FAQ’s #1
December 2015 Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Revenue Sharing
What is Mi’gmawei Mawiomi (MM)? The Mi’gmaq of Gesgapegiag, Gespe’g and Listuguj have always lived on the land and in our territory, which we call Gespe’gewa’gi. Our three communities came together and formed an alliance in 2000 to deal with matters of common concern including the allocation of lands and resources, economic and social development, revenue generation and improved services and capacity for our citizens. Our Vision Statement: An Independent (self-sustaining, self-determining) Mi’gmaq Government based on a Constitution that promotes & protects the rights, freedoms and well-being of the L’nu (the people).
Our Mission Statement: The Mi’gmaq Nation having inhabited Gespe'gewa'gi since time immemorial have inalienable title to the land, surrounding waters and unextinguished Aboriginal rights title and treaty rights throughout our territory. Therefore, our mission is to uphold, reaffirm and respect the treaty and Aboriginal rights and aspirations of our people by rebuilding the Mi'gmaq Nation through the repatriation of lands, resources and surrounding waters. This is achieved by forging alliances to support the pursuit of Mi’gmaq self-determination, by engaging in strategic partnerships with national and international bodies in areas of economic and social development; by strengthening our traditional and cultural norms and practices and other capacity and nation building endeavours.
Since 2000, MM has made historic steps towards self-determination including an agreement that outlines expectations and positions regarding consultation and accommodation measures (Gespe’gewa’gi Saqamawuti); a Statement of claim over Gespe’gewa’gi (Nm’tginen); and the appointment of a Speaker (Nutewistoq).
How does this partnership affect our Aboriginal and Treaty rights? Mi’gmawei Mawiomi works on behalf of all of the citizens of Gespe’gewa’gi. We are stronger when we work together. We are advocating for our collective Aboriginal and treaty rights in our territory. Mi’gmawei Mawiomi uses Mi’gmaq laws and traditions to resolve jurisdictional conflicts between Canada and/or Quebec and the Mi’gmaq.
What is the Mi’gmaq Mawiomi’s governance structure? The Mi’gmawei Mawiomi is made up of the Chiefs and Councilors of the three Mi’gmaq communities of Gesgapegiag, Gespe’g and Listuguj. Every attempt is made to make decisions by consensus.
What does the Mi’gmawei Mawiomi Secretariat (MMS) do? It’s the administrative arm of the Mi’gmawei Mawiomi. MMS carries out its work based on the four key strategic initiatives of the MM:
MMS is also responsible for recruiting, selecting and retaining staff, preferably citizens of the three communities and building capacity of all citizens, in order to meet the current and future needs arising from increased selfgovernment and revenue generation. Mi’gmawei Mawiomi Secretariat
Frequently Asked Questions on Revenue Sharing / Part 1 - December 2015
December 17, 2015
Hello to all Gespe’gewa’gi ci:zens. On behalf of the Mi’gmawei Mawiomi, we are sending you this short leEer and informa:on package regarding Revenue Sharing. As you may be aware, Mi’gmawei Mawiomi has spent many years working on behalf of Gespe’gewa’gi ci:zens to assert our Aboriginal rights and :tle to our territory. We have also started work on one of our cri:cal and strategic ini:a:ves: Growing Our Economy. We are commiEed to relying less on ‘insufficient Crown funding’ and relying more and more on what we call our ‘own-‐source revenues.’ We will take control of our territory and our resources and any revenues we generate will benefit all Gespe’gewa’gi ci:zens. AEached to this leEer you will find some ‘Frequently Asked Ques:ons’ regarding Revenue Genera:on and Revenue Sharing. We will provide more FAQ’s in the upcoming months on this subject. Our goal is to share informa:on as it becomes available between now and the end of the process towards a historic Revenue Sharing Agreement signing ceremony, hosted by the Mi’gmawei Mawiomi in 2016. In order to be transparent with you, a Gespe’gewa’gi ci:zen, we will be providing informa:on in various ways on what is happening regarding revenue sharing. This includes video interviews, radio announcements, documents on our web site and a three-‐volume Handbook, to be distributed monthly during process star:ng in January 2016, related specifically to revenue sharing and revenue genera:on. If you have any further ques:ons about revenue sharing or revenue genera:on, please contact any of the three Chiefs or Troy Jerome, Execu:ve Director/Nutewistoq at the MMS office. The Mi’gmawei Mawiomi would also like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Ulnuelewin aq Pusu’leg Puna’ne. Cordially,
Troy Jerome MMS Execu:ve Director / Nutewistoq
Mi’gmawei Mawiomi Secretariat 2 Riverside West Listuguj, QC 418.788.1760 / 800.370.1760
Gespeg Band Office 783 Blvd. Pte.-‐Navarre Fontenelle, QC 418.368.6005
Gesgapegiag Band 100 Perron Blvd. Gesgapegiag, QC 418.759.3441
We invite you to read our upcoming Community Handbooks that will provide you with more information on the past, present and future initiatives and opportunities in Revenue Generation and Revenue Sharing. Coming in 2016. Mi’gmawei Mawiomi Secretariat
Listuguj Band Office 17 Riverside West Listuguj, QC 418.788.2136
Upcoming Issues/Dates January 2016 February 2016 March 2016
Vol. 1 Vol. 2 Vol. 3
Frequently Asked Questions on Revenue Sharing / Part 1 - December 2015