girl who had been uniquely blessed by Cod and chosen by him to be the mother of his Son.

Gospel Acclamation He'll be coming back in glory when he comes, he'll be coming back in glory when he comes, God is speaking to us now, let him show us how, fill our hearts with love as he comes.

people's salvation

Activity Help each child to create an angell Using a coloured pen or pencil, draw around your hand to make an upside-down angel's body. Using a different colour this time, trace around one hand and then the othet, to create the angel's wings. Turn the paper around and colour in the outline of the angel's body, adding outstretched arms and a face and halo. Either colour the wings or add some glue and sprinkle them with glitter.


(To the ttme of 'She'll be coming round the mountoin. )

As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heaveniy Father: We bring to God's love the family gathered here today and our brothers and sisters all over the world.

Gospel (See

Cabriel's 'annunciation' to Mary links the future of in God's ultimate plan for his

these unborn children

placing them slightly lower down

Light the Gospel candle and sing the Advent Acclamation:

A reading from the Gospel of

Do you know the nqme of the child Elizabeth would have? Elizabeth gave birth to a son and called him John. When he gre'rv up he became known as John the Baptist! The u'onders surrounding the birth of John the Baptist prepare us for the wonders surrounding the birth of Jesus.


Luke (I:26-38)

page 378.)

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We bring to God's love the homeless, the poor and the



God wanted o willing volunteer to bear his Son and care for him. Whom did he choose to ask? Mary.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We bring to God's love those who need to forgive or to be forgiven.

Where did Mory live ot the time? Mary lived in a village called Nazareth, in a sheltered valley in the hitls of the northern province of Galilee.

We bring to God's love those who are sick or suffering at home or in hospital.

Who appeared to Mary and told her

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


God,s plans?

An angel called Gabriel was sent by God to bring this very important message. Whot do we call the announcement made by Gabriet thot Mary would give birth to 'the Son of the Most High'? We call this moment'the Annunciation,, which simply nre.rns' lhe announcing'.

What wos Mory's reoction to the angel's words?

At first

she could not understand how everything C.rbriel had told her could come about. But Mary had been speciallr- chosen bv God and was filled with the gift of his grace ancl goodness. Her complete faith anrl trr,rst irr God allorred her to agree and say ,yes, to rvhateler plans Gocl hacl in mind for her. Mary u..ould furrcci\ ( Jnrl ii\ c birtl' r. , L,,J r helur ed Son.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Loving Fatheq, listen to our prayers for one another. Help us to accept your holy will and say'yes' to whatever you ask us to do in our daily lives. Grant this through Jesus our Lord. Amen.

What other morvellous news did Gobriet shore with Mary? \larl that her cor-rsirr Elizabeth rlas expecting a babl after vears antl r'ear,s of being unable

The angel told

to have a child. Although Elizabeth and irer husbancl Zechariah had accepted that thev rvould remain childless, 'nothing i' impossible for Cod'i




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The Holy Family Focus A cut-out heart and


Perhaps they tfi6,tt61 that old age was making Simeon and Anna confused and muddled.

paper dove.


Whot do you think Mory and Joseph thought when they saw such a fuss being mode about their newborn child?

Mary and Joseph already knew that Jesus was a very special child. Their visits from the angel Gabriel had made this clear, and the visiting shepherds had confirmed what they already knew about the baby boy in their care. In today's Gospel God reveals his Son to two

The reaction of Simeon and Anna simply confirmed rvhat N{arv and Joseph already knew. As new parents them:elre', ther might have found it hard to imagine that the irelpless little baby they held and loved had come into tl-re rvorld to change it for ever. They also

more specially chosen people.

knerv hor, that all things are possible for those who believe God's \{ord.

Gloria Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation


Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Luke (2:22-40)

What did Simeon meon when he told Mary that her heort would be pierced by a sword? Simeon didn't mean a real sword made from metall He l-as referring to the 'sword of sadness' that would break Mary's heart when she would have to watch the son she had loved and cared for being beaten and abused and put to death on the cross.

(See page 379.)


Reflection Why did the Holy Family make their way to the Temple

in Jerusalem?


to Jewish 1aw, Mary and

Joseph were

expected to offer thanks and dedicate their firstborn son to the Lord. In the Temple in Jerusalem priests offered sacrifices of animals, vegetables, or incense at the altar at such times of thanksgiving. Marv and Joseph offered a sacrifice of two turtledoves or a pair of young pigeons as required by the law from those who u'ere poor. Who came to the Temple thot day to search for the Holy


A man called Simeon came in search of the Messiah or Saviour promised by God. Who guided Simeon to the Temple and allowed him to recognise Jesus os God's chosen One?

Simeon was filled with the Holy Spirit and Spirit who revealed these things ro him.

it was the

Someone else who wds very c/ose to God wos at the Temple that day. Con you remember her name? Anna the prophetess also recognised the Saviour who had been promised by God for so 1ong. What did Simeon and Anna do when they set eyes on Jesus? As soon as thev saw him, they recognised that Jesus was

the promised Vessiah sent by God to lead his people back to lrim arrd save them from their sins. At once thev began prairitrg Cod arr(-J proclaiming to everyone in the Temple that the \lessial-r l.rad finallv arrived.

Give each child an activity sheet to complete.

Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: Let us pray for our faith in God our Father to be strengthened.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. Let us pray for those who suffer injustice, poverty or hunger.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. Let us pray for people whose hearts are pierced

with a sword of 'adnes.. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. Let us pray for love and peace in the homes of families everywhere.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Loving Father, watch over your children gathered here before you today.

Fill us with your love and help us to do vour holy wil1. We ask this through Christ our Lord.


What do you think the other people in the Temple thought

when they heard the commotion made by Anna and Simeon?

They probablv r,r-ondered n'hat on earth rvas happening! Why should anvone make such a tuss or-er n-hat appeared to be an ordinarv ner.r-born child that happened to look like any other baby of the same age. t5z


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First Sunday

of Lent

Focus A Bible open at today's Gospel and surrounded bv an assortment of unwashed or muddv stones (see Actit'itv).

(Read the following reflection slowly, pausing at full stoos for five seconds. Your voice should be calm

rvithout too much intonation. Make sure that the

Introduction The season of Lent began on Ash \\-ednesdav n-hen ashes were blessed and used to mark us as a sign of repentance and a reminder of the dust from rvhich rve are created and to rvhich n-e rr-ill one dav refurn. It is a time of reneu-al, of nel- beginnings and fresh opporturnities for drau'ing closer to God.

Gospel Acclamation

children understand that you do not expect them to answer the questions - they are simply to help them to think about things for themselves.) Close your fingers around the stone

your hand. Slowly begin to turn

in the palm of

it in your


How does it feel? Is it clean and smooth all over? Is it dirty and in need of a wash? Does it have edges that are sharp or rough? These stones are like our lives.

(See page 379.)

They have rough and smooth bits. Each one is unique and different from the next. They could do with being washed cleary so that their natural beauty can be clearly seen. God does not notice our rough, sharp edges. He does not see the grubby parts of our lives. He only sees and loves the beauty of his creations.


(Pause for a few moments of silence before reading the following prayer.)

Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation


Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Mark (1:12-15)

When you heor the word 'desert', what do you picture in your mind's eye?

A traditional desert image is one of sand and heat, with tall dunes, few plants and little obvious sign o{ life. A desert is somewhere inhospitable and unfriendly, where living things find it difficult to survive. Why do you think the Spirit led Jesus out into the desert to be alone for forty days ond nights? Jesus was preparing himself to begin his mission of sharing God's Word with the people. By going into the desert, Jesus found himself in a simpler place stripped of everyday distractions and surrounded by peace and stillness. Spending time alone with God in prayer gave Jesus the strength and faith he needed to begin preaching to the people. Who cqme to tempt Jesus while he wos there?

The devil came to tempt Jesus to sin against the great Commandment to'love God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might' (Deuteronomy 6:5). Can you remember the three temptations the devil used to tempt Jesus?

Knowing that Jesus was very hungry, the devil first tempted him to use his power to turn stones to bread. Then he offered to give him power if Jesus agreed to u.orshrp him. Finally the devil tried to make Jesus test God but Jesus resisted this temptation too. Jesus spent forty days in the desert to be closer to God.

During Lent, what ways can we find to do the some? Encourase the children to share their various'resolutions' for Lent. Emphasise the value of doing something nen, as well as going n'ithout during Lent.



their stones loosely in their hands, ask the children to close their eyes, take a deep breath and relax.

Lent is a time for . . . loving God more, saying sorry, finding hope and forgiveness, cleaning up our lives, making new beginnings.

Now invite the children to wash their stones in washing-up bowls, before drying them and taking them home with a copy of the prayer to remind them of the aims or goals they have chosen for Lent.

Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: We pray for all of God's people;

that we may love one another


brothers and sisters.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for all who are preparing for baptism that they may joyfully receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for the sick and suffering; that they may find healing and peace.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for ourselves and our families; that this Lent may bring us closer than ever to God's forgiving love.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Loving Father, help us to choose right instead of wrong,

Each child chooses a stone from the focus. Thev find a space where they can sit comfortablv or lie dolvn

to sa\' \'es to You instead of no, so that \\'e may know and love you more. Grant this through Christ your Son.

(if space allows). Play some music quietly. Holding


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Second Sunday of Lent Focus


A candle with a piece of white cloth arranged carefully

this meant. After all, thel.knew that it was impossible ior -omtone rr ho had died to come [o lile - or was it?

around it.

Introduction Sometimes getting through Lent can feel someu-hat like

climbing a very steep mountainl In todar.,s


Jesus lead* three of his frierrd* to Ilrc Lop ur a mountain, and r,r'hat ther- find at the ttrlr n-rakes the effort of the climb more than rr-orthrr hilel

Gospel Acclamation 9.

cares of ordinarv life, and look to ]esus. He invites us to spencl time with him during this holy season, as though

we were on a mountaintop, so that we can be close to

Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Mark (9:2-10) (See page 379.)

him and allow his presence to transform our lives. Today's Cospel allows us to glimpse and taste the heavenly life that we are called and invited to share, and fills us with hope and comfort.

Reflection Why did Jesus lead his disciples to a mountain top?

had begun to preach to the people, and wherever he went crowds would gather to listen. The only way to ensure that he would be alone with his disciples was to lead them to a place where no one was likely to Jesus

follow them.


the mountoin they climbed? Tradition suggests that it was Mount Tabor that lies east of Nazareth. What hoppened to Jesus on the mountain top that day? For a few awesome moments on the mounraln roD. Peter, James and John saw Jesus being transfigured or completely changed in appearance. The Light of the World

dazzled with God's glory, which shone brilliantly from his face and his clothes

Why did Jesus want them

Activity Cut a triangular shape from black card (to represent the mountain top). Lay a piece of yellow tissue paper across it and glue it on to the card (trimming away any excess). Help the children to glue on tissue paper people

to represent the characters in today's Gospel (there should be six!). Depending on numbers, thii could be done individually, or as a large picture with different children in the group helping to prepare the vanous components of the shining transfiguration scene.

Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: Let us pray for the Church throughout the world.

to share this very special

moment? This moment gave them a glimpse of God,s glory and a taste of his unconditional love, which would strengthen them for the tough times that lay ahead. Jesus revealed himself as they would know him in heaven.

How do you think the three disciples felt when they

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. Let us pray for countries and peopie devastated by u,ar or disaster.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. Let us pray for courage as Christians to follow Christ wherever he leads us.

witnessed Jesus being trqnsformed?

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

They were almost overpowered by the vision of God,s glorv and .r,r,.ere barely able to gaze upon him. It filled them rvith irnmense joy, and the memory of that day u-ould give them hope and comfort when the time came for Christ's passion and death.

Let us pray for forgiveness, reconciliation and friendship in our homes and families.

Jesus told his friends not to tell anyone immediately about what they had seen. How do you imagine they might have felt? Hor,r. do vou feel rr'hen someone tells vou a rlonderful secret you cannot share. It's almo,t irnpos.iblc not to tell someone! When could they shore the vision of God's glory they had seen on the mountoin top? Only when Jesus had risen from the deadl The disciples 156

Why do we listen to the story of Christ's tronsfiguration during the seoson of Lent? This Gospel ston. reminds us that Jesus lives in glorv nou-, and pours out his Spirit on us to transform our lir-es. The Holr' Spirit can change us by giving us the strength and faith we need to be witnesses for Christ,s Cospel, and lir.e according to his love. God's presence rr-lthin us can transform our lives too. Lent gives us an

opportunitv to turn away from the distraitions and

Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation

Do you know the name

confused and could not begin to understand what

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share oLu own unspoken prayers with him. Sil ettc e

Loving Father, Jesus came to change

our lives

ancl transform them with his love. Help us to become more like him as \\'e

grow closer to vou and one another.

We make our pravers through Christ our Lord.



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Third Sunday of Lent Focus

arvay Jesus 'cleansed' the Temple and made it holy and

A Bible open at today's Gospel reading, with coins scattered on and around it and a piece of twine or rope to

sacred again.

represent a whip.

Introduction In the hearts and minds of the Jewish people, the Temple occupied a central place. It was a source of immense 1ov

and comfort that there was in the heart of Israel, in the city of Jerusalem, a place where thev could drau- close to God. The Temple r,r-as God's houie, the place he promised that he rr ould let hi, glor,, drr ell.

Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation


Gospel A reading from the Cospel of (bee page J/e.


John (2:13-25)


Reflection Why did people go to the Temple in Jerusolem? They went there to be close to God; to love, honour and give glory to him. The Temple was the holiest place for all Jews because God's presence there made it sacred. AII faithful Jewish men were expected to attend at least

one of the three annual pilgrimage feasts (passover, Pentecost or Tabernacles).

Which feost hod Jesus gone to celebrate on this occasion? The Jewish festival of Passover is celebrated in memory

How could Jesus raise the Temple ogoin in three days when it had token 46 yeors to build? jesus n'as taiking about the temple of his own body. He is the nerv temple, v"'here God is present and living among us. This temple was raised in glory after three days in the tomb, and is the place where human beings can draw close to the presence and glory of God. We too are temples of God because he is present and living within our hearts.

Activity Photocopy the template and cut out enough people figures to allow one each. Cut out small heart shapes from valious colours of paper, and ask the childien to write or draw acts of love or offerings they could make for Cod in the week ahead. Glue the hearts on to the figures to take home as a reminder.

of the Israelite people escaping from slavery in Egypt


(see Exodus 14).

About 200,000 pilgrims came to Jerrrsalem for this occasion, and the festival lasted for eight days.

As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father:

Why did Jesus find market stoils in such a hoty place? People needed to buy animals and birds to offer for sacrifice according to the Iaw, and the stallholders were there to provide suitable animals for the people to use in their worship of Cod.

We pray for countries facing famine, flood, drought or any kind of disaster.

Why were money-changers sitting among them?

Only'Temple money' could be used inside the Temple to buy the animals and birds. The money_charlgl., exchanged people's money for the special Temple coins.


these people were an everyday sight in the Temple, why did lesus become so angry with them? Jesus ,sarr- into the hearts of the merchants and monev_ changers arrd knen. that thev r,r,ere there because of their lor-e oi nlone\', and not their love of God. They charged

high prices tor ihe animals ihev sold, and chareed a hieh r.tte ior erchangins tne monev that people iould not do n'iihout. Thev rr'ere not there to heip the people to n'orship God, but to take ac,lr-antase of them anci

make themselves rich.

How did lesus express his frustrotion ond anqer wtth the money-changers?


made a whip and drove them out because their nearts were not giving glory to God. Bv chasing them tf,d

What does this Gospel story tell us? Cod n'ants us to love and serve him with all our hearts and minds, and to recognise his holiness and sacredness in the rvorld around us. Sometimes we become distracted bv rvorldlv things that lead us away from God,s pre,sence. Sometimes we are selfish and greedy, and do things for ourselr'es rather than for God. Lent is a time n-hen rr-e can take a look at our lives and see whether or-rr hearts need to be 'cleansed', and whether what is rmportant to us is important to God too.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for the homeless and refugees who have lost everything they own. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for the poor ancl all who hunger for food or love. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We-p1ay for peace in our world through understanding and forgiveness.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence Father, let our lives give praise and glory to your holy name, and make us fit to be called your sons and daughters. Crant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Fourth Sunday of Lent Focus A crucifix (with the figure of Christ) and a candle.

Introduction 'In the Old Testament the \err is concealed, and in the \erv Testament the O1d is revealed.' In todav's Cospel rr'e ref-lect on an rncic-lent St Augustine once said,

from the Book of Nr,rmbers that s}recls lieht on Christ's mission to be the Sar-iour and Lieht of the \Vortd.

Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and say together: A11e1uia. a1leluia.

may the Word of God make our thoughts loving, our words kind, and our hearts warm.

shon'us the n,av back to God. He calls us to be children of the light. Why do some people prefer the darkness to the light? Keeping ourselves in the dark means that we can say th..t rr-e can't see what we should be doing. If we can't see the rr-av to go, then we can stay where we are, without changing or moving on with our lives. We can make r\cU-e> and go through life refusing to know or erperience Cod's 1ove, or allowing it transform our lives. Why should we choose the light instead of dorkness? The love of Jesus will shine in our lives, filling ihem with warmth and life if we choose to 1et it. His light will allow us to see the chances we are offered every day to live {or God instead of ourselves, to love him and one another above all e1se. Flooding our hearts with light means that the shadow and darkness of sin and selfishness can have no place in our lives, as we choose God's wav instead of our own.

Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St ]ohn (3:14-21)


(See page 379.)

Photocopy the cross designs on to thin card and cut out. Help the children to decorate these in bright colours to reflect the light that Christ brought into the darkness of our world by dying on the cross. Sellotape safety pins on to the back so that the children can wear their crosses as badges for the world to see!

Reflection Few children will know the Old Testament story about Moses that Jesus refers to in today's Gospel. Begin by sharing this story which can be found in Numbers2I:4-9. (See page 380.)

Moses roised q bronze serpent in the desert. How would the Son of Man be rqised? 'Son of Man' is a phrase used to describe Jesus, the Son of God. Jesus would be raised up on Good Friday when he was nailed to the cross and crucified. Both Moses and Jesus acted in obedience to Cod's will; one lifted up the serpent in the desert, and the other lifted up his life on the cross. God soved his people from death in the desert by roising

a serpent for them. How did he save his people for ever by roising his only beloved Son on the cross? At the time of Moses and Jesus, the Israelites had allowed sin to take hold of their hearts and minds. Just

like the serpent's venom, this sin poisoned their lives and resulted in their spiritual death, as it destroyed their loving relationship with God. Moses lifted up the serpent and God lifted up his Son. These images por-

trav both the sin that was destroying their lives and the means bv u-hich God would save his people. The Son of \{an rr-as liited up and became the source of healing for all rvho belier-e in him. Christ our Saviour willingly carried the sins of the n'orld \vith hlm to Calvary, and as he was put to death on the cross, thev died too. What did Jesus promise fo those who believe in him? Jesus said that rr-hoever believes in him rvi11 have eternal life. As Jesus died, all our rvrongdoings ancl sins died n-ith him; as he rose to new life, tve tr'ere reborn with him. Who is described as'the Light of the Wortd'? Jesus often referred to himself as 'the Lisht' rt,ho had

come to shine in the darkness of our sinful world and 160

Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father:

Let the light of Christ shining in our lives change the darkness o{ hungeq, poverty, and injustice in our world. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. Let the light of Christ guide and direct the Church and her leaders.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. Let the light of Christ transform the darkness of sadness for those who mourn.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. Let the light of Christ warm cold hearts with forgiveness and friendship.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence.of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Loving Father, help us to live as children of the light, shining out ln the darkness and touching the lives of others rvith the n'armth of your love. \\'e make these prayers through Christ our Lord. Amen.





