Anthology Magazine Issue No. 21 Preview

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Issue № 21 FALL 2015 $12.00 U.S.

forward THINKING




WHEN WE LAUNCHED Antholog y five years ago,

ter,” page 52) and a Miami dwelling designed by its architect-owners (“A Tropical Outlook,” page 114). While the styles run the gamut, each of the occupants impressed us with their unique vision for their spaces. This issue, as well as the 20 that preceded it, could not have happened without the homeowners, artists, designers, and entrepreneurs who shared their stories with us. For that, we’re grateful. We are also immensely appreciative of the talented freelancers who we’ve had the pleasure of collaborating with over the years; some that we worked with on our debut issue are in the current masthead, too. And of course, there’s you: our readers. Whether you’ve been with us since Issue No. 1/Fall 2010, or discovered us at some point along the way, thank you for being an integral part of Antholog y. We are honored that you’ve brought us onto your coffee tables and bookshelves—and into your lives.

Anh-Minh Le Editor in Chief

Meg Mateo Ilasco Creative Director


we weren’t sure what to expect. While we both had journalism and publishing experience, we had never run a magazine before—never handled subscriptions, wholesale distribution, or many of the behind-the-scenes responsibilities that we became tasked with, along with writing and assigning stories, coordinating photo shoots, and producing a periodical. But one thing we knew for sure: We wanted to make a beautiful and thoughtful lifestyle magazine with a narrative approach. In print. It’s been an incredible adventure, both personally and professionally, culminating in the final issue that you now hold in your hands. For our closing theme, it seemed fitting to focus on those who are enterprising and innovative. To that end, we headed to upstate New York to interview an Emmy award-winning director at the farm where he likes to hang out and ride horses (“The Auteur,” page 68). And we profiled a trio of entrepreneurial women who are finding new ways to merge technology with design (“Designing Women,” page 75). The homes featured represent quite a diverse group—from a yurt in Wyoming (“Freedom from Convention,” page 26) and an 1800s Copenhagen flat that once housed a watchmaker’s workshop (“Past Made Present,” page 105) to a newly renovated apartment in San Francisco (“A New Chap-



Contents Fall 2015


FREEDOM FROM CONVENTION 26 Defying the expected has become the norm for one yurt-dweller in Montana. BEYOND THE WALL: BERLIN TODAY 36 The German capital is a dynamic city, and a local imparts her favorite art, shopping, and dining spots. AHEAD OF THE CURVE 94 In New York, a pair of ceramists exhibits a pioneering spirit in their home and work lives. PAST MADE PRESENT 105 A contemporary aesthetic is juxtaposed with the inherent character in an 1800s Copenhagen abode. A TROPICAL OUTLOOK 114 With a nod to past architectural styles, a couple in Miami designs and builds a modern residence set against a lush backdrop.


WORLD VIEW 60 A photographer turns her attention from avant-garde architecture to beautiful moments during her travels.


THE AUTEUR 68 An Emmy-winning director takes time out to discuss his career arc, work projects, and love of horses.


DESIGNING WOMEN 75 By merging technolog y and design, these three entrepreneurial women are innovating—and inspiring. CREATIVE SPARKS 88 Recycled fire hoses serve as the basis for a Bay Area company’s wares.
















HOW SWEET IT IS 45 These gluten-free desserts are a great way to end any meal.

Cover Photograph by THAYER ALLYSON GOWDY

A NEW CHAPTER 52 In San Francisco, an interior designer tackles the Edwardian-era home he shares with his boyfriend. STARTING SMALL 82 By reconfiguring rooms, a Portland, Oregon, designer makes the most of her 370-square-foot apartment.


CHEF’S TABLE 123 As a Los Angeles chef hosts friends for dinner and drinks, the porridge that she is known for highlights the menu.




Illustration by ANNE LAMBELET

While the subjects are wide-ranging—from a fashion icon to garbage collectors— this roundup features insightful and inspiring films


“The late Albert Maysles’ documentary about Iris Apfel follows the fashion maven through her 50+ years of style, design, and collecting.

She’s collected like a magpie, from high couture and markets around the world to off the street, and the result


“This 2010 documentary is directed by the talented Lucy Walker and follows the journey of individuals who are garbage collectors in Brazil who make self-portraits out of what they find. It

is a unique style that is truly all her own. She is fear-

is a testament to the incredible power and possibilities

less in pushing forward the notion of how to dress and

of art. I was blown away by the mere idea of how some-

decorate—all without a

one could come up with a project to create self-portraits

second thought as to what anyone may say. The film brings



life personality, wit, and charisma to light, and is a delight to watch. She’s such an inspiration and inimitable


"She is fearless in pushing forward the notion of how to dress. "

design—icon.” JONATHAN ORR is the vice president of product development for West Elm ( In his role with the company, he travels the world to cull decorative inspiration.



with garbage, and I will never forget the imagery in this film, as the scale of what they produce is truly amazing.” A Juilliard-trained cellist, Harvard Business School graduate, and mom of three, JEN LEE KOSS cofounded BRIKA (brika .com), an online destination for curated modern crafts.


“Set in the ’50s, the classic rom-com Populaire is an example of magnificent storytelling

and is full of charm. The innocence of Rose Pamphyle and her big dreams of leaving her small French countryside village, her clumsy yet simple mannerisms, and

her boss Louis’ suave personality are pure pleasure to

is a testament to Jarmusch’s exceptional storytelling

watch. I love every bit of how Rose’s character evolves

and originality.”

from being the clumsy

"a perfect bit of romanticism, emotion, drama, and suspense. "

secretary to the fastest typist in the world. With a perfect bit of romanti-

Design and travel enthusiast ALLY KIM is the creator of the blog From the Right Bank (, which chronicles her myriad decorative efforts and globe-trotting adventures.

cism, emotion, drama, and suspense, Populaire thoroughly engages you and transports you to 1950s France.”

TRISHA ROY is the founder of Barn & Willow (barnandwillow .com), whose mission is to make luxury home decor affordable. The site offers custom drapery and other housewares.


“I remember watching The Breakfast Club and thinking that none of the actors looked like me, but each of them was me. I was enthralled with Ally Sheedy’s character and her slow reveal of the ra-

tionale behind the ‘crazy.’ As a gay kid who was afraid

“One of my all-time favorite

of being found out, her character showed me I could

filmmakers is Jim Jarmusch—

be more than what peo-

all of his movies are innovative,

ple said or thought. When

but none more so than Stran-


ger Than Paradise. Two cousins

and the music of Simple

and a friend travel from New

Minds swelled, I realized

York to Cleveland to Florida

I could be the athlete,

and experience both the mundane and extraordinary

the princess, criminal, the

along the way. The film pioneered a minimalist style,

brain, and even the basket

melancholic black-and-white cinematography, deadpan

case without ever losing

humor, and a perfectly tailored soundtrack, all of which



may be commonplace today but not so in 1984 when it was made. That a story about ordinary people and places has influenced so many movies over the years




"none of the actors looked like me, but each of them was mE. "

Bay Area decorator COURTNEY LAKE is the owner of Monogram Decor (, an interior design firm that grew out of his popular blog, Courtney Out Loud.


Freedom  from Convention In northwestern Wyoming, a modern yurt defies the expected— much like its owner Text by ANH-MINH LE


Megan Griswold, who lives in a yurt situated near Wyoming’s Grand Teton National Park, takes in the beauty of her surroundings.


“I’ve had a nontraditional life,” says Megan Griswold, “so there’s some appeal to odd, interesting things.” The California native studied political science at Columbia University, then went on to earn master’s degrees from Yale University and the Institute of Taoist Education & Acupuncture in Boulder, Colorado. Her résumé includes stints as a one-woman show performer, a house cleaner, an instructor with the National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS), an acupuncturist, a commentator with NPR’s All Things Considered, and a doula. And her penchant for the unorthodox extends beyond her career to her living situation: For the past two years, Megan has inhabited a yurt, located near Jackson, Wyoming. She erected the domed tent, which was purchased as a kit and sits on a platform, in one day, with the help of about 15 friends. Megan sited the yurt so that her back door frames a view of the Grand Teton, the highest mountain in the national park of the same name. “I like making everyday life feel like a camping adventure,” she says. Megan is part of a yurt park community that currently includes 13 structures and has been around for several decades—thanks to landowners who were open to allowing alternative (and affordable) housing on their property. Since the county has restrictions on yurts, she likens securing a lease for a spot to “finding a rent-controlled place in New York.” Megan first learned about the enclave through a boyfriend, who once called it home; in 2013, she heard about an opening and jumped at the chance to live there. The park’s residents come from various walks of life: Megan is a writer and designer (littlemoving 28

Above: Megan’s home is part of a yurtian community

that boasts plenty of open space. Opposite: The living room is anchored by a daybed

that Megan constructed. The pale palette is accented with pillows, throws, and rugs that create a cozy environment.—she’s working on a letter-writing project and the interiors of the yurts for a resort in Park City, Utah—and counts a librarian, mountain guides, a yoga teacher, a painter, and a chef among her neighbors. “We would make a great reality show!” she quips. The outdoor enthusiast was introduced to the beauty of Wyoming through her work with NOLS, which is headquartered in the state. “I’m attracted to extremes,” she says. “Either a big city or a place that’s really rustic.” There is a common denominator, though: She favors small spaces. Prior to the yurt, which measures 24 feet in diameter (that’s about 450 square feet), she rented a 10-by-18-foot apartment in New York’s West Village. “I like feeling as if I’m actually occupying all of my home,” she elaborates. With the yurt’s circular shape presenting a spatial challenge, Megan enlisted architect friend Thomas Schaer. Together, they conceived a kitchen in the middle, with a lofted sleeping quarters above it that accommodates a queen-size

“It’s about changing the rules of what off-the-grid living has to be like.”




The dining room of Michelin-starred Cinco, a Paco PĂŠrez restaurant inside the Das Stue hotel, was designed by Patricia Urquiola.



here are few cities in the world where modern any night (or day) of the week. Indeed, Berlin more history has such a strong presence as in Berlin. than lives up to its reputation as a party paradise. Fast forwarding through the last century, the GerMy favorite place to start a long night is Bar man capital was a cultural and cosmopolitan center 3, near the Volksbühne theater, followed by bar in the Golden Twenties; fell into Nazi power and hopping on Neukölln’s packed Weserstrasse, then was bombed to bits; then the communist East was dancing until the morning at the techno temdivided from the Allies-supported West by the ple Berghain, an institution and a must-visit for Berlin Wall for 28 years, before the city was finally anyone with the slightest interest in clubbing. If reunited in 1989. Today’s Berlin is like a 3D hisyou’re so inclined, the party can run from Friday tory book, yet the city is looking forward, too. night until Monday morning. On Sunday, though, My first flirt with Berlin happened during a many opt for a respite and squeeze in brunch, flea school trip at age 17, when I unexpectedly fell in market visits, and other leisurely (less bass-thumplove with the vibrant city. In 2005, just a few weeks ing) weekend activities. My Sunday ritual is the after graduation, I moved to Arkonaplatz flea market, Berlin—and even convinced which is perfect in size WE SOAKED UP three friends to join me. and atmosphere, and EVERYTHING THAT We rented a large and cheap where a mix of permanent apartment in Kreuzberg OUR NEW NEIGHBOR- and temporary vendors (a lively district populated sell goods ranging from HOOD HAD TO OFFER vintage clothes, furniwith street art, coffeehouses, AND LOVED HOW THE ture, and lighting to Gerand bars) and enrolled in German language classes CITY FELT SO FULL OF man Democratic Republic (which, much to my surmemorabilia, ceramics, POSSIBILITIES. prise, I really enjoyed). We and home-grown fruit. soaked up everything that Berlin is a friendly our new neighborhood had to offer and loved how and open city—a big multicultural metropolis that the city felt so full of possibilities. Berlin was, has the unpretentious charm of an international and still is, never short of a Tuesday night party, village. Rather than having one epicenter, it cona pop-up gallery opening, or a rooftop barbecue sists of many different villages. Mitte is especially overlooking the city. popular for its restaurants, art galleries, and coffee Since the fall of the Berlin Wall, low living costs bars; you’ll find everything you need in terms of and an abundance of space have been the main shopping there. Kreuzberg and Neukölln have reasons why artists, musicians, writers, and other become popular with expats and the young crowd, creative minds have turned the city into a giant lab while Friedrichshain in the former East remains a of cultural experimentation. Thanks to globalizahub for punks and their dogs, but with many good tion and cheap air travel, Berlin has also become cafés and a popular flea market on Boxhagener one of the top weekend destinations for party Platz. In recent years, the previously sleepy western tourists, or the “Easy Jet set.” Many parts of Berlin areas such as Schöneberg—where David Bowie, Iggy have evolved into commercial centers with chains Pop, and Lou Reed resided in the wilder ’70s—and and shopping malls, but you still find many indeCharlottenburg have also fallen into favor with pendent shops, third-wave coffee bars, and quirky younger Berliners. restaurants. For most visitors, eating and drinkBerlin is also one of the greenest capitals in ing out is affordable. Cafés are often packed at all Europe—just stroll through the vast park of Tierhours, and the many clubs and bars are open on garten if you’re not convinced—and is ranked the 38


