Antiques & Auction News 011918

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Signs Show Good Direction For New Operation, Route 32 Auctions Inaugural Auction For Midwest Company Was Held In Indianapolis FRIDAY JANUARY 19, 2018 • VOL. 49, NO. 3

Thomas Cole’s Journey: Atlantic Crossings Exhibition Marks 200th Anniversary Of The Artist’s Arrival In America Celebrated as one of America’s preeminent landscape painters, Thomas Cole (1801-48) was born in northern England at the start of the Industrial Revolution, emigrated to the United States in his youth, and traveled exten- Thomas Cole’s (1801–48) “View from Mount Holyoke, Northampton, sively through- Massachusetts, after a Thunderstorm-The Oxbow” (detail), from 1836, out England and is an oil-on-canvas, 51.5-by-76 inches, courtesy of The Metropolitan Italy as a young Museum of Art, New York, gift of Mrs. Russell Sage, 1908 (08.228). artist. He returned to America to create some learned from contemporary painters of his most ambitious works and in England, including Turner, inspire a new generation of American Constable, and John Martin, and furartists, launching a national school thered his studies in landscape and of landscape art. Opening Tuesday, figure painting in Italy. By exploring Jan. 30, at The Metropolitan Museum this formative period in Cole’s life, the of Art, the exhibition “Thomas Cole’s exhibition will offer a significant reviJourney: Atlantic Crossings” will sion of existing accounts of his work, examine, for the first time, the artist’s which have, until now, emphasized transatlantic career and engagement the American aspects of his formawith European art. With Cole’s mas- tion and identity. The exhibition will terwork “The Oxbow” (1836) as its also provide new interpretations of centerpiece, the exhibition will fea- Cole’s work within the expanded conture more than three dozen exam- texts of the history of the British ples of his large-scale landscape Empire, the rise of the United States, paintings, oil studies, and works on the Industrial Revolution and the paper. Consummate paintings by American wilderness, and Romantic Cole will be juxtaposed with works by theories of history. Upon his return to America, European masters including J. M. W. Turner and John Constable, among Cole applied the lessons he had others, highlighting the dialogue learned abroad to create the fivebetween American and European part series “The Course of Empire” artists and establishing Cole as a (1834–36). These works reveal a defmajor figure in 19th-century land- inition of the new American scape art within a global context. The Sublime that comes to its fullest exhibition marks the 200th anniver- expression in “The Oxbow” (1836). Finally, the exhibition concludes sary of Cole’s arrival in America. The exhibition follows the with an examination of Cole’s legachronology of Cole’s life, beginning cy in the works of the next generawith his origins in recently industri- tion of American landscape alized northern England, his arrival painters whom Cole personally in the United States in 1818, and his mentored, notably Asher B. Durand embrace of the American wilder- and Frederic E. Church. The exhibition is made possible ness as a novel subject for landscape art of the New World. Early by The Peter Jay Sharp Foundation. works by Cole will reveal his prodi- Additional support is provided by gious talent. After establishing him- the Henry Luce Foundation, White self as the premier landscape & Case LLP, the Enterprise Holdings painter of the young United States, Endowment, and the Terra Foundation for American Art. It is he traveled back to Europe. The next section will explore in supported by an Indemnity from depth Cole’s return to England in the Federal Council on the Arts and 1829–31 and his travels in Italy in the Humanities. It is organized by 1831–32, revealing the development The Metropolitan Museum of Art, of his artistic processes. He New York, and The National Gallery, embraced the on-site landscape oil London. The exhibition location is The study and adopted elements of the European landscape tradition reach- Met Fifth Avenue, Floor 1, Gallery 746, ing back to Claude Lorrain. He The Erving and Joyce Wolf Gallery.

A rare early Sinclair Opaline Motor Oil one-gallon oil can with a detailed race car graphic sold for $2,520.

Advertising memorabilia showed strong prices at Route 32 Auctions’ debut auction on Nov. 25, held at Christy’s of Indiana in Indianapolis. Bidders were in attendance at the venue as well as on the internet and the phones. Route 32 Auctions is headquartered in Crawfordsville, Ind., and specializes in petroliana, automobilia, and general store memorabilia. Nearly 350 lots of original advertising memorabilia, such as gas station and automobile dealership signs, gas pump globes, oil cans and more, were consigned in what Kevin Parker, president and

AAN Current News

Continued on page 2

Michener Art Museum Will Present Major Exhibition On Henriette Wyeth And Peter Hurd on page 4

The En-Ar-Co White Rose double-sided porcelain sign, 48 inches in diameter and still in its original frame, realized $6,480.

A Fisk “Time to Re-Tire” single-sided tin sign with yawning boy graphic, 41-by-52 inches, sold for $3,565.

British East Indian And China Trade Paintings Soar At Clars Rare Huanghuali Furniture Achieves Over Quarter-Million Dollars Clars Auction Gallery hosted their monthly Fine Art, Decorative Art, Furniture, Jewelry/Timepieces and Asian Art Auction on Dec. 17 at their Oakland, Calif., gallery and saleroom. Asian art and antiques were expected to highlight the sale, and the results did not disappoint. In fine art, one of the most important global collections of 19th century British East Indian and China trade paintings were offered, and

on page 12

Firearms Auctions In Fairfield, Maine, Gross More Than $18.3 Million Combined on page 14

This huanghuali mixed wood clothing cabinet sold for $48,420.

From the estate of Thomas Williamson (Orinda, Calif.), this rare gouache from 1830 titled “Portrait of Sir David Ochterlony” (1758-1825) sold for $19,360.

Morphy Auctions’ Gold Rush, Western, And Native American Sale Set For Jan. 26

the prices realized were over the top. Overall, the collections and property offered in this sale fueled it to be the strongest December auction in the firm’s history. Highlights in Asian Art and Antiques A collection of Chinese huanghuali furniture commanded well over estimate prices, realizing over $250,000. Fueled by the workmanship and limited supply of Continued on page 2

Palm Beach Modern Auctions Holds $1.6 Million Sale Of Mid-Century, Contemporary Art And Design on page 16

In This Issue SHOPS, SHOWS & MARKETS . . . . . . . . . . starting on page 3 SHOPS DIRECTORY . . . . . . . . . on page 5 EVENT & AUCTION CALENDAR . on page 7 AUCTION SALE BILLS . . . starting on page 7

FEATURED AUCTION: Morphy’s Gold Rush, Western, and Native American Auction - Jan. 26 in Las Vegas, Nev. - Page 12

AUCTIONEER DIRECTORY . . . . . on page 8 CLASSIFIEDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . on page 19

Clars Auction Gallery Continued from page 1

furniture made from this rare and near extinct wood, bidders competed for items. Topping these offerings was a pair of demilune tables that came to the sale with an estimate of $10,000-$15,000 and realized $72,600. Following suit was a mixed wood cabinet that was expected to bring $25,000, but sold for $48,400. Doubling This pair of Chinese huanghuali high estimate was a pair of demilune tables sold for $72,600. horseshoe back chairs that brought $33,275, and a wine estimate for $22,990. table sold for over high Strong prices on the Asian offerings were not limited to the huanghuali collection. A Chinese overlay wall panel with scholar’s items was estimated to achieve $5,000-$7,000 but sold for $15,730. A pair of Chinese underThis circa 1850 work-on-paper from the East glazed blue Indian/Punjab School, titled “Hunting Cheetahs or porcelain fish Leopard,” sold for $7,865. bowls (est.

The Atomic Era NASA collection from the property of the vice president and lead engineer of Rockwell International, Ray Larson (1954-86), realized over $16,000.

P.O. Box 500, Mount Joy, PA 17552 800-800-1833 717-653-1833 717-653-6165 fax e-mail: Editor - Karl Pass, 717-278-1404 e-mail: Advertising Sales John Barilla, Ext. 2536 Arlene Bair, Ext. 2561 Circulation - Linda Deshler, Ext. 2541 Classifieds 1-800-428-4211 Fax 717-492-2566 Sample copy ........................... $2.50 1 YEAR, third class ............... $28.00 1 YEAR, first class ................. $80.00 6 MONTHS, first class .......... $48.00 All checks must be in U.S. funds. Checks must be drawn on U.S. bank OR add $7.00 to subscription price. Antiques & Auction News is distributed at shops, shows, markets and auctions throughout the Northeastern United States. Doing Our Part $1,200-$1,600) sold for $12,100, and a Chinese brown glazed stickneck vase was offered for $300-$500 and realized $9,075. Highlights in Fine Art An important collection This Chinese overlay wall panel with scholar’s items sold of 19th century for $15,730. British East Indian and China trade paint- expected to achieve $10,000ings from the estate of Thomas $15,000, but sold for almost Williamson (Orinda, Calif.) sold double at $27,830. Among the other works that well. The highlight of these lots was a rare gouache from 1830 performed well was the oil-onwith provenance of being origi- canvas by Jane Peterson nally gifted to William Fraser (American, 1876-1965), “Coastal (1784-1835), who was appointed Scene with Fishing Boats,” secretary to Sir Ochterlony in which sold for $9,680. The oilby Grigory 1805. This work, titled “Portrait on-board of Sir David Ochterlony” (1758- Gluckmann (American/Russian, 1825), who was a conqueror of 1898-1973), “Roses for a Nepal and first British resident Dancer,” sold for well over high of India, was offered with an estimate at $15,730, as did estimate of $2,000-$4,000 and “Adoration de Bergers,” an oilachieved $19,360. A circa 1850 on-panel by Ottavio Semino work-on-paper from the East (Italian, 1520-1604), which Indian/Punjab School, titled brought $10,285. A surprise was “Hunting Cheetahs or Leopard,” seen on the oil-on-board titled was expected to sell for $800- “Autumn Woods” by Adomas $1,2000 and brought $7,865. In Galdikas (Lithuanian, 1893all, four lots from this collection 1969). Offered with an estimate of $1,500-$2,500, this work achieved a total of $33,033. A successful result was had soared to the final selling price on a painting by Mihail of $9,680. Highlights in Decorative Chemiakin (Russian, b. 1943). Titled “Carnival St. Petersburg, Arts and Furnishings The top seller in this cateVII,” this oil-on-canvas was gory was a palace-size antique Persian Serapi carpet that was offered with an estimate of $4,000-$6,000. Competitive bidding on this lot drove the price higher and higher to a final selling price of $26,620. The Atomic Era NASA collection from the property of the vice president and lead engineer of Rockwell International, Ray Larson (1954-86), was offered. A group of 12 NASA Apollo heat shield fragments sold for over high estimate for $4,235. The entire collection realized over $16,000. A collection of preThis Chinese brown glazed stickneck Columbian ethnographic artivase sold for $9,075. facts was offered. Selling for well beyond its estimate of $800-$1,200 was a breast plate, likely central Mexico, executed in jade and green stone, which sold for $6,655. Highlights in Jewelry Fine jewelry rounded out this sale, with a Cartier bracelet leading this category. A circa 1950s lapis lazuli and 18-carat yellow bracelet sold for $10,285. A stunning Boucheron Ceylon sapphire diamond and 18-carat white gold ring also performed well, realizing $8,470. For a complete list of A palace-size antique Persian Serapi results for this sale, visit carpet sold for $26,620.

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Continued from page 1

founder of Route 32 Auctions, called “a very successful sale.” More than 300 people attended the auction in person, and over 350 people registered to bid online through and It was a no reserve auction, with everything being sold to the highest bidder. Bidders were excited to have an opportunity to bid on seldomseen items, which ranged from a rare early Sinclair Opaline Motor Oil one-gallon oil can with a detailed race car graphic ($2,520) to a scarce single Pepco 1 5 - i n c h globe lens mounted to a new metal body ($2,645). The early Marathon Products “Best in the Long Run” double-sided porcelain sign, with the iconic running man graphic, was the overall top lot of the auction, fetching $6,900. The sign measured 48 inches in diameter, was marked “Veribrite The Associated Gasoline “More Miles” double-sided porcelain sign, 27.5 inches in diameter, marked “Ingram Richardson, Beaver Falls, Pa.,” sold for $4,080.



This early Marathon Products “Best in the Long Run” double-sided porcelain sign, with the iconic running man graphic, sold for $6,900. and Service porcelain sign, measuring 27-by-66 inches, also brought a notable $3,450. The rare Associated Gasoline “More This Cadillac Authorized Service double-sided porcelain sign, 42 inches in diameter, marked “Walker & Co., Detroit,” sold for $6,325. Miles” double-sided porcelain sign, measuring 27.5 inches in diameter and marked “Ingram Richardson, Beaver Falls, Pa.,” sold for $4,080. Also, a Kendall “The 2,000 Miles Oil” single-sided curved porcelain sign, measuring 30-by19 inches, topped out at $2,400. The Fisk “Time to ReTire” singlesided tin sign with yawning boy graphic, measuring 41-by-52 inches, went for an astonishing $3,565, while a Valvoline “Costs Less to Use” single-sided tin sign, mounted on its original wooden frame and marked “Enameled Steel Sign Co., Chicago,” hit the mark at $2,875. The gas pump globes brought strong numbers as well. The 15-inch Precision

Signs, Chicago,” and displayed the early Marathon green and orange colors. The En-Ar-Co White Rose double-sided porcelain sign was the runner-up, selling for $6,480. It also measured 48 inches in diameter and still retained its original frame. The Cadillac Authorized Service double-sided porcelain sign rounded out the top three, selling for a very impressive $6,325. It measured 42 inches in diameter and The Valvoline “Costs Less to Use” single-sided tin sign, was marked mounted on its original wooden frame and marked “Walker & Co., “Enameled Steel Sign Co., Chicago,” went for $2,875. Detroit.” All prices include the buyer’s Gasoline globe (Colorado premium. Petroleum Products Co.), A Chevrolet “OK Used Cars” mounted in an original porcesingle-sided porcelain button lain coated metal body, sold sign, measuring 60 inches in for $3,162, and the 15-inch diameter, ended at an amaz- Royal Gasoline globe mounted ing $4,370. A single-side on a new metal body, $2,875. Lincoln Ford Fordson Sales Route 32 Auctions is set to hold another large sale on Saturday, March 24, again at Christy’s of Indiana in 4 EASY WAYS TO SUBSCRIBE! Indianapolis. The company will then hold an Iowa Gas 1. Call: 1-800-800-1833, ext. 2541 Auction on Aug. 1, 2, and 3 in 2. Fax this form: 717-653-6165 Des Moines, Iowa. 3. Mail this form to address shown To learn more about Route 32 Auctions, readers may call 4. 765-307-7119 or visit And Receive

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Published weekly on Friday by Joel Sater Publications Contents Copyright 2018 C-1/19


Route 32 Auctions



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The 15-inch Precision Gasoline globe (Colorado Petroleum Products Co.), mounted in an original porcelain coated metal body, sold for $3,162.

Antiques & Auction News — January 19, 2018 - - 3

Collector Anecdotes And Antics What’s Hot And What’s Not, The 2018 Edition: Part One years ago, you used to be able to get a near-mint restored and working classic pinball machine like Pinbot, Cyclone, or even White Water for less than $2,000, with some prices well below $1,500. Today, prices have nearly doubled, with wellfinanced speculators hoarding multiple machines for potential investment. The same scenario has engulfed the vintage slot machine market, just to a lesser extent. Still, if you want to play a classic game of pinball in your home, there is no other way to do it than to own an authentic vintage pinball machine, and smart collectors realize this. Advice to novice collectors and investors: Pinball machine collecting is not a market for the inexperienced or cashstrapped. Machines are bulky and hard to move. If you are thinking of buying a vintage pinball machine, knowledge and research are your friend. 1. Vintage and hard-to-find graded Magic: The Gathering and Pokemon cards


Shawn Surmick has been an avid collector since the age of 12. He currently resides in his hometown of Boyertown, Pa., and is a passionate collector of antiques and collectibles. His articles focus on various topics affecting the marketplace.

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fraction of the cost of related Coca-Cola and Pepsi advertising. Do not pass up some of these finds. Not only do they make great collectibles and can display beautifully, but the investment potential of some of these finds cannot be ignored, if the condition merits. 2. Pinball machines and related vintage coin-operated devices You can exclude vintage arcade video games from this list, as that category may make an appearance on another upcoming list (hint, hint). That said, ask any knowledgeable collector of vintage pinball machines over the past 10 years to compare their possible gains to that of their stock portfolio. I know of several very knowledgeable collectors and investors who have made significant gains in vintage coinops such as pinball machines and early slot machines. The year 2017 saw several record sales of post-1975 pinball machines coupled with dwindling inventories. Less than five

mass-produced modern-era product. Your best bet is to bite the proverbial bullet and purchase high-grade vintage cards graded by BGS or PSA. And there you have it, the top five collecting categories poised for growth as we enter 2018. My next article will look at the top five five collecting categories that are losing momentum as we enter 2018. Until that time, thanks for reading, and have a great new year!