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Fifth Sunday of Lent Focus

A crucifix with grains of wheat

scattererl aror-rnd its

base. (If possible, have some ears of n-heat for the chjldren to pass around and look at clr-rring the Ri,/r.-:i,rir.I

daughters of God, we are filled with his life and love, and bv serving him and sharing what we have been gn'en rvith the world, we share eternal glory with God at the encl of time.


Introduction In the lead-up to the Passion and c'leath of lesus, tod;r\,'s Gospel provides r,rs u'ith anrrther rmage of Chrrit , death on the cro,.s. \\-e ret-le.ct on the rmage of a grain of u.heat rrhich iall-c to ihe gror-rnd and gives r-rp its life in order to prodr-rce a rich hart'est.

Photocopl the bookmarks on to card and allow each to choose one. Encourage the children to look


carefulh- at the different designs and discuss the vanous svmbols of nerv life that they can see.

Intercessions Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation


As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: Let us pray for the Church and all who foilow Christ. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St John (12:20-33) (See page 380.)

Let us pray that those who have died in faith may rise to new life with Christ.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Reflection Whot happens to a groin of wheot when it falls to the ground and is buried? The seed splits and sends shoots up tort'ards the sunlight and roots dorvn into the earth. The roots feed the wheat plant with water and goodness from the soil, and the leaves have a special way of using air and sunlight to make plant food. One little wheat seed can produce an 'ear' of grain with many, many seeds. (If possible, pass some ears of wheat around for the children to look at.) Why did Jesus compare himself with a groin of wheat? Jesus often used examples from nature that were familiar to the people of the time to help them to understand his message. It is part of the wonder of creation that living things, including seeds, have the ability to multiply

and produce new life. Often this new life depends on another life coming to an end. Jesus chose to use the image of a wheat seed falling to the ground to help us understand how his own death would produce a rich harvest of new and eternal life. The death of Jesus on the cross would destroy our sin, and allow us to share the new life of his glorious resurrection.

Let us pray for peace and forgiveness

in our troubled world. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. Let us pray for those who suffer or feel troubled and afraid.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Loving Fatheq, make our lives pleasing to vou. As children of God, may we produce a rich harvest for your kingdom of love. We ask this through Christ our Saviour. Amen.

Do you think that lesus was afrqid to die?

\\buld anvone look forward to being made to suffer and clie? Although he was the Son oi Coa, Jesus was al,so human like r-rs, ancl he was certainly afraid. As a human L'eing he might have asked his Father to save hirn irom this terrible fate, but as God's Son he was readr to anrl carrv out his Father's holv will. Jesus knert that he rror-rlcl be raj,sed from the dead after three davs bv the slorv oi iris Father, so that rr.e too could share the nerr'nes:


hi: life.

What must we do to share God's olorv? For this to happen, Jesus told .,s tlhat rre lnust be readr.

to serve him with our lives and follorr- he leads us in life. At Baptism \\'e \,vere freed from sin and filled with new life as children of God. As sons and 162



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Second Sunday of Easter Focus A Bible open at today's Gospel, rlith some largc n;rils scattered across the pages.

Introduction Have you ever heard t1're s.,n.inq. 'seeins is t,eliei inq l What do vou think ii might meaf.l SLrmetinres l e iintl it hard to beiieve rlhat u'e are tolcl. \\e rvant to see it tor beiore rve believe it to be truc. ln todar,'s Gospel rve hear horr- one oi the clisciples had just sucir a momellt of clor,rbt.

Gloria Gospel Acclamation Light

tl're Gospel candle and sing



Gospel A reading from tire Gospel of St John (20:19-3I) (See page 380.)

What convinced Thomos to doubt no more? Jesus appeared to the disciples again, and showed

Thomas the wounds in his hands and feet where the nails had been driver.r in, and the hole in his side that 1,a.1 been n-rade by the centurion's sword. Was Jesus angry thot Thomas wos filled with doubt?

lesus nnderstooc-l that human beings are naturallr' dor-rbtiul creatLrres. \Ve find it hard to accept what someone tells us on the strength of their word alone. To question or dor-rbt somethin5; we are uncertain about rsn : necessarilt. a bad thingl In today's world we canno. afford to believe absolutelv everything we are to1d. \\'+ all have moments like Thomas, when we feel uncertarror unsure about what we hear in the Gospel. We find i: hard to make that leap of faith that allowi us to belier.r the unbelievable, and accept that nothing is impossiblt for Cod. Thomas was fortunate because jesus appe.rretr in person and short,ed him the proof he needed to har t faith. Jesus r-rnderstands that n.e need his loving help tt believe r,r,'hat we hear in the Gospel r,r.'ithout being ablt to see such proof for ourselves.



Why were the disciples hiding away?

Give each child an activitv sheet to complete

As followers of Jesus they were afraid that the jewish authorities would have them arrested and imprisoned or worsel What did they do when Jesus knocked on the door? He didn't knock on the door - he simply appeared there

amongst thern! A knock on the door would probably have.thrown the disciptes into a blind panic in iase they had been discovered by the Jews. Jlsus entered the room quietly and without fuss, and immediately calmed them by sharing the gift of his peace.

How did the disciples react when they reolised that Jesus was olive? They.were overjoyed to see their beloved Master again. A11 the fear and sadness of the past few days were swept aside by an overwhelming sense of happiness. Jesus had transformed death to life and tragedy to jor,,.

Thomas was not with the other disciples when Jesus appeared. How did he reqct when his friends totd him whot had happened? Thoma-s could not believe or accept what he was told

rlithout proof. Hor.vever much the disciples tried to conr incr. hinr tl.rat Jesus realll' was alive, and that they hacl seen hirl rlitir their on'r-r eves, he simply could not belier e it. His lack of i.iith and tr.ust him the "ui,l"d name'Dor-ibting Thomas'. Con you imagine what Thomos might have thought when he heord what his friends had to tell him? Perhaps theil grief .rrrd s.r.lne.s .rbotrt Clrrj:t s sr-rifcr.irrg and death had blurred the difference betir.een r,,hat rtas real and imaginanr Because thev ilanted so mnch to believe that Jesus was alir.e ancl rv.ll, thrr hac-i convinced thernselves that he hatl appeared irr tl-re roon-r

Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together 1et us pray to our heavenly Father: Let us play for our Christian faith to grotr. and be strengthened.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. Let us pray for people who are imprisonecl or made to suffer because of their faith.

Lord, in yollr mercy, hear our prayer. Let us pray for people who struggle n,ith doubt and uncertaintv in their lives.

Lord, in your mercv, hear our prayeL Let us pray for the gift of God's peace in our troubled world. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Loving Father, r.vatch over the children gathered before you in prayer. May our faith and trust in vou grow a little more dar. bv dar'. \\'e make these pr;rvers through Christ your Son. Amen.

i,l'ith them. 164






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Third Sunday of Easter Focus

nerv and everlasting life by his glorious resurrectlon.

A Bible open at today's Gospel, u,ith a crucifir "rnrl canclle arrangecl next to it.

Jesus commanded his disciples to go out to the world

even-thing thev had witnessed, so that others might

Introduction The disciples had u'itnessed r-nanl oi the marr elkrus miracles that Jesus ha.1 ;.s1f,,1111ed antl thev belier.ecl that he r,r'as indeecl the \lessi.-ih or Saviour pronrisecl bl Cod. Yet it seemecl incredible even to then-r that Jesus coulc'l have back to life from the dead. What u-oulcl it t.rke to convince them that Jesus had incleed risen from tlre tomb and was very much alive? In todar"s Gospel we'll find out!


believe and choose to follow Christ.

Activity The fish \\ras an early Christian symbol. This wasn,t because manv of the first disciples were fishermery but because the Greek word for fish is made up of the first letter of each word of the Greek phrase, ,Tesus

Christ, Cod's Son, Saviour'. Photocopy the fish symbols and help the children to create witness badges by decorating them before taping

them to a safety pin. Alternatively, glue them on to clothes peg to use for everyday purposes at home.

Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle ancl sing Acclamation

arrd share this Good News with all people. In order to

do this, they needed to understand and believe in



Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father:

Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Luke (21:35_4g)

We pray for the Church and all her people; may we share Christ's Gospel by our living example. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

(See page 380.)

Reflection Why were the disciples afraid when Jesus first appeared among them? Thev thought that they hacl seen a ghost because Jesus had appeared so suddenly and witl.rout anv warnlng. They were still in a state of shock and disbejief as thev listened to the accounts of the disciples u.,ho had met Jesus on the road to Emmaus. Why should they think that Jesus was a ghost? The follor.vers of Jesr-rs had seen him being crucified and prlt to death. Surely the only explanation for the person standing in front of thent was thart he was a ghost. After all, how could someone come back to life?

Jesus tried to reassure them by offering his peace. How can we exchange o sign of peace with one another?

There are many different symbolic gestures that serve to share Christ's peace. Tl.rese include"a simple

handshake, a \\:arm smile, a few kind words of welcome, or a gentle ktss. fhese signs can vary{rom country to country and regiorr. to regiorr, depending or-, whut is acceptable accorcling to local or cultural tradition.

When Jesus saw their hearts were filted with doubt (just like Thomas last week), how did he convince them to

We prav for peacemakers in our world; may thev work to heal injustice and reconcile differences

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pral' for those who are filled witlr doubt

and uncertainty; may they find faith in the risen Christ. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for those who have died; may they rise to ever.lasting peace and joy with Christ. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearrs Iet us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Loving Father, you sent vour beloved Son to transform our world with love. May we bear witness to that love in our everyday lives. We make our prayers through Christ our Lord. Amen.

believe thot he wos alive? He offere.j to let thenr touch him and his l,ounds, and then ]-re ate a prece trf srillet-l iish in ftont of them as a

gesture of his realitr,.

Wllr dia Jesus spend time exploining the Scriptures and

all that had hoppened to his discipl-es? He wanted them to understanci his hear c.nlv Fathr.r,s

plan of salvation for his people. Er-err thrng hacl come to _according to God,s wi1l, so that his-belor_ect Son could destrov sin by dying on the cross, and raise pass

us to




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Fourth Sunday of Easter Focus


Read the following prayer to the children:

central candle with pictures



arranged around it.



Introduction What would you do if I'ou lookecl out the rr,inciorr, ancl saw a flock of sheep passinil br I \trrL'tl L.e so amazed bV the sight that ltrr_r'd leap t.. r our ir.t t antJ go to take a closer lookl Flocks of sheep ar.rtl the she1.l1g1615 rvho cared for them \\'erc ct farurliar sieht in the time of Jesus, ancl he r,rsecl them in his par.rbles to helpr L.eople to r-rnderstancl rr-1-rat he h.-rd to sar.

The Good Shepherd takes care of all my needs. He leads me to lush green meadows where I can rest and crystal clear pools to refresh me. He protects me from every kind of danger and gr-rides me along the path of goodness. \\'l.rer-r rLight falls, and darkness surrounds me, I am not afraid. I knon' that God is alrvavs beside me to calm all my fears. (Adnptetl frorn Psnln 23:1-4)

Activity N{ake sheep sock puppets using clean old white socks


and cut-out eves, noses and tongues. Glue knitting \-arn or ccttton lt oo1 on to the bodv of each sheep.

Gospel Acclamation


Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation

Make paper plate puppets, using small paper plates folded in ha1f, with cut-out card ears and eyes, anci stick cotton wool on the top.


Gospel Areading from the Gospel of Stlohn (See



page 381.)

As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father:

Reflection Has anyone ever visited a farm ond had the opportunity to feed a lamb? What happened ond was it an enjoyobte experience? Jesus described himself as shepherd do?

o 'Shepherd'. Whot

does a

A shepherd is the name given to someone urho looks after sheep. They are responsible for their well-being and care. Unlike today, at the time of Jesus shepherds would have been a very familiar sight. What mqkes o shepherd good



his flock, and can tell them apart even though thev might all look the ir-r

same to the untrained eve! He loves and cares for them, and is ready to go to anv lengths to prevent them from cominp; to any harm. The shepherd is rather like a 1ov_ ing parent, watching over the little ones in his care.

lf Jesus is the Good Shepherd, who is his ftock? Ar-n'one rvho follor,vs Jesus the Good Shepherd, r.r,herever l-re leacls, belongs to the flock that he loves and cares for. When ore Christions officially welcomed

into Christ's flock?

lVhen a LrL.rtorl is bapttsed they are r.r,elcomed into


cor.nmunitr of f.rrth. thr. ilock rr hicl-r i: the Church. God ca1ls them br nalne trr follorr his loving rvar.s. Did the 'Good Shepherd give up his life for his flock? Jesus loved his flock so mucir that he readv and

willing to die on the cross for the s.rke oi those choose to follow him.


dt'ing he


Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. Christ the Good Shepherd gave up his life for us; let us pray for all who have suffered and died in his name. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. Christ the Good Shepherd protects us from harm; let us pray for people endangered by, violence and hatred.


A good shepherd knows each sheep

Christ the Good Shepherd calls us to follow hinr; Ot"t that Christians everywhere will lisren to his


destror-ec1 the sins ot

the world, and by rising to nen, life at Easter he offered us the chance of new life with God for ever.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. Christ the Good Shepherd's each of us by name; let us pray for those who feel alone and uncared for. Lord, in vour mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearrs let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Loving Fathel, hear the prayers of the flock gathered here before you, as we place our loving trust in the Good Shepherd who leads us to you. Grant this through Jesus our Lord. Amen.



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Fifth Sunday of Easter Focus A Bible open at today's Gospel with bunches of red and green grapes, and a sma1l bowl with some dried sultanas and raisins arranged around it'

lntroduction God provides everything that is necessary for his creation to be fruitful and multiply. Just as the vines in a vineyard produce a rich harvest, so too can the Word of God take root in our lives and yield a rich harvest as we bear the fruits of his love in our daily thoughts and actions.

Gloria Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation


Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St John (15:1-8) (See page 381.)

God. Just as a vineyard needs managing and cultivating in order for it to bear fruit, so our own spiritual lives need constant attention. Jesus described himself as the 'vine' and us os hls 'bronches'. Who is the gardener who cares for the vine and helps its branches to bear fruit? God the Father fil1s us with his life and helps us to grou' strong in faith and 1ove. He trims away the parts of our that n-ould rnake us grow apart from him, and spoil the fmits of his love. lesus said, 'Because you have listened to me and under' stood my message, you will bear much fruit'' Wos he tatking about grapes or did he meqn something else? fills Jesus is the vine and we are the branches. His Spirit us r'vith life and helps us to become more like jesus. His presence with us can be seen in the sort of people u-e are when the Spirit lives within our hearts. By living as

by following his example, n'e will bear the'fruit of his love' in the world around us bv

Jesus has taught us and

sharing our joy, peace, love, patience, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, kindness and self-control. (See Galatians 5:22-23 to name the fruits of the Spirit')

Reflection Show the bunches of grapes to the children. What name do we give to the plants on which these fruits grow?

Grapes grow on plants called vines.

Activity Copy the figure of jesus on to a large sheet of card. Use large potatoes cut in ha1f, and the edges of lengths of cardboard, to create a vine print around

Do all grapes look qnd taste the same? (Encourage the children to discuss differences in coloul, sweetness and whether they are seedless or not ) Different varietjes or types of vine produce grapes with different qualities and characteristics.


What do we call a farm where vines are grown? A vineyard.

As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heaverrly Father:

What can grapes be used for? We can eat them fresh as sweet and delicious fruits; we can dry and preserve them as sultanas and raisins; or the fruits can be used to make wine.

Do we grow vines in the United Kingdom? We have some vineyards, but our climate is not ideally suited for them because they need warm temperatures and plenty of sun. They were a familiar sight where Jesus lived, when many people drank wine because rlater u'as often scarce and not always safe to drink. What would happen to the grapes on a brqnch if it is chopped off the vine? The fnrit on that Lrranch u'ould rvither and die, and the harr est oi grapes rr-otrld be lost. A branch draws all its life iroi.n the main I'ine, rt'hich supplies it with the essential rr'ater and nr-rtrients on tr-hich it depends. Why do gardeners prune plants such as vines? Pruning is the l'ord used to descril'e cuttine out dead or diseased parts of a plant to keep it healthr', and trtnrmirrs back branches to encourage nel' and strong grorrth. -\t certain times in our lives (such as Lent), rve'prune' a\\'a\the clutter in our lives, to encourage ner'r' and strong growth in our faith and to help us to become closer to

the central figure of Christ by dipping them rnto green paint.

Let us pray for the Church and all who follow Christ; may we bear the fruits of his love in our everyday lives

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. Let us pray {or people whose lives are diseased by hatred and anger; may God's peace heal their pain and wounds.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our Prayer.

Let us pray for people who have grown away from God's love and truth; may the fruits we bear lead them back to him. Lord, in your mercy, hear our Prayer' Let us pray for people who are suffering and in pain; ma,v they find strengih and comfort in the fruits of their faith Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Stle rtc e

Loving Father, listen to the pra','ers of vour children and n-rake our lives pleasing to you, so that we may bear the fruits of your love. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.



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Sixth Sunday of Easter Focus A candle next to a Bible open at today's Gospel, with simple ring placed beside them.


lntroduction jesus commanded us to 'Love one another as T have loved you'. So great was Christ's love that he poured out his life on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins. God's love for us never changes; it is like a circle without beginning or end which goes on for ever.

Gloria Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation

(See page 381.)

Reflection Whot did lesus command us to do? Jesus demands that whoever wants to be calIed his folIower must love others as much as he loves us.

Is this commandment easY to obeY?

