Melbourne Village Voice June 2015

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Village Voice No 271 June 2015

Melbourne & District

Planners give go-ahead for yet more new houses

newton fallowell

raising the standard of estate agency

MELBOURNE ESTATE AGENTS Residential Sales and Lettings Tel: 01332 865696 Melbourne: 01332 865696

INSIDE STORIES Animal magic for pupils – Page 6

by Lucy Stephens

MELBOURNE is to get a further 24 homes, after council planners gave the housing development proposals on Station Road the green light at a meeting this month – despite heavy local protest.

Bargains at yard sale – Page 7

The decision to approve Alexander Bruce Estate’s plans for the homes comes after the same developer was granted permission to build 22 houses on Station Road last year, bringing its total number of new houses in that area of Melbourne to 46. South Derbyshire District Council’s planning committee agreed that the latest development could be built in spite of 33 letters of objection from local residents, pointing out well-documented fears that Melbourne cannot cope with so many new houses. Worries over extra housing have been especially centred around risk of flooding – which has already affected some new houses – and the fact that Melbourne’s doctors’ surgery and schools are straining at the seams. The planning report, which recommended that councillors should support the development, included details of Melbourne’s schools, saying that according to latest projections the number of children applying to the infant school over the next five years was likely to exceed its capacity, and that the school would not have room for the extra children living in the new houses. The document went on to recommend that money should be given to the schools for the “adaptation of a classroom” in order to provide room for extra children. But governors at Melbourne Infant School say that an extra classroom is not the answer since it does not address the fact that the school building is simply not big enough, when consideration is taken of factors such

Celebrating VE Day – Pages 12-13 OUTSIDE the South Derbyshire District Council offices in Swadlincote are a group taking part in a silent protest over new developments in Melbourne and King’s Newton. They are (l-r): David Wilson, Fiona Wilson, Patrick Prentice, Cnthia Twiss, Barry Thomas, Mair Aitkenhead, Stuart Wilson and Helen Saunders.

as the size of the hall, number of toilets, and width of corridors. Dave Smith, chair of the governing board at the infant school, told the Village Voice that these concerns had been raised with county education leaders. He said: “It’s the board’s concern that the infant school infrastructure could not cope with a big influx of numbers.

“Our concerns have been forwarded to the county. An extra classroom is not the answer, we need more infrastructure to cope.” Last month Village Voice told of Melbourne Health Centre’s plans to extend the surgery to cope with so many new people living in the area, which were rejected by the NHS.

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Medals for fun runners – Page 19

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Keeping tabs on medical history

2 Village Voice June 2015

Melbourne Lets




THERE has been something of a quiet transformation taking place with our medical records and there are potentially greater changes ahead. Since March this year all GP practices have had to offer an online service, and the local health centres at Melbourne and Chellaston have been ahead of the game, offering this already. This has included the ability to book an appointment or order a repeat prescription using a computer. Now you are able to access some of your medical records too. The ‘Systmone’ application enables patients, after a registration process, to scroll through a summary of their medical case history which will include details of current medication and any allergies. Security concerns have been addressed by encrypting the information and ensuring that only authorised individual users may access it. Most will be familiar with the bulging envelope of notes, known as Lloyd George notes, since their introduction in 1911, which were pulled out every time you visited the doctor. Slowly these have been transferred to computers along with details of medications and allergies. Whilst these were accessible by medical professionals, it is now planned to have a summary of everyone’s record available online. “There are advantages to patients,” explained practice manager Annette Jennison. “It means you can book or cancel an appointment without having to wait at the end of the phone, and there is less risk of getting information wrong when ordering repeat prescriptions.” There are huge benefits, of course, if you need urgent attention anywhere in the country as your records are instantly accessible. There are advantages in the surgery too, as it will reduce the number of visits needed and hopefully improve “no show” appointments. The intention is to put all medical information, not just a summary, onto the computer record at some point. There are two key issues in doing this, however, with concerns that it might be distressing for some vulnerable patients to access their complete records, or where there has been some third party involvement. eg of a spouse or carer, and such data needs to be protected. The practice has seen take-up of this service by about 20% of patients so far, and it is keen to extend it. You can register online, by visiting the website ( and filling in the details. You will need to visit the surgery with identification before you can register, however. – Frank Hughes


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Giving you a chance to go up the wall

A £1MILLION project to create a state-of-the-art indoor climbing zone and refurbish leisure facilities in South Derbyshire has been given the green light. South Derbyshire District Council has authorised the signing of a deal with Sport England to deliver a project under which Grove Hall, in Swadlincote, will be completely revamped into an 18-station climbing centre and modern dance studio. Sport England will contribute £500,000 to the scheme, with the Council pumping in £450,000 and the rest coming from outside sources. That money will also pay for additional refurbishment at Green Bank Leisure Centre, the development of badminton and gymnastics in the district and further provision in the urban area. Stuart Batchelor, director of Community and Planning Services at the district council, said: “The 2012 Olympic Games in London sparked a renewed interest in people across the nation to become more physically active, and in South Derbyshire we’ve been working tirelessly on securing a legacy of sporting success. “The Grove Hall climbing centre project is particularly exciting as it will bring an activity to the district that isn’t currently available. We’re sure the community will take full advantage. Work is due to start on Grove Hall in mid-May. It is hoped to have the climbing centre open in time for the autumn half-term.

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THE wedding of Flight Lieutenant Felicity Price and Flight Lieutenant Alastair Jamison of Cheltenham took place at Melbourne Parish Church. It was a full military wedding with a Royal Air Force Guard of Honour armed with ceremonial swords. Felicity is well known to many local people, the daughter of Andrew and Julie Price from Penn Lane. Andrew is also a retired Royal Air Force officer and was authorised to wear his uniform for the occasion. The reception took place at the magnificent Staunton Harold Hall with games and picnic baskets on the grass by the lake. During the picnic, the wedding guests were entertained by the wellknown singer, Natalie Nightingale. The guests then enjoyed a formal meal prepared by Butler’s Pantry. After the meal, the evening guests arrived and were dancing to live music until midnight. On the Sunday morning immediate family had a superb breakfast at Breedon Hall before Felicity and Alastair departed for their honeymoon in Borneo.

Payroll, V.A.T. and Book-keeping New Business Start Ups

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Whistlewood music festival

HAVE you got your ticket for the Whistlewood Mid-Summer Music Festival? It will be held on Saturday, June 20, between 2.30pm and 11pm at Whistlewood, The Common, Melbourne. Entertainment will be provided by eight local acoustic bands. Other attractions include a Tollgate bar, Wayne’s Hog Roast, Veggie food, Hobby Horse making and racing. To finish off what should be a great day, there is free camping available. Tickets from Forteys, Melbourne or Https://

End of the line for hardware shop?

HELP YOUR BUSINESS GROW By reaching 15,000 readers of the Village Voice! We can help with marketing, promotions and recruitment needs for businesses big and small. To discuss your advertising requirements or how we can help you, please contact Nicola Mortimer on 07584 025852 or email Publication dates for our next two editions... Month July August

A planning “design and access statement” says the shop is “at the end of its useful life and the retirement of the current owners triggers the closure of the shop. “The particular trade being offered is now being replaced in larger urban stores and even in larger settlements there has been an almost complete demise of general hardware shops.” The proposal, if it goes ahead, is to knock down the shop and create three houses on the available land in a courtyard shape – one of them to replace the shop and the

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ASTON Well Dressing Festival will be held over the weekend of July 4/5. An all-new committee has been appointed for this year’s event with Steve Hyde the new chair. The well dressing weekend raises funds for charities, which for 2015 are Rainbows Hospice and Aston Pre-School. About 10 well dressings will be on display, each a work of art made of natural materials and created by a variety of groups from the village and surrounding area. The opening ceremony is on the Saturday at 11.15am. This year there will be a new children’s area with crafts and entertainment as well as traditional fairground rides. There will be live music during both days and local produce and craft stalls. Entry and parking are free throughout the weekend. For further information visit the website: or Facebook page: Aston on Trent Well Dressing.

l Mother and daughter Maureen and Beth Anderson mastermind the pickle and jam stall at the Melbourne Parish Church Garden Fête. The event was held in the Vicarage Garden on Saturday, May 23, and raised a total of £1,300.

