November 2013

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Antique DOLL Collector November 2013 Vol. 16, No. 10

A Marquis Theriault’s Auction

November 23rd, 2013 A t t h e Wa l d o r f A s t o r i a i n N e w Yo r k C i t y , N e w Yo r k Preview 9AM • Auction 11AM In the 1860s and 1870s, considered the golden years of the French poupée or fashion doll, Paris was filled with small exclusive shops that featured not only the exquisite dolls themselves, but also multitudes of related objects – furnishings, costumes and accessories – such as could be found in “real people” homes and salons of the time. It is not insignificant, for example, that the poupée of Adelaide Huret, considered the signature model for all that followed, emanated from the Huret family workshops that created fine salon furnishings for real people, and subsequently for the poupée. The child played not just with a doll, but actually created a veritable milieu in which the poupée could live.

The collection is featured in the 200 page full-color hardbound book that is sure to be a collector’s item in itself. Order “Ensemble, The Hanne Büktas Collection of French Poupées, Their Costumes, Furnishings and Accessories” by calling 800-638-0422 or visit

the dollmasters P O B ox 1 5 1 • A n n ap o l i s , M a r y l a n d 2 1 4 0 4 U S A • To l l - f r e e : 8 0 0 - 6 3 8 - 0 4 2 2 • Fa x : 4 1 0 - 2 2 4 - 2 5 1 5 • w w w. t h e r i au l t s . c o m

“Ensemble” — Saturday, November 23rd, 2013

November 24th, 2013

More photographs of

side with hundreds of the rarest

dolls and accessories

French poupées from the ateliers

from the Hanne Büktas

of Huret, Rohmer, Rochard, Bru,

collection can be found

Jumeau, Radiquet and Cordonnier,

on pages 18-23 of this

Dehors and others (some with

issue of Antique Doll

provenance including the pair of

Collector. To see further

Taft-Alden poupées) are to be found

examples, visit the

finely crafted doll-sized furnishings,

YouTube videos

of finest woods and trimmed with


ormolu or bronze, outstanding original

com/vignette. Or call to register at

trousseaux of exquisite style and

Theriault’s Dollmastery Seminar

fabrics, and the rarest of the rare in

on Friday, November 22 at the

miniature accessories ranging from an

Waldorf-Astoria in New York


of the late 19th century (perfectly sized as accessories

collection of

for poupées), to chandeliers, miniature books, handbags


and parasols. Ten exquisite people-sized porte-bouquets

In pursuing her outstanding ensemble of the finest French poupées, Hanne Büktas,

miniature favors

(known as tussy-mussies) are also featured. And the

collector extraordinare, of Vienna, Austria, has sought to re-create these childhood

from famous

collection is complemented by a number of dainty

paradises that were found in the shops of Paris during the golden years. Thus side-by-

Vienna balls

mignonettes, serving as “children” in the many lady salon

“Lulu’s Story” — Sunday, November 24th, 2013

A Marquis Theriault’s Auction

and boudoir scenes.

A t t h e Wa l d o r f A s t o r i a i n N e w Yo r k C i t y , N e w Yo r k Preview 9AM • Auction 11AM

(limited to 25 registrants).

Order “Ensemble, The Hanne Büktas Collection of French Poupées, Their Costumes, Furnishings and Accessories” by calling 800-638-0422 or visit

It is highlighted by a superb example of the eminent

It is highlighted by a superb example of the eminent Albert Marque doll.


Albert Marque doll (seen on the cover of this magazine), bearing the artist signature and the script-


marked #23 from the series of only 100 dolls. The auction is also highlighted by the collection of the late


Kate Hoffman, whose tasteful and inquisitive nature


led her to pursue the best of the best in various doll categories. Her collection of American cloth includes many Martha Chase models that are seldom seen, as well as labeled patent model Izannah Walker dolls, black Beecher cloth, the Columbian doll and many others. Yet she also assembled beautiful French dolls including a superb Bébé Bru from the Golden Age still in its original At eight years of age, Lulu left Louisa’s care in Boston,

costume and box, that was featured in The Bru Book by Theimer and

returning to her father in Switzerland, forced to abandon

Theriault, as well as rare German character dolls highlighted by rare

her “vast collection of dolls”. Lulu lived in Europe

googlies and her outstanding collection of rare characters from the

until the age of 95. It is not known what happened

Gebruder Heubach collection. Her specialized and extensive collection

to her dolls. None of the fine antique dolls offered at

of Snow Children and Babies includes many examples of the very rare

this auction are known to have ever belonged to Lulu.

“blue snow” models. Fine sculpted-hair ladies of porcelain and bisque are

Nevertheless Theriault’s important Marquis auction of

featured from the Hanne Büktas and Pia Langer collections, as well as

antique dolls on Sunday, November 24 is inspired by

automata, all-bisque mignonettes, Schoenhut dolls, and simply beautiful

Lulu’s Story, and thus so-named.

child dolls in fabulous original costumes.

When Louisa May Alcott, author of Little Women, was seven years old her mother wrote to her “My Dear Little Girl, will you accept this doll from me on your seventh birthday? She will be a quiet playmate…” The Alcott family lived in abject poverty, despite the comfortable scenes depicted in the Little Women book which many have felt depicted the actual Alcott sisters, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy and their mother, Marmee. So it is no wonder that when the later-wealthy Louisa took over the care of her infant niece, Lulu, she showered her with an array of beautiful dolls as well as penning a volume of childhood stories titled Lulu’s Library.

The dolls and childhood playthings are all featured in the 140 page full-color hardbound book that is sure to be a collector’s item in itself. Order “Lulu’s Story” by calling 800-638-0422 or visit

“Ensemble” — Saturday, November 23rd, 2013

November 24th, 2013

More photographs of

side with hundreds of the rarest

dolls and accessories

French poupées from the ateliers

from the Hanne Büktas

of Huret, Rohmer, Rochard, Bru,

collection can be found

Jumeau, Radiquet and Cordonnier,

on pages 18-23 of this

Dehors and others (some with

issue of Antique Doll

provenance including the pair of

Collector. To see further

Taft-Alden poupées) are to be found

examples, visit the

finely crafted doll-sized furnishings,

YouTube videos

of finest woods and trimmed with


ormolu or bronze, outstanding original

com/vignette. Or call to register at

trousseaux of exquisite style and

Theriault’s Dollmastery Seminar

fabrics, and the rarest of the rare in

on Friday, November 22 at the

miniature accessories ranging from an

Waldorf-Astoria in New York


of the late 19th century (perfectly sized as accessories

collection of

for poupées), to chandeliers, miniature books, handbags


and parasols. Ten exquisite people-sized porte-bouquets

In pursuing her outstanding ensemble of the finest French poupées, Hanne Büktas,

miniature favors

(known as tussy-mussies) are also featured. And the

collector extraordinare, of Vienna, Austria, has sought to re-create these childhood

from famous

collection is complemented by a number of dainty

paradises that were found in the shops of Paris during the golden years. Thus side-by-

Vienna balls

mignonettes, serving as “children” in the many lady salon

“Lulu’s Story” — Sunday, November 24th, 2013

A Marquis Theriault’s Auction

and boudoir scenes.

A t t h e Wa l d o r f A s t o r i a i n N e w Yo r k C i t y , N e w Yo r k Preview 9AM • Auction 11AM

(limited to 25 registrants).

Order “Ensemble, The Hanne Büktas Collection of French Poupées, Their Costumes, Furnishings and Accessories” by calling 800-638-0422 or visit

It is highlighted by a superb example of the eminent

It is highlighted by a superb example of the eminent Albert Marque doll.


Albert Marque doll (seen on the cover of this magazine), bearing the artist signature and the script-


marked #23 from the series of only 100 dolls. The auction is also highlighted by the collection of the late


Kate Hoffman, whose tasteful and inquisitive nature


led her to pursue the best of the best in various doll categories. Her collection of American cloth includes many Martha Chase models that are seldom seen, as well as labeled patent model Izannah Walker dolls, black Beecher cloth, the Columbian doll and many others. Yet she also assembled beautiful French dolls including a superb Bébé Bru from the Golden Age still in its original At eight years of age, Lulu left Louisa’s care in Boston,

costume and box, that was featured in The Bru Book by Theimer and

returning to her father in Switzerland, forced to abandon

Theriault, as well as rare German character dolls highlighted by rare

her “vast collection of dolls”. Lulu lived in Europe

googlies and her outstanding collection of rare characters from the

until the age of 95. It is not known what happened

Gebruder Heubach collection. Her specialized and extensive collection

to her dolls. None of the fine antique dolls offered at

of Snow Children and Babies includes many examples of the very rare

this auction are known to have ever belonged to Lulu.

“blue snow” models. Fine sculpted-hair ladies of porcelain and bisque are

Nevertheless Theriault’s important Marquis auction of

featured from the Hanne Büktas and Pia Langer collections, as well as

antique dolls on Sunday, November 24 is inspired by

automata, all-bisque mignonettes, Schoenhut dolls, and simply beautiful

Lulu’s Story, and thus so-named.

child dolls in fabulous original costumes.

When Louisa May Alcott, author of Little Women, was seven years old her mother wrote to her “My Dear Little Girl, will you accept this doll from me on your seventh birthday? She will be a quiet playmate…” The Alcott family lived in abject poverty, despite the comfortable scenes depicted in the Little Women book which many have felt depicted the actual Alcott sisters, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy and their mother, Marmee. So it is no wonder that when the later-wealthy Louisa took over the care of her infant niece, Lulu, she showered her with an array of beautiful dolls as well as penning a volume of childhood stories titled Lulu’s Library.

The dolls and childhood playthings are all featured in the 140 page full-color hardbound book that is sure to be a collector’s item in itself. Order “Lulu’s Story” by calling 800-638-0422 or visit

“Ensemble” — Saturday, November 23rd, 2013

November 24th, 2013

More photographs of

side with hundreds of the rarest

dolls and accessories

French poupées from the ateliers

from the Hanne Büktas

of Huret, Rohmer, Rochard, Bru,

collection can be found

Jumeau, Radiquet and Cordonnier,

on pages 18-23 of this

Dehors and others (some with

issue of Antique Doll

provenance including the pair of

Collector. To see further

Taft-Alden poupées) are to be found

examples, visit the

finely crafted doll-sized furnishings,

YouTube videos

of finest woods and trimmed with


ormolu or bronze, outstanding original

com/vignette. Or call to register at

trousseaux of exquisite style and

Theriault’s Dollmastery Seminar

fabrics, and the rarest of the rare in

on Friday, November 22 at the

miniature accessories ranging from an

Waldorf-Astoria in New York


of the late 19th century (perfectly sized as accessories

collection of

for poupées), to chandeliers, miniature books, handbags


and parasols. Ten exquisite people-sized porte-bouquets

In pursuing her outstanding ensemble of the finest French poupées, Hanne Büktas,

miniature favors

(known as tussy-mussies) are also featured. And the

collector extraordinare, of Vienna, Austria, has sought to re-create these childhood

from famous

collection is complemented by a number of dainty

paradises that were found in the shops of Paris during the golden years. Thus side-by-

Vienna balls

mignonettes, serving as “children” in the many lady salon

“Lulu’s Story” — Sunday, November 24th, 2013

A Marquis Theriault’s Auction

and boudoir scenes.

A t t h e Wa l d o r f A s t o r i a i n N e w Yo r k C i t y , N e w Yo r k Preview 9AM • Auction 11AM

(limited to 25 registrants).

Order “Ensemble, The Hanne Büktas Collection of French Poupées, Their Costumes, Furnishings and Accessories” by calling 800-638-0422 or visit

It is highlighted by a superb example of the eminent

It is highlighted by a superb example of the eminent Albert Marque doll.


Albert Marque doll (seen on the cover of this magazine), bearing the artist signature and the script-


marked #23 from the series of only 100 dolls. The auction is also highlighted by the collection of the late


Kate Hoffman, whose tasteful and inquisitive nature


led her to pursue the best of the best in various doll categories. Her collection of American cloth includes many Martha Chase models that are seldom seen, as well as labeled patent model Izannah Walker dolls, black Beecher cloth, the Columbian doll and many others. Yet she also assembled beautiful French dolls including a superb Bébé Bru from the Golden Age still in its original At eight years of age, Lulu left Louisa’s care in Boston,

costume and box, that was featured in The Bru Book by Theimer and

returning to her father in Switzerland, forced to abandon

Theriault, as well as rare German character dolls highlighted by rare

her “vast collection of dolls”. Lulu lived in Europe

googlies and her outstanding collection of rare characters from the

until the age of 95. It is not known what happened

Gebruder Heubach collection. Her specialized and extensive collection

to her dolls. None of the fine antique dolls offered at

of Snow Children and Babies includes many examples of the very rare

this auction are known to have ever belonged to Lulu.

“blue snow” models. Fine sculpted-hair ladies of porcelain and bisque are

Nevertheless Theriault’s important Marquis auction of

featured from the Hanne Büktas and Pia Langer collections, as well as

antique dolls on Sunday, November 24 is inspired by

automata, all-bisque mignonettes, Schoenhut dolls, and simply beautiful

Lulu’s Story, and thus so-named.

child dolls in fabulous original costumes.

When Louisa May Alcott, author of Little Women, was seven years old her mother wrote to her “My Dear Little Girl, will you accept this doll from me on your seventh birthday? She will be a quiet playmate…” The Alcott family lived in abject poverty, despite the comfortable scenes depicted in the Little Women book which many have felt depicted the actual Alcott sisters, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy and their mother, Marmee. So it is no wonder that when the later-wealthy Louisa took over the care of her infant niece, Lulu, she showered her with an array of beautiful dolls as well as penning a volume of childhood stories titled Lulu’s Library.

