New-York Historical Society Remembers Muhammad Ali
AAN Current News
Special Installation “Ali: A Tribute” Will Run Until Aug. 14 FRIDAY JUNE 24, 2016 • VOL. 47, NO. 26
The American Political Items Collectors National Convention Is Slated For July 6 To 10 National Convention Will Be Held In Harrisburg, Pa. The Democratic National Convention is not the only assemblage of politically minded individuals that will be gathering in Pennsylvania this year. The American Political Items Collectors (APIC) have selected the Keystone State’s capital city of Harrisburg for their 2016 national convention. The Wednesday to Sunday, July 6 to 10, event will be headquartered at the Harrisburg Hilton, near many historical sites. Attendees This 1908 William H. Taft/James Sherman “elephant ears” jugate button has a value of approximately $8,000. from among the club’s 1,600 members will have an event-packed agenda available to them, including buying and selling at a 200-table bourse and visiting numerous local points of interest, from the Gettysburg A clothing button commemorating George Washington’s inauguration in 1789, embossed “Long Live The President,” is valued at approximately $3,000.
Battlefield to the home of James Buchanan Jr., the 15th President of the United States. The focus throughout will be on Pennsylvania’s rich political history, and an all-out effort This James M. Cox/FDR jugate button depicting the running mates from the presidential/vice-presidential election of 1920 has a value of $25,000-plus. will be made to engage the public and showcase the fascinating hobby of political memorabilia collecting. “On Saturday and Sunday, July 9 and 10, we’ll do something we’ve never done before, and that’s open our doors to the public, free of charge. Even the parking will be free,” said convention co-chair Ted Hake, who founded the York, Pa., auction house Hake’s Americana, the event’s Keystone-Level sponsor. “We want to make this an educational experience for all ages. Guests can browse the sellers’ tables and view a wealth of rare political memorabilia spanning a 200-year timeline, with values from $5 to $50,000. There will also be every imaginable type of vintage pop culture collectible for sale, from comic character, sports and rock music to advertising and WWII relics.” To encourage youngsters to attend, every visitor under 16 will receive a free bag of political campaign buttons plus a special button created for the event. “There’s a lot to do in central Pennsylvania, between the worldclass museums, historical sites, and family-fun attractions like
The New-York Historical Society commemorates the passing of Muhammad Ali with a special installation to celebrate his life and achievements. On view until Sunday, Aug. 14, “Ali: A Tribute” will feature his robe and gloves, signed by Ali, recently donated to NewYork Historical Society as part of the Time Inc. Archive, as well as the photograph “The Greatest,” taken in 1967 by George Kalinsky. Three-time heavyweight champion Muhammad Ali (1942-2016) was one of the greatest athletes of our time - a superlative that the brash dynamo would himself proclaim. Born Cassius Clay in Louisville, Ky., the boxer surprised everyone when he defied seven-toone odds to beat reigning champion Sonny Liston in 1964. Ali captivated the world with his loud mouth, unorthodox boxing style, and political and religious convictions. He retook the heavyweight championship from George Foreman in 1974 at the “Rumble in the Jungle” in Zaire, outlasting the power puncher on the ropes. Ali won the championship for the third time in 1978 against Leon Spinks and finally retired in 1981.
Later this year, the New-York Historical Society will present “Muhammad Ali, LeRoy Neiman, and the Art of Boxing.” The exhibition, slated to open Friday, Dec. 16, will look at Ali’s career and life as a boxer and public figure through vivid watercolors and on-the-spot sketches created by his friend, the artist LeRoy Neiman. For more information, visit
Important Brazilian Collection Of Chinese Ceramics Makes World Debut At The Met on page 2
Ceramic Arts Studio Collectors Convention Is Set For Aug. 27 on page 9
George Kalinsky’s “The Greatest” was taken in 1967. Courtesy of the New-York Historical Society, gift of George Kalinsky.
Hartzell’s Auction Gallery Inc. To Offer Fine Collection Of Robert Whitley Furniture And Antiques On Friday, June 24, at 3 p.m., Hartzell’s Auction Gallery Inc. of Bangor, Pa., will offer the estate of Florence Greene of Buck Hill Falls, Pa., which includes 30plus pieces of Robert Whitley fur- Here are (6) Robert Whitley chairs and a table. niture purchased directly from Contemporary Art for his “Starfish Desk.” Following this prestigious Whitley in the 1960s and 70s. Robert Whitley (b. 1924) of New award, he received two presidential and numerous Hope, Pa., grew up in the antiques commissions business with guidance from his requests from museums. His works father. At an early age, Whitley were exhibited in both the showed interest and talent in the Smithsonian Institution and the art of furniture making. When he American Craft Museum. Whitley believes, “a truly excelwas just 14 he made his first piece of furniture for resale. In 1966, lent design - one that is pleasing to Whitley won the National Merit the eye, graceful in line, and serves Continued on page 2 Award from the Museum of
Onderdonk’s “Blue Bonnets” Bring $103,000 At Heritage Auctions on page 11
Plan For Your Stuff: The Power Of The Sticky Note on page 13
Alderfer’s Fine And Decorative Arts Auction To Be Held Thursday, June 30 on page 13
In This Issue
Continued on page 2
The 1896 William McKinley/Garret Hobart mechanical “gold” bug pin-back with springaction wings that fly out to reveal the candidates’ images holds a value of $200-$300.
SHOPS, SHOWS & MARKETS . . . . . . . . . . starting on page 3 Here is a pair of Robert Whitley Windsor chairs.
A Robert Whitley Starfish desk will be sold.
SHOPS DIRECTORY . . . . . . . . . on page 5 EVENT & AUCTION CALENDAR . on page 8 AUCTION SALE BILLS . . . starting on page 8
FEATURED AUCTION: Cowan’s Auctions - June 24 & 25 in Cincinnati, Ohio - Page 4
AUCTIONEER DIRECTORY . . . . on page 10 CLASSIFIEDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . on page 15
American Political Items Continued from page 1
Hersheypark, the paddlewheel boat on the Susquehanna River, and FNB Field, where the Harrisburg Senators play baseball,” said Hake. “As a Pennsylvanian, I was personally thrilled that we were able to bring this exciting convention to Harrisburg for the first time ever. Because the Democratic National Convention will be taking place in Philadelphia from July 25 through the 28, Harrisburg was the ideal choice.”
The 1904 Theodore Roosevelt/ Charles W. Fairbanks pincenez glasses stick pin has a value of $200-$300.
Seminars for registered conventioneers will be held on the mornings of Wednesday and Thursday, July 6 and 7. Topics will include: leveraging the web; visual rhetoric and suffrage memorabilia; the Berkeley Free Speech Movement and its consequences; the origins and legacy of the SDS; estate planning; and an auctioneers’ panel discussion of what’s hot and what’s not. The keynote speaker on Thursday evening will be Pulitzer Prize-nominated author Dr. John Milton Cooper, Jr., who will discuss the 1916 presidential election that pitted Woodrow Wilson against Charles E. Hughes. APIC is one of America’s most respected collector clubs, with a history that goes back to 1945. Its current membership includes three U.S. Presidents, many politicians and campaign staffers, broadcast journalists, and collectors from a broad spectrum of professions. “Because this is an election year and the world will be watching Pennsylvania during the month of July, we expect the excitement level to be off the charts at our national convention,” said Hake. “Don’t be
This is a 1932 FDR/John N. Garner with beer mug license plate attachment.The value is $4,000-plus.
™ surprised if you see a very convincing ‘General Douglas MacArthur’ walking around the convention floor on Saturday. We’ve arranged for some An international loan incredible impersonators to exhibition of 60 exquisite attend the convention, the and unusual Chinese ceram‘general’ being one of them. ics drawn from a Brazilian We also have ‘Dean Martin’ private collection that has and ‘Frank Sinatra’ lined up to never been exhibited pubentertain at the members banlicly, is now on view at The quet. Electing a new president Metropolitan Museum of Art may be a serious endeavor, through Sunday, Aug. 7. but there’s nothing serious “Global by Design: Chinese about the tone of our convenCeramics from the R. tions. They’re all about camaAlbuquerque Collection” raderie and a common interest focuses on the period from in history and collecting,” said the late 16th to the 18th cenHake. tury - when Chinese porceThe APIC welcomes new lain became a global luxury, members. For an annual basic transforming both the membership charge of $38 European ceramic industry and styles of dining and ($15 under 12 years of age), drinking. new enrollees can opt to take The introduction of part in the club’s member-only porcelain to Europe can be convention activities, includtraced to the period ing a banquet, trivia competibetween the late 15th and tion, early buying, and field early 16th centuries known trips (some fees apply). as the “Age of Exploration.” For additional information, This period includes both visit or call Ted the discovery by Vasco da Hake at 717-434-1630. Gama (1460-1524) in 1498 of Images courtesy of Hake’s a maritime route around the Americana. Cape of Good Hope in Africa to South and East Asia, and About the APIC the slightly earlier travels of The American Political Christopher Columbus (1451Items Collectors (APIC) is a 1506) that led to the discovnonprofit membership organiery of the Americas. zation dedicated to promoting Supported by Portuguese the collection, preservation and Spanish courts, both explorers were searching for and study of materials relating a sea route that would proto political campaigns and the vide quicker access to covpresidency. Founded in 1945, eted Asian luxuries, includthe APIC’s membership of coling tea, spices, silk, and lectors and enthusiasts crossporcelain. es 35 states and encompasses When the Portuguese all walks of life. The group first reached China in the includes educators, students, 16th century, the extensive archivists, historians, memkiln complex at Jingdezhen bers of Congress and other in Jiangxi Province in the elected officials, political southeast dominated porcejunkies, campaign staffers, lain production. China and, print, broadcast and cable to a lesser extent, Korea news journalists, museum were the only places in the curators and even three past world making porcelain at U.S. presidents. that time. Portuguese rulers
Important Brazilian Collection Of Chinese Ceramics Makes World Debut At The Met
Hartzell’s Continued from page 1
a practical function will survive the trends and fads of the times and will retain its classic beauty forever.” Featured Whitley items in the June 24 auction will include a hard-to-find Starfish desk, a wall mounted credenza, a
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This is a Robert Whitley credenza.
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estates, such as a large selection of Arts and Crafts furniture and accessories, sterling silver and pottery from the estate of Allen Whitcomb. Also, a fine grouping of rugs, a Steinway Piano and vintage lighting from the estate of Helen Baumann, will be sold. In addition, there will be quality antique furniture, paintings, clocks, pocket watches, jewelry, and toys. Other special mention items include, a large bird diorama (from the Buck Hill Falls Inn), a Bakelite table top radio, a collection of German Steins, vintage appliances, Old Hickory furniture, Rolex and Cartier watches, Waterford,
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Each issue contains important, dated material. For timely Delivery, subscribe by 1st Class. NOTE TO 3RD CLASS SUBSCRIBERS: No refunds available for late delivery. Post Office does not promise delivery by a specific date.
News articles, press releases, and feature articles about antiques, antiquing, collectors, collections, museums, shows, shops, auction results, historical sites, auctioneers, etc., are considered for publication. Photographs which enhance the articles are welcome. Manuscripts must be accompanied by a self-addressed stamped postcard in order that the editor may notify author of receipt of material. Address to Editor’s attention. We reserve the right to edit material submitted for publication to conform to the editorial style of Antiques & Auction News. Reproduction of artwork, editorial or advertising copy is strictly prohibited without the written consent of the publisher. Joel Sater Publications reserves the right to revise or reject at their discretion any advertisement they deem objectionable, whether in subject matter, wording, or make-up. Minimum depth R.O.P. - as many inches deep as columns wide. Antiques & Auction News and its advertisers are not liable for composition errors or misprints; nor is it responsible for errors in ads taken by phone.
were the first Europeans to commission works from China, and these early-commissioned objects are among the rarest works on view in the exhibition. They include pieces with royal designs, such as a flattened bottle with a coat of arms, and Catholic imagery, such as a delicate bowl with the opening lines of the Hail Mary. By this time, porcelain had long been treasured in innerAsian trade, particularly with the Islamic world, and shapes and designs from the Middle East, which had been incorporated into the porcelain industry, were also transmitted to Europe. In the exhibition, a rare example of a kraak dish (ca. 1628-42) depicting two Persian figures and made for either the Islamic world or Europe provides one example of these complicated interchanges. (The term kraak derives from the Portuguese word for “ship” and is often used in Western sources to define Chinese porcelains made specifically for export in the late 16th and early 17th centuries). In addition, an unusual bowl with pierced decoration and the Islamic profession of faith has European gilt mounts,
Antiques & Auction News™ 1 Year, 3rd Class ..................................... $28.00 6 Months, 1st Class ................................ $48.00 1 Year, 1st Class ...................................... $80.00
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Published weekly on Friday by Joel Sater Publications Contents Copyright 2016 C-6/24
dining table with six chairs, and a rare revolving bar/liquor cabinet. Additional Whitley items to be sold include, a Trestle desk with chair, free-form side tables, mirrors, a pair of lamps, and more. This outstanding auction will also include consignments from several other prominent
The garnitures have scenes of West Lake, circa 1700, China, Qing dynasty. The jars are 40.75-inches high. The vases are 35 5/8-inches high. They are porcelain painted with cobalt blue under a transparent glaze. Courtesy of the R. Albuquerque collection.
Exp. Date
indicating its fascinating journey from China to the Islamic world and, ultimately, Europe. In the early 17th century, after the Dutch auctioned porcelain from two captured Portuguese ships and overtook the Portuguese and Spanish maritime routes, porcelain became widespread throughout northern Europe. By the late 17th and 18th centuries, with the ongoing exchange of shapes and designs, a global artistic language in porcelain making was fully developed. One of the most compelling examples in the exhibition is a monumental set of five vessels; produced for display in a European home, it depicts scenes from West Lake in southern China. In addition, tureens - including a delightful piece in the form of a crab with movable eyes, another in the shape of the historical Chinese Buddhist monk Budai, and a third, based on European silver, with lush patterns incorporating Western and Eastern imagery - exemplify the innovation and experimentation that characterized the Chinese porcelain industry in the 18th century. The exhibition includes three generous gifts to the Continued on page 6
This Robert Whitley revolving bar is the only one he made. and a Mills slot machine. Previews will be held on June 22 and 23, and from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Friday, June 24 (day of the auction) until 3 p.m. Internet bidding will be facilitated by Bidders who wish to participate online are encouraged to register 24 hours prior to the auction. Absentee bids will be accepted. Phone lines for bidding are limited and must be reserved by 6 p.m. on Thursday, June 23. For further information, call Hartzell’s at 610-588-5831 or e-mail Additional information and photos can also be found at and on
2 - - Antiques & Auction News — June 24, 2016
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This is an antique bird diorama.