Publication Date 13th July 10th August

15 %

Makeover for well dressing committee

other two set back from the road. If the proposals go ahead, it will be the second small housing development along Derby Road. Building is currently being done further up the road on a piece of land set back from the main thoroughfare. The development by Howkins and Harrison is called Rotherwood Gardens and advertises three houses of four and five bedrooms. – Lucy Stephens

Booking Date 1st July 29th July


ONE of Melbourne’s oldest and bestloved shops could be set to disappear in new plans to knock it down and replace it with houses. The hardware shop L Ward has been a fixture in its current location on the Derby Road since it was opened there in 1921 by Edwin Ward in what had been a First World War army hut. It is believed its origins go back even further and that it had previously been based in High Street premises now housing the Chip & Pin – which became a bank in 1922. But the shop’s long history may soon come to end, after plans were submitted to South Derbyshire District Council to demolish it and build three houses on the land instead. Owner James Coton (pictured outside the shop) said the plans have been submitted as there is no-one in the family to take on the shop – but that in any event, since planning permission has not yet been acquired, nothing is due to happen imminently. Mr Coton started working in the shop in 1962 when it was run by his grandmother, Lillian Ward, who lent the store her first initial. In those days there was a greengrocers shop next door. James has been at Ward’s ever since. If the plans go ahead it will spell the end of an era for a small village hardware shop, and others like it, where customers can come in for six screws of exactly the right size for a specific DIY project and take them home wrapped up in newspaper.

Village Voice June 2015 3

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4 Village Voice June 2015

Country Living with Robert Parker

IT’S the second day of June and I ask how could the weather be so bad? Twenty-four hours of rain, a cold wind and little sun, follows a month that was fairly dry but very unseasonably cold. By the time you read this it can only be better. The same applies to the fortunes of farming as everything we produce has lost 20 to 30 percent of its value. Milk is the worst with lots of producers getting under 20 pence a litre compared with an average of 30p a year ago. This is on the back of too much being produced, made worse by the traditional seasonal spring flush when cows go out to grass. Beef prices have seen a similar cut, but it never ceases to amaze me how these farmers still seem to pay crazy prices for rearing calves. Sheep farmers have had a good run of late, but that changed a couple of weeks ago when even their end prices went south. Crop farmers are also feeling the draft. Wheat is trading at £107 per tonne at the time of writing, which is

the lowest price it’s been all winter. I’m told that there is a two million tonne surplus to carry through to the new harvest and this is unlikely to reduce as we are not competitive in export markets. All the above is good news for consumers – or it should be if these prices filter down to them, which sometimes takes a long time. With all our production costs set for the coming year there is going to be some serious scathing of heads in the coming months to say the least. n I find it hard to believe and very sad that I have still not heard the cuckoo this year. Lots of friends tell me that they have, which makes it all the more mysterious. Obviously I live deep in the countryside and am outdoors 90 percent of the time, albeit sometimes aboard a noisy tractor or next to one. I think that this proves that this bird is in decline for some reason or other but it would be a tragedy to see it completely fail.

Village Voice Photos Photographs appearing in the Village Voice are available to purchase online at Alternatively pick up a form from Melbourne News, fill in and return to Melbourne News with your payment and the photos will be posted to you.

Apple for the teachers

STAFF from Weston-on-Trent Primary school, along with colleagues from local schools, spent time with a distinguished Apple Educator to learn how to make movies using iPads. All of the teachers and teaching assistants at Weston-on-Trent have been given iPads, which can be used effectively to support, and enhance, children’s learning. Over the course of the initial two-hour training session the staff made their first movies, complete with music and titles. Weston-on-Trent’s PSFA is continuing to fund-raise to buy iPad Minis for the children, ready for use in September.


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l DERBYSHIRE artist Steven McLoughlin is pictured with his son and Sharon Brown at the Melbourne Festival May Art Fayre. Over 20 Derbyshire artists, who will all be taking part in the Art & Architecture Trail on September 19/20, submitted work to be sold in the art fayre to support the Festival. The commission on sales has paid the insurance bill for this year’s Festival and, in spite of the dull weather, almost £200 worth of cake was sold during the weekend and raised much needed funds for Melbourne Senior Citizens’ Centre. The theme for this year’s Festival ‘Made in Derbyshire 2015’ was launched by Steve McLoughlin at the art fayre.

Project’s good and bad news

PROGRESS of the Melbourne Sporting Partnership recreation ground project was the main topic at the June Parish council meeting. Malcolm Roseburgh, Cultural Services Manager at South Derbyshire District Council, came to deliver the good news – and the bad – in an update of the status of the scheme The bid to create a prestigious club house and excellent facilities for outdoor sports in the town has been beset by several complex issues that have delayed progress. Although funding to the tune of £2million has been raised or committed, there is a significant shortfall that has delayed progress. Earlier delays resulted in invitations to tender being sent out later than planned. This in turn impacted on tender submissions from contractors with higher than anticipated prices. All of which has forced the project team to undertake a value engineering exercise with the preferred contractor that has resulted in changes to the initial specifications for the site and clubhouse. In Mr Roseburgh’s words: “The specification has changed from a ‘Rolls-Royce’ scheme to an everyday scheme.” The revised costing for the changed specification has reduced the shortfall but still leaves a gap of £80,000. Applications for funding are ongoing and Mr Roseburgh expressed confidence that this will be achieved. The parish council was requested to review its financial contribution to the scheme. Council reserves put aside and ring fenced for the project amount to £18k with ongoing contributions of £9,000 per year starting in 2016.

TOM MILLS reports from the June meeting of Melbourne Parish Council

It is envisaged that orders to proceed will be placed in July with work to start in August. This is dependent on SDDC having received the money or cast iron guarantees that the shortfall has been met. In response to questions from councillors, Mr Roseburgh commented that even with the reduced specification the project would deliver value for money, would meet the needs of the community, and is considered to be a prestigious project. He was not able to comment positively to the question of whether Section 106 contributions from new developments could be allocated for the project. n There were congratulations from district councillor Jim Hewlett to the new parish councillor George Dunnicliff and reciprocal congratulations from the chair to councillors Hewlett and John Harrison on their reelection. n Cllr Hewlett informed the meeting that the paper and cardboard recycling facilities have been withdrawn from the car park at the rear of the Lamb Inn. He suggested options available to residents to dispose of their paper and cardboard. If the caddy contained within the green bin has been filled, any extra can be put into shopping bags and left alongside the bin on collection days. The only stipulation is that the bags should be left open and not have

HUNDREDS of families attended the annual traditional village fete at Elvaston Cricket ground on Bank Holiday Monday. The Ambassadors Showband (pictured) was one of the entertainments on offer together with pony rides, fairground rides for children, a huge bouncy castle, face painting, dog displays and competitions, stalls, refreshments and a traditional cricket match. Even the Bank Holiday weather was kind.

the handles tied together. An alternative is to use the green box previously used for recycling if residents still have them. n County Cllr Linda Chilton advised that all the potholes that have been identified are on the county council working log sheet and will be addressed in the near future. In addition several roads in Melbourne have been identified for work to be carried out under the top dressing programme, including Packhorse Road and Queensway. In a letter from Severn Trent, two officers are identified as having been appointed to address the flooding problems in Melbourne. Results from recent computer modelling activities have not been conclusive. They are to be rescheduled to take account of silting within the drain system. Current results show a one in 20-year likelihood of flooding in the Lillypool area. n The damage caused through vandalism at the Lothian Gardens has been repaired. Witnesses were able to identify the culprits and the police have spoken to their parents. It is hoped that restorative justice will be pursued. n The council is appealing to Melbourne residents to volunteer on loan, any photographs that they may have of the Old cemetery house and garden with a specific interest in the garden.

The fete was organised by the Elvaston Parish Plan Steering Group, which works to put on events in the Elvaston area aimed at bringing the community together and raising money for charity. The next event is a major exhibition on the effect of the First World War on the residents of the Elvaston Estate. This will be held on August 16-23 in Elvaston Castle.