The dolls and childhood playthings are all featured in the 140 page full-color hardbound book that is sure to be a collector’s item in itself. Order “Lulu’s Story” by calling 800-638-0422 or visit

Joyce Kekatos e-mail: I buy dolls and sell on consignment. home: 718-863-0373 cell: 917-859-2446

13 1/2” Brevette Bru Bebe, mint pale bisque, br. almond shaped p/w eyes, early mauve blush under brows, luscious lashes, fabulous ant. long tailed mohair wig, pate & head attachment. Wears gorgeous ant. Fr. red wool dress & matching hat, orig. undies & orig. “signed” Bru shoes, ant. black socks marked “B”. On orig. kid body, perfect bisque shoulder plate, fully “signed”, perfect lower bisque arms & hands (small firing line behind one wrist). First generation Bru & absolutely BREATHTAKING!!! $18,500. 8 1/2” Swaine & Co. “DIP” Character Baby, mint pale bisque, orig. mohair wig, cl./mo., light blue sl. eyes & molded lids. Wears factory orig. batiste & lace trimmed baby gown, & ant. pink dotted swiss pinafore, darling ant. hat, orig. diaper & booties. On orig. 5 pc. bent limb baby body. Great tiny size perfect for doll carriage or stroller. Deep modeling. Adorable!!! Only...$1095.


(Nat'l Antique Doll Dealers Assn.)

Visit my website:

11” Tete Jumeau #2 Bebe, bulging blue p/w eyes, luscious lashes, immaculate pale bisque, fabulous orig. full mohair wig. Wears FACTORY orig. ornate silk & lace dress, matching hat, orig. undies, socks & ant. Fr. leather shoes. On orig. “signed” Jumeau body & fully marked head. More beautiful than I can describe. Great tiny cabinet size. Most amazing face & tremendous presence!!! BREATHTAKING!!! $8550.

7” Kestner Cl./Mo. All Bisque, big br. p/w eyes, early peg strung, “swivel neck”, cl./mo.,, magnificent orig. long curly mohair wig w/chignon. Wears orig. batiste pink & white dress & orig. pantaloons. RARE pink bootines. Absolutely STUNNING & great large size all bisque. $3575. 9 1/2” Tete Jumeau #1 Bebe, immaculate pale bisque, huge blue threaded p/w eyes, luscious lashes, orig. mohair wig & pate. Wears factory orig. flowered Jumeau dress, fabulous ant. Fr. silk hat, orig. undies & orig. unmarked Jumeau shoes w/rosettes & orig. crocheted socks. On orig. “signed” Jumeau body. ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS in the most darling size #1. $9850.

4” All Bisque Mignonette, blue p/w eyes, great pale bisque, fabulous orig. very long wavy mohair wig, (surface flakes top of torso). Wears gorgeous orig. aqua silk dress. Beautiful tiny all bisque, “swivel neck” & cutest teeny sized mignonette. I love her!!! Only….$2275.

16” K * R 116A Toddler, o/cl/mo., magnificent bisque, br. sl. eyes, , orig. mohair wig, wears darling wool sailor suit out of ant. fabrics, orig. undies, orig. leather shoes & socks. On great orig. fully jointed st. wrist toddler body, 2 molded upper teeth into top lip. First out of mold deep modeling. Absolutely ADORABLE!!! $2550. 10 1/2” A.M. #240 Kewpie Googlie Toddler, huge blue side glancing sl. eyes, big watermelon mouth, painted molded hair pointed on sides & top, mint pale bisque. Wears ant. blue batiste dress w/thin stripping, criss cross stitching & rouching at chest w/ lace collar, ant. crocheted socks & shoes. On orig. compo. 5 pc. toddler body. The cutest one I have ever seen! Just DARLING!! Sure to bring you a smile!!! $5500.

Nelling, Inc.

P.O. Box 4327 Burbank CA 91503 Cell: 818-738-4591 Home: 818-562-7839

Member NADDA and UFDC 15 1/2” Terrene body fashion, fully articulated, orig. and charming multi-piece costume and wig. $6950. 5 1/2” French Sustrac mignonette with BTE mark, orig. costume, undergarments and wig. $3375. EXHIBITING: November 9 California Doll Collectors Show and Sale, Garden Grove CA, Garden Grove Community Center December 7-8 Eastern National Antique Doll Show, Gaithersburg MD, Montgomery County Fairgrounds


Visit us at: • e-mail:

published by the Office Staff: Publication and Advertising: Keith Kaonis Editor-in-Chief: Donna C. Kaonis Administration Manager: Lorraine Moricone Phone: 1-888-800-2588 Art/Production: Lisa Ambrose Graphic Designer: Marta Sivakoff Contributors: Ursula Mertz, Lynn Murray, Samy Odin, Andy Ourant Subscription Manager: Jim Lance Marketing: Penguin Communications Publications Director: Eric Protter Antique Doll Collector (ISSN 1096-8474) is published monthly by the Puffin Co., LLC, 15 Hillside Place, Northport, NY 11768 Phone: 1-631-261-4100 Periodicals postage paid at Northport, NY. and at additional mailing offices. Contents ©2013 Antique Doll Collector, all rights reserved. Postmaster: Send address changes to Antique Doll Collector, P.O. Box 239, Northport, NY 11768. Subscriptions: Send to Antique Doll Collector, P. O. Box 239, Northport, NY 11768. Phone: 1-888-800-2588 or 1-631-261-4100 Subscription Rates: One Year (Twelve Issues) $42.95; Two Years (Twenty-four Issues) $75.95. First class delivery in US add $25 per year. Canada add $27 per year. Europe add $31 per year. Japan, Australia, New Zealand and Mexico add $33 per year. South America and Singapore add $36 per year. Bermuda and South Africa add $41 per year. Foreign subscriptions must be paid in U.S. funds. Do not send cash. Credit cards accepted. Advertising and Editorial: Call 717-517-9217 or email


Antique Doll Collector is not responsible for any inaccuracies in advertisers’ content. An unsolicited manuscript must be accompanied by SASE. Antique Doll Collector assumes no responsibility for such material. All rights including translations are reserved by the publisher. Requests for permissions and reprints must be made in writing to Antique Doll Collector. ©2013 by the Puffin Co., LLC.


Important: We need your old address and your new. The Post Office does not forward magazines. Call 1-888-800-2588 or write to us at: P.O. Box 239, Northport, NY 11768. 4



The Complete Guide to Antique, Vintage and Collectible Dolls

November 2013 Volume 16, Number 10




Temperatures may be cooling but auction action is heating up. A look at the upcoming Bonham’s auction and results from several auction houses are in this issue.




On Saturday, November 23rd, the venerable Waldorf Astoria in New York City will be the setting for the Theriault sale of the Buktas collection, noted for its renowned collection of French poupées.

Theriault’s two day sale, November 23 and 24, features not only the Buktas collection, but also important consignments from private collections the world over. A singular highlight is this magnificent A. Marque which is numbered 23 on the back of the head and has been in a private collection for the past forty years. For more information see the article on page 19 and the ad in this magazine.

About The Cover

35 6

WELCOME TO VILLA MASE by Kathy Embry The author details the loving restoration of a large dollhouse containing nine rooms.




14 52 58 58

As a young student of Hawaiian history, Mindi Reid never forgot the courageous story of Hawaii’s last queen and a personal anecdote concerning the donation of a doll dressed in traditional holoku for donation to an American doll collection.

Auction Gallery Mystery News Book Review


59 Emporium 60 Calendar 63 Classified



(212) 787-7279 P.O. Box 1410 NY, NY 10023

Quality Antique Dolls by Mail Return Privilege • Layaways Member UFDC & NADDA

Spectacular Wax Head Kestner – such a rare and sweet antiquity in an unheard of 20” size! The rare wax socket head, with, uncut mohair curls, is on her mint 8-ball ‘Schmitt body’ with all her Original Fancy Clothes and Shoes, plus an extra pretty dress! Ribbon Winner! $1800

Significant Barrois Portrait Doll – we have never seen an Empress Eugénie portrait sculpted with greater majesty than is this 22” tall signed example. This 3rd Empire French empress, wife of Napoleaon III, is All Original w/ remarkable mohair tresses, sturdy body w/ gloved hands and miniature ring, wearing her mint silk couture gown including fancy factory shoes. Immaculate perfection! $6500

Four Heirloom Closed Mouth German Fashions (l-r): 10” Belton Style with mohair wig, pw eyes, lustrous bisque, silk gown $595, 14” Snow Pure 1880’s Kling ‘Lass’ with romantic tartan wool dress and two tone leather shoes! $450, 13” All Orig. Swivel Neck Fashion - E.J. look w/ shaded lids in tailored silk ensemble w/its matching hat and shoes! $750, 12” ‘Halbig’ Mariner with dewey bisque, mohair wig and a great nautical ensemble! $495

Looking just like a Jumeau, this rare and distinctive 13” 1888 Simon Halbig ‘920’ Fashion is unique. She has oily sheen, original wig, pw eyes, cl. mo. and leather French fashion body – very special Halbig clearly for French export! A must! $1250

Ready to dress! 17” rather rare Swivel neck E. B. Fashion – flawless, signed quality and important labeled Lavalée Peronne, kid body with original underwear and wig! $2900, 14” Jumeau Portrait Fashion – delicate fine bisque and tri-color eyes with original body, awaits your design! $2200

13” Revalo Art Doll! Profound sculpture, richly modeled hair, open closed smiling mouth and 6 teeth, intaglio eyes, a mint cabinet coquette in original clothes! $695. 8” Baby Sister – molded curls, intaglio eyes, plump cheeks, cl. mo. with tiny tongue! $275

German Doll House Kitchen – 6 mint pieces tied into original box with label and prices! $250

(212) 787-7279 P.O. Box 1410 NY, NY 10023

Quality Antique Dolls by Mail

Outstanding Zinner and Sohn Parlor Toy – exceptional assembly of 3 rarely found Halbig/Dressel Characters masculine bisque features include well molded moustache and brows, glass eyes, factory silk costumes and wigs. The merry men tilt and turn their heads and instruments jauntily as the music plays on! All on a convenient 13” x 10” base. $2750

Authentic Bliss Dollhouse – great color, usual wear, original paper inside add out, 11” x 16” x 7” deep, clean and as found, just $395 13” Factory Dressed German Celluloid! Mint! 39” Lifesize Edwardian Child – with 19” circ. head! Exceptional quality bisque and color, light filled grey sleep eyes w/lashes, unusual model ‘478’ (see Cieslik) with chunky mint body and long curls and original shoes! Quite the sophisticated young lady! $1850

25” Rare Wigged Rollinson – Mass., c. 1916. It’s not just wigged but signed too, near mint and heirloom all original in quaint and colorful handstitched period clothes with orig. shoes! Darling! $1495.

17” Factory Original AM 580 Character – a deeply dimpled character w/delicate bisque, mouth plus fine orig. clothing and mint factory shoes! ‘twinkling glass eyes’ best describes this sweetheart in the school of Kley and Hahn. $650

Left to Right: 28” Black Character ‘Lula’ with 18” cir. head! Leo Moss type toddler w. glass eyes, molded tears, textured hair, original clothes, all mint, signed and w/tag! $750 The Rare Googlie Character you’ve never seen! 6-1/2” of outrageously inventive fun with black tufts of hair and intaglio black eyes! Wow! $1100 Deluxe 27” Lifesize J.D. K. Baby – with 17” cir. head! Big sleep eyes, factory wig and chunky orig. paint body in lavish 30” gowns w/silk – coat w/ capelet and pink leather shoes! $1200 20” Bebe Tout en Bois – popular in turn of the century Parisian toy stores with its oversize pw eyes and painted all wood ‘incassable’ artistry - still mint! With original silks! $750

Quality Antique Dolls by Mail Return Privilege •Layaways Member UFDC & NADDA

(212) 787-7279 P.O. Box 1410 NY, NY 10023

“C’est Magnifique” takes on its proper meaning in the case of this stunning, family held, ‘Bebe au Polichinelle’ automaton! New to the market, in ‘working order’ unplayed and factory original with Au Nain Bleu label, she can even boast the original wooden box in which she came. The Jumeau ‘211’ head known as ‘The The Screamer Screamer,’ was especially made for Lambert in 1895 Paris. ‘En suite’ she possesses all the lavish wit deemed appropriate to the extravagant European salon. When wound, she indicates her distressed toy while dabbing her sobbing eyes to the aire “Qusqu’ est St. Nazaire” – all contained to the 6” x 9” base! Simply stated: C’est Magnifique! $9200

A Rare Special Commission Poupée – delicate, crisp, mint and original describes both the quality and condition of this pristine pressed bisque probably Rhomer poupée with a rare, special order, kid lined swivel flange neck design; plus jointed wooden upper arms and graceful 3/4 bisque lowers designed to hold a pose - and they do! An impeccable quality fashion executed by Gaultier in seemingly original period clothes. $4500

A Rare Pierre Victor Clément – more rare than Huret is this lithe and important 14” tall 1866 patent Poupée Clément with the exciting signed ‘Clément // Solidité Garantie’ hollow leather jointed body. Sometimes referred to as ‘blown kid,’ this unique body is much lighter and more rare than wood, more flexible and beautifully shaped. A rare opportunity for a museum class acquisition! $7500

Nancy A. Smith Member NADDA and UFDC

Box 462, Natick Mass. 01760-0005 Phone: (508) 545-1424 E-Mail: 15” Dewees Cochran “Look-Alike.” All original with box, curlers, coat, leggings, bonnet, and felt hat. $2000.




A fine selection of early dolls and toys. Looking for something? Call us with your wants. P.O. Box 5206 Lancaster, PA 17606 • FAX 717-396-1114 Call Toll Free 1-888-JAY LOWE or (717) 396-9879 Email: Always Looking to Buy Quality Dolls, Toys, Marklin Doll Carriages or Entire Estates Buy & Sell With Confidence Member of UFDC & NADDA 10



Come See Us!!