At times we find some people more lovable than othersl But ]esus doesn't simply want us to love people we know and care about. He demands that we love the unloved and those who are rejected and ignored by the world. This is the challenge of being a Christian and struggling to become more like Christ. Why is love so important? Love is at the heart of everything good which leads us to God. Listen to what St Paul had to sav about love: Love is patient and kind; it is not jealous or full of selfimportance; love is not selfish or greedy; it does not anger easily or remember past mistakes; love finds no joy in what is wrong, but delights in what is right. Love is always trusting; hoping in the future and accepting n hatever it might bring. Many things may come and go, but love will never end. There are three important flrit-rgr, faith, hope and love, and the greatest of these is (Adapted from 7 Corinthians 13:4-7,13)

Jesus carne to s/lotrt us what it means to love as God loves. God lcx'es us unconditionally in spite of lt'hat we sav and do. put hls love into action and gave us manv e:.amp1es of rr'hat 1or'lng one another really means'

of ony examPles? (Encourage the chilciren to share anv stories thev knorv that Cemonstrate Christ's lii'rrrg love in action.) Can you think

How con we love one onother os Gad loves us? Jesus gave us the perfect exar-np1e rr']ren }'Le sl-raret'l ]ris final meal with his disciples: rvas just before the Passover celebration, and


that the time for him to die was fast approaching, Jesus showed his disciples the depth of his love for thern' 172

and returned to the table. 'Just as your Lord and Master has rr-a-.hed voltr feet, so you must be ready to do for other-s uhat I har-e done for you.'Then he toid them, 'Thls is n1\- ne\\' commandment: love one another as I l-rai'e lovecl r'ou. The lr'orld will know that you are m\disciples br- the love You have for one another" .\t1 itl, t e d .frot rt I olttt

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5, 34-3 5 )

Serving one another is one way in which Jesus expects us to shorv our love for others. In every act of love and service offered in every home, workplace, kitchen and canteery school or playground we wash the feet of one another and bear the fruit of God's love. It is something that we are all called to do; it is the 'hallmark' of everl Christian.

A reading from the Gospel of St John (159-77)


Jesus insistecl, and reluctantly Peter allowed his Master to u-as}'L his feet. l\'hen he had finished, |esus dressed





\\'hile thev n ere at suPper together jesus stood up, and, laving his outer garments to one side, he wrapped a torvef around his r'vaist. The disciples watched as he fetched a basin of -"r'ater and knelt down to wash their ieei one Lrr- one, before drying them with the towel. \\Ihen it rvas Peter's turn, he protested loudly, 'Lord, it isn't right th..rt vou should wash my feet!' But gentll

Activity Give each child a copy of the words of St Paul to decorate and hang at home. OR

Give each child a rectangular piece of plain paper' Ask ihem to write their name on one side and decorate it. Then make a paper chain using each child's name to add a link to the circle. The small links making up the large ring are a reminder of God's love for us, that love which we share with one another.

lntercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: We pray for countries facing famine, flood, drought

and any kind of 6ll54ster. Lord, in your mercy, hear our Prayer. We pray for people who are poor'and hungry. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray {or peace between nations and religions. Lord, in your mercy, hear our Prayer. We pray for the needs and concerns of one another. Lord, in your mercy, hear our Prayer. Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts 1et us shale our ol\'n unspoken Prayers with him. 5



Loving Father, ma\'\\-e iaithfully follow Christ so that our love for vou and each other mav make us rvorthy to be ca1led your children' Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.



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Seventh Sunday of Easter (Luke 9:28), and before his arrest

Focus A crucifix with a wicker 'prayer basket' placed in front of it and a selection of small, washed stones.

Introduction Just as a loving parent watches over a precious child to protect them from coming to harm, jesus prayed to his heavenly Father and asked him to watch over the disciples he loved so much as the time approached when he would finally have to leave them.

Gloria Gospel Acclamation L

ight the Gospel candle and saI together:

Garden of

How does Jesus intercede for his followers todoy? !\'hen rve make our prayers of intercession, we address God the Father through Christ his Son, who prays on our behalf. Jesus taught us, 'Whatever you ask in praver, belier-e that you receive it, and you will' (\{attl-ren- 21:22). With the help of the Holy Spirit, God continues to n'atch his followers today, as we carrl on Christ's loving mission to share the Good News. Read the praver on the opposite page with the children.

Alleluia. alleluia.


may the Word of God make our thoughts loving,

Invite each child to choose a prayer stone to hold in the palm of their hands (take care with young children!). Give each child a copy of the prayer 'Trust in God', and read this aloud together. The prayer can

our words kind, and our hearts warm.

then be decorated and taken home to use again.



A reading from the Gospel of St |ohn (I7:1I-19) (See page 381.)

Give the children pieces of paper on which to write a prayer for someone or something that is important to them, or ask them to draw a picture instead. Fold the pieces of paper and place them in the prayer basket. The children can then choose a prayer stone to keep as a reminder that God will be as firm and dependable as a rock in their lives. The prayer basket should be carried up to the altar at the offertory procession.

Reflection lesus asked his heovenly Fother to wotch over his friends when he had gone. Where wqs he planning to go? Jesus knew that the time was drawing near when he would give up his life on the cross and return to his heavenly kingdom. His disciples would be alone and afraid, and Jesus was full of concern for them because he knew that tough times lay ahead for his friends. Whot immediate dangers awoited the disciples? As soon as Jesus had been put to death, the Jewish leaders

wanted to deal with his disciples. They wanted to make sure the Gospel that Jesus had preached would be heard no more. They were determined to silence any troublemakers who threatened their authority. What other difficulties would the disciples meet? his disciples out to the whole world to share his message of 1ove. This meant travelling into the unknormr, to strange countries far from their homes, rvith no idea r,r'hether the Gospel they preached would fall on friendlr' or hostile ears. They would face many phr-sical and emotional hardships, and ,Iesus knew that his friends u-ould need God's loving protection. Jesus sent

How did Jesus intercede (oct as a go-betvveen) with his heavenly Father on beholf of his friends? Jesus prayed to his Father for the needs of his belor.ed disciples, asking for iris rr-atchiul care and protection as they began the mission he had gir en io them. Can you think

in the

Gethsemane (Ltke 22:4L). He prayed before raising his friend Lazarus from the dead (John 1141-42); and calling the trvelve disciples (Luke 6:12). And he prayed for Peter that his faith would not fail when he was put to the test (Luke 22:32).

of any other times when lesus prayed?

important and decisive moments of his mission and the mission of his apostles.

Jesus prayed to his Father before

He prayed at his Baptism (Luke 3:21) and Transfiguration

lntercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together 1et us pray to our heavenly Father: We pray thai Christ's followers throughout the world may continue to share the Good News.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray that leaders of governments and countries

may rule with wisdom and Iove. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray that peace and reconciliation

may fill the hearts and lives of all people. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray that the sick may find comfort and hope in God's love through prayer.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayeL

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts 1et us share our o\1-n unspoken prayers with him. S

rlenc e

Loving Father, r-ou knorr' and love us so well. Listen to the prayers of your children and help us to grou.each day in the image of your loving Son. We make our prayers through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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Second Sunday of the Year Focus A Bible open at todav's Gospel, rvith a large rock sittins next to lt.

Introduction fhe people n ere rr aiting rr irh qror' ing crcitement ior the Messiah that God had promised to scnd. John the Baptist had told thenr tlrat thei r Saviour rr a: alreadl amons them. brri rr-hat rvould he look like and how ___".-'u'ould ther- knorv him? In today's Gospel we hear how John reveals his identity to two of his followers.

Gloria Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation


Gospel A reading from ihe Cospel of St John (1:35-42) ]ohn the Baptist was standing with two of his followers when he saw Jesus walking by. 'There is the Lamb of God,' he said, looking at Jesus. On hearing this, the two men left John and followed Jesus. Seeing that they were foilowing him, Jesus turned and asked, 'What do you want?'

'Rabbi, we would like to know where you live,' they

meet Jesus as u'ell. Con you remember the nomes

of these two disciples?

Andrew had followed jesus home on that first day, and Simon Peter was the name of the brother he brought to meet Jesus. Why did Jesus tell Simon Peter that he would be known as 'Cephas', which meons rock? Jesus knew that Peter would be the one to profess or recognise that Jesus was indeed 'the Messialg the Son of the living God' (Matthew 76:27). He was the disciple chosen by God to lead the followers of Christ and become the 'foundation' or'rock' on which the ear1r.

Church would be built.

Activity Cive each child


puzzle to complete

Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: his people and his Church throughout the world.

'Come with me and see,'Jesus said.

followed him to his house and stayed with him for the rest of the day. One of these disciples, Andrew, was the brother of Simon Peter. Immediately Andrew hurried to find his brother to tell him that he had met So they

the Messiah promised by God. Simon went with Andrew, and when Jesus saw him he said, 'Simory son of Johry you will be known as Cephas, a word which means rock.'

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We bring to God's love all who suffer because they choose to follow him.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We

bring to God's love

the hungry, the homeless and the unloved.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord |esus Christ.

We bring to Cod's love

all who have died and those who mourn for them


Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


God'? Lambs r,r.ere sacrificed by the Jewish people as an offering to please God. As the Messiah or Saviour promised bv God, Tesr-rs n,ould offer his life on the cross as the

perfect and innocent sacrificial 'Iamb', willingiy taking the sins of the rvorlcl on himself and transforming death inio life ihror:-]- thir rrl*inrate act o[ love. Why did the two men follow lesus? They had heard John the Bapri.t preaching a' he prepared the people for the \Iessiah or Sar-iour promised by God. When john pointed Jesus out to them, thev showed no hesitation in fo11or,r'ing him.

Did they approoch lesus directly? They hung back and followed at a distance, probably feeling uncertain about what to say or ask. 116

Whot happened after this short meeting with Jesus? One of the men was so impressed by Jesus that he went to search out his brother and convince him to come and

We bring to God's love


Why did lohn refer to Jesus as the 'Lamb

Whot did lesus do when he saw them? He invited them to follow him home, and spent the rest of the dav allowing them to get to know him better.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Loving Father, give us the courage io follow you, so that by our words and actions we may be witnesses to your love. Grant this through Christ our Saviour.


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Third Sunday of the Year Focus A candle with a model or toy boat, some 'fishing' net, and some shells scattered around them.

lntroduction Some people have charisma, a special

qualitl about them

that inspires others and fil1s them rvith jor'tul enthusiasm. fesus had so much charisma that he tt as able simply to invite his first disciples to follon'him and they did so rvithout a second thought or sign of hesitation.

Gloria Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation


Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Mark (71a-20)

Why do you think the first disciples chose to follow Jesus thot day? Jesus saw them as disciples, and called them to 'come, folloru me.' This first encounter or meeting with Jesus r\-as so powerfully life changing and transforming that these simple fishermen were ready to leave their work and boats and follow him. Something aboui the presence of Jesus, something about him that was so special, convinced these brothers to follow him without hesitation.

What did Jesus mean when he said that he wanted to mqke them 'fishers of people'? fesus knew that he couldn't succeed in his mission without some help. He needed disciples to share his work and to continue his mission to share the Good News with the whole world after he had returned to his Father in heaven. Just as a fisherman gathers fish into his nets from all over the sea, so the disciples would gather people from far and wide to become followers of Jesus.

After John the Baptist had been arrested by Herod, Jesus began to preach to the crowds and proclaim the Good News. One day, while walking beside the Sea of

Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting their nets to catch fish. Jesus called out to them, 'Come, follow me and I will make you fishers of people.' The brothers left their nets and followed him.

Further along the shore Jesus saw James and his brother Johry who were mending nets with their father Zebedee. Jesus called them ioo, and at once they left their father and followed him. This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord ]esus Christ.

Reflection Imagine that you were Simon and Andrew fishing on the Sea of Galilee. Would you have dropped your nets and followed o complete stranger? It seems amazing to us to think that these men were ready to leave what they were busy doing and follow Jesus. Perhaps they had heard about his preaching and they were curious to find out more about him. Who knows, perhaps the fishing that day was very poor and they had nothing to lose by leaving their nets to follow Jesus!

lesus called another tvvo disciples that day. Can you remember what they were colled? James and John u'ere also fishing on the lake that day.

Activity As a reminder of today's Gospel story, make paper fish from paper plates or circles of card folded in half. Draw or stick eyes on and glue pieces of silver foil or

coloured tissue paper on

to the bodies to


scales. Other pieces of card or Paper can be added to make fins and tails of various shapes and sizes.

lntercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: We pray for the Church and her leaders as they

guide and help people to follow Christ today.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We orav for those who are called to follow and serve Christ as priests and sisters.

Lord, in your mercy/ hear our prayer. We pray for the dying as they prepare to follow Christ

into the kingdom of heaven. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayeL We pray for people who are looking to find and follow Christ's path in their lives.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening,

Just like Simon and Andrew they did not hesitate to Ieave their father and nets, and follow fesus simply because he had called them.

in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him.

Did Jesus choose educated people to be his first followers? He chose simple fishermen to hear and understand his message, rather than n'ell-educated and knou'ledgeable Jews. Jesus read people's hearts; he knerv rvhether thev had the outlook and attitude to $'ant to ser\-e God u'ith undivided hearts and minds. jesus taught us that greatness is reflected in lowliness and service. He was looking for people with hearts full o{ love who would be willing and able to serve God.

Loving Father,



give us the courage to follow when we hear you call. Guide us back to the path that leads to your kingdom if rve should lose our way. l\re ask this in the name of fesus our Lord.










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Fourth Sunday of the Year What did Jesus do? Jesus was not angry and did not panic.


In a firm voice he ordered the spirit troubling the man to be quiet and lear.e him in peace, and that's just what it did!

A candle with a'scroll' of paper next to it.

lntroduction On the jewish Sabbath (which lasts from sllnset on Friday until the stars appear the follorving evening) the Torah is read to the oeoole irorn scro\ls made frorn animal skins stitched tog"th". to iorm


long, continuous

writing surface (an average scroll is about 60 metres long!). The Hebren u.ord'Torah' means something like 'teaching' or'guide for living'. Amongst other things the scrolls contain the Five Books of Moses. The handwritten Torah scrolls are the holiest objects in the synagogue, and are treated like the living presence of God among his people.

Gloria Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation


Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Mark (1:27-28)

Activity (The Torah scrolls are made from animal skin care-

fully stitched together. The Five Books of Moses


written in vertical columns, with 250 columns in each. scroll. Each end is stitched to a wooden pole called an'eIz chaim', which means 'tree of life'. These are used for winding the scrolls to the part to be read. They are then tied with silk or velvet binders.) Copy or trace the template on to some baking parchment or paper. Attach a length of double-sided sellotape around the middle of two lengths of drinking

(See page 381.)

straw (which should be slightly longer than the width of parchment). Lay the paper or parchment


flat (writing side up) and carefully position

of the town where Jesus was staying? Capernaum is a village on the shores of the Sea o{ What was the nome

Galilee. Jesus spent much of his time preaching there, and it is believed to have been the home of manv of his disciples, notably Simon Peter. Where did lesus go on the Sobbath? The synagogue is the name given to a Jewish house of

worship where Jewish people gather to worship God and celebrate various events together. Whqt did Jesus do there? The Jewish service (which takes place three times a day) includes a reading of the Law from the Torah, followed by a sermon. Any believer was allowed to preach, but usually it was the scribes and Pharisees who did this. The people there were more than a little surprised when Jesus of Nazareth, a simple carpenter's son, began to preach.

Compared to the suibes and Phorisees, what was so different about the way Jesus preached? As Cod's beloved Son, Jesus could speak about his heavenh'Father in a way that no one else could. No one can knou' the Father except through the Soru and Jesus had come into the r.r'orld so that people could know and love God more. The people in the iynagogue that day were amazed rvhen thev heard Jesus talk about the Scriptures and explain them in a u'av that tvas so very 'beiore. different to anything the_r had heard Who interrupted Jesus os he was preaching? A man began shouting at Jesus. If vou imagine someone jumping up and shouting at the priest as he is preaching his sermon during Mass, then you can picture the scene and how frightened people must have felt. 180

How did the other people in the synogogue react? Thev had been surprised to hear jesus preaching, but therrrLrst have been even more amazed when they caught a glimpse of his power. Without being sure exactly uiJesus was, the people worshipping in the synagogr:. couldn't wait to tell others what they had seen.

a straw at each short end. Press the straws on to the paper and slowly roll inwards. Tape a piece of ribbon on to the

back" and tie to fasten and complete the scroll.

Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: That the leaders of all nations will uphold and respect the dignity and value of human life.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. That lives broken and damaged by war will be healed by peaceful words and actions.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. That people who suffer and are in need will feel the warmth of our loving care.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. That those who have died


share Christ's glorious resurrection.

Lord, in your merry, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearrs let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Loving Fathe4 unite us in love and fill us with your life to share r,r'ith the r,r'orld today and every day. \\'e ask this through jesus your Son. Amen.

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Fifth Sunday of the Year Focus A Bible open at today's Gospel, with a map and r.arious medical aids such as plasters, ointment, and a bottle of medicine (e*pty and childproofl).

Where did Jesus go very early the next morning? ]esus slipped away from the people to spend time



with his heavenly Father in prayer. He took'time ou:


give thanks for all he had done, and to ask for guida::. -God and strength to continue with the work that s:,-


r,r'anted him to do.

Nobody's life is free from suffering or pain. In todav,s Cospel, Jesus rer.eals God's lor-e and concern for our well-being, and his readiness to heal our ills and relieve

After praying to his heavenly Father, whqt did Jes,s decide to do next? Jesus set off from Capernaum to visit other towns a:.: villages, healing people in his Father's holy name a_..j

our pain in u'hatever tvav he can.

preaching the Good News wherever he went.


Activity Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation


Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Mark (I:29-39) (See page 382.)

and send.

Reflection What wos Jesus told when he orrived house?


Simon peter,s

He heard that the mother of Simon peter,s wife had been taken ill, although the Gospel does not tell us how serious her illness was. Whot did Jesus do? Jesus quietly went to her and took her by the hand and she was healed.

What does this incident tell us about Jesus? ]esus came to reveal the depth of his Father,s love for his childrerg and often he did this by healing them. God cares deeply about our pain and suffering and no srtu, ation is beyond his healing touch. Such cures could be

dramatic, immediate and powerful, amazing all who witnessed these miracles. But lesus also healed people when there were no crowds to witness his actions, but simply because of the depth of his love and compassion. His gesture of taking the sick woman by the hind reminds us how gentle yet powerful God's healing and miraculous love can be in our lives. How did the people reqct when they heard what had happened? Capernaum r,r'as a smal1 fishing village on the shore of the Sea of Ga1i1ee, and news travelled fastl By the time evening had arrived, cowds of sick people had gathered around Peter's house, hoping that Jesus might heal them too. Whot do you think Peter thought when he saw the crowds?