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As the year 2018 appears with vigorous momentum, let’s take some time to see what collecting categories are gaining momentum and which others appear to be faltering. It should be noted that these observations are based solely on my experiences within the trade, and your opinions may differ. That said, I firmly believe there are categories in this list that we can all agree on. Unlike previous entries from the last few years, I am starting this year off by focusing on the positive side of the trade with a listing of “what’s hot.� Listed below are my top five categories that soared this past year, along with my reasoning as to why they were chosen. Going into 2018 full speed ahead, these categories should continue to reward patient collectors and investors alike. 5. Rare and first-edition books Book collecting is nothing new, as it has been around almost as long as the written word itself. However, the year 2017 brought several key sales of important works. Collectors of first-edition Harry Potter novels who were lucky enough to buy a first hardcover edition and care for their undiscovered treasure were highly rewarded. A copy of “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone,� of which there are only 500 known firstedition copies, sold for over $81,000 through Heritage Auctions. Making this sale more surprising is that the book was published in 1997! Other rare and classic first editions continued to soar in demand. Heritage Auctions is leading the way in classic and rare book sales. We should see this trend continue into 2018. Advice to novice collectors and investors: Avoid speculation on newly minted books, and look for classic first-edition books with broad appeal. A favorite of mine are first-edition hardcover books from horror mastermind Stephen King. Patience is always rewarded when it comes to rare book collecting. 4. Investment-grade firearms and antique weaponry Whether you identify yourself as a hardcore history buff or an eccentric cyber-geek

collector like me, this category has something for everyone. From classic firearms manufactured during the founding of our country to authentic medieval swords or weaponry, this category shows no signs of slowing down. One example was a Singer manufactured Colt 1911A1 pistol, of which there were about 500 made, that sold for almost $70,000 through Rock Island Auctions. Advice to novice collectors and investors: Don’t just stick to firearms. Some of the best finds are authenticated medieval swords and weapons. They make great display pieces and have a lot of collector demand. 3. Vintage advertising Even I thought by now the allure of vintage advertising would have lost some of its luster (or rust depending on what you collect). Ironically, the opposite remains true. And while certain sub-categories within the trade have lost some diehard appeal, demand for vintage soda pop advertising from yesterday, along with strong demand for gas and oilrelated collectibles, has made this category one to watch in 2018. Couple this with the weekly adventures of everyone’s favorite picking duo beaming into living rooms everywhere, and vintage advertising is poised for even more growth. Advice to novice collectors and investors: Some of the lesser-known vintage advertising belonging to less popular soda manufacturers can be had at a


By Shawn Surmick

I combined these two categories to prevent the collectible tabletop card game genre from monopolizing this list. This is the most controversial entry on the list, and the category cannot be ignored. Both Magic: The Gathering and the Pokemon collectible card game premiered in the 1990s during the electronic entertainment boom. The fact they are still going strong to this day is a testament to just how popular they are. Rare and vintage third-party-graded Pokemon cards, along with scarce Magic: The Gathering cards, have set auction records in 2017. Some of these cards are now commanding $50,000-plus. Advice to novice collectors and investors: If buying for investment, forget

4 - - Antiques & Auction News — January 19, 2018

Michener Art Museum Will Present Major Exhibition On Henriette Wyeth And Peter Hurd “Magical And Real: Henriette Wyeth And Peter Hurd, A Retrospective� Opens Jan. 21

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father and at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, where she enrolled at the age of 16. She quickly earned critical recognition for her luminous and lyrical large-scale canvases of psychological presence and magic and local recognition for her talent as a portraitist. But when she moved permanently to Roswell, N.M., in 1940 (and her studio became Andrew’s), she was largely forgotten. Peter Hurd, a native of

created and thus have not been seen in public. After being on view at the Michener Art Museum, the exhibition will MARKETPLACE travel to Roswell, where it will In Frederick, Md. be on display from June 15 to Sept. 16. Co-curated by Jensen and Sara Woodbury, curator of collections and exhibitions at A Fun Place Roswell, it will be accompanied by a richly illustrated scholarly To Shop! catalogue with essays by Jensen and Woodbury as well as additional contributors. “In addition to the works coming from private collecFurniture tions, several pieces in the Art & Prints exhibition come from the Advertising • Textiles Roswell Museum and Art Center itself, so this is a great opportunity to share our Hurd Records • Pottery and Wyeth collection with new • Civil War Items audiences,â€? said Woodbury. “Magical and Realâ€? is generously supported by the 5862 Urbana Pike National Endowment for the (Rt. 355 So.) Arts and Bank of America. Frederick, MD Additional funding is provided by the Bucks County Open Daily 10-6 Foundation. Funding for the “Lateâ€? Thursdays exhibition catalogue is provided in part by the Wyeth ‘til 8 pm Foundation for American Art, Marguerite and Gerry Lenfest, Advance tickets and group and Bonnie J. O’Boyle. In-kind support is provided by Brilliant tours for this exhibition are Continued on page 7 Graphics.


Henriette Wyeth’s “Jamie’s Pumpkins� from 1968 is an oil-on-canvas, 30.5-by-24.5 inches, courtesy of the Museum of Texas Tech University.

Roswell, became a pupil of N.C. Wyeth’s in 1924. While studying with N.C., he met Henriette. Hurd was a significant artistic influence in the development of N.C. and Andrew’s practice; he introduced them to tempera, which became Andrew’s medium of choice. Hurd painted a number of Pennsylvania landscapes, but it is the impressive vistas, stark rolling hills, and dramatic light of the Southwest for which he is best known. “This exhibition engages the tensions between eastern and western arts communities, tensions that permanently marked the lives and careers of Hurd and Wyeth,� said Jensen. “Henriette’s work changed substantially in both style and tone following their move to New Mexico. ‘Magical and Real’ will broaden the awareness of the entire scope of the couple’s work in the regions with which they are most closely associated.� “Magical and Real� includes more than 100 works, most of which have been in private collections since they were


Peter Hurd’s “You Are a Waist-Gunner (English Landscape from a Flying Fortress),� from 1942, is an egg tempera-on-panel from the Army Art Collection, courtesy of the U.S. Army Center of Military History, Washington, D.C.

influential Wyeth sphere. The exhibition will be on view from Sunday, Jan. 21, through Sunday, May 6. The Michener Art Museum is located in Doylestown, Pa. The Roswell Museum and Art Center is located in Roswell, N.M. “Very little attention has been given to N.C.’s role in shaping and guiding the artistic development and career of his daughters Henriette, Ann, and Carolyn,� said Kirsten M. Jensen, Ph.D., the Michener’s Gerry and Marguerite Lenfest chief curator. “Magical and Real is the first exhibition to explore the work and career of N.C.’s eldest child, Henriette, and N.C.’s student, Peter Hurd, whom Henriette married in 1929. It’s also the first scholarly project to probe family archives to flesh out their relationships to other family members, particularly to N.C. and Andrew.� Henriette Wyeth (1907-97) and Peter Hurd (1904-84) were important contributors to the arts of both the Philadelphia region and the Southwest. Henriette studied with her


The James A. Michener Art Museum will present “Magical and Real: Henriette Wyeth and Peter Hurd, A Retrospective,� a major exhibition that explores the work, marriage, and careers of two remarkable artists who contributed to the canon and dialogue of 20th century American art. Co-organized by the Michener Art Museum and Roswell Museum and Art Center, the exhibition includes more than 100 works by Wyeth, Hurd, and family members, including Andrew Wyeth, Henriette’s brother, and N.C. Wyeth, her father, in the



Antiques & Auction News — January 19, 2018 - - 5

19709 Middletown 302-376-7022 ATTIC TO BASEMENT, ETC., 4380 Summit Bridge Rd. Antiques, collectibles, books, vintage clothing, unique finds. open 7 day a week 10am6pm. Visit us on Facebook!

19933 Bridgeville 302-337-3137 ANTIQUE ALLEY OF BRIDGEVILLE, Rt. 13 South. Over 20,000 sq. ft., 60 diverse dealers. Open 7 days 9am-6pm. Find great treasures and enjoy a break at our cafe. Like us on Facebook.

21901 North East 410-287-8318 5 & 10 ANTIQUE MARKET, 115 S. Main St. Daily 10am-6pm. Cecil County’s largest! Buying/ selling antiques & collectibles. Gourmet chocolates.

17062 Millerstown 717-589-7810 STITCH IN TIME ANTIQUE & GIFT MALL, 43 N. Market St. Antiques, Collectibles, Furniture, Quality Handmade Crafts & Gifts. Open 7 days 10-5, Fri. til 8. Millerstown exit off RT322.

19711 Newark 302-454-8007 AUNT MARGARET’S ANTIQUE MALL, 294 E. Main St. Mon- Sat. 10-5, Sun 12-5. 2 flrs. Antiques, collectibles, primitives, much more.

19958 Lewes 302-645-2309 HERITAGE ANTIQUE MARKET, 16168 Coastal Hwy. (RT1), 2 mi. N. of Five Points, Lewes. 65 Dealers. New Dealers Welcomed. Hrs 10-5pm (Summer) 115pm (Winter).

07052 West Orange 973-323-1711 VALLEY VINTAGE, 168 South Valley Rd. Open Mon-Sat. 11-6, Sun. 12-5. 2100 sq.ft, 25+ dealers. Antiques, vintage, collectibles, furniture, decor, kitchenware, jewelry, books, LPs, ephemera.

17225 Greencastle 717-593-9990 the shop, 144 E. Baltimore St. 1/2 mi. off I-81 Exit 5. Antiques, Collectibles & Decorative accessories. Open Wed. thru Fri. 10-5, Sat. 10-4.

19720 New Castle 302-328-3506 2ND ACT ANTIQUES COLLECTIBLES & TREASURES, LLC 304-306 Delaware St. 5,000 sq. ft. antiques cooperative & art gallery. Open every day. Find us on Facebook.

21078 Havre de Grace 410-942-0701 SENECA CANNERY ANTIQUES, 201 St. John St... Largest Mall in North Eastern Maryland with 50+ quality dealers. Open M-Sat. 10-5, Sun. 11-5. Wide Selection of antiques & collectibles.

19809 N. Wilmington 302-792-0555 THE ZEPPELIN & THE UNICORN AT THE RED BARN, 400 Silverside Road, Sun., Mon., Wed. 12-5, Closed Tues., Thurs. thru Sat. 10-6. Antiques, unique items.

21157 Westminster 410-857-4044 WESTMINISTER ANTIQUE MALL, 433 Hahn Rd 25,000 s.f., furniture, military, toys, jewelry, coins, comics, LPs, glassware. Generally open 7 days/ week Mon. - Sat. 10-6; Sun. 12-6.

COLUMBUS FARMERS’ MARKET Delaware Valley’s Largest Flea Market ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES Inside Store Hours: Thurs. 8-8, Fri. 10-8, Sat. 8-8 & Sun. 8-5 Outside Flea Market: Thurs. 6:30-3, Sat. 7:30-2 & Sun. 6:30-3

Over 1500 Vendors



Rt. 206 South, Columbus, NJ

Frazer Antiques Affordable Prices • 24 Dealers • Great Selection Furniture, China, Glass, Majolica, Silver, Shabby Chic, Primitives, Decorative Items, Clocks, Artwork, Linens, Collectibles & Jewelry 351 Lancaster Ave., Frazer, PA 19355 From Frazer Exit On Rt. 202 Go 2 Miles East On Rt. 30

Open 7 Days 10-5


The Best Kept Secret On The Main Line

08062 Mullica Hill 856-478-0300 YELLOW GARAGE ANTIQUES 66 S. Main St. Multi-dealer co-op, Wed Sun.11am-5pm. Fine 18th & 19th C furniture, stoneware, textiles, folk art, Americana, decoys, jewelry, dolls, etc. 08081 Sicklerville 856-545-3187 CARNIVAL OF COLLECTABLES, 368 Cross Keys Rd. Open Tues.-Thurs. 10am-6pm, Fri. 10am-7pm, Sat. 8am7pm, Sun 8am-5pm, 12000 sq.ft Antique & Arts Mall, over 100 dlrs 08525 Hopewell 609-466-9833 TOMATO FACTORY ANTIQUE & DESIGN CENTER, 2 Somerset St. We Have It All! Open Mon. thru Sat. 10-5, Sun. 11-5. We have 38 Dealers.

18014 Bath 610-390-0403 S SEEM ANTIQUES, 100 S Chestnut St (RT 248) Multi-Dlr Co-Op, 2 flrs., M,T,W,F,Sa 10-6; Th 12-8; Su 11-5. Quality Antiques in 1840’s Brick Store, 5 other shops on block. 10% off with Ad. 18229 Jim Thorpe 610-850-5660 ANTIQUES ON BROADWAY, 52 Broadway. Primitives, militaria, art, autographs, glass, pottery, guns, artifacts & vintage collectibles. Wed-Sun 10-5. 18251 Sybertsville 570-788-1275 HAL’S ANTIQUE FLEA MARKET, 732 State Rte. 93, Exit 256 off I-80, take 93 S. or Exit 145 off I-81, take 93 N. Sundays 9am-4pm.

18603 Berwick 570-371-7991 CW ODDS & ENDS, 7588 Columbia Blvd. Antiques & Collectibles. Open Wed. through Sun. 10am-6pm.

19543 Morgantown 610-913-1953 MORGANTOWN MARKET, 2940 Main St. Hours 10-5 daily. Berks Co. Largest Antique Boutique. Antiques, collectibles, vintage home & garden decor.

16686 Tyrone 814-684-5088 I-99 ANTIQUES, conveniently located off the Tyrone Exit of Interstate 99, 1222 Pennsylvania Ave. Quality antiques & collectibles. 40 Dlrs. Open Daily 10:304:30, Closed Sundays Dlrs welcome.

18914 Chalfont 215-997-3227 BUCKS COUNTY ANTIQUE GALLERY, 8 Skyline Dr. 12,000 sq.ft. of historic & hip finds. Tue.-Sat 10-5, Sun. 12-5. facebook/instagram

16801 State College 814-238-2980 APPLE HILL ANTIQUES, Rt. 26N to 169 Gerald Street. Distinctive antiques in a gallery setting. Over 60 dealers. Open daily 10 to 6. Wide variety.

18930 Kintnersville 610-847-1966 GRISTIES ANTIQUES AND ODDITIES, Rt. 611 near Rt. 32. 30 Dealers. Smalls and primitives to fine furniture. Open every day 11-5. Free parking.

Find them at

Located at: 614 Second Street Pike (Rt. 232) Southampton, PA 18966

by clicking on the e-EDITION tab to the left.

We Offer: Furniture, Advertising, Metal & Porcelain Signs, Black Memorabilia, Coke & Pepsi Collectibles, Oil & Gas Advertising Cans, Petroliana, Primitives, Soda & Dairy, Toys, Nautical, Wood Advertising, Crates, Railroadiana, Fiesta, Tobacco, etc.


BUYING AND SELLING Mon., Wed., Thurs., Sun. 11-5; Fri. 11-6; Sat. 10-6; Closed Tuesday.

Phone: 215-322-5868

FAX 717-492-2566 24 hours a day Your ad will be processed on the next business day

E-MAIL Submit your ad to us at Deadline: Wednesday 4:00pm for Fridays edition

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FEB. 4

N. Cove Rd.

Adults $1.00 • Children Free Over 140 Dealers Sunday 9 am To 3 pm For Information Call

(973) 882-8197 A FLEAMARKETEERS SHOW S981112

Vintage Hunting and Fishing Collectibles Show


Bank Barn offering 15,000 Sq. Ft. of Quality Antiques, Primitives, Estate Furniture, with Appropriate Accessories & Smalls.

Approx. 100 Tables

Saturday, January 27, 2018 Time 8am-3pm

Admission $6.00

Level Volunteer Fire Hall 3633 Level Village Road Havre de Grace, Maryland 21078

FEATURING 878 Baltimore Pike (Rt. 1), CHADDS FORD, PA 19317 Open 10-5 Wednesday Thru Sunday

Phone 610-388-2000 Fax 610-388-2720 E-Mail Located Directly On Rt. 1 “At The White Barn” Limited Space Available for Quality Dealers Only

Decoys Fishing Lures Guns Ammunition Rods and Reels

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44 North Bedford St.





In The Historic “White Barn”

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Hours: Mon.-Sat. 10-7 And Sunday 10-5






Shouldn’t your SHOP be listed in this guide?

