Leap programme information

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BASIC INFORMATION The LEAP has been conceptualized by the Ministry of Finance, the Economy and Public Administration and, as an initiative, will attract young persons for targeted exposure to the operations of the public sector. Twice per year the Government will award 15 unemployed graduates, aged 18 to 25 years, of tertiary-learning institutions, a three-month attachment in the public sector where they will gain insight into how Government functions and be offered the platform to make meaningful recommendations for improvements in the delivery of public sector services. Ultimately, this Programme will be streamlined with the Public Sector Transformation plan in order to better support Government’s short, medium and long-term growth and development plans. The unemployed graduates aged 18 to 25 years will be invited to apply for the annual award in the area of Government of their choice. The assignment of awardees will be based on a process which will seek to match the articulated skills set needed by the line Ministries with the qualifications, skill sets and area of preference as specified by the awardee. The best and brightest awardees will ultimately have the opportunity to be employed in the public sector where they will be prepared for service and leadership through on-the-job and specialized training. OVERALL OBJECTIVES OF THE PROGRAMME The Government of Antigua & Barbuda firmly believes it has a responsibility to start training tomorrow’s leaders today. This Programme will begin to groom a cadre of service-oriented and hardworking young people who have excelled academically, demonstrated an affinity for service, and are passionate about participating in the development of the nation, to assume a leadership role in the public sector and contribute to nation building. The far-reaching objective of the Programme is the promotion of inter-Ministry cooperation and the promotion of team work within Ministries and Departments. The Government of Antigua & Barbuda will inherit long-term benefits from developing a cadre of young persons trained in the skill sets as required in the Ministries, Departments and by extension, the public sector.


Awardees will be assigned to specific Ministries or Departments throughout the three-month period of training, where they will receive instruction from a designated mentor, or person/s assigned by the Permanent Secretary for this purpose. The mentor will be an important part of LEAP in terms of how the awardees adapt to the physical and work environment of the Ministry. Awardees are expected to follow regular hours of the Ministry, except as specified by the Permanent Secretary. Mondays through Thursdays will be dedicated to scheduled work training within the Ministry. Fridays will be set aside for group training of awardees, collaborative work by awardees, the disseminating of information and assessment of awardees. GROUP TRAINING Every Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m., awardees will attend sessions conducted by resource persons specifically selected because of their knowledge and experience in civil service procedures. These persons will train the awardees in all aspects of Government. At the end of each month, they will set awardees a quiz on the material imparted. The results will be used as part of the final evaluation of the awardees. In order to further enhance the efficiency of the public service, every effort will be made to accommodate persons currently employed in the public service who will benefit from this type of training.

COLLABORATIVE WORK/GROUP PROJECT Following a short break, at 10:30 a.m. until 1 p.m., awardees will be put into groups of three and will be assigned a project to complete by the end of the attachment. Projects selected should be based on candidates’ area of interest or skill set and will be designed as simulation exercises to troubleshoot specific initiatives currently being executed as a public service. This particular aspect of LEAP is designed to enhance inter-Ministerial co-operation and collaboration and to explore ways of avoiding duplication of effort and by extension the reduction of wastage in the public service. Some areas of collaboration include:  Health and Social Transformation  Education and Labour  Social Services  Agriculture, Tourism and Culture Page 2 of 4

 Finance, Trade, Customs, ABIA and IRD  National Security – ONDCP, Police

PARTICIPATING MINISTRIES All Government Ministries and Departments are invited to participate in LEAP. Participating Ministries will be given the opportunity to identify areas and/or skill set of need, or otherwise identify targeted areas of exposure/training – skill set, knowledge, experience, exposure that will be focused on. PRIVATE SECTOR AND STATUTORY BODIES The participation of the private sector and statutory bodies in the Programme is also encouraged. BENEFITS OF THE PROGRAMME Twice annually, fifteen persons will be selected at the end of the application process to undergo training in the participating Ministries. Each awardee will be guaranteed a stipend of $1,500 per month, and an award of $5,000 at the successful completion of the three-month training period. All awardees will be evaluated and the top three will be named based on a selection process. These three awardees will be offered employment in the Government Civil Service, while the remaining awardees will be offered positions only if available, and will be free to seek employment elsewhere in Antigua & Barbuda. The Programme will be conducted twice annually following the same format.

APPLICATION PROCESS FOR PROGRAMME The Application Form is available electronically on the Government website at www.ab.gov.ag. Applicants are asked to fill out the form completely and submit to either of the two e-mail addresses given on the form. Applicants short-listed will be invited to an interview with a panel of judges which will determine their suitability for awards. DURATION OF PROGRAMME The programme will be executed in two phases, twice annually – January to March and June to August. . EVALUATION OF AWARDEES Page 3 of 4

The evaluation team will agree beforehand the standards required at evaluation. Awardees are expected to perform well at their evaluation. The criteria for achieving the award will be: 1. A written evaluation of awardees completed by the mentors, which will be approved and submitted by the Permanent Secretary to the Coordinator. 2. Monthly evaluation of awardees’ attendance and performance at the Friday sessions. 3. Successful completion of group project/collaborative work. 4. Written assessment of the training programme by the awardees. A point system for total evaluation will be determined in the early stages. This will ensure objectivity in selecting the recipients of the $5,000 award, and the top three performers who will be offered employment. Queries can be directed to 764-5890. PLEASE NOTE THAT INITIALLY THE LEAP IS DIRECTED ONLY TO GRADUATES OF TERTIARY INSTITUTIONS

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