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First Sunday of Advent Who else uses the sun, the moon and stors to find their woy? Many animals and birds depend on the night sky and the position of the sun to help them find their way as they migrate or make long journeys in search of food, warmth or somewhere to raise their young'

Focus A Bible open at today's Gospel passage, a small Advent wreath, and a selection of stars and moons (see Actiaity) scattered around the disPlay.

lntroduction What signs do we


in the world around us to warn

us that autumn and winter are on the way? (Encourage the children to share their ideas.) Onty God knows when

the world will end, but he will send us unmistakable signs to warn us that the time has come for Christ's glorious return.

Gospel Acclamation Lieht the first Advent candle on the wreath and sing the

What would you need to see the night sky really clearly? A powerful telescope allows us to see the stars, moon and sun in great detail. Why did Jesus tell us to keep a coreful watch on the sky? At the end of time, before |esus retums in glory there will

be signs in the sky to warn us of his coming' We don't know exactly what those signs might be, but they will be unmistakable to everyone who sees them. Jesus reassures us not to worry but to celebrate his glorious return'

AJvent Acclamation for Year C.

Activity Gospel A reading from the Gospei of St Luke (21:25-28,34-36) there Jesus said, 'Before the Son of God returns,



signs in the sun, moon and stars, and people will be afiaid and bewildered bv all that they see'- There is noihing to fear; instead, give thanks to see the power and glory of God. Hold your heads high because your salvation is near. Stay awake and always keep yourselves ready to meet the Son of God, so that you are not taken by surprise when he comes unexpectedly'' This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord |esus Christ.

Copy the templates and cut out sta{, moon and sun sh#es from thin metallic card. Decorate these with glitier, tinsel and stick-on shapes, and attach gold thread to hang them from Your tree.

lntercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving farnlly' together let us pray to our heavenly Father:

That Christians everywhere will lead lives iilled with love, forgiveness and truth, so that Christ may find us ready to greet him when he comes again'

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Reflection Have you any ideo how many stors there ore in the night sky?

If you look up at the sky on a cleaq, dark night it


oossible to see about 3000 of the billions of stars in our galaxy. Some are small and faint, while others are much

larger and very bright.

Ancient stor wqtchers noticed that stars form potterns imagined that the shapes formed 'pidures' and gave them names. Do you know the nomes of any of these stor Patterns or Pictures? Some like the 'Little Bear' are named after animals, whilst others such as'The Plough' are named after the


the sky. They

object they resemble.

lf you were out in open country or at sea, how could the sun, moon and stars helP You? Navigation is the process of working out where you are and in what direction you are travelling' Before modern aids, people would use the sun by day and the moon and sfars ty night to navigate and find their way' Because the sun alwayi rises in the east and sets in the west,

people knew in which direction they were travelling' thebosition of the stars at night and measurement of the distances between them also allowed them to do this'


That the homeless, the poor and the unloved will experience the warmth of Christ's love this Christmas as we make them welcome.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. That people who are filled with hate and anger may find peace and ioy as they prepare to celebrate Christ's coming.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our Prayer. That anyone who feels lonelY or sad wilt find hope and happiness through our loving care and concern.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our Prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken Prayers with him' Silence

Loving Father, keep us close to Your love and forever ready to greet Christ when he returns in glory We ask this in the name of Christ our Lord'


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Second Sunday of Advent Focus

Are people still baptised today? Where ond when does

A candle and a tray of sand with pebbles and some cacti or dried twigs to create a desert scene. Make a smooth sandy path between the rough stones on either side.

this usually happen? Most people are usually baptised as babies in a baptismal font rather than the loca1 river! When a baby is received and welcomed into the family of the Church, its parents and godparents promise to pass on their faith and commit themselves to bringing that child up as a Christian.

Introduction Before any important event there is allr'ays careful planning and preparation. Qird's plan \\-as to save the world from sin by sending his Son Jesus to be our Messiah or Saviour. In preparation for this great event God sent a special messenger before Jesr-rs to 'prepare a smooth path for the Lord' and to get the people ready to receive the Son of God into their lives.

Gospel Acclamation Light two candles on the Advent r,vreath and sing the Advent Acclamation for Year C.

Activity As symbols of today's Gospel, help the children to create doves (as a sign of baptism) and John the Baptist

figures to hang from the tree. Doaes

Fold a sheet of paper or card in half. Draw a diagonal line and copy the shape as shown. Carefully cut out the dove shape, add the tail and a loop of gold thread, before gluing the bird's body together. Fold down the wings and hang from the tree.


lohn the Bnptist

A reading from the Gospel of St Luke (3:1-6)

Make a hole at the top and bottom of a ping-pong ball. Thread it with gold string and make a knot at the bottom. Glue on lengths of black or brown wooi

When Pontius Pilate was governor of Judaea, a man appeared in the wilderness and began to preach the Word of God; his name was John. He called the people to turn away from sin and to ask for God,s forgiveness, and he baptised them as a sign of turning back to Gocl. All this happened just as the prophet Isaiah had foretold: 'A voice cries out in the wilderness, "prepare a path for the Lord. Make it straight and smooth and all people will see God's salvation."' This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord |esus Christ.

Reflection What wos the name


the mon who oppeared in the


He was called John the Baptist. What wos John like? Some Gospels describe John as wearing a 'rough coat of

for hair and a beard, and draw on a face.

Intercessions As blothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father:

Christ came to proclaim the Good News to the world; may Christians everywhere share his mission and Gospel. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. Christ came to lead us away from sin; may we furn back to God's loving ways during this season of Advent. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. Christ came to show us the r.vay to his kingdom; may we have the courage to foilow wherever he leads. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

camel's hair' and eating'locusts and wild honey,(Mark 1.6). Since we know that he was living and sun'iving in the wilderness, we can imagine him with a beard and untidy, long hair.

Christ came to heal the sick and raise the dead to life; mav those who are suffering or dying be comforted by his peace and promise of eternal life.

Whqt did lohn come to do?

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening,

John had been chosen bl' God to help prepare the Israelites to welcome their Messiah or Saviour. Filled with the Holy Spirit, he began preaching to the people and baptising then-r in the river as a sign that they wanted to wash away their past mistakes, and start

in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him.

afresh with their lives. Do you know the name


the river where this happened?

John is belier.'ed to have baptised people in the River Jordan close to the place where it leaves the Sea of Calilee.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Loving Father; through baptism we are reborn to new life as your children. Keep us close to your love as we prepare to celebrate the coming of Christ your beloved Son. We make our prayers through Jesus our Lord. Amen.



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Third Sunday of Advent Focus


A Bible open at today's Gospel, with a pair of sandals


next to it.

sheaves of wheat and simple sandals. Sheaaes

Introduction Look at the Advent wreath. How manv weeks are left until Christmas? Can you feel the excitement and anticipation growing as we draw closer to this joyful event? The same feelings of expectation were

remind the children of today's Gospel, make some

g.o*ing among

the Jewish people as they sensed that the Messiah promised by God would soon appear among them!

Gospel Acclamation Light three candles on the Advent wreath and sing the Advent Acclamation for Year C.

Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Luke (3:10-1g) (See page 387.)

Attach a length of gold thread just below the ear of one stem. Arrange the other stems around this to produce an attractive bundle. Trim the stems and hold them in place with an elastic band, disguised with a piece of narrow ribbon tied around it. Sandals

Copy the template and carefully make holes as shown. Cut two strips from paper or card, make a loop at one_ end and glue. Glue the end opposite the loop on to the sole of the sandal. Tie a knot at one end of two lengths of thick wool or string. Thread these through the holes without pulling them tight (wrap a piece of sellotape around the end to make this easier). Finally thread them through the loops and tie in a bow.



As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father:

What did John the Baptist encourage the people to do? The crowds that had gathered to hear John preaching

We pray for all of God's people, especially those who are persecuted for their {aith.

showed how sorry they felt {or their sins by bein[

baptised by him in the River Jordan. John then urged them to change their ways to prepare for the comin[ of the Messiah. This meant being generous and kind, thinking of others first, speaking the truth, treating one another with respect and appreciating all that they had been given by God.

As we prepare to celebrate Christ's first coming ot Christmas, is John's odvice still good for us today? Advent is a good time to take a look at our own lives and change anything that might keep us from God,s love. Just as John called the people to make a special effort to love and serve God and one anothel, we can prepare to celebrate Christ's coming by doing the same ourselves.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for those who are preparing to be baptised

and welcomed into the Christian community.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for the sick and all who suffer in mind or body.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for peace in our homes and throughout the

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Loving Fathe4 When John said that he baptised with water but the Messiah would baptise with the Hoty Spirit, what did he mean?

may we live in Christ's love by serving you and one another with a generous heart and a kind act.

Baptism with water was not uncommon to the |ews for whom it was an experience of purification (being made

Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

clean) and renewal (making a fresh start). To receive the

Holy Spirit in baptism means that a person is filted with his life and belongs to God. Just as two people who love each other share the same life and grow closer and closer together, so the Holy Spirit allows us tr-r grow more like him and closer to God. The Son of God came to share his love and life through the gift of his Spirit. Why did John feel unfit to undo Christ,s sandqls? John knew that the Messiah promised bv God had come to save the world from sin and transform it with his love.

The Messiah filled him wirh such humility that he felt a slave and undo his sandals.

unworthy even to the job of 250


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Fourth Sunday of Advent Focus


A Bible open at today's Gospel, with an angel and

Create angels and baubles to hang from your tree or branch.

bauble arranged next to it.



the outline of a head and wings on the back of a smal1 white paper plate or a doiley. Carefully cut


Christmas has almost arrived and our excitement continues to grow. After Mary hears Gabriel's exciting news she rushes off to share her joyful secret with her cousin Elizabeth who has some wonderful news of her own to share!

around the outline, then bend the skirt back and staple it. Attach a loop of gold thread for hanging the angels. The children should add faces, and decorate them with glitter and any other materials you choose to use. Baubles

Gospel Acclamation Light four candles on the Advent wreath and sing the Advent Acclamation for Year C.

Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Luke (1:39-44)

After the angel Gabriel had appeared to Mary, she set off at once to visit her cousin Elizabeth' When Elizabeth saw Mary coming, she ran to welcome her, and the baby inside her leapt for joy at the sound of Mary's greeting.

Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and said to Mary, 'Of all women you are the most blessed, and blessed is the child you will have, because you believe in the power of God and he has chosen you to be the mother of our Saviour.' This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord jesus Christ.

Use glue and glitter to write the words ']OY' and 'LOVE' clearly on some inexpensive plastic Christmas tree baubles (do this beforehand to ensure that it's completely dry). Ask the children to add their own decorative details.

lntercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: We pray for the world that God has made; may we care for and protect the gifts of creation.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for people who cure the sick and care for them;

may their skill and love bring comfort and happiness.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our Prayer. We pray for people who are alone and filled with despair; may our friendship and love touch their lives. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Reflection What amazing news did the angel Gabriel have for Mary? That she had been chosen by God to be the mother of his Son, and that her cousin, who had been childless for

We pray for families and mothers expecting a child; may God's gift of new life fitl them with love and joy.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

many years, was already expecting a baby!

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening,

Mary set off at once to see her cousin Elizabeth? Imagine Mary's feelings of excitement, amazement and concern about God's plans for herself and her cousin! Perhaps she needed someone to talk to and to share her joy with.

in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken Prayers with him.

Why did

What happened when Mary greeted her cousin? The baby inside Elizabeth leapt with joy at the sound of

Mary's voice, and filled with the Holy Spirit, Elizabeth recognised the mother of God and welcomed her into ner nome. Whot would the children

of Elizabeth and Mory grow


to do? Elizabeth named her son Johry and he was chosen by God to prepare the jewish people for the coming of their Messiah. Filled with the Holy Spirit, he began preaching in the wilderness, calling the peopie back to God's love and bapiising them in the River Jordan' Mary named her son fesus (as the angel Gabriel had told her to do), and he was sent by God his heavenly Father to reveal the kingdom of heaven, to save them from sin and to share the gift of eternal life. 252


Loving Father, fill our lives with joy to share with the world, as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Christ our Saviour. We ask this through Jesus Your Son.


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The Holy Family Focus A Bible open at today's Gospel, with a map showing Nazareth and Jerusalem, and a three-fisured circle to represenI the Holy Family (see Aili;'rtr7).

Introduction As every family knorvs, making a long journey with children is not easy! At the time of Jesus, any such lourneys were even more challenging because ordinary families had to make them on foot, o4, if they were very fortunate, with the help of a donkev or mule. In today's Gospel we hear of one such journey made by the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, which none of them

would ever forget.

Where did they eventuolly find Jesus and what was he


After searching for three long and anxious days, Mary and Joseph were relieved and delighted to find Jesus in the Temple listening to the teachers there and asking them questions. He was not frightened or afraid, because the Temple was the house of God, and Jesus, God,s beloved Son, felt happy and at home there.

Activity Fold pieces of plain white paper and cut out different

numbers of figures. Invite the children to choose whichever nurnber of figures corresponds to their own families. Write the names of their family on the figures and staple them together to make a circle.


Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father:

Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation


We pray for the leaders of the Church,

our government and the nations of the world.


Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

A reading from the Gospel of St Luke (2:41-52) (See page 387.)

We pray for those who have wandered away

from the love of friends, families and God. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Reflection to Jerusalem to celebrate the Possover? It was a very long way from Nazareth to |erusalem (more than 100 kilometres) and Mary and Joseph probably walked most of the way there and back. At 12 years old Jesus was considered to be a young adult, and strong enough to travel with them. Why did Mary and Joseph not notice immediately that Jesus was missing?

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray that the peace and joy of Christ

will grow in the hearts and lives of all God's people. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him.

At the time people often travelled in large groups with


the men walking separately from the women. Because of his age, Jesus could have travelled with either Mary or Joseph, and they each assumed that he was with the other.

Loving Fathel,

When did Mary ond Joseph discover



was still

in Jerusalem?

Mary and Joseph realised that

Jesus was missing.

How do you imagine they felt? Thev would be overcome by feelings of panic, fea4, regret and sadness, and an overwhelming urge to do whatever they could to find their child again. What did Mory and Joseph do?

They set off to retrace their journey from Jerusalem, searching for Jesus along the way. Jemsalem was crowded

with huge numbers of people who had travelled there for the Passover celebrations. Searching for a 12-yearo1d boy amongst so many people must have seemed like searching for

filled with the joy of your


needle in a haystack!


may we gladly share it wiih the people we meet today and always. We ask this through Christ your Son.


When they met up at the end of the first day's jt-rurney,


pray for families whose children have run away from home or gone missing.


Why was Jesus 12 years old before he made the journey


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First Sunday of Lent Focus A candle on a tray of sand with some pebbles (to represent the desert), a bread roll, a small crown (made from card),

and a small tower (made from paper or card, or built with children's building blocks).



Every day we have to make choices. Sometimes it is easy to make the right choice, but at other times we find ourselves being tempted to do what we might later regret. Lent is a good time for taking a look at our lives and giving them a good 'spring clean', allowing us to clear out all the clutter that comes between us and

Photocopy the template and show the children how to fold their piece of paper to make a 'Lenten chooser'. Use it to help give them some ideas about what to do for Lent!

Cod's love.


Gospel Acclamation

As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father:

Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation

For Christians everywhere who are called to do God's will each and every day.



Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

A reading from the Gospel of St Luke (a:1-13) (See page 387.)

For agencies and organisations working for peace


Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Why did the Holy Spirit leod Jesus into the desert?

For people who campaign for justice and equality for all

in our troubled world.

preparing for his mission to reveal God's love to the world. He wanted to focus all his energv and attention on God's will for the world, to draw strength from his love, and to spend some time devoted to his heavenly Father without unnecessary distraction. The desert was an empty, lonely place where |esus could find the peace and quiet he needed to pray and think. Jesus was

Who came to disturb lesus by trying to tempt him? The devil wanted to put Jesus to the test and make him sin against the great commandment to love God 'with all your heart, all your soul and all your might'. He

tried to make

Jesus use his potver

for selfish


and to put God's love to the test. Whot did Jesus do? Strengthened by the Holy Spirit, Jesus was faithful and

obedient to his Father and used the truthful words of Scripture to convince the devil to go away and leave him in peace.

to 'give up' or 'go on' something for the six weeks of Lent? (Invite the children to share their Lenten aims or goals. What temptations might they face during the coming weeks?) Has anyone decided

Whot should we remember when we are tempted to do something wrong? That Jesus is very close to us when we suffer from remptation. He has shared the same feelings of uncertainty and doubt, and his Spirit is a1n'avs ready to give us the strength we need to overcome moments of weakness. How con lesus help us when we find ourselves being put to the test during Lent?

As we try to draw closer to God's love, by making a special effort to please him and by choosing to do his 256

will, we can experience moments of weakness and doubt when we find it hard to resist temptation. At such times we can pray to the Holy Spirit to strengthen our will and determinatiory and know that we can depend on him to answer our cry for help.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For those who are tempted to turn away from God and his forgiving 1ove.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Loving Father, open our hearts to hear and understand your Word, and help us always to do your holv will. Crant this through Christ your Son. Amen.

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Second Sunday of Lent Focus A large candle simply arranS;ed on a r,r.hite piece of cloth scattered rvith glitter to make it sparkle.

When would the disciples experience their own 'tronson' o r'tro nsfig u rotion' ? Their lives rvere transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. |esus poured out his Spirit on them, fo r m qti

filling them with his life and power. They 'radiated'

lntroduction Sometimes in our lives we are ltickv enough to experience something so amazing and unforgettable that our

memory of that occasion ner-er fades. Every trme r,r'e recall what happened or n'hat \\'e sary we are filled with the same feelir.rgs of rvonder and awe. In today's Gospel we hear about just such an experience that Jesus shared with his closest of friends.

Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation


holiness and goodness, as they \,\'ent out to the world and gave witness to God working through them. Can Jesus transform our lives too?

living within our hearts, ready to transform our lives with his 1ove. We too are given opportunities in our evervday lives to glimpse his power and glory as it is revealed in the people and wor'ld around us. Such special moments of grace and closeness to God give us the strength to follou,' Christ

Jesus is present and

wherever he leads us. What greater happiness could we hope for than to share God's eternal life and the light of his glory.

Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Luke (9:28-36)


With the disciples Peter, James and John, ]esus climbed

Photocopy an aciivity sheet to complete and colour.


mountain to pray While Jesus prayed, his clothes shone as radiant as the sun, and his

with dazzling white light

appearance was transformed


Suddenly, Moses and Elijah appeared in glor,v next to him.

Jesus and began speaking to

Peter and his friends u'ere amazed by everything thev saw, and Peter said to Jesus, 'Lord, this is al1 so wonderfull I could build three shelters, one for each of you!'

