Tung Han Wu portfolio

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Tung Han Wu

Tung Han Wu

branding product communication furniture

Selected works 2014 - 2017 LONDON . TAIPEI . NETHERLAND


In cooperation with UCL and Dandy Lab, this project is to research and design a concept for a connected product that could be sold at a new Central London Store as the ‘thing’ that creates and enables new retail behaviours.





How can we integrate technology into our everyday object? W i t h t h e b r i e f to d e s i g n a n I OT re l a t e d p ro d u c t ( s y s t e m ) t h a t c a n help improve the current situation when more and more people are buying mostly through internet, this project started out by e x p l o r i n g t h e re l a t i o n s h i p b e t w e e n I OT p ro d u c t a n d re t a i l s y s t e m .

WiďŹ router

Perception/ understanding

Purchasing behavior


online / offline




New shopping business model

Te c h n o l o g y Frustration points

Frustration points


Fabric with pattern embroidered with conductive yawn

My personal aim is to design a product that can draw the customer i n t o s t o r e w i t h e x q u i s i t e e x p e r i e n c e . To d e s i g n s o m e t h i n g t h a t c a n

Fractal is a wiďŹ router with antenna embroidered on fabric with conductive yawn which will be placed on your wall. Every customer can customize their own fractal antenna pattern with specially designed app and experience the weaving process in store. Fractal not only represents a functional object, an individual piece of art at home but most important of all, a exquisite experience.

improve our wellbeing, yet not to present people an unnatural feeling when interacting with the design.




Base changes the base shape the fractal is drawn on. Each side of the polygon will be drawn as one copy of the fractal curve.

Segments cuts the pattern into more or fewer pieces of equal length

Mirror doubles the protruding part of the motif at every level of the fractal.



Depth sets the number of times each line is substituted for the motif.

Arms adds new lines sticking out from the corners of the motif.





A fractal antenna is an antenna that uses a fractal, shapes that exhibit self similarity at different scales increase radiation transmission which have shown superior performance compared to normal antenna. The specially designed app allows customer to create their own fractal pattern which will later be embroidered onto their selection of fabric.









Embroidering fractal pattern with conductive yawn on fabric.

Taking apart a wifi router to compare the signal strength between


Signal Strength [ dbm ]

Signal Strength [ dbm ]

the fabric antenna and the original 3db antenna.

Original antenna (-34dmb)



An ten n a on cloth ( small) = -43db m.



T h e resu lt h a s sh own th a t a lth ough t he f abri c a n ten n a doe s n ot h ave super ior si gnal st rengt h c ompa red to or igin a l wifi a n te n n a , t he si ganl stren gth is stron g en ough for regul ar usage. T h is c a n be c a used by a seve ra l facto rs and improve by doin g fur th er e x per im ent .

fabric antenna (-43dmb)









1 . c on n ec tion problem (ma tc h in g net w o rk no t ma tc h with th is n e w a n ten n a ) 2 . c on n e c tion be tween th is n ew ant enna to PCB (c a n n ot by solder in g) 3 . T h e ra dia tion dire c tion a n d power o f ant enna a re in flue n c e d by sh a pe c h a n ge .


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



Wifi channel

Origin al 3d B an ten n a = -34d bm.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



Wifi channel 1

FRACTAL When your wiďŹ -router becomes a piece of art.


Centering around the theme of Utopia by Design, this project is about giving used tea leaves a new life as a much stronger and longer lasting material

> PUER <

> RESEARCH < Chinese people has began to make puer tea leaves into tea brick or cake since the ancient time. Before I began to do this project, I went to a tea exper t for informations of how tea makers produce tea cakes.

Te a , b e i n g o n e o f t h e m o s t p o p u l a r d r i n k i n t h e w o r l d , h a s a profound relationship with various people and culture from all over the world. In China, over 2,230,000 tonnes of tea are produced e v e r y y e a r. This project is about giving useless tea leaves a new life. By using useless tea leaves and compressed into different shapes in molds, a new sustainable material is created. In this project, a traditional chinese stool is being designed to demonstrate its potential




To p r o d u c e t h e p u e r s t o o l , m a n y s t e p s a r e n e e d e d p r i o r t o t h e actual pressing of the tea, including steaming, stirring, and drying. Each step was experimented again and again in order to make the most perfect shape. The overall process does not involve any artiďŹ cial substance such as glue.


In cooperation with Zumtobel, one of the leading lighting company in the industry, this project is about designing new ways to experience and interact with light through new functionalities and new ways to enhance existing activities through better light experiences.

> SCHICHTEN < Cooperating with one of the most innovative leader in the lighting industry,SCHICHTEN is a track lighting designed to work with Zumtobel’s Tecton track system. The concept is about integrating solar technology into a lighting system which can reserve energy during the daytime and provide lighting at night. Due to its semi-transparent quality, the product can also serve the function of dividing space, providing aesthetically beautiful experiene for your home




Each light panel can be slided in the track system and changed its

Each light panel consists of two opitcal grade acrylic

position easily, creating your own aesthetic experience.

panel with semi-transparent solar panel in the middle .

Capacitor (reserving power)

POWER EFFICIENCY OF 3 PA N E L S C O M B I N E D = 112 W Copper strip

Upper slot (LED)

Lower slot Metal Shrapnel

(solar panel)

The unique slot-slide structure allows user to position the light panel freely. Two slots are designed to seperate the electricity transmission for powering LED and reserving power from solar panel.Copper strips are embedded along the wall of both upper and lower slot to conduct electricity.


2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.











> SCALE MODEL < Scale model making with optical acrylic`s illuminating effect

Schichten system is use ( open ofďŹ ce )

Schichten system is use ( home )

TO BE COTINUED Schichten can also be applied to anywhere that has ZUMTOBEL TECTON track system installed with different shape and colour variotion

Schichten for Zumtobel Tecton track system is perfect for ofďŹ ce space due to its luminating and space dividing function

The variotion for Schichten system is limitless. Various shape and colour combination can be achieved



This project is about exploring the limit of material and elaborate its feature in a creative and dynamic way to offer people a wow moment. W i th th e b r i e f of onl y a l l ow i ng s h e e t m e ta l a s th e m a t e ria l to des i g n a p roduc t, “C O NT RA ST ” i s m y th e m e to of fer p e o p le a m o re p ow er ful a nd c l ea n de s i g n. B y us i ng m e ta l s h e et, a m a t eria l t ha t p os s es s th e qua l i ty of b oth fl e x i b i l i ty a nd s tre ng th a t t he s a m e t im e th i s c onc e p t i s a i m e d to el a b ora te th es e tw o qua l it ies to it s lim it . A c h a i r th a t onl y c ons i s ted of 3 m e ta l s h e ets a re c reat ed a s t he fi n a l c onc e p t, offe r i ng p e op l e not onl y vi s ua l i m p a c t b ut a ls o t a c t ile s en s a ti on w h e n th ey s i t on th e c h a i r w i th b ounc i nes s




Because the whole object is quite a big design. My orig inal design as using one piece metal sheet was forced to be cha nged due to the limitation in the school workshop, therefore how to change the design with two par ts and still posses the ability to hold a persons weight was my challenge in this project.The whole making proces s allowed me to expeirmented and understand the limitation of steel.


Research has shown that both visual and tactile features of an object could affect human’s eating and drinking sensual experience .This project is abour how design can be a medium to create a more dynamic and reflective user journey in exploring the full range of our sensuousness.

> CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT < According to statistic, young adults (20-31) who often experienced time pressure barrier have problems like over eating and eating too quickly. We pursue balance through out our whole life, to reach the status of stability and maintain balance. In terms of food consumption, the idea is about utilizing the idea of “BALANCE� and transfer into design that require physical balance from people when using the object in order to slow down the food consuming process.

Utilized Weight distribution to create table system

Utilized Weight distribution to create table system

that required balancing when using the table

that required balancing when using the table


Utilized pulley system to create a wall-hanging table system that required balancing when using the table

Utilized hydraulic system to create table system that required balancing - each surface is interelated to each other for the pressure and weight being put on the surface


through experimentation on full size model, I was able to test out the human product interaction in real situa-

1 : 1 m o d el

tion. The table design successfully slow down the eating process and provoke interesting interactions between people. However, the design could be developed more in several ways.

1. How to develop the table design to enable more than two people to use it ? 2. Through experimentation, small angle of the table surface tilting can successfully disrupt our eating action. However, how do we slow down the “swing� action of the table tilting and give people time to react?




Tiltit is a table designed to make the function of using table surface to eat as a disruption of the pattern of action. However, users can balance the movement with each other and restore the function of the table. The effort that requires the user to pay attention to the object directs user’s awareness of their food consumption and slowing down the eating process. Tiltit facilitates mindfulness of the physical and social actions with human-product interactions




The unique spherical joint structure allows the table surface to tilt in all direction, allowing more people to use at the same time.

> BUFFER SYSTEM < In order to buffer unexpected or big force putting on the table surface, a buffer system would help slow down the tilting action and give people time to react.

Mass Viscous hydraulic damper


> IMPERFECT < B e i n g i m p e r f e c t i s n a t u r a l . I t i s s e e d t h a t m a k e t h i n g s b e t t e r. I f everything were perfect, we would not have space to make progress. On the other hand, considering one thing whether it is perfect is subjective. It varies between different perceptions and point of views among people. So, imperfect = not perfect? maybe imperfect= i'm p e r f e c t . W e d o n o t h a v e t o p u r s u e a p e r f e c t w o r l d b l i n d l y, i n s t e a d , w e s h o u l d c h e r i s h a n d a d a p t t o e v e r y t h i n g a r o u n d u s . L o o k a r o u n d ! i s n' t it beautiful? After researching, I divided imperfect design into five categories.



designers make things that break the traditional concept of perfection but still can fulfill the same function or goal.

P RO CESS designers make only half of the design and leave the other half for costumers or natural power t o c o m p l e t e . T h r o u g h t h i s w a y, every single piece of work is special. Maybe it is not perfect, but it definitely posses memories and emotions of people and nature.

This project is about discussing the concept of perfection and imperfection, and how it can translate into design element to tell a story

NA TU RE the design simply shows the nature and characteristics of a material without any polishing and decoration. Showing the nature is the best way to present one thing.

DO H A LF designers make only half of the design and leave the other half for costumers or natural power to c o m p l e t e . T h r o u g h t h i s w a y, e v e r y single piece of work is special. Maybe it is not perfect, but it definitely posses memories and emotions of people and nature.

REU SE RENEW RECA L LE D Looking at things discarded by people, are they really useless? By recomposing, reusing and redefining its usage, discarded items and junk can be given new meaning and looks.



F a s c i n a t e d b y t h e i d e a o f D O H A L F, K O R S O i s a c o m b i n a tion of public chair and nature. I n i t i a l l y, i t i s j u s t a p u b l i c a r t t h a t p e o p l e c a n l e a n a g a i n s t it for rest, but after 3~5 years of rain erosion KORSO will become a public chair with one of a kind texture and shape. KORSO is not only a piece of furniture but also a s y m b o l t o t e l l p e o p l e a b o u t n a t u r a l b e a u t y.

I selected Karst topography as my reference w h i c h i s f o r m e d b e c a u s e o f r a i n e r o s i o n . An d b a s e d o n K a r s t t o p o g r a p h y, I s t a r t e d t o research materials that can fulďŹ ll cer tain effect.








Carbon calcium + Carbon Oxide



Several experiments are conducted to simulate how rain will erode the object. These experiments are also aimed for latter reference to design when it comes to the shape and design language. By using a much stronger acid fluid, I accelerated the eroding process.

blending material

ďŹ lling material

star ted to erode

one week after

two weeks after

three weeks after

M AT E R I A L Carbon calcium + Hcl + Syringe needle

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