Melbourne Village Voice March 2013

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Village Voice No 244 March 2013

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‘CAN DO’ KATE IS AWARD WINNER sembly Rooms. Presenting the award to Kate was Melbourne resident Bryony Balen, the youngest Briton to walk/ski from the Antarctic coast to the South Pole. She celebrated her 21st birthday in the frozen wastelands of the Antarctic during her 750-mile mammoth trek during the winter of 2011/12. Kate is well known locally for her organising skills and getting on with things. No job or event is too much for her, not with her ‘can do’ attitude and her ability to recruit and motivate (bully) others into helping her. It was a combination of these attributes that saw Kate take on board the organising of the Melbourne Diamond Jubilee celebration. It proved to be a magnificent event and an achievement referred to by many as Kate’s best thing yet, surpassing all her other achievements and endeavours for the community. This feat helped to swing the judges to convert her nomina-


● Dr Iain Black, Elizabeth Freeman, Bryony Balen, Kate Dumelow and Jane Carroll.

KATE DUMELOW is the first winner of the Dr Brendan Freeman Award for services to the community. She received the accolade at the Melbourne Annual Parish Meeting in the Melbourne As-

tion to selection as the recipient of the first Dr Brendan Freeman Award. Both Bryony and Kate made mention of their personal connections with Dr Freeman, Bryony as a baby and Kate as a new mother – something that made the presentation a particularly poignant occasion. Council Chairman Jane Carroll welcomed Elizabeth Freeman, Brendan’s widow, to the presentation before speaking briefly about Dr Freeman, who had arrived in Melbourne in 1980 to take over the local practice. His energy and drive were remarkable and he introduced innovative clinics to tackle diabetes, obesity and other specialist disorders. He masterminded the building of a new modern health centre, pioneered Melbourne Community Care, was a Labour Party member and a long-serving member of Melbourne Parish Council. He also recruited Jane and Dr Iain Black to the medical practice.




Dragons’ den for kids – Page 6

Cooking up a treat – Page 8

Partying in a good cause – Pages 12,13

Pulling together – Page 22





● A two-hour Aerobicathon took place at the Picture of Health Fitness Centre in Melbourne to help raise funds for Emily Starkie, who is in training for the London Marathon. Emily, pictured front left, will be taking part in the annual 26-mile event in aid of the Newlands House Leonard Cheshire home in Netherseal. Full story – Page 3.


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2 Village Voice March 2013

Your Village Voice Village Voice is proud to promote Melbourne and the surrounding villages, helping to attract visitors and shoppers to our area while keeping our own community in touch with local events. As well as being home delivered, every page of every edition is available for easy reading online through our website. Local businesses which publish their web address in their advertisements in Village Voice can be visited online from anywhere by a simple click on their web address in our online edition. Distant friends can keep in touch. Village Voice is a truly local independent newspaper dedicated to help keep local people informed and local traders in business.

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Getting to know our conservation areas THE FIRST of four drop-in sessions took place in Melbourne in February, when Philip Heath, South Derbyshire’s Conservation and Heritage Officer. and colleagues in the planning department hosted an interesting event. The presentation of display boards identified the conservation area character statements for many of the villages surrounding Melbourne. The relevance to Melbourne is because they include Woodhouses, and because of the proposals to extend the Stanton Conservation Area into the parish of Melbourne, to take in the 18th/19th century Stanton Barns Farm and the former Long Eaton Waterworks buildings of 1892. A tiny part of the Ticknall Conservation Area also lies within Melbourne parish. The display boards illustrated each of the 11 current consultation areas. These are Woodhouses in the parish of Melbourne, Smisby, Stanton by Bridge, Swarkestone, Ticknall, Swadlincote, Walton on Trent, Shardlow, the Trent and Mersey Canal, Trusley and Twyford and comment is invited with regard to the proposed changes. The presentation identifies the special historical and architectural features in an area. The statements give details of

● TERESA Turner, planning assistant, and Philip Heath, Conservation and Heritage Officer, South Derbyshire District Council, are pictured at the Character Statement Drop-In session held in Melbourne.

what makes the character and appearance of an area worthy of protection and also how this could be enhanced in future developments. Mr Heath said: “They are important documents especially as they are used by the council when making professional judgements on the merits of

planning and development applications. "The conservation area character statements also have an important function in backing up our statutory planning work and they will inform our management of conservation areas in the future.” If you missed the Melbourne

drop-in session you can still catch the last one at Shardlow Village Hall on Wednesday, March 20, from 1.30pm until 6.30pm. Comments are invited from everyone. To have your say, visit The closing date for comments is Friday, April 19.

Beware these CounCil tax offers

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DERBYSHIRE residents are being warned to steer clear of paying companies offering to help reduce their Council Tax bill – because they can check their banding themselves for free. Derbyshire County Council has issued the warning after its trading standards officers saw a rise in complaints. Residents have reported receiving letters from companies saying their house is in a higher Council Tax band than it should be – offering to get it reclassified and return a lump sum from the period of over-payment. Some companies offer to carry out the work in return for a percentage of any money returned following a successful challenge. In


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other instances residents are asked to hand over an administration fee ahead of any work being done. Offering the service is not illegal but it is simple for residents to carry out the process themselves – without it costing a penny. Residents can check that their Council Tax banding is correct through the Valuation Office Agency (tel: 03000 503 600) which is responsible for setting and reviewing council tax bands on all domestic properties, and carries out the review without charge. ■ The county council is proposing to freeze Council Tax for a third year running. Members of the council’s cabinet backed

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proposals which would see the authority’s annual budget for 2013/14 set at £533m – including budget reduction targets of £27m. The planned savings are on top of £70m of savings and 1,600 job losses in the last three years – most of which have been through early retirement, voluntary redundancy, and vacancy control. The authority’s five-year plan has been updated to show that further reductions of £100m are required over the next four years. The proposals, which need ratification, would see some areas of the county council’s budgets increased to meet pressures on services.

Village Voice March 2013 3

Elaine’s £14,000 charity effort SEVEN years ago this month Elaine Dunnicliff was coming round after a life-threatening operation and decided that she would dedicate herself to ‘giving back’ for the kindness and treatment she had received. Since then she has founded Ease Your Mind, a cancer support group, created three fund-raising calendars, become a regular in the Moorways “lap of honour” and, most recently, has been running the pop-up charity shop in the centre of Melbourne. Recalling her operation to remove a kidney infected with cancer, she said she was so pleased to have come through it; she decided there and then to do something for the Macmillan and the Derby Royal Urology department which had treated her. Her fund-raising since then has seen £16,000 going towards much needed equipment. This year she wants to make £14,000 and the pop-up charity shop has helped towards

that target. She was extremely grateful to Deborah Darling, who generously enabled

her to run the shop for the last couple of months and to all the local people for donations and support. Amongst her more curious customers were some Russian pilots, looking for English books for their children who now will be working through a Jane Austen novel. The Ease Your Mind group, now two years old, is a self-help group which meets fortnightly to provide a safe environment for those affected by cancer, their families and carers to get together. “With one in three people likely to be impacted by cancer,” Elaine said, “groups like this are essential to provide informal support and encouragement” outside the formal care arrangements. Elaine would like to open a more regular drop-in centre, but in the meanwhile she will be looking for new fund-raising ideas and an outlet for her substantial collection of bric-a-brac.

Emily in running for marathon money

EMILY Starkie, of Melbourne, is in training for the London Marathon which takes place on April 21. She has gained a charity place for the annual event and will be running for Leonard Cheshire Disability. In particular, she is raising money for Newlands House in Netherseal. This is a residential home for 33 people aged 18-65 who have severe disabilities and everyone is wheelchair dependent. The money Emily, who is 30, raises from sponsorship will contribute towards refurbishing the residents' kitchen including low level sinks, pull-out storage units and other disability friendly facilities. Many of the residents go to college to learn cooking to enable them to become more independent and using the kitchen is an integral part of their lives. Emily has already raised £1,200 by holding a non-uniform day, cake sales, a Christmas quiz and tombola at the John Taylor High School, Barton under Needwood, the school where she works. Emily has been in training since she gained her place in the

Marathon and, as part of this, has entered the Ashby 20-mile race on March 16. Emily also works out at Picture of Health Fitness Centre, in Melbourne. A two-hour Aerobicathon held at the Fitness Centre raised more than £160 towards her goal and she would like to thank her friends who supported her in the event both taking part and in sponsorship. Emily has a link page to her sponsorship form for those who would like to sponsor her and support Newlands House. A quiz and charity auction will take place at Harpur’s, Melbourne, on April 11 at 7.30pm. People can either take part in the quiz at £2 per person (unlimited members per team) or purchase tickets in advance for £10 per person which includes quiz entry and a steak and ale pie supper. Tickets can be purchased at Harpur’s or by phoning 07779014775. Emily can be contacted on 864268 or 07779014775.