Antiques & Auction News — June 24, 2016 - - 3
Too Much Of A Good Thing? The Power Of The “Dark Side” Of Greed
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movies based on some of the most popular Marvel comic book characters several times a year to critical box office appeal. We can expect the same now that they own the Star Wars license as well. Meanwhile in regards to the licensing of merchandise based on everyone’s galaxy far, far away, Disney has been licensing the Star Wars franchise to any manufacturer who has agreed to their strict and highly profitable licensing terms. The amount of newly created Lego sets based on the franchise has literally doubled in just four short years with no end in sight. With a glut of new toys and merchandise based on various elements within the Star Wars universe, will eager fans really feel a need to buy everything or will most of these items become bargain bin fodder? It is no secret that most of these items (especially the ever popular Lego sets based on the series) are going to be massively hoarded and speculated upon. In my humble opinion, the Star Wars brand is getting dangerously close to being overexposed. Disney has to work hard to find a fair balance between giving fans the exposure to the Star Wars universe that they so desire while also paying close attention to how many different elements and story lines they expose fans too. Otherwise, the Star Wars franchise may just end up where a lot of other great franchises from yesteryear have been before it - oversold and stale. Of course, one could argue that Disney’s tendency to overexpose a property has worked well for the Marvel Comics franchise. Will Star Wars follow suit? Time will tell, but I am approaching this with caution. Limited Space Available for Quality Dealers Only
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films. With the film’s release only a few months away this is possibly troubling news. Disney cannot afford for this film to not be successful, especially with “Episode VIII” currently in production and rumored to also be delayed. Ironically, most diehard fans do not seem too concerned. Demand for collectibles based on the new films and properties is at an all time high. Lego sets based on the Star Wars license are doing extremely well at retail with video games based on the series also garnering a lot of attention from hardcore fans and even casual enthusiasts alike (seriously, who hasn’t wanted to pilot an X-Wing fighter?) Still, one has to wonder just how much new material and merchandise a fickle fan base will continue to buy? Is it possible that Disney could possibly be oversaturating the Star Wars brand? In the almost 40 years since the first Star Wars film appeared in theaters, George Lucas only managed to release a total of six theatrical films and a few short-lived television specials and animated series. It was his perceived complacency that caused a lot of diehard fans to grow tired of the franchise’s prospects while demand for a lot of the vintage toys and collectibles that appeared on the scene in the late 1970s and early 1980s remained high. Given the fact that Disney paid a record sum of money to obtain the Star Wars franchise it should come as no surprise that they are going to do all they can to get the most out of its coveted and expensive property. It should come as no surprise to learn that Disney also purchased Marvel Comics several years before and has been releasing a steady number of superhero
It has been almost four years since Disney acquired the rights to the Star Wars franchise from George Lucas and company for the sum of roughly four billion dollars. Since that time, eager fans had to wait three long years for the first sampling of Disney’s talents as rightful owners of the now infamous property. First came the incredibly popular computer animated televised series known as “Star Wars Rebels” that graced the screens of the Disney Channel in late 2015. This paved the way for the long awaited sequel to end all sequels, the holiday 2015 release of “Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens” which broke all previous box office records and ensured the series would gleefully infect the lives of a whole new generation of fans. It was the success of both the “Rebels” televised series and the critical acclaim of “The Force Awakens” that caused Disney to place more projects in the proverbial pipeline. With the much anticipated release of “Episode VIII” already in production, Disney readied several new projects and spin offs. “Rogue One” is set between the events of “The
Revenge of the Sith” (Episode III) and “A New Hope” (Episode IV) and centers around a band of rebels stealing the plans of the Death Star so a young Luke Skywalker can take his rightful place in galactic history by blowing it up. Meanwhile, back on Disney’s own television channel a new lighthearted series called the “Freemaker Adventures” (aimed at kids) was given the green light for release in the second half of 2016. Disney also is exploring spin-off movies based on the young Han Solo’s life as a smuggler and even the infamous bounty hunter Boba Fett, who is credited with bringing a defiant Han Solo to Jabba the Hutt encased in carbonite. Disney it seems, can do no wrong. The power of Star Wars is just too strong - or is it? Unfortunately, this all begs this question as to whether or not this is just too much of a good thing. As of this writing, it was just announced that the newest Star Wars spin-off movie aptly named “Rogue One” has undergone a series of reshoots based on rumors that the film is failing to capture the true feel and likeness of the Star Wars universe. Because the movie takes place between Episodes III and IV it must blend perfectly with the style and appearance of those two
By Shawn Surmick
Exceptional Regional Collections Hit The Block At Cowan’s On June 24 And 25
This Paul Sawyier river scene painting will be estimated at $15,000 to $25,000.
several dozen examples in recent years. American artwork is also expected to do well, led by an untitled watercolor river scene by Paul Sawyier (American, 1865-1917). The summer depiction shows two figures on the far shore and is estimated at $15,000 to $25,000. A second watercolor by Sawyier, of a stream flowing past a single tree, is expected to bring $6,000 to $8,000. Having painted in Cincinnati and New York, Sawyier is best known for his later work, done while living in Frankfort, Ky., during a period when he developed an aptitude for watercolors. Between the years 1908 and 1913, Sawyier was living on a houseboat on the Kentucky River, painting his surroundings. Collectors especially prize work from this period This 1961 Triumph TR3A Roadster will be and subject. Other American art includes “Society� estimated at $10,000 to $20,000.
Continued on page 6
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by Clarence Coles Phillips (American, 1880-1927), watercolor, circa 1912 to 1914, the triangular image depicting a young woman kneeling in a dress and holding what appears to be a dance card. The lot is estimated at $8,000 to $12,000. An alumnus of Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio, Phillips created the illustration for the 1914 Kenyon yearbook at the request of the publication’s art editor. Included with the watercolor is a copy of the yearbook dedicat- The Andrew Clemens ed to Phillips, as sand bottle will be estiwell as a letter mated at $20,000 to discussing the $25,000. commission. “Harvest Time� by Otto Stark (American, 1859-1926), oil-on-canvas laid-on-board, having figures near a field, comes from the Clarence and Mildred Long collection of Indiana Artists and is estimated at $8,000 to $12,000. A pastoral landscape by Jacob Cox (American, 1810-92), oil-on-canvas, dated
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From fine art to folk art, the spring Americana and Decorative Art sale on Friday and Saturday, June 24 and 25, at Cowan’s Auctions features two important Kentucky estates that contribute to a varied selection of American, European and Asian antiques. Among the most highly anticipated lots is an Andrew Clemens (American, 1857-94) sand bottle. One side depicts an American spread-winged eagle carrying a 36-star flag, an image often used by Clemens, while the other is personalized with “Mary Grimm� over a floral garland encircling “Dayton, O.� At 8.75-inches high, the sand bottle is estimated at $20,000 to $25,000. An Iowa resident who became deaf as a child, Clemens is known for his unique and extremely meticulous artwork using multi-colored sands gathered at Pikes Peak State Park in McGregor, Iowa. Cowan’s is the go-to auction house for Clemens sand bottles, having handled
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42,000 Sq. Ft. FARMER’S MARKET 8,800 Sq. Ft. ANTIQUE GALLERY Up to 350 FLEA MARKET Vendors
Saturday 8-4
Furniture - Ephemera - Textiles - Jewelry - Pottery - Lighting - Glass Coins Toys - Sports Memorabilia - Autographs - Framing - Books - Pinball Architectural & Industrial Salvage - Asian Art - Woodcarving - Cameras - Militaria Trains - Art - Records - Silverware - Retro Kitchen - Art Deco - Modern - Tribal Art Awarded “Best of Philly� Flea Market by Philadelphia Magazine Flea Market Finds Magazine “50 States/50 Shows� Picked Golden Nugget in New Jersey LIKE/FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK
OPEN 7 DAYS • MON.-SAT. 10-5; SUN. 12-5 10,000 Sq. Ft. - 2 Levels Of Quality Antiques & Collectibles
“We’re Bigger ★ Than We Look�
59 S. Main St., Red Lion, PA 17356
19711 Newark 302-454-8007 AUNT MARGARET’S ANTIQUE MALL 294 E. Main St. Mon- Sat. 10-5, Sun 12-5. 2 flrs. Antiques, collectibles, primitives, much more.
21078 Havre de Grace 410-942-0701 SENECA CANNERY ANTIQUES, 201 St. John St... Largest Mall in Havre de Grace with 50+ quality dealers. Open 7 days, M-S 10-5, S 11-5. Wide Selection of antiques & collectibles.
19711 Newark 302-733-7677 MAIN STREET ANTIQUES, 23 Liberty Plaza. Now in Summer Hrs. Mon-Sat. 12-8, Sun. 12-5. Over 45 Showcase & Room Dealers selling quality antiques/ collectibles.
21157 Westminster 410-857-4044 WESTMINISTER ANTIQUE MALL 433 Hahn Rd 25,000 s.f., furniture, military, toys, jewelry, coins, comics, LPs, glassware. Generally open 7 days/ week Mon. - Sat. 10-6; Sun. 12-6.
19933 Bridgeville 302-337-3137 ANTIQUE ALLEY OF BRIDGEVILLE, Rt. 13 South. Over 20,000 sq. ft., 60 diverse dealers. Open 7 days 9am-6pm. Find great treasures and enjoy a break at our cafe. Like us on Facebook. 19958 Lewes 302-645-2309 HERITAGE ANTIQUE MARKET, 16168 Coastal Hwy. (RT1), 2 mi. N. of Five Points, Lewes. 65 Dealers. New Dealers Welcomed. Hrs 10-5pm (Summer) 115pm (Winter).
07060 North Plainfield 908-222-2085 NORTH PLAINFIELD ANTIQUE GALLERY 1006 RT22 E Specialize in buying and selling Asian Antiques. Open Wed.-Sun. 11-5. 07901 Summit 908-273-9373 SUMMIT ANTIQUES CENTER, 511 Morris Ave. 2 floors, 60+ dealers. Antiques, collectibles. Smalls to furniture. Open 7 days 11-5. Free parking.
08081 Sicklerville 856-545-3187 CARNIVAL OF COLLECTABLES 368 Cross Keys Rd. Open Tues.-Thurs. 10am-6pm, Fri. 10am-7pm, Sat. 8am7pm, Sun 8am-5pm, 12000 sq.ft Antique & Arts Mall, over 100 dlrs 08525 Hopewell 609-466-9833 TOMATO FACTORY ANTIQUE & DESIGN CENTER 2 Somerset St. We Have It All! Open Mon. thru Sat. 10-5, Sun. 11-5. We have 38 Dealers.
Antiques & Auction News — June 24, 2016 - - 5
18229 Jim Thorpe 610-850-5660 ANTIQUES ON BROADWAY 52 Broadway. Primitives, militaria, art, autographs, glass, pottery, artifacts & vintage collectibles. Wed-Sun 10-5. 18251 Sybertsville 570-788-1275 HAL’S ANTIQUE FLEA MARKET, 732 State Rte. 93, Exit 256 off I-80, take 93 S. or Exit 145 off I-81, take 93 N. Sundays 9am-4pm. 18337 Milford 570-409-8636 OLD LUMBERYARD ANTIQUES 113 7th St. 2 large Multi-Dealer Shops, 10,000 sq. ft. Mon., Thur-Sat. 10-5, Sun. 11-5.
16686 Tyrone 814-684-5088 I-99 ANTIQUES, conveniently located off the Tyrone Exit of Interstate 99, 1222 Pennsylvania Ave. Quality antiques & collectibles. 40 Dlrs. Open Daily 10:304:30, Closed Sundays Dlrs welcome.
18603 Berwick 570-371-7991 CW ODDS & ENDS, 7588 Columbia Blvd. Antiques & Collectibles. Open Wed. through Sun. 10am-6pm.
16801 State College 814-238-2980 APPLE HILL ANTIQUES, Rt. 26N to 169 Gerald Street. Distinctive antiques in a gallery setting. Over 60 dealers. Open daily 10 to 6. Wide variety.
18612 Dallas 570-674-2646 HERITAGE GALLERIES/ HERITAGE COINS & STAMPS 52 Carr Ave. Tues. Sat. 10am-5pm. NE PA’s largest selection of quality postcards, coins, stamps, lead soldiers, autographs, Hist. & Pol. items. Buying - Selling - Trading.
21028 Churchville 410-734-6228 YE OLD CURIOSITY SHOP, Route 22 & Aldino Rd. Minutes from I-95. Oak furniture, advertising, toys, militaria, glassware, general line. Hrs daily 10-4
08005 Barnegat 609-698-3020 BAY AVENUE ANTIQUES 349 S. Main (Route 9). Open Tues.-Sun. 10am-5pm. Book Seller: New Jersey Books, Maps, Prints, Civil War, Baseball, Chess, old bookends & signed books, ephemera.
17062 Millerstown 717-589-7810 STITCH IN TIME ANTIQUE & GIFT MALL 43 N. Market St. Antiques, Collectibles, Furniture, Quality Handmade Crafts & Gifts. Open 7 days 10-5, Fri. til 8. Millerstown exit off RT322.
Looking For Back Issues?
08006 Barnegat Light 609-361-8039 THE SEAWIFE, 1901 Bayview Ave. at Viking Village. Country primitive antique furniture, quilts, folk art, architecturals & garden. Open Weekends.
17225 Greencastle 717-593-9990 THE SHOP 144 E. Baltimore St. 1/2 mi. off I-81 Exit 5. Antiques, Collectibles & Decorative accessories. Open Wed. thru Fri. 10-5, Sat. 10-4.
18944 Perkasie 215-257-3564 TREASURE TROVE, 6 S. 7th Street. Estate jewelry, furniture, linens, vintage clothing, glass, china, books, toys, kitchenware, advertising, postcards. Primitives to Deco. Dealers Welcome. Mon.-Sat. 10-5. Since “1980”
08062 Mullica Hill 856-478-0300 YELLOW GARAGE ANTIQUES 66 S. Main St. Multi-dealer co-op, Wed Sun.11am-5pm. Fine 18th & 19th C furniture, stoneware, textiles, folk art, Americana, decoys, jewelry, dolls, etc.
18014 Bath 610-390-0403 S SEEM ANTIQUES 100 S Chestnut St (RT 248) Multi-Dlr Co-Op, 2 flrs., M,T,W,F,Sa 10-6; Th 12-8; Su 11-5. Quality Antiques in 1840’s Brick Store, 5 other shops on block. 10% off with Ad.
18951 Quakertown 215-536-4547 ANTIQUES AT 200 EAST/ EAST BROAD ANTIQUES, 215-536-4408, Multi-DLR shops. One Stop Shopping. 2 Fantastic Stores. Intersections Rts. 212 & 313. Shop where Dealers Buy! Open 7 days.
Find them at by clicking on the e-EDITION tab to the left.
18930 Kintnersville 610-847-1966 GRISTIES ANTIQUES AND ODDITIES, Rt. 611 near Rt. 32. 30 Dealers. Smalls and primitives to fine furniture. Open every day 11-5. Free parking.
18962 Silverdale 215-453-1414 THE FACTORY ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES, 130 West Main Street, Rt 113, Bucks County. Featuring 40 Dealers. Open Wednesday thru Saturday 10 -5, Sundays 11-4
Shouldn’t your SHOP be listed in this guide?