Village Voice June 2015 5


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Buddhism comes to Breedon

6 Village Voice June 2015

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THERE was a lot of concentration at the May meeting of Breedon Women's Institute. What is Buddhism? Breedon on the Hill WI members asked Irene Boddington, a practising Buddhist from the Tara Meditation Centre at Etwall, to explain its Nepalese origins and something of the broad principles involved based on developing a way of thinking. She emphasised the importance of one's state of mind and how it affects life. We can't always change things of our life but we can change how we respond to them. Irene explained how Buddhism uses meditation to train the mind to be calm and peaceful, using it as a coping, empowering tool. To understand more easily, Irene lead the group in 15 minutes of meditation, firstly using a breathing technique and then a black and white visualisation technique. There was so much concentration going on in the room you could have heard a pin drop! The next meeting at the end of June is the annual WI Safari Supper, starting at Breedon Church and then moving on to a couple of gardens in the village. It is always a very enjoyable sociable occasion. The meeting on July 29 will be a 'Handbag Swap' in aid of Rainbows Hospice.

Animal magic for pupils

PUPILS at Aston on Trent Primary School came out of the classroom to handle a range of animals and watch a fantastic falconry display. The children donned animal outfits and took part in workshops learning about small mammals like meerkats , reptiles and minibeasts. Aston School Parents Association has held the end of term event, ASPA Day, for the last four years, helping to raise additional funds for the school and the pupils. Parents joined in for the afternoon tea party before a falconry display rounded off the day. Donna Empson, from ASPA, said: “Children were given the chance to have new experiences and given the opportunity to handle creatures which proved to be very interesting and exciting for everyone. This was a great end to the term and it was clear a number of our children would

like to work with animals in the future.” Headteacher Lindsey Kalirai praised ASPA for organising this great event: “These experiences are so valuable for the children as they are both inspire and motivate learning. “This is a great opportunity for our parents to be involved with the life of our school and maintain close working relationships. By hosting these events we bring together pupils, parents and staff and really get to know one another. “We would like to thank ASPA and all its members for the tremendous effort they put into organising ASPA Day each year. We appreciate the outstanding commitment they give to the school.” Pictured is Danny Cameron, of Eagle Eye Falconry of York, in a ‘hands-on’ session with his falcon and children from Aston on Trent Primary School.


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Guiding hands wanted Be inspired...

Village Voice June 2015 7

GIRLS from Melbourne are calling on the community to join them on their amazing Girlguiding adventure – by becoming a volunteer. Girls from the area enjoy a hugely varied programme of activities in guiding, from abseiling to messy science investigations and much, much more. They are now on the lookout for more enthusiastic volunteers to support their adventure, and Girlguiding volunteers from the area will be at Melbourne Carnival to talk to people about the amazing opportunities available to adults as well as girls. Girlguiding welcomes volunteers of all backgrounds, abilities and faiths – it’s very flexible and can fit around a busy lifestyle. There are a huge number of ways volunteers can support girls in guiding from training as a Leader to smaller supporting roles including accounting, driving and event helpers. Volunteers with Girlguiding can access a range of benefits and opportunities, from international travel, social events and activities to free training and membership discounts in high street stores. Sarah Matthews, District Commissioner, said “It’s incredibly rewarding to volunteer with Girlguiding. I get so much out of seeing girls develop their confidence in a safe, girl only space. I’ve made brilliant friends and learnt so many new skills – I would recommend guiding to everyone!” If you’d like to find out more about volunteering with Girlguiding in Melbourne contact Sarah on 07841 092 367 or come along and meet us at Aston Well Dressing on July 4 or Melbourne Carnival on July 11. To find out more about Girlguiding, the UK’s leading charity for girls and young women, visit

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Marathon Blinds & Shutters Chellaston, Derby DE73 6WP n SIX members of the Melbourne Tigers Cub Scout Pack attended the Derbyshire County Cub Day at Lea Green Activity Centre near Matlock. About 300 Cubs from all over the county took part and, in groups of 12 went round the various activities provided both by the centre and each district in the county. During the morning, The Chief Scout, Bear Grylls, flew in by helicopter and stayed for nearly an hour to look round and meet and sign autographs for the Cubs, also taking part in some of the activities. The Pack Leader, Dave Calvert, had been asked by South Derbyshire District to organise an activity and, with Assistant Leaders Jochen Helbig and Richard Trevena and Young Leader Fraser Radcliffe, demonstrated the use of and cooking on sawdust stoves.


RESIDENTS and visitors turned out for the annual Aston on Trent yard sale. This year 53 residents opened their ‘yards’ and over 200 people visited them, out to get a bargain. For many years this popular event has been efficiently organised for RIA by Jill Aldridge, a committee member. Jill has raised a consider-

Charles Robey

Linda Iliffe &Alan Hollingworth and families would like to thank relatives and friends for their very kind messages of sympathy flowers and cards. A special thank you to Rev Dr Mark Powell for his kindness and much valued help. Our sincere thanks to everyone who helped and attended our fathers memorial service and for the donations which raised a total of £500 for the D. L. R. Air ambulance. Many thanks to you all.

Pat, Michael, Claire, Sharon and Tom wish to thank everyone who sent cards, flowers and messages of condolence following the sad loss of Charlie. They were all very much appreciated by the family. Many thanks to all who attended the funeral at the U.R.C., for all who gave donations for the Salvation Army and to Pastor George Lea and Springthorpe Funeral Directors for their helpfulness and guidance.


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able amount of money for the charity RIA and has also been on the fund-raising committee for many years. After 14 years of organising the yard sale, Jill decided that this year it would be her final event. Pictured are Frankie Duncan, Josh Willis, Adam Willis and Nik Willis.

Hollingworth (Bill)


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Changing face of councils

8 Village Voice June 2015

PARISH councils throughout the area saw some changes on May 7, although not many polls took place. In Melbourne there was no election but one new face joined the council covering one resignation, the new councillor being George Dunnicliff. Similarly at Aston on Trent, Chris Toon joined the council without the need for an election. The council has a full complement having co-opted Helen Cope a short time ago. Things at Breedon on the Hill were quite unusual with four councillors standing down and seven candidates contesting for the six vacancies. Two sitting councillors were returned with four new members elected, these being Dave Camp, Deborah Keith, Ray Morris and Jim Morrison. They join chair Simon Jones and vice-chair Jane Melen. At Weston on Trent only four candidates stood for the seven vacancies; however, with co-options all vacancies are filled and the three new councillors are: Timothy Pendenque, Graham Harper and Paul Newton. At Elvaston, with nine vacancies, only six candidates stood leaving the council three short and to date, no co-options have been possible. Barrow on Trent saw four existing councillors returned and currently looking to coopt two, to bring the council up to strength. There were elections at Ticknall for six places with seven candidates standing. The outcome resulted in one new face being

elected to join the council, Paul Colleyshaw. With 10 seats available at Findern and only four candidates, six vacancies remained. Two have been covered by the cooption of Mark Smith and Brian Goodall with four vacancies still to be filled.

l Breedon’s new parish councillors (l-r) are: Jim Morrison, Ray Morris, Debbie Keith and Dave Camp.

LEFT: Paul Colleyshaw is the new face on Ticknall Parish Council. RIGHT: New Melbourne councillor George Dunnicliff.




£12 £12 £20 (advance tickets available for a limited time only)

Assembly Rooms AGM

l Aston Parish Council (l-r): Councillors Chris Toon (new councillor), Mike Selby, Jean Longley, Helen Cope (new councillor), Haydn Wheeler (chairman), Ed Hicklin (vice-chairman), Catherine Alberts, Tony Hurrell and Steve Graham.