Mash supper

60th anniversary celebration

Quiz finale

A SAUSAGE and Mash supper and Bingo night will be held in Findern Village Hall on Saturday, April 20, at 7pm. Tickets at £5 per person must be pre-purchased. To book tickets or for further information contact: Karen 07969 734649 or Pat 01283 701835. Proceeds are for restoration of All Saints’ Church.

THE 60th anniversary of the Melbourne Royal British Legion Women's Section was celebrated in style with a meal at the Bay Tree Restaurant, Melbourne. The branch had been formed on February 3, 1953. Fifteen local members were joined by County President Mrs Mary Middleton MBE and Mrs Pat Godfrey, a member of the County Committee. A certificate in recognition of 60 years’ continuous good work for the RBL was presented by Mrs Middleton to Branch President Mrs Margaret Stockley. The Melbourne WS continues to raise money for the RBL Benevolent Fund which supports the needs of men and women who have served in our Army, Navy, Air Force and Auxiliary Forces.

MELBOURNE Quiz has continued to entertain the public on Friday nights in the Royal Suite at Melbourne British Legion Club. The last night of the quiz saw the semi-finals being contested with St Michaels Players v Sick Club Row and Ancient Mariners v Rugby Club VicePresidents.

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4 Village Voice March 2013

Country Living with Robert Parker

AT LAST, after what has seemed a very long winter, some fieldwork finally started in the middle of February. First job is to cultivate some land on the frost to get it to dry out a little faster. This is always a risk as the opposite could happen and it’s very unwise to rush things, but by the end of the month another couple of hundred acres has been sown with wheat. Unfortunately, with this there is another big risk as the variety being put into the ground should have been sown by the end of January so as to give it time to be vernalised. This in short means the seed has to have a cooling period during germination so as to accelerate flowering later in its life. Some varieties of winter wheat need to be sown by the turn of the year and some can be sown up to the end of March in the year of harvest, but when you buy your seed you don’t always have the right type in stock. Little research has been done on the present varieties available so we shall see in summer if we have done the right thing. I think wheat yields will be very poor this

season and, as a consequence, prices could be high, so my thoughts are that the risk is worth taking. Farming is all risks! ■ The route of the HS2 has been announced and, of course, everyone who looks likely to be affected is very annoyed. What surprises me is that very few of the dissenters seem to care a damn about the loss of more agricultural land, seemingly being more concerned about property and habitat. Of course to have your home or farm threatened by this proposal is a horrible thought just to save half an hour to travel from Leeds to London. Do we really need this when we have internet access for all at a very low cost? It’s been suggested to me that any inquiry that doesn’t produce the findings that the Government wants will be superseded by new ones until the desired outcome is achieved. Stansted Airport had two inquiries which said that damage to the area outweighed the need for another airport so another one was ordered which gave the green light. At least the 20-year completion date will not affect people of my generation, thank goodness.

Angelic way to spend Valentine’s Day ● THIS GROUP of visitors to Melbourne for the Valentine’s Day event enjoyed themselves and were impressed with the evening of Spiritual Indulgence.

Spring time at Calke

Put a spring in your step at Calke, we are open everyday

Forthcoming events Lambing Time Mid March to early April

Come and see the young lambs with their mothers in the park. Our lambing tent will be up from the 20th March

Caring for Calke’s Collection Thursday 14 March 10.30am & 2.30pm

Explore the conservator’s workshop and talk to our experts. Find out how they care for our vast collection. £5 includes a drink and a cookie. Booking Required on 01332 863822

Kite Flying Sunday 24 March 11am – 4pm

Join us for our annual kite flying day. The Midland Kite Flyers will thrill you with their skill. Bring your own kite, buy one here or make one in our workshop

Calke Alive 18th Century Monday 25 March 12.30pm – 4pm

Sir John and Dame Catherine Harpur invite you to their new house, to meet some of the characters who lived and worked at Calke in the 18th Century

Easter Egg Trail

Friday 29, Saturday 30 & Sunday 31 March 11.30am – 3.30pm Follow the Easter egg trail to find a prize! Children must be accompanied by an adult. Child £3.50 (Normal park admission and garden ticket applies)

Calke Alive 20th Century

Wednesday 3 April 12.30pm – 4pm Meet some of Calke’s 1940s wartime characters. ‘Make do and mend’ activities and a Tea Dance in the Riding School at 2.30pm Opening for 2013: House: Sat-Wed 12.30pm – 5pm End of Era Tours Thurs & Fri 11am – 4pm Garden: Open daily 10am – 5pm Restaurant/Shop: Open daily 10am – 5pm Calke Park & Nature Reserve: Open daily 7.30am – 7.30pm (dusk if earlier, closed 25 Dec) Visit for more information Normal park admission applies to all visitors. For more information on what’s on at Calke please visit or telephone 01332 863822 @NTCalkeAbbey

IF ANYONE had told me I would spend the evening of Valentine’s Day having Angelic Reiki healing in the building known in a past life as the Leisure Centre, I would have thought they were joking, writes Margaret Gildea. But that was indeed one of the many treats on offer at the evening of Spiritual Indulgence organised by Kate Brown and Donna Lesley of Connections. There was Reiki healing by local practitioner Andy Solecki, manicures and facial treatments and, for anyone with an interest in the spirit world, tarot readings, a forecast based on tea leaves, and psychic and aura readings. Stalls were selling jewellery and underwear, and even the odd slightly racy purchase to spice up Valentine’s day. And, whilst the only spirits were in the main hall, there was a well-stocked bar in the kitchen. People had travelled from other villages in South Derbyshire and they were full of praise for both Melbourne and the event.

Ploughing match reaps rewards AN OPEN ploughing match organised by Steve Webster, his wife Judith and their extended family was a very successful event. Blessed with fine weather and good ground conditions for February, the ploughing match attracted 61 entrants to Weston Hall Farm. Circumstances meant that the competition was held on a Saturday rather than the more usual Sunday, but the change did not put off the competitors who came from as far afield as north Yorkshire, Wales, Staffordshire and the Don-

caster area. The event raised £860 for Cancer Research and, with donations and other contributions, the total was raised to £1,100. Landowners, Raymond and Audrey Brown were invited to present a cheque to Ann Peace, a Cancer Research representative from Burton on Trent who attended the event. “It was a great day,” said Steve Webster, “and many thanks to our hosts and all our visitors for their contribution in making it so enjoyable.”

Village Voice March 2013 5

Surgery vandals come under fire THE MARCH Parish Council meeting was preceded by the Annual Parish meeting, which saw the presentation of the first Dr Freeman Award to Kate Dumelow by Bryony Balen. The report from chair Cllr Jane Carroll followed in which she stated that the financial management of the council was sound whilst still expecting the coming year to be full of challenges. Other highlights of the year were identified including: ■ The appointment of Cllr Malcolm Stockill to replace Cllr Brendan Freeman. ■ The progress being made at the renamed Melbourne Assembly Rooms under its new management. ■ The magnificent Diamond Jubilee celebrations and the refurbishment of the Castle Square Lamp unveiled by Lord Ralph. ■ The retirement of Norman Hill, Parish Clerk after 37 years’ service, and the appointment of Jaquie Storer as his successor. ■ The progress being made by the Melbourne Sporting Partnership, and ■ The successful events that had been held during the year including the Carnival, Festival, bonfire night, Remembrance Day and Late Night Shopping. Cllr Carroll also commented that assigning areas of the town to different councillors had been successful and she thanked all councillors for their contributions to the business of the council during the last year. Each chairman of the sub-committees gave a resume of the main topics undertaken and achievements during the year. There was an almost seamless transfer to the council meeting with Dr Iain Black taking the floor at public question time to comment on the escalating levels of damage being carried out during weekends at the surgery. Trees have been set alight and youths have been climbing onto the roof and jumping onto other roofs, creating damage on both. The frequency and amount of damage is increasing and, apart from being a dangerous activity, it is costly to repair the damage. Dr Black confirmed that the police had been informed and had visited the site but the incidents continue. He asked what if anything the parish council could do to help with this matter. There was a short discussion about benefits of CCTV cameras and this will be followed up outside the meeting. Councillor Carroll read out an email from PCSO Emma Guest that made mention of a range of issues currently being pursued by the police, which include the reported anti-social behaviour at the surgery.