At that moment a cloud descended and covered them on the mountain top, and the disciples were afraid. Then a voice from the cloud spoke, 'This is my Son, the chosen one, listen to what he says.' When the voice fell silent, the disciples found themselves alone with Jesus. The three friends told no one at that time about the wonders they had witnessed that day. This is the Cospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord |esus Christ.


lntercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father:

That the leaders of all nations

lvill uphold and respect the dignitl' of human life. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

I hat lives that are broken and damaged by violence and lvar can be rebuilt and healed.

Lord, in vour mercv hear our prayer. That those who follow Christ in life may share his eternal life and glory. Lord, in vour mercv hear our prayer. That the of the family gathered here today will be transformed by Christ's 1ove. Lord, in your mercv hear our prayer.

How bright is the sun? Encourage the children to share their thoughts and ideas. Sunlight is so bright and dazzling that we cannot look directlv al it without damaging our eyesight.

Knon'ing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our o\ /n unspoken prayers with him. Silence

What happened to Jesus on the mountoin thot doy? His appearance was transformed as his face shone like the sun and his clothes dazzled with whiteness. Why did Jesus appeor to shine with light? Jesus revealed himself

to the disciples as they would

know him in heaven. For a ferv brief moments he shared the amazing sight of his glorv \vith his closest friends. His transfiguration was supposed to strengthen them for what they would have to go through at the time of his suffering and death. Jesus n'anted them to glimpse and share ihe heavenlv life to which they were called. It was a moment of special grace and revelation. 258

Loving Father, unite us in love, and strengthen us to share your life and Cospel

with the world. We make this praver through Christ our Lord.





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Third Sunday of Lent Focus A Bible open at today's Gospel, a tr'vig or branch in a pot, some figs (available from most supermarkets), and any pictures of fig trees you can find in good gardening books.

lntroduction Show the childrerr the figs. Do ther'' know what these fruits are and u,hat thev taste like? Cut one open and show them ir-iside. In todar"s Gospel story, Jesus tells a parable about a reluctant fig tree that r'r'ouldn't produce any fruit.


sing Acclamation 8.

Gospel A reading from the Gospel ot 5t Luke ll3:l-q) Some of the people told Jesus about the Galileans who had been killed by Pilate u.hile offerlng sacrifices to God.

killed doesn't mean that they were worse sinners than anyone else. Think of the eighteen people in Siloam lt'ho died when the tower fell on them. Do vou think that proves that thev were guiltier than anyone else in Jer-usalem? Indeed, it does not! And I tell you that vou u'ill al1 come to the same end unless you turn away from your sins.'

Jesus said to them, 'Just because they were

Then he told them a parable: 'A man went to check how manv fruits were growing on a fig tree in his vineyard, but he {ound there was none. So he sent for his gardener and told him, "This tree has grort'n no fruit for the last three vears. Cut it down and make space for

another." But the gardener said to him, "Master, give the tree one more year so I have time to feed and care for it. If it stilt has no fruit on it, then cut it dor,vn."' This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord jesus Christ.

Reflection Whot kind of

tree wqs the man trying to grow?

Fig trees are quite easy to grow, but it's not always so easv to get them to produce a r,r'orthrvhile crop o{ figs! They need regular and careful attention from a keen gardener who will do what is necessary to get such a tree to fruit,

including: frequent watering, careful pruning, providir-rg a sheltered position and protection from frost. Whqt was the problem with the fig tree in the story? Although the tree was growing well, it had produced no fruits for the last three vears. Fig trees are leafy and cast a lot of shade, and the owner of the vineyard thought that this useless tree rvas w'asting precious space. What did the mon want his gordener to do? He thought that the gardener should cut the tree down to make way for another. What did the gordener persuode his master to do?

He convinced the man who owned the tree to give it one more chance to produce a crop of fruit. He was 264

Whot does this story tell us about God? This story emphasises God's enormous patience and willingness to give us another chance to live up to his expectations. Even though we might disappoint him with our failures and shortcomings time and time agairy he loves us so much that he is always ready to let us have one more go! He will help us in whatever way he can, for however long it takes, to bear the fruit of his love in our lives, to be shared and enjoyed by evervone.


Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle

ready to make whatever effort was needed, to encourage the tree to grow some tasty figs to eai.

Photocopy the sheet. Staple or glue picture A on top of picture B. Show the children how to place a pencil at the bottom of the top sheet and roll it up tightly. Move ihe pencil up and down quickly to see the tree bearing fruitl

lntercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: We pray for followers of Christ;

that they mav bear the fruit of his love in their lives. Lord, in vollr mercy, hear our prayer. We prav for people whose lives are choked by greed and selfishness;

that they may grow in generosity and thoughtfulness. Lord, in your mercy, hear our Prayer' We pray for people wounded and hurt by hatred and fear; that they may be healed by God's merciful peace. Lord, in your mercy/ hear our prayer. We pray for people touched by pain and suffering; that they may be strengthened by God's patient care. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts 1et us share our own unspoken Prayers with him. Silence

Loving Father, make our lives pleasing to You, as we bear the fruits of your love and produce a rich harvest.

Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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Fourth Sunday of Lent Focus A Bible open at todav's Gospel, lr,ith an assortment of money and a pair of binoculars.

lntroduction A parent's love is so strong that ther. are prepared to forgive almost an1'thing that their child might do when they hear a heartfelt 'sorrr-'. Jesus came to call sinners

back to God and to tell them that God their loving Father i,vas waiting ancl hoping that they would have a change ofheart and return io his 1ove.

Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation


Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Luke (15:1-3, i1-32)

cause for great and justified celebration. However many times we might behave foolishly or make mistakes n'e regret, r'r''e know that God's forgiving love remains as strong as ever, and we can always exPect a warm and loving welcome.


Activity Help the children to make binoculars from cardboard tubes taped together, before attaching some string. OR

Photocopv the template and cut boomerang shapes from thick card or cardboard boxes to remind the children that however far we mav trar.el from Cod's 1ove, we can always return to him! Decorate the boomerangs.


(See page 388.)

As brothers and sisters in one loving familv together let us pray to our heaverrll Father:


We pray for our family the Church and all who are preparing to be welcomed into the community of faith.

ln the story thot Jesus told, whot did the man's younger son do? The younger son asked for his share of his father's wealth immediately, instead of r,r,aiting until the day it would eventually become his. What did he do once he got whqt he wanted? He left home without any further thought for his father or brother, and used his money to enjoy himself.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. lVe pray for parents everywhere, that their love will be at the heart of family life.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. lVe pray for forgiveness, understanding and tolerance

in our world. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Why did the younger son eventually return home? Having spent his money foolish11', it r.r'asn't long before

We pray for the sick and all who suffer in anv way.

he had none left. He found himself far from hon'Le, in a country where there \\.as no food because of famine, with no one who cared what became of him. Realising what a huge mistake he had made, he decided to return home and ask for his father's forgiveness.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayet. that our hea-"enly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him.

Whot kind of welcome did he receive? His father had been watching and hoping for his return. He n'as so pleased that his beloved son had come home that he was ready to forgive anything. The return of his son meant so much that the father arranged an extravagant party to celebrate his homecoming.

Loving Father, in your patient love,


hear the prayers of your children. Make us grow in love for you and for one another. We ask this through Christ our Lord.


What had the older son been doing all this time, and how did he feel when his brother returned? The older son had remained loyal to his father, and u.orked hard to olease him. He had not behaved selfishlv or rvasted his father's hard-eamed fortune. He was jealous and angrv to see what a fuss his father made of his irresponsible arrd self-centred younger brother. His father reassurecl him of his 1ove, but insisted on celebrating his waylvard brother's return and change

of heart. Whqt does this story teoch us? That whatever mistakes we make, holvever seifish and self-centred we might be, God our heavenly Father u'il1 always welcome us back to his love. Our expression of regret and wish to return and be close to God's love give


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Fifth Sunday of Lent Focus A crucifix standing in a tray of sand r,r.ith a basket of small stones placed next to it.

Introduction Many of the Jewish laws carried serious punishments for anyone who r,vas caught breaking them. One such punishment was to be stoned, or put to death by a crowd of people throrving rocks. In today's Gospel the Pharisees bring before Jesus a \.\,oman who is guilty of breaking just such a larvl

Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sav together: May the Word of God make our thoughts lovrng, our words kind, and our hearts rl,'arm.

Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St John (8:1-11) Jesus was teaching

in the Temple when the pharisees

brought a woman to stand before him. 'This woman has been caught doing something wrong, and the law says that she should be stoned. What do you think?' they asked, because they wanted lo trick jesus.

After a few moments ]esus stood up and said, 'Let the person who has never done anything wrong throw the first stone at her.' The crowd that had gathered began to leave one by one, until Jesus and the woman stood alone. Jesus said to her, 'Has anyone thrown a stone at you?'

How do you imagine the woman felt? The woman had been dragged before Jesus by an angry and frightening crowd. She had been publicly shamed and humiliated, and threatened with beine stoned to death. Who could possiblv save herl And ye1 this softly spoken man called Jesus sent her accusers away with a few carefully chosen words. What did Jesus say to the womon? Jesus simply told her to 'go and sin no more'. He changed the way people look at others; he changed the way people look at themselves. His forgiveness gave her the chance to put her past behind her and start afresh.

Activity Help the children to dramatise the Gospel story through mime and movement to music. OR

Gather the children around the crucifix. Remind them

of what happened in todav's Gospel and that Jesus taught us to pray, 'Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive one another.'Invite each child to choose a small stone and help them to arrange their stones into the shape of a cross to remind us that we must be ready to love and forgive one another, instead of finding fault. These could simply be placed on a fabric background or glued on to a suitably shaped template. If time allows, say the Lord's Prayer together.

Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: We pray for nations and people

who seek justice, equalitt'

'No, sir,' she answered.

and an end to poverty.

'Then I have forgiven you,' he said. 'Now go and sin no more.'

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

We pray tor peace and forgiveness instead of conflict and judgement.

Lord, in vour mercy, hear our prayer.


We pray for al1 who suffer in mind or body.

Why did the Phorisees want to stone the woman? She had broken the Jewish law, and the punishment for

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

her particular wrongdoing was to be put to death by

and for the friends and families who miss them.

stonlng. Why did the Pharisees ask Jesus whot they should do?

The Pharisees knew that Jesus was l.:nown for his forgiveness and compassion, but they also knew that the law required that the woman should be punished for her crime. If Jesus u'anted to release the womary then they could accuse him of disregarding the justice of the law, for which he should also be punished. How did Jesus avoid the trap they had set for him? Jesus did not condemn the sinful woman but the sin she had committed. He simply stated that any punishment should be carried out by those who had never sinned themselves. The woman's accusers realised that everyone is guilty of making mistakes at some time, and only God is perfect. They put down their stones and walked away.

We pray for those who have died

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts, let us share our o\,vn unspoken prayers with him. Silence





with compassion and love

and make us people of forgiveness, according to your commandments of love. Amen.

264 r h,



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Second Sunday of Easter Focus


A crucifix and a simple candle.

Show the children how to make'friendshio bracelets' to exchange as a token of Christ's peace. Put all the bracelets into a basket and allow each child to draw one out to keep.

Introduction Jesus said to his disciples, 'Peace is m;- gift to you, my own peace I give you, a peace that the lvorld cannot give' (Iohn 14:27). Christ is our peace. He overcomes division

and hatred n'ith love and forgiveness. As Christians we are called to share his gift of peace rvith the world.


Lay two different colours of pipe cleaners side by side, and twist a couple of tirnes at one end. Place trvo pencils that have been taped together, between the pipe cleaners next to the twisted end, and twist again tightly for two or three turns. Remove the pencils and then repeat again until you reach the end.

Gently flatten the twisted pipe cleaners and bend them into a circle before tr.r'isting both ends together.

Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation



As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father:

Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St John ( 20:79-37) (See page 388.)

We pray for the Church and all her people; may we share the peace of Christ by our example of acceptance, understanding and forgiveness.


Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

When Jesus appeared in the room with his disciples what gift did he share with them? Jesus offered them a gift they could not see or touch or hold, but it would change their lives. The gift of Christ's peace came with the knowledge that he would alwavs be with them, Iiving within them, and guiding and watching over them.

We pray for peacemakers in our world;

How would you describe whot 'peoce' meons?

and be filled with his gift of peace.

Some people would say that peace

is simply


absence of noise! The peace that jesus shares with those

who believe in him is something deeper than that. It comes from knowing that jesus loves us so much that lo'u'e is always ready to forgive the mistakes we make. Such peace lives in our hearts where it is rooted in 1ove.

he died for us, and that his amazing

After shoring the gift


his peoce, whot did Jesus tell

his disciples to do?

Through the power of the Holy Spirit, Jesus sent them out to forgive sins in his name.

ln whot special woy does Jesus share the gift of


peace with us? When we make a mistake in our lives or do somethine that spoils our friendship with God, our hearts feei troubled and heavy. Jesus heals and restores us through the Sacrament of Reconciliatiorl when r,ve tell God that we are sorry for letting him dor,r,n and his forgiveness fills us with his love and peace.

may we support their brave efforts to heal injustice and reconcile differences.

Lord, in vour mercv hear our prayer. We pray for those who are filled with doubt rnrl rrnnor+rin+r,'

may they find faith in Christ Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for families and homes wounded by violence or anger; may their troubled lives be touched by Christ's healing peace.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Loving Father, your beloved Son Jesus transformed our world with his love and peace. Through our living love may we share his precious gift of peace. We make our prayers through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Peace is something our world needs ond longs for today.

How can we be people of peace? There are all sorts of wavs to share Christ's oeace with others. By apologising when we have done iomething wrong, bv forgiving someone who has upset us, by ignoring hurtful gossip, by treating others with respect and thoughtfulness, and working for a just and fair world. 266


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Third Sunday of Easter Focus A Bible open at today's Cospel, together with a candle, a

loaf of bread and


fish (plastic or real!


Introduction After his resurrection Jesus appeared on several different occasions to his disciples, often taking them quite by surprise. In today's Gospel u.e hear how Jesus made just such an appearance, and prepared a hearty breakfast for his hardworking friends n'ho had been fishing all night.

beloved Master and friend down badly. At the time Peter had wept with sorrow for his failing, and Jesus now wanted him to know that he had forgiven him, and still believed in him and wanted him to fulfil the olan God had for him. By asking Simon Peter to declare his love three times, Jesus gave him the chance to make up for past mistakes and show his commitment and fait[ before inviting him to become the leader God intended

him to be.

Activity Give each child a puzzle to complete and colour.

Gloria Gospel Acclamation


Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation

As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father:


Gospel A reading from the Gospel of


John (21:1-19)

(See page 388.)

We pray for the Church and her mission to live and share the Gospel.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for courage to be witnesses for Christ


and proclaim our faith to the world.

Whot were Simon Peter ond some of the disciples doing when Jesus appeared to them? They were out fishing in their boats.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for the homeless, the hungry and the unloved.

Lord, in vour mercy, hear our prayer. Did they know thot it was Jesus standing watching them from the shore? They were tired, hungry and probably too interested in thoughts of breakfast and landing their empty nets to notice the person standing on the beach. What did Jesus do that mode them recognise him?

Although they had been fishing all night, the disciples' nets were almost empty. Jesus told them to throw their nets into the water once more, and to their astonishment the nets were so fu11 they were ready to burst! Ar once,

it was Jesus standing on the shore. He knew that only Jesus had the power to do something so extraordinary, and he jumped into the water and swam to greet him. Simon Peter realised that

When had the disciples witnessed such a morvellous cotch before? When Jesus first ca1led his disciples to follow him, they had been fishing all night with little success. Jesus had encouraged Simon Peter, Andrew, James and John to try one more time, and they were rewarded with nets that were so fu11 of fish thev were unable to oull them in

without help (Luke


What wos Jesus doing when the other disciples reached shore? Jesus was cooking breakfast to share with his closest

friends. Whot question did Jesus osk Simon Peter? Why did lesus

ask this not once, but three times? After Jesus had been arrested, Simon Peter had denied knowing him, not once but on three separate occastons. He had been weak and afraid, and he had let his

We pray for those who have died and rest in the peace of Christ.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Loving Father, increase our faith and love, and help us to share your life and kingdom with others Grant this through Christ your Son. Amen.

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Fourth Sunday of Easter Focus A Bible open at today's Gospel, with a name card for each child arranged around it.

lntroduction At the time of Christ, a shephercl's job was to find food for the sheep in his care and protect them from harm'

the care shown by ]esus compaied his care for us r'r'ith good shepherd. He knor'vs each one of us by name and' a

iecognising his voice, \\'e are to follow wherever he leads when we hear him calling'

Gloria Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation 2'

Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St John (10:27-30) jesus said, 'My sheep know my voice and they follow me as I lead them io everlasting life I know each one of them by name, and they can always- trust me to take care of ihem and to protect them from harm No one can steal them away from my Father's care, and the Father and I are one.' This is the GosPel of the Lord. Praise to You, Lord jesus Christ'

Reflection What name is given to o group of sheep? A number of sheep gathered together is called a fiock' Whot nome do we use for


person who cares for a flock

of sheep?

A shepherd is someone who guides and leads a flock to find fiesh grass, and protects them from coming to any kind of harm.

lf you were asked to describe a sheep to someone who hid never seen one before, what would you soy? (Encourage the chi.ldren to give a cletailed description of ieferring to any pictures you might have to a sheep,

help them.) In man1. ways sheep are rather like prcople! Thev have ,.,ur-ty ilotu.teristics in common (such as woollv coats of and tleating voices), but they also come in all sorts different of variety wide a in and shapes and sizes, colours and breeds. Sheep are gentle creatures that prefer the compan\r of one another rather than being

,o thev prefer to move around together in a crowd or go.t. ih"v rvill readily fol1ow someone they


trust when they hear the sound of their familiar volce' Do most sheep oppear to look the same to you? How does a shePherd tell them aPart? A shepherd who is with a flock night and day recognrses individuat sheep not simply because of anv noticeabie differences between them but also because of their different characters and personalities' 270

Jesus describe himself as'the Good Shepherd'? back to his love and forJesus came to lead God's flock Why


giveness. He knows of us by name and calls us to trust in his loving care and to follow him wherever he leads us in life.