THE Annual General Meeting of Melbourne Assembly Rooms is taking place on Thursday, July 2, at 7.30, pm. There have been a number of changes in the composition of the governing board, with some resignations over the past year, and there will be a number of board members standing down as required by the constitution. Any existing member of the Assembly Rooms who wishes to stand for election to the board or any board member seeking re-election needs to apply in writing before June 25, one week before the meeting. The chairman, Phil Dobby, will be outlining the changes and improvements that have taken place over the last year and there will be an outline of the organisation’s finances. Because of increased costs it is likely that the hire rate will be increasing

FAMILY FUN! Children 13 & under GO FREE

again, but the board has delayed this as long as possible and will be writing to users to explain this in the very near future. Plans to make some modest changes to the structure of the building are also in place, but are dependent upon the release of earmarked funding from the district council. A bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund for substantial reconstruction has not progressed substantially as the bidding process depends upon significant investment both in time and in fees. The board will also be putting forward a resolution to decrease the number of directors over time to enable the governing group to become more focussed. Applications from individuals with experience of charitable or other fund-raising and project management would be particularly welcomed.


if accompanied by a paying adult

0844 873 7343


(Calls cost 6p per minute plus your phone company’s access charge)

Shops targeted in distraction scams

‘DISTRACTION scammers’ have been out and about in the Melbourne area over the past month. The scammers work in pairs, entering a shop together and offering a large note for small value items. They then change their mind, offering to return the change, but unfortunately a lesser amount. They rely on the shop attendant not noticing while a partner causes a distraction. Both Jacks Café and Melbourne News have been targeted recently. There was also a break-in at the Chantry farm shop in King’s Newton sometime around May 10. Offenders are thought to have driven along Wards Lane to enter the premises and stolen a large quantity of produce. Derbyshire Police confirmed that a 36-year-old

man had been arrested for the offence and bailed pending further enquiries. n National Rural Crime Network has launched a survey to enable people in rural areas to have their say about crime and policing. It gives people living or working in rural areas a chance to give their views and has been welcomed by Derbyshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner Alan Charles. With wildlife crime high on the Commissioner’s agenda, he hopes that people will fill in the National Rural Crime Network (NRCN) survey that was launched on Wednesday, May 20. The survey is the largest ever into crime and anti-social behaviour in rural areas generally as well as on farms. It will be open until Wednesday, 24 June. To take part, visit n CHILDREN and staff at Findern Primary School celebrated the school’s 90th birthday. The celebrations started with a magic show and everyone dressed up in 1920s clothes. Everyone was treated to a picnic lunch and a concert by Miss 600 (Hannah Gardner) in the afternoon. Emma Titchener, headteacher, said: “We are all very proud of the 90 years of history in our school and had a fabulous day celebrating everything that is special about Findern Primary School.”

Village Voice June 2015 9

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MICHAEL FREDERICK BARNETT 1932 - 2014 MICHAEL died at home in Emsworth, Hampshire, on November 29 last year after a short illness. Born in Woodville, the youngest of three boys, Michael moved to Melbourne with his mother soon after his father died. Mrs Edith Barnett was a well-known figure in Melbourne in the Fifties and Sixties, being the owner of The Wool Shop in the Market Place. Michael attended Ashby Boys Grammar School and on leaving joined the Midland Bank, St Peters Street, Derby. After National Service he worked in the Melbourne branch. Later he became a 'time study' officer for Dunnicliff Bros. On leaving the shoe industry he returned to banking in the Westminster Bank and after periods in various Derby branches he joined the staff at the Melbourne branch. During his teenage years Michael played tennis at a small club in the grounds of Melbourne Hall. There he met Ann Ward, granddaughter of Mary Annie Ward, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Albert Andrews. Michael and Ann were married at Melbourne Baptist Church on July 28, 1959, by the Rev John Glover. They lived on Main Street, Kings Newton, where their children Guy and Sarah were born. During this time Michael and Ann were very involved with the Baptist

Church and were founder members of the Operatic Society, where Michael played many of the leading male roles. Michael was moved by the bank to Keyworth, Nottingham, where the children grew up and left for university. On his retirement Michael and Ann moved to Emsworth in Hampshire to be nearer to Sarah and family. Over the years they have frequently returned to Melbourne and maintained their connections with friends, keeping up to date with local happenings through the Village Voice, which Paddy Laban regularly posts to them. Michael enjoyed life in the south and the opportunity to see his three grandchildren grow up and be part of their lives. He was a popular figure in the community of Emsworth and this was made clear by the large number of friends (also including friends from Melbourne and Keyworth) who attended his memorial service on December 17, 2014. He is greatly missed by Ann, his children and grandchildren.

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Jess rocks to the music festival life

WITH the Download Festival nearly upon us for the 13th time, Village Voice met up with Live Nation’s Project Manager for the whole shebang! With responsibility for a multi-million pound budget, a small army of employees and contractors, a population equivalent to a small town to look after for a weekend, and over 100 acts of various kinds to juggle, local girl Jess Shields has a huge burden on her young shoulders. Jess grew up on Download’s doorstep, at Park Farm Hotel which is run by her parents, and she fell in love with the festival from an early age. After completing a degree in archaeology in Nottingham she persuaded dad to let her spend her summer volunteering and she got a temporary job with Live Nation, the company which runs the event. After an initial year’s contract she was taken on full time and has not regretted a day of it. “I just cannot imagine any other kind of lifestyle,” she said. “After this I go to New Look Wireless in Finsbury Park, then onto Electric Daisy Carnival in Milton Keynes, then to Ibiza and then Liverpool Creamfields in August.” Then, with the festival season about done, they start planning the following year. “It is a strange life in many ways,” she said, “spending lots of time on the road, liv-

ing in strange places, often missing out on friends’ weddings or celebrations,” but luckily she is in a relationship with someone in the music business, so they have a mutual understand. Plus, when she is at her favourite festival in Donington she gets to stay at home for a bit! Asked about the enormous responsibility, Jess said it really is all down to team work. She has a great team, with people looking after health and safety, site management, production, artiste liaison, general set-up etc, and as they travel around a lot together they get on well. She takes very seriously the relationships with neighbouring villages. “We realise that upwards of 60,000 people travelling to and from the site and the noise is bound to impact on the local communi-

ties, but we work very hard to minimise that. People have jobs to go to, and of course the airport has to keep operating.” “The plans for road closures and disruption are advertised well in advance. We have strict limits for noise and work hard to ensure that after 11pm the site is monitored. We do rely a lot on the people in the area, and the local support is generally fantastic.” The organisation does support community projects also; each year they have a local good cause they support and recently they have supported Melbourne Parish Council, Community Care, and the Assembly Rooms and the King’s Newton’s jubilee party. There is a huge network of loyal Download fans and they take account of their views on social media to keep the festival fresh. This year, in response to fans’ ideas, there will be an inflatable wedding chapel, where you can have a (fake) wedding and a rave after! They are having Metal Speed Dating, Laser tags, Progress Wrestling, and all sorts of other weird and wonderful things! Jess wanted to say “a huge ‘thank you’ to all the local people for their support and for putting up with us”. She said: “It is highly appreciated to feel welcomed and it feels like the festival is very much part of the local community.” – Frank Hughes

Village Voice June 2015 11

n MATTHEW Iliffe, of the Picture of Health Fitness Studio in Melbourne, is pictured in training to compete for the title of England’s Strongest Man on June 28. Matthew will compete in the 105kg class and this will be his second attempt at the title. Matthew has lifted weights of 140kg in the log lift , 320kg dead lift, car dead lift, Atlas stones, and 70kg daddy dumb bell. The competition will be shown on Challenge TV at a later date.

Open gardens for air ambulance

ON Sunday, July 5, from noon to 5pm, Breedon on the Hill is holding its village Open Gardens event to raise funds for the air ambulance. On the same afternoon there will be a selection of shed, garage and table-top sale venues. Organised by Breedon WI, programmes to guide you round the gardens will be £3. Watch out for the best front garden competition, the winner of which will be presented with a trophy donated by the parish council. For further details contact 01332 862777 or 01332 862556.