19343 Glenmoore 610-942-4834 ANTIQUES AT SILVER BELL FARM, 1641 Horseshoe Pike (Rts.322 & 82). 30+ Dlrs- antique/ vintage furniture, primitives, timepieces, jewelry, home decor, plants, garden items. daily 10-5, Thur. until 7.
1-800-428-4211, ext. 2561 or
717-653-9848 Monday- Friday 8:00am-4:30pm
19343 Glenmoore 610-942-7500 CRICKET’S ANTIQUES & GARDEN MARKET 1641 Horseshoe Pike 2nd floor. Antiques, Artisians & Gardening! Hrs. 10am-5pm daily, Thurs. 10-8:30.
FAX 717-492-2566 24 hours a day Your ad will be processed on the next business day
19446 Landsdale 215-361-7910 THE ARCHIVE, 725 W. 2nd St. 1000’s of used & antique books, magazines, postcards, ephemera, coins, records, furniture, antiques, collectibles. 21,000 s.f. Wed. through Sun. 11-6,
E-MAIL Submit your ad to us at 19543 Morgantown 610-913-1953 MORGANTOWN MARKET 2940 Main St. Hours 10-5 daily. “We invite you to come fall in Love”. Antique, collectibe, vintage home & garden decor.
Deadline: Wednesday 4:00pm for Fridays edition
In Print and Online .antiq dau MK5754B
Antique Mall
(717) 243/5802 One Of The Largest And Finest Antique Malls In PA Dutch Country!
OPEN 7 DAYS 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Shop In Our Clean, Brightly Lit & Climate Controlled Building. We Offer A Huge Variety Of Fine Antiques & Collectibles Displayed By Over 125 Dealers.
Dealer Space Available
PA 17562
726 North Hanover Street,
Open Monday Through Saturday 9:30 A.M. To 5:00 P.M. Sunday 10:00 A.M. To 5:00 P.M. - Closed Tuesday
Visit Our Web Site
Easy access from Route 81, Exit 52 - Go south 31⁄2 miles on Route 11 or take the PA Turnpike to mile marker 226 - Go south 21⁄2 miles on the right.
Over 80 Quality Dealers • Two Floors • Air-Conditioned Building Closed New Year’s Day • Easter • July 4 • Thanksgiving • Christmas
One Stop Two Shops
1401 Second Avenue, Rt. 22 & 764, Duncansville, PA Over 150 Antique Dealers • Over 200 Flea Market Dealers Caboose Café Open Weekends
(814) 696-4000 * Dealer Space Available Call For Booth Availability Today!
3040-3044 ROUTE 30 EAST
Everything You Want Under One Roof! Antique Gallery * Flea Market * Café
Antique Gallery Open Daily 9-5, Closed Wed. Flea Market Open Sat. & Sun. 9-5
• Most Major Credit Cards Accepted • Convenient Parking • Bus Tours Welcome • Climate Controlled • Handicapped Accessible • Dealer Inquiries Welcome • Prime Location
CALL FOR INFO: 717-442-8805
3371 Lincoln Highway East, Paradise,
6 - - Antiques & Auction News — June 24, 2016
42nd Annual Antiques Market Saturday, July 2, 9 am – 4 pm $5 admission. 12 & under free Eagles Mere, Pennsylvania S935794
The Power House Antiques & Collectibles Rt. 29 3 Mi. N. Of Rt. 422
Collegeville, PA 19426 Fine Antiques, Collectibles, Jewelry, Coins, Art Deco, Roseville, Rare Books, Glass, Vintage Clothing, Stamps, Postcards, Christmas Collectibles, Old Toys, Advertising & Much, Much More. OPEN EVERY SUNDAY 9-5 Ph. 610-489-7388
TJW Antiques & Collectibles Located inside Quaker Antique Mall
70 Tollgate Road, Quakertown, PA 18951 Phone:
(215) 275-8169
We Oer: Furniture; Advertising Signs; Gas & Oil Cans & Bottles, Black Memorabilia; Trains; Toys (including Pressed Metal Trucks). Soda & Dairy Bottles. A variety of Antiques & Collectibles.
BUYING AND SELLING Mon., Thurs., Sun. 10am-5pm; Fri. & Sat. 10am-6pm.; Closed Tues. & Wed. Email: Visit
Chinese Ceramics
Continued from page 2
August 5, 6, 7
DĂŠcor With A History!
' ' ( ! ) ( * + , ' + , . ' " /, ( . +
0 ( 1 , 2
museum from the R. Albuquerque Collection. The exhibition is organized by Jeffrey Munger, Curator, Department of European Sculpture and Decorative Arts, and Denise Patry Leidy, Brooke Russell Astor Curator of Chinese Art, Department of Asian Art. The exhibition is accompanied by a fully illustrated catalogue.
The Virginia Jewelry, Art, & Antique Show
Two Air Conditioned Floor of Fantastic Finds!
!" # $ %#$%% &
717-834-9333 WEDNESDAY-SUNDAY: 10 A.M.-5 P.M.
Featuring Over 100 Quality Vendors Presenting Antiques, Fine Jewelry, Pottery, Objects D’Art, Silver, Porcelains, Fine Art, Americana, Asian Art, Antique Rugs, Textiles, & Furniture Fri. 11-6 ‌ Sat. 10-6 ‌ Sun. 11-5 Adm. $8 ‌ Park Free Virginia Beach Convention Center, Virginia Beach, VA 757-430-4735
Continued from page 4
1891, a summer scene with a man and two horses, is expected to bring $5,000 to $7,000; a fall landscape by Louis Oscar Griffith (American, 1875-1956), oil-on-canvas, $5,000 to $7,000; a coastal scene by Edward Henry Potthast (American, 1857-1927), oil-on-canvas, likely Maine, $5,000 to $7,000; and a portrait of a British officer, attributed to Gilbert Stuart (American, 1755-1828), is estimated at $4,000 to $6,000. Artwork outside the United States includes two important sculptures. “Jeanne d’Arc, Ayant Rempli Sa Mission, Offre Son Etendard A Dieu� by Arthur Marie Gabriel Compte du Passage is a substantial bronze of Joan of Arc on horseback, raising a banner and trampling a lion. Circa 1877, it is estimated at $10,000 to $15,000. At 33 inches tall, this depiction of Joan of Arc by du Passage is the largest known. An almost identical cast, smaller by 10 inches, is on display at the Joan of Arc Museum in Vaucouleurs, France. Also of note is “Cossack with Two Borzoi� by Vassily Yacovlevitch Gratchev (Russian, 1831-1905), a bronze depicting a man on horseback, dated 1877, that is estimated at $10,000 to $20,000. A rare China Trade painting of a teahouse, oil-on-canvas, circa 1840, is estimated at $3,000 to $5,000. Showing the diversity of the auction, a 1961 Triumph TR3A roadster in cherry red is estimated at $10,000 to $20,000. Triumph sold more than 58,000 of the two-seat convertibles during the TR3A’s six-year run, which began in 1957, but only 10,000 are believed to be on the road today. Furniture includes a Rococo Revival bedroom suite attributed to H.B. Mudge Furniture Co. of Cincinnati. Consisting of a bed, dresser, washstand and commode, the set is estimated at $4,000 to $7,000. In walnut with marble tops, the Victorian suite descended through the Mudge family. Founded in 1837, the H.B. Mudge Furniture Co. occupied a six-story building on only four other examples known. Those vases are held by the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the National Museum of Sweden, the Museum Kunstpalast in Dusseldorf, and the private collection of Queen Elizabeth II. Other decorative arts include a pair of sterling silver compotes by Georg Jensen, estimated at $2,000 to $4,000, while an Asa Blanchard coin silver julep cup dated 1838, should bring $1,500 to $3,000. The variety within the auction is further enhanced by a Tiffany favrile Mushroom lamp, estimated at $1,000 to $1,500, while an American high-wheel bicycle is expected to sell for $700 to $1,000. A Sarouk rug, circa 1920 to 1940, measuring nearly 20-by-12feet, is estimated at $2,500 to $3,500; and two Odd Fellows heart-in-hand staffs, 19th century, should bring $2,000 to $3,000 each. The sale will be held at 10 a.m. Friday and Saturday, June 24 and 25, at Cowan’s Auctions facility which is located at 6270 Este Ave. in Cincinnati, Ohio. Public previews will be held on June 23, and from 8 to 10 a.m. the days of the auction. Bidding is available in See us on the web: person, by phone, absentee and live online through Activities tab/Events on the Green For more information, call Cowan’s Auctions at 513-8711670 or visit For additional information contact:
Cowan’s Auction
West Second Street in Cincinnati. The company exhibited a set of bedroom furniture at the Cincinnati Industrial Exhibition in 1881. It is conceivable the bedroom suite being offered is the same one. Other furniture ranges from an American Federal cellarette-on-stand, circa 1810, which was previously in the Virginia governor’s mansion, estimated at $3,000 to $6,000, to a Louis XV-style parquetry writing table, Continental, late 19th century, said to have once belonged to U.S. Senator Stephen Benton Elkins (18411911) of West Virginia, estimated at $1,500 to $2,500. A Chippendale dressing table, Philadelphia origin, circa 1760, is expected to bring $2,000 to $4,000. Among the ceramics, the mix ranges from a Chinese Kangxi beehive water pot, 18th century, to 97 pieces of Royal Crown Derby porcelain service in the Old Imari pattern, each lot expected to bring $3,000 to $5,000. Glassware includes an important Cactus Exhibition vase by Edward Hald for Swedish maker Orrefors, circa 1926. It is expected to bring $3,000 to $6,000. Alternating panels depict displays of cacti variations being viewed by women in fashionable period dress. Cactus Exhibition is an exceedingly rare design, with
Antiques & Auction News — June 24, 2016 - - 7
Summer Wade Fest 2016 Camp Hill/Harrisburg, PA 17011 Sat., July 30, 2016, 9-3 Sun., July 31, 2016, 10-1
will be having their
Annual Convention
Saturday, Free Wade With $5.00 Admission Sunday, FREE Admission
at the Comfort
PA Turnpike Exit 236 Route 15 N. 6 Miles On Left
Camp Hill Radisson Hotel
Inn PA 17517
1 Denver Rd., Denver,
See our website for more information
SATURDAY, JUNE 25TH, 2016 FROM 8 A.M. TO 2 P.M. or call 267-825-4674
z t i t i L 6 1 0 2
MARKETPLACE In Frederick, Md.
110 Dealers A Fun Place To Shop!
w o h S s e Antiqu l th Annua 4 5
Warwick Middle School 401 Maple Street Lititz, PA 17543
Antiques & Collectibles
- Dates Friday, June 24th Saturday, June 25th Friday 10-5 Saturday 9-2 Admission $9.00 or $8.00 w/Ad
5862 Urbana Pike (Rt. 355 So.) Frederick, MD Open Daily 10-6 “Late� Thursdays ‘til 8 pm
Over 45 Dealers • Primarily Country
Open Every Sunday 7:30 to 4 2500 North Reading Road Denver, PA 17517 717-336-2177 Hundreds of Vendors Indoors and Outdoors RENNINGER’S ANTIQUES & COLLECTORS EXTRAVAGANZAS ADAMSTOWN June 26, September 25
More of our story at Social Media - Adamstown All locations -
Exhibit with us. Regular Sundays Outdoors $15 Pavilion $30 Outdoors Opens at 5 am Indoors please call 717-336-2177 Regular fees do not apply to Extravaganza Weekends
Open Saturdays 8 to 4 740 Noble St. Kutztown, PA 610-683-6848 M-Th. 570 385-0104 RENNINGER’S ANTIQUES & COLLECTORS EXTRAVAGANZAS KUTZTOWN June 23-25 & September 22-24 Hundreds of Dealers Buying and Selling Antiques & Collectibles. Thurs. 10 - 4 Adm. $15. Fri. 8 - 4 Adm. $6. Sat. 8 - 4 Adm. $4 Exhibitor Space Available - Call NOW
More of our story at Social Media - Kutztown All locations -
- Times -
Furniture Art & Prints Advertising • Textiles Records • Pottery • Civil War Items
8 - - Antiques & Auction News — June 24, 2016
DELAWARE 06/26/16, NEWARK, SUN 10 AM-3 PM, Sports Card & Collectibles, 400 Ogletown Rd, Aetna Fire Hall GEORGIA 07/07-10/16, ATLANTA, THURS-SUN, Antiques & Collectibles, Atlanta Expo Center 08/11-14/16, ATLANTA, THURSSUN, Antiques & Collectibles, Atlanta Expo Center MASSACHUSETTS 06/25/16, BREWSTER, SAT 9 AM-4 PM, Antiques Fair, 773 Main St (Rt6A), Drummer Boy Park MARYLAND 07/02/16, TIMONIUM, SAT 9 AM-3 PM, Toy & Collectible, 2200 York Rd, Timonium Fairgrounds Exhibition Hall 07/03/16, TIMONIUM, SUN 9 AM-3 PM, Mega-Flea Market, 2200 York Rd, Timonium Fairgrounds Exhibition Hall & 4-H Building and Outside NEW JERSEY 07/09/16, BORDENTOWN, SAT 8:30 AM-3 PM, Stamp, 3 Municipal Dr, Bordentown Senior Center 07/09/16, OCEAN CITY, SAT 9 AM-3 PM, Antiques & Collectibles Fair, 1735 Simpson Ave, Stainton Senior Ctr Ocean City Community Ctr 08/07/16, BARNEGAT LIGHT, SUN 9 AM-5 PM, Antiques & Collectibles, 19th & Bayview Ave, Historic Viking Village NEW YORK 06/25-26/16, BRIDGEHAMPTON, SAT & SUN 10 AM-5 PM, Antiques, 2368 Montauk Hwy Rt 27, Bridgehampton Museum 06/25-26/16, ROUND LAKE, SAT & SUN 9 AM-5 PM, Antiques Festival, Village Greens
07/02-03/16, STORMVILLE, SAT & SUN 8 AM-4 PM, Antique Show & Flea Market, 428 Rt 216, Stormville Airport OHIO 06/24-26/16, WASHINGTON COURT HOUSE, Antique Extravaganza, Fayette County Fairgrounds PENNSYLVANIA 06/23-25/16, KUTZTOWN, THURS 10 AM-4 PM FRI & SAT 8 AM-4 PM, Antiques & Collectibles Extravaganza, 750 Noble St, Renningers Antique Market 06/24-25/16, LITITZ, FRI 10 AM-5 PM SAT 9 AM-2 PM, Antiques, 401 Maple St, Warwick Middle School 06/24/16, LANCASTER, FRI 10 AM-2 PM, The Ice Screamers Convention, 222 Eden Rd, Eden Resort Inn 06/25/16, CARBONDALE, SAT 10 AM-6 PM, Antiques, 7 Park Place, Historic Memorial Park 06/25/16, DENVER, SAT 8 AM-2 PM, Figural Bottle Opener Convention, 1 Denver Rd, Comfort Inn 07/02/16, EAGLES MERE, SAT 9 AM-4 PM, Antiques Market, Events on the Green, Eagles Mere Historic Village 07/30-31/16, CAMP HILL, SAT 9 AM-3 PM SUN 10 AM-1 PM, Wade Fest, Rt 15 N, Camp Hill Radisson Hotel VIRGINIA 07/23-24/16, CHANTILLY, SAT 9 AM-6 PM SUN 11 AM-5 PM, DC Big Flea & Antiques Market, 4320 Chantilly Shopping Center, Dulles Expo Center 08/05-07/16, VIRGINIA BEACH, FRI 11 AM-6 PM SAT 10 AM-6 PM SUN 11 AM-5 PM, Jewelry, art, antiques, 1000 19th St, Virginia Beach Convention Center
