6 Facts about Social Media Marketing You Must Know
As we know that social media itself is a catching term for sites that may provide different social actions. For example, Twitter is a social media site which is designed to let people share short messages or “updates” with others. While Facebook is a social networking site that allows for sharing updates, 1photos, even1ts and a variety of other activities. Nowadays social media has become the crucial part of digital communications strategies. As social media delivers measurable results in sales, leads, and branding. It also enables to reach a large number of people at a very low cost. The world of social media networks is dynamic and having constant changes. Here are some social media marketing facts that you need to know right now: Over 75% of the Internet users use social media: Social media sites used to be an essential component for the Internet, as it is also clear that these kinds of sites are now become as bread and butter of modern Web activity. They make up a sizable portion of all Web traffic. And moving forward, we’re also going to see even more
new social media sites. You can go also go though Essential Tools for Monitoring Social Media
It’s Not Magic: There is a weird misconception that with social media you have to just share few posts and your business will magically start rolling in. This often leads to frustration as brands know they need to be active on social media, but many can’t know how to crack the code to success. The truth is, crushing your business goals with social media as it takes time, strategy and budget. It’s Not Free: While social media marketing is the most cost effective way to get your content in front of a highly-targeted audience, but it’s not free, or even necessarily cheap. When thinking about the cost of social media, you also need to take time into consideration as how much time does it take to create a content? How much time does it take to publish and monitor content? How much time does it take to execute advertising promoting your content? It's the Future: Social media has forever changed the way we communicate and it isn't going away. If considering the amount of usage and impressions social sites got, they might as well be considered on the same level as major news network giants like FOX, NBC etc. YouTube is massive, but Facebook is still bigger: Everyone knows that Google is the most-visited website in the entire world, but no one knows that the YouTube came in second. As popular as it is, it’s still outranked by the Facebook. The survey on the web users found that 77% use Facebook, 63% use YouTube, 25% use LinkedIn, 24% use Google Plus, and other 21% use Twitter.
ďƒ˜ You Need to Re-Think About The Relationships: Social media marketers basically fall into two different categories i.e. idealists and realists. Idealist works for brands that need to build relationships directly with users on social media to have success marketing to them. Realists know that relationships are important, however no individual person turns to a brand for emotional support. So we need to re-think about the relationships when it comes to social media.
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