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4 LARGE BUILDINGS 300+ DEALERS Antiques. Collectibles. Coins. Jewelry. Glassware. Consignment Furniture. Candles. Baskets. Wrought Iron. Decorations. Etc. HOURS: 9AM TO 5PM 3625-3653 Lincoln Way East Fayetteville, PA 17222


Wayne PAL Indoor TH

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245 West Siddonsburg Road NEW, USED & ANTIQUE FISHING & RELATED MERCHANDISE F more info For i f contact t t 71 717.991.1015

19608 Sinking Spring 484-755-5586 THE PRIMITIVE BARN & FEATURED ARTISANS, 3809 Penn Ave. Retail/ Wholesale antiques, upcycled primitive furniture, handmade home & garden decor. Tues.-Fri., 11-5; Sat- Sun 11-4.




Seminars, Trout Pond & More

19343 Glenmoore 610-942-7500 CRICKET’S ANTIQUES & GARDEN MARKET, 1641 Horseshoe Pike 2nd floor. Antiques, Artisians & Gardening! Hrs. 10am-5pm daily, Thurs. 10-8:30.

18337 Milford 570-409-8636 OLD LUMBERYARD ANTIQUES, 113 7th St. 2 lge Multi-Dealer Shops, 10,000 sq. ft. Mon., Thur-Sat. 10-5, Sun. 11-5

SATURDAY & SUNDAY JANUARY 27TH & 28TH, 2018 Kid’s Casting on Saturday

19343 Glenmoore 610-942-4834 ANTIQUES AT SILVER BELL FARM, 1641 Horseshoe Pike (Rts.322 & 82). 30+ Dlrs- antique/ vintage furniture, primitives, timepieces, jewelry, home decor, plants, garden items. daily 10-5, Thur. until 7.

19446 Landsdale 215-361-7910 THE ARCHIVE, 725 W. 2nd St. 1000’s of used & antique books, magazines, postcards, ephemera, coins, records, furniture, antiques, collectibles. 21,000 s.f. Wed. through Sun. 11-6,



18962 Silverdale 215-453-1414 THE FACTORY ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES, 130 West Main Street, Rt 113, Bucks County. Featuring 40 Dealers. Open Wednesday thru Saturday 10 -5, Sundays 11-4


21028 Churchville 410-734-6228 YE OLD CURIOSITY SHOP, Route 22 & Aldino Rd. Minutes from I-95. Oak furniture, advertising, toys, militaria, glassware, general line. Hrs daily 10-4

07901 Summit 908-273-9373 SUMMIT ANTIQUES CENTER, 511 Morris Ave. 2 floors, 60+ dealers. Antiques, collectibles. Smalls to furniture. Open 7 days 11-5. Free parking.


19711 Newark 302-733-7677 MAIN STREET ANTIQUE, 23 Possum Park Mall. Summer Hrs. Mon-Sat. 10-8, Sun. 11:30-5:30. Over 45 Showcase/ Room Dlrs selling quality antiques/ collectibles.

18944 Perkasie 215-257-3564 TREASURE TROVE, 6 S. 7th Street. Estate jewelry, furniture, linens, vintage clothing, glass, china, books, toys, kitchenware, advertising, postcards. Primitives to Deco. Dealers Welcome. Mon.-Sat. 10-5. Since “1980”

Pat Vincenti 410-734-6238

Chuck Usilton 410-378-3528 S996337

6 - - Antiques & Auction News — January 19, 2018

The Original 170th Semi-Annual

YORK, PA ANTIQUES SHOW & SALE York Fairgrounds Convention & Expo Center H MEMORIAL HALL EAST H 334 Carlisle Ave.,York, Pennsylvania 17404 From Rt. 30, Take Rt. 74 South

FEBRUARY 2, 3 & 4, 2018 Friday - 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. • Saturday - 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. • Sunday - 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

96 Selected Exhibitors featuring 18th- & 19th-Century American, English, Primitive and Period Furniture and Accessories Fine Early China and Glassware • 18th- & 19th-C. Silver • Chinese Export Porcelain • Oriental Rugs Fine Antique Jewelry • Antique Toys • Pewter • Early Kitchen & Fireplace Accessories • Historic American Militaria American & English Samplers • Navajo Rugs, Pueblo Pottery, Baskets and Native American Artifacts GENERAL ADMISSION $10.00 EACH - WITH THIS AD $9.00 EACH Managed by: GOOD FOOD MELVIN L. ARION Show Phones: FREE PARKING P.O. Box 119 • Laurel, DE 19956-0119 (717) 718-1097 NO SMOKING IN BUILDING (302) 875-5326 (302) 542-3286 Credit Cards Accepted Adorn Estate Jewelry, Rehoboth Beach, DE AdLib Antiques, Raleigh, NC Mark and Marjorie Allen, Laconia, NH Antique Store in Wayne, Wayne, PA Axtell Antiques, Deposit, NY Dennis and Valerie Bakoledis, Rhinebeck, NY A Bird In Hand, Florham Park, NJ Bertolet House Antiques, Oley, PA Beaver Creek Antiques & Arms, Dillsburg, PA Philip H. Bradley Co., Downingtown, PA Stephen C. Burkhardt, Felton, PA Alice and Art Booth, Wayne, NJ Brill’s Antiques, Newport News, VA Thomas Brown, McMurray, PA John Chaski Antiques, Lewes, DE Peter W. Chillingworth, Scenery Hill, PA Don and Pat Clegg, East Berlin, PA Robert M. Conrad, Yeagertown, PA Country Corner Antiques, Bowie, MD Country Treasures, Preston, MD B. Hannah H. Daniel, LLC, Painesville, OH Antiques by the Falls, LLC, Painesville, OH Dovetail Antiques, Williamsburg, VA Emele’s Antiques, Dublin, PA Christopher Evans, Waynesboro, VA Fleshman’s Antiques, New Market, MD Tucker Frey Antiques, Woodbury, CT Fryling’s Antiques, Green Lane, PA Samuel Forsythe, Columbus, OH Sally Good, Eagleville, PA Pat and Rich Garthoeffner, Lititz, PA James and Nancy Glazer, Bailey Island, ME Matt Greig Antiques, Milton, DE James B. Grievo, Stockton, NJ

O f

E x h i b i t o r s

Samuel Herrup, Sheffield, MA Don and Betty Jo Heim, Jersey Shore, PA Groundhog Hollow, Felton, PA The Haneberg’s Antiques, East Lyme, CT Heller and Washam, Portland, ME H. and L. Antiques, Princeton, NJ Hannah Humes, Westerville Run, OH Ingle Nook Antiques, Springfield, VA Sandy Jacobs - Scott Bassoff, Swampscott, MA James Island Antiques, Charleston, SC Jewett • Berdan, New Castle, ME James M. Kilvington, Inc., Greenville, DE Kelly Kinzle, New Oxford, PA Leatherwood Antiques, Cape Cod, MA Bill Kelly, Limington, ME Greg K. Kramer & Co., Robesonia, PA William and Teresa Kurau, Lampeter, PA Jane Langol Antiques, Medina, OH James Lawrence, Little Compton, RI Joseph J. Lodge, Lederach, PA Thomas R. Longacre, Marlborough, NH Gary Manlove, Greenwood, DE Lisa S. McAllister, Clear Spring, MD Missouri Plain Folk, Sikeston, MO J.K. Nevin Antiques, Pottstown, PA Neverbird Antiques, Surry, VA Newsom • Berdan, Thomasville, PA Hallowell, ME Hilary & Paulette Nolan, Falmouth, MA The Norwoods’ Spirit Of America, Timonium, MD Daniel and Karen Olson, Newburgh, NY Perkins and Menson, Ashby, MA

Pratt’s Antiques, Victor, NY James L. Price, Carlisle, PA Ponzi’s Antiques, Trumansburg, NY R.G.L. Antiques, Pittstown, NJ Gene Rappaport, Strasburg, PA Bruce Rigsby, Lancaster, KY Salt Box Antiques, Sugarloaf, PA School House Farm, New Holland, PA Shaeffer’s Antiques, Glyndon, MD Shaia of Williamsburg, Williamsburg, VA Robert Snyder • Judy Wilson, Lititz, PA John H. Rogers, L.L.C., New London, NH Sorisio’s Antiques, Leechburg, PA Steve Smoot Antiques & Navajo Textiles, Lancaster, PA Lana Smith, Masonic Home, KY Donald & Verna Stump, Sinking Spring, PA Jef and Terri Steingrebe, New London, NH Barbara Rew, Lewes, DE Stephen • Douglas, Rockingham, VT Larry Thompson, Atlanta, GA Steven F. Still, Manheim, PA Thistlethwaite Americana, Glasgow, KY Stiles House Antiques, Woodbury, CT Tanning Antiques, Pittsburgh, PA Thomas Thompson, Pembroke, NH Chuck White Antiques & Folk Art, Warwick, NY Cecilia B. Williams, New Market, MD Michael Whittemore, Punta Gorda, FL Marc Witus, Gladstone, NJ Richard M. Worth, Chadds Ford, PA Douglas R. Wyant, Cassopolis, MI


L i s t

Antiques & Auction News — January 19, 2018 - - 7



DELAWARE 01/21/18, NEWARK, SUN 10 AM3 PM, Sports Cards & Collectibles, 400 Ogletown Rd, Aetna Fire Hall FLORIDA 01/27-28/18, NAPLES, SAT 10 AM-5 PM SUN 10 AM-4 PM, Antiques, 5111 Tamiami Trail N, The Naples Hilton Royal Pallm Ballroom 02/10-11/18, LARGO, SAT 10 AM-5 PM SUN 11 AM-4 PM, Depression Era Glass, China, Pottery, 6340 126th Ave N, Minnreg Building 02/17-18/18, VENICE, SAT 10 AM- 5 PM SUN 10 AM-4 PM, Antiques, 326 S Nokomis Ave, The Venice Community Center GEORGIA 02/08-11/18, ATLANTA, THURSSUN, Antique Market, Atlanta Expo Center 03/08-11/18, ATLANTA, THURSSUN, Antiques & Collectibles, Atlanta Expo Center ILLINOIS 01/28/18, WHEATON, SUN, Wheaton Antique Market, DuPage Co Fairgrounds

02/10-11/18, GRAYSLAKE, SAT & SUN, ChicagolandZ Premiere Monthly Antique Market, Lake County Fairgrounds 02/25/18, WHEATON, SUN, Wheaton Antique Market, DuPage Co Fairgrounds MARYLAND 01/27/18, HAVRE DE GRACE, SAT 8 AM-3 PM, Vintage Hunting & Fishing Collectibles, 3633 Level Village Rd, Level Volunteer Fire Hall NEW JERSEY 02/04/18, WAYNE, SUN 9 AM-3 PM, Antiques & Collectibles, N Cove Rd, Wayne PAL Indoor 03/04/18, WAYNE, SUN 9 AM-3 PM, Flea Market, N Cove Rd, Wayne PAL Indoor NEW YORK 01/19-21/18, NEW YORK, FRI & SAT 11 AM-8 PM SUN 11 AM-6 PM, Art Fair, 125 W 18th St, Metropolitan Pavilion 01/19-21/18, NEW YORK, FRI 10 AM-7 PM SAT 11 AM-6 PM SUN 11 AM-5 PM, Art Design & Antiques, 980 Park Ave At 84th St, Wallace Hall 01/20-21/18, SYRACUSE, SAT 9 AM-5 PM SUN 10 AM-5 PM, Antiques, 581 State Fair Blvd, New York State Fairgrounds Center of Progress Building OHIO 01/20-21/18, COLUMBUS, SAT & SUN, Antique Market, Ohio Expo Center

ANTIQUE ALLURE We have completed our expansion and have 5 Dealer Spaces Available Come join our Family.

01/21/18, PHILADELPHIA, SUN 8 AM-4 PM, Flea Market, 1301 S Columbus Blvd., Penns Landing Caterets (inside Sheet Metal Workers Union Bldg) 01/27-28/18, DILLSBURG, SAT 8 AM-4 PM SUN 9 AM-3 PM, Fishing, 245 W Siddonsburg Rd, Monaghan Fire Co 02/02-04/18, YORK, FRI & SAT 10 AM-6 PM SUN 11 AM-5 PM, Antiques, 334 Carlisle Ave, York Fairgrounds Convention & Expo Ctr Memorial Hall East 02/10/18, PHILADELPHIA, SAT 8 AM-4 PM, Flea Market, 1301 S Columbus Blvd., Penns Landing Caterets (inside Sheet Metal Workers Union Bldg)


DELAWARE 01/21/18, WILMINGTON, SUN 11 AM, Lionel & HO Train & Accessories Collection, 1323 Newport Gap Pike, Delaware Estate Sales - Jeffrey Kring

01/20/18, CHAMBERSBURG, SAT 9 AM, Antiques & miscellaneous; Antique artwork Noon; Early period, Victorian, 20th c. furniture 1 pm, 4401 Philadelphia Ave, Kenny's Auction

NEVADA 01/26/18, LAS VEGAS, FRI NOON EST, Gold Rush Auction featuring western & native American, 4520 Arville St #1, Morphy Auctions Las Vegas

01/20/18, EPHRATA, SAT 9 AM, Tool featuring edge tools, wooden molding planes, metal planes measuring devices, blacksmithing tools, wrench collection hammers, saws, primitives, books, Horst Auction Center 50 Durlach Rd, Horst Auctioneers

OHIO 01/27/18, WILLOUGHBY, SAT 10 AM, Historical Military & Firearms Event featuring Adolf Hitler's desk, Komar & Melamid Yalta conference painting, WWII captured German Standarte, 1936 Mercedes belonging to Nazi doctor & more. Live Bidding thru:, liveauctioneers, proxibid & invaluable, 3860 Ben Hur Ave, Milestone Auctions Gallery


02/02/18, DELAWARE, FRI 9 AM, Eclectic featuring musical instruments & players, furniture, porcelain/china, stoneware/pottery, folk art, fine art & prints, lamps & lighting, sterling & silver plate, clocks, bronzes etc. Live Internet Bidding @, Eclectic Gallery 2097 London Rd Su F, Garth's Auctioneers & Appraisers

03/03-04/18, CHANTILLY, SAT 9 AM-6 PM SUN 11 AM-5 PM, DC Big Flea & Antiques Market, 4320 Chantilly Shopping Center, Dulles Expo Center

PENNSYLVANIA 01/17/18, EAST EARL, WED 5 PM, Coin & Currency, Shady Maple Conference Room 129 Toddy Dr, Cabin Fever Auctions

Michener Art Museum

01/17/18, EAST EARL, WED 5 PM, Pre & postwar model trains, modern, tinplate etc., Shady Maple Banquet Hall 129 Toddy Dr, Cabin Fever Auctions

02/17-18/18, PITTSBURGH, SAT 10 AM-5 PM SUN 10 AM-4 PM, Antiques, 164 Fort Couch Rd, Crowne Plaza Hotel

available at MichenerArt or by calling 215-340-9800. A member preview day will be held on Saturday, Jan. 20, the day before the exhibition opens for public view. To become a Michener Art Museum member and receive an invitation, visit or call 215-340-9800, ext. 110.

01/18/18, QUARRYVILLE, THURS NOON, Antiques, furniture, coins, box lots, 3164 White Oak Rd, Pa Auction Center 01/19/18, POTTSTOWN, FRI 5 PM, Antiques, sports, comics, vintage toys, jewelry, ephemera etc., 1920 Ridge Rd, John Hums Auction 01/20-21/18, MYERSTOWN, SAT 10 AM SUN 11 AM, Coin & Currency, 119 E Main St (Rear), All Points Auction Co.

01/20/18, HARRISBURG, SAT 10 AM, Variety Auction - Art, collectibles, figurines, toys, dolls, hose & home, quilts; Furniture Noon; Specialty Auction - Coins, sterling, jewelry, watches etc., 1500 Paxton St, Cordier Auction & Appraisals

01/25/18, HATFIELD, THURS 9 AM, Gallery/Estate featuring antiques, furnishings, Persian area rugs, collectibles, primitives, china, glassware, artwork, porcelain, assortment of military pins, awards, patches & related items, sterling, jewelry etc., Alderfer's Auction Ctr. 501 Fairgrounds Rd, Alderfers Auctions & Appraisers

01/20/18, QUARRYVILLE, SAT 8 AM & NOON, 8:00 am - Sporting goods featuring ammo, binoculars, knives, crossbow, ammo boxes, decoys etc.; Noon - Cataloged auction of firearms featuring rifles, shotguns, pistols etc., 3164 White Oak Rd, Pa Auction Center

01/27-28/18, LAS VEGAS, SAT & SUN NOON EST, Coin-Op & Gambling, 4520 Arville St #1, Morphy Auctions Las Vegas

01/20/18, YORK, SAT 9 AM, Coin, Four Points by Sheraton Hotel & Suites 1650 Toronita St, Martin Heaps 01/21/18, ANDREAS, SUN 10 AM, Early porcelain Mobil Oil lollipop advertising sign, Dr. Quack horse & buggy salesman sample medicine wagon, mechanical banks blue decorated crock, crocks & jugs, vintage childrens toys etc., Andreas Station House, 42 Andreas Rd, Dean R Arner 01/21/18, DOUGLASSVILLE, SUN 8:30 AM, Motorcycle, toys, tools, antique tools, nautical etc., Merritt's Antique Clock Complex 1860 Weavertown Rd, Cabin Fever Auctions 01/22/18, HATFIELD, BID ONLINE NOW THROUGH CLOSING MON 8 PM, Macungie, Pa - Fine quality furniture, lighting, china, glassware, artwork, sculptures, collectibles, women's designer clothing, linens, sewing, sprorting, exercise equipment etc., Online w w w. a l d e r f e r a u c t i o n . c o m , Alderfers Auctions & Appraisers

01/27/18, SPRING CITY, SAT 9 AM, Furniture, glassware, primitives costume jewelry, books, early valentines, Barbie dolls, clothing, bodies, heads etc., other dolls & toys, showcases of dishes from old Merritt's Store, antiques, 20 Bonnie Brae Rd, Ron Rhoads

01/27/18, WEST CHESTER, SAT 10 AM, Antique autos, antiques tractors, John Deere Lawn tractors, snowmobiles, farm eqipment, tools, guns & HH items, 190 Blue Rock Rd, Barr/Davis Auctioneers, LLC

01/27/18, ZIONSVILLE, SAT 9 AM, Asian, Chinese, Burmese, Thai & Cambodian, Peruvian, Brazilian, Mexican, Haitian, African & other Art & Collectibles, 6271 Batman Rd, Zettlemoyer Auction Co.

01/29/18, DOWNINGTOWN, ONLINE ONLY MON, Decorative Arts, Online @, Pook & Pook Inc. Auctioneers & Appraisers






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215.364.8846 21 2 15.3 364 36 64.8 8846 88 84 46 6

01/23/18, HATFIELD, BID ONLINE NOW THROUGH CLOSING TUES 8 PM, Feasterville Trevose, Pa Embroidery & sewing machines by Husqvarna, template/guide books, furniture, flatware, artwork, collectibles, decor, lighting, china, glassware, vacuums, kitchen, snowblower etc., Online, Alderfers Auctions & Appraisers

Advertising in



Minutes from PA Tpk., Exit 351, I-95 & Rt. 1


Please contact Ted at 215-275-8169 or 215-322-5868

PENNSYLVANIA 01/20/18, QUAKERTOWN, SAT NOON-2 PM, Antique Appraisal Fair, 201 Station Rd, Quakertown Farmers Market & Flea Market

Continued from page 4


Mon., Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sun. 11-5; Sat 10-6; Closed Tuesday

02/24-25/18, COLUMBUS, SAT & SUN, Antiques, Ohio Expo Center


ARIZONA 01/20-21/18, MESA, SAT 9 AM-4 PM SUN 9 AM-3 PM, Old West, 263 N Center St, Mesa Convention Center

PUBLIC AUCTION Ammo - Sporting Goods & Firearms

SATURDAY, JANUARY 20, 2018 AT 8:00 A.M.

Easy access from I-81, I-83, PA-581, PA-15, US Rte 11

Across the river from Harrisburg, PA

Furniture, Jewelry, Art, Glassware, Pottery, Clothing, Postcards, and More!

It is well worth the trip–You will be thrilled!


Antiques - Furniture - Coins - Box Lots THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 2018 AT 12:00 NOON Our monthly antique and coin auction has a new schedule. Block #1 12:00 Noon starts with Antique smalls. Block #2 at 2:30 with outside items followed by box lots. Block #1 5:00 P.M. with Furniture. Block #3 at 6:00 P.M. with coins and currency. Visit for a list and pictures of items selling. Online bidding available on some items. Visit for details. Terms by PA Auction Center AH001873. 13% Buyer’s premium discounted to 10% with check or cash. Auction day announcements take precedence over all advertisements. #AY00228

Christian Z. Stoltzfus See more info at 3164 White Oak Road, Quarryville, PA 17566



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Monday—Friday 10am-7pm Saturday & Sunday 10am-5pm


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Block #1 8:00 A.M. starts with misc. sporting goods to include ammo, binoculars, lots of knives including some Buck knives, crossbow, powder, ammo boxes, decoys and much more. Always a great variety. Block #1 12:00 Noon. Cataloged auction of 200 Firearms to include rifles, shotguns, pistols & revolvers. Highlights to include (2) Colt Python 357 Mag. 6 shot revolvers, US Springfield Armory M1 Garand 30 cal. semiauto, Mannlicher Schoenauer 1952 270 bolt action and many more. See the full list and pictures at Online bidding available on the firearms. Visit our website for details.

Weekly listings and hundreds of photos online every Wednesday

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Stephenson’s Auction

1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month, 12-6pm




4th and Final offering

Early Porcelain Mobil Oil Lollipop Advertising Sign, Dr. Quack Horse & Buggy Salesman’s Sample Medicine Wagon, Mechanical Banks, Blue Decorated Crock, Crocks And Jugs, Vintage Children’s Toys, Vintage Zippo Display Case And Vintage Zippo Lighters, CocaCola Store Display Stand, Diecast Cars And Banks, Framed Prints, Assorted Advertising Signs, Country Smalls And Much More! S996706

SAT., JANUARY 27, 9:00 A.M. 6271 Batman Road, ZIONSVILLE, PA

PUBLIC COIN AUCTION Selling 600 Lots of Rare Coins at Public Auction

24 pcs. Chinese Rosewood & Mother-of-Pearl inlaid dining room suite, large carved Soapstone groupings, 40â€? diameter carved hardstone coin, carved wood shrines & hardwood altar table Massive hardstone daybed 9’, carved bone ďŹ gural groupings, Cambodian 2 wheeled cart, carved bone Guanyin, warriors, birds, landscapes, immortals, etc. Massive carved hardwood desk & armchair, large gilt & painted Burmese altar w/attendants, Peruvian churches, Mexican stone carving, Tang style Sancai glazed horses & fat ladies, dozens pieces carved Jade boats, tigers, elephants, etc. Frederick Roscher “Tanaâ€? oil painting, 56â€? widex80â€? tall; Chinese Black Lacquer Mother-of-Pearl table & stools, 2 door cabinets, tall cabinet, chest, CloisonnĂŠ pcs., Zodiac eggs, Thai Sawadee ladies, Buddha heads. Simulcast (Live & Online). Terms - Cash, Check, Visa, M/C, Disc. - 13% Buyer’s Premium On Site with 3% discount for cash or check on site only, 20% Buyer’s Premium through Full list and photos at Conducted by


Auction Co., LLC

Points by Sheraton Hotel and Suites

YORK, PA 17402

820 Nursery St. • Box 215 Fogelsville, PA 18051-0215

- Sale begins at 9:00 A.M.

Lic. #AY000131-L

(610) 395-8084 Fax (610) 395-0227 “Proven Service Since 1955�


WILMINGTON, DE 19804 Lionel & HO Train & Accessories Collection

SUNDAY, JANUARY 21, 2018 PREVIEW 10:30 A.M. AUCTION STARTS AT 11:30 A.M. 1925 PRR railroad lantern, N.Y.C.S. Dressel railroad lantern, Rio Grande #53, Marx windup Locomotive, 1926-39 Lionel Pullman car #310, Union Pacific tin train, 1936-39 Pullman car #309, Lionel 027 diesel switcher, HO PRR engine #4828, HO Thomas Kinkade Christmas Express, 1930’s The Model Railroader, 1908-1914 Railroad Man’s Magazine, Lionel crossing gates & signal lights, Dietz NYUSA lantern, Lionel multi control transformer type 1033, just to name a few as this is a huge collection.

For more details and pics. visit S996701

(Lot inspection available 1/16-1/19 in Stewartstown. Please call for appointment) Snow Date - January 27th. Call hotel or 717-324-3603 in case of inclement weather. Directions: PA Rt. 83 Southbound take Exit 21, Northbound use Exit 21A (Route 30 East - Arsenal Rd.) Left at first light (Toronita St.) Hotel is on the left. Hotel phone is (717) 846-4940. Highlights - 1995w 5 pc. Silver and Gold Eagle PF Set (1995W Proof Silver Eagle PCGS PF69) Half Cents - 1797 1 above 1 VG+, 1802/0 ANACS VG8. Cents Certified include 1793 Vine & Bars VG details, 1795 Let Edge F details, 1798 XF details, 1807/6 VF details, 1857 Large Cent AU50, 1859 MS64, 1866 MS63, 1869 AU55, 1869/9 AU58 details, 1873 dbl Liberty AU details, 1880 PF64, 1889 MS64, 1899 PF65, 1908s MS65, 1909s vdb XF40, MS65, 1917d MS65, 1955/55 MS62. Others include (2) 1794 VF, XF, 1800/79 XF, 1803 XF, 1805 VF, 1808 AU, 1819/8 AU, 1821 VF, 1847/7 VF, 1864L BU, 1867/67 XF, 1870 BU, 1871 PF, 1871 BU, 1872 AU, 1876 MS65, 1877 UNC, 1909s Ind. AU, 1914d AU. Two Cents - 1864 Small Motto AU, 1864 Large NGC MS66RB. Colonials - 1723 Rosa American 1P NGC AU58, 1787 Fugio Cent ANACS XF details. Nickels Certified include 1883/2 VF30, 1886 MS64, 1889 MS65, 1891, 1892 MS64, 1913 ty2 PF66, 1913s ty2 MS65. Others include BU Rolls of 1938d Buffalos, 1943d, 1950d. Dimes Certified include 1843o XF40, 1846 VF20, 1884s MS61, 1897o AU details, 1902 PF63, 1916d Merc. G4, 1917d MS66, 1942/1 AU details. Others - 1895 XF. Twenty Cents - 1875s PCGS MS64 Quarters - Certified include 1806 F12, 1859o AU50, 1872cc AG3, 1874 Arr PF64, 1874s Arrows MS65, 1886 VG8, 1894 MS66, 1911d MS64, 1916 Barber MS65, 1916 Standing Liberty AU details, 1917d ty2 MS64FH, 1918/7s AU details, 1921 MS65, 1932d MS63, 1932s MS62, 1935d MS66+, 1936d MS65. Others include 1838 BU, 1896s VG, 1914s BU Halves Certified include 1806 VF20, 1807 Draped Bust VF25, 1807 Capped Bust F15, 1810 AU55, 1813 XF45, 1914 XF45CAC, 1817 AU50CAC, 1818 XF40, 1818/7 AU55, 1819 XF40, 1821 XF40, 1822 XF45, 1825 MS65!!, 1829/7 AU50, 1852o VF35, 1861s AU55, 1863s MS62, 1869 PF65, 1870cc F details, 1892o MS64, 1901 PF65, 1904 MS66!, 1911d MS64, 1912 PF64, 1917d Obv MS65!, 1936s MS65. Others include 1810 AU58, 1811 MS62, 1812 AU, 1864 XF, 1865s AU, 1873cc Arrows AU, 1877cc BU, 1938d MS63. Dollars Certified include 1795 XF details, 1798 VF35, 1798 XF45, 1799 VF details, 1843 XF45, 1853 AU50, 1859o XF45, 1861 XF45, 1862 VF30, 1863 XF45 details, 1870 XF45, 1878cc MS63, 1880cc Rev 1878 MS62, 1880cc Rev 1879 MS63, 1881cc MS63, 1881s MS66, 1884cc MS65, (3) 1885cc MS62-63+, 1885o MS65DPL, 1887s MS63, 1891cc MS64, 1892cc AU55, 1899 MS64, 1901 AU55, 1903o MS64. Others include 1847 BU, 1860 BU, 1878s Trade MS63, 1886o UNC, 1901s MS64, (3) 1928 Gold 1836 $2½ AU details, 1888o $10 AU55, 1896s $10 AU58, 1932 $10 MS64, 2008w $10, $25 Buffalos MS69 Other Original Double Mint Sets (1951, 1955, 1956, 1958), Proof Sets (1940, 1941), 100+ Large Lots featuring partial and complete sets, silver coins, foreign groups‌and MUCH MORE. COMPLETE CATALOG LISTING ON AUCTIONZIP.COM - Auctioneer ID #13047 Printed catalog or information: Call Mike at (800) 332-3164 or leave message at (717) 324-3603. Email: Auctioneer: Martin Heaps (PA License #AU002762-L)


(610) 358-9515



DEAN R. ARNER, AUCTIONEER, LLC AY-002077L 570-386-3389

344 Valleybrook Road,

Chester Heights, PA 19017


SUNDAY, JANUARY 21ST, 2018 AT 10:00 A.M.


AUCTIONEERS/APPRAISERS Visit Our Website For Dates 2501 E. Ontario St., Phila., PA 215-425-7030 ESTATES & CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME

Antiques - Residential Contents Auctions Every Friday - 4 P.M. In Our Gallery 1005 Industrial Blvd. Southampton, PA 18966 (215) 322-6182





:((./< $8&7,216

105 Chapel Street

Inspection at 7:00 A.M.

Auctions Every Wednesday Starting At 3 P.M.


23(1 $335$,6$/ '$<


1650 Toronita St.,

Auctioneers & Appraisers


Since 1911


at the Four



Auctioneer Directory Phone Us Today For Details! 1(800) 800-1833 Ext. 2541

Sales Every Mon., Wed. & Every Other Sat. Phone (717) 764-5403 - 792-3837 Auctioneers: Jack & Sheryl Hooks

Route 512 (11 miles North of Route 22)

Specializing In Antiques

Auctions Thurs. 1 P.M. For Information Phone (717) 272-7078

5 miles W. of YORK on Rt. 30


Richard L. Dotta Auction Co. +DUULVEXUJ 3$

Advertise Your Business in the

ÂŽ 302-327-9017 or 302-668-7309


Camp Hill, PA (717) 737-0000

Phone: (570) 494-0170 Or: (800) 955-ROAN Fax: (570) 494-1911


E764503 Members Of AAM & NAA



Bel Air Auction Gallery Auction Co. #AY002122

Consignment Auction Every Fri. 6:00 PM Monthly Antique Auction First Sat. Of Each Month 13 Ellendale St., Bel Air, MD 1-800-451-BIDS



Amoss & Freeman, Auctioneers

5 Miles N. Of Williamsport



Selling Large Amount of Antiques, Collectibles & Household Goods From Local Homes & Estates Office: 610-274-8525 Jim Hill: 484-576-6368 For Sale Schedule & Highlights Visit:

Ted Maurer: Auctioneer & Auction Manager Bob Homan: Auctioneer Gary Schoenly: General Manager Jared Schoenly: Proprietor

1347 Naamans Creek Rd. Garnet Valley, PA 19060 Phone: Email: ! " Web: # $! "

3530 Lycoming Creek Road COGAN STATION, PA



Estates Welcome - Over 150 Flea Market Vendors, Indoors & Outdoors


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1465 New London Road

Landenberg, PA 19350



6,000+ Lots sold in 5 rings all day! 2 Auctions Simultaneously Buy, Sell, Consign, Appraise At the New Jersey Convention & Expo Center 97 Sunfield Ave., EDISON, NJ Auction Held Monthly!

Auction Every Tues. & Fri. - 12:30 P.M. Flea Market Every Tues., Fri. & Sat. 7:30 A.M.

550 S. New Street, Dover, DE 19901

Public Estate Variety Auction Every Friday.


Bodnar’s Auction Sales


Spence’s Auction & Flea Market








8 - - Antiques & Auction News — January 19, 2018

Antiques & Auction News — January 19, 2018 - - 9

JANUARY 26, 2018

4520 ARVILLE STREET | LAS VEGAS, NV 89103 03 | MORPH MORPHYAUCTIONS.COM YAUC T ION S . C OM | 87 877-968-8880 7-96 8 - 8 8 8 0



10 - - Antiques & Auction News — January 19, 2018

Antiques & Auction News — January 19, 2018 - - 11


HISTORIC MILITARY & FIREARMS EVENT SATURDAY, JANUARY 27TH, 2018 AUCTIONS STARTS 10:00 A.M. PREVIEW STARTS AT 8:00 A.M. FEATURING: ADOLF HITLER’S DESK, KOMAR & MELAMID YALTA CONFERENCE PAINTING, WWII CAPTURED GERMAN STANDARTE, 1936 MERCEDES BELONGING TO NAZI DOCTOR & MORE!!! FIREARMS - 150 plus firearms, including the Smith & Wesson handguns of Whaling Captain Albert Sherman, CSA General John Creed Moore’s 1851 Colt revolver, John Wayne’s Silver grip Smith & Wesson revolvers, holsters and spurs, many Winchester rifle models, Several Colt and Smith & Wesson handguns, Colt boxed King Cobra, 1911 Colts and SA Colts, Ruger handguns and rifles, Brownings, M1 Garands, M1 Carbines, Remingtons, Mauers, 1877 and 1862 Gatling Guns, Early Percussion Knife Pistol, and Much Much More!!! EDGED WEAPONS - 1820’s Widman Eagle Head sword, Japanese Katana and Wakizashi swords, and Tanto daggers, Imperial German swords, Ames Model 1871 USN Sword, German Stag Grip Hunting swords, and Much, Much More!!! CIVIL WAR & Mexican War - 2-Civil War Medical staff swords, one identified, Surgical Set & Hospital Register, Hernstein Cased Surgical Amputation Set, Rare Medical Officer’s green sash, Major General’s Frock Coat with Straps, 49th New York Corps Badge, Spencer Army rifle, 72nd Indiana Vols, 1862 Enfield Rifle, Confederate General William L. Cabell’s Telescope, Confederate Georgia Pike, Numerous Tintypes and Ambrotypes of Civil War soldiers, An Original colored drawing of the Hanging of 2 Confederate Soldiers, Mexican War Grouping with Images of Lt. Edward Abbot and Presidential Signed Commissions, Captured and Cased Mexican Dagger from Battle of San Jacinto 1836 and Much More!!! WORLD WAR I - Large grouping of WWI items, including the largest collection of uniforms to come to the market. This diverse grouping of uniforms includes USMC Dress Blues, Postal Express, Air Service Photographer, Military Police, 13th Engineers, Medic, 6th Division, 4th Machine Gun, and many more. Also included are painted Helmets, Patriotic Posters, a large bust of Sergeant Alvin York, a US Ford Experimental Helmet with Face Shield, Trench Art Mandolin and Elaborate Lamp, Photographs and Much, Much More!!! WORLD WAR II - NAZI GERMAN - Adolf Hitler’s Desk, Chair and Personal Coat Valet, Hitler’s Silver and Diamond Cigarette Case, Hitler’s Wine Bottle Coaster, Hitler’s Tablecloth from Munich Apartment, 1940 Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf Presentation Wedding Edition, Bronze Bust of Adolf Hitler by G. Mattes, Hunting Horn Attributed to Herman Goering, 1936 Mercedes-Benz belonging to Nazi SA Doctor Rudolf Beuring, 1936 Olympics Souvenir Bank & Bell, Many Nazi Uniforms including SS Dot Pattern Camouflage Suit, ID’d Generals Wehrmacht Tunic, Luftwaffe and Wehrmacht Uniforms, Large ID’d Luftwaffe KIA Pilots Grouping, Several Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe Daggers, Many Officer’s Swords, Scarce SVW P-38 MFG 1945, Numerous Helmets including Fallschirmjager, Double Decal Police, Luftwaffe Winter Flight Helmet, M42 Helmet. M18 Transition Ear Cut-out Helmet, numerous Visor Hats, Flags and Banners and Much Much More!! WORLD WAR II - USA - Several ID’d groupings including 11th Airborne Glider, 101st Airborne, 5th Marine Division Iwo Jima, 75th Division, 80th division, Large WWII Nurse Grouping Served in Italy, 90th Bomb Group Jolly Rogers grouping, 10th Mounted Division, Navy Pilot, and Much More! WORLD WAR II - JAPAN & ITALY - Japanese Blood Stained Flag, Katanas, Wakizashi, and Tanto’s, and NCO Combat Tunic. WWII Italian Colonel of Infantry Officer ID’d Uniform grouping, Facist Flag Banner, Army and Navy Officer’s Swords and More!!! NATIVE AMERICAN ARTIFACTS - Many large groupings of American Indian artifacts including a rare 8½” Birdstone Grouping with 1890’s Photo Provenance, a 3¼” Birdstone, Prehistoric Alaskan Relics, Mississippian Groupings, Celts, Projectile Points, Pottery and More!!!



Call 440-527-8060 MILESTONE AUCTIONS GALLERY Located at 3860 Ben Hur Ave.,

WILLOUGHBY, OHIO 44094 (440) 527-8060


Auctioneer: Miles King 20% Buyer’s Premium - 2% Discount For Cash or Check Credit Cards Accepted MILESTONE AUCTIONS IS ALWAYS LOOKING FOR QUALITY CONSIGNMENTS! ONE PIECE OR ENTIRE COLLECTIONS!!! CALL 440-527-8060 FOR DETAILS

10 - - Antiques & Auction News — January 19, 2018

Antiques & Auction News — January 19, 2018 - - 11


HISTORIC MILITARY & FIREARMS EVENT SATURDAY, JANUARY 27TH, 2018 AUCTIONS STARTS 10:00 A.M. PREVIEW STARTS AT 8:00 A.M. FEATURING: ADOLF HITLER’S DESK, KOMAR & MELAMID YALTA CONFERENCE PAINTING, WWII CAPTURED GERMAN STANDARTE, 1936 MERCEDES BELONGING TO NAZI DOCTOR & MORE!!! FIREARMS - 150 plus firearms, including the Smith & Wesson handguns of Whaling Captain Albert Sherman, CSA General John Creed Moore’s 1851 Colt revolver, John Wayne’s Silver grip Smith & Wesson revolvers, holsters and spurs, many Winchester rifle models, Several Colt and Smith & Wesson handguns, Colt boxed King Cobra, 1911 Colts and SA Colts, Ruger handguns and rifles, Brownings, M1 Garands, M1 Carbines, Remingtons, Mauers, 1877 and 1862 Gatling Guns, Early Percussion Knife Pistol, and Much Much More!!! EDGED WEAPONS - 1820’s Widman Eagle Head sword, Japanese Katana and Wakizashi swords, and Tanto daggers, Imperial German swords, Ames Model 1871 USN Sword, German Stag Grip Hunting swords, and Much, Much More!!! CIVIL WAR & Mexican War - 2-Civil War Medical staff swords, one identified, Surgical Set & Hospital Register, Hernstein Cased Surgical Amputation Set, Rare Medical Officer’s green sash, Major General’s Frock Coat with Straps, 49th New York Corps Badge, Spencer Army rifle, 72nd Indiana Vols, 1862 Enfield Rifle, Confederate General William L. Cabell’s Telescope, Confederate Georgia Pike, Numerous Tintypes and Ambrotypes of Civil War soldiers, An Original colored drawing of the Hanging of 2 Confederate Soldiers, Mexican War Grouping with Images of Lt. Edward Abbot and Presidential Signed Commissions, Captured and Cased Mexican Dagger from Battle of San Jacinto 1836 and Much More!!! WORLD WAR I - Large grouping of WWI items, including the largest collection of uniforms to come to the market. This diverse grouping of uniforms includes USMC Dress Blues, Postal Express, Air Service Photographer, Military Police, 13th Engineers, Medic, 6th Division, 4th Machine Gun, and many more. Also included are painted Helmets, Patriotic Posters, a large bust of Sergeant Alvin York, a US Ford Experimental Helmet with Face Shield, Trench Art Mandolin and Elaborate Lamp, Photographs and Much, Much More!!! WORLD WAR II - NAZI GERMAN - Adolf Hitler’s Desk, Chair and Personal Coat Valet, Hitler’s Silver and Diamond Cigarette Case, Hitler’s Wine Bottle Coaster, Hitler’s Tablecloth from Munich Apartment, 1940 Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf Presentation Wedding Edition, Bronze Bust of Adolf Hitler by G. Mattes, Hunting Horn Attributed to Herman Goering, 1936 Mercedes-Benz belonging to Nazi SA Doctor Rudolf Beuring, 1936 Olympics Souvenir Bank & Bell, Many Nazi Uniforms including SS Dot Pattern Camouflage Suit, ID’d Generals Wehrmacht Tunic, Luftwaffe and Wehrmacht Uniforms, Large ID’d Luftwaffe KIA Pilots Grouping, Several Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe Daggers, Many Officer’s Swords, Scarce SVW P-38 MFG 1945, Numerous Helmets including Fallschirmjager, Double Decal Police, Luftwaffe Winter Flight Helmet, M42 Helmet. M18 Transition Ear Cut-out Helmet, numerous Visor Hats, Flags and Banners and Much Much More!! WORLD WAR II - USA - Several ID’d groupings including 11th Airborne Glider, 101st Airborne, 5th Marine Division Iwo Jima, 75th Division, 80th division, Large WWII Nurse Grouping Served in Italy, 90th Bomb Group Jolly Rogers grouping, 10th Mounted Division, Navy Pilot, and Much More! WORLD WAR II - JAPAN & ITALY - Japanese Blood Stained Flag, Katanas, Wakizashi, and Tanto’s, and NCO Combat Tunic. WWII Italian Colonel of Infantry Officer ID’d Uniform grouping, Facist Flag Banner, Army and Navy Officer’s Swords and More!!! NATIVE AMERICAN ARTIFACTS - Many large groupings of American Indian artifacts including a rare 8½” Birdstone Grouping with 1890’s Photo Provenance, a 3¼” Birdstone, Prehistoric Alaskan Relics, Mississippian Groupings, Celts, Projectile Points, Pottery and More!!!



Call 440-527-8060 MILESTONE AUCTIONS GALLERY Located at 3860 Ben Hur Ave.,

WILLOUGHBY, OHIO 44094 (440) 527-8060


Auctioneer: Miles King 20% Buyer’s Premium - 2% Discount For Cash or Check Credit Cards Accepted MILESTONE AUCTIONS IS ALWAYS LOOKING FOR QUALITY CONSIGNMENTS! ONE PIECE OR ENTIRE COLLECTIONS!!! CALL 440-527-8060 FOR DETAILS

12 - - Antiques & Auction News — January 19, 2018

Morphy Auctions’ Gold Rush, Western, And Native American Sale Set For Jan. 26 Las Vegas Auction To Present Over 330 Lots Of Western-Related Antiques Across A Spectrum Of Categories Morphy Auctions is pleased to announce its Gold Rush, Western, and Native American Auction to be held on Friday, Jan. 26, starting at noon EST. January is a fantastic time to visit Las Vegas, and this sale is perfectly timed to fit into a mid-winter getaway to this popular travel destination. All items in this sale are on display in Mophy’s Las Vegas gallery and are available for preview. Native American cultural materials and armaments are two highlight categories in this comprehensive sale. These extraordinary treasures and artifacts, made by hand with the finest attention to detail and craftsmanship, demonstrate the perfect intersection of elegant form and function. Lot #17, a hide Prairie tobacco bag, is estimated at $10,00020,000. This circa 1860 example is detailed with beaded contour floral motifs and tab drops with cutouts and retains traces of its early and original paint. And lot #6, a Santee Sioux hide scout shirt, is estimated at $10,000-15,000. This rarity dating from the 1880s features fringe and quill work in floral patterns on both the front and back panels.

This Elgin 14-carat gold pocket watch and gold quartz chain will be estimated at $6,000-$10,000. It’s time to get a handle on this sale’s selection of museum quality hand weapons. Lot #5, a circa 1860 Eastern Plains or Western Great Lakes gun stock club, is estimated at $30,00050,000. This decorated example has a pierced triangular base, recessed grip, and an exaggerated steel blade set into the crook. The blade is pierced twice and inlaid with the words “Little Hill” in brass. Lot #12, a Cheyenne pipe tomahawk with a beaded drop, is estimated at $30,000-50,000. Its shaft is accented with brass tacks and a heavily beaded leather drop with fringe. The reverse side of the drop is lined with red calico fabric. And lot #16, a late 19thcentury Southern Plains pictorial pipe tomahawk, is estimated at $20,000-35,000. This artifact, with provenance to the Marvin L. Lince collection, has a beautiful file branded hardwood haft with brass tack decorations and a carved mouth-piece. The blade is engraved with a morning star, a southern flames element, and a battle scene depicting two warriors in combat, possibly a Pawnee and Cheyenne brave. Antique advertising materials relating to America’s western expansion and all things gold-rush related are

well represented in this sale. Finely curated selections of “Go West” themed materials are on offer, including signs, posters, paintings, and other ephemeral categories. A 14carat opportunity here is lot #66, a circa 1870 Everts, Wilson & Co. double sided wooden painted sign offering “gold dust bought.” Estimated at $50,000-100,000, this piece of history and folk art is pictured in Jann Garvis’ “Roar of the Monitors.” And lot #55, a small Wells Fargo & Co. wooden strong box with its original

A Southern Plains pictorial pipe tomahawk will be estimated at $20,000-$35,000. leather handles, is estimated at $10,000-$20,000. This petite example, circa 1880, retains its original green paint and offwhite lettering. Its interior is stamped “Manufactured by J.Y. Ayer 3740 Seventeenth St. S.F. Cal.” Collectors are certain to appreciate the rock star selections of antique gold quartz jewelry and accessories offered. A gem in its own right is lot #162, a women’s solid gold and gold quartz pin, estimated at $2,000-4,000. The circa 1860s showstopper features stippled gold detailing, a center oval inlaid with equal parts black and grey gold quartz, and ends highlighted with period black enamel designs. Three presentation canes are also walk-off favorites in the gold quartz category. The first is lot #237, a gold quartz example dated 1866. It is decorated with a 14-carat knob inlaid with beautiful oval

An Indian “gun stock” tacked war club will be estimated at $30,000-$50,000. carat gold quartz hunting case pocket watch decorated with eight inlaid alternating panels of gold quartz and agate surrounding eight different California mineral specimens, is estimated at $40,000-60,000. It is detailed with a white enamel single sunk dial with roman numerals and blued steel hands and includes a 15inch-long buckle-link pocket watch chain with five double sided inlays of gold quartz. Lot #322, a rare, circa 1890s 18-carat rose gold California gold quartz Waltham hunting case pocket watch, is estimated at $15,00030,000. Its cover is beautifully decorated with eight inlaid panels of gold quartz with alternating shades of pink and white surrounding a hand engraved relief of a California bear in yellow gold. Its reverse simply glows with a wonderful but subtle hand engraved border. And lot #205, a 14-carat Elgin National Watch Co. hunting case pocket watch decorated with multi-color gold flowers, leaves, and a realistic depiction of a California mountain lion, is estimated at $6,000-10,000. The circa 1889 item features a stunning fancy porcelain-enamel dial in incredible condition and gold filigree hands and includes an eye-catching 15-inch-long, six linked gold quartz chain in rose gold. This sale rounds out with a refreshing blend of outstanding antique back bar bottles, taxidermy, gold nuggets, silver, and other mostly 19th-century themed western finds. A sterling example here is lot #141, an 1889 Silverton railroad pass issued by Otto Mears. It depicts a vignette of the Colorado countryside as a small train runs through it. This hot ticket

The Santee Sioux scout shirt will be This Cheyenne pipe tomahawk with beaded drop will be estimated at estimated at $10,000-$15,000. $30,000-$50,000.

A Wells Fargo & Co. wooden strong box will be estimated at $10,000-$20,000.

The Everts, Wilson & Co. Gold Dust advertising sign will be estimated at $5,000-$10,000. is estimated at $7,000-10,000. The Silverton Railroads served the Silverton mining communities in Colorado around the turn of the 19th century. These passes were issued by Otto Mears to only a select few patrons of his railroad, and it allowed them to ride the rails compliments of Otto himself. And lot #67, an extremely rare pair of forged iron Republica Mexicana round rowel spurs from circa 1850, are estimated at $6,000-9,000. Getting right to the point, these spurs feature a rattlesnake shank with 2.75inch diameter early clock gear filigreed flower pattern rowels and small swinging buttons and rollers. “We are excited to welcome both new and repeat customers to our January 2018 Gold Rush, Western, and Native American sales event in Las Vegas. The selections of gold quartz accessories, watches, and jewelry in this sale are the finest I can ever recall. These items are simply spectacular, and photos alone cannot do them justice or capture the magical way the light plays off the stones and gold ore. For

These Republica Mexicana round rowel spurs will be estimated at $6,000-$9,000.

The Prairie tobacco bag will be estimated at $10,000-$20,000.

A solid gold and gold quartz pin will be estimated at $2,000-$4,000. example, the Waltham 18-carat gold and gold quartz hunting case pocket watch is just extraordinary in person. We welcome you to visit our gallery in Las Vegas to view these rarities in person, or, of course, check This walking stick with gold and gold them out online anytime at quartz handle will be estimated at,” $5,000-$10,000. said Dan Morphy.


An 1889 Silverton railroad pass will be estimated at $7,000-$10,000. quartz panels and a top quartz panel and estimated at $20,000-30,000. The second is a gold quartz presentation cane dated 1869. This rarity, decorated with an engraved 14-carat knob topped with a beautiful quartz panel, is estimated at $10,000-15,000. And the third is lot #160, an ebony walking stick with a 14-carat gold and gold quartz handle, estimated at $5,000-10,000. This circa 1860 treasure is engraved “To Captain W. Baker Ship Swallow F.H. Allen” and features alternating floral panels on its handle. Now would be a perfect time to consider the 50 lots of fine antique pocket watches available through this sale. Lot #325, a circa 1899 Waltham 18-

Variety Auction: Furniture - Art - Collectibles Specialty Auction: Coins - Sterling - Jewelry y

SATURDAY, January 20 at 10 A.M.. Preview Friday, January 19, 12 Noon-4 P.M. Saturday 9 A.M. through Auction

1500 Paxton Street, HARRISBURG,

PA 17104


FURNITURE (12 Noon): Antique & Modern. Dining Set; BR Set; Sofa; Bookcase; Trunk; nk; Tea Cart; Baby Carriage; Wicker Screen; Table and Rayo Lamps; Clocks: Figural Mantle, Porcelain. ART: Antique & Modern Prints & Paintings; Asian; Pencil Signed; Original Oils; Abstract; Decorative; Foster’s Mirror; t ’ Mi PRR Prints; P. Buckley Moss; Metal Wall Sculpture; Religious Sculptures. COLLECTIBLES: Dept. 56; Violin; Vintage Marbles and Buttons; Crock; Lanterns incl. Dietz; Black Americana; Carnival Bowls; McCoy Vase; Hull Pottery; Figurines: Porcelain incl. Lenox Birds, Pewter incl. Franklin Mint; Toys: Plasticville G-Scale Buildings incl. Texaco, Watchtower, Hess Trucks, Lego Kits, Bowser Cars, Mini Transformers, Dolls incl. Nesting, Madame Alexander; Cast Bookends; Ironstone Transferware Pitchers and Vase; Model Cars; Cast Banks incl. Uncle Sam, Animals; Bunnykins Dishes; Photo Albums; Boyd’s Bears Figures. HOUSE AND HOME: Large Volume Silver Plate incl. Trays, Goblets; Cutlery; 10+ Quilts.


COINS: US Gold: 1907 $5 and 1909 $5. US Silver: Dollars incl. Morgan, Peace; Halves, Quarters, C Dimes. 25 1993 1 Oz. American Eagles. Jefferson and Buffalo Nickels; Mint and Proof Sets; 1877 D Trade Dollar; Lg. Collection Wheat Cents; Silver Certificates; Constantine the Great Era 330 AD Tr Coins; Foreign Coins and Currency. STERLING: Flatware incl Demitasse, Teaspoons, Seafood Co Forks, Serving Pieces, Bottle Opener; Hollowware incl Plates, Sorbet, Dishes, Baskets; Weighted Fo Compotes; Candelabra; Candles; Silver Plate: Camille Tea Set, Punch Bowl with Cups, 4-Tiered ered Server, Reed and Barton Flatware Service. JEWELRY: Gold incl. 18K, 14K, 10K Rings, Bands, and Chains; Diamond and Gemstone Jewelry; Gem Rings; Silver incl. Chains, Earrings, Pins incl. Mexican; Watches Wrist and Pocket incl. Elgin, Waltham, Fashion, Bulova, Admiral; Costume incl. Individual and Large Lots, Beads; Loose Gems; Much More!

Specialty Lot Lists Available Online Thursday, January 18 Severe Weather Date: Sunday, January 21

This gold quartz 1866 presentation The Waltham 18-carat gold quartz cane will be estimated at hunting case pocket watch will be $20,000-$30,000. estimated at $40,000-$60,000.

15% Buyer’s Premium. Terms: Cash, PA checks. Out-of-state checks w/prior approval. All major credit cards accepted. Food concession. Located off Interstate 83 between 13th Street and 17th Street exits, Harrisburg, PA!


Antiques & Auction News — January 19, 2018 - - 13

Featuring th the JON TORRENCE Collection on



january 27 & 28, 2018

14 - - Antiques & Auction News — January 19, 2018

Firearms Auctions In Fairfield, Maine, Gross More Than $18.3 Million Combined Every fall, two separate firearms auction companies, James D. Julia Inc. and Poulin Auctions, conduct firearms auctions back-to-back in Fairfield, Maine. This year, the Julia fall auction generated more than $15.1 million in sales and, combined with approximately $3.2 million produced at the Poulin auction, pushed the entire gross to more than $18.3 million. At least nine world auction records

estimated at $150,000$225,000, realized $166,750, making it the top shotgun of the sale. Parkers and Winchesters did well, and a Parker A-1 Special from the Bouwkamp collection brought an astounding $142,600 against an estimate of $75,000-$125,000. Numerous fine Winchester Model 21s were sold, the most important of which was a

This extremely rare Cofer percussion Confederate revolver, serial number 11, with holster, estimated at $100,000-$150,000, sold for $103,500.

A rare 1809 dated Virginia Manufactory 1st Model pistol sold for an auction record price of $46,000 (est. $8,000-$12,000).

A rare and documented Winchester Model 1873 “1 of 1,000” lever action rifle estimated at $75,000-$125,000 sold for $103,500. were achieved, and approximately 390 lots realized $10,000 or more, 136 lots hitting $25,000 or more, and nearly 40 lots over $50,000. For nearly two decades now, Julia’s has been among the world’s leading auction houses for rare and valuable sporting arms. This sale, held Oct. 31 and Nov. 1 and 2, featured over 500 lots of sporting arms, which generated nearly $5 million. Stars of the sale included several of the A.H. Fox shotguns from the Dana J. Tauber estate, considered among the finest collection of A.H. Fox shotguns to ever come to auction. An exceptionally rare (one of three), fine

The extremely rare Confederate Scopes 2nd quality Whitworth sharpshooter’s rifle, estimated at $40,000-$60,000, sold for $161,000.

custom 20 gauge finished with five inlaid gold stars for the first chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff and one of just nine five-star generals in the U.S. armed forces, Omar Bradley. Estimated at $100,000-$200,000, it sold for $115,000. Not to be outdone by their American counterparts, fine sporting guns from England and Europe also performed well. A Holland & Holland Royal hammerless ejector gun referred to as the “Swan Gun,” with sculptured decorations with multi-gold inlays, was estimated at

$70,000-$110,000 and sold for $120,750. A pair of original condition, lightweight, 16 gauge Golden Age Boss sidelock ejector guns came on the block with an estimate of $35,000-$55,000 and realized $155,250. A Golden Age H&H Royal hammerless double rifle .30 caliber super was estimated at $35,000-$60,000 and sold for $50,600, and a superb Purdey hammer pigeon shotgun with exquisite relief engraving was of Royal descent, one time belonging to King Alphonso of Spain, sold for $57,500. Julia’s is also known for

selling rare and valuable Confederate and Civil War arms, and this auction featured three well-known collections. A rare Confederate scoped second quality Whitworth sharp shooter’s rifle from the estate collection of Morris Racker, estimated at $40,000-$60,000, sold for $161,000, setting a new auction record for this model. One of the true rarities, and among the most coveted revolvers in Confederate collecting, is the brass framed percussion revolver made in Portsmouth, Va., by Thomas W. Cofer. This auction included Cofer revolver serial number 11, which is considered the finest example known. Estimated at

The rare (one of three) and extremely fine A.H. Fox “FE” grade shotgun with special gold inlays, estimated at $150,000-$225,000, sold for $166,750.

The Parker Brothers Grand Old Parker “A-1 Special” 12 gauge shotgun, described and illustrated in “The Parker Story,” estimated at $75,000$125,000, sold for $142,600.

$100,000-$150,000, it sold for $103,500. Also from the Racker collection was a rare inscribed and cased early 1st model LeMat grapeshot revolver that belonged to Confederate surgeon Thomas B. Memminger, son of Confederate Secretary of Treasury Christopher G. Memminger, that sold for $57,500 against an estimate of $25,000-$35,000. A rare Colt This historic silver mounted Hawken A fine Civil War Cyrus Alger 1853- The rare inscribed Scagel utility knife Walker percussion revolver 20 bore rifle of George W. Atchison, estimated dated Bronze 12 pounder Mountain with ultra-rare ivory scales and original from the Robert Roughton Fox FE with at $80,000-$100,000, sold for Howitzer, estimated at $45,000- sheath, estimated at $20,000- collection brought $71,875. $60,000, realized $69,000. $30,000, sold for $23,000. The Fred Donaldson estate special gold inlays, $109,250.


featured a fine 1st model Griswold revolver that belonged to Confederate Capt. John Morton that brought $23,000. A fine Civil War Cyrus Alger 1853-dated bronze 12 pounder Mountain Howitzer was estimated at $45,000-$60,000 and brought $69,000. After all was said and done, more than 170 rare Civil War arms and related items were sold in this auction, generating a total of nearly $2 million. Continued on page 15



CHESTER, PA 19382 SATURDAY, JANUARY 27, 2018 · 10:00 A.M. Blizzard Date: Sunday, January 28th, 2018 · 10:00 A.M. DIR.: From Strasburg Rd., turn onto N Creek Rd., go 1½ miles, slight right onto Rt. 842, go .4 mile and turn left onto Blue Rock Rd. to Auction on right.

TRACTORS & FARM EQUIPMENT John Deere X740 Ultimate Lawn Tractor (62” Deck, 5,40 hrs.), John Deere 455 Diesel Lawn Tractor (60” deck, 1972 hrs.), John Deere 46” Snowblower Attachment & Tire Chains, 1941 John Deere LA Restored (new tires, WFE), John Deere A Restored (NFE), John Deere Sickle Bar, Mustang 332 Skidloader (new engine w/80 hrs. runtime, toothed bucket & forks), McCormick Farmall 560 Diesel (132 hrs., NFE, 4 bottom plow fast hitch, load, 10 disc), David Brown Selectomatic 880 Diesel (2,024 hrs., canopy, new tires), Farmall Super C with new tires (not running), Farmall F20 in poor condition, TRAC-VAC, Woods 72” Bushhog, 72” Bushhog, Silage Wagon, Silo Filler, Crimper, 3 Pt Posthole Digger, 2 Row Planter, 2 Bottom Plow, Harrow, Hay Rake, Peg Harrow, Rear Scraper Blade, Skid Tanks, 8’ Wagon, Pickup Bed Trailer, Corn Wagon, Hay Wagon, Running Gear and more.

ANTIQUE VEHICLES Restored 1930 Ford Model A (2 door sedan, 49,900 miles), Restored 1967 VW Bug (12 Volt, 51,365 miles), Unrestored 1941 Packard (4 door), Unrestored 1952 5 Window Chevy Pickup, Antique Vehicle Parts, 1953 GMC 5000 Single Axle Dual Wheel Dump Truck, Old Solid Tire Truck Tires, Truck Cap, Tires & more.

SNOWMOBILES Artic Cat Panther, El Tigre, Jag, Snowmobile Trailer.

TOOLS & EQUIPMENT Monarch Planer, Joiner, Table Saw, Scroll Saw, Band Saw, Drill Press, Router Table, Drafting Table, Lathe, Mitre Saw, Sanders, Old Small Hand Crank Scroll Saw, Rotozip, Laser Level, Recip Saw, Nail Gun, Hand Planes, Upright Toolbox, Carpenter’s Toolbox, Shop Compressor, Chain Hoists, Shop Cart, Tire Changer, Grindstone, Parts Washer, Multi Mig Welder, Sandblaster, Lincoln Welder, Battery Chargers, Floor Jack, Jack Stands, Metal Lathe, Stihl FS90R Weedeater, Stihl Blower, Backpack Sprayer, Acet. Torch & Cart, Stihl Pole Saw, Chain Saw, Pressure Washer, Steam Genny, Generator, Ladders, Mantis Tiller, Troy-Bilt Tiller, Wooden Crates, Scythes, Whirligigs Whirligigs, Torpedo Heaters, Beam Scale, Calipers, Milkcan, Egg Basket, Cider Press, Roof Slate, Chains, Bolt Bin, Very Large Anvil, Chick Brooder, Ice Tongs, Wire Tree Baskets, Wheel Weights, CI Trough, Lots of Asst. Hand Tools, Lumber, Doors, Windows, Honey Extractor & much more.

GUNS Gun Cabinet, Winchester Shotgun, Mossberg 20 ga., Remington .22 cal., Sentinel .22 cal. Revolver, Herters 357 cal. German Revolver & more.

FURNITURE & HH GOODS Old Chairs, Piano, Dressers, Tinware, Glassware & much more as we get to the house. TERMS: Cash or Good PA Check. No Debit or Credit Cards. No Buyer’s Premiums. Food Available.

FOR: Norman L. Folchman Estate

Barr/Davis Auctioneers, LLC P.O. Box 7, Gap, PA 17527

Announcements Day of Auction Take Precedence Over Previous Advertising AY-002084


(717) 442-9221 (610) 384-8433

James D. Julia Inc.


Continued from page 14

As the World’s Largest Collectibles Auctioneer, Heritage Auctions can provide the highest possible financial return for your vintage trading cards and sports collectibles. Cash advances and outright purchase offers are always available for quality material, and we are happy to provide free appraisals. And Heritage has never been late with a single consignment settlement check in our 40+ years in operation. A cased pair of flintlock carriage pistols with spring loaded bayonets by Isaac Blissett sold for an auction record price of $63,250 (est. $27,500-$35,000). session for this collection, and among the notable items was an experimental Walther PP with a unique mechanism and semi-shrouded/solid hammer, distinctly different from production versions of this gun. It

last two days of the auction featured what Julia’s refers to as the “Sporting and Collector Session,” which consisted of moderately priced collectible firearms. There was particularly strong participation on both

That’s a guarantee you can take to the bank.

ALWAYS ACCEPTING: • Pre-1980 trading cards • Vintage autographs • Early tickets and programs • Advertising and display pieces • Game used uniforms and equipment • Championship rings, trophies and awards • Vintage photographs and more

Call 877-HERITAGE (437-4824) or email to discuss opportunities

This Soviet T-34/85 tank sold for $46,000 (est. $45,000-$85,000). sold for $31,625, against an estimate of $20,000-$30,000. A Walther Armee-Pistole in original condition with two matching magazines, one of just 50 such firearms made for testing

of those days, with moderately valued guns achieving, on average, 28 percent over low estimate. For more information, visit DALLAS | NEW YORK | BEVERLY HILLS | SAN FRANCISCO | CHICAGO | PALM BEACH PARIS | GENEVA | AMSTERDAM | HONG KONG

Always Accepting Quality Consignments in 40 Categories Immediate Cash Advances Available 1 Million+ Online Bidder-Members Paul R. Minshull #16591. BP 19.5%; see 43718

Superb “as found” high original condition pair of 16 gauge “Golden Age” Boss sidelock ejector double trigger light game shotguns, estimated at $35,000$55,000, realized $155,250. prior to the military’s acceptance of the P38, a late production, all matching specimen, was estimated at $27,500-$35,000 and sold for $28,750. Dozens of edged weapons were sold in this auction, including a rare inscribed Scagel utility knife with ultrarare ivory scales and original sheath from the Douglass H. Sandrock collection. The blade on this Scagel knife is marked on the right side in period script and sold for $23,000 against an estimate of $20,000-$30,000. Also from the Sandrock collection was a mint condition Scagel camp knife that was also estimated at $20,000-$30,000 and sold for $20,700. A quite rare “War of 1812” U.S. regulation naval boarding ax sailed through its $7,000-$9,000 estimate and went for $20,125. The majority of the highvalue items were sold in the first session known as the “Extraordinary Session.” The


This auction also featured the largest offering of Virginia Manufactory firearms to come to auction in many years, a total of 15 arms. The top performer was a rare 1809 dated 1st model pistol from the 3rd Virginia Regiment from the collection of Robert Roughton. It is very difficult to find examples of this gun in original flint, especially with the desirable Virginia Regiment markings such as this one. This nearly all-original gun sold for $46,000, nearly four times the high end of its $8,000-$12,000 estimate. Since 2008, James D. Julia Inc. has sold more Class 3 firearms than all other North American auction houses combined, both in the number of units and in dollar value. This auction generated strong results, with 102 lots sold bringing in excess of $2.3 million and six new auction world records. Leading the way for the Class 3 results was a Chinese Type 56 (AK-47), which came with a signed and notarized history from the U.S. Airforce pilot who acquired this gun during his combat tour in Vietnam and subsequently registered it during the Amnesty of 1968. A stellar specimen for its kind, it was estimated at $70,000-$100,000 and went for $86,250. A rare and desirable Cadillac Gage Stoner Model 63 LMG brought an auction world record price of $74,750 against an estimate of $50,000-$80,000. Another record came from an iconic and original German WWII MG42 with tripod, which shattered its estimate of $35,000$40,000, selling for $74,750. Another rare Class 3 record breaker was a Model 1919 Colt Monitor automatic machine rifle estimated at $50,000$75,000 that sold for $71,785. A historic Savage U.S. Model 1917 Lewis machine gun that featured a U.S. Navy anchor proof on the receiver and bolt soared past its estimate of $15,000-$25,000 to bring a record price of $57,500. A Japanese Type 92 heavy machine gun on tripod with numerous accessories sold for a record $40,250 against an estimate of $18,000$28,000. Rounding out the Class 3 offerings were a number of iconic Thompson sub machine guns, aka “Tommy Guns.” The best of these was an early Colt Model 1921 Thompson, serial number 935, originally purchased by the Santa Maria, Calif., Police Department with one private owner since. When Thompsons with serial numbers under 1000 surface for sale, it is noteworthy. Estimated at $45,000-$60,000, this high condition example brought $51,750. The Warren Buxton collection is a great example of an old iconic collection. Buxton was a passionate collector and scholar and amassed what is among the finest, most comprehensive collections of Walther arms. He was also the author of three books on Walther pistols. This auction represented the second

Antiques & Auction News — January 19, 2018 - - 15

Time to Advertise in CABIN FEVER AUCTIONS



EAST EARL, PA 17519 Between Rt. 322 & Rt. 23, Off Of Rt. 897 Absentee & Phone Bids Accepted..

