Cordier Sells Unique Slant-Lid Chest/Desk On Legs For $263,250
FRIDAY FEBRUARY 23, 2018 • VOL. 49, NO. 8
Record-Breaking Pottery, Modern Design, Art Deco, And Studio Glass Lead Rago To $6.1 Million In Results Archives Of Albert Paley Among The Stars Of Three-Day Sale Rago Arts and Auction Center’s Design Auctions brought in $6,133,750 on Jan. 19, 20, and 21. A vast array of property, including the single-owner collection of Sire Records’ founder Seymour Stein, a record-breaking Arequipa pot, and the inaugural presentation of property from the archives of artist Albert Paley, These George Nakashima chairs sold for $11,875 during the propelled a consis- Mid-Mod portion of the three-day sale. tently strong sale across three days, six auction segments and almost 1,300 lots. Estimates were shattered and records broken during a sale that earned an 83 percent sell-through rate and suggested that the market for Art Deco is heating up, while desire for modern design overall remains strong. Of the over 400 lots of early 20th century design on offer, works by American makers were among the highest priced. Lot 600, an important squeeze-bag decorated vase by Frederick H. Rhead for Arequipa, sold for $93,750 – breakAn important squeeze-bag decorated vase ing the record for highest price by Frederick H. Rhead for Arequipa sold for achieved at auction for a piece of $93,750, breaking the record for highest Arequipa pottery. Lot 602, another price achieved at auction for a piece of vase by Frederick H. Rhead for Arequipa pottery. Steiger Terra Cotta & Pottery Works, defied its auction estimate in dra- Works from Tiffany Studios proved matic fashion, selling for $21,250 to be in high demand, representing against a high estimate of $1,500. six of the top nine lots in the Early 20th Century Design segment. Tiffany highlights include Lot 806, an enameled copper dragonfly tray that achieved $37,500, more than twice the high estimate of $15,000; Lot 832, a blue wave patterned table lamp that shattered its estimate of $4,500-$6,500 and sold for A rare Tiffany Studios mosaic pen wiper real- $28,750; and Lot 802, a rare mosaic ized $26,250 during the early 20th century pen wiper that sold for $26,250 against a high estimate of $10,000. design sale. Works of French Art Deco also sold particularly well. From the collection of Seymour Stein, Lot 434, a large Lalique Palestre vase, sold for $40,625, exceeding its high estimate of $30,000; Lot 423, a massive exhibition vase with base by Charles Catteau for Boch Freres, sold for The Paul Evans wavy front cabinet realized $31,250; and a rare Le Jour et La Nuit $43,750 in the Modern Design sale. Continued on page 2
After a long and extended bidding war between two phone bidders, an early-19th-century folk art painted chest/desk sold for $263,250 (including a 17 percent buyer’s premium) at Cordier’s Winter Antique and Fine Art Auction, held at the company’s Harrisburg, Pa., auction house on Feb. 11. “Obviously, I’m super happy,” stated the winning bidder, New Oxford, Pa., dealer Kelly Kinzle, following the auction. “Just blown away, honestly. I knew it was going to be tough to get.” Kinzle stated he purchased the chest for resale. The underbidder was a private collector who wishes to remain anonymous. If Kinzle was enthusiastic about his purchase, the consignors were ecstatic. “We’re just very, very happy. My grandmother used it as a toy box. She lived in southern Indiana,” said the consignor in the salesroom, who was visibly moved as the marathon bidding escalated
in thousand-dollar increments. The consignor says he is working with Kinzle on uncovering more about the history of the chest, including trying to put together a family tree to shed more light on its possible place of origin. It was cataloged as possibly being from Kentucky, but Kinzle suspects it may ultimately trace back to Pennsylvania. “It is yet to be determined,” said Kinzle. The unique find sparked interest from various institutions, according to Cordier. Appraisers at the auction house, based in the capital city, ultimately cataloged it as a southern sugar chest. Whether or not it should be termed southern or a sugar chest is not known. Typically, sugar chests had interior dividers and locks. This piece has neither. It is poplar, which grows in many regions of the country, and it dates to the first quarter of the 19th century. The odd large lollipop cut-out back
AAN Current News
Two Antique Shows To Be Held In Bath, Pa., On First Weekend In March on page 2
Continued on page 3
Important George Washington Inaugural Button To Highlight Frent Collection Part II
Phil Michaelson Promoted To President At LiveAuctioneers on page 4
Heritage Feb. 24 Auction Will Also Present Mint Abraham Lincoln Ambrotype Badge The only inaugural button referring to George Washington as the “Father of His Country” (perhaps the earliest instance of the use of the phrase) will open for bidding at $20,000 when Heritage Auctions presents Part II of the David and Janice Frent Collection of Political and Presidential Memorabilia Auction on Saturday, Feb. 24. The auction offers 658 lots of extraordinary pin backs, banners, campaign flags and assorted campaign paraphernalia. “The record-setting debut of the Frent Collection realized a stunning $911,538 last October,” said Tom Slater, director of Americana
This George Washington inaugural button is stamped with the words “Pater Patriæ” (Father of his Country) and is the only portrait button in the accepted canon of Washington inaugural buttons.
Abner Zook Diorama Sells For $14,300 At Witman Auction on page 4
Items From Millicent Rogers Will Be Sold By Charlton Hall Auctions
Continued on page 3
on page 10
The iconic “Ship of State” silk campaign flag for Henry Clay’s 1844 campaign is considered the most desirable Clay flag variety.
Many photographic campaign items will cross the block, and a stunning 1860 brooch featuring an ambrotype portrait of Abraham Lincoln known as the “Cooper Union” pose will open at $12,000. The nation’s leading portrait photographer, Mathew Brady, took the image while Lincoln was in New York to give a speech at Cooper Union Institute in February of 1860.
In This Issue SHOPS, SHOWS & MARKETS . . . . . . . . . . starting on page 3 SHOPS DIRECTORY . . . . . . . . . on page 5 EVENT & AUCTION CALENDAR . on page 6 AUCTION SALE BILLS . . . starting on page 6
FEATURED AUCTION: Charlton Hall Auctions - February 22 and 23 in West Columbia, South Carolina - Page 10
AUCTIONEER DIRECTORY . . . . . on page 8 CLASSIFIEDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . on page 15
2 - - Antiques & Auction News — February 23, 2018
Two Antique Shows To Be Held In Bath, Pa., On First Weekend In March
Continued from page 1
This maquette and drawing titled “Arched Progression” sold for $27,500 during the Albert Paley Archives Part I: Creating Perspective portion of the auction.
The Lalique Palestre vase sold for $40,625 during the Mid-Mod sale.
George Nakashima, which sold for $40,625 against a high estimate of $30,000; and Lot 1161, a unique Ivory Spirit piano by Wendell Castle for Steinway & Sons, which sold for $43,750. Wendell Castle, who passed away on Jan. 20, was remembered on the podium by David Rago as an inspiration and a friend of the auction house. Rago was honored to present nearly five decades of work from Albert Paley, internationally celebrated metalsmith and sculptor, in a neverto-market session direct from the artist’s archives. Sculptures and early pieces of jewelry performed well, particularly Lot 960, a unique sculpture entitled “Harlequin,” which sold for $68,750, exceeding the estimate of $35,000-$45,000; Lot 910, an exceptional and large jointed cameo pendant which sold for $56,250; and Paley’s six-foot Evanesce steel sculpture, which soared past the high estimate of $22,500 to realize a final price of $40,625. The Modern Glass and Ceramics portion was domiAn early Henrietta Bailey Newcomb nated by contemporary glass works. Three of the top eight College vase sold for $18,750.
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lots of the sale came from glass master Dale Chihuly, including Lot 1579, a massive Pacific Haven chandelier, which sold $75,000 - the highest price in this session - via the online bidding platform Other highlights include Lot 1596, a massive sculpture titled “Embrace” by Christopher Ries, which sold for $35,000 against an estimate of $20,000-$30,000; Lot 1593, a filet-de-verre vessel by Toots Zynsky, which nearly doubled the high estimate of $8,000 to sell for $15,000; and Lot 1602, a glimmering sculpture by Jon Kuhn, which sold for $15,000 against an estimate of $4,000-$6,000. Also of note was Lot 1045, a Judas extension dining table from Danish designer Finn Juhl for Niels Vodder, which sold for $20,000, against an estimate of $7,000-$9,000; Lot 1120, a Kite floor lamp by French designer Pierre Guariche for Disderot, which sold for $21,250 against an estimate of $6,000-$8,000; Lot 1027, a rare pair of Paul Evans armchairs that sold for $33,750 against an estimate of $10,00$15,000; Lot 1019, a boatshaped Turned-Leg dining table by George Nakashima, which sold for $33,750 against an estimate of $7,000-$10,000; and Lot 1291, a Vladimir Kagan Contour lounge chair and ottoman, which nearly tripled the high estimate of $7,000 to sell for $20,000. “This was one of the strongest Modern weekends we’ve held in the past decade, with over $6.1 million in sales and over 83 percent sold throughout. There were very few weak spots, and we were particularly pleased that the
Dale Chihuly’s four-piece macchia set sold for $13,750.
for the artist. Robert Turner’s lovely covered jar, in an inspired blue-gray glaze, did remarkably well, as did an unusual woodblock print by the recently departed grande dame of studio ceramics, Miss Betty Woodman. We were also downright giddy over the prices reached by a handsome grouping of vessel by three generations of Moulthrop wood turners,” said Suzanne Perrault, partner and codirector, Design Department. “There was an appreciative energy and enthusiasm I hadn’t seen since before the recession. There was interest and questions on a broad range of pieces. Gibbings, LaVerne and Kuehne, Springer and Kagan, all enjoyed rekindled enthusiasm. Danish, French and Secessionist furnishings also enjoyed strong attention,” stated Jad Attal, Specialist, Design Department. Rago Arts and Auction center is located at 333 N. Main St. in Lambertville, N.J. This untitled sculpture by Harry Bertoia For additional informasold for $43,750 during the Modern tion, call 609-397-9374 or visit Design portion of the three-day auction.
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Published weekly on Friday by Joel Sater Publications Contents Copyright 2018 C-2/23
new markets we tried (60 pieces by Albert Paley and nearly 200 lots of French Deco pottery) performed so well. This sale said a lot about the overall strength of the market for 20th century decorative art,” said David Rago, partner and codirector, Design Department. “The Contemporary Glass and Studio Ceramics portion of the auction brought some nice surprises. Blue-chip artists Toots Zynsky and Jon Kuhn continued to perform very well. Jay Musler’s gorgeous orange City Scape bowl brought $10,000, while Sonja Blomdahl’s large vessel surpassed our expectations and sold for $6,875, the highest price ever achieved at auction
The 10th annual Governor Wolf Historical Society Antiques Show will join the fourth annual Chestnut Street Antiques Show on the first weekend in March with a total of 50 quality antiques dealers. Kicking off the spring season of antiques shows, these two shows will take place just south of historic Bath, Pa. The Governor Wolf Antiques Show will be held on the grounds of the Wolf Academy, located at 6600 Jacksonville Road in Bath. The Wolf Academy property includes the stone center-hall Ralston McKeen House and the Monocacy School. These buildings will be filled with antiques, including good country primitives and folk art. Some of the dealers setting up will be Dave Irons, Bill Fretz, Abby Brooks, Stephen Burkhardt, Claudia Collins, Helen Bryan, Brian Hart, Stephen Zluky, Mary Beach, Ken Vliet, Brad Hamilton, Sally Szezag, Jean Torrie, David Koch, Patrick Murray, Marsha Batts, Carol Alfred, and Carol Redler. The Ralston McKeen House has seven original fireplaces that add to the ambiance of the booth displays in room settings. The large walk-in fireplace will be used for an educational demonstration of open hearth cooking using period equipment, complete with tastings. In the Monocacy School, lunch will be available from Daily Grind, including homemade soups, sandwiches, fresh baked cookies, and more. The hours of the show will be Saturday, March 3, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday,
Exp. Date
clock by Lalique sold for $28,750. Modern design also had bidders excited. Lot 1026, a sculpture front cabinet from American furniture maker and New Hope native Paul Evans, achieved the honor of top lot of the weekend, selling for $137,500 against an estimate of $95,000-$125,000. Other highlights from the Modern Design segment include Lot 1258, a large Mesa coffee table by T.H. Robsjohn-Gibbings, which sold for $93,750; Lot 1280, a rare Chan desk from father and son design duo Philip and Kelvin LaVerne, which blew past a high estimate of $24,000 to sell for $53,125; Lot 1226, a rare Bahut cabinet complete with the original sketch by master furniture maker and designer
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March 4, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission will be $6 ($5 with a show card, printout of a card from, or a hand stamp from the Chestnut Street show). Parking is free of charge. For additional information, call 610-837-9015. The historical society has no paid staff, and all of the proceeds from the show go toward restoration and preservation of the various properties. The Chestnut Street Antiques Show will be held in Christ Church of Bath, located at 109 S. Chestnut St. Dealers will fill the fellowship hall and
other classrooms. Included in the offerings will be primitives, antique and vintage holiday material, gardening, linens, Victorian, country, pottery, decoys, jewelry, and various collectibles. Some of the quality dealers taking part in the show will be Terri Horwath, Deborah Rogers, Rudolf Stumpf, Charles Brehm, Dorothy Tamashausky, Rick Heim, Paulette Lichtenwalner, Connie Bossert, Beverly Graczyk, Patsy Menecola, Carol Berkoff, Rosemary Johnsen, and Lorie Edwards. Lunch will be available from the Garden of Feedin’ Café, including homemade soup, hamburgers, hot dogs, and baked goods. This show will be held Saturday only on March 3 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Cost of admission will be $5 ($4 with a card, printout of a card from the show’s Facebook page, or a wristband from the Governor Wolf Show). Parking is free of charge. For additional information, call 610-3903276 or email All proceeds benefit the Christ Church of Bath.
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Antiques & Auction News — February 23, 2018 - - 3
Heritage Auctions Continued from page 1
Auctions at Heritage, “and Part II is every bit as exciting.â€? The landmark Frent collection, widely regarded as the largest and most comprehensive collection of its kind ever assembled, will span eight dedicated auctions with everything from buttons to banners dating from the founding of the republic up through recent elections. The collection’s extraordinary Washington inaugural button is stamped with the words “Pater PatriĂŚâ€? (Father of his Country) and is the only portrait button in the accepted canon of Washington inaugural buttons. An outstanding example of
the iconic “Ship of State� silk campaign flag for Henry Clay’s 1844 campaign will also open with a $20,000 bid. Considered the most desirable Clay flag variety, the rarity has fine display presence and offers a very special opportunity for the advanced specialist in political textiles. Several photographic campaign items will cross the block, and a stunning 1860 brooch featuring an ambrotype portrait of Abraham Lincoln known as the “Cooper Union� pose will open at $12,000. The nation’s leading portrait photographer, Mathew Brady, took the image while Lincoln was in New York to give a speech at Cooper Union Institute in February 1860. “Although Lincoln photographic items produced for the 1860 election were widely distributed, almost every example of the George Clark ambrotype suffers condition problems. The marvelous Frent example is essentially in mint condition and is the finest known example to exist,� said Slater. A dramatic 1868 Ulysses S. Grant silk campaign flag will open at $7,500. Measuring 33-by-24-inches, the example
Peanuts candy dispenser. It was priced so reasonably that she can play with it and enjoy it without any worry if something happens. Finally, the last stop was the ubiquitous bookseller that always seems to be in many antiques malls. They are a great place to go with kids, and for Mary it was the chance to get a kids’ version of the Agatha Christie story “Death on the Nile.� Again, something that interests her and for $2, it was a great deal. Mary was able to come home with some cool and fun things that she can enjoy. More importantly, she is
is likely one of just three others known. Also among the expected stars will be an Abraham Lincoln Pennsylvania campaign broadside from 1864 and a 1864 Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson jugate silk campaign ribbon (in near mint condition and considered the top ribbon in the Frent collection). For more information, call Tom Slater at 214-409-1441 or An Abraham Lincoln Pennsylvania email Photos courtesy of campaign broadside from 1864 will be among the offerings. Heritage Auctions,
continuing to realize that going to an antiques mall or shop is a great place to find treasures, things that can be purchased with very little pocket money. Today, the deals were on me, but her Christmas money may be used next time. Collecting with kids is a great and fun thing to do. It introduces children to our hobby and hopefully sows the seeds for the future. For many kids, a trip to an antiques mall is about “don’t touch� and “keep away from there.� In our family,
it is about a treasure hunt.
