M.I.L.K. Report April thru August 2015

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Make an Investment in Love and Kindness Volume 3 Issue 2

April thru August 2015

The last week of September is the celebration of M.I.L.K. being a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit for three years. Self sufficiency is what we are striving to achieve. Funding through foundations and grants is disappearing. Through our enterprise activities we are building funding to cover our administrative cost.

Phone: 480-553-2342

Operation Love a Child - Adopt A Child For Christmas and Winter Warmth

Our goal is to cover 100% of our administrative cost so that 100% of donated money can go to charity. This is not a common objective for a charitable organization.

We accept donations through our secured encrypted Web Site milkmoney1.org use the address link to our secure page to complete your tax deductible transaction safe and sound. You can accomplish this through PayPal. Our mailing address is available if you would prefer to send a check.

When you donate to a charity do you know how they used your money? We ask you to make an investment in love and kindness. That is where your money goes to bring hope and end poverty.

Every year we work with youth homes on the Reservations that are home to children and teens that are not safe to live in their family home.

We invite you to get involved. Together we can make a difference.

If we did not arrange for them to receive clothing

Anthony Gleich, Founder and C.E.O.

Enterprise Development Project under our Mentors Program is accepting applications for people interested in become a business owner. Who do you know that is a United States Veteran or a young adult. M.I.L.K. Mentors can meet you where you are, access your dreams and develop a business plan to make it happen. Email support@milkmoney1.org to request an application. We will get in touch with you to discuss the opportunity and your commitment is to take control of your future.

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