07/03/16, RISING SUN, SUN 10 AM, Antiques, furniture, antique tools, glassware, collectibles, antique toys, jewelry, books, coins, Beatles records & memorabilia, 124 Greenmount Rd, Gibney's Auction Center NEW JERSEY 06/28/16, EDGEWATER, TUES 6 PM, Donald Trump doll in original box, antiques, collectables, jewelry, coins, military items, glassware, china etc., River Line Antq Onsite 459 Warren St, Bob Brenner NEW YORK 08/27/16, WESTFIELD, SAT 10 AM, Art glass, lighting, jewelry, Faberge', music boxes, furniture, tall case clock collection, Chautauqua Lake Auction Ctr 58 E Main St, Jim Wroda Auctions PENNSYLVANIA 06/22/16, KINZERS, WED 10 AM, Antique & vintage dolls w/accessories, 1000 quality comic books, holiday decorations, 5336 Mine Rd, Embassy Auctions International
06/24-25/16, REFTON, FRI 5:30 PM TO DARK SAT 8:30 AM, 6/24 - Flowers, shrubbery, crafts, antiques, wagon lots; 6/25 - Farm equipment, tractors, carriages, lawn & garden equipment, lawn furniture, sporting goods, lumber, antiques, contractor tools, wood crafts and furniture etc., Refton Community Fire Company 99 Church St, Local Auctioneers 06/24/16, NEW HOLLAND, FRI 5 PM, Large toy, train, advertising, barber shop liquidation, New Holland Fire Hall 339 E Main St, Randy Stoltzfus & Richard Harry 06/25/16, DOUGLASSVILLE, SAT 10 AM, Automobiles & Automobilia Auction, Merritt's Antique Clock Complex 1860 Weavertown Rd SU 500, Cabin Fever Auctions 06/25/16, KENHORST, SAT 9 AM, Huge Toy and Collectable Auction to include Nascar, Windross, cast iron, vintage Indy 500, Speed age magazines, Hot Wheels, Matchbox, Barbie, advertising, games, cameras, Tonka, Zippo, stamps, coins, childrens books Franklin mint etc., 1659 Commonwealth Blvd, Dick Henry
06/22/16, POTTSTOWN, WED 9 AM TO 2 PM, This is not an auction. It is a picnic for antique autos to include cars, trucks, tractors & contraptions 1954 & before, especially early, unrestored & brass. Register to reserve your lunch $5 @ Cabin Fever Auctions 12 Wright Ave Spring City PA 19475. No registration fee for cars., Temple United Methodist Church 1390 Unionville Rd, Ted Maurer
06/25/16, LAURELTON, SAT 8 AM, Early antiques, collectibles, household goods, tools & misc., guns, 1656 SR 235, Michael P. Weaver & Lori Hess
06/24-25/16, COGAN STATION, FRI & SAT 10 AM, Antique & Vintage Toys & Trains, Gallery 3530 Lycoming Creek Rd, Roan Inc. Auctioneers & Appraisers
06/25/16, MUNCY, SAT 10 AM, Antiques, collectibles, vintage tools, guns, traps, furniture, Gallery on the Farm 92 Industrial Park Rd, Interstate Auction Services
06/25/16, MECHANICSBURG, SAT 10 AM, Utility trailer, collectibles, tools, equipment, yard equipment, household, box lots, furniture Noon, OnSite 253 Acorn Ct, Cordier Auctions & Appraisals
(selling at our Gallery on the Farm, Look for the windmill)
*** Antiques / Collectibles / Vintage Tools / Guns / Traps ***
10:00 A.M - Outback with Ms. Betty: 300 Lots + of Vintage Hand & Modern Elec. Tools - Large Sel. Of Various Size Victor Traps, Butchering Kettles w/stands & SS accessories, knives!!! 1:00 P.M. (there abouts) - Collectibles - Glasswares - Wagner CI Fry Pans/Skillets & others - Fishing/Fly Poles & Access. - 1:50 P.M. - 30 Guns (Rifles, Pistols & Revolvers) - 2:00 P.M. - Furniture Auctioneer’s Note: 10:00 A.M. Early start!!! The Gallery is full!!! Come and spend the afternoon with us at the Farm. FULL listing and pictures on (enter #5545). Inside building, chairs are provided, good food and laughter is available!!! Terms: Cash or good PA check. Credit cards (include lost 3% Discount). All verbal statements take precedence over previously written materials. NO Buyer’s Premium!!! All items are sold “AS IS, WHERE IS,” No guaranties made by the seller. Next Sale: July 23, 2016 - 12:00 Noon (Antiques/Collectibles/Furniture).
JUNE, JULY & AUGUST OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 10 A.M.-5:30 P.M. Located At The “Crossroads” Of Rts. 743 And 322
state Auction Service r e t In
Phone: (570) 935-0376 92 Industrial Park Road P.O. Box 466 Muncy, PA 17756
- Auctioneer PA Lic. #AU-003818-L
06/29/16, RICHLANDTOWN, WED 2 PM, Antiques, collectibles, jewelry, coins, furniture; 1998 Buick LeSabre 6 pm; Sportsman 6:15 pm, Benner Hall 1260 E Cherry St, J. Pandur Auction Services, Inc.
06/28/16, CHADDS FORD, TUES 11 AM, Catalog Auction featuring oriental rugs, 18th to 20th c. furniture & decorative arts. early tall case clocks, wall & shelf clocks, fine art, Asian porcelain etc., 1 Hillman Dr, William Bunch Auctions Appraisals
06/30/16, HATFIELD, THURS NOON, Fine & Decorative Arts, 501 Fairgrounds Rd, Alderfer Auction & Appraisal
06/28/16, QUAKERTOWN, TUES 6 PM, Toys, comics, animation art & Johnny cash memorabilia, Live Bidding, Sellersville Auction LLC
07/02/16, FRACKVILLE, SAT 11 AM, Firearms, furniture, jewelry, military, coins, toys, antique/vintage, glassware, china/pottery, collectibles etc., Schuylkill Mall I-81 & Rt 61, Blums
2001 Impala, Rifles, Tools, Mid-Century Items
WED., JUNE 29 AT 1 P.M.
DOORS OPEN AT NOON Leesport Farmers Market - Diefenderfer Auction Gallery Rt. 61, LEESPORT, PA 19533
Auction House: AH-2010
20th Annual Refton Community Fire Company Auction Held:
SPECIAL MENTION: Fri. Eve Auction 5:30 P.M. to Dark
MEGA-FLEA MARKET Sunday, July 3rd 9 A.M.-3 P.M. FREE Admission
S934510 or 443 443-841-8022 841 8022
Selling Flowers, Shrubbery, Crafts, Antiques, Wagon Lots. Saturday’s Auction Consists Of: Farm Equipment, Tractors, Carriages, Lawn & Garden Equip., Lawn Furniture, Sporting Goods, Lumber, Antiques, Horses, Tack-Saddle, Contractor Tools & Equip., Quilts & Crafts, Wood Crafts & Furniture, Flowers & Shrubbery Galore! 1 load of New DeWalt Tools & New Barn & Shop Tools. New Desks, Hutches, Tables, etc. Nice variety of New Outdoor Sheds & Run-In Sheds. Hay, Straw, Groceries, Building Materials, Trees, Load of Shrubbery from Sauder’s Nursery. Items sold on consignment: Donations appreciated. For more info. call (717) 687-9062, (717) 786-7608, (717) 464-1043. On receiving dates June 22, 23, 24, call (717) 786-9462. Receiving Hours: June 22, 23 - 8 A.M. to 7 P.M.; June 24 - 8 A.M. to 4 P.M. No tires, no pets, no kitchen appliances. No leftover garbage/yard sale items. Lots of delicious homemade food & baked goods, homemade ice cream, breakfast sandwiches, soft pretzels & more! Come & enjoy the day with us! For photos & more info., go to ID#3721. Conducted by Local Auctioneers All Buyers need Proper ID Come and Enjoy Our Not Responsible for theft or accident Delicious Homemade No Out-Of-State Checks ICE CREAM Visa, MasterCard Accepted
200 IN EXHIBITIONDEALERS HALL & 4H BL DG. LERS 80+ DEA BLES 1 0 0 D E A OUTSIDE ON M LERS 0 TA AIN PARKING OVER 30 HALL ONLY LOT N O I T I B I H IN EX ~ LOC LOCATION CATION N~ Timonium Fairgr Fairgrounds rounds 2200 York Rd., Ti imoniu um, MD 21093 Timonium,
June 24th, 2016 • Fri. Eve 5:30 P.M. to Dark & June 25th, 2016 • Sat. 8:30 A.M.
Terms by: Refton Fire Company, 99 Church St., Refton, PA 17568 DIR.: Take 222 S out of Lanc. 8 mi. to sale on R or Take 222 N out of Maryland to sale on L (watch for signs). Shuttle service now available. ATTENTION for GPS users: key in 99 Church St., Willow Street, PA.
July 2nd & 3rd, 2016
Saturday, July 2nd 9 A.M.-3 P.M. Admission $5
06/27/16, QUAKERTOWN, MON BIDDING ENDS STARTING AT 9 PM, Sci-Fi toys & collectibles w/Star Wars, OnLine O n l y, Sellersville Auction LLC
Chuck Kindlimann
Star Spangled Collectors Weekend BALTIMORE TOY & COLLECTIBLE SHOW
06/27/16, CHAMBERSBURG, MON 9 AM, Vintage/Antiques, RV motor home, autos, furniture, collectibles, personal property, 643 Kriner Rd, Gateway Gallery Auction, Inc.
06/29/16, QUAKERTOWN, WED NOON, Mega Toy & Collectibles to include trains, diecast, toys, dolls, action figures, comics, Lego & video games, 18 S 5th St Su 200, Sellersville Auction LLC
Diefenderfer Auction Company, LLC
Two-Floor Multi-Dealer Mall Featuring A Variety Of Antiques And Collectibles With REASONABLE PRICES
06/26/16, HARRISBURG, SUN 10 AM, Collectibles, art, house & home; furniture noon, 1500 Paxton St, Cordier Auctions & Appraisals
06/29/16, LEESPORT, WED 1 PM, 2001 Impala, rifles, tools, mid-century items of antiques & collectibles to include 50/60's items, china/pottery, furniture etc., Leesport Farmers Market Diefenderfer Auction Gallery Rt 61, Diefenderfer Auction Company, LLC
(Halfway between Reading & Hamburg on Rt. 61, Back side of main mrkt. bldg.) Car: 2001 Chevy Impala w/191K Miles; Hunting Items: Stevens Savage Pump & J.C. Higgins BA 12 Ga. Shotguns; New Vint. Arrows; Fishing Items; Antiques/Collectibles: Aztec Slot Mach.; Ibanez Elec. Guitar & Amp; Sausage Stuffer; Vint. Christmas Decs.; Coke, Pelican & Cold Flyte Coolers; Dolls incl.: Early Barbies, Skipper & Lina Little, Cases, Clothes; Flatware; Split Oak Picnic Basket; Books; Vint. Records; Spark Plug Pocketknife; Lg. Coll. Cookie Cutters; Cardboard Oil Cans; Clocks; Celluloid Dresser Set; Early Stein; 1890’s Atlases; 50’s/60’s Items: Orange Melmac Set; Last Supper & Rooster Plaques; Rdg. Dairy Milk Box & Glasses; Yellow Canister Set; Glass: FK Jade Set; Pyrex Mix. Bowls; Ruby Bubble Juice Set; Silex Coffee Maker; EAPG Punch Set; China/Pottery: RELPO Hd. Planters; Roseville Vase; Currier/Ives Dinner Set; Crocks & Bowl; Furn.: Prim. Cupboard Top, Med. Cab. & Shelf; Oak Table/6-PB Chairs; Pine Breakfront; Cedar Chest; Trunks; Bar Stools; Tools: Antique & Vintage, Lg. Selection Good Used Tools; Misc.: New Beer Meister; Modern Electronics; Many NOS Baking, Fig. & Wedding Cake Pans; Harley Wall Fig.; Led Zeppelin Light; Too much more to list in HUGE auction! See for flyer & pictures Approx. Sale Order: Tools at 1 P.M., Car, Guns & Archery at 4 P.M., Furniture at 5:30 P.M. Terms: Cash, Check, MC, Visa, AmEx, Discover, Buyer’s Premium 10% Cash/Check, 15% Credit Card, 6% PA Sales Tax Charged.
92 Industrial Park Road, MUNCY,
06/25/16, QUARRYVILLE, SAT 8:30 AM, Antiques, collectibles, fine blue decorated stoneware crocks, collectible glass & china, Waterford, antique & modern furniture, Toro mower & blower, lawn items, OnSite 400 Hillcrest Ave, Probst Family Auctions
Please Don’t Touch touching museum objects,” said Poirier. Since being posted, the video has gone viral, resulting in phone calls from media around the world asking for interviews and further information about the accident. “The museum is proud to spread the word about its events, exhibit openings, and special programs it plans and holds each year,” said Poirier. “We work hard to promote these happenings and sometimes we get the media response we’re looking for and sometimes we don’t. This happening certainly wasn’t planned and the incredible response from the media wasn’t expected either.” The damaged clock, which won a national award in 1994,
Hey Auctioneers!
was created by Minnesota artist and clockmaker James Borden and has hung in the museum for more than 20 years. Poirier said the clock, though damaged in the incident, is not beyond repair and will be repaired and rehung as soon as possible. Its maker Mr. Borden has graciously agreed to fix the clock for the museum. For more information, call 717-684-8261 or visit
The National Watch and Clock Museum is operated by the National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors Inc., a nonprofit 501(c)(3) association with over 14,000 members, representing 52 countries.
Don’t miss getting the best bids for any ephemera items you may be auctioning for your clients.
PACM™ gets the word out to ephemera and country store collectors. Call Arlene at
800-800-1833, ext. 2561 or 717-492-2561 E702850
The National Watch and Clock Museum in Columbia, Pa., recently shared a surveillance video of a pair of visitors to the museum who were handling a sculptural wall clock and accidentally knocked the wooden clock off the wall severely damaging it. The museum posted the video on their official YouTube channel as a reminder to visitors about the danger of touching museum objects. “The man who knocked the clock down spoke with museum staff immediately so the situation could be addressed,” explained museum director Noel Poirier. “We do not want them to feel bad or persecuted as a result. We want to use the video to educate about the dangers of
Antiques & Auction News — June 24, 2016 - - 9
NEXT DEADLINE: JULY 28, 2016 FOR THE SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER ISSUE! The wooden sculptural wall clock created by Minnesota artist and clockmaker James Borden as it appeared before its fall.