Earlier this year, the culinary hot spot d贸ttir opened in a corner building in Mitte that had been vacant for several decades.


Clockwise from above: The

courtyard entrance of the Michelberger Hotel. The fresh-baked bread is among ORA’s specialties. Handmade eyewear at Mykita. Andreas Murkudis’ 12-year-old concept store. Opposite, top to bottom: Con-

temporary art at König Galerie and Boros Collection.





Text BY ANH-MINH LE Photographs BY TARA DONNE Recipes and Food Styling BY LIZA JERNOW Prop Styling BY NIDIA CUEVA


“These desserts are the essence of fall.�

Serves 6-8

¾ cup dried sour cherries, roughly chopped

½ cup cornmeal + more for pan 1 ½ tsp whole flax seed 1 tsp chia seed ½ tsp psyllium husk powder 1 ¼ cups gluten-free all purpose flour blend without gums* 2 tsp baking powder ½ tsp ground cinnamon

1 cup sugar 7 tbsp unsalted butter, softened 2 large eggs ½ cup milk 1 tsp vanilla extract confectioner’s sugar, for sprinkling *Use a mix that does not contain xanthan or guar gums.

1 tsp fine sea salt 1 tsp fresh rosemary, very finely chopped zest of 1 lemon, finely grated 1 cup cranberries, halved

1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Butter a 9" cake pan, and line the bottom with parchment paper. Butter paper and dust the pan with a sprinkle of cornmeal. Use a coffee grinder to grind the flax, chia, and psyllium into a fine powder.

2. In a medium bowl, whisk the powder together with the ½ cup cornmeal, flour, baking powder, cinnamon, salt, rosemary, and lemon zest until well combined. Place cranberries and dried cherries in a separate small bowl; add 1 tablespoon of the flour mixture, toss to combine, and then set aside. Reserve the rest of the flour mixture. 3. In the bowl of an electric mixer, beat together the sugar and butter until fluffy, about 3 minutes. Add eggs and beat until fluffy and fully incorporated, about 5 minutes. Beat in the milk and vanilla. Add the remainder of the flour mixture, then beat until the batter is fluffy and uniform, about 3 minutes more. Fold in the cranberry-cherry mixture. 4. Pour batter into prepared pan. Bake for about 1 hour, rotating pan front to back halfway through baking. Cake is done when a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean and the cake begins to pull away from the edges of the pan. 5. To garnish, sprinkle confectioner’s sugar over cooled cake.


Small In Portland, Oregon, an interior designer reimagines her pocket-sized apartment, and imbues the decor with personality

Text by ANH-MINH LE Photographs by KELLY ISHIKAWA Styling by ROD HIPSKIND 18


Mira Eng-Goetz overhauled a once-neglected apartment into an airy and inviting space, filled with special mementos such as the metal lanterns from Morocco.


In every corner of the home, Mira’s talents—she works for Jessica Helgerson Interior Design—are on full display.


hortly after Mira Eng-Goetz came across the one-bedroom apartment that would eventually become her first home purchase, her parents came for a visit. “They looked around the place and said, ‘What are you thinking?’” recalls Mira with amusement. “I was thinking it had a lot of potential. In my mind, I was like, sold— there was no hesitation.” You can’t blame her parents for worrying, though. Even Mira admits that it was “sad looking,” she says. “It had to be gutted—taken down to the studs.” The 370-square-foot unit, situated on the top floor of a 1930s Art Deco building in Portland’s Belmont neighborhood, was a foreclosure. The oak floorboards were worn so thin, some parts were broken through. Most of the plaster on the walls, which were a “yellow-ish flesh tone,” was cracked. The plumbing fixtures were unusable. Still, Mira—who studied interior architecture at the University of North Carolina in Durham—was undeterred. 84


In fact, during her inaugural walkthrough of the property three years ago, she was already envisioning changes. For example, the apartment initially opened into the bedroom. “Immediately, it struck me that a flip-flop needed to happen,” Mira says of the decision to switch the placement of the bedroom and the kitchen. Now, the latter is an open space that also encompasses her dining and living areas. A custom window seat consisting of a series of drawers runs the length of the wall opposite the front door. “When I was eight, my family moved to a new house and my parents designed a sunroom addition,” recounts Mira. “It had this massive window seat that my brother and I just loved. We hung out there all the time. It’s where we always wanted to be.” Similarly, she gravitates toward her own home’s window seat, noting that it is “wonderful for lounging, reading, and eating.” Plus, it provides ample storage and beckons overnight guests. To accommodate the window seat, Mira moved the bathroom door a few feet. She also created an


Theory Against the white subway tiles—which she describes as classic and inexpensive (“I don’t think they’ll ever go out of style”)— and white walls, Mira introduced dark accents for contrast. There are the Salt dining chairs from DWR, black light switch plates, and oil-rubbed bronze hardware. Natural tones, including the countertops and decorative accents, like the wall-mounted basket from Mauritania, imbue warmth.





This page and opposite:

David Reid and James Klein in their Long Island City work studio. Their company, KleinReid, produces art prints but is best known for its ceramics.




Styling by SARAH SMART

Above and opposite:

David and James in their office, which overlooks Manhattan to the west and Brooklyn to the south. In the couple’s Jackson Heights home, a cast-iron medallion from a Williamsburg thrift shop commands attention, between bookshelves that David and James built.



Brooklyn’s Williamsburg, the waterfront neighborhood now famous as a hipster haven, was just an urban outpost in the early 1990s. For decades, it had hummed with the toil of factories and manufacturing companies while sustaining several marginalized communities—Hasidic Jews, Puerto Ricans, Dominicans. But when artists in Manhattan began to feel squeezed by rising rents and diminishing space, many fled to Williamsburg for refuge, and the area became the café-gallery-musicrestaurant hot spot that it is today. Among the earliest creative pioneers were James Klein and David Reid, a couple who had attended high school together in Ohio, made their way to separate art schools (James to upstate New York and David to Michigan), and decided to launch their own line of ceramics. They set up shop in the neighborhood in 1993—“When there still were no cafés or even an ATM anywhere,” James says—and developed distinctive formulas for porcelain and glazes, collaborating on a line of vases that eventually got picked up by Bergdorf Goodman. Now their company, KleinReid (, produces not only vases, but also jewelry, lamps, dinnerware, prints, and novelties (like pretty brass tops), all of it made in-house from scratch. Over the years, the two have honed their reputation as tastemakers whose timeless yet unique creations and impeccable craftsmanship continually push the boundaries of home-goods design into uncharted artistic lands. After a 13-year stint in Williamsburg—during which time the neighborhood filled up with trendy venues, luxury condos, and a fair share of high-end boutiques—James and David realized they needed to find new studio space:




FINE PRINT The screenprint, entitled Mystérieuse Boîte (or Mysterious Box), is by contemporary artist Go Yayanagi. The Japanese native has exhibited internationally since the mid-1950s; this work is from 1970.


FRENCH CONNECTION A furniture restorer located near KleinReid’s Long Island City studio gave the duo the 18th-century French chair. They had it reupholstered in a natural linen, and re-caned as well.




chef 's table


Text by JENNIE NUNN Photographs by AMY DICKERSON Recipes by MINH PHAN Styling by DANAE HORST






t’s a brisk afternoon in the burgeoning Los Angeles neighborhood of Echo Park. Chef Minh Phan and her boyfriend Aaron Sonnenschein are just back from a month-long trip to Oaxaca, Mexico, and busy prepping their bungalow-style home for a dinner party with friends. Minh worked at Beachwood Cafe and Inn of the Seventh Ray prior to branching out on her own and launching Porridge + Puffs, and attributes her Vietnamese mother’s cooking as a major influence. “My mom’s cooking helped define me,” says Minh, who attended New York University, where she studied theater and political science, and worked in advertising directing commercials before enrolling at the California School of Culinary Arts. Minh continues: “She’s pretty good at melding flavors. I think fusion is natural in any immigrant’s kitchen—cooking what you know, using ingredients [available] where you live.” Growing up, rice was a staple in Minh’s household. “When other families were having steak and meatballs,” she says, “we had rice every night.” Rice was also a main ingredient in a holiday tradition: The day after Thanksgiving and the day after Christmas, using leftover turkey carcasses, her parents would make porridge. Now, porridge has become Minh’s signature dish. Through Porridges + Puffs, which she experimented with last year and is working on turning into a permanent restaurant, she has been able to share her affinity for porridge with others. (In a write-up earlier this year, the Los Angeles Times extolled that she was “the woman responsible for the city’s current obsession with rice porridge.”) “Although porridge is the star of my dish,” Minh explains, “most people view it as a vehicle for other ingredients. Porridge is simply the combination of grain and liquid. I can spend a lifetime studying the combination of these two things and how they play with each other. Currently, I’m obsessed with Koda Farms rice, but also intrigued with the possibilities of super-small grains like teff, millet, and amaranth. As for stock, I appreciate the nuances of the classic veal and chicken, but I adore the infinite options for

This page and opposite, clockwise from top left: Husband

and wife Susan Yoon and Ronnie Glynn. Watermelon radishes from Underwood Family Farms. Minh Phan in the kitchen. Her boyfriend Aaron Sonnenschein’s cocktail alongside Hibiki Japanese whisky. Nathan Lyon and girlfriend Sarah Foreman. Aaron in a moment of relaxation.





PRIZED Possession Photograph by JESSICA ANTOLA

Illustrator, author, and photographer GAR ANCE DORÉ is a leading voice in the style community. The Corsica native, who now resides in New York, won the CFDA Media Award in 2012. Her visual memoir, Love Style Life , was recently released. (



“I take this book everywhere. To me, it’s like the essence of my favorite writer is here, by my side. Françoise Sagan is one of my idols. It’s not only the beautiful way she puts her words together—or her wonderful wit. It’s her vision of life, and her spirit. Œuvres, which includes a number of her novels and plays, reminds me to keep the spirit alive. To not care too much. To not become entitled. To be free and different. Sometimes reading just a line overflows me with inspiration.”

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