Celebrating VE Day

12 Village Voice June 2015

n VE DAY celebrations took place at Melbourne’s British Legion Club in aid of the Poppy Appeal. Bon Jazz Bigband played music in the 1940s style for the entertainment of those attending. Vocals featured Gemma Bower, Jim Marsden and other talented band members. Trumpet solos were played by Brendan O’ Neill, and making her directorial debut was Naomi Sylvia. It was a good night’s entertainment, which also raised approximately £400 for the appeal. Pictured above (l-r) at the bar are Ian Clarke, Julie Boardman, Andy Boardman and Lynn Harris and (below) some of those enjoying the entertainment.

n CHURCHES across the UK rang part of the 70th VE Day celebratio weekend of May 8/9/10. At Melbourne Parish Church, 17 be from eight upwards gathered to rin 11am on the Saturday at the same other churches across the UK. Pictured are some of the Bell R

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MORE than £130,000 has been handed out to groups and projects committed to improving the quality of life of people in South Derbyshire. The Community Partnership Scheme, run by South Derbyshire District Council, has in the past provided grants to a wide variety of organisations

and projects, from parish councils and sporting groups to arts, heritage and environmental ventures. In the latest round of funding, 11 separate grants have been rubber-stamped. Among those to benefit will be: Ticknall Cricket Club (£7,000) – grant to support

the improvement and extension of that will improve safety and incre St George’s Church, Ticknall (£ support the cost of installing toile the building. This in turn will ena of the church facilities by the comm

Fair trade at work... We sell catering size packs of teabags, ground coffee and instant coffee. So why not try them at work? Visit us to find a wide range of beautiful fair trade gifts including jewellery, scarves, crafts, toys, food and much more. 28 Market Place, Melbourne, Derbyshire

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Footpaths group want you to walk their way ...

parish church. If anyone is interested in finding out more about church bell ringing, or to try their hand, you can make contact at or 01332 864842 or pop down to the Parish Church on a Tuesday between 7:30pm and 9pm. You will be made most welcome.

their bells as ns during the

ell ringers aged ng the bells at time as many

Ringers in the

n VE Day was celebrated in Breedon on the Hill with a singsong of VE Day tunes such as "Roll out the Barrel" and "Lambeth Walk" in the church. The celebratory song booklets were provided by Hazel Salt of Smisby to her accompaniment on a piano accordion. The songs were sung with great gusto for an hour of fun. Tea, coffee and very tasty homemade biscuits were provided by members of the church. The sing-song was followed by a peal of celebratory bells by the church ringers. The Breedon beacon, originally provided by the local quarry company, now Ennestone Aggregates, was filled with wood and a liberal dosing of paraffin by Harold and Andrew Heath, of School Farm, Staunton Harold, assisted by the provision of a cherry picker from Mr Bonser. Colin Armitage, of AshbyRoad, Breedon, is pictured lighting the local beacon.


practice facilities ease usage. £8,000) – grant to et facilities within able increased use munity for a range

of community based activities. 107th Aston Scouts (£15,600) – grant to contribute to a replacement minibus used by five sections of this organisation. Improved economy from the new vehicle will enable the group to maintain levels of activity as membership increases.

IN addition to on-going work improving and protecting footpaths in the parish and beyond, Melbourne Footpaths Group (MFG) had another successful Whitsun weekend of walks as part of the National Forest Walking Festival. Last year saw the opening of the National Forest Way, a new 75mile long distance walking trail stretching from the National Memorial Arboretum in the west, to Beacon Hill Country Park in the east. The trail can be split into shorter walks, two of which were included as guided walks by MFG in the festival programme. MFG volunteers will also be leading the following circular walks of between four and five miles, starting at 10am: Thursday, June 25 – Springwood to Breedon Church, leaving from Springwood Fisheries walking along permissive and relatively unused paths between Melbourne Common and Breedon on the Hill. Thursday, July 23 – Kings Newton to Stanton-by-Bridge, through Woodend Lane, Poppy Wood and Stanton Church. Meet at the Hardinge Arms. Thursday, September 17 – Swarkestone to Barrow-on-Trent Starting at Swarkestone Nursery, via Massey's Bridge and the Swarkestone Pavilion. If you would like more information about MFG, footpaths and walks, go to or call 07708 435 469.

Choir stars in Last Night of the Opera

MELBOURNE’S mixed voice choir, A Choir’d Taste, had the honour of featuring in the grand finale of Belper Arts Festival’s “The Last Night at the Opera”. Also starring Opera Babe Karen England, the concert was a rousing success with standing ovations from the large audience filling St Peter’s Church. In a reworking of the concert performed in Melbourne in 2013, conductor Paul Marshall wove a story of love, despair, anguish and love rekindled around popular opera arias. As one half of the famous Opera Babes, described as a “classical crossover” duet, Karen chose the selections to suit her mezzo soprano voice, and in the acoustics of a parish church it is a pleasure to hear the range and quality of her voice so intimately. A Choir’d Taste have also improved under Paul’s direction with more performance and drama in their repertoire. The choir’s young accompanist, Haruka Yamomoto, was assured even in the most tricky piano parts, and Beate Toyka, accompanying Karen, and organiser of the event, was expressive and thoroughly accomplished. Paying tribute to Beata and to the performances, Festival Chairman George Gumby rightly described it as a wonderfully magic evening, and certainly a place he preferred to be especially with Eurovision as the TV alternative!

Lomas Opticians Large, purpose built, heated dog kennels and cat chalets in Ingleby. Large, secure, grass exercise paddocks for ƌĞƐŝĚĞŶƚ ĚŽŐƐ͕ ĂůůŽǁŝŶŐ ĂĐƟǀĞ Žƌ ƐĞĚĂƚĞ ƚŽ ďĞ ĞdžĞƌĐŝƐĞĚ to their requirements. &Žƌ ǀŝƐŝƟŶŐ ĐĂƚƐ͕ ĐŽŵĨŽƌƚĂďůĞ ĐŚĂůĞƚƐ ǁŝƚŚ ǀŝĞǁŝŶŐ ǁŝŶĚŽǁƐ ĂŶĚ ŽƵƚƐŝĚĞ ƌƵŶƐ͘ Now taking day boarding dogs which includes socialisŝŶŐ ĂŶĚ Žī ůĞĂĚ ĞdžĞƌĐŝƐŝŶŐ ŝŶ ŽƵƌ ůĂƌŐĞ ĞŶĐůŽƐĞĚ paddocks. Contact us: 01332 862796

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Village Voice June 2015 13


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Sailing clubs help to push the boat out

14 Village Voice June 2015

THE RYA’s nationwide "Push the Boat Out" day was a sail away success at Staunton Harold Sailing Club. A gusty day and dark clouds made sailing conditions challenging for the open day. In spite of the weather, people flocked to Staunton Harold Sailing Club (SHSC) from as far afield as the USA and as close at hand as the nearby village of Melbourne, to sample sailing with 30-minute taster sessions on the water. These sessions were enjoyed by 57 ‘sailors’ with an age range of 3-68. One couple requested a capsize within 25 seconds of their taster and the experienced helm obliged with a stylish capsize in front of the clubhouse which his ‘sailors’ loved – as did all the onlookers! With visitors signing up for family memberships and further memberships anticipated and a host of young people signing up for junior courses it was a very rewarding and enjoyable event. The club wishes to say a massive thank you to all

Nursery aids air ambulance

the volunteers, too many to name individually, for making it a wonderful day for S H SC and putting on such a warm welcome for all the visitors! To find out more about Staunton Harold Sailing Club go to: The club is celebrating its 40th birthday this year and is inviting all former members to join in the summer anniversary celebration in June. To be held over the weekend of June 27–28, former members are encouraged to come back and try sailing on Saturday the 27th before the party at night. The anniversary celebrations include two live bands, three bouncy castles (adult and children's), face painting and a big BBQ, fully stocked bar with real ale and free camping for those who want to stay over. If you are interested and a former member and want to know more or book a ticket at just £20 each please email; or pop down to the club one weekend.

n BURTON Sailing Club held its annual open day as part of the Royal Yachting Association's 'Push the Boat Out' week. The event at Foremark Reservoir aimed to introduce more people from the local area to the sport of sailing, and was a great success

with over 40 people taking to the water for free taster sessions. Pictured is the team from Burton SC, who run sailing training courses all year round. For more information see

Young band gets a taste of professionalism

OVER the Bank Holiday weekend, The Mocking Jays, a young fourpiece band from the area, were introduced by their management, Lime Digital Communications, to perform at Melbourne Assembly Rooms. With a crowd of around 100, proper staging, a full PA and acoustic system the band get the look and feel of a professional gig. Three of the band went to school together in Long Eaton and the

VOLUNTEERS from the Derbyshire, Leicestershire & Rutland Air Ambulance held a bucket collection at Swarkestone Nursery and raised £462. Collette Richardson, fund-raising co-ordinator for the air ambulance, said: “The nursery has had numerous collection tins over the years and in 2014 they raised over £577 through loose change alone.”

fourth is from Castle Donington. They have done the circuit of local pubs and have just broken through into larger locations, like The Venue in Derby and the Troubador in London. Trying to make it in the music business means hard work and these lads look as if they have the appetite for it. The band comprises Jacob Smith (vocals/guitar), Sam Dorrington (drums), Alex Hather (bass), Lewis Hammond (lead gui-

tar). With clear influences of Arctic Monkeys and Kasabian the band fall into the Indie Rock to Pop genre, with ballads and straight dance music in their catalogue. With a catchy new single “Feels” now out and produced locally in Belper, the band are hoping for bigger and better things whilst working hard and clearly enjoying themselves along the way. Support acts were Isaac Bloomfield and the Harmonics.