Peter Seibert, a native Pennsylvanian, grew up in the antiques business and remains closely tied to auction houses, collectors, and dealers. Professionally, he has served as a museum director and public historian in Pennsylvania, New Mexico and Virginia. He holds an M.A. in American Studies from Penn State and has authored two books and numerous articles on decorative arts, interior design, and history.
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Cordier Auctions Continued from page 1
board/splash and dot pattern stamp decoration led some to falsely believe it was of Scandinavian origin. The 17-inch-wide and 36-inch-high paint-decorated chest has a
slant-lid and two drawers and rests on thin, delicate, tall legs. The pre-sale estimate was $1,000 to $1,500. A report on this two-day catalog sale will appear in a future issue. To contact Cordier Auctions and Appraisals, call 717-731-8662.
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We recently had a quiet day here in Williamsburg, Va., and so we headed out for our regular hunt of secondhand goods, pawn shops, and antiques malls looking for stuff. I spent around $35, but not any of it was for my own collection. Rather, it was a day
what she is missing. Finally, they don’t take up a lot of room in her room, and we were able to add one that she did not have. So Wades are her jumping off point. This year, she also discovered pop culture cartoons in a big way. In particular, she has developed a real love for Peanuts. This has opened up all sorts of doors, beginning with the paperback books that came out in the 1970s. Again, something she can hunt for and in the realm of $.50 to $5. She loves them, and it has inspired her to start expanding her interests. Today, she added a 1970s
By Peter Seibert
to help Mary begin to collect. As regular readers know, Mary is our 9-year-old and she is now starting her collecting odyssey. So how did she begin? Like her older sister, Jane, she has started to collect Wades. These are the small English ceramic figures that sell for a few dollars in almost every antiques mall. Wades are a wonderful place to begin because they are common and priced within a fairly narrow window ($1-$5). There are a tremendous variety of Wades to collect, and so Mary is working on her memory skills (critical to all collectors) of remembering what she owns and
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This important 1864 Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson jugate silk campaign ribbon is in near mint condition and considered the top ribbon in the Frent collection.
Exit #82 Garden St. Parkway Rt. #37 East
4 - - Antiques & Auction News — February 23, 2018
Phil Michaelson Promoted To President At LiveAuctioneers LiveAuctioneers recently announced that senior vice president of product and marketing Phil Michaelson has been promoted to president. In this new role, Michaelson will continue to work from the company’s Manhattan headquarters with a broadened responsibility set, continuing to report to LiveAuctioneers chairman and CEO Jason Finger. Michaelson is a product and business leader with 15plus years of experience in leading high-performance teams both tactically in dayto-day operations and through strategic planning processes aimed at optimizing investments in the marketplace, leveraging human capital and data analytics. “Since joining
LiveAuctioneers three years ago, Phil has consistently driven tremendous results across virtually every dimension of our business. Most importantly, his execution is always in a manner consistent with the values of the company,� said Finger. “Not only does he ‘just get it done,’ he always ensures initiatives are executed in a ‘smarter, better way,’ no matter what the job may be or in which of our company’s departments. No job is too big or small for him.� Finger continued, “Phil starts with trust in his business activities, whether that means identifying features that empower our auction-house partners to better market themselves and deepen bidder relationships or adding
enhancements to help our millions of bidders worldwide to search, discover and bid more efficiently. Phil’s user-centric approach has been a major force behind our growth. Our trust metrics, items sold, revenue, and the number of bidders and auction houses using our various services have all seen a major uptick since Phil joined our management team.� Prior to joining LiveAuctioneers, Michaelson was director of product management at 1stdibs. Concurrently, he founded and served as CEO of KeepIdeas Inc ( His previous positions included senior business analyst, corporate strategy and business development at Dun and Bradstreet and senior consultant at IBM.
Michaelson holds an MBA from Harvard Business School and an AB from Princeton University. His past awards and distinctions include Harvard Business School’s Arthur C. Rock Entrepreneurial Fellowship, Apple Staff Pick, and British Airways’ Face of Opportunity Award. During his first three years with LiveAuctioneers, Michaelson’s leadership and innovative ideas were instrumental to the company’s selection as a Red Herring Top 100 North America winner (2016), Crain’s Best Places to Work in New York City winner (both 2016 and 2017), and a Silver 2017 Stevie Award winner in the Customer Service Team of the Year category. The new marketing and
product enhancements Michaelson has guided across various channels of LiveAuctioneers have led to a 200 percent growth rate in new bidders across web and mobile channels. In addition, more sellers than ever are taking advantage of the company’s various advertising and marketing options. “It’s been incredibly satisfying to help entrepreneurial auctioneers and passionate collectors form meaningful relationships online. I’m delighted to continue on the journey of empowering sellers to more easily market their auctions and ensure buyers have a trusted, engaging auction experience,� stated Michaelson. To view LiveAuctioneers’ 2017 annual report, visit
Phil Michaelson is the newly appointed president of LiveAuctioneers. Photo courtesy of LiveAuctioneers. pages/2017-annual-report/.
Abner Zook Diorama Sells For $14,300 At Witman Auction Two Small Aaron Zook Dioramas Sold For $1,430 And $1,210 Witman Auctioneers Inc. of Manheim, Pa., conducted a public auction on Feb. 3 at Enck’s Banquet and Conference Center in Manheim. There were 210 registered bidders in attendance. The following were some of the items sold. A large Abner
Zook three-dimensional diorama painting of a farm with mill scene sold for $14,300. Witman sold a comparable mill scene diorama for the same amount on March 6, 2015. The late Zook of Newmanstown, Lebanon County, Pa., was born in 1921. He was a member of the Schaefferstown Mennonite Church and died at the age of 89 in 2010. Zook created
around 800 three-dimensional works during his lifetime, primarily in the 1970s and 80s. His twin brother, Aaron, also created finely detailed dioramas. Their work is regionally collected and has been exhibited at the Lancaster Mennonite Historical Society. Also in the sale was an 8-inch-diameter Aaron Zook three-dimensional painting diorama of quail,
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An 8-inch-diameter Aaron Zook threedimensional painting diorama of quail sold for $1,430.
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An 8-inch-diameter Aaron Zook threedimensional painting diorama of a covered bridge scene sold for $1,210.
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which sold for $1,430, and one of a covered bridge winter scene, $1,210. A five-piece Stickley cherry bedroom suite brought $1,925; a German bolt action rifle sold for $935; a Newhouse bear trap, $743; and a Stevens pistol, $578. For additional information, call Witman Auctioneers at 717-665-5735 or visit The large Abner Zook three-dimensional diorama painting of a farm with mill scene sold for $14,300.
By Karl Pass
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(856) 546-0555 (609) 726-1588
19711 Newark 302-454-8007 AUNT MARGARET’S ANTIQUE MALL, 294 E. Main St. Mon- Sat. 10-5, Sun 12-5. 2 flrs. Antiques, collectibles, primitives, much more. 19711 Newark 302-733-7677 MAIN STREET ANTIQUE, 23 Possum Park Mall. Summer Hrs. Mon-Sat. 10-8, Sun. 11:30-5:30. Over 45 Showcase/ Room Dlrs selling quality antiques/ collectibles. 19720 New Castle 302-328-3506 2ND ACT ANTIQUES COLLECTIBLES & TREASURES, LLC 304-306 Delaware St. 5,000 sq. ft. antiques cooperative & art gallery. Open every day. Find us on Facebook.
21028 Churchville 410-734-6228 YE OLD CURIOSITY SHOP, Route 22 & Aldino Rd. Minutes from I-95. Oak furniture, advertising, toys, militaria, glassware, general line. Hrs daily 10-4 21078 Havre de Grace 410-942-0701 SENECA CANNERY ANTIQUES, 201 St. John St... Largest Mall in North Eastern Maryland with 50+ quality dealers. Open M-Sat. 10-5, Sun. 11-5. Wide Selection of antiques & collectibles. 21157 Westminster 410-857-4044 WESTMINISTER ANTIQUE MALL, 433 Hahn Rd 25,000 s.f., furniture, military, toys, jewelry, coins, comics, LPs, glassware. Generally open 7 days/ week Mon. - Sat. 10-6; Sun. 12-6. 21901 North East 410-287-8318 5 & 10 ANTIQUE MARKET, 115 S. Main St. Daily 10am-6pm. Cecil County’s largest! Buying/ selling antiques & collectibles. Gourmet chocolates.
19809 N. Wilmington 302-792-0555 THE ZEPPELIN & THE UNICORN AT THE RED BARN, 400 Silverside Road, Sun., Mon., Wed. 12-5, Closed Tues., Thurs. thru Sat. 10-6. Antiques, unique items.
07052 West Orange 973-323-1711 VALLEY VINTAGE, 168 South Valley Rd. Open Mon-Sat. 11-6, Sun. 12-5. 2100 sq.ft, 25+ dealers. Antiques, vintage, collectibles, furniture, decor, kitchenware, jewelry, books, LPs, ephemera.
19933 Bridgeville 302-337-3137 ANTIQUE ALLEY OF BRIDGEVILLE, Rt. 13 South. Over 20,000 sq. ft., 60 diverse dealers. Open 7 days 9am-6pm. Find great treasures and enjoy a break at our cafe. Like us on Facebook.
07901 Summit 908-273-9373 SUMMIT ANTIQUES CENTER, 511 Morris Ave. 2 floors, 60+ dealers. Antiques, collectibles. Smalls to furniture. Open 7 days 11-5. Free parking.
19958 Lewes 302-645-2309 HERITAGE ANTIQUE MARKET, 16168 Coastal Hwy. (RT1), 2 mi. N. of Five Points, Lewes. 65 Dealers. New Dealers Welcomed. Hrs 10-5pm (Summer) 115pm (Winter).
08005 Barnegat 609-698-3020 BAY AVENUE ANTIQUES, 349 S. Main (Route 9). Open Tues.-Sun. 10am-5pm. Book Seller: New Jersey Books, Maps, Pottery, Ceramics, Fiesta, Dinnerware, Antiques & Vintage items, etc.
08062 Mullica Hill 856-478-0300 YELLOW GARAGE ANTIQUES 66 S. Main St. Multi-dealer co-op, Wed Sun.11am-5pm. Fine 18th & 19th C furniture, stoneware, textiles, folk art, Americana, decoys, jewelry, dolls, etc.
17361 Shrewsbury 717-235-6637 SHREWSBURY ANTIQUE CENTER 65 N. Highland Dr. “A True Antique Mall” over 10,000 sq.ft with over 55 dealers, open 7 days, 10-5. Ample parking, close to other shops, walking distance around the historic village.
18944 Perkasie 215-257-3564 TREASURE TROVE, 6 S. 7th Street. Estate jewelry, furniture, linens, vintage clothing, glass, china, books, toys, kitchenware, advertising, postcards. Primitives to Deco. Dealers Welcome. Mon.-Sat. 10-5. Since “1980”
08081 Sicklerville 856-545-3187 CARNIVAL OF COLLECTABLES, 368 Cross Keys Rd. Open Tues.-Thurs. 10am-6pm, Fri. 10am-7pm, Sat. 8am7pm, Sun 8am-5pm, 12000 sq.ft Antique & Arts Mall, over 100 dlrs
18014 Bath 610-390-0403 S SEEM ANTIQUES, 100 S Chestnut St (RT 248) Multi-Dlr Co-Op, 2 flrs., M,T,W,F,Sa 10-6; Th 12-8; Su 11-5. Quality Antiques in 1840’s Brick Store, 5 other shops on block. 10% off with Ad.
18962 Silverdale 215-453-1414 THE FACTORY ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES, 130 West Main Street, Rt 113, Bucks County. Featuring 40 Dealers. Open Wednesday thru Saturday 10 -5, Sundays 11-4
08525 Hopewell 609-466-9833 TOMATO FACTORY ANTIQUE & DESIGN CENTER, 2 Somerset St. We Have It All! Open Mon. thru Sat. 10-5, Sun. 11-5. We have 38 Dealers.
16686 Tyrone 814-684-5088 I-99 ANTIQUES, conveniently located off the Tyrone Exit of Interstate 99, 1222 Pennsylvania Ave. Quality antiques & collectibles. 40 Dlrs. Open Daily 10:304:30, Closed Sundays Dlrs welcome. 16801 State College 814-238-2980 APPLE HILL ANTIQUES, Rt. 26N to 169 Gerald Street. Distinctive antiques in a gallery setting. Over 60 dealers. Open daily 10 to 6. Wide variety. 17062 Millerstown 717-589-7810 STITCH IN TIME ANTIQUE & GIFT MALL, 43 N. Market St. Antiques, Collectibles, Furniture, Quality Handmade Crafts & Gifts. Open 7 days 10-5, Fri. til 8. Millerstown exit off RT322.
18229 Jim Thorpe 610-850-5660 ANTIQUES ON BROADWAY, 52 Broadway. Primitives, militaria, art, autographs, glass, pottery, guns, artifacts & vintage collectibles. Wed-Sun 10-5. 18251 Sybertsville 570-788-1275 HAL’S ANTIQUE FLEA MARKET, 732 State Rte. 93, Exit 256 off I-80, take 93 S. or Exit 145 off I-81, take 93 N. Sundays 9am-4pm. 18337 Milford 570-409-8636 OLD LUMBERYARD ANTIQUES, 113 7th St. 2 lge Multi-Dealer Shops, 10,000 sq. ft. Mon., Thur-Sat. 10-5, Sun. 11-5
S996 S996173
FAX 717-492-2566
18930 Kintnersville 610-847-1966 GRISTIES ANTIQUES AND ODDITIES, Rt. 611 near Rt. 32. 30 Dealers. Smalls and primitives to fine furniture. Open every day 11-5. Free parking.
17225 Greencastle 717-593-9990 the shop, 144 E. Baltimore St. 1/2 mi. off I-81 Exit 5. Antiques, Collectibles & Decorative accessories. Open Wed. thru Fri. 10-5, Sat. 10-4.
E-MAIL Submit your ad to us at
Deadline: Wednesday 4:00pm for Fridays edition
45th Annual Winter/Spring Antique Show Mauricetown Fire Hall
9544 Noble Street Located in “Historical” Mauricetown, New Jersey 08329
8 miles South of Millville, New Jersey * Off Route 47
Saturday, March 3rd, 2018 - 10:00 am to 5:00 pm Sunday, March 4th, 2018 - 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
Admission $$6 Good Both Days 6600 Jacksonville Rd., Bath, PA 18014 Only 1.5 Miles From The Chestnut Antique Show At Christ Church, Bath, PA $
Monday- Friday 8:00am-4:30pm
19343 Glenmoore 610-942-7500 CRICKET’S ANTIQUES & GARDEN MARKET, 1641 Horseshoe Pike 2nd floor. Antiques, Artisians & Gardening! Hrs. 10am-5pm daily, Thurs. 10-8:30.
BRING THIS AD FOR UP TO 20% OFF Select Items in Participating Shops Enter our buildings and discover the many fine shops OFFERING: Furniture - Ephemera - Textiles - Jewelry - Pottery - Glass - Coins - Toys Sports Memorabilia - Autographs - Photography - Books - Pinball Woodcarving - Militaria - Trains - Art - Records - Silverware - Retro Kitchen Modern - Tribal Art - Architectural & Industrial Salvage
19543 Morgantown 610-913-1953 MORGANTOWN MARKET, 2940 Main St. Hours 10-5 daily. Berks Co. Largest Antique Boutique. Antiques, collectibles, vintage home & garden decor.
CALL 1-800-800-1833, ext. 2561
18914 Chalfont 215-997-3227 BUCKS COUNTY ANTIQUE GALLERY, 8 Skyline Dr. 12,000 sq.ft. of historic & hip finds. Tue.-Sat 10-5, Sun. 12-5. facebook/instagram
Historical Society
6AM to 4PM - Indoor Shops Open at 8AM 1850 River Road (Rt. 29), Lambertville, NJ (609) 397-0811
Shouldn’t your SHOP be listed in this guide?
24 hours a day Your ad will be processed on the next business day
presents the 10th Annual
19446 Landsdale 215-361-7910 THE ARCHIVE, 725 W. 2nd St. 1000’s of used & antique books, magazines, postcards, ephemera, coins, records, furniture, antiques, collectibles. 21,000 s.f. Wed. through Sun. 11-6,
the Governor Wolf
NJ’S ANTIQUE MALL FOR ART, VINTAGE & COLLECTIBLES 50 Indoor Shops - Cafes - 400 Outdoor Tables
19343 Glenmoore 610-942-4834 ANTIQUES AT SILVER BELL FARM, 1641 Horseshoe Pike (Rts.322 & 82). 30+ Dlrs- antique/ vintage furniture, primitives, timepieces, jewelry, home decor, plants, garden items. daily 10-5, Thur. until 7.
19608 Sinking Spring 484-755-5586 THE PRIMITIVE BARN & FEATURED ARTISANS, 3809 Penn Ave. Retail/ Wholesale antiques, upcycled primitive furniture, handmade home & garden decor. Tues.-Fri., 11-5; Sat- Sun 11-4.
1.00 OFF with this ad!
19709 Middletown 302-376-7022 ATTIC TO BASEMENT, ETC., 4380 Summit Bridge Rd. Antiques, collectibles, books, vintage clothing, unique finds. open 7 day a week 10am6pm. Visit us on Facebook!
Antiques & Auction News — February 23, 2018 - - 5
40 Selected Dealers Admission $5.00 ($4.50 with ad) For Information Call: Children 12 & under Free Carl von Rhine Refreshments - Seafood 856-785-1026 All Proceeds go to The Mauricetown Fire Co.
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Louise's Little Ladies Dolls & Accessories Located in the
Yellow Garage Antiques 66 South Main Street Mullica Hill, New Jersey 08062
Our Website:
(732) 842-4336
(732) 842-3393
8281 Rt. 873, Slatington, PA 18080
We Offer: Furniture, Advertising, Metal & Porcelain Signs, Black Memorabilia, Coke & Pepsi Collectibles, Oil & Gas Advertising Cans, Petroliana, Primitives, Soda & Dairy, Toys, Nautical, Wood Advertising, Crates, Railroadiana, Fiesta, Tobacco, etc.
Wed. & Thurs. 9-5; Fri. & Sat. 9-6; Sun. 10-5 135+ DEALERS • 200+ SPACES
Exit 109 Garden State Parkway
Mon., Wed., Thurs., Sun. 11-5; Fri. 11-6; Sat. 10-6; Closed Tuesday. S951013
(Follow Us On Facebook)
34-93 u Wed.-S
A Hidden Treasure Awaits
Voted #1 in Northeast PA
n. 10-5
570-629-6366 S760633
33 S946859
Antique Mall
Antiques & Collectibles Rt. 29 3 Mi. N. Of Rt. 422 Collegeville, PA 19426 Fine Antiques, Collectibles, Jewelry, Coins, Art Deco, Roseville, Rare Books, Glass, Vintage Clothing, Stamps, Postcards, Christmas Collectibles, Old Toys, Advertising & Much, Much More. OPEN EVERY SUNDAY 9-5 Ph. 610-489-7388
Phone: 215-322-5868
Pocono Peddlers Village
The Power House
Check us out online:
Located at: 614 Second Street Pike (Rt. 232) Southampton, PA 18966
195 W. FRONT ST.
Over 125 antique and craft dealers plus a: Sled museum f Penny Arcade f 1950’s Soda Fountain
GPS 246 Stadden Rd., Tannersville, PA 18372
Over 100 Vendors
Rt. 80 To Bartonsville Exit 302, Turn Left Onto Rt. 611, 2.2 Miles On Left
Open 7 Days A Week Call For Holiday Hours 10am-5pm
226 W. FRONT ST.
722 N. Market Street, Duncannon, PA 17020
Antiques & Collectibles
Sundays 12 noon-5 p.m.
517 St. Mary’s Street, Lewisburg, PA 17837 OPEN 7 DAYS 10-5
Red Bank Antique Center Daily 11 a.m.-5 p.m.
Call or email Louise Sleeter at:
9 A.M.-4 P.M.
Selling Antique and Vintage Dolls, Bears, Children’s Toys & Accessories. Member of the UFDC. Always buying dolls, doll collections, clothing & accessories.
6 - - Antiques & Auction News — February 23, 2018
04/12-15/18, ATLANTA, THURSSUN, Antiques & Collectibles, Atlanta Expo Center ILLINOIS 02/25/18, WHEATON, SUN, Wheaton Antique Market, DuPage Co Fairgrounds 03/10-11/18, GRAYSLAKE, SAT & SUN, ChicagolandZ Premiere Monthly Antique Market, Lake County Fairgrounds
03/03-04/18, BATH, SAT 9 AM-5 PM SUN 11 AM-4 PM, Antiques, 6600 Jacksonville Rd, Governor Wolf Historical Society 03/03-04/18, NEW HOPE, SAT 8 AM-3 PM SUN 9 AM-3 PM, Indoor Flea Market, Rt 202 & Sugan Rd, New Hope Eagle Fire Co Banquet Hall 03/03/18, LANCASTER, SAT 9 AM-1 PM, Hunting & Fishing, 1383 Arcadia Rd, Lancaster Farm & Home Center 03/10-11/18, ELVERSON, SAT 11 AM-5 PM SUN 11 AM-4 PM, Antiques, 4897 N Twin Valley Rd, Twin Valley High School
03/25/18, WHEATON, SUN, Wheaton Antique Market, DuPage Co Fairgrounds
03/10/18, LINGLESTOWN, SAT 9 AM-4 PM, Postcard, 5901 Linglestown Rd, Linglestown Fire Company
04/07-08/18, GRAYSLAKE, SAT & SUN, ChicagolandZ Premiere Monthly Antique Market, Lake County Fairgrounds NEW JERSEY 02/04/18 TO 03/25/18, GILLETTE, EVERY SUN 7:30 AM-2 PM FROM 2/4-3/25, Antiques & Collectibles Indoor Market, 500 Meyersville Rd, Meyersville Grange 188 Hall 03/03-04/18, MAURICETOWN, SAT 10 AM-5 PM SUN 11 AM-4 PM, Antiques, 9544 Noble St, Mauricetown Fire Hall 03/04/18, WAYNE, SUN 9 AM-3 PM, Flea Market, N Cove Rd, Wayne PAL Indoor 04/08/18, WAYNE, SUN 9 AM-3 PM, Antiques & Collectibles, N Cove Rd, Wayne PAL Indoor OHIO 02/24-25/18, COLUMBUS, SAT & SUN, Antiques, Ohio Expo Center 03/24-25/18, COLUMBUS, SAT & SUN, Antiques Market, Ohio Expo Center
02/26/18, TIMONIUM, MON 4:30 PM, Collector's Auction featuring Hall Teapot Collection, Hummels, Bing & Grondahl Royal Copenhagen collector's plates, 1919 Greenspring Dr, Richard Opfer Auctioneering, Inc. OHIO 03/03/18, DUNDEE, SAT 9 AM, Primitives, furniture, crocks, advertising signs, clocks anvils, farm items etc., 17020 Dover Rd, Atlee Raber 03/03/18, WILLOUGHBY, SAT 10 AM, Worlds Fair Collection, antiques & coin collection etc., Milestone Auctions Gallery 3860 Ben Hur Ave, Milestone Auctions PENNSYLVANIA
02/24/18, LIBERTY, SAT 10:30 AM, Antique, decorator & horse items, Gallery 8349 Rt 414, Donald Roan 02/24/18, MUNCY, SAT 12:30 PM, Antiques, collectibles, primitives, paper ephemera, milk bottles, Gallery on the Farm 92 Industrial Park Rd, Interstate Auction Services 02/24/18, WAGONTOWN, SAT 11 AM, Coins, antiques, ephemera, sports cards & memorabilia, cookie jars, toys, Wagontown Fire Company 412 W Kings Hwy, Smith Auction Company
03/17-18/18, PHOENIXVILLE, SAT 9 AM-5 PM SUN 11 AM-4 PM, Antiques, 2276 Kimberton Rd, Kimberton Fire Company
0 2 / 1 9 / 1 8 - 0 3 / 0 7 / 1 8 , BOYERTOWN, ONLINE MON 2/19 9 AM-WED 3/7 6 PM, Coin, Online @ KimberlyKAuctioneer, Kimberly K Auction, LLC
02/24/18, YORK, SAT 9 AM, Antiques featuring nice collection of granite & agateware , inc. salesman samples, collection of carnival glass, ant. glass, primitives, childrens kitchen toys, tinware, crocks etc., York Fairgrounds John Paige & Smith Bldg 334 Carlisle Ave, Rentzels Auction Service, inc.
03/17/18, PHILADELPHIA, SAT 8 AM-4 PM, Flea Market, 1301 S Columbus Blvd., Penns Landing Caterets (inside Sheet Metal Workers Union Bldg)
02/23-28/18, RICHLANDTOWN, WED 1 PM, Antiques, collectibles, jewelry, artwork, electronics, furniture, Benner Hall 1260 E Cherry St, J.Pandur Auction Services, LLC
02/25/18, CAMP HILL, SUN 11 AM, Quality Antiques, 2228 Gettysburg Rd Lower Allen Plaza, Costea's Auction Gallery
02/24/18, HARRISBURG, SAT 10 AM, Industrial, ammo, swords, knives, trains, coins, sterling, jewelry, 1500 Paxton St, Cordier Auction & Appraisals
02/26/18, HATFIELD, BID ONLINE NOW THROUGH CLOSING MON 8 PM, Holland, PA, Online w w w. a l d e r f e r a u c t i o n . c o m , Alderfers Auctions & Appraisers
03/18/18, NEW OXFORD, SUN 10 AM-4 PM, Antiques, 200 W Golden Ln, Social Club Pavilion 03/23-24/18, LANCASTER, FRI 10 AM-6 PM SAT 10 AM-4 PM, Post Card, 1383 Arcadia Rd, Farm and Home Center VIRGINIA 03/03-04/18, CHANTILLY, SAT 9 AM-6 PM SUN 11 AM-5 PM, DC Big Flea & Antiques Market, 4320 Chantilly Shopping Center, Dulles Expo Center 03/11/18, ARLINGTON, SUN POSTCARD & CAMERA 8:30 AM; PHOTO 10 AM-4 PM, D.C. Antique Photo, Postcard, Camera, Holiday Inn Rosslyn
NEW OXFORD, PA ONE DAY ANTIQUE SHOW You’ll Enjoy This Indoor Show Of 35 Dealers Selling Quality Antiques
02/27/18, HATFIELD, BID ONLINE NOW THROUGH CLOSING TUES 8 PM, Nostalgic Treasures offering an eclectic mix of decorative accessories, art, sculptures, furniture etc., Online w w w. a l d e r f e r a u c t i o n . c o m , Alderfers Auctions & Appraisers 02/27/18, SCHNECKSVILLE, TUES 1 PM, Vintage Clothing and Accessories, Auction Gallery 4644 Rt 309, Tom Hall Auctions 02/28/18, HATFIELD, BID ONLINE NOW THROUGH CLOSING WED 8 PM, Bryn Mawr, Pa, Online www.alderfer, Alderfers Auctions & Appraisers 02/28/18, KINZERS, WED 10 AM, Finest antiques, early toys, folk art, hand forged iron, quality furniture, music machines, trade stimulators, J & E Stevens mechanical banks, artworks, clocks etc., 5336 Mine Rd, Embassy Auctions International 02/28/18, LANSDALE, WED NOON, Huge Toy & Collectibles Auction, The Archive Building 725 W 2nd St, Ruth's Toys & Pop Culture LLC
03/01-02/18, DENVER, THURS & FRI 9 AM, Firearms, Militaria & Sporting, 2000 N Reading Rd, Morphy Auctions 03/01/18, FOGELSVILLE, THURS 1:30 PM, Seagreaves Folk Art pottery & ptgs., furniture, Lionel trains, antiques & collectibles, The Auction Center 820 Nursery St, Zettlemoyer Auction Co., LLc 03/03/18, FREEBURG, SAT 9 AM, Antiques & Collectibles featuring exceptional Wooten standard desk, china closets, decorated deacons bench, rare & vintage tins, prints, paintings, rare pottery etc., Freeburg Community Center 11 E Church St, Kenneth E. Hassinger & Neil A Courtney 03/03/18, ORWIGSBURG, SAT 10 AM, Bernie Model 930 sewing machine w/cabinet & many attachments, firearms, coins, military, furniture, jewelry, toys, model airplane, antique/vintage, glassware, paper/ephemera, instruments, fishing etc., Auction Time Bid Board 1506 Centre Tpke, Auction Time Bid Board/Blums Auction 03/03/18, SPRING CITY, SAT 10 AM, Two Toy Train Auctions, The Ridge Fire Co 480 Ridge Rd, Maurer's Auction Continued on page 8
HUGE AUCTION! SATURDAY, FEB. 24, 8:30 A.M. Quality Estate: Furniture & Antiques
Antique Furniture, Advertising Collectibles, Antique Books & Ledger, Postcard Collection, Ephemera & Maps, Antique Stock Certificates, Civil War Era Letters, Historic Documents, Clocks & Watches, Coins & Currency, Stamps, Ephemera, Firearms, Cameras & Photography.
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 25TH, 2018 11:00 A.M. • DOORS OPEN AT 9:00 A.M. Building full of Quality Antiques Plus Collections and Quality items wanted for Auction Phone 717-737-0000
BOLTZAUCTIONS.COM ALWAYS SEEKING QUALITY CONSIGNMENTS Open for Drop-Offs Tuesdays 9-4 Call For Appointment Or Pickup 717-392-4257
Harrisburg Magazine Simply The Best Auctioneer Check
02/27/18, BALLY, TUES 2 PM, Die Cast Toy Collection 2 pm; Antiques & Collectibles 3 pm; Furniture 4 pm, Bally Firehouse 537 Chestnut St, Curtis Wilson For Photos LOCATION: 2228 Gettysburg Road,
Lower Allen Plaza,
TERMS: Cash, Visa/MasterCard, Checks. 10% BUYER’S PREMIUM. AUCTIONEER: Michael Costea AU-1759-L Telephone (717) 737-0000
Boltz Auction Company 3601 Columbia Avenue,
GEORGIA 03/08-11/18, ATLANTA, THURSSUN, Antiques & Collectibles, Atlanta Expo Center
02/24/18, LANCASTER, SAT 8:30 AM, Quality Estate featuring antique furniture, advertising collectibles, clocks, watches, coins, currency, stamps, ephemera, firearms, cameras, photography, 3601 Columbia Ave, Boltz Auction Company
DELAWARE 02/25/18, NEWARK, SUN 10 AM3 PM, Sports Cards & Collectibles, 400 Ogletown Rd, Aetna Fire Hall
Sunday, March 18, 2018 10 A.M. - 4 P.M. 200 W. Golden Lane, New Oxford, PA 1 block off Rt. 30 W. Follow signs to Social Club Pavilion (Heated Building) Admission $5 each
• Food Services • Restrooms • Parking ($1 Discount w/This Ad) Bob Conrad, Manager Cell 717-250-6899 S998889 Early Buyers 8-10 A.M. $12 ea. during setup
500+ Cataloged Lots of Advertising, Primitives, Farm Items, Anvils, Antiques & More
, PA
lde Factory Antiques & Crafts
PRIMITIVES, FURNITURE, CROCKS: 40+ pieces of early painted furniture including 10+ pie safe cupboards, jelly cupboards, bucket benches, etc.; 12 & 16 pane corner cupboards, flat wall cupboards, dough bowls, butter bowls, benches, 2 wheel coffee grinders, SS washing machine, SS wringer, adv. boxes, workbench, coach lamps, blue decorated crocks, spool cabinets, wall phones, sewer tile pieces, rare bell wall coffee grinder, trunks, harvest tables, large hardware store counter with drawers and more. ADVERTISING SIGNS & CLOCKS: Early Aztec Cleveland neon clocks, advertising thermometers; signs including Firestone, Pure Oil, tire signs, Gulf tire display, Ringling Bros. and more; oil cans including rare Ace High 5 gal. can and more, Pepsi-Cola cooler, Orange Crush cooler, and more. ANVILS, FARM ITEMS, & MORE: 6+ anvils, rare spiral hay spear, hay trolleys, early toys, tabletop seed cleaner, corn shellers, CI bells, signed #15 bear trap, and more. NOTE: This is only a PARTIAL listing. Many items not listed. This has shaped up to be the best Spring sale to date. Hope to see you at the sale! TERMS: Cash - Check with proper ID - Credit Card. 10% Buyer’s Premium on All Sales • 4% additional for credit card payments. Absentee and phone bids welcome. Online bidding available. Applicable buyer’s premiums apply. Food stand on premises -- Byler’s Barbeque Find the full catalog and photo gallery on Auctioneer ID #13128
3 Floors, 24,000 Sq. Ft. • Elevator
Auctioneers: Atlee Raber (330) 359-5905 or (330) 473-2448 Daniel Weaver (330) 231-8865 Assisting Auctioneers: Aden Yoder & Nelson Weaver
(717) 566-5685 Open Daily Mon.-Sat. 9-5, Sun. 12-5
139 South Hanover Street, Hummelstown, PA (Just West Of Hershey)
Antiques & Auction News — February 23, 2018 - - 7
March 1 & 2, 2018
Winchester 1885 Low Wall & Grouping Attributed to Pawnee Bill’s Wife, May Lille
Incredible High Condition Cased Winchester Henry Lever Action Rifle
Ultra Rare Colt Whitneyville Hartford Transitional Walker Model Dragoon Revolver
Sharps Model 1874 No. 2 Long Range Single Shot Rifle
1889 Paris Exhibition Winchester Deluxe Model 1873 Saddle Ring Carbine
Extraordinary Winchester Ulrich Engraved Deluxe Model 1894 Lever Action Rifle
Winchester Model 1894 Lever Action Musket The Rarest of All Winchester Muskets
Rare Winchester Model 1886 Lever Action Musket with Bayonet
High Condition Untouched Henry Marked Winchester Model 1866 Lever Action Rifle
Cased W.W. Greener (Howdah) .577 Double Barrel Pistol
High Condition Deluxe Takedown .45-90 Winchester Model 1886 Lever Action Rifle (1896)
Rare Wi R Winchester h t M Model 1876 Lever Action Musket with Bayonet
Presentation Deluxe 1876 Winchester English “Big 50” Short Rifle
High Condition Winchester Model 1873 Saddle Ring Carbine (.44 WCF) Winchester Model 1873 Deluxe Lever Action Rifle
High Condition British Proofed Winchester Model 1876 Saddle Ring Carbine
Deluxe Winchester Model 1876 Open Top Lever Action Sporting Rifle
Rare High Condition Pre-War Winchester Model 42 “Trap” Slide Action Shotgun
Near New Winchester Model 1886 Takedown Lever Action Rifle (.45-90)
Near New Pre-War Winchester Model 12 28 Gauge Slide Action Shotgun (1937)
Historic and Attractive French Saber Attributed to General Brooks and Presented by Lafayette
Fine Jade Hilted Silver Mounted Shamshir
Fine Horse Head Pommel Dragoon Officer’s Saber with Scabbard
2 0 0 0 N o r t h R e a d i n g R o a d | D e n v e r , PA 1 7 5 1 7 | M o r p h yA u c t i o n s . c o m | 8 7 7 - 9 6 8 - 8 8 8 0
Weekly listings and hundreds of photos online every Wednesday
Selling Large Amount of Antiques, Collectibles & Household Goods From Local Homes & Estates Office: 610-274-8525 Jim Hill: 484-576-6368 For Sale Schedule & Highlights Visit: AU-1105L
Auctions Thurs. 1 P.M. For Information Phone (717) 272-7078
:((./< $8&7,216
Drop Off Day - Tues. 10am-4pm Open - Mon., Wed.-Fri. 10am-4pm by appointment
105 Chapel Street
1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month, 12-6pm
(610) 358-9515
KLEINFELTERâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S AUCTION E088862
Â?Â&#x2013;Â&#x2039;Â&#x201C;Â&#x2014;Â&#x2021;Â&#x2022; ĆŹ Â&#x201D;Â&#x2013;ÇĄ Â&#x2021;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;Â&#x2018;Â?Â&#x192;Â&#x17D; Â&#x201D;Â&#x2018;Â&#x2019;Â&#x2021;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2013;Â&#x203A;ÇĄ Â&#x2022;Â&#x2013;Â&#x192;Â&#x2013;Â&#x2021;Â&#x2022;ÇĄ Â&#x2039;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2021;Â&#x192;Â&#x201D;Â?Â&#x2022;ÇĄ Â&#x2021;Â&#x192;Â&#x17D; Â&#x2022;Â&#x2013;Â&#x192;Â&#x2013;Â&#x2021; Â&#x2019;Â&#x2019;Â&#x201D;Â&#x192;Â&#x2039;Â&#x2022;Â&#x192;Â&#x17D; Â&#x2021;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2039;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2021;Â&#x2022;
opens your door to customers!
344 Valleybrook Road,
Chester Heights, PA 19017
23(1 $335$,6$/ '$<
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Since 1911 Auctions Every Wednesday Starting At 3 P.M.
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Auctions every other Friday & Saturday Starting 9 A.M. Preview 8 A.M.
Bel Air Auction Gallery Members Of AAM & NAA
1465 New London Road Landenberg, PA 19350
Amoss & Freeman, Auctioneers Consignment Auction Every Fri. 6:00 PM Monthly Antique Auction First Sat. Of Each Month 13 Ellendale St., Bel Air, MD 1-800-451-BIDS
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Continued from page 6
Phone Us Today For Details! 1(800) 800-1833, Ext 2541
03/03/18, YORK, SAT 9 AM, Antiques featuring stoneware, crocks & jugs, milk bottles, York & Lancaster bottles, Foust decanters, primitives, butter churns, furniture, old toys, stain glass windows etc., York Fairgrounds John Paige & Smith Bldg 334 Carlisle Ave, Rentzels Auction Service, Inc. 03/14/18, KINZERS, WED 10 AM, Vintage signs & classic vehicles, 5336 Mine Rd, Embassy Auctions International
Preview: Upon Request, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9:00 AM â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 4:00 PM at Alderfer Auction
Huge Toy & Collectibles Auction! WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28TH
Auction Date: AT 12 NOON Preview: Tuesday, February 27th from 4 P.M.-7 P.M. and Day of Sale 10 A.M.-12 Noon
19446 Location: The Archive Buidling, 725 West 2nd Street, 267-644-6287. Full Listing & Photos w/Online Absentee Bidding & Preview Available at Starting Friday, February 23rd at 8 P.M. Trains Incl. Lionel, Mixed HO, G Scale & Mixed N Gauge. Vtg. Slot Cars Incl. T-Jet, AFX & Tyco w/NOS Parts & Acc. 1/32 & 1/24 Slot Car Bodies & NOS Parts. Diecast Incl. Matchbox & Collector Trucks. Many Vtg. to Modern Vehicle Model Kits Incl. Cars, Trucks, Aircraft & Military. NOS Model Rockets & Acc. Vtg. Gas R/C Engines & NOS Parts Incl. Cox, McCoy, Gilbert, Fox & Super Tigre. Vtg. U-Control Airplanes w/Engines. Vtg R/C Airplane & Boat Hardware NOS. NOS Hobby Tools & Balsa Wood. Sports Cards & Collectibles Incl. Sets w/1975 & 81 Baseball, 1974 Topps Football & 1978-79 Basketball. 1950-70â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Baseball & Football Cards w/ Stars & 1970â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Bulk. Vtg. Rock N Roll & Pop Records w/Rolling Stones Lithos & McCartney Banner. Disney & Snoopy Collection Incl. Holiday Ornaments & Animated Figures. Dolls w/ Cabbage Patch Kids & Britney Spears. Vtg. Playmobil Incl. Train, Knights & Civil War. Video Games Incl. Vectrex w/Games & Light Pen, Lynx Games, Atari 2600, PS1, N64 & Gameboy. Vtg. Action Figures Incl. Super Powers, D&D, Transformers, MOTU, Jem, GoBots, Savage Mondo Blitzers & Godaikin Box Sets. Huge Lego Collection from the 1980â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s-Today w/Boxed Sets, Minifigs. & Sorted Parts. Other Items Incl. Garbage Pail Kids, New Pop Terms: 10% Buyerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Premium for In-House Buyers, Culture T-Shirts & Loot Crate 15% Buyerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Premium for Online/Absentee Excl, NIP Action Figures, Board Bidders. 6% Sales Tax Where Applicable. We Games & More. Accept Cash, Check, Credit Cards & Paypal. (AY002318)
Offering an eclectic mix of decorative accessories, art, sculptures and furniture with a broad appeal to the emerging and seasoned collector. Highlights include a Torch from the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games, Chinese Export, Silk Scarves, Tapestries, Persian Rugs, Jewelry and more!
Thursdays: 4-7PM All-day Fridays from 9AM
Estates Welcome - Over 150 Flea Market Vendors, Indoors & Outdoors
Member Of The NJSSA For More Info. Call
(302) 734-3441
550 S. New Street, Dover, DE 19901
Public Estate Variety Auction Every Friday.
6,000+ Lots sold in 5 rings all day! 2 Auctions Simultaneously Buy, Sell, Consign, Appraise At the New Jersey Convention & Expo Center 97 Sunfield Ave., EDISON, NJ Auction Held Monthly!
Tues. & Fri. - 12:30 P.M. Flea Market Every Tues., Fri. & Sat. 7:30 A.M.
Antiques - Residential Contents Auctions Every Friday - 4 P.M. In Our Gallery 1005 Industrial Blvd. Southampton, PA 18966 (215) 322-6182
Route 512 (11 miles North of Route 22)
Bodnarâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Auction Sales
Spenceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Auction & Flea Market Auction Every
Stephensonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Auction
Richard L. Dotta Auction Co.
8 - - Antiques & Auction News â&#x20AC;&#x201D; February 23, 2018
THURS., MARCH 1 AT 1:30 P.M. The Auction Center at Fogelsville, 820 Nursery St.,
18051 100 pcs. of James Christian Seagreaves Folk Art Pottery - Redware, Slipware & SgrafďŹ to to include face jug, ďŹ sh & bird whistles, fat lamp, charger, plate, loaf pan, birds, candleholder, and more. ALSO 6 Folk Art paintings by Verna Seagreaves. Furniture: Oak sideboard w/side china closet, washstand, 4 drawer empire chest, marble top cottage dresser, Mid Century dresser & chest of drawers, porcelain top table. Lionel Trains: NYC pass. set, steamer freight set, icing station, scrap yard, talking station, Control Master 1, gateman, crossing gate. Also: 30 table radios from 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s and Hickok 4900-S tester, Gilbert 6½ Erector set, Bossonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Heads, Wahl 14k fountain pen, Parker Lucky Curve fountain pen, ornate iron heat registers, lot asstd. crystal & pattern glass, English saddle. Online Bidding via, link at 10% Buyerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Premium
Preview and Pick-Up details available at our website. DOWNLOAD OUR APP P Conducted by
Absentee Bids Accepted. Buyerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Premium Applicable. ble. 501 Fairgrounds Rd., Hatfield, PA 19440 215.393.3000 | AY002260
Auction Co., LLC
820 Nursery St. â&#x20AC;˘ Box 215 Fogelsville, PA 18051-0215
Lic. #AY000131-L
(610) 395-8084 Fax (610) 395-0227 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Proven Service Since 1955â&#x20AC;?
Antiques & Auction News — February 23, 2018 - - 9
WORLD’S FAIR COLLECTION ANTIQUES and COIN COLLECTION SATURDAY, MARCH 3RD, 2018 AUCTIONS STARTS 10:00 A.M. PREVIEW STARTS AT 8:00 A.M. Wonderful World’s Fair Collection including 1876 Centennial, 1893 Columbian Expo, 1901 Pan-American Exposition, 1904 St. Louis Expo, 1909 Alaska Yukon Pacific Expo, 1915 Panama Pacific Expo, 1933 Chicago World’s Fair, 1939 New York World’s Fair, 1964 New York World’s Fair, and Others… 200+ Lots of RARE and UNIQUE ITEMS!!! 200+ Lot Coin Collection includes $20 Liberty Gold Double Eagles, $20 Saint Gaudens Gold Double Eagles, $10 Indian Gold Eagles, $5 Liberty Gold Half Eagles, $2.50 Indian Gold Quarter Eagles, $2.50 Liberty Gold Quarter Eagles, $1 Liberty Gold Head, Iceland Gold Kroners, Italy Gold Lire, Russian Gold Roubles, France Gold Francs, Morgan Silver Dollars, Peace Silver Dollars, Walking Liberty Halves, Standing Liberty Quarters, Mercury Dimes, Large Cents, Proof Sets, Silver Certificates, Paper Money, and More!!! Nice selection of Coin Ops and Antiques includes Vintage Slot Machines, World’s Fair Puzzle Pinball, Cash Register, Victor Talking Machine, Coca-Cola Sign, Hires Rootbeer Barrel, Mechanical Banks, Still Banks, Gold Pocket Watches, Clocks, Lamps, Vintage Telephones, Pottery, Tiles, Stoneware, Oak Bookcase, Oil Lamps, Art, and MORE!!!
Call 440-527-8060
MILESTONE AUCTIONS GALLERY Located at 3860 Ben Hur Ave.,
WILLOUGHBY, OHIO 44094 (440) 527-8060
Auctioneer: Miles King 20% Buyer’s Premium - 2% Discount For Cash or Check Credit Cards Accepted MILESTONE AUCTIONS IS ALWAYS LOOKING FOR QUALITY CONSIGNMENTS! ONE PIECE OR ENTIRE COLLECTIONS!!! CALL 440-527-8060 FOR DETAILS
Items From Millicent Rogers Will Be Sold By Charlton Hall Auctions
Starts Mon., Feb 19 at 9 A.M. 1st Lot Ends Wed., March 7 at 6 P.M. 160 Lots to include: Proof and mint sets; silver and silver Eagles; Morgan and Peace Dollars; part sets; 200 Military Payment and six $5-$20 Confederate Notes; and more. Terms: 17% Buyer’s Premium; 6% PA Sales Tax where applicable; Credit card req. to register on Proxibid; CC payment only.
Kimberly K Auction, LLC 215-416-8837
The contents of Turtle Walk - the Taos, N.M., home of renowned fashion icon and art collector Millicent Rogers (1902-53) - will be at the center of an auction slated for Thursday and Friday, Feb. 22 and 23, by Charlton Hall Auctions, online and in the firm’s gallery at 7 Lexington Drive in West Columbia, S.C. Start time both This spectacular Navajo pictorial weaving, a sanddays will be 11 a.m. painting example in the “Whirling Log” design, was Eastern. For those done by either Hastiin Klah or Gladys Manuelito, unable to attend the circa 1925 (est. $18,000-$25,000). sale in person, online bidding will be provided by tightly-woven, serape-style late classic men’s wearing Mary Millicent Abigail blanket, circa 1880, showing Rogers was the granddaughter serrated devices and thunderof Henry Huddleston Rogers birds; and a Navajo Yeibichai Sr., one of the original founding weaving made circa 1930-40, partners of Standard Oil, along showing dancers in ceremoniwith John D. Rockefeller Sr. As al attire, 38-by-58 inches. Also offered will be a phoheiress to her family’s vast wealth, Ms. Rogers was able to togravure titled “Indians on freely indulge her passions for Horseback” by the renowned An oil-on-canvas painting titled “Pensees et Dahlias Dans Une Vase” by Henri travel, fashion, romance (she American West photographer Fantin-Latour (1836-1904) is artist signed and framed, 19-by-13 inches (est. was married three times and Edward S. Curtis (1868-1952), $15,000-$25,000). and had romances with Clark Gable, signed Ian Fleming and the Prince of framed, 16-byWales) and, perhaps most 12 inches; 19thimportant, Southwestern-style century Hopi painted cotart and jewelry. While visiting New Mexico tonwood katsidolls, with friends, she was captivat- na a ed by the beauty and culture including doll, of the American Indians. She Talavai bought a rundown 17th-centu- 15.5 inches tall ry house, renovated it, named and one with a green it Turtle Walk and became a pale mask, permanent resident of Taos. case She immersed herself in the black skirt and art, jewelry and culture of the kilt, 13.5 inches Pueblo, Hopi, Navajo, Apache tall. Also up for and Zuni tribes and incorpo- bid will be a rated Indian designs through- pair of fullylate out the house. She also beaded became a dedicated champi- 1 9 t h - c e n t u r y hide on of Native American civil Sioux m o c a s s i n s , Millicent Rogers bought a rundown 17th-century house in Taos, N.M., renovated it and named it rights. Turtle Walk. Pictured here is the library, richly appointed and filled with books. Turtle Walk was filled with sinew stitched an eclectic array of Native and boasting Henri Fantin-Latour (1836- by Morris Graves (1910-2001), American art and objects, dec- velvet cuffs. The category will also fea- 1904), artist signed and simply titled “Vase,” unsigned. orative arts, furniture, fine art There will be artworks in and fine appointments (and ture a painting on hide attrib- framed; “Celebrating the New books) for the library. Also uted to Teddy Weahkee (Zuni, Arrival” by the Flemish painter the auction of and by Millicent offered in this sale will be part 1890-1965), titled “Knife Wing Jan Josef Horemans (1714-92), Rogers. An early 20th-century of the estates of Arturo God,” circa 1920-50, with artist signed and unframed; “Portrait of Millicent Rogers,” Peralta Ramos Jr., Millicent’s vibrant design elements, 60- and “Procession” by Josep done in pastel-and-pencil and son, and his wife, as well as by-43 inches; a circa 1900 Maria Sert I Badia (1874-1945), in a frame, is artist signed, but illegibly, so it remains property from the estate of Apache pictorial basketry olla framed and unsigned. Works by American artists unknown who rendered it. Julia Brewster Ballard, the with horse, dog, cross and mother of the highly success- geometric designs in devil’s will feature an oil-on-canvas Meanwhile, an unsigned 15ful Ballard Design Company, claw; and 19th-century pipe painting by Oscar Edmund inch-tall bronze bust with (1874-1945), pewter patina that’s attribincluding a Berninghaus objects from a Southern tomahawks, tomahawk, titled “Bunk House, Taos, uted to Ms. Rogers herself, of museum deaccession, and Plains/Prairie Continued on page 11 richly patinated, 25 inches N.M.,” artist signed and collections from 14 states. Native American art and long, and a Plains tomahawk framed; an oil-on-canvas by objects will feature several with diamond and sun design, Danish-American artist Emil Carlsen (1848-1932), titled Navajo pictorial weavings, to 14 inches long. The original artwork will “Still Life of Roses in Vase,” include a sand-painting example in the “Whirling Log” span the globe. Oil-on-canvas artist signed and framed; and design by either Hastiin Klah paintings by foreign artists a framed tempera-on-paper or Gladys Manuelito, circa will include “Pensees et 1925, 66-by-68 inches; a Dahlias Dans Une Vase” by
SONES FARM & HOME MUSEUM (2) PUBLIC AUCTION #307 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2018 AT 12:30 P.M. ***LOCATION*** 92 Industrial Park Rd., MUNCY, PA (Selling at the Gallery on the Farm, Look for the Windmill)
Antiques-Collectibles / Primitives / Paper Ephemera / Milk Bottles 12:30 - 12:59 - (Main Hall) Strictly Milk Bottles - 100+ Bottles & More. 1:00 - (there bouts) Main Hall - 400 to 500 Various Lots ranging from primitive tools - Vintage clothing - Country Store Items & Kitchenwares - Gladdings & Grapple Hay fork - Local memorabilia - Miner’s Tools & Memorabilia - Old sleds - & MUCH MORE!!! Auctioneer’s Note: 12:30 Start!!! Due to the passing of Oliver Sones, the family is dispersing the vast contents of the Museum, this sale being the second of MANY!!! FULL listing and pictures on (enter #5545). Inside heated building, Chairs provided, good food and laughter is available!!! Terms: Cash or good PA check. Credit cards (include lost 3% Discount). All verbal statements take precedence over previously written materials. All items are sold “AS IS, WHERE IS,” No guaranties made by the seller. Severe Weather date February 25th. Next Sales, March 10 & 24, 2018.
r s ta Inte
te Auction Servi ce
Contents Of “Turtle Walk” In Taos, N.M., Will Be Sold On Feb. 22 And
Chuck Kindlimann, Auctioneer AU-003818-L Levi Spring, Assoc. Auctioneer AU-006025 Ms. Betty Cheshier, Apprentice Auctioneer AA019492
92 Industrial Park Road Muncy, PA 17756 (570) 935-0376
SAT., FEB. 24 AT 10:30 A.M. at our gallery 8349 Rt. 414
LIBERTY (TIOGA CO.), PA Blizzard Date: Sun., Feb. 25 Take Exit 162 (Liberty/Morris Exit) off US15 then Rt. 414 west approx. ½ mile to Gallery. High grade repro. furniture; rugs; toys; glassware; 5 saddles, blankets, bridals, sulky cart; 100-gal. Rubbermaid trough; 3-pt. bale spear; new 2 ft. Wx10 ft. L; tractor chains; lots of tools; 3 tractor-trailer tarps; 70-80 new cinder blocks; h.d. auto washer; 2-door refrigerator; small chest freezer; 2 sewing machines; bedroom and dining room furniture. See our website ROAN.BIZ or AuctionZip for large list and many photos. TERMS: Cash, honorable check by known persons, MC/Visa/Discover with 3% fee; Acceptable ID required to obtain bid card; 10% Buyer’s Premium.
(570) 324-2813 AU-000776-L
10 - - Antiques & Auction News — February 23, 2018
SATURDAY, MARCH 3, 2018 AT 9:00 A.M. Selling a Wonderful Lifetime Collection from the former Home of Joe Christensen, Liverpool, PA Auction held at Freeburg Community Center, 11 E. Church Street,
KENNETH E. HASSINGER 330 Hassinger Way McClure, PA 17841 (570) 658-3536 : AU-001532-L
NEIL A. COURTNEY 3442 Heister Valley Road Richfield, PA 17086 (570) 539-8791 : AU-002651-L
The Italian Renaissance polychrome stucco panel, done in the manner of da Maiano, of the Virgin with Child, probThis is the entryway to Turtle Walk, the Taos, N.M., home of fashion icon and art ably executed in Florence in the 16th collector Millicent Rogers, the contents of which will be auctioned by Charlton century, will be estimated at $3,000$5,000. Hall on Feb. 22 and 23.
Exceptional Wooten Standard Desk; China Closets; Decorated Deacon’s Bench; Oak Glass Showcase; 5 Ft. Hand Pull Wagon; Grained Painted Blanket Chest & Wood Box; RCA TV in Mahogany Cabinet; Lance Counter Jars & Others; Cast Match Safes; Cowden Batter Jug & Other Stoneware; Baskets; 100s of Rare and Vintage Tins to Include M&V Oysters, Peanut Related, Chocolate, Tobacco; Cookie Cutters; Salt Glaze Pottery; Prints & Paintings; Exlax & Mail Pouch Thermometer in Porcelain; & Much More. See for full listing & photos.
dated 1717), octagonal form, with a made-to-match set of four by Chrichton (Loindon, 1931); a circa 1829 rectangular Historical Arms of Delaware transferware platter by Thomas Mayer Stoke (Cliff Bank Works); an English (or French) armorial partial dinner service, circa 1800, 43 pieces in all; and a Dutch Delft blue and white charger, signed, from the 18th century. Fans of the Renaissance era will be treated to an Italian Renaissance polychrome stucco panel, done in the manner of da Maiano, of the Virgin with Child (probably Florence, 16th century); an early collection of wrought-iron work that Ms. Rogers inherited from Henry Huddleston Rogers, including a set Millicent Rogers is shown here seated at a of four 17th- or 18thcirca 1835 William IV carved mahogany library century Renaissancewrought-iron table (est. $3,000-$5,000), which is Lot 16, style and also a well-known photo that appeared in torcheres having a scrolling design with Vogue (March 1945).
The original 14-volume set of the Bibliotheca Graeca, Johann Albert Fabricius, Bibliotheca Graeca, Sive Notitia Scriptorum Veterum Graecorum, Hamburg: Christian Liebezeit and Theodor Christoph Felginer, 1712-28, will be estimated at $2,000-$4,000.
The Cizhou ware meiping vase from northern China and made during the Song-Jin dynasty, with a slip-decorated foliate design, is 17 inches tall (est. $10,000-$15,000).
wide trefoil drip pans, 55 inches tall; and a pair of Renaissance Revival wroughtiron standing torcheres, possibly Samuel Yellin revolving candleholders, 67 inches tall. The Asian category will include a beautiful Cizhou ware meiping vase from northern China and made during the Song-Jin dynasty, with a slipdecorated foliate design, 17 inches tall; an early Chinese Qing dynasty bird of prey painting on silk, depicting a bird perched on a silk-draped rod, with brocade border, framed; and an early Chinese pottery ox-drawn cart, probably Tang dynasty or later, with an ox standing foursquare, pulling a two-wheeled cart. Furniture will span several continents and centuries. From England, pieces include a William IV carved mahogany library table, circa 1835 (Ms. Rogers was photographed
Preview: Fri., Feb 23 from 3-6 P.M. & Auction Day 8 A.M. to 11 A.M.
Location: Wagontown Firehall, 412 West Kings Highway,
Starting at 11 A.M. we will sell 1 hour of uncatalogued merchandise (6-8 tables full) of antiques, collectibles, & about 30 Cookie Jars, etc. to live bidders! Starting at 12 P.M. (Noon) we will begin selling the catalogued portion of the auction of over 300 lots. We will begin with Coins/Currency incl. Morgan Dollars, $500 Bill, $20 Gold, Silver Eagle $s, and more. Sports Cards & Memorabilia incl. many Autographed, small selection of Model Trains and accessories, Lg. amount of Ephemera (Paper) incl. Chester County related books, Stock Certificates, Postcards, Historical, Huge Lots of Sheet Music, & Toys incl. Soldier Figures, Britains, Manoil, Barclay, Marx, Train Layout Pcs., Cookie Jars incl. Herman Munster, Popeye, Lion King, & others, & some antiques, & much more! **Check (Auctioneer #1651) for hundreds of photos & Complete Listing!** **Call 610-942-2367, 610-476-6971, or 610-476-6965 for Info!** Terms: Buyer’s premium is 13% - discounted to 10% with payment via Cash or Check. Online bidder’s buyer’s premium is 18% for all payment types. ***Trains & Coins Auction on March 20 (Tuesday) Starts 5 P.M. - Preview from 2 to 5 P.M.***
of her death in 1953 was the foundation and beginnings of The Met’s Costume Institute. She was just 51 years old when she died, having battled health issues her entire life, including rheumatic fever as a child, multiple heart attacks, double pneumonia and a mostly crippled left arm. For additional information, readers may visit
At The Bally Firehouse, 537 Chestnut Street, BALLY, PA (One block West of Route 100)
A Spanish Baroque iron-mounted walnut vargueno (a cabinet having drawers enclosed by a fall front) on stand, made in the 16th or 17th century, with embellishments, will be estimated at $10,000-$20,000.
OPEN AT 11 A.M. Die Cast Toy Collection - 2 P.M. Antiques and Collectibles - 3 P.M. Furniture - 4 P.M. FURNITURE: Antique Chippendale High Chest on bracket feet. Fancy Sheraton Sofa. European oak sideboard. Green Bamboo Windsor highchair. Chippendale commode. Japanese deacons bench. Two Victrolas. 5 ft. Cherry Clock Wheat-carved pencil post canopy bed. Oak washstand. Hooded cradle. Walking wheels & spinning wheels. Baku style entrance rug. TRUCKLOAD of Mahogany & used furniture. ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES: Local, vintage & modern quilts. Vintage clothing. Vintage hats. Buttons & collars. Vintage Christmas & Halloween decorations. Postcard collection. Paper & Ephemera. Civil War Prints. Victory & Vietnam posters. Sheet music. Gold record. Nice grouping of Vintage 45 RPM records. Vintage Radios & cameras. Great Northern Express Oak Cabinet. PRR calendars. Oak Easel. Large Lion painting. Framed prints. 1940’s Horse Racing photos. Arts & Crafts light fixture. Pair of Industrial lights. Seed box. Large cross. Violins. Flail. Banded Buckets. Pennants & Flags. Camping box. Decoy. Nutcrackers & Hallmark Collectibles. Tools. 3 cases 5 caliber ammo. Dozen military knives. Bullets, brass jackets & reloading material. Gas masks, gunpowder, holsters. TOYS: Model kits. Matchbox, Ertl, Hess. Slot cars. Toys Trains & RR collectibles. Pressed steel Jeep. Antiques Tops. Toy Stoves. Dolls & doll cases. Dept. 56. PLENTY OF DIE CAST VEHICLES! Preview from 11 A.M. day of auction. 10% Buyer’s Premium.
The star furniture lot from Spain is the Baroque ironmounted walnut vargueno (a cabinet having drawers enclosed by a fall front) on stand, made in the 16th or 17th century, with embellishments, carved cartouches and panels, and more. From Italy, furniture will include two Baroque inlaid and carved 17th century walnut tables, one with single board top, frieze with drawer, turned legs and square feet; and another with a single plank top, a skirt with two drawers, all on bun feet. American furniture will feature a Federal maple highboy made in New Hampshire, third quarter 19th century, 72 inches tall, with molded crown and long graduated drawers top and bottom, and an American Classical carved mahogany worktable attributed to Joseph Barry (Philadelphia, circa 1820), heavily carved, with a hinged serpentine top. And from France will come a French Renaissance 17th-century carved oak buffet a deux corps, having a molded crown dated
Please visit Auctioneer #AU002827L to view photos on Monday.
Industrial - Ammo - Swords - Knives - Trains Coins - Sterling - Jewelry SATURDAY, February 24 at 10 A.M. Preview Friday, February 23, 12 Noon-4 P.M. Saturday 9 A.M. through Auction
1500 Paxton Street, HARRISBURG,
PA 17104
INDUSTRIAL, AMMO, EDGED WEAPONS, SWORDS, KNIVES, TRAINS INDUSTRIAL ITEMS: From Old Schuylkill County Knitting Factory. 19 Worktables; Scales; Folding Benches; Wall Press; Trimmer. EDGED WEAPONS: 65+ Good Quality Samurai Swords; Daggers. LARGE COLLECTION OF KNIVES; Throwing, Pocket, Sheath, incl. Case, Remington, Buck. ACCESSORIES: Ammo Belts; Holsters; Gun Cases; Binoculars; Clips; Gun Cabinets; Books on Guns; Cleaning Supplies and Kits. AMMUNITION: Massive Amounts of Ammo - 750+ Boxes. Peters; Winchester; Remington; Federal; PMC; Maxi Mag.; Makanov; Nambu; Fiocchi; Most Calibers and Gauges Represented. 2 Sealed Canisters for Russian Mosin Nagant 8mm and 7.62 x 56R. BB and Pellet Guns: Hand and Long. Daisy Model 1894, Crossman w/Scope, Red Ryder, American Classic 1377, Marksman Replica, Replica Flintlock Pistol. TOYS AND TRAINS: Assortment HO Trains and Tracks; Tonka; Firestone; Plasticville; Diecast Trucks; Toy Soldiers; Hess Trucks; Lionel Accessories. RAILROAD: Signs; Timetables; Charts.
COINS, STERLING, JEWELRY COINS (100+ LOTS): US Gold: 1/10 Oz. Proof American Eagles. US Silver: Many Morgan and Peace silver dollars; Halves, Quarters, Dimes incl. Roosevelt; 1 Oz. Proof American Eagles. Buffalo and Jefferson Nickels incl. set; Mint and Proof Sets incl. Silver and Premier Silver; Indian and Wheat Cents; 1809 Half Cent; Currency incl. Silver Certificates, $2 and $5 Red Seals, Foreign; Commemoratives; Foreign Coins incl. Canadian, Mexican, some silver; Pewter America’s First Medals. STERLING (50+ LOTS): Flatware; Hollowware incl. basket, napkin rings; porringer; footed plate; sterling rattle and cups; Meridian silver-plated flask; sterling weighted vases and compotes; more. JEWELRY (125+ LOTS): Gold incl. 14K, 10K rings, bands, chains and bracelets; diamond and gem; Cameos incl. antique; bar pins incl. micromosaic; Sterling incl. Mexican, turquoise, Danecraft pin. Watches wrist and pocket incl. Hamilton, Waltham; Costume Individual and Large Lots incl. Lisner, Liz Claiborne, Nolan Miller, glass and hardstone bead necklaces, fashion jewelry and watches, Much More! Specialty Lot Lists Available Online Friday, February 23. Severe Weather Date: Sunday, February 25
15% Buyer’s Premium. Terms: Cash, PA checks. Out-of-state checks w/prior approval. All major credit cards accepted. Food concession. Located off Interstate 83 between 13th Street and 17th Street exits, Harrisburg, PA!
Continued from page 10
the writer (and former lover) Ian Fleming, of James Bond fame, is on a slate pedestal and has a New York foundry mark. Decorative arts will be plentiful and will feature George I Britannia silver salt cellars (James Rood, London,
Antiques & Auction News — February 23, 2018 - - 11
were regularly featured in Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar. Gossip columns in major New York City papers followed her every move. Rogers’ look and style were the inspiration for the Barbie doll in the 1950s. Photos of the first-generation Barbies, when placed alongside ones of Ms. Rogers, show that the two are strikingly similar. Her costume collection donated at the time
Charlton Hall Auctions seated at this desk in the “1689.” March 1945 issue of American Rogers was a voracious Vogue), and a George III reader. Many rare and early mahogany and later marble- books will be included in the top pier table (possibly Irish, auction. circa 1770). Also sold will be a The impact Millicent Rogers northern European carved oak had on fashion and high society coffer, or marriage chest, can’t be overstated. She is still made circa the mid-17th to credited today as an influence early 18th century, with a on major fashion designers. molded edge top. When she burst on the scene in the 1920s as a beautiful young socialite, photographs of her
A Rock-Solid Foundation From Our Files By Andrew Richmond Staddle stones take their name from the Old English stathol, which means a support or the trunk of a tree. These nifty little pedestals that seem to defy the laws of physics have been used for hundreds of years as the elevating bases for granaries, beehives, game larders, and even small barns - any outbuilding that might warehouse things prone to attracting pests. Staddle stones occasionally appear in other places, but are most common in England and in parts of Spain.
themselves were made from whatever was available and thus appear in a variety of sandstone and granite, as well as other stone. Interestingly, the design of the stones varies regionally, both the base and the top, with the bases ranging from cylindrical to triangular to rectangular with varying degrees of tapering, and the tops also exhibiting regional variations and even designs. The key requirement is that the top is flat enough to support the corner of the structure soundly while also overlapping the base stone in a “mushroom cap” far enough to make a “squirrel baffle” of sorts, preventing any climbing rodent from making the transition from the base to the side of the structure and the hay or grain it contained. Elevation has the added advantage of increasing air circulation and preventing the damaging effects of moisture. If such buildings required steps, either a more temporary and portable option, such as a section of log, was used or the top step was simply omitted, assuring a gap large enough to deter rodents was still present. Along with carriage steps, troughs, and millstones, staddle stones are popular in the gardens and landscapes of collectors. Evidence of the stone’s age and wear consistent with a longtime connection between the base and the top are key to value (perhaps because they are also key to detecting fakes). Staddle stones with good age (collec- A much smaller staddle stone, this tors even like to see evidence example, with a good moss “patina,” This is a granary supported by staddle stones. Courtesy Weald and Downland of moss or lichen) can easily sold for over $700 at Garth’s in 2013. Open Air Museum, Chichester, West Sussex, UK, via Wikipedia. fetch several hundred or even a thousand dollars.
Andrew Richmond holds degrees from Kenyon College and the Winterthur Program in American Material Culture. He has spent more than a decade in the world of antiques and This staddle stone is unusually tall fine art auctions. and refined, as its price reflects. It Richmond is the owner of sold for nearly $1,700 at Garth’s Wipiak Consulting and Auctions in 2015. Appraisals in Ohio. He is a recognized expert in the antiques Early staddles were and art field, serving as a regmade of wood, but stone ular appraiser on WKET TV’s proved to be not only far “Kentucky Collectibles,” and more durable but he has conducted numerous also more stable appraisal events around Ohio when it came to holding and beyond. up under the weight of the finRichmond regularly ished structure. (While stone is engages in academic research the most obvious choice, there on American decorative arts are a few extant examples of and has lectured widely, cast-iron staddles). The stones including venues as Colonial Williamsburg’s Antiques Forum and the Winterthur Museum’s Furniture Forum. He has published numerous articles and has curated two landmark exhibitions on the decorative arts of his native Ohio. He serves on the boards of several museums and decorative arts organizations. Andrew lives in rural Ohio A group of three staddlestones sold at Garth’s in 2008 for $1,410. Based on the varying size and shape, these stones were assembled by a collector, rather than with his wife (and regular writing partner), Hollie Davis, their originally part of the same set that supported a farm building. two children, and their cats.
Exhibition At The Met Reaches Milestone Mark Of 500,000 Visitors “Michelangelo: Divine Draftsman And Designer” Draws Acclaim Attendance at The Metropolitan Museum of Art’s acclaimed exhibition, “Michelangelo: Divine Draftsman and Designer,” recently topped the milestone mark of 500,000 visitors. In the nine weeks since it opened on Nov. 13, 2017, the exhibition has attracted an average of approximately 7,000 people per day. The number represents more than one-third of the total attendance at The Met Fifth Avenue
About the Exhibition This once-in-a-lifetime exhibition presents a stunning group of 133 drawings by Michelangelo - the largest number ever assembled - as well as three of his marble sculptures, his earliest painting, and his wood architectural model for a chapel vault. The works are on loan from 50 public and private collections. The exhibition is made possible by Morgan Stanley. Additional support is provided by an anonymous donor, the
MARCH 3RD, 2018
MODERN ERA TRAINS in the Pavilion. Nice selection of Modern Era Trains by Lionel and MTH. A representative sampling of Prewar & Postwar Lionel ~ a few engines, a bit of rolling stock and accessories. Most Modern Era is in original boxes. Numerous sets, motive power, variety of passenger sets & collectible freights. Structures & accessories. HO MODEL TRAINS in the Blue Room. Quality Brass Models dominate first half of auction. Full range of Brass engines & cars, like new in OB. Some decorated for various Railroads. Second half of auction features NOS Store Liquidation. All items brand new, never used in original boxes & packaging. Great selection of Walthers (various lines), Athearn, Atlas. Variety of steam L&Ts and diesels, by different manufacturers all brand-new. Rolling stock & passenger trains. Plenty of parts, trucks, add-ons, enhancements, LED systems, decals, power packs & detail pieces. Generous lots in profusion! An opportunity to stock up for Spring Shows, not to be missed! Please review complete listings at Auctioneer #1892 Preview: Friday, March 2 from 6 P.M.-8 P.M. and from 8 A.M.-10 A.M. day of auction. 12% Buyer’s Premium. (AY-003006-L)
from the Federal Council on the Arts and the Humanities. Photo was by Anna-Marie Kellen.
Successful Auction Management
Kathy Maurer, Auctioneer
12 - - Antiques & Auction News — February 23, 2018
Phone (610) 799-0808 4644 (Rt. 309) Main Street Schnecksville, PA 18078
AT 1 P.M. * PREVIEW AUCTION DAY AT 9 A.M. 4644 Route 309,
SCHNECKSVILLE, PA 18078 Circa Victorian to late 1900s, ladies’ and children’s dresses, skirts, tops, two piece outfits, outerwear, furs, men’s tuxedos and jackets, hundreds of hats and hat boxes, shoes, accessories! Over 1,000 items! Bid live in the auction gallery or absentee bids happily accepted. View hundreds of pictures at
during the same time period. To celebrate the milestone, a catalogue of the exhibition was presented to a visitor by the show’s curator, Dr. Carmen Bambach, curator in The Met’s Department of Drawings and Prints.
Gail and Parker Gilbert Fund, the Diane W. and James E. Burke Fund, Dinah Seiver and Thomas E. Foster, Cathrin M. Stickney and Mark P. Gorenberg, Ann M. Spruill and Daniel H. Cantwell, and the Mark Pigott KBE Family. It is supported by an indemnity
Tom Hall Auctions, Inc. 610-799-0808 (AU-1734)
Antiques & Auction News — February 23, 2018 - - 13
A Cowboy Bronze, Early Slot Machine And 1877 Drug Store Bottle Lead The Charge Holabird’s Jan. 20 And 21 Sale Was Held In Reno, Nev.
A bronze depiction of a cowboy on horseback by California sculptress Betty Saletta, titled “Yesterday Is This scrimshaw cup, made from a Tomorrow,” dated “1990” and mea- carved antique horn around 1802, sold suring 31 inches tall, sold for $5,000. for $1,312. chips and fading ($625). Original artwork featured a framed oil painting titled “The This Triassic Keichousaurus hui reptile Forest” by William Keith (1838fossil discovered embedded into black 1911), a Scottish-American shale in Guizhou, China, measuring 6painter famous for his by-11 inches, sold for $812. California landscapes and associated with Tonalism and the plus many duplicates in a American Barbizon School backup box ($1,125); and a ($1,250), and an oil-on-board group of 223 pre-1965 U.S. $1 rendering of snow-covered silver certificate bills, 10 of mountains and trees and a river them either uncirculated or by Leonard Lopp (Am., 1888almost uncirculated, the rest 1974), framed, dated 1938 ($875). circulated ($375). A group of 58 pay vouchNative American artifacts ers for Wisconsin Civil War were led by a buckskin Plains soldiers killed in battle, most Indian beaded pipe bag, with a of them marked “Paid” in beaded warrior on horseback 1864, for money owed to the motif on one side and a twin soldiers from 1862, with the deer design on the reverse money going to family mem($875); a corn husk and yarn bers and spouses of the bag woven by the noted Nez deceased, garnered $562. Pierce artist Viola Morris, new Also, a two-page handwritten and never used ($594); and a diary of a scout who was pervintage Hopi vase (or seed forming in the Buffalo Bill pot), old and well-used, with Wild West show, dated Jan. 1, 1874, hit $469. A rare and unusual scrimshaw cup, made from a carved antique horn around 1802 and depicting 18th century British officers in a formation watching a solider tied to a cannon carriage while being The buckskin Plains Indian beaded pipe bag, with a whipped by three beaded warrior on horseback motif on one side and black slaves, signed a twin deer design on the reverse, sold for $875. by artist “N.
Spillman,” sold for $1,312. Also, a World War II Marine Corps framed sword and scabbard, the sword 36 inches long, made $687. A tin advertising sign for Al Furstnow Saddlery - “The Saddle That Made Miles City (Mont.) Famous” - 14-by-20 inches, not a copy, breezed to $625. Also, a Triassic Keichousaurus hui reptile fossil discovered embedded into black shale in Guizhou, China,
The A.B. Stewart & Co. (Virginia City, Nev.) drug store bottle dated “1877,” light purple in color and one of the rarest of all the Virginia City bottles, sold for $2,250. 6-by-11 inches, brought $812. The 200 million-year-old species of reptile was discovered in 1958, in China. To learn more, readers may call Fred Holabird at 775-851-1859 or 844-492-2766 or visit
Like us on Facebook! J. Pandur Auction Services LLC
Public Auction • Wed. Feb. 28
* PLEASE NOTE NEW START TIME! * Auction @ 1 pm • Preview @ Noon
Benner Hall • 1260 East Cherry St, Richlandtown, PA 18951
Antiques/Collectibles: Brass fire wagon bell, oil lamps, sugar shakers, syrups, Griswold/Wagner cast iron, antique scales, miniature anvils, Landers Frary Clark mayo whipper, bottle banks, Newfoundland dog statue (copy of a Fisk Foundry original), Longaberger baskets, Rosenthal dishes, glass paperweights, stoneware jugs, table clocks, grandfather clock, pottery, porcelain, glassware, advertising, brass blade fan, old key cutter, sad irons, fixed blade and folding knives, wood planes, scribes, wrenches, bevels, broad axe, folding rules, draw knives, Davis Tool Co level (1867), box lots and more! Jewelry: 14K/10K, sterling and costume necklaces, bracelets, rings and earrings, handbags and more. Artwork: Ranulph Bye original watercolors, Maxfield Parrish 'Lute Players' litho, barn landscape signed William South plus other paintings and prints. Electronics: Marantz 2230 receiver, Denon turntable, Sharp TV, CD players, DVD player and more! Furniture: Lane cedar chest, accent tables, chairs and more. Delicious refreshments served!
Photos at • 215-208-6481 Terms: All items sold 'as is', 'where is' with no guarantees. • Payment: Cash, Check (no out of state), Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express. In-house bidders 13% buyer's premium reduced to 10% for cash or S999856 check. Absentee bidders - 15% buyer's premium. • Lic. # AY002016
Rentzels Auction Service Inc. Held at York Fairgrounds: John & Paige Smith Building 334 Carlisle Ave., YORK, PA Dir.: Rt. 30 West of York, to Rt. 74 South 1 mile to Fairgrounds
Large Antique Auction LEWIS & JOY FRANTZ COLLECTION 375 Cataloged Lots of Antiques: Very Nice Collection of Granite & Agateware, incl. Salesman’s Samples, Nice Collection of Carnival Glass, Ant. Glass, Cherry Seeders, Sadirons & Flatirons, Children’s Kitchen Toys, Tinware, Crocks, Small Double Wheel Coffee Grinder Antiques Primitives, Large Amount of Hellam, Wrightsville & York Advertising Items, incl. Hellam Whiskey Bottle, Calendars & Much More. Online Bidding Available. 10% Buyer’s Premium for on-site bidders
SAT., MARCH 3, 9:00 A.M. PREVIEW: FRI., FEB. 23, 5:00-7:00 P.M.
