COMD 4830- senior project anthony murillo-rivera
about rainforest foundation rainforest foundation is a non-profit organization that help indegenous people in south america protect their homelands by teaching them how to use technology to spread awareness rainforest foundation is looking to not only help the indegenous people of south america but are looking to protect all forms of life only found in the rainforest.
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overview Problem: rainforest foundation has very little visibility due to its very weak advertisement efforts, although they do a lot of work with indigenous people their efforts in other areas are very minimal solution: a re-brand of their overall look would help rainforest foundation gain traction; not only will it reach new audiences but the re-brand would help showcase that rainforest foundation cares for all areas of the rainforest target audience: people looking to get involved in the protection of the rainforest, people looking to support indegenous efforts of rainforest awareness and protection age: 16+ gender: M/F
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the rainforest foundation is a logo + wordmark, when creating this logo it was important to find the best representative of the rianforest, through a lot of research it was found to be the toucan.
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typography Europa-bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Europa-bold (italic) ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
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C: 0
C: 42
C: 83
M: 60
M: 78
M: 63
Y: 100
Y: 0
Y: 23
K: 0
K: 0
K: 1
the color palette for this rebrand consisted of three colors or variations of these three. these colors are all representatives of the value of the rainforest; honesty, compassion, adventurous
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rebranding of the rainforest foundation website, simplified and sleeker, allows for stories to be the main focus. website will update audiences to all current world news regarding the rainforest, it will also update audiences to all ongoing projects.
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mobile campaign
a series of ads containing symbols that best represent the rainforest, the series of ads can be used as calls of actions to motivate people to contribute and fight along side of the organization, these ads would be used in the mobile ad space
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a series of ads containing symbols that best represent the rainforest, the series of ads can be used as calls of actions to motivate people to contribute and fight along side of the organization
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Items: Shirt Info: these t-shirts would be available for purchase on the rainforest foundation website, they would mostly be available in three colors.
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Items: Snapback hat Info: these hats would be available for purchase on the rainforest foundation website, they would mostly be available in three colors.
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Items: Mug, Stickers/Patches Size: 4.5” W X 3.75” H x 3” R (Mug), 2 in X 2 in (stickers and patches)
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Items: Keychain, Pen, USB, Mug, Lanyard Size: 4.5” W X 3.75” H x 3” R (Mug), 3 in X 3 in (keychain)
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thank you!