Activity Create a large banner that reads, ']esus is the Good Shepherd, -ni" u." his flock.' Cut out wavy shapes for sheep bodies from thin paper, dip these in water and ur.urle" th"* on the barrner. Wind yam or wool around piecei of card and secure both ends on the same side wlth seilotape. Paint the yarn or wool green (on the side withoui any sellotape), and press it down on the paper, adding more paint as necessary' Then carefully p""f off the Jamp piper'bodies' of the sheep While ihe paint is drying, cut head and ear shapes from black ouol, o, card, and narrow lengths or strips for legs'

b1.." th"t" onto the bodies and add'wobbly' eyes' (When time is limited, much of the preparation can be done beforehand!)

lntercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together 1et us pray to our heavenly Father: Christ the Good Shepherd calls us to follow him; let us pray that Christians everYwhere will hear his voice and answer his call.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer' Christ the Good Shepherd gave up his life for us; let us pray for those who have suffered and died in his name. Lord, in vour mercy, hear our prayer' Christ the Good Shepherd protects us from harm; let us pray for people endangered by war, violence or hatred.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our Prayer' Christ the Good Shepherd knows us each by name; let us pray for people who feel unloved or alone' Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer' Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening' in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken Prayers with him' Silence

Loving Father, listen io the prayers of your faithful flock and unite us in Your love. May we hear and answer Christ's call, as he leads us to share eternal life with you' Grant this through Christ our Lord' Amen.


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Fifth Sunday of Easter Focus A Bible open at today's Gospel, a candle, and a 'stained glass heart' (see ActiaitY).

judgements, but was ready to forgive with kindness and understanding; he made time for everyone and excluded no one. Can you think

of ony times when



his love into



love one another Jesus gave us a new commandment to had' These already we to coiplete the commandments our lives build we which on blocks foundation are the as his disciples today. Christ calls us to put our love into living action by loving others as we are loved by God'

How can we put our Christian love into action in the

(Encourage the children to share any stories they can recall.)

world today?



Use the template to cut out heart shapes from black

Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation 9'

Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St |ohn (13:31-35) When Judas had left them, Jesus turned to his apostles and said,'Now God's glory is revealed through the Son' It will soon be time for me to leave you, my frlends, and you cannot come where I am going. SoI give you a new tommandment: I want you to love each other as I have loved each one of you. If you live by this ru1e, other people will see your goodness and love, and they will know that you are mY disciPles.

card. Help the children to stick different colours of tissue paper or cellophane on to one side of the card' PhotoCopv the small hearts on to coloured paper and give a copy to each child to attach to a window next to their'stained glass heari'.

lntercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together 1et us pray to our heavenly Father: We prav for countries and nations facing famine, flood, drought or any kind of disaster.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our Prayer. We pray for those who are poor and in need of our help

This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord jesus Christ.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We prav for the homeless and refugees l"ho hu,r" lost everything they owned'


Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for peace in our world and understanding and forgiveness between nations and religions. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Judas left

Jesus ond his disciples, where wos he


judas had left jesus sharing the Last Supper with his closest friends, to make ihe final arrangements for betraying his Master to the Jewish leaders for the price of thirty pieces of silver. How would God's glory be revealed through Jesus his Son?

knew that the time had come for him to be betrayed and put to death. His disciples would be shocked and saddened by his death, because they still did not understand God's plan to destroy death for ever by raising and glory Jesus from the dead to new life. God's Power from resurrection Christ's through revealed be would the dead three days after being laid in a tomb'




else, whot


Jesus want his disciples to do

when he hqd left them?

He commanded anyone who follows him to love one another as he loves. Christians should be recognised by their love that is obvious for all the world to see' What does it mean to love as Jesus loves? Time after time fesus gave us examples of what it means

to love as he loves. He was ready to serve others humbly by putting their needs before his own; he tended the sick and those who suffered; he welcomed outcasts and people rejected and scorned by society; he did not make 272

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him' Silence

Loving Fathe4 may we be faithful to the Chrisiian name and worthy to be called children of God' We make our Prayer through Christ your Son'


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Sixth Sunday of Easter Focus A crucifix, Bible and


large candle'

lntroduction When we listen carefully to the Scriptures we are hearing Word' God speaking directly io us. His Word is a living our but just ears our not u.d ou" needlo listen to it with brought are words God's of A1l well. minds and hearts as of God together in the person of Jesus, who is the Word made flesh.

Who witl helP us to do this? jesus understands that at times it can be difficult to live lp,o ttit perfect example! We often get things-wrong and fu'l iu. short of his expectations' He sent the Holy Spirit to guide us and help us to understand and remember thai what we hear is Coa speaking to us' as he calls us to put his living love into action every day'

How do we show our respect for God's Word? treated The book from which the Scriptures are read is precious how us remind to care, with great reverence and it is. iluring Mass we stand up in preparation to receive the Good News and to show our respect'



to Prepare a decorative and worthy cloth on.which

Gospel Acclamation

*n" book containing God's Word This might (from include adorning it with sequins or beads

Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation 3'



craft departments), or using pieces of fabric to.create abstract design. Whatever you choose, to do'


A reading from the Gospel of St fohn (14:23-29) jesus said, 'Whoever loves me will keep my word' and *f futn". and I will live in them and love them' If they love my hurre ,,o love for me, then neither will they heavenly my. from comes you iell I Err"rything *ora. have been Father. I have tolJ you all these things while I in my Spirit Holy the send will with you, but my Father

rnu Spirii will help you to rememler my word

"u*J. u.,i t"u.t you alt that you need to know' I give you the gift of my own pea"e, *hi"h cannot come from the I ivorld, so that you will not feel afraid or troubled'

have told yon ihut I am leaving, and I shall return' to my Because you iove me, be glad that I am going it when that so Father. I have told you all this now believe'' and happens you will understand This is the GosPel of the Lord' Praise to You, Lord |esus Christ'

Reflection Whot do we use words for?

and We use words to communicate with one another

our feelings and emotionsl God


"*p."r, hiinself to his people through the voices and thoughts of various prophets and holy people' What wos 'the Word' Jesus spoke about? where he comWe believe that the Bible is God's Word' the throughout people his to municated with and spoke flesh" became Word 'the born was ages. When Jesus God spoke UE.ur-rr" Jesus is the Word of God in reality' us today to sgea\s God to his pelple through Jesus, and Scriptures' the in read and to listen through the words -e

How con we love and keeP God's Word? world from sin and show us how Jesus came to save the our heavenly Father' He gave us God please and lorr" io in the standards and. rules to live by, which guide us obey to trying By life' eternal direction of heaven and and love we us' gave that example the Jesus and follow Word' holY his and God respect 274

encourage all the children 'Gospel cloth' sPecial.

to help to make their

lntercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family' together let us pray to our heavenly Father: We orav for the Church throughout the world; *uy *" share Christ's Gospel love and peace by our living examPle.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer' achieve it; We pray for peace and those who work to may foigiveness heal hatred

uni rrrrii" communities and people divided by fear' Lord, in your mercy, hear our Prayer' We prav for the homeless and Poor; suffering -uv o.t, efforts to relieve theirlives' bring peace to their troubled Lord, in your mercy, hear our Prayer' We pray for those who have died; muy th"y rest in eternal peace and ioy with God' Lord, in your mercy/ hear our prayer'

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening' in the silence of our hearts him' let us share our own unspoken Prayers with Silence

Loving Father, yow S"on transformed the world with his amazing love' others il4uy or. love and example touch the lives of uni b.i.,g them closer to you and your kingdom' Grant this through Christ your Son' Amen.




Seventh Sunday


Easter Whot morks us out os Christians today? |esus commanded us to love one another as he loves us, so that our love would clearly identify or mark us out as

Focus A crucifix and


large paper'hand'.

his followers. Just like the eariy Christians, the Holy

lntroduction Jesus the Cood Shepherd loves

all who belong to his

flock of followers. He understands that at times we find it difficult to love one another as he loves us, but he is always standing next to us, ready to reach out and help us whenever we call upon his name.

Spirit can help us to be more like Jesus in our everyday lives. His presence with us can be seen in the sort of people we are, and by the way we treat one anotheq, as we live by the standards of Christ's Gospel of love and forgiveness.



Gospel Acclamation

Ask the children to draw around one hand, and then cut out the shape. As you play some quiet background music, invite the children to sit quietly and listen as you say:

Light the Cospel candle and say together: Alleluia. al1eluia.


Look at your own hand (palm side up). You can use your hand to help you to pray. Look at your middle finger. It is the biggest finger on your hand. It reminds us to pray for countries and nations that are bigger than others; may they take care of those who are smaller and less powerful than they are. Look at your thumb. It is closest to you and plays an important role in what you do. It reminds .ti to pruy for people we are close to; may we remember to appreciate and thank them for their loving care. Look at your little finger. It is the smallest finger on your hand. It reminds us to pray for children everywhere; may they be loved and cherished instead of used and abused. Look at the finger you use to point. It reminds us to pray for everyone who points us towards God and his love; may they guide us wisely as we follow Christ through life. Look at your ring finger. A ring is a symbol of eternal love and faithfulness. It reminds us to pray for all of God's faithful people; may our lives be a Iiving example of Christ's love for the world.

What did Jesus do when he knew that he would soon be arrested and put to death, and his disciples would find themselves olone?

Encourage the children to write their own prayer on their hand shape, and then arrange the hands on a poster or display board.

may the Word of God make our thoughts loving,

our words kind, and our hearts warm.

Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St John (77:20-26) Looking up to heavery Jesus prayed, 'Heavenly Fathet, take care of my disciples and everyone who comes to believe in you because of them. Unite them in love and make them one, just as you and I are one. Fathel, just as you are in me, and I am in you, may they be in us so that the world will believe that you sent me, and that you love them just as you love me.' This is the Gospei of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord ]esus Christ.

Jesus prayed to his heavenly Father about all his concems

and worries for his friends. He taught us to call God our Father and to pray to him for all our needs. What did Jesus wont his disciples to do? wanted them to go out into the world to share his Gospel of love, so that others would know and follow him. He prayed that God would watch over his disciples and strengthen them with his love as they prepared for their challenging mission.


After Jesus had been crucified, what did the disciples do

at first? They hid themselves away because they were afraid and unsure about what they should do next. What happened to change this? Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to share his gifts

with the

disciples and help them to build the kingdom of God. Filled n'ith the Spirit, they had the courage and faith to live as Jesus had taught them and to share his teachings with the world. They were recognised as followers of Christ because of the love thev showed for one another. 276

Closing prayer Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, In the silence of our hearts, Let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Loving Father, watch over the children gathered before you in prayer, and strengthen us to share the gift of your love

with the world. We make our prayers through Christ your Son.



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Second Sunday of the Year Focus


A Bible open at today's Gospel, a glass of 'wine' (blackcurrant juice), together with a bunch of grapes and a jar or jug of water.

Copy the templates and give each child a water;ar to colour and decorate. On the other side of the jaa help them to write about or draw a picture of someone or something they would like to ask Mary to pray for on their behalf. Gather these into a jug or water jar to be included at the offertory.

lntroduction A miracle is something extraordinary that cannot


explained. It is something brought about by the power of God ihat breaks all the normal rules of nature. Jesus performed many such miracles during his time on earth, but in today's Gospel we hear about the very first of these, when he revealed God's power and might in response to a plea from Mary his mother.

Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: That leaders of all nations will uphold and respect the value of human life.


Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Gospel Acclamation

That lives that are shattered and torn by violence and war will be healed and rebuilt.

Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation


Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St John (2:l-I1)

That those who struggle with pain and suffering will find comfort and relief.

(See page 388.)

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


That all newly wed couples will share lasting joy and happiness together.

Why did lesus and his friends travel to the town They had been invited to a wedding there.



Whot happens at a wedding todoy after the bride and groom have been married? A wedding is an occasion of great joy and celebration. Tiaditionally, after the ceremony and blessing the couple celebrate their joy with their friends and family at a party or receptiory before leaving to go on a honeymoon

holiday. How were weddings celebroted ot the time of Jesus? A |ewish wedding in Jesus' time was also an occasion of great celebration and joy. Instead of going away after the wedding, the newlyweds stayed at home and kept open house for a week. The celebrations with family and friends continued all this timel Whot disaster struck the wedding celebrations? They ran out of wine for the guests to drink! What did Mary, lesus' mother, do? When she heard that there was no wine, Mary felt sorry for the newly married couple as their celebrations were about to be spoiled. She went to |esus and asked for help on their behalf.

How did lesus respond to Mary's plea for help? He performed his first miracle by changing water into wine for the guests to drink. When this marvellous wonder was witnessed bv the first disciples called to

follow Jesus, they glimpsed God's working through his beloved Son.


and glory

Whqt can we learn from this story?

That Mary the mother of God cares about us and is ready to intercede or plead on our behalf to Christ her sory when we ask for her help to do so.


Lord, in your mercy/ hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in ihe silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Loving Father, may our celebration together today fill us with your life and love, so that you may live in us, and we may live in you. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.






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Third Sunday of the Year Focus A'scro11' of parchment (made from baking parchment or simiiar) rolled up and tied with ribbon (see next week), and a large candie.

lntroduction God had promised to send a Messiah who would fulfil all the prophecies made about him and complete Cod's plan oisalvation for the people of Israel' Today we know ihut ]" was indeed that Messiah, but Jesus faced the challenge of convincing the jewish people of the time'

Gloria Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation 3'

Were the Scriptures octually written in a book?

They were written on scroils or rolls of parchment made from animal skins stitched together. These scrolls were wound on to wooden poles which were tightly wound up and kept in a holy place called the Ark (often a large cupboard or alcove covered by a screen)'

Whot wos so special qbout the words that Jesus read that day? The prophet Isaiah had written about the Messiah or Christ piomised by God, and all the wondrous things he -ould do when he came. jesus was the Christ, the living Son of God, who was bringing the words of Isaiah to life and making everything happen just as the words of Scripture had foretold.

Activity Give each child an activity sheet to complete and colour.

Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Luke (1:t-4; 4:74-21)


Like others before me, I have decided to recount the events and words which have been passed on to us by those who witnessed them with their own eyes and ears, so that you, Theophilus, might understand where the knowledge of our teaching comes from'

As brothers and sisters in one loving family,

Filled with the Holy Spirit, Jesus returned to Galilee, and wherever he taught in the synagogues he was praised by everyone who heard him speak. Soon his name was

Lord, in your mercy, hear our Prayer. We pray for those who suffer injustice, hunger and povertY; may they find hope through our loving care'

known far and wide throughout the countryside' Jesus came to Nazareth, the town where he had spent his

together let us pray to our heavenly Father: We pray for our Christian faith to be strengthened; rnuy -" have the courage to proclaim God's saving love to the world.

childhood., and on the Sabbath day he went to the synagogue. He unrolled the scroll and began to read the irotas of the prophet Isaiah: 'The Lord's Spirit has been given to me. He has sent me to bring the Good News to the poor, to declare freedom for prisoners, to give new sight to the blind, to set the downtrodden free''

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

When Jesus had finished, he rolled up the scroll and sat down. The synagogue was hushed and still, as everyone there watched him carefully. Looking up, Jesus said to them, 'These words you have heard today are coming true, even as I sPeak.'

may they find comfort and Peace in Christ's promise of eternal life.

This is the GosPel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord |esus Christ.

Reflection Which town did lesus come to visit? where he had spent Jesus returned to Nazareth, the town

his childhood. What did he do on the Sobboth daY?

jesus went to the local synagogue where the Jewish people met to worship Cod together. Whot did he do while he was there? People were often invited to read God's Word from the Scriptures. On this particular occasion jesus was asked to read from the book of the prophet Isaiah' 2BO

pray for people with difficult challenges to overcome; may they be strengthened by the Presence of the Hoiy Spirit.


Lord, in your mercy, hear our Prayer. We pray for the sick and dYing;

Lord, in your mercy, hear our Prayer. Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken Prayers with him' Silence

Loving Father, watch over the children gathered before you in prayer and strengthen us to share the gift of your love

with the world. We make our prayers through Christ your Son'














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Fourth Sunday of the Year prophets sent before him had done. Those closest to him had the greatest difficulty in accepting his witness as the

Focus A Bible, a scroll (see last rveek) and a large cut-out heart.

lntroduction (Remind the children that last u'eek, Iesus had been reading about the Messiah plornised b1' God, as foretold by the Prophet Isaiah.) |esus had come to share the message of God's saving love and forgiveness rvith ihe rvhole world. Whoever is ready to listen to and follorv him is offered the chance to belong to his kingdom and share his eternal iife. Many of the Jewish people cor-tld not accept that jesus was God's chosen One, and thev rejected him and drove

and claims. Whot did Jesus say to infuriate the crowd? it clear that the pou'er of God's healing and Iove is offered to all people and is not restricted to any one race or faith. In Old Testament times, rt'hen the

Jesus made

prophets had been rejecied and ignored, they turned instead to anyone who was ready to beliel'e and trust in the message they had come to share. Jesus had come to share the Good News with the whole world and not just the Jewish people. His own townspeople were outraged by such comments and were determined to destroy him!

him away.

Did Jesus come to any harm?


As the angry mob argued and shouted, he somehow manap;ed to slip away unnoticed and unharmed, and took his message elsewhere to those who were willing

Gospel Acclamation

to listen and believe.

Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation



Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Luke (4:21-30) Looking up from what he had been reading irr the synagogue, Jesus said to the people,'These rn'ords you have heard today are coming true, even as I speak.'

Copy the heart templates on to some thin card and cut them out. Carefully fold along the dotted line, and tape a safety pin on to the back. Decorate the heart badges and use a split pin to ailow the'heart' to be opened and closed.

The peopie were amazed by a1l that he said. Some of them began to ask, 'lsn't this the Son of Joseph the carpenter?'


Jesus replied, 'No prophet is ever accepted by his own people, and doubtless 1,ou will expect me to do here

As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father:

when a great famine struck he was not sent to help the r,r,idows of Israel but to help a widow in Sidon. In the same way, the prophet Elisha cured Naaman the Svrian rather than the Israelites suffering in the same way.'

For the Church and its mission to share the Good News

what I have done for people elsewhere. In Elijah's day,

Infuriated by his r,r'ords, the people took jesus to a hilltop outside the town, intent on throu'ing him ofl but he managed to make his escape without coming to any harm. This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord jesus Christ.

Reflection Why did the people of clqimed to be the Messiah?

Nazareth doubt Jesus when he

Many of them had known jesus as neighbours and friends nhen he had spent his childhood years among them. This must have made it even harder for Jesus to be rejecied and disbelieved by them. They knew Jesus to be a carpenter's sory and could not believe or accePt that he could be anything more. Why

did lesus compare himself with the prophets Eliiah

and Elisho? God had called these prophets to proclaim his n'ays and his plan of salvation for the people of Israel. The people rejected their message and hardened their hearts against them. Jesus experienced the same opposition and rejection 282


the world.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our Prayer. For the homeless, the poor, and all who are reiected

by society. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For those who have heard the Good News but hardened their hearts.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For Christians everywhere who are imprisoned or made to suffer because of their faith.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken Prayers with him' Silence

Loving Father, give us the courage to proclaim your Gospel of love to the world. Grant this and all our prayers

through Jesus your Son. Amen.

