Prayer Needs for Church Planting

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OUTREACH Prayer Update July, 2010 Our church planters depend on the prayers and encouragement of God's people. OUTREACH NORTH AMERICA provides this monthly prayer letter to inform you of some of their specific needs and praises so you will know better how to pray for them. Thank you for your prayers and the interest you show by your phone and e-mail responses. Your prayers truly encourage your church planters. (See the bottom of this e-mail for a summary of all the mission churches included in this update.) In general Pray for the Lord's financial care over our mission congregations during the lean summer months. Pray for our mission developers as they teach new Christians the meaning of biblical stewardship in all of life. Pray for the summer outreach ministry of our mission congregations through Bible clubs, Vacation Bible Schools, soccer camps, etc. The August Church Planting Assessment Center has been rescheduled for September 8-11. Pray for God to raise up good candidates for church planting. The deadline for candidates to be included in the September assessment is July 14.

Canadian Presbytery London, Ontario (exploratory) Pray For Rev. Brian Murray as he heads up this work for now while he completes a Th.M. degree. Give thanks For several visitors. Pray that they may be encouraged to make Redeemer their church family.

Catawba Presbytery Iglesia Biblica Latinoamericana, Columbia, SC Special Outreach Ministry of Catawba Presbytery Rev. J. J. and Blanca Diaz Indian Land ARP, SC Rev. Gary and Elisabeth Stiltner Please pray for A possible move to a new facility and prep work on it. Launching a youth ministry. Following up with the families that attended our outreach events. Praise God For the families that are serving the Lord so faithfully at our church.

Indian Land Presbyterian Church’s outreach soccer camp is going great! Thank you all so much for praying! One of the coaches at our soccer camp shared the Gospel presentation with the “Wordless Book” to the kids – And they all seemed to pay attention! Providence Presbyterian Church, Mount Pleasant, SC Rev. Richard and Donna Brown

First Presbytery African ARP Mission, Charlotte, NC Rev. Zachary and Ruth Kariuki Prayer For the efforts to obtain Mr. Kariuki’s green card. That the congregation will continue to add young families. Brookside Presbyterian Church, ARP, Boone, NC Rev. Larry and Joyce Young Praise For a young man from a Covenanter Church (RPCNA) who is attending while he is here for a nine-month internship. Pray For someone(s) to come to true faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. For five new, tithing members. For three willing, suitable men to be elders. Centerpoint ARP Church, Lewisville, NC Rev. Bob and Joyce Wilson Pray For new visitors and returning visitors to our services. Christ Coastal Church, Southport, NC Rev. Walt Shepard Prayer One of our big families is moving in August. They are the second contact family to move to Leland, up the road a ways. For the contacts and family units who may be really looking for depth, as well as evangelism contacts. We have been busy "making friends" and practicing "knife and fork evangelism" in our home. Val will be leaving for England to help with the birthing of our third grandchild July 23, after she speaks in Mobile, AL. Praise

We had Communion this Sunday in the living room, and then I went on to preach at Emmanuel in Wilmington. Please pray for our connection with that "partnering church." One of their elders has consented graciously to be part of the Provisional Session for Christ Coastal. Christ Church ARP, Denver, NC Rev. Morrie and Lori Lawing Pray For more visitors. Christ Church ARP, Southern Pines, NC Rev. Don and Becky Jordan Thank you for your prayers about our attendance. Keep praying, it is improving! Pray For seven new believers who made a profession of faith last night in the evening service. DaySpring Presbyterian, Mocksville, NC Rev. David and Sandra Olah, Supply Pray For the gathering of new people into the relocated ministry in Mocksville. Faith Chapel ARP, Pleasant Garden, NC Rev. Terry and Mary Crahen Pray For faithful attendance during the summer months and for new visitors. Freedom Bridge Mission, Wagram, NC Rev. Don and Becky Jordan Pray For our seminary extension program at the Freedom Bridge mission. Pray for special services at the end of this week. Gary McKenzie will be speaking on "One nation under God." Grace Community Church, Lucama, NC Rev. Randy and Sally Jenkins Please pray For plans to erect a building on our property. For new visitors to frequent our services. Grace Hill Church, Hillsborough, NC Rev. Ross Durham Pray