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Lynne leaves after 26 years

Village Voice June 2015 15

LYNNE Belcher, School Business Officer, bids farewell to Aston on Trent Primary School after 26 years. Lynne will have been a familiar face to many of the children at the school and those who attended in the past. She is now looking forward to a long and happy retirement with her family. The whole school community will miss her and she is thanked for the dedication and commitment she has given the school. Pictured at the school gate are (lr) Doreen Yates (governor), Lynne Belcher with bouquet, Tom Bamford (teacher) and Lindsey Kalirai (headteacher) with a small group of pupils.

CALLING all bakers – budding or fully risen – Melbourne is soon to host its second Bake-Off competition as part of this year’s summer carnival. Last year’s Bake-Off contest at the Melbourne Fete and Carnival was such a success that organisers are holding a second contest for this year’s event, the theme of which is “holidays”. There will be three categories that local people can enter: Victoria Sponge, “Holiday Bake” – (any bake on a holiday theme) – and a special class for under-16s who are asked to present three decorated cupcakes. Judging this year’s contest will be Melbourne’s own star chef and baker Penny Heath. To enter the bake-off, you can collect entry forms either from the Welcome Café, Post Office or Melbourne News. Entry costs £1 and completed forms need to be dropped off to 6 Blanch Croft, Melbourne, by 8pm on Monday, July 6. There is still time to get involved in the carnival procession which traditionally kicks off proceedings. Anyone who wants to enter a float should contact carnival chair Tracey Ridley on 0786 668 9971. The procession starts at Castle Square at 11.45am and judging will take place from 11am. Teams of eight are also invited to enter this year’s tug-of-war competition. All interested should contact Matthew Iliffe at Picture of Health Gym on 01332 862532 or Andy Owens on 0776 914 1757. The carnival will officially open at noon on Saturday, July 11. Programmes can be bought from Sainsbury’s or Melbourne News at the cheaper advance price of £2.50 on the weekends leading up to the carnival. On the day they will sell for £3, with under-16s going free if accompanied by an adult. The carnival’s holiday theme will include plenty for the whole family, including a Punch and Judy, Samba workshop, hog roast, face painting, sandcastle building, games, rides, lots of stalls and live entertainment from bands and dancers. – Lucy Stephens

Jim and John thank everyone who contributed to their re-election to South Derbyshire District Council. We will continue to do our best to advance and promote the interests of all of our constituents in the Melbourne Ward. Our Advice Surgery is on the 1st Saturday of every month at the Melbourne Assembly Rooms.

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Melbourne mums run up a marathon £4,000 for charity

16 Village Voice June 2015


Shire Horses

arade Cattle P

Grand d Pony Shetlan

Laser C la Shootin y g Merovig ian Gun Dogs

l Nationa

A GREAT DAY OUT FOR ALL THE FAMILY – Shetland Pony Grand National

– Titan The Robot

– Budgies, Poultry, Rabbits & Cavies

– Straw Bale Challenge

– Punch & Judy

– Craft & Shopping Marquees

– Stilt Walkers

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– Hundreds of Trade Stands

– Show Jumping

– Laser Clay Shooting

– Gold Panning

– Bouncy Castles

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Livesey Bros Mushrooms Main Sponsor

– Food & Drink – Cattle & Sheep Parade – British Farm Produce Marquee – Free Parking


– RAF Military Police Dogs & Merovigian Gun Dog Display




THE race has been run and the cheques have been counted – it’s time to raise your glasses to two Melbourne mums who have run the London Marathon and raised more than £4,000 for charity at the same time. Suzanne Adams and Ellen Robertson, who completed the marathon in April, have more to celebrate after their fund-raising total reached a huge £4,334.82. The money is going to the Down’s Heart Group, a charity close to Suzanne’s heart as her son, Jamie, has Down’s and the family has benefited from its good work. The pair are members of Melbourne Joggers,

which meets every Tuesday and where Suzanne is also a jog leader. They ran every step of the London Marathon together, completing the run in four hours, 31 minutes and 12 seconds to cross the finishing line holding hands in true marathon tradition. Ellen (left) and Suzanne with Ellen’s daughter, Isla, are pictured displaying their banner with their sponsors’ names. Their sponsors were Eden Tree Care and Fencing; Melbourne Print; Bounz Castles; Des Gosling Mobility; Sunfish Fire Protection; Tip Top Hair Design and Breedon Priory Health Club.

Cricket club’s family open day

MELBOURNE Town Cricket Club is once again running its annual family open day and sponsored bike ride on Sunday, July 5, starting at 1pm. Last year the event was run for the first time in memory of former MTCC captain and player Bob Marshall (Marsh) and once again 50% of the proceeds will be donated to Cancer Research UK, which last year

raised nearly £3,000 in total. As well as the sponsored bike ride there will be stalls at the ground with a BBQ, bar, raffle, tombola, bouncy castle, sweet stall and much more. There will be a Dads against Lads junior cricket game whilst the bikers take part in the charity 20km ride. Anyone interested in taking part in the bike ride please get

in touch with Alex Slater (07966933583) or Dan Marshall (07847341877) or if anyone wants to help out on the day get in touch with the above people.

WI centenary

THE Ticknall branch of the WI will be celebrating 100 years of the National Women’s Institute at Ticknall Village Hall on Wednesday, July 29.

Bosworth Homecare Services (MELBOURNE)

are seeking enthusiastic and motivated individuals to join our expanding team of


For more information Tel: 07766 515767 or 01283 218528 NVQ preferred but not essential Own transport is required. We are an equal opportunities employer

1796 newspaper in drawer

A FASCINATING glimpse into the past has been uncovered in an old drawer in Milton, after a couple renovating their home discovered a newspaper dating from 1796. Charlotte and Steve Gormley are in the process of transforming their home in the village, having recently moved there from Melbourne with daughters Eva, 10, and Hettie, 7 – both pupils at Melbourne schools. The Gormleys believe parts of the building, a former farm house, may date from as early as the 17th century – although when they bought the property the only concrete clue as to its origins was a brick on an outside wall marked 1852. But when Steve was upstairs clearing out an old cupboard one day he discovered that the drawers were lined with copies of the Derby Mercury, one of which clearly bears the date: Thursday, January 14, 1796 – two months before Napoleon married Josephine! That is an early date for a newspaper, especially considering that The Times of London was only started a few years previously in 1785. Charlotte (pictured) said: “We were told the house was old but there was no proof of how old it was. When we took the floor up in one room we found a floor of hand-made bricks – and handmade brick production in Derbyshire stopped in the 1700s. “In the middle upstairs bedroom there had been a Georgian fireplace with a Georgian hob grate, and next to the chimney breast was a builtin cupboard with drawers which weren’t on runners but on flat pieces of oak. It was on dismantling the drawers that we discovered the piece of paper in the bottom.” The Derby Mercury started in 1732 and continued publication all the way until the 20th century, when it was bought by the Derby Daily Telegraph, an ancestor of the current Derby Telegraph. The edition found by the Gormleys gives a

wonderfully varied window into the pre-Waterloo local countryside, being densely packed with numerous small articles, many of which are advertisements for forthcoming auctions for furniture and cattle in Ashbourne, Belper, Derby and

Duffield, along with lists of unfortunate people who have become bankrupt. There are details of money to be won in the next “English State Lottery”, for which the top five prizes were £20,000 each! Intriguing information for the modern reader includes mention of warm fires in some of the auctions – which, given the January publication date, would certainly have been an inducement to attend. One particularly sad story tells of a woman all the way from Hull who “felt herself extremely thirfty (sic) got out of bed and took a bottle which she fuppofed contained geneva (a kind of Dutch gin) but, when too late, difcovered fhe had taken a large dofe of mercurial mixture, which csufed her death in a few hours”. Another article in a slightly later edition, found in another drawer, is an urgent request for schoolmasters to teach in Alton, Staffordshire, saying the school has an endowment of £12 a year. Candidates are also tempted to apply with the encouragement that “the School Room is capacious, and well adapted for the purpofe, and to a fingle man of good conduct and abilities a very eligible fituation is offered”. But the news is not just local, there is coverage of Napoleon’s exploits against the Russians, too. In the same historical spirit, the Gormleys have put their own time capsule into the room for future inhabitants to wonder at. – Lucy Stephens

Village Voice June 2015 17



I WONDER whether you would allow me, through your Letters Page, to say a massive thank you to the voters of South Derbyshire who have re-elected me as Member for Parliament for our area. The campaign started in a difficult way from Ward 7 of Burton Queens Hospital but after excellent care from so many parts of the NHS I was able to go home and campaign in a more traditional way, seeing and speaking to many people on doorsteps and out and about. I thoroughly enjoyed my first five years as MP and commit to work even harder in these next five years. Although unemployment is significantly reduced we cannot let up on working with businesses to encourage them to export, to take on apprentices and to expand. Our area is growing fast and that means public services must keep up with demand, indeed we must ensure that the appropriate infrastructure is put in at the same time as the new homes, a real challenge but one I am relishing. So thank you all 25,066 voters, representing 49.385 of the electorate, an overwhelming result that is extremely humbling. I promise to do my best for everyone in South Derbyshire. Heather Wheeler CAN I, through your pages, thank everyone that voted in the last election especially those that voted for me and our local candidates. We appreciate your support. We now have an excellent platform on which to move forward. Cllr Alan Graves, UKIP

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18 Village Voice June 2015

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New role for MP

RE-ELECTED MP for South Derbyshire Heather Wheeler has been given a new position after details of further Government roles were released. Mrs Wheeler is now the Parliamentary Private Secretary to John Whittingdale MP, the recently appointed Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport. After successfully serving as PPS to the Attorney General Jeremy Wright MP, Mrs Wheeler said: “This department encompasses so many aspects of life that affect us here in South Derbyshire that I am really looking forward to the new challenges ahead.”

Aston run success

THE Aston 2-mile and 10k runs took place on Sunday, May 17. There were 170 runners in total and the organisers have received many positive comments about the route, the marshals and the organisation. Many local villagers gave up their time to ensure the success of the run. Winner of the 2-mile fun run Jake Martin is pictured being presented with his medal by Gay Evans (Richmond Villages Community relations manager).


Village Voice June 2015 19

Champion shows from Swifts

MELBOURNE Swifts Table Tennis Club, formed during the summer of 2013 by Nigel Webster and Mike Starkie now has three teams in the Derby & District TT League with two teams celebrating becoming divisional champions 2014/15. Their success has been helped by assistance from Melbourne Print Ltd, Melbourne Assembly Rooms, D & DTTA and the One Off Design Agency. The club will continue to develop the reach of table tennis in the greater Melbourne area during coming months, and intends to invest in new equipment and coaching programs. Swifts ‘club’ night is each Tuesday, 6pm to 7pm for under 16s, with adults 7.30pm onwards. All interested are welcome. See and click on the contacts page. Swifts players are pictured with their trophies for winning divisions 2 and 4 in the Derby and District Table Tennis League.

PART TIME MACHINE MINDER 3 ‘til 6 pm, friendly environment, middle Melbourne. Call John or Mark on 864895 for details, or visit to see the job! John Mayers, Positive ID Labelling 07970 442694

TO ADVERTISE A VACANCY HERE PLEASE CALL NICOLA ON 07584 025 852 I would like to thank everyone for the lovely messages, cards, flowers, treats and help I have received since my recent operation. I feel so lucky - my sincere thanks to you all. Kindest regards, Linda Iliffe.

We’re getting ready for our summer of fun playing out at Calke. Your National Trust membership gives you unlimited access to Calke Abbey as well as hundreds of other special places. You can enjoy playing out all summer long.

Garden of Imagination 11 July – 6 September

Step through the secret garden door and lose yourself in the Garden of Imagination this summer. There’s plenty to keep you and the family busy all day long with compost heaps of fun to be had. Bring a picnic and graze on the grass or enjoy tasty treats from our potting shed café.

Calke Explore

11 July – 6 September If you go down to the woods today…. You’ll find a whole range of activities that let you go wild and get closer to nature including a natural play trail, wild sculptures or curl up in a giant bird’s egg. House: Open seven days a week. Taster tours 11am-12.30pm. House fully opens at 12.30pm -5.00pm for general visits from Sat-Weds and themed house visits on Thurs and Fri 12.30pm – 4.30pm. Restaurant & Shop: Daily 10am –5pm, Café : Open every weekend 9.30am – 3pm. Garden: Daily 10am – 5pm, Park & National Nature Reserve: Daily 7.30am – 7.30pm, dusk if earlier. Visit for more information Normal park admission applies to all visitors. For more information on what’s on at Calke please visit or telephone 01332 863822 @NTCalkeAbbey


20 Village Voice June 2015

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22 Village Voice June 2015


THE Melbourne Minxes celebrated their fifth All Female Rugby Event in style as they watched 360-plus female players running around their pitches. The decision to move the event from Chellaston Academy to Cockshut Lane was made hoping that the option of camping would encourage attendance from teams from further afield. This option had the desired effect with 150 attending the live band session on Saturday night. "Agent Utah were amazing and helped to create a great atmosphere for everyone and set the

tone for the following day.” said Nick Woodland, head coach. The event was supported by around 20 clubs from across England with Gary Rudkin and Simon Boyd from the RFU, Wendy Earp from Melbourne Parish Council and David Smith, the club president, with several others from the community all attending. "I have been fortunate enough to have the full support from the current Mini, Junior and Minxes chairman Nick Brown and past chairmen to really push the Minxes in our desire to get




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more females playing,” said Woodland. "What is even better is that, I have the backing of the parents and players, without either, this event wouldn't have been possible to put on, so they deserve the credit.” The Minxes were also joined by Laura Keates, the Women’s World Cup Winner, who they currently sponsor and who was impressed to see such an event compared to when she was playing for her local U15s. The event was hugely successful and offered a great chance for all participating clubs to use it

as a recruitment event. In Melbourne, it is hoped that the event will inspire more ladies to visit the Cockshut Lane ground on Tuesday nights over the summer. The sessions will consist of some fun and fitness wrapped up in a touch rugby environment with an aim of running a ladies side in the not too distant future. The club would like to thank those who helped to support the event and to offer local companies a chance to be a part of a successful event through sponsorship.

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WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO REQUEST A LATE CANCELLATION FEE. TRIPS ARE OPEN TO ALL but please note Community Care do not provide escort assistance. For information on our “escorted trips” please contact the Community Care Office (863585). EVERY FRIDAY MORNING WE PROVIDE A DOOR-TO-DOOR SHOPPING SERVICE TO SAINSBURYS SUPERMARKET, MELBOURNE. Escort assistance is provided, if required. Telephone the office for more information or to book a seat on the bus.





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Open day

THE Aston and Weston Bowls Club open day was a very successful event with members and visitors enjoying fine spring weather during the afternoon. The open day attracted 15 visitors who joined members on the green with over 40 people attending. SOUTH DERBYSHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL

Councillor Linda Chilton, Councillor John Harrison Councillor Jim Hewlett


at Melbourne Assembly Rooms

11 am to 12 noon

Saturday 4th July Saturday 1st August Saturday 5th September “Listening to Local People”

United kids’ taste of the big time

MELBOURNE United FC U10s enjoyed a team training session with FA coaches at the indoor 3G pitch at St George’s Park. It was a great experience for the boys as it included a tour of the ‘Wembley’ like pitches and the elite changing rooms and performance gyms. As a result of their visit they were invited to return to play a friendly game against an U10 team from Leeds. It was a great game with plenty of end to end action which, unfortunately, Melbourne lost 4-1. The experience, though, was fantastic playing in front of a large travelling crowd with an FA supplied referee and lines-

Village Voice June 2015 23

man! It capped off a great season for the boys, having finished top of their cup group playing some lovely football throughout the year. It has been a season of many goals having netted 119 with a points per game average better than Chelsea’s! In recognition of their achievement, attitude, fair and equal playing philosophy, the team were voted Melbourne United Team of the Year. The award was presented by club chairman Marcus Radcliffe on the St George’s pitch, hopefully a memory that will last with the boys for many years to come.

