Antiques & Auction News - April 21, 2023

Page 6

Elverson Show Proves To Be Big Success

Fall Show To Be Held Oct. 28 And 29

The Elverson Antique Show held on March 25 and 26 at the Twin Valley High School in Elverson, Pa., welcomed 43 dealers and hundreds of shoppers. Dealers came from seven states, one as far away as Missouri, for the opportunity to participate in the show. Shoppers also traveled a distance, one commenting that they had come from Connecticut to attend the show for the first time, and they were not disappointed.

Country antiques are the mainstay of the show, and the collecting areas of advertising, toys, quilts, rugs, folk art, baskets, jewelry, stoneware, furniture, English ceramics, painted smalls and more were well represented. There was something for everyone, from buyers just starting out to advanced collectors.

As the doors opened, the energy and enthusiasm of the huge crowd spilled onto the floor, and “sold” tags appeared in abundance. Sales were brisk and both dealers and customers were happy, many making

plans to attend the next show to be held in the fall on Oct. 28 and 29. The show ranks among the best regional shows anywhere and has a great mix of quality merchandise. A tremendous amount of business was conducted, indicating strength in the industry.

For more information about the show, check out the Elverson Antique Show on Facebook or the website at www.elverson


Owner Sale Delivers At Locati Bronze Urn Realizes $3,025

Locati LLC had a successful auction billed as property from a New Castle, Del., gentleman. “We rarely have single-owner sales,” commented co-owner Michael

The Gathering on the Farm at Gettysburg is a country and primitive antiques show that will be held Saturday, May 13, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The show takes place at 1042 Bullfrog Road in Fairfield, Pa., about 10 minutes from downtown Gettysburg. Admission is free of charge. The show is a tented rain or shine event, and the fall edition will be Oct. 7.

FEATURED AUCTION: Heritage Auction’s Movie Posters Signature Auction,April 29 & 30 - Page 4 In This Issue SHOPS,SHOWS & MARKETS . . . . . . . . . starting on page 3 SHOPS DIRECTORY . . . . . . . . . on page 5 EVENT & AUCTION CALENDAR . on page 7 AUCTION SALE BILLS . . starting on page 9 AUCTIONEER DIRECTORY . . . . on page 9 CLASSIFIEDS . . . . . . . . . . . . .on page 11 ANTIQUES NEWS, P.O.BOX 500 MOUNT JOY, 17552 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED COMPLIMENTARY COPY PRSRT STD U.S.POSTAGE PAID ENGLE PUBLISHING CO. Gathering On The Farm Set For May 13 Country And Primitive Show Takes Place In Gettysburg
FRIDAY APRIL 21,2023 • VOL.53,NO.16 Continued on page 10 Continued on page 8 Continued on page 6 A Neoclassical style bronze garden urn realized $3,025.

Folk Artist Maud Lewis Steals The Show Once Again

Seven Lewis Paintings Combine For Over $300,000; One, Titled “Traffic Jam,” Achieves $91,450

Once again it was the legendary Canadian folk artist Maud Lewis (1903-70) who stole the show at Miller & Miller’s two-day, online auction held March 25 (Canadiana and Decorative Arts) and March 26 (Historic Lamps and Lighting). Seven original paintings by Lewis combined for more than $300,000. One brought $91,450.

All prices quoted are in Canadian dollars. The first session grossed $588,613, the second, $299,838. Online bidding was via and the Miller & Miller Auctions Ltd.

website (

The top lot of the auction overall was Lewis’s oil-onbeaverboard painting titled “Traffic Jam” (ca. 1956), an 11.5by-12-inch early work depicting a cow blocking a car from getting by. It’s a bit out of sync with Lewis’s repertoire, but is an unusual and important example of the breadth of her work. Bidders reacted accordingly, as it blew past estimates to hit $91,450.

The other six paintings were “Chicks and Hens” ($70,800); “The Three Black Cats” ($38,350); “Covered

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Bridge in Valley” ($29,500); “Covered Bridge in Winter” ($25,960); “Docking at the Harbour” ($24,190); and “Two Oxen in Winter” ($20,650). When added to the 17 paintings sold by Miller & Miller in two previous auctions totaling $758,340, the new grand total tops $1 million.

“We were pleased with the strong prices realized for Canadian art,” said Canadiana specialists Joe and Sally Tuer, who assisted Miller & Miller Auctions Ltd. “Overall, the better pieces either made estimate or, in most cases, rose above estimate. The Maud Lewis paintings seem to be maintaining their strength, with the more unusual pieces exceeding expectations.”

An oil-on-board by Franz Johnston (Canadian, 1926-41), titled “Pines Near Penetang,” changed hands for $15,340. Johnston was a founding member of the Group of Seven and a member of the Ontario Society of Artists. Also, a pre1890 oil-on-canvas river scene by Homer Ransford Watson (Canadian, 1855-1936), an artist who was influenced by

the painters of the Hudson River School and was dubbed the “Canadian Constable” by Oscar Wilde, realized $11,800.

“Furniture performed as well or, in some cases, better than anticipated,” stated the Tuers. “This is reassuring in light of the way the market has been soft in the past. The primitives also performed strongly with a few exceptions. We hope the trend for Canadiana furniture, art and primitives continues to strengthen. It reflects the importance of having quality pieces our customers want.”

A ca. 1880 Canadian (or American) Victorian-era threepiece bedroom suite in the Renaissance Revival style, consisting of a bed and two marble-top dressers, both with mirrors, surpassed estimate to ring up $17,700, while

a Georgian period (ca. 1820s) Canadian breakfast table in mahogany and figured mahogany attributed to Thomas Nisbet (St. John, New Brunswick), displaying all the typical features used by Nesbit, found a new home for $16,250.

A mahogany, ca. 1820s Montreal “key hole” wall clock by Martin Cheney (1778-1855), who produced “elegant house clocks” in both Windsor, Vermont and Montreal, 40.5 inches tall, went for $20,060, besting its $9,000-$12,000 estimate, while a ca. 1815 tall case clock by James Hanna (1737-1807) and his son, James (1788-1851), mahogany veneer with a brass dial, earned $15,340. The Hannas were prominent watch and clockmakers in Quebec City.

“The March 26 sale featured a gathering of 19th century lamps and lighting, an assortment so significant we decided they deserved a sale of their own,” said Ethan Miller of Miller & Miller Auctions Ltd. “The offering includes exceptional overlays and rare patents from the Valerie Lister, David Broughton and Keith Dill collections, ones that took these folks years to acquire.”

Many of the auction’s expected top lots were overlay kerosene stand lamps, made in America between 1860 and 1880 by Boston & Sandwich Glass Company in Sandwich, Mass., as well as other manufacturers. The makers of many in the sale were unknown, but that didn’t make them any less desirable. Their rarity and aesthetic appeal attracted large hordes of eager bidders.

Miller & Miller was assisted by lamps and lighting specialists Gwen and Mike Chvaleich, who remarked, “What an incredible sale. It was so interesting to see the

three different collections of these longtime members of the Historical Lighting Society of Canada. Keith Dill’s collection featured many rare examples of overlay lamps, as well as Marbrie Loops, Nailsea and peg lamps. And how often does one find three banquet lamps more than three feet tall in the same auction?”

The Chvaleichs added, “Val Lister’s collection featured a wide variety of lighting, an amassment which told the story of lighting in America and Europe from the 18th century to the 20th century. David Broughton put together a

Continued on page 9 2- - Antiques & Auction News — April 21, 2023 SUBSCRIBE TODAY! 4 EASY WAYS TO SUBSCRIBE! ANTIQUES & AUCTION NEWSTM P.O. BOX 500, MOUNT JOY, PA 17552 Call: 1-800-800-1833, ext. 6022 Fax this form: 717-892-6016 Mail this form to address shown and receive 10% DISCOUNT Have your credit card number and expiration date ready when you call! 1 Year, 3rd Class $28.00 6 Months, 1st Class $48.00 1 Year, 1st Class $80.00 Each issue contains important, dated material. For timely delivery, subscribe by 1st Class. NOTE TO 3RD CLASS SUBSCRIBERS: No refunds available for late delivery. NAME _____________________________________________ ADDRESS __________________________________________ CITY _________________________STATE ______ZIP _______ PHONE: ( _______) ___________________________________ DATE ______________________________________________ Where did you pick up this copy of ANTIQUES & AUCTION NEWSTM? COLLECTOR DEALER AUCTIONEER SHOW MGR. OTHERS PAYMENT ENCLOSED All checks must be in U.S. funds. Checks must be drawn on U.S. bank add $7.00 to sub. price outside of U.S. CHARGE TO: #____________________________ EXP. DATE _________ Receive Our Email Newsletter: Email Address _________________________________ C-04/21 F027603 e-mail: Editor - Karl Pass, 717-278-1404 e-mail: Circulation - Linda Deshler, Ext. 2541 Classifieds 1-800-428-4211 Fax 717-492-2566 Sample copy $2.50 1 YEAR, third class $28.00 1 YEAR,
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The oil-on-board painting by the acclaimed Canadian folk artist Maud Lewis (1903-70), titled “Traffic Jam,” an 11.5-by12 inch early and humorous work, sold for $91,450. A Georgian period (ca. 1820s) Canadian breakfast table in mahogany and figured mahogany attributed to Thomas Nisbet (Saint John, New Brunswick) realized $16,520. This mahogany, ca. 1820s Montreal “key hole” wall clock by Martin Cheney (1778-1855), who produced “elegant house clocks” in Vermont and Montreal, realized $20,060. This oil-on-board painting by Franz Johnston (Canadian, 1926-41), a founding member of the Group of Seven, titled “Pines Near Penetang,” sold for $15,340. The cobalt cut overlay kerosene banquet stand lamp, made in America ca. 1860-80, 27 inches tall, cobalt blue cut to colorless pyriform font with ovals and punties, sold for $50,150. The ruby cut overlay kerosene stand lamp, made in America ca. 1860-80, 40.5 inches tall, white cut to ruby urn-shaped font with seven rows of ovals and punties, sold for $38,350.

Collector Anecdotes And Antics

Tell Me If This Is Really Sustainable Over The Long Term?

One of the basic fundamentals of the antiques and collectibles trade is understanding the concept of organic collectability. The very reason certain collectibles are worth a substantial amount on the secondary market is simply due to the fact that they were not saved and hoarded as collectibles. Just look at the value of the first issue of Action Comics. Released in June of 1938, this now historic comic book featured the first ever appearance of Superman. Suffice it to say that when this comic book appeared on newsstands at that time, very few were saved as coveted collectibles simply because no one ever thought that Superman would be coveted by generation after generation of diehard fans. As a result, very few are available today and when a copy of Action Comics issue one comes up for bid at auction, the final bid is usually in the seven-figure range. This is a perfect example of organic collectability in action (pardon the pun).

Now compare a copy of Action Comics issue one to a plethora of mass-produced collectibles being promoted as rare simply because the manufacturer limits supply on the primary market. This has been the formula adopted by many different manufacturers over the years. The

Bradford Exchange, The Franklin Mint, The Longaberger Basket Company, PEZ, Ty (makers of Beanie Babies), Funko, and many more have all adopted this concept as a way to get would-be collectors and speculators excited about their products. And since the 1980s, this strategy worked exceedingly well, never mind the fact that most of these particular products ended up crashing and burning on the secondary market at some point. It does not matter though, simply because virtually every new generation of collectors and speculators never learn from the past. A common mantra on most modern-era collecting forums: “my collecting category is not comparable to Beanie Babies! Therefore, it will never suffer a similar fate!” This is completely false in most cases.

Just a few short decades ago, for something to become collectible and highly valued on the secondary market, the item in question would have to go through several different phases before finding an audience as a true collectible. To illustrate my point, let me use vintage “Star Wars” action figures as a prime example. Vintage “Star Wars” action figures have a lot of organic collectability today because, believe it or not, there was a time when these items were considered almost worthless. I know that sounds almost unbelievable to the generation of fans (myself included) who grew up with these incredible toys under their Christmas trees, but I assure you the assessment is completely true.

“Star Wars” action figures were first released in 1978 by Kenner Toys, and the company would go on to sell over 40 million units in just the first year! I am sorry to have to be the one to tell you this,

but very few vintage “Star Wars” action figures actually qualify as rare, let alone scarce. The reason some of these toys are quite coveted today is simply due to the fact that almost everyone who bought these toys opened them and played with them. They were not purchased as prized collectibles for the most part, because no one knew, at least in 1978, the generational effect “Star Wars” would have on the general public and specifically with toy enthusiasts and collectors. The vintage Kenner “Star Wars” line would last from 1978 through roughly mid-1985 when demand softened after the 1984 release of “The Return of the Jedi,” which was the last move in the planned trilogy of original “Star Wars” films. By the time production of the coveted “Star Wars” line ceased, toy enthusiasts grew tired (gasp!) of “Star Wars” and moved on to other toy lines of the era, like Mattel’s incredible “Masters of the Universe” line. As a result, by late 1985 you could find a lot of these left over “Star Wars” action figures and playsets sitting in bargain bins finding few buyers. It was during this time that most of these toys were considered nearly worthless.

Over the next few years, if you visited any flea market or garage sale, you were bound to find a lot of vintage Kenner “Star Wars” readily available for purchase. The generation that grew up with them as their favorite toy line had moved on and discovered new and exciting things like video games, “Transformers,” “Masters of the Universe,” and girls. It wasn’t until well over a decade later that interest in the vintage Kenner “Star Wars” toy line first started to emerge. The creation of the internet fostered the

nostal gia collectors felt toward these products, and, low and behold, enthusiasts started to compile information about the toy line and just how many action figures and playsets were produced during its nearly seven-year life span. Slowly, but surely, more nostalgia-filled collectors showed interest in the line, and prices began to rise on the secondary market. This is the way the antiques and collectibles trade is supposed to operate. Things are supposed to become virtually worthless before they become extremely valuable on the secondary market. Unfortunately, today’s collectors no longer have the patience to wait for something to die out and then rediscover it again. They want to try to hoard and keep everything in pristine condition, hoping that it continues to be sought after over time. This is something that today’s manufacturers are all too aware of, and it is killing the collecting community.

For instance, in the year 2023, Hasbro has the license to produce “Star Wars” action figures and toys. Unfortunately, most of the products they make as part of this toy line are produced for the collecting market rather than the toy market. The “Black Series” of “Star Wars” figures the company produces are eagerly sought after by fans and kept in their original packaging. They are not purchased and played with like the toys of my era.

Under normal circumstances, I usually end all of my articles with a neat little summary that provides an overview of the lesson being discussed. I am not going to do that here. Somewhere in this article that my critics will just consider another empty rant is a very important lesson that teaches the difference between organic collectability and that of mass-produced scarcity. I am sorry, but try as you might, you cannot manufacture a true organic collectible. It doesn’t matter if you are Hasbro, Nintendo, Lego, Funko, Rolex, Hermes, or any other manufacturer, the best collectibles of today were the ones that were once considered worthless. That in and of itself is the lesson, and I long for the day that the current starry-eyed speculators and collectors who

make up the modern era collectibles trade wake up and realize this. That said, I am not holding my breath. Thanks for reading.

Shawn Surmick has been an avid collector since the age of 12. He currently resides in his hometown of Boyertown, Pa., and is a passionate collector of antiques and collectibles. His articles focus on various topics affecting the marketplace. Antiques & Auction News — April 21, 2023 - - 3 R067248 FAYETTEVILLE ANTIQUE & CRAFT MALL 4 LARGE BUILDINGS 300+ DEALERS OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 9AM-5PM Antiques W Collectibles W Coins W Jewelry Glassware W Consignment Furniture W Candles Baskets W Wrought Iron W Decorations W Etc. 3625-3653 Lincoln Way E. • Fayetteville, PA 717.352.8485 R093937 Celebrating 53 Years! ANTIQUE SHOW & FLEA MARKET OVER 400 EXHIBITORS As seen on HGTV “Flea Market Flip” April 29 & 30 May 27 & 28 July 1 September 2 & 3 October 7 & 8 November 4 8AM TO 4PM • RAIN OR SHINE Free Admission & Parking • No Pets Exhibitor Space Available 845-221-6561 428 Rt. 216, Stormville, NY R054156 2 ND LIFE ANTIQUES Previously Known As Antiques at 200 East on Broad Street 200 East on Broad Street, Quakertown, PA ANTIQUE FURNITURE COLLECTIBLES AND MORE STOREWIDE BARGAINS DEALER SPACE AVAILABLE Please Call 267.885.4523 F059658 THE SLATINGTON MARKETPLACE Antiques & Collectibles 8281 Rt. 873, Slatington, PA 18080 Wed. & Thurs. 9-5; Fri. & Sat. 9-6; Sun. 10-5 135+ DEALERS • 200+ SPACES 610-766-7495 (Follow Us On Facebook) ANTIQUE CENTER 517 St. Mary’s Street, Lewisburg, PA 17837 OPEN 7 DAYS 10-5 570-524-5733 R079635 400 ANTIQUE DEALERS R093530 Antiques, Collectibles, Vintage Jewelry & Fashion, Toys, Artwork, Vinyl and So Much More! Free Parking & Free Admission! Market: 484-320-8019 Office: 215-625-FLEA (3532) n, @PhilaFleaMarkets Berwyn Indoor/Outdoor Vintage Flea Market Every Saturday & Sunday 9am-4pm 270 West Swedesford Road, Berwyn, PA Now Open Year Round! MECHANICAL MUSIC EXTRAVAGANZA Sunday April 30, 2023 — 9:30am to 3:30pm (early buyer 8am) Wayne Police Athletic League, 1 Pal Drive, Wayne, NJ 07470 Wind-up phonographs Cylinder records 78 rpm records Memorabilia Music boxes Accessories Parts Info: 973-655-9730 the Admission: general $7.00, early buyer $15.00 R094758

1931 “Frankenstein” Movie Poster Was An Attic Find In Pennsylvania

More Than 100 Sci-Fi And Horror Rarities To Be Offered


by the legendary Universal Pictures art director Karoly Grosz, there are only seven known surviving examples of this “Frankenstein.” It was tucked away in the perpetual night beneath the eaves of a home in the Keystone State. And now it comes out to roar at Heritage Auction’s Movie Posters Signature Auction to be held Saturday and Sunday, April 29 and 30.

Indeed, this Frankenstein one-sheet, folded and unrestored but in near-mint condition nearly a century later, is a centerpiece of the auction house’s sale. It is being offered alongside other coveted rarities that seldom see the light of day, including 116 horror and sciencefiction offerings from the collection of Modern Props, once described by the Los Angeles Times as a “Hollywood institution.”

Heritage has only offered this “Frankenstein” poster twice and only once in near-mint condition, 19 years ago, when the monster scared up a record-setting price of $189,750.

Indeed, this poster might very well have saved Frankenstein’s big-screen career. Stephen Rebello and Richard Allen noted that Universal’s studio heads

“read the shrieks and walkouts of preview audiences as trouble” when they began screening director James Whale’s adaptation of Mary Shelley’s novel. “This evocative poster was devised to help salvage some of a $291,000 investment.”

“It’s a major event in the field when previously unknown Holy Grails like the “Frankenstein” Style A come to light,” said Zach Pogemiller, associate director of movie posters. “A discovery like this presents a once-in-a-generation opportunity to private and institutional collectors alike and enriches our worldwide cinema culture. It’s an honor and a privilege for Heritage to bring these items salvaged from obscurity to their proper place in the public spotlight.”