That many in the community will find the church and become a part of our congregation. Good Shepherd Community Church, Indian Trail, NC Rev. Walt and Annie DeHart Pray For continued outreach into the community and for new families to visit. Hope Chapel ARP Church, Greensboro, NC Rev. Todd Jones, Praise God God continues to add to our numbers and we are grateful to see so many new visitors in recent weeks. For 3 college interns who are here until July 31. Pray That God brings new people each week to worship with us. For our church as we do a week long missions project right here in Greensboro July 18-24. For wisdom as we begin the budget process and pray that God would provide the necessary funds for us to continue to do the ministry that God has called us to. Leith, Scotland Rev. Athole Rennie American contact Dr. John Carson Prayer For Laura and Andrew, one of the couples on our core group, as they prepare to get married on July 30. For the developing relationships with non-Christians in the area that there would be increased opportunity to share the Gospel. For upcoming meetings with potential core group members. Northside Presbyterian Church, Greensboro, NC (exploratory) Rev. Paul and Jo Traub Pray For attendance to hold up during the summer and for new contacts to be made in the neighborhoods around the church. Pinecrest Hispanic Mission, Hendersonville, NC Pray Pray for continued outreach into the Hispanic community in Flat Rock and Hendersonville. That many from the Hispanic Community will be drawn into our congregation. Rodam Korean ARP Church, Pineville, NC Rev. Eun Joo and Kim Young Yup Kim

Pray For contacts with new families. Tapestry ARP Church, Charlotte, NC Rev. Jarvis Ross Pray That we will continue to draw new people into the church and reach the neighborhood around us. Triangle Onnuri Korean ARP Church, Raleigh, NC Rev. Abraham and Sungmi Ji Give thanks For 2 new families who have joined our church. For the support being given by First presbytery. Pray That our outreach to other Korean families will result in others uniting with our church.

Florida Presbytery Tampa Chinese Presbyterian Church, Tampa, FL Rev. Jeff and Hsin Hsiu Liu Christ Community, Apollo Beach, FL Rev. Charlie and Coco Lewis Pray For our Backyard Bible Club Ministry to kids this summer. For continued grow and develop as a church this summer. For small group leaders to emerge and receive training this summer to lead small groups in the fall. For God to use the current Stewardship series to grow His people in the giving of their time, talent and treasures to the work of the Lord. For Charlie Lewis' family and his daughter Emma who is undergoing an intense phase of chemotherapy for Leukemia. SonLife Church, Jacksonville, FL Rev. Bob and Dail Hovey Praises For Beach Baptisms (middle school youth). For six new members. For a successful mission to Damye, Haiti. For ministering to Mayo Clinic patients/family staying at the Wingate (where we meet). Prayer

For involvement with a crisis pregnancy agency here. For ministry opportunities for our LifeGroups. For healing and strength for Dail (my wife) with breast cancer. The next step is chemo.

Mississippi Valley Presbytery Havana ARP Church, Havana, AR Rev. Moises and Cindy Chan Praise Mr. Robert Dickson (elder) is home doing a little better and working on his appetite after surgery. We will participate in the Fourth of July community service in Havana. All the evangelical churches in two communities (Belleville and Havana) come together. We will have our worship service and join the community service. This is a good opportunity to be known in the two communities. Our church is bringing the message this year. Prayer For Mrs. Anna Bennette (music leader in our church) as her husband Bill Bennet who had head injuries, passed away. Cindy's prayer requests: “Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men! For He satisfies the longing soul, and fills the hungry soul with goodness.” Dear Ones in Christ, I told Moises I wanted to share a little this time too in the prayer letter. The Lord has been good. I now have a full time job at a local hospital in the dietary department. Pray with me that I will shine the Lord to others around me so that they will be thirsty for Him. Pray for boldness to speak when it is time to speak. Also I am preparing for our first VBS here at Havana ARP Church. Pray for the Lord’s wisdom and strength as I prepare for the lessons. We will not have a full week but just a few days for this first time. We have help coming from the Pottsville church and am looking forward to the time. The dates for the VBS will be Aug. 1, 2 and 4. Pray for the ones to come to the VBS that the Lord would prepare their hearts. Also pray for our hearts as we prepare to lead the VBS so that the seed will be planted in the hearts of those who come. I love the scripture which states in Isaiah 55: 11 “So shall my word be that goes forth from

my mouth; It shall not return to me void, But it shall accomplish what I please and it shall prosper in that thing for which I sent it.� If any of you want to contact me directly by email my email is Thank you for being a vital part of this ministry thru your prayers to our faithful Lord.

