Antique DOLL Collector August 2010 Vol. 13, No. 7
August 2010 Vol. 13, No. 7 $595 / $695 Canada
Prices Realized by Theriault’s at Recent Auction
French Bisque Bébé Bru, Size 1
Character Doll & Bébé Pair by Jumeau
Googly, 319, by Heubach Koppelsdorf
Character, 107, "Karl", by K*R
Jumeau, First Epoch, Known as Portrait Model
Asian Bru Bébé with Exquisite Complexion
Automaton "Lady at the Harp" by Vichy
Bébé A.T., Size 5, by Andre Thuillier
Simon & Halbig, 1308, Orig Tyrolean Costume
the dollmasters P O B o x 1 51 • A n n a p o l i s , M a r y l a n d 2 14 0 4 U S A • T e l e p h o n e 4 1 0 - 2 2 4 - 3 6 5 5 F a x 4 1 0 - 2 2 4 - 2 51 5 • w w w . t h e r i a u l t s . c o m
Joyce and Vincent Lanza
e Visit M Come Dolls!! y and M nvention Co UFDC -23, 2010 July 18 , Illinois o Chicag egency Hyatt R
Visit my website: 1. - 2. 16" Rare Figure C Bourgoin Steiner, velvety pale bisque, bl. p/w eyes, early mauve blush under brows, orig. mohair wig, stunning ornate Fr. ant. silk & lace dress, orig. undies, ant. socks & marked Fr. leather boots, early "signed" Steiner body w/Cadeus mark & early st. wrists. Rare early doll. fully "signed" head, 2 rows of teeth. She is OUTSTANDING!!! A real knock out!! $9500. 3. 12" Kestner #143 Character, bl. sl. eyes, perfect bisque, 2 upper teeth, orig. mohair wig, orig. Kestner plaster pate, wears orig. darling plaid jumper, adorable matching cap w/tassle, orig. socks, undies & shoes, orig. Kestner body. Her clothing is so cute, the only thing cuter is her face!!! The whole package is absolutely ADORABLE!!! ONLY… $1475. 4. 13" JDK #237 "Hilda" Toddler, bl. sl. eyes, 2 upper sq. cut teeth, perfect bisque, orig. mohair wig & Kestner plaster pate intact , fabulous vintage cotton batiste dress, old undies, orig. pink leather shoes & socks. On her orig. Kestner fully jointed toddler body, fully marked JDK #237 bisque head & is incised "Hilda". Darling character in an adorable cabinet size. Reduced price of only… $3100. 5. - 6. 21" F. G. Block Letter Bebe, amber almond shaped p/w eyes, mint pale bisque, Fr. HH wig. gorgeous ant. Fr. ornate burgundy silk/satin 2 piece dress, orig. undies, socks & ant. shoes. on early orig. chunky 8 ball jointed st. wrist FG body. Has the desirable Bru type molded tongue tip. Spectacular face with great chubby cheeks!! She is AMAZING!!!! Only… $8975. 7. 15" K * R 122 Toddler, bl. sl. eyes, mint bisque. deep dimples, orig. mohair wig & pate, wears darling vintage cotton dress & old undies. On her orig. K * R fully jointed chunky toddler body. GREAT face having the desired dimples, 2 upper teeth & darling wobble tongue. ABSOLUTELY PRECIOUS toddler character!!! Only… $1495. 8. - 9. 5 1/2' Kestner #112 ALL BISQUE Googlie Fully Jointed Toddler, br. sl. eyes, perfect bisque overall, rare swivel neck, jointed elbows & jointed knees, orig. long mohair wig & pate, several GREAT orig. dresses & her orig. trunk in which she fits into. Darling big watermelon mouth! She is a very rare & is absolutely ADORABLE!!! $5200. 10. 10 1/2" S & H #949 Pouty, cl/mo. bl. p/w eyes, gorgeous dewy bisque, early closed dome. newer mohair wig, darling ant. lace dress, & great ant. Fr. hat, on orig. early Belton-type S & H st. wrist body. Darling pouty, rare in this great teeny cabinet size. STUNNING!!! $3150. 11. 23 1/2"" Steiner Fire A #17, mint pale bisque, amazing light bl. p/w eyes, ant. mohair wig & orig. pate, wears orig. silk dress, ant. Fr. hat, orig. "marked" Steiner shoes & socks, early st. wrist orig. Steiner body w/Steiner label & delicately modeled fingers. One of the most beautiful Steiner Fire A's you will ever see with a wonderful soulful expression. Only… $6950. 12. 16" Pouty Kestner XI, immaculate pale bisque, light bl. almond shaped sl. eyes, orig. mohair wig & orig. Kestner plaster pate, orig. cotton batiste dress w/ant. silk quilted capelet, ant. lace ruffled bonnet, orig. undies & orig. leather shoes, orig. early Kestner body w/ early st. wrists, desirable big upper balls at thighs & balls at shoulders. Amazing modeling, chubby face, double chin & the most elegant delicately painted full lips. OUTSTANDING pouty!!! $5800. 13. - 14. 13" French Paris Bebe #4, mint pale bisque, expressive beautiful bl. p/w eyes. luscious lashes, orig. mohair wig & cork pate, fabulous ant. turquoise batiste & lace dress, orig. undies, ant. shoes & socks. Full Paris 11 Bebe red head stamp & on her orig. Paris Bebe body. Has the desirable Paris Bebe face and is absolutely STUNNING!!! Great cabinet size!! $6350.
We buy dolls and sell on consignment. 2137 Tomlinson Avenue Bronx, NY 10461 • 718-863-0373 email:
Member UFDC & NADDA • (Nat'l Antique Doll Dealers Assn.)
20” S&H 719 character child doll (in chair). An unusual and seldom found open mouth German character child, usually found on the Edison talking doll. This character is on a fully jointed composition body and dressed in antique clothing. $1500 14-1/2” 1st series Portrait Jumeau mkd 2/0 (doll with red shoes). A stunning example of the early Jumeau period, this French Bebe features pale bisque, amber eyes, an articulated wooden body, as well as a fine French style couture outfit. $13,500 21” early Jumeau Bebe mkd 10 over E.J. (doll in back with being bonnet). Fine pale bisque and complimented by a Bebe outfit with marked size 10 Jumeau shoes. $12,500 7-1/2” Kestner all bisque with swivel head in all original as found condition! (Small doll in chair.) Small chip at hip on left leg but well hidden under
clothing. Brown glass sleep eyes with fine bisque. $2250. 20” Bru Jne 7 (doll in red) - the best of the best, this French Bebe has the look about her that is sought after by all serious collectors. Bisque head as well as shoulder plate are marked Bru Jne 7, flawless bisque, original clothing, and of course the molded tongue accent her facial features. Please call. 29” Extremelly Rare Papier Mache Flirty Eyed Boy in all original untouched condition. Seldom found this most unusual doll has no repairs or repaint and he appears to be wearing his original clothing. $4500 22” Dollstown Soph Elf - a resin BJD doll with face up, wig, clothing, and shoes created by Connie Lowe of MARBLED HALLS. $1450. For other BJD dolls, clothing, shoes, wigs, etc. please visit Connie`s webpage at:
Always Buying Quality Dolls & Toys or Entire Estates Sell With Confidence Buy with Confidence Member of UFDC Member of NADDA
Call Toll Free 1-888-JAY LOWE or (717) 396-9879 Email:
P.O. Box 5206 Lancaster, PA 17606 FAX 717-396-1114
Nelling, Inc.
P.O. Box 893985 Temecula, CA 92589-3985 Cell: 503-577-9815 Home: 951-308-1239 Fax: 951-308-1285 BUYING & SELLING QUALITY DOLLS FOR OVER 17 YEARS 1 - 2. Early Volland Raggedy Ann (15 1/2"), w/ rare "single lash" or lone dots underneath her eyes. Except for not having her orig. brn. yarn hair (replaced hair not permanently attached in order to preserve originality), this one is in superb condition, minimally discolored cloth body from head to toe, floral cotton dress, white pinafore with matching bloomers... all hers from the beginning, but alas, someone has removed her wooden heart from her chest! She says she can still give and receive LOTS of love! $2000. 3 - 6. Three jointed wooden Grodnertal family members, circa 1820, and all dressed by the same hand in that time period. Each approx. 4" tall, (one has replaced legs) costumed in varying silk fashions, and stored in an early, circular wood box on a bed of straw, they are sure to find a place in your dollhouse, early setting, or in the arms of one of your early dolls. $1995.
Exhibiting: September 11 - Angel's Attic De-acquisition Sale, Santa Monica CA, Angel's Attic Museum
Visit us at: • NEW EMAIL:
Lofall’s Dolls
JUDY LOFALL Poulsbo, WA 98370 Member UFDC and NADDA • Buying Quality Dolls Home: 360.779.4926 (call 1st) Cel: 360.434.0331 Fax: 360.697.4405 E-mail: Visa • Master Card • Layaway
VISIT US: August 6-7, The Billings Hotel and Convention Center, 1223 Mullowney Lane, Billings, MT August 29, Red Lion Hotel, 11211 Main St, Bellevue, WA
published by the Office Staff: Publication and Advertising: Keith Kaonis Editor-in-Chief: Donna C. Kaonis Administration Manager: Lorraine Moricone Phone: 1-888-800-2588 Art/Production: Lisa Ambrose Graphic Designer: Marta Sivakoff Contributing Editor: Lynn Murray Sales Representative: Andy Ourant Circulation Director: Denise Kelly Subscription Manager: Jim Lance Marketing: Penguin Communications Publications Director: Eric Protter Antique Doll Collector (ISSN 1096-8474) is published monthly by the Puffin Co., LLC, 15 Hillside Place, Northport, NY 11768 Phone: 1-631-261-4100 Periodicals postage paid at Northport, NY. and at additional mailing offices. Contents ©2010 Antique Doll Collector, all rights reserved. Postmaster: Send address changes to Antique Doll Collector, P.O. Box 239, Northport, NY 11768. Subscriptions: Send to Antique Doll Collector, P. O. Box 239, Northport, NY 11768. Phone: 1-888-800-2588 or 1-631-261-4100 Subscription Rates: One Year (Twelve Issues) $42.95; Two Years (Twenty-four Issues) $75.95. First class delivery in US add $25 per year. Canada add $27 per year. Europe add $31 per year. Japan, Australia, New Zealand and Mexico add $33 per year. South America and Singapore add $36 per year. Bermuda and South Africa add $41 per year. Foreign subscriptions must be paid in U.S. funds. Do not send cash. Credit cards accepted. Advertising and Editorial: Call 717-517-9217 or email
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TWINS 10” tall looking pretty cute dressed in their regional costumes. The boy is marked 1079 and the girl is unmarked but definitely from the same mold. The all original twins have perfect bisque, feathered eyebrows, brown sleep eyes, pierced ears with wood and composition jointed bodies. Great little pair. $1250
Important: We need your old address and your new. The Post Office does not forward magazines. Call 1-888-800-2588 or write to us at: P.O. Box 239, Northport, NY 11768.
Carmel Doll Shop
Michael Canadas and David Robinson, P.O. Box 7198 Carmel, California 93921 • Email: • (831) 625-5360 Visa • MasterCard • American Express • We Welcome Layaway • Always Buying, Selling and Trading Fine Antique Dolls Members of UFDC & NADDA • Visit our website WWW.CARMELDOLLSHOP.COM for an abundant selection COME VISIT OUR SHOP ON LINCOLN STREET, BETWEEN FIFTH AND SIXTH, IN DOWNTOWN CARMEL
From Left to Right 1. 20” Bebe Bru Jeune 9 with a beautiful and perfect head and modeling that includes a dimpled chin, and a suggestion of a tongue. Her expressive deep blue paperweight eyes are highlighted by mauve shadow and fine lashes. The Chevrot body features a perfect shoulder plate with molded breasts, lower wooden legs and perfect bisque arms. Mlle. Bru wears a classic Bru-style dress in floral-printed light tan silk, with taupe silk stripe accents. Lovely under things and antique shoes complete her ensemble. A personality-filled Bebe Bru with a classic, yet very sweet look. $25,000. 2. 12-1/2” Bebe Bru, a Circle Dot model in a petite size 2. Features include a gorgeous bisque head, a perfect bisque shoulder plate with molded breasts, stunning pale blue paperweight eyes, an original ash blond mohair wig, and pierced ears. Her classic, Bru-patented body is gusseted leather with perfect bisque arms and she wears a fabulous couture costume of bright French blue silk with elegant ecru lace trim. A matching bonnet and leather Bru shoes are a very nice bonus. $24,000. 3. 20-1/2” Joanny bebe, with a perfect bisque head that features lovely, characterlike modeling. Although unmarked, (some other models have been found marked J. J.) this doll is unmistakably from the Joseph Louis Joanny line of dolls. Additional features include blue paperweight eyes, mauve shadow, pierced ears and a pretty antique blonde mohair wig. On a jointed composition body with a very nice paint finish, Mlle. Joanny wears a classically styled bebe ensemble of gorgeous cream wool. $7500.
4. 29” Bebe Jumeau – a size 14 Long Face, or Triste model with exquisite modeling that will make an advanced collector very happy, indeed. One of the most expressive and just plain beautiful dolls of this type we have offered, details include luminous perfect bisque, gorgeous painting, intense blue paperweight eyes highlighted by abundant mauve shadow, pierced ears, a rich brown, human hair wig, and her straight-wrist body is in very good condition. Her dress is stunning, and features wonderful silk rope edging and appliqué. A magnificent matching chapeau perfectly frames her lovely face. $28,500. 5. 13-1/2” Bebe Bru, a truly gorgeous Brevete model with a perfect bisque head and shoulder plate, pale blue paperweight eyes with spiral threading and mauve shadow, pierced ears and a darling curly lamb wig. On a Bru-patented leather body that is very clean, it even retains a partial paper label, and the bisque arms are perfect. The Bru-style ensemble is a sweet dream in cream net that features an ice blue silk braid and sash, plus a spectacular hat of ice blue plush and plumes. $19,500. 6. 26” Bru Jeune 12 with a perfect bisque head (and shoulder plate) that features gorgeous coloring, sensitive painting, and modeling that includes a definite tongue. Plus, note deep blue paperweight eyes with mauve shadow, pierced ears, and a gorgeous brunette extended-length mohair wig. On the Chevrot body with wooden lower legs and bisque arms, (good quality repair to fingers on both hands) the condition is good, showing some darkening of the leather. The outstanding Bru-style costume is of cream silk, with ice blue accents, plus a coordinating chapeau of fine straw, silk and lace. $28,900.
7. 11” Emile Douillet bebe marked E.1.D and made by the Jumeau firm. This cabinet-size example boasts amazing modeling and character for her small size. The bisque head does show an inherent, short, baking line at the crown in front, but this cannot be considered damage. Further details include blue paperweight eyes, pierced ears with the original earrings still in place, and the original blonde mohair wig. On a jointed composition body showing normal wear; Mlle. Douillet wears an original dress in pink polished cotton with silk and lace accents. $5995. 8. 19” hauntingly beautiful Bru Jeune 6. Highlights of this charmed bebe include gorgeous bisque and modeling that includes a prominent tongue. Plus, she has stunning blue paperweight eyes, pierced ears, and a fabulous blonde mohair wig. The Bru-patented body, in lovely condition, features a remnant of her paper label, plus perfect bisque arms and lower leather legs. Her pink chinasilk party dress is a confection, with its pleating and rows of cream silk ribbon trim. If one could have only a single Bebe Bru.... $32,000. 9. 20” (unmarked) Bebe Jumeau 8 from the SFBJ era. Details include a perfect head with smooth bisque and lovely coloring, deep brown paperweight eyes highlighted by lush full lashes and classic Jumeau brows, pierced ears, an open mouth with molded teeth, and a lovely antique human hair wig. On a composition body with the original finish in very good condition, Mlle. wears a fabulous couture ensemble in light tan brocade that is accented by floral satin that features areas of plush, while Bebe Jumeau shoes in her size complete the lovely package. $2450.
August 2010 • Volume 13, Number 7
by Samy Odin The company’s diverse and wide-ranging array of dolls earned them the title, The King of Dollmakers. The author presents Kestner favorites from the Puppenhausmuseum in Basel.
36 25
By Anna May Case A collector’s passion for early shell work began when she was a child. She shares her extraordinary, world-class collection of shell dolls with our readers.
About The Cover
Enjoying the sunshine on a glorious summer day are two Kestner dolls from the Puppenhausmuseum in Basel, the early character model 178 and her pig-tailed companion, mold 208. Samy Odin, a frequent visitor to the Puppenhausmuseum, showcases the variety of Kestners to be found there. Dolls courtesy Puppenhausmuseum, Basel.
Learning About American-Made Dolls
by Karen Sue Hopple with Dr. Gene Hattori The fascinating stories of two dolls residing in the Nevada State Museum.
We have heard from many of our readers about how much they loved Penny Hadfield’s article on All-Bisques. Unfortunately, although we listed her name in our contents page, we did not on the article itself! Watch for Part 2 by Penny in our September issue.
53 56 58 59
Emporium Auction Gallery Back Issues News
59 Do You Have A Mystery Doll? 60 Calendar 63 Classified
Telephone (212) 787-7279 • P.O. Box 1410 • NY, NY 10023 Quality Antique Dolls by Mail Return Privilege • Layaways Member UFDC and NADDA
1. 15” Sensuous “French Face” Belton – a richly beautiful Belton with luscious coloring, dewy bisque and languorous expression centered on huge PW’s with a steady gaze balanced by the sullen pout of her fully formed two tone lips. She has her original mint stiff wrist body and wears the picture perfect choice of summer styled silk taffeta couture. (see photo # 15). $1500. 2. We hope you’re having a relaxing summer! 3. 7” Rare “Black Stocking” All Bisque – over the knee stockings, closed mouth and round face; elegant slender hands, blue sleep eyes, owner original clothes. $2500 doll for just $1500. 10-1/2” Kestner 150 All Bisque – sensational big doll with an unusual and amazing face for all bisque with closed mouth, and a molded tongue and two molded teeth, sleep eyes, superb quality, mint antique wig and heirloom clothes. Choice, $1250. 4. Elegant Edwardian Parlour Toy – what a luxurious production it is as these musical jesters provide both the choreography and the music as they clap their symbols and drum the zither to a melodious tune in the finest of factory silk French costumes including hats! All this fancy fun as a cabinet size centerpiece just 7” deep! (see photo #7). $2200. 5. 17” Surprised Eye “Hanna Face” Character – what a dear with her heart shaped face and shoe button round eyes with the startled look, oily sheen bisque, sweet little mouth with two teeth, a adorable innocent pixie with pretty blue party dress and hip length hair! $795. 6. Rare All Bisques – please see #3 7. All Original Crank Toy – light and airy! See #4 8.-9. 15” Rare SFBJ 229 “Marchant” – spirited confidence dances in the jewel blue PW eyes of this very rare French character with his gleeful smile with dimples, fantastic walking body, original wig, elegant silk ensemble plus splendid factory clothes and shoes! Mais oui! $2500. 10.-11. 16” The Rare “Fany” Toddler – not only rare but also choice and exceptionally adorable is this finely modelled tender soul with pleading blue eyes, delicate mellow blush, closed pouty mouth, terrific original wig and charming “Buster Brown” belted ensemble – and he loves you! $6700. 12. 18” Glass Eye 8420 Heubach Pouty – a beautifully expressive model due in part, perhaps, to her ‘easy to see’ size featuring clearly formed lips in the classic pout as well as artful brows in multiple stokes with long lacey lashes surrounding her knowing eyes. What character! Minor concealed flaw makes her only $1495. 13. 12” Rare Gbr. Heubach Winker – one of those perfectly charming attic found dolls with quaint body and clothes, she has it all – including damages, so just $750. 9” Heubach Whistler – and it works! Perfect quality bisque too! $750. 14. 26” Elegant “Script Series” Kestner – the early pre 1900 beauty with flawless pure bisque, dramatic almond eyes, gently open mouth, mint signed body and gorgeous raw silk dress with abundant details. Sumptuous! $695. 15. Portrait of a Fashionable Belton – see # 1 16. 2” Factory Original “Simon Halbig” Flirty – and she’s mint too with glorious bisque, very active flirty eyes and very active quiver tongue; stunning artwork, deep dimples; luxurious pink multiruffled toddler dress with flounced hemline, bonnet and slippers! $750.