Bellevue, WA. Antique Doll and Toy Show at the Red Lion Hotel - November 3 - 11-4 The Eastern National Antique to Modern Doll & Toy Show - Dec. 7 & 8 at Gaithersburg, MD. Fairgrounds.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Tel: 425.765.4010 If you believe that fine things come in small packages, this is the fine thing you have been seeking! This astonishing and gorgeous little one has the face of an angel. All original except for her antique unmarked shoes, she is dressed a superb sea foam tinted silk dress with matching straw and fabric bonnet. Her original skin wig is thick and curly. She is marked 1 at the base of her neck and signed in the blue Jumeau stamp on her body. Excellent and adorable all in one!! $11,900~

This is an illusive doll attributed to Alt, Beck & Gottschalk. This unusual and very desirable doll is markedly different from most poupées. She has a very early look and is a rival to the early Huret doll in style and look. She is in a wonderful golden weave silk linen two pc. suit, superb flower adorned straw bonnet and original antique leather boots. She has pink-tint china hands and resides on a sturdy leather body. $4000~

13” 1039 Mulatto Simon Halbig Flirty eye in regional/ethnic costume. This is such a darling little girl! She has her original silk eyelashes, her original wig, all original costume and adorable overall presence! A perfect cabinet size and soooo hard to find. $1400~


Ah-h-h-h...the ever lovely Schmitt! This 15” marked 1 Bebe has the most magical gaze. Our beauty is on her marked Schmitt ball jointed body and has the shield on both body and neck. Original wig, antique bonnet and lovely blue coat dress. Antique shoes complete her! $10,600~

Vichy; a name in automata that is synonymous with excellence and fascination. Such is this rare and fantastic automaton “Lady at the Piano”. This stunning and rare piece is mesmerizing. She scans for her music sheet then looks down and side to side while her nimble fingers race over the keys emitting beautiful music. This automaton also has a secret; not one but three secret compartments that once held fabulous confections to delight her audience. She is in her original gown and glorious original wig. All in excellent condition. $14,800~

Empress Eugenie captured in the warm glow and sweet face of this captivating 15” fashion poupee. This is a superb example of this ever popular mold by Leon Casimir Bru. Dressed in a lovely two piece grey silk walking suit, antique boots, antique straw bonnet and residing on a sturdy kid body, our lass comes to life beneath her flurry of golden ringlets. $4800~

Enjoy the beautiful coastal village of Camden, Maine located on the pristine Penobscot Bay. 49 Bay View Street, Camden, ME 04843 The shop is closed until Memorial Day 2013, but glad to open by appointment... please call our cell phone 207-322-4851 for questions or purchases. Shop 207-236-4122 Fax 207-236-4377 email:

12-1/2” fashion doll in satin gown - $1900.

Wonderful bright ormolu table 5” long, 2-1/2”tall - $495.

Great antique set of wooden alphabet blocks complete $395.

Rare ormolu fireplace with mirror 8” tall x 4” wide $795.

Marklin stove 10” wide by 7” tall (not inlcuding stack). $395. Early charming dog on wheels - steiff?. 8” long x 6” tall. - $495.

Set of Hill’s alphabet blocks in box 6” square. $195.


Auction Gallery

Preview: Bonham’s Fine Doll Sale December 4


ighlights from the upcoming Bonham’s auction in Oxford include an important, 29-inch George II wooden doll, c. 1725-30. The doll’s painted gesso face has finely carved and detailed features with the remains of real hair woven into a coarse linen nailed on wig. The painted and turned wooden torso is defined with well formed bust, rounded hips and disc jointed at shoulders, elbows, hips and knees, delicately carved hands with long fork fingers, and well formed painted legs and feet with detailed toes. She wears her original gown and fichu with leading strings, quilted petticoat, a free hanging secret pocket, a cotton petticoat, together with her cane hooped panniers, plus additional clothing. Two gorgeous Bru Jne bisque bebes will be offered, 21 and 22 inches tall, as well as a Bru circle dot, c. 1888, 18 inches tall. Other fine French dolls include a Bebe Mothereau, 16 inches on a rare composition and metal body and a size 10 Tete Jumeau. To order a catalog ($30) go to More information is available by emailing

A large and important George II wooden doll with original costume.

Bru Jne, size 7, 21 inches tall.

15-inch Grodner Tall wooden, c. 1820. S.F.B.J. 262, 23 inches.

Mascotte Bebe, c. 1890, 29 inches.

Circle dot Bru, size 6, c. 1880, 18 inches.

A rare set of Steiff bear skittles, c. 1906.

Bru Jne, size 8, 22 inches tall.

Bebe Mothereau, size 4, c. 1880, 16 inches.

More Auction Gallery on page 54 14



17 Loch Lane, Rye Brook, NY 10573

(914) 939-4455 Fax (914) 939-4569 Email: Generous Layaways Member NADDA and U.F.D.C.



Accepted 1. 17” Incised Depose 7 Jumeau. Exquisite pale bisque. $5900 2. 17 “ Simon Halbig 1199 oriental, In her head to toe original costume, spectacular! $3200


3. 25” Simon Halbig 1279 Character. This dimpled beauty has it all. Crisp modeling, outstanding doll. $2900 4. 8” Beguiling little googly, totally original and ready for mischief! $1200 5. 15” Delightful little boy, made by Simon Halbig for Franz Schmidt, marked mold #1295. $1100 6. 11” Just Me, The most adorable one ever, totally original, perfection from head to toe! $2100 7. 16” Kathe Kruse Doll 1. This gorgeous wide hipped little fellow is just precious as can be. $3600 8. 18” K * R 114, Gretchen Hard to find size with extraordinarily beautiful face, superb modeling, and wonderful body. A treasure. $3800

Please see our website or call for more details, and lots more pictures Photography by Paula Claydon



7 8


Santa says… Give a fellow collector a subscription to

Antique DOLL Collector for the holidays! Ho Ho Ho! Perhaps he or she is already a subscriber – no worries, we will add another year (or two) onto their subscription. Call us today at 888-800-2588 (US) or outside the country call 631-261-4100. We’ll send the recipient a gift card announcing your thoughtfulness. Antique DOLL Collector… the gift that keeps on giving 12 times a year! 16



Theriault’s presents the Buktas Collection, Saturday, November 23 S

itting at the edge of the hills surrounding Vienna, Austria is the lovely home of Hanne and Umur Buktas. One can look out their windows to see the beautiful vineyards that produce some of Austria’s most famous wines. Few need to look outside, though. For, within this beautiful home is another sight more tantalizing to antique doll lovers, the result of the years of passionate collecting of all things beautiful and fine. Paintings, furniture, decorative arts all blend beautifully with Frau Buktas’ love of dolls. She has never been afraid to adjust her pattern of collecting to embrace new categories. One collection has led to another, evolving and developing into a Butkas hallmark - an ensemble of perfectly complemented dolls, furnishings and accessories. In describing this credo, Hanne Buktas notes “the doll should always be placed in a fitting scenery in order to really show its beauty and transmit its artful value”. Collectors have already been given a view into this credo when the Hanne Buktas collection of antique dollhouses, room and miniatures were presented by

A stunning large French bisque poupée with extraordinary original wig and costume, possibly from the house of Bru. 18



The classic French poupée by Jumeau in fine original sheer muslin gown with blue silk ribbon trim and exquisite original wig, and having rare Gesland body with bisque hands, holds her own all-bisque mignonette, also in original costume. She is posed with a fine silk-upholstered gilt wooden parlor set and two Borzoi dogs.

Two of the Huret poupées from the Hanne Buktas collection are shown, the lady on the left with fine antique pique ensemble with soutache embroidery and rare accessories, while the lady on the right owns her own extensive trousseau (not shown here).

A rare bisque sculpted cap with fabric edging is attached to the beautiful cobalt blue-eyed poupée; few other examples are known to exist.

A petite and charming 14” poupée by Rohmer has an extensive trousseau of exquisite original costumes, along with a beautiful trunk lined with cobalt blue papers and decoupage, and dozens of rare accessories and ephemera.

A rare painted-eye poupée with highlycharacterized face, and superb original wig and costumes stands alongside a rare Huret table with painted scene on the table top.

Poupées in fine original costumes grace the Buktas Collection, and are given dimension by wonderful miniature dolls and accessories such as the Maerklin carriage shown here, one of three in the collection.




The beautiful poupée wears her original costume of Normandy nanny, holds a wonderful miniature bisque baby, and is accompanied by two fine all-bisque mignonettes, the blue-dressed mignonette with rare character like face.

A lovely bisque poupée by Jumeau in original costume stands alongside a bronze table with marble top and cherub mounts, and rare French miniature clock.

Theriault’s in the 2010 auction “Echoes of Old Remembered Rooms”. Now Frau Buktas has determined to part with her beloved collection of French poupées, another veritable vision of 19th century classic Europe that she has carefully and meticulously assembled over the past 30 years. The collection will be presented by Theriault’s in an exclusive one-owner Marquis auction entitled “Ensemble, the Hanne Buktas Collection of French Poupées, Their Costumes, Furnishings and Accessories”. It is, without a doubt, the most important event within this category that the world of collecting has yet witnessed. The dolls encompass all that is rare and important in the world of French poupées: Huret, Rohmer, Rochard, Bru, Jumeau, Radiquet and Cordonnier, Dehors, and innumerable others. Always seeking the best of lady dolls, with distinctive portrait faces and rare body models, it has been equally important to Hanne Buktas that her lady dolls were costumed in exquisite and original costumes. In addition, many are the proud owners of extensive and original trousseaux. She also created fantastic vignettes of courtly scenes with her poupées. In doing so, she searched Europe for years for the finest in fashion-doll-sized furniture and accessories that would complement the grace of these beautiful ladies. And finally, to provide accent and scale, she added rare and prized all-bisque and mignonette “children” to her lady scenes. In addition to fine accessories created exclusively for French poupées, Hanne Buktas assembled an extraordinary collection of 19th century Viennese “ball-spenden”. These were miniature favors given to ladies at the famed

A very rare gentleman poupée with sculpted bisque moustache is presented in his original bridegroom ensemble, acquired by Hanne Buktas from the collection of Dina Vierney.




The beloved French bisque portrait poupée by Jumeau in antique ivory silk ensemble stands by a outstanding Austrian wooden four-panel folding screen in the Art Nouveau style with hand-painted scenes by Raimund Ritter von Wichera.

The French inventor, Rochard, created just a few examples of his be-jeweled ladies, constructed in the manner to allow light to be reflected through the “diamond” centered brooch. One of these extremely rare dolls is included in the Buktas collection.

Wonderful leather cases, valises and necessaries are featured among the dozens of rare poupée accessories.

Four examples from the collection of Viennese “ball-spenden” included in the Buktas Collection; the easel-back frame on the left features an image of the beloved Princess Sissi in full ball gown.




The auction includes two examples of the portrait poupée by Alexander Dehors, with distinctive facial model and sought-after neck articulation that offered realistic posing possibilities.

An especially beautiful French bisque poupée with extraordinary original silk gown having extended train, standing aside an antique French chair with tufted silk cushions.

The very sought-after portrait poupée by Jumeau, of which few examples exist, has splendid complexion and painting enhanced by brilliant cobalt blue eyes. The signature French poupée of Adelaide Huret has been a particular favorite of Hanne Buktas, including several examples with original trousseaux. Shown here is just one example, along with an original Huret table with blue velvet cover. 22



A composite of all-things desired in a French poupée: exquisite facial expression, superb wig, and fine antique costume with accessories including jewelry and velvet purse.

Two choice examples of the rare Radiquet and Cordonnier poupées with buxom modeling and bisque lower legs, one with original wooden stand.

The beloved smiling face model of Leon Casimir Bru, deposed in 1872, has been a favorite of Hanne Buktas. Shown are three examples, the largest a very rare 27” “L” size, and all in fine original costumes.

Stunningly beautiful French bisque poupée with portrait expression is enhanced further by exquisite silk and cashmere evening ensemble.

Vienna formal balls during the last half of the 19th century – a period that coincided directly with the epoch of French poupées. The “ballspenden”, often in the shape of tiny purses (one is 800 proof pure silver), picture frames with gold or embroidered details, or miniature books or journals, are delightfully perfectly scaled as accessories for French poupées, as well as unique mementoes. The collection, encompassing 100s of dolls, and nearly 400 individual lots, will be presented at New York’s Waldorf Astoria on Saturday, November 23, and commemorated in a 200 page hardbound book. For information about the auction, to order the catalog, or to request a color brochure call Theriault’s at 800-638-0422 or 410-224-3655 or visit ANTIQUE DOLL COLLECTOR




Samy Odin, Ann Coleman and Margaret Gray Kincaid Welcome you for a

BEBE JUMEAU Study of Original Fashions

Learn how to Appreciate the Authenticity and Historical Significance of the Jumeau Company Hands-on examination of antique Jumeau Bébés and their wardrobes from the Musée de La Poupée-Paris and private U.S. collections

FEBRUARY 2528, 2014

to be Held at Margaret Gray Kincaid’s charming house in Baltimore, Maryland

It all starts on Tuesday Evening with a welcome dinner. Seminars, workshops and programs on Wednesday and Thursday. All meals included with a Gala Dinner on Thursday night. Friday morning tour of Baltimore’s highlights. March Gaithersburg Show following Saturday and Sunday March 1&2 Free Admission with early entry to the show included

Cost: $650 per person

CONTACT: Margaret Kincaid 646-709-4340 or or write to 17 Elmwood Road, Baltimore Maryland 21210 (Number of attendees VERY limited)




Gigi’s Dolls & Sherry’s Teddy Bears Inc.


Allow Us To Help You Discover The Child Within You!

28” JDK 260, brown stationary eyes, HH wig, great molding, glass rod teeth $650.

20” CM 639 Germany No.9 Alt, Beck & Gottschalck, solid dome shoulder head on kid body w/ bisque hands, brown stat. eyes $395.

25 ½” COD (K star R 117N look), brown sleep eyes, great body marked Cuno, Otto & Dressel, Germany $785. 4” German Happifats Pair, great molding and coloring, girls arms possible Japanese arms $295.

13 ½” Kestner 154 2 ¼ All Original w/ brown sleep eyes and mohair wig, adorable size $195. 5 ¾” #208/3 All Bisque Kestner w/ blue sleep eyes, mohair wig $225. 14” K star R 128 S & H, great molding, brown sleep eyes, body repainted $395.

Maggie Made By Maggie Iacono - with felt ball jointed bodies, boxes & certificates 16” Evelyn 50/75, blue painted eyes, beautiful light mint green and ivory felt dress, cloche hat $925. Now $695. $925 16” Louisa 20/80, blue painted eyes, beautiful light rose felt dress, picture hat $925 $925. Now $695.

17” K star R 116 A baby, brown sleep eyes, some peppering on nose and left cheek $995. 5 ½” All Bisque #130 Kestner, brown sleep eyes, original mohair wig w/ pate, right foot glued $125.