Say You Saw It In Antiques & Auction News HARRY’S AUCTION Presents
Ceramic Arts Studio Collectors Convention Is Set For Aug. 27
They won’t be late for a very important date! The White Rabbit and Alice are among the many on their way to Madison, Wis., for the 2016 CAS Collectors Convention. The event is set for Saturday, Aug. 27, at Madison’s Howard Johnson Plaza. This year’s theme, “The Ceramic Arts Storybook” celebrates the studio’s many delightful fantasy, fairy tale, and nursery rhyme figurines. make-believe. There will be party favors, and take-home souvenirs, door prizes, colorful storybook-themed centerpieces, in short, everything that makes such a gathering so unforgettable.
339 East Main Street, NEW
SEEKING VINTAGE SPORTS CARDS AND MEMORABILIA As the World’s Largest Collectibles Auctioneer, only Heritage Auctions can supply the market strength to provide the highest possible financial return for your vintage trading cards and sports collectibles. Cash advances and outright purchase offers are always available for quality material, and we are happy to provide free appraisals. And Heritage has never been late with a single consignment settlement check in our thirty-five+ years in operation.
CONSIGNMENT AUCTION Furniture - Collectibles - Art - House and Home
SUNDAY, June 26 at 10 A.M. Preview Friday, June 24 from 12 Noon-4 P.M. Sunday 9 A.M. through Auction
1500 Paxton Street,
FURNITURE (12 NOON): Antique & Modern. Broyhill Sofas & Love Seat; JB Van Sciver Mahogany Chest of Drawers; Bookcases; Swivel Bookcase; Stanley Kneehole Desk; Lineage DR Set; Imperial Mahogany Tea Cart; 4 Piece Wicker Set; Wingback Chairs; Mahogany End Tables; Wet Bar. ART: Antique & Modern Paintings; Numbered Prints by Yitzhak Yamin, Jonas Gerard, Linda Luke Pincock, Moslie Gat, G. Tarantino, Amos Amit. COLLECTIBLES: Studio Pottery; Signed Pottery; CastIron Horses, Turtle Lamp, Aunt Jemima; Ibanez Guitar Model EWC30QHERLG1201; Schwinn Panther Bicycle; Military Patches; Telectron Clock; Clarinet; Signed Dave Balbeck Program; Kayaks. HOUSE & HOME: Craftsman Metal Workbench; Playmate Tennis Ball Machine; Craftsman Scroll Saw; Grillmaster Barbecue Grill; LG Air Conditioner; Thunder Power Charger; Delta Drill Press; Sub-Zero Under Counter Refrigerator; Metal Shelves; Pioneer Stereo; Patio Furniture.
17557 Along Route 23 - 8 Miles East Of Lancaster. (Watch for signs). “O” & H.O. Gauge trains; Slot cars; Neon Beer signs; Beer trays & taps; Light-up signs; 6’ Shell gasoline signs; Gumball machines; Books; Antiques; Lots of Diecast toys; Model car kits; Winross trucks; Furniture; Barber Shop Liquidation: 32” Elec. Barber pole; Tonic Bottles; Straight Razors; Razor straps; Clippers; Sterilizer; and much more not advertised. If you are either buying or considering selling Winross trucks, Trains, Farm Toys, Tonka trucks or any other Toys please give us a call. (Ask about our pick-up service for collections) Celebrating 28 Years of selling toys, Trains and collectibles. Full adv. at No out-of-state checks. Food by Garden Spot Fire Rescue Ladies Aux. 13% Buyer’s Premium discounted to 10% when paying by cash or Penna. check. Our next toy auction will be held on Friday, August 26, 2016 Auctioneers: Randy Stoltzfus (717) 656-8919 AU-1906-L Richard Harry (717) 656-2436 AU-2183-L
Looking for the happiest of happy endings? Then the 2016 Ceramic Arts Studio (CAS) Collectors Convention on Saturday, Aug. 27, in Madison, Wis., is the place to be! This year’s convention theme, “The Ceramic Arts Storybook,” celebrates the enduring appeal of ceramic arts, particularly the many delightful CAS fantasy, fairy tale, and nursery rhyme figurines, which brightened homes from coast to coast during the 1940s and ‘50s, and continue to brighten hearts today. From 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., attendees may take in the Wisconsin Pottery Association Show and Sale at the Alliant Energy Center. Later, attendees are invited to gather at Madison’s Howard Johnson Plaza for the convention festivities, with activities and décor centered around a funfilled land of magic and
Getting the evening underway will be a social hour, and the popular “CAS On Display Contest” all in attendance are invited to submit entries. A buffet dinner, raffle, and membership meeting will be followed by the club’s annual auction, featuring professional auctioneer Shirley Baumann. Events will conclude with door prizes, and presentation of the 2016 CAS Collectors Commemorative. Convention registration, which remains at $60 per person, includes all evening activities, plus the commemorative. Forms and additional information are available on the club’s website,, or by writing CAS Collectors, 206 Grove Street, Rockton, Ill. 61072. Celebrate the heritage of the Ceramic Arts Studio and take a stroll down memory lane as ceramics collectors gather for this popular annual event. It’s “The Ceramic Arts Storybook” where fairy tales can come true!
5:00 P.M. Located at the New Holland Fire Hall
That’s a guarantee you can take to the bank.
• Pre-1980 trading cards
• Advertising and display pieces
• Game used uniforms and equipment
• Championship rings, trophies and awards
• Vintage autographs
• Vintage photographs and more
• Early tickets and programs
10% Buyer’s Premium. Terms: Cash, PA checks. Out-of-state checks w/prior approval. All major credit cards accepted. Food concession. Located off of Interstate 83 between 13th Street and 17th Street exits, Harrisburg PA!
Call 877-HERITAGE (437-4824) to discuss opportunities Free catalog and The Collector’s Handbook ($65 value) for new clients. Please submit auction invoices of $1000 + in this category, from any source. Include your contact information and mail to Heritage, fax 214-409-1425, email, or call 866-835-3243. For more details, go to
Annual Sales Exceed $800 Million ❘ 850,000+ Online Bidder-Members
David Cordier, AU005321
3500 Maple Ave. ❘ Dallas, TX 75219 ❘ 877-HERITAGE (437-4824) ❘ S936199
DALLAS ❘ NEW YORK ❘ BEVERLY HILLS ❘ SAN FRANCISCO ❘ HOUSTON ❘ PARIS ❘ GENEVA TX & NY Auctioneer license: Samuel Foose 11727 & 0952360. Heritage Auction Galleries CA Bond #RSB2004175; CA Auctioneer Bond: Carolyn Mani #RSB2005661. Buyer’s Premium 19.5%. See for details. HERITAGE Reg. U.S. Pat & TM Off. 31567
By Donald-Brian Johnson
FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 2016
Auction Co. #AY002122
AUCTION COMPANY Â?–‹“—‡• ĆŹ ”–ǥ ‡”•‘Â?ƒŽ ”‘’‡”–›ǥ Â•Â–ÂƒÂ–Â‡Â•ÇĄ ‹”‡ƒ”Â?•ǥ ‡ƒŽ •–ƒ–‡ ’’”ƒ‹•ƒŽ ‡”˜‹…‡•
1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month, 12-6pm
Specializing in
717.270.4555 Lebanon, PA 17042
105 Chapel Street
:((./< $8&7,216
Camp Hill, PA (717) 737-0000
Auctions Thurs. 1 P.M. For Information Phone (717) 272-7078
Specializing In Antiques
NASCAR, Winross, Cast Iron, Vintage Indy 500, Speed Age Magazines, Hot Wheels, Matchbox, Barbie, Auburn Rubber, Advertising, Games, Cameras, Glass Candy Containers, MickeyĂs Disco Dr um Set, Airplanes, Tonka, Pocketknives, Zippo, Stamps, Coins, Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Books, Franklin Mint, Tin Windup Toys, Banks, Comic Books, Mickey Mouse, RR Lantern, Stucco, Tin Typewriter, Lg. Lot of Big Little Books, Coke, Pepsi, Radios, Clocks, Tools and Equipment, And Much More! See Photos!!!
NAZARETH AUCTION CENTER Richard L. Dotta Auction Co.
AUCTIONEERS/APPRAISERS Visit Our Website For Dates 2501 E. Ontario St., Phila., PA 215-425-7030 ESTATES & CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME
Route 512 (11 miles North of Route 22)
Kenhorst, PA 19607
Many things in the original packaging!!!
Lic. #AH001917
1659 Commonwealth Blvd. This is the biggest Toy and Collectable Auction you will see in a long time. 50+ Years of Collecting!!!
Bodnarâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Auction Sales
Saturday, June 25th 9:00 A.M.
Selling Large Amount of Antiques, Collectibles & Household Goods From Local Homes & Estates Office: 610-274-8525 Jim Hill: 484-576-6368 For Sale Schedule & Highlights Visit:
(610) 358-9515
Toys and Collectables Auction
Auctions every other Friday & Saturday Starting 9 A.M. Preview 8 A.M.
344 Valleybrook Road,
Chester Heights, PA 19017
Public Auction
1465 New London Road
Landenberg, PA 19350
Member Of The NJSSA For More Info. Call
HILLâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S AUCTION
23(1 $335$,6$/ '$<
6,000+ Lots sold in 5 rings all day! 2 Auctions Simultaneously Buy, Sell, Consign, Appraise At the New Jersey Convention & Expo Center 97 Sunfield Ave., EDISON, NJ Auction Held Monthly!
800-789-5068 or 610-587-8139
Antiques - Residential Contents Auctions Every Friday - 4 P.M. In Our Gallery 1005 Industrial Blvd. Southampton, PA 18966 (215) 322-6182
1347 Naamans Creek Rd. Garnet Valley, PA 19060 Phone: Email: ! " Web: # $! " Weekly listings and hundreds of photos online every Wednesday
Hatfield, PA 215-393-3000
Stephensonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Auction
Auctions Every Wednesday Starting At 3 P.M.
Dick Henry Auctioneer AU005176 Email: Call for additional Information! Cell 610-858-3065 Office 610-603-5249
Bel Air Auction Gallery Consignment Auction Every Fri. 6:00 PM Monthly Antique Auction First Sat. Of Each Month 13 Ellendale St., Bel Air, MD 1-800-451-BIDS
Auctioneers & Appraisers Since 1911
Amoss & Freeman, Auctioneers
Exit No. 17, Interstate 295 PHONES: (856) 423-6800 OR 423-6801
Thursdays: 4-7PM All-day Fridays from 9AM
Sales Every Mon., Wed. & Every Other Sat. Phone (717) 764-5403 - 792-3837 Auctioneers: Jack & Sheryl Hooks
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Service Beyond Our Yearsâ&#x20AC;?
Public Estate Variety Auction Every Friday.
A Lifetime Of Experience
Estates Welcome - Over 150 Flea Market Vendors, Indoors & Outdoors
5 miles W. of YORK on Rt. 30
Ted Maurer: Auctioneer & Auction Manager Bob Homan: Auctioneer Gary Schoenly: General Manager Jared Schoenly: Proprietor
NEW 15,000 Sq. Ft. Building with very large loading dock. LOW COMMISSION RATES CONSIGNMENTS ALWAYS WELCOME 15% Buyerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Premium 356 Swedesboro Avenue
(302) 734-3441
Tues. & Fri. - 12:30 P.M. Flea Market Every Tues., Fri. & Sat. 7:30 A.M.
Adjacent To Black Diamond At The Schuylkill Mall FRACKVILLE, PA Monthly Bid Board Auctions 570-622-3089
7:00 AM - Glassware & Outside 10:00 AM - Furniture Large amounts of oak, walnut, mahogany, glassware and collectibles
BLUMâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S AUCTION
Spenceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Auction & Flea Market Auction Every 550 S. New Street, Dover, DE 19901
10 - - Antiques & Auction News â&#x20AC;&#x201D; June 24, 2016
459 WARREN ST., 08010 {Door Prizes To Include A Donald Trump Doll In Original Box} Inside And Out Rain Or Shine!!! Lots Of Antiques And Collectables, Jewelry, Coins, Military Items, Glassware, China And Much, Much More!!! 10% Buyerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Premium, Phone Bids Accepted ... CALL BOB OR MARY AT 732-244-9896
Early Antiques, Collectibles & H/H Goods: Laurelton Foundry Cast-Iron Items (Squirrel Nutcracker, Doorstop Frog, German Shepherd Doorstop); Canal Boat Anchor; Barber Shop Working Pole; Brass Bucket; Crocks & Jugs; Noah W. Eby Whiskey Jug, Woodward, PA; HP & Co. Hawthorne, Pa. Jug; Commemorative Crocks; 8 & 10 Gal. Crocks; Wooden Rolling Pin; Jacob Ulmer Packing Co., Pottsville Lard Tin; Coca-Cola Floor Model Soda Cooler; 2 Metal Wire Store Gum Display Racks; Pyrex Mixing Bowl Set; Fiestaware Pcs.; L.B. Ebersole & Songs, Leola Decorated Chair; Glass Water Bottle; Glass Birds Basket; Copper Lustre Pitchers; Miniature Iron Hearth Tools; Wooden Butter Bowl; Metal Cowbell; Pedestal & Kerosene Finger Lamps; Gilbert Gingerbread Mantel Clock; Wooden Grain Cradle; Emerson Elect. Fan; Narrow National Cash Register; Cast-Iron US Mailbox; Oak Case Sessions Wall Clock; 4 Drawer Spool Cabinet; B & H Kerosene Electrified Lamp; Planters Peanuts Jar; Snowshoes, SnoCraft Norway, Maine; Porcelain Button Hat Rack; Trapperâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Basket; 2 Man Crosscut Saw; Wooden Bucket; Paramount Cottage Cheese Tin, New Berlin, PA; Orig. Box w/ Glass Demi John Bottle; Cast-Iron Safe Deposit Bank, 1943 USMC, Chatillon, NY; Knife w/Scabbard/Part of Wooden Handle Missing); Bachmanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Reading, PA Tin; Buck Saw; Stained Glass Door Leutel W/R, CD Sheppard Baltimore CI Teapot; Drawknife; Various Hand Tools; Wooden Advertising Boxes; Toleware Spoon & Fork Holder; Bait Boxes; Powder Boxes & Cardbd. Kegs; Wooden Ladder; Barn Lantern; Costume Jewelry; Blue Hobnail Slag Glass Lamp Shade; 4 Penar Co. WR Flow Blue Dinner Plates; Handleless Cups; Spongeware Plates; China Head Doll; Nippon Doll; Indian Tank; Picture Frames; Humphreyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Wood Box; Cant Hook; Bamboo Rods; Quadruple Plate Pcs.; Meat Saw; Middleswarth, Mdlg. Tin Chip Can; David Diehl, Laurelton, Thermometer; #2 Dietz Lantern; Wooden Anvil; Brass Face Scales; Wire Popcorn Popper; Snowdrift Coconut Tin; Pa. Farm Show Yardstick; Coal Sifter; Aladdin Hall & English Teapots; Fiesta Teapot; Butcher Knives; Tin Cat w/ Ball Toy; Stroehman Noisemaker; Blue Canning Jars; Rug Beaters; Slaw Cutter; Adv. Tins; Fishing Nets; Conibear, Single, Dbl. Spring Traps; Moose Antler; 14 pt. Whitetail Horns & 8 pt. Head Mount; Framed Fancy Civil War Discharge Certificate for Edward Reuben Bell CoD Reg. Vol. Infantry & Co. B 5th Reg. US Calvary; Lyndon B. Johnson, Post Office Appoint for Laurelton; Pine Dough Tray w/Legs; Dovetailed Dry Sink w/3 Drawers; Oak Stand; 1 Drawer Sewing Stand; School Desk; Fancy Coat Rack; Shell Collection; 30+ Wooden T-Back, Plank Bottom, Caned Chairs; Twig Stool; Ball & Claw Piano Stool; 4 pc. Mod. Pine Bedroom Suite; Wooden Blanket Chest; Chrome Leg Table; Fancy Iron Bed; Cedar Chest; Wooden Clothes Trees; Cottage Dresser; Dressing Table; Red Plush Victorian Love Seat; Worktable; Park Bench; GE 22 cu. Upright & 18 cu. Chest Type Freezers; GE Dryer; Igloo Electric Cooler; Serv. 6 Corelle Dishes; Camo Recliner & Love Seat; Cookware; Picnic Basket; Punch Bowl; Cooker; Sour Cream Glasses; Glass Baskets; Misc. Glassware; Glass Gone w/Wind Electrified Lamp; Pressed Glass; Extra Large Bear Trap. Tools & Misc.: Bailey Planes; #5 Jack Planes; Plum Hatchet; Galv. Tubs; Pipe Vise; Rigid Cutter; Bolt Cutters; Building Jack; Lg. Drill; Numerous Hardware Items; Plus Much More To Be Discovered GUNS: Check #2189 for listing of Guns to be sold. ESTATE OF: Carl Sampsell AUCTIONEERS: Michael Weaver, AU-2180-L, 570-538-2227, David Weaver, Lori Hess Lauver, AU-2854-L, 570-966-2512.