TOM MILLS reports from the March meeting of Melbourne Parish Council Reporting on South Derbyshire District Council issues Cllr Jim Hewlet confirmed that the district and county council elements of the Council Tax will remain fixed for a third year and that only the police element will be increased. Negotiations for kerbside collections of plastic for recycling is well in hand and the unsightly conditions of kerbside verges in Queensway are under discussions with some innovative proposals being considered by councils and residents. County Cllr John Harrison reported on several issues that have been of interest to Melbourne residents in his penultimate report before he stands down at the elections in May. The water leak on Derby Road has been repaired by Severn Trent and a subsequent leak on the pavement also addressed. A by-product of this work was the repair to the damaged footway that has been under discussion for some time. The long-awaited public consultation on a proposed one-way system in the town centre has taken an unusual turn. Only weeks away from the consultation the county council has advised that a requirement to install illuminated No Entry signs will result in an added cost of £20,000 and there is no money in the budget to allow for this requirement. Potholes in the roads are recognised as being a problem country-wide and the Government has released funding to enable councils to address the problem. The county council has recruited 10 additional teams to help the council teams fill all the known holes during the next eight weeks. Residents who have not yet applied for a replacement Gold Card are urged to do so now. The cards expire on March 31. The county council has negotiated a six-week extension with local bus companies for those still not in possession of a new card. The county council is inviting residents to get in touch and register with them regarding the pursuit of obtaining the best price for the supply of energy through collective bargaining. A final layout for the Melbourne Sporting Partnership proposals for Cockshut Lane has been agreed and it is hoped to report on successful grant applications soon. In the meantime there will be a public consultation before the drainage scheme is implemented.

SALE ! throughout April 20% off all Romo and Sanderson fabric and wallpaper orders* *delivery charges not included

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Give the toads a hand

MELBOURNE Inner Wheel held an overseas afternoon tea at the Melbourne Assembly Rooms, hosted by its overseas service organiser, Ros Bell. Also in attendance was Inner Wheel Overseas Service Committee chairman Diana Sardesai. The guest speaker was Kate Dumelow, who told of her experiences in Uganda – in particular the plight of the women and children in the village of Kisgezi. Donations were presented to Sight Savers and Medicins Sans Frontieres. Pictured are: Kate Dumelow, Ros Bell and Diana Sardesai.

TOAD WATCH time is almost here and volunteers are required for a couple of hours around dusk at Foremarke when the creatures start to cross the road. The crossing will need to be manned at the end of March and into early April, depending on weather and temperature. The toads cross the road in droves as they make their way to the breeding ponds and are likely to be squashed by cars. All that volunteers need are warm clothes, a strong torch, bucket and reflective tarbard if possible. Anybody who is interested should contact Christian Murray-Leslie on 01332 862921. If you can help you will be doing a great deal to assist an important and declining species.


6 Village Voice March 2013

Busy year ahead at Calke Abbey 1400 Spin 9kg Washing Machine

1200 Spin 7kg Washing Machine











1200 Spin 6kg Washing Machine





1200 Spin 6kg Washing Machine

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STAFF and volunteers are gearing up for another hectic season at Calke Abbey after the House re-opened in late February. As they prepare for a move into new offices in the refurbished Cart House behind the restaurant, they are finalising the visitors' programme for the remainder of the year. And there is a wealth of exciting things for people to look forward to. Among the highlights in the House will be the inclusion of the Servants Hall in the “End of Era” tours, where recordings of domestic staff have been brought back to life. You can hear the voice of Alfred – a footman on the estate in 1916. Also with a domestic service theme, the museum room will be transformed into a servant’s bedroom, where in true Upstairs Downstairs fashion, you can experience what it would be like to be in service to the Harpur-Crewe family and contrast with the life “above stairs.” New to the displayed items this year is the Herbarium collection, bringing out of store the best parts of the vast collection of naturalist specimens of plant life painstakingly collected and catalogued in Victorian times. In the gardens east of the House the Grotto has been repaired and recently opened to the public. It is an idyllic spot to share its air of mystery and romance. Further work is being done on the tramway footpath making it possible to walk between the Calke and Staunton Harold estates.

Downloadable walks will soon be available from the website. There is a full programme of events over the year. As well as the regular Food Fairs, Craft shows, Calke Alive days and outdoor Quad Cinema Screenings (of Les Miserables and The Shining, this year) there are some new events to try. On June 1 there is a chance to join a Calke Camp, where you can pitch a tent and enjoy a guided night walk, with tea, supper and breakfast all included in the price (£100 per family). There is a series of meetings in April with National Trust’s nature and wildlife expert Matthew Oates, who has made appearances on TV's One Show, Countryfile and Springwatch. The Garden of the Imagination will return with a programme of family fun activities in the large Kitchen Garden everyday of the school summer holidays from Saturday, July 13, to Friday, August 30. On Father's Day, dads are invited to join a Forage finding beer in the brew houses, and a hot chilli challenge. The regular seasonal highlights are lambing time, just about to start in March, the stunning display of Auriculas in mid April and also in April and May, one of the most spectacular Bluebell displays in the region. Additional details are on the website, along with charges and opening times, but it promises to be a summer to make full use of our local beauty spot.


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● CHINESE New Year was celebrated in Melbourne when the two Reception classes at Melbourne Infants School were joined by the children from the pre-schools, Scallywags, Puddleducks and Kangaroos. The children were involved in dragon dancing, making lanterns, Chinese writing and making Chinese snakes. They also made red envelopes with a golden chocolate enclosed to give to a friend.

Importance of wood to man

Lollipop man (or lady) wanted

RICHARD Stone gave an interesting talk to Melbourne Civic Society about the importance of trees and woodlands.. He traced their history from the end of the Ice Age when South Derbyshire became colonised by lime trees and North Derbyshire by oak and hazel. Over the centuries wood has been vital for man's existence. It has provided fuel for fire to give warmth and safety, charcoal for smelting ore and timber for houses, churches, castles and transport. Although vast amounts of woodland were cleared, some were carefully preserved for hunting by kings and nobility. Some of these remain today along with the private parks such as Calke and Chatsworth. Some time was spent looking at local maps to identify the ancient origins of woods by spotting the old names for areas where trees grew such as holt, shaw, grove, riding and spinney. The next meeting of Melbourne Civic Society will be on Monday, March 25, at 7.30pm at the Assembly Rooms when the AGM will be followed by a talk from Melbourne Area Transitions Group on the progress of the Transitions Movement and on its work locally.

MELBOURNE is in need of a lollipop man or lady. Throughout Derbyshire there are vacancies for 24 people who can help to keep schoolchildren safe. As well as the vacancy in Melbourne, Etwall also has a position to be filled.. The posts are open to people aged 18 or over who can spare a few hours a week during term time in order to make a real contribution to the safety of local schoolchildren. There is no upper age limit, full training will be given and people will be paid £6.77 an hour, Derbyshire County Council has said. Two people could do the position as a job share – with one taking the morning and one the afternoon. Councillor Simon Spencer, Derbyshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport, said: “School crossing patrols play an important role in our communities. We supply uniform and give full training plus we offer people the satisfaction of knowing they are making a real difference in their community.” For further information with no obligation telephone 01629 538063 or visit

Village Voice March 2013 7

Broadband boost for Melbourne BUSINESSES, people working from home, gamers and computer users generally will be delighted with the news that BT is to introduce Super-Fast Broadband to Melbourne. BT has announced an expansion of high-speed fibre broadband in Derbyshire, which is expected to help create jobs and boost the local economy. Melbourne is among six Derbyshire communities to benefit and will be upgraded by the end of Spring 2014. Owen Moody, BT’s East Midlands regional director, said: “Fast, sophisticated communications are the cornerstone of a successful community, helping local people to build their skills and knowledge and encouraging the creation of new

businesses and jobs. This exciting technology will transform on-line education, training and leisure for households and enhance the competitiveness of local firms. Melbourne’s County Councillor John Harrison is delighted with the news, which comes only two months before he stands down from the county council role that he has held for a number of years. At the February Melbourne Parish Council meeting Cllr Harrison reported how the county council had agreed to match fund the £7.5m offered by Government to kick start the introduction of fibre optic broadband in Derbyshire, through a £1m contribution and a £6.5m loan.

