WIFi Acceptable Use Policies

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Techn nology fo or Educaation 20//20

A compon nent of the Con nnect Antigua and Barbuda I nitiative in con njunction with LIME

Wii‐Fi Inttern nett Acce A eptaablee U Usagge Policcy

Techn nology fo or Educaation 20//20 A compon nent of the Con nnect Antigua and Barbuda I nitiative in con njunction with LIME

ACC EPTABLE U USE POLICYY FOR THE WIRELESSS NETWOR K Misusse of your Wi‐‐Fi network connection will lead to the witthdrawal of yoour wireless co onnection, and d may have con nsequences fo or otherr forms of acce ess to the netw work. The G Government of Antigua and Barbuda has provided this wireless netw work principallyy for the use o of staff and sttudents to help achieeve the schoolss’ educational o objectives. The G Government off Antigua and B Barbuda encou urages personaal (non‐academ mic related) use of this netwo ork service to enable persons to deevelop skills that will benefitt themselves p personally and professionallyy. However, so ome restriction ns have been iimposed in the ways in which the n network may be used.

ACR RONYMS TE20//20 – Technolo ogy for Educatiion 20/20 CABI – Connect Anttigua and Barbuda Initiative DNS –– Domain Nam me System DHCP P ‐ Dynamic Ho ost Configuratio on Protocol


The Internet access is prrovided as partt of the Technology for Educcation 20/20 –– a componentt of the Conneect Antigua and d nitiative in conjunction with h LIME Antigu ua Ltd. ‐ for sstudents and sstaff to explore educational and research Barbuda In materials rrelated to theirr course work. b b) Your usage e of this netw work is regulatted by the relevant laws o f Antigua and d Barbuda, and d it is your reesponsibility to o familiarize yourself with those laws. cc) The full LIM ME Acceptable e Use Policy applies to all use ers of Internet facilities proviided under Tecchnology for Ed ducation 20/20 0 (TE20/20) ‐ http://www.ttime4lime.com m/ag/legal/aup p.jsp d d) Use of the Internet unde er the TE20/20 initiative is pro ovided for thosse who agree tto act in a resp ponsible way. ee) Internet usse is monitored d and filtered b by LIME.


Techn nology fo or Educaation 20//20 

A compon nent of the Con nnect Antigua and Barbuda I nitiative in con njunction with LIME Note tthat everythingg that is done u using the school Wi‐Fi netwoork is automatiically recorded d and stored. These records (of we ebsites visited, files transferre ed, e‐mails sen nt, etc.) are nott actively monitored, but if aany misuse is su uspected, they y may b be examined to o determine exxactly what anyy individual waas using the nettwork for at an ny given time.

2 2. NETWO RK ETIQUE TTE Each student is exp pected to abide e by the generrally accepted rules of user eetiquette. Theese rules includ de, but are nott limited to the wing: follow aa)

Be polite. Never send o or encourage o others to send abusive mess ages. Use app propriate language. Note th hat whatever is ent, or received d on an isolated terminal hass the potential to be viewed gglobally. written, se b b) Use e‐mail appropriatelyy; do not send spam or chain letters. E‐maiil is not guaran nteed to be priivate. Messagees relating to o or in support of illegal activvities or inapprropriate activitties, as pertainning to this Accceptable Usagee Policy, must be reported to o the Princip pal, teacher/supervisor or sysstems administtrator.

3 3. PROHIB ITED INTER RNET USAG GE In parrticular, you M MUST NOT use tthe network to o: aa)

Send or otherwise make available to otthers any mate erial that is offfensive, obscen ne or indecentt, or infringes the copyright o of another pe erson (for exam mple, MP3 or o other audio or video formats ). b b) Make available by any m means (web se erver, FTP servver or file‐sharring software) any material unless you aree the copyrigh ht holder of tthat material, or have a licen nse to make that material a vailable, or the material hass been expresssly put into the public dom main and you caan demonstratte this. cc) Cause annoyance, inconvvenience or an nxiety to others. For examplee, abusive or offensive e‐mails, access or atttempts to gain access to ccomputer syste ems, data or re esources to wh hich you are noot authorized. d d) Provide ne etwork service es, such as DNS, DHCP, or other such servvices that mayy interfere witth the normal running of the network. ee) Provide access to other u users, for exam mple, by connecting a hub or modem to a W Wi‐Fi networkeed PC. ff) Access nettwork servicess in such a waay as to denyy reasonable aaccess to the network for o other users, fo or example, by excessive u use of networkk bandwidth. TThis could include the use of ppersonal web o or FTP servers,, or file‐sharingg software. gg) Engage in network vand dalism. Vandaalism is defined as any maliccious attempt to harm or d destroy properrty of the userr, another usser or of any other agencies or networkss that are connnected to the network or the Internet. V Vandalism also o includes, but b is not limitted to: abusivve overloading of data on thhe server, or tthe uploading,, downloadingg or creation of o computer viruses. Any e engagement in network vand dalism constituutes unacceptaable use and w will subject the user to serious disciplinaryy action.


Techn nology fo or Educaation 20//20 A compon nent of the Con nnect Antigua and Barbuda I nitiative in con njunction with LIME NOTEE: 

mission or inte entional receip pt of any inap ppropriate matterial or mateerial in violatio on of law is prrohibited. This Transm includes, but is not limited to: co opyrighted maaterial; threateening or obsceene material; material protected by trade or political lob bbying, crimina al secretts; commerciall activities by for‐profit insttitutions; use oof product advertisement o activitties or terrorist acts; sexism m or sexual harassment; h ppornography; gambling; illegal solicitation n; racism; and d inapprropriate languaage.

Sellingg access to thiss network is strrictly prohibite ed.

4 4. PRIVACYY Do no ot reveal perso onal informatio on, such as ho ome address, p phone numberrs, passwords, credit card nu umbers, etc.; this also applies to oth hers’ personal information or that of organ nizations.

5 5. SERVICEE DISCLAIM MER The G Government off Antigua and B Barbuda and LIIME makes no warranties of any kind, wheether expressed d or implied, fo or the service iit is pro oviding. Neithe er party will be b responsible e for any damages the userr may suffer w while on this ssystem. These damages may includ de, but are nott limited to:  

loss off data as a resu ult of delays, non‐ o or mis‐ deliveries, or service interruptions ccaused by the ssystem or by sttudent error or omission.

Use o of any information obtained via the inform mation system is at the user’ss own risk. Thee Governmentt of Antigua an nd Barbuda and d LIME specifically de eny any responsibility for the accuracy of information obttained throughh electronic info ormation resources. Misusse of the netw work facilities in ncluding, but n not limited to, those listed a bove will resu ult in serious disciplinary action. Misuse will resultt in the immed diate terminatiion of your nettwork access. It may also ressult in disciplin nary action beiing taken by th he Governmen nt of Antigua and Barb buda. IT serrvices staff ove ersee the netw work facilities. U Under exceptio onal circumsta nces, such as ssuspected misu use, the IT servvices personne el may be authorized d to inspect a particular com mputer on site e (including thhe data and seervices runnin ng on it). In ssuch cases, the registtered user will be required to o co‐operate w with the inspecttion, e.g., by p roviding any p passwords requ uired. You sshould also be e aware of the e possible security risks asso ociated with cconnecting your computer tto a network. It is your own respo onsibility to ke eep your comp puter free from m malicious co ode (i.e. virusees, etc.) and ssecure it again nst unauthorizzed access, i.e., hackeers. You are sttrongly advised to take preccautions such as installing uup‐to‐date antti‐virus software and applyin ng any security patch hes issued by your operating system provider.


Techn nology fo or Educaation 20//20 A compon nent of the Con nnect Antigua and Barbuda I nitiative in con njunction with LIME This sservice is provided on an “ass is” and “as available” basiss. The Governm ment of Antigu ua and Barbud da and LIME an nd its affiliatess, officeers, employeess, agents, suppliers, sponsorss or other partn ners, makes noo warranty of aany kind, writtten or oral, staatutory, express or implied, including any warrantyy of merchantaability, infringe ement, or fitneess for a particu ular purpose. No ad dvice or inform mation given b by the Governm ment of Antigu ua and Barbudda or LIME and d its affiliates,, officers, emp ployees, agentss, supplliers, sponsors or other partn ners of the Tecchnology for Education 20/220 Wi‐Fi Service shall create a warranty. Th he Governmen nt of An ntigua and Barb buda and LIMEE and its affiliattes, officers, em mployees, ageents, suppliers, sponsors or o other partners do not warran nt pted, error‐free e, or free of virruses or other harmful comp ponents. that tthe service willl be uninterrup

6 6. REVISIO ONS TO THEE ACCEPTAB BLE USAGEE POLICY The G Government off Antigua and B Barbuda reservves the right to o revise, amen d, or modify th his Policy, otheer policies and agreements a at any time and in an ny manner. No otice of any revision, amend dment, or moddification will b be posted in aaccordance witth the Interne et Servicce.

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