RISING SUN, MD 21911 ANTIQUES - FURNITURE ANTIQUE TOOLS - GLASSWARE COLLECTIBLES - ANTIQUE TOYS JEWELRY - BOOKS - COINS BEATLES RECORDS & MEMORABILIA Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t miss this sale - will be a good one! Terms: Cash - check - credit. 10% Buyerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Premium Food available
Phone 410-658-5649 FOR INFO! Check out ID#1806
Owners & Auctioneers Not Responsible for Accidents. Food Stand All Verbal Information Day of Auction Takes Precedence Over Written Advertisement. No Out-of-State Checks
On SR 45, travel 8 miles west of Mifflinburg, turn south onto SR 235 to the Village of Laurelton. Sale held at 1656 SR 235,
Julian Onderdonkâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;A Blue Bonnet Field-Evening,â&#x20AC;? 1921, took top-lot honors at $103,125 in Heritage Auctionsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Texas Art Auction, but the day belonged to contemporary Texas artists, whose artworks surpassed all expectations and claimed five of the top 10 lots sold May 21, in Dallas. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a lot of intriguing interest in Texas contemporary art,â&#x20AC;? said Atlee Phillips, Director of Texas Art at Heritage. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Of course, Onderdonkâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s work nearly always performs well at auction, but the demand for contemporary artists cannot be ignored. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s an exciting time for contemporary Texas art. The market is very strong.â&#x20AC;? Leading the selection of contemporary art was â&#x20AC;&#x153;Red Pickup,â&#x20AC;? 1992, by the Dallasbased David Bates, which sold for $27,500. Batesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; paintings continue to see broad interest at auction, especially after Heritage set a new auction record for the artist in 2014 during its presentation of The
Bill Hassellâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;Morning on the Trinity River,â&#x20AC;? Fort Worth, 2010, set a new artist auction record selling for $25,000. Belo Collection of Texas Art. Bill Hassellâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;Morning on the Trinity River,â&#x20AC;? Fort Worth, 2010, set a new artist auction record when the vibrant oilon-canvas expertly-displaying the artistsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; love of light, color, and wildlife, sold for $25,000, against a $6,000 estimate. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Duskâ&#x20AC;? by Kermit Oliver sold for $22,500; and â&#x20AC;&#x153;Blue Willow,â&#x20AC;? a 1984 painting by Bates sold
for $22,500. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Storm Sunset, Lake Travis,â&#x20AC;? circa 1950s, by Everett Franklin Spruce appeared at auction from a private Dallas collection to sell for $18,750 and a 36-by-14inch high sculpture by JesĂşs Bautista Moroles, made of pink granite and titled â&#x20AC;&#x153;Totemâ&#x20AC;? sold for $15,000 against a $3,000 estimate. Morolesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; monumental sculpture has been exhibited in installations throughout the United States, including a 22-foot sculpture in the New York CBS Plaza. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Scissor-Tails,â&#x20AC;? 2010, a semiabstracted painting of Texasâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wild ecosystem by Hassell sold for $13,750. Early Texas Impressionism retained its devoted following as â&#x20AC;&#x153;Landscape with Apple Blossom Treesâ&#x20AC;? by Onderdonk sold for $21,250 and â&#x20AC;&#x153;Entrance to the Gallagher Ranch in Bandera, Texas,â&#x20AC;? 1931, by Dawson Dawson-Watson ended at $15,000. For more information, visit
BLUMâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S BID BOARD AUCTION 11:00 A.M. (PREVIEW 10:00 A.M.)
Located At The Schuylkill Mall, Directions: Interstate 81 & Route 61
HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE: FIREARMS: Springfield Mod. 1884 Trapdoor Rifle, Sturm-Ruger Gp-100 .357 mag. Revolver, Mauser Mod. 96 Rifle, Remington Mod. 760 30-06 Rifle, Marlin Mod. 336 30-30 Rifle, Winchester Mod. 2897 12 Ga. Shotgun, Swedish Mauser M96/38 Rifle, SPM .410 Coach Shotgun, Flintlock 45 Cal. Rifle, (2) Iver Johnson Champion 12 Ga. Shotguns, Arisaka Type 98 Rifle, Model 47 .303 Rifle, Glenfield Mod. 25 22LR Rifle, Ted Williams M-200 12 Ga. Shotgun, (2) Mosin Nagant 7.62x54R Rifles, Ithaca M-66 Supersingle, Com. Prod. Inc. Mod. 522 22 Cal. Rifle, Cobray Mod. D 45 Cal. Derringer, Cobra .32 Derringer, Taurus PT-738 .380 Pistol, Taurus Mod 617 44 Cal. Revolver, Bryco Arms .25 cal. Pistol, CVA Wolf Black Powder Rifle, Thompson Center 50 Cal. Flintlock. Reloading, Scopes, Magazines, Etc. FURNITURE: Large Antique Cabinets, OAK: Rolltop & Secretary Desks, Bowfront Chinas; MAHOG.: 4 Pc. Bedroom Set, Secretary Desk, Lane Cedar Chest, Piecrust Tables, Leather Top Table; Curios, Marble Top Stands, One Drawer Library Table, Trunks, Barrister Type Bookcase, Dinette Sets, Bakerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Racks, Patio Sets, Gun Cabinets, Brass Bed, Sleep Number Bed. JEWELRY: 14k Chain and Hamilton Ladyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Watch, 10k Rings incl. Wedding, Much Sterling, Charm Bracelets, Watches, Demi Sets, Costume Trays, Full Jewelry Boxes and Estate Lots. COINS: 85+ Rolls of Wheat Cents Sorted by Year, Morgan Dollars incl. 1892CC, Peace & Silver Eagle Dollars, Barber and Walking Liberty Halves, Standing Liberty Quarters, Barber & Mercury Dimes, Buffalo Nickels, 1853 Silver Three Cent Piece, 1865 3 Cent Nickel, 1864 2 Cent Piece, 1852 Large Cent, 1802 Draped Bust Half Cent, Indian Cents, Mint Sets. 1853 British Penny, 1837 Hard Times Token .999 Silver Ingots and Rounds. MILITARY: WWII GERMAN: 12â&#x20AC;&#x2122;x30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Triple Construction and Staff Car Flags, Bayonets: US M1905, Swedish Mauser M96/38, M16, 1935 Mauser, US M8A1. TOYS: VINTAGE STAR WARS: Figures incl. BLUE SNAGGLETOOTH, Carrying Case, Mil. Falcon, AT-AT, ESB Force Lightsaber; GI Joe Figures and Vehicles, Trains incl. Lionel Circus Special Set, Marx, BB & Cap Guns, Model Kits incl. Vehicles and MPC C-3PO, Die Cast Vehicles incl. Disney Lesney, Matchbox, Hot Wheels; Marbles, Dolls incl. Shirley Temple, Lunch Boxes incl. Muppet Show, Consoles incl. Genesis & SNES. VINTAGE/ANTIQUE: 1918 PA Driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s License Badge, Car Emblems, Mining Lamps incl. Brass Safety, RR Lanterns, Bugle, Mining Phone, Vintage Bottles, 78â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 45â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s & LPs, Wagon Wheels, Cosco Stepstools, Radios incl. Floor Models, Cash Registers, Adding Machines, Local Theater Seats, Firemanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Uniforms w/Belts, Arrowheads, Mantel & Regulator Clocks, Crocks, Jugs, Victrola, 1955 Train Calendar, Colliery Ledgers, 1940-50â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Pottsville Bound Newspapers, Oak Wine Barrels, Political Pins. GLASS: Large Cobalt Set, Amethyst Berry Set, Depression, Carnival. CHINA/ POTTERY: Noritake Linwood, Haviland Bavaria, Schumann Arzberg, Franciscan Apple, Hall Poppy & Silhouette, Fiesta, Watt. COLLECTIBLES: Disney Snow Globes, LongabergerÂŽ, Zippos, Beer: Signs, Neons, Trays, Tap Handles; Belt Buckles, Watch Fobs, Knives, Swords, 60â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s/70â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Baseball/Football Cards, Dept. 56 Houses, Stamps. OTHER: MANY OFFICE SUPPLIES incl. Paper Items, Office Chairs & Laminators, Building Materials, Sentry Gun Safe, Pachinko Machine. VOTED BEST AUCTION IN SCHUYLKILL COUNTY 4 YEARS IN A ROW!!! â&#x20AC;&#x153;Proven Reliability for Buyers And Sellersâ&#x20AC;? AU005754 No Personal Checks Schuylkill Mall AUCTIONEER: TOM HENDRICKS AH001820 MANAGER See Our Web Site: CAROLYN FRY Phone: (570) 622-3089 â&#x20AC;˘ (570) 874-1651 Fax: (570) 874-1653 S936170
Quakertown PA
18 South 5th Street Suite 200, 18951 | 855-765-3001 Full Listing & Photos w/Online Preview & Absentee Bidding Available at th
Monday, June 27
Sci-Fi Toys & Collectibles w/Star Wars Bidding Ends Monday, June 27, 2016 Starting at 9 P.M. Vtg. to Modern Star Wars Collection Incl. Vtg. Figures NIP w/ESB, ROTJ, POTF & Mail-Aways. Vtg. Modern Foreign Knockoff & Bootleg Toys. Store Displays Incl. 1983 Burger King Glasses Sign, Lego Display, Standees & Video Game Related. Sealed Vtg. Board Games, Puzzles & Collectibles. Modern Toys & Promo Items. Star Trek Incl. Rayline Gun, Mego Dolls, Cosplay Acc. & Ships NIB. Alien/Predator, Mego Dukes of Hazzard, Dr. Who, Wrestlers, Super Powers, Knight of Darkness & Russian Zvezda Games. Terms: 13% BuyerĂs Premium w/3% Discount for Cash/Check. th
Tuesday, June 28
Toys, Comics, Animation Art & Johnny Cash Memorabilia Tuesday 6/28/16 at 6 P.M. Preview Day of Sale 4 P.M.-6 P.M. Bid LIVE Online Via, or Online Preview & Absentee Bidding Available at Graded Golden & Silver Age Comic Books w/Batman, Tales to Astonish & Brave & The Bold. Virgil Ross Color Pencil Ill. w/Hanna-Barbera & Warner Brothers Cells. Vtg. Star Wars Toys & Collectibles Incl. Burger King Store Displays, AFA Toy Galaxy Display, TRU Naboo Fighter, Sears Mailer & Kenner Baggie Figures, Russian KO AT-AT Driver NIP, Japanese Die-Cast R2-D2 & X-Wing & Unused Playsets. Vtg. Transformers Gift Sets Incl. Devastator & Piranacon w/Japanese Bruticus & Abominus. Japanese Deathsaurus & Star Convoy Optimus Prime. AFA U90 2007 Botcon Timeline Ex Figures. Palitoy Dr. Who Dalek & K-9 Boxed, GI Joe Sears Missile Command Headquarters w/Sealed Figures & Battlestar Galactica 4-Pack. Entertainment Collectibles: Johnny Cash Memorabilia Incl. Signed OOAK Kramer Guitar Promo for Asbury Park, Stage Worn Shirt, Signed Show Posters, Records, Programs, Belt Buckles & Promo Items. Ronald Reagan Signed Lobby Card & Jack Haley Checks. Sparticus TV Show Props w/Stargate SG1 Continuity Photos. Terms: 13% Buyerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Premium w/3% Discount for Cash/Check for In-house & absentee bidders through 18% Buyerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Premium for all LIVE online bidders through www.Ebay. com, or with a 3% Discount for Cash Pickups at Sellersville Auctionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s facility. th
Wednesday, June 29 Mega Toy & Collectibles Auction
Trains, Die-Cast, Toys, Dolls, Action Figures, Comics, Lego & Video Games! Wednesday, June 29th at 12 Noon Preview: Day of Sale 10 A.M.-12 Noon Vtg. Vehicle Toys & Die-Cast Incl. Mixed Trains & Acc., Tri-Ang Gyro Cycle, Model Kits, Toy Soldiers, Slot Cars, NIP Hotwheels & JL, Vtg. Redlines & Matchbox, Ertl Banks & Collector Trucks. Dolls NIP Incl. Barbie, Ashton-Drake, Shirley Temple, Ginny & Monster High. Character Collectibles Incl. Hallmark, Disney, Board Games & Miniatures. Vtg. Star Wars Incl. Boxed Playsets w/Cloud City, Figures w/POTF, Cobot R2D2, Early Bird Kit Display, Blue Snaggletooth & Foreign Board Games w/Bootlegs. Modern Star Wars Incl. Figures NIP, TRU Naboo Fighter Display, Lego Yoda Chronicles Display, Gentle Giant Busts, MR Vader Lightsaber & Boba Fett Helmet. Vtg. Action Figures Incl. MOTU, MASK, Big Jim, Super Powers, TMNT, Pee-Wee Herman, Dr. Who, Transformers & GI Joe. Other Toys & Collectibles Incl. Zoids, Lego, Warhammer, Pokemon, Power Rangers & Non-Sports Cards w/GPK. Marvel & DC Statues w/JLA Artist Proofs. NIP Toys Incl. Star Trek, Wrestlers, Toybiz Super Heroes & Marvel Collectibles. Video Games Incl. NES, Game Cube, GBA, Playstation & XBox. Comic Books Incl. New Mutants #98, Spiderman #238, Batman Ann #1 & Lois Lane #70. Golden Age Classics Ill, Western, Cartoon & Planet Comics #61. Silver & Bronze Age Superman, Batman, Thor, Hulk, Daredevil & Underground. Bronze & Modern Age CGC Comics Incl. Infinity Gauntlet. Long Boxes 1970-90â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Marvel & DC. Terms: 13% Buyerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Premium w/3% Discount for Cash/Check Sellersville Auction LLC (AH001943)
Texas Contemporary Art Steals Spotlight
3-Days of Toys & Collectibles!