16” Schoenhut Girl with brown intaglio eyes, blonde mohair wig, great coloring $995.

22” 192 10 Kammer & Reinhart, blue sleep eyes, pierced ears $550.

11” S & H 1079 on French body, brown sleep eyes, pierced ears, pinkie off on left hand $695.

21 ½” Kestner turned head w/ 6 molded square cut upper teeth, brown sleep eyes, original mohair wig, a little work on upper leg, 1 left finger chipped, “Genevive Marie Alexander given to me by Maura” written on kid body $695.

20” S & H, CM Bergmann, brown sleep eyes, mohair wig, pierced ears $395. 20” AM 390 boy all original in Turkish costume, blue sleep eyes, mohair wig, beautifully detailed embroidery on costume $450. 24” Kestner 171 – 12, blue sleep eyes, brown mohair wig w/ braids over head, pink heirloom dress $545.

31” JDK 215 with fur eyebrows, brown sleep eyes, glass rod teeth, Germany stamped on body $545.

19” Patsy Ann by Effanbee, great compo and head, original shoes, redressed $225. 15” Patsy by Effanbee, nice composition, redressed $140.

21” Margaret O’Brein by Alexander, redressed, green sleep eyes, mohair wig, some slight crazing $295. 21” Compo Bauer & Black 1946 all original Miss Curity, crazing on face and left hand slight crazing on legs & right arm, blue sleep eyes, c/m, mohair wig $110. 12” 1939 – 42 Baby Sandy by Freundlich, tin eyes, molded hair, some crazing, redressed $150.

8 ½” circ. 1923 Byelo Baby, blue eyes, celluloid hands, original frog body $185. 10 ½” circ. Byelo Baby, blue sleep eyes, celluloid hands, original frog body $185. 24” K star R #122 Baby, blue sleep eyes, nice sculpting & coloring, repair on foot & fingers $495.

15” Hertel Schwab #136, compo flapper ball jointed body, brown sleep eyes, 1910, HH wig $310. 6” Grace Storey Putnam #16/15 Byelo Baby, Germany, original mohair wig, brown sleep eyes, blue molded shoes, Byelo sticker on chest, jointed arms & legs $550.

22” Effanbee Patsy Lou 1930’s, green sleep eyes, original dress & unders, some crazing on left shoulder $275. 11 ½” Effanbee Patricia, blue sleep eyes, all original heart bracelet, sunsuit, shoes & socks, HH wig, great condition $175. 9” 1939 Effanbee Button Nose, painted brown eyes looking to the right, right leg some paint chipping – very slight crazing $165.

23” S &H CMB 9, blue eyed Bergman, antique mohair wig, pierced ears, nice bj body $450. 17 ½” Schoenau & Hoffmeister Baby, brown sleep eyes, cute expression $250.

25” Heinrich Handwerck 79 13 on wonderful early stiff wrist 6 ball body, hairline back of head & small rim hairline on left forehead, brown sleep eyes $295.

16” CM A. Halopene – marked 1 H, shadowing above eyes, brown pw eyes, HH wig, small hairline on upper left temple, beautiful stiff wrist body $23,500.

17” Jumeau French Fashion 4, kid body w/ wood articulated arms, brown pw eyes, pierced ears, aqua silk suit (melting), original blond mohair wig $4250.

15” Jumeau Fashion w/ wood articulated body from 1865, blue eyes, no marks on head, blond mohair wig $4995.

8” Cameo Scootles all compo, great expression, very faint crazing, redressed $395. 21” Sleep Eyed Scootles by Cameo, original shoes & socks, slight crazing, fabulous doll, small paint flake at neck $725.

17” Simone Fashion w/ stiff neck and kid gusseted body, blue eyes, blond mohair wig, oval Simone label on chest $2800.

17” FG 3 on Gesland body w/ bisque hands & feet, blue pw eyes, pierced ears, blonde mohair wig, melting wedding dress $3500.

8 ½” Heubach Koppelsdorf 250 on 5 piece body, blue sleep eyes, mohair wig $155. 10” S & C, Franz Schmidt on compo body w/ ball jointed arms, blue sleep eyes, blonde mohair wig, antique clothing $495.

14 ½” Bru Fashion #1 on neck & shoulder, pierced ear w/ earrings, cobalt blue eyes, swivel head, leather body w/ straight legs, left hand – 2 fingers repaired, mohair wig, trunk with extra outfit and many accessories $2895.

36” S & H Germany 16 ½, fabulous ball jointed body, blue sleep eyes, original blonde mohair wig, some slight peppering by nose, antique dress $1550. 12” JDK 7 ½ Made in Germany, bald headed baby w/ blue stat. eyes, molded o/c mouth, beautiful coloring, tips of fingers worn, all original clothing – dress, slip, booties & sweater $250.

13 ½” Revalo Coquette w/ hairbows, blue grey intaglio eyes, o/c mouth w/ molded teeth $650. 4” Japanese mohair bear $25.

16” K star R 126 w/ flirty eyes, original mohair wig, repainted baby body $280. 15” Circ. Byelo w/ blue sleep eyes, great coloring & molding, missing 1 finger right hand $450 $450. Now $415. 15 ½” “Buttons” from 1947 advertising character for Dan Rivers Sheets Company, adorable cloth doll w/ molded oil cloth face $95. 35 ½” Heinrich Handwerck S & H, blue sleep eyes, mohair wig, repainted body $1195.

15” S & H 1080 on kid body w/ strung kid over wood arms w/ bisque lower arms, HH wig, brown sleep eyes $285.

20” 1930’s DyDee Baby with lovely compo head , open mouth, lovely rubber body, with original play pen $225.

6029 N. Northwest Hwy. Chicago, IL 60631 • 773-594-1540 • (800-442-3655 orders only) • Fax 773- 594-1710 Open: Tues., Wed., Sat. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., Thurs., Fri. 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Closed Sun. & Mon. Near O’Hare, Park Ridge & Niles

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A Future for the Past: Rediscovering Queen Liliuokalani’s Doll I

by Mindi Reid

t had nagged at me for years…just a detail, something that wasn’t hugely important in the “big picture” of the life of Hawaii’s last Queen, or her struggle to preserve an island kingdom’s independence. As a fledgling student of Hawaiian history, I first read “Hawaii’s Story by Hawaii’s Queen” in 1976, nearly eighty years after Liliuokalani had penned what was both autobiography and reasoned plea for the restoration of her nation after its 1893 overthrow by a small group of mostly American businessmen. In her memoir’s pages I came to know the Queen (who died in 1917) as a brilliant woman…eloquent, intellectual, cultured and deeply spiritual…a musician and scholar who endured the injustice of personal and national tragedy (including months of imprisonment on bogus charges) without ever losing her innate grace and compassion for others… particularly children. Among the anecdotes from Liliuokalani’s personal life is one of particular charm which stayed in my mind for decades: a brief account of how she came to dress a doll in Hawaiian holoku (traditional gown with train) and two lei for donation to a unique doll collection. The Queen was in the Boston area during the winter of 1896-97. It was convenient to be near Washington, D.C. as she continued the struggle for independence of her country and people, and Boston was also home to some of her late husband’s relatives, who offered the Queen hospitality and moral support during a difficult time. While staying in the suburb of Brookline, near to “cousins” William Lee (a well-known Boston publisher) and his wife Sara White Lee, she occupied a suite of rooms on the second floor of Stirlingworth Cottage – a genteel boarding house run by one Mrs. Bullard. Page 315 of “Hawaii’s Story” refers to the morning on which cousin Sara brought Liliuokalani an unusual letter, one in which a woman requested donation of a Hawaiian doll to her “international doll show”, a collection being assembled as a touring fundraiser for various children’s charities. The Queen’s Doll, donated to the International Doll Collection and a permanent resident of the Wenham Museum. 28



The Queen – who was an expert needlewoman, as the crazy quilt displayed at Iolani Palace in Honolulu testifies - was delighted with the idea; she immediately acquired a doll and set about sewing a lovely holoku for it. True to Hawaiian tradition, she also made lei (perhaps with millinery materials) for its head and neck. Cousin Sara’s amazement at the sight of royal hands sewing finery for a doll amused the Queen enormously…something taken note of in both “Hawaii’s Story” and Bernice Piilani’s Irwin’s “I Knew Queen Liliuokalani.” Neither account, however, provides the name of the woman on whose behalf Liliuokalani created her Hawaiian fashion statement. As the doll leaves the Queen’s hands with the blessing of the name “Kaiulani” bestowed upon it (a fact noted in the Boston Globe), it vanishes for more than an entire century – at least from the Hawaiian historical record. Queen Liliuokalani’s choice of the name Kaiulani (pronounced Kah-ee-oo-lah-nee, for her gift to the “doll show,” later known as the International Doll Collection (IDC) is significant. That Liliuokalani chose to bestow the name of her beloved niece - the Crown Princess of the Kingdom of Hawaii - upon an inanimate object indicates she viewed her gift as more than just a doll… it would, in its own way, carry the Queen’s hopes for the future of her own people out into the wide world, becoming a dignified – if miniature – emissary of Hawaiian nationhood, a reminder of the actual Princess Kaiulani’s role in the world at that time. That it would do so as part of a project to aid needy children of every background must have pleased the Queen on a deep level, known as she was for her great love and compassion for children. The doll of course could not be considered be a portrait of the real Princess, not a literal likeness; undoubtedly the Queen had a limited choice of dolls to choose from on such short notice. Liliuokalani did note the doll decided upon for the purpose had features which “somewhat” resembled the hapa-haole (half indigenous, half white) women of the Kingdom. The hapa-haole identity was certainly embodied by the real Kaiulani herself, as the daughter of Edinburgh Scotsman Archibald Cleghorn and the Queen’s own late sister, Princess Miriam Likelike. As heir to Hawaii’s embattled throne, Kaiulani experienced an incredible range of adventure and injustice in her 23 short years of life. From a privileged but often stressful

Queen Lili’uokalani with John Owen and Sybil Francis Lili’uokalani o Keolaokalani Dominis, the children of John ‘Aimoku Dominis and Sybil McInery Dominis, Washington Place, ca. 1916. Washington Place Foundation. Gift of the Dominis Family from the Virginia Dominis Koch Collection, 2007.

Kaiulani at Ainahau, wearing holoku, a traditional missionary style of dress, 1898. Courtesy Hawaii State Archives Kaiulani the daughter of an Edinburgh Scotsman and the Queen’s sister. Courtesy Hawaii State Archives ANTIQUE DOLL COLLECTOR



Bisque head by Simon and Halbig on a Handwerck composition body. The doll still retains its original neck lei. Courtesy Wenham Museum. Photographed by Ronn Labbe

Queen Liliuokalani in front of her home, Washington Place. It is likely the doll will be displayed here when it visits Hawaii. Courtesy Hawaii State Archives 30



childhood in Hawaii (her mother, beloved godmother, and a favorite governess all died during this time), she was sent to England for an education meant to prepare her for her own future role as Queen. Like her aunt, the Princess resisted 19th century racism and sexism with grace and courage…and became a cultivated fin de siècle “New Woman”. As such, she was active and accomplished – what one reporter referred to as a “strong brained woman” interested not only in her country’s independence, but such issues as universal women’s suffrage. What she might have accomplished had her life not been cut short by relentless stress and complications of thyroid disease can only be imagined. Today she is remembered widely for her beauty, character, and many talents, and remains a popular subject for artists (including doll makers). The bane of the historian/researcher is a lack of specifics…”something to go on”. Without the name of the woman Liliuokalani gave the doll to, or any description of what kind of doll it was, or exactly what the colors/fabric/detail of its ensemble had been… it seemed unlikely it would be traceable after the passage of a hundred years. The prospect of ever finding a clue to the doll’s fate…let alone the doll itself seemed unlikely at best. The Age of the Internet, with its explosion of research resources would ultimately change everything. In January of 2010, I carefully reread the brief Liliuokalani and Bernice Irwin doll accounts, in which only a “doll show” is referred to. I knew as a search term this would be useless – how many trillions of “doll shows” have there been? Perhaps… doll collection? Just as bad. Hm…what about “International Doll Collection”… with Liliuokalani’s name included to narrow things down? The result was immediate – a New York Time’s article from 1918 – only a year after the Queen’s death! There was her name, and a description of a Sandwich Islands “girl doll” wearing a “Lois wreath” (the journalist’s mysterious term for lei)… in the middle of an account of an exhibition of dolls at the Max Williams Galleries, on New York’s Madison Avenue… the “International Doll Collection”. I soon learned from other newsprint sources the name of the woman who had requested a Hawaiian doll from Liliuokalani…Elizabeth Horton. This led at last to its present day identity as a

long-cherished permanent exhibit at Wenham Museum…the founding exhibit in fact of the Museum itself. I fired off an email to Wenham Museum Curator of Dolls and Toys, Betty Nett. Then I prayed. The response was short and to the point: “I am attaching three pictures of the queen’s doll.” THE QUEEN’S DOLL! Not lost at all. Nor was she broken or blemished; even the clothes sewn by the Queen still survived – a bit faded by time, but intact. The ensemble even retained an important Hawaiian component – the neck lei. (Betty Nett suspects the head lei and a possible handbag – both of which seem to appear in an 1898 photo of the IDC on exhibit – fell victim to either the endless packing and repacking process of the collection’s touring years.) According to Betty Nett, the doll transformed by Liliuokalani into a representation of Hawaiian elegance is German – of a type easily available in the Boston area at the time of the Queen’s stay. Its jointed composition body was made by the Handwerck company, its still-original bisque head by the Simon and Halbig Porcelain factory. Although a treasured permanent resident of Wenham Museum, it is agreed by all those who value her and the amazing story of her “life” that the “Queen’s Doll” should make a visit to the homeland of the Queen herself… to be greeted and honored in Hawaii, whose unique people and culture she was dressed to represent more than a century ago. Forging new bonds of affection between New England and Hawaii, and serving the educational interests of both “halves” of the doll’s remarkable history, it is hoped “Kaiulani” will - in the not-toodistant future - make her first journey by airplane to Honolulu. From one side of the planet to the other… a German doll dressed by Hawaii’s Queen brings the past, present and future together… an ongoing gift of aloha. Editor’s Note: The author is a member of the Hawaiian Historical Society, the Friends of Iolani Palace, and the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum in Honolulu. She has written extensively about Princess Kaiulani, and toured as a child singer with the Don Ho Show.

Queen Liliuokalani. Courtesy Hawaii State Archives

Part of the International Doll Collection shown at a home in Kansas City, November, 1898. You can see the Queen’s Doll on the lower left. Courtesy Wenham Museum








Barbara Spears Ph. 817-249-2069 After 9 AM and Before 9PM CST 1314 Mildred Ln., Fort Worth, Texas 76126









THINK ABOUT BUYING FOR CHRISTMAS NOW! 1. 28” wonderful Kestner 171, dressed in her antique 2 pc. costume of white silk, antique shoes have little heel, human hair curls, brown sleep eyes, bj Kestner body, some repaint on one hand $600 2. 7” South Seas baby, bisque head, 5 pc compo body, doll has no marks but was made for a souvenir of Bermuda as indicated by the partial paper tag on chest and original hang tag. He has painted eyes and very full lips. Doll has a little rub on his left cheek, o/w very nice and all original $250 3. 26” Simon-Halbig 1079, beautiful girl, extra long wig, brn sleep eyes, marked Made in Germany for John Wannamaker, Philadelphia (Wannamakers was a very large toy store at one time). Body has usual rubs & scratched $550 4. 6 ½” Frozen Charlie, blonde painted hair, blue eyes, pink tint

5. 6.

7. 8.

china, he would be a good accessory for most any scene you make with your dolls, no chips or cracks $195 17 ½” Parian with luster head dress and net snood, classical painted features, lovely antique clothes, orig cloth body and limbs, has made on dark pink slippers, a beauty $850 27” French doll with chunky French bj body, blue sleep eyes, human hair wig, lovely antique dress and pale blue antique shoes with a little heel, unusual original 7 teeth instead of the usual 6 – gives her a childish overbite. Very nice doll! $950 9” all bisque large girl, brown sleep eyes, mohair wig (probably orig.), pretty old dress and undies, new but flattering hat, textured stockings, marked 329 over 23 $895 13” sweet cabinet or cradle size Kestner 226 baby, brown sleep eyes, orig brown mohair wig, dressed in antique lawn

pale pink dress with blue embroidery, pink bonnet, and undies, her 5 pc. body is very good condition except for finger rubs on hand. She looks as if she can talk! $395 9. 4” swivel neck, blue glass eyed all bisque boy dressed in his original sailor outfit, blonde wig, he is adorable and would look so well in your all bisque doll setting $295 10. 19” lovely Kestner 168 on ball joint body, long human hair curls, beautifully dressed, blue sleep eyes, she would look so nice in your cabinet $395 11. All Nancy Ann Story Book dolls (A) jointed leg, molded sock Mexico, no hat, worn place on dress at hem, $95; (B) RARE Made in Japan Irish, had lots of flacking, been repainted beautifully, $150; (C) Jointed leg bisque in excellent condition with part of wrist tag Margie Ann in yellow organdy $145

Welcome to Villa Mase By Kathy Embry

“Villa Mase” with the cover fronts removed from each room. Below: “Villa Mase” all lit up. The house is three stories tall with nine rooms surrounded by a floral garden. The roof is flat with balusters along the top railing.


y fascination with dollhouses started as a child when I proudly played with my own 1950s version. When I started collecting antique dolls as an adult my attention was immediately drawn to the historical dollhouse personalities that are found in all types of costumes for all of their various important jobs. Then it wasn’t long when antique dollhouses started catching my attention and soon we had several different styles and ages. About fifteen years ago my husband and I noticed a small add in Antique Week News for a large dollhouse in Ohio. We decided to travel there and check it out for ourselves. ANTIQUE DOLL COLLECTOR



The ornately decorated name “Villa Mase” is painted above the third story window with a tiny guardian angle keeping watch over the entire house.

The retired fisherman, now grounds keeper of Villa Mase uses his rake to keep the garden immaculate.

A cupid statue ornament of brass with a marble base decorates the side garden. 36


The original garden pattern restored.

The baker is taking delivery of the fresh eggs today, which is a good thing since a birthday party is expected very soon.

The chauffeur is always hard at work delivering and picking up the many guests that love to visit. Let’s hope he doesn’t run off with one of the daughters of the house one day.

We found out that the most recent owner was moving into a smaller apartment and was selling her collections. She had purchased the dollhouse from a dealer in New York some years earlier. To my amazement the house retained not one single dollhouse doll, mostly newer furniture and needed some restoration, which we knew we could provide. We were fortunate enough to give the highest bid and still to this day we are very delighted that we did. Now the work was to begin. After removing the grainy plastic gravel that had been put in the front yard, we discovered the original pattern for the flower garden. We were very excited and continued to remove other unwanted additions from the residence. The original wallpaper underneath the newer paper led me to find similar patterns of old cloth material to replace each room so it could be returned to its more original glory. The outside still has the original light grey paint, with outlined simulated ‘stone blocks’ and rows of turned balusters with solid pillars between sections. This was used on top of the house as well as in front and around the garden. The roof terrace with the


Third story music, sitting room with purple velvet wall covering. The owners enjoy sitting on a Waltershausen couch while the children practice their music. A warm fire helps if they need to work at the secretary desk in the corner.

ornate balustrades is typically Mediterranean. The two panel windows still have some of the original glass with outer boxes for decoration or for growing flowers. The house boasts a three story staircase located in the center rear and goes from the entryway up to the third story nursery/ sewing room. Having viewed many dollhouses in museums and books, I have never once seen individual panels for each room that open and are removable to show each of the nine room’s separately for display. They normally had one or two swing away panels that opened to show the inside of the entire house. I believe that this shows a personal choice made by the carpenter himself. The house retains its original white papered ceilings and brown stained wooden floors and most important of all, the original electrical (ceiling) wiring for the lights of each room. The house had not been “turned on” since it left somewhere in continental Europe many decades ago. When the house was first built around the turn of the last century, (most likely by a craftsman carpenter of the period) the source of electricity was using low voltage direct currant similar to battery power. Thomas Edison designed the screw in porcelain base around 1907. The

The center upstairs nursery and sewing room is where the Simon & Halbig nursemaid is always kept quite busy. The center rooms originally had the same stripe wall covering, so I replaced them with this silk stripe pattern.

The grandparents of this era often lived with their children and grandchildren. Today, grandfather is not feeling well, so he gets extra attention from his wife of many years. Notice his bed warmer, fiddle on the settee and grandmothers knitting supplies. For this third story bedroom, I chose a small flower pattern to replace the original one.

American choice of power is AC (alternating current), as compared to the European power, which is DC (direct current) like a battery. The European porcelain socket base is slightly larger and required a screw in adapter to accept the American bulbs. A transformer was required to change the AC power to DC power. The electrical is all connected by one continuous wire throughout the entire house. So that means when one bulb goes out they all no longer work until you figure out which one needs to be replaced. Once you have figured this out they all come back on at the same time. When the lights are turned on, the house suddenly comes to life. Everyone who views it is always ANTIQUE DOLL COLLECTOR



This is the drawing room that the head housekeeper overlooks with care as visitors can show up at any time (notice her modern vacuum). The Waltershausen matching furniture set consist of a couch with matching chairs (one with arms) of burgundy silk fabric, pedestal table with a marble top where the family photo album rests and a porcelain fireplace with candelabras that sit on top with surrounding portraits. The walls are covered with a light turquoise silk fabric, lovely lace curtains with a nice border around the room.

The center room on the second floor shows some of the children playing with their new toys during the holidays. Notice the staircase in the back and the marked German radiator along the side wall. Modern times were arriving since a telephone can be seen on the small desk to the right.

surprised when they first realize how magical it becomes at that moment. You can peek into the windows and spy on every happening going on inside. Even visitors that are not impressed with old dolls still love the dollhouse. It took several years and different auctions around the country to find all the appropriate furnishings to fit into each of the nine rooms of the three story house, originally named Villa Mase, which can be seen with fine painted

decoration on the third floor at the top of the center window. The name is most likely the original owners own home, imitating life just like the doorbell which also still works. There are also painted initials on top of the front door. The house measures 23.5 inches wide and 36.5 inches tall, and sits on a custom modern made carpenter unit of dark stained pine wood with shelves below. It was a fun job and Villa Mase was worthy of the

The second floor bedroom has almost identical pink striped wall covering as the original. The furniture is all Waltershausen, which includes a twin bed, wardrobe and an elegant desk with a chair. There is a beautiful brass chandelier which lights this young girl’s way to play with her Maltese puppy and dolls. The gilt washstand has a porcelain bowl with ivory soap. Right, a close-up of her paper doll with courtier dress, which was found inside a drawer. 38



The downstairs dinning room has the waiter and kitchen maid working over time to prepare for the birthday party. Notice the French blue stripe glass set with stirrers and pitcher, birthday cake, flatware and camera to catch the moment. The walls are covered with a white cloth triangle pattern with German marked pictures on the back wall and a beaded chandelier. A long side board sits on the back wall with candle sticks and beverage dispensers. The marked Limoge pitcher sits on a stand beside the leafed wooden table.

The butler will greet you at the front door and take your walking cane or umbrella as you arrive. Notice the pewter candle sconce, front desk with hurricane lamp and brass clock on top. There is a small purple settee in back with a mirror above. Someone left the rug beater next to the front staircase.

restoration. I previously had found and purchased enough dollhouse dolls to accommodate the many rooms and the different jobs it took to run a household for this time period. From the lady and gentleman of the house to the butler, waiter, housekeeper, kitchen maid, cooks, baker, grounds keeper, chauffeur, grandparents, nursemaid and children, there was no doubt that the tiny owners and their servants had found a wonderful place to dwell. After restoring and showing off this wonderful house with so many friends through the years, we are happy to share this piece of history with all of you.

The most important room in the house is a satisfactory working kitchen and this one has everything needed from a modern-day type stove, pots and pans, dishes, kitchen tools and plenty of food. The cook and his helper are hard at work everyday. The birds help make it a safe place to work, making sure that the gas is not too strong.




The Tender Years

12 inch Portrait Jumeau. Orig. from hat to shoes. Strong blue eyes and brows. Fabulous modeling. Orig. blonde wig with lots of curls. Orig. cork pate. Head coil intact. A truly wonderful doll for your collection. 10,500

Deborah Varner • Member UFDC 303-850-7800 • WWW .THETENDERYEARS.NET SALE

16 inch gorgeous Incised Jumeau. Dressed in a lovely French dress and hat with flowers and bows, French shoes. Fabulous modeling. Mesmerizing dark blue eyes. A treasure for any collection. 9,050

15 inch Fire A Steiner. Couture from hat to shoes in dark purple with lace inset. Long platinum hair. Feathered brows. Finely stroked lashes. Orig. earrings. On her dress is a UFDC first place ribbon from1978. This doll has it all! 7,400

So sweet and gentle! 18 inch ED by Jumeau. Blue eyes. Orig. body finish. Mama and Papa pull strings that work. Fabulous modeling. Antique Jumeau shoes. Tons of ruching on her red wool dress. A very pensive look. 6,500




GERMAN BISQUE HEAD – doll of color Top Row, L-R: name not visible, Alfred Edward, Kimberly Thareja, Corita Kirby. Below Right, L-R: Diane Vourderis, Gail Cook

2013 UFDC ANTIQUE COMPETITIVE EXHIBIT Blue Ribbon Winners Washington, D.C. - Part 2 Photos taken by D. Keith Kaonis

GERMAN BISQUE HEAD – child with J.D.K, Kestner markings, closed mouth. Julie Blewis



GERMAN BISQUE HEAD – child with J.D.K., Kestner markings, open mouth. L-R: Arlene Coleman, Carolyn Vack


GERMAN BISQUE HEAD – child with Simon Halbig, S. H markings, closed mouth. Chip Barkel

GERMAN BISQUE HEAD – child with Simon Halbig, S. H. markings, open mouth. L-R: Julie Blewis, Judy Heckert, Lynda Megura

GERMAN BISQUE HEAD – Kammer and Reinhardt character child from 100-128 series. Above, L-R: Chip Barkel, Eleanor McBride, Below, L-R: Sherri Dempsey, Barbara MacBridge

German with Bisque Head – child with Gebruder Heubach markings, closed mouth. Above, L-R: Carol Corson, Francisca Zucchero Below, L-R: Sherri Dempsey, Judith Ries




GERMAN BISQUE HEAD – child marked A. M. or Armand Marseille, closed mouth. L-R: Gail Cook, Pamela Conboy GERMAN BISQUE HEAD – closed mouth by other firms. L-R: Beverly Ervin, Judy Heckert, Carolyn Barry

GERMAN BISQUE HEAD – open mouth by other firms. Gail Cook

GERMAN BISQUE HEAD – Belton type, socket head, solid flat crown, closed mouth. Janet Gula

GERMAN BISQUE HEAD – baby with cloth baby body. L-R: Gayle Hansen, Ginger Strain




GERMAN BISQUE HEAD – doll house doll, no more than 7”, cloth body with bisque limbs, factory original clothing. L-R: Kristel Tomlinson, Diana Crosby

GERMAN BISQUE HEAD – baby, closed mouth, on composition bent limbed baby bay with non-supporting legs. Nancy Harmon

GERMAN BISQUE HEAD – baby, open mouth, composition bent limbed baby body with non-supporting legs. Nancy Harmon

GERMAN BISQUE HEAD – googly with glass eyes. Elaine Romberg

GERMAN BISQUE HEAD – googly with painted eyes. Kathleen Zell

CLOTH – non-commercial. L-R: Elaine Romberg, Diana Crosby

CLOTH – non-commercial with some needle-sculpting or applied sculpting. Diana Crosby

CLOTH – American commercial, flat face. L-R: “Polly Heckewelder” Moravian doll, Patricia Rooney, Roxanna Cole doll, Karen Holich

BISQUE HEAD not French or German. L-R: Michael Albanese, Julie Blewis, Betsey Cumming

CLOTH – American commercial, molded or needle-sculpted face. Left: 8.5” Chase, Carol Cameron. Right: “Baby Sister” by Misses Tebbetts, Susan Booker




ALL BISQUE – dolls of color. L-R: Julie Blewis, Kare Delfino GOOGLY with head other than bisque. Pat Schlotzhauer

METAL HEAD. Rosalie Whyel

ALL BISQUE – original military uniform. L-R: Marilyn Dornbush, Julie Furman

ALL BISQUE – jointed at shoulders and hips, swivel neck, glass eyes, wigged, no more than 5”. L-R: Marilyn Dornbush, Cecilie Juul Møller

ALL BISQUE – rigid neck, jointed at shoulders, glass eyes, wigged. L-R: Marilyn Parsons, Robin Wyatt ALL BISQUE – jointed at shoulders and hips, swivel neck, glass eyes, wigged, over 5”. L-R: Marilyn Dornbush, Cecilie Juul Møller 46



ALL BISQUE – painted eyes, wigged, some jointing. Kathleen Zmmerman

ALL BISQUE – with original box. L-R: Margaret Hein, Evelyn Rutledge ALL BISQUE – molded hair, some jointing. L-R: Marilyn Dornbush, Barbara Moleswroth

ALL BISQUE – googly, some jointing. Above, L-R: Diane Vourderis, Kathleen Zell Below, L-R: Gail Cook, Katheen Zimmerman

ALL BISQUE – baby, bent limbs. L-R: Diane Vourderis, Cynthia Orgeron, Marilyn Dornbush

ALL BISQUE – no jointing. L-R: Margaret Hein, Jill Sanders

PINCUSHION TYPE, bisque or china – bust, arms and hands away. L-R: Betsey Cumming, Kathleen Zimmerman ANTIQUE DOLL COLLECTOR



PINCUSHION TYPE, bisque or china – bust with one arm molded to or returning to body. Margaret Hein

PINCUSHION TYPE, bisque or china – bust, arms molded to or returning to body. L-R: Margaret Hein, Sue Trimble

PINCUSHION TYPE, other than bisque or china – bust or complete assemblage. Sharon Frigon

PINCUSHION TYPE, bisque or china – complete factory assemblage. L-R: Sharon Frigon, Kristel Tomlinson

CANDY CONTAINER – commercial, prior to 1920. L-R: Laura Ellen Wade, Christine Jeffery

KEWPIE. Mary Hickman

COSTUMED BY EXHIBITOR – representing the period 1901-1919. Nina Futon-Tolken

AUTOMATON/MECHANICAL – not key wound. Deborah Wilson 48



AUTOMATON/ MECHANICAL – key wound. David Group

It’s Easy To Join UFDC

If you collect dolls, you owe it to yourself to belong to the UFDC! For membership information contact:

UFDC, Inc., 10900 North Pomona Ave., Kansas City, MO 64153 Phone 816-891-7040 Fax 816-891-8360 Visit

s ’ i z t i r FAntique Dolls Buying entire collections of antique dolls and dolls of merit. Email:

Fritzi’s cell# 630-247-1144 Rick’s cell# 630-247-1219


UPCOMING SHOWS, HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE. Nov 3 Dollicious Doll Show. UFCW Madison Place Hall. Madison Hts, MI Nov 9 DesMoines Doll Show, Iowa State Fairgrounds

Nov 24 Tinley Park Convention Center. Tinley Park, IL

Dec 7 & 8 Eastern National Doll Show. At the fairgrounds. Gaithersburg, MD

PUBLIC AUCTION: DOLLS, DOLLS, DOLLS! Saturday, November 16, 2013 Auction Begins at 9:00 AM Doors Open at 8:00 AM Special Preview: Friday, November 15th from 12 to 7 PM



e will be offering an interesting selection of antique and collectible dolls, featuring a local estate collection which has been in storage for nearly twenty years. The highlight of this “fresh to the market” collection includes an 11” Bru Brevete, Belton #106, Kestner #182, S. F. B. J’s, Schoenhut dolls, circus figures and animals, farmer, milk maid, farm animals, and more! Lenci mold #109, F. G. French Fashion, 15” Tete Jumeau (hairline), S&H #1159, Bisque head character babies, Bisque bonnet dolls, Steiff, Madame Alexander compo & HP dolls, Barbie dolls and outfits, plus so much more!

Terms: 13% Buyer’s Premium, 3% discount for cash or good check. For more information including catalog and photos, or to learn more about our other upcoming auctions, please visit our website at or (Auctioneer ID #1255) Don’t miss our Antique Auction beginning at 10 a.m. on November 23rd!

Dotta Auction Co., Inc., 330 W. Moorestown Road (Route 512), Nazareth, PA 18064 • 610-759-7389 FAX 610-759-3992 PA. License AY-1950-L ANTIQUE DOLL COLLECTOR





July 27-31, 2013

t was a great way to start a delightful week of dolls in Washington, D.C. The National Doll Festival, now in its 26th year, was held July 27-31 at the Georgetown University Conference Center and Hotel. Like many others, we feel that the synergy created by the UFDC national convention, the National Doll Festival and Theriault’s makes for the best doll week in the world! An array of antique, vintage and artist dolls and bears, plus supplies, clothing, miniatures and holiday antiques was offered.

Steiff Fox, $1200. Enchanted Doll, CA, email:

Googlies in original presentation box, $2900. Hollies Dollies, MD, email: Lambert automaton, Clara Johnson, LTD., NJ, email:

Modele with Bru Jne face, extra clothing, $42,000. Holly’s Dolly’s, CA, email: Tory Beth Radwick, CT, email:

Paris Bebe, $2995, Bru Brevete, $9250. Gigi’s Dolls and Sherry’s Teddy Bears, IL, email: 16” bisque character $4300, Lenci boy $1895, and #1 Kathe Kruse $3800. Barbara de Feo, CA, email: 50



Early papier-mâché, $3200. Pat Vaillancourt, FL, email:

Bru Jne with Chevrot body, 21-1/2, $35,000. Carmel Doll Shop, CA.

One of a complete set of Mollye Goldman’s Thief of Baghdad dolls, offered by All Dolled Up, OH, email:

Val Star Antiques, IL, email:

Cat’s Paw Doll Accessories and Miniatures, CT, email:

Left: Portrait Jumeau, all original $6500 and SFBJ #250 boy $2900. Donna Kirsch Smith, IN, email: dkirschsmith@ Right: Lynn Sessel, England, email: lynniejay@ blueyonder.

Dolls of Yesterday, CO, email:

Jan Van der Hoek, France, email:

Ivory court doll, all original, Glen Rollins, UT, email:

This wonderful rabbit candy container sold early in the show. Nancy McGlammery, PA, email:




Jean & Ken Nordquist’s

Do You Have a Mystery Doll?

Collectible Doll Co. Gourmet Doll Supplies for the Discriminating Doll Collector


*Nordquist Doll Molds *Daisyettes *Bleuette Premiere *Mignonettes *Presentation Displays *Paper Toys for Dolls *Thurlow Patters for Knit & Crochet Outfits *Collectible Doll Fashions


his is a beautiful mint Toni P90 with hangtag. Her costume is original, but is not a usual Toni dress. I know that Ideal had designers dress dolls for a promotion, but this does not look like a designer’s dress, it looks like a foreign costume. Can anyone tell me about this doll and her unusual costume? Email:

recently bought a doll on a whim at auction...I’ve been trying to find one on the web with the exact same face so I can find out her value but the only very close matches are Shirley temple dolls...have you seen one like her? Her face, arms and legs are composition but her body is cloth. Her hair is a wig. She has a felt tongue and sleep eyes. Her fingernails and toe nails are painted. I just can’t seem to find a mark anywhere. She is about 30”-36” tall Email:, phone 616-648-0774 Editor’s Note. We asked our American composition doll expert Ursula Mertz if she could help but Ursula states the doll has a replaced wig which makes it more difficult to identify.

*Finished Crocheted Outfits *Cat’s Paw Doll Jewelry *Feather Trees *Paper Ornaments *Vintage Postcards *Doll Sewing Projects *Leather Doll Shoes *Mohair Doll Wigs *Miniature Accessories Mold & Global Catalogs not shown

C Complete 5 Catalog Set - $25 ppd. Includes $15 money back coupon with purchase. Order Desk

1-800-566-6646 Collectible Doll Company P.O. Box 697, Cedar Hill, TX 75106 52



arole Harris wrote us about two cloth dolls found at a flea market. “The features are just a few crude stitches sewn on. They have cute little slightly protruding embroidered noses! The clothing consists of pieces of different fabrics that are mostly glued or have a stitch or two. One is 10 1/2 and the other is 11.” They fascinate me. Can you help? Email Carole at


an you help? My grandmother left me this doll which has a bisque head, no markings and a cloth body. I think the dress is original. She is 12 inches. Please email me at Perhaps there is a doll in your collection that you and others have never seen before. Send us a high resolution photo and any information you have to (you may also send a print photo to Antique Doll Collector P.O. Box 39, East Petersburg, PA 17520). If you can identify a mystery doll, write to us at the address or email above.

Valentine’s/Virginia Aris at the

Princeton Doll and Toy Museum Hopewell, New Jersey

Telephone: (609) 333-8600 E J – call for details

7 ½” Googly jointed $4,200

Glass-eyed papier mache $3,000


French Fashion Doll $4,000

Heubach Screamer $2,500


Lenci Child $595



Auction Gallery

cont. from p. 14

Theriault’s Auction “Home at Last,” October 5


ollectors enjoyed a fine array of diversified treasures at Theriault’s recent auction held in Dallas, entitled “Home at Last.” Featuring the collection of Ute Bittl of Munich, Germany, it included German and French bisque dolls, dollhouses and room boxes, as well as rarities from other European and American private collections. A diminutive 10-inch, size 1, premiere Jumeau wearing her original couturier costume, complete with provenance, sold for $11,000. Another tiny treasure was the Bebe by Schmitt et Fils, Size 1, with Brevete Mark, c. 1878, realizing $11,500 and a size 2 bebe by Jumeau , 11 inches tall, $6,750. At the opposite end of the size spectrum, a 31-inch incised depose Jumeau, made for one year only in 1884, sold for $8,000. An outstanding German kitchen, fully equipped with rare accessories and a German china lady, c. 1885, brought $4,750. It was made by master carpenter, Mr. Hitz of Furth and featured outstanding construction details. Among the German dolls was a Kestner bisque head Kewpie with glass eyes and composition toddler body for $5,000. An all bisque by Kestner, measuring 10 inches with swivel head and jointing at hips and knees, realized $7,000. For these and other prices visit and click on Proxibid.

17-inch Series I by Kathe Kruse, in original outfit with rare F.A.O. Schwarz store label. 54


The earliest period E.J., 18 inches, c. 1882, $10,000.

10-inch all bisque with jointed knees, $7,000. The 12-inch salon chair brought $1,900.

Premiere Bebe by Jumeau with original couturier costume, size 1, $11,000.


Schmitt et Fils bebe, size 1, $11,500.

11-inch bebe by Jumeau, $6,750. The all bisque by Kestner with original wig, 6-inches, $1,700.

Bebe Bru with original body and signed Bru shoes, 17 inches, $15,000.

21-inch Depose Jumeau marked Depose Jumeau 14, $8,000. The musical automaton by Roulett and Decamps, $6,000.

A well furnished German kitchen, Ex-Collection Prader Spielzeugmuseum of Davos, $4,750.

Auction Gallery A

s expected the top lot in Morphy’s September 21 doll auction was a magnificent 23-inch French Circle Dot Bru bébé, ca. 1880 with lovely pale early bisque, chubby cheeks and deep brown paperweight eyes with amber threading. An impressive representation of the Golden Age of French doll manufacture, she sold for $18,000. Another French highlight was a very rare ca. 1877 all-bisque mignonnette with ball-jointed elbows by Fernand Sustrac. A delightful package, just 5 ½” tall, she wears a blue silk and lace factory original costume, including ribbon-wrapped feet to simulate boots. Her new owner paid $4,200 for her. A stunning 25 Phénix Bébé with a very sweet face and wearing an antique cream wool dress with black velvet trim was purchased for $5,400. The German bisque category was brimming with desirable Hertel, Schwab & Co., Kley & Hahn, Gebr. Heubach, and Kammer & Reinhart characters. Top honors went to a splendid 21-inch K & R 114 doll with rare glass eyes, very pouty mouth, and crisp modeling, which sold for $9,000. A rare 16-inch Heubach 7746 character with a cheeky grin was ready to entertain in an antique gold and black clown suit for a $6,600 price. Also by Heubach an 11” candy container doll on a sled with pouty bisque head went to a new home for $2,160. Other notable dolls were a 20-inch H.S. & Co. 141 with painted eyes and closed mouth for $4,200 and a rare variant of the same mold with glass eyes and open mouth for $2,700. Lady dolls were quite popular. A 24-inch Simon & Halbig 1159 was enhanced by her original red and white striped nurse’s uniform to sell for $2,280. A lovely 17” French lady doll with wistful face and desirable kid over wood body with bisque lower arms and legs brought $5,700, though one arm was repaired. Other remarkable items of interest which were sold included a 15” Neapolitan crèche figure of an elderly lady with wonderful character face for $3,600; an early Moravian “Polly Heckewelder” cloth doll for $3,200; boxed H. Handwerck child doll with original clothing $1,560; boxed DEP Jumeau $2,040; Kathe Kruse 1931 “Hampelchen” all original with label $2,700; and a wonderful crisp Door of Hope Mission small boy in silk for $1,920. Morphy’s sales are conducted at their Denver, PA, gallery, conveniently located a half mile from the Reading/Lancaster PA Turnpike exit. Catalog of the complete sale with prices realized can be viewed on the Morphy website at Morphy’s next scheduled catalog doll sale will be held March 22, 2014. Consignments will be accepted through December 2013. For more information contact Jan at 717-335-3435 or e-mail

Morphy’s September 21 Doll Auction

Above, left to right: 23-inch French Circle Dot Bru Bébé, $18,000 16-inch Gebr. Heubach 7746 character doll, $6,600 5 ½-inch French Fernand Sustrac Mignonnette, $4,200

Left to right: 20-inch H.S.&Co. 141 character doll, $4,200 15-inch Neapolitan Crèche figure, $3,600 21-inch K & R 114 character doll with rare glass eyes, $9,000




Auction Gallery


rare 11 inch sized 18th century wooden with the original silk dress with gold decoration, original underwear, shoes, hat and wig, brought approximately $15,000 at Francois Theimer’s September 21 auction in Paris.

We would like to thank the following auction houses for their participation:


ammer and Reinhardt’s rare rascals, Max and Moritz, mold 123 and 124, with specially designed molded shoes and socks, 15-3/4 inches tall, brought approximately $39,500 at Ladenburger Auctions on October 5.


pressed bisque Jumeau Triste, 28.5 inches, wearing antique clothing, realized approximately $12,000 at the September 28 Chartre auction.


Saturday, December 7, 2013 Auction Begins at 10 AM Doors Open at 8:30 AM Special Preview: Friday, December 6th from 12 to 7 PM Terms: 13% Buyer’s Premium, 3% discount for cash or good check.

Selling antique and collectible dolls for Grace Evans Raker of Shamokin Dam, PA.

For more information including catalog and photos, or to learn more about our other upcoming auctions, please visit our website at or (Auctioneer ID #1255)

Dotta Auction Co., Inc. PA License AY 1950-L 330 W. Moorestown Road (Route 512) Nazareth, PA 18064 • 610-759-7389




Bonhams, Knightsbridge, UK, email: Galerie de Chartres, Chartres, France email: Ladenburger, email: Morphy, PA, email: Theimer, Toucy, France, email: Theriault’s, MD, email: theriaults.comn mm

The Enchanting Trousseau of Chiffonnette


The 304 page book has more than 500 exceptional color photos with many dramatic portrait photos and captions in the vernacular of the mid 19th C fashion world, in the unique style Sylvia is noted for. It features 53 exceptional dresses, attendant accessories and spectacular hats, totaling more than 170 trousseau items, carefully researched and created using the finest antique materials and rare embellishments. A beautifully illustrated book full of fancies and splendors designed for inspiration and enjoyment for both the collector and the couturier.

Available August 1st – $85 plus $5 Shipping Sylvia Mac Neil, 2325 Main Street, W. Barnstable, MA 02668

The Schoenhut Collectors’ Club invites you to JOIN NOW!

Worldwide Membership Annual Convention with Seminars, Buying & Selling, Special Events! ● Quarterly Multi-Page Newsletter ● Guaranteed to be Fun! ● ●

Annual Membership: USA $40 • International $55 Museum $10 Send to: Schoenhut

Collectors’ Club,

72 Barre Drive Lancaster, PA 17601-3206 Phone 717-569-9697 Visit

Manufacturers of Fine Doll Jewelry, Brass Accessories, Miniature Trunks & Hardware 336 Candlewood Lake Road, Brookfield, CT 06804 Phone 203-775-4717 Email:

Visit our website and shop online: Catalog price is $8.95 post paid

Accessorize Your Dolls!

Cats Paw has been in business since 1982 specializing in quality reproductions made from antique originals, and unique old store stock. Our antique reproductions are made by hand using the lost wax technique, and each item is hand finished to achieve an authentic “antique” look. We offer exquisite doll accessories that only look expensive! • Jewelry • Trunks • Items for the Boudoir • Buttons and Clasps • Purse Frames • Presentation Boxes • Bleuette Accessories & More ANTIQUE DOLL COLLECTOR



Book Review

In Our Memories

Victorian Fashions for Women and Children

Charles Thurman Minton

Society’s Impact on Dress by Linda Setnick


riginal doll clothing or replicating clothing of the era with antique fabric and trims is a passion among collectors. Yet, we seldom think about how really uncomfortable and restrictive this clothing was for the women and children who slavishly followed the fashions of their day. In this new and truly fascinating book by Linda Setnick, an expert on Victorian clothing and a consultant for the Victorian clothing collection at the Folsom Historical Museum, she describes the styles and differences between women’s and children’s fashions. As fashion is nothing if not fickle, every two or three years brought new styles and often further embellishments. Beginning in 1860 and continuing until 1900, photographs of our ancestors wearing Victorian clothing offer irrefutable evidence of their burdensome apparel. While beautiful and elaborate, it bears remembering that this was an era without air conditioning, when horses and dusty roads made gowns that swept the ground impractical, and when corsets could cause the condition known as “corset liver” whereby that organ would be seriously indented by the ribs or nearly divided in half!


Toy Worlds Museum Basle

A New Beginning for the Toy & Miniature Museum


he Toy & Miniature Museum of Kansas City will be temporarily closing for renovation at the conclusion of the holiday season beginning January 5, 2014. In early 2015 (date to be announced) they look forward to welcoming the community back for the museum’s grand re-opening as The National Museum of Toys and Miniatures! You can follow each step of their adventure on Facebook, toyandminiaturemuseum, and the blog,!



Women and children’s undergarments, leisurewear and street apparel are well documented in this meticulously researched volume based on Victorian fashion, medical, etiquette and advice literature. A final chapter depicts boy’s clothing, often indistinguishable from girl’s, until boys graduated to long pants, known as breeching. The nineteenth century photographs are supplemented by surviving examples of period clothing, picturing both the outside and inner construction. Doll collectors will discover, as I have, that this is a hard book to put down! Soft cover, 160 pages. $29.95 Schiffer Publishing. ISBN:9780764341649


urrently on display until April 2014 is a unique special exhibition featuring more than 700 original personal items of the extraordinary icon Marilyn Monroe. The exhibition takes a look behind the facade of the glamorous Hollywood movie star Marilyn Monroe, who despite her death some decades ago - still captivates our attention. Also on display from November 30 to February 9, 2014 is a special exhibition of Christmas biscuits and cakes from all around the world. The museum will be filled with the smell of biscuits, bûche de Noël, speculoos, Lebkuchen, gingerbread, Bredele, panettone, Stollen and Vanillekipferl as well as of all the delightful exotic spices and ingredients, which are needed for Christmas baking. For more information: Spielzeug Welten Museum Basel, Steinenvorstadt 1 CH-4051 Basel



harles passed away from a sudden heart attack on September 30th, leaving behind a legacy of love to his family and to all of us who knew him. He became a member of UFDC in the early 1980’s when he joined his wife, Sherry, in the antique doll business. Soon after he joined UFDC, he became a founding member of the Belles and Beaux Doll and Toy Guild of Florida. It was a unique group made up almost entirely of husbands and wives who were serious doll collectors and who wanted a club that would focus on doll study and research. Charles was the backbone of the Belles and Beaux. He attended every convention and served as delegate and as Region 9 Director. He was president of the Belles and Beaux as well as treasurer. He helped organize the club’s fundraisers by obtaining helper donations, setting up the raffle, keeping track of the money raised, writing the donation checks and mailing gifts not claimed. He also prepared budgets for doll events for several other doll clubs and was always there to physically take an active part in the activities. He was in the very first class of trained UFDC doll judges. He focused on half dolls and bathing beauties and judged for many years until he was asked to be the chairman of the Antique Competitive Room in 2003. It was a brand new job and he had no experience, but he impressed everyone by doing an exceptional job... so exceptional that it was supposed to be a two year job and he was still doing it! The Competitive Room under Minton’s leadership is an eagerly anticipated and outstanding part of the National Conventions. Charles was and will always be a special man. He enjoyed doll collecting, but more than that he loved the many wonderful friends he made because of his hobby. Rest in peace our beloved friend.



Got Kewpie Blain Kukevitch

SFBJ 60 8/0. This 10 5/8” cutie is wearing an original GautierLanguereau dress called “A Croquer” with antique trunk of clothes. Early dark eyed model. $1,995 • 860-450-2617 Always looking to buy Kewpies, Kuddles and Scootles. Wonderful antique bisque socket head Kestner Kewpie with glass eyes. Head is marked “Ges Gesch O’Neill JDK 10”. She is 11” tall, on a newer bisque ball jointed body. $2995. Kewpie in green beach chair $595, Kewpie place card holder with rosé $325, sitting Kewpie with arms back $275, Kewpie place card holder standing with wine bottle $475, and a complete Child’s size 17 piece tea set $950.

Blue eyed SFBJ 60 8/0 dated 1922 is 10 5/8” and is also marked “2” on back and “1” on the feet. Wearing a La Semaine de Suzette “Becassine” costume and has her antique umbrella. $1,750

Email: or call 480-332-5158 Debra Borrud • Member UFDC



Exclusively at

Faithful reproductions of hand carved Queen Annes, dolls by Izannah Walker, and Early American Cloth Dolls. Kathy Patterson Ph. 705-489-1046 toysintheattic@

Email 732-536-4101


Phone: 718-859-0901 email: MEMBER: UFDC OR—Buy My Dolls on eBay where I begin most of my antique dolls for just $1—Search seller name kathylibraty.



Deborah Varner 303-850-7800

View Quality Dolls at affordable prices. 100’s of pictures and prices at my Ruby Lane Shop...

The sweetest bebe ever. RARE Teeny 10” 1279. Bl. eyes. Flyaway brows. Factory orig. First out of the mold modeling. DEEP dimples. $ 3,250


Purchase of an ad includes FREE internet ad on our website.

Kathy Libraty’s ANTIQUE DOLLS

27” FRENCH ETIENNE DENAMUR SUPERB BEAUTY $4800 30” TRISTE (LONG FACE) JUMEAU-Excellent Condition-Just Fabulous! CALL 22” BAHR & PROSCHILD 204 closed mouth all antique doll!! $2300

The Tender Years

Early Kestner pouty girl - 18-1/2”, marked IX on the rim of her head, brown sleep eyes, original blonde mohair wig and plaster pate, perfect bisque and closed pouty mouth, straight wrist early body, nicely redressed, original shoes. $2300. Call 215-794-8164 215-794-8164 or email alloyd@nni. com. Member NADDA and UFDC. Other photos and dolls may be seen at

Send us a photo or a digital photo of your doll with a description and your check or credit card information. We do the rest!! Take advantage of this special forum; the cost is only $95 for a 2.4”w x 2.9”h ad space.

Antique DOLL Collector,

P.O. Box 239, Northport, NY 11768. Phone 1-888-800-2588. Email: ANTIQUE DOLL COLLECTOR



GAITHERSBURG Antiques Doll Show


December 7&8 The 164th Eastern National Antique to Modern Doll & *Toy Show 2013 Established 1972

Four Times Each Year

Calendar of Events

Send in your Free Calendar Listing to: Antique Doll Collector, c/o Calendar, P.O. Box 239, Northport, New York 11768 or Email: If you plan on attending a show, please call the number to verify the date and location as they may change.

5/27-11/24/14. Austin, TX. First Ladies Collection series by Madame Alexander Exhibit. Great Hall. 10/19-4/6/14. Switzerland. Unique Special Exhibition. Private Marilyn. The Person Behind The Concept of Monroe. 10/26-2/1/14. Paris, France. Special Doll Exhibition. Musee de la Poupee-Paris. 01 42 72 73 11. 11/30-2/9/14. Basle, Switzerland. Special Christmas Exhibit. Spielzeug Welten Museum Basle. Toy Worlds Museum Basle.


1-2 Dublin, OH. Doll Marking Class/Workshop. Lisa Busch. 614-573-6452. 1-3 Rock Island, IL. Antique Spectacular. QCCA Expo Center. Kimberly. Melting Pot Productions. 712-326-9964. 1-2 Vallejo, CA. Doll Show. Vallejo Fairgrounds. Nancy Jo Schreeder. 925-229-4190. (F)925-229-5369. 2 Albuquerque, NM. Doll Show. St. Paul’s UMC. Dolls4U. Anita Husby. 505-508-0351. 2 Irving, TX. Doll Show. Park Inn Hotel DFW South. JD’s Collectibles. 817-929-1691. 2 Kissimmee, FL. Antique Doll Show. Ramada Inn Gateway. Knight SE Doll Shows. 803-783-8049. 2 Largo, FL. Doll Show. Royal Palms Complex. The Palms of Largo Resort & Timeless Treasures Doll Club. Judy Smith. 727-796-9412. 2 Marietta, GA. Doll Show. Cobb Civic Center. Collector’s United. Gary Green. 706-695-8242.


Over 200 Years of Playthings

DEC 7 - DEC 8 SAT 10AM to 5PM - SUN 10AM to 3PM UFDC SUN 11AM to 2PM - Hall 4 Admission $10 Good 2 Days Free Admission With A Copy Of This Ad Email us for Free Coupons and Maps


16 Chestnut St. Gaithersburg, MD 20877 Building 6 / 4 Exhibit Halls / Air Conditioned and Heated

12 Miles North West of Washington DC (I-270) Exit 10 to red light, turn left, follow fairgrounds signs. Hotels: HOLIDAY INN 301.948.8900 HILTON 301.977.8900 Ask for special rates for Bellman Doll Show. Book hotel 30 days before each show

3 International Airports Ronald Reagan Washington National (DCA) Dulles International (IAD) Baltimore / Washington International (BWI)

BELLMAN EVENTS 410.357.8451 • 443.617.3590 *LIMITED Number of Toys and Games



2 Ottawa, Canada. Doll & Bear & Miniatures Show. Travel Lodge Ottawa Hotel. The Doll Girls. Mary. 613-225-9171. Solange. 613-435-1164. 2 Richmond, VA. Christmas Time Doll & Bear Show. Richmond International Raceway. Sara Josephson. 804-323-5160. 3 Bellevue, WA. Doll & Toy Show. Red Lion Bellevue Inn. Antique Doll & Toy Market. Lisa Pepin. 206-362-8723. 3 Madison Heights, MI. Doll Show. UFCW Hall. Doll Show Productions. Michael. 248-399-4345. Sharon. 586-731-3072. 3 Ontario, Canada. Doll & Teddy Bear Show. London Ukrainian Centre. April Norton. 519-433-8888. 3 Portsmouth, NH. Doll & Teddy Bear Show. Frank Jones Center. Wendy Collins. 603-969-1699. 3 St. Charles, MO. Doll & Bear Show. The Columns Banquet Center. Spirit of St. Louis Doll Club. Tere. 314-423-2635. 6 Hatfield, PA. Traveling Abroad, Part II Doll Auction. Alderfer Auction & Appraisal. 215-393-3036. 9 Bixby, OK. Doll Show. Bixby Community Center. Kyle Productions Unlimited. 405-810-1010. 9 Des Moines, IA. Doll & Bear & Toy Show. State Fairgrounds. Colleen Holden. 515-986-1975. 9 Garden Grove, CA. Doll & Bear Show. Garden Grove Community Center. Mary Simonton. 562-596-6790. 9 Holland, MI. Doll Show. Holland Civic Center. Barb. 616-633-1720.

Sunday visit the United Federation of Doll Club’s Inc. in the Learning Room on DECEMBER 8, 2013 at the ©

164th Eastern National Antique to Modern Show and Sale in Gaithersburg, MD. Members of UFDC will once again present our doll “show and tell.” See the dolls hear the speakers - have your dolly repaired or restrung - win door prizes! The featured speakers - to be announced - will be educational and entertaining. Come join the dolly fun in Hall 4 on Sunday, December 8th. All events are free and open to all Doll Show Attendees! Email for information: Director, Region 11 at UFDC’s Mission: Educate, Preserve and Conserve!


9 Marietta, GA. Dolls & Bears & Miniatures Show. Faith Lutheran School. Brenda Welker. 770-579-9404. 9 Westampton, NJ. Doll & Toy Auction. Sweetbriar Auctions. 410-275-2094. 10 Davenport, IA. Doll & Toy Show. Mississippi Valley Fairgrounds. Eastern Iowa Doll Show. Sherryl Newton. 319-610-3534. 10 Santa Cruz, CA. Toys & Dolls Show. Elks Lodge. 831-438-5349. 15-16 Germany. Toy Auction. Auction Team Breker. www.yotube/com/ auctionteambreker. +49 (0) 2236 38 43 40. E-mail: 16 Indianapolis, IN. Doll Show. Irvington Public Library. Indy Cloth Doll Makers. Katie Jones. 317-495-1626. 16 Nazareth, PA. Doll Auction. 330 West Moorestown Road (Rt 512). Dotta Auction Co., Inc. 610-759-7389. (F) 610-759-3992. 16 Oxnard, CA. Holiday Doll & Toy Show. Courtyard by Marriott. Kathy Nilsson. 818-458-8225. 17 Anaheim, CA. Doll & Collectible Show. Anaheim Plaza Hotel. National Doll Festival. 831-438-5349.

17 Hasbrouck Heights, NJ. Doll & Bear Show. Hilton Hotel. JMK Shows. Rona or Jesse Kohler. 352-527-6666. 17 Mounds View, MN. Doll & Bear Show. Mermaid Event Center. C Promotions Plus. Carol Benson. 612-669-1613. 22 Fairfield, ME. Advertising, Toy & Doll Auction. James D. Julia Inc. Andrew Truman or Julie Killam. 207453-7125. 23 Batavia, NY. Doll Show. The Clarion Hotel. Saturday’s Child. Martha Smith. 585-265-1226. 23-24 New York City, NY. Doll Auction. The Waldorf Astoria. Theriault’s. 410-224-3655. (F) 410-224-2515. 23 Paris, France. Collectible Dolls & Toys Auction. Ambassador Hotel Paris. Lombrail-Teucquam. Francois Theimer. (0033) 03 86 74 31 76 (F) (0033) 03 86 74 32 13. 23 San Jose, CA. Doll & Bear Show. Santa Clara Fairground. Dorothy’s List. 24 Ottawa, Canada. Doll & Teddy Bear & Miniature Show. Travel Lodge Ottawa Hotel. The Doll Girls. Mary. 613-225-9171. Solange. 613-435-1164. 24 Tinley Park, IL. Doll & Bear & Toy Show. Tinley Park Convention Center. Julie Bronski. 312-919-7135.


1 Milwaukee, WI. Doll Show. Serb Hall. Orphans in the Attic. Sue Serio. 800-796-9649. 4 England. Dolls & Teddy Bears & Juvenalia Auction. Bonhams. +44 (0) 20 8963 2838. Rachel. +44 (0) 20 8963 2839. 5-6 Gaithersburg, MD. French Fashion Workshop. Gaithersburg Marriott. Patti or Criss. 503-556-2441. 7-8 Gaithersburg, MD. Doll Show. The Fairgrounds. Bellman Events. 410-357-8451. 443-617-3590. 7-8 Harlem, NY. Doll Show. LeRoy Nieman Art Center. Morrisania Doll Society. Ellen Ferebee. 917-655-8531. 7 Nazareth, PA. Dolls Auction. Dotta Auction Co., Inc. 610-759-7389. 8 Buena Park, CA. Doll Show Featuring Barbie Dolls. Holiday Inn. Sherri. 310-386-4211. 8 Cape Coral, FL. Doll Show. Cape Coral Yacht Club. Dolls & Toys & Bears OH MY! Bernadette Able. 239-282-9499. 14 Detroit, MI. Doll Convention. Dr. Charles H. Wright Museum. Sandy’s Land. Sandra Epps. 313-492-6953. 14 Westampton, NJ. Doll Auction. 700 Highland Drive. Sweetbriar. Dorothy Hunt. 410-275-2094. Calendar cont. on page 64




Eastern Iowa Doll & Toy Show

NOVEMBER 10, 2013 Mississippi Valley Fairgrounds Davenport, Iowa 9 am - 3 pm Admission $4, under 10 free. Early bird 8am - $10 Appraisals, doll repair, and consignment table to sell up to 5 dolls. Contact-Sherryl Newton 319.610.3534




1909 Old Taneytown Rd.,Westminster, MD Friday through Sunday,

November 15-17, 11-5 And continuing through November and December!!

OPEN EVERY THURSDAY–SUNDAY 11-5 410-848-0664 or 410-875-2850 Stop in and catch the holiday spirit!! The bears will be there too!

• Toys • Miniatures • Doll Molds • Supplies •


“Winter Wonderland” Holiday Doll & Toy Show NEW SHOW! Nov. 16, 2013 Courtyard by Marriot 600 E. Esplanade Dr., Oxnard CA 93030 Antique & Vintage Dolls • Clothing • Accessories • Bears • Toys • Supplies • Vintage Christmas Items Admission $5 $4 with canned foods donation to “Food Share of Ventura County” Free parking

Questions: Contact – Kathy Nilsson 818-458-8225

Edison Talking Dolls WANTED Any Condition Doug Burnett Music Museum


Dolls & Toys & Bears OH MY! DOLL SHOW & SALE! Sunday December 8, 2013

10am to 4pm - Cape Coral Yacht Club 5819 Driftwood Pkwy, Cape Coral, FL 33904

Sunday October 5, 2014

10am to 4pm - Medina Entertainment Center 500 Highway 55, Medina, MN 55340 On site Doll Repair & Apprasials Admission: $5 Adults $1 kids 10 & under

For more info 239-282-9499

Sherman’s Antiques

VALLEJO, CA Vallejo Fairgrounds

February 1 2014 Saturday 9 am

For information send SASE (2 stamps) to: Nancy Jo Schreeder, 305 Robinson St., Martinez, CA 94553 Phone 925-229-4190 Fax 925-229-5369

Website: Doll Related Items • Furniture • Clothes • Bears

& Doll Hospital

1103 6th St. N.W. Winter Haven Florida 33881 We specialize in antique and collectable toys and dolls and also deal in all types of antiques. Our doll doctor has over 20 years experience with all doll services performed on site. We make as well as restore teddy bears too. Our doll doctor can make wigs, clothes or any service your doll may need. We are located in central Florida and opened year around seven days a week. Monday thru Saturday 10 am – 5 pm and Sunday 12 pm – 5 pm. Call 863-956-4333 or 863-221-4035. Email: Website: Member of UFDC and Doll Doctors Association of America

106 W. Main St., Carlisle, KY 40311 859-289-3344 Hours: 11-4, Thursday, Friday, Saturday or by appointment.


This lovely shop is located in the historic Lawler/ Hetherington House overlooking beautiful downtown Prescott. You will find beautiful German and French dolls, accessories and treasures galore! Member of UFDC & NADDA

Fabulous 16” Incised Jumeau, 1886-1889. Gorgeous hard to find doll with brown paperweight eyes. $5295.

Open by appointment only. Please call Lynne Shoblom at 928-445-5908 or 928-713-1909 email

223 E. Union St., Prescott, AZ 86303

The Doll Works

Judith Armitstead (781) 334-5577 P.O. Box 195, Lynnfield, MA 01940

Please visit our website for a fine selection of antique dolls, dollhouse dolls, dollhouse miniatures, teddy bears, all bisque dolls, bathing beauties, kewpies, dresser boxes, snow babies, half dolls, and doll accessories at German Veggie Head Jointed Doll Calendar cont. from page 61

ON THE WEB AT: New dolls added weekly


4 San Marino, CA. Antiques & Collectible Toys Show. San Marino Masonic Center. National Doll Festival. 831-438-5349. 5 Anaheim, CA. Doll & Bear Show. Anaheim Plaza Hotel. National Doll Frestival. 831-438-5349.

11 Bradenton, FL. Doll & Bear Show. Ramada Inn Sarasota. SE Knight Doll Show. Howard Knight. 803-783-8049.

Sharon & Ed KoLiBaBa Phone 623/266-2926 or cell 206/295-8585


12 Hauppauge, NY. Doll & Teddy Bear & Collectable Toy Show. UPSKY Hotel. Patchogue Doll Fanciers Club of Long Island. Marsha. 631-543-3499. Helen. 631-281-3799. Mary. 631-981-9332.

17-18 Naples, FL. Doll Show. Moorings Presbyterian Church. Naples Doll Club. Myrna Eby. 574-780-0951. Wendy Mitchell. 239-530-0010.

18-19 San Diego, CA. Doll & Bear Show. Al Bahr Shriner’s Center. Crossroads. Dorothy Drake. 775-348-7713. 25 Chandler, AZ. Doll Show. American Legion #35. Dolls & Friends Doll Club of AZ. Vicki Lafferty. 480-464-2899. Julia Varga.

25 Columbia, SC. Doll & Bear Show. So. Carolina Fairgrounds. Howard Knight. 803-783-8049.

10 Sami Court, Englishtown, NJ 07726 Ph. 732-536-4101 Email: Exclusively at

25 Glendale, CA. Doll & Toy Show. Civic Auditorium. Verdugo Hills Doll Club. Janet Hollingsworth. 626-441-3330.

26 Galesburg, IL. Doll Show. Sandburg Mall. W. Central Illinois Doll Club. Jane Easterly. 309-299-0486.

• Crocheted and knit socks and clothes for small and large antique dolls and others. • Can copy old doll clothes from originals (sewing) • Replacement arms and legs for china head dolls • Compo bodies and replacement parts for antique and old dolls • Exact copies made of old bisque dolls and some old compo dolls • Miniature and doll house dolls

Custom Made to Order Email: phone 406-245-7190 leave message CERTIFIED DOLL APPRAISALS – Doll appraisals online at by Certified C.A.G.A. appraiser, for insurance, bankruptcy, divorce, casualty loss, or just to see what a doll is worth, its history, etc. I can also do appraisals by mail. Victoria Way, P. O. Box 501, Tehachapi, CA 93582. Phone 661-823-7828 or 661-972-7728. Please visit my website at or ANTIQUE dolls and collectibles. LSADSE for color fully illustrated list. 10 month layaway available. Member UFDC & NADDA. Regina A. Steele, 23 Wheatfield DR, Wilmington, DE 19810-4351. Phone 302-475-5374 Email: Visit my website: ANTIQUE DOLLS – French and German Bisque, All Bisque, Chinas, Limited Ed. Doll Plates. SASE. Ann Lloyd, 5632 S. Deer Run Road, Doylestown, PA 18902. 215-794-8164. Email: shops/anntiquedolls Member NADDA, UFDC RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTION LINKS TO YOUR FAVORITE ADVERTISERS SEARCH OUR BACK ISSUES LIST PATTERNS AND MORE AT: WWW.ANTIQUEDOLLCOLLECTOR.COM

Place Your Ad Here a classified marketplace for antique dolls and related merchandise Copy Ads: 35 cents per word, no limit; $12 minimum Ads with a border and boldface, add $10 to word total BLACK AND WHITE PHOTO ADS we can convert your color ads to black and white 1/12 page ( 2 1/2” h x 2 3/8” w) $40 1/9 page ( 3 3/8” h x 2 3/8” w) $50 FULL COLOR PHOTO ADS 1/9 page ( 3 3/8” h x 2 3/8” w) $125 Please include payment with your ad. Larger ads are considered display ads — call us for information. 1-888-800-2588. Antique Doll Collector, P.O. Box 239, Northport, NY 11768 Classified ads due no later than the first day of the preceding month of publication. Example: May 1 for the June issue.

Ashley’s Dolls & Antiquities

“We’re dreaming of a PINK Christmas in Paris!”

19” Simon & Halbig “Santa” German Doll - $895, Petite French Fashion in Original Gown - $2900, 17” Biedermeier China $1100, Maggie Bessie Cloth Doll $15,500, China Doll with Braided Hairdo $950, Door of Hope Doll $600, French Dog - $450, Pink Santa is not for sale but he wishes you Season’s Greetings! Billye Harris • 723 NC Hwy 61 South, Whitsett, NC 27377 • (336) 266-2608 • Website: • E-mail: Visit us on • Generous Layaways • Member UFDC and NADDA Be sure to visit us at the Gaithersburg Doll Show, December 7 & 8 and the NADDA Doll Show in Greensboro, NC May 3 & 4, 2014

Located in Stoudtburg Village 8 N. Village Circle P.O. Box 705 Adamstown, PA 19501 Currently open by appointment or Sundays by chance

Come visit us and experience our charming location and superior selection of French and German dolls. We are always interested in purchasing collections and fine quality dolls.

Telephone: 717-484-1200 • Mobile: 610-662-5473 • Email:

Now there are two ways to buy great dolls from us...

Becky’s Back Room

Open 24 hours a day / 7 days a week, visit our exclusive shop at

BECKYSBACKROOM.RUBYLANE.COM New dolls listed every week!

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