Nancy A. Smith Buying and selling quality antique dolls. Specializing in early cloth dolls. Member NADDA
Box 462, Natick Mass. 01760-0005 Phone: (508) 545-1424 E-Mail:
10 1/2" SH 1079. All original with Au Nain Bleu store label on torso. $2000.
WITHINGTON AUCTION, Inc. Presenting Dolls at Auction since 1959 DOLL AUCTION SCHEDULE 2010
August: 18-19-20; October: 20-21-22 & Year-End Party Holiday Inn - Nashua, NH - Exit 4 off Rt. 3 – 9 Northeastern Blvd. 2- Day Antique Doll Auction Plus Doll Show & Sale
DOLL SHOW & SALE - 3RD FLOOR HOTEL ROOMS: WEDNESDAY: 1:00 – 7:00 PM Network with other doll collectors - BUY & SELL!! For Info: Marcia – 603-478-3232 20 SPACES ONLY!! For Room Reservations Call Cindy at Holiday Inn – 603- 821-5516
Previews: Wed. & Thurs. Evenings: 7:30 – 9:30 & Thurs. & Fri. Morn.: 8 – 10 AM
AUGUST - A SAMPLING: Steiner, SFBJ, Mignonnettes, GERMAN Characters: K*R: #101 Glass-Eyed Marie, #117N Flirty-eyed Twins, #114 - Gretchen; AM Oriental Baby, Mulatto Child Doll, American School Boy, Just Me (original box); CM Bergman #612; S & H 1329 Oriental Bisque, Lg. Baby Lori; S & H Oriental, COD, Heubach, Kestner, Googlies; CHINAS & PARIANS: Slit-Head China, Half-Dolls; Swivel-neck Parian, Bisque; Bye-lo, Franz Schmidt; Squeeze Toys: Violin Player, Clown; English Slit-head Wax, Poured Wax Crèche Child; Steiff dolls & bears; Chases, Lenci; MODERN: Mme. Alexander; VOGUE GINNIES, , Schoenhuts, Compos, Hard Plastics, Celluloid, Cloth; Irma Park; Peggy Nesbitt, OTHER INTERESTING THINGS: Unusual Marklin Carriage, Vintage Clothing - Exceptional Fan Collection, Antique Doll’s clothing, Baby whites; Victorian Crazy Quilts, Chinese Silk Embroidery, Books & Ephemera, etc. PLUS - MORE TREASURES FROM THE MAGIC CLOSET: PERIOD MINIATURES - DOLL HOUSE - Tea Sets, Biedermeier furniture, Tester Bed, Tables, Brass & Fr. Enamel chairs, Wire-work, “Gas light” & beaded Chandeliers, D/H Dolls - Soldiers, wood, all-bisque, tiny, etc.; Fr. Enamel & Brass shelves, Child’s Fr. Sedan chair; Doll’s Period, Flat-top Highboy, Kneeler, French Vitrine, 3/4 size CARVED ROSEWOOD BELTER CHAIR, doll’s clothes & hats, Textiles, Beadwork, purses, jewelry & much more!! PLUS 300 Meaty Box Lots of Doll Extras!
Sept. 11th (Sat.) Annual Toy & Doll Extra-vaganza the Dollhouse in Hillsborough
17 Atwood Road • Hillsborough, NH 03244 • 603-478-3232 If you are considering selling your doll collection, please call Marcia Leizure, Owner - NH Lic# 4028 • Dolores Smith - Doll Specialist E-mail: Web sight: Absentee Bids Accepted – No Sales Tax - Catalogs - $15. 13% Buyer’s Premium Discounted to 10% for Cash or Check
9 8
E&G Antiques
y We Bu Dolls
P. O. Box 296 1966 San Dimas, CA 91773 Phone (909) 599-2723 • Fax (909) 599-4355 Please visit my website:
$100 off your next purchase of $500 or more on select items one coupon per item
1. 14" Milliners Model - She is a nice cabinet size doll in very good condition. $1450 2. Wonderful antique bear on iron wheels 9" by 6". He is a nice item to display with dolls. $1250 3. 7 1/2" marked S.&C little cutie. $285 4. 20" A.M. #400 - This is an adorable character doll in excellent condition. She has her original teen age body & is beautifully costumed. $2850 5. 17" S. & H. #908 - She is an exceptional early doll with rarely found mold # 908. This doll is completely original & comes with camel back trunk & many clothes & accesorys. She is a real treasure for the collector who has everything. $5800 6. 17" J.D.K. #243 Oriental - He is a spectacular doll costumed in a wonderful outfit. This doll is seldom found in this large size. He is in excellent condition. $5600 7. 17" Wax Doll - She is a lovely girl, all original & in excellent condition. $1150 8. 7" Dionne Quintuplets - Set of 5 Alexander Quintuplets in excellent condition with original clothes. $1550 9. 13" K * R #115 A - She is a very pouty German child nicely dressed & in excellent condition. This doll has her original fully jointed toddler body. $3450 10. 18" Kamkins - He is a wonderful character boy in very good condition. $1450 11. 13" A.M. Googly - He is marked #324--#255. This adorable Googly is wearing his original clothes. He has a very impish face that is sure to make you smile. $1450 12. 7" All bisque - She is a beauty with long black stockings & adorable original clothes. $850 13. 15" S.& H. #1078 - These two lovely sisters are all original. One is a blond & the other a brunette. They are both in excellent condition. $1950 for the pair
Member UFDC, NADDA • Visa, Mastercard • 1 year Layaway Satifaction Guaranteed • Doll Stand and Shipping Included
KÄTHE KRUSE dolls from the collection of Laraine Freisberg.
A group of exceptional Käthe Kruse dolls in original clothing. We are always interested in buying single dolls or collections of similar quality: Käthe Kruse; Marion Kaulitz (Munich Art) and German Character. Call (859) 885-1833 or email
Mildred M. Mahoney Dollhouse Museum Auction Saturday August 14, 2010 10:00 AM Preview: 8:30 AM 657 Niagara Blvd., Fort Erie
Plato Auctions, in conjunction with Cottone Auctions of Geneseo NY is honoured to offer the world class collections of the Mildred M Mahoney Doll House Gallery. To be held on-site in the historic Bertie Hall. MUSEUM COLLECTIONS INCLUDE: An incredible collection of 100 rare and fabulous scale model Doll Houses and miniature rooms built from 1780 to 1980 with completely furnished and opulently decorated interiors; French 18th C. architectural form Bird Cage of wire, with 24 stained glass windows- 5’ tall; Rare Dental Cabinet in Federal Mansion form; Royal Hawaiian Family Palace scaled model; Store Front scaled models and Shadow Boxed Interiors; German & “Bliss” litho paper Buildings; Salesman’s Samples; Toys; Miniature Furniture, Doll House Furniture Sets and Decoratives; Large Reference Library; DIRECTIONS: From QEW Niagara, exit Gilmore Rd. east (Fort Erie) and follow to Niagara Blvd. Proceed north on Niagara Blvd. to site - 657 Niagara Blvd. Fort Erie TERMS: Cash, Cheques with I.D.,Visa & M/C-10% Buyers Premium
Antique, Estate & Fine Art Specialists St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada 905-937-1751
Dolls at Auction September 4, 2010 in Westampton, NJ
catalogue : $20
Sweetbriar P.O. Box 37, Earleville MD 21919 (410) 275-2094
Enjoy the beautiful coastal village of Camden, Maine located on the pristine Penobscot Bay. 49 Bay View Street, Camden, ME 04843 The shop is now open 7 days a week until Labor Day 10:00 - 4:00 and then Friday and Saturday until Christmas.
22” Bebe Triste Juneau $39,000.
Antique German stable - $2800. Tin penny toys 4” & 5” long $195. each
Old chalk dog 12” tall and 12” long $595.
12” AM 550 Nurse - all original - $1500.
Composition Skippy 14” tall - $950.
Antique German shop - $1250.
1 P.O. Box 283, New Concord, OH 43762 740-607-8157 •
Call or visit my website for additional dolls and more detailed descriptions.
4 1. 18” JULES STEINER BEBE - Solid dome bisque shoulder head with deep shoulder plate including shoulders, bisque hips, lower arms and legs, cloth sections between bisque parts, squeaker in mid section. Finger repairs well done; replaced cloth and probably stuffing inside cloth sections. Antique chemise only, to show off her beautiful bisque parts. A very early bebe, with smooth creamy bisque and lovely coloring and decoration. $4750 2. 16” GEBRUDER HEUBACH 9681 - Blue sleep eyes, open mouth with two upper teeth, deeply molded dimples, antique mohair wig, fully jointed wood and composition body. Outstanding antique dress trimmed with lace and ribbons, antique underclothing, socks and shoes, beribboned antique hat. Excellent condition. A rare mold number by Heubach, with a character face. She is absolutely darling! $1675 3. 10 ½” BLACK 1907 JUMEAU - Paperweight eyes, open mouth with four upper teeth, pierced ears, original curly black mohair wig, fully jointed brown wood and composition French body. Nicely redressed in clothing using mostly antique fabric, new underclothing, antique knit socks, black oilcloth shoes. Hands and lower legs repainted. A darling size 1 black bebe, with original wig, and dressed appealingly in colorful clothing. $1495 4. SUPER UV BLACK LIGHTS - An extraordinary black light that can be used in regular lighting!! No more crawling under tables or trying to find a dark area to black light a doll when at a show or an auction!! Fits in the palm of your hand or in your purse; uses three triple A batteries. To be used on the outside of a doll head to show cracks and hairlines; shows repaint on cloth and composition. PLEASE VISIT MY WEBSITE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. $49.95
We accept PayPal Call for details.
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7/13/10 4:47:56 PM
Kestner, the Prolific
by Samy Odin
ow can one possibly think of a doll maker whose production was wider than Kestner’s? This company, often referred to as the “King of Dollmakers”, has produced such a wide and diverse range of dolls that collectors can hardly keep up with collecting them all. Research has already gone deeply into the history of this German company, both in Germany and in the US. Collectors can easily refer to serious publications to guide their paths into their collecting experience with Kestner (see references). The purpose of this article is not to tell, once more, the history of this firm, nor to unveil unknown models, but simply to show how different, and complementary, collections can be, even when they focus on the production of a single doll maker. In this issue we will present several Kestner dolls presently featured in the permanent collection of the Puppenhausmuseum in Basel. It is interesting to realize that the majority of these dolls came from a private collection built during the 1970s and 1980s. Since then, several major acquisitions have been added since the museum’s opening in 2000. An advanced Kestner connoisseur might be able to recognize the company’s products even among the unmarked early dolls featured in this collection, made out of porcelain, parian or papier-mâché. Pictures of these early dolls are presently not available from the museum but for those who would enjoy a treasure hunt among its four playthings filled floors, there are chances that they would spot out some of the earliest dolls from this prestigious German doll factory. The focus of many generalist doll collections, built during those later decades of the 20th century, was the “dolly face” type. Kestner was masterful in this specific field, as one can notice strolling through the Swiss museum’s showcases. The variety of their classic Kestner dolls is quite impressive. Their comparative study is eased by their accumulation and brings certain points into evidence – such as the natural link between the closed mouth, fully articulated, dolls of the 1880s and their open mouth sisters of the following decades. It seems more apparent that the “look” of these early closed mouth dollies was kept and improved on the contemporary open mouth versions, as well as on their later sisters. Let’s focus, first, on the largest of the examples (right), a 36” blonde beauty sporting a flame red woolen and velvet dress. It only bears the size number 18 engraved high in the back of the neck. She has a closed mouth, slightly pouting, sleeping blue glass eyes, a spectacular blonde mohair wig and a plump articulated body with straight wrists. The visual appeal of this doll is quite typical of an opulent doll of the late 1880s, also seen on some other specimens in the museum’s collection.
This 36” Kestner’s only marking is the incised size number 18.
It is the case, for example, of the squared cheek doll (left) standing 26” and wearing a winter ensemble, completed with faux-fur white muff and matching collar and maroon velvet hat. This doll also has a closed mouth, sleeping blue eyes and early ball jointed body with straight wrists marked with the size number 15. The paleness of her complexion and her hieratic expression show off her superiority as a plaything. Like a French Jumeau or an equivalent Bru bébé of that era, a Kestner doll was intended, without the least hint of a doubt, for a wealthy audience. A sweeter face is seen on what seems to be the earliest bisque headed Kestner doll in the Basel collection (below, center). This 16” child has a very pale bisque head with round features, delicate make-up, full lips and almost liquid sleeping blue eyes. Simply dressed in a burgundy cotton long sleeved frock, she sports a fancier hat with matching brim and fluffy gaze decoration. The expression of these roundfaced dolls is quite similar to that seen on the shoulder-headed dolls assembled with cloth or leather bodies, one of which is also featured in the museum’s collection. Dating from the late 1880s, the cuter of this first series of closed mouth Kestner dolls stands only 10” and bears the mold number 128 (opposite right). What a lovely little doll she is! So perky in her printed cotton dress and red woolen coat, wearing the most exquisite blonde mohair braids and nice twotoned German oilcloth shoes. A desirable doll able to compete with any European bisque headed doll of the same period.
A closed mouth Kestner, 26 inches tall, shows off her pale bisque complexion.
This 16” lass with her round face and pale bisque is likely the earliest Kestner in the Puppenhausmuseum. 20
Right: A classic open mouth Kestner, mold 147, 14”, leather body and bisque forearms. Below: A 10” closed mouth Kestner, mold 128, is adorable with her long blonde braids.
As early as the 1890s, Kestner was producing “dolly face” dolls with an open mouth. They were certainly perceived as being more elaborate than their closed mouth sisters and, in fact, they were! Both kept on being produced for quite some time, until the closed mouths were discontinued, seemingly around the turn of the century. A classic open mouth girl of the late 19th century is shown here (above). It has a bisque shoulder head marked with mold number 147 and is assembled on a leather body with bisque forearms. Standing 14”, it perfectly represents the transition between a closed mouth dolly type, also sometimes assembled on such leather bodies, and a more “modern” open mouth plaything, also seen on a big sized 28” model, whose shoulder head is marked with the mold number 166 (top right). A combination of traditional and innovative characteristics, these leather bodied dolls were produced by Kestner until the beginning of the 20th century and usually cost less than their fully articulated sisters.
This large, 28” model, mold number 166, also has a leather body, used by Kestner until the beginning of the 20th century.
Another example of a Kestner with the earlier leather body.
The array of “dolly face” fully articulated Kestner dolls presently displayed in Basel is overwhelming. Among the mold numbers featured in this series, one can mention mold 152 (below) a 19” girl wearing an exquisite red dress with matching bonnet and shoes, model 155 (below) a tiny 11” sweetie freshly dressed in pink and lace with matching hat, #164 represented by several models in big sizes from 24” to 33” all dressed in appropriate period clothing, mold 189 (below) a little 12” beauty hidden in the far back of a showcase on the 4th floor, and mold 214 (bottom right) a 30” tall boy wearing a mariner suit, also shown on the 4th floor in a lively conversation with a gigantic teddy bear wearing a British Bobby uniform. So-called dolly face dolls with articulated bodies are fully represented in Basel’s Puppenhausmuseum. Although today, collectors desire the closed mouth dolls, their open mouth sisters were, at the time, perceived as being more elaborate.
Kestner 152, 19 inches.
One of several examples of Kestner’s 164 model to be found in the Puppenmuseum.
Model 189.
Model 155, 11 inches. Model 214. 22
A brown skinned Kestner with a ball jointed body is simply marked “Made in Germany. “
Some “dolly face” dolls also came with a black or mulatto complexion, like the handsome and elegant boy displayed on the 2nd floor (left). It is simply marked “Made in Germany” with no mold number and wears a nice mariner blue velvet mariner costume with very proper straw hat. The same face was also used for a Caucasian doll, articulated with the same type of ball-jointed body, sometimes bearing the Excelsior stamp. This particular model seems to date from the turn of the century. Character dolls and babies are also well represented in this Swiss collection. Following their mold number sequence, one can first notice model 178 (center). It is a charming 11”’ shy girl doll, wearing a very German blonde mohair wig tied in macaroons over her ears, and a sky blue apron trimmed with lace over a simple white home dress. This sought-after character is believed to be the first of the series promoted by Kestner as soon as 1909, in direct competition with those by Kämmer & Reinhardt and Heubach. Another interesting character doll bears the mold number 208 (below). It also stands 11” and shows that worried expression reminding some of the molds by Heubach Gebrüder. Enhanced by a Swiss dotted apron cut from deep blue cotton, this rare doll is displayed on the 2nd floor together with a collection of kitchen related playthings.
11” Kestner character, mold 208.
A sought after early Kestner character, 11”, model 178.
An endearing example of the popular Hilda, mold 237.
Hilda, of course, could not be absent from this collection. A 237 girl (above), standing 18-1/2”, demonstrates how appealing this model can be. She is displayed in good view on the 4th floor, together with her younger mulatto Hilda sister, a rare 245 version of this character assembled on a bent limb baby body and dressed with a very appealing red cotton dress. Another star of this series is a fabulous 241 seen on the 2nd floor (right). This 20” girl catches your eye as she maneuvers an eggbeater. No wonder advanced collectors are so fond of this model! It radiates such energy, such a personality that it overshadows even the rarer characters of the 100 series. Other characters made out of very popular molds such as Kestner’s 249 or 257 are also shown, together with a small 8” all bisque unmarked baby doll (right) displayed on the 4th floor in the bedtime showcase, wearing his hand knitted white outfit. The Basel Puppenhausmuseum’s collection of Kestner dolls is also highlighted by several googly dolls, previously seen in an article in the October 2009 issue of Antique Doll Collector. Now, once the visitor has spotted he dolls mentioned above, (also featured in the museum’s catalog) ands wishes to prolong this treasure hunt, he or she can go back to the 4th floor and come down, floor after floor, and look for other 24
8” unmarked all bisque.
The 20” Model 241 has a striking presence.
Kestner mold 257. Kestner dolls that hide, here and there. Believe me, there are almost as many and some of them are just terrific! For some we can guess which mold number they are; others are easier to recognize, such as the handsome 143 boy wearing a green vest and a pair of brown corduroy slacks, standing in the very back of a shelf on the 4th floor, or not far from him a tall 30” boy, twin brother of the 164 girl dressed in white, or that sweet tiny #167, busy with red metal kitchen tools on the 2nd floor, or that tiny closed mouth round faced seller in the pottery shop on the 1st floor, or that irresistible 8” 260 standing in his knitted outfit in the very corner of a showcase on that same floor. Happy hunting! See the following : Cieslik, Marianne and Jurgen, German Doll Encyclopedia 18001939, Hobby House Press, 1985; Coleman, Dorothy, Elisabeth, Evelyn, The Collector’s Encyclopedia of Dolls, vol. I & II, Crown, 1968 and 1986; Foulke, Jan, Kestner, King of Dollmakers, Hobby House Press, 1982; Gräfnitz, Christiane, Papier-Mâché Dolls 17601860, Verlag Puppen & Spielzeug, 1994; Krombholz, Mary Gorham, German Porcelain Dolls 1836-2002, Hobby House Press, 2002; Krombholz, Mary Gorham, Identifying German Chinas 1840s-1930s, Hobby House Press, 2004; Krombholz, Mary Gorham, Identifying German Parian Dolls, Reverie, 2006; Krombholz, Mary Gorham, Identifying German Character Dolls, Reverie, 2008; Puppenhausmuseum Basel, catalogue of the museum, pp. 94 to 97, 2000.