The original “Frankenstein” is also joined by its ghost, 1942’s “The Ghost of Frankenstein,” whose threesheet is so rare Heritage has never before seen one, much less brought it to auction. The fourth installment in what by then had become Universal’s Franken-franchise, with Lon Chaney Jr. replacing Boris Karloff in the monster suit and Bela Lugosi as his companion, Ygor, the film wasn’t well

Continued on page 5 4- - Antiques & Auction News — April 21, 2023 Featuring Quality Antiques & Collectibles, COINS, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, FURNITURE, CHINA, LINENS, MEMORABILIA, VINTAGE CLOTHING, TOYS, DOLLS, POSTCARDS & RETRO. 610-791-7910 2200 31st St. SW, ALLENTOWN, PA Monday Thru Friday 10-6, Saturday 10-5, Sunday 11-5 WEIL R094743 &Collectibles aturing Qua ty & ea Antiq g Q b u u C t Ant t o ollec e e llectible i u l aturin F s s ectible a r Fe i i FeaturingiQ alit Antiques&Collectibles ANTIQUE CENTER Over 150 Dealers R095068 APRIL 29 & 30, 2023 Saturday 9-5, Sunday 9-3 Agricultural Hall, 1929 Chew St., Allentown Fairgrounds ALLENTOWN SPRING Antique Advertising, Book, Paper Photography & Postcard Show For info Contact Sean Klutinoty Allentown Paper Show, LLC P.O. Box 156, Center Valley, PA 18034 610-573-4969 ALLENTOWN, PA BIG TWO-DAY SHOW! Admission $10.00 with this ad Only $9.00 Allentown Paper Show Join our friendly community! R094404
Frankenstein was hiding in a Pennsylvania attic all along. The 1931 Style A poster, that is, not the monster. And what an attic find it was. Designed This 1931 “Frankstein” Style A movie poster designed by the legendary Universal Pictures art director Karoly Grosz is among seven known surviving examples. It was recently discovered in an attic, luckily surviving in near-mint condition.

regarded upon its release. The New York Times’s Bosley Crowther moaned that “the thought that he may yet return for further adventures with his body and Lugosi’s sconce fills us with mortal terror.” It’s also regarded as the movie that turned “Frankenstein” and Universal’s roster of monsters from A-listers to Bmovie stars, given the slashed budgets and reuse of old footage.

Its posters remain the most valuable keepsake from its release. Nine years ago, Heritage sold one of the few surviving one-sheets for

$26,290. The far superior (and far larger) three-sheet is considered more valuable, given its status as the sole survivor from this transitional period in horror-movie history.

Horror posters abound, too, along with historic sci-fi offerings found in the legendary collection of John Zabrucky, who in early 2020 shuttered his Modern Props after 42 years of providing props to everything from “Blade Runner” to “Star Trek: The Next Generation.”

Zabrucky told the Los Angeles Times three years ago he hoped an institution would vie for his vintage poster assemblage.

Instead, Zabrucky has

done what all passionate collectors do, release his children into the wild so others can appreciate and caretake the collection of which he was so profoundly enamored. His offerings in April’s auction constitute just a fraction of the collection, and in June, Heritage will hold a dedicated auction featuring more of Zabrucky’s star attractions.

From Modern Prop’s estimable collection comes a poster Heritage is thrilled to offer for the first time, “The Invisible Man,” which, was created by one of the few printers in the 1930s that had short-lived deals with movie studios that allowed them to print alternative posters. They were allowed to make these alternate posters to compensate for the lack of “official” advertising materials, which were tossed out, lost, or too worn out when the films were sent, often by bus, to different cities.

Also a Heritage first, the original 1964 silkscreened poster for director-narrator

Bruce Brown’s immortal surf documentary, “The Endless Summer,” which didn’t garner wide distribution until 1996. The poster, created by then-art student and fellow surfer John Van Hamersveld, ranks among the most iconic of the 1960s; one of the few surviving originals resides in the Smithsonian Institute’s National Museum of American History, which calls it a “1960s neon masterpiece.”

Heritage has never before offered one of these original posters, which makes it even more thrilling to begin with what’s likely the very best of the sole survivors: “This Endless Summer” is signed by Van Hamersveld, who counts among his album covers “Magical Mystery Tour” and “Exile on Main St.,” and comes from the collection of record producer and manager Denny Bruce. Catch the wave.

For more information, visit

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21901 North East410-287-8318

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08525 Hopewell609-466-9833 TOMATO FACTORY ANTIQUE & DESIGN CENTER, 2 Somerset St. We Have It All! Open Mon. thru Sat. 10-5, Sun. 11-5. We have 38 Dealers.

16686 Tyrone 814-684-5088 I-99 ANTIQUES, conveniently located off the Tyrone Exit of Interstate 99, 1222 Pennsylvania Ave. Quality antiques & collectibles. 40 Dlrs. Open Th., Fri., & Sat., 10:30am - 4:30pm, Dlrs. welcome.

16801 State College814-238-2980

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17062 Millerstown717-589-7810

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17307 Biglerville717-503-4264

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17350 NewOxford717-624-3800

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18460 SouthSterling570-594-7316

SWANANTIQUES 424 So. Sterling Rd on Rte.191.American, Oriental, French and English furniture, objects and art. Mon.-Fri. 10am-5pm (Lunch 12-1); Sat./Sun. 12-5pm. Many shops in area.

MARKET, 2940 Main St.. Hours 10-5 daily. Berks Co. Largest Antique Boutique. Antiques,Collectibles, Vintage Home & Garden Decor. Antiques & Auction News — April 21, 2023 - - 5 Heritage
Continued from page 4 3371 Lincoln Highway East, (Rt 30), 717 442.8805 We Are Open in Paradise, Lancaster County One of the Largest & Finest Antique Malls in PA Dutch Country! All Under One Roof—On One Floor • Shop in a clean, brightly lit, climate controlled building that’s open all year long • Huge variety of fine antiques & collectables on display by over 125 dealers • Over 26,000 sq ft of merchandise • Convenient parking—handicap accessible • Most major credit cards accepted Monday-Saturday 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday 10 a.m.-5 p.m., closed Tuesday R094986 Not Just An Antique Mall It’s Your Destination F063434 ATTENTION Shouldn’t Your SHOP Be Listed In This Directory? CALL 1-800-800-1833, ext. 6022 or 717-892-6022 Monday-Friday 8:00am-4:30pm E-MAIL Submit your ad to us at Deadline: Thursday at Noon for Friday’s edition R059267 NorthGate Antique Mall (717) 243-5802 OPEN 7 DAYS 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Dealer Space Available 726 North Hanover Street, CARLISLE, PA 17013 Easy access from Route 81, Exit 52 - Go south 3½ miles on Route 11 or take the PA Turnpike to mile marker 226 - Go south 2½ miles on the right. Over 80 Quality Dealers • Two Floors • Air-Conditioned Building Closed New Year’s Day • Easter • July 4 • Thanksgiving • Christmas NOWOPEN! ALL ADS IN GUIDE ARE LISTED IN ZIP CODE SEQUENCE WITHIN EACH STATE. SHOP DIRECTORY 18944 Perkasie215-257-3564 TREASURE TROVE, 6 S. 7th Street. Estate jewelry, furniture, linens, vintage clothing, glass, china, books, toys, kitchenware, advertising, postcards. Primitives to Deco. Dealers Welcome. Mon.-Sat. 10-5. In business 42 years. 18962 Silverdale215-453-1414 THE FACTORY ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES, 130 West Main Street, Rt 113, Bucks County. Featuring 45 Dealers. Open Wednesday thru Saturday 10 -5, Sundays 11-4 19543 Morgantown610-913-1953 MORGANTOWN
The 1942 “The Ghost of Frankenstein” three-sheet poster is so rare Heritage has never before seen one. The fourth film installment had Lon Chaney Jr. replacing Boris Karloff in the monster suit and Bela Lugosi as his companion, Ygor. The original 1964 silkscreened poster is for director-narrator Bruce Brown’s surf documentary, “The Endless Summer.”

The Kimberton Show, New Venue And Change For 2023

Change is inevitable in life and in the antiques business. But how do you adjust and deal with it? It was a change of venue on March 18 and 19 for the seimannual Kimberton Antiques Show, which had been held for more than 50 years at the Kimberton (Pa.) Fire Hall. Early birds were waiting, and attendance was up (1,336 showgoers) at the Greater Philadelphia Expo Center in Oaks, Pa., located 8 miles/15 minutes east of the fire hall (the fire hall could no longer be rented for the show). It’s a credit to show promotor Lori Rebuck Boger for securing the new venue. The alternative was folding the show. Records indicate the show was started by the managers of Shupp’s Grove Antique Market (Adamstown, Pa.) in either 1968-69.

Seventy dealers from Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Maryland, Delaware, and Virginia exhibited their wares at the Expo Center. There were

two common areas where dealers could exhibit larger items/overflow that could not fit in their booths.

The large crowd lined up inside the ample waiting area to enter the show on day one. Familiar faces graced the exhibition hall floor including exhibiting dealer Carroll Swam of the Gatchellville Store greeting folks with his traditional banjo-playing. A major loss to the show and antiquing community, Swam’s wife, dealer Linda Sarubin, passed away since the last show.

A rare and folksy 45-star flag inscribed, “In sweet memory of my Bryanite after the Bryan parade, November 3, 1900,” was priced at $525 by Ivy & Twig of Lambertville, N.J., and sold immediately upon the opening of the show. It was a political flag created by its owner on election day 1900 when William Jennings Bryan lost the presidential election to William McKinley. A threefoot wooden figure of early 20th century cartoon character “Jiggs” as a cigar butler

Gathering On The Farm

Continued from page 1

New this year will be the addition of Frontier 1763, a group of independent living historians and craftspeople committed to providing historical support services to public and private entities engaged in furthering the

understanding of our nation’s Colonial history. Visitors to the farm and the show will hear presentations on flintlock rifle building by gunmaker Dave Crispin, observe hearth cooking with Christine Tolbert, learn how to make a fire using flint and steel with

also bore a sold tag. One customer was especially enthusiastic about a 1940s-50s left-

frontiersman Charlie West, and be able to visit with other settlers in period attire engaged in daily activities of 18th-century Mid-Atlantic life.