ANTIQUE & VINTAGE TOYS & TRAINS " ! *&'!"&1! **! "& ' !%1 2 & " > $ *$ " ** ' &$ % > " $ % B ! TH > TH A D 1
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Auctioneers & Ap Appraisers ppraisers pp 3530 Lycoming Creek Rd ÂŽ
AU-000777-L AY-000087-L
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Onderdonkâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;Blue Bonnetsâ&#x20AC;? Bring $103,000 At Heritage Auctions
Antiques & Auction News â&#x20AC;&#x201D; June 24, 2016 - - 11
V in ta ge /A n tiq ue s ,R V M otor H om e ,A utos , Furn iture ,C olle ctible s & P e rs on a l P rope rty
717-442-8529 or 302-438-1217 E-MAIL WEB | Auctioneer ID 4741
Will sell for the several local estates and downsizes at
GATEWAY GALLERY AUCTION located at 643 Kriner Rd.,
CHAMBERSBURG, PA on: MONDAY, JUNE 27 AT 9:00 A.M. FURNITURE will begin at 5:30 P.M.: Mahogany DR suite (table, 6 chairs, buffet, hutch); secretary bookcase; drop leaf tables; BR suites; overstuffed chair; sofa; wingback chairs; cherry & other end table/coffee tables; candlestands; maple stand; wall mirror; Secretary desk; dinette table/chairs; corner shelf; fireplace; wicker fernery; 1950s hutch; piecrust stand; bookcase; recliners; dressers; ottoman; round stand; Waterfall wardrobe; Victorian settee; three pc. wall unit; armoire; wicker patio furniture; twin bed; side-by-side; table & 2 benches; vanity bench; cradle; quilt rack; & more. MOTOR HOME: 2005 Ford Allegro Travel Home with pop-out sides, has 25,310 orig. miles VIN. #1F6NF53S140A05392, well-kept! AUTOMOBILES: 2006 Hyundai Sonata LX 4 door w/86109 miles, V6 3.3 liter, leather interior, sunroof, MP3/CD player, PW, PL, PS, PM, VIN. #5NPEV46F86H036074 - loaded with options; 1999 Chevrolet Blazer VIN# 1 GNDT13W3X2216980. VINTAGE/COLLECTIBLES/DECORATOR ITEMS: Bunnykins; Lladro figurines; Royal Doulton figurines; artwork (including Oil by Chronister, Theorem, etc.); Oriental rugs; quilts; midcentury mod. lighting; table/floor lamps; jardiniere; Hull pottery (Orange Poppy); Wattware; Fiesta; Mary Gregory; art glass; Noritake & Nippon; 1950s tumblers; pressed/cut glass; Depression glass; guitar; glassware; hunt prints; crocks; RR lanterns; RR fixtures; advertising tins; vintage kitchen utensils, rolling pins, etc.; CDs; model airplanes; stick vase; toy tractors (John Deere); military uniforms; costume jewelry; collection of KISS memorabilia; big little books; Zito Folio of Dogs; CI bulldog; vintage clothing; saxophone; music boxes (Lucite, etc.); Steiff bunny; CI mailbox banks; books; games; vintage hatbox; Kindle; metronome; vintage toys (Howdy Doody, etc.); mustache cups; scales; Howard Miller clock; Hummels & more. PERSONAL PROPERTY: 24000 BTU Friedrich AC w/Remote; washer/dryer; console stereo; records; TV stand; bedding/linens/throws/afghans; gen. household dishes; small appliances; entertainment cabinet; magazine rack; metal stands; Hoover vac & steamer; Spring chair; Amish heater; TV trays; golf clubs; tools; folding table; wheelbarrow; ladders; saw; patio furniture; rakes/fork; ice chest; metal cabinet; fan; planters; sawhorse table; card table/chairs; bowling balls; weed wacker; Electrolux canister vac; bicycles; holiday décor & crafts; collector plates; baskets; woodenware; heaters; doll crib; tools; ladders; yard/hand tools; shutters; Technic speakers; air compressor; toolboxes; riding mower Homelite; stick welder; engine stand/hoist; rototillers; lawn equipment; electronics; printer; games; & more. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Will begin at 9:00 A.M. in the Back Gallery then onto the showcase items at approx. 1:30 P.M. RV and Automobiles sold at 5:00 P.M. Furniture will begin at 5:30 P.M. (note earlier start time). Phone, absentee and online bidding available.
10:00 A.M.
TERMS: Cash. Visa/MC/Discover accepted. 13% buyer’s premium discounted 3% for cash or approved check. Statements made day of sale take precedence.
Antique and vintage dolls. Many quality and collectible dolls featuring a beautiful Jumeau Bebe doll with Internationale Exposition Bebe Jumeau Paris 1931 tag. 1,000 quality comic books from a large collection including many Super Hero, Marvel and DC. 10 cent and newer. All sleeved and well cared for. Holiday decorations abound. Over 40 Rubbermaid bins full. Including J Chein tin litho Easter bunnies, vintage glass candy containers, papier-maché bunnies. Christmas balls, Kugels.
Our Service is the Difference
Preview Monday, June 20th and Tuesday, June 21st 10-4 P.M.
Always See Website for Updates.
Preview: Sunday, June 26 from 1-3 P.M. and Sale Day from 8 A.M.
GATEWAY GALLERY AUCTION, INC. Phone (717) 263-6512, (800) 315-3265, AY002190, AH002001 Auctioneer Heather R. Kohler AU005651 Apprentice Auctioneer Tye Schwartz AA019486
Auctioneer John F. Kohler, Jr. AU000507L
Pennsylvania Auction License AY001987 Auctioneers Leon Kurtz Lic. AU000522L Gabi Jaramillo Lic. AU005728 Rob Lamano Lic. AA01952
7.5 Inch 1931 Bebe Jumeau
12 - - Antiques & Auction News — June 24, 2016
Antiques & Auction News — June 24, 2016 - - 13
Plan For Your Stuff: The Power Of The Sticky Note to have it when you’re gone. And if you make those decisions now, it can prevent ugly fights over ceramic Christmas trees when everyone is in town to clean out your house. The other advantage my grandmother discovered when she used sticky notes to learn what we wanted of hers was that she did not have to wait to be dead to let us have things. As we packed up Nana’s house, she set aside some of the things that had names on them. Rather than taking these items with her, she gifted those to us right then and there, and thus was able to enjoy watching us get things we had always admired. When Nana came to visit me over the next few years and she saw that sunburst clock hanging prominently in my living room, I suspect she was happy. Happy that I liked the clock she looked at every day for 50 years, and happy that she took the time to plan for her stuff.
Alderfer’s Fine And Decorative Arts Auction To Be Held Thursday, June 30 Wharton Esherick Furniture Will Be Among Highlights Alderfer’s upcoming fine and decorative arts sale comprises an exquisite sampling of collections and will take place on Thursday, June 30, at noon. Collection highlights include fine artwork, fine jewelry, sterling silver flatware and accoutrements, art pottery, samplers, Tiffany and leaded glass lamps, miniature portraits, sculpture, Persian, Sarouk and Tabriz rugs, and Wharton Esherick chairs and other fine furniture. This high-end auction sparkles with exquisite jewelry featuring his and her two-plus carat diamonds, among other unique jewelry. Following jewelry will be Delft pottery, Satsuma pottery and Cloisonne vases. Take special notice of a large, lifetime collection of art pottery featuring R o o k w o o d , Marblehead and large amount of Weller pottery. Not to be missed, a Tiffany Studios leaded glass lamp, adorned with bright, cheerful poppies supported by a bronze base, make this exquisite
art glass lamp a breathtaking work of art. Among the furniture being auctioned are a rare set of six Wharton Esherick “ash chairs” coming from an estate in Wayne, Pa. Also coming to market will be items from the Halford estate, a four generation collection. The auction will culminate with a superb collection of fine art, many late 19th, early 20th century and contemporary Pennsylvania Impressionists including work by William Francis Taylor, George Sotter, Paulette Van Roekens, Harry LeithRoss, Howard Pyle, George A. Newman, Fern Coppedge, and Walter E. Baum. Of special interest is a regal maritime painting by M o n t a g u e Dawson, featuring “H.M.S. Vangard,” carrying the Royal family on a South African Voyage in 1947. Preceding the Fine and Decorative Arts auction will be an uncatalogued Discovery Art auction featuring over 250 works of art, selling without reserve. Discover 19th, 20th, and 21st century artist workings in oil,
watercolor and works on paper. The Discovery sale will begin at 9:00 a.m. To contact Alderfer’s, located at 501 Fairgrounds Road in Hatfield, Pa., call 215393-3000 or visit
Of Antiques, Collectibles, Lot Fine Blue Decorated Stoneware
Crocks, Collectible Glass & China, Waterford, Nice Lineup of Antique & Modern Furniture, Toro Mower & Blower, Lawn items
AT 8:30 A.M.
Loc.: 400 Hillcrest Ave.,
(Dir.: 222 N/S to Quarryville, S. on Hillcrest Ave. to sale) Lot Pics. & Full List at Food Auction by Marie Weinhard & James Haverstick
Probst Family Auctions (717) 464-3700
you should use them yourself: identify what unusual things are, where you got them, or who in the family they once belonged to. Such notes may even inspire a family member to put their name on something they never really paid much attention to before. You don’t have to use sticky notes. These days, of course, you can have your kids walk around your house and snap photos with their smartphones, email those photos to you, and you can store them “in the cloud” in folders bearing their names. Whatever works for you and your family. The important thing is that you talk to your family about your stuff. Find out what each person likes and ensure that they end up with it. No, none of your kids may care about the Connecticut highboy you nabbed out from under a bigname dealer at a tiny tag sale in 1978, but I’d be willing to bet that your kids like something of yours, and would love
Antiques & Auction News Is Published Weekly
Public Auction • Wed. June 29 Auction @ 2 pm • Preview @ 1 pm Benner Hall • 1260 East Cherry St, Richlandtown, PA 18951
Auto: 1998 Buick LeSabre (123,843 mi., clear title) sold at 6pm. Antiques/Collectibles: Ridabock sword, Lt. Cmdr. JJ Read (c. 1870 USN) tin box, blue decorated and advertising stoneware crocks, jugs and bottles, paperweight collection, clocks, brass carriage lanterns, RR lanterns, paintings and prints, wooden crates, old food tins, oil lamps, antique kitchen items, Coats spool cabinet, antique horse snow shoes, milk bottles, mini creamers, beer trays, 1930s Mickey Mouse film reels, architectural hardware, Lenox dish services, walking sticks and canes, quilts, pedal car, postcards, ephemera, Stella mandolin, electric guitars, Victor phonograph VV-100, mechanical bank, metal and chalk statues, Hummels, flow blue, pottery, porcelain, glassware, old license plates, box lots and more. Jewelry/Coins: Morgan and Peace dollars, uncirc. and proof sets, 10k cameo, sterling and costume, Danbury Mint sterling plates and more! Furniture: barrister bookcase, iron patio set, oak paw foot table, 4-panel room divider, library table, drop-front secretary desks, lighted curio, primitive corner cupboard, tables, chairs, dressers, marble-top tables, Vict. wall cabinets, elec. gas chandelier, B&H metal stand and more! Sportsman (6:15 pm): Winchester model 24 20g shotgun, Stevens model 325-3 30-30 rifle, Winchester model 190 22 rifle, Colt revolver, ammunition, compound bow, fishing rods and more! Delicious refreshments served! Joe Pandur Auctioneer.
Photos at • 215-208-6481 Terms: Cash, Check (Out of state checks must have prior approval) • Visa, M/C, Discover, AmEx • In-house bidders: 13% buyer's premium (disc. to 10% for cash or check.) • Absentee bidders: 15% buyer's premium. • 6% PA Sales Tax unless you have a valid tax certificate. • J. Pandur Auction Services, LLC • Lic. # AY002016
Art Glass - Lighting - Jewelry Fabergé - Music Boxes - Furniture and Tall Case Clock Collection Saturday, August 27th, 2016 at 10:00 A.M. Preview will be Wednesday, Thursday & Friday, August 24-25-26 from 10:00 A.M. to 5 P.M. (6 P.M. Friday) Doors open at 8:00 A.M. Saturday
JIM WRODA AUCTIONS Chautauqua Lake Auction Center 58 E. Main St.,
Westfield, NY 14787
Selling Saturday August 27th, 2016 will be the Jewelry, Fabergé, Oriental & Lalique ue collection of Lurene and the late Robert Gasser. cs; We will also include the Tall Case Clock collection (13); Upright music disc player w/discs; ert Etagere; Wall Clocks; Duck Decoys; End Irons; Parlor tables; and more of Dr. Robert Marsico Sr. e Art Glass and Lighting will be the collection of Robert & Barbara Wuebker to include Pittsburgh; Jefferson; Handel; GWTW lamps; Hanging Parlor Lamps with SUPER frames; Tiffany light; Crown Murano; Adams Jasperware; Toys; Pictures; Reverse painted pictures on glass; Coffee Grinder by Elgin from old grocery in Minster Ohio; Hanging GWTW lamp; Aladdin Lamps; Piano lamp; Clocks ( Ansonia) and more still to come. All items selling NO RESERVE. Please watch our website for updates.. Website: E-mail:
My grandparents built their dream home in 1952, so it was with great reluctance that, in 1997, my grandmother decided to downsize into an apartment closer to my folks. During her final few months in the old homeplace, all the kids and grandkids came to visit. It was a sad, happy, and awkward occasion. Sad because Nana was leaving her home, happy because she was excited about a new adventure, and awkward - why awkward? Well, when each child or grandchild arrived, there were hugs and kisses, and then she handed us a pad of sticky notes. “I want you,” she directed each of us, “to put your name on things you want.” It was weird and uncomfortable putting my name on her stuff. It felt vulture-like. But, I listened to my Nana and did it (even if there
were already multiple names on the item I wanted). During the remainder of her time in that house, my grandmother devoted time to going over those items with names attached. Those with only one name were easy. That person got it. For those items with multiple names, she arbitrated, right then and there. She worked hard to be equitable and, I think, succeeded, so when she died nearly a decade later, all the work of dividing up sentimental objects was done. My uncle got the piano, my mom got the Herman Miller bench, my oldest sister got the glass hand with the jiggly turtle inside, and I got the architectdesigned bowl chair and the sunburst clock (it was a 1950s house, after all). No muss, no fuss, and no arguments. Sticky notes (or something similar) can be helpful not only in planning, but in identifying items. Perhaps before you give a pad to your children to use on your things,
By Andrew Richmond
FINE & DECORATIVE ARTS AUCTION Thursday, June 30th at 12:00 PM ET DISCOVERY ART AT 9:00 AM Preview: Saturday, June 25th from 9:00 AM-12:00 PM and Monday-Wednesday, June 27th-29th from 9:00 AM-5:00 PM Satsuma Ware
Weller Pottery - Forest Montague Dawson Painting
Weller Pottery - Woodland
William Francis Taylor
Philadelphia Chippendale Highboy
George Sotter
1828 Sampler Diamonds, Yellow Diamonds & Sapphires
Wharton Esherick Chairs
Lady’s Diamond Ring (2+ ct)
View catalog and bid online at Applicable Buyer’s Premium Applied
Like us @SanfordAlderfer
Sterling Silver, Stieff Rose, Flatware Set
David Y. Ellinger Chest AY-000115-L
501 Fairgrounds Road • Hatfield, PA 19440 215.393.3000 •
Tiffany Lamp
The International Society Of Appraisers And Chubb Announce An Educational Partnership
Let us show you how to reach 60,000+ collectors & dealers in the EAST! Call Arlene in Classified Sales 717-492-2561 or 1-800-428-4211 x2561
ART- OLD OIL PAINTINGS wanted, any condition, New Hope School artists, PAFA artists, gold leaf frames and mirrors. 20 years experience. Immediate payment. Call 215-348-2500.