Check ID #5793

Hope To See You There! Always Accepting Quality Consignments: One Item Or Entire Estate FULL SERVICE AUCTION CO. Reasonable Commissions. REFRESHMENTS WILL BE AVAILABLE. Terms Of Sale: Cash, Approved Check, Visa, MC or Discover; 13% Buyer’s Premium, 3% Discount for Cash or Check. Plus 6% Sales Tax

A Lifetime Of Experience! AUCTIONEERS:

Service Beyond Our Years! A rare Colt Monitor U.S. M.C. Marked machine gun sold for an auction record price of $71,875 (est. $50,000-$75,000). Call at 800-789-5068 or 610-587-8139

Auction Co. #AY002122


Ted Maurer | Bob Homan | Larry Heinsey John Hums | Brian Callahan | Katelyn Callahan GENERAL MANAGER: Gary Schoenly PROPRIETOR: Jared Schoenly

16 - - Antiques & Auction News — January 19, 2018

Palm Beach Modern Auctions Holds $1.6 Million Sale Of Mid-Century, Contemporary Art And Design Stellar Prices Paid For Paul Evans Furniture, American Modern Paintings, And Italian Chandeliers A fully curated selection of superior-quality modern art and design awaited guests at Palm Beach Modern’s (PBMA) Nov. 25 Thanksgiving weekend auction, which grossed $1.6 million. Furniture performed powerfully, especially the distinctive 1960s designs of Paul Evans, and art continued its hot streak with a Sam Francis painting commanding an above-estimate $30,720. “Mid-century furniture was stronger than it has ever been in any of our sales,” said auctioneer and PBMA coowner Rico Baca. “Looking at the initial numbers, I can say quite confidently that there was a 90 to 95 percent sellthrough rate on furniture.” The category was led by a set of eight Paul Evans leather and metal dining chairs that sold for $48,640 against a presale estimate of $20,000$30,000, a record for the form. Comprising two armchairs and six side chairs, the desirable

The Pablo Picasso (Spanish, 18811973) Chouette pottery vase/vessel, from Madoura (France), ed. 103/500, sold for $19,200.

A monumental Paul Evans “Directional” cabinet, bronzed resin, slate, wood, and lacquered steel, sold for $23,040.

This Sam Francis (American, 1923-94) acrylic-on-paper, signed, with stamp from artist’s estate and scholarship from Sam Francis Foundation, sold for $30,720. seating suite is referenced in two respected books about Evans’ body of work. “There were staff members on all eight phone lines for the Evans chairs, and there were even more competitors online,” said Baca. “They sold to a phone bidder from France, who was very excited to win them.” In total, 12 Paul Evans lots

A Michael Goldberg (American, 19242007) signed original painting, Poindexter Gallery N.Y. label on verso, sold for $38,400.

were offered, including a monumental bronzed resin, slate, wood and lacquered steel cabinet designed by Evans for “Directional,” which realized $23,040 (est. $15,000$20,000), and a bronzed resinover-steel and glass Stalagmite dining table that rose to $10,880 (est. $5,000$7,000). “We were so pleased for the consignors of the Stalagmite table,” said Baca. “They are a group of brothers who were young boys when we started our gallery. We

knew them because their father did upholstery work for us. As the years passed, they went to work for their dad and also started buying furniture. The Evans table, which they had purchased for only $150, was their first consignment with us. They came to the auction as a family, including their father, to watch as their early investment paid them back many times over.” Designer chairs seemed to be on many bidders’ shopping lists. A set of six George Nakashima grass-seated

A set of eight Paul Evans dining chairs, leather and metal, realized $48,640, a record price for the form. dining chairs went for $15,360 (est. $7,000-$9,000), while a set of 12 Mario Bellini/Cassina Italian leather, plastic and metal chairs reached $17,920 (est. $6,000-$8,000). In a different vein, two different pairs of Marzio Cecchi lounge chairs sold for $8,320 and $6,400, respectively. Each duo had

been estimated at $2,000$4,000. Similarly, a pair of Vladimir Kagan/Directional upholstered metal lounge chairs closed at $7,040 (est. $2,000-$3,000). The next generation of art collectors might well have been seated in the audience; Continued on page 18


FEBRUARY 2, 2018 | 9 a m

900+ lots featuring: Musical Instruments & Players, Furniture, Porcelain/China, Stoneware/Pottery, Folk Art, Fine Art & Prints, Lamps & Lighting, Sterling & Silver Plate, Clocks, Bronzes, Oriental Rugs, Toys, and more!


GALLERY: 2097 London Rd., Suite F, Delaware, OH 43015 PREVIEW: January 29 - February 2 COMPLETE ONLINE CATALOG: LIVE INTERNET BIDDING: TERMS: 20% Buyer’s Premium (25% online). Absentee Bids Accepted Questions?: Call 740.362.4771 or Email i n f o @ g a r t h s . c o m

Wintertime Fun Antique Auction SATURDAY, JANUARY 27TH Preview From 7:30 A.M. to Sale time 20 Bonnie Brae Road,

AT 9:00 A.M.

Snow Date January 28th at 9:00 A.M.


A set of 12 Mario Bellini for Cassina leather, plastic, and metal chairs, Italian, sold for $17,920.

This large Paul Evans “Directional” Stalagmite dining table, 1969, signed, bronzed resin over steel, and glass, sold for $10,880.




TIME 10 A.M.

Coin and Currency Auction

Consignments Wanted for Upcomming Auctions. Online auctions at Visit: to view pictures and listing. 717-222-6191 Rapid Payment All Points Auction Co. Lic. #AU-0002893-L



SUN., JANUARY 21ST AT 11 A.M. East Main Ave [Rear] MYERSTOWN, PA 17067

Furniture, Glassware, Primitives, Collection of Costume Jewelry, Boxes of Books, Children’s, Loads of Early Valentines, and entire Back Room of Barbie Dolls, Clothing, Bodies, Heads, etc. from Joshard…it is astounding amount… sold in large lots. Other Dolls and toys…! Showcases of Dishes from old Merritt’s Store! FURNITURE: Oak Curved Glass China, Cottage Washstands, Victorian Chairs and Rockers, Bookcases, Painted Chairs, Mahogany Desk, Walnut Cradle, Smoking Stand, Rowe Sofa and Chair, Country Footstools, Leather Style Chairs, Walnut Marble Top Stand, Plant Stand, Stars, Outdoor chairs, Benches, Painted Chairs, house full of country. ANTIQUES: Sterling, Silver plate, Longaberger® Baskets, County Kitchen items, Fifty’s Glass, Colored Glass, Pressed glass, Cut Glass, Fostoria, Milk Glass, Nippon, Noritake, Many Early pieces of China and sets of Dishes from old Merritts Store, Oil Lamps, Collection of Glass Shades, Railroad Shades and Globes, Dioramas Boats Planes and Tanks in shadow boxes, Matchboxes, Quilts, Linens, Lots of old material, Fancy Mantel Clocks, Stangl, Thistle Pattern Dishes, Crocks and Jugs, Depression Glass, Wooden Advertising Boxes, Baskets, Knickknacks, Christmas items, and lots of Costume Jewelry and sterling, sold in lots……the place is full! PAPER & BOOKS: Boxes of Books, lots of Children’s Books, Back Room Incredible Early Valentines Cards, Golden Books, some early, Reference Books, just a fun lot collected for 20 years…there may be some real surprises…we can tell when we open boxes! Joshard Barbie Collection: Over 70 boxes full of Barbie Accessories, Head, Bodies, Full Dolls, hundreds of Doll Dresses, there is so much we can only put it into large lots……hundreds of shoes, wigs, material used for his dolls, this is a treasure trove of old Barbie items……too much to sort! Here is a chance to find what you are looking for, lots of newer Barbie Boxes, Gene Boxes, Effanbee Dolls in ob, Bisque doll parts, vintage white Victorian dresses, ribbons, everything to dress all styles of AUCTIONEER dolls, Doll Stands, Barbie Stands, GI Joe, and lots 383 Ben Franklin Hwy. W., DOUGLASSVILLE, PA of other dolls too, finding more each day! 13% Buyer’s Premium 3% Discount Cash or Check WEB: WWW.ECHANT.COM



ON RHOAD 610-385-4818

Ron Rhoads AU002045L Eileen Rhoads AU003750L


Directions: Route 724 to Bonnie Brae Road, follow signs.

Bertoia’s Signature Sale Delivered Rare And Exquisite Toys, Trains, Doorstops And Christmas Antiques

Antiques & Auction News — January 19, 2018 - - 17

“Horst Auction Center”

WINTER TOOL SALE SATURDAY, JANUARY 20, 2018 AT 9:00 A.M. Preview - Friday, January 19, 1:00 P.M.-7:00 P.M. Sale to be held at the Horst Auction Center, located at the corner of Rt. 322 & Durlach Rd.

Global Competition For Top Lot - A Marklin Battleship Sankt Georg - Along With Martin Wind-Ups And Other Early Tin Toys 28-inch-long Marklin Battleship are not overwhelmed, and it Sankt Georg. Transatlantic bidhelps to achieve the ding helped strongest prices for drive it to a the consignor.” Part II of final bid of the Martin collection will $192,000, be offered in Bertoia’s making it the spring auction. top lot of There were several ways in which bidThe top lot of the sale was this Marklin Battleship Sankt ders could particiGeorg, 28 inches long, which realized $192,000. pate remotely,

pristine playthings lined up in sparkling glass showcases, aviation toys artfully suspended from the ceiling, and, of course, Christmas antiques enhancing the decor the sale. and signifying the start of the Another early nautiholiday season. cal toy, a 19-inch On opening day of the Gunthermann tin scull with Nov. 11 and 12 sale, the eight-man racing team, swept

including by phone or live via the Internet. A bank of eight phone lines was engaged throughout most of the sale, and the Internet buzzed with activity from bidders all over the world. Even with those options in play, toy collectors turned out in force. Additionally, many others who had previewed in person in the days prior to the sale ended up winning their chosen lots by phone. “Toy collectors love the The Hubley cast-iron Indian motorcycle crash car with cart and camaraderie of the hobby, all-original emergency accessories, seated police driver, 11.5 inches long, sold and we encourage that by crefor $4,800. ating a welcoming atmosexcitement was palpable as past its $6,000-$8,000 esti- phere for them. We want our hopeful bidders browsed the mate to cross the finish guests to enjoy themcases and scribbled private line at $18,000. selves and feel as notes in their auction catalogs. A highlight of though they’re at Even to the casual observer, the openthe home of good there were no weak links, ing session friends,” said Bertoia. category-wise, and “Each of our sales with provenance becomes an event from prestigious colwhere people can lections accompanying examine and discuss the toys, then, when A circa-1915 J. & E. they’re not bidding, Stevens Boy Scout take a break to mechanical bank sold socialize in our café for $8,400.

. O E CKE L R A R C Auctioneer



SATURDAY, JANUARY 20, 2018 - 9:00 A.M. To be held at 4401 Philadelphia Ave., CHAMBERSBURG PA 17201 4 miles North of Chambersburg, along Rt. 11. EARLY PERIOD FURNITURE 1:00 P.M.: 1760 Queen Anne highboy; Chippendale mahogany secretary; corner chair; English oak chest; high case of drawers; 2 drawer blanket chest; German 3 part cupboard; Welsh cupboard; period chairs; Eagle convex mirror; sewing table; game table; early small items. VICTORIAN & 20TH CENTURY FURNITURE 1:00 P.M.: Jelliff parlor set; dwarf clock; Empire side board; Empire sofa; settees; walnut wardrobe; Davenport desk; marble top stands; pairs of Victorian chairs (ladies & gents); washstands; flat & camel back trunks; drop leaf tables; Victorian bed; mahogany secretary desk; red chairs; parlor set; wing chair; floor lamps; rugs; pump organ; organ stool; silk screen; much more; stagecoach trunk; fireplace screen; etc. ANTIQUE ARTWORK 12:00 Noon: Oil paintings in ornate gilt frames; painting of sheep signed P. Blum; painting of Hudson Valley signed W.S.; painting of cows signed Durant; scene paintings by Vel Delawarr; other paintings; prints; mirrors; framework pieces; Wm. Rank artist theorems. MISCELLANEOUS: Inlaid trays; old model sailboat stand; dome top chest; German steins; Hickory golf putters; 12 pocket watches; men’s diamond ring; gold rings; several early clocks; Schoolhouse clock; birdcage on stand; jugs; brass candleholders; old writing box; early tin cookie cutters; early iron & tinware; stained glass windows; wall pockets; kerosene lamps; Victorian Lighting; hanging lamps; banquet lamps; glassware & china; bisque figures; pattern glass. NOTE: Good variety from a retiring doctors home & a Victorian bed & breakfast in New Oxford, PA. NO OUTSIDE LINE Terms: Cash, good check 13% Buyer’s premium discounted to 10% for cash or good check.

Kenny’s Auction 717-264-6578 ID#1421



The holiday spirit could be felt throughout Bertoia Auctions’ gallery even weeks before their $2.6 million Fall Signature Sale commenced. The spacious auction venue looked like an upscale toy store from a classic film, with



(approx. 2½ miles west of Ephrata), Catalogues may be picked up at Horst Auction Center for $2. Catalogue listing along with photos are available on our website, Part of sale from collection of Professor John Tannehill Estate: One of the foremost experts in Pennsylvania edge tools & their makers. Edge Tools: Axes, Hatchets & Adze (most signed by Penna. blacksmiths) - Hand wrought: Goosewing, Hewing, Broad, embossed Felling, Mortise & Posthole axes, carpenters & Cooper’s Adze; Copper’s & other drawknives; Slicks, firmer, bench, carving & other chisels; Wooden Molding Planes - Complex, Joinery, & bench planes; Transitional & English infill planes; wooden spoke shaves & basket maker’s splint shave; Metal Planes: Stanley: Bailey #1-#7 bench planes; Bedrock series bench planes; #248; #45, #46, #50, & #55 combination molding; #72 Chamfer; #444 dovetail; #95 side rabbet; #13; #113 circular; set #98 & #99 edge rabbet; #12, #12½, & #112 veneer scrapers; “Squirrel-tail” blocks; spoke shaves & routers; & etc.; Sargent #718-C; Measuring devices: Wooden & metal marking gauges; Trammel points; Folding & straight rules; Squares; Wooden & ornamental cast-iron levels; Calipers; Machinist’s & other wooden tool chest; Blacksmith Tools: Farrier’s trade tools; Wrench collection: Patented adjustable & combination wrenches, pliers and nail pincers; Hammers: Wooden mallets; hand wrought claw hammers; carpenters & variety of metalworking hammers; Grocer’s candy hammer & crate hammers; Saws: Pit, Bow saws; Back & handsaws; Drilling tools: Wheelwright’s reamer; Wooden & metal braces; Breast & hand drills; Bow & push drills; Hollow & other Auger bit sets; Lg. to small screwdrivers; Primitives: Leather shop tools; Cleavers; meat & vegetable choppers; Sickless, Dengelstock (most signed), other farm related tools; Carpenter’s tool chest; Books: Antique tool references & tool catalogs. Accepted Payments: Cash or PA check; Visa, MasterCard and Debit Card with 3% fee. No out-of-state checks without prior approval.

see pictures on website

Continued on page 19

so many of the lots, the consensus was that it would likely be a sellout. The European section dazzled with a fleet of 40 antique boats led by an imposing

was the enviable array of 30-plus French-made Martin clockwork toys that had been amassed by a New York collector and world traveler. Each was untouched and pristine, and several were so rare that even seasoned collectors had never seen them before except in books. Many paddles were airborne for a circa1905 Le Gymnaste, $16,800 (est. $7,000-$9,000); circa1900 Soldier with original box, $15,600 (est. $5,000-$7,500); and circa-1901 Sandwich Man with billboard advertising on his back, which was bid to $13,200 (est. $4,000-$5,000). “Collections like the one containing the Martins don’t come along very often,” said Bertoia Auctions’ owner Jeanne Bertoia. “Yes, it would have been easier to put the entire collection in our November sale, but that would not have been the This 20-inch tall Santa Claus candy responsible way to do it, so we container with original felt robe and split the collection in half to toy-filled basket on back realized give it the importance it $12,000. deserves. That way collectors



129 Toddy Drive,


Between Rt. 322 & Rt. 23, Off of Rt. 897 Absentee & Phone Bids Accepted.