Dynamo season has silverware lining

MELBOURNE Dynamo Football Club completed its most successful season, securing three major trophies, the first team winning the Derbyshire Cup and the MRA Challenge Cup with the Reserves claiming the MRA Division Two Title. Going into the final month of the season Dynamo had already seen the Reserves claim their silverware so it was left to the first team to complete their league programme and a Challenge Cup final thrown in for good measure. They began needing to make up a plus 10 goal difference in their final two league games. They started well away at Wirksworth Ivanhoe with Danny Guild leading the way with a double, supported by Tim Adcock, Dave Brough, Josh Lowe and skipper Carl Allsop in a 6-1 win. The final game of the league season proved one too far with the first team having to settle for the runners-up spot once again. A 1-1 away draw with a goal from veteran Dave Brough saw them end up just two points behind champions Rowsley. Gavin Salisbury's men then turned to the MRA

Village Voice Photos Photographs appearing in the Village Voice are available to purchase online at Alternatively pick up a form from Melbourne News, fill in and return to Melbourne News with your payment and the photos will be posted to you.

Challenge Cup Final as the faced Cromford. They put in a fine team performance with goals from Carl Allsop and ‘goal of the season’ from Tim Adcock, a 30-yard screamer, securing the trophy. The first team ended the season having played 32 games, which included a run of 18 wins on the trot, scoring a remarkable 111 goals, conceding just 26 with 14 clean sheets. Leading scorer was Danny Guild with 24 goals well supported by Micheal Tristram (22) and Dave Brough (21). The Reserves scored a record 115 goals in their 32 games with Jack Goodband scoring an amazing 36. Veteran Alex Slater was second top goal scorer with nine and Tom Donnachie third with eight goals. At the end of season awards event held at Harpur’s, the club’s main sponsor, first team manager Gavin Salisbury thanked everyone that had contributed to the most successful season ever for the club. Danny Guild won the first team players’ player and leading goal scorer awards. Mark Croake won the manager’s player trophy, Micheal Tristram claimed the most appearances award and

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l LEFT: Dynamo First and Reserve Team managers Gavin and Greg Salisbury proudly show off the club’s 2014/15 silverware at their annual awards presentation. The Salisburys are holding (from left to right ) the MRA Challenge Cup, MRA Divison Two Winners and the Derbyshire Divisional Cup South trophies.

Tim Adcock claimed first team goal of the season. Jack Goodband matched Guild in claiming the players’ player and leading gscorer trophies for

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the reserves with Ben Stanley getting the manager’s player trophy. Ben Dale won the most appearances and Alex Slater claimed the Reserves’ goal of the season. The two most important awards the club presented were to Jak Ward, who won Clubman trophy for all his tireless work behind the scenes, and the 'Les Earp' memorial trophy presented by Janet and Kevin Earp, which was won by chairman and club captain Carl Allsop. The club would finally like to thank their main sponsor Harpur’s, tracksuit sponsor Breedon Priory Health Club and all the ball sponsors.




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24 Village Voice June 2015

SPORT l Melbourne Town CC 1st XI (back row l-r) Tel Potts (scorer), Siv Sirapalan, Jason Lander, Matt Briers, Ian Roberts, Lee Tallis and Sam Adcock; front row: Mark Rossi, Andy Potts, Alex Slater (captain), Russell Allaway and Colin Wakefield.

Town win after a record run chase

Close encounters for tennis club

MELBOURNE Tennis Club began its 2015 season with two narrow defeats as it aims to get promoted from Division 6. Away to Derby Tennis Centre, Melbourne went down five rubbers to four with captain Mark Swallow leading the way with partner Howard Cheshire winning 9-5, 9-5 and then losing 3-9. Second pairing Rob Clarke and Vinny Hallifield won one rubber 9-5 and lost the other two 2-9, 6-9 and finally third pairing Mark Earp and Rob

Wright won 9-6 but lost 1-9, 2-9, leaving Melbourne just short of a win The second match of the month was away to a strong Ilkeston 2nds with some close rubbers just not going Melbourne’s way in losing 2-7 with the Swallow/Cheshire partnership winning 9-1 but losing their other two 2-9, 5-9. The second pairing of Hallifield and Dave Faux won 9-4 and lost 8-9, 4-9 with third pairing of Tim Shone and Rob Wright losing 5-9,7-9, 5-9.

MAY was quite an incredible month for Melbourne Town Cricket Club’s first team winning three of their games, which included a club record run chase, and tying the fourth. They began with a convincing home win against Yoxhall 1sts. A superb opening spell of 4-30 from skipper Alex Slater supported by two wickets for Matt Briers left the visitors shot out for just 125. Slater completed the win top scoring with 56 aided by 36 from opener Andy Potts. A week later, away to Uttoxeter 1sts on a damp wicket, only Matt Briers (26) came to terms with the conditions as Town were bowled out for just 93. Then, amazingly, Melbourne bowled the home side out for 66. Opening bowlers Slater (4-16) and Briers (3-31) did the damage with two brilliant run-outs by Briers securing an unlikely victory. At home to Breadsall the visitors racked up a daunting 246 despite three wickets from Slater. In reply, Melbourne were well set with an opening stand of 183 by Andy Potts (90) and Mark Rossi (83) but the loss of


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these two saw a collapse. A four by Slater off the last ball resulted in a remarkable tie as Town also scored 246. Slater's men ended the month with their amazing record run chase away to high flying Spondon 2nds. The hosts hit a mammoth 328-5 off their allotted 46 overs with Lee Tallis claiming three wickets. In reply the first team lost two early wickets. A stand of 185 in just 24 overs by Slater, who hit exactly 100, and Tallis (94) put Melbourne in a great position which left Matt Briers (52) and Russ Allaway (35 not out) to see them home to victory and in third place in the league. Melbourne 2nds have struggled early season mainly due to lack of availability and, as a result, lost three of their four league games. They started with a losing draw at home to Uttoxeter where the visitors batted first and amassed a huge 310 declared. In reply, Dan Marshall's men dug in as 58 from Bruno Rost plus 33 by Paul Scrimshaw helped them to 159-8. The following week a strong Packington first team bowled the 2nds out for just 100 and won by nine wickets. The pattern was the same a week later away to Sutton on the Hill first team as the 2nds lost by 107 runs. The hosts hit 315-5 but Melbourne showed some fight as 89 from Julian Humpidge took them to 206 all

out. The last game in May, at home to Rosehill 2nds, saw former Derby County star Mark Stallard hit 159 not out as they scored 264-3. In reply Town slipped to 136 all out. Humpidge with 58 was the top scorer. Melbourne Town third team had just two games in May and began with a home game against Burton 2nds .The visitors scored 264-7 with Kev Towell taking 3-47 along with two wickets for Dave Potts and under 13s junior Sam Jackaman. In reply town were bowled out for just 90, despite skipper Rost (28) and Fletcher (26). Away to Tutbury 3rds two wickets apiece for Howard Williams and another under 13 junior, Harry Potts, helped keep the home side to 289-5. Melbourne held on for a very creditable draw on 90-3 with Fletcher hitting 52 not out. Special mention must go to Zak Parkinson and Sam Jackaman together with Harry Potts and Fergus Hudson. Although all under 13 they have contributed hugely to the third team this month. The club would also like to thank its ball sponsors for May, without whom they would struggle to run. They were Doves Garage, Breedon Carpet Care, Richard Heath (president), Albert Wood, Bruno Rost and Melbourne Royal British Legion.


MELBOURNE Bowls Club has resumed playing on Wednesday evenings from 6pm on the green at the Senior Citizens’ Centre in Church Street. The club recently held a taster evening where newcomers were encouraged to take up the sport and old members welcomed back. Melbourne BC is one of the oldest established clubs in the town and, since its formation in 1970, has provided great pleasure for many players. The club’s ethos is all about friendly competition and enjoying a game that can be played by all ages and will soon be able to offer indoor bowls with the acquisition of an indoor mat for use on Wednesday nights alongside the outdoor bowling. Following the success of the taster evening and the influx of new members the club is seeking anyone who has a set of flat green woods that they are no longer using who would consider donating them for the clubs use.

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