ANTIQUE/ OLD GUNS WANTED1 piece or collections. House calls made. Cash paid. PO Box 83, New Tripoli, PA 18066 610-417-0909. Serious buying since 1959. AUTOMOBILES WANTED. LOOKING to buy old foreign cars, especially British. Will purchase in any condition, also buying parts. Call Ed, 856-816-7321.
BUYING COINS & PAPER MONEY paying highest prices for coins, gold, silver and numisatic items! ABE RARE COINS located in South Mall Mercantile, 3300 Lehigh St., Allentown, PA 18103. Call or text 973-390-4606.
800.888.1063 47-15 36th ST., LIC, NY 11101
CARNIVAL, CIRCUS, FREAKS, Sideshow, Amusement Parks, Coney Island, Nude Photos, Steel Pier, Pinups, Strippers, Burlesque, Auto Thrillshow. Nostalgia Enterprises, Box 300, Lockport, NY, 14095. 716-433-9418.
Antique & Modern Firearms Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols Revolvers, Edged Weapons
MILITARY & SPORTING AUTO, TRUCK and Motorcycle: catalogs, brochures, manuals and any showroom related items. Ron Ladley, 210 Stone Rd., Barto, PA 19504, 610-584-1665.
Furniture - Tools & Equipment - House and Home SATURDAY, June 25 at 10 A.M. 253 Acorn Court,
Licensed Dealer - Will Travel Century 20 LLC Highland Park, NJ 08904
UTILITY TRAILER: 10’x7’ steel-sided pro 30SV, front toolbox. FURNITURE (12 NOON): Thomasville Dining Suite; 1950’s Bedroom Set; Wingback Chairs; Iron & Glass Tables; Curio Cabinet; Ant. Oak Bedroom Set; Game Table; Pair Iron Bar Chairs; Leather Chair and Ottoman; Dinette Sets; Chinese Rugs; Full Size and Twin Beds. COLLECTIBLES: Sports Memorabilia; Antique Scales. ART: Prints & Paintings. TOOLS & EQUIPMENT: 2000 Glen-Gery Paving Bricks; AgriFab Shredder Yard Vac; Ladders; Masonry Saw; 12” Drill Press; 12” Band Saw; Acetylene Torches with Tanks; Electric Welder; Bench Sander; Bostich Compressor with 3 Nail Guns; Craftsman Air Compressor w/100’ Hose; Air Sanders; Grinders; Muffler Tools; Drills; Impact Wrench; Stainless Steel Work Bench; Bench Mounting Vice; 10” Miter Saw; Electric Bench Grinder; Mechanic’s Tools and Chests; Tables Saw with Rolling Stand; Radial Arm Saw; Electric Router; Bit Set; Hardware; Gas Powered Hand Tools; Auto Parts incl. Harley; Lumber; Yard Equipment: 2 Tillers include. Troy-Bilt, Bed Edger, Craftsman 10.5 HP 30” 2 Stage Snowblower. HOUSEHOLD: China; Cut Glass; Dinnerware; Oneida Picnic; Flatware; Barware; Motorcycle Helmets, Clothes, Jackets, and Boots; Haywood Tiger Shark Pool Cleaner; Golf Clubs & Bags; Kerosene & Propane Heaters. BOX LOTS: 10 A.M. Selling for Tom Usiadek due to relocation and significant downsizing
“ISA is extraordinarily proud to have been chosen by Chubb as the professional personal property appraisal organization to provide connoisseurship training to their networks,” said Cindy Charleston-Rosenberg, past president of ISA and co-chairperson of the program committee. The Chubb Connoisseurship Series will continue through the beginning of 2017. This program is a continuation of the educational collaboration exchange between the two organizations which began in 2015 with Chubb’s presentation to 170 ISA appraisers on “Changing Demographics in Collecting: Covering Passion and Investment Collections.” The two organizations look forward to deepening this collaboration to the benefit of their clients. For more information, visit
ALWAYS BUYING PHOTOGRAPHS, Archives, Albums, Snap-shots, Collections. Call Jim 800-872-9990.
Have Something to Sell? Looking For Something? Have a Service to Offer?
ON SITE AUCTION 10% Buyer’s Premium. Terms: Cash, PA checks. Out-of-state checks w/prior approval. All major credit cards accepted. Food concession. Bring Chairs! David Cordier, AU005321
OLDER FIREWORKS OR Packs Wanted by Collector, 573-474-5030 or 573-881-0090. TIFFANY DESK PIECES, lamps, glass. Bill Holland 610-470-5925 or Renningers Sunday Antique Market, Booth A-53, Adamstown, PA 8am-1pm. email
WANTED OLD LETTER Press Equipment, wood/ lead letters, or anything printing related. Also looking for Blacksmith Anvils. Call 440-693-4232.
GUITARS, VIOLINS, MANDOLINS, banjos, early brass & woodwinds. We buy, sell, & appraise. In business since 1974. Vintage Instruments, Philadelphia, 215-545-1100.
MUSIC BOXES WANTED Buying and Selling Cylinder & Disc Music Boxes, Bird Cages, Bird Boxes, Phonographs, Automatas. Specializing in all Antique Resortation Services for over 60 years. Ask for Gerald Wright. Rita Ford Music Boxes, 1253 Springfield Ave. #304, New Providence, NJ 07974, 908-377-3225, 212-535-6717. SHEET MUSIC WANTED, any era. Sandy Marrone, 113 Oakwood Drive, Cinnaminson, NJ 08077, 856-829-6104 E-mail
SPORTS CARDS AND other sports related items. Publications, pins, pennants, tickets, etc. Pre-1975. Philadelphia items especially wanted. Ellis, 158 Stratford Dr., Philadelphia, PA 19115, 215-934-5618. TIRED OF EBAY? Sell your Sports Cards and Memorabilia to a Collector. Ken Domonkos 848-448-4709,
DO YOU COLLECT Old Paper, Ephemera, Advertising, Country Store, etc? Subscribe to "THE PAPER & ADVERTISING COLLECTORS’ MARKETPLACE", the monthly collector's newspaper that covers this specialty. For a FREE sample copy, phone 1-800-800-1833, ext. 2541, 8am-4:30pm daily.
ATTENTION Get the Word Out!!
1800-1970 SELL YOUR ANTIQUE TOYS, TRAINS, SPACE TOYS & ROBOTS for the HIGHEST PRICES! No one will pay you higher for Tin Toy Collections! 856-547-5521 PAYING TOP DOLLAR LOOKING for Video Games and Systems. Buying Nintendo, Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64, Gamecube, Gameboy, Sega, Dreamcast, Saturn, Genesis, PS1, Turbo Grafx 16, Vectrex, Neo Geo, plus more. Please contact Tom 484-335-3693 or
TELEPHONES: 1892-1982, over 85 different & associated. Free Cataloge. Wish to sell entire business. 608-582-4124
Advertise Your
SERVICE OR SUPPLIES in the Classifieds! Call 1-800-428-4211, x2561 or
RAIKES BEARS/ DOLLS - collector seeking early 80’s Raikes bears and dolls. 410-207-0444
WANTED OLD RADIOS, Tubes, Hi-Fi Equip., Amplifiers, Speakers, Ham Radios, Tube Testers & related items. Large and small collections. Call Rich 484-948-8044, Pottstown, PA.
Vintage Tube Electronics DEAD OR ALIVE
MOVIE POSTERS Highest Prices Paid Lobby Cards, 1-Sheets, Window Cards, Glass Slides Displays, Dwight Cleveland, POB 10922 Chicago, IL 60610 773-525-9152, Fax 773-525-2969,
Audio Equip. - Vacuum Tubes Speakers - Ham & Military Radios Surplus Parts - Test Equipment Hi-Fi Stereo & More
OCEAN LINER MEMORABILIA china, glassware, silver, paper, souvenirs, posters or models. Cunard, French Line, White Star Line, Italian Line, etc. 607-625-3947
WANTED: MUSIC BOXES, slot machines, old Juke boxes, any cond. Call or write Frank Zygmunt, PO Box 542, Westmont, IL 60559 630-985-2742
The International Society of Appraisers (ISA), the largest of the professional personal property organizations, will provide an 11-part, monthly webinar series on specialty collecting categories to Chubb’s appointed independent agents and brokers. “Chubb is thrilled to kick off a collaborative partnership with ISA through the launch of the Chubb Connoisseurship webinar series. The series will highlight the deep expertise of ISA appraisers, providing a network of resources nationally for our agents, brokers, and clients,” said Laura Doyle, North American Collections Management Specialist with Chubb. The series reflects the depth and diversity of expertise of ISA appraisers, covering a broad range of appreciable asset classes including such topics as fine wine, sterling silver, rare coins and American art.
Antiques & Auction News — June 24, 2016 - - 15
16 - - Antiques & Auction News — June 24, 2016
19518 (In The Merritt’s Antique Clock Complex) Absentee & Phone Bids Accepted. This Is A Very Large Sale Selling With 2 Auctioneers Most Of The Time. Bring A Friend. Something For Everyone. 1954 CADILLAC ELDORADO CONVERTIBLE: Black, Red Interior. 2013 CHEVROLET CORVETTE GRAND SPORT: Triple Black, 1,100 ORIGINAL MILES! 1929 CHRYSLER ROADSTER: Running, Driving, Ready For An Afternoon Cruise. 1971 CORVETTE PROJECT 1929 PONTIAC 4 DOOR SEDAN: Original Complete Car. 1984 CADILLAC SEVILLE: Great Solid Car, Leather Interior. 2007 GMC YUKON: New Inspection, Buckskin Leather Interior, Great Clean Vehicle. 1988 4-WHEEL DRIVE JEEP With Snow Plow. 1950 PLYMOUTH 2 DOOR SEDAN: Runs & Drives Great. 1962 FORD GALAXY 406: Extremely Original & Solid Car, Repainted Once, Runs & Drives Excellent. 1978 LINCOLN DIAMOND JUBILEE: 23,000 Original Miles, One Owner Car. 1947 CHEVY CONVERTIBLE: Rare Car, Hard To Find In This Condition, Runs & Drives Great. CENTURY MAHOGANY WOODEN BOAT & TRAILER: 335 Chrysler V8 Inboard Motor, Good Upholstery, Very Nice Boat. BOSTON WHALER BOAT & TRAILER: Johnson Outboard, Great Little Fishing Boat. MORE THAN 300 PRESSED STEEL CARS,TRUCKS & PEDAL CARS: Structo, Tonka, Richard Murray, Nylint, Buddy L, Hubley, Steelcraft, Marx, Wyandotte: Fire Trucks; Dump Trucks; Ride On Trains; Railroad Cars; Flatbed Trucks; Steam Roller; 1940s Steelcraft Art Deco Bus; Tootsietoys & Much More! MORE THAN 100 DANBURY MINT & FRANKLIN MINT CARS: In 1/24th & 1/16th Scale, Most All With Original Boxes & Packing. TOOLS & MACHINERY: Sandblast Cabinet; Vertical Quincy Air Compressor; Tire Changer; Table Saw; Drill Presses; Scroll Saw; Arbor Press; Sheet Metal Brake & More! ADVERTISING SIGNS: Neon: Polly Gas, Texaco Gasoline & Motor Oil, Pegasus & Hot Rod Garage; Shell Motor Oil Advertising Chairs; Glass Oil Jars & Carrier; Coca-Cola Machine. CAR PARTS: Hood Ornaments, Sheet Metal; Kelsey Hayes Cadillac Wheels; Engine Parts; Volkswagen, MG & Triumph Sheet Metal & More! Check ID# 5793 for photos and details. Hope To See You There! Always Accepting Quality Consignments: One Item Or Entire Estate FULL SERVICE AUCTION CO. Reasonable Commissions. REFRESHMENTS WILL BE AVAILABLE. Terms Of Sale: Cash, Approved Check, Visa, MC or Discover. 8% (5% Cash or Check) Buyer’s Premium on Titled Vehicles 13% Buyer’s Premium On All Other Items; 3% Discount for Cash or Check. Plus 6% Sales Tax. A Lifetime Of Experience! TED MAURER: Auctioneer BOB HOMAN: Auctioneer GARY SCHOENLY: General Manager JARED SCHOENLY: Proprietor Service Beyond Our Years! Call Gary at 800-789-5068 or 610-587-8139
Auction Co. # AY002122
TED MAURER’S ANTIQUE AUTO PICNIC NOW IN CONJUNCTION WITH CABIN FEVER AUCTIONS 9 A.M. TO 2 P.M. - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 2016 At Temple United Methodist Church 1390 Unionville Rd., Pottstown, PA 19465 For Cars, Trucks, Tractors, & Contraptions! 1954 & before, Especially Early, Unrestored, & Brass!
Cars are Free! Send $5.00 for Each Lunch to (NEW ADDRESS): Cabin Fever Auctions - 12 Wright Ave., - Spring City, PA 19475 S a Greatme Questions: Call Jared @ 610-301-2797 iling a M N e w r e s s ! Or Email us - S a n d w i cH a m h!!! Please Come For Lunch, Regardless Of The Weather! Add Coffee & Donuts About 9 A.M. Directions From Rt. 724: Turn South Onto Unionville Rd. at Dampman’s Corner, Which Is 3 Miles West Of Rt. 100 Or 1 Mile East Of Douglasville Bridge. Drive 1 Mile Uphill From Rt. 724 To The Church. (ALL PROCEEDS BENEFIT TEMPLE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH)