Antigua and Barbuda Inland Revenue Department ABST Reduced Rate Day Sales Information Please fill out the information below and submit this form to the Inland Revenue Department along with the ABST 003 return ST form for December 2012 on or before January 31 2013.
ABST Registration Number: Registered Name: Trade Name: Business Address: Contact Numbers: Reduces ABST Day Dates: Standard Rated 15% Sales (ABST Inclusive)
(1) ___________________________
Reduced Rate 5% Sales (ABST Inclusive)
(2) ___________________________
Accommodation and Restaurant 12.5% Sales (ABST Inclusive) (3) ___________________________ Zero Rated Sales
(4) ___________________________
Exempt Sales
(5) ___________________________
Total Sales (Add Lines 1+2+3+4+5)
(6) ___________________________
ABST Payable on Standard Rated Sales (Line 1 x 15/115)
(7) ___________________________
ABST Payable on 5% Rate Sales (Line 2 x 5/105)
(8) ___________________________
ABST Payable on 12% Rate Sales (Line 3 x 12.5/112.5)
(9) ___________________________
Total Output Tax Payable (Add Lines 7+8+9)
(10) __________________________
Declaration I hereby declare that the information given in this return is true, correct and complete in every respect and I further declare that I have legal authority to submit this return. IT IS A SERIOUS OFFENCE TO SUBMIT A FALSE RETURN. Name: _________________________ Signature _________________________
Position: _________________________ Date _________________________