Walking boots at the ready? THE FIFTH annual National Forest Walking Festival will take place between May 18 and 30. The event will be the biggest to date with 100 walks on offer (there were 81 last year). From a gentle stroll, walks for the whole family, those suitable for wheelchair users, to longer more strenuous rambles for keen walkers, there is something for you. Guided walks are led by local experts keen to pass on their knowledge about this special area’s rich and varied history, flora & fauna, geology, myths and legends. Most walks are free and do not need to be booked. Where there is a charge or booking is

required, details are listed under each walk. Grades are identified for each walk as a general guide. If you doubt your fitness for a walk contact the organiser or leader in advance. Walkers can take photographs on any of the festival walks, which may be entered for the photography competition and used in future publicity. The best entry wins a year’s NT family membership worth £93.50. The best under-16 entry wins a family day ticket to an event at Calke Abbey. The first walk to start the programme will be on Saturday, May 18. It's a breakfast walk around Staunton Harold Reservoir. This is a guided walk of 6.5

miles graded moderate, including 11-plus stiles. With a start time of 8.30am from Staunton Harold Reservoir Car Park (South) LE65 1RR Grid ref: SK 375 226, the circular walk will follow a route around Staunton Harold Reservoir, also skirting Melbourne Pool and crossing Melbourne Common. For the breakfast stop, food must be booked beforehand through the website at £2 per head. Booking essential: Melbourne Footpaths Group 01332 865720, For details of the festival or a copy of the guide contact

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KINGS Newton Social Group held a Spanish evening at the Scout and Guide HQ on Packhorse Road. The room was suitably decorated for a Spanish Fiesta. Some typical Spanish music and a glass of Sangria kicked off the evening and food was soon to follow. Bryan Grice presided in the guise of a member of the Spanish Inquisition and there were quite a number of people in fancy dress to add to the atmosphere. There was plenty to entertain the 69 attending, the highlight being a Bull Fight. The pantomime bull was brought to life by Dave Simpson and Simon Quinn while the toreador in full costume was played by Mark Preston.

ON YER BIKE IF YOU’RE OVER 50 ... STARTING on March 13, Cycle for Health at Elvaston Castle gets under way for the over-50s. The rides will take place every Wednesday starting at 11.30am and are part of the Get Active in the Forest programme. Charges are £3 for bike hire, £1.50 if you bring your own.

Contact Lewis Adams on 07989140980 to book a place. (Car parking charges will apply). ■ THE NEXT Festival Comedy night will be taking place at the Melbourne Royal British Legion Club on March 29 (Good Friday). Tickets have been selling fast since they went on sale in January.


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8 Village Voice March 2013

Let’s Cook Local dishes up another real treat LET'S Cook Local proved to be another mouth-watering exercise for all those who took part. In Melbourne the course is organised and run by Barbara Robey, of the Staunton Harold Women’s Institute. The programme is now in its third year. Barbara and her fellow WI helpers have run Let’s Cook Local at Scallywags Pre-School Nursery, who offer their premises free of charge for the programme. Barbara has worked as the nursery chef at Scallywags for the past nine years.

Gardening questions answered

The aim of Let’s Cook Local is to share with young parents basic cooking skills so that they feel a sense of achievement and enjoy the experience. Through this they will gain an insight into their own health and wellbeing and be inspired and confident in handling food safely. The participants are often mothers of children who attend Scallywags and also young workers from the Scallywags team of staff. They feel that the course gives them the confidence to try new recipes/learn to cook. The participants receive a cookery

book and apron at the start of the programme and learn a variety of recipes from chocolate brownies to vegetable lasagne. The course culminates with cooking a three course meal which they share together on the last night. On completion of the course the ladies receive a certificate. Representatives of the Derbyshire Federation of Women’s Institutes visited Scallywags during the course and distributed copies of the County WI Recipe Book to all the participants. Photographs were taken and a report com-

piled for the County WI and for the National Federation. Let's Cook Local is funded by the National Lottery and sponsored by Love Food, Change 4 Life, Local Food, Sure Start, Sustain and the Women’s Institute. Pictured are some of the participants at Scallywags Nursery (l-r): Gemma Tyson, Sharon Knight, Bethany Dowell, Hayley Statham, Sophie Smith, Demi Pass, Rachel Hill, Nicole Charlton and Barbara Robey, organiser and member of Staunton Harold WI.

TICKNALL Garden Club members will have no excuses for a poor performance in the garden this year as their gardening conundrums were efficiently and entertainingly dealt with by Jeff Bates (RHS Master of Horticulture), Robin Allan (ex-Hardwick Hall gardener) and Peter Fields (professional gardener) at the club’s February meeting. Mr Bates chaired the event ensuring all questions were thoroughly aired. Amongst the many discussions that cropped up were: the dirty topic of manure, pruning advice, repairing pond liners, taming hedges, rejuvenating rhododendrons, getting flowers to set on wisteria, the influence the weather has on the flavour of fruit and vegetables and many, many more. The last question of the evening was reserved by an astute member of the club who asked the experts which one of them would like to spend a week working in their garden? Nice try! Discussions between members and further interrogation of the guest experts continued well into the evening over tea and biscuits. The next meeting will be on Tuesday, March 12, when Bob Brown will be reflecting on ‘Changing Tastes and Fashions since 1950’.

Village Voice March 2013 9

All the fun of the circus at Carnival ROLL UP, roll up – this year’s Melbourne Carnival has announced its theme for 2013. It's the circus! The hugely successful summer bonanza has a different theme each year, which is reflected in the floats which take part in the parade and the competition for the best-dressed carnival shop windows. Carnival organisers have already been busy and have booked a big top and circus acts to make this year’s event something to really remember. Chair Rose Minifie says: “We’re hoping this year’s circus theme will really spark everyone’s imagination and people will come up with some fantastic ideas for floats and shop windows.” Last year’s carnival, on an Olympics theme, attracted around 3,000 people who enjoyed a variety of stalls and shows at Melbourne Junior

School grounds. This year’s event, to be held on Saturday, July 13, should be especially magical for children who’ll be able to get a real taste of the circus with jugglers and stilt walkers performing ad-hoc throughout the day. There will also be circus shows in the big top and circus workshops outside. The Melbourne Fete and Carnival has a comprehensive website that you can visit,, which gives lots of information on stall prices and the various events leading up to the day, including the popular Miss Melbourne competition. Anyone interested in having a stall or entering a float is asked to get in touch with the group of volunteers who organise the event via the online form on the website.


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MEMBERS of Staunton Harold Women’s Institute have been operating a lunch club at Melbourne Junior School for pupils interested in knitting. “It’s going very well," said Staunton WI president Sue Bown. “The children seem to be very interested in what they are doing and the activity has been well received." Both the children and the WI members are enjoying the experience with both age groups learning something from each other. “It’s a joy for us all,” says Sue. Sue has been a lifelong knitter and when on jury service she took along some

knitting to while away the time when not engaged in jury duties. The knitting sparked an interest in other jurors, many of whom wanted to learn the craft. Realising that the craft of knitting may be in danger of slipping away, Sue approached the head teacher at Melbourne Junior School to see if there was likely to be an interest by the pupils in learning to knit. Following positive feedback, Sue rounded up a group of WI colleagues and now they are introducing a group of pupils to the craft. Casting on, the start of the knitting process, can be

quite difficult, but Sue has prepared a short poem to help the students remember what to do. Head teacher Jane Hinchliff said: "This is a great opportunity for children to learn a traditional craft. “The knitting club is oversubscribed and the current 11 members of the club are very enthusiastic. I am very grateful to the WI members for supporting us in this way." Sue Bown (seated) is pictured with some pupils learning to knit. Other WI knitters are Shirley Gidlow, Janet Burnett and Linda Mills.