GOLD & SILVER COINS & PAPER CURRENCY Check ID# 5793 for photos and details.

Hope To See You There! Always Accepting Quality Consignments: One Item or Entire Estate FULL SERVICE AUCTION CO. Reasonable Commissions. REFRESHMENTS WILL BE AVAILABLE. Terms Of Sale: Cash, Approved Check, Visa, MC or Discover; 13% Buyer’s Premium, 3% Discount for Cash or Check.

A Lifetime Of Experience! AUCTIONEERS:

Ted Maurer | Bob Homan | Larry Heinsey | John Hums Brian Callahan | Katelyn Callahan GENERAL MANAGER: Gary Schoenly PROPRIETOR: Jared Schoenly Call at 800-789-5068 or 610-587-8139 This circa-1958 Linemar superman tank with original box sold for $6,600.

Auction Co. #AY002122


Service Beyond Our Years!

18 - - Antiques & Auction News — January 19, 2018

Palm Beach Modern Auctions against a $15,000-$25,000 estimate. Palm Beach Modern Auctions has enjoyed a 100 percent sell-through rate on all Picasso pottery offered in its sales. Top achievers in this auction included a Chouette (wood owl) vase/vessel that exceeded estimate at $19,200, and a Corrida Sur Fond Noir platter, which settled above estimate at $9,600. “There’s such a strong following for Picasso pottery,” according to Baca. “There are far more buyers than there are sellers, and now we’re receiving Picasso consignments from outside the United States. There were some pieces from France in this sale. This tells us we’re reaching the high

The bronze box and book set with sculptural lid by Arnaldo Pomodoro (Italian, b. 1926) containing Sam Hunter’s 1982 catalogue raisonne sold for $10,880.

end of the market with our prices.” Five chandeliers in the manner of Stilnovo were consigned and shipped from Italy and offered in consecutive lots. Four were won by a noted British designer, with one of them reaching $12,800 against expectations of $2,000-$3,000. The event’s Thanksgiving harvest and hospitality theme started with complimentary valet parking, a generous charcuterie buffet luncheon with all the trimmings, and snacks and beverages for guests to enjoy throughout the day. “We really enjoy playing host to those who attend our aucThis massive modern chandelier in the manner of Stilnovo, Italian, 72 inches tions,” said Baca. “It’s gratifying to see how many people diameter, brass and enameled metal, sold for $12,800. stay from start to finish. We feel that the least we can do is to make sure they feel welcome and that there are plenty of good things to eat and drink during the time they spend with us.” To learn more, call 561-586-5500 or visit zAll prices quoted are inclusive This pair of Marzio Cecchi rope and metal lounge chairs, Italian, sold for $8,320. of 25 percent buyer’s premium. Proceeds went to benefit the senior living facility MorseLife Health System of Photos courtesy of Palm West Palm Beach, Fla. Beach Modern Auctions.




SUNDAY, JANUARY 21ST • AUCTION BEGINS AT 10 A.M. • PREVIEW BEGINS AT 8:30 A.M. 1860 Weavertown Rd., DOUGLASSVILLE, PA 19518 (In The Merritt’s Antique Clock Complex)

1991 HARLEY-DAVIDSON DRESSER TOYS Vintage Mattel Dolls, NOS: Baby Singalong, Velvet, Crissy, Barbie, Chatty Cathy, Jane, Giggles & More! Red Line Hot Wheels Cars, New In The Pack, Plastic Model Kits, Diecast Strombecker Wooden Race Car Kits & Other Vintage Race Cars Large Collection of California Raisins, Promo Cars & More!

TOOLS Air Compressor • Motorcycle Jack • Floor Jack Battery Charger • Winch • Jack Stands • Hole Punch Set Tool Cabinet • Organizers • Air Tools • Motor Oil & More!

AMERICAN FLYER & LIONEL TRAINS ANTIQUES: Turned Wooden Bowls • Vintage Western Carvings 16’ WOOD & FIBERGLASS CANADIAN CANOE Beautifully Built, Brand New Never In The Water

14’ VINTAGE WOODEN BOAT: Ready For Some Final Details VINTAGE TOOLS & NAUTICAL ITEMS Stanley Planes, Foot Powered Machinery, Ships Lights & Lanterns Chisels, Hammers, Hatchets, Adz, Pliers, Wrenches, Rules & Other Measuring Devices Calipers, Nautical Light, Oil Cans, Block Planes, Drill Bits, Hand Drills, Tool Chests, Bow Saws Slicks, Corner Chisels, Mortising Chisels, Levels, Miter Saws, Jacks, Hand Grinders Check ID #5793 for photos and details.

Hope To See You There! Always Accepting Quality Consignments: One Item Or Entire Estate FULL SERVICE AUCTION CO. Reasonable Commissions.

REFRESHMENTS WILL BE AVAILABLE. Terms Of Sale: Cash, Approved Check, Visa, MC or Discover; 13% Buyer’s Premium, 3% Discount for Cash or Check. Plus 6% Sales Tax.

A Lifetime Of Experience! AUCTIONEERS:

Ted Maurer | Bob Homan | Larry Heinsey John Hums | Brian Callahan | Katelyn Callahan GENERAL MANAGER: Gary Schoenly PROPRIETOR: Jared Schoenly Service Beyond Our Years! Call at 800-789-5068 or 610-587-8139

Auction Co. #AY002122


Continued from page 16

two little girls, ages 6 and 9, clapped excitedly as their parents’ consignment, a Michael Goldberg oil painting originally purchased for $7, soared to $38,400. “I think after the hammer fell there was some talk of a trip to Walt Disney World,” Baca said with a smile. “This was quite a lesson to them about the power of both art and investment.” Another premier art lot was a signed Sam Francis (American, 1923-94) original acrylic-on-paper work with a stamp from the artist’s estate and backed by scholarship from the Sam Francis Foundation. One of three Francis originals entered in the sale, it achieved $30,720

Continued from page 17

area. We even installed speakers in there so the auction progress can be heard and no one misses out on a toy they want to bid on.” Every category had its superstars. In the figural castiron doorstop section, it was a Bradley & Hubbard Wetland Heron measuring 141.5 inches high, which sold for $11,400. A J. & E. Stevens Boy Scout mechanical bank made a buoyant $8,400, and a boxed Linemar

quality material in the featured Christmas antiques collection that Bertoia’s decided to select 100 of the top pieces for inclusion in the Saturday Signature Sale and to add a bonus Sunday session to accommodate the rest. In the Saturday session, there were 10 Santas that stood 2 feet high or taller, an absolute rarity at auction, as well as belsnickels, large Father Christmas figures, a sizable Krampus, chalk Santas, and Heubach figures. A 20inch-tall Santa Claus candy

The 18-inch-tall belsnickel candy container with feather tree, standing on snow mound, ex. Tom (Sr.) and Lori Sage collection, sold for $21,600.

An American National Juvenile Auto Line Buick pedal car, circa 1920s, sold for $6,600. Superman Tank reached $6,600. The fine array of trains included an American-made Lionel 381 U Kit, $27,000; boxed 1912 Lionel locomotive, $10,200; and coveted Germanmade Marklin trains and accessories. Marklin highlights included a Churchbury Station, $36,000 (est. $18,000-$22,000), and O-gauge Schlitz Beer car, $22,800 (est. $7,000-$10,000). There was such a wealth of

container with its original felt robe and toy-filled basket on its back rose to $12,000, more than double the high estimate. Reaching even greater heights was a wonderful 18-inch-tall belsnickel candy container with the Santa figure standing on a snow mound and holding a feather tree. Formerly in the collection of Tom (Sr.) and Lori Sage, it realized an outstanding auction price of $21,600 against

BUYING MISSION FURNITURE, Hammered Copper, & Arts & Crafts Lighting by Stickley, Roycroft, Limbert & Van Erp. Call Ron 484-872-8216.

ART- OLD OIL PAINTINGS wanted, any condition, New Hope School artists, PAFA artists, gold leaf frames and mirrors. 20 years experience. Immediate payment. Call 215-348-2500.

BUYING LARGE DIAMONDS, Gold, Platinum, Silver, any condition, call Tony 484-872-8216 VINTAGE WATCHES WANTED Large or Small Lots - Wrist & Pocket Watches or watch movements NO CHERRY - PICKING - FAIR CASH PRICE PAID Contact RMON2004@GMAIL.COM or call 267-978-7297



OLDER FIREWORKS OR Packs Wanted by Collector, 573-474-5030 or 573-881-0090.

OLD COMIC BOOKS Wanted Pre-1965, top dollar, Comic Art Foundation, Box 1414, Oklahoma City, OK 73101, 405-2365303, email


MUSIC BOXES WANTED Buying and Selling Cylinder & Disc Music Boxes, Bird Cages, Bird Boxes, Phonographs, Automatas. Specializing in all Antique Resortation Services for over 60 years. Ask for Gerald Wright. Rita Ford Music Boxes, 1253 Springfield Ave. #304, New Providence, NJ 07974, 908-377-3225, 212-535-6717. SHEET MUSIC WANTED, any era. Sandy Marrone, 113 Oakwood Drive, Cinnaminson, NJ 08077, 856-829-6104 E-mail WANTED OLD RADIOS, Tubes, Hi-Fi Equip., Amplifiers, Speakers, Ham Radios, Tube Testers & related items. Large and small collections. Call Rich 484-948-8044, Pottstown, PA.


800.888.1063 47-15 36th ST., LIC, NY 11101

ALL HUMMELS WANTED, Antiques, Collectables, Household items. etc. Call John Rokicki 610-213-2361.

AUTO, TRUCK and Motorcycle: catalogs, brochures, manuals and any showroom related items. Ron Ladley, 210 Stone Rd., Barto, PA 19504, 610-584-1665. WANTED THOROUGHBRED HORSE Racing Programs, Passes, Cigar Labels, Postcards, Tobacco Cards, older items, Gary Medeiros, 1319 Sayre San Leandro, CA 94579,

ALWAYS BUYING PHOTOGRAPHS, Archives, Albums, Snap-shots, Collections. Call Jim 800-872-9990. CARNIVAL, CIRCUS, FREAKS, Sideshow, Amusement Parks, Coney Island, Nude Photos, Steel Pier, Pinups, Strippers, Burlesque, Auto Thrillshow. Nostalgia Enterprises, Box 300, Lockport, NY, 14095. 716-433-9418. CHRISTMAS ANTIQUES WANTED Pre1960 ornaments, lights, decorations, Call Mike 630-400-8678.

MOVIE POSTERS Highest Prices Paid Lobby Cards, 1-Sheets, Window Cards, Glass Slides Displays, Dwight Cleveland, POB 10922 Chicago, IL 60610 773-525-9152, Fax 773-5252969, OCEAN LINER MEMORABILIA china, glassware, silver, paper, souvenirs, posters or models. Cunard, French Line, White Star Line, Italian Line, etc. 607-625-3947

BASEBALL CARDS, COMIC BOOKS, OLD TOYS. All related collectibles & memorabilia, esp. 1940-80. All Sports Cards. Don Deluca, POB 581, Cranbury, NJ 08512. 609-203-1900. SPORTS CARDS AND other sports related items. Publications, pins, pennants, tickets, etc. Pre-1975. Philadelphia items especially wanted. Ellis, 158 Stratford Dr., Philadelphia, PA 19115, 215-934-5618.

STAMPS CHINESE STAMP BUYER Pay top $ for Asian Stamps emails scans/pics

To place your classified ad Call 1-800-428-4211

This Bradley & Hubbard wetland heron cast-iron doorstop, 14.5 inches high, sold for $11,400. All prices quoted include buyer’s premium. Images courtesy of Bertoia Auctions.

This circa-1901 Martin (French) windup sandwich man with backpack-style billboard advertising, 10.5 inches tall, A 1912 Lionel locomotive with original bells, headlight and factory box, 16 inchsold for $13,200. es long, sold for $10,200.

1800-1970 SELL YOUR ANTIQUE TOYS, SPACE TOYS & ROBOTS for the HIGHEST PRICES! Tin Toy Collections Wanted! 856-547-5521

WANTED OLD LETTER Press Equipment, wood/ lead letters, or anything printing related. Also looking for Blacksmith Anvils. Call 440-693-4232.

Have Something to Sell? Looking For Something? Have a Service to Offer? Let us show you how to reach 60,000+ collectors & dealers in the EAST! Call Arlene in Classified Sales 717-492-2561 or 1-800-428-4211 x2561

an estimate of $4,000-$6,000. A more affordable selection of Christmas ornaments and antiques was offered during the bonus Sunday session. “It attracted many new collectors looking for an entry point into the hobby, but there was also a lot of crossover participation from Christmas buyers who had attended the Signature Sale,” said Bertoia. “It’s a similar principle to the one behind our popular new series of onlineonly auctions known as Bertoia Basics. We have a vested interest in keeping the toy market strong, and one way to do that is by giving new collectors a way to get their feet wet and

Antiques & Auction News — January 19, 2018 - - 19

Something else that is not lost on Bertoia’s customers is the solid family bedrock on which the company operates. Founded by Jeanne Bertoia and her late husband, Bill, the business is now well into its second generation, with the couple’s auctioneer son Michael and daughter Lauren both involved in customer relations. Bertoia’s efficient staff adds to the stable presence felt by those who buy from Bertoia’s. Many are longtime employees, including one person has been with the company since the 1980s, auctioneer Tim Luke, who celebrated his 20th year with Bertoia’s in 2017. To contact Bertoia Auctions, call 856-692-1881 or email

FREE CATALOG FROM Heroes & Legends for Hollywood and Rock & Roll autographs. 18034 Ventura Blvd., Encino, CA 91316. We also buy! 818-342-2800. ORIGINAL MOVIE POSTERS Horror, SciFi, Disney, Promo Super Hero Comic Book Posters. 1-sheet & smaller sizes, spanning 60’s - present. Must have want list. Reasonable prices. Looking for very rare items, I may have it! Al Nazario 400 W. 43rd St. Apt 12P, NYC, NY 10036 or call 212-868-9203 or email

70 MARBLE SCULPTURES Marbleman at Crumpton Auction every week, Bailey’s Marbleworks Sculpture. 57yrs. of stone sculptures. Marble top og edges for tables, etc. Sold over 700 marble sculptures. I wrote a book called “A Sculptures Miracle”. Call for appt. 302-399-9777 or 302-653-4810.

COMICS, COMICS, COMICS, 1,000s just added, 40% off. 20,000 45 RPM Records, only $1 each. Many 1,000s, scarce 1960’s & 70’s. Ask for the RAB Cases. Comics, records & antiques in the RAB cases, at The German Trading Post on RT 272 Denver, Pa. SUZANNE CHRISTIE’S ANTIQUES HAS MOVED TO ADAMS ANTIQUES, 2400 N. READING RD., DENVER, PA 17517. ALWAYS BUYING AND SELLING VINTAGE CLOTHING, FURNITURE, JEWELRY & FRAMES, CALL 610-334-7619. TELEPHONES: 1892-1982, over 85 different & associated. Free Cataloge. Wish to sell entire business. 608-582-4124

ATTENTION Get the Word Out!! Advertise Your

SERVICE OR SUPPLIES in the Classifieds! Call 1-800-428-4211, x2561 or


Bertoia’s Auctions Gallery learn about antique toys before advancing to the higher end. When they bid on toys in our Bertoia Basics sales, or bonus sessions like the one we held on Nov. 12, they’re still dealing with Bertoia’s, which is a company known for its integrity and honesty. They can be certain their purchases are going to be exactly as described in our catalogs.”

20 - - Antiques & Auction News — January 19, 2018

Upcoming 2018 Auctions January 27, 2018 Americana & International Spring 2018 Antique Toys

Auctioneers & Appraisers 463 E. LANCASTER AVE. DOWNINGTOWN, PA 19335 P: (610) 269-4040 F: (610) 269-9274 INFO@POOKANDPOOK.COM WWW.POOKANDPOOK.COM

April 14, 2018 The Collection of Ruth Bryson Quarryville, Pennsylvania April 28, 2018 Americana & International



May 12, 2018 Firearms & Militaria Spring 2018 Jewelry (Greenville, DE)



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