Murray, KY (exploratory)

Northeast Presbytery Christ Presbyterian Church, Grove City, PA Rev. Dr. Iain and Barbara Duguid Thanksgiving For safe travels and blessing on a recent teaching trip to Baldaues Theological College in Sri Lanka. I was able to teach two groups of students and pastors in different locations, and to be encouraged by the faith of our brothers and sisters there. For the opportunity to share the ministry of the church with the community during the Grove City "Strawberry Days" festival. Prayer For wisdom and skill in mentoring young men who aspire to leadership. For various leadership changes that will take place this summer. For more community families to become involved in the work. For the core group to bond together richly over the summer. Communion Presbyterian Church, Irvine, CA Rev. Kent and Stephanie Moorlach Praise For a new Provisional Elder installed on site. For recent visitors, some who are very interested in our church. For some who are taking over important duties of administration. For more babies on the way. Pray For the summer months that take families away on vacation- pray for safety and rest. For some dear members with chronic pain seeking God’s mercy and healing. For one of our newer families deciding to move out of Orange County. For summer programs, ministry, and outreach opportunities. For one of our members traveling to France to speak at a medical conference. Global Vision ARP Church, Flushing, NY Rev. Peter Tae Mun and Hong Eun Lee

Good News Community Church, Gilbert, AZ Rev. Clyde and Ann Reed Praise A Reformed Baptist minister and his family have been worshipping with us the last couple years. He was a hospital administration when they came, but was trying to get back into ministry. Sunday night he received a call to a church in Globe, AZ - our loss, but a tremendous gain for them. A lady from the development where our daughter sells has been coming regularly since she started over a month ago. What an encouragement! Pray Sodik, our refugee, still needs a job. Catholic Charities stop paying his rent the end of June. Our folks had given moneys for their use before they came, but it will go fast. Greater commitment to faithful attendance by a number in our congregation. Our offer on the first property, near a dairy farm on a main road, has been accepted, but we much prefer the second property which is beside a new development on a less busy road and needs fewer repairs, but they rejected our bid and came back with one above our means unless we get additional funds. Pray for wisdom and God's continued leading as we pursue His will. Iranian Christian Church of Washington, D.C. Mr. Javad and Nazy Pishghadamian Tri-State Community Church, WV Rev. Rick and Tammy Anderson Pray We have been doing a lot of street evangelism and through this have made numerous contacts. As we follow up on these contacts many of them go cold. We ask that God would shed His grace upon these folks and those who we will reach in the future and that He will call these precious souls to Himself. Secondly, that these folks would become part of what God is doing here at Tri-State. Our June attendance has been very low. We ask that God would stir the hearts of those whom we have been ministering and call them to a deeper commitment. We intend to go to a large flea market in our area which attracts thousands of people from all over the region. We intend to share the Gospel with all who will listen to us. We ask that you would call on God to go before us with His Spirit and give the increase.

Pacific Presbytery Fullness of Joy, La Crescenta, CA Rev. James Baek The Future Vision Presbyterian Church, Flushing, NY Rev. Jin Hwa Kim, PhD

Praise the Lord, Los Angeles, CA Rev. Suk Ho Jin Sharon Presbyterian Church, Tijuana Baja California, Mexico Rev. Pablo Song

Second Presbytery Clemson Korean Presbyterian Church Rev. Jae Park (intern) International Community Outreach Mission, Atlanta, GA Mr. Isaac and Lucy Gitundu (evangelist) New Days Church, Lilburn, GA Rev. Keun J. Ryu (supply) Travelers ARP Mission, Travelers Rest, SC Rev. Billy and Sissy Barron Thanks For God's faithfulness and blessings. The commitment of our church people. Prayer requests That we will see more of the contacts visit us at the church. Two Bible Clubs being held in July.