Large Antique Auction: 30+ Pcs. of Stoneware Crocks & Jugs, many w/blue decoration, Milk Bottles, York & Lanc. Bottles, Foust Decanters, Bottles & Jugs, York Etched Adv. Glasses, Oyster Cans, Primitives, Butter Churns, Old Top Hats, Ant. Furniture incl.: Oak Icebox, Bowfront China, Oak Dresser, Oak Barrister Bookcase, Howard Miller Grandfather Clock, Marble Top Table, Blanket Chests, Victrola w/Horn, Reversed Paint & Leaded Glass Lamps, Stained Glass Windows, Calumet Baking Powder Adv. Clock, Royal Crown Cola Ice Chest Cooler, Arcade Toy Car, Cast Santa & Sleigh, Pressed Steel Trucks, Bat. Oper & Tin Toys, Toonerville Trolley Car, Old Toys, Mustang Model Cars & Much, Much More. Selling w/2 Auctioneers: 10% Buyer’s Premium.
RENTZELS AUCTION SERVICE INC. Dave Conley AU-003269L 717-577-1886 Call or Check Website For More
A bronze depiction of a cowboy on horseback by California sculptress Betty Saletta sold for $5,000, a 25cent War Eagle slot machine from the 1930s fetched $2,875, and a mint condition A.B. Stewart & Co. (Virginia City, Nev.) drug store bottle dated 1877 made $2,250 at Holabird Western Americana Collections LLC’s auction held on Jan. 20 and 21. It was the first big auction event of the year for Fred Holabird, featuring nearly 1,500 lots in many collecting categories. It was held online A War Eagle 25-cent slot machine and in their Reno, Nev., gallery, from around the 1930s, with the origiat 3555 Airway Drive. “We had nal wood sides and base, one of the our largest online audience classic “one-armed bandits,” realized ever,” said owner Fred $2,875. Holabird, who called the sale “a huge success.” Phone and Nev.), very rare, aqua in color absentee bids were also taken. and tooled in a Hutchinson The Jan. 20 session show- style soda ($1,750). cased mining and minerals, The following are additionart, foreign items, Native al highlights. Internet bidding Americana and general was provided by the platforms Americana. The Jan. 21 auction,, was packed with cowboy eBay Live and items, firearms and weaponry, All prices quoted include the militaria, gaming and tokens, buyer’s premium. numismatics (coins), tokens, Mining collectibles are a bottles, saloon, railroadiana, genre of collectible that is on Wells Fargo, and World’s Fair the rise, and Holabird has capand Exposition material. italized on the trend. This sale The Betty Saletta sculp- featured 19th-century photure, titled “Yesterday Is tographs, including one phoTomorrow,” was beautifully tograph that shows nine minmounted and in excellent ers and one child posing outcondition. Standing 31 inches side a mine shaft in Virginia tall, it was artist signed and City, Nev. ($1,125), and one of dated 1990. Another bronze the Hale & Norcross mine in creation, a high-quality repro- Virginia City ($1,000). Both are duction of the famous sculp- mounted and circa 1885. ture “Stagecoach” by Charles Other star lots from the Marion Russell (Am., 1864- category included a McClellan 1926), brought $2,500. The Gold Mining Company stock sculpture, on greenstone, certificate (Comstock, Nevada stood 20 inches tall. Territory), one of the very earliThe War Eagle slot est Nevada territorial stock cermachine - a classic one- tificates, dated 1863 and in armed bandit design, still popular with collectors boasted all original wood sides and base and had been professionally repainted. A top lot of the tokens category was an 1898 Omaha T r a n s Mississippi The mounted photograph from the 19th century, showExposition ing nine miners and one child posing outside a mine example (with shaft in Virginia City, Nev., sold for $1,125. “1848” on the reverse), in uncirculated con- excellent condition ($688), and dition and gold-plated. The a group of 23 early Arizona topo unlisted variety token fin- maps, mostly from mining ished at $344. regions, 80 percent pre-1920 Vintage and antique bot- and many from the first survey tles are very popular with col- period of 1895-1912 ($531). lectors, and this auction had Railroadiana featured a some beauties, including the stock certificate from Virginia & aforementioned A.B. Stewart Truckee Railroad in the amount drug store bottle, light purple of 500 shares, issued to W. C. in color and one of the rarest Ralston (one of the driving of all the Virginia City bottles, forces behind the Bank of and a circa 1890-92 Lemaire California on the Comstock), soda bottle (Battle Mountain, signed on the back by him and dated June 21, 1869 ($1,125), and a rare Montana & Southern Company railroad pass, issued in 1919 and signed by General Manager Allen ($312). Numismatics and paper currency was highlighted by a collection of Washington quarter coins, with the main collection housed in Railroadiana featured a stock certificate from an album and missVirginia & Truckee Railroad in the amount of 500 ing only the 1932-D, shares, issued to W. C. Ralston and dated “June 21, 1938 and 1940 dates, 1869.” It sold for $1,125.
14 - - Antiques & Auction News — February 23, 2018
The 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition
By Roy Nuhn In 1893, the midwestern metropolis of Chicago, Ill., threw a gala party and invited the world to attend. Opening Day was May 1, and during its six-month run, 27 million people passed through the gates (at 50 cents each) to view the most spectacular and grandiose exposition ever seen up to that time. The World’s Columbian Exposition celebrated Christopher Columbus’ delivery of America 400 years earlier. Folks had eagerly awaited its arrival. The Chicago World’s Fair, as it is more commonly called, signaled to the world that America had come of age and was ready to take its place as a leader in the council of nations. It lavished praise on our technological advancement and scientific genius, showcasing not only our great accomplishments, but our promise for the future.
A commemorative hardbound book published by the Monarch Book Co. featured 600 pages of detailed information, photos, and illustrations of buildings and exhibits.
This is the front and back covers of a premium booklet given to visitors to Walter Baker & Co.’s exhibition building. It contained chocolate recipes. The Exposition In all, more than 150 buildings, including 12 gigantic exhibition halls, were constructed. Nearly every
state, and many foreign nations, had special buildings, as did a number of American manufacturers. The fair’s buildings were illuminated by electric lights, a novelty in the 1890s that would be copied and greatly expanded upon by future world’s fairs. A lavish system of lagoons, upon which sailed canoes, barges, gondolas and other small craft, highlighted the expo. Bad weather delayed construction, and a one-year postponement of Opening Day from 1892 to 1893 had to be implemented. On May 1 of the following year, the World’s Columbian Exposition was officially opened to the public. The Midway, with its concessions, rides, and halls of The front of a four-fold advertising entertainment, drew the most and interest. booklet listed the company’s products, attention Everything else at the fair was offices around the world, and Continued on page 15 corporate officers.
No Personal Checks: See Our Web Site: AY002311 AUCTIONEER: TOM HENDRICKS
“Proven Reliability for Buyers And Sellers” Phone:
570-968-4636 OWNER: CAROLYN FRY AA019615 S999831
15% BUYER’S PREMIUM - 3% CASH DISCOUNT ON BUYER’S PREMIUM HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE: SPECIAL NOTE: Bernina Model 930 Sewing Machine w/Cabinet and Many Attachments. FIREARMS: Winchester L50 12 Ga. Shotgun, Golden State Arms M1908 30-06 Rifle, New England Firearms Pardner 20 Ga. Shotgun, Marlin Mod. 60 22 LR Rifle, Mossberg 500C 20 Ga. Shotgun, WWII Italian 7.35 Rifle, Mauser Mod. 24/47 8mm Rifle, Tangfolio EA-380 Pistol, H&R Mod. 733 32 S&W Revolver, H&R .22 Rimfire Revolver, Raven Arms p-25 Pistol, FEG Mod. SMC-22 Pistol, Freehand Arms Revolver. Ammo, Crossbow, etc. COINS: Morgan & Peace Dollars, 1854 Seated Half, Walking Liberty Halves, 1854 Seated Quarter, 1854 Seated Dime, 1936 Mercury Dime, 1867 Shield Nickel, Buffalo Nickels, 1864 2 Cent Piece, 1820 & 1835 Large Cents, Wheaties incl. 1909 VDB, Mint Sets, Silver Certs & Red Seals, 187410 cent Fractional Currency, Foreign Coins & Currency incl. Prewar & WWII German. MILITARY: WWII German: Hitler Youth Knife & Scabbard, M-42 Stalingrad Helmet, Luftwaffe Leather Helmet, Belt & Buckle; Post WWII Swedish Helmet, Soviet 1971 Lantern, WWII US Machete, US Officer’s Saddle. FURNITURE: Ridgeway Grandfather Clock, Jelly Cupboard, Oak Dressers & Washstands, Dry Sink, Jewelry Armoires, Mahogany Secretary Desk, Pine Bedroom Sets, Slate Top Coffee Table Set, Dinette Sets, Antique & Modern Sofas, Recliners. JEWELRY: 14K Bracelet & Earrings, 10K Necklace & Pendant, Much Sterling, Watches, Costume incl. Demi Sets. TOYS: GI Joe Spaceman Set w/Box, Lionel incl. HO Burlington 181 Set, Bachmann Digital HO Train Set, BB & Cork Guns, Nintendo 64 System, Corgi Batmobile, Hot Wheels, Matchbox, Toy Soldiers, Marbles incl. Marble King & Clay, Play Doh Jabba the Hutt, Dolls incl. Barbie, Melissa & Doug Posable Husky. MODEL AIRPLANE: 2 Planes, Remote Control, Engine, Irons, Servos, Parts, Accessories. ANTIQUE/VINTAGE: J J McGinty - Mahanoy City Script Jug, Crocks, Railroad Step Box, Singer Featherweight, 1930 German Fireman’s Helmet, Fire Bucket, Radios, Mantel Clocks, Steiff Pewter, Lighters, Victrola, Hankies, Linens, Beatles Albums, Pencil Bag & Hair Pomade; Sweet Caporal State Pins, Pep Pins, Wood Shaft & Head Golf Clubs, Mining Lamps, Filter Queen Vacuum. GLASSWARE: (8) Fire-King Jadeite Mugs, Carnival, Depression. PAPER/EPHEMERA: 70’s Mad Mags, 60’s Comics, 19th Century Bibles, Nutting Prints, George Malick Signed & Numbered Print. INSTRUMENTS: Dynasty Trumpet, Glenn Edward French Horn, Saxophone, Flute, Violin, Acoustic Guitars, Drum Set. FISHING: Flies, Lures, Reels incl. Shimano Areo 1000 & 2000. OTHER: Noblerex K1 Platinum Fitness Machine (Like New), KitchenAid Mixer, Commercial Vita Mixer, Smelting Furnaces, Blacksmithing Tools & Oven, Tools incl. Shop Smith, Grizzly Band Saw, Delta Planer; Craftsman 3 Pc. Tool Chest, Beer Neons, Signs, Trays; Pinball & Six Card Machines.
Antiques & Auction News — February 23, 2018 - - 15
World’s Columbian Exposition
A die-cut trade card by Chase & Sanborn Seal Brand coffee, telling consumers that its coffee was “served exclusively at the World’s Fair.”
This is the booklet Singer handed out to fairgoers visiting its exhibit in the Liberal Arts Building.
ephemera - were manufactured or published for the 1893 fair. The city of Chicago and, indeed, the entire nation were hotbeds of expo mania in 1892 and 1893. Momentos of every description were on sale both inside and outside of the fairgrounds. Guide books and commemorative books of all types flooded every store and retail shop in the Windy City. Magazines, including Ladies’ Home Journal, the various Harpers, and New England, filled their pages with articles and pictures of the fair. Many ads in these publications contained expo tie-ins. Trade cards were freely handed out to fairgoers at the various exhibits. Around the country, food sellers and vendors of everything from lawn mowers to kitchen stoves distributed such cards picturing views of the fair and advertising their products or services. And, at least 5,000 different stereopticon views were on sale, stereo viewing being all the rage at this time. Bookmarks were very popular, many of them picturing various fair structures such as the women’s building and important people like President Grover Cleveland and Chicago society leaders Mrs. Potter Palmer. Across America, the public was swamped by lively music inspired by the happenings in Chicago. Several special songs were written about the World’s Fair, including “Cairo Street Waltz,” “The Song of the Ferris
ALWAYS BUYING PHOTOGRAPHS, Archives, Albums, Snap-shots, Collections. Call Jim 800-872-9990.
Have Something to Sell? Looking For Something? Have a Service to Offer? Let us show you how to reach 60,000+ collectors & dealers in the EAST! Call Arlene in Classified Sales 717-492-2561 or 1-800-428-4211 x2561
ART- OLD OIL PAINTINGS wanted, any condition, New Hope School artists, PAFA artists, gold leaf frames and mirrors. 20 years experience. Immediate payment. Call 215-348-2500.
CARNIVAL, CIRCUS, FREAKS, Sideshow, Amusement Parks, Coney Island, Nude Photos, Steel Pier, Pinups, Strippers, Burlesque, Auto Thrillshow. Nostalgia Enterprises, Box 300, Lockport, NY, 14095. 716-433-9418. MOVIE POSTERS Highest Prices Paid Lobby Cards, 1-Sheets, Window Cards, Glass Slides Displays, Dwight Cleveland, POB 10922 Chicago, IL 60610 773-525-9152, Fax 773-5252969, OCEAN LINER MEMORABILIA china, glassware, silver, paper, souvenirs, posters or models. Cunard, French Line, White Star Line, Italian Line, etc. 607-625-3947
Souvenir postcards (set of 12) were published by Charles W. Goldsmith. The Battleship Illinois was part of the U.S. Navy’s presence at the exposition. The Woman’s Building and Mrs. Potter Palmer, an early advocate for woman’s equality, was part of the series. A postcard of President Grover Cleveland and the Government Building was also part of the series. Wheel,” “Naughty Doings on the Midway,” “Columbian Exposition March,” and “The White City March and Two Step.” Today, well over a century later, beautifully illustrated sheet music of these and other expo ditties attract dedicated collectors. Publishing giants McLoughlin Brothers, Graham & Matlock, and Parker Brothers head the list of
board game makers. With titles such as “Uncle Jeremiah’s Trip to the Fair,” they became top sellers in stores coast to coast. As the millions of visitors strolled the broad boulevards and took in the wondrous sights, they found vending machines everywhere dispensing something new, something never see before: souvenir postcards. In fact,
At its exhibit, Singer Manufacturing Co. displayed its line of sewing machines and gave away boxed sets of 36 trade cards showing their machine in use around the world. Four are shown.
This trade card was part of a set by the Enterprise Mfg. Co. showcasing its faucets in use throughout U.S. history. Shown is Abe Lincoln pouring molasses and the Forestry Building.
BASEBALL CARDS, COMIC BOOKS, OLD TOYS. All related collectibles & memorabilia, esp. 1940-80. All Sports Cards. Don Deluca, POB 581, Cranbury, NJ 08512. 609-203-1900.
ADULT GIRLIE MAGS. Private collection spanning 50’s - present. Many titles, Celebrities, Ginger Lynn, Seka, & others most N. Mint, Must have want lists. Reasonable prices. Looking for those rare girlie mags? I may have them! Al Nazario, #12P 400 W. 43rd St, NYC, 10036 or call 212-868-9203
SPORTS CARDS AND other sports related items. Publications, pins, pennants, tickets, etc. Pre-1975. Philadelphia items especially wanted. Ellis, 158 Stratford Dr., Philadelphia, PA 19115, 215-934-5618.