Peter's house was suddenh'surrounded bv people all hoping to see or speak to Jesus. He probablv felt ,under siege'and overwhelmed by the unfolding er-ents. What did Jesus do when he saw the crowds? He was filled with love and pity by their suffering, and he healed manv of them. 182

Help the children to make 'Thinking of you . . ., cards for members of your parish family who are itl. Fold pieces of coloured card in half and encouraqe the children to use various pre-cut shapes and design: of tissue paper; sequins or self-adhesive stickers to create colourful, attractive cards for them to sign

Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: Let us pray for God's Church throughout the world; may our love for God and one another allow his kingdom to grow.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. Let us pray for leaders of governments and nations; may they be guided by God's will so that all people may live in peace and freedom.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. Let us pray for peace and reconciliation in our lives; may we forgive others as God forgives us.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. Let us pray for all who suffer in mind or body; may God strengthen them and ease their pain.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Loving Father, you know and love us so well. Hear our prayers and allow your healing love to transform our lives. We make these prayers through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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Sixth Sunday of the Year Focus A candle, together with


piece of bancl.rge arrtl a l.cll.

lntroduction Leprosy is a contagior,rs (infectit us I .1i.ea.c tl.,.,rt c.rtr:e: terrible disfigulement, .rntl rr'.ts Lrrnrm.l1 .rt tire tirlc ,ti

Jesus. Anvone sufic'ring fr-t m ief.rtr.r' rkntrrr n cr> .l leper) rvas treatecl .rs ctlr rrlltcast. anrl forctrl ttr lir e or,rtside the torr'n and .rltriel .rnr coilt.lct ruth otirer people .. .,..i.,.1-L(.ri.l,-ront,,,\lt{ 1.. ,-;^.,i.-. \\orLilr|s rllr)roiched them. r;rr -ur,r(\'rr! dpptUdtll( Thc'r' rlere iearecl arrd unloved, and lived lonelv and sacl 1ives. ln todar"s Cospel r.r'e hear horv jesus changed the life of one leper fol ever.

Whot did Jesus tell him to do? Tesrrs told the man to create no fuss but simpl1' make an trfielins c,f thanks to God, before showing himself to the i.rir'st trr coniirm that he rvas indeed cured. In this n'ar 'e rr.rrl.l i.r.r, cpnterl hack to live in the communilr, Whot did the man octually do? C;rr ric l.egirr to imagine how overjoyed the man mus: h.rve ielt? Horv could he possibly keep what had ha;.pened to himself? If something i,r,onderful happened tt vou, u or-rld vou be able to keep it secret?

In spite o{ n'hat Jesus had said, the man simply


not help sharing r,r.hat had happened'with everyone he met. News soon spread, and Jesus r,r'as followed bl huge crowds of people lvherever he w'ent.


Activity Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamatiorr

Photocopy the sheet. Staple or glue picture A on top of picture B. Shor,r, the children how to place a pencil at the bottom of the top sheet and ro11 it up tightlr-.


Move the pencil up and down quickly to see the


leper being cured!

A reading from the Gospel of St Mark (1:40-a5) One day a man suffering from an infectious skin disease came to Jesus, and, falling on his knees, he pleaded with Jesus,

'If you really wanted to, you could help me by

nrrrirro m\/ .lico-rca ' --.,^,.b,.._l

Jesus r,r'as


filled with compassion and, reaching out to

touch him, he said, 'Of course I u'ant to help youl'

pray for friendship in the Church

and between different faiths.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

At that moment the disease disappeared and the man r,rras

Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us prav to our heavenly Faiher:

cured. Jesus sent him a\{ay, conlmanding him not to

tell anvone else about vr'hat had happened but instead

We pray for greater friendship to be shown to the poor, the homeless and those who are treated as outcasts.

to show hirnself to the priest and make an offerir-rg of

Lord, irr your mercv hear our prayer.

thanks. But the man was so overjoyed he told everyone

We prav for friendship between the nations and religions of the world.

he met, and soon cror,r.ds of people followed


n'herever he travelled, and he could not go into a town without being mobbed.

Lord, in your merc\i hear our prayer.

This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

and families.

Reflection When the mon suffering from the skin disease came to Jesus, whot did he do? Har ins searched Jesus out, the man fe1l to his knees and

l.rtrnrbh' askecl


to heal him.

What did lesus do when he heord his plea? Jesr-rs rreler igrrorttl .r cr-r for he-lp. He r,vas deeply moved bv the r-rrarr's rle.peratc cr-r for help and the strength of his faith, Frlletl rr rth terrtlr.rne:: and mclcr', he reache.l ont and touciretl him. .rn.l it L)ncc thc nr.rn rr as cured.

We pray for friendship and peace in our own homes

Lord, in your merc\t hear our prayer. Knou,'ing that our heavenly Father is llstening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken pravers w.ith him. Silence

Loving Father, by knowing and loving vou mav we know and love our neighbour, and touch their lives with love and friendship.

Crant this through Christ your Son. Amen.

Why did Jesus' touch mean so much to the diseosed man? Jesus' loving touch not onlr' healetl the marr, L.trt th.-rt simple gestllre said more than an.,'n'ords. \\'itir a touih, lesus made him feei lovei anci acceptc..l insteacl of someone to avoid and fear; one touch and the man's life was transformed for ever!






Seventh Sunday of the Year Focus A Bible open at today's Gospel, together rvith a mini stretcher (see Actit:ity) with some string or tu'ine coiled next to it.

miraculous cure, they would nevertheless have been overjoved that all their efforts and perseverance had paid oif. Whot does this story teach us? \\-e should never give up even when things seem hopeless

Introduction When we are prepared to make that leap of faith and believe that the unbelievable is reallr' possible for Cod, then anything can happenl In toda-v's Gospel we hear hor'r' a group of friends are ready to do just this for the sake of the friend they so clearly 1ove.


Activity Photocopy the template on to various colours of paper and then cut out the paper'stretchers'. These should be brightly decorated. Then give each child two plastic drinking straws, and help them to giue or sellotape these on to the paper (along both long

Gospel Acclamation

sides), to remind them of today's Gospel story.

Light the Gospel candle and say together:

(As a variation on this idea, you could create one large stretcher using aluminium foil inner tubes or rolled-up wallpaper and fabric, and invite the children to write about or draw something they would like to ask Jesus to help them with. Their individual petitions and pictures, could then be carried up on



may the Word of Cod make our thoughts loving,

our words kind, and our hearts warm.

Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Mark (2:7-12) (See page 382.)

Reflection Why did the four men carry their friend to meet Jesus? They had heard of the miracles that Jesus had performed,

and they came to find him because they believed that Jesus could cure their friend and make him walk. What did they find when they got there? Massive crowds of people, many with the same idea, had already surrounded the house where Jesus was staying. It must have seemed as though their cause was lost.

Did they give up? What did they do? The Gospel does not tell us how far the men had carried their friend on his stretcher, but, having come so fa4, they were determined not to give up easily. Houses of the time had flat roofs made of wood and branches and plastered with mud. They decided to make a hole in the roof of the house where Jesus was staying, and then lorver their friend down to be with Jesus. How did Jesus react when he sow the stretcher appear? Jesus rvas impressed bv the faith and determination of the paralr'.ed man'. friend*. Unwilling to give up, they had found a highlv unusual \\'av to ensure that their sick friend met Jesus. The healing he brought rvas immediate,

powerful and dramatic. \\-ith Gocl-given authority he commanded their friend to get up and n-alk.

How do you imogine the man's faithful friends reacted when they realised thot he hod been healed? The friends of the paralysed man had faithfully believed

that Jesus could cure their friend, so although the,v would not have been completely surprised by this 186

and aooear to be lost. If we have faith and believe in God's powerful love and merry, then anything is possible.

the stretcher as part of the offertory procession.)

Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: We pray for an end to hatred, prejudice and fear

in our world. Lord, in your mercy/ hear our prayer. We pray for an end to exploitation of the poor

and vulnerable.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray {or ail who share and teach the Christian faith.

Lord, in your mercy/ hear our prayer. We pray for all

who struggle to believe in Christ our Lord.

Lord, in your mercy/ hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Loving Faihet, we trust in your loving power; increase our faith and open our lives to your healing love. We make all our prayers through Jesus Christ your Son. Amen,






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Eighth Sunday of the Year Focus A wine bottle and several inflated balloons (see Actiaity).

(You could also use an empty and full container or a new and a used chamois leather if vou have them - see Reflection.)

lntroduction Have you ever asked what seems to be a straightforward questiory and received an answer that confuses you? The disciples of Jesus struggled at times to understand the meaning of some of the answers he gave to those who questioned him. In today's Gospel we hear of just such an occasion, when the answer Jesus gives to a question challenges us to understand its message.

Gloria Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation

Why did Jesus talk to the people about old and new wine ond the wineskins used to hold them? Jesus used this image to help the people to understand his messaee. The Pharisees were like the old wineskins ovho rvere so set in their ways that they could not adapt and change to accept and hold the 'new wine' which rvas the nen' law of love that Jesus had come to pour into their hearts and lives. Those who listened to and accepted the Gospel that Jesus had come to share were like fresh new wineskins. Filled with his love and life.

they safely carried 7.

it within to be poured out and

shared with the rest of the world.



A reading from the Gospel of St Mark (2:18-22)

Let the children choose a balloon from an assortment of colours and shapes. Like balloons, people come in all sorts of different shapes, sizes and colours. Help

(See page 382.)

Reflection Jesus had a hobit

of infuriating the Pharisees! Whot did

he do in today's Gospel to upset them? jesus and his disciples did not fast (go without food). Fasting had grown up among the Pharisees as a sign of their superiority. Except for certain special occasions, fasting was a personal and voluntary matter. The Pharisees were holy men dedicated to observing habits and practices pleasing to God. Their strict obedience of their laws became an end in itself, and they looked down at anyone who failed to achieve their perfect standards.

Why did Jesus not follow the Pharisees' example of fasting? ]esus compared himself to a bridegroom at a wedding, an occasion of great celebration and joy. People feast and enjoy themselves at a wedding, and certainly don't fast. There would be an appropriate time for fasting after the death of Jesus. Jesus r,r'as not against obeying the law, but many of the Pharisees obeved the law whilst disregarding God and other people. Thev made the practice of their faith centre on themseh'es instead of God. Jesus wanted people's obedience to the 1au, to come willingly from within their hearts because ther- rvanted to please God. Have you ever heard the expression 'Empa vessels make the most noise'? What do you think it might mean?

Use some suitable containers to demonstrate the pointl The Pharisees made much of their obserr-ance of the Iaw, but often they did this rvith hearts that l-ere emptr of love. At our baptism we became vessels of the Hoh'

Spirit whom

*" .i..y within our hearts.

Why should new wine

not be poured into old wineskins?

When grapes break down or ferment as part of the 188

winemaking process, they give off gas. At the time of fesus, wine was often stored or carried in'bags' made from animal skins. A fresh new skin was pliable and soft enough to stretch and expand without bursting as the new wine gave off gas. Older skins were drier and brittle, and they tended to burst as they expanded and stretched. (Allow the children to compare the old and new Chamois leathers if you have them.)

each child to blow up their balloon and attach a length of string or wool. You could decorate these with glue and glitte4 adhesive shapes or add decorated name labels. The balloons are to remind us that God will fill us with his life and love if we are readv to accept the gifts he offers.

lntercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: We pray for peace in our world and reconciliation

and forgiveness between nations and religions.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for people who suffer hardship or difficulty for the sake of their faith and what they believe.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for all who have died and now rest in peace

with Christ. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray {or the gifts of understanding and acceptance, so

that God may fill our lives with his living love.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Sil ertce

Loving Father, pour \.our lor-e into our lives and fill us with your life, so that \ve mav grow closer to you, and give as we have received. We make these prayers through Christ our Lord. Amen.







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Ninth Sunday of the Year Focus Ears of wheat or corn and a loaf of bread arranged next to a Bible open at chapter two of St Mark's Gospel.

lntroduction The Jewish Sabbath (or Shabbat) begins at sunset on Friday and lasts until Saturday night when the stars appear. Shabbat is a day when Jews are forbidden to do any kind of work. In the Gospel today we hear how |esus enrages the Pharisees by challenging their observance of this holy day.

happened to be the Sabbath day. Which action would please God more? Jesus came to show us how to love one another as God loves us, and to teach us that the law of lo','e means more than anything else. Even though it was the Sabbath day, he healed the man with the paralvsed hand because he knew that human need rs more

importani than the Sabbath law. Why wos lesus annoyed with the Pharisees? Their hearts l,ere hardened and their ears were deaf to his message of love. Jesus healed the man in the Synagogue (the place of law) on the Sabbath day because as God's Son he is Lord over the law, and had the authoritv to break it. For Jesus the mosi important thing is the practice of love not law, but ihe Pharisees wouid not open their hearts. They were like old wineskins (see the Eighth Sunday of the Year) that would not accept and hold the new law of love he had come to share.

Gloria Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation

Jesus broke the rules of the Sabbath on another occasion. Can you remember whqt he did? fesus challenged the Pharisees to understand what was really important to God. Should they ignore a person's need and keep a rule, or help that person even though it


Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Mark (2:23-3:6) (See page 382.)

Reflection Whot did Jesus and his followers do to make the Pharisees so ongry with them? They were seen to pick some ears of corn on the Sabbath. Any kind of work, including sowing, reaping, threshing, preparing food and lighting a fire, was forbidden on the Sabbath day. Why did they pick ears of corn? Jesus and his disciples were hungry, and they picked the ears and rubbed them in their hands io eat as they

Give each child an activity sheet to complete.

lntercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: Let us pray for our family the Church; may it choose to build itself on the rock of God's love.

walked along. (Pass the ears of corn around for the

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

children to look at.)

Let us pray for the homeless, the hungry and the unloved; may we choose to see the face of Christ in everyone we meet.

Do you think that their hunger was sqtisfied? The ears are very small and quite unappetising! They

simply provided something to ward off their hunger pangs until they could have a proper meal. the disciples qfe so little

of the corn, why were the Pharisees so cross? The Pharisees had accused them of breaking the Sabbath b1'reaping, threshing and eating food they had prepared,


rvhen all work is strictly forbidden. It did not matter to them that the disciples were hungry. Obeying the Sabbath rules had become more important than caring for one another's needs. Who else mentioned by Jesus chose to put the needs


people first?

\\Ihen King Dar id and his men u'ere starving, David took some loar-es that rtere kept as a permanent offering in the Temple, and shared them t'ith his men (1 Samuel 27:7-5). Jesus kneri- ihat rules rlere important and should be obel'ed for ihe good of all, but he also understood that God's rules of lor-ins one another n-ere more important than any others. Ue aian't set out to upset the Pharisees by breaking the Sabbath rules, but when asked to make a choice, he chose God's way rather than the way of the Pharisees. 190


Lord, in your mercy/ hear our prayer. We pray for people faced with difficult choices to make; may ihey choose to follow Christ's loving example.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for those who have died; may choosing to follow Christ in life

allow them to follow him to his heavenly kingdom. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Loving Fathe{, help us to understand your way, to make u'ise choices that lead us closer to vou and your iove.

Grant this through Christ your Son. Amen.


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Tenth Sunday of the Year Focus A candle, a world globe or map and a pictr-rre of the

and u-e are called to value and love one another a:

Holy Family.

What nome is given to the family of faith thqt believes in Jesus Christ? \\'e are rr-elcomed into ihe Christian community or familr ,.1 1.1i11., at our baptism, when Jesus calls us by name to follorr' his loving way of 1ife, as a child of God. A: Cl.rristi.rn broihers and sisters r,l'e all belong to the onc

Introduction filled with pity when he sau' the crowds rvho came to listen to him preaching and to be healed b,v him. He never turned the people awav even if this meant that he was so harassed that thev dicl not allor,r' him the chance to eat or rest. In today's Gospel we hear about just such an occasion n'hen he was I'isiting his family home in Nazareth. Jesus r,r'as constantly

those children.



Activity Cive


strips of coloured paper. Help the children

to rlrite. the names oi their families, relatives ancl fnencls o11 one side. (If time allow's, they could dral hear-t 'hapes on thr. other side.) Shor,r'them hon'to link all the strips ot paper together to make a large

Gloria Gospel Acclamation

ring or chain to emphasise that we all belong to one loving familv.

Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamatron 8

Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Mark (3:20-35)


(See page 383.)

As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us prav to our heavenly Father:

Reflection How would you describe a fomily? A family is a set of parents, children or who may or may not live together. Familles come in all sorts of sizes and varieties, and no t\.vo are ever the same!

Invite the children (sensitively) to share some details of their families with the group. Who has brothers or sisters, and how many?

That God will bless the Christian family gathered here todav to praise and worship him.

Lord, in your merc)i hear our prayer. That God r,r,ill bless the leaders of nations as they make decisions that affect the lives of ordinarv families.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

How many have a grandparent, and whot ore they like?

That Cod will bless loving couples with the joy of a child to cherish.

Whot do the children enjoy about family life?

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Are there ony 'downsides' to fomily life? Our family homes should be places where we feel loved and secure. It is l,r'here we learn about forgiveness and reconciliation, respect, discipline and dignitv, and responsibility for one another and our'"r,'orld. Our families allow r-rs to grolv in faith and confidence, as we learn to trust in Gocl's love and mercy through the example of those we share our lives with. When God became man, Jesus lived an ()rdinal-\- f.rmill' Iife in Nazareth r,r'ith Mary and Joseph. Thel gave. him a loving home.

That God wjll bless parents, grandparents and childrer evervwhere with the gifts of his peace and joy.

Why was lesus fomily concerned obout him? Jesus l'La.l retr-rmerl homc for a visit, and as usual crrr\\ rls .ri 1.gqrple harl ftrllorvcd him there. He could not eve1l n1ar..rgr. to e.rt .r meal, and l-ris familv rvorried abrrr-r t hlm'cec,rni n g hr-rnsrr and erhausted.

Lord, in your mercv hear our prayer. Knou.'ing that our heavenl1, Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers u,ith him. S


Loving Father, rccept our pra) ers and he)p u* to rcmember that as your children we are all brothers and sisters

in Christ. We ask this in the name of your beloved Son.


What did Jesus soy vrhen he heard thot his fomily had arrived? He told the cror.vd gathererl di-trlulel hinr that .:ir'r, \\ r.rr. his family! At first this n'right soLuld .r littie trngr..rteir,rl trr his own related familr,', but Jesus rr'antc.d the pcoprle 11r understand that Cod cleatec'l all hut-nan beings, anc-l cal1s us to be his children, as brothers arrd sisters in otry human familv. Everv person is loved as a child of God, )





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Eleventh Sunday of the Year Focus A candle and Bible, with cones, seeds and an apple arranged around them.

lntroduction The kingdom of God is a mvsten' that began with the coming of the King himself (Jesus) and will be fulfilled in God's kingdom of love and peace in the future. It started as somethins " J r.ert' small with a handful of faith" '"

ful follorvers, but grerv to reach out and touch every corner of the earth.

Gloria Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation

Jesus also compared the kingdom of heaven to a tiny mustard seed. The size of the seed disguises its potential for enormous erowth and eventual size. In the same way, whoevet ot orld have dared to believe that a car-

penter's son from Nazareth, and a handful of loyal and faithful disciples, u.ould succeed in sharing the Gospel that changed our l.orld for ever. How does God's kingdom grow in our world todoy?

The kingdom is not a place as we would normally understand the u'ord 'kingdom' to mean. Instead, it describes the relationship between Cod and people r,r.ho accept Christ his Son as their King. Followers of Christ (Christians) trv to live by his standards of love and iorgiveners for all. God's kingdom continues to grol- and spread its branches in our world today, through the lor.e and forsiveness we share with one another.



Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Mark (4:26-34)

|esus said to his disciples, 'The kingdom of heaven is like a man who scatters seed in his fie1d. Hour by hour, through daylight and darkness, the seeds send out shoots and roots, and begin to grow. The man does not know how this all happens, but before long his field is full of crops, and when the harvest is ripe the man begins to reap what he has sown. Or compare the kingdom of heaven to a tiny mustard seed, which becomes one of the largest shrubs, and the birds of the air can

find shelter in its many branches.'

Give each child a clean yoghurt pot to fill lvith compost or soil before planting a sunflower seed. Spend some time discussing what their little seed needs i{ it is to gror,l' healthy and strong and become a tall vellow sunflower.

Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together lei us pray [o our heavenly Father: We pray for the Church throughout the world;


mav God's kingdom come in our daily lives as we live Christ's Gospel of love.

stand what they meant.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord jesus Christ.

We pray for people whose lives are shattered by war or violence; may God's kingdom come through the efforts of those working to bring peace.


Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

told the people many parables, and later r.vhen he was alone with his disciples he helped them to under-

Has anyone ever grown some seeds? What hoppened? Sunflower seeds can grow into plants 2.5 metres ta1l.

Can you think of any other small seeds that grow to become large plonts or trees?

Nature is full of mysterious and marvellous wonders that u.e cannot explain. Look at the size of an apple pip

or seed, and think about the large tree it can (Cr.rt the' apple open


become. reveal the seeds inside.) The

We pray for the sick and all who suffer; may God's kingdom come through the love and compassion of those who visit and care for them.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for the homeless and jobless; may Cod's

kingdom come through our love for one another as we offer help to those in need.

giant Setpoia or Redn,ood trees grow their seeds in

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

harcl, rr-oodv cones (shor,l' examples).They can reach heights of more' than 90 metres and weigh as much as

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him.

100 eleph..rntsl Ther- are the tallest living things on earthl

With which marvels did Jesus compare the kingdom of heaven? God's kingdom is like a seeci .orr'rr L.r' a f;rrmer. The


Loving Fathet

not understand how a small, clry seed is transformed into a tall, lush p1ant, but he simply believes that given

make us grorv in love for you and one another, an,l gir e r.rr the courage and strength to do vour rvi11 on earth, so that r.our kingdom may come. Grant this through Christ your Son.

time this will happen.


farmer plants it in gootl faith, corriidentlr'belier ing that it will sprout and gror,r' and a rich han-est. He mioht

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Twelfth Sunday of the Year How did the storm make them feel? Even thor-rgh they were experienced fishermen, thev rrere still airaic-l of the power of the sea, and knew that ther coulcl clrorvn if the waves swamped their small ooat rr ith n-ater. They rushed to wake Jesus, who r,r,as that he had managed to sleep through tlre

Focus A glass bor,vl fi11ed r,r,ith w,ater (which could be coloured with food dye) n'ith coloured beads, stones or petrL.les at the bottom, and a smal1 boat floating on tlre n.ater. (Depending on the size of vour clisplav you cor-rld har-e a small candle on an 'island' in the bowl. If you choose to use a floating candle, make sure that it poses no potential fire hazard with the boat vou use!)

::.';,Tii:::,t What did Jesus do? Jestrs c.rlnrlr' stood up and commanded the wind and sea ttr br.'.rt prg.r(-.'before asking the disciples,'Did vor-r


not believe irr nre?' His disciples, n'ho had witnessecl

We know that God is almightv and all-powerful. He created the world and everything we know r,r'ithin our universe. Throughout the O1d Testament there. are many stories that tell of Cod's mighty po\ver, but it rva,s the Son of God who rea11v allor.ved us to glimpse sonrething of God's true glorv and mightl

Jesus .loing man\- marvellous things, r,vere completeh


l.r' tiris display of his almighty power. Ther

had seemed r-rnbelievable, that |esus harl .rtrthtrritv over nature itself.


lic.r ccl rr'hat

Whot can this story teach us today? \\-e shor-rld ner.'er forget that if rve have faith in Gocl's almighty power, then nothing is impossible, even if r,r'e seem to be asking him for the unbelievable.

Gloria Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation



Using a variety of coloured paper, cut out boat and sail shapes together with rows of waves. These can be used to create a stormy collage by gluing them on to some coloured paper or card together with the

Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Mark (4:35-41) (See page 383.)

r,r'ords, 'Do not be afraid; believe in me.'



Hos anyone ever been in o boat? Was it large or smoll, ond did it have an engine, a sail or oars? Some children might have experienced sailing irr large sea-goir-rg ferries as

As brothers and sisters in one loving familv, together 1et us pray to our heavenly Father: That the leaders of a1l governments and nations respect the dignity ar-rd value of life.

they set off on holidav Such an experience is verl' different from stepping aboard a

will uphold and

small open boat much closer to the lvater!

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Why do we need to take great core when we are in or

That lives wounded and scarred by fe.rr and hatred can

neor o boat? Even though vou might be able to, it is still possible to drown if 1'srr 1u11 in r,vater that is too deep to stand in. Sensible people always l,r'ear life jackets to help them l,' st.rv afloat if thev accidentalll fall in.

be rebuilt anci healed through peace and reconciliation.

Whot sort

of boat were Jesus and r-clt,


Ther. ...t trif trr :ail across the Sea of Galilee to the opposite. sirtrre rtr e.caFâ‚Ź irt r-rr thc cr-orr.ds of peoplc for a



aiirrrr Ie:u: .rnt.l 1.ris tlisciples a chance

What hoppened os they crossed. ond vthy weren disciples expecting it?

That all who suffer stormy times in their lives

may share Christ's peace. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Where were they going?

t" order

That people who earn their living from the sea return home safely to their families and loved ones.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

his disciples in?

Thev rr-ert sailing in a simple r,r'ooden fishing boat that pr1pf .1f l1'rr'.rsr-r't

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenlv Father is listening, in the siler-ice of our hearts let r"rs share our o\ /n unspoken pravers r,r.ith him. S



The calm blue r,r.aters of the Se.r oi Galilee s.ntetinres change to violent storms that blorv uI,. surl.lenlr'. The strong r.vinds soon whip up large anci frightentr.n rt..r..*. Unlike frlshermen of today, the disciples had no r.r-eather forecast to l'r'arn them that a ferocious stonn ra,'as coming.




Loving Fathe4 listc.n to the pravers oi the ian'rilv gathered here before you. \ atch over .rncl plotect all your children .rnd keep us close to vour love. \\'e ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. \





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Thirteenth Sunday of the Year Focus A Bible open at today's Gospel, together with a candle and a handprint on a piece of paper or a plate of sand (to represent the healing touch oflesus).

Introduction Faith is a mystery It is a gift from God that opens our hearts and minds to help us accept and believe the truth revealed by Jesus. It takes us u'here reason and common sense cannot go, and helps us to discover what lies bevond our simple understanding.

Gloria Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation


How did Jairus react when Jesus qsked him to have trust ond faith in him?

Having received news that his daughter was alreadv clead, Jaims might have chosen to think that all was lost, br-rt he didn't. He had iust witnessed the power or iaith rn Jesus to heal. He knew that Jesus coulcl he.rl those rvho believed in him, so was it possible that he. cor-rlcl restore life too? He had asked jesus for his help l.r.cause he believed that he could save his daughter. He faithfullr' led Jesus back to his home and the room rr'here hls little girl lay. Whot did lesus do next? He reachec'l or,rt and gently touched the little girl's hand, L.efore cornrnanding her to get up. Jairus had faithfulh' .rskecl Tesus to help, and his response revealed the lor-c and pou'er of God as the little girl opened her eyes and sat up. What can these stories teach us?

If we have faith and believe in God's abilitv to work in

Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Mark (5:21-43) (See page 383.)


the world, then no situation or sufferinq is bevond his healing touch. Just as Jesus responded io the needs oi Jairus and the sick woman, so he l,r'ill respond to our needs if we but ask and are readv to trust and believe in the depth and power of hi: love.

Why was Jairus so upset when he came to ask Jesus for



As a fathel, Jairus was beside himself lr.ith rvorrv because

his little girl was dangerousll-

ill. He had probablv

alreadv tried whatever medical help there, but thei did not have the modern medicines rve have todav to relieve her fever and fight the disease. Why did he go in search


Cut out large letters u,'hich together spell out the r,vords 'Do not be afraid, trust me and have faith.' Let

the children colour the letters and help them to arrange them on a colourful banner around the central picture of Jesus curing the little girl.


Jairus was an important official at the synagogue in Capernaum, a fishing r.illage where Jesus had spent some time preaching and healing the sick. He came to a man of whom he probably knew very little. He was ready to try anything to save his little gir1, and he believed that Jesus was the only hope he had le{t. How did Jesus respond to this desperate fother's cry for

help? He set off at once u'ithout hesitation as Jairus led him to l-ris house.

lntercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: We pray for an end to the suffering of those lr,ho are poor and exploited.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for an end to hatred, fear and prejudice

in our world. Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer. We pray for all who teach and share the Christian faith.

Whot happened on the woy there?

A rr'oman in the cror,r,d that was following Jesus was despc-rate to be healed, ancl she reached out and tor-rcl-reci him as he hurried past. At once the illness that she

had suffererl for trvelr.e vears was healed.

When Jesus stopped and spoke to her whot did he soy?

He told her that her renrarkable ialth hacl made her-rr-ell. Because she truly believed that Tesr-r_c could help her with a simple touch, that's eracth.rlhat happened.

What sad news did Jairus receive before he reached home? A servant came to te1l him that he was too late because his daughter was already dead.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for the sick and all who struggle with pain.

Lord, in vour mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is lisiening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our o\\'n r-rnspoken prayers with him. Silertct

Lovins Father, increase our faith and change the lives of all rvho believe and trust in your saving love. \\:e make these alrd all our prayers through Chri>t our Lord.



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Fourteenth Sunday of the Year Focus A candle and Bible open at today's Gospel, with

to be friends and neighbours. Rejection is all the harder


assortment of carpenter's tools arranged around them (take care with vounger children!).

to bear rvhen it comes from those we know well. He must have been deeply saddened and disappoir-rted rr-ith their stubborn refusal to believe in the God who lor ecl and cared for them so deeply.

Introduction Jesus knew how

it felt to be sad anrl rejected. \lanv


those he came to sar.e refuserl to belier-e arrd rieiicr_rleel

him instead. At tjmes n'hen n-e feel :ad arrd rejected ourselves, Christ sh.rres those nror-nents oi pair-r and disappointment in


ven' slrecial and personal


Gloria Gospel Acclamation

Whot did Jesus do ofter the people

Light the Gospel candle and say together:


A1leluia, alleluia, may the Word of God make our thoughts loving,

our words kind, and our hearts warm.

Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Mark (6:1-6) (See page 383.)

Reflection Where did lesus spend his childhood with Mory and Joseph? Jesus grew up in Nazareth, which lies in a sheltered valley in the hill countrv of Calilee. At the time it was a relatively small village, and Jesus and his family were

of Nazqreth rejected

In spite of his disappointment and sadness, Jesus did not give up! He set off to share the Good Ner,r's elsewhere, and to offer God's saving love to the hearts and minds that were ready and willing to believe and have faith in the Son of God. How can we make Jesus welcome todov?

Activity Imagine that Jesus is coming to visit your parish in

person! Make individual flags to wave or some colourful bunting from triangles of paper sellotaped on to lengths of cord or string, spelling out the words

'Make Jesus welcome!'


probably known by many of the people who lived there. ]esus grew up as an ordinary ]ewish child and would have worshipped at the local synagogue.

We pra1. for the Church

Why did Jesus return to Nazqreth on this occosion?

and her mission to live and share the Gospel of love

The Gospel doesn't give details of the reason for his visit, but it might simply have been to see close family and friends, and to share and catch up on any news.

We pray for people who are rejected and unloved by our society.

Whot sort of welcome did Jesus receive from many of the people of Nazqreth? Jesus had been travelling throughout the Galilean countryside preaching to the people and healing the sick. News about some of the r,r'onderful things he had done had

As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father:

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for those who are persecuted or ridiculed for the sake of their faith.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for those who feel abandoned, alone

alreadr- reached the people in his village community. \Ianv of ther.n could not accept that Jesus was anything but an ordinan- carpenter with fanciful ideas. They

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

knen' Jesus to be the son of Mary and Joseph, and

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening,

refusecl to believe irr him or his man.ellous rvorks. Their unbelief restncted their al.rlitl to see and knor.r' the Son

1et us share

of God in their miclst.

How did Jesus feel when he witnessed their attitude towards him? It was always sad when people reftrsed to open their hearts and minds to iris message of love, but rt must have been all the more painful for Jesus when manv of the unbelievers were among the people he considered 200

Why didn't Jesus work some wonders to impress them and convince them thot he wos indeed the Son of God? Tr.sus rvas not a magician trying to convince people brmiracnlous feats. His miracles were indeed signs oi Cocl's pon-er, br-rt no signs could persuade them that he n'as from Cod. Er.ervthing he said and did revealed the nature of Cod, but because they had no {aith their eyes r,r'ere'blind' and their hearts lr,'ere closed.

and afraid of what the future holds.

in the silence of our hearrs our own r:nspoken prayers with him. Silertc e

Lor-ing Father, iouch our hearts and open our minds, arrd help us to share the warm[h and joy of vour love r,r.ith the world. We ask this in the name of Jesus our Lord.


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Fifteenth Sunday of the Year Focus A central candle with travelling aids arranged around it, such as a map, sun cream, clothes, mone\'.

show kindness to those who hate us, to give to those in need, and to be forgiving as our heavenly Father is

forgiving. No matter what others may say or do to


we are to seek nothing but good for them. We are to


Iove them just as freely and generously as Jesus does.

Jesus had a mission to reveal God's love to the world. He appointed twelve apostles and sent them out to share

ls it always easy to follow Christ's perfect example? Becoming truly loving, forgiving and kind is something we can only achieve with the help and

the Gospel. That mission is continued todar-through the Church and all Christians. rvrth the help of the Holr-lpirit.


""-"nt of the Holy Spirit. Jesus knows how much we sometimes struggle with the challenges of following him, and he is ready to forgive our mistakeg and through the power and grace of the Holy Spirit, to help us to try again,

Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation




Photocopy the garments on to plain white paper and cut out.

A reading from the Gospel of St Mark (6:7-13)

Begin by reading these words written by St Paul:

(See page 384.)

Reflection How many apostles did Jesus send out to preach the Good News of the kingdom? Can you remember any of their nqmes? (See the Eleventh Sunday


Yeor A.1

As God's chosen people clothe yourselves with tenderness, patience and kindness, and to these add humility and gentleness. Be understanding, and always ready to forgive as God forgives you. To complete this clothing, put on love as the first thing for (Adapted all to see. from Colossians 3:12-14) Now invite the children to colour the cut-out 'garments', before either pegging them on to a'washing line' (constructed with string and posts anchored in two pots filled with pebbles) or placing them in a small suitcase.

Did the opostles travel far? The Gospel does not tell us where exactly they went. Ii is probable that these first journeys *"r" -ui" to local viliages and towns, and the apostles would return to Jesus to share news of their visits. As their confidence and faith grew, they prepared themselves to visit more distant places and peoples.


Why do you think he sent them out in poirs? It was safer to travel in twos rather than alone, and they

As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father:

had the company and support of one another to rely upon. jesus knew that his disciples would need to be able to depend on each other in the future if flcrz rvcrc to complete the mission entrusted to them.

We bring to our Father's love his people

and his Church throughout the world.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. bring to our Father's love those who are imprisoned or made to suffer for their faith. We

What else did they take with them? Absolutely nothing! It seems incredible Jesus wanted them

to think that to set off into the unknown with

only the clothes they were wearing. They had nothing

to offer to people except God's love. Jesus knew that people would welcome his apostles and the message they had come to share. They had nothing to fear because their loving example would be returned in abundance, and all their needs would be taken care of. What were they to do if people did not welcome them? Cod forces nobodv to lor.e him! His love is a gift that is freely offered to be accepted or refused. When the

apostles met ridicule and rejection, thev simply took their message to share rvith people elser,

As Christians today, how can we continue the work the first twelve apostles began?

As followers of Chrisf we are


upon to live in

such a way as to reflect the love and life oicod to others. Jesus became like us (human) so that we could become like him (divine). Jesus told us to love our enemies, to

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We bring to our Father's love the homeless, the unemployed and the hopeless.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. bring to our Father's love all who are called to the missionary life. We

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Loving Father, Jesus came as vour witness so that r,r'e might know and love


Send us out into the world to share your message of love and forgiveness.

Crant this through Jesus our Lord. Amen.


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Sixteenth Sunday of the Year Focus A Bible open at today's Gospel reading, together with a small model or toy boat, and a shepherd,s crook (made from a pipe cleaner or similar).

Introduction Jesus was a hassled manl Wherever he went, there always seemed to be a crowd of people waiting for him. There were few opportunities for peace and quiet in his life, and yet he never became impatient or annoyed, and always made time for those who needed him.

Gloria Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation

Why did lesus decide to set off in a boat with his opostles? Thev were so busy that they hadn't even had time to eat! Seeing his friends growing hungry and exhausted, Jesus set off in a boat to find some peace and quiet, and allou'them time to rest and be alone.

What did the crowds do when this happened? Some n'ent home, but others simply followed |esus around the shore of the lake, watching to see where he and his apostles would moor their boat. What did lesus find when he orrived? There rvas a large crowd of people waiting to greet him. A crou'd r,r'ill often attract a crowd, with people following out of curiosity to see what all the excitement is about. Jesus and his apostles had only managed to rest and recuperate for a short time.


Was Jesus annoyed to see the people woiting for him?

Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Mark (6:30-34)

After preaching to the people and curing many who were sick, the apostles returned to Jesus and told him everything that they had said and done. As usual, crowds of people had followed them, and they were so

busy they had no time to eat. So Jesus said to ihem, ,We will go somewhere quiet and spend some time alone, and they crossed the lake in a boat to a quiet place., Howeve4, when Jesus and his friends arrived, a crowd of people had already gathered to meet them. When he saw them Jesus was filled with pity because they were like sheep without a shepherd to care for them. He sat down on the hillside and began to teach them. This is the Gospet of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

Reflection Imagine the scene . . . The apostles have just returned from their first mission to preach the Good News and heal the sick. They are bursting with excitement and joy, and impatient to tell Jesus about everything that has happened. So what do they find when they return to their Master? They can't get near him immediately because of the crowds and have to wait for their opportunitr.l How do you think they felt? Thev rvere probablv disappointed at first that they r,r'ould have to l'ait for the right moment to share their il.onderful nel-s rvith Jesus, and yet thev accepted and knera.' that Jesus rvas right to put tire needs of the people first. Through the of his name, thev had c\perlenced the wonder and jot- of healing the sick and changing lives for ever, and ther undersiood the importance of his work.

Whot did the apostles do ofter they had shored their wondefful news with Jesus? They busied themselves helping /esus with the crowds who had sathered.

filled with compassion and love when he san, them. They were like a flock of sheep waiting to follolr, the Good Shepherd who would lead them safely to fresh pastures and take care of all their needs. Jesus was

Activity Give each child an activity sheet to complete and colour.

Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: For the courage to follow Christ and share his Gospel o{ love and forgiveness with others

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For the courage to follow Christ when it means standing up for what is right.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For the courage to follow Christ and serve him in whatever way he asks.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayel For the courage to follow Christ's example of putting the needs of others before our own.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer,

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence o{ our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Loving Fathe4 help us to follow Christ's call to follow where he leads, trusting in the love of the Shepherd rvho shows us the way to your kingdom. We ask this through Christ your Son. Amen.

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Seventeenth Sunday of the year Focus A candle, together with a loa{ of bread ancl a fish (rrlastic, paper or reall).

lntroduction In his words, actions and attitudes Jesus reveals to us in a, very human way what God is like. He cares deeplv about all our needs, and in today,s Gospel we hear of his concern when he sees that the people who have chosen to follow him are hungry and have nothing to eat.

How did the crowd react after witnessing this marvellous miracle?

Thel' took this miracle to be a sign that he was indeecj the promised Messiah and the coming of his kingdon. rr'as imminent. However, they mistakenly thoughi th.r: he rvould use his power to free them from Roman occupatiorr and establish the kingdom of Israel by force o: arms. He had to slip out of sight before they carried him off to be their king.



Help the children to make mosaic tablemats to remind them of the miracle of the loaves and fish. Photocopv the template on to white paper. Cut squares from coloured paper, but keep the colour scheme and design simple. lFor example, use t\,!,o colours for the background, two for the fish and t.r,r.,o for the bread.) It is often easie4, and less messy, ro

Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamatiorr g,

Gospel A reading from the Gospel of


(See page 384.)



Why was Jesus concerned for the crowd thqt had fotlowed him?

As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father:

Like a shepherd who is constantly taking care of the *o.ii"d thJt the people who had followed him were hungry. Jesus wanted his needs of his flock, ]esus was

disciples to feed the people gathered around them. Why did the disciples onnounce that to feed the people?

it wos impossible

Apart from the fact that there were so many hungry

mouths to feed, the disciples had no money to buy a-ny food even if there had been a town or village nearby. Unlike today, there were no such things u, o,-rt,of_io*r-, supermarkets or convenience stores, ur-rd ,-ro easv means of transporting any food to the people either. Jesus was asking the impossible!

But whot did Jesus demonstrate time after time? That with faith, nothing is impossible for God! Through his miraculous works Jesus constantlv revealed the glorv of the Father working through the belor.ed Son. What did,/esus use to feed the crowd of five thousond that doy? The disciples found a voung boy who had five loaves of bread and tn'o fish. They brought these to Jesus to show him horv hopeless the situation was. Jesus gave thanks to his heavenh' Father anrl then broke the bread and shared it u'ith the people, before doing the same with the fish. To their complete or.r.rur"rr-r"rit the food r,r,as plentiful enough to feed eler\.one and have baskets of scraps left over.

of onother occasion when Jesus took some breod ond gave thqnks to his Father, before breoking the breod and sharing it with his disciples? Can you think

This happened during the Last Supper or passover meal that Jesus shared with his cloiest disciples the nisht before he died. 206

apply glue or paste to the background and then add the squares of coloured paper.

John (6:1_15)

We pray for the Church throughout the world;

that fed by God's Word we faith.

will grou, in wisdom


Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer,

Y" pluy for people who hunger for freedom and justice; that they will find the courage and strength they neecl. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pral' for people who hunger for peace and friendship.: that war and hatred will become otrly u memo.y. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for the people gathered here today; that we will share what we have and take care of one another's needs. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer,

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Loving Father, us with your life and love, so that we may grow strong in faith, and share what we have with those who have nothing. Crant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.


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Elghteenth Sunday of the year Focus A Bible open at today's Gospel, with some rocks and stones and a'flake of manna, (see Actiaity) arranged on a tray or plate of sand.

Introduction In today's Gospel, Jesus is pursued by crowds of people again, but this time they even take to boats to follow him! They hoped that he would share more bread with them (see last week), but instead he offers to give them something that will satisfi them for everl

Gloria Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation


Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St John (6:21_35) (See page 384.)

Reflection What did the people want from Jesus?

At first they simply hoped that he would provide them with more food again.

What did Jesus offer to shore with them instead? Jesus

told them that they couid have food that


not become stale and inedible but would last for The people wanted to believe in lesus and whot he soid, so what did they osk for? They wanted a sign from Jesus that would leave them in no doubt that he was indeed the Son of God. In Old Testament times, when the Israelites were wanderins in the desert with nothing to eat, they too had asked fJr a sign from God. So God had sent manna from heaven that appeared every morning like frost on the ground and they used it to make bread to satisfy their hunger.

and complaining, and he said to Moses their leadea

gather a1l that they need. They will know thit I am tlreir God u'ho loves and cares for them., In the morning the ground was covered with dew, and n.hen it dried it left behind manna sent by God. Moses told the people, 'God has heard our ciies for help, and sent us manna from heaven to answer our ( Adnpfed Pra\'ers.' from f xodtr. 16:2-4,12-1 5t \lanna n'as rvhite with the appearance of coriander seed. It n'as pounded and ground to make floul and tasted rather similar to wafers made with honey (see frodu: lo:llt. To remind us of the God who loves and cares for us, help the children to create ,frosty tlakes' to represent manna falling from heaven. These can be-made by folding a circular paper doiley in half and then in half again. Use safety icissors to cut shapes in the edges, before opening it out. Alternatively, use white squares of paper fotded in half twice along the dotted lines. Then fold the paper once more, and snip away randomlv before openrng it out to reveal the hidden shape. Attach pieces of thin cotton to the flakes with sellotape, and display them as a mobiie by hanging them from a bare branch or twig securely anchored in a suitable pot.

lntercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving famity, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: That the Church throughout the world may be united in love and thanksgiving.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. That our homes, our families and our schools may be filled with the peace of Christ.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. That those who have died may be raised to the glory of eternal life. That people in any kind of need or trouble may find help through our neighbourly care.

What did lesus soy to confuse them even more?

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

had come clorrn fron heal-e"n so that he could share his

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts 1et us share our own unspoken prayers with him.

life and lor



the rr orld br. feeding us r,r,ith his own

Bodv and Blood. Everr the disciples ri.or-rld not understand r,rhat Jesus had meant until he had shared the Last Supper r.r.ith them and risen from the cleacl.

Activity Begin with the story from the Book of Eroclus abor-rt the manna sent by God to feed his people:

After escaping from Egypt, Moses led the Israelites

through the desert. Soon they ran short of food and


rvill make food fall from the sky, and my people can

When Jesus offered to give them 'bread' from heaven what did the people think? Perhaps they thought that Jesus was referring to the bread called manna that their ancestors had eaten vears hetore in the desert. Jesus told the people that he was ,The Bread of Life,, rr-ho cor-rld satisir. their hunger for ever. The Son of God


they became more bad-tempered and ungrateful as their hunger grew. God heard his people grumbling

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Loving Father, as brothers and sisters in Christ

ma\'\\ie be filled with his life, ancl united in our love for you and one another. \\'e make our pra\.ers through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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Nineteenth Sunday of the Year Focus A crucifix with a small loaf of bread arransed next to it.

Introduction In today's Cospel, Jesus confuses the cron'd that had gathered at the synagogue in Capernaum bv describing himself as'Bread from Heaven'. \Ianr-of the people diJ not understand lr hat he r. a*



What did Jesus meqn when he said, 'My Body is the breod thot I shall give to bring life to the world'? When jesus died on the cross at Calvary, the sins of the world died with him. He offered his bodv and life as a sacrifice so that we could share in the new life of his glorious resurrection. Whoever chooses to believe in Jesus will be allowed to share eternal life with him in the kingdom of heaven.


Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation


Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St ]ohn (6:4I-5I) (See page 384.)

In the Cospel today and next Sunday, Jesus refers to himself as the 'Bread of Life' . Many people failed to understand what Jesus could possibly mean until after his resurrection. Only then did the meaning of his words become clear. In a similar way, the significance of the activity begun today will only become clear when it is completed next week! Photocopy the image on page 213 and enlarge

Reflection Why were some


the Jews annoyed when Jesus claimed

thot he had come from heoven? They knew Jesus to be the son of Mary and Joseph the carpenter, who had grown up in the village of Nazareth. How could they be expected to believe that this simple carpenter's son could possibly have come from God? What would you have thought if you'd been in the crowd listening to Jesus thot day? Even the disciples of Jesus, who had witnessed so many marvellous miracles with their own eves, found it hard to believe that Jesus really was who he claimed to be. It just seemed too amazing to think that he could really be the Son of God. If we had been in the crowd that day, we too would probably have felt uncertain and confused!

Whot did Jesus mean when he spoke obout coming from heaven?

God sent Jesus his only beloved Son to be a Saviour for the world, and lead the people away from their sinful wavs and back to his Father's love. The Son of God was born as a baby in Bethlehem and grew up to become a man who would willingly give up his life for the world. How do we know what God is tike? Cod 'rvanted to make himself known to us. Jesus his onlr' Son was the whole truth about God lived out in the life of an ordinary human being. He came into the rvorld to reveal his Father's deep love for us. His words and actions reflect the compassion and love that God has for the children he has cieated. Through the Gospel and the scriptures \re gro\\' to know Christ our Saviour and whoever knol-s the Son knort.s the Father tot_r. What does Jesus teach us obout God? Encourage the children to share eramples of stories about the life and teaching of Jesus that something of the

nature of God our Father. Suggestions might include: Matthew 22:35-40 (loving); Mark 4:35-lt (powerfu1);

Luke 7:11-15 (compassionate); Luke 9:28-36 iglonous.); lohn B:3-l | (forgiving); John l3:2- t5 (humble). 210



A3 size. Draw a grid on the back and number the back of each square with a pencil. On a plain sheet of paper draw a correspondingly numbered grid. Cut the picture into squares and ask the children to completely colour one or more squares on one side only (the side without the number). Using a piece of blutack, help each child to stick their square on the corresponding number on the grid. Square by square, the hidden image should slowly become recognisable.

lntercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: For the Church and all her people; that we may reveal God's love through our words and actions.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For those who are blinded by doubt and uncertainty; that their hearts and minds mav be opened to receive the gift of faith.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For people who are preparing to be baptised; that they may become loving witnesses to God,s love.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For people who suffer from hunger and famine; that our loving efforts to bring aid will ease their pain.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearrs let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Loving Father, Christ vour Son revealed the depth of your love for the rr orld Fill us u,ith faith and hope so that we may share vour life and love with one another. Crant this in the name of Christ your Son. Amen.

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Twentieth Sunday of the Year come down on the offering of bread and wine we make

Focus A crucifix with a chalice and a host arranged beside it.

lntroduction Food and drink are essential for life. Jesus described himself as the'Bread of Life' anc'l shared his life n'ith the world bv feecling r-rs rlith his ou'n Bodv and Blood. Through the Eucharist, n-e receir.e the Bread from heaven ancl the giit of his eternal


Gloria Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation


Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St John (6:51-58) Jesus said to the people,'I am the Bread of Life nhich has come down from heaven. This bread is my body which rt'ill be given to save the world, and whoever eats it will live for ever.' 'What nonsense is this?' asked the Jews angrily. 'Are we supposed to eat this man's flesh?' Then Jesus said, 'Whoever eats my body and drinks my blood will rise up on the last day to share eternal life with God. They will live in me, and I will fill them with my life. Just as my life comes from the Father, so their life will come from me. This bread comes from heaven, and it is not like the bread your fathers ate. They are all dead. But whoever eats the bread of life will live for ever.' This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

Reflection Why were the Jews so angry with Jesus? Jesus had

told them that they would share eternal life

with God if they ate his body and drank his blood. They were outraged because they thought that he wanted them to eat his human flesh! Whot did Jesus actually mean? Jesus was talking about the very special gift he would entrust to his apostles at the last meal they would share

together before his crucifixion. Can you remember whot we call that meol?

Dr,rring the 'Last Supper' ]esus broke some bread and

said, 'Take this and eat, for this is my body.' Then he took a cup oi n'ine and said, 'Take this and drink. This is mv blood poured out for the forgir eness of sins. Do this in my memon-.' In this rr-av Jesus changed the bread and wine into his on-n boc-lv ancl b1ood.

What happens when someone does not eat? Thev become weak and lifeless as their strength ant energv slou'ly u,.aste away. Without food to keep us ht and healthv we soon become malnourished and suscep.tible to disease. Just as r,r,'e need to feed our bodies, rre also need to feed and nourish the living Spirit inside us

Whot does Jesus promise to those who eot his Body ond Blood? Jesus is the 'Bread of Life' and promises eternal life tc those who receive him. His Body and Blood fill us r,r.ith his life and love, energising us with the Holy Spirit and

nourishing our faith and helping it to grow strong. When we celebrate the Eucharist in memory of )esus the power of the Holy Spirit makes present now what Jesus did at the Last Supper. We are with Christ and rr-r. receive him just as his apostles did. Jesus died and rose to new iife, and he shares that life with us today so that we too can enjoy all that he has promised.

Activity Complete the activity begun last week to reveal the mystery lmage.

Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: For the Church; that Jesus the Bread of Life will unite all Christian people in love and thanksgiving

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayeL For peace in our world; that Jesus the Bread of Life will grant us the peace and joy of God's kingdom.

Lord, in your mercv hear our prayer. For those who have died; that Jesus the Bread of Life will raise them to the glory of eternal life.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For the family gathered here to celebrate; that Jesus the Bread of Life will help us to lovingly serve God and one another.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our o\vn unspoken prayers with him. ilcrtce

When ond where do we hear these words being used



Loving Father, through the Er,rcharist we share ma\'1\'e be filled with life and united in love. We make our prayers through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Every time we gather together at Mass to celebrate Christ's resurrection from the dead and passing over from death to new life, we hear these words being used

by the priest. The priest prays that the Holy Spirit may ztt

and make them holy. Thery by the power of Christ. u'ord, the bread and wine are invisibly changed into hi: Body and Blood.






Sunday of the year


saddened by his friends' lack of faith. Disbelief caused

A candle rvith a dove


Actiaity) and fresh florvers to

represent God's Spirit and 1ife.

Introduction Faith is a gift from God that opens our hearts and minds to help us to accept and believe the truth revealed br. Christ. In today's Gospel we hear how some of Christ;s followers turned away and rejected him wher-r their faith let them down.

Gloria Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation

the people to harden their hearts and narrow their minds so that they refused to recognise what God was doing in their very midst. Jesus understood and accepted that only a few chosen by God would trulr, accept ar.rd believe in him.

Did the twelve apostles choose to stay with Jesus? Although the twelve were at times uncertain and confr-rsed about the real identity of Jesus, God had allowed them to see r.r.ith the eyes of faith that Jesus was indeed his Son. Thev had opened their hearts to his word and recognised his glory in his miracles and the authoritr. ancl inspiration of his teaching. They realised that witir a little faith nothing is impossible for God, however unbelievable it might at first seem.


Which apostle assured Jesus

Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St John (6:60-69)

After hearing what

Jesus had said

in the


many of his followers refused to believe what they had heard. When Jesus heard them arguing, he said to ihem, 'It is not the body but the spirit which gives lifel My words are spirit and they give you life., Then he said, 'Many will not believe that I am the way to eternal life. I know that my heavenly Father has revealed this to only a few.'

After this some of his followers left him and kept his company no more. Jesus turned to the tr,r,elve he had chosen and asked, 'Will you leave me too?, Then Simon Peter stepped forward and said, ,Master, who would we turn to? We believe in your message of eternal life, because we know that you are the Son of God.' This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord |esus Christ.

Reflection What did lesus soy to upset so many of his followers? Jesus had described himself as the ,Bread of Life, who had come from heaven to bring eternal iife to those who believed in him and ate that bread. Many of those that hacl follor,,r.ed him could not understand or accept what he had told them.

What do you imagine the crowd might hove thought? \lanl of the crorvd follon.ed Jesus because they were fascinatecl arrd curious about him. They had never heard anvone speak rlith such authority and 1ife, and

until norr

l-Lis rvcrrcls

ha.i conr-irrcecl ancl compelled his

listeners. \\-l-rerr thev realrsed that Tesus tvas claimins to

be the Son ol Lud rrlr..r r'urrlJ ,,tt.r tlrem-""r".f if", they were shocked. Their lack of faith and doubt made them refuse to believe in or foliorr- him anr- iurther. How do you imagine Jesus felt when his followers begon to desert him? Rejection is all the harder to bear rvhen it comes from those we know well, and Jesus must have been deeply 21 4

of their foith and toyotty?

In spite of the crowd's doubt, Simon peter stepped forward to profess the apostles' belief and confidence that |esus was indeed the Son of God. With the help of the Holy Spirit, Peter would later become the faithful ,rock, on which Jesus would build his Church.

Activity remind the children that each of them received the at baptism, photocopy the dove bookmarks for them to decorate and keen. To

gift of God's Spirit and life

Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: Let us pray for our family, the Church; may it build itself on the rock of God's truth and love.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. Let us pray for the hungry, the homeless and the lonelr-; may we choose to see and rvelcome the face of Christ rn everyone we meet.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for those who are faced with difficult choices in their lives; may they choose to follow Christ's loving example. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. Let us pray for those who have died in faith; may choosing to follow Christ in life allow them to follow him to God's heavenlv kingdom.

Lord, in your mercv hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share olrr own unspoken prayers with him. Siltnce

Loving Father, ma\'\\'e rvalk in the footsteps of Christ, and choose to follon him alon55 the path of love that leads to you. lVe ask this in Christ's holy name.





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Twenty-second Sunday of the Year Focus A Bible open at today's Gospel, together with watet,



jug of

basin or bowl and a hand towel.

lntroduction The Jewish people have many different laws and traditions about keeping themselves pure and clean. Manv of these arose in ancient times when people brought sacrifices and gifts to the Temple, so they were often in contact with holy things. They thought that they had to

be in a constant state of purity, but many different

things made a person impure, and such people could often pass their impurity on to others. To regain their purity, people had to wash themselves in natural u.ater. Gospel, Jesus reminds the Pharisees tirat having clean bodies does not give us clean hearts.

In today's Gloria

Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation


Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Mark (7:7-8, 14-15,27-23) (See page 384.)

Reflection Is it a good thing to wash your hands before eating? Washing your hands before a meal is an excellent habit

to acquire! It helps us to avoid spreading germs we might have picked up on our hands and becoming i11. The Pharisees were not washing for practical reasons of good health, howeve4, but as a sign o{ their goodness and puriiy for all io see. Why did the Pharisees comploin about Jesus disciples?



They had noticed that Jesus and his followers had not

obeyed their strict rules about washing. They were angry that ]esus appeared to ignore a law that they considered to be of great importance if their lives were

thoughts and attitudes of people that make them clean or unclean. lVhat fills a person's heart is reflected in the life thev choose to lead. However much they washed, the Pharisees could not remove the pride and selfishness that filled their hearts and spilied out into their lives for all to see.