Robin’s Miniature Furniture and Dolls • 847-927-0319 Made in the traditional style of the original period. The rooms, the furniture, and the dolls are all made as the originals were in the 18th century. I use 18th century fabrics and trims on my dolls. They are all hand carved with my hand fired enamel eyes. My furniture is made to a customer’s specifications. Visit my website for more information. I will be participating in The Kane County Folk Art Festival at the Kane County Fairgrounds September 17th through the 19th in St. Charles, IL.
Left: Shell dolls often appear as pairs. This couple with their papier mache heads show a French influence. Right: A delightful Grodnertal wooden couple with their baskets of fruits and vegetables. Their beautiful bases are as detailed as the dolls’ costumes. Below and opposite: A lovely and very colorful example has a decidedly French flair. Her intricate shell costume is crowned with the most amazing bonnet!
Shell Dolls
By Anna May Case
ivilization has been drawn to the sea for centuries. The sea shore has been used in military strategy, commerce, recreation, romance, fascination, and for those of us who were born and raised in the land-locked midwest, it is especially entrancing. The shell form was used in furniture design, in Europe and in America, and shell work has also appeared for centuries. Not much has been written about actual items; sailor’s valentines have been the most extensively covered. These octagon-shaped creations are usually hinged and when opened reveal beautiful designs of shells in all sizes and colors, arranged in mosiac forms, most with messages formed in shells such as “Be Mine” or “Remember Me”. Most were sold as souvenirs and purchased by sailors. The Strong Museum in New York has examples of these. By the 1830’s, it is known that sailors could buy sets of colorful shells and assemble items of remembrance while on ship. There are contemporary artists today who restore these valentines and even create new ones. While restoring one believed to have been made
in Barbados, the artist discovered a slip of paper that was from England with an early 19th century date. This was definite proof that these shell cases were early, and made in Europe, not only in Barbados as was previously thought. Europeans first became aware of fancy shells in the seventeenth century, when the explorers of the Pacific and Indian oceans brought beautiful exotic shells back to the Old Worlds. Many of them were considered so valuable that they were mounted elaborately in silver or gilt. By the nineteenth century, the first flush of shell collecting had subsided and shells became materials for yet another Victorian home craft. The Victorians decorated everything with shells: dresser boxes, trinket boxes, candy boxes, doll house furniture, mirrors, even pocket watch holder. Actually shell items have been dated much earlier than that. Marie Antoinette had a wonderful little shell cottage, “La Chaumiere aux Coquillages,” sometimes referred to as a “folly” built in 1779 which still remains at Rambouillet near Versailles. She corresponded regularly with a Mrs. Delany
Left: A very rare china shell doll wears a tri-cornered hat. Right: These exquisitely preserved dolls are a bit larger than most at 12-1/2 inches. Purchased at the sale of the Mary Merritt Doll Museum, their heads are made of carton. He has a human hair wig.
in Ireland. Mary Delany was born in 1700, but it was not until about 1734 following her second marriage that she developed a passion for collecting shells. Religious shrines and grottos are a common feature of the Irish landscape and shells were commonly used in decoration. Mrs. Delany more than anyone else influenced garden design in Ireland and the surrounding area. “We go every morning at seven o’clock to that place to adorn it with shells - the Bishop has a large collection of fine ones, Phill and I are the engineers, the men fetch and carry for us what we want, and think themselves honoured”. I have a Ladies Godey’s Book dated 1854 that in great length describes making ornaments in rice-shell work. A beautiful headdress is sketched, and I have an early example in my collection, also baskets and bouquets. A very large basket containing an arrangement of flowers of shells, the paper backing a petal of one of the blooms is cut from a newspaper from Lake Erie... made in America perhaps? In addition, a box of
layered box trays of different loose shells, called a sorting box, is believed to have come from Lancaster County and is decorated with a chromolithograph of an Indian. To this author the early shell work, in any form, is considered a work of art. I have never found two items alike of anything, similar, but not identical. Some examples have come from England. Sometimes the paper on the underside has a paper label indicating it was made in England. So whenever that paper pattern appears, I assume that it is an English piece. Italy also created souvenirs which vary somewhat in the material used. This wonderful craft is also of great importance to doll collectors. Not much is actually available in the literature about the early dolls with shell decorated costumes. John Darcy Noble in his book Dolls refers to the little peg woodens decorated with shellwork. They were mainly a cottage craft practiced in Brittany on the French coast and many of the shellwork dolls are from this province. They usually appear in pairs, men and women. The bodies are all similiar, with mortise and tenon joints, wooden feet
This little wooden has an identical sister. At first glance one would assume her costume is made of shells, but Jane Coleman informed me it was snakeskin!
Waving a hearty greeting is this papier mache shell doll and her male companion.
Bottom Right: Shell dolls with wax heads are seldom found. This tiny example stands on a bed of tiny shells.
attached to a wooden base. Clothes are formed of stiffened linen or paper entirely covered with tiny shells, worked in neat patterns. The shells are attached with a wax substance. Sometimes the dolls appear in settings, perhaps seated in shell decorated chairs, or among “trees” decorated with shells. They come in all sizes, from 10 inches and up, down to the tiniest two inches. Heads vary. Some of the earliest are German Grodnertal woodens, others are papier mache. Little wax heads are rare and beautiful. I have found only one china head, a wonderful man with tri-cornered hat. One might assume then that most of the heads and bodies were made in Germany and shipped to France. However, the one pair featured in the former Mary Merritt’s Doll Museum and now owned by this author was described as “carton”. One could date the dolls from their hairstyles, as we do chinas, especially the papier maches. Some hands are crudely carved but in the case of the above pair the hand carving is magnificent. Some pairs have a definitely French flair in the costumes of shells, the tri-cornered hat, bits of hair, and bonnets. Others appear as more common-folk with broad brimmed hats. Sometimes one arm is raised in a greeting fashion but limbs seem to be firmly set in one position.
These extraordinary dolls have almost portrait like faces. His costume is decorated with shells painted to look like fish and hers has shell flower decoration.
One early little pair of sisters with wooden heads at first glance are decorated with shell collars and dress trim, holding wreaths of shells. When Jane Coleman saw them she told me that the decoration was snake skin! An almost identical one is featured in the first color plate, opposite page 246 of The Collector’s Encyclopedia Of Dolls, Volume Two. In Doll Collectors Manual 1967 there is an article by Ruby Short McKim. Pictured in this article and described in detail are dolls belonging to various friends and DCA members. There are a couple that closely resemble some of my pairs. I wonder where their journeys have taken them? Many museums were mentioned as having examples of shell dolls. Among those are the Strong Museum in New York, the Shelburne Museum, Shelburne, VT, the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. The former Mary Merritt’s Doll Museum in Douglassville, PA had many examples, even a dollhouse and shadowbox picture with shell ornamentation. Winterthur Museum in Wilmington, Delaware does not have any known shell dolls but has early shell sconces. Most if not all the early examples of the rare dolls are either in museums or collections. Once in awhile one finds later dolls made in Florida in the 30s along with other late souvenir types. 30
Typically one sees a male and female pair, but these regal papier mache sisters were sold together. The doll on the left wears an elegant shell robe.
Hoop toys were a popular pastime when this darling little wood headed couple was produced. You can see that these resemble the later “penny wooden” dolls.
“Down by the sea I came to see What the vast ocean would bring to me. Would it be a gift of love Or a treasure rare Or just the wind above. But to my surprise I found a shell And I called it sunrise.” Gooleni, 1972
A great papier mache couple, his pantaloons perhaps a type of ethnic dress worn on the coast of Brittany?
There seems to be an infinite number of patterns used for the costumes. I have never seen two items exactly alike.
My first shell piece was a beautiful little pin made of shells my father brought home from a trip to Minnesota. The second a little shell box in the form of a shoe, a gift from an elderly neighbor. That small beginning sparked a life long love of shells for me. I would like to thank everyone who has inspired me to collect these wonderful little curiosities and the hundreds of other beautiful objects of art in my collection. Friends who have sold them to me, opened their homes so I could take photos, put me on the trail to obtaining them. Dorothy and Jane Coleman, Maureen Popp, Mimi Ingersoll, Diana Bittel, Zelda Cushner, Gail Hiatt, Betty McSpadden, Shirley Shalles, Ted and Carole Hayward, Richard Plunkett, Marge Darrah who opened the museum and let us photograph anything and everything at our leisure, and of course, dear Richard Wright, and many others. I will be forever grateful for their knowledge and sharing, and the fond memories engendered when I pass by the lovely little shell creations. REFERENCES: “Doll Collector’s Manual,” 1967, The Doll Collectors of America, Inc. Dolls by John Noble, 1967, the Ryerson Press, Toronto “The Discreet Charm of Shell Decoration” by Liam White Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia “The Dolls of Shelburne” by Scott Wood for Doll Reader magazine “The Romance of Sailors’ Valentines” by Robert Reed, Renniger’s Antique Guide, 1995 Godey’s Magazine And Lady’s Book, 1854 Art From Shells by Stuart and Leni Goodman, Crown Publishers, New York 1972 The Collector’s Encyclopedia Of Dolls, Vol. Two, Dorothy S., Elizabeth A., and Evelyn J. Coleman, Crown Publishers, Inc. New York, 1986
Another wooden head doll with an amazing bonnet. The intricate patterns of shells are attached with a wax-type substance.
This tiny couple lives in an elaborate garden setting. The Victorians had a passion for shell decoration.
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17” C/M, #3 FG on right shoulder, Gesland body, perfect bisque hands, legs #3 each has a hairline), blue paperweight eyes, original cork pate & mohair wig, original corset, burgundy wool walking dress with silk trim (faded), original pantelettes & slip, pierced ears, fabulous swivel neck fashion, smooth bisque with lip out line Call
Rare C/M 10” All Original Depose Tete Jumeau Bte SGDG #1, stiff wrist Jumeau body, silk & lace dress with gold covered buttons, original cork pate and mohair wig, original shoes marked Bebe Jumeau Paris in gold on sole of shoe, 1 rosette missing, pierced ears, blue paperweight eyes, original nails in cork pate, fabulous doll Call
16” “Premier” Jumeau circa 1880, pressed bisque, blue glass enamel inset eyes with spiral threading, mauve eye shadow, pierced ears, eight ball stiff Rare All Original 18” Shirley wrist body w/ cupped hands, lambswool wig over Temple in tagged “Little Rebel” cork pate, from original family, appears all original dress and combination with in beautifully tailored burgundy dress with darker original “The Worlds Darling” satin burgundy trim, cotton undergarments, duel pin and original mohair wig, lace bonnets, leather shoes with 0 NG. Call composition in fantastic condition, white snap shoes w/ buckle, beautiful coloring $895.00
4” Jointed Leg All Bisque Kewpie, sticker “Patented Design” on back, small chip on left thumb $495.00 Now $425.00 1960 Sasha Series Boy in 23” 1889 Simon & Halbig DEP Box with booklet written in 1009 on French body, fabulous German, French & Italian, all original in blue wool felt blue paperweight eyes, human hair wig, pierced ears, jacket & cap, leather belt, blue & white patterned slight peppering between shorts, white shirt, blue eyebrows, dimple in chin, leather Sasha Series shoes, French style dress $750.00 Box marked Serie Sasha 11” Georgene Averille Morgenthaler Migras Gotz Bonnie Babe, 1926 Alt Beck & , replaced socks $950.00 Gottschalk, o/c mouth with molded tongue & teeth, blue sleep eyes, compo hands, original cloth body, slight nose rub, molded hair and fat cheeks and nicely sculpted ears $595.00 Now $570.00
3 ½” Pair of Silver Plated Seated Kewpie Salt & Peppers, made in Japan $150.00 16” Kestner F 10, brown sleep eyes, #143 face, original bj body, blonde mohair wig, wonderful bisque & expression, outlined lips $850.00 18” GB K star R #191, brown sleep eyes, mohair wig, ball jointed body, antique shoes & stockings, dimple in chin $425.00
8 ½” A & M #341 Germany Dream Baby, original 5 piece compo body, c/m, small toe chip, crocheted dress $225.00 Now $200.00
22 ½” Heinrich Handwerck Simon & Halbig 99 – 11 ¾ DEP, brown sleep eyes, brown HH wig, bj body, repainted hands $495.00
21” C/M Kestner turned head shoulder head, 10 ½” Circ. A & M 341 – 73, kid body w/ bisque blue sleep eyes, cloth body, arms, professionally Vogue Jill in Box 1958 #3168, strawberry compo arms & legs, really repaired shoulderplate, blonde, pink floral print dress, pink hat, purse, sweet $225.00 Now $200.00 blue paperweight eyes, fabulous look $395.00 necklace & earrings $185.00 16” A & M 351 o/m with Now $370.00 #505 1955 Muffie Walker, auburn hair, teeth, blue sleep eyes, 5 adorable lavender skirt & floral top $110.00 piece compo body, molded 20” Simon & Halbig #1078, bj compo body, #807 Special Occasion Muffie, brunette, blue & hair, left side 2 small paint blue sleep eyes, o/m, HH white striped top & hat, red pants, skis & poles rubs, cute baby $300.00 wig $595.00 Now $495.00 Now $280.00 and glasses $110.00 17” L x 5” W x 7 ½” H Antique Noah’s Ark, early wood hand painted ark with litho paper detailing, dove with olive branch painted on roof, 57 wood hand carved farm, domestic, wild animals & birds, all in pairs except elephant, lama & camel, 5 legs broken, oil cloth hinges on roof as is, wire hoop & pin closure, small 1 ½” wood silver off back base $950.00 Vogue Jill all original in #3217 1959 fringed pants, cropped top, original necklace, missing earrings, blond hair, missing hat $110.00
8 ½” #102 Kestner All Bisque Wrestler, small chip on hip and ½” hairline on forehead rim, blue gray sleep eyes, jointed arms & legs, swivel head, new wig $2095.00 Now $1695.00 5 ½” A & M #323 Blue Eyed Googlie, original 5 piece body w/ painted brown Mary Jane shoes $795.00 Now $675.00
2” Kewpie with mandolin part of pin dish, top of mandolin off, top knot chipped $195.00 Now $160.00 2” Adorable Kewpie Salt Shaker with arm around rabbit in basket $295.00 Now $270.00
15” C/M Sonnenburg, fabulous blue paperweight eyes, some cheek peppering, mohair wig, cute antique white cotton dress, lace slip & pantalettes, stiff wrist composition body, left upper eyelid chip $495.00
4” Kewpie Huggers, adorable faces and eyes to the right $165.00 Now $150.00 4” Kewpie Sweeper, marked with ©, small tip of broom missing $250.00 Now $225.00
7 ½” SPBH Hanna all original, sleep eyes, mohair wig $285.00 Now $250.00 8” Hanna SPBH painted bisque toddler, sleep eyes $275.00 Now $250.00
Mint Vogue 1949 Crib Crowd #832 Sally, painted eye, platinum curly hair, pink bow, pink dress with lace, rubber panties $550.00
17” 1940 Musical Mohair Teddy Bear (doesn’t work), glass eyes, velvet paw $85.00
#55 NASB Puggy Tummy Quaker Maid, jointed arms & legs $80.00
13” English possible Chad Valley, mohair with velvet pads, glass eyes $115.00
#34 NASB Irish Puggy Tummy, molded socks, small hip chip $325.00 Now $200.00
8” Steiff US Zone Germany Mohair Bear, felt paw pads, glass eyes $395.00 3 ½” 1960’s Steiff, no tag, stitched nose, jointed honey mohair $295.00 3 ½” Schuco, brown mohair, jointed stitched nose $97.50 3 ½” 1950 – 60’s Tan Mohair Bear, jointed arms & legs $65.00
12 ¾” x 8 ¾” Leather Covered Cow moos when head is moved to side, leather collar, brown glass eyes, metal holder for milk and two metal utters, leather ears and tail, molded horns, wood covered legs $195.00 Now $160.00 “Darling” Tin Stove 6 ½” x 4 ¾” x 2”, four openings, 1 tea kettle & cover, 1 pot & cover, 4 x 2 x 2” tin box for logs with handles, small stack with cover $250.00 Now $195.00
HOPe TO See yOU AT THe FOLLOWING SHOW: Willowbrook, IL WILLOWBROOK DOLL & BeAR SHOW & SALe Sunday, September 26 9am - 3pm Ashton Place Banquet Center
18” B & D China, Barvo & Dotter Germany, big blue eyes, great face, repaired shoulder plate, antique arms, recovered cloth upper arm, antique body & legs, brown china boots $310.00 Now $250.00 14” China head, newer body, antique arms & brown china boots $125.00 Now $95.00 10” Flat Top China, Parian arms, black china boots, black line by sew hole $225.00 Now $180.00 7” All original German China, Parian arms & legs, brown china boots $95.00 Now $80.00 6 ½” China Head, Parian arms & legs, black china boots $90.00 Now $80.00 5” China head, Parian arms & legs, brown china shoes $65.00 Now $60.00
by Judith Armitstead Figure 1. Doll table by Loring H. Cushing with various accessories (Armitstead Collection).
Figure 2. Loring H. Cushing label from table (Armitstead Collection).
Figure 3. Three miniature ladderback chairs by Loring H. Cushing (Armitstead Collection).
today is a lovely seaside town still retaining much of its old New England charm with many of its early, well-maintained homes. Driving through streets such as Hersey Street, Lincoln Street, Friend Street and by landmarks such as Cushing Pond and Tower Brook, one can still get a small sense of what the town was like during the 1800’s, the heyday of the wooden toy and doll furniture manufacturing and cottage industries in Hingham. Part I of this article discussed the history and the important work of Hingham natives William S. Tower, his brother Charles, and their nephew, Ezra Wilder. Samuel Hersey, chronicled in Part II, was another accomplished Hingham toy craftsman who made miniature boxes, firkins and doll and dollhouse furniture. Also related in Part II were the works of Samuel Hersey’s uncle, Cotton Hersey, the oldest known toy maker, and numerous other Hingham toy craftsmen. Part III concludes with Loring H. Cushing, George W. Fearing and Marita Otis Lincoln. Loring Hersey Cushing was a prolific doll furniture maker and he is best known for this type of work. Born on April 3, 1840, Mr. Cushing’s mother was a relative of
Figure 6. Loring H. Cushing stepback dresser pictured with early German parian doll and accessories (Armitstead Collection).
Figure 4. Loring H. Cushing sideboard (Armitstead Collection).