BUYING MISSION FURNITURE, Hammered Copper, & Arts & Crafts Lighting by Stickley, Roycroft, Limbert & Van Erp. Call Ron 484-872-8216.
WANTED OLD LETTER Press Equipment, wood/ lead letters, or anything printing related. Also looking for Blacksmith Anvils. Call 440-693-4232.
GUITARS, VIOLINS, MANDOLINS, banjos, early brass & woodwinds. We buy, sell, & appraise. In business since 1974. Vintage Instruments, Philadelphia, 215-545-1100.
HIGHEST PRICES PAID for your TOYS!!! 1980's-current Star Wars, GI Joe, Transformers, Godzilla, Comic Books, Action Figures, and much more 610-393-3118 ...buying locally for 20 years
SHEET MUSIC WANTED, any era. Sandy Marrone, 113 Oakwood Drive, Cinnaminson, NJ 08077, 856-829-6104 E-mail
BUYING LARGE DIAMONDS, Gold, Platinum, Silver, any condition, call Tony 484-872-8216
MAGAZINES OLD COMIC BOOKS Wanted Pre-1965, top dollar, Comic Art Foundation, Box 1414, Oklahoma City, OK 73101, 405-2365303, email
WANTED OLD RADIOS, Tubes, Hi-Fi Equip., Amplifiers, Speakers, Ham Radios, Tube Testers & related items. Large and small collections. Call Rich 484-948-8044, Pottstown, PA.
To place your classified ad Call 1-800-428-4211
ATTENTION Get the Word Out!! Advertise Your LARGEST STOCK OF Original Movie Posters, Lobby Card and Stills in the United States for sale- 200,000 Posters and 500,000 Photos, 440-256-3660. The Last Moving Picture Co., 10535 Chillicothe Rd, Kirtland, Ohio 44094.
HANDSOME, FINE LEATHER Bound collections of 19 Century Magazines: Harpers new monthly, 1850-1904; Scribners monthly 1871-1882; Century magazine. Fine illustrations, fascinating articles, many volumes with marbled boards. or call 215-242-0854
SERVICE OR SUPPLIES in the Classifieds! Call 1-800-428-4211, x2561
1800-1970 SELL YOUR ANTIQUE TOYS, SPACE TOYS & ROBOTS for the HIGHEST PRICES! Tin Toy Collections Wanted! 856-547-5521
The Columbian Souvenir trade card by Kingsford Baking Powder (Oswego, N.Y.) pictured the Agricultural Building and Machinery Hall
TELEPHONES: 1892-1982, over 85 different & associated. Free Cataloge. Wish to sell entire business. 608-582-4124
Visit Us On Our Website To See More:
OLDER FIREWORKS OR Packs Wanted by Collector, 573-474-5030 or 573-881-0090.
AUTO, TRUCK and Motorcycle: catalogs, brochures, manuals and any showroom related items. Ron Ladley, 210 Stone Rd., Barto, PA 19504, 610-584-1665.
ANTIQUE: 4 FT beautiful Display Case in great shape. Also 2x2 Display Jewelry case in good shape. Please call for details 570-925-5728
in the Greater Chicago area, and in other parts of Illinois. The great and wonderful World’s Columbian Exposition, held over 100 years ago in Chicago to celebrate America’s maturity and our magnificent industrial and scientific progress, holds a very special place in 19th-century history. Never forgotten by those who visited it, the Chicago World’s Fair of 1893 has certainly never been forgotten by collectors.
ALASKA AND YUKON gold mining stock certificates. Free price list. Lee Poleske, PO Box 871 Seward AK 99664
FREE CATALOG FROM Heroes & Legends for Hollywood and Rock & Roll autographs. 18034 Ventura Blvd., Encino, CA 91316. We also buy! 818-342-2800.
STAMPS CHINESE STAMP BUYER Pay top $ for Asian Stamps emails scans/pics
one hundred of these special vending machines dotted the landscape throughout the expo grounds. All of these keepsakes and memorabilia are eagerly collected today, as are the admission tickets for the fair itself and for the individual attractions, especially those found on the Midway. Also sought are decks of souvenir playing cards with illustrations of fair buildings, published by the G.W. Clark Co. Official licensee for postcards at the Columbian Exposition was New York City entrepreneur Charles W. Goldsmith. Only his postcards were sold through the vending machines and at the one kiosk. Special envelopes of 12 postcards were also available for 25 cents in addition to singles at two for a nickel. Though Goldsmith’s cards were the only “officials,” they were far from being the sole postcards of the Chicago Exposition. At least four other identified publishers and three or four anonymous ones flourished. All of their cards were sold off the fairgrounds,
or S948095
Continued from page 14
educational, with exhibits of great inventions and advances designed to promote the great manufacturing and agricultural might of the United States. But on the Midway, it was all fun. Eateries featured foreign cuisine, and everywhere there were exhibitions of all sorts by the inhabitants of Egypt, Africa, and Latin America. Collectibles Many novelties, games, souvenirs and books - tons of
16 - - Antiques & Auction News — February 23, 2018
OR 302-438-1217 EMAIL WEB Auctioneer ID#4741
David Leffel Oil On Canvas
10 A.M.
FEATURING SOME OF THE FINEST ANTIQUES, EARLY TOYS, FOLK ART, HAND FORGED IRON, QUALITY FURNITURE, MUSIC MACHINES AND TRADE STIMULATORS, J & E STEVENS MECHANICAL BANKS, ARTWORKS AND CLOCKS FROM MULTIPLE ESTATES ACROSS THE MID ATLANTIC. QUALITY FURNITURE AT 10 A.M.: Four Section Barrister Bookcase, Large Oak Hall Stand, Mahogany Etagere, Mahogany Hall Stand, Primitive Farm Table, Bucket Bench, Wood Workbench With 2 Vises, Large Sliding Barn Door. Gateleg And Drop Leaf Tables, Plant Stands, 16 Drawer Yellow Painted Standing Cabinet, Bowfront China Closet, Cobbler’s Shoe Rack, Dental Cabinet, Oak Library Table w/Drawer, Oak Stands. Spinning Wheel, Tiger Oak Bachelor’s Chest With Mirror, Victorian Oak Easel, Industrial Cart With Cast Wheels, M/T Chest Of Drawers, Mission Oak Umbrella Stand. Victorian Floral Painted Sled, Eastlake Stand With Carved Swans, 2 Industrial Stools, Plank Seat Chairs, 4 George Roper Mid Century Modern Chairs, Quarter Round Green Painted Plant Stand, Several Wood Pedestals, Cast Iron Tractor Seat Chair, Angled Oak Glass Tabletop Showcase, Jeweler’s Standing Glass Top Showcase. Primitive 42 Drawer Jeweler’s Standing Cabinet With Felt Lined Drawers - 36 Small Drawers Over 6 Large. A Chippendale Era Period Mirror With Original Mirror And Finish. VINTAGE TOYS: A Sought After 1920’s Keystone Water Pumper Fire Truck In Original Condition. A Dent Cast-Iron Battleship New York, 20 Inches Long, As Found. An Oversized Cast-Iron Dent Horse Drawn Fire Ladder Wagon. 31 Inches Long With (3) 9 Inch Horses. Has Both Cast-Iron Firemen, 2 Ladders. In Original, Untouched Condition With Paint Loss And Surface Rust. A Collection Of 17 Schoenhut Dolls, Animals And Clowns. Kessler 22 Inch Doll, Other Bisque And Composition Dolls. Large Vintage Halloween Diecuts Including Jack-O-Lanterns, Black Cats, Witches, Skeletons And A Pointed Witches Hat With Owl Decoration. 1930’s Cracker Jack Tin Litho Prizes Mary Lu Quick Delivery And Angelu’s Marshmallows. Wyandotte Ambulance. A Morphet Sampler - Period Frame Wolverine Toy Tin Litho Organ. SILVER: Tiffany & Co. Sterling Silver Pincushion/Sewing Box #5425. Large International Silver Sterling Weighted Candlesticks. Wonderfully Decorated Majolica Vases, Smoking Trays, And Plates Decorated With Animals, Reptiles And Insects. Several Vintage OYSTER TINS Large And Small. FOLK ART: A Large Hand Carved Wood Folk Art Jointed Bojangles - Dancing Black Man. An Amazing And Early Carving With A Long Armed Spring Holding The Figure On A Wood Platform With An Unusual Crank Apparatus. 30¾ Inches Long, 8½ Inches Deep, 21 Inches Tall. Mid 19th ESCO Ask Me Another Century. One Of A Kind!!! A Large Handmade Wood Ferris Wheel With Two Towers And An Operator’s Shed, Hand Painted With Multiple Cars, Each About Love Named. 23½ Inches Tall, 10¼ Inches Long, Wheel Is 20 Inches Across! Late 19th Century. Four Turn Of The Century Marionettes Of Hansel And Gretel, And A Knight And Princess In Their Original Boxes. A Painted And Carved Glider/ Rocking Horse From The Late 1800’s. Several Fine Weathervanes Including A Rare Cast-Iron Speeding Jalopy, Chickens - Roosters, A Byplane And Others. A Large Riveted Horse And Jockey Weathervane In Red Paint. A 29 Inch Long Heavy Cast-Iron Black Stallion Hanging Sign. NEEDLEWORK: A Wonderful 1813 Sampler By Martha Morphet Titled “On Virtue” In A Period Mahogany Frame. The Sampler Measures 14 1880’s Rocking/ Inches x 19 Inches Not Including The Frame. Gliding Horse Columbia ARTWORKS: David Leffel, Acclaimed New York Artist, 1988 Oil On Canvas With Provenance. Lady Liberty Oil On Canvas, Late 19th Century, Unsigned. Model Aubrey Ramus (1895-1950) Watercolor Of A Scottish Cottage. Elena And Bertha De Hellebranth, Several Artworks By These Noted Local Artists. Ethel Anna Stephens (1866-1944) Watercolor Of The Wentworth House. Listed Australian Artist. Several Works Of 1960’s-70’s Political Illustrations By AH Noted New Jersey Artist And Cartoonist, Bill Cambell And By Listed Illustrationist, Lute Pease. A Large Signed Bronze Sculpture Of An Angry Bull. A Signed, Moore Bonheur, Bronze Horse And Jockey Sculpture On Marble Base. HAND FORGED IRON: A Large Early 19th Century Hand Forged And Decorated Fireplace Bread Toaster With Long Handle. A Heavy Hand Forged Sawtooth Fireplace Crane. Other Hand Forged Cranes. A Nicely Twisted And Lengthy 19th Century Blacksmith Made Fireplace Crane. Heavy Cast-Iron Hanging Horse Many Old 19th Century Cast-Iron Doorstops. A Boston Terrier, A Train, A Basket Of Flowers And Others. A Large 27 Inch Wide Cast-Iron Cauldron With Bale Handle On 3 Peg Feet. Two Copper And Iron Lightning Rods With Spiked Tops, One With Original Glass Ball. A Cast-Iron Pig Cigar Cutter. J & E STEVENS MECHANICAL BANKS: Original Late 19th Century Bulldog Bank; Eagle And Eaglets; William Tell; American Jolly N. STONEWARE: Brown Pottery, North Carolina, Handled Storage Crock; S. Levin, Trenton New Jersey Advertising Liquor Jug Circa 1910; Wm. Hare, Delaware Small Crock; James Hamilton Blue Decorated Crock; Blue Decorated Crocks. BASKETS: A Large Hand Woven Rectangular Laundry Basket, A Small Hand Woven Wall Pocket Basket And A Small Handled Cylindrical Cross Weaved Basket. ADVERTISING TINS: Tiger Tobacco, Wilbur’s Breakfast Cocoa, Hack’s Throat And Chest, Belfast Cut Plug, Edgeworth Plug Slice, Mosemann’s POK-O-REEL Game 1 Cent 5 Reel Peanut Butter, Rich’s Canton Ginger And Many Others. PHOTOS: A Great Cabinet Card Album Featuring Two Men And Their Bicycles And Ten Tintypes. ART NOUVEAU: Copper Wall Letter Holder Circa 1920’S, An English Art Nouveau Pewter Collection Including Four Tudric Pieces. Bronze Art Nouveau Dresser Trays. MUSIC MACHINES: Regina 15½ Inch Music Box With 18 Discs. Plays Great! Columbia Model Ah, The Disc Graphophone In Oak Case With Swing Arm And Period Horn, Circa 1902-1903. An Autophone Co. Concert Roller Organ With Four Corn Cob Roller/Cylnders. Hand Crank, 20 Note Rollers, Glass Front Swell Cover, Circa The Late 1800’s. 1915 National Toy Company Black Americana Dancing Dolls. Four Record Toy Dancing Figures Including Ragtime Rastus, A Pair Of Boxers, A Pair Of Chickens, And A Tall Woman In A Red Dress. With The OrigiNal National Regina 15½ Inch Music Box Toy Mechanism To Set On The Phonograph. TRADE STIMULATORS: POK-O-REEL 1 Cent Slot Machine 5 Reel Playing Cards. Made By Groetchen Tool & Mfg. Co., Circa 1933. Side Gum Vendor. Very Rare, Esco, Ask Me Another About Love, Trade Stimulator, Exhibit Supply Co. Established 1901. MANY UNUSUAL PIECES: A U.S. Marked Horseback Dispatcher’s Strapped Leather Pouch/Bag - 19th Century. A Large Copper Cauldron 20 Inches Across And 13 Inches Tall. Plus Two Other Copper Cauldrons Just In - One Is 25 Inches Across! Three 1930’s Rotating Soda Fountain Stools With Footrests. An Andrew Bell (1726-1809) Map Of The West Indies Circa 1750-1775. A Rogers Airtite Autophone Concert Roller Organ Tobacco Pouches Glass Display With Several Unusual Tobacco And Cigarette Samples In Superb Condition. A Tall Wood Ice Cream Cooler With Two Internal Cylindrical Stacking Tins And Original Cast-Iron Tool That Lifts The Tins From The Cooler. Two Large Painted Corbels From The Lancaster Courthouse Demolition. A Large PRR Barrel Lock With Key, A Pair Of Wood Carriage Wheels. MILITARY, FIREARMS RELATED AND FRATERNAL: Carl Eickhorn Solingen Germany Kriegsmarine Navy Sword With Folding Guard And Original Scabbard. Late 19th Century. Four Sided Bleeder Bayonet, Fraternal Sword, British Aldershot Bronze Rifle Oyster Tins Meeting Medal Early 20th Century, Shot With A Kleanbore Remington Rifle Trick Shot Brass Coin Circa 1930’s-40’s. Large Dupont FFF Powder Barrel. Small Cannonball.
PREVIEW MONDAY, FEB. 26TH 10 A.M.-6 P.M. AND TUESDAY, FEB 27TH 10 A.M.-4 P.M. ABSENTEE AND PHONE BIDS ACCEPTED. PLEASE CALL 717-442-8529 TO SET UP YOUR BIDS. ______________________________________________________________________________
Tudric Pewter
Byplane Weathervane
10 A.M.
This Is A Single Collector’s Sign Auction Featuring Advertising, Petroliana And Automobilia Signs From The Past 100 Years! We Also Have 4 Gas Pumps - American, Kilgore, Blue Sunoco, Sinclair Power-X And Globes. VEHICLES: **A 1970 PONTIAC CATALINA CONVERTIBLE, Red With White Top, 85k Miles. Great Summer Fun!!! Titled And Inspected. **A 1966 HARLEY SHOVEL HEAD Motorcycle With Electric Start, 15K Original Miles. Red And White. Super Clean! Schoenhut PENNSYLVANIA AUCTION LICENSE AY001987 AUCTIONEERS: LEON
Folk Art Dancing Black Man
Workbench “Dent” Cast-Iron Fire Truck
Eagle & Eaglets Mechanical Bank Rogers Tobacco/Smoking Display
4 Record Toy Dancing Figures
Keystone Water Pumper
Arcade Wheel