Remind the children that dirt on the outside is not what spoils a person's innermost thoughts and feelings. Whether or not your heart is filled with love and goodness is what matters to God. Now pass around a shallow finger bowl with warm water and a small hand towel. Encourage each child to dip their fingertips in the water and dry them, before choosing a cut-out heart shape. On one side help them to write or draw something pleasing to God, before decorating or colouring the other side. They should carry their little hearts in a pocket to remind them of today's Gospel.

Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: We pray for peace in our world and an end to war and fear.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for understanding and acceptance between religions, races and within communities.

to be pleasing to God.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

How did Jesus reoct to their complaints? Jesus accused them of being hypocrites, because while

We pray for people who suffer persecution, hardship

thev rvere outwardly religious, their hearts were far from God. Ther. had become so preoccupied with their manv complicated rules and rituals that they had lost sight of rvhat n'as reallv important to God. The pharisees used the practice of l'ashing to draw attention to their own holiness raiher than to please God. Their gestures were empty and meaningless because thev n,ere made without love in their hearts. Why did Jesus qccuse them

of making human laws more

importont than God's lows? The Pharisees surrounded themselves r,r.ith lots of complicated practices that they thought n'ould bring them closer to God and make them holy. Many of the Jews looked up to and admired them but found it virtually 216

Whqt did Jesus soy about being cleon or unclean?

\\'hat makes someone clean or unclean does not depend on n'hether they have washed their hands in a particular rvav or u.hat they have eaten. It is the innermost


Gospel Acclamation


impossible to satisfy all their religious demands and rules about cleanliness and purity. The laws of the Pharisees had become a barrier between God and his people, making it more difficult to draw closer to his love. They had allowed their own laws about gesrures ar-rd rituals to overshadow God's law of love.

or violence of any kind. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for those who are sick in mind or body.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Loving Father, as rve follou. in the footsteps of Chrisf keep us faithful to you and forever close to your forgiving love.

We ask this through Christ your Son.




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Twenty-third Sunday of the Year Focus A candle and Bible open at today,s Gospel, surrounded by 'flash cards' with an assortment of er en-dar. u.ords we commonly use.

Introduction Jesus worked manv miracles in his Father,s name, transforming the lir-es of manv rvith his power. He takes pitv on everyone rr.ho asks for his heip, and his compassronate healirrg and tender concern bring immeasurable jor. and hope to the lives of those who are touched by his love.

Gloria Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation



Con you imagine how the mon felt to be abte to hear and tolk? Have you ever suddenly turned the volume of the radio or television up too high? The shock it gives must be similar to the shock felt by the man who could suci_ denl1' hear. His r,vorld of silence was dramatically shattered br. the sound of noise and voices all around him. In that brief moment, Jesus transformed his world ancl improved the quality of his life for ever.

How did the people reoct when they realised that the man could hear ond speak? When something marvellous happens in your life, all you want to do is tell others about itl Their feelines oi joy and delight were so overwhelming that they .or'rldr-l't help but share this amazing event with everyone ther. met. Christ's healing touch that day opened not onlr the ears and the mouth of the deaf man but also the hearts and minds of the people who had witnessed Cod's miraculous power at work.

A reading from the Gospel of St Mark (7:37-37) (See page 385.)



Photocopy an activity sheet for each child to complete and colour.

Why could the deaf man not speak properly? We learn how to pronounce words and string them together in sentences by listening to the voices of the

people around us. Young children cannot speak at birth, and it takes time for them to learn how to control the

As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father:

sounds that they make and to form words that others can understand. If the man had been born deaf and never heard the sound of people,s voices, then the sounds that he was able to make were probablv unintelligible or difficult Lo understand

We pray for Christians everywhere; may our differences and divisions be healed by the love we share for God and one another.

How would deafness chonge your life? Encourage the children to think about and share some of the everyday situations when they use their hearing without a second thought and take this wonderful eifi for grantedl How can deaf people communicate? In today's modern world deaf people can use all sorts of methods for communication. ih"y .u" use lip reading and sign language; they can send e-mails and text mes_ sages; thev can enjoy television and cinema films with the help of subtitles (spoken dialogue written at the bottom of the screen); and they can use special services to relav messages on the phone. Many different technologies help to make life a little less complicated for people rvho are deaf, -so that they can enjoy life to the full. At the time of Jesr-r-s, deaf people ciicl noi have the benefit of these t'onderful aids. Life then rvas much harder for people u'ho could not hear or communicate easily, and they often had to lir-e br- begging and relvrng on the help of others. What did Jesus do when he wos asked to help the deaf


He took pity on him and gently touched his ears and tongue, before praying to his heavenly Father and heal_

inghim. 218


Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for peace in our homes and our world; may our understanding and forgiveness heal wounds of conflict and fear. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for the sick and all who suffer; may the power of God's healing love fill them with strength and hope. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for people whose lives have been touched bv disaster; may our efforis to ease their suffering help to heal their broken lives.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our ot\.n unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Loving Father, touch our lives with your healing love, changing them for ever to make us more like you. \{e ask this in the name of Christ our Lord.









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Twenty-fourth Sunday of the Year Focus A crucifix and candle rvith


simple basket placed besicle

them. f


said,'I am the n'ar" (lohrr 1f :6). Hr. came to sjrorl us the path that leads io ctern.ri life. TIri- Fatir is not alwavs easv for his ciisciples to follorr, but, n.ith his loving help, l e shall er-entualh' reach our hear.enlv dertin,rtiorr and slr.rre in Chri.t's promi.e of e lernal life. Jesus

Gloria Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and say together: Alleluia, alleluia, may the Word of God make our thoughts loving, our words kind, and our hearts warm.

Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St N4ark (8:27-35) (See page 385.)

Reflection Why were the people confused about Jesus and his true


During his life (and throughout history), people have held different views about who Jesus is. Opinion was

divided among the people of the time, and their curiosity led them to ask questions among themselves. To some he was a prophet sent by God; to others he was the promised Messiah or Christ; for many he was simpll. a good man who came from Nazareth in Galilee. What happened when Jesus asked his disciples what they thought? It was Simon Peter who confidently proclaimed that Jesus was the Christ, the only beloved Son of God. What did Jesus soy next, which frightened his disciptes? He explained to them that he would be made to suffer before being put to death by the Jewish authorities who rvere plotting against him. What did Simon Peter try to convince Jesus to do? Jesus n'as planning to travel to Jerusalem for the Passor-er celebration where his enemies rt ere waiting for him. Simon Peter tried to convince Jesus to change his plans so that sucir ..r situatior.r could be avoided.

share his eternal life.

Activity Prepare some trt'igs or small branches cut into short lengths, or use cocktail sticks with the sharp ends remor ed. Show the children how to bind two pieceof wood together to make a cross, using a short Iength of twine or wool (or use the n-ire fasteners used to secure sandwich bags). When they have done this, allow the children time to reflect on anv particular

'cross' (burden or anxiety) they have to carry in lifc..

Invite the children to touch the crucifir with the;r little crosses before placing them in a basket next tc) the crucifix. Remind them that as followers of Christ

we each have our own crosses to bear, but Jesus

is alr,r'ays there to help us to carry them. Take the basket up as part of the offertory procession.

Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: For the Church and all her holy people throughout the wor1d.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For all who work to build God's kingdom on earth. Lord, in vour mercy, hear our prayer. For nations and communities divided by conflict

and fear. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For wisdom and understar-rding of God's way in our lives. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him.

What did Simon Peter fail to understand?


Peter cor-rld not unclerstand horr anl goocl coulcl possibly come from the death of Jesr-ts. He hacl I'et to djscttr-r.r

Loving Father, as r,r,e follon. the rvav of Christ, keep us faithful to t.ou and forever close to your love. \\re ask this thror-rgh Christ your Son. Amen.

that the rnission of the \lc.*iah rrt,r-rkl L.t corlf.leted in such an unexpected Jesr-rs knerl that his Fathc.r's will and way pointed to the cross. For this reason he had come, for this he had been born, ancl his death

would mean iife for the world. Jesus l.illinglr. chose to accept Cod's plan and to die on the cross out of love for humankind and his heavenly Father.


lesus hod told his disciples that he would suffer ona die. What did he tell his followers to expect? Thev had to be ready to give up everything for God even if that meant their lives. At that time, many of the rli-sciples w.ould be put to death for being followers ot Christ. Jesus invited his disciples to follow his path even rr-hen this meant risking the suffering, rejection and death erperienced by Christ himself. We know that if rve share in his suffering, we will also share in l.ri: glorv. Just as Jesus rose from the dead, so those n.hc accept the challenge to live as his disciples will nse tr

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Twenty-fifth Sunda y of the Year Focus A Bible open at today's Gospel, together n.ith a basin of water and a small towel.

Introduction We have been created bv God

to love him anci one

another as he loves us. Jesus constantlr- shon-ed us horv

to put our love into action br- serr ing God and one another. Giving ivithout looking for re"ward or recog_

nition and putting the needs of others before our own is r,r.hat makes our 1o.,'e great in the sight of God.

expression of his love. Jesus was ready to Sâ‚Źrvâ‚Ź

calls his followers to do the same.


How can we serve God as Jesus taught us? Our ordinary lives and the ordinary things we do an.l sa\i are our ciaily expression of love and service for Goc and one another. In every act of love and service offerec cheerfullr' and with humility, in our homes, schools ar-ri rvorkplaces, it is Christ's love we give, receive and share with others in our evervday lives.

Activity Create small 'towels' to remind the chitdren that making ourselves 'servants, of God and one another


is the way for us to love as we are loved. Cut out small rectangular shapes from paper or fabric. Use

Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation

scissors to cut fringes along the shorter ends of the rectangles. Colour or decorate the towels brightly.




Let the children wash one another,s feet!

A reading from the Gospel of St Mark (9:30-32) (See page 385.)


Reflection Whot was it that the disciples did not understand? had explained that he would be put to death and then rise again after three days. They were confused


about what this meant. Surely he didn,t mean that he would actually come back to life again? Much of what Jesus told them would only be understood bv his dis_ ciples after his resurrection from the dead.

What had

the disciples been arguing about os they

walked along? Jesus had told them that he was not going to be with them for much longe4, and they had been discussing which one of them deserved to become their leader. What did Jesus do? Jesus sat down with them and began

to teach them

about the true nature of being his disciple. He taught them that the only way to g."u1r,"r, *u, io serve others with humility. In the kingdom of God, the great serve the least, the first are last, and those who are iejected are accepted and valued.

What did Jesus do to moke this point clear to his disciptes? He used a little child as an example for his disciples to follou'. A child r.vas often considered to be the least

rmportant member of the community. To welcome those u'ho u'ere n-eak and humble, just liie a little child, and to pr-rt their needs before anr- others, was the way to

welcome and please God.

Whot loving service did lesus do for his disciples before sharing the Lost Supper with them? Jesus took on the role of a serr ant or slar.e and rlashed the feet of his disciples. His actions spoke more clearlr. than any words. He gave us a remarkable erample of how to make our lives like his. The hands that had healed the sick, fed the hungry, made the blind see, and raised the dead to life, gently washed their feet as an 222

As brothers and sisters in one loving familv together 1et us pray to our heavenlyFathei:

W" p-1uy for people everywhere who hunger for justice equality and an end to poverty. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for people who thirst for peace and reconciliation in their lives. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We-pray for people who feel stripped of dignity and respect by homelessness or unemploymeni.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for the sick and all who care for them.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Loving Father,


us with the Holy Spint and help us to serve you and others, according to your commandments of love. We make these prayers through Christ our Lord.


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Twenty-sixth Sunda y of the Year Focus

His shining example of love will light up the darkness

A Bible open at today's Gospel, with a candle and a glass oI water next to it.

of uncertainty or doubt and show us the way to choose.

Activity Introduction

Help the children to make their own ,bracelet, with

'Love one another as I har.e loved r.ou, (iohn l5:12). Bv his rrords and actionr, he gar.e us ihe perfect example of horv to lor-e God and one another. Who"r,". acts kindh' in his name is fulfilling this commandment of love and rvill be ren,arded bv God for their goodness.

the letters WWID to remind them to always take trme to consider'What would Jesus do?' in anv particular

Jesus said,

Gloria Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation


Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Mark (9:38-43,45,47_4g) (See page 385.)

Reflection Whot did the disciples do when they saw a sronger curing people who were sick? They tried to stop him because they did not know him, and he did not belong to their group of followers. Whot did lesus say to his disciptes? Whoever chooses to act kindly in the name of Jesus will be blessed by God for their goodness. It did not matter that the man was not recognised as belonging to their group of followers; his actions clearly marked him out as being a loving disciple of Christ. i{o*".,", small or unimportant a loving action or gesture might seem, God is aware and pleased by that moment of goodness. What did Jesus want his disciples to understond?

As Christians we must always try to be tolerant and receptive to others whose ways might be different or

unknown to us. There u." *urly diffeient paths that lead to the kingdom of God, and we should noi presume that one way is best and shoulcl be followed by every,_,r,e. With whom did Jesus come to share his love and life? into the world for the sake of the world. He sent his disciples out to share his Gospel of love with even' natron, race and colour of people. He included evervone and excluded no one from the opportunity to become a follorr-er of Christ. We must remember that r.vhoeler lor-es Jesus and acts in his name will be loved and rervarded for their kindness br. our heavenly Father. Jesus came

As Christians today. how are we expected to act? The commandments of love gilen bv Tesus to his earli. disciples are just as reler ant ib. 1.,i, dir.iples todar. \\'e are called upon to love one another as Jesus lor e, ur, and that love should clearlv mark us out as Chrrstrans and be. an example of goodness to the wor1d. To help us to do this in our everyday lives, it is helpful to ask our_ selves what Jesus might do or say in any given situation. 224


Photocopy the templates on to thick paper or thin card and cut out. Thread one end through a paperclip, then make a small loop and secure firmly with glue or seliotape. Attach another paperclip to the first, and arrange them side by side rather than end to end. Give the 'threaded' bracelets to the children to decorate brightly. To wear the bracelets, simplv thread the end through the second paper clip and cut off any excess. (For very young children, to avoid swallowing hazards, simply use sellotape to secure their bracelet. in place.)

Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: That Christians everywhere may brighten our world

with the light of Christ,s love.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. That peace may overcome wal and enemies become friends. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. That we may relieve the suffering and hardship of the poor and the hungry.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. That the sick may find comfort and relief through God's healing love.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Loving Fathe4 as you pour your love into our lives, may we willingly share that love with our brothers and sisters throughout the world. Grant this through Jesus your Son. Amen.

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Twenty-seventh Sunday of the Year Focus


A crucifix and candle, with a varietv of pictures of voung children arranged around them (these could include family photos or pictures cut from magaziner).

Photocopy an activity sheet for each child to complete and colour.


Introduction Jesus always made children feel n-elcone and turned them'. He recognised the imoortance and


l";u""' "^1"" "i ence on those u'ho lor.e them, and their uncomplicated lr.av of looking at life and seeing the world. Jesus ir-,"i.

encourages us to keep such qualities as we get oldeq, so that we may grow closer to God and his kingdom of love.


Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray {or lives shattered by war or violence; may God's kingdom come

through the efforts of peacemakers.


Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Mark (70:2-16)

We pray for the sick and all who suffer; may God's kingdom come

through the love of those who visit and care for them. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

(See page 386.)

We pray for little children everywhere;


may God's kingdom come through the dignity and respect they deserve to be shon'n

Whot did Jesus say obout marriage?

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Jesus reminded people that marriage is a life-long commitment between two people who make promtses before God and to one another, when they are joined together as one. TWo people need to think and prepare care{ully before committing themselves to one another

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him.

in marriage. Whot do o bride and groom often exchange as a sign of their love? A ring is traditionally exchanged between a husband and wife as a symbol of their unending love and faith{ulness.

Do married people olways live happily ever ofter? A married couple has to learn to love with the love with which God loves; they must be patient and kind, and willing to forgive and accept one another. This is not always easy to do, it takes time, commitment and effort, and sadly sometimes marriages break down and couples separate. (Be sensitive and aware that many children may have personal experience of such a situation.) What happened loter in the Gospel when the disciples wanted to send the children away? Jesus n-as angn' u'ith the disciples for trying to stop the children from coming to him. He explained to them that the n av to enter the kingdom of God is to become like a child. Whot did he mean by this? Jesus didn't mean thai he erpects gro\\'n up people to become helpless and childish. He t-anted his follon'ers to understand that the way to enter the kingdom of God is by learning to trust and depend on God, in the same way as a child trusts and depends on the adults who love and care for them. 226

We prav for the Church throughout the world; may Cod's kingdom come as we share Christ's Gospel of love.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation

As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together 1et us pray to our heavenly Father:


Loving Father, watch over all your children and protect us from harm. May our love and trust for you bring us closer to your heavenly kingdom. Grant this in the name of Christ our Lord. Amen.

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Twenty-eighth Sunday of the Year Focus A Bible open at today's Gospel, together with a selection of money.

Introduction Money and possessions do not make us rich in the sight of God. Often they distract and lead us away from what

is truly important - God's love. By living as Jesus

taught us and sharing in God's kingdom now we can store up precious treasure for ourselves in heaven.

Gloria Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation


Whot did Jesus promise in return for such commitment? Those who give up everything for the sake of Christ anc become faithful disciples are promised the gifts and riches that come from God's love and life in this world and the next, where they will share his eternal life and glor,v.

Activity Cut'coins' from silver or gold metallic card. On the back of each coin help the children to write or dran' things that are valuable to God and represent lasting riches that we can store in heaven. These riches can be placed in one large 'money box' (made from a cereal box), or in smaller individual money boxes made from yoghurt pots (there are several kinds readilr' ar.ailable in supermarkets, made from clear plastic with lids). After carefully cutting a slit large enough to accept ihe children's riches (an adult should do thisl), label the money box'Heaven' and decorate.

Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Mark (10:17-30)


(See page 386.)

As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father:


We pray for the poor and the homeless; may our loving care and concern enrich their lives.

What did the mqn wont Jesus to tell him?

He wanted to know what he needed to do to


eternal life with God in heaven. What did Jesus remind him to do? First Jesus reminded the man of the importance of obeying God's commandments, and mentioned several of these. When Jesus recognised the mon's goodness and sincerity,

what did he tell him to do next? Jesus

invited the man to become his disciple and follow

We pray for people who feel rejected or alone;

may a warm smile and friendly word enrich their lonely lives. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for people who believe that money alone can bring happiness; may their lives be enriched by discovering the joy of sharing.

him. In order to do this, he needed to give away his

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

riches to the pooq, because |esus knew that sometimes wealth can separate a person from God. If a person

We pray for love, generosity and understanding in or,rr

becomes obsessed with riches, then God is often pushed

aside in their life as money becomes more important than anything else. He wanted the man to understand that treasure in heaven is more valuable than any worldly wealth can ever be. What did the mon do? Giving up his wealth was a demand that the man could not accept, and he went away sad because he could not brins himseli to sive uo all that he had. This does not mean that to follorv Jesus we must give up all our possessionsl Jesus rr-anted people to understand that to become a disciple reouires total commitment and can make heavv demands on us. Some people are called to give up more [han othert. What had disciples such as Peter given up to become followers of Christ? Peter and the other disciples had given up their livelihoods, families, homes and friends. They had left behind comfort and security and sacrificed everything to accept Christ's invitation to follow him. 228

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

world; may all nations and peoples remember what important to God. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Loving Father, in your loving kindness hear our prayers, and help us to live as children of Cod storing up treasure in heaven, as we build your precious kingdom of love. We make these prayers through Christ your Son. Amen.



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Twenty-ninth Sunda y of the Year Focus A Bible open at today,s Gospel, together r,r,ith a candle and a basket with pieces of paper shaped like feet.

Introduction The teaching of Jesus is pure and simple _ true great_ ness, real achievement, is in oth"rr. Jcsus gave us the perfect example to follon, as we try to walk in his

footsteps along the path to heaven. When our hearts are a servant of Christ and his Gospel of love.

fulI of lor.e and humility then anyone can be


What happened when the other disciptes heord what had happened? There was ill feeling between the disciples, which soon led to arguments about which of them was the greatest and desen'ed to sit next to jesus in his kingdom. What did Jesus want his disciptes to understand? That the onlv way to greatness is to serve others with humility. Jesus set the example of a Servant King who willingly gives his life for his people. The Christia-n di:_ ciple today is still called to imitate the example of lor._ ing service given by Jesus our Master, as we go about our everyday lives at home, at school or at work

Gospel Acclamation


Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation

There are all sorts of ways to serve God and one another doing ordinary things in our ordinary livesl Encourage the children to suggest ways of ing this loving service as we try to follow in "*pr"rrChrist,s footsteps. Write their ideas on a sheet for all to see. Give each child a paper 'footprint, and a coloured pen or crayon. Ask them to write or draw a sugges_


Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Mark (10:35-a5) The two disciples James and John came to Jesus and asked him, 'Master, can one of us sit on your right and one on your left in the kingdom of heaven?, Jesus said to them,

'My friends, you do not understand

what you are asking. Can you share my cup of suffer_ ing, and be baptised in the way I shall be baptised?, 'Yes, Lord, we can,' they replied.

'Very welf' said Jesus, 'it shail be so, but only my heavenly Father will decide who sits at my right hu"a o. my left., When the other disciples heard whatJames and John had asked, they were angry and began to argue with them.

]esus said to them, 'You must not quarrel with each other about which of you is the greatestl I have come as a servant and not as a kingl Anyone who wants to be great must be ready to serve everyone else; anyone who wants to be first must be ready to put others before them. After all, the Son of Man came to serve others, and to give up his life to set many people free., This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.


of the disciples came to./esus and his brother John.

home and try to put the service they have been giverr into actionl

Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Fathei: We pray for the Church and all who serve God

with their lives.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for an end to injustice, persecution and poverty in our world today. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for peace and reconciliation between nations, races and religions.

Reflection J..rmes

tion for serving God and others using their ort,rr ideas or one copied from the sheet. Invite them to place these in the basket and then muddle them uo. before giving one to each child. Make sure that everyone understands the word or picture on their particular 'footprint'. They should ihen take these


ask for o favour?

What did they wont lesus to give them? The trr-o brothers requested positions of importance in

the coming kirledom. Thev still did not understand n.hat Jesus expects frotr tlrose rvho choose to follow him. Jesus told them that onh, Gocl cor-rld srant such a request.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for people who are sick and suffer in mind or body. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearrs let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Whot did they hove to do if they wanted to share rn Christ's glory? ]esus made it clear that if they wanted to share in his glory then they must also be prepared to share in his suffering ('cup' and 'baptism, are symbols of suffering). 230

Loving Father, mav our n'illingness to serve with humility bring us ever closer to your love. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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Th i i

irtiet h Sunday of the Year

Focus A candle to represent Christ the Light oi the l\brld, a 'begging bowl' with an assortment of coins, ar-rd a pair

of dark glasses.

Introduction Faith is a gift from God that opens oLrr hearts to help us accept ar.rd believe the trr_rth that

anc-l mind,c Jesus came

to shale. In todar"s Gospel, such faith allows a blind

man to see and recognise Jesus as the Messiah, wiren those around him are blinded by their lack of faith.

Whqt con we leorn from this Gospel story? That Jesus cares about our needs and will reach out to help us and make our lives whole again if we ask for his help. If we have faith in Jesus, then he can chanse our lives too, if like Bartimaeus we follow his way of"life as his clisciples. Filled with the light of faith, jesus opens our eves to see the world as he does, and to responrl to the needs of one another and the love of God n-itlr

compassion and joy.

Activity Jesus lights

Gloria Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation



Reflection Why did Bortimaeus coll out when he heard thqt Jesus wos possing? Bartimaeus shouted out to attract the attention of Jesus because he wanted to be cured. Why did he coll,/esus 'Son

of David'? Bartimaeus used this title for Jesus because he recog_ nised that Jesus was the Messiah that God had proi_ ised to send, and the Jews believed that this Messiah a descendant

of King David.

Whqt did Jesus do when he heard the btind man crying out for his help? Jesus aiways responds to someone who asks for his help. He w_ants all people to be whole in body, mind and spirit. He had the man brought to him to find out what he wanted from Jesus.

What was wrong with Bartimaeus? Bartimaeus was blind. This disability forced him to beg and depend on people's generosity and kindness for his sr,rn-ir-al. Bartimaeus had faith in Jesus and believed that he coulcl heal him. That {aith persisted and did not falter even n-hen the cror,vd tried to quieten hirr..


What did Jesus do? Bartimaeus l.elier ec1 that he onlr, had to ask in order to receire the giit of srght. him irom the dark_ ness of blindr-re,s: anc-1 nrarle hrm see, because of his great faith. What did Bartimaeus do next?

Having recognised Jesus as the \Iessiah arrcl being healed because of his faith, Bartimaeus became a loval disciple. Meeting Jesus and experiencing his healing love changed the life of Bartimaeus for eve"r. 232

add some self-adhesive shapes and decorations. Gh-re

or sellotape strips of coloured paper inside the top

A reading from the Gospel of St Mark (10:a6_52) (See page 386.)

would be

up the darkness of our world with hi-s love and helps us to see how we can love God ancl one-another. Help the childrerr to create paper ,fire_ works' to remind them that Christ,s amazing love can transform and light up our worldl Stick bands of paper around a toilet roll or kitchen foil inner, ancl of the tube. (Stick red and yellow paper on to kitche;

foil beforehand and cut into strips. The foil


t9 fold the strips and create interesting shapes. Complete the fireworks by adding self-adhesive stars and elitter. IoLr

Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Fathei: We pray for Christians everywhere; mav the differences that divide communities be healed by the love we share for God and one another.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for people whose homes and livelihoods have been destroyed by disaster; may olrr efforts to relieve their suffering help to heal their broken lives. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for peace in our world;

may our understanding and forgiveness heal wounds of conflict and tension. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for the sick and all who suffer; may the power of God,s healing love touch their lives and change them for ever. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearrs let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silertce

Loving Father,

mal our faith continue to grow ever stronger, charrging our lives and making them more pleasing to you. We ask this through Christ your Son.



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Thirty-first Sunday of the Year Focus A Bible open at today's Gospel, with a large love heart and a prayer card (see Actiaitl/).

Introduction Loving someone is not

it demands that rve are selfless, generous and forgiving; it gives as much as it receives. As Christians, we are called to follow alr^,.avs easr.;

Christ's perfect example of how to put our love for God and one another before everything else in our lives.

Gloria Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and say together: Alleluia, alleluia, may the Word of God make our thoughts loving, our words kind, and our hearts warm.

Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Mark (12:28-34) One of the scribes came to Jesus and asked, ,Which of God's commandments is the most important?, Jesus answered, 'To love God with all your heart, and all your soul, and all your mind and all your strength, and to love others as much as you love yourself. These commandments come before all othersl' Then the scribe said to Jesus, 'What you have said is

true, because nothing is more important than loving God and loving our neighbours.' Seeing that the scribe was wise and good, Jesus said to him, 'My friend, you are indeed close to God and his kingdom.,

Hearing this, no one dared to ask Jesus any more questions. This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord |esus Christ.

Reflection Who asked Jesus a question about the geatest commandment? The scribes were lawyers who belonged mainly to the partv of the Pharisees. In a world where few people could rrrite, they were responsible for making accurate copies of the scriptures and were experts on the written lau'and its manv complicated commandments. Why did he ask Jesus this question?

In the rvritten larv there \\-ere more than 600 different commandments. Experts such as the scribes spent a great deal of their time discussing n.hich \vere more important than others. Perhaps the scribe had heard Jesus preaching and was impressed bv his knorvledge.

What reply did Jesus give? Jesus answered by repeating some of the words used in the daily prayer of the Jews. The 'Shema, (pronounce it to 234

rhyme with 'bazaar') is a prayer said by Jewish people every morning and evening. The words of this prat-er remind us how important it is to love God, but Jesus alstr added the importance of loving one another too. Did the scribe agree or disogree with what Jesus had to say? Often the scribes argued and disagreed with what Jesus had to say, but not on this occasion! The scribe recognised the wisdom of Christ's words and praised him for putting love of God and neighbour before all else. Are these commandments Tusf os important for us today os they were at the time of Jesus? These commandments of love are at the very heart oi our Christian {aith. By his life and his teaching, }esus showed us that to love God and one another is more important than anything else we might do. As followers of Christ, this love should be shared and expressed i:i our words, thoughts, prayers and actions each anC every day of our lives.

Activity Give each child a copy of the words taken from


Paul's letter to the people of Corinth, to decorate as a personal prayer card to remind them as Christians, of what is truly important in their everyday lives.

lntercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: That Christians everywhere



the forgiving love of |esus

who welcomed those who were rejected and outcast. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. That broken homes and lives will find the love they need to heal wounds and bring fresh hope.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. That we will look for and see God's love in the beauh, of creation and protect and cherish our world. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. That the sick and the suffering will feel the touch of God's healing love to relieve their pain.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Loving Fatheq, help us to recognise you in the people and world around us, and, by our living love, to show how much we care for you.

Crant this through Christ your Son. Amen.

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Thirty-second Sunday of the Year Focus A crucifix and candle, with a selection of money in notes and coins scattered around them.

thing we do or say in our homes, schools, shops, cars o: playground can be offered to God as a sign of our lor e to him.


Introduction It is not important how much we give but what is in our hearts when we make an offering to God. grand the gesture, however large the donation, if it is made without love, then it is worthless to God.

Arrange several identical or similar containers, fil1ed

with different amounts of the same material (for example, dried pasta or rice), in front of the children. (One container should be completely full.) Ask the

children whether or not they think that each con-

Gloria Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation


Gospel A reading from the Gospel o{ St Mark (12:38-4,1) (See page 386.)

and colour.


Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving famlIy, together let us pray to our heavenly Father:

fringed tassels at each corner (to remind them of God's commandments), but the robes and tassels of the scribes were larger and longer than those of anyone else to emphasise their dedication to God's laws. They also took the best seats when invited to a feast, and made sure that they sat at the front of the synagogue nearest to the

We pray for those who give up comforts and luxury

holy scrolls of the Torah (scriptures).

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Hove you ever heord the expression, 'Empty vessels moke the most noise'? What do you think it meons? What did

We pray that rich countries and nations share what they have with their poorer neighbours.

Jesus think of their gestures? Jesus could see into their hearts and he knew that their

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayeL

grand gestures of holiness were empty and meaningless. They would obey the law faithfully but selfishly disregard what was important to God or the needs and feelings of other people. They acted to ensure their own glorification and heavenly reward, with little regard for anyone else.

Whot did the wealthy lews put into the collection box inside the Temple? Many of them made large donations of money. How much did the old woman give? two small coins worth as little as a penny.

She gave

Who gave more - the wealthy Jews or the old woman? The n'ealthv men gave large amounts of money, but they could easih' afford to do so. Their generosity made little difference to the qualitv of their lives. The old woman gave the onlv tu'o coins she had; she gave everything and n,as left rvith nothing. It n'asn't the amount they gave that mattered to Jesus, it u'as the 'value' of their gift.

Whot does this story teoch us? God values whatever of{erings we make to him rvhen we make them with love. It isn't the size of our offering that matters but the love with which it is given. Every236

Now give each chiid an activity sheet to complete

How did the scribes like to drow ottention to their holiness?

Tiaditionally, Jewish men wore prayer robes with


tainer will make the same amount of noise if someone shakes them. Invite some of the children to see for themseh'es! The'empty vessels' make more norse than the container that is completely full. When our lives are full of love, we do not need to make a lot oi 'noise' to draw attention to our goodnessl

to help the poor, the homeless and the unloved.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer, We pray that greed and selfishness do not make us blind to the needs of others.

We pray for forgiveness and peace in our

troubled world.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearrs let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Loving Fatheq, listen to our prayers and enrich our lives with your love. Make them an offering that is pleasing to you. Grant this through lesus our Lord. Amen.



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Thirty-third Sunday of the Year Focus A candle with some dried leaves arranged around it, and an open umbrella with droplets of n.ater on it.

Introduction As people we need signs; u.e like to be prepared. lfe read the sky and tell u-hat the rveather might do, or walch the falling Iear e- to kno'.r Lhat rr.inter ir comrnR. Signs help us to avoid disasters or surprises that might creep up on us and take us unawares. In today,s Gospel we hear about signs that will warn us that Chrisf is

about to return in glory.

Gloria Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation


Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Mark (13:24-32) Jesus said to his disciples, 'One day

I will return, and you will know that the time has come because of these signs: the sun will grow dark, the moon will lose its brightness, stars will fall to earth and space itself will be shaken. Then the Son of Man will appeir in all his glory, and send his angels to gather his people together from every corner o{ the world. Learn from the fig tree: when

its buds appear it is a sign that summer is drawing closer. In the same way,by these signs you wiil know

we do not know exactly when this will happen,

Although people sometimes try to predict when the world will end, Jesus reminds us that God alone knorr.. the date and time. Despite the signs beforehand, wher

the end comes it will be sudden, and it is our responsrbilitv as Christians to be alert and prepared. We ian dc this by trving to make our lives pleasing to God eac]and everv dav of our lives, by the things we say and dc,

By keeping ourselves ready we

will not be taken b..

surprise. What will lesus do when the world comes to an end? He will send his angels to gather God's people togethe: and welcome his faithful {ollowers into God,s heavenl.. kingdom to share his eternal life and love.

Activity Copy the sheet of 'warning signs' for the children to identify and discuss. Give each child their own blank triangle, and help them to create and produce their own 'warning sign' for the end of time, by referrine to the Gospel they have just heard.

Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: For the family gathered here today and our brothers and sisters throughout the world.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord jesus Christ.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


For all who suffer from sickness, pain or any kind of disability.

Ask the children to look at today's focus. Whot do the dry leoves and the umbrella signify? Whot do they warn us of?

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening,

For the homeless, the poor and those who are abandoned and unloved by societr,. For people who spoil lives because of hatred and anger

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

The fallen leaves are a sign that aufuma has arrived and lvarn us that winter is coming. The wet umbrella is a sign that it is raining, and warns us that we might get wet!

in the silence of our hearts Iet us share our own unspoken prayers with him.

When will lesus return again? \\'hen the rvorld comes to an end Jesus will retum in glory

Loving Fatheq, listen to our prayers

Will there be any worning that the time for this to happen has orrived? Jesus gave a vir-id description of some incredible things that will happen before his reLurn. \lanv belier-e that the vivid 'word pictures' he uses should not be taken too literally; they are simplv svmbols or signs to help us understand that when he returns it rvill be an unmistakable happening, which will be witnessed by the whole



can we be ready for Christ's return?

when the kingdom of God is near. Everything else will pass_ away, but my words are everlasting. No one except my heavenly Father knows the day or time when ill this will happen.'

together n-ith angels from his heavenly kingdom. Onllz God the Father knorvs eractlv when this will happen.




and answer them according to your will. Keep us close to your love and ready to greet Christ when he returns in glory. We ask this through Jesus our Lord.



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Christ the King Focus A crucifix and candle, with a large cron'n made from metallic card, twisted willow branches or similar.

Introduction Jesus is like no other king the

u'orld has knou,n, with no earthly palace or rvorldly riches, and a crown

twisted from thornv branches. F{e came to share treasure that is more precious than any jewel and worth more than any prize.

Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation 9 (or an Advent Acclamation).

Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St John (1g:33_37) )

annotated on one side with the virtues and qualities that are more precious to Cod than any precious gem stone: service, forgiveness, peace, hope, truthfulness, love, joy, courage, strength, humility, kindness and acceptance. These can be decorated and carried up at the offertory procession to be placed inside Christ's crown (from the focal display).

As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father:

Who was Pontius Pilote?

At the time of Jesus, the Romans occupied


They exercised their rule through gorr".norc such as Pontius Pilate who were responsible for maintaining law and order.

of Jesus bring him before pilate? had claimed to be the Son of God, and the Jewish leaders wanted him to be put to death. Under Roman rule they did not have the right to pass the death sentence, and they needed Pontius pilate to condemn Jesus to be crucified. They brought him before the Roman governor and accused him of stirring up the people and encouraging a riot. Why did the enemies


What did Pilate ask Jesus? Pilate wanted to know whether or not Jesus claimed to

be a king.

What reply did lesus give? Jesus told Pilate that his kingdom was not a worldly one. The kingdom of God or heaven is not a place; it can be found 'within' people who accept Jesus as their king

tn' to live by his loving standards.

What do you imagine Pilate thought when Jesus told him


Pilate rlas probablr. confusedl What Jesus told him seemec-l to make no sense. This man claimed to be the king of some kingdom that \\'as apparentlr, invisible. The prisoner before him seemed harmless enoueh. and only guilty of having grand ideas about his o,rn i-por_ tance. He certainly didn't look like anv kine that pilate had ever seen before! Why didn't Pilate simply let Jesus go free? Pilate knew how much the ]ewish leaders hated Jesus.

They were jealous and afraid because huge crowds were 240





condemning an innocent prisoner to death.

Create various shapes of 'jewels' to adorn Christ's crown of thorns using pieces of card. These can be


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ready to put their faith in him and follow wherever he led them. They were frightened that jesus would leac the people in an uprising against the Romans thai would result in the destruction of their nation. Pilate knew that to oppose the ]ewish leaders would create a great deal of trouble for himself, and that was something he wanted to avoid at any cost, even if it meani

For the Church and all of God's people; may we share Christ's message of love and hope with the world.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For people searching for God,s kingdom of love; may they have the courage to follow the path that takes them there.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For those who have died and are at peace with God; may they enjoy eternal life and joy in his heavenly kingdom.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For people who have wandered away from God,s love; may they have a change of heart and take their rightful place in his kingdom. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Loving Fathet, help us to be faithful to you even when we struggle to succeed, so that by choosing to follow ]esus we may belong to your kingdom of love. Grant this through Christ your Son. Amen.

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