Samuel Hersey. He served as a private in the Civil War in Company K with George W. Fearing, another Hingham toy maker. After returning from the war in 1865, Mr. Cushing at age 25 worked as a shoe maker as listed in the 1865 census. He must have learned these skills from his father, Loring who was also a shoemaker, at an earlier date as his father passed away in 1862 at age 59. The 1865 census lists him as living with his mother and siblings. It is not exactly clear when he abandoned the shoemaking field to produce doll furniture. In the book, Toys in America, the McClintock’s related that they interviewed Loring H. Cushing’s daughter, Miss Ella Cushing. Miss Cushing indicated that her father apprenticed under William S. Tower who taught him wood working and toy production. Mr. Cushing most likely worked directly at William S. Tower’s plant at Cushing Pond during the beginning of his toy producing career; but since many of his labeled pieces were marked with his residence, 14 High Street, it is believed that the majority of his work was produced as a cottage industry from his home. Studying the genealogy records of early Hingham provides some clues to the people’s lives and some of the hardships the families endured. Working conditions in the Figure 5. Heubach doll and early Steiff bear enjoying a tea party with Loring H. Cushing doll furniture (Armitstead Collection).
1800’s were, by all means, not always ideal and safe. Loring H. Cushing’s parents were Loring Cushing and Martha Hersey, both born in 1803. They had seven children, the first of which was a son, Loring Hersey Cushing born in 1825. As a lad, Loring H. Cushing worked at Jacob’s Hatchet Factory, previously discussed as being adjacent to William S. Tower’s toy producing building at a later date. At age 13 in June of 1838, the boy died in an industrial accident at the hatchet factory. Not long after, the Cushings had another son in April of 1840 and named him Loring Hersey Cushing after their first son who was lost. This second Loring Hersey Cushing, the accomplished doll furniture craftsman, is the individual referred to in this article. Records indicate that Mr. Cushing passed away in 1927 at age 87. Mr. Cushing’s furniture was produced in light, medium or dark wood stains in a matte or gloss finish. Some examples were also painted in colors as the example of a red enameled rocking chair discussed below. Rectangular-shaped small off-white paper labels, approximately 1” long, were firmly attached, generally underneath, and a surprising number of his furniture pieces have survived with the label intact. Two labels with Loring H. Cushing’s name are known, one with his street address, “14 High Street,” and one without the street address. Both labels have an L-shaped design on the top right corner, creating an open box with the simple lined border, as can be seen in Figure 2. Besides the items pictured here, Mr. Cushing also crafted many other pieces of doll furniture including benches, cradles and wash stands. The dark mahogany stained table by Loring H. Cushing in Figure 1 has a one-piece top with a deep skirt on all sides and four turned legs. The 37
Figure 8. Governor Winthrop desk by Loring H. Cushing (Armitstead Collection).
Figure 7. Queen Anne-style sideboard by Loring H. Cushing with accessories (Armitstead Collection).
size of the oval-shaped table is 10” long by 7 1/4” deep at the top and 4 1/2” high. The Cushing label from the underneath portion of the table is pictured in Figure 2 which states, “Made by Loring H. Cushing, 14 High Street, So. Hingham, Mass.” Three turned ladder-backed chairs, finished in the same dark mahogany stain as the table, with woven seats made from thin roping, by Loring H. Cushing are pictured in Figure 3. The Cushing paper labels are firmly attached underneath the woven seats. Height of the two chairs on each side is 9” (at the highest point) and the width is 3 7/8” at the widest point, and the larger chair in the center is 10 1/4” high and 4” wide; since there are two sizes known, it is quite possible that other sizes were made of this particular style chair. As no nails are visible, all three chairs seem to be constructed by peg jointing. The medium wood stained Cushing sideboard, shown in Figure 4, has a very short back splash, nicely turned legs which extend upwards at the corners and wooden pulls for handles. There are two drawers at the top and two doors underneath separated by a panel in the middle. The sideboard retains the Cushing paper label. Size of sideboard is 8” high to the top of the back splash, 9 1/2” long at the top and 4 1/2” deep. Figure 5 illustrates how some of these pieces can be arranged in an amusing scene with a Heubach doll and Steiff bear, both 12 1/2” high, enjoying their tea with a colorful, early German tea set. The Cushing step-back dresser, illustrated in Figure 6, has two small drawers set back at the top under which is a protruding drawer with two recessed drawers below. The front and back legs are one piece with the intricately cut sides. The wood is varnished and is a lighter color than the previously shown Cushing furniture. The handles are early brass knobs with a wonderfully aged patina. The dresser has the Cushing label attached. An early German 14 1/2” high parian lady with a lovely braided and curled hair style
Figure 9. Loring H. Cushing red painted rocking chair (Hingham Historical Society Collection).
Figure 10. Loring H. Cushing label without “14 High Street” (Hingham Historical Society Collection).
and a few accessories accompany the dresser. The splendid Queen Ann style sideboard pictured in Figure 7 has a dark mahogany stain with a semi-gloss finish. Since the sideboard has been placed at a slight angle in the photograph, the four superbly-shaped carved cabriole legs can be clearly seen. There are two doors on the sides with one top drawer, all with brass pull knobs. The deeply carved opening on the finely detailed curved front skirt can be seen very well in this photo. Pictured in Figure 8 is Mr. Cushing’s finely-made Governor Winthrop drop front desk with cubbies in the interior and drop-front supports which can be pulled out. The desk is 9” high and finished in a medium wood tone with a semi-gloss finish. The skirt has nicely shaped curvatures and the pulls are aged brass. The pictured desk was in the former collection of Flora Gill Jacobs. A 9” tall deep red painted rocking chair, with a woven seat made from thin roping, by Mr. Cushing is illustrated in Figure 9. The rocking chair is very similar to the Cushing chairs pictured above, except there are 2 back rests, the second
one down being centered, instead of the 3 back rests on the previously illustrated chairs. The shape of the back rests of the rocker is also somewhat different from the chairs. These variations show the diverse methods of Mr. Cushing’s work. Additionally, the Cushing label on the bottom of the rocking chair shown in Figure 10 does not list the street address, “14 High Street,” as the other Cushing labels discussed. Figure 11 also pictures doll furniture by Loring H. Cushing accompanied by a German china head doll with early wooden miniature kitchen tools of unknown origins. The ladder-back chair, which is 9” tall, is very similar to the red rocking chair in Figure 9. A unique feature of this chair is the color of the woven seat, which is yellow instead of the usual white. The drop-leaf table is hinged with pliable leather strips that have been attached with short nails with uneven, flat heads. Movable braces can be adjusted to hold up both leaves. The table is 5 l/4” high, 9” long, and 8 15/16” deep when leaves are up and 4 3/4” deep when leaves are down. Both furniture pieces have the Cushing labels firmly attached underneath. Except for the china head doll, all of the wooden items including the Cushing furniture and brass spittoon pictured were formerly in the personal collection of Flora Gill Jacobs. George William Fearing, who served with Loring H. Cushing during the Civil War, was born on August 16, 1837, and was another well-regarded toy maker, who lived on Main Street. As late as 1908 he was listed as a member of Hingham’s Arts and Crafts Society and his wooden ware and toys were for sale by the society on South Street. George W. Fearing passed away in 1918 at age 81. Mr. Fearing’s aptitude for creating a diverse assortment of doll furniture is demonstrated with the following pictured items. Solid construction methods and striking features, such as the nicely curved arms, well-formed turned legs and acornshaped finials, stand out on the matching bed and chair pictured in Figure 12. A very light varnish coating with an exceptionally fine finish, aged to a glowing patina, covers the natural wood surface of both pieces. The bed, which is 11” long, 7 1/4” wide and 9” high, still retains the original mattress executed from portions of a hand-made quilt enclosed with an aged white cotton covering and a flower and stripe printed fabric pillow stuffed with what seems to Figure 11. Loring H. Cushing drop-leaf table and ladder-back chair with German china head doll and early wooden kitchen tools (Armitstead Collection).
Figure 12. George W. Fearing matching bed and chair pictured with a German teddy bear (Armitstead Collection).
Figure 13. George W. Fearing label from arm chair (Armitstead Collection).
be crushed nut shells. The arm chair, which is 9 1/4” high, is slightly taller than the back post of the bed. The woven seat is made from thin roping and in a similar fashion to the woven seats of the Loring H. Cushing chairs. The simple rectangularshaped paper label from the underneath portion of the arm chair pictured in Figure 13 states, “George W. Fearing, Hingham, Mass.” This label is the only known marking of George W. Fearing. These two particular pieces were also originally from the personal collection of Flora Gill Jacobs. Mr. Fearing’s china cabinet, on the left in Figure 14, demonstrates a simplistic design with a single glass door held closed by a brass hook and loop. Alongside of the cabinet stands an austere-looking chair with numerous similarities to the Fearing chair shown in Figure 12 including the acorn finials and woven seat. These two pieces have a dark stain over which is a semi-gloss varnish. Both items bear the same Fearing paper label as pictured in Figure 13, although the cabinet’s label is partial but still discernable. The dimensions of the china cabinet are 12 3/4” high, 8 3/4” wide and 4 3/8” deep. The chair is 9” high by 4 5/8” wide. These two items were also formerly in the private collection of Flora Gill Jacobs. A dark brown stained clothes rack, 9 1/2” high, held together with metal hinges, by Mr. Fearing is pictured in Figure 15. Mr. Fearing’s white, long rectangular-shaped label can be seen at the bottom left side. Another piece created by Mr. Fearing is the Governor Winthrop desk, 9 1/4” high, pictured in Figure 16, in light stain, with a semi-gloss finish. Mr. Fearing’s label had been 39
Figure 14. George W. Fearing china cabinet and chair with German china (Armitstead Collection).
Figure 15. George W. Fearing clothes rack (Hingham Historical Society Collection).
placed on the writing surface of the desk and can be seen when it is open. A dark stained 6” high chair, made in a very unusual form with club feet and a quite interesting treatment to the arms, crafted by Mr. Fearing is pictured in Figure 17. Underneath this unique chair is a partial original George W. Fearing label, portions of which are readable, with an added later hand written label. The Hingham Historical Society has, within their vast holdings of antique Hingham artifacts, a sizable collection of doll and dollhouse furniture and miniatures produced by some of the early Hingham toy craftsmen. The Hingham Historical Society is located in the splendid 1650 historical landmark, The Old Ordinary - referring to the term “ordinary fare” when traditional New England meals were served during the time the building housed the Wilder Tavern - at 21 Lincoln Street, Hingham, Massachusetts. The furniture assemblage belonging to the Society includes a vast range of Figure 16. Governor Winthrop desk by George W. scales from smaller dollhouse sizes to numerous larger ones. My thanks go Fearing (Hingham Historical Society Collection). out to Suzanne Buchanan, Executive Director of the Hingham Historical Society, and to Patsy Bray of Hingham for their invaluable assistance and patience in helping to locate and remove the doll furniture from locked cabinets so that they could be photographed for this article. I had the privilege to be able to examine each piece in the collection although only a small representative grouping is pictured here, focusing on those pieces with positive identification markings or those items previously identified. Included in the Hingham Historical Society’s collection is a cradle made by Marita Otis Lincoln. Very little is known about Miss Lincoln except that she attended Wellsley College and graduated in 1911. She is very significant for the simple fact that she is the only woman to be part of the Figure 17. George W. Hingham toy craftsmen’s works displayed at the Hingham Historical Society. Pictured Fearing chair in Figure 18 is a simple, small flat-top cradle, 4 1/2” high by 3” wide, identified by an (Hingham early hand-written label. Within the cradle is a charming, very early smiling Frozen Historical Society Charlotte doll. The early hand-written label, “Made by Marita Otis Lincoln, Hingham, Collection). Mass.” is pictured close up in Figure 19. For many years, I have been intrigued with how the items, we collectors covet, intertwine with history. The scarce and very desirable wooden doll and dollhouse furniture and miniatures from the Hingham craftsmen are especially fascinating as they were produced in New England, the location of many historical milestones in this country. The toys themselves speak about the way of life in the mid-19th century and the craftsmanship gives some insight into the quality of skilled manual labor produced by artisans at the cusp of the Industrial Revolution. The toy craftsmen discussed in this three-part article are today considered at the forefront in their field. We, as collectors, can appreciate and enjoy the toys made by these craftsmen, who created them out of necessity to earn a living in an honest, straightforward manner from an era long gone. The handiwork of the early craftsmen are considered today true Americana and, therefore, must be preserved and taken care of just as our history needs to be perpetuated and 40
passed on to our children and to future generations. Conscientious collectors and institutions such as the Hingham Historical Society are doing precisely that, safeguarding and conserving America’s heritage. Figure 18. Marita Otis Lincoln cradle with Frozen Charlotte doll (Hingham Historical Society Collection).
Bibliography Bouve, Thomas Tracy. History of the Town of Hingham. Hingham, Massachusetts: Published by the Town, 1893. Hart, Lorena Laing and Francis Russell. Not All Is Changed, A Life History of Hingham. Hingham, Massachusetts: The Hingham Historical Commission, 1993. Jacobs, Flora Gill. Dolls’ Houses in America. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1974. Jacobs, Flora Gill. The Small World of Antique Dolls’ Houses. New York: Lake Isle Press, Inc., 2005. Lainhart, Ann S. (Compiled by). 1855 and 1865 Massachusetts State Census For Hingham. Boston: Self Published, 1988. Massachusetts Register and Business Directories, 1874 and 1878. McClintock, Inez and Marshall. Toys in America. Washington, D.C.: Public Affairs Press, 1961. Pierotti, James. Hingham (Postcard History Series). Charleston, N.C.: Arcadia Publishing, 2005. Robinson, Donald. Two Hundred Years of South Hingham. Hingham, Massachusetts: Hingham Historical Society, 1980. Schorsch, David A. “The Herseys: Toy Ware and Box Manufacturers in ‘Bucket Town.’” Maine Antique Digest, August, 1995. Whitton, Blair. The Knopf Toys, Collectors’ Guides to American Antiques. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1984. Note: Judith Armitstead, along with her husband, Richard, founded The Doll Works. They have long been fascinated with and have collected and researched doll related items and toys produced in New England. They may be reached through their business web site, Figure 19. Marita Otis Lincoln cradle showing label (Hingham Historical Society Collection).
Roberta's DOLL HOUSE Roberta and Ziggy Zygarlowski, 475 17th Ave., Paterson, N.J. 07504 (973) 684-4945 • Fax (973) 523-7585 • CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-569-9739
More Dolls! More Pictures! More Excitement!
Liberal Financing Available
1. Wonderful & oh so rare to find Googlie disk-eyed doll from the 1939 New York World’s Fair - pressed cloth face w/ lovely hand painted facial features - big googlie disk eyes - cloth stuffed body w/ big flat feet - date & world’s fair on hat & body - 16” tall including bonnet - $995. 2. Rare & ever so desirable little Miss Gretchen” - mold #114 - from the Kammer & Reinhardt family of dolls - they don’t come any more pouty than this one - soft as butter bisque w/ first out of the mold quality - wondrous hand painted features w/ soft arched feathered brows over soft icelandic blue eyes - extremely exaggerated pouty mouth w/ soft amber shading - original correct fully jointed body - 15” tall; - $4,495. 3. Extremely rare pouty German character - listed in the blue book as having a rare & unknown maker - mold #163 - very unusual character face w/ half closed eyes and an exaggerated pouty mouth - soft as butter bisque w/ first out of the mold quality - solid dome head w/ molded painted hair - wonderful very unique little face w/ wondrous hand painted facial features - half closed deep baby blues - closed very pouty mouth - fully jointed German body w/ early straight wrist - great shelf size - 11” tall - $1,295. 4. When it comes to Lenci’s they don’t come any early than this lovely young lady - all original excellent condition great hand painted facial features - note her adorable little dimples - 13” tall - $1,295. 5. Truly wonderful all original - “Scottish Lass” by Chad Valley - excellent condition w/ a beautiful clean face & glorious icelandic blue eyes - lovely hand painted facial features - 16” tall - $995. 6. Just as rare & wonderful as they can be are these adorable little French “Mignonette’s” - sweet all bisque French pair dress as an adorable little French couple - perfect condition w/ extreme cobalt blue eyes and exceptional hand painted facial features - she’s 4” tall - he’s 4 ½” tall - $1,995 each or $3,500 for the pair. 7. Wonderful all original “Mutt & Jeff” by Bucherer - great condition w/ original paint and nice bright clothing - these rare Swiss wonders are among my favorites - I love their little ball jointed metal bodies - 6” & 8” tall - $1,295 for pair. 8. This ladies and gentlemen is an amazing bébé Mothereau from the 1880’s period - Alexandre Mothereau made three very different molds - this is the one that is marked “JM” - precious hand pressed French bisque with flawless refinement- hand painted facial features that would make the masters weep - soft lovingly stroked fawn shaded brows over wistful lashes surrounding this most amazing luminous pools of heather blue color you will ever find in paperweight eyes - hand cut sockets with lovely dark outline and just a hint of soft mauve shading - her soft amber shaded lips have that slightly pouty feature that we all love - just a hint of darker outline and then there is that always desirable space between the lips - she stands 26” tall on her original fully jointed early straight wrist French body - breathtaking antique clothing & shoes - $32,500. 9. Beautiful exceptionally large size “Blue Bonnet Girl” - mold # 998 by Alt, Beck, & Gottschalk - truly an exceptional beauty and such a truly fine example of these 1875 shoulder heads - this lovely blonde beauty has light blonde sculpted hair w/ side braiding & flowing blonde hair wonderful blue charlotte bonnet w/ dark blue ribbon band - wondrous hand painted facial features w/ lovely icelandic blue eyes - closed mouth w/ just a hint of a smile beautiful lower bisque arms & feet – 19” tall - $1,295. 10. Wonderful, rare, and just as grand as she can be is this all original very early French Papier Mache - beautiful very grand lady face with dark glass eyes & slightly open mouth w/ teeth - exceptionally beautiful - original wig & clothes - she even holds her little hankie in her hand - 19” tall - $2,495. 11. Beautiful brown bisque character child by Armand Marseille - mold # 1894 - beautiful nice even coco coloring w/ wondrous hand painted facial features - soft arched feathered brows over lovely chestnut brown sleep eyes - slightly open mouth w/ soft amber shading - original fully jointed German body w/ early straight wrist - 14” tall - $995. 12. Wonderful Simon & Halbig lady doll of superior quality - mold #1159 - soft as butter bisque w/ first out of the mold quality - soft arched feathered & molded brows over gorgeous heather blue sleep eyes w/ human hair upper lashes slightly open mouth w/ soft amber shading - original fully jointed lady body w/ molded breast - 20” tall - $2,495. 13. Extremely rare large size All Bisque child - mold #369 - wonderful high quality bisque w/ amazing hand painted facial features - soft arched feathered brows over heather blue sleep eyes - happy laughing mouth w/ molded teeth & tongue - very rare large size - rarely found uniquely different face - jointed at shoulders & hips - 10” tall - $1,995. 14. Wonderful ever so early shelf size Simon & Halbig character child - mold # 1079 - soft as butter bisque w/ first out of the mold quality - wondrous hand painted facial features w/ soft arched feathered brows over heather blue sleep eyes - slightly open pouty mouth w/ dark amber shading - original early fully jointed straight wrist body - sweet little size - only 11” tall - $1295. 15. Well - two of the cutest little sisters in the universe - two utterly perfect all original “Mibs” - by Louis Amberg designed by Hazel Drucker in 1921 - this rarely found & always desirable little character w/ that wistful expression - both have the reddish hair: A (left) - Brown eyes - does not have molded shoes - all original - 13” tall - $995. B (right ) - Blue eyes - molded shoes - all original - 16” tall - $1,295. 16. Another truly unique wonder - a French fashion young lad of superior quality - glorious hand poured French bisque w/ amazing hand painted facial features - soft arched feathered brows over enormous heather blue paperweight eyes - closed pouty mouth w/ dark amber shading - to add to his wonderment he has a handlebar mustache & a hand painted mole near his chin - firm upright original kid body - 14” tall - $3,795. 17. Exceptionally beautiful German Fashion Lady w/ such a great character face - exceptional high quality bisque w/ wondrous hand painted facial features - soft arched fawn shaded brows over very early dark outlined cobalt blue glass eyes - tiny pert nose - slightly pouty smiling mouth w/ soft amber shading - very unique round face w/ a hint of a double chin - just precious - original body circa 1870 - 13” tall - $2,495. 18. Wonderful super large size early closed mouth Kestner from the early letter series (circa 1880) - marked only w/ an “M” - exceptional high quality bisque w/ that ever present first out of the mold distinction - wondrous hand painted facial features w/ soft arched feathered brows over enormous heather blue sleep eyes - closed pert pouty mouth w/ soft amber shading - original Kestner fully jointed body - original plaster pate - 30” tall - $3,495. 19. Well, look at “Little Red Riding Hood” she just saw the wolf & she’s so o- o-scare - all original cloth mask face Googlie w/ big surprise-eyed look - excellent condition w/ great hand painted facial features - round o shaped mouth w/ molded tongue - wire spectacles - 14” tall - $795. 20. Ok - way too cute - ever so rare to find & always desirable is the handsome young lad by Armand Marseille - mold #500 - pristine soft to the touch bisque w/ first out of the mold quality - solid dome head w/ molded - painted hair wondrous hand painted facial features - soft arched fawn shaded brows over deep blue intaglio eyes - closed pouty mouth w/ just hint of a smile - original fully jointed compo body - 15” tall - $1,295. 21. Another truly beautiful Lenci character child - all original #36 - “Sweet Fantasy” - wonderful hand painted facial features w/ icelandic blue eyes - excellent condition w/ two original hanging tags attached to dress - circa 1935 - 15” tall - $1,495. 22. Exceptionally beautiful and ever so rare to find - lovely closed mouth French bébé from the Paris firm of Etienne Denamur (ED) - hand pressed French bisque of the highest quality w/ lovely dewey patina - artist quality hand painted facial features - arched feathered brows over long wistful lashes surrounding the most amazing super large size heather blue paperweight eyes - closed pouty mouth with soft rose shading - original fully jointed compo French body - 28” tall - $4,495. 23. Rare & wonderful as she can be is this exceptionally beautiful “Miss Curity” - near mint condition w/ great compo gorgeous blue sleep eyes w/ that always desirable eye shadow - original tagged clothes - breathtaking - 20” tall - $995. 24. Seldom found & always desirable is this wonderful character by Simon & Halbig - mold # 1339 - this rarely found treasure has pristine bisque w/ first out of the mold quality & a very unique & different face from all the other she children - 18” tall - wondrous hand painted facial features w/ soft arched feathered brows over long luscious lashes surrounding enormous heather blue sleep eyes - slightly open smiling face/ outlined soft amber shading - original fully jointed compo body - 18” tall - $1,495.
25. Another truly lovely Belton child w/ such a beautiful French face - soft as butter bisque w/ first out of the mold quality - wondrous hand painted facial features w/ soft arched feathered brows over early dark outlined chestnut brown paperweight eyes - closed pouty mouth w/soft amber shading - original fully jointed compo body w/ early straight wrist - original mohair wig - 12” tall - $1,995. 26. Two rare & wonderful beauties from the world of Madame Alexander - “Princess Elizabeth “ & her sister “Margaret Rose” - both are all original w/ tagged clothes - both are in excellent condition w/beautiful compo & clear eyes: A (left) - “Princess Elizabeth” - original hair set - yes she has her purse - 13” tall - $795. B beautiful face - all original - “Margaret Rose” - 15” tall - $995. 27. Wonderful large size Googlie by Armand Marseillle (AM) - mold #323 - exceptional high quality bisque - w/ wondrous hand painted facial features - - comical arched brows over enormous sky blue googlie eyes - closed smiling mouth - original five piece compo body - 11” tall - $1,995. 28. A super large size French bebe from the wonderful world of Jumeau - this lovely French lady is a mold number #1907 - hand poured French bisque with lovely hand painted facial features - soft arched feathered brows over enormous chestnut brown paperweight eyes - slightly open smiling mouth w/ soft amber shading beautiful bisque teeth - original fully jointed Jumeau body - 35” tall - $3,995. 29. Wonderful tiny petite size Fashion w/ breathtaking eyes - pristine flawless bisque w/ wondrous hand painted facial features - soft arched feathered brows over amazing hazel eyes w/ early dark outline - closed slightly smiling mouth w/ soft amber shading - firm upright original body - 12” tall - $2,995. 30. Extremely rare and ever so wonderful is this very early utterly amazing closed mouth Kestner - rare mold #103 - wondrous early soft as butter bisque w/ first out of the mold quality - exceptional artist quality hand painted facial features w/ soft arched feathered brows over enormous chestnut brown eyes -closed slightly smiling pouty mouth w/ early outlined soft rose shaded lips - original early chunky straight wrist body - 32” tall - $4,500.
Photos by Ziggy
Roberta's DOLL HOUSE Roberta and Ziggy Zygarlowski, 475 17th Ave., Paterson, N.J. 07504 (973) 684-4945 • Fax (973) 523-7585 • CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-569-9739
Liberal Financing Available
Roberta's DOLL HOUSE
More Dolls! More Pictures! More Excitement!
Roberta and Ziggy Zygarlowski, 475 17th Ave., Paterson, N.J. 07504 (973) 684-4945 • Fax (973) 523-7585 • CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-569-9739 31
31. Rare & just as wonderful as she can be is this never to be found brown bisque beauty by Kammer & Reinhardt - mold # 117n - wondrous soft coco coloring w/ gorgeous hand painted facial features - soft arched feathered brows over early dark outlined chestnut brown sleep eyes - slightly open mouth w/ soft amber shading - original fully jointed compo body - 15” tall - $1,495. 32. Another wonderful dark eyed French beauty from the amazing world of Jumeau - lovely size 12 open mouth Tete - pristine hand poured French bisque w/ superior quality hand painted facial features - soft arched feathered brows over enormous chestnut brown sleep eyes (original signed Jumeau eyes ) - slightly open smiling mouth w/ soft amber shading - upper bisque teeth - applied ears - original Jumeau body - 27” tall - $3,495. 33. Lovely early solid dome Sonnenberg Fashion Lady - soft to the touch pristine bisque w/ wondrous hand painted facial features - soft arched feathered brows over early dark outlined spiral threaded heather blue eyes - soft pouty lips w/ rose petal pink shading - original straight & firm leather body w/ lower bisque arms 18” tall - $1,495. 34. Well - talk about something rare & special - take a look at this somewhat amazing Skookum’s baby - in twenty plus years - this is the very first one of this type that we have ever found - we did have one very similar in a papoose - this one however is smaller and actually has the look of a bye-lo baby - I’m quite sure they did that because of the popularity of the bye-lo compo head w/ hand painted facial features - side glancing eyes - pouty closed mouth - compo hands - cloth body - adorable - 11” tall - $995. 35. Another sweet small size Fashion w/ such a wonderful sweet face - pristine flawless bisque with amazing hand painted facial features - soft arched feathered brows over early dark outlined soft heather blue paperweight eyes - closed pert mouth w/ just a hint of a smile - original firm upright kid body - 14”tall $2,995.
Liberal Financing Available
36. Rare to find early Kestner from the numerical series - she is marked only w/ a “J” - soft as butter bisque w/ first out of the mold quality - soft arched feathered brows over enormous spiral threaded heather blue eyes - slightly open mouth w/ a very unusual pouty mouth - outlined w/ soft amber shading - original plaster pate - original Kestner body - 21” tall - $1,995. 37. Well - just look what we have found this time, a truly amazing Belton w/ not only that always desirable French look - but she looks just like the Jumeau Cartouche bébé - soft to the touch pristine bisque w/ first out of the mold quality - utterly amazing hand painted facial features w/ soft arched feathered brows over early dark outline chestnut brown paperweight eyes - the very hint of a slightly open smiling mouth w/ soft rose pink shading - original early straight wrist body - 12” tall - $2,995. 38. Just as precious as she can be is this all bisque Googlie - mold #299 - pristine high quality bisque w/ wondrous hand painted facial features - exaggerated arched brows over enormous heather blue glass eye - that always desirable watermelon smile - five piece all bisque body w/ black Mary Jane shoes - swivel neck - 5” tall - $1,295. 39. Wonderful assortment of beautiful high quality Bonnet Dolls – each and everyone a treasure: A - (far left) big blue bonnet - 15” - $595. B. boy in blue hat - 14” tall - $495. C. pink flower hat - 13“ tall - $450. D. butterfly hat - 8” tall - $395. 40. Another rare wonder from the world of Heubach - totally adorable laughing little mechanical boy - mold # 7664 - solid dome pink bisque head w/ mold locks of hair - deep blue intaglio eyes - open/closed laughing mouth w/ two molded lower teeth - wind him up and he waddles across the floor just like a little baby excellent working condition - all original - 8” tall - $1,495. 41. Just as rare & wonderful as she can be is this lovely dark brown bisque Character Child by Kestner - beautiful soft to the touch brown bisque w/ first out of the
mold quality - amazing hand painted facial features w/ soft arched dark brows over lovely chestnut brown sleep eyes - slightly open mouth w/ dark amber shading - original fully jointed body - retains her original plaster pate - 14” tall $1,695. Well, how sweet is she - little “Miss Marie” by Kammer & Reinhardt - mold #101 - soft as butter bisque w/ first out of the mold quality - wondrous hand painted facial features w/ soft arched fawn shaded brows over soft artic blue eyes - that always desirable little amber shaded mouth w/ that exaggerated expression “Marie” is so well known for - wonderful original body - 17” tall - 17” tall $3,995. This is Petite Fashion month - and here is another wonderful sweet small size - exceptional high quality pristine bisque - w/ wondrous hand painted facial features - soft arched feathered brows over early almond eyes w/ early dark outline - gorgeous heather blue paperweights that will knock your socks off closed pert mouth w/ just a hint of a smile - original firm upright body - 14” tall $2,995. ah-oh - we just found a hairline - so-o-o-o she’s half price - only $1,500. Over the years of doing this business - Zig & I have had many wonderful pieces of crèche - this little breathtaking “Madonna” is without question one of the most unique we have ever acquired - hand carved from wood w/ the most amazing details that anyone could ask for - her head turns on a wooden shoulder plate her long flowing hair is so wondrous & unique - exquisite detailed hands & feet (she even has lines in the palms of her hands) add even more wonderment to beauty - she stands only 8” tall in her original bejeweled garments - $1,995. Another nice assortment of rare to find “Bonnet Children” - each one having a very unique face: A. boy in pink beret - 14” tall - $495. B. girl in pink beret - 15” tall - $550. C. girl in flowered hat - 12” tall - $395.
Puddy’s Dream 2
1 3
Member Worldwide Doll Broker Free shipping on all DOLLS in 48 states Email: phone: 920-867-4300 Visit us at our store Puddy’s Dream on Hwy. 10 in Historic Evanswood Village, Weyauwega, WI.
Quality French and German Dolls Fine Antiques for 33 years Layaway Available
1. Red Riding Hood - 33” Kestner - Original white dress with old burgandy hood. Large brown set eyes. Chubby cheeks - nice large body. Great Black forest look. Complete with antique book, basket and bear. A Fairytale Come True! $3,200 2. Flirty-eyed Character Baby - 24” Simon & Halbig/Kammer & Reinhardt. Antique christening gown - bonnet and blanket tremble tongue. Tiny mold flaw on nose. Love worn on arms and hands. Cute as a button! $1,450 3. RARE- Marianne De Nunez China Doll. 14” tall - Swivel head. Pierced ears. Alice hairstlye with gold ribbon. Taufling type body. Marked Marianne1962. Striking blue glass eyes. $1,250 4. Sweet 18” French Trade A.M. DEP - Blue paperweight eyes. Original Winter outfit - even tiny blue shoes! $795 5. Civil War China - 23-1/2” tall Kister- Complete original plaid cotton dress - leather hands - Unusual lime green and black shoes - $725 6. Handmade patchwork Quilts-New kingsize $65. Visit our Quilt website -
Learning About American-Made Dolls
Little Cherub
Created by Harriet Flander by Ursula R. Mertz photos Otto Mertz
Sample page from book entitled “Little Cherub.”
twelve inch little girl dressed in felt skating outfit is definitely a favorite in my collection. Her head is marked Harriet © Flanders 1937 and an original paper tag identified her as “Little Cherub.” I assumed that Harriet Flanders was the artist who had created this doll. I wondered about what other dolls she might have done. So far I had found only this one little skater girl. In 1993, I was fortunate enough to meet Harriet Flanders Rapaport. She was eighty-eight years old but did not look a day older than seventy. To my disappointment she told me that in all her life she had created only one doll and that was my little skater. While I was happy to meet her and had all kinds of questions, she was just as happy to meet me and see my little skater girl. At the time she had kept only
Although Mrs. Rapaport designed only one doll, it was produced in many different costumes. Little Cherub was produced in two sizes: 12 and 17.” Original paper tag reads as follows: “Copyright by // Harriet Flanders // Little // Cherub // A // Georgene Doll // Made In U.S.A.”
This 17” Little Cherub is marked: Harriet © Flanders 1937, and is all-original. This size was also produced with sleep eyes.
Sample page from book entitled “Little Cherub.”
17” Little Cherub dressed in Indian costume. The wrap around skirt may not be original, and there may have been a headdress. Unlike the other examples, she features multiple eyelashes. Marked: Harriet © Flanders 1937
12” Little Cherub dressed in skating outfit. Original paper tag.
A small curl of molded hair is complemented by two yarn tuffs that are glued to the felt cap. Eyeliner and three eyelashes were painted a warm brown. The eyes are painted to the side and feature medium blue, heart shaped pupils.
some prototype heads, not an entire doll. Mrs. Rapaport was not a doll designer but a graphic artist. During the depression years of the thirties, jobs were scarce, and people took what jobs they could find. In 1932, Mrs. Rapaport (then Ms. Flanders) had answered an ad looking for a doll painter. The advertisement had been placed by the Georgine Novelty Company of New York City. Harriet accepted the job. She was happy to talk about her time with the Averills and reported that she was very good at painting doll faces. She could produce two gross a day and remembered painting among others the faces of Raggedy Ann and Andy and the cloth Quintuplets for Madame Alexander. Of course, I wanted to hear more about the creation of my little skater. Besides Mr. and Mrs. Averill, Mrs. Averill’s brother, Rudie Hopf, was involved in the company. Harriet remembered him as a very kind man. One day she showed him a children’s book she had written and illustrated, entitled “Little Cherub.” He liked the little book and asked her if she could design a cute toddler as seen in the book. She consented and claimed that she had actually sculpted the head. The Averill’s decided to market doll and book as a unit. A 12” and 17” size was offered. Harriet signed a contract for four years, during which she received royalties on sales. She commented that at the time four years was about the average life span of a newly introduced doll. Even though Harriet had created only one doll, it was produced in many variations. There were skaters and skiers, dolls in cute toddler dresses and even Indians. One of the colorful illustrations in the book shows an Indian child with long feather headdress, others are seen in sun suits with adorable bonnets. An Asian youngster is also depicted. Might some of these outfits have been reproduced? A black Little Cherub has been seen offered on eBay. In her book Compo Dolls, Cute and Collectible, Vol. III, Rhoda Shoemaker shows two Little Cherubs. One of them features a mohair wig over her molded hair. The other is depicted in a “Bo Peep” kind of costume. The doll is described as follows: “This little girl was part of a Nursery Rhyme series. She has rosy cheeks and a lovely finish. Her wig is quite unusual – it is made up of dozens of tiny blond silk ringlets all over her head. Her clothes are completely original. In one hand she carries a bouquet; a silver folder is attached to her wrist in the form of a birthday card and is marked “Georgene Dolls.”
This version has never been seen. Does any reader own one of these dolls? I would love to hear. Except for the Indian maiden, the face decoration for Little Cherub is different from the average composition doll of the day. The eyes were painted to one side in a medium blue with darker blue, heart shaped pupils. (Pupils and eyeliner were usually painted black.) Little Cherub eyeliner is a medium brown and so are her signature three eyelashes. In time additional Little Cherub dolls joined my collection. I was particularly pleased when I was able to acquire one of the 12” dolls in the original box and still containing the original storybook. Some of the book illustrations have been reproduced with this article. All three items show no identification marks, which means that this particular set may have been sold by one of the large mail order houses like Sears or Montgomery Ward. Greeting card created and signed by Harriet Flanders. The two little angels seen here very much resemble Little Cherub.
Sample page from book entitled “Little Cherub.”
A 17” Indian maiden had also joined the crowd. She is quite rare. In all my 35 years of collecting I have never seen another one. On examining and studying her again, I am not sure that her wrap around skirt is original. The fabric does look aged. There may have been a headpiece. While I cherish all three of my Little Cherubs, the skater girl is still my favorite. She truly is an artistic creation. The flowing lines of her simple felt costume beautifully complement the roundness of her features and limbs. The warm tones used for her face decoration are very pleasing. Those signature eyelashes give her face character, and the yarn tufts sewn to her felt cap further complement the total design. References: Mertz, Ursula R. (March/April 1994). “Meet Harriet Flanders, Creator of Little Cherub”. Doll Reader, pg. 20 and 24. Mertz, Ursula R. (2004). Collector’s Encyclopedia of Composition Dolls 1900-1950, Vol. II, pg. 8, Collector Books, Paducah, KY – Biography of Mrs. Rapaport.
Sample page from book entitled “Little Cherub.” 48
This 12” Little Cherub features a mohair wig. (From: “Compo Dolls Cute And Collectible,” Vol. III, Rhoda Shoemaker)
This Little Cherub’s wig is made up of many curls, individually glued on. Has any reader ever seen one of these dolls? (From: “Compo Dolls Cute And Collectible,” Vol. III, Rhoda Shoemaker)
Jean & Ken Nordquist’s Collectible Doll Co. Gourmet Doll Supplies for the Discriminating Doll Collector
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Left and Right: Front and back view of what remains of Josie, thirty-six fragments carefully reconstructed. The doll’s head is 6 1/4” high. Photos by Karen Hopple
Center: Artist Chris Urriola’s rendering of Josie before the 1875 fire.
GERMAN DOLL TREASURES IN PIONEER NEVADA I by Karen Sue Hopple with Dr. Gene Hattori
have two stories to tell. They are stories of two dolls I was given the task of reconstructing her. Each piece of the exported from Germany before the turn of the twentieth doll was cleaned and given a catalog number. I then began century that found their way to Nevada, and ultimately my work, which, without the aid of my husband, would have to the Nevada State Museum in Carson City. I volunteer been impossible. It took four hands! at the museum, under the guidance of Dr. Gene Hattori, Although not marked as to maker, thanks to the efforts Curator of Anthropology, and co-author of this piece. of Mary Krombholz, the author of six books on antique The first doll is a porcelain china shoulder German dolls, I know she was made by the Kloster head. It is the summer of 2000. Portland Veilsdorf porcelain factory in Veilsdorf, a small State University graduate student and town in the German state of Thuringia. A archaeologist, Julie Schablitsky, her students distinctive feature of Kloster Veilsdorf and volunteer archaeologists, gather dolls is the molding around the eye around fragments of a once finely glazed socket. Another feature is the deep china head. This is a prized find for their molding of the vertical curls, and the day’s efforts, and they affectionately molding of the shoulder plate. Mary name her “Josie”. Schablitsky’s was kind enough to let me include a Nevada Historic Preservation Office picture of what she calls “Josie’s twin” dig is centered in an area once known in this piece. The subtle differences as Virginia City’s low rent district, in appearance are due to the sculptor commonly referred to as Chinatown’s redefining the features of the master neighbors. They are digging in the mold as it began to wear. She writes remains of the house occupied by in her newest book A Pictorial Thomas Cooper, a miner and carpenter, Reference Guide For German Chinas: his wife Eunice and their three “This important 6-1/4-inch china children: Evelin, Ida Jane, and George. shoulder head, with an early 1860’s In October of 1875 much of Virginia Flat Top hairstyle, was donated to the City was destroyed by fire, including Sonneberg Doll Museum in 1909 by the Cooper house. The dig uncovered the Kloster Veilsdorf porcelain factory. thirty-six pieces of Josie in the ash layer The facial modeling and painting This doll, a twin to Josie, in the left by the fire. The family was forced to on this shoulder head identify the Sonneberg Doll and Toy Museum leave Josie behind, just minutes ahead Greiner-type chinas and chinas made was made by Kloster Veilsdorf. Photo Courtesy Mary Krombholz, “A Pictorial of the approaching flames. I was the with a variety of hairstyles from the Reference Guide For German Chinas”. only one on site who collected dolls, so early 1840’s to the late 1860’s. The
Girl’s cradleboard by renowned Washoe weaver Dat-so-la-lee. Openwork twining with two reinforcing rods. Willow with design in bracken fern and red yarn. Glass beads dangle from hood. 7” long x 3-1/2” wide. It took two days to complete in October, 1912.
The doll in the cradleboard. The diagonal line motif on the hood indicates it was for a boy. Photo courtesy of the Nevada State Museum
A second cradleboard was attached to the first. The diamond motif on the hood indicates it was for a girl. Photo courtesy of the Nevada State Museum
facial modeling and painted features are identical to the china shoulder heads described for decades as Greinertype chinas. The Kloster Veilsdorf porcelain factory used similar molds with the same eye, nose and mouth molding on a variety of chinas with many different hairstyles. The realistic modeling of the upper and lower eyelids is a unique feature of the Greiner-type chinas, as are the shape and size of the single-stroke eyebrows.” There is only a hint of one eyebrow left above Josie’s right blue eye. Her nose and left eye are missing. I believe this is where her head hit the floor and shattered during the fire. Around twenty-five inches in length, she would have had a handmade cloth body, most likely stuffed with sawdust. Her hands and feet were made of cloth or kid leather. I believe Josie was probably made in the 1870’s during the peak of German china head production. After being buried for over 100 years, Josie came back to tell us a story, a story of family life in Virginia City. We realize that families, including the Cooper’s and their doll, lived amidst all of the clamor and excitement of this booming mining community.
Featured in “Woven Legacy - A Collection of Dat-so-la-lee Works” at the Gatekeeper’s Museum, Tahoe City, CA. Photo courtesy of the North Lake Tahoe Historical Society.
he second doll is a twelve-inch Baehr & Proeschild Native Indian Boy mold 244, circa 1888. This doll was part of a collection of Washoe Indian basketry donated to the museum by Rebecca Sutton Boyes. Her mother, Evelyn Park Sutton, collected the baskets from the late nineteenth century into the early twentieth century. Evelyn was born and raised on a ranch in Carson Valley, Nevada, where ranchers commonly employed local Washoe Indians as ranch hands and household help. The doll was wrapped and bound in a miniature Washoe cradleboard around 21” long. It was then tied with a cotton print strip to a matching cradleboard. These cradleboards consist of an open weave willow backboard, and each has a woven willow hood or sunshade. The manner of swaddling the doll in a blanket against a sheepskin pad, and then securing this to the cradleboard is in keeping with the Washoe’s use of full-sized cradleboards for their children. I took some pictures for identification purposes and left the doll to be removed carefully by the museum staff. It is important to document each step of removal, so later it can be put back exactly as before. At home I checked in German Doll Studies by Jurgen & Marianne Cieslik. There starring 51
A one year old boy in his cradleboard. Tying him to the tree prevented his walking off while his mother worked. Note his feet at the bottom. Photo courtesy of the Nevada State Museum.
back at me was the same doll. The bisque socket head is distinctive because of its realistically painted facial features, including a reddish-brown overall tinting and “scowling” multi-stroke painted eyebrows. The end result is the German doll makers’ vision of American Indians in the 1880’s. The doll has pierced ears, but, unlike the Cieslik’s doll, there are no earrings. The doll has handset brown glass eyes. When finally removed from its cradleboard, the doll revealed even more surprises. The doll was dressed in a plain, ankle length pink dress. When I looked underneath the dress I found the original pants matching the Cieslik’s doll, including the distinctive trim used along the bottom of the side seams and around the waist of the doll. The pink dress was not original. The boy’s shirt had been removed. The only remnant left was the sash that once crossed over the shirt of the doll. Dyed feathers from the doll’s original headdress were glued to the sash, along with a section of trim now used as a decorative collar. The long hair had been trimmed to chin length. The simple five piece composition body was painted reddish brown and varnished. Shoes were painted to look like moccasins. The evidence of pants on this doll indicates that it was originally an Indian boy, completed by a Thuringian doll factory for export. The later addition of the pink dress made it possible to change the doll from a boy to a girl. Washoe cradleboards can be decorated with a male, female, or unisex decorative motif formed by wrapped twined thread, yarn, or sinew across the hood. One of the cradleboards is decorated with a girl’s diamond motif, the other is decorated with a boy’s separated, diagonal line motif. The doll was received wearing the 52
Close-up of the doll with original decorative trim around neck. The dress is not original to doll. Photo courtesy of the Nevada State Museum.
Original pants and feathered trim. Feathers from original headdress glued to sash, no shirt. When the dress is taken off, the sash crosses over bare chest. Trim on end circles neck. Photo by Karen Hopple
dress, but mistakenly bound to the boy’s cradleboard. The cradleboards were made by a Washoe weaver in western Nevada or eastern California. Washoe weavers made full-sized cradleboards for their own children to be used as carriers to keep the child secure and comfortable while allowing the mother to freely work and travel. Miniatures were produced for Washoe children and, beginning in the late nineteenth century, as gifts or curios for sale to Euro-Americans. The museum has other examples of miniature cradleboards of varying sizes, some with dolls and some without. The B & P doll and paired cradleboards are at the Nevada State Museum in Carson City. Contact Gene Hattori for a behind the scenes tour. Dat-so-la-lee’s miniature basketry is on exhibit at the Gatekeeper’s Museum, Tahoe City, CA. Call for hours. 530-583-1762 The authors wish to thank: Mary Krombholz, Margery Hall-Marshall (Lone Star Studios), The late Chris Urriola, Sue Ann Monteleone, Stefanie Givens, and Ken Hopple. For more information you can contact Karen Hopple at or Gene Hattori at GHattori@
SELL A DOLL IN THE EMPORIUM Take advantage of this special forum; the cost is only $95. Send us a photo or a digital photo of your doll with a description and your check or credit card information. We do the rest!!
Darling 11-1/2” Simon Halbig 939 for the French Market on a marked Jumeau body. Old clothes and shoes. Mary Simonton, UFDC and NADDA Member. Phone 626-333-7197 or 626-688-5764 (CA). Email: asimo52537@
Antique DOLL Collector, P.O. Box 239, Northport, NY 11768. Phone 1-888-800-2588. Email:
Babes from the Woods
Debra’s Dolls
Ph. 705-489-1046 My hand made Izannah’s are made from molds off original dolls. Clothing and underthings are fashioned from antique fabrics. Each has the unique charm of a well loved original Izannah Walker at an affordable price!
Member UFDC & NADDA OPEN: 12-4 Thur, Fri & Sat Shop Closed in August for Vacation 25 ½” Series A Steiner, closed mouth, fabulous antique (possibly original) clothes $7,900
Teri Foley’s
Antique Dolls Specializing in French Antique Dolls! Website: Email: 775/424-2555 (PT) Beautiful 21” 1st Series Almond Eye Portrait Jumeau!
Visit my website and view Quality Dolls at affordable prices. 100’s of pictures and prices. Phone 732-536-4101 Email
20 N. Main Street P.O. Box 705 Mullica Hill, NJ 08062 856.478.9778 DM’s Collectibles, your best choice for fine Antique French Dolls in Paris . . . Purveyors of fine French Dolls and their accessories, presented for you on-line at
12” EJ#4 -This precious little darling will steal your heart. Her adorable vintage sailor costume, huge brown eyes ringed with closely drawn fine lashes, and a thin line of black around the eye sockets gives them extraordinary depth. Her coloring and molding is superb, with perfect bisque, original undies, original wig under her original little sailor hat. She is an incredible little treasure. $6500. Evelyn Phillips phone 1-914-939-4455 Schoenhuts: Bisque Ringmaster, $395; Bisque Lady Rider, $395; glass eyed Alligator, $475, Koko the Clown (very rare) $3250.
Always buying and selling.
Keith Kaonis 717-519-6868
Avgusta’s Bisque Dolls (925)687-0334 Outstanding 10 1/2” size 1 FG Block bebe with bisque hands! Please call for price.
or email: 53
Doll by noted doll maker Izannah Walker. Ann Pruett-Phillips, email:
Punch windup mechanical toy, $2,800. Marshall Martin, email:
Marked O’Neill Kewpie with composition body, 10-1/2”. Mary Ann Spinelli, email:
Unusual character, unknown maker, marked 122P and P at top of head, on large toddler body, $2,695. Fritzi’s Dolls, email:
from the Gaithersburg, MD Doll Show June 5 and 6
A great set of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, many with original tags, sold early in the show. Lorna Erb, Lancaster, PA.
Marked Bliss dollhouse, $3,500. Pat Vaillancourt, email: 54
Bru Fashion, $6,500; Jumeau fashion $4,500 and fashion couple, perfect bisque heads, $4,500 pr. Linda Kellermann, email:
Back, 22-1/2” Tete Jumeau, $4,895; front, 1907 Jumeau, $1,395 and Kestner 3, original wig, $2,095. Gigi’s Dolls and Sherry’s Teddy Bears, email:
Rare Maggie Bessie doll, 12”, $13,000. Billye Harris, email:
S & H 1488, $5,650. Jay and Connie Lowe, email: big.birds@
French chinas measure 25 and 27 inches tall, $7,000 and $10,000 respectively. Val Star, email:
An impressive array of dolls offered by Roberta’s Dolls, email:
Marion Maus, email:
Simon and Halbig 969 character, $5,200. Rick Saxman, email:
12” Nockler and Tittle character, $1,895. Shari McMasters, email:
Something for every doll collector. Grandma’s Attic, email:
A Huret child style fashion with swivel neck and bisque arms, all original, $8,800. Valerie Fogel, email: 55
Auction Gallery
Crossing the Border for Dollhouses by Susan Grimshaw
f you are willing to cross the Peace Bridge from Buffalo, NY to Fort Erie, Ontario on August 14th, you may be a lucky bidder for one of over a hundred antique and vintage dollhouses and roomboxes being sold at auction. The extensive collection of the late Mildred M. Mahoney had been housed in historic Bertie Hall since the 1980’s when Mildred leased two floors of the 1826 building for the Mildred M. Mahoney Dolls House Gallery. Decades of collecting are represented in this large assortment of dolls’ houses, roomboxes, furniture and salesman’s samples, many with English and American roots. The entire collection will be sold on site at Bertie Hall by Plato Auctions of St. Catharines., Ont. in conjunction with Cottone Auctions of Geneseo, NY. Because the collection is being sold with relatively short notice, there is no illustrated catalogue and the dollhouses will be sold as they were fully furnished by Mildred. The houses range from early 19th century homemade and commercial English townhouses to humble early 20th century American bungalows by Schoenhut and Converse. Some of the antique houses feature rare pieces of Rock and Graner furniture as well as many pieces of Waltershausen, Schneegass and ormolu accessories by Erhard & Sohn. A few houses are empty, such as a Dunham’s Cocoanut House and a few are minimally furnished, such as the rare “Sparrowe House of Ipswich” dollhouse, but the majority of houses and roomboxes are loaded with furniture and accessories. As the late Vivien Greene was prone to do in her early days of collecting antique dollhouses, Mildred used rather a free hand when it came to redecorating, so bidders should be advised to be on the look-out for replaced wallpapers and some unusual decorative touches such as applied fringe decoration to some dollhouse rooms. Among the most desirable specimens on offer are several English dollhouses with Georgian facades and a number of classic English box-back houses – quite a few are large examples with three floors. American houses include a fully furnished Mystery House (with added fringe) and an extensively redecorated Tynietoy New England Townhouse which has been altered to disguise later wiring. English houses of similar vintage made by Lines and Triang feature half-timbered facades and decorative exterior painting. There are also several lots of vintage craftsman furniture, some of which were incorrectly identified when the museum was open and may remain so when they are offered for sale. Other errors in identification include a mid-19th century English box-back house that Mildred dated (probably based on a wishful provenance) to 1789. Such mistakes are rather common in collections that were put on display before more recent scholarship proved some attributions to be erroneous. Among the most unusual offerings are a mid-20th century dental cabinet in the form of a neo-classical house complete with columned portico, a very large and elaborate birdcage with an elegant mansard roofline and stained glass windows, a small house made from Welsh tin and papered with pages from an English fashion magazine, a model of the Hawaiian Imperial Palace, several tramp art houses, and a variety of interesting salesman’s samples and mechanical toys. Rounding out the sale are a sampling of furnished shops, German kitchens, toy stoves and a good selection of early 20th century lithographed houses by Bliss and others. There will be no internet bidding, but absentee and phone bids will be accepted. For more information visit
One of approximately twenty miniature replicas of the “Swallowe House”, a 16th century house still standing in Ipswich, England. The replicas were made by F. Tibbenham Ltd. around 1930.
An example of just one room from a fully furnished dolls’ house decorated with elaborately gilt-decorated Waltershausen furniture and ormolu accessories. The elegant window treatments here are noteworthy.
Rare mid-20th century dental cabinet with an elegant Greek Revival façade. Similar examples are represented in other museum collections and are highly collectible among dentists.
One of several early 19th century English dolls’ houses to be sold fully furnished. This example is notable for its crisp Georgian architectural details such as the hip roof, delicate window mullions and paneled door.
Preview: Galerie de Chartres: September 25, 2010
he auction will feature a variety of dolls including a “Jumeau Portrait” with blue eyes, a group of fashion dolls with nun clothing, and a large collection of Sarreguemines pottery. For information: 10, rue Claude Bernard – ZA du Coudray – BP 70129 – 28003 Chartres Cedex Tél. - Fax. - E-mail : chartres@ Websites:
rices were strong at the recent James D. Julia sale for everything from dolls to toys to antique advertising and slot machines. The Oriental Bru Jne 7, all original, brought $23,000 and a grand poupee by Jumeau on a wooden body, measuring 32 inches, sold for $20,125. A dimunutive Bru, only 11-1/2 inches tall, from the early 1880s with gusseted white kid body and bisque fingers, wearing the original dress, brought $14,950 and the Santa with sleigh, one of several rare tin toys from the Malcolm Deisenroth collection, realized $161,000, the highest price paid for an American tin toy in more than fifteen years.
lovely 15 inch portrait Jumeau with straight wrist French jointed body and Jumeau stamp (above), realized $6,710 at the June Withington auction. Also sold was this 17” Portrait Jumeau Fashion (below), with glass eyes, closed mouth, pierced ears, cloth body, kid arms, with trunk and additional clothes for $4,290.
Oriental Bru Jne 7, $23,000 Grand size poupee Jumeau, $20,125
Prices listed reflect the buyer’s premium.
We would like to thank the following auction houses for their participation: James D. Julia, 203 Skowhegan Road, Fairfield, ME 04937. 207-453-7125. Withington Auction Inc., 17 Atwood Road, Hillsborough, NH 03244. 603-3232. 57
BACK ISSUES SALE 1 to 3 copies $6 each • 4 to 9 copies $5 each • 10 or more copies $4 each With your order of 2 or more back issues, you will receive a FREE Index to our first ten years! Volume 1 Now available on CD!! Call 1-888-800-2588
Volume 2, Number 8 November 1999 Rare French Bebes • An English Baby House • Sailor Dolls • Children & Toy Postcards • Winterthur Museum Childhood Exhibit Volume 4, Number 3 April 2001 Indestructible “Alabama Babies” • Dolls from Sonneberg • Shirley Temple Dolls • Black Folk Art Dolls • Japanese “Nippon” Volume 4, Number 5 June 2001 Dolls and Their Canine Pals • A Mysterious K.P.M. China • Vintage Wedding Cake Toppers • One-of-a-Kind Cloth Dolls • Bisque “Swingers” • Rubber Dolls Volume 4, Number 7 August 2001 Eloise • Bru Part 1 • Schoenau & Hoffmeister • Children’s Dishes • A Mary Hoyer Doll & Her Wardrobe • Early Celebrity Dolls Volume 4, Number 8 September 2001 Bru Part 2 • Dennison Paper Dolls • Buyer Beware • Uncommon Dolls • Golliwoggs • Gebruder Heubach Characters Volume 4, Number 9 October 2001 UFDC National Salesroom • All Original Myth or Fact? • Bru Dolls Part III • Chase Dolls • Dollhouses and Miniatures • Nippon Celluloid Characters • National Doll Festival Volume 5, Number 2 March 2002 Musée National DeMonaco • German Characters • Vogue Dolls • Handwerk • A McLoughlin Dollhouse • Max & Moritz Volume 5, Number 7 August 2002 Rare A.M Characters • Paper Doll “Lady Flora” • Early Celebrity Dolls • Lenci • German Porcelain Dolls • NADDA’s Seattle Show Volume 5, Number 8 September 2002 Kathe Kruse Dolls • Googlies • UFDC Salesroom • Jumeau • Papier Mache Dolls Volume 5, Number 10 November 2002 An Early Papier-Mâché • UFDC Winners • Lenci’s Prosperity Baby • Cloth Dolls • Flapper Smoking Dolls • NADDA Volume 5, Number 11 December 2002 Show and Tell • Wax Dolls • Bye-Lo Babies • UFDC Modern Competition • Maurine Popp Collection • Early Lady Dolls Volume 5, Number 12 January 2003 A French Fashion’s Legacy • Understanding Chinas • One-of-a-Kind Cloth Dolls • Étrennes • Ideal Dolls • UFDC Volume 6, Number 1 February 2003 Bluette • Heubach • Kamkins • Josselin Doll Museum • Lenci • Kammer and Reinhardt • “Twinkie” Advertising Doll Volume 6, Number 2 March 2003 The Collection of Maurine Popp • Angels Attic Museum • Italy’s Burgarella Doll • The “Mother of All Composition Dolls” • Théâtre de la Mode Volume 6, Number 3 April 2003 Blue-Ribbon Winners • Moravian Dolls • NADDA • Rare Simon & Halbig Characters • Madame Alexander • Freundlich Novelties Volume 6, Number 4 May 2003 Googlies • Celluloid • Babyland Rags • Wax Dolls • Legendary Heubach Collection • Dolls & Their Trunks Volume 6, Number 5 June 2003 Special June Bride Issue • Show & Tell • Fairy Wedding • Bridal Gown Pattern • Olympia Baby House • Papa-Mama Dolls Volume 6, Number 7 August 2003 More Googlies! • German Chinas • Tribute to Mary Hoyer • An Important English Dolls’ House • Shopping Etiquette • Averill’s Cowboys & Indians Volume 6, Number 9 October 2003 Mignonnette and Her Wardrobe • UFDC Antique Exhibit • Abby Caddy Cloth Dolls • Composition Dolls • Little Known Museums • NADDA in Chicago • National Doll Festival • Uncut Pattern Dolls Volume 6, Number 10 November 2003 A Tribute to John Noble • UFDC Antique Doll Exhibit • Googly –Eyed All Bisques • Bleuette • Anili Celluloid Dolls Volume 7, Number 4 May 2004 Auction: The Washington Dolls’ House & Toy Museum • Displaying Your Dolls • Polichinelle! • Celluloid Treasures • Famlee Dolls • Little Known Doll Museums Volume 7, Number 5 June 2004 Shelburne Doll Collection • China Dolls • Dollhouse Furniture • Drink & Wet Babies • Twin Dolls • R. John Wright Volume 7, Number 7 August 2004 Outfitting Your Doll for a Nature Walk • Kamkins in Summer • Jumeau • Conta & Boehme • Miniatures • Effanbee’s Anne Shirley Volume 7, Number 8 September 2004 French Bebes Model Their Original Costumes • UFDC Salesroom • Dorothy Heizer • 1860’s Doll Fashions • Horsman Dolls • Armand Marseille Volume 7, Number 10 November 2004 Toy and Miniature Museum of Kansas City • Paris Bebe • Mama Dolls • Blue Ribbon Winning Dolls • Making Your Collection Work for You Volume 7, Number 11 December 2004 Blue Ribbon Dolls • Kewpies! • Circle Dot Bru • American Dolls • Early Chinas • S.F.B.J. • Little Lenci Volume 7, Number 12 January 2005 French Fashion Dolls • German Character Dolls • Kathe Kruse • Boudoir Dolls Volume 8, Number 1 February 2005 Kamkins in Winter • Two Treasured Jumeaus • Patsy, Daisy, Ginny • Kuhnlenz Dolls • Horsman’s Baby Buttercup • Buying and Selling Online • Playskool Pullman Volume 8, Number 2 March 2005 Fern Villa • More on the Bodmer Collection and a Special Wooden Doll • American-Made Dolls • Jumeau’s Series Fantastique • Lenci Volume 8, Number 3 April 2005 Heubachs • Bucherer Dolls • Tynietoy • Boy Dolls of Porcelain • American-Made Dolls Volume 8, Number 4 May 2005 Lady Dolls of the Edwardian Era • Rose Percy and Her Remarkable Wardrobe • The Haunting H Bebe • Kestner • Dollhouses
Volume 8, Number 5 June 2005 The Art of Andre Thuillier • Special Dolls for a Princess • Half-Dolls • National Antique Doll Dealers Association • China Dolls Volume 8, Number 6 July 2005 Bavarian Beauties • Early Chinas • In Memory of Mary Harris Francis • A Jumeau 203 and Her Wardrobe • Schoenhut Dolls • The Marilu Doll Volume 8, Number 7 August 2005 Tour England and France With Bluette • A Dress Pattern For Your Mignonnette • Mary Merritt Doll Museum • Dollhouse Jewels • American-Made Dolls • Dewees Cochran Dolls Volume 8, Number 8 September 2005 The Fashionable Poupée • UFDC Salesroom • Dollhouses at the Merritt Museum • French Automata • American-Made Dolls Volume 8, Number 10 November 2005 Dolls and Dollhouses at Auction • UFDC Blue Ribbon Winners • Antique Wedding Dolls and Memorabilia • The First Articulated Bebe • Tiny Treasures • KPM • Skookum Volume 8, Number 11 December 2005 Lucy Morgan Collection at Auction • Mignonnettes Bake a Kings Cake! • UFDC Blue Ribbon Winners • Images of the Virgin • American-Made Dolls • Shoe Whimsies Volume 8, Number 12 January 2006 Creating A Wardrobe for Empress Eugenie • Character Dolls • Jumeau Triste • Doll Fashions Around the World • Dancing Dolls • Small Boudoir Dolls • Comic Character Dolls Volume 9, Number 1 February 2006 Dolls and Valentines • Ethel Newcome Her History and Wardrobe • Exciting Auction Reports! • UFDC Special Exhibit: The Philadelphia Story • Little Known Museums of Europe Volume 9, Number 2 Mar. 06 The Story of “Miss Mary” • Bleuette • Early Horsman Dolls • Chad Valley “Royals” • Different Dolls of the Same Kind • Celluloid Dolls Volume 9, Number 3 April 2006 The Legacy of Lily • Early SFBJ Character Babies • Ormolu Miniatures • In Search of Early Doll Collections • Door of Hope • American-Made Dolls • UFDC Special Exhibits Volume 9, Number 4 May 2006 Theriault’s To Sell Lego Foundation Museum • English Dollhouses • The Encyclopedia of French Dolls • American-Made Dolls • French and German Bisque Dolls • Rollinson Dolls • An Early Wax Doll Volume 9, Number 5 June 2006 Kestner’s 208 Character • Bru Dolls• A Tale of Two Dolls • Raleigh Composition Dolls • Ackley Cloth Dolls • Miniature Silver Volume 9, Number 6 July 2006 A Queen Anne Wooden • Simon & Halbig Parian Dolls • Mignonnettes Celebrate Bastille Day • Dolls in America • Lucy’s Doll House Volume 9, Number 7 August 2006 Pocket Dolls • SFBJ Character Babies • Bisque Bathing Beauties • Effanbee’s Skippy • Grecon Miniature Dolls • Heinrich Handwerck Volume 9, Number 8 September 2006 Mary Merritt Museum Auction • The Collection of Gail Cook • UFDC Salesroom • Lenci Miniatures • Advertising Dolls • Porcelain Treasures Volume 9, Number 9 October 2006 Kintzbach Hands • Dolls with Molded Hats • UFDC Winners • A Tudor Dollhouse • Averill’s Wonder Dolls • National Doll Festival • Auction Previews! Volume 9, Number 10 November 2006 “Maggie Bessie” Dolls • Jumeau • American-Made Dolls • Faux Bamboo Miniatures • Blue Ribbon Winners! Volume 9, Number 11 December 2006 Vienna Doll Museum at Auction • Dollies’ Holiday • The Christmas Doll • UFDC Ribbon Winners • Tynietoy • Madonna and Child Volume 10, Number 1 February 2007 La Venus Cloth Dolls • Dolls in Ethnic Dress • Chinas • Costuming • UFDC Exhibits • American-Made Dolls Volume 10, Number 2 March 2007 Mary Merritt Doll Museum Preview • Lancaster Rag Dolls • Patsykins • Le Musée de la Poupeé • Alabama Babies • Au Nain Bleu • Metal Heads • Miniature China Volume 10, Number 3 April 2007 An Early French Papier Mache • Pet Animals by Hertwig • Doll Accessories • SFBJ Cloth Dolls • La Nicette • Flossie Flirt Volume 10, Number 4 May 2007 Door of Hope • Royal Court Dolls • Theriault’s: Madame Petyt Collection • Merritt Museum Auction • Topsy Turvy Dolls • Cissy Volume 10, Number 5 June 2007 Kathe Kruse • French and German Bisque Dolls • German Chinas and Parians • Black Lenci Dolls • Effanbee’s Little Lady Volume 10, Number 6 July 2007 Maison Simonne • A Pattern for the Well-Dressed Poupée • French Cloth Dolls • Wax Dolls • A New Museum Opens in Belgium • Auction News Volume 10, Number 7 August 2007 Japanese Dolls of Beautiful Women • Lenci Miniatures • Bleuette • Doll Accessories • Early American Composition Dolls • NADDA in Chicago Volume 10, Number 8 September 2007 A Rare Rohmer Fashion Doll • UFDC National Salesroom • A Queen’s Fairytale Dolls • German Chinas and Parians • Metal Head Dolls Volume 10, Number 9 October 2007 Musée de la Poupée Special Exhibit: The Trousseau of Violette D’Epigny • Pattern for Violette’s “Tunique” • Blue Ribbon Winning Dolls • Louis Amberg & Son • Schoenhut Safari Volume 10, Number 10 November 2007 German Character Dolls • Sewing in the Dolls’ House • Milwaukee WPA Dolls • Male Fashions • National Doll Festival
Volume 10, Number 11 December 2007 Theriault’s Auction Weekend • Premiere Bleuette • Candy Containers • UFDC Winners • Boudoir Dolls • Mint & Boxed Volume 10, Number 12 January 2008 French Fashions • Museum Romantic • French Cloth Dolls • Blue Ribbon Winners • French Penny Toy Furniture • The Good Fairy Volume 11, Number 1 February 2008 Delaware Toy and Miniature Museum • Footwear on Parade • The Patchwork Girl of OZ • Grace Storey Putnam • Advertising Dolls • Palmer Cox Brownies • Trousseaux for Dolls Volume 11, Number 2 March 2008 Paper Dolls in La Poupée Modèle • Wenham Museum • Unsigned Poupées and Bébés • A Spring Doll Tour • Miniature Furniture Volume 11, Number 3 April 2008 Morphy’s Dolls and Miniatures Auction • A Collector’s Profile • Tynietoy • Horsman • Shopping in France • A Present from the Past Volume 11, Number 4 May 2008 Armand Marseille’s Overlooked Rare Characters • Lenci-Anili • Kamkins • Violette’s Chemisette • Henri Delcroix • Ottenberg Dolls Volume 11, Number 5 June 2008 From the Doll Cabinet – A Rare China Fashion • Ningyô Dolls • Continental Crib Figures • Paper Dolls • Borgfeldt’s Composition Dolls • NADDA Volume 11, Number 6 July 2008 Schmitt et Fils • Pre-Door of Hope • German Character Dolls • Billiken • French Cloth Dolls • Splashme Volume 11, Number 7 August 2008 French Fashions • French Lilliputians & German Miniature Dolls • German Characters • China Dolls from Scandinavia • Where is Rosabelle? Volume 11, Number 8 September 2008 Selfridge Collection to be auctioned by Theriault’s • UFDC Salesroom • Dolly and Her Dressmaker • A Gift from Russia’s Czar Volume 11, Number 9 October 2008 Morphy’s Doll Auction • UFDC Antique Blue Ribbon Winners • Heubach • American-Made Dolls • Kentucky Poppets • National Doll Festival Volume 11, Number 10 November 2008 White House Doll & Toy Museum at Auction • Soft Metal Dollhouse Furniture • Blue Ribbon Winners • Hats For Your Poupée – a Special Pattern • Miniature China Dolls Volume 11, Number 11 December 2008 Theriault’s Three-Day Auction • AllBisques • Faith-Based Dolls • Peterkin • Christmas Dolls • More UFDC Winners! Volume 11, Number 12 January 2009 Ella – A Royal Gift • Dollhouse Miniatures • Heubach Molded Hairstyles • Gaithersburg • UFDC Modern Exhibit • Etta Boudoir Dolls • Affordable Chinas Volume 12, Number 1 February 2009 Early French Papier-Mâché Dolls • Discovering a Pit Brow Lass • Spain’s Cloth Doll Boom • Queen Rosabelle • UFDC Winners • A Special Pre-Greiner • Half Dolls Volume 12, Number 2 March 2009 Schoenhut Dolls • Tracing a Steiner’s Past • Doll Finds Under $500! • Gaultier • PA Dutch Dolls • Responsible Restoration • UFDC Volume 12, Number 3 April 2009 Gaultier • Lancaster Rags • Pinocchio & Friends • Miniature Parian Dolls • Lenci Volume 12, Number 4 May 2009 Simon and Halbig’s 1300 Series • Identifying French Dolls • Kley & Hahn Dolls • Collector Close-up • South American Super Hero • Early Steiff Animals Volume 12, Number 5 June 2009 Trousseau Doll at De Kleine Wereld Museum • Bébés Marked “DEP” • Black Dolls • Heubach Bisque Nudes • Character Dolls • NADDA’s April Show Volume 12, Number 6 July 2009 Bru Bébé Modèle • Collector Close-up • Sailor Dolls • Tynietoy • Sonneberg-Type Papier-Mâché Dolls Volume 12, Number 7 August 2009 Character Dolls of Catterfelder Puppenfabrik • George Borgfeldt • Paper Dolls • Chinas and Parians • An English Baby House • Effanbee’s Honey Volume 12, Number 8 September 2009 Richard Wright’s Personal Collection at Auction • Theriault’s Sets New Doll Record! • Tynietoy • UFDC Salesroom • Chinas and Parians • Remembering Dorothy Coleman Volume 12, Number 9 October 2009 Irresistible Googlies! • UFDC Blue Ribbon Winners • Japanese Dolls • Unmarked Composition Dolls • Becassine • The National Doll Festival Volume 12, Number 10 November 2009 An A.T. and Her Wardrobe • French Dolls from World War I • Door of Hope • UFDC Antique Exhibit • Skinner Sells Wright Collection Volume 12, Number 11 December 2009 Theriault’s Grand Auction Weekend • American Composition Dolls • K*R Cloth Caricature Dolls • UFDC Blue Ribbon Winners • Shopping in Paris • Christmas Toyland • Poured Wax Dolls • A Suitcase Full of Treasures • Crèche Figures Volume 12, Number 12 January 2010 A Jumeau Fashion • Ludwig Greiner • The Gibson Girl • Christian Hacker Shops • Urika Dolls • Gaithersburg Doll Show • Rose Percy • UFDC Blue Ribbon Winners Volume 13, Number 1 February 2010 Portrait of an Antique Doll Collector • Abigail, The Log Cabin Doll • A Doll Marriage Made in Heaven • Shopping in France • Trion Toy Company • Galluba and Hoffman • UFDC Special Exhibits Volume 13, Number 2 March 2010 Lilas: A Special Rohmer Doll • A 1910 Gottschalk Dollhouse • Owners and Their Dolls • Gebruder Bing • Auction Previews • NADDA in Seattle Volume 13, Number 3 April 2010 French Boudoir Dolls • Frozen Charlottes • Japanese Friendship Dolls • Kaiser Babies • Verdier & Gutmacher • An 18th Century Wooden • American Doll Discoveries Volume 13, Number 4 May 2010 A Rare Male Fashion • Doll’s Through the Artist’s Eye • Raggedy Ann • Native American Dolls • Early Hingham Craftsmen Volume 13, Number 5 June 2010 Rare Characters • La Veilleuse • Italian Cloth Smokers • American Made Walking Dolls • Early Hingham Craftsmen • NADDA • A Doll Survivor Volume 13, Number 6 July 2010 Mélisande – A Child Fashion • German All Bisques • Elsa Schiaparelli • French Doll Bodies • The Story of Deruchette • Celebrity Dolls • Pantin: A Paper Printed Toy Volume 13, Number 7 August 2010 Kestner, King of Dollmakers • Shell Dolls • Early Hingham Craftsmen • Little Cherub • Doll Treasures in Pioneer Nevada
Postage within the US is included. Canadian and overseas subscribers call us at 631-261-4100 or EMAIL: To order back issues, we need your name and address; the issues you are ordering, and a check in the total amount. Credit cards accepted. Send to: Antique Doll Collector, P.O. Box 239, Northport, NY 11768 Phone 631-261-4100 Fax 631-261-9684 Toll Free 1-888-800-2588
Do You Have a Mystery Doll?
Perhaps there is a doll in your collection that you and others have never seen before. Send us a high resolution photo and any information you have to (you may also send a print photo to Antique Doll Collector P.O. Box 39, East Petersburg, PA 17520). If you can identify a mystery doll, write to us at address or email above.
am seeking help in trying to find information on a doll my mother-law received when she was a child. She was born in 1916. I believe she is an Eaton Beauty Doll. Mary The Eaton’s catalog was as familiar to Canadians as the Sears & Roebuck catalog was to American consumers. In 1900 their catalog introduced the first Eaton Beauty doll. Armand Marseille made some of the earliest shoulderhead dolls; other producers were Cuno and Otto Dressel, Kestner and Schoenau & Hoffmeister. Each year the company selected the manufacturer who could offer them the best price. The last appearance of the Eaton Beauty Dolls was in 1999.
bought this doll at Goodwill. She is 20 inches tall with a stuffed body. Her head and hands are very heavy, perhaps some kind of clay or pottery. The head is unmarked and the doll itself is in good condition. I think her eyes are a very light glass or celluloid. She has a frog style body with teeth and a felt tongue. Her eyes open and close. I have replaced the original ribbons around her ankles and wrists which were very worn. I am hoping one of your readers can identify her. Don
o you have any idea what this doll is? She is 22” tall. Rosie from the UK
Cloth doll expert Nancy Smith answered, “This is a leather doll which was made in the UK in the teens. I have seen two other dolls like this. One of them had a label that said: ‘Webb’s Patent No 104075, 1916.’ The patent was registered to Miss Dora Webb R.M.S., 106 Burton Rd. Melton Mowbray. The labeled doll was in an auction and the face was pristine. It was estimated at $1200 to 1700 but sold for about twice the estimate.”
hope someone can identify a doll that I rescued from a garage sale last year. It is all cloth with a painted face and seems to be quite old. It appears to once have had yarn hair. I would love to know more about her and how to dress her in appropriate clothes. Carolyn
International Moscow Exhibition: Art of the Doll
he first International Moscow exhibition, “Art of the Doll,” will take place October 29-31, 2010 in Manage, the Central Ezibishinal Hall, Manezhnaya Square, 1 in the center of Moscow. Dolls from the collection of Lady Lana Letta will be on exhibit, later to take their place in the future Moscow Museum of Dolls, scheduled to open in 2011. These handmade, limited edition dolls represent peoples from various ethnic regions and can be seen in several books on doll collecting, i.e, The How-to Book of International Dolls. A Comprehensive Guide to Making, Costuming and Collecting Dolls by Loretta Holz; Cloth Dolls from Ancient to Modern: A Collector’s Guide with Values by Linda Edward; Identification and Price Guide by Polly and Pam Judd. For more information visit 59
Calendar of Events
Send in your Free Calendar Listing to: Antique Doll Collector, c/o Calendar, P.O. Box 239, Northport, New York 11768 or Email:
If you plan on attending a show, please call the number to verify the date and location as they may change.
August 2010
1 San Diego, CA. Doll & Teddy Bear Show. Al Bahr Shriners. Crossroads. Dorothy Drake. 775-348-7713. 4-5 Hatfield, PA. Doll Auction. Roxanne LeMay Morison, Doll Consultant. Alderfer Auction. 800-577-8846 ext. 3023. 6-8 Asheville, NC. Doll & Bear Expo. Crowne Plaza Resort. Knight Southeastern Doll Shows. 803-783-8049. 6-8 Monroeville, PA. Toy Show. Monroeville Convention Center. Orangestone Promotions, Inc. 412-213-0224. 7-8 Archbold, OH. 27th Annual Doll & Teddy Bear Show. Sauder Village. 800-590-9755. 7 Eagle River, WI. Doll Show & Sale. Kalmar Community Ctr. Enchanted Doll Club of the Northwoods. 715-479-7132. 7 San Antonio, TX. 2nd Annual Hill Country Doll Show & Sale. Live Oak Civic Center. Dorothy Meredith. 830-708-8054. 7 Vallejo, CA. Doll Show & Sale. Vallejo Fairgrounds. Nancy Jo Schreeder. 925-229-4190. 8 Laconia, NH. Doll & Miniature & Teddy Bear Show. Leavitt Park Community. Lakes Region Doll Club. 603-524-0129. 12-14 Brookfield, WI. 10th Midwest Doll Festival. Mary Zoch. 847-827-0416. 14 Ft. Erie, ONT. Mildred M. Mahoney Dollhouse Museum Auction. Bertie Hall. Cottone & Plato Auctions. 905-937-1751. 15 Hackensack, NJ. Doll Show. Rothman Center Fairleigh Dickinson University. JMK Shows. 352-527-6666. 15 Strongsville, OH. Doll & Bear Show. Holiday Inn. Gail Lemmon. 440-396-5386. 18-20 Nashua, NH. Doll Auction. Holiday Inn. Withington Auction. 603-478-3232. 21 Angelica, NY. Doll Show & Sale. Southwestern York-Penn Doll Club. Lorraine Hasper. 585-365-2520.
21-22 Belgium. 24th International Doll & Teddy Bear Show. Hallen Belfort. Niesje Wolters van Bemmel. 21 Huntsville, AL. 34th Anniversary Show & Sale. Historic Huntsville Depot Roundhouse. Twickenham Doll Club. 256-881-4809. 21 Pleasanton, CA. Doll & Teddy Bear Show. Alameda County Fairgrounds. Larry Herman. 925-947-1572. 25-27 Fairfield, ME. Antique & Fine Art Auction. Julia Auction Facility. James D. Julia Inc. 207-453-7125. 29 Bellevue, WA. Antique Doll & Toy Market. Red Lion Bellevue Inn. Teresa Lehmbeck. 425-413-9516. 29 Mankato, MN. Doll Show & Sale. Best Western Inn. Lady Slipper Doll Club. 507-334-0431.
September 2010
4 Portland, OR. Doll Show. National Guard Armory. Dorothy Drake. 775-348-7713. 4 Westampton, NJ. Dolls at Auction. Sweetbriar Auctions. 410-275-2094. 8-12 Denver, CO. Miniatures & Dolls & Toys Show. Doubletree Hotel Denver Tech. Denver Museum of Miniatures, Dolls & Toys. 303-651-6856. 9-12 Neenah, WI. Oldenburg & Co. 2nd Annual Convention. Holiday Inn. 920-582-4361. 11 Glendale, CA. Dolls & Miniatures & Bears Show & Sale. Glendale Civic Auditorium. Barbara Kouri. 818-767-4172. 11 Hillsborough, NH. Annual Toy & Doll Extravaganza @ the Dollhouse in Hillsborough. Withington Auction. 11 Las Cruces, NM. Doll Show & Sale. Mesilla Valley Conference Room Days Inn. Gloria Sanders. 575-523-1413. 11 Roseville, CA. Doll Show. Placer County Fairgrounds. Dorothy Drake. 775-348-7713. 11 San Diego, CA. Doll Show & Sale. Al Bahr Temple. Delightful Dolls. 619-265-0443. 11 Santa Monica, CA. De-acquisition Sale. Angel’s Attic Museum. Angel’s Attic. 310-394-8331. 11 Talbott, TN. Doll Show. Morristown Doll Club. W. Hamblen County Volunteer Fire Dept. 423-586-0744. 11 Waldorf, MD. Doll Show & Sale. Thomas Stone High School. Southern Maryland Doll Club. 301-868-6410. 12 Alexander, NY. Doll Show. Alexander Fireman’s Recreation Hall. Fairlands Doll. Sue Spink. 585-591-2841. 12 Chantilly, VA. Teddy Bear Show. Dulles Expo & Conference Ctr. Alex Wilson. 717-993-3041. 12 Erlanger, KY. Doll Show. 1379 Donaldson Rd. Triple Crown Doll Club. Monica. 859-635-1649. 12 Maquoketa, IA. Doll & Toy & Bear Show. Jackson County Fairgrounds. Dora Pitts. 563-242-0139. 12 Valparaiso, IN. Doll & Bear Show & Sale. Porter County Exposition Center. Valparaiso Dolls & Friends Club. 219-476-7384. 17-19 St. Charles, IL. Folk Art Festival. Kane County Fairgrounds. 800-777-4373. 18 Beaverton, OR. Doll Show. Beaverton Elks Lodge. Sharon. 18-19 Gaithersburg, MD. 151st Eastern National Antique Doll Show. The Fairgrounds. Bellman Events. 443-617-3590. 18 Greenville, SC. Doll & Bear Show. Holiday Inn. Knight Southeastern Doll Shows. 803-783-8049. 18 Lawrenceville, PA. Doll & Bear & Miniature Show & Sale. Laurel Doll Club of PA. 570-537-2253. 18 Lewiston, ID. Annual Doll Sale. Lewis -Clark State College. Lewis-Clark Doll Club. Carmen Moxley. 509-758-5487. 18 W. Covina, CA. Doll & Bears Show. West Covina Elk’s Lodge. Doll Festival. 831-438-5349. 19 Houston, TX. Doll Show. Hilton Houston Hobby Airport. Carolyn Johnson. 409-945-2796. 19 Milwaukee, WI. Doll & Bear Show. Serb Hall. Orphans In The Attic. Marge Hansen. 920-563-0046. 25 Billings, MT. Doll Show. Legacy Doll Museum. 406-252-0041. Calendar continued on page 63
Saturday, Sept. 11
“HAPPY DOLLING” SHOW & SALE To be held at: GLENDALE CIVIC AUDITORIUM 1401 N. Verdugo Road Glendale, California 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.
Antique Dolls…Collectible Dolls Miniatures…Bears…Doll Supplies Everything Needed for the Well Appointed Doll Collection
Food On Premises
A portion of the proceeds benefits St. Joseph Indian School
Future Show Date: September 10, 2011 For reservation or information contact: Barbara Kouri P. O. Box 6806 Burbank, CA 91510-6806 (818) 767-4172
Consider Us When Selling Your Dolls
Ken Farmer Auctions is a full service auction gallery. We can help you sell one doll or an entire collection. Please contact us to discuss your needs.
Presented by: Barbara Kouri Member of U.F.D.C. (818) 767-4172
Alisen Kouri (714) 425-1311 evenings
105 Harrison St. Radford, VA 24141 Phone: (800) 476-5359
Admission $5.00 Children under 12 $2.00
L V A #434
Established 1972
SEPTEMBER 18 & 19, 2010
The 151st Eastern National Antique Doll Show
Which American Toy Co. was the largest in the world in 1908? The A. Schoenhut Co. of Philadelphia, PA!
Rare Schmidt all bisque circa 1879
Come see me and much more at...
Doll Museum
3206 6th Avenue North, Billings, Montana 59101 • 406-252-0041 Open 12-5pm Thursday-Saturday until 6/15/10 and Tuesday-Saturday 6/15/10-9/15/10.
The Schoenhut Collectors’ Club invites you to JOIN NOW!
Worldwide Membership Annual Convention with Seminars, Buying & Selling, Special Events! ● Quarterly Multi-Page Newsletter ● Guaranteed to be Fun! USA Memberships: Overseas: $20./Single $25./Single $30./Family $35./Family $10./Museum ● ●
Send to: Schoenhut
Collectors’ Club,
72 Barre Drive Lancaster, PA 17601-3206 Phone 717-569-9697 Visit
TM 1972
Saturday 10 to 5 Sunday 10 to 3
SAVE $2 | With Copy of This Ad on 1 Admission of $8 | Good 2 Days
Over 200 Years of Playthings / Plus: Doll Artist & *Toys The Fairgrounds, 16 Chestnut St. Gaithersburg, MD 20877 12 Miles North West of Washington DC (I-270) Exit 10 to red light, turn left, follow fairgrounds signs. Bellman Events 1-443-617-3590 Call For Next Eastern National Doll Show *LIMITED Number of Toys ©
Calendar continued from page 60 25 Bremerton, WA. Doll Show. Sons of Norway Hall. Sandy O’Donnell. 360-871-7359. 25 Chartres, France. Doll Auction. Galerie De Chartres. 25 Denver, CO. UFDC Region 6 Denver Conference Public Day. Sheraton Denver West. Diane Hoffman. 303-722-8700. 25-26 Golden, CO. 1st Annual Tri State Doll Sale. Jefferson County Fairgrounds. Lorella Farmer. 303-988-8591. 25 Paris, France. Doll Auction. Hotel Ambassador. Theimer Auctions. Francois. 26 Ft. Wayne, IN. Doll & Bear Show. The Lantern. B&L Promotions. 419-228-4657. 26 Ottawa, Canada. Doll & Bear & Miniature Show. R.A. Centre. C. McIntosh. 613-829-0041. 26 Willowbrook, IL. Doll & Bear Show & Sale. Ashton Place Banquet Center. 312-919-7135.
October 2010
2 Albany, NY. Doll Show & Sale. St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Church. Shake Doll Club. 518-439-6576. 2 Caldwell, ID. Hello Dollie Doll Club Show. Our Lady of the Valley Catholic Church. 209-880-2484. 2 Escondido, CA. Doll Show. Church of the Resurrection. Southwind Doll Club. 760-728-6830. 3 Lansing, MI. Doll Show. DeWitt Banquet & Conference Center. Sandy. 269-599-1511. 9 Fredericksburg, VA. Doll & Toy Show. Fredericksburg Elks Lodge. Judy Kamerer. 804-448-5060. 9 Memphis, TN. Doll Show & Sale. Agricenter International. Southern Belles Doll Club. 901-377-9353. 9-10 Oaks, PA. Antiques & Collectibles Show. Greater Philadelphia Expo Center. Norman F. Schaut & Seaview Show Mgmt. 888-225-1007. 10 Anaheim, CA. Dolls & Jewelry Show. Anaheim Plaza Hotel. National Doll Festival. 831-438-5349. 10 Dedham, MA. Doll & Teddy & Toy Show. Holiday Inn. Bornstein Show. 978-535-4810. 10 Flint, MI. Doll Show & Sale. Dom Polski Hall. The Flint Barbie Club. 810-659-2351. 10 Hendersonville, NC. Doll Show & Sale. National Guard Armory. Land O’Sky Doll Club. UFDC Region 8. 828-891-8362. 16 Palmetto, GA. Peachtree Doll Collectors Annual Doll Show. 9250 Hutchenson Ferry Rd. 770-579-9404. 16 Phoenix, AZ. Daydreamers Doll Club Show & Sale. No. Phoenix Baptist Church. 480-857-2405. 16-17 Puyallup, WA. Doll Show. Western Washington Fairgrounds. Dorothy Drake. 775-348-7713. 17 Wausau, WI. Doll & Antiques Show. St. Matthew Church Hall. Altrusa International of Wausau. 20-22 Nashua, NH. Doll Auction. Holiday Inn, Nashua. Withington Auction, Inc. 603-478-3232. 23 Sparks, NV. Doll & Bear Show. Holiday Inn. Melinda Natzel. 775-342-7629. 24 St. Charles, IL. Antique & Collectible Toy & Doll Show. Kane County Fairgrounds. Antique World Shows. 773-736-5140. 30-31 Holyoke, MA. Doll & Toy & Teddy Bear Show. Holyoke Holiday Inn. Maven Company. 413-534-3311.
• Toys • Miniatures • Doll Molds • Supplies •
VALLEJO, CA Vallejo Fairgrounds
Aug. 7, 2010 Saturday 9 a.m.
Nov. 5-6, 2010 Friday 12 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m.
For information sendSASE (2 stamps) to: Nancy Jo Schreeder, 305 Robinson St., Martinez, CA 94553 Phone 925-229-4190 Fax 925-229-5369
FriZellBurg antique Store a quality group shop specializing in dolls, toys and holidays. Visit our website today!
laura turner, proprietor, 1909 old taneytown rd., Westminster, Md 21158. open thurs-Sun 11-5 410-848-0664 410-875-2850 We also carry a quality line of antiques, textiles, furniture and jewelry. 30 years of experience where you can buy or sell with confidence. Call us with your wants, we have an ever-changing inventory
Doll Related Items • Furniture • Clothes • Bears
The Doll Works
Sondra Krueger antiqueS
Judith Armitstead (781) 334-5577 P.O. Box 195, Lynnfield, MA 01940
Please visit our website for a fine selection of antique dolls, dollhouse dolls, dollhouse miniatures, teddy bears, all bisque dolls, bathing beauties, kewpies, dresser boxes, snow babies, half dolls, and doll accessories at Small Dollhouse Lady Doll
Buying and Selling antique doll furniture, dollhouses, antique toy china, accessories. Sherman’s Antiques
Ebay Store: Sondra Krueger Antiques phone 530-893-5135. Email:
Place Your ad here
& Doll Hospital
a classified marketplace for antique dolls and related merchandise Copy ads: 35 cents per word, no limit; $12 minimum Ads with a border and boldface, add $10 to word total
155 E. Haines Blvd., Lake Alfred, FL 33850 We specialize in antique and collectable toys and dolls and also deal in all types of antiques. Our doll doctor has over 20 years experience with all doll services performed on site. We make as well as restore teddy bears too. Our doll doctor can make wigs, clothes or any service your doll may need. We are located in central Florida and opened year around seven days a week. Monday thru Saturday 10 am – 5 pm and Sunday 12 pm – 5 pm. Call 863-956-4333 or 863-221-4035. Email: Website: Member of UFDC
BlaCK and White Photo adS we can convert your color ads to black and white 1/12 page ( 2 1/2” h x 2 3/8” w) $40 1/9 page ( 3 3/8” h x 2 3/8” w) $50 Full Color Photo adS 1/9 page ( 3 3/8” h x 2 3/8” w) $125 Sara BernStein’S dollS 10 Sami Court, Englishtown, NJ 07726 Phone 732-536-4101 Email:
Puddy’s Dream ON THE WEB AT: HoneyandShars-Antique-Dolls
Phone 623/266-2926 or cell 206/295-8585
antique doll Collector, P.o. Box 239, northport, nY 11768 Classified ads due no later than the first day of the preceding month of publication. example: May 1 for the June issue. antique dolls and collectibles. lSadSe for color fully illustrated list #71. 10 month layaway available. Member uFdC & nadda. regina a. Steele, 23 Wheatfield dr, Wilmington, de 19810-4351. Phone 302-475-5374 email: Visit my website: antique doll repair and restoration full service repair of dolls including bisque, composition, hard plastic and vinyl dolls. We specialize in antique and vintage doll clothing and related accessories. Call Rhoda’s Doll Emporium 618-387-1255. Email
New dolls added weekly
Sharon & Ed KoLiBaBa
Please include payment with your ad. larger ads are considered display ads — call us for information. 1-888-800-2588.
Antique Dolls • Perfume Bottles Antique Furniture • Jewelry and Vintage Clothing Come Spend the Day - Everybody Welcome! Open Tues. thru Sun. 10-5 Located in Historic Evanswood Village on Hwy. 10 Weyauwega, WI 1-920-867-4300 Ask for Dawn.
antique dollS – French and German Bisque, All Bisque, Chinas, Limited Ed. Doll Plates. SASE. Ann Lloyd, 5632 S. Deer Run Road, Doylestown, PA 18902. 215-794-8164. Email: shops/anntiquedolls Member NADDA, UFDC reneW Your SuBSCriPtion MaKe a danCing PaPer doll linKS to Your FaVorite adVertiSerS and More at: WWW.antiquedollColleCtor.CoM
Valerie Fogel
North Bend, WA. 98045 Tel: 425.765.4010 Fax: 425.292.0185 (call 1st) Member UFDC & NADDA
Summertime, a backdrop for refined mademoiselles enjoying a gathering on the veranda! This beauty is a deftly rendered delight. The wash of blues and grays sensitively stroked in her beautiful eyes captivate the observer. Completely original in a summer-weight gold tone walking suit with bronze silk trims, elegant feathered straw bonnet, original long golden mohair wig, elegant blouse with cabichon lapis brooch, layers of petticoats and unders and original antique leather boots. Her exquisite pale bisque shoulder head is secured to a sturdy gusseted leather body w/ individually stitched fingers. Ca. 1875 by Gaultier - 19" tall. $3950
Enchanting… a 17" Mademoiselle with a sultry gaze from the depths of ocean blue enamel eyes. Sweeping lashes, full glazed lips gently outlined, All original. From the Jumeau Firm on marked Jumeau body with straight wrists, rarer upswept Jumeau wig, original cranberry Mariner dress and hat, antique unders and shoes. Marked P w/ artist check marks from the early days of the Bebes made at the Jumeau Firm. A Very Pretty Bebe! $7600
This child speaks volumes with her beautiful eyes. She stands 17.5 inches, has an original full, long mohair wig, antique ear drops, very expressive features with full lips and exceptional coloring. Cork pate, leather shoes, antique unders and French wood and composition body. A brilliant blue bratelle dress with sweet flowered straw bonnet compliment her brilliant blue eyes. An exceptional child! $5300
Scrumptious 6 inch All Bisque Simon Halbig 1009 in elaborate four tiered presentation box! Adorable little one in French Market styling. Fabulous array of clothes and accessories; everything for the well heeled child! Expressive chocolate colored sleep eyes, open mouth w/ tiny teeth, long curly mohair wig. tiny straw bonnet and fabulous original dress. Not to be missed! $5950
The 'Doll as Art'… Here we see an early Simon Halbig shoulder-head with cheerful yellow molded curls and exquisitely painted features. In pale mint colored original dress, one turquoise earring drop, bisque arms and feet. Approx 16.5" tall. $1800
Incredible 15" Simon Halbig 949..This fantastic completely all original closed mouth beauty is out of a private collection that has been tucked away for several decades. She has incredible blue spiral glass eyes, a solid dome belton type head. Her closed mouth is two toned with a red line in the center. Expert painting and flawless bisque. Her original long braided blond wig is incredible and in it's original set! She is wearing a wonderful antique wine red wool dress and matching velvet cape and hat. She is on her early straight wristed fully jointed body. Untouched by time! Remarkable! $2195
Completely adorable 10" Extreme Kestner Pouty! How can you not look at this adorable face and not fall deeply in love? This sweet girl has beautiful blue spiral glass sleep eyes, that adorable little pouty mouth, the highest quality bisque and painting. Just a delightful little darling! She is on her original straight wristed fully jointed body. She has her original wig and antique clothes right down to her darling antique leather shoes! These little poutys are so hard to find in this rare size. This adorable delight is very special! $2850 Exceptional Large 7 1/2" All Original Swivel Neck Gerbruder Kuhnlenz 31-19 All Bisque.. This hard to find, adorable little girl is minty w/ her orig. clothes, blonde mohair wig in orig. set w/ pale green silk bows and darling black velvet coat and hat! A big girl w/ huge bulging brown blown glass eyes, exceptional bisque and painting and sweet little closed mouth. She has painted two strap black Mary Jane shoes and white socks. Jointed at neck, arms and hips. A stunning little girl! $1395
Rare and incredibly beautiful! 11" Twill Over Wood Simon Halbig Lady Fashion. This delectable fashion is completely all original with the prettiest face you will ever see! She has beautiful pale bisque, cobalt blue glass set eyes, delicate painting with feathered brows, her original mohair wig and pate and a closed mouth with a red line through the center. Her body is a rare fashion twill over wood with perfect bisque arms and hands. Her clothes are fantastic! These little confections are so hard to come by and this beauty is very special! $4895 Call Lynne Shoblom 928-445-5908
15” Franz Schmidt 1266 pouty character toddler boy wearing original silk and corduroy play suit. $ 3500.
Open Sunday 9AM - 4PM or by appointment Visa/Mastercard
17” Scroll mark F.G. Bebe with a fully jointed composition body, blonde mohair wig, and vintage cotton dress with antique shoes. $3200.
8 N.Village Circle P.O. Box 705 Adamstown, PA. 19501 (717) 484-1200