Tennessee-Alabama Presbytery Connections Presbyterian Church, Huntsville, AL Rev. Bob and Sally Illman Praise For a tired but committed core. Prayer For a job for Bob as he goes bi-vocational. For several broken families. For a place to meet with better visibility. Hanmaum ARP Korean, Madison, Alabama Rev. Soo Young Kim Riverside Presbyterian, Prattville, AL Greg and Courtney Duke, Intern

Virginia Presbytery Pray for opportunities to establish core groups and plant churches in our presbytery. We have been praying and asking the Lord where He would have us do a demographic study for the purpose of starting a new work, because we know that he knows where the hearts are ready to receive the Gospel.

Catawba Presbytery Iglesia Biblica Latinoamericana, Special Outreach Ministry of Catawba Presbytery, Columbia, SC Indian Land ARP, SC Providence Presbyterian Church, Mount Pleasant, SC

Rev. J. J. Diaz Rev. Gary Stiltner Rev. Richard Brown

First Presbytery African ARP Mission, Charlotte, NC Brookside Presbyterian Church, ARP, Boone, NC Centerpoint ARP Church, Winston-Salem, NC Christ Coastal Church, Southport, NC Christ Church ARP, Denver, NC Christ Church ARP, Southern Pines, NC DaySpring Presbyterian, Mocksville, NC Faith Chapel ARP, Pleasant Garden, NC Freedom Bridge Mission, Wagram, NC Grace Community Church, Lucama, NC Grace Hill Church, Hillsborough, NC Good Shepherd Community Church, Indian Trail, NC Hope Chapel ARP Church, Greensboro, NC Leith, Scotland Northside Presbyterian Church, Greensboro, NC (exploratory) Pinecrest Hispanic Mission, Hendersonville, NC Rodam Korean ARP Church, Pineville, NC Tapestry ARP Church, Charlotte, NC Triangle Onnuri Korean ARP Church, Raleigh, NC

Rev. Zachary Kariuki Rev. Larry Young Rev. Bob Wilson Rev. Walt Shepard Rev. Morrie Lawing Rev. Don Jordan Rev. David Olah (supply) Rev. Terry Crahen Rev. Don Jordan Rev. Randy Jenkins Rev. Ross Durham Rev. Walt DeHart Rev. Todd Jones Rev. Athole Rennie Rev. Paul Traub Rev. Juan Carlos Rev. Eun Joo Kim Rev. Jarvis Ross Rev. Abraham Ji

Florida Presbytery Tampa Chinese Presbyterian Church, Tampa, FL Christ Community, Apollo Beach, FL SonLife Church, Jacksonville, FL

Rev. Jeff Liu Rev. Charlie Lewis Rev. Bob Hovey

Mississippi Valley Presbytery Havana ARP Church, Havana, AR Murray, KY (exploratory)

Rev. Moises Chan

Northeast Presbytery Christ Presbyterian Church, Grove City, PA Communion Presbyterian Church, Irvine, CA

Rev. Dr. Iain Duguid Rev. Kent Moorlach

Global Vision ARP Church, Flushing, NY Good News Presbyterian Church, Gilbert, AZ Iranian Christian Church of Washington, D.C. Tri-State Community Church, WV

Dr. Peter Tae Mun Lee Rev. Clyde Reed Rev. Javad Pishghadamian Rev. Rick Anderson

Pacific Presbytery Fullness of Joy, La Crescenta, CA The Future Vision Presbyterian Church, Flushing, NY Praise the Lord, Los Angeles, CA Sharon Presbyterian, Tijuana Baja California, Mexico

Rev. James Baek Rev. Jin Hwa Kim, PhD Rev. Suk Ho Jin Rev. Pablo Song

Second Presbytery Clemson Korean Presbyterian Church International Community Outreach Mission, Atlanta, GA New Days Church, Lilburn, GA Travelers ARP, Travelers Rest, SC

Rev. Jae Park (intern) Mr. Isaac Gitundu (evangelist) Rev. Keun J. Ryu (supply) Rev. Billy Barron

Tennessee/Alabama Presbytery Connections Presbyterian Church Hanmaum ARP Korean, Madison, AL Riverside Presbyterian Prattville, AL

Rev. Bob Illman Rev. Soo Young Kim Greg Duke (intern)

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