Wrestling comes to Melbourne “LIVE from Melbourne Assembly Rooms, in the blue corner, weighing in at 235lbs, standing 6ft 3ins, from Grimsby in Lincolnshire, is the UWE Megaslam wrestling champion “Mr Sexy, Mick Romeo” ... If this brings back memories of Big Daddy and Giant Haystacks on Saturday afternoons you are going to love the event lined up for Thursday, April 25, at the Assembly Rooms. In an unprecedented departure from the usual bookings, live American style wrestling will be bringing an evening of grunts and groans, thrills and spills to your doorsteps. The show promises to be an all-action, familyfriendly extravaganza with five explosive bouts featuring the stars of World Wrestling. Grannies and children are welcome, with a ticket price of £10 per adult, with one child being

admitted free with every paying adult, or £6 for children. ■ AN EASTER coffee morning will be held on Saturday, March 16, in the Community Centre, Brook Close, Findern, between 10am and noon. In aid of All Saints’ Church there will be plants, cakes, arts & crafts and much more. On Saturday, March 23, at All Saints Church, the Derby CMM Choir will present “Two Sisters and a Funeral” by Roger Jones. This is a nonticket event starting at 7.30pm. ■ MELBOURNE Neighbourhood Watch AGM will take place at the Blue Bell pub in Church Street, on Tuesday, April 10, at 7pm. Nominations are required for the vacant positions of secretary and treasurer before the event. Nominations should go to Adam Seal via email:

10 Village Voice March 2013

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Village Voice March 2013 11

Schools’ food H PIPES& CO Solicitors forest takes root tte agenttss t ta es e h th T O N – s ur yo is ce oi The ch Come to us for... ● CONVEYANCING – RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL ● PROBATE & ESTATE ADMINISTRATION ● POWERS OF ATTORNEY ● COMMERCIAL LEASES ● WILLS

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● Parents, children and local volunteers construct a raised beds.

MELBOURNE Infant and Junior Schools are very grateful for the support they have received so far in the project to create a food forest garden in the grounds. Parents attended a special assembly to see two cheques for £1,000 presented by Melbourne Civic Society and Derbyshire County Council. In attendance were Neil Wright on behalf of the Civic Society and Cllr John Harrison on behalf of DCC Community Fund. The parents heard that the Junior School Eco Warriors have been working to design the scheme. The project was initiated by Melbourne Area Transition, a local group inspired by other projects to increase food growing and education in the local area. A second, successful planting day took place in February when parents, children and local volunteers constructed raised beds, planted trees and shrubs and constructed a greenhouse (part funded by a donation of £250 from East Midlands

Airport). The project is still seeking further funds and support to construct an outdoor classroom (with local oak benches and an owl-themed storytelling chair). Money can be donated via and following the link to the organisation’s LocalGiving page, on which the project can claim GiftAid if donors are UK taxpayers. Members of the project team are also delighted that the Government has announced that horticulture and food will be on the primary curriculum from 2014. The Melbourne garden will give local children a head-start where outdoor learning is concerned. The next event in the Melbourne Schools Garden will be a woodland crafts day on Saturday, March 16, 10.30am-2.30pm where accompanied children can weave a willow fence, and make willow and wood crafts with local craftsman Peter Wood.

Village Voice Postbag Recycling: someone else’s problem TODAY I have taken my cardboard and plastic for recycling, first to Budgens – and I could not believe my eyes. The plastic recycling container was clearly full and in front of it was a huge pile of plastic containers left by people. I went to the car park behind the Lamb and it was the same there. I have taken pictures, as to quote Victor Meldrew 'I don't believe it'. I do not know who is re-

sponsible to arrange/contact the relevant bodies to come and collect it. It is also clear that the containers for plastic are simply not big enough. But I presume that may be a space issue. What really annoys me is that it is clear people of this village simply cannot be bothered to take their recycling back home with them, so leave it for it to become someone else’s problem. Julie Johnson

Thank you for your generosity ONCE AGAIN, I would like to thank the generous people who bought my calendar, through the local businesses who offered to provide outlets.

Another £350 has been donated to Cancer Research. Many thanks for your continued support. Henry Hastings

Community Care’s ‘garden’ fund-raisers MELBOURNE Community Care has two fundraising events coming up, both with a gardening theme. An illustrated talk on Spring Planting for Autumn Colour will be given by Griselda Kerr on Saturday, March 23, in St Mary's Hall at the Catholic church. It will start at 10.30am and finish shortly after 12pm. Included in the talk will be some choices that can be made to obtain colourful borders, not forgetting trees and shrubs; Griselda will also include hints on pruning, feeding and cultivation techniques.

Tickets at £5 each are available from Maggie Dobby on 863640) or Victoria Hancock (01332 863668), The theme continues with Open Gardens, this year on May 11. A list of gardens to be open will be published shortly but tickets will be £5 each to include entry to all the gardens. The Dower House garden will be included; Griselda has planted 700 new tulips this year and hopes they will be in full bloom in May, but admits it is pretty difficult to get the timing right.

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12 Village Voice March 2013

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PUPILS’ UGANDA PROJECT IS TO BUILD A SCHOOL FUND RAISING for the annual Chellaston Academy pupils' trip to Uganda is in full swing. Students involved have been providing an update on the progress being made with the project, which now plays such an integral part of the school. Beth Hamilton from Weston and Harry Burgess from Aston say that the 2012 trip had the objective of building a 24-bed dor-

mitory to take boys off the poverty ridden streets of Kampala. The Chellaston volunteers arrived to find the shell of a building for them to work on and, over the next three weeks, they spent their time bricklaying, rendering and painting to make it habitable. Opened by a Ugandan State Minister, it was a proud moment for all of the team. Each new resident was given a welcome pack

● Students (l-r) Imogen Jesson, Jack Goodband, Grace Coffey, Harry Burgess and Beth Hamilton.

bag designed and made at Chellaston containing a T-shirt and a teddy bear. Beth said that it was “amazing to be part of a project which made a real difference. The impact of being able to change people’s lives for the better was inspiring.” Harry said it helped to put things back home in perspective. “At home insignificant things may seem important but over there, even without some basic needs, children just get on with it," he said. “One real difference is the young people’s attitude to school. Here we take it for granted, and we might even grumble about having to go to school; but over there it is a privilege. It makes you realise just how lucky we are. Education is a way to achieve their dreams for a better future.” Whilst not oblivious to the wider poverty beyond the gates of the orphanage, the project is having a huge impact not just for ● THE the residents but also on the wider local community. This year the team will be building a school on the floor above the dormitory. mi The intention is to have a school built and day running in partnership with the local council. S It will accommodate 80 children and unlike all not other schools, will provide an education wholly ser free. It will be entirely funded by the Chellastra ton Uganda project. app The team will also be converting part of the fun older house into a resource centre including a roo library open to the wider community. T A new kitchen and eating area is planned, Ug not just for the school children but also to feed eno up to 130 youngsters per sitting. is c “Whilst over here,” said Jack Goodband, “you sec

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Lily’s in the ● Uganda Team mates in high viz jackets surround Lilly’s mum, Anna Moult, for a site picture.

LILY Moult hosted an event called Site Party at Melb sembly Rooms, the aim of which was to fund-raise fo to Uganda as one of Chellaston Academy’s 2013 team The theme of the party was Building because, as “The project is all about building; building homes friendships and building a better future for those in “We had fun dressing the venue with joke work stacks of fake bricks and hazard tape. We were deligh Melbourne building contractor Alan Staley to sponso

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Village Voice March 2013 13

2012 site team take a break from bricking their dormitory for a photo.

ght have your three…or even four…meals a y; over there they are lucky just to have one.” Sadly, Imogen Jesson, from Melbourne, will t be joining the trip this year. Imogen has a rious medical condition preventing her from aveling. Nonetheless she decided to make an plication to join the team. She has been busy nd raising to equip a medical and isolation om. This is part of the legal requirements in ganda for orphanages. Imogen has raised ough to just about equip one room, and she continuing with her efforts to try to equip a cond.

Among the team going are Grace Coffey and Jack Goodband, who explained how they were setting about their fund-raising. Jack had shaved his hair off for sponsorship, raising £500, and Grace had just raised a phenomenal £1,600 from a tribute night. Other events include a Race Night, a Barn Dance, Chocolate Bingo and entering the Derby 10k race, and the “Chello Mile” run. “Pupils from the whole school are now involved in fund raising,” said Mr Richard Karran, who leads the trips, “as each year group now has a direct link with the project”. One spin-off from the venture has been the

way the school has become galvanised by a sense of achievement, and it is rewarding to see pupils and families brought together by a common purpose. Other schools from Southern England have also become interested in the work and Mr Karran will be helping them to get involved. Further afield, organisations from the USA are engaged in providing the healthcare at the two sites in Uganda. It is clear that this project is making a difference, not just to the lives of children in far off Kampala, but to many much more closer to home as well. – FRANK HUGHES

e pink after Site Party fund-raiser “His team erected the centrepiece of the party, a scaffold tower and supplied a concrete mixer, wheelbarrow, Site Party banner and all the other big props. Bavistar Events created amazing lighting and the waiters, mostly my Uganda team mates, were easy to spot dressed wearing high viz jackets and hard hats.” For the 180 partygoers, the evening began with Tom Foskett playing jazz piano as they puzzled over a quiz on building or were enthralled by magician Paul Grundle.

Lily herself took to the stage to sing whilst Penny Heath and her team served fabulous food. The auction and raffle came next after which DJ Andy Stewart filled the dance floor till late. Says Lily: “I am really excited about going to work in Africa this summer. I’m very grateful to all those who donated, to my mother and the many who helped me stage the event and to those who came. Site Party raised a total of £4,225, which means I can now fund my own trip and make a significant contribution to the central pot, too.”

bourne Asor her trip m. Lily says: s, building real need. site signs, hted to get or it.

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14 Village Voice March 2013

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TRACEY Shrigley with Isobel Oldknow from ‘Isobel the Florist’ of the Market Place, Melbourne, is pictured at the Melbourne Food Fayre at the Assembly Rooms on March 3. The event was very well supported with over 400 visitors taking in the variety of stalls. Tollgate Brewery had beer for sale to drink in as well as take home, an added attraction now that the Assembly Rooms are licensed premises. It is hoped that the success of the event will bode well for the next fayre on May 5 and every two months thereafter. Pictured right are Ian Jalland of Brockleby’s Piemakers serving some of his products to Jane and Alan Taylor.

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Village Voice March 2013 15

Sailing club £60k upgrade FRIDAY, February 8, was a landmark date in the history of Burton Sailing Club as work began on a £60,000 upgrade of the club’s training facilities. Mrs Heather Wheeler, MP for South Derbyshire, joined club members and representatives from Sport England to break the first sod as construction got underway on the project, which has been funded by a combination of a grant from Sport England’s Inspired Facilities fund and the club itself. The brand new bespoke training centre at the club’s HQ at Foremark Reservoir will mean even more local people will be able to learn to sail and become safe powerboat drivers in first class surroundings at Burton SC. The facilities will also enable existing members to learn new skills. Keith Pallett, Burton SC Training Principal, said: “The new centre will allow all theory instruction to be kept separate from the distractions of the main clubhouse whilst also moving the theory training closer to the dinghy park and the training area. This makes it more convenient for everyone. “When Lord Coe talked about the post-London 2012 ‘legacy’ these are the sorts of projects that will hopefully provide the foundations and the opportunities for more people to get involved in sailing in South Derbyshire for

many years to come.” Burton SC is a recognised RYA Training Centre meaning it conforms to the highest standards of quality and safety. The club provided instruction to 257 students who learned to sail or trained as powerboat drivers last year, 58 of whom had no previous sailing experience of any kind. The club has also attained official RYA OnBoard status, which is the national grassroots initiative providing low cost sailing and windsurfing opportunities for local school and youth groups for young people aged eight to 18.

The new training centre will employ eco-friendly technologies including rain water harvesting, solar energy and a self-contained waste water treatment system. The first stage of the construction phase is to excavate the pits for the waste water treatment tanks and pipework. Burton SC is one of hundreds of projects across England benefitting from lottery investment through the second round of the Inspired Facilities fund, which is investing millions of pounds in helping local community sports groups to upgrade their facilities. For more information about Burton Sailing Club visit

● MP Heather Wheeler (with a spade full of soil) is pictured with members of Burton Sailing Club and representatives of Sport England as construction begins on the club's new £60,000 training centre.

Picture: Dave Bell

RUNNER-UP SPOT YET AGAIN FOR STAUNTON HAROLD CLUB STAUNTON Harold Sailing Club members are suffering from mixed feelings following the announcement that the club was declared runner-up at the RYA (Royal Yachting Association) Club of the Year Award for the second year running. Staunton Harold, who narrowly missed out on the top prize last year, had been short-listed for the award, along with four other clubs and had high expectations. The overall winner was announced at the RYA Dinghy Show at Alexandra Palace in London. The RYA, sailing's national governing body, presents the annual award in recognition of clubs who excel at promoting the sport, encouraging people on to the

water and making their activities varied and accessible, something that SHSC excel at doing. Allowing for the disappointment of taking the runner-up spot again, the members are still upbeat having been shortlisted to the final five out of 1500 clubs nationally. “There is always next year,” said a club spokesman. Staunton Harold SC Commodore Nick Waters said: "We always put a lot of effort into promoting the club and encouraging newcomers to come along. The enthusiasm for our post-Olympic Open Day, when people took advantage of free 'have a go' tasters, resulted in 20 new memberships.

"This was a success beyond our expectations. We work extremely hard at ensuring our activities are varied and appeal equally to newcomers and sailors with many years of experience, whether they want to race or cruise." The ethos of the club is demonstrated in its commitment to being a friendly, family-orientated club that is well-managed and professionally run, which should see it well placed for a third time lucky award next year. The club has a visionary development plan for the next 10 years – something that demonstrates the commitment of its members in promoting the sport and continuing the development of the club.

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3 16 Village Voice March 2013


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Village Voice March 2013 17

Full social diary of events in Aston RECREATION in Aston has a full diary of social events planned over the next couple of months. Kicking off the programme at the Memorial Hall will be "A Right Royal Talk" on Saturday, March 23, starting at 7.30pm. This should be a fascinating insight into life aboard Her Majesty's yacht Britannia given by Tony Kemp. Tony spent 10 years of his Royal Navy career aboard the royal yacht. His service included the period of Prince Charles’ and Princess Diana's honeymoon. Tony will be available to answer questions about his service. Tickets £5 each from Sandra Bayliss on 792141. Bring your own drinks/glasses – nibbles will be provided. ‘SPRING into Jazz’ at Aston Memorial Hall for an evening of traditional jazz is Recreation in Aston’s follow on event. Make a note in your diary for Saturday, April 20. Tickets at £10, include a fish and chip supper from ‘George's Tradition’, available from Sandra Bayliss. BYO drinks/glasses. SATURDAY, April 27, will see a return of the now-famous annual ‘Aston Yard Sale’ commencing at 10am until 2pm. For information on stalls etc contact Jill Aldridge on 792439. Programmes on the day from the village pump.


● ROADWORKS came to Melbourne in the dead of night to put right the problems of the spring in the middle of Derby Road close to the Market Place opposite the Post Office.

The water had been running constantly for several weeks, creating puddles at the very narrow part of the road – a hazard for unsuspecting pedestrians.

Information course on Alzheimer’s

THE ALZHEIMER’S Society, through funding from Derbyshire County Council and the NHS, is beginning a six-week Carer Information programme at the Assembly Rooms, High Street Melbourne. The sessions began on Friday, March 8, with further sessions every Friday (with the exception of Good Friday, March 29) until April 19. Stephen Tomlinson, Alzheimer’s Society group facilitator, said: “This is great news for people living in the South Derbyshire area. There are more than 13,000 people living with dementia in Derbyshire, so it’s vital that we provide support like this. The big message we wish to express is that those affected by dementia are not alone – we are willing and able to provide information and support. We believe that, with the right support, it is possible to live well with the condition.”

Each information session will run from 10.30am until 1pm, covering topics such as: ‘What is dementia?’, legal information, welfare and medication. There is also advice on other agencies that may help as well as tips on coping as a carer. There will also be opportunities to meet the charity’s support workers and to learn about activities in the community. Tea or coffee and biscuits will be provided. For information about this or any of the charity’s services, contact Alzheimer’s Society on 01332 208845 or email:

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DAFFODIL WALK TREETOPS Hospice, Risley, will be hosting a Daffodil Walk on Saturday, April 6, 10am-2.30pm. The event will be opened by Joy Hales, Editor of Derbyshire Life and Countryside. To support the work of the hospice, visitors will be invited to enjoy a stroll through the lovely spring gardens, browse plant stalls from local businesses, bring their own plants to swap, and relax with a warming cup of tea or coffee. Admission is £3, which includes a drink.

AS A follow-up to the highly successful Pop-Up Pub, Melbourne Assembly Rooms will be holding a Pop-Up St Patrick’s Night on Saturday, March 16. There will be an Irish bar and food, live music and Tollgate beers. Admission is free, with the doors open 7pm to 11.30pm. There will also be an Easter Gift Fair on March 23 (10am1pm) and an Easter Craft Fair on Saturday, March 30 (10am-4pm) with free admission for both events.

John Alexander Haston passed away on 23rd January 2013, aged 64. Internment was at Melbourne Cemetery on 12th February.

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18 Village Voice March 2013


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● PICTURED is the cast of Aston Players’ pantomime Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The panto played to full houses during its run of six performances.

It’s time for the golden oldies to do their thing GOLDEN oldies can shake, rattle and roll their way to one of the biggest events in the South Derbyshire calendar. Liberation Day, aimed at residents aged 60 and over in the district, is entering its 11th consecutive year. To help the latest offering to go with a bang, the Safer South Derbyshire Partnership is planning to celebrate the rock and roll years of the 1950s on Thursday, May 23. Phil Marriott, chairman of the event planning team, said: “Each year there is an expectation on us to better what we have done before and following last year’s funfilled Queen’s Jubilee and Olympics theme, we had to come up with something good for

2013. “As many of our guests would have been young teenagers in the 1950s, we decided that the rock and roll years would prove to be a popular choice.” The purpose of Liberation Day is for older residents to come along and obtain advice and information on a range of topics, including how to deal with doorstep callers, fire safety, mobility, fitness, health, pensions and much more. Everyone will be able to get to the venue, the Green Bank Leisure Centre in Swadlincote, as free transport can be arranged, there and back if needed. A free sandwich lunch is also provided as the day starts at 10am and finishes at 3pm. “One of the things that makes Liberation

Day so popular is the party-like atmosphere we somehow always manage to create even though the day has a serious purpose,” said Mr Marriott. “What helps is having pupils from the four secondary schools in South Derbyshire meeting and greeting guests and interacting with them throughout the day. By early afternoon, old and young alike are getting along tremendously and it is always a great pleasure to see.” Anyone wishing to attend will need to pre-register. The registration line opened on Monday, March 4, and those hoping to book a place must call 01283 595795 on or as soon as possible after this date as places go quickly. Transport can also be requested when registering.

Women urged to get on their bikes ...

Police on look-out for more Specials

HAVING suffered from the early January bad weather, the good news is that Breeze, a women’s-only bike riding scheme, is back on again at Rosliston Forestry Centre. The objective of the scheme is to increase the numbers of women who enjoy cycling. Recognising that currently three times more men than women cycle, Breeze has been established by British Cycling to make more women confident and comfortable about going on a bike. Led by a qualified instructor, the Breeze cycle rides will be along the leisurely paths and trails of Rosliston for 30 to 45 minutes every Monday, starting at 12.30pm. Although cycles are available to hire, there is limited availability so participants are recommended to take their own. Use of a cycle helmet is also recommended but is not an essential requirement for taking part. The contact number for Rosliston Forestry Centre is 01283 563483.

THE DERBYSHIRE Constabulary is looking for volunteers to become Special Constables. The Special Constabulary is a force of trained volunteers, who work alongside local Safer Neighbourhood team constables and PCSOs. Specials play a crucial role in fighting crime and making the county safer. They have the same powers as police officers and are required to volunteer for a minimum of four hours a week. Assistant Chief Constable Dee Collins said: “We have around 300 Special Constables at the moment and they are a valuable resource. They often work in the area they are from so they know the issues faced by the community and they are aware of local troublemakers” The Special Constabulary recruits people of all ages and backgrounds, but there are a few basic criteria that people need to meet if they want to join. They must be in good health, of good character and at least 18 years old to apply. ACC Collins added: “This is an excellent chance for people to give something back to the community and I hope people take up the opportunity.” For further details, or an application pack, contact 0300 330 1330, email or visit

Village Voice March 2013 19



■ THE PHOTOGRAPH above is of Lady Paget with Canon and Mrs Honner looking at art work in the Melbourne Parish Church Archive. But no details are known. Most people agree that it could be by Ronald Pope. His daughter, who has been contacted on the web site, agrees that it is his style but could not find a record of the work. Does anybody know anything about the work or the reason why the three people are present? Lady Paget died in

1979 and Bob Honner was the vicar from 1953 until 1972. When doing any spring-cleaning or house clearing, readers are requested to consider the Church Archives for any memorabilia or ephemera relevant to the Church that may be disposed of otherwise. Even a lonely ephemeron such as a programme may clarify a date for the Art Work above for example. You can contact archivist Roy Dunnicliffe on 701521 or by email



■ THE picture on the right was sent in by Mrs Foster nee Parnham of Chellaston. She believes that it was a Christmas party for staff at Castle Mills or, as she referred to it, the Stocking Factory. She identifies her father, Charlie Parnham, the gent wearing glasses and Mr Toplis on his right. Can any of our readers identify any of the other faces and indicate where or when the photograph was taken?

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HeatKing ■ THIS photograph has intrigued the Village Voice as to what it is and where it was taken. The sign at the top of the photo says ‘Buy music from us. Help the Hospitals’. There is a piano on the back of the truck, which suggests that it may be a ladies’ choir. Can you throw any light on the subject or event?

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20 Village Voice March 2013





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Village Voice March 2013 21


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22 Village Voice March 2013

Ideal weather for run Pulling in the honours THE BELIEF that Tug Of War is a summer-only sport is dispelled by the activities of two Melbourne club members, Victoria Smith and Emily Cook. Over the winter, the two girls from the Melbourne team were approached by Bedford Ladies and asked to compete with them for the indoor season. They were delighted to accept and at the National Championships the team picked up two silver medals in the ladies’ weights. Victoria also added to her tally, picking up a bronze medal in the four men and four women event. Those results were followed by an invitation to represent England at the UK indoor championships in Belfast. Unfortunately for Victoria and Emily, the Bedford team was not able to make it. However, it was still a huge honour for the girls. Victoria and Emily did join forces with the Barton Under Needwood club, Hol-

land Ladies, in summer 2012 and represented England in the UK Championships in Wales (silver medal) and the World Championships in Switzerland, securing fifth place. For the 2013 outdoor season, Melbourne Royal British Legion TOW Club has amalgamated with the Holland Tug of War Club. Training is three times a week – every Wednesday in Melbourne and Tuesdays and Thursdays at Barton Under Needwood. Paul Gregory and Alex Allingham from the Melbourne team will be pulling for Holland in the outdoor Nationals in June. Looking forward to the indoor season at the end of 2013, Melbourne Royal British Legion Tug of War Club will be joining the Tug of War Association and entering the indoor nationals with a hope that results will lead to international opportunities. Should anyone be interested in joining the club they can call 07880 802531.


HEAVE ... Victoria Smith competing in the 4x4 mixed event for the Bedford Ladies team at the National Champiopnship.


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SHOPPING TRIPS/SOCIAL OUTING NGSS For further information, cost of trips, or to book a seat, either call in the Community Care Office, Mon-Thu 10:00am-2:00pm; Fri 10:00am-12:00 noon or telephone 863585 (answering machine when office is closed). All journeys subject to number of booked passengers, minimum number required is 8, max 12 • We reserve the right to request a late cancellation fee for bookings cancelled one week prior to journey. • Community Care do not provide escort assistance on these trips. • For information on our “escorted trips” please contact the Community Care Office. • Every Friday we run a local door-to-door service to Budgens Supermarket and escort assistance can be provided if required.

MARCH Tues 12th 09:30 Tues 26th 09:00 Wed 27th 09:30 APRIL Thur 04th 09:30 Tues 09th 09:00 Wed 10th 09:30 Mon 15th 09:00 Wed 24th 09:30 Mon 29th 09:00



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THE WESTON Run took place in cold and crisp conditions that were perfect for running, and there was a great turnout. There were 246 finishers in the five-mile race and 92 in the two-mile fun run. Long Eaton RC was the winning club followed by Derby Athletic Club and Shelton Striders. The first three individuals home were: Jordan Wildrianne, Cory Parker and Richard Whitelegg. Rachel Olivant was the first female to cross the line. In the Fun Run the first three home were: Scott Ram, Clodagh Holmes and Alex Griffiths. Pictured top left are some of the early front-runners in the main race, while above the fun-runners get under way.


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A talk, “Spring Planting for Autumn Colour” by Griselda Kerr, giving lots of advice on planting and pruning etc. SATURDAY 23rd MARCH 2013 10:30 –12:30pm-St Mary’s Church Hall, Church St. Melbourne Tickets: £5.00 from Community Care 863585, Victoria Hancock 863668 or Maggie Dobby 863640 (tea/coffee & homemade biscuits included) Please look out for our Minibus Questionnaire. We would appreciate your views on our service and welcome your comments and suggestions - available either from the Community Care office or on the minibus.

Office: Unit D, William's Yard, Derby Road, Melbourne DE73 8JR

Village Voice March 2013 23

Dynamoes see their chances of cup glory cut in half MELBOURNE Dynamoes earned themselves two cup semifinal places in February, but ended the month losing one of them to an in-form Allenton United. They began with a Derbyshire Cup quarter-final away to Allestree and it took extra-time to see off the hosts 3-2 with goals from Adam Ross, Danny Guild and a late Carl Adams winner. A week later, Melbourne put in a great team performance to beat high-flying Swanick PR 3-1 at home with a brace from leading scorer Adam Ross plus a tap-in from Dave Brough. Then Dynamoes were beaten 4-1 away to Allenton United in the semi-final of the Derbyshire Cup with Dave Brough getting the consolation. Melbourne missed several decent chances at 0-0 which came back to haunt them. The first team ended the month with a return to league action and a quite brilliant second half performance saw fourth placed Wirksworth Town beaten 5-1 at home after a 1-1 at half-time score. Goals were shared between Jack Purkiss, Danny Guild, Tom Ballard, Lee Bull and a superb individual effort from Matt Brian. MELBOURNE DYNAMOES RESERVES had just two games in February and began by being well beaten by top of the table Ambergate 5-0 away. They ended the month with a hard earned 2-1 away victory against Bargate Rovers Reserves with the goals coming from inform Vinny Hallifield and, to celebrate the birth of his first child, Ben Dale. TICKNALL RANGERS have had a remarkable change in fortunes, winning two and drawing one of their three games in February. They started with a convincing 4-1 home win versus Barton Sports, player-manager Alex Slater getting a double with a Matt Archer diving header and a strike by Ian Hall getting the all-important goals. Runaway leaders Miners Arms were next at the Grange and a last-minute deflected header from Paul Lakin earned Rangers a well-deserved point. Ticknall ended the month in some style beating L.K.S 5-1 away from home. Goals came from Alex Slater, bagging another double including a bullet header, a Vinny Hallifield tap-in, another from Ian Hall and a crisp strike by Jonny Armstrong.

Green for go at bowls club THE GREEN at Aston and Weston Bowls Club will open for the 2013 season on Sunday, March 29. Beginners will be welcome and bowls equipment can be provided.

BROOKFIELD COLTS ... Back row (l-r): Mick Poynton (team coach), Adam Wallis, James McVay, Joe Nalty, Jack Hagan (capt.), Bradley Hefford, Lewis Belgrave, Oliver Williamson, Nathan Ceiley, Conor Poynton, Joe Bhalay and Alistair Williamson (assistant coach). Front: Ewan Saxby, Joshua Toplis, Bradley Hydes, Oliver Grimshaw, Oliver Harvey-Toon, Finley Charles and Ewan Ferguson.

Brookfield exceed all expectations BROOKFIELD Colts FC U14s are based in Barrow on Trent and play home games at the Community Field in the village. The club was formed in the summer of 2012 and has both Saturday and Sunday teams in the Derby City League under 14 Division 1. Brookfield Colts aim to play positive and exciting football that promotes skill, athleticism, discipline and respect. Team spirit and camaraderie are also an important factor in driving the club forward. Despite it being the ‘first season’ the Colts have exceeded expectations reaching the U14s Cup final by beating last season’s

League and Cup runners-up Spondon Dynamoes in a hard fought 2-1 semi-final with the goals from Lewis Belgrave and the winner from Oliver Harvey Toon. Having won seven and drawn one, the league position is also healthy. The New Year saw a 5-1 victory at West Hallam and a tough 3-3 draw at Ashbourne where the players showed great character to come from behind twice. The most outstanding performance of the season saw Brookfield go to Ilkeston and win 4-2 against the 2011/12 champions and current league leaders. This form continued with a very good


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team performance of free-flowing football to win 3-0 away to Belper Sports. Team coach Mick Poynton summed up the great start saying: "The players are all talented footballers who work hard, listen in training and take that into matches. I’m very proud of their commitment, discipline and performances so far this season." Brookfield Colts would like to thank everyone who has supported them in getting the club started – in particular all sponsors, and the Brookfield Club, the Barrow on Trent Parish Council and South Derbyshire District Council.


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24 Village Voice March 2013


Training for black belts STUDENTS of Tim Watkins’ Derbyshire Dragons are pictured at a training session for their Black Belt grading assessment at Aston on Trent Memorial Hall. Instructor Richard Walker (Black Belt 4th Degree) is second from the left and Tim is fourth.

MELBOURNE TOP AS THE SEASON DRAWS TO CLOSE MELBOURNE RFC 1st XV proudly sit at the top of the table, three points clear of their nearest rivals, with just five games to play in the season. The first game of the month for Melbourne was away to Southwell, who were promoted last year, have performed well in the league, and gave Melbourne a stern test earlier in the season. Melbourne started superbly, running up a 32-0 lead inside 30 minutes against a shell-shocked Southwell team. Melbourne dominated the tackle and were prolific in the loose, gaining the extra yards needed to continuously put pressure on the home side. Tries from Tommy Howard (2), Stringer, Watty and Jack were accompanied with seven points from Euan Holden's boot. The score was 32-0 at half-time and a bonus point secured. Southwell, to their credit, were a changed side in the second half, scoring three tries and denying Melbourne any further scoring, but a 32-point deficit was too much to make up, with Melbourne eventually winning 32-15. Long-time league leaders West Bridgford visited Cockshut Lane for the next game. West Bridgford wanted the game called off as they were not expecting a muddy pitch after the recent rain and snow. The referee disagreed. West Bridgford started the stronger, scoring a try in the corner,

but before long Melbourne gained the upper hand. Euan Holden slotted a penalty after sustained pressure on the West Bridgford line. A ruck on the halfway line saw three simple ‘draw and pass’ from Euan, Kier Biggins and Theo De Vies, resulting in a superb try for Dale Bilson under the posts. A second penalty saw the half-time score of 13-5. Melbourne continued to pressure in the second half and scored two quick tries from Ash Stringer. First a loose kick from West Bridgford was collected by Rob Foster. Matt Smith was quick to support and he popped the ball for Ash to run untouched from the half way. The next try saw Ash steal the ball in contact, break through the maul and then narrowly beat the lumbering West Bridgford second row to the corner. Holden converted both and added a late penalty. West Bridgford scored a consolation try and the final result was 30-12 to Melbourne. Amber Valley, currently propping up the table, were next to visit Cockshut Lane. Melbourne ran out 105-0 winners, in a very onesided game. Fifteen tries were scored from Tom Howard (5), Rob Foster (3), Matt Smith (2), Ash Stringer (2), Theo De Vies, Ash Corden and Al Judge. Amazingly all 15 were converted by Holden. Notts Moderns were due to play Melbourne, but were unable to field a side so conceded the game.






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The 2nd XV went to Paviors for a Pennant game, losing out 4828. Tries came from Sea Moran (2), Scot Buxton and Tony Day. A very young development team went to Long Eaton, and met a team of old boys. They lost 15-21 with tries from Sean Moran, Dan Wood and Jerry Cartwright (playing his last ever game in the same side as his son). The match was abandoned 15 minutes early after a series of scuffles. The Vets played an Ashby development side but lost 17-22. The Colts lost their NLD game at Sherwood Barbarians 10-7. Ed Haynes continues to show his scrummaging prowess, dominating his opposite number, who was a Midlands representational player. In the National Cup, they came up against a strong Walsall side and disappointingly lost 3-34. They went to Ilkeston for a friendly, triumphing 26-19. The U17s (with Ashby) have finished third in their league and have qualified for the National Cup. They lost a tight game 7-3 in the Leicestershire Cup, despite dominating territory. They then went to Towcestrians, in the National Cup and narrowly won 10-7. The U16s won their NLD game 19-5 against a spirited Stamford side, and then beat Ilkeston 45-5 to secure their place in the NLD semi-finals. U16 player Will Allman represented the Midlands against London and South East, and has got through to the next stage of the selection process for the England U16s.

Superbike test day at Donington THERE’S good news for motorsport fans this month when, on March 14, the MCE Insurance British Superbike test day is held at Donington Park. The event will welcome all of the teams and riders taking part in this season's British Superbike. Admission is free throughout the day from 9am, with a lunch break at 1pm-1.25 when fans will be able to meet some of the teams and riders during the pit walk. Later in the month, on March 21, Donington Park holds the official pre-season media day of the 2013 Dunlop MSA British Touring Car Championship. The media launch will see this year's teams, driver line-ups and championship sponsors exclusively unveiled, with numerous stars of the saloon car racing championship expected to be in attendance. The media day will also be free to attend from noon – allowing fans to see the new class of 2013 ahead of the second round of the competition at Donington Park on Saturday, April 20, and Sunday, April 21.

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