MMS 101
Vision Statement “The Mi’gmawei Mawiomi is a political body, committed to creating an independent Mi’gmaq government based on a constitutional framework that promotes and protects the freedoms, rights, and well being of the L’nu.” Adopted by the leadership on March 26, 2013 in Tlaqatige’jg (Carleton).
ABOUT the MI’GMAWEI MAWIOMI and the SECRETARIAT The Mi’gmawei Mawiomi wa s formed in 2000. The leadership of Gespe’ge wa’gi, f rom Listuguj, Gesgapegiag and Gespeg, came together to talk about Mi’gmaq Rights and Title to the territory. The time had arrived to get to know each other and to work together towards the recognition of our nation.
One of the first ta sks of the M i ’ g m a w e i Ma w i o m i w a s t o establish an organization to carry out the work of the Nation.
The Mi’gmawei Ma w i o m i Secretariat (MMS) is the administrative body that works for the assembly. Over the years, the vision has evolved and changed: yet, together we remain committed to On August 4, 2000 the elected advancing the rights and well-being leadership and Elders from the of the Mi’gmaq. three communities, signed a Political Accord in Listuguj. This Accord formally established the M i ’ g m a w e i Ma w i o m i ( M M ) . Mi’gmawei means ‘of the Mi’gmaq’ and Mawiomi means the ‘assembly or gathering.’ 2000 Accord Signing
2 Riverside West Listuguj, QC G0C 2R0
“Looking back at where we’ve come from – it’s about that relationship and that feeling that if you go to Gespeg, Listuguj or Gegapegiag, you’re still home: it’s our people, our nationhood.” Gespeg Staff Member
Mi’gmawei Mawiomi (also called ‘the Assembly’) is a political body made up of the three (3) chiefs from Gespeg, Gesgapegiag, and Listuguj, and two (2) members of council from each community.
✦ The
role of the Mi’gmawei Mawiomi is to mandate (make decisions) and oversee (guide) the work of the Secretariat.
✦ The Assembly
receives its direction from the People of Gespe’gewa’gi.
✦ The Assembly
meets quarterly (4 times per year), and also hosts the Annual General Assembly.
✦ The
Secretariat is the administrative body that carries out the work for the Mi’gmawei Mawiomi.
✦ There
are other committees, which provide feedback and support: Chiefs Executive Committee (CEC) and the TriCouncil.