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Fifth Sunday of the Year Focus A Bible open at today's Gospel, together with a model or toy boat and a paper fish (see Actit,ity).

lntroduction Having faith in jesus leads Christians to a deeper relationship with him, helping us to follow his way of life as his disciples. As Simon Peter and his friends got to know Jesus better, their faith in him steadily grew. In today's Gospel, that blossoming faith is strengthened when they witness a trulv remarkable miracle!

Gloria Gospel Acclamation

As Christ's disciples today, what con this story teach us? When Jesus calls us to follow him it can mean leaving things behind, making sacrifices in our comfortable lives, or changing our personal plans. Few people are asked to make as great a commitment as the first disciples, who gave up everything they had in order to follow jesus. just as the first disciples were prePared to trust and believe in him, we are called to do the same as we follow wherever he might lead us.

Activity Photocopy the fish shape on to brightly coloured paper or thin card and cut out. Tape a drinking straw or kebab stick (with sharp ends removed) on to one side of the fish. Have a selection of strips of coloured


or shiny materials already prepared and help the children to glue these on both sides. Add eyes and use triangles of paper or card to make fins. Cut long pieces of tissue paper for a tail and

A reading from the Gospel of St Luke (5:1-11)

stick them on.

Light the Cospel candle and sing Acclamation


papeq, fabric,

(See page 389.)


Reflection Why hod the crowds gothered on the shore

of the Sea


Golilee? People had come from far and wide to see Jesus and hear him preaching. As news about him spread, people would gather wherever Jesus went. What made Jesus climb into a fishing boat? As the crowds pressed forward, hoping to get close to Jesus, to ask to be healed or to hear rvhat he had to say, ]esus found himself completely surrounded on the shore. He asked Simon Peter to sail a little way from the shore, to make it easier for everyone to see and hear him clearly. When Jesus hod finished preaching, what did he suggest

to Simon Peter?

He told Peter to sail further out and cast out his nets where the water was deeper.

How did Simon Peter respond to Jesus? Peter and his brother Andrew (and their friends James and John) had been out fishing all night with very little success. When Jesus had appeared on the shore, they had been washing and cleaning their nets. The tired fishermen had no intention of sailing out agairy but something about Jesus made them listen to him and trust him. Simon Peter agreed to his request and they cast out their nets as lesus had told them to. What hoppened next? Peter and his friends caught so many fish that their nets were close to breaking! They had probabll' never caught so many fish before in one attempt. They were filled with amazement and surprise, and knew that they had witnessed something truly extraordinarv

What did the fishermen do when Jesus asked them to follow him? They immediately left their nets and boats behind and followed him. 284

As brothers and sisters in one loving family,

together let us pray to our lteavenly Father: We pray for the Church and her shepherds as

they faithfully lead God's flock on earth.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for those who are called to fo11ow Christ

in the priesthood or religious


Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for those who are imprisoned or persecuted because they are Christ's followers.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for those who have died and followed Christ to share eternal life in his heavenly kingdom.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Loving Fathet help us to follow when you call us by name, and have the courage and faith to do whatever you ask. Grant this through Christ your Son. Amen.

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Sixth Sunday of the Year Focus A Bible, a candle and an assortment of pictures from magazines or newspapers showing happv people and

situations (see Actirtity).

How can we find the losting hoppiness fhot./esus promises? True happiness comes from inside a person, from deep

Introduction Cod our Father wants us to be happyl Lasting happiness can be ours when our hearts are filled with love and goodness, and we are close to Cod. Jesus came to teach and show us how r,r,e can achieve such happiness in our ordinary, evervday lives.

Gloria Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation


A reading from the Gospel of St Luke (6:17,20-26) jesus and his twelve disciples stopped at a level plain where crowds of people had gathered. The crowds had come from all over Judaea and as far as the coastal regions of Tyre and Sidon.

Encourage the children to look at the vqrious pictures of people who are happy. How do we know when people are hoppy? Why might these different people be feeling happy?

Activity Help the children to make a banner using various images of happy people and situations to create a collage around the central words'Happiness is . . .'. OR


are vou

who are poor: the kingdom of God beiongs to you.

Photocopy the key template and ask the children to decorate one each. Then thread them with ribbon or twine to hang around their waists or from a belt loop.

Huppy are you who go hungry: you shall be satisfied. Huppy are you who weep with sadness: you shall laugh. Happy are you who suf{er hatred and abuse because of the Son of Man: give thanks and dance for joy, because a great reward awaits you in heaven. The prophets were treated in just the same way by their

As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father:

forebears before them. But how terrible for you who are rich: you have had your time of comfort. How terrible

For Christians throughout the world; may we find happiness through serving God.

for you who are well fed now: you shall be hungry. How terrible for you who are laughing now: you shall know sadness and tears. How terrible if people speak kindly of you! Their ancestors said the same about the false prophets.'

This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

Reflection What kind of

things moke you happy? (Encourage the children to share their own experlences of happiness.) Children often experience happiness and contentment through the simplest pleasures of life. Moments of feeling loved and secure, of sharing with others, of friendship and forgiveness, can all contribute to an inner sense of true happiness. As adults, we often complicate our Iives with all sorts of thinss that we think can make us hrppy, and forget those childhood experiences of genuine happiness. Can material things such as money ond possesslo ns make

people happy? These things can certainly help people to find happiness, but such happiness does not last for ever. Once a person


inside their heart. It finds its way there through the love of Jesus and the gift of inner peace he shares with those who follow him. Whenever we are close to Jesus, we can only feel happy. If the things that we do and the way that we live make us more like Jesus, then we will be guaranteed the happiness that comes from being close to God. This means loving as God loves, caring as he cares, serving as he serves, and forgiving as he forgives.

What can you do todoy to moke someone else happy?


Jesus looked at his disciples and said,

has spent all their money, or a flashy car turns old and rusty, they begin to search for new ways and things to make them feel happy and content again.


Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayeL For the homeless, the hungry and the unemployed; may they experience happiness through our loving help and encouragement.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayen For an end to injustice, fear and hate; may governments and leaders work to bring peace and equality.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For those who are sick in mind or body; may they be touched by Christ's healing peace.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearrs let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Loving Father, may your unending love shine out from us and touch the lives of others. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

















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Seventh Sunday of the Year Focus A crucifix surrounded by a selection of different faces (from magazines and neu.spapers), u,ith small nightlights or candles arranged around them.

How con we love as Jesus loves? (Encourage the children to share their own ideas. Prompt them if necessary with various scenarios, and ask how a Christian should react.)


Introduction look for and discor-er r,vhat is good and lovable in every person we meet, hor,r'ever difficult that misht sometimes be. Such lor.e demands that we are selfless, Benerou5 arrd l'.rrgir irrg. and readl to give without receiving in return. As Christians, that is what Jesus asks us to do. Jesus calls us to

r.r'e are to love with Christ's unconditional love, then we must be ready to forgive the mistakes and unkindness of others, to share what we have and expect nothing in return, to never judge or condemn anyone, and to be

willing to give people a second chance. The 'spark' of God's life is present inside each one of us, ready to be ignited into something warmer and brighter. If we can learn to recognise and acknowledge that spark in others, then we can begin to love our neighbour as God loves us.


Activity Gospel Acclamation Light the Cospel candle and sing Acclamation


Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Luke (6:27-38) 'Love your enemies, and treat those who hate you with kindness; bless those nho curse you; pray fs1 those who are cruel to you. When someone hits yoll on one cheek, offer the other one too; r.r'hen someone takes your coat, give them your shirt as well. Give to evervone who asks, and r,r.hen someone takes what belongs to you do not ask them to return it. Treat other people just as you would like them to treat you. Jesus said,

'It is easy to love those who love you, and to treat kind people with kindness in return, so what merit can you expect? Even sinners do the same! They too will lend to others if they knolr, that they will be repaid in fu1l. You must love your enemies and do good without expecting anything in return. You will be children of Cod and receive great reward for your goodness. 'Show mercy to others just as vour Father shows mercy to you. If you do not judge others, God will not judge you. Do not look for guilt in others and Cod will not look for vour guilt; if you are forgiving, then Cod will show you forgiveness too; if you give generously to others, then God will pour out his gifts generously for you, because whatever you measure out for others will be measured out for youl' This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord ]esus Christ.

What great commandment did Jesus give to anyone who wants to be his follower? To love one another as Jesus loves us.

ls it easy to do what Jesus osks? knew how difficult it is to follor,v his perfect examplel

He doesn't e\pect us to get

it right all

the trme. but

offers his help through the power of the Holy Spirit. If we can remember to always try to treat other people as we would like them to treat us, then we will not wander far fiom the path that leads to the kingdom of heaven. 288

Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving familv together let us pray to our heavenly Father: For Christians every,'where who are called to do God's


and follow Christ's example of love.

Lord, in yollr mercy, hear our prayer. For charities and organisations working to bring peacc to our troubled world. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For those lr'ho care for the sick, the poor and the homeless.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer, For people who need to forgive and ihose who need our mercy and understanding.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence



Photocopy the heart template and corresponding r,r,'heel, and cut them out. Use a craft knife to cut a 'window' in each heart (this should only be done by an adult). Make a small hole in the heart and the wheel. Then ask the children to colour one side of their heart, together with the flame shapes on the wheel. Insert a split pin through the heart and wheel, and turn the wheel behind to reveal the hidden'spark' of God's life and love present within each person.

Loving Fathe4 make our lives pleasing to you as we willingly share the love that yoti so generously pour into our hearts. Grant this through Jesus your Son. Amen.

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Eighth Sunday of the Year Focus A large candle with a selection of different fruits arranged around it.

Introduction Have you ever heard the saving 'Never judge a book by its cover?' People's outrvard appearances can sometimes be deceptive and give us fen. accurate clues about what we can expect to find beneath the 'cover' we can see. A

person's actions and cont'ersation often give away much more about u.hat kind of person they really are, as Jesus explains in toclar.'s Gospel,

harvest, so we need to feed ourselves with the Word of God and the Bread of Life. In this way, we allow Christ to fill us with his love and life, to help us to bear the fruits of his Holy Spirit in our lives.

Activity Spend some time talking to the children about their favourite fruits and what qualities thev like about them.

Have a selection of brightly coloured paper 'fruits' that the children can glue on to sheets of paper to make tabards to wear to remind them of today's Gospel story. OR

Gloria Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sav together: Alleluia, alleluia, may the Word of God make our thoughts lovir-rg, our words kind, and our hearts warm.

Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Luke (6:39-45)

Older children can play the boisterous 'fruit game'! Arrange enough chairs in a circle for one each. Give each child a paper'fruit' to remind them which fruit they are supposed to be (use a wide variety of typesl) The leader should stand in the middle of the circle

and call out the names of several fruits. Whoever hears their fruit's name must stand up and chang;e places with someone else. As the children begin to swap places, the leader sits down in one of the seats,

leaving one of the children standing in the middle readv to choose the next fruits to cal1.


(See page 389.)

As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenlv Father:


That Christians throughout the world may bear the fruits of Christ's love for all to share.

Why should one blind person not try to lead onother? (Blindfold two willing volunteers to demonstrate the

point!) Unless a person can clearly see where they are going and avoid obstacles in their way, they cannot hope to lead a blind person safely. The chances are that they would both end up hurting themselves! What did Jesus mean when he tolked about people hoving

'splinters' ond 'logs' in their eyes? We are often quick to point out the smallest of faults (splinters) in the people around us, without being able to see or admit our own faults, even when they are much bigger (1ike logs compared to splinters!). No one except God is perfect. We each have our or,rrn weaknesses,

and must not criticise or judge other people when we clearly have no right to do so. Why did lesus compore people with fruit trees? Just as \rou can tel1 a type of tree from its fruit, so you can te11 a type of person by the things they do and say. A

person whose heart is full of love and goodness will reflect this in the kind words they use and the loving things they do. If a person's heart is emptv of love, then their actions and words are loveless too. How con we become strong ond healthy like o tree thot beors good fruit? Since our baptism, God's Holy Spirit has lived inside us to help us to gror,r' strong and true. Just as a tree needs to be nourished and cared for if it is to produce a good

Lord, in vour mercy, hear our prayer. That we may respect and cherish the wonders of nature entrusted to our care.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer, That lives diseased and spoiled by hatred and anger may be healed through forgiveness and understanding.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. That those who have died may enjoy the peace and joy of God's heavenly kingdom.

Lord, in vour mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Loving Father, Creator of all life, may our lives be pleasing to you, and bear the fruits of your love in all that we say and do. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.


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Ninth Sunday of the Year Focus

A Bible open at today's

Gospel re.ading,



'shields' arranged around it (see Acflz,i /y).

Introduction pity on anyone r,r'ho asks for his help. At the time of Christ, Palestine was occr-rpied by enemy Roman forces. In today's Gospel l'e hear horv a Roman centurion's amazing trust and faith in Jesus was rewarded

Jesus takes

with a miracle.



Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Luke (7:I-I0) While Jesus was in Capernaum, some of the Jews came to him to ask for help. They had been sent by a Roman

centurion whose favourite servant was very ill and close to death. 'Jesus, please help this man, because he has always been fair and kind to us,' they said. Jesus

went with them, but on the way they were met by

some of the centurion's friends with a message for Jesus from the centurion which said, 'Jesus, do not put yourself to any trouble for my sake, because I am not good enough to expect you to come to me. I am a soldier, and I obey my orders just as my men obey me. Whatever I

tell them to do, thev will do it. If you will just give the order, I knou'that my servant will be well again.' Jesus was amazed

by the centurion's faith in his poweq,

and said, 'Few people have shown such great trust in me.' When the centurion's friends returned to his house thev found great rejoicing because the servant had completely recovered. This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

faiih prays for healing in the belief that healing through ]esus is possible. The centurion believed that he only had to ask to receive. He made his request with faith, and Jesus answered with a miracle. When a person has faith that Jesus can do something for them, then all fhinoc rrp nnqqihlol

Activity Photocopy the shield templates on to thin card or stiff paper and cut out. Help the children to tape safety pins on the back to make badges of faith to remind them of todav's Gospel storv about the faithful centurion.

lntercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving familv together let us pray to our hear enly Father: We pray for Christians everywhere;

may differences between communities be healed by the love we share for God and one another. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for people whose homes and lives have been devastated by disaster; may our efforts to relieve their suffering help to heal their pain.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Reflection The Jewish people disliked the Roman soldiers who ruled over them, so why did they ask Jesus to help this centurion? This particular soldier had always treated the Jews fairly and with kindness, even helping to build a synagogue in their town (although he was not a Jew but a Gentile), and they were happy to ask for help on his behalf. What did the soldier want Jesus to do? The centurion wanted Jesus to heal his servant who was gravely ill. His compassion and concern for his favourite servant prompted him to ask for help from the man about whom he had heard so many wonderful things. As Jesus set

How did Jesus respond to the centurion's message? |esus was surprised and delighted by the centurion's great faith. His belief in Jesus was so strong that his humble request for help was granted, and his servant was indeed saved. Whot con today's Gospel teach us? jesus is ready to listen and respond to anyone who asks for his help, but faith in him is important. A person with

Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation

unnecessary trouble on his behall because he was undeserving of such kindness. He recognised that Jesus had authority that can only come from God. The centurion believed that whatever command jesus gave, it would be fulfilled. Jesus only had to say the words and he knew that his beloved servant would be saved.

off to help, who came to meet him on the

woy? The centurion had sent some friends with a messase. He did not expect ]esus to come to him, or to go to any

We pray for peace in our homes and our world;

may our understanding and forgiveness heal wounds of conflict and hatred. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for the sick and all who suffer;

may God's healing love fill them with strength and hope

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts Iet us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Loving Father, may our faith in you grow ever stronger, as we bring before you the prayers your children make. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.



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Tenth Sunday of the Year Focus


A Bible open at today's Gospel, together with a candle surrounded by fresh flowers or buds, and a crucifix with brown, dried leaves scattered around it.

Listen to these words written by St paul: Do not weep for those who have died, or be filled with sadness like those who have nothing to hope for. We believe that Jesus died and rose to new li?e, and that the same thing will happen to all who believe in him. Take comfort in knowing that everyone who dies in Christ will rise to new li{e and be with him for ever. (Adapted from 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18)

Introduction Jesus understands and shares the grief we feel when someone dies. He himself r,r'ept at the death of his good

friend Lazarus. In today's Gospel we glimpse the power and glory of God at work as Jesus takes pity on a woman and gives her back the son she had losr.


new life. Allow a few moments for quiet reilection and prayer (with or without music).

Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation


Each child can be given a copy of a leaf with the words of St Paul to take home and keeo.

Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Luke (7:II-I7)


(See page 389.)

As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father:

Reflection Why wos the woman crying as she followed


We bring before God the Church and all her people. proces_


Her only son had died, and she was taking him to be buried. Funerals are often times of sadness as iamilies and friends grieve for the person they loved that has died. How did Jesus react when he saw the womon's great sadness?

knew how it felt to be sad. He too had experienced and shared moments of sadness during his life. He was deeply touched by the woman's distreis and wanted to Jesus

restore her hope and joy. What did he do?

'I am the Resurrection and the Life., He has the power to turn death into new life. To everyone,s amazement he stopped the funeral procession and commanded the dead man to get up. ih" yorng sat up and began to talk, and Jesus gave him backto^un his ]esus said,

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. bring before God those who have died and those who miss them.


Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We bring before God those who are suffering in mind or body.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We bring before God the needs of this family o{ faith.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, In the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Loving Father, Christ your Son revealed your love and mercy


to the world.

Can you think of qnother occasion when a mother would weep at the death of her son, but loter rejoice when he was restored to new life three days later?

May our lives lead us to your kingdom and allow us to share your everlasting life. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Mary wept at the foot of Christ,s cross as she watched her beloved Son dying. Her heart was pierced with the sword of sadness as she held her dead ion in her arms,

before laying him in the tomb. Jesus transformed her sadness to joy and her despair to hope when he rose from the dead in glory three days later. When do we celebrate Christ's resurrection from the deqd?

We celebrate the mystery of the Resurrection in a very special way on Easter Sunday as well as every Sunday

when we gather together as a Christian family to share the Eucharist together. 294

Invite the children to collect a leaf in memory o{ someone who has died. They touch the open Bible with it, before placing it at the base of the cindle that is surrounded by fresh flowers or buds to represenr



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Eleventh Sunday of the Year Focus


A Bible open at today's Gospel, with a candle next to it, and petals or scented pot pourri scattered around them.