The show is held on the farm of Linda and Joe Bowden. The log portion of the house dates to 1740, and the stone, to 1830. In 1930, an addition was added to the stone portion. Among the


outbuildings is a trader’s cabin, which dates to 1720. From the 1730s into the 1740s, it was a dwelling for Swedish explorer Hans Steelman, an Indian trader and interpreter. For additional information on this country antiques show, call show promotor Connie Gleed at 717-919-4206 during business hours. 6- - Antiques & Auction News — April 21, 2023 R061243 In The Historic “White Barn” BRANDYWINE RIVER ANTIQUES MARKET Limited Space Available for Quality Dealers Only Bank Barn offering 15,000 Sq. Ft. of Quality Antiques, Primitives, Estate Furniture, with Appropriate Accessories & Smalls. 878 Baltimore Pike (Rt. 1) CHADDS FORD, PA 19317 Open 10-5 Wednesday Thru Sunday Phone 610-388-2000 Fax 610-388-2720 E-Mail Located Directly On Rt. 1 “At The White Barn” R091581 ANTIQUES LLC. 44 North Bedford Street CARLISLE, PA 17013 Hours: Mon.-Sat. 10-7 And Sunday 10-5 Two Floors With Over 100 Quality Antiques & Collectibles Dealers 717-241-5309 BEDFORD STREET t he v intage k itchenand a ntiques N EWEST A NTIQUE STORE I N A DAMSTOWN 2350 N. Reading Road, Denver, PA 17517 (same complex as zia’s) 717-335-8522 Vintage Kitchen & ANTIQUES THE Swung vases Pyrex bar ware jadeite Fulton Bank South toward PA Turnpike NorthReadingRoad Zia’s Italian Eatery The Vintage Kitchen & Antiques North toward Renningers Adams Antiques 272 20% off April 27-30 Extravaganza Hours mon-wed: 10-5 thurs-sat: 9-7 sun 9-5 F095095 HAMBURG ANTIQUES CENTER 20 S F S H , PA 19526 Family Owned and Operated Exci ng Items Stocked Daily: Exci A , A , P , B , E , F , J , K , L , L , P /G , P , V T . T VISIT US DURING THE ANTIQUE EXTRAVAGANZA R094847 Business Hours: Mon., Wed., Thurs., Fri. & Sat., 10am-5pm; Sun. 11am-4pm, Closed Tuesdays 484-665-3636 | hamburgan 20% OFF ENTIRE SHOP A 26-27-28-29-30
Frontier 1763 is a group of independent living historians and craftspeople. This is Alicia Lawson from West Alexandria, Ohio. Here is Pat Murray from Brick, N.J. Rick Fuller is from South Royalton, Vt. Trudy Hinton is from Dry Fork, Va. hander’s baseball glove he “way back” since as Continued on page 8


05/11-14/23, ATLANTA, THURS.-SUN., Antique Market, 3650 Jonesboro Rd. SE, Atlanta Expo Center, North Bldg.

05/09-14/23, BRIMFIELD, TUES.-SUN., Brimfield Antique & Collectibles Show & Flea Market, Show Fields - Rte. 20 betw. Exits 8 & 9 off the Mass Pike (Rte.90), Brimfield, MA

04/30/23, WAYNE, 9:30 AM -


8:00 AM, Mechanical Music Extravganza, 1 PALDrive, Wayne Police Athletic League

04/29-30/23, STORMVILLE, SAT.-SUN., 8AM-4PM, Antique Show & Flea Market, 428 Rte. 216, Stormville Airport, NY

05/27-28/23, STORMVILLE, SAT.-SUN., 8AM-4PM, Antique Show & Flea Market, 428 Rte. 216, Stormville Airport, NY

3PM, Early Country Antiques & Primitive Goods Show, 3558 US Route 62, Heritage Community Center



2PM (STORE/WRHSE. SALE: 9-5), Outdoor Antique

04/22/23, LANCASTER, SAT. 9AM-1PM, 62nd Lancaster Hunting & Fishing Show & Sale, 1383 Arcadia Rd., Lancaster Farm & Home Center

04/23/23, LANCASTER, SUN. 92, Lancaster Doll, Toy & Teddy Bear Show, 1383 Arcadia Rd., Lancaster Farm & Home Center

04/28-30/23, PHILADELPHIA, FRI.-SUN. AT11AM, The Philadelphia Show, 2600 Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia Museum of Art

04/28/23, KUTZTOWN, FRI.SAT. 9-4, Antiques & Collector Extravaganza, 740 Noble St., Renningers Kutztown

04/29-30/23, ALLENTOWN, SAT. 9-5 & SUN. 9-3, Antq. Advertising, Book, Paper, Photo & Postcard Show, 1929 Chew St., Allentown Fairgrounds Ag. Hall

04/30/23, DENVER, SUN. 5AM4PM, Antiques & Collectors Special Sunday, 2500 N. Reading Rd., Renningers Adamstown

05/13/23, FAIRFIELD, SAT. 9-3, Gathering on THE FARM: Country & Primitive Antq. Event, 1042 Bullfrog Rd., Gettysburg, PA

05/20/23, GETTYSBURG, OUTDOOR MKT.: SAT. 8-2 (STORE/WRHSE. SALE: 9-5), Outdoor Antique Market, 2885 York Rd., Gettysburg, PA

05/29/23, LANDISVILLE, MON. AT7AM, Hempfield Community Flea Market, 1700 Nissley Rd., Amos Herr Park


05/19-20/23, FISHERSVILLE, FRI. 9-5 & SAT. 9-4, 70th Antiques Expo, 277 Expo Rd., Augusta Expo Center

Capital City Decorated Stoneware Batter Pail Brings $54,000

04/23/23, MORGANTON, SUNDAYAT6:30 PM, Online Only Auction featuring the estate of Joseph Simasek. Includes large collection of antiques, vintage & newer items - household goods, collectibles, Ethan Allen & Amish shaker furniture, framed prints, woodworking tools and more., Online Only: https//, Red Suit Realty & Auction

04/24-29/23, KEENE, SAT., AT 12:00 NOON, Spring Country

Americana Auction - Online Only! Includes 350+ lots of 18th & 19th Century Country Furnishings & Accessories, art, stoneware, clocks, and more. Previews April 24-28, 10 am - 5 pm and day of sale 9-11 am. online bidding at and, online only, Keene Auctions

04/29/23, PHILLIPSBURG, SAT. AT10AM, NJ glass/ antq. collector- Qty. 18th/19th cen. Amer./Euro. blown glass, bottles, flasks, decanters, stemware, stg. jars, apoth., Boston & Sandwich Glass, Pittsburgh Glass, candlesticks, lamps, inkwells, 30+ blue dec. stonewr. crocks, jugs, pitchers, redware, Wagner Pottery flower pots, quilts, carved birds, paintings/ watercolors, & more!, 2481 Belvidere Rd., Hartzell's Auction Gallery, Inc.

04/22/23, OWEGO, SATURDAY AT11 AM, Public Auction for First United Methodist Church of Endicott. Once in a lifetime auction for churches, schools, daycare, home school! Includes furniture, religious items, antiques, commercial kitchen items, childcare items and institutional equipment. Preview & registration at 10 am day of sale. , 43-45 Lake St, Mead & Sons Auctioneers

04/24/23, DUNDEE, MON.: SES.1 AT9AM; SES.2 AT5PM, Sess.1: Country Store items, ptd. furn., Coleman lantern collec., 50+ quilts, sugar buckets, pantry boxes, coffee grinders, cast iron collec., etc. Sess. 2: Lester Byler sign collec. from Middlefield, OH + case toy collec., 5 gas pumps, etc., Live & Online: 17020 Dover Rd.; AuctionZip, LiveAuctioneers &, Atlee Raber Auctions

Crocker Farm, a stoneware and redware speciality auction house, concluded its first sale of the calendar year on March 31. The auction grossed

$1,849,230 (including a 20-percent buyer’s premium), making it the firm’s second highest gross total. An item of regional interest here in southcentral Pennsylvania was a oneand-a-half-gallon stoneware batter pail with three cobalt man-in-the-moon motifs, stamped “COWDEN & WILCOX / HARRISBURG, PA.” The ca. 1865 batter pail realized $54,000 (est. 15,000-$25,000), selling to a local private collector.

Its over-the-top application of the famous man-inthe-moon motif three times on the same vessel melds rarity with extreme visual appeal, according to the Zipps, the family who owns and operates Crocker Farm. The front and sides are decorated with three brushed renderings of a longnosed face in profile, emanating from a crescent-shaped foliate motif. Interestingly, the three man-in-the-moon motifs present three different facial expressions; the face to the left of the spout appears angry or disappointed, the face to the right of the spout happily displays a smile; and the larger face on the reverse appears satisfied or content.

The pail included a tin lid and spout cover.

Next week, we will highlight another item from this sale.

To learn more, visit the online catalog with prices realized at

Lancaster Doll, Toy, And Teddy Bear Show Set

71st Annual Event Will Take Place April 23

The 71st Semiannual Doll, Toy, and Teddy Bear Show and Sale will be held on Sunday, April 23, at The Lancaster Farm and Home Center, 1383 Arcadia Road, Lancaster, Pa.

More than 35 vendors with 120 tables will bring

some of their finest dolls, toys, teddy bears, Beanie Babies, Barbies and “Star Wars” collectibles. Admission will be $6, or $5 with this press release.

Children under 14 years of age will be admitted free of charge when accompanied by

04/18/23, SCHWENKSVILLE, TUES. AT5PM, Vtg./ antique/ new collec. & hh items incl. kitchen & catering items, antq. safe, Christmas decor., toys, dolls, furn., linens, indust. sewing mach., sewing/ craft supplies., Online Only: or, Patrick Morgan Auction Services & Kimberly K Auction, LLC

04/20/23, NEWHOLLAND, THURS. AT6PM, Lifelong collec. antqs., collec., furn. & more. Antq./ vtg./ mod. adv. tins & boxes, Eastlake & Waterfall Depression, other furn., Spain's Improved Antq. Wdn. Keg butter churn on wdn. base, Johnson Bros. china, lg. collec. Pfaltzgraff dinner/serv. sets, Waterford, vtg. Pyrex, Anchor Hocking, mid-cen. trays, antq. cast iron book ends, etc., Online Only:, Patrick Morgan Auction Svc.

04/21/23, LEBANON, FRI. AT 9AM, 180+ Horse Coaches, Carriages, Sleighs, Wagons, & Trailers! Approx. 1,500 lots harness & equip., Eng./West. saddles, tack (new/ used), lamps, engine items, carriage appointments, qty. antqs. & primitives., Live: Lebanon Fairgr. Expo Ctr., 80 Rocherty Rd.; Ltd. Online:, Martin Auctioneers

a parent. Show hours will be 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. There will be an early bird admission at 9 a.m. for $10. Plenty of door prizes will be given away throughout the show. For directions or further information, call Ron Funk at 717-371-0395.

04/22/23, ALLENTOWN, LIVE: SAT. AT8AM (ONLINE ABSENTEE CLOSES FRI. AT 6PM), Firefighting Memorabilia Auction., Allentown Fairgrounds Agriplex, 302 N. 17th St.;, Brian Enterline, Auctioneer

04/22/23, BERNVILLE, SATURDAYAT2:00 PM, Public Auction Classic & Antique Car Collection. Includes Model A's, '48 Indian MC, Show cars, model. H Formal tractor, and more. Rare opportunity to purchase cars directly from one-owner collection of Lloyd & Ruth Barnett. Preview April 15 from 1-3 pm and April 22 from 12-2 pm., 100 North Main St., Martin & Rutt Auctioneers

04/22/23, BLAIN, SAT. AT9AM, Lg. Tool & Antq. Auction: log splitter, tractor, 8 guns/ ammo., woodwk. machinery, antq. tools, early 1900's Blain Post Ofc. misc., metal signs, tins, 100's hand tools- all kinds, lawn mower parts, hh goods, early lanterns, early calendars, coins, etc., 50 Gainer Ln., White Horse Auction Svc.

04/22/23, EPHRATA, SAT. AT 9AM, Antq./vtg. furn., repro. furn., artwork, folk art, baseball & trolley memorabilia, trains & toys, clocks, lamps, china, glassware, woodenware, metalware, pottery, books/ ephem., jewelry, linens, mus. instruments, hh goods, tools, 2008 Polaris 500 HD 4-wheeler, 1970 12' Duocraft alum. rowboat on trailer, 2011 GMC Acadia Denali 4-dr. sedan & more!, Horst Auction Ctr., 50 Durlach Rd., Horst Auctioneers

04/22/23, MANHEIM, SAT. AT 9AM, Collector Car, Tractor & Rec vehicle auction. Includes Model-T, parts corvette, several 70s vehicles, Farmall tractors, John Deere mowers, ATVs, trucks & trailers. See website for more info., Live & Online: 1667 Cider Press Rd.;, Hess Auction Group

04/22/23, MT. WOLF, SATURDAYAT9 AM, Public Toy Auction, online & in person including 30 restored vintage pedal cars, trucks & airplane, 100 toy trucks, CATconstruction toys, model airplanes, Hot Wheels, and more.

Preview April 21, 12-4 pm., 4522 N. Sherman St. Ext, Rentzels Auction Service Inc.

04/23/23, WILLIAMSPORT, SUNDAYAT7 PM, Preitz Estate Online Auction #2 to include furniture, antiques, collectibles (small), h tools, and more. Aretired antiques dealer's collection!

Preview April 17, 1-5 pm. Removal April 25, 1-5:30 pm., Online, 2352 Roosevelt Ave, Scott Younkin & Associates

04/24/23, DILLSBURG, MON.

AT6PM, 2 Auctioneers: 1 tools/box lots; 1 furn. Consign. sale of chest of drawers, book shelves, stands, table w/chairs, dishes, collec., decor., primitives, lawn items & more!, 185 Logan Rd., Rte. 15, Hardy's Auction Service

04/24/23, HELLAM, MON. AT 5PM, Antq. horse weathervane, cast iron Bradley & Hubbard rabbit/ dogs/ pigs/ frog/ bear/ etc., H.B. Pfaltzgraff dec. 2 gal jug, lg. tramp art chest & jewelry box, vtg. ice cream scoops, Wrightsville Hardware coffee mill adv. sign, machinist tool box, Quaker City oil tin, 1800's portrait oil on canvas, dry sink, & much more!, 163 E. Market St., Gilbert & Gilbert Auctioneers, Inc.

04/24/23, LANCASTER, MON.

CLOSING AT6PM, Gold & Silver Coin Auction - over 300 lots!

Many uncirculated. Fifty dollar Amer. eagles, fifty dollar gold Amer. eagles + Amer. buffalos, maple leaf silver, ancient Roman silver, silver bullion & much more!, Online Only:;, Boltz Auction Co.

04/27/23, EPHRATA, THURS. AT12 NOON, 309 Lots of Coins & Currency. 14 pcs. U.S. gold, 23 bullion gold coins, approx. 100 silver dollars in singles + mult., early Standing Liberty qtrs.- better grades, 21 pcs. small $10 Nationals, Colonial, fractional + C.S.A. currency, trade dollars, etc., Horst Auction Ctr., 50 Durlach Rd., Horst Auctioneers

04/27/23, KINZERS, THURS. AT

10AM, Fine & Cost. Jewelry, Qty. Watches, Sterling Tablewares. Sev. qty. diamond & gemstone 14kt. gold rings, qty. gold & sterling silver, beaded jewelry, pins, rings, earrings, bangles, nice costume jewelry, signed pcs. Rolex mens/ womens watches, many pocket watches, etc., Live & Online: 5336 Mine Rd.;; liveauctioneers &, Embassy Auctions International

04/29/23, EPHRATA, SAT. AT

9AM, Outstanding Firearms & Military Collec. & Access. 276 lots firearms, 507 lots hunting/ fishing/ military collec. & access., Horst Auction Ctr., 50 Durlach Rd., Horst Auctioneers

04/29/23, LIMERICK, SAT. AT

9AM, Antiques, collec., glassware, china, furn., cost. jewelry, pottery, lg. collec. Hummels & Byers Caroler dolls, +much more!, Wm. Penn Estates, 106 Presidential Dr., JR's Auctioneering

04/29/23, MYERSTOWN, SAT.

AT9AM, Lawn equip., tools, collec. trucks, Christmas items, guitars & banjos & pers. property., 441 Hilltop Rd., Harry H. Bachman, Auctioneer

04/29/23, NAZARETH, SAT. AT 10AM, Dolls & Artist Bears! 400+ lots incl. collections from Gettysburg, PA& other PA/ NY/ NJ. Dolls- Tete Jumeau, soldiers, 14 R.J. Wright creations, 2 Kenner Blythe dolls, antq. bisque dolls- vty. manu., 5"-30"tall, Madame Alexander, Vogue dolls. Vty. of Artist Bears incl. Barbara-Ann, Kreft-Bar, Woodland Teddies, Rachel Rolfe & others., Live & Online: 330 W. Moorestown Rd. (Rte. 512);, Dotta Auction Co., Inc.

04/30/23, SPRINGTOWN, BUCKS CO., SUN. AT10AM, Country & Small Collec.: Art Mitchell signed duck carvings, Vict. pickle canister w/plated silver holder, collec. Royal Doulton Toby mugs, collec. belt buckles, country furn., set stools by Hunt Country Furn., Sheraton drop leaf table, Fire Co. collec., 2 Ross bicycles & more!, Springtown Vol. Fire Co. Bqt. Hall, 3010 Rte. 212, Robert H. Clinton & Co., Inc.

05/01/23, SPRINGTOWN, BUCKS CO.,, MON. AT3PM, Approx. 70 lots of Coins: gold, vty. silver dollars, other silver pcs. Vtg. paper/ docs., adv. items, 19th & 20th cen. books incl. approx. 15 travel books by Harry A. Franck, Vict. era Bibles, Bucks Co. Vict. photo album, vtg. photos & mini tintypes, vtg. prints/book plates, etc., Springtown Vol. Fire Co. Banq. Hall, 3010 Rte. 212, Robert H. Clinton & Co., Inc.

05/11/23, REINHOLDS, THURS. AT6PM, Historical Bechtel's Mill Res. Property. Sandstone 2 1/2 story mill on Harnish Creek., 1700 Texter mt. Rd., Witman Auctioneers, Inc. Antiques & Auction News — April 21, 2023 - - 7
Market, 2885 York Rd., Gettysburg, PA 04/19-23/23, CARLISLE, WED.SUN. AT7AM, Spring Carlisle Collector Car Flea Market, Corral & Auction, 1000 Bryn Mawr Rd., Carlisle Fairgrounds 04/08/23 TO 12/31/23, BERWYN, EVERYSAT. & SUN, 9-4, Indoor/Outdoor Vintage Flea Market - Now Open Year Round!, 270 W. Swedesford Rd, Berwyn, PA 04/22/23, BERLIN, SAT. 9AM-


Continued from page 6

a “lefty” himself, he was forced to play with a right-hander’s glove.

A regular customer at the show said they could not

make it on the first day but drove up on day two from their home in Washington, D.C., to attend. One dealer noted that she was part of a family who has been attending or participating in the show for four generations. A


Continued from page 1

Locati, “but this was a really cohesive group of objects that we thought we could market effectively for the client. We are always looking for new approaches to achieve the best results for consignors and to make an exciting auction for our market.”

The sale included 18ththrough 20th-century furniture, fine decorative arts, oriental rugs, a small collection of antique shotguns, a library of bound books, and fine art that included works by Giuseppe Mazzolini, Henri De Braekeleer, Markus Larsson, Jan Dirksz Both and others.

The photos tell more of the story. Prices reported include buyer’s premium. Locati holds a monthly online-only sale. It

learn more, visit

few regulars had some difficulty finding the right building in the massive Expo complex in Oaks; however, the antiques crowdseemed determined and eventually found their way into the correct well-lit and expansive building. A good number of happy buyers were seen carting off their treasures throughout the weekend. Although there were dissenters, the general mood of both the attendees and dealers regarding the changed location seemed positive. A number of customers who were asked about the adjustment were pleased with the new location being more central in the Philadelphia region, with easy access via Route 422.

The next “Antiques at Kimberton” show will be held Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 18 and 19, at the Holiday Inn in

Morgantown, Pa. (due to the Expo Center being unavailable that weekend). Beyond that, the location for the 2024 March and November shows are yet-to-be-determined as a regular venue has been difficult to secure. There are no shortage of challenges in any business. Here is to the hope this popular regional event not only continues but can excel.

To learn more, visit the Antiques at Kimberton Facebook page. 8- - Antiques & Auction News — April 21, 2023 R033462 COLUMBUS FARMERS’ MARKET Delaware Valley’s Largest Flea Market ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES Inside Store Hours: Thurs. 8-8, Fri. 10-8, Sat. 8-8 & Sun. 8-5 Outside Flea Market: Thurs. 6:30-3, Sat. 7:30-2 & Sun. 6:30-3 Over 1,500 Vendors Rt. 206 South, Columbus, NJ 609-267-0400 Antique and art dealers of fine European and American furniture, art, bronzes, statuary, porcelain, glass, china, silver, primitives, jewelry, clocks, decorative items, linens, collectibles, and much more! 46 Cookman Avenue, Asbury Park, New Jersey Just minutes from Exit 102, Garden State Parkway 732.774.8230 MON - SAT. 11 TO 5, SUN 12-5 R033457 R059727 DAYS of OLDE ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES 609-652-7011 | The Jersey Shore’s Largest Co-Op • Open 7 Days a Week • 10am-6pm Visit our NEW 21,000 Sq. Ft. Facility BIGGER & BETTER! New Dealers Welcome! Check it Out! 150 S. New York Rd. (Rte. 9), Galloway, NJ Less than a 1/2 mile south of our old location NOW OPEN! Haddon Heights Antiques Center 80 Dealer Co-Op Clements Bridge Rd. & E. Atlantic Ave. Haddon Heights, New Jersey (856) 546-0555 OPEN 7 DAYS - 10 AM TO 5 PM R094752 Grist Mill Antiques Center PEMBERTON, NJ 08068 Limited Space Available Route 616, 127 Hanover Street Head east on Rt. 38; turn left at light after Rt. 206 intersection (609) 726-1588 OPEN 7 DAYS - 10 AM TO 5 PM Spring! Antiques & Collectibles Antique MARKETPLACE In Frederick, Md. 110 Dealers 5862 Urbana Pike (Rt. 355 So.) Frederick, MD Open Daily 10-6 “Late” Thursdays ‘til 8 pm Furniture Art & Prints Advertising • Textiles Records • Pottery • Civil War Items 301-662-9173 R091059 A Fun Place To Shop! Open Daily 10-6 Antique Mall Open Tues., Wed., Sat., Sun. 11 A.M. until 5 P.M. Thurs. & Fri. 11 A.M. - 7 P.M. , Closed Mondays R094511 Burlington City ~ 424 High Street 609-747-8333 HAPPY SPRING! Exit 64 off I-86 607-223-4723 • Owego, NY Open Daily 10-5 • Closed Tuesdays 90+ Vendors • 21,000 Sq. Ft. R091595
is located at 761 Durham Road in Pineville, Pa. To This Dutch Baroque style walnut cabinet-on-stand sold for $1,573. A near pair of French oak bookcases sold for $4,096. This Northern European School (17th century) oil-on-canvas painting sold for $2,178. A pair of Continental Baroque style putti figures sold for $1,375.

Special 50th Anniversary For Wallace Nutting Collectors Club Set

Convention To Be Held Sept. 14 And 15

The Wallace Nutting Collectors Club is actively planning its 50th anniversary convention and it’s free to the public. The group’s event will take place Thursday and Friday, Sept 14 and 15, on Cape Cod at the Hyannis Resort and Conference Center, located at 35 Scudder Lane, Hyannis,

Mass. September is a beautiful and less crowded time of the year on Cape Cod. The hotel has given the club a discounted rate to make the most of this opportunity.

The convention starts off with the annual club dinner on Thursday night. Friday morning is the marketplace where dealers and collectors buy, sell and trade Wallace

Nutting and other hand-colored photography and Wallace Nutting furniture. There will also be several informational lectures to be

announced closer to the date. To learn more about Wallace Nutting, the collectors club, or the convention, visit

Miller And Miller

Continued from page 2

remarkable collection of American lighting specimens, which featured unusual chimneys, shades and patented burners. It’s rare that one finds such a diverse and important assemblage of lighting in one sale. The Miller and Miller team did a fantastic job.”

Top lots included a cobalt cut overlay kerosene banquet stand lamp ($50,150); a ruby cut overlay kerosene stand lamp ($38,350); a ruby cut overlay kerosene stand lamp ($8,260); a Tiffany favrile glass candlestick lamp ($6,490); a green cut overlay kerosene stand lamp ($5,900); a cobalt

cut overlay kerosene banquet stand lamp ($5,015); a cut double overlay Latticino kerosene stand lamp ($4,425); and a three-armed gilded brass fluid peglamp girandole ($3,540). For further information, email or visit www.



This is a signed Wallace Nutting Sudbury cupboard.

Public Auction

SATURDAY APRIL 29, 2023 9:00 A.M.



LOCATION: 441 Hilltop Road, Myerstown, Lebanon Co., PA. From Rt. 422north on 501 - bear left onto Hilltop Road to auction site on left.

Lawn equipment and assorted tools. Selling at 12:00 - LTD, Peavey & Squire elec. guitars - Rogne & Global banjos - Jasmine & Rogne guitars; Morrell slide guitar; Yamaha keyboard, amplifiers and music.

100+ assorted collector cars and trucks

AUCTION ORDER: shed items - lawn equiment - tools - 12:00 musical instruments and collectors toys - balance of tools. PAYMENT: cash, local check or credit card (3% service fee) Food: Mitchells Grill. Porta John. PREVIEW: 7:00 auction morning. Please park carefully in neighborhood. Announcements auction day take precedence over any previous printed or oral information. Auction #2 - May 13 - 8:00 a.m.: household goods, collectibles, costume jewelry, furniture, appliances, etc.


This ruby cut overlay kerosene stand lamp, made in America ca. 1860-80, white cut to ruby stem with rows of quatrefoils, ovals, punties and Moorish windows, 40.5 inches tall, sold for $8,260.

Dolls, Dolls, Dolls & Artist Bears

This auction features over 400 lots and includes collections from the Gettysburg, PA area as well as other areas of PA, New York & New Jersey.

The auction will be a simultaneous live in person auction with a professional auctioneer as well as an online auction using the platform:

2051 HORSESHOE PIKE ANNVILLE, PA 17003-8850 (717) 867-1809

Auction for Sonia Umbenhauer



Some of our featured dolls include Tete Jumeau, SFBJ Jumeau #1907, 15½ in. Frozen Charlie, variety of Kestner mold #S including 164 dressed as a confederate soldier, 257 Character Baby & others, M. Chase, 15” Baby Heubach, 14 in. Coquette and Laughing Boy, (4) Schoenhut dolls, 26 in. Emma Clear, bisque head googly dolls, 14 different R. J. Wright creations, nice selection of Steiff, (2) Kenner Blythe dolls – each in working order, plus Blythe Fashion Case with wigs, outfits, etc., (10) Annette Himstedt dolls, antique bisque dolls include a variety of manufacturers and dolls from 5” to over 30” tall. Vogue dolls include early compo Toddles & others plus a variety of h. plastic Ginny Dolls, Madame Alexander “Alexanderkins,” plus others, vintage compo & collectible hard plastic dolls – just too much to mention here!

But wait! If you like Artist Bears by a variety of artists and one-of-a-kind creations, you’ll love these Bears! Some of the artist names include BarbaraAnn, Kreft-Bar, Woodland Teddies, Rachel Rolfe and others.

Buyer’s Premium: Onsite or absentee via Dotta Auction Co., Inc – 15% or online at – 20%.

A Tiffany Studios favrile glass candlestick lamp, made in America ca. 1900-25, made from brass and glass, 14 inches tall, with pleated iridescent favrile gold shade, sold for $6,490. Antiques & Auction News — April 21, 2023 - - 9 AUCTIONEER DIRECTORY R094996 330 W. Moorestown Road, Rt. 512 Nazareth, PA 18064 610-759-7389 Fax: 610-759-3992 PA Lic. #AY-1950-L Website: SATURDAY, APRIL
10 A.M.
OPEN AT 8:30 A.M. Special Preview Dates: Sunday, April 23rd from 12-4 PM Friday, April 28th from 12-5 PM 330 W. Moorestown Road (Route 512), NAZARETH, PA 18064 For more information including catalog and photos, or to learn more about our upcoming auction, please visit our website at, or www.auctionzip.comID #1255, bid live on site, absentee, or online through
29, 2023
R030375 Richard L. Dotta Auction Co. Route 512 (11 miles North of Route 22) NAZARETH, PA 18064 610-759-7389 R059450 ROAN Inc. Auctioneers & Appraisers 3530 Lycoming Creek Road COGAN STATION, PA 5 Miles N. Of Williamsport Phone: (570) 494-0170 Or: (800) 955-roan Fax: (570) 494-1911 ® KLEINFELTER’S AUCTION 492 E. Lincoln Ave. MYERSTOWN, PA 17067 Online Only Auctions Every Thursday 1PM For Information Phone (717) 272-7078 R075957
R094973 3601 Columbia Ave., Lancaster, PA 17603 Your Full-Service Auction Professionals Info & Photos At BOLTZAUCTIONS.COM AU002953L
This is a Wallace Nutting photo titled “Tiger Lilies.”
APRIL 24, 2023 Starts Closing @ 8 PM PREVIEW DATES: FRIDAY, APRIL 21ST, 2023 AT 1-3 PM SUNDAY, APRIL 23, 2023 AT 3-5 PM 3601 Columbia Avenue, Lancaster PA, 17603 See for complete listing. Gold and Silver Coin Online Auction with Over 300 Lots. (many uncirculated). Coins include: Fifty Dollar Gold American Eagles - Fifty Dollar Gold American Buffalos - Carson City Morgan Dollars - Ancient Roman Silver - Rolls of Uncirc. Silver American Eagles - Maple Leaf Silver - Morgan Silver Showpak Collect. - Silver Bullion - AND MORE! Accepting Consignments Every Tuesday 9 AM-4 PM



MONDAY, APRIL 24, 2023 – 6:00 P.M.


Located @ 185 Logan Rd (RT 15), Dillsburg, PA 17019

Restaurant & AUCTION DOORS open @ 5:00 p.m. Sale starts at approximately 6:00 p.m. with 2 auctioneers on porches, weather permitted (1 tools/box lots, 1 FURNITURE); Stage auction begins @ 6:30 p.m. Consignment sale; chest of drawers; book shelves; stands; table w/chairs; dishes; collectibles; décor; primitives; lawn items; box lots; tools; plus, much more, still setting up; Terms: Cash, good PA Check, credit card w/processing fee, ATM on-site. Office number 717-432-8246 leave a message. Check for updates.



AH000010L 717-432-8246 or 717-432-3779


BOTH SESSIONS TO BE HELD AT Springtown Volunteer Fire Company Banquet Hall 3010 Route 212

Springtown, Bucks Co., PA 18081

Session 1 - SUNDAY, APRIL 30, 2023 @ 10:00 AM

Session 2 - MONDAY, MAY 1, 2023 @ 3:00 PM

SUNDAY, APRIL 30 - SESSION 1: Country & Small

Collectibles: vint. oak medicine cab., gray stoneware jugs & crock, stoneware, prim. wdn. crates; pair of wdn. wall mounted duck carvings signed Art Mitchell, Desert Lake, Hartington, Ontario-Jan. 1964; various vint. tin & cast iron pieces, Griswold #10 Handle Griddle marked 610 A, Wagner cast iron griddle, antique Vict. pickle canister w/plated silver holder, set of 6 Digoin & Sarreguemines dishes-19th

C. French military scenes, pottery plaque by Earth Song-frog motif, bronze ashtray-Amish buggy/farm scene & pewter plate w/horsedrawn sleigh scene-both made by Wendell August Forge-Grove City PA, Collection of Royal Doulton Toby Mugs; Collectible Belt Buckles; Country Furn: pine chest of drawers, set/kitchen counter stools by Hunt Country Furn. country Sheraton drop leaf table, Depression sewing stand, etc., vintage Mission oak rush seat stool w/partial label probably L.&J.G. Stickley-in rough unrest. Cond.-needs repair; Fire Company Collectibles; (2) Ross BicyclesGrand Prix-Professional Models-26” wheel diameter * MORE.

MONDAY, MAY 1 - SESSION 2: approx. 70 Lots of Coins incl: (3) US Gold coins, variety of silver dollars & other silver pieces, etc.-COINS start at 3:00 PM; Plus: selection of vintage paper, documents, advert. items, 19th & 20th C. books incl.: a set of approx. 15 travel books by Harry A. Franck, Victorian era Bibles; Also: local Bucks County Victorian photo album, vintage photographs & mini tintypes; Plus: selection of vintage prints/book plates; variety of sgd, lithographs, etc. * MORE (Some items in the May 1st auction have been deaccessioned from the collections of the Bucks Country Historical Society’s Mercer Museum and the Mercer Fonthill Trust. The items were deemed duplicate, out of scope, irrelevant to the organization’s mission, or in poor condition. All proceeds from the sale of these items will be placed into the organization’s collections care fund and used only for new acquisitions or direct care and conservation of existing collections.)

Terms for Both Auctions: 13% Buyer’s Premium * 3% Discount w/Cash or Approved Check * Details @; auctioneer #1888 * MUCH MORE.


Auctioneers & Appraisers

P.O. Box 29 * Ottsville, PA 18942

610-847-5432 * AY-000093-L


Schwenksville, PA Downsizing ONLINE ONLY BIDDING AUCTION

Conducted by Kimberly K Auction, LLC in collaboration with Patrick Morgan Auction Services, LLC BID NOW @ OR


Online now through Tuesday, April 18 with lots closing starting at 5:00 pm EST 494 Harrison Ave, Schwenksville, PA 19473

Vintage, Antique, New Collectibles and Household items including Kitchen and Catering related items, Antique Safe, Christmas Decorations, Toys, Dolls, Furniture, Linens, Industrial Sewing Machine, Sewing and Craft Supplies.


Online Bidding Only First lots close beginning @ 6:00 pm and last lots close approximately 8:45 pm on THURSDAY, APRIL 20 • 6:00 P.M.

This is an ONLINE BIDDING ONLY Auction onsite at 276 W. MAIN ST., NEW HOLLAND, PA 17557

Join us tonight for the first of several downsizing auctions of a lifelong collection of Antiques, Collectibles, Furniture, and more. Clean and Collectible Items include a wide variety of antique, vintage, and modern Advertising Tins and Boxes; Eastlake and Waterfall Depression, other Furniture; Spain’s Improved Antique Wooden Keg Butter Churn on Wooden Base; Johnson Brothers China and Large collection of Pfaltzgraff Dinner and Serving Sets; Anchor Hocking Waterford Waffle Pattern Punch Bowl with Underplate and Ladle; Vintage PYREX; Mid Century Trays; Large group of Vintage Antique Local Bank Bags, and Antique Ledgers; Matching Floral, Paint Decorated, Antique Cast Iron Book Ends/Door Stops; 1950’s PA Fishing Licenses; Antique Brass Marble Kaleidoscope; Working Antique Edison Standard Phonograph with Brass Horn; Several Antique Phonograph Cylinders; Canning Jars; and Much More.




Kim Douglass 215.416.8837 #AY-002366

SATURDAY, MAY 20, 8:30 A.M. York Rd., Mechanicsburg, PA P A

Auctioneers: Patrick Morgan Dustin Spencer #AY-002383


S . A 22 • 9 L O 1667 Cider Press Rd. Manheim, PA 17545

Vehicles: 1917 Model-T (very original), Parts Corve e, Parts 1970s Dodge Challenger, 1970 Chevy C10 2wd, no motor, hood needs replaced. Has tle. Vin: CE140T132808; 1972 Chevy C10 Custom4wd, has motor, body is rusted. Has tle. Vin: CKE142B128798; 1977 Monte Carlo, 1998 Chevrolet Suburban; 2002 F150, 192,000 miles; 2002 Ford Explorer Sport 150,895 mi; 2004 Volvo S60 37,965 mi; 2006 Chevy 2500; 2014 Mazda 6 28,705 mi;

Motorcycles: 1996 Harley Davidson Ultra Classic Trike; 2003 Kawasaki Ninja 250R; & more!

Tractors: Kubota L3200 374hrs w/ Kubota LA524 motor, quick-a ach 3pt hydraulic li ,; Farmall 350; Farmall 400; Farmall Super H; Farmall H w/ Model 31 Bucket Loader; Farmall Super M; Ford 8N; Manure Spreader Mower: John Deere 855 60” deck; John Deere 955 72” deck 3 pt. hitch and pto; Ferris IS 500 Z with 52” deck; Ferris Z1000; Grasshopper 1822 zeroturn mower; 5 3-pt blade; Finish Mower ATVs & Recrea onal Vehicles: Jet Ski Trucks & Trailers: Appalachian 30’ Gooseneck Trailer, 1990 Ford F700 Dump Truck 8 cyl. 6.1L automa c. New brakes, runs and works.; SP Construc on Trailer;

Buyer’s Premium to Apply Online AY000253L


• 877-599-8894


R095054 10- - Antiques & Auction News — April 21, 2023
See hessauc for more details.
The Witman Auctioneers Team Is Currently Booking Auctions Now & In The Future For The 2023 Auction Season. Call Us Now For Competitive Rates. Auction by: Witman Auctioneers, Inc. Luke R. & Clarke N. Witman 717-665-5735 • 717-665-1300 • AY-000155-L R094162
THURSDAY, MAY 11 • 6:00 P.M. LOCATION: 1700 Texter Mountain Road, Reinholds, PA 17569 West Cocalico Twp., Lancaster County HISTORICAL BECHTEL’S MILL RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY SANDSTONE 2½ STORY MILL ON HARNISH CREEK (Blainsport/Texter Mountain Area). This Residential/Mill Has A Tremendous Amount Of Historical Importance! Many Of The Grist Operational Parts Seem To Still Be In Place & Intact. CERTAINLY DO NOT MISS THIS IMPORTANT PROPERTY! Open House Dates: Sat., April 22 & 29, 12:00 Noon-2:00 P.M. For Financing, Photos, Full Listing, Terms See Website: Auction For: C. Ned Foltz WEHRLY’S AUCTION SERVICE, INC. 717-235-4146 Lic. #AY002060 F095109 PICTURES AND LISTING AT WEHRLYSAUCTION.COM TUES., APRIL 25, 2023 AT 9 A.M.! 4067 SNYDER ROAD, GLEN ROCK PA 17327 OUTSTANDING BASEBALL CARD AND SPORTS MEMORABILIA AUCTION 600 PLUS CATALOGED LOTS, IN-HOUSE LIVE, WITH REAL TIME ONLINE BIDDING! WEHRLY’S AUCTION SERVICE INC. Continued from page 1 Elverson

Saturday, April 29 – 9 am.

106 Presidential Dr., Limerick, PA (William Penn Estates)

Antiques, Collectibles, Glassware, China, Furniture, Costume Jewelry, Pottery, Large Collections of Hummels & Byers’ Caroler Dolls Much More!

Details, Photos, Directions on our

or AuctionZip JRs Auctioneering (610) 489-3661, AU3267L




Dates (‘83-CC, ‘92-CC, ‘99-P, Antiques & Auction News — April 21, 2023 - - 11 R068587 call 1-800-800-1833, Ext. 6022 or place your ad online F063435 ATTENTION! Get the Word Out! Advertise Your SERVICE OR SUPPLIES in the Classifieds! Call 1-800-800-1833, x6022 or Annual Memorial Day Weekend Auction 2023 Auction to be held at our Gallery: 3530 Lycoming Creek Road, Cogan Station PA In-Person Preview: Thursday, May 25th 10AM to 5PM and Sale Days @ 8:30AM Live In-House & Online Bidding * From the 60+ Year Collection of Paul Ricker, Salona, PA a well known collector and dealer of unusual smalls and good antiques. Many of these items have not been seen or on the market in years! ROAN Inc. ® The Original Auctioneers & Appraisers To Include But Not Limited To: Important Painted Furniture / Lighting Dec. Stonewares, Redware & Other Pottery Primitives - Wooden, Granite, Tin & Iron Large Match Safe Collection / Fish Gigs Coverlets & Quilts / Slot Machine / Silver Cash Registers / Marbles / Iron & Tin Toys Paintings - Thereoms/ Gold Pocket Watches Postcards / Paper - Ephemera Early Photos - Dag, Ambro & Tin Types and Cases along with Much More! ~ Approx. 400 Lots Expected Each Day ~ Friday & Saturday, May 26 & 27, 2023 @ 10AM Each Day R095088 R094985
Special Considerations,
717-442-8529 OR 302-438-1217 EMAIL:
WEB: Auctioneer ID#
ARE YOU AN AMBASSADOR FOR EMBASSY AUCTIONS INTERNATIONAL? BRINGING THE FINEST PIECES TO AUCTION FOR OVER 17 YEARS! FINE AND COSTUME JEWELRY, QUALITY WATCHES & STERLING TABLE WARES THURSDAY, APRIL 27TH • 10 A.M. THIS IS A LIVE & ONLINE AUCTION PREVIEW TUESDAY, APRIL 25 10-5 PM, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26 10-4 PM, DOORS OPEN THE DAY OF THE SALE AT 9 AM. An Incredible Auction Filled With Nice Costume Jewelry, Signed Pieces, Beaded Jewelry, Pins, Rings, Earrings, Bangles & More... Quality Gold & Sterling Silver Jewelry Featuring A 14 KT Gold Devil’s Head Pendant With Diamond Eyes. A Collection Of Antique Japanese Edo Kyoto Shakudo Noh Menuki Pins With Sterling, Gold And Brass Inlays. Several Quality Diamond And Gemstone 14 KT Gold Rings. A Vision International Sterling Silver Flatware Set, Mid Century Modern, Service For 12. A Rolex Tudor Men’s Watch, Tiger Woods Model With Original Box, Case And All Paperwork, Two Ladies Rolex Tudor Wristwatches With Original Box, Case And All Paperwork. Many Pocket Watches Including A Hamilton 21 Jewel, Railroad Pocket Watch With 992B Movement, 14 KT Gold Filled Case And Watch Chain, Serial Number C14707. A Waltham Railroad 18 Size Pocket Watch With Silverode Case, 17 Jewels, Serial Number 4383660. An Oversized Swiss Chronometer Pocket Watch With Day, Date, Month And Second Dials. Many Other Pocket Watches And Wristwatches Being Auctioned! Starting With Numerous Trays Of Costume Jewelry At 10 AM. Followed By Sterling Silver Jewelry, Sterling Table Wares, Then Gold Jewelry With Watched Mixed In As We Go. A ROLEX TUDOR MEN’S WATCH, TIGER WOODS MODEL ANTIQUE JAPANESE EDO KYOTO SHAKUDO NOH MENUKI PINS PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AT ANTIQUESANDAUCTIONNEWS.NET OR 1-800-428-4211 CLASSIFIEDS SEEKERS/SELLERS ANTIQUE LAMP& METALS RESTORATION Antique Oxidized Patina Finishes, Polishing & more in Abbottstown, PA. Ask for John: 717-797-9194 OLDTOYTRAINS Private collector seeking wellkept Lionel, Flyer, Marklin, etc., trains & access. Top dollar. Call: Dr. Bob, 215-520-6803 STAMPS CHINESE STAMP BUYER PAYS TOP $ $ $POSTCARDS W W ORLD’S LAR ORLD’S LAR GEST GEST on-line store! 4 Stores, One Shopping Cart 2 Million Postcards! Email: Toll Free: 1-888-828-7811 Highest Prices Paid. Lobby Cards, 1-Sheets, Window Glass Slides Displays Dwight Cleveland, ph. 773-525-9152 POB 10922, Chicago, IL 60610 MOVIE POSTERS OCEAN LINER MEMORABILIA china, glassware, silver, paper, souvenirs, posters or models. Cunard, French Line, White Star Line, Italian Line, etc. 607-768-8740 SHEET MUSIC WANTED, any era. Sandy Marrone, 113 Oakwood Drive, Cinnaminson, NJ 08077, 856-829-6104 E-mail To place your classified ad Call 1-800-428-4211 OLD PAINTINGSWANTED American Impressionists, New Hope School artists, PAFA artists, European paintings. 40 years experience. Immediate payment. Call 215-348-2500. COINS/CURRENCY SMALL COLLECTOR PAYS FOR COINS & COLLECTIONS: ALLTYPES. Will travel to you. Call Gary: 301-809-0291 R095082 Accepted Payments: Cash or PA check. Visa, MasterCard & debit card with 3% fee. No out-of-state checks without prior approval.
AT 12:00 P.M. INSPECTION: Thursday, April 27 9:00 A.M. thru the sale.
‘03-O, etc.) Early Standing Liberty Quarters In Better Grades. 21 Pieces of Small $10 Nationals w/Ephrata, Landisville, Marietta, Columbia, New Holland. Colonial, Fractional, and C.S.A. Currency. Trade Dollars, 8 Reales, 2 Feuchtwanger Cent, Hawaii 10 Cent, 25 Cent, 50 Cent. Most Items From An Old Collection. *Online Bidding Available Through A catalogued listing can be picked up at the Auction Center for free. Listing is also available on our website
SALE SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 2023 AT 9:00 A.M. PREVIEW: Friday, April 28 from 1:00 P.M. thru 5:00 P.M. and Saturday, April 29 from 7:00 A.M. 276 LOTS OF FIREARMS TO BE SOLD! 507 LOTS OF HUNTING, FISHING & MILITARY COLLECTIBLES & ACCESSORIES TO BE SOLD! *Online Bidding Available Through A complete listing can be picked up at the Auction Center for $2.00 or is available with photos on our website **All firearms will be sold subject to Federal and State Firearms Laws.
Selling 14 Pieces of U.S. Gold 23 Bullion Gold Coins. Approx. 100 Silver Dollars In Singles and Multiples
Sale to be held at Horst Auction Center, 50 Durlach Road, EPHRATA 17522 Lancaster County, PA

The sale will be held on-site at 2481 Belvidere Road, PHILLIPSBURG, NJ 08865

The auction will offer an extensive collection of quality 18th/19th c. American/European blown glass, bottles, flasks, decanters, cup plates, stemware, storage jars, apothecaries, Boston & Sandwich Glass, Pittsburgh Glass, fruit jars, candlesticks, lamps, miniatures, whimseys, inkwells and MUCH More.

In addition: 30+Blue Decorated Stoneware Crocks, Jugs, Pitchers, Decorated Redware and Wagner Pottery Flower Pots, Early Marbles, Paint Decorated Furniture and Smalls, Wooden Goose and Duck Decoys, Carved Birds and Santa Claus, Quilts and Textiles, 20+ Samplers and Hooked Rugs, Christmas Decorations, Feather Tree, Steiff Bear and Toys, Paintings and Watercolors Transferware and Historical Blue, Canton, Wrought Iron, Brass and Copper, Sterling and Coin Silver, Miniature Baskets and Canes, 20+ Oriental Rugs, Woodenware and Cookie Cutters, Stone Fruit and Tallow Candles and MUCH More.

Special Mention: African American O/C Street Scene Depicting Children Playing Cards, 1870s Political Autograph Book (incl. Ulysses S. Grant and Rutherford B. Hayes), Folk Art Bird Tree, (4) Boston & Sandwich Glass Sugar Bowls w/Lids, Stepback Cupboards, Grandfather’s Clocks, Corner Cupboards, Painted Benches, 5 ft. Feather Tree, Miniature Chests, Spoon Racks, Shaker Boxes, Marbleized Game Boards, Robinson’s Patent Rolling Photo Album and MUCH More.

Terms: Hartzell’s Auction Gallery will offer in-person bidding on-site, live internet bidding through and absentee bids. Limited phone lines will also be available and must be reserved by April 28th.

Online ONLY Auction on Sunday, April 30th @ 3pm Harmony, NJ Antique, Glass & Groupings Auction

Quality antiques and box lots. Large selection of early blown, cut and flint glass, decanters, stemware, goblets, bottles, pressed glass, country and primitives, cast iron, toys, woodenware, sterling silver, tinware, jars, doorstops, brass buckets, lamps, lamp parts, lamp shades, folk art, pottery, bells, valentines, sterling silver, advertising, fountain pens, jewelry and MORE.

Previews: 12- - Antiques & Auction News — April 21, 2023 R095002 521 Richmond Road, Bangor, PA 18013 610-588-5831 1-800-724-6808 FAX: 610-588-6206 PA #AU-000395-L AH-1919 EST. 1943
26th 10am
4pm Thursday,
27th 10am to 4pm Friday,
28th 10am
to 5pm
Political Autograph Book (Presidents Grant and Hayes) Pittsburgh Cut Glass Tumblers Blue and White Clambroth Candlesticks Marbelized Slate Gameboard 19th C. Folk Art O/C Painted Folk Art Box Robinson’s Patent Photo Album Boston and Sandwich Sugar Bowl (1 of 4) New York Quaker Sampler National Bitters Figural Bottle 19th C. PA Sampler Carved Goose Decoy 55” German Feather Tree Antique Sarouk Rug 18th C. Painted One Door Cupboard Antique Caucasian Rug Punched Tin Pie Safe Cherry Dutch Cupboard Figural Bitters Bottle Assortment of Blue Decorated Stoneware Tanware Decorated Pitcher Norton Decorated Jug Tramp Art Wall Box New England Electric Candlesticks Redware and Country Smalls Boston and Sandwich Glass Banquet Lamp Early Wine Glasses Pine Tree Tar Cordial Jockey and Hound Flask in Puce (hat on) Political Autograph Book (Presidents Grant and Hayes) Mantua 32-Rib Flask

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