After the woman had anointed the feet of Jesus, the room was filled with fragrant perfume. The fragrance of Christ is the fragrance of love, which ,r" leurr"

Introduction A disciple of Jesus is someone r,r'ho, first and foremost, knows the love of Jesus and u'illing1r' shares that love

with others. In today's Gospel a .infui woman of{ers us a model of true discipleship rvith her humble act of service and devotion to Tesus her Lord.

Gloria Gospel Acclamation


Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation


As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father:


We bring to God's forgiving love his Church and all his people; may those who have lost their way rediscover the path that leads to his lol'e.

A reading from the Gospel of St Luke (7:36-8:3) (See page 389.)

Reflection When the woman found Jesus at the house

Pharisee, what did she do? She began by washing his feet


when we serve and love one another. To remind us of this, help the children to create their own'perfume, parcels. You could use ready prepared pot pourn or dried lavender, or alternatively mix a selection of dried flowers, spices and peel in a large bowl, and add a few drops of perfumed oil. Help the children to spoon some of the scented mixture into sma1l baqs made from fabric scraps. Secure the bags with elastic bands or ribbon.

Simon the

with her tears, as

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

bring to God's forgiving love nations and races divided by hatred and prejudice; may the power of God's love help us to be understanding and forgiving. We


wept with sorrow for all the things that she had done wrong. Washing feet was part of ihe host's duties and was usually carried out by servants. This gesture of love showed her willingness Lo serve Jesu* hum51t. What did the woman do next? After washing his feet, she anointed them with an expensive, fragrant perfume. (The other Gospel accounts of this incident suggest that the woman used ,nard,, an aromatic plant that yielded an expensive perfumed oil.) She didn't use just one or two drops, but poured out the perfume as a gesture of her extravagant and generous love for ]esus. Then whqt did she do? Instead of using a towel to wipe away the oil, the woman

untied her long hair and used it to dry the feet of her Lord. Respectable women of the time did not wear their hair loose in public, but she cared more about showing Jesus how much she loved him than about how otheri might judge her.

Why did her actions annoy Simon the pharisee?

As a Pharisee, Simon obeyed and followed the Jewish

laws strictly and was proud of his goodness. This sinful

woman had come into his house, fussed over his invited guest, and made him feel uncomfortable and embarrassed.

How did Jesus reoct? Jesus recognised the actions of one who loved him. She showed what it means to be a true disciple of Jesus: to serve and attend to the needs of others humbty, to give generously without considering the cost, and, above all else, to love as she was loved. He responded to her love and sorrow by forgiving all that she had done wrong.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We bring to God's forgiving love prisoners and the families who share their suffenng; may we offer compassion instead of judgement.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We

bring to God's forgiving love

those who exploit or destroy our world because of greed;

may they recognise the wonder of God's creation and respect the gift entrusted to our care.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts 1et us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Loving Father, you are fuI1 of mercy and compassion. Mould us in your image and help us to become people of forgiveness. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.



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Twelfth Sunday of the Year Focus A crucifix with a candle and a few flon'ers or pieces o{ greenery to symbolise new life.

Introduction invites us to share his cross of 1or.e and follow him. The cross is the most important svmbol of our Christian faith, and, in the midst of its pain and suffering, it offers the possibility of hope and eternal llfe.


missionaries are sometimes killed as they continue the task of preaching Christ's Gospel of love, and Christians are still persecuted in some parts of the world. What does Jesus offer to those who do take up their crosses ond follow him? If we accept his invitation to follow his path, and face the hardships and challenges that we might meet along the way, then lve will find eternal life with him in his heavenly kingdom.



Gospel Acclamation

the children to decorate. Mount them on card or

Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation

Photocopy the cross templates and cut them out for 3.

fabric to use





A reading from the Gospel of St Luke (9:78-24)

As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together 1et us pray to our heavenly Father:

Jesus was praying quietly with his disciples when suddenly he asked them, 'Who do people say that I am?'

The disciples answered, 'Some believe you are John the Baptist, some say Elijah, and others think that you are a prophet who has come back to life.'

'But, tell me, who do you say that I am?' asked |esus.

We pray for the Church throughout the world;

may our love for one another a1low God's kingdom to

gro\'. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Then Peter spoke, 'Mastet you are the Son of God.'

We pray for the leaders of Governments and nahons; may their hearts and minds be guided to do God's will.

Jesus told them not to tell anyone about what they had heard that day. 'It is the Son of Man's fate to suffer scorn

Lord, in vour mercy, hear our prayer.

and rejection at the hands of the Jewish leaders, before being put to death and on the third day raised up again. Anyone who wants to follow me must put all else aside and take up their own cross. Whoever wants to save

their life will lose it, but anyone who loses their life on my behalf will indeed save it.' This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord |esus Christ.

Reflection What did Jesus predict would hoppen to him? That he would suffer and be put to death by the ]ewish leaders who would not accept or believe that he was the Son of God. Whot did he mean when he said that he would be 'raised up again on the third day'?

We know that Jesus

'r, talking about his glorious resurrection from the dead after three days in the tomb. His disciples were uncertain about what this could mean. They had witnessed Jesus raising people to life, but what could he possibly do for himself if he was dead!

We pray for peace and reconciliation in our lives; may we forgive others as we are forgiver-r by God.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for the familv gathered here today;

may we grow in faith and love together.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts 1et us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Loving Father, listen to the prayers of your children and help us to grow each day in the image of your perfect Son. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

What did lesus soy obout being a disciple? Jesus expects his followers to put themselves last in all things, caring only about follor,r'ing and belonging to Cod. ]ust as he was put to death, so \,vere many of his faithful followers of the time. Discipleship means being prepared to follow ]esus even if it means, in extreme circumstances, dying for what we believe. Over ihe years, thousands of Christians have suffered and died

for their faith

(martyrdom). Even today, Christian



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Thirteenth Sunday of the Year Focus A Bible open at today's Cospel, a pair of sandals or walking boots, and some banknotes atranged in and around them (see Actir)ity).

Whot did Jesus say to the second mqn? Nothing is more important than the kingdom of Cod and helping others to find their way there. The man's father was already dead and his son could do nothing more for him. Jesus was calling the second man to leave behi.nd what couldn't be changed and to share in his work which would change the lives of the living for ever.

lntroduction Disciples of Jesus are called to be his companions and to share in the mission of preaching his repentance, faith,

love and peace to the u,orld. This mission is often demanding, and sometinre- rerltlire\ trs to make sacrifices and difficult choices in our lives. If we choose to follou. Jesus, then r'r-e can be assured of his help and understanding as \,\''e trr- to imitate his perfect example.


What happened with the third man? seems natural that the last man wanted to sa;r goodbye


before leaving his family and friends behind to follow Jesus. Jesus wanted his follou'ers to understand that discipleship is a matter of total commitment and dedication that involves demands that are sometimes difficult to accept. For some this meant giving up their families in order to do God's wil1. Their sacrifice allowed them to dedicate themselves completell, to follou'ing Christ and sharing his life and love with the world.

Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation



The'cost' of discipleship can sometimes seem quite high, but the rewards that it brings are priceless! Photocopy the'ban1,:notes' with the'price' of disciple-

Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Luke (9:51-62)

ship and ask the children to colour them. Collect them as part of the offertory procession.

(See page 390.)

Reflection Did Jesus and his disciples always receive q

in a basket to be included warm



They were often driven awav by those who were suspicious, prejudiced and unwilling to listen to what he had to say. Their hearts were hardened and unable to accept the seeds of faith, and their ears were closed and deaf to the message of eternal life.

As brothers and sisl.ers in one lovirrg family. together 1et us pray to our heavenly Father:

What was the difference in the way that Jesus and his disciples reocted to being rejected? The disciples were angry and frustrated that people were not prepared to listen and hear the Good News. Jesus was typically patient and understanding, and simply went to preach elsewhere. He did not come to force Cod's will on the world but to offer his love and forgiveness as a gift to be willingly accepted or rejected. Whom did Jesus meet as he trovelled?

As Jesus travelled far and wide, preaching to the people ar-rd spreading the Gospel, many who heard and understood his message wanted to follow him and become disciples. Jesus wanted everyone to understand the meaning, cost and rett ard of discipleship before thev set out to follolt him. Whot did he say to the first man? At the time, followers of Jesus could expect to give up a home to call their own as thev shared his mission to preach the Good News. Leaving behlnd the comfort and securitv of their homes and possessions, they depended on the generosity and kindness of others to offer them shelter. Discipleship does not bring privilege and position but demands humble service instead. 300

For those who are on a personal journey of faith as they find their own way to follow Christ.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For governments and nations taking the first steps torvards lasting peace.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For those who are called to follow Christ in the priesthood or religious life.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For refugees and asylum seekers forced to leave their homes and families behind because of fear or violence

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Loving Father, r'vatch over your children and keep us close to your love, so that we may be your witnesses to the world. Grant this in the name of Christ vour Son. Amen.


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Fourteenth Sundav of the Year Focus A Bible, with wheat sheaves and ears or grains of wheat arranged around it.

lntroduction Today's Gospel has a real sense of adventure and anticipation as the first disciples are sent out in pairs to preach the Good News. As thev set off into the unknown to proclaim Christ and hi* kingdonr, thev had 1ittle idea of what to expect or rvhai challenges and dangers they might meet along the u'ar,!

important part in helping the kingdom of Cod to grow. As they preached the Gospel in his name, Jesus gave them the power to heal the sick, so that others would know him as Lord and Saviour. Were the disciples successful in the mission Jesus set for them? They returned from their adventures filled with joy and excitement because of the wonderful things they had


in Christ's name. As they told others about

jesus and the Good Ner,r.s he had come to share with the

world, they had grown in faith, confidence and understanding that he had brought meaning, light and life into the lives of all who believed in him.


Why did the disciples hove onother reason to celebrote? When his faithful disciples returned from their mission,

Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospei candle and sing Acclamation

Jesus 1.

Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Luke (10:1-12,77-20)

jesus chose 72 of his disciples and sent them out in pairs, to all the places he planned to visit. 'The harvest is good but there are fer'r' workers to gather it in,' he said, 'so we must ask the Lord of the harvest to send more workers.' Then he gave them these instructions: 'You will be like lambs among the wolves. Carry no bag or money, and stop to speak to no one on the road. Make your first words in someone's house "Peace be with you", and if a peaceful man lives in that house your peace will rest on him; otherwise it will return to you. Stay in the house where you are welcomed and share whatever food and drink they offer. Cure those who are sick and iel1 everl'one that the kingdom of Cod is very near. If people are unfriendly or nasty towards you, then ieave that place and wipe the dust from your feet as you go. That place will receive u'hat it deserves at the end of time.'

told them that they were assured of a place in

heaven r,r'here their names were already 'written'. Who carries on the mission of those first disciples? The mission of the Church today remains the same as the mission entrusted to those first disciples. Christians everywhere are commissioned by Jesus to preach the Gospel and win others for him. As many parts in the one body of the Church, we each play a part in making this mission successful today. Just as the first disciples won followers for Christ by their words of peace and kind and loving actions, we too can do the same today in our ordinarv evervday lives.

Activity Photocopy an activity sheet for each child.

Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together 1et us pray to our heavenly Father: We pray for the Church and its mission to the world.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Later, the 72 returned to Jesus filled with joy because of everything they had been able to do in his name.

We pray for all Christians who are imprisoned or persecuted because of their faith.

told them, 'Rejoice because of the power and authoritv I have given to you, but even more because your names are written in heaven.'

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord |esus Christ.

Why were the disciples asked to carry out their mission der



Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for everyone who works to share Christ's peace

and reconciliation in our troubled world.

Reflection un

We pray for those who have heard the Good News but need courage to answer Christ's call to follor.t' him.



jesus knew that his followers vr'ould be like 'lambs among the wolves' as they set off on their missionary work. He gave them instructions and r,varnings, to make it less likely that they would come to harm. Where did they go and whot did they do?

Jesus sent them out to the towns and villages he planned to visit. Their mission was to help to prePare the people to welcome Jesus and his Cospel of love. Through their words and actions they would play an

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts 1et us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Loving Father, help us to hear and understand your Word, so that we mav joyfully proclaim and share its message with the wor1d. Grant this and all our prayers through Christ your Son. Amen.



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Fifteenth Sunday of the Year Focus of bandages and plasters.

despite his kind efforts to help a Jew. Regardless of this, with the injured man until his strengtl'r returned, caring for him and paying for everything he needed.

Introduction If vou were asked to

Whot messoge does this story hold for us today? Even today we call a charitable or helpful person a'good Samaritan'. As Christians, Jesus calls us to put the needs

A crucifix, a candle,

a bag

of monev and an assortment

describe vour neighbou4 rthai

would you say? Most people lr'ould describe the person (or people) who live next door to them. Jesus wanted us to understand that is our neighbour and they deserve to be loved and cared for as such.

he staved

of others before our own without making judgements about them or their circumstances. We are expected to love one another as God loves us. Whatever the race, colour or creed of a person might be, they are our neighbours and deserve our love and consideration at all times.

Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sav together:


Al1e1uia, alleluia, may the Word of God

Create a 'first aid' box that contains some of the essential equipment that a modern day good Samantan might need. Cover an old shoe box with paper, and glue a white cross on its lid. Make 'bandages' from crâ‚Źpe paper or cloth, and include various jars, tubes (empty plastic contairrers and toothpaste tubes are ideal) and boxes, and discuss which ones could be 'plasters' and 'painkillers'. Encourage the children to choose the essential contents of the box, and help them to label them as 'love', 'urrderstandirrg', 'toleiance , 'courage', 'patience', 'gent'leness' and so on.

make our thoughts loving,

our words kind, and our hearts warm.

Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Luke (10:25-37) (See page 390.)

Reflection ln the story, what happened to the unfortunate traveller? Who hoppened to poss by first, qnd what did he do? The Temple priest came across the wounded traveller first but did not stop to help him. Perhaps he was afraid that the robbers were stiil close by and might attack him next. Because he could not tell whether the man was a Jew or Gentile (priests were bound by many strict rules and regulations about keeping themselves'pure'), maybe he would not risk coming close to the injured stranger. What hoppened when the Levite come past?

A Levite \ ras an assistant priest, of a lower class and less important than the Temple priest who had gone

Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: We pray for countries and nations enduring famine or disaster; may we do evervthing we can to ease their

suffering and hardship. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for those who are homeless or refugees,

ma) we welcome our neighbour' in with generosity and kindness.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

before. He was not bound by so many rules and regulations, but he too chose to leave the battered, bleeding victim lying by the side of the road. Perhaps he was also afraid for his own safety, or simply chose to follow the example of the priest r,r'ho had already passed by.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Who was next to see the injured troveller lying on the

We pray for Christians everywhere;

roodside? A Samaritan man (who came from a region of Palestine called Samaria) passed by next. The Jews and the Samaritans had hated each other for centuries and avoided each othel at any cost. The Samaritan had probably watched the priest and the Levite from afar and knew that thev had already passed the injured man. Despite knowing that he was 1ikely to be a Jew, the Samaritan could not ignore him and stopped to help. What did the Samaritan do? He put the needs of the injured man before his own.

Despite the risk of being attacked by the robbers, he bandaged the man's u'ounds before taking him to an inn (or hotel) in the nearest town. As a Samaritan in a Jewish town he probably found himself unwelcome


We pray for peace in our world;

may neighbouring countries and religions treat one another with respect and tolerance.

may our love for God and our neighbour a kingdom of love


Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Loving Father; may we be faithful to the name we bear as followers of Christ. Let your love make us worthy to be called your sons and daughters.

Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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Sixteenth Sunday of the Year Focus A candle, a clock, a saucepan and spoon, and a place set for a meal ivith a plate, fork, knife and napkin.

lntroduction The pace of life today is fast and hectic. People struggle to find enough time to do all the things they want to. In the rush of life, with its endless distractions, we often lose sight of n'hat is reallv important. We forget to set aside time for God for simplv being close to hrm.

Gloria Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation


Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Luke (10:38-42)

One day Jesus and his disciples came to the village called Bethany where his friends Martha and Mary lived. They welcomed Jesus and his followers and invited them to stay for a meal.

While Martha busied herself preparing and serving the food, her sister Mary sat calmly beside Jesus and listened to him talking. Martha worked hard, and all the while Mary sat listening to Jesus. Finally Martha got upset and said to |esus, 'Lord, must I do all this work on my own? Tell Mary to come and help me!'

'Martha, Martha,' Jesus said, 'do not let these things upset you, they are not important. Mary has chosen to listen to me and that is the most important thing of all.' This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord |esus Christ.

of the friends

Jesus went

to visit in Bethany? Bethany was where Lazarus and his sisters Martha and Mary lived. When Jesus arrived with his disciples, they were invited to stay and share a meal together. Which sister busied herself preporing the food for their guests? Martha set to work to make sure that evervone would have plenty to eat. Meanwhile, what did her sister Mary do? Mary simply sat and listened to what Jesus had to say. She focused all her attention on Jesus, and seemed unaware that her sister Martha was struggling in the kitchen and wanted her help. Whot did Martha eventually do?

While Martha had been busying herself, she felt her sister had been wasting her time and sitting around. Martha was annoyed that she had no one to share the so finally she came to ask for Mary's he1p.

work, 306

appearing to do nothing. Mary simply wanted to be close to her Lord because she loved him. Jesus defended what Mary had chosen to do because she had put her love for God before everything else. Whot cqn the story of Mqrtha and Mary teoch us? One of the most valuable things we have is'time'. In our busy lives today time is very precious and many demands are made on it. |esus delights when we choose, like Mary to spend time with him. When we give up time to praise him, to listen or pray to him, or simply to be still with him, then we show God how much we love him.

Activity Photocopy the clock face and hands, and cut out. Make a hole through the centre of the clock and the ends of both hands. Encourage the children to colour the clock 'segments' with a variety of bright colours, using a single block of colour to mark a period of time each day that they will set aside to spend with Jesus.

lntercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: We pray for our family, the Church; may it choose to build itself on the rock that is God's Word and Truth.

Lord, in your mercy/ hear our prayer. We pray for the hungry, the homeless and the unloved; may we choose to see Christ's face in the people all around us.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Reflection Can you remember the names

Did Jesus think that Mory wos lazy and wasting her time? Time spent in the presence of Jesus is never a waste of time, even when it means simply sitting quietly and

We pray for people facing difficult choices in their lives; may Christ give the wisdom and courage they need

to follow the right path.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for peace in our world; may people choose to abandon hatred and accept reconciliation and forgiveness instead.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Loving Faiher, open our hearts to hear and understand your holy Word, so that we may always choose to please vou instead of ourselves. Grant this through Jesus your Son.


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Seventeenth Sunday of the Year Focus A bare twig anchored in a pot (see Actittity), with small candles or nightlights arranged around it.

Introduction time to spend in the company of his heavenly Father by pra)ring. There are many different ways to pray, but whatever method u'e choose to use, to feel that God is very close and listening to us fills us with comfort and a verv special sense of peace. Jesus often set aside

When qnd where do you pray? Is it at q certain time every day? Do you pray at home, school or church? Do you have a favourite prayer or way of proying (perhops using music or role ploy for example)? Do you prefer to be olone or to shqre your proyer with others? Which well-known prayer did Jesus teach us to soy?

Activity Jesus taught us that our prayers would be answered

if they were strongly rooted in faith. Help the children to make a /prayer tree' using a bare twig securely anchored in a pot filled with pebbles or damp sand. Label the pot with the word 'Faith', and give out paper leaf shapes on which to write or draw someone or something that they would like to pray for.

Gloria Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation


a11ows, join hands in a circle and say the 'Our Father' toeether.

If time

Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Luke (11:1-13) (See page 390.)

lntercessions Reflection What does the word 'prayer' mean to you? The Catechism teaches us that'prayer is the raising of

our hearts and minds to God, or asking good things from God'. It can be expressed in lvords, gestures or music, and comes from the hidden centre of our hearts. This is where Cod lives within us and comes to meet us when we pray. We can use any variety of ways to draw close to God in prayer, depending on what we find most appeaiing and successful. It is something we can do at any time, in any place, because God is present within us, ever ready to listen to what we have to say. Can you think

As a child

of ony occasions


when Jesus prayed?

first learned to pray from Mary and

Joseph, and then shared

in the Jewish prayers in


in Nazareth and the Holy

As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly father: For the Church throughout the rvorld; may our love for God and one another help his kingdom to grow.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For peace and reconciliation in our world; may our lorgivenes: and undersl.anding lead to friendship and acceptance.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For the hungry, the sick and the unloved; may our loving efforts to ease their suffering bring them comfort and hope.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Temple in Jerusalem. But Jesus also prayed before important moments in his own life (his baptism, Transfiguratron and Passion, and on the cross itsel{) and the lives of others (calling the first twelve disciples, asking God to

For all those who have died; may they rest in the peace of Christ.

watch over his friends). He often went off to pray alone in a place that was quiet and free from distraction.

in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him

How did Jesus teach us to proy? He often began by praising God and thanking him for all his goodness. He prayed with complete confidence that God would hear and answer his request. He taught us about the importance of reconciliation and forgiveness before coming before God to pray. He showed us the power of prayer when our faith is strong and we have no doubt (the Roman centurion and the Canaanite womary Matthew 8:10 and 15:28). Above all, he taught us to call God 'our Father' and to trust in his infinite love for us. If we want to pray as Jesus did, then we must also accept that'thy will be done', and that God does not always answer our prayers in the way we hope for or expect.



Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening,

Loving Father, we thank you for your many gifts and ask you to hear our prayers, and answer them according to your will. Grant this through Christ your Son. Amen.



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Eighteenth Sunday of the Year Focus


A Bible open at today's Gospel, a monev bag with coins scattered around it and a heart shape.

Love is more precious than any worldly possession or treasure; it is what makes us truly'rich' in the sight of God. You can't'see' love directly (only its effects), or 'own' love or'hold' love, but Vou know when it's there! Sometimes we forget to ieli God and others how much we love them, and to thank them for their love that enriches our lives so much. Photocopy the 'treasure chest' on to thick paper or card and fold. Help the children to r,r'rite the word'love' inside, and surround it with small hearts (self-adhesive or drawn).

Introduction Every good deed or word of kindness is more precious to God than worldly possessions can ever be. When we die, whatever money or possessions we have are left behind, but our goodness n'il1 bring us everlasting happiness and jov in the kingdom of heaven.


Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together 1et us pray to our heavenly Father:

Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation


Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Luke (I2:I3-2I) (See page 390.)

Reflection When we describe someone os beinq 'rich' whot do we

usually meqn? We often consider a rich person to be someone with an enormous amount of money and many expensive and er.travaganl possession>. Who wos supposedly rich in the story that Jesus told? Did his riches make him o hoppy and contented man? The farmer was wealthy before the bumper harvest arrived, but greed meant that he wasn't satisfied with all that he already had. The bumper harvest made him worry because he couldn't store it all in the many barns he already had. What did he decide to do? The rich man set about building bigger and better barns to store the extra harvest. He thought that the extra crops he had to sell would increase his fortune so that he would never have to worry about anything again. Do you think that he was right? Money doesn't bring lasting happiness, it can't answer

every problem and often it causes more worries than it solves. If the harvest the following year was smalle4 then the rich man would have worried that his barns weren't as fu1l as before, and that he wasn't makins as much profit! Why did Jesus coll him a foolish man?

Earthly riches and treasure are worthless in heaven. A person/s love and goodness are more valuable to Jesus than any earthly treasure could ever be. If the rich man had given away the extra harvest he didn't need and couldn't store, then the precious treasure he had saved in heaven would have far outweighed the profit he had lost. True happiness and contentment can be found by loving God and one another. 310

We pray for the Church and all who follow Christ;

may God guide us to spend our lives storing up riches in heaven. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for people whose lives are choked by greed and selfishness;

may God's love help them to bear the fruits of kindness and generosity.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for an end to war and division; may God's healing love heal wounds caused by hatred and anger.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayeL We pray for people touched by suffering or sadness;

may Cod's comforting love strengthen their {aith. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearrs 1et us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Loving Father, we thank you for your many gifts so generously poured out for all. May our lives be pleasing to you and produce a rich harvest in your loving kingdom. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.




Nineteenth Sunday of the Year Focus A Bible open at today's Gospel, a candle, and a piece of card that reads, 'Be prepared for the unexpected!'

lntroduction will return, but only our heavenly Father knows rvhen that will be. In today's Gospel, Jesus urges us to keep ourselves prepared by trying to follow his loving example every day. We know ihat one day ]esus

Gloria Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamaiion


Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Luke (12:32-48) |esus said to his disciples, 'You have nothing to fea4 my little flocb for your heavenly Father has chosen to give you the kingdom. Sell everything you have and give the money to those who have nothing. Get yourselves purses that wl1l not wear out, and save your treasure in heaven where it cannot be stolen or spoiled. For wherever your treasure is, your heart will be there too. 'Keep yourselves ready just like the servants waiting for their master to return from a wedding party. As soon as he knocks on the door, thel' are ready to let him in' How huppy he will be to find them always prepared, however early or late he returns. Indeed, I tell you, he will sit them down and then serve them himselfl 'If someone knows when to exPect a burglar, they will be prepared and make sure that he cannot get in. You too must keep yourselves ready, because the Son of Man witl return when you are least expecting him.' Peter then asked Jesus, 'Lord, is this parable meant for everyone or just for us?' Jesus replied, 'Who is the wise servant that the master

can trust to take care of his household? If the master returns to find all as it should be, he will trust that servant to care for everything he ort'ns. But if the master returns to find his household in confusion and disarray because his servant did not expect him, then he will send him away and trust him no more. Those who know what their master expects from them, but choose to disregard him, will receive the appropriate punishment. If someone has been trusted with a great deal, then a great deal will be expected from that person.' This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord jesus Christ.

Reflection Why

did lesus suggest that

his disciples should give away

all thqt they had? Jesus wanted them to understand that worldly possessions were worthless in the sight of Cod and would not bring them lasting happiness. By giving away what they had and trusting in God they would have riches in heaven and a place waiting for them there. 5tz

For what event should we keep ourselves prepored? Only God knows when our lives will end and the day of judgement will come. It is easy to prepare for an

event that

is planned, but something that happens

unexpectedly can catch us unawares. Jesus wants anyone who follows him to do so each and every day of their lives, as well as they possibly can. By imitating his example of perfect 1ove, we will keep ourselves ready to meet our Master whenever he might return. What does Jesus expect from his followers? As Christ's disciples, we have been entrusted with the mission of sharing his Gospel of love and forgiveness with the world. We can do this every day through our words, actions and attitudes towards others. He tr-usts us to show others the loving way that leads to his kingdom, and at the end of time he will call us to account for what we have or haven't done.

Activity Help the children to make a surprise pop-up wobble card! Photocopy the door template on to a piece of card or thick paper, and fold it in half. Photocopy

and cut out the 'swirl' and 'flash' shapes on to coloured paper. The flash can be decorated with glitter.

Help the children to assemble their cards by gluing the centre of the swirl on to the back of the flash. Clue the other end of the swirl on to the inside of the card. Arrange self-adhesive stars on the inside of the card to complete the effect. Finish the card by decorating and colourins the door on the front of the card'

Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father:

bring to God's loving care the family gathered here and our brothers and sisters all over the world.


Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayet. We bring to God's love and care the homeless, the poor and the unloved.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We bring to God's forgiving love those who hate and are filled with anger.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We bring to God's love our ordinary lives

and our efforts to follow Christ every day'

Lord, in your mercy, hear our Prayer. Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken Prayers with him. Silence

Loving Father, keep us close to your mightY love, and always ready to greei Christ when he returns in glory We ask this in the name of ]esus our Lord'



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Twentieth Sunday of the Year Focus

A crucifix and a large n

candle, surrounded



igh tligh rs.

the responsibility to live his life in the world today and to defend what n'e know to be true about God and his love, however difficult that might sometimes be.



Fire has the power to change rvhatever it touches so that

Photocopy templates A and B on to card or thick paper and cut out. Make a hole in the centre of each, and use a craft knife to cut out'windows' in template A as illustrated. Ask the children to colour the flames and the world. Arrange template A above B, and secure them together with a split pin. Now turn template B to see what happens!

it is almost unrecognisable. As Christians, the

Holy Spirit has the por,r'er to change our lives and the world that we live in, if rve are rvilling to let him set our lives alight with hi: love and courage.

Gloria Gospel Acclamation


Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation

As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pra1. to our heavenly Father:



We pray for peace in our world;

A reading from the Gospel of St Luke (12:19-53)

may we find a way to reconciliation through forgiveness and understanding.

'I have come to set fire to the earth, and how I wish that it was alreadl' alight! I have not come to bring peace and unity, but to divide people and set them against each other; father against son, and mother against daughter.' Jesus said to them,

This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord |esus Christ.

Reflection Why should Jesus want


set the world alight? jesus was talking about setting the r,r'orld alight with his love through the power of the Holy Spirit. One of the symbols often used to represent the Holy Spirit is tongues

of fire or flickering flames.



hear our prayer. We pray for people who are persecuted for their faith; may they be strengthened and encouraged by the Holy Spirit.

Lord, in yollr mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for all who have died; may they share the peace and glory of eternal life.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for families divided by conflict and anger;

may love help them to find a way to forget the past and build a new future.

Can you remember an occosion when the Holy Spirit appeared as tongues of fire? At Pentecost we celebrate the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on Christ's apostles, when he appeared to descend on them as tongues of fire.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Whot difference did the Holy Spirit moke to the lives of the apostles? He set their hearts and minds alight with faith and love, and gave them the courage and strength they needed to go out to the world and share the Good News by their words and actions. Through the power of the Spirit the apostles had an experience which not onlv changed Ihcm buL changed the whole history of the world.

Loving Father, help us to love one another

Why did lesus soy that he would be the cause of division and argument among people? Jesus came to show us a different way. His teaching confronts and challenges the world. At the time many of the |ews thought that he had come to abolish their iaws and traditions, when instead he had come to complete them. They were outraged by his teaching and the shocking claims he made about himself (Son of God, forgiver of sins). His life and teaching raised arguments and debates wherever he went, and still does today. As Christians todav we must try to be like Jesus. We have



Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

and give us the courage we need to show the world that we are your children.

Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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Twenty-first Sunday of the Year Focus ABible open at today's Gospef with (see Actir:ity) arranged next to it.


crucifix and crown

Iove are still rejected by many people today. By living and loving as jesus taught us, the way into the kingdom of God is clearly marked, and the door is wide open for us to take a place there.


Who will enter first qnd who will be last?

The kingdom of God is not a place we can see. It exists within the hearts of people who accept Christ as their

God invites everyone into his kingdom, including those who were invited first (the ]ewish people), and those who were invited much later (the Gentiles and sinners).

Saviour and King and try to live by his standards of love. It is a rather 'topsy-tuny' place, where the last come first, the great serve the least, and everyone is invited to take their place there.

It doesn't matter when you were called, but how you answered that call. Some of the Jews thought that they deserved a place in heaven before others, simply because they were God's chosen people.


Activity Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation


Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Luke (1,3:22-30)

On the way to Jerusalem, someone stopped Jesus and asked,'Master, will many be saved at the end of time?' ]esus answered, 'Many will try to enter the kingdom of God but few will succeed. It will be no use knocking on the door which the master has already locked. However hard you protest he will say, 'Go away, I do not know youl'And there will be weeping and wailing from those who are excluded, when they see their ancestors and God's people gathered from far and wide, feasting together in the kingdom of God. Then those who have been last will be first, and those who are first will be last.' This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord ]esus Christ.

coloul, before inviting them to place their personal invitations inside the crown displayed as part of the central focus. The children should complete the crown by each adorning it with a heart shape.

Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, For all of God's children; may Christ's Gospel of love take

root in our hearts and lives and transform our world.

Who con enter the kingdom


God? Anyone! Jesus wanted people to understand that every-

one was called to take their place in God's kingdom, including those who weren't Jewish. Jesus came as the Saviour of the whole world, not just the ]ewish people.

How con we belong to this kingdom? jesus once said, 'Let the children come to me. I tell you, whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will never enter it' (Mark 10:13-16). Jesus wants us to trust in God and depend on him just as a child trusts and deoends on the adults who love them. Whoever chooses to accept Christ's Gospel of love and tries to live as he taught us to will belong to this kingdom. When can we take our place in God's kingdom? The kingdom of God is present here and now in the lives of those who have understood the message of Jesus and answered his call to follow him. By loving God and one another as Jesus showed us, we already belong to God's are

helping it to grow.

Why will some find it hard to enter God's kingdom?

|esus said to the people of the time,

'I am the way',bul

many refused to follow him. |esus and his Gospel of


Photocopy an invitation for each child to complete and

together let us pray to our heavenly Father:


kingdom and

In advance, prepare one large crown to represent the kingdom of God. Cut a band of stiff card and cover it with kitchen foil. Cut three lengths of foil (as wide as the band) and scrunch them up to make thin sticks. Bend one length in half and stick it on to the back of the band in the middle. Cut off small pieces to shorten the next two lengths, before bending and attaching them as before. Cut out various sizes of heart shapes from shiny card, paper or material.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For the poor and the hungry; may we share generously what we have with those in need.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For understanding, forgiveness and peace in our world; may leaders and nations work together to build one kingdom of love.

Lord, in your mercy/ hear our prayer. For those who suffer in mind or body; may God in his mercy relieve their pain.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Loving Father, fill us with your love and let your kingdom come and your will be done through what we say and do. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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Twenty-second Sunday of the Year Focus A Bible open at today's Gospel, a place setting (tablemat, knife, fork, spoon and napkin), and a candle arranged on a dinner plate.

What other advice did Jesus give? When we give, we should do so generously without expecting anything in return. Sometimes people make generous donations to good causes anonymously (without giving their names). Such people do not want thanks

Introduction Jesus teaches that true greatness lies

in serving others and humbly accepting that others are more important than ourselves. Evervbodt' can be great because everyone has the opportunitv to serve God and one another

and to love with a g;enr-rir-re and generous heart.

or praise; they are simply content knowing that their gesture of goodness will please God. Any act of kindness made wjth a genuine and generous heart, however small and insignificant it might seem, will make God rejoice.

Activity To remind the children of today's Gospel story, help

Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and

sa1. topSether:

Alleluia, alleluia, may the Word of God make our thoughts loving. our words kind, and our hearts warm.

Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Luke (I4I,7-14) One day Jesus went to the house of a Pharisee to share a Sabbath meal. Many guests had been invited and noticing how they rushed to take the best seats, lesus said to them, 'When you are invited for a meal, do not take the best place because a more important guest might be there. You will be embarrassed when the host asks you to move and give up your seat. Instead, always sit in the least important place, so that when you are moved to a better seat others will see how much you are respected. For those who make themselves great will be humbled, and those who are humble will be made great.

'Do not invite people to eat with you because you know they can invite you back. Be generous and invite those who cannot repay your kindness. You will be reu.arded for your goodness at the end of time.' This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord jesus Christ.

them to make an appropriate napkin ring for thL tab1e. Photocopy the templates on to thin card or stiff paper and carefully cut them out. (Use coloured card or paper for the napkin body, or ask the children to colour it themselves.) Fold the card or paper along the dotted lines and crease them well. Glue alono the short edge and then u""J tr.r" ."'J ;; pG;;;;r"""d stick it down just behind the feet. Colour Jesus, head before gluing it carefully into position on to his body. Cive each child a rolled-up paper napkin to push through their completed ringi

Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: For nations and people who long for justice, equality and an end to hunger.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For people r,l'ho hope that from war and hatred reconciliation and peace may grow.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For the homeless and unemployed, and all who have lost their dignity through poverty.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For the sick and suffering, and all who patiently care for them.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Knowing that our heavenly Father is lisiening,

Have you ever been to a wedding? Who sits at the top table at o wedding reception? The top table is r,r'here the bride and groom usualiy sit, with their most important guests sitting next to them.

in the silence of our hearrs let us share our own unspoken prayers with him.

Where did people want


sit when they were invited to

shore a meal ot the Phorisee's house? They rushed to find a seat closest to their host (the Pharisee who had invited them), as a sisnal to the other guests that they were r alued and rerpeited.


Loving Fatheq, help us to serve as ]esus served,

with humility and love, and to give generously without counting the cost. We make our pravers through Christ your Son.


What hoppens fo fhose who assume greatness? Jesus warned that the great would be made humble or

'brought down a peg or two'! True greatness is only achieved by the humble and meek, who are willing to step aside and consider the needs of others before their own. In the sight of God they are truly great. 318



















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Twenty-third Sunday of the Year Focus A crucifix,


pair of sandals and a set of u'eighing


with heart shapes cut from card.

onlv afford to complete half of it? His efforts and time would be rt'asted because he couldn't finish what he had begun. Why does lesus want his disciples

lntroduction An1, loving relationship demands commitment, loyalt,v and dedication if it is to survive the ups and downs of evervdav life. The efforts ancl sacrifices \\'e are prepared to make are more than generoush'ren'arded with lasting 1ove. Jesus cal1s us

b)' tatrre to follorv him, but wants us

to understand that being his clisciple brings its ot'n challenges and costs.

Gloria Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclan-ration


Gospel A readinp; from the Gospel of St Luke (14:25-33) A crowd of people was follou'ing Jesus, and he said to them, 'If vou want to be one of my disciples you must be readv to love me more than your own familv and even yourself. If you do not carrv your own cross and come with me, then You cannot be my disciple. a man plans to build a house, he works out hor'r' much it will cost before he begins. Otherwise he might

to consider the cost

of following him? To follow Jesus demands complete commitment and dedication. Jesus is quite clear about what he expects from those who choose to follow him, and he understands that many people u,ill not be prepared to accept the challenges ancl costs of discipleship. As foilowers of Christ, we must forgive as we are forgiven, serve as Jesus served, and love as Jesus loved. We must be prepared to put our love for God and our neighbour before evervthing else in our lives, and this demands total unselfishness and dedication. When it cosfs us a great deol in time, energy and commitment to achieve or obtain something we truly want, how do we feel? It is very satisfying to achieve success after a great deal of effort. In the same r'r'ay, being a follower of jesus is at times challenging and difficult, but we must weigh up rvhether we feel that the costs of discipleship are worth

the rewards.

Activity Photocopl, an activity sheet for each child to complete


lay the foundations and then find that he cannot afford to finish the work. If a king's army of ten thousand men

was preparing to fight an army of twentv thousand men,-wouid the kir"ig not consider whether he nright win or lose? If defeat rt'as likelv then he would send out messengers to make peace with his enern\r

'I{ anvone plans to follow me, he must count the cost of giving up evervthing to be my disciple.' This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord jesus Christ.

Reflection As followers of Christ, what are we expected to corry? carry Jesus said that to follorn'him we would need to our own cross thlough life. What do you think this means? leads us to Jesus invites us to travel along the path that God's love and his kingdom. This path is sometimes

lntercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving farnill', together 1et us pray to our heavenly Father: For the courage to follow Christ and bear witness to his Gospel with our lives.

Lord, in your mercv hear our Prayer. For the courage to follow Christ when it means standing up for what is right'

Lord, in your mercy, hear our Prayer. For the courage to follort'Christ even rvhen others poke fun at what r've believe'

Lord, in your mercy, hear our Prayer' For the courage to follorv Christ's perfect example of living love and forgiveness.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer'

difficult, and at times we rnight struggle to follow it'

Knowing that our heavenlv Father is listening,

Sometimes the problems and challenges rve meet along the way become the cross that we must carry. As disciples of Christ, we are called to accept the challenges of living

in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him'

the Gospel and to realise that, like Jesus himself, we mighi meet hardship, rejection and suffering because of our faith and love for Cod. Why is it important to count the cost of o proiect before beginning work? to |esus used the example of a man who was planning build a house. What use r'r''ould his house be if he could



Loving Father, mav others know and recognise that we are Christians by our love for you and for one another, as rve follow in the footprints of Christ. Grant this through jesus Your Son. Amen.

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Twenty-fourth Sunday of the Year Focus A ceniral candle with some 'sheep' and coins arranged around it.

lntroduction A parable is a story with a meaning that is not explained but left for the listener to work out. Jesus used parables

that related to evervdav life at the time. In today's

Gospel, Jesus tells two parables to help people to understand the depth of God's love for us.


What did the shepherd and the woman do when they found what hod been lost? They rejoiced when they found what had been lost, and shared their joy and delight by celebrating with their family and friends. Why did Jesus tell these parables?

The Pharisees and the scribes, who took great pride in their own goodness and strict obedience of the law, were

appalled that Jesus spent so much time with sinners. Jesus used these parables to help them to understand that anyone who had wandered away from God's love was very precious to him. He would search until he found them, and rejoice when he was reunited with those who had been lost.

Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation

What can we learn from these stories? We all make mistakes at some time in our lives and wander away from God's love. These stories remind us


Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Luke (15:i-10) The Pharisees and scribes complained about Jesus spend-

ing so much time with the tax collectors and sinners. When he heard this, he told these parables: 'If a shepherd

with a hundred sheep discovered that one of

those sheep had strayed from the flock and got lost, would he not leave the ninety-nine and search for the last one until he found it? Then he would carry it home, rejoicing, and call all his friends to celebrate with him and share his delight. In the same way, I tell you, there will be

more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine good people who have nothing to be sorry for.

'Or suppose a woman had ten drachmas, and found thai one of her precious coins was missing. Surely she

would take a lamp and sweep the house from top to bottom, searching everywhere until she found that corn. Then she u'ould call her friends to share her happiness at finding what she had lost. In the same way, God's angels rejoice and celebrate over one person who is sorry for their sins.' This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord fesus Christ.

Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: We pray for the world that God has made; may we cherish the gifts of creation entrrrsted to our care.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for peace in our homes and families; may we be people of forgiveness and reconciliation.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


shepherd discovered that one of his sheep had strayed away from his flock. The shepherd knew and recognised each sheep in his flock, and was upset to find that one had wandered off.


ln the second parable Jesus told, whot did the womqn lose? The woman had ten drachmas and when one went missing, she searched high and low to find what she had lost because it was worth so much to her. (One drachma or


Help the children to make a shepherd who has found the sheep he was searching for! Photocopy and cut out the pictures to be coloured by the children before being stuck on to thin card. Make a hole through the body of the shepherd and his walking feet, and push a split pin through so that he can be rolled along.

and disowned by society; may we be ready to offer them hope and a second chance.

Who lost something in the first parable lesus told?

denarius was worth a day's wage.)


We pray for people who are rejected


Whot did the loving shepherd do? He set off in search of the sheep that was lost, because was very precious to him.

that God will always search for us and give us the opportunity to be reunited with him. He welcomes us back with great rejoicing when we make a fresh start.

We pray for Christians everywhere;

may we live Christ's Gospel of forgiveness and love.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Loving Father, have mercy on your children when we wander away from your love, and help us to forgive one another as you forgive us. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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IUfqTVJifth Sunday of the year Focus A Bible open at today,s Gospel, with tion of money and some ,price tags,.

What did he decide to do a

jar of oil,



Introduction Jesus kneu' that money and greed often bring out the

worst in people. God will entrust the wealth oi hi, lor," to those who are honest and trustrvorthy, and will value such riches more highly than any earthiy fortune.

Gloria Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation


Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Luke (16:1_i3) ]esus told his disciples a parable: ,A rich man, who had a servant to manage his affairs, sent for him one day.,,I have heard that you are wasting my money,// he said, "so I want to see your accounts, and dismiss vou from you r job." 'The servant was dismayed, ,,What am I to do nolv?,, he wondered. "I am not strong enough for manual work, and I don't want to begl,, Then he had an ideal One by h1 sent for everyone who owed his master money, 3ne ,,How to settle their debts. much do you owe rlry mas_ ter?" he asked the first. ,,One hundred jars o{ oil,,, came

the reply. "Here is your account,,, he said. ,,euick1y, write down fifty and I will be satisfied.,, 'As each debtor came to settle their account, the

servant accepted less than they owed. ,,When I am dismissed,,, he thought, "they will remember what I have done for them, and treat me kindly.,,

'When his master heard what the dishonest servant had been doing, he praised him for his shrewdness, because the worldly wise are more astute in dealing with their own kind than are people of the light., Then Jesus said, 'When a person is honest about the small things in life, then they will be honest about more

important things too.

If you cannot be trusted with

something as.unimportant as money, how can you be trusted with the most precious treasure of all? No one can be the servant of two masters, and you cannot serve both God and money., This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.




his octions earn his master,s praise?

At the time,

a servant who managed his master,s affairs did.not,receive a salary but earned a fee for successfully his master's goods. The servant u,,as not being ::l1l"g or cheating ctlshonest his master out of money owed to hrm; he was simply forgoing the fee that was due to him. He was wise enough to use his money io rry to secure his future happiness.

What did Jesus wont us to understand about money? When it is used honestly and wisely, money can inprove our lives and the lives of others, but it does not brrng us lasting happiness. Money is unimportant and valueless

to Cod, who measures our weajth according to our

goodness and love.

Activity Photocopy an activity sheet for each child to complete.

Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenll.Father: We pray for the poor and the homeless; may our loving care and concern enrich their lives.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

pluy for people who believe that money I: bring happiness;

alone can

may they discover the treasure of God,s love.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We gray for forgiveness, generosity and truth in our world; may our lives store up treasure in heaven

rnstead of on earth.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for all who are sick at home or in hospital; may they find comfort in our loving prayers.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearrs

Why did the master want to sack his servant? The servant was Tazy and wasteful with his master.s


he heard whot


He worried about how he would make a living. He wasn,t strong enough for a marrual fob that called 7or physicat effort and he didn't want to become a beggar. 324

hundred pounds, he accepted only fifty to settle ."-"-b", what he had done for them and gratefully return the favour.


their debt. In the future they would

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Why was the servont worried when master planned to do?

to solve his problems?

The servant may have beenlazy,but he was also cunning and wise. He decided to reduce the amounts that people owed his maste4 so that when someone owed as much

let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Loving Fathel, enrich our lives with your love, and help us to put you and the needs of others before everything else. Grant this through Christ your Son. Amen.

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Twenty-sixth Sunday of the Year Focus A crucifix with a selection of Fairtrade products,


pictures of people enduring hardship arranged around them.

that workers have been fairly rewarded for their labour. Many supermarkets now se1l te4 coffee and bananas that all carry the Fairtrade mark. By choosing to buy these products regularly, we know ihat our purchases are not being made at the expense of someone else being poor.

lntroduction The difference between wealth and poverty is striking, and today Jesus tells a parable that illustrates this powerfully. In our materialistic and possession-conscious world, we need to be an''are of the needs of the poor and try as hard as we can to make our world a fairer place.

Gloria Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation



Activity Look at the Fairtrade products on display and help the children to understand that the way we choose to shop can make a real difference to other people's lives. Older children can help io prepare a 'Fairtrade breakfast' to be shared and enjoyed by the rest of the congregation after Mass. Any profits can be donated to CAFOD or a similar organisation.

Younger children can create a thought-provoking poster by making a collage of the faces of 'poverty' cut out of old magazines or newspapers. These should be arranged around the quotation'The poor are with

you always' (Matthew 26:11).

A reading from the Gospel of St Luke (16:19-31) (See page 391.)


Reflection What sort of life did

the rich man enjoy? He lived a life of extravagant luxury. He dressed in fine clothes and feasted on rich food and exoensive wine. He had everything he could possibly need or want. What sort of life did Lazarus endure? Lazarus sat outside the gates of the rich man's house and begged. He was thin and hungry, and suffered from painful sores all over his body. He had absolutely nothing he needed or wanted.

As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: For Christians everywhere; may thev work tirelessly to ensure that the wealthy world shares its resources with those who suffer from hunger and poverty.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For those who are homeless and forced to beg for our help; may we open our eyes to see their needs

and respond with kindness and compassion.

Whot did the rich man do qbout Lazarus?

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Nothing! He was so preoccupied with his own comfort and wealth that he was completely indifferent to the

For those who die alone or unloved; mav they enjoy the happiness and peace of heaven.

suffering of Lazarus. He did not notice the poor man lying outside his gate; he did not see his despair and hunger.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

What hoppened when both men died? Lazarus enjoyed eternal happiness and peace in heaven, whereas the rich man suffered the misery of hell. If the rich man had shared the poverty of Lazarus in life, then he would also have shared his spiritual wealth when he died. What does this story teach us? Jesus once said that the poor are always with us. He gives us the free will to choose whether or not we ignore the needs of the poor in our r,",orld. We must remember that everything we have is a gift from God. As Christians, we are called as individuals and nations to share whatever wealth we have with those who are poor. Jesus warns us not to become indifferent to the needs of people not

just'at our o\vn gate'but throughout

the world.

What can we do to help the world's poor? There are many charities and organisations dedicated to relieving the suffering of the poor, and our of{erings and donations help them to continue this work. We can also help the poot by shopping with our conscience and choosing our purchases carefully. Fairtrade products guarantee

For those who are sick or in any kind of pain; may they find comfort and strength in our loving care.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Loving Father, open our eyes to see the needs of others and help us to serve you and one another according to your commandments of 1ove. We make our prayers through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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Twenty-seventh Sunday of the Year Focus A crucifix and candle, and a sign that reads, ,We believe in God.'



Faith is a gift from God that opens our hearts and minds to help us accept and believe the truth revealed by Jesus. For such faith to live and grou, in our everyday lives, we need the help of the Holv Spirit and the grft of God/s grace.

if we have enough faith and trust in him. Just as a skydiver steps out of a plane into the unknown because he trusts completely in his parachute, our faith in God allows us to face the uncertainties of life with complete confidence in


Nothing is impossible for God

his love.

Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation


Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Luke (17:5-10) (See page 391.)

Reflection What is faith?

Faith is a word used to describe complete trust and confidence in someone or something. Whot did the apostles osk Jesus to do? They wanted Jesus to make their faith grow. Although they had seen the power of God working through Jesus in the many miracles they had witnessed, they stilt felt uncertainty and doubt. They continued to have moments when they found it hard to truly believe that God had become man and was living among them in the person of Jesus. What difference con foith moke to our lives? Jesus gave the example of the mustard seed and the mulberry tree to help us understand that when our faith in Cod is strong enough, then anything is possiblel Many of the miracles performed by Jesus only happened because of someone's belief and confidence in him. With enough faith in God, nothing is impossible.

Help the children to make their own parachutesl Begin by giving each child a name label to complete using coloured pens or pencils. Use a hole punch to make a hole at one end. Give out squares of plastic (cut from carrier bags) with a hole already poked in each corner. Give the children four equal lengths of coloured wool or string, to thread through each hole and tie in a knot. Bring all the ends together and thread them through the hole in the name 1abel before tying them in a single knot, or simply sellotape them in place. Now the children are ready to see whether they can make their parachutes fly!

Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together 1et us pray to our heavenly Father: We pray for al1 who hold and teach the Christian faith: may it be firmly rooted in our hearts and lives.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayeL We pray for an end to hatred and fear in our world; may we work together to share the gift of Christ's peace.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for the poor and the hungry; may we recognise and meet their needs. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for the sick and all who are in pain;

may their faith in God's love bring them comfort

Where does foith come from?

and healing.

Faith is a gift of God, planted like a small seed inside us that slowly grows and matures with the help of the Holy

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Spirit. The first 'profession of faith' is made during baptism when a prayer called the Creed is spoken. Thii

prayer expresses our belief

in God, and unites the

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him.

Christian Church in the faith that we share.


What difference con faith make to our everyday lives? Our lives are greatly enriched by this gift from God, our faith in Jesus our Saviour. It helps us to understand and cope with all kinds of problems and situations we meet in our everyday lives. With complete faith in God's love

Loving Fathe4 increase our faith and make our lives a perfect offering to you. We make these and all our prayers through Christ your beloved Son. Amen.

for us, we are able to make our n/ay through life confident

that he is walking beside us. How can we help our faith to grow? Faith helps us to pray, and prayer helps us to believe. It is prayer, in its many different forms, that allows the flickering flame of faith within our hearts to burn more 328

brightly. This flame fills our lives with the light of Christ, so that we can see the way to follow him, and warms our hearts with Christ's love to share with the world.

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Twenty-eighth Sunday of the Year Focus A Bible open at today's Gospel, with a candle,


'bandages', and a thank-you card arranged next to them.


lntroduction As children, one of the first things u'e learn to say is 'thank you' in response to a kind n'ord or actiory and yet, all too oftery we forget to thank God for so much. Today's Gospel reminds horv mr.rch tl-rese trt'o small words can mean not just to one another, bui to God as well.

Gloria Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation

only one of them remembered to say thank you. We too must make time to thank God for everything we have and all too often take for granted.


Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Luke (17:11-19) (See page 391.)

Reflection What is o leper? A leper is someone suffering from leprosy. This disease, which is contagious, can cause terrible disfigurement and blindness. At the time of |esus, Jewish law separated all those who suffered from leprosy from the rest of society in an attempt to stop the spread of this disease. Lepers were forced to lead sad, lorrely lives filled with suffering. What did the lepers do when they caught sight of Jesus? They had been watching and waiting for |esus to appear,

and they cried out to ask for his help. They hoped that he would take pity on them when he saw their suffering. Whot did lesus tell them to do? Jesus simply told them to go to the loca1 priest so that he could inspect them for leprosy. The priest was the only one who could declare a Person to be healed and give them permission to live among the 1ocal community again.

Sing the following song to the tune of 'Ten green bottles', adding suitable actions for everyone to join in. Ten sad lepers, sitting on the ground, hoped in |esus, mercv would be found,

and with faith and courage God's goodness did abound. There were ten cured lepers heading back to town One cured leper happy to be free, finding Jesus, fel1 upon one knee: 'You have made us huppy, true thanks for saving me.' Having faith in Jesus, miracles can be!

lntercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family,

together 1et us pray to our heavenly Father: We pray for Christians everywhere;

may differences that divide communities be healed by the love that we share for God and one another.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our Prayer. We pray for people whose lives have been touched by disaster; may our efforts to relieve their suffering help to heal their broken lives. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for peace in our homes and our world;

may our understanding and forgiveness heal wounds of conflict and hatred.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray {or the sick and all who suffer;

may the power of God's healing love transform their lives and fill them with hope and joy.

How did the lepers respond to the command given by

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Knon'ing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him.

They did not hesitate to do what Jesus had told them and they set off at once to find the priest. The lepers had complete faith in Jesus and believed that they oniy had to ask in order to receive. Their plea for help was answered by a miracle.

What did the lepers do when they realised thqt Jesus hod healed them? In their joy and excitement they ran to find the priest! Jesus had healed their leprosy and their lives by restoring

their health and their happiness. Only one of the ten turned back to thank jesus for changing his life. Whot can this storY teach us todaY?

Jesus takes pity on those who suffer and always responds to a plea for help. If we have enough faith and trust in him, then Jesus has the power to change our lives too. The ter-r lepers had much to be grateful for, but 330


Loving Father, hear our prayers today and make our faith in you grow ever stronger as we do your holy will. We ask this in the name of Jesus our Lord.





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Twenty-ninth Sunda y of the Year Focus A crucifix and an incense stick (or similar), together with


large sign that reads, ,Don,t give up on prayerl,

lntroduction How many times have you started something only to give up when it needs effort and practice to succeed.

Praying can be just like thatl lVe give up all too quickly when our prayers appear to go r_rnhearjor unanswered. Today Jesus reminds us that lve should never give up!

Gloria Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and say together: Alleluia, alleluia, may the Word of God make our thoughts loving, our words kind, and our hearts warm.

Why did Jesus tell this story? Jesus knows that when we pray we often lose heart

Activity Make a bedside prayer pyramid to help the children to keep on praying! Photocopy the template and cut out. Ask the children to decorate and colour their pyramid, before carefully folding along the lines. Help them to glue the flaps into place.

Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Fathei: We pray that God's Church throughout the world may continue to grow and flourish.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Luke (1g:1_g)

told the people a parable to show them that they should keep on praying and never lose hope: ,In a certain town there was a judge who was often unjust and unfair. A woman in the town asked the judge to help her settle a quarrel with her neighbour The judge wus not interested in the woman's problem and sent her away. Jesus-

'But the woman did not give up! She came back every day, day in and day out, until the judge could not stand teing pestered any more. "I must give this woman what she wantt" he said, "or she will never give me any peace.///

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray that those who are sick

may draw strength from God to cope with their suf{ering. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray that we may make time in our busy lives

to spend with God.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him.

This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

Loving Father, listen to the prayers of your children and help us never to lose hope in your love for us. We make these and all our prayers through ]esus our Lord. Amen,

What does it mean to 'pester, someone?


means to ask persistentiy for something without giving upl Do you ever pester people? (Encourage the children to discuss their experiences of pestering oihers, or being pestered themselves!)

ln todoy's Gospel why did the womon keep pestering the


She wanted him to settle an argllment with her neighbour; but he wasn't interested and kept trying to put her off.

Did the women give up? She was so determined that she persevered

with her plea for help, and never gave up hope that the judge would eventually listen and respond. 332

We pray that the leaders of governments and nanons may be guided by God's loving will.

Then ]esus satd,'If such a man can finallv listen and do what is asked of him, how much more wiil my heavenly Father do for you if you keep on asking.,



we think that our prayers ire not being answered as quickly as we would like or in the way we expect. He told this story to make us understand how imptrtant it is to persevere with our prayers, and never to give up hope that they will be answered.


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Thirtieth Sunday of the Year Focus A Bible open at tociay's Gospel, with a candle and


prayer book next to it.

Which of the two men in the Temple pleosed God with their prayer? The tax collector. What does this story teach us about prayer?

Introduction Luckily for us, there is nothing rve can do to make God love us lessl God's love for us is so hr-rge that he is ready

and waiting to forgive our mistakes and accept our change of heart when n e call upon his mercv. In today's Gospel, Jesus tells a story abor-rt two very different men and the rvay that thel'praved.


Much as we may hate to admit it, there's something of the Pharisee in all of us. We are quick to praise our own imperfect efforts and to poini out the faults of others. We forget that we are all sinners and fall far short of Cod's loving goodness. When we come before God to pray, the tax collector's example has much to teach us. He accepted his failings, and, trusting in God's love, he stood humblv before him and asked for his mercy. We must take care that our prayer is not selfish and boastful, but humble and from the heart.

Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation


Activity Give each child an activity sheet to complete and colour.

Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Luke (18:9-14) Jesus


a parable aimed at people who were certain

oi their own goodness, and looked down on everyone else: 'Tr'vo men went to the Temple to pray. One was a

Pharisee, an upright and religious man who always obeyed the law The other was a tax collector who cheated people to make himself rich.

Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: We pray for the Church and her mission to share Christ's

Cospel of love.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

'The Pharisee stood up and prayed, "Thank you, God, for making me such a good person, unlike the tax collector over there! I keep all your rules and am most generous

We pray for people who are shunned and rejected by our society.

rnrifh mrr rnnnerr " ''....''.J''..,..--I.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

'The tax collector stood at the back of the temple. He bowed his head in shame as he prayed quietly, "O God,

We pray for the poor and those who hunger

I have done so many things wrong. Please forgive me."'

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Jesus said, 'It was the second man, and not the first, who pleased God with his prayer. For anyone who

We pray for peace and reconciliation

makes themselves important will be brought 1ow, and any who is humble will be raised high.'

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord |esus Christ.

in the silence o{ our hearts Iet us share our own unspoken prayers with him.

Reflection How did the Pharisee pray? The Pharisee thanked God for his own goodness, and then proceeded to boast to God about all his good works. Filled n'ith smugness and self-satisfaction, he was quick to point out the faults of someone else, without admitting that he had his own. The Pharisee had no need to invite God into his life because he r,r'as doing fine on his own, and Cod's help was unnecessarv.

for food and love.

throughout our world.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening,


Loving Father, hear the prayers of your children, made with humble hearts that trust in your merciful love.

Grant this through Christ your Son. Amen.

How did the tax collector pray? The tax collector knew that he had fallen far short of what Cod called him to be. lVith honesty and humility, he prayed for God's merciful forgiveness. He didn't compare himself with anyone else or make judgements about then. The tax collector had done nothing to deserve God's favour, but, with eyes cast down and fi1led with regret and shame, he prayed to be reconciled to God. 2al



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Thirty-first Sunday of the Year Focus A crucifix, r,r'ith an assortment of monev and some leafy twigs 6v branches arranged arorrnd it.

lntroduction Sometimes a person is clescriL.ed .rs being 'a hopeless ^^^^' *^^-^:...Ldrs, rrrco,r' +L-+ thev are bevond any kind of he1p. Jesus never gives up hope because he knows that the r

powel of Cod's lor,e arrd forgiveness can transform

What did Zacchaeus do when the crowd began to grumble ond complain when they heard whqt Jesus had planned? Zacchaeus was so pleased that Jesus wanted to spend time with him, and afraid that he might change his mind, that he had the courage to stand up to the large and hostile crowd. He responded to Chdst's gesture of friendship, with an honest and public admission of his

own failings and faults, and a commitment to change his life and put right what he had done wrong.

lives. In toda,v's Gospel u'e hear horv a chance meeting with Jesus changes the life of a man ca11ed Zacchaeus.

What did Jesus do when he heard whot Zocchaeus hod to say? jesus smiled with delight at his response and encouraged


Zacchaeus to make a fresh start with his life. fesus invites anyone who has wandered from God's loving way to turn back and put right u,hat is wrong in their 1ives. The story of Zacchaeus reminds us that God's merciful

Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation


love is offered to everyone, no matter what we might have done, because we are all children of God.

Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Luke (19:1-10)


Jesus went to a town called Jericho, where a man ca1led

Help the children to make a moving model of Zacchaeus in the sycamore tree. Photocopy the tem-

Zacchaeus lived. Nobocly liked Zacchaeus because he was a tax collector

who cheated people to make himself rich.

When Jesus arrived, crowds gathered to see him and Zacchaeus \,'as among them. Zacchaeus was very small and could not see Jesus because of the crolt'ds, so he climbed .r tree to get a better vien. As Jesus passed b1, he looked up and said, 'Come down, Zacchaeus! I want to visit your house today.' Zacchaeus almost fell out of the tree with surprise. Hear-

ing this, the crowd began to grumble and complain. 'How can jesus speak to such a wicked man!' thev said. Then Zacchaeus turned to ]esus. 'Lord,' he said, 'I knort' that I am a dishonest cheat, but I want to change and put things rightl I will give haif of everything I own to the poor, and pa1' back everything I have stolen four times over.' Jesus smiled at Zacchaeus and said, 'I have come to find and save anyone who has lost their rt'ay. Nor,r' change your heart and make a fresh start.'

This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord |esus Christ.


pray that we r,r'ill share the gifts of friendship

with our neighbours of every race, colour and religion. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. pray that we will extend a helping hand of friendship to those in any kind of need. We

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. prav that our forgiveness and compassion

rvil1 bring peace and reconciliation to the world.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

of a tree?

Zacchaeus had climbed a sycamore tree to get a better view ofJesus as he passed by surrounded b1, crowds of people. To his amazement, Jesus actually stopped and invited himself to r.isit Zacchaeus at home. Why was Zacchoeus so surprised by this suggestion? He was a tax collector r'vho took money from his fellow Jews on behalf of the Romans, and rvas considered to be

a traitor. To make matters \,vorse, tax collectors often collected more money than the Romans demanded, and used this to make themselves rich. They were generally hated and despised for their greed and dishonesty, and they had very few friends. 336

Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father:


Reflection Whot surprise almost made Zocchaeus fall out

plates and cut them out before sticking them on to thin card. Use a craft knife to cut out a'window'in the tree (an adult should do this!). Make a smal1 central hole in both pictures. Then ask the children to colour the tree and Zacchaeus. (You could glue on'leaves' cut from tissue paper.) Complete the scene by inserting a split pin and turnir.rg the picture behind to reveal Zacchaeus hidden in the branches of the tree!



pray that our love for God and one another be reflected in our care for the sick.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. Knowirrg that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of oul hearts 1et us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Lorzing Father,

guide our daily lives so that we do not judge, and understand that no one is beyond the reach of your saving 1ove.

\{'e ask this through Jesus your Son. Amen.

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Thirty-second Sunday of the Year Focus A Bible open at today's Gospel together n ith fresh flowers, some familiar seeds and a hard-boiled egg to represent new life.

Introduction The Sadducees were priests rvho controlled Temple worship, sacrifices and finances. fheir beliefs differed from the other iewish partles in many different ways, including their disbelief in ant' form of life after death. Jesus challenged their authorltr- and beliefs and their comfortable wav of life. In toclav's Gospel they ask him a tricky question about resurrection and life after death.

Gloria Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation


Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Luke (20:27-88) (See page 391.)

Reflection Whot word do we use to describe someone risinq from the dead to new life? Resurrection. Whose resurrection do we celebrate every Sunday? We recall the mystery of Jesus' resurrection every Sunday

and particularly at the great feast of Easter. What did the Sadducees want Jesus to explain?

Although the Sadducees did not believe in life after death, many Jews (and especially the Pharisees) thought that those who had been faithful to God would rise asain in some way at the end of time. If a woman had been married twice, the Sadducees wanted to know from Jesus which man would be recognised as the woman's husband at the resurrection.

How did Jesus answer them? Jesus made it ciear that a couple are joined in marriage

uniil they die. When people are raised to life at the resurrection, there will be no need for the earthlv insti-

tution of marriage. At the resurrection people rise to a life that is new and everlasting and not simply a continuation of their earthly existence. Why did Jesus mention Moses and the burning bush?

In Old Testament times, God appeared to the prophet Moses as a blazing bush that r,r'as mysteriously untouched and undamaged by the fierce fire burning there (Exodus 3:1-6). When God spoke to Moses he said, 'I am the God

of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of ]acob.' These three great Jewish leaders were long since dead but

God spoke of them in the present as being alive and not dead. By using this erample, Jesus wanted the Sadducees to understand that there will be a resurrection at the end of time and that life with God continues and does not end.

As Christians, do we believe in resurrection? Jesus said,'I am the resurrection and the life', and by dying on the cross and rising from the iomb three days later he shares that life with the world. As Christians, we believe in the resurrection of the whole persory body and soul, when Christ returns in glory at the end of time and calls us to share his eternal life and happiness. That promise of new life is given to us when we are welcomed into the Christian familv at baotism.

Activity Make a card to remind the chjldren that ]esus promises new life to those who believe in him.

Cut a rectangle of card (approximately 30 x 10 cm,) and fold it in half with the short sides tosether. Now open the card and fold both short sides in agarn to meet in the middle. Use the template to cut our egg shapes {rom brightly coloured wrapping paper (small designs and patterns work well). Help the children to glue an egg on to the front of their card and draw a zigzag line from top to bottom. Carefully cut along the zigzag and through the front of the card on1y. Open the card and decorate the inside with flowers or butierflies made from pape4 tissue, fabric or cut from wrapping paper or magazines. On the front of the card write, 'God promises. . .' and inside write, 'New iife!'

Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: For the Church and all God's holy people; that r,r.e may share Christ's message of hope and love with the world.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For those who have died and are resting in peace; that they may enjoy eternal life in heaven.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For people who are hungry, homeless or alone; that they may experience God's love through our efforts to ease their suffering.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. For peace and justice throughout the earth; that we may respect the dignihv and value of every human being.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Loving Father, hear the prayers of your children, and help us to follow you faithfulll'. May our efforts towards goodness on earth allow us to share eternal life with you in heaven.

Crant this through Christ your Son. Amen.


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Thirty-third Sunday of the Year Focus A crucifix and two small candles labelled 'Courage' and 'strength', with a pair of sandals or walking boots'

face many similar threats to their safety as the early Christians did. The Holy Spirit supports and strengthens Christ's followers today just as he has always done and will continue to do.


As Christians today, whot challenges and difficulties do

It is not easy to be a follower of jesr"ts and take our place in society as a Christian. jesus warned anyone who wanted to follow him that thel' n'ould need to be brave

we face? Christ's standards of love and forgiveness are the same today as they were when he lived in Palestine. The world can be a greedy, selfish place, where people are driven by material wealth and self-concern. We have to be as courageous and strong as the first Christians were,

and strong. The Hoiy Spirit lvil1 emPower us to share our

faith with the world and to stand up for our Christian values of love and justice.

if we

Gloria Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation


Gospel A reading from the Gospel of St Luke (21:5-19) Some of the crowd were discussing how grand and beautiful the Temple in Jerusalem was. Jesus said to them, 'A time will come rvhen all this will be destroyed.' 'Master, when will this happen?' they asked. 'What waming will there be?'

jesus told them, 'Take care not to be misled by those who come and claim to speak for me. Many things will happen before the end, so do not panic. There will be wars and fighting; earthquakes and disasters; famines and plagues and signs in the heavens. Before then many will suffer because they are my followers. I will give them courage and strength and words of wisdom, and they will be rewarded for their faith and goodness by my heavenly Father.' This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord ]esus Christ.

Reflection Whot worning did Jesus give about the Temple? The Temple was a magnificent building begun by Herod the Great some 20 years before |esus was born, and not

completed until 64 ao. Jesus knew that the Roman occupation of Palestine would finally lead to disaster, and the Temple was indeed destroyed by the Romans only six years after its completion. What warning did Jesus give to his followers? Being a Christian carried many risks and dangers' Jesus wanted to encourage and reassure his disciples, who would undergo great Persecution and suffering for their faith. They would be arrested, beaten and imprisoned,

and many would be put to death for Christ's sake. Throughout all their hardships the Holy Spirit would give them the courage and strength they needed to overcome these challenges and trials.

Do Christians todoy still suffer serious persecution for their faith?

In some paris of the world even today people are not allowed to practise their faith or follow Christ. They 340

are to be an exampie to the world of Christ's

compassionate love for all of humanity. We must be ready to serve with humility, to put others' needs before our own, to love the unloved, to pass no judgements, to forgive as we are {orgivery and to love as unconditionally as we are loved by God.

Activity Give each child an activity sheet to complete and colour. OR Use aluminium foil or kitchen roll tubes with balloons at each end, to create a set of'dumb bells' for each

child and label them'Faith' and'Courage'.

Intercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together let us pray to our heavenly Father: We pray for the Church and all her people; may the Spirit of courage help us to be witnesses

to God's love in our world.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for people who are persecuted

or imprisoned for their faith; may the Spirit of courage give them the strength to forgive their enemies.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our Prayer. We pray for the sick and all u'ho suffer; may the Spirit of courage bring them peace and healing. Lord, in your mercy, hear our Prayer. We pray for the family gathered here today; may the Spirit of courage guide our words and thoughts and fill them with understanding and wisdom. Lord, in your mercy, hear our Prayer. Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts let us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Loving Father, may we witness to your love by our words and actions, as we share your Gospel todal' and every day. We make our prayers through Christ our Lord. Amen,











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Christ the King Focus A large cross (which could be made from tree branches) and a candle, surrounded by fresh or paper flowers.

Introduction God seeks always to forgive. He n'ill look for every reason to forgive and be understanding. He r'vill search our hearts for sorrow, or at least the first glimmer that it is there. He expects us to be sorrr', and to say so as we recognise the wrong that we have done. As the King of Love, he is always readv to n'elcome us into the joy of his kingdom.

Gloria Gospel Acclamation Light the Gospel candle and sing Acclamation 7 (or an Advent Acclamation).

Whqt did the other criminal do? Recognising Christ's innocent goodness, the other criminal defended him. He was a common thief dying on the cross for the wrong he had done, but Jesus had done

nothing except to love in a way that the world had never seen before. Filled with sadness and regret, the criminal turned to Jesus and sought to put things right. Why does this moment on the cross fill us with enormous hope? It is never too late to say sorry, and no mistake or wrong is so great that forgiveness will be refused. However far we might wander from God's love, he will never abandon us. He waits and hopes for that word of regret, that moment when we turn back to him and search for his forgiving love. In the darkness of despair, Jesus was able to offer a ray of hope and the promise of sharing the joy of his heavenly kingdom.



A reading from the Gospel of St Luke (23:35-43)

Create a moving picture scene to reflect the hope of Christ's cross. Copy templates A and B on to thin white card, and cut out carefully. Colour one half of A black to represent darkness, and the other half yellow to represent light. Colour template B as suggested. Carefully place template B on top of template A and use scissors to make a small hole the centre. Insert a split pin from front to back and open behind. Use the tab to change the background behind the cross.

As the crowd siood watching, their leaders mocked Jesus, saying, 'If he is so great, if he is the chosen One of God, then why doesn't he save himself like he saved others?' Even the soldiers made fun of him and they hurrg a sigrr above him that read, 'This is the King of the Jeu's'.

One of the criminals hanging next to Jesus jeered at him, 'Call yourself a Messiah! If you were, you could save yourself and us as well!' But the other criminal answered sharply, 'Leave him alonel We deserve to be punished but he has done nothing wrong.' Then he said to Jesus, 'Do not forget me in

your kingdom.' |esus answered him, 'Today you

will be with me in

paradise.' This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

Reflection Why did the crowd mock qnd tease Jesus? They thought that if Jesus was indeed the Son of God, as he claimed to be, he should use his mighty power to save himseif from the humiliation and suffering of crucifixion. The sign nailed above his head poked fun at this 'king' who appeared to have no kingdom. Where is the kingdom over which lesus reigns?

The kingdom of God is an'invisible' kingdom. It is not a place you can see because it exists within the hearts of people who accept Jesus as their King, and who live bv his rules of love.

Who else was disappointed when Jesus did nothing to save himself?

Two criminals hung next to Jesus, one on either side. When one of them heard the jeering cror,vd encouraging Jesus to save himself, he angrily confronted Jesus too. How could such a suffering victim possibly be the promised Messiah. 342

lntercessions As brothers and sisters in one loving family, together lei us pray to our heavenly Father: We pray for the Church; may God's kingdom come as we share Christ's Gospel of love in our daily lives.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for peace in our world; may God's kingdom come through the efforts of everyone who works to bring about reconciliation and forgiveness.

Lord, in your mercy/ hear our prayel We pray for all who suffer in any way;

may God's kingdom come through the love and compassion of those who care for them.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. We pray for the dead; may they be welcomed into the joy and peace of the kingdom of heaven.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayel

Knowing that our heavenly Father is listening, in the silence of our hearts Iet us share our own unspoken prayers with him. Silence

Loving Father, make us grow in love for you and one another, so that your kingdom may come as we do your will. Grant this through